Your BodY of light - Healing With The...

YOUR BODY Energetic Practices for Better Health, Emotional Balance, and Higher Consciousness OF LIGHT LEE HOLDEN

Transcript of Your BodY of light - Healing With The...

Your BodYEnergetic Practices for Better Health,

Emotional Balance, and Higher Consciousness

of light

Lee HoLden

Study Guide

Your BodYEnergetic Practices for Better Health,

Emotional Balance, and Higher Consciousness

of light

Lee HoLden

Sounds True, Inc., Boulder, CO 80306© Holden, Lee

SOUNDS TRUE is a trademark of Sounds True, Inc.

All rights reserved. No part of this study guide or CD may be used or reproduced in any manner without written permission from the author and publisher.Published 2009

Demonstration photographs by © Michael Myers Photography. Illustrations by Rachael Murray.Printed in CanadaISBN 978-1-59179-723-4

DisclaimerThis work is solely for personal growth, education, and recreation. The contents of this program are the opinion of its author. It is not a therapeutic activity such as psychotherapy, counseling, or medical advice, and it should not be treated as a substitute for any professional assistance. The instructions and methods presented herein are in no way intended to be a substitute for medical care. consult with your doctor before beginning this or any other exercise program. In the event of physical or mental distress, please consult with appropriate professionals. Not all exercise programs are suitable for everyone, and this or any other exercise program may result in injury. To reduce the risk of injury, never force or strain. There should never be any pain or discomfort during the program. If any of the movements hurt or are uncomfortable, stop immediately. The application of protocols and information in this book is the choice of each reader/listener, who assumes full responsibility for his or her understandings, interpretations, and results. The author and the publisher assume no responsibility for the actions or choices of any reader or listener. The creators, producers, participants, and distributors of this program disclaim any liability or loss in connection with the exercises demonstrated by the program herein.

ContentsIntroduction ....................................................................................7The Tao ...........................................................................................8 Qigong: A Foundational Practice ..................................................10Session One: Tapping into Your Infinite Potential ........................13Session Two: The Breath of Life ....................................................19Session Three: You Are Light ........................................................25Session Four: The Three Treasures .................................................29Session Five: Pathways of EnergyThe Microcosmic Orbit .........34Session Six: Forming the Pearl of Consciousness ...........................38Session Seven: Moving Consciousness Outside of the Body ..........40Session Eight: Accessing Your Power Place ....................................44

Special Thanks .............................................................................45Further Resources ..........................................................................45About the Author ..........................................................................47

Your BodY of light 7

IntroduCtIonWhat part of you exists after your physical body dies? This age-old question has been asked by spiritual seekers throughout the centuries. In China, the ancient Taoist sages believed that at your essence you exist as pure light. Over the span of 4,000 years, the sages developed teachings and practices to cultivate this primordial energy—through your Body of Light. This refined and concentrated container of energy enables a practitioner to move consciousness outside of the body; tran-scend space and time; and access the limitless consciousness, energy, and light available in the universe.

As a practitioner of Taoist energetic arts for more than 20 years, I have studied with many Taoist masters. My primary teacher in this tradition, Mantak Chia, is masterful at making esoteric Taoist wis-dom accessible to Western students. I remember my first workshop with Master Chia in 1987 while studying psychology at the University of California−Berkeley. As he explained the interconnectedness of all

Your BodY of light 8 Your BodY of light 9

energy—physical, spiritual, and universal—I could feel my life veering in a new direction, toward the study of the Tao.

This program is a distillation of my studies in Taoism, specifically Taoist Internal Alchemy—the science of working with life-force energy. The traditional definition for alchemy is “turning lead into gold.” In Taoist Internal Alchemy you learn how to take the heavy, lead-like en-ergy within you and transform it into the radiant, translucent light of your original nature: your Body of Light.

the taoAlthough the term “Tao” transcends precise definition in words, it is generally defined as “the way of nature and the universe.” Thus Tao-ism is the study of human nature, the natural world, and the universe. Taoist Internal Alchemy takes this study and directs it inward, toward the essential nature of humans. It views the body, mind, and spirit as inextricably linked. The mind affects the body, the body affects the mind, and the health of the mind and body have a huge influence on spiritual awareness. The common thread that weaves these three ele-ments together is qi.

