Shakti Therapy Book

Therapy Book



Transcript of Shakti Therapy Book

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Therapy Book

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Dr. Naram mission has led him so far to visit regularly 12 countries: India, USA, Canada, Nepal, Germany, Italy, France, Switzerland, Netherlands, Austria, Australia & New Zealand. People from over 108 countries have come to him to be helped with their chronic and acute Health Challenges, utilizing the wisdom of his Ancient Youth Secrets.Dr. Naram has helped people with Arthritis, Diabetes, Autism, Obesity, Infertility, Blood Pressure, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Skin Issue, Hair Loss, Depression, Epilepsy, Chronic Health Challenges, & on and on.

Dr. Pankaj Naram As an authority in Ancient Siddha-Veda Secrets (including pulse reading and marma shakti), over 1,000,000 people now, including the Dalai Lama, Mother Teresa, and the victims of 9/11, have requested Dr. Naram to use the ancient secrets he has been entrusted with to transform their health and peace of mind.

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Jivan Shakti is a leader in wellness education.Jivan Shakti's goal is to educate people in the ancient art and science of Siddha-Veda, and inspire them to integrate its principles into their daily lives.Siddha-Veda utilizes 6 powerful ancient instruments to revitalize and create balance in the body, mind and emotions.We regularly invite authorities to the U.S. and Canada - to educate us on the herbal formulas which have been passed down from master to student for thousands of years in the ancient scriptures. These superior quality plant-based remedies are highly potent, safe and effective.

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SIDDHA VEDAThe Siddha Veda, an Ancient documents hand-written on parchment, was intended "To transform people's lives and society … so they can experience health, beauty andhappiness."So begins the Siddha Veda, these documents contain the lost healing secrets passed on from Gurus to students over 2.000 years of an unbroken lineage of Ayurvedic masters to the present day. The Siddha Veda, is a vast herbal pharmacopoeia and treasure trove of medical knowledge and wisdom,handwritten in four ancient languages, including Sanskrit and Tibetan. Until now, the Siddha Veda has never been translated

VATA – PITTA – KAPHA Siddha Veda suggests that there are three primary qualities or principles that govern every human body. These principles are called doshas (Pita, Vata, and Kapha), which are derived from the five elements: earth, air, water, fire, and space. It is the doshas that regulate all actions of the body. When the doshas are balanced, we experience good health, vitality, ease, strength, flexibility and emotional well-being. When the doshas fall out of balance, and/or we accumulate Aam (toxins), then we experience energy loss, discomfort, pain, mental or emotional instability and, ultimately, dis-ease.

"To transform people's lives and society … so they can experience health, beauty and happiness."

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We really thank the Ancient Siddha Veda for donating many instruments so precious to us in order to obtain a good health and keep fit.Thanks to the Siddha Veda the therapist can take care of the patients in a thorough and effective manner.The doctor (Vaidya) can certainly, after reading pulse, advice the right treatment according to the imbalance of our doshas, but we can rely well in the hands of the expert therapist to understand which of the following treatments is most suitable for us.Each treatment works on a specific problem, using formulas and ingredients of Ancient Secrets.The main aim of these precious treatments is to remove the toxins (aam) both physiological and emotional, and rectify the doshas which are in disarmony, to restore the whole system. The sense of lightness and “being balanced” is felt deep inside of us and we experience the feeling of wellness immediately after the treatment.

The treatment is the important part of the six instruments which SiddhaVeda has given to us, the other five are; Diet, Lifestyle, Home Remedies, Marma and Herbs. Along with the treatments, if we take herbs followed by the correct diet, the healing and cleansing process will be much deeper and faster

Variety of the treatment we offer here are all designed to help you calm down faster, unwind easier and fully release from the depth of the being in addition to providing more physical, mental and emotional grounding.

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Siddha Lord Dhanvantari Raksha KavachBeneficial for Increasing Immune Power and Removing Psychological Problems. This Siddha Dhanvantari Raksha Kavach is charged by Roga Nivaran Mantra. Lord Dhanvantari is known to be the Vaidya (Doctor) of God. From this Dhanvantari Kavach our body immune system starts increasing. It helps in removing psychological problems also.

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Pindswed is a form of massage involving the therapeutic application of heat with a potali (cotton cloth filled with dried herbs). This full-body massage increases circulation, dilates channels and loosens toxins (aam) and doshas stuck in tissues. It also reduces swelling and water retention, stimulates lymphatic drainage, relieves joint and muscular pain. The therapist massage the body in a way that stimulates the flow of toxins (aam) from the periphery via the circulation to the principal agni (Jatharagni) then to excretory system.

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One of the most popular treatments that is mentioned in the Ancient Texts is: Shirodhara, the pouring of warm and oily liquid in a continuous stream onto the forehead (the seat of Udanavayu and Ajna Chakra) for about 20-30 minutes. This treatment relieves tension, anxiety, insomnia and headache; reduces high blood pressure; and improves concentration and mental clarity. It has a calming effect on the nervous system and promotes optimum hormone secretion. Shirodhara is usually given on a daily basis throughout panchakarma, because it not only facilitates cleansing on mental and emotional levels (where the majority of physical diseases originate); it also plays an important role in helping you to relax physically and ‘let go’, thereby supporting the release of deep tissue toxins.

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The therapist prepares a fresh dough of bean flour each time before the treatment, which will be placed around the heart and filled with warm formula with Ancient Secret oils.

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The heart is not just a muscular pump that propels blood through the vascular system; it is considered to be the place from which all emotions arise. It is the seat of the mind, the senses and the life force Prana, where sadhaka pitta is seated and, the shelter of the soul and divine knowledge. For this reason, accornding to the Ancient Texts of Siddha-Veda, heartdhara is not only effective in the treatment of heart diseases, angina pectoris, palpitations and high blood pressure, but also in the management of depression, anxiety, fear and for calming, grounding and stabilising the mind and emotions. In addition to shirodhara, heart dhara is an excellent supportive treatment to deepen the cleansing action of panchakarma. Allow yourself to become deeply relaxed during the treatment so that you rest in a state of being that can bring you in touch with your deepest thoughts and feelings.

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The Spinaldhara it's very effective to remove Vata from intervertebral space.

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According with the ancient texts of siddha-veda:This treatment mainly nourishes the bone marrow in the spinal cord (Majja dDhatu) and the tissues of the nervous system. it also indirectly nourishes the brain and balances emotions.It is effective in all degenerative disorders such as muscular and bone atrophies, spondylosis and sclerosis.Spinaldhara removes accumulated vata from the vertebrae which causes the consumption of cartilages, encourages the crushing of vertebrae and causes inflammation and pain.Removing vata relaxes and nourishes the spinal cord; this also decreases pain and inflammation. The emphasis spinaldhara puts on the whole vertebral column makes this treatment a very important and effective therapy.

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We also find, in the Ancient Texts, the description of an interesting treatment for the eyes, the seat of Alochakapitta: Netrabasti is a treatment where medicated milk or ghee (ghrut) are kept in a small dough well that is constructed around the eyes. This is useful in all vision problems; local scarring, redness and burning pain; tension headache; in initial stage of cataract and glaucoma; and as a general eye tonic. After this treatment you need to avoid exposure to direct sunlight, fan, air-condition or dust.

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Kidneydhara is similar to Heartdhara, different formula-decoctions and ancient secret oils are used. This treatment is useful in the management of kidney diseases, but during treatment it also supports the kidneys in flushing out toxins (aam) and excess doshas. Emotions or emotional aam, which are often ‘stored’ in the kidneys and can lead to pain and weakness in this organ, can also be released by this dhara and mass growth or swelling of kidney, cystic kidneys (Lekhan dhara), shrinking of kidney (Bruhan Dhara).

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This is a special kind of massage where different areas are treated with different Formulas and Ancient Oils.

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