Qi (pronounced and sometimes spelled “chi”) means “life force” or “breath,” and it is the basis of all traditional Chinese healing arts, from acupuncture to herbal medicine. Qi is carried within the breath

and is, in fact, the very breath of life that animates every function of your body, mind, and spirit. Qi powers the physical body, giving blood the energy to flow and nourish the cells; it stimulates the immune system for good health; it fuels digestion and nutrient absorption; and it provides the nervous system with the energy to operate the body. Qi drives and supports mental energy—the ability to think clearly, reason, and make decisions. Qi connects you to spirit as well as the cosmic bodies—the earth, sun, moon, stars, and planets.

The Taoists view qi as having two polar elements—yin and yang. Yin carries a magnetic, contractive quality. Yang holds an expansive, projective quality. The traditional Taoist symbol of yin and yang is that of two fish chasing each other’s tails (see Figure 1).

Figure 1. The yin/yang symbol

Your BodY of light 10 Your BodY of light 11

This energy in motion exemplifies the movement of qi—a wave-like ebb and flow from expansive to contractive and back again. The Taoists recognize that in order to optimize the body, mind, and spirit, the internal energies of yin and yang need to be in perfect balance. At the highest potential of balance, your qi becomes fully transformed into pure light.

QIGonG: a FoundatIonal PraCtICeQigong is one of the central practices of Taoist spiritual cultivation. Gong (pronounced and sometimes spelled “kung”) is a general term meaning “work” or “skill.” Hence qi gong may be translated as “energy work.” The practice of qigong is that of becoming skilled at working with life-force energy.

In Taoist Internal Alchemy, qigong is used to circulate and har-monize qi. This is accomplished with the combination of moving or standing practice (dung-gong) and still or sitting practice (jing-gong). Movement within qigong activates yang energy, while stillness acti-vates yin. When the body moves, qi circulates; when the body is still, qi harmonizes.

The practices in this program will train you to cultivate and refine your qi. First, you will learn how to circulate qi in the physical aspects

of the body: the blood, muscles, bones, and organs. Then you will learn to store and distill qi through energy reservoirs called tan tiens. As you advance in the program, you’ll learn the subtle alchemical practices that focus on refining qi through energy pathways called “meridians.” Similar to the circulatory system of the physical body, these pathways carry life-force energy into every part of the body, mind, and spirit.

Each practice is designed to work with your qi in a specific way. In qigong there are six different modes of moving energy through the body:

1. cultivating: This mode strengthens and tonifies energy by drawing qi into the system from external sources such as food, oxygen through the blood, or through the tan tiens.

2. circulating: This mode is used to circulate energy through the various meridians within the human energy network. Its purpose is to clear stagnant energy from the channels and irrigate the organs and tissues with fresh energy.

3. clearing: This method is used to expel stagnant, toxic, and excess energies from the system.

4. exchanging: This mode of working with energy invites the intermingling of internal energy with an external source such as

Your BodY of light 12 Your BodY of light 13

nature, other people, or the cosmos. It is based on reciprocity and relationship.

5. Transforming: This is one of the fundamental modes used in internal alchemy and focuses on changing one form of energy into another, such as toxic energy into healthy energy.

6. storing: This refers to the phase of practice in which internal energy is concentrated and stored in the tan tiens.

Each practice in this booklet has a description of the mode of en-ergy it uses. As you become proficient at the practices in this program, you will learn to customize your own practice to suit specific pur-poses. For example, to strengthen your energy and get “fired up” in the morning, you would engage in the cultivating qigong exercises. In the evening you might use the clearing movements and meditations to purge the stressful energy of the day. This is the goal of qigong: to create equilibrium for the mind, body, and spirit.

Although the teachings in this program are presented in an easy-to-follow format, understand that the cultivation of the Body of Light is a complex study that takes years for the average Taoist practitioner to establish. As you move through this program, I encourage you to take your time. If during practice you find places of stagnant or blocked energy, be patient and repeat the practice as many times as you need to clear and balance those areas. These practices are designed to give

you immediate benefits—physically, mentally, and emotionally—regardless of the level of your spiritual development. With practice and commitment, you can ultimately experience your Body of Light with all its splendor.

sessIon one: taPPInG Into Your InFInIte PotentIalAt your root, you are made up of infinite life-force energy. The practices in this session are designed to help you begin to feel qi in the body, clear stagnant energy from areas where tension is commonly held, and experience energy outside of the physical barriers of the body.

Standing qigong Sequence

1. Palm press stretch (clearing)2. Low back stretch (clearing)3. T’ai chi opening (cultivating and transforming)

Sitting qigong Dissolving into light (exchanging)—See Session One, Track Twelve

Palm Press stretch: This stretch relieves stress and tension in the upper back and neck.

Your BodY of light 14 Your BodY of light 15

Extend your arms out to the side, palms facing down. Tilt your head toward your right shoulder and rotate it in a semi-circle, then repeat on the left side (see Figures 2 and 3). Breathe deeply and feel the muscles in the neck, shoulders, and upper back stretching. Next, face your palms to the sky and bring your fingertips together with your thumbs. Repeat the stretch on both sides (see Figures 4−6).

low back stretch: This is a great exercise for circulating energy into the low back, preparing the body for sitting qigong, and reinvigo-rating the body.

Figure 2. Palms down, rotate head

over shoulder

Figure 4. Palms up,

fingers together

Figure 3. Rotate head over opposite shoulder

Figure 5. Rotate head

over shoulder

Figure 6. Rotate head over opposite shoulder

Your BodY of light 16 Your BodY of light 17

Bring your hands to your low back. With your thumbs, find the big muscles next to the spine (erectors) and press in. As you press in with the thumbs, bring your hips forward and let your upper body move back (see Figures 7 and 8). Next, bring your hips back and lower the thumbs down your back (see Figure 9). Press in with the thumbs again, bringing the hips forward (see Figure 10). Continue this hing-ing motion as you move your thumbs up and down the low back.

T’ai chi opening: This exercise trains the body to move with relaxation and fluidity.

Figure 7. Thumbs on

low back

Figure 9. Move thumbs


Figure 8. Press in with thumbs

Figure 10. Press in with thumbs

Figure 11. Hold arms at

hip level

Figure 12. Inhale; arms float up

Your BodY of light 18 Your BodY of light 19

sessIon two: the Breath oF lIFeBreath is the essence of life. In qigong, qi is carried and focused by the breath. The way you breathe directly influences the way you feel physically, emotionally, and mentally. The practices in this session are designed to help you harness the powerful tool of your breath for clearing out stale energy and bringing in refreshing energy.

Standing qigong exerciSeS 1. Deep abdominal breathing (transforming and storing)2. Qi belt breathing (cultivating and transforming)3. Pulling up the earth (cultivating)4. Flying/bone breathing (cultivating and transforming)

Sitting qigong

Bone Breathing (cultivating and transforming)—See Session Two, Track Nine

Deep abdominal breathing: This is a great exercise to energize the body, relax the mind, and establish proper breathing for meditation.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bring your hands and arms to hip level (see Figure 11). Inhale and float your hands and arms up to shoulder level (see Figure 12). Relax as you do this, keeping the arms fairly straight. Exhale, bend your elbows, and float your arms back down to hip level (see Figures 12 and 13). As the hands come back down, the shoulders relax even more. Continue this fluid move-ment, feeling energy moving up and down your body in sync with your arms.

Figure 13. Bend elbows


Figure 14. Exhale; arms float down

Your BodY of light 20 Your BodY of light 21

Bring both hands over the lower abdomen (see Figure 16). Inhale and allow the abdomen to expand. Exhale and squeeze the abdomen back toward the spine. Focus on exhaling completely, clearing the lungs, so that you can take a full breath in.

Qi belt breathing: This deeply invigorating exercise brings qi into the belt meridian, located around your waist. This meridian delivers energy to the internal organs while detoxifying and revitalizing the body.

Bring both hands to the sides of the body, just below the lowest rib. Inhale and allow your hands to be pushed outward. Exhale and press your hands in.

Pulling up the earth: This flowing exercise is designed to strengthen the lungs and fortify the body, mind, and emotions.

Figure 16. Hands over

the abdomen

Figure 17. Hands to the sides

Your BodY of light 22 Your BodY of light 23

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, palms up, and arms at hip level (see Figure 18). Inhale and bring the hands up over the head, turning the palms toward the ceiling (see Figure 19). Exhale and float the hands down your sides (see figure 20). Breathe slowly as you repeat this sequence.

Flying/bone breathing: This practice is designed to fill the bones with qi and the body with inner power and strength.

Start with arms at your sides. Inhale and float your arms up slightly. Exhale and float your arms back down. Inhale again and float your arms up a little higher; exhale and bring the arms down, slowly. Continue floating your arms higher, until they reach their apex around shoulder height (see Figures 21–23). As you go through this flying, flowing movement, visualize golden light en-tering through your fingers and into your bones. Breathe this light up through the bones with each breath, filling the entire skeleton with golden light.

Figure 18. Hold palms

in front

Figure 20. Arms float


Figure 19. Raise hands over the head

Your BodY of light 24 Your BodY of light 25

sessIon three: You are lIGhtQi—the life force animating your body, mind, and spirit—is electro-magnetic energy. In its highest vibrational form, it exists as light. The practices in this session are designed to help you refine and transform your qi into these higher vibratory levels.

Standing qigong Sequence

1. Spinal-cord breathing (cultivating and clearing)2. Cloudy hands (cultivating and circulating)

Sitting qigong

The inner smile meditation (transforming)—See Session Three, Track Eight

spinal cord breathing: This exercise is designed to clear tension from the back, facilitate the flow of spinal fluid, and create physical and mental suppleness.

Figure 21. Hold arms

at sides

Figure 22. Arms float


Figure 23. Arms float down

Your BodY of light 26 Your BodY of light 27

Begin by bringing your hands up next to your shoulders, curling your fingers in a relaxed fist. Inhale, arch your back, and look up (see Figure 24). Then exhale, round your back, squeeze your buttocks, and tuck your tailbone under. As you do this, bring your arms and hands in front of you (see Figure 25). Repeat this movement, allowing the tension in the spine to melt away.

cloudy Hands: This flowing exercise opens and strengthens the heart on a physical and emotional level.

Figure 24. Arch the back

Figure 25. Round the back

Figure 26. Palms face in

Figure 27. Pivot right, drop left hand

Figure 28. Switch hands

Figure 29. Pivot left, drop right hand

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sessIon Four: the three treasuresThe Three Treasures are stored in the tan tiens, the energy reservoirs within the body. Each treasure corresponds to a different quality of energy. The first treasure, jing, is the vital energy of the physical body and is stored in the lower tan tien near the navel. Jing corresponds to sexual energy and carries a quality of tremendous creativity and force. The second treasure, qi, is the animating force between the first trea-sure, jing (yin), and the third treasure, shen (yang). Qi is located in the middle tan tien near the heart. Qi bridges spirit to matter. Shen, third treasure, is located in the upper tan tien and represents the spiritual quality of energy. The practices in this session are designed to teach you the alchemical processes of transforming jing into qi, qi into shen, and shen back into jing.

Begin with both hands in front of your chest, palms facing each

other (see Figure 26). Keeping your right hand where it is, let your left hand drift down and simultaneously shift your weight onto your right leg, turning your hips to the right (see Figure 27). Drop your right hand down and bring your left hand up (see Figure 28). Shift your weight to the left leg and turn your hips left (see Figure 29). Bring the left hand down and the right hand up (See Figure 30). Repeat this sequence as a flowing movement. Let your hips move in a figure eight. The arms simply relax and flow like clouds, following the movement of the hips.

Figure 30. Switch hands

Treasure Body location energy Quality Perception

Jing Physical Lower tan tien (navel)

Sexual Heat, fire Kinesthetic

Qi Mind/emotions Middle tan tien (heart)

Mental, emotional

Vibration Empathetic

Shen Spirit Upper tan tien (mid-eye area)

Spiritual Light Intuitive

Your BodY of light 30 Your BodY of light 31

Standing qigong

1. Spinal-cord breathing (cultivating and clearing)2. Opening the three treasures (transforming and storing) 3. Golden ball, circulation of light (circulating)

Sitting qigong

Three treasures meditation (cultivating and storing)—See Session Four, Track Seven

Opening the three treasures: This exercise opens the upper, middle, and lower tan tiens. Located in the center of the abdomen (body), the chest (mind), and the head (spirit), the three treasures are the main storehouses of life-force energy.

Bring fingers to your forehead, with middle fingers pointing be-tween the eyebrows (see Figure 31). Inhale and float the arms and hands away from this area (see Figure 32). Exhale and come back to the starting position (see Figure 31).

Next bring the fingers to the chest, pointing toward the sternum (see Figure 33). Inhale and float the arms away from the chest (see Figure 34). Exhale and come back to the starting position (see Figure 34).

Bring the hands down to the navel center (see Figure 35). Inhale and allow the hands to float the arms away from the navel (see Figure 36). Exhale and come back to the starting position (see Figure 35).

Figure 31. Fingers to


Figure 32. Expand arms out

Your BodY of light 32 Your BodY of light 33

Golden ball, circulation of light: This exercise trains the mind to move energy and light through the body.

Hold both hands in front of you with the palms facing one another (see Figure 37). Visualize a golden ball of light between the palms. Condense this light into a small golden ball. Inhale and bring this “pearl” of light into your left hand, allowing it to travel from the left hand up through the left arm to the left shoulder blade and spine. Ex-hale and feel this golden ball traveling from the spine, down through the right shoulder blade, right arm, and into the right palm. Repeat this cycle in the opposite direction.

Figure 33. Fingers to


Figure 34. Expand arms out

Figure 35. Fingers to


Figure 36. Expand arms out

Figure 37. Palms facing


Your BodY of light 34 Your BodY of light 35

sessIon FIve: PathwaYs oF enerGY— the MICroCosMIC orBItThe practices in this session are designed to prepare and move energy through the meridian called the “microcosmic orbit” (see Figure 38). In this practice, energy moves up the spine and descends down the front of the body. The back of this pathway is called the governing channel and directs yang energy. The front of the body is called the functional channel and carries yin energy. By circulating energy through this meridian, the practitioner recycles internal energy, raises the vibration of energy, and creates internal balance.

Standing qigong Sequence 1. The wave (clearing)2. Turning the wheel (circulating, cultivating, and transforming)

Sitting qigong:The microcosmic orbit (circulating and transforming) See Session Five, Track Seven

The wave: This exercise stretches and energizes the spine, preparing the body to circulate energy through the microcosmic orbit. The goal of this exercise is to move your spine with relaxed fluidity, like a wave in the ocean.

Begin by bending your knees, extending your chin, and hinging forward at the waist (see Figure 39). Bring your chin down to your chest (see Figure 40). Then slowly roll up, tucking your tailbone un-der, and wave up the spine, cresting with your chin up to the sky (see Figures 41 and 42).

Figure 38. The microcosmic orbit


Your BodY of light 36 Your BodY of light 37

Turning the wheel: This flowing movement directs energy through the microcosmic orbit.

Bring the hands in front of you with palms facing each other (see Figure 43). Inhale and pull the hands up the front of the body to the forehead area (see Figures 44 and 45). Exhale and bring the hands forward, down, and away from the head area (see Figure 46). Continue this movement, visualizing energy moving up your back channel on the inhale and down the front channel as you exhale.

Figure 39. Extend chin


Figure 40. Round back

Figure 41. Roll spine

Figure 42. Pull chin up

Figure 43. Hold palms

facing together

Figure 44. Pull hands in

Your BodY of light 38 Your BodY of light 39

sessIon sIx: ForMInG the Pearl oF ConsCIousnessIn this session, you will combine energy in a unique alchemical formula to create the Pearl of Consciousness—the seed of your Body of Light. This pearl will then be refined further by circulating it through the microcosmic orbit.

Standing qigong Sequence

1. The wave (clearing)2. T’ai chi opening (cultivating)3. Buddha palms—Hands of light (circulating)

Sitting qigong

Forming the pearl and flowing through the microcosmic orbit (circulating and transforming)—See Session Six, Track Eight

Buddha palm—Hands of light: This exercise energizes the hands and brings energy into three points along the microcosmic orbit.

Face palms toward the navel without touching it, with your left hand in front of the right (see Figure 47). Breathe deeply and send energy from your hands into the navel. Bring the palms up, facing the heart center (see Figure 48). Breathe and send energy through

Figure 45. Pull hands up

Figure 46. Extend hands forward

Figure 47. Palms facing


Figure 48. Palms facing heart

Your BodY of light 40 Your BodY of light 41

the palms and into the heart center. Move the palms so they face the mid-eye area (see Figure 49). Breathe energy and light into the mid-eye area.

sessIon seven: MovInG ConsCIousness outsIde oF the BodYThe thrusting channel is a pathway of energy connecting from the tip of the crown through the center of the body to the pelvic floor (see Figure 50). It is the direct pathway from our bodies into the universe and is the optimal channel for moving the pearl of

consciousness out of the body (see Figure 51). The practices in this session are designed to open the Thrusting Channel.

Figure 49. Palms facing


Figure 50. The thrusting


Figure 51. Sending consciousness out


Your BodY of light 42 Your BodY of light 43

Standing qigong Sequence

1. Spinal-cord breathing (cultivating and clearing) 2. Pulling down the heavens (clearing and circulating)

Sitting qigong

Sending the pearl through the thrusting channel (storing)— See Session Seven, Track Five

Pulling down the heavens: This is a wonderful flowing movement that brings energy down through the thrusting channel.

Stand with the hands at your sides, palms facing up (see Figure 52). Inhale and extend both arms up the sides of the body and over the head (see Figure 53). Exhale and bring the arms and hands down the front of the body with the palms facing toward you (see Figure 54). Continue this movement, inhaling as the arms move up. Exhale as you pull the arms down.

Figure 52. Hold arms

out to sides

Figure 54. Pull arms


Figure 53. Lift arms overhead

Your BodY of light 44 Your BodY of light 45

sessIon eIGht: aCCessInG Your Power PlaCe The practices in this final session are designed to help you become more comfortable with resting your consciousness outside of the body and exploring your power place—that location in the universe where you can access unlimited wisdom, insight, and energy.

Standing qigong Sequence

1. Spinal-cord breathing (cultivating and clearing) 2. Turning the wheel (circulating, cultivating, transforming)3. The three treasures (transforming, storing)

Sitting qigong

Accessing your power place (storing)—See Session Eight, Track Eight

Special thankS:Nancy Smith for her amazing creativity, unconditional patience, wonderful sense of humor, and incredible vision for this project. Lesley Workman for being the most supportive business partner, visionary, and true friend. Marie Royer for her fabulous insights, detailed research, and beautiful ways of using photos.

Further reSourceS

Lee Holden’s DVDs are featured on American Public Television. Titles include Qigong Flow for Beginners, Qigong for Stress, Qigong for Upper Back and Neck Pain, Qigong for Lower Back Pain, Qigong for Weight Loss, Qigong for Seniors, Qigong for Healthy Joints and Bones, Qigong: the Flow Continues, and 7 Minutes of Magic.

For information about all of Lee Holden’s DVDs and products, please visit

For information about Lee Holden’s retreats and the Santa Cruz Integrative Medicine and Chi Center, visit

about the author

Lee Holden is an internationally known television personality and author who has worked closely with Master Mantak Chia for the last 20 years, both as a senior teacher and editor for Healing Tao publica-tions. Lee is an instructor in meditation, T’ai Chi, qigong, and stress management. His book 7 Minutes

of Magic has been published in several countries, and his television and 10 DVD programs have reached millions of viewers in the U.S., Canada, and Europe. All ten of Lee’s DVDs are available at

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