You have every reason to be grateful to God for what you ... · You have every reason to be...

1 “The grateful heart ... sees each day as a gift. Thankful people focus less on the pillows they lack and more on the privileges they have ... The grateful heart is like a magnet sweeping over the day, collecting reasons for gratitude. A zillion diamonds sparkle against the velvet of your sky every night. ‘Thank you, God.’ A miracle of miracles enables your eyes to read these words and your brain to process them. ‘Thank you, God.’ Your lungs inhale and exhale eleven thousand liters of air a day. Your heart will beat about three billion times in your lifetime. Your brain is a veritable generator of power. ‘Thank you, God.’”* Max Lucado is making it clear what every preacher I know has said: people of faith need to have in their lives an attitude of gratitude! Certainly, every year Thanksgiving Day comes and goes. Abraham Lincoln established Thanksgiving Day with the intention that a grateful people would stop and think, in the midst of a civil war, about the things for which they should be grateful. He didn’t mean it to become “Turkey Day”. (Benjamin Franklin, however, did recommend the turkey become our national bird.) Today, most (who get the time off) rejoice in having a 4-day weekend. You can’t blame them, but even that was never the point. We need to have an attitude of gratitude at least on Thanksgiving Day, if not every day.

Transcript of You have every reason to be grateful to God for what you ... · You have every reason to be...

Page 1: You have every reason to be grateful to God for what you ... · You have every reason to be grateful to God for what you have and for whom you are. Take time and just think about


“The grateful heart ... sees each day as a gift. Thankful people focus less on the pillows they lack and more on the privileges they have ... The grateful heart is like a magnet sweeping over the day, collecting reasons for gratitude. A zillion diamonds sparkle against the velvet of your sky every night. ‘Thank you, God.’ A miracle of miracles enables your eyes to read these words and your brain to process them. ‘Thank you, God.’ Your lungs inhale and exhale eleven thousand liters of air a day. Your heart will beat about three billion times in your lifetime. Your brain is a veritable generator of power. ‘Thank you, God.’”* Max Lucado is making it clear what every preacher I know has said: people of faith need to have in their lives an attitude of gratitude! Certainly, every year Thanksgiving Day comes and goes. Abraham Lincoln established Thanksgiving Day with the intention that a grateful people would stop and think, in the midst of a civil war, about the things for which they should be grateful. He didn’t mean it to become “Turkey Day”. (Benjamin Franklin, however, did recommend the turkey become our national bird.) Today, most (who get the time off) rejoice in having a 4-day weekend. You can’t blame them, but even that was never the point. We need to have an attitude of gratitude at least on Thanksgiving Day, if not every day.

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You have every reason to be grateful to God for what you have and for whom you are. Take time and just think about all the simple blessings in your life and you’ll realize that there is much more good going on in your life than bad. Be grateful. Have an attitude of gratitude. You and I owe God. There’s no way out of this one. It is simple truth. “Thank you, God!”

With Love, *Lucado, Max. You’ll Get Through This. Thomas Nelson, pub., 2013. P. 96-97.


November 3rd - “Endure” / 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12 November 10th - “Stand Firm!” / 2 Thessolonians 2:1-5, 13-

17 - Loose offering designated to Helping Hands November 17th - “Don’t Drow Weary!”/ 2 Thessolonians 3:

6-13- Loose offering designated to the St. Paul’s Youth Event Fund

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November 24th - Worship with Rev. Jeanette Tangeman


TIME CHANGE Don't forget to set your clock BACK one hour on November 3rd so you will get to church on time!! **************************************************


Last month I incorrectly published October 27 as the Sunday when we would remember all those who have moved on to be with God over the last year. We’ll remember them on Sunday, November 3rd, instead, which is the correct Sunday. So, if your loved one passed away within the last year, and is a member of this church, we’ll begin the service on November 3rd by reading each one’s name and sounding a chime in his or her memory.

“TIME OUT!” The pastor will be taking time off beginning the 22nd to rest before Advent Season begins on Sunday, December 1st. Rev. Jeanette Tangeman will be bringing the message on November 24th.

This year’s Community Thanksgiving Service will be held this year at First Nazarene Church of St. Marys on Tuesday, November 26th at 7:00 pm. Join your fellow Christians from all over town in this time of celebration and thanksgiving.

Opportunities Available

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Have you ever considered serving on the church Consistory or has it been a while since you served on Consistory? We are currently looking for new deacons and elders to serve three (3) year terms beginning in January 2014. Look for a description of responsibilities of the office by calling the church office or contacting any current Consistory members. Please contact the church office or Carol Gehres, Consistory president, if you are interested in serving your church on its governing board.


Take note that there was one ingredient missing in Janet Swartz’s “Best Chocolate Chip Cookie” recipe. It should also include: 2 sticks of unsalted butter

COMMUNITY MEAL St. Paul's offers a weekly free community meal, "Breaking Bread." We serve meals from 4:30 to 6:00 pm on Thursdays. VOLUNTEERS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME - COME WHEN YOU CAN, WHETHER IT’S ONLY ONE NIGHT OR SEVERAL!! We are serving well over 300 meals weekly and there is always something to help with! The schedule for November will be:

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November 7th November 14th November 21st (No desserts needed this week) November 28th - NO MEAL/THANKSGIVING

Next April, our church will be hosting the Northwest Association annual meeting, which means many visitors to our building. We are hoping to have the new carpet installed before this event and the other events we have planned for our 100-year building celebration. You can help by participating in PROJECT: PICK A PLEDGE. At the back of the sanctuary, you will find a board covered in “sticky notes” with dollar amounts on them ranging from $100 to $1,000.00. Simply pick up a “sticky” that fits into your budget and donate that amount to the carpet fund by the first of March. You can make the donation in any way you want – from a one-time donation to a small amount every month. Just make sure to mark your donation to the carpet fund, and if you want credit for it on your contribution statement, put your name on it. The total amount listed on the board is $12,000.00. This and the amount that has already been donated should give us enough to pay for all the carpeting by March 1. If you have any questions, please call Lynda Hadley – 419-628-3845. Thank you for supporting this pledge drive.

PLEASE HELP US! In order to get a more complete history of St.

Paul’s, please help us find these missing Confirmation Class


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pictures. You can view the pictures we have on the Church’s web site Your picture will be copied and returned to you, just drop them off at the church office.



1942-1943 1954

1916 -1917


1945 1980



1947-1948 1999

1924 1938-1939 1950-1951 2008

ALSO - PLEASE HELP US! In order to get a more complete history of St. Paul’s, please help us find these missing names in the following Confirmation Classes.

NEED NAMES FOR THESE CONFIRMATION CLASSES: 1984 1988-2000 2006 1986 2002 - 2003 2008


"On Thanksgiving Day, all over America, families sit down to dinner at the same moment - halftime." ~Author Unknown

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November 22: Christmas Open House at the Gift Shop Watch the Sunday bulletin for more information on these events as it becomes available.


Aluminum Can Recycling - You bet we


Thank you to all who are saving aluminum cans for the YOUTH GROUP. Cans may be brought to St. Paul’s - just leave them behind the curtain under the stairs of the Creation Station door. Thank you for your support.

NEW YARN is available for

hats, scarves, and mittens for the "Giving Tree" this coming Christmas season. Yarn can be picked up in the elevette. Also there is a need for afghans to keep someone warm.

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On October 6th we welcomed the following individuals into our church family:

Kay May Brenda Holtzapple Erik Mauter Nancy Mauter Cindy Huckemeyer James Huckemeyer

Christmas Break Bags

The Christian Education & Nurture Committee is once again putting together Christmas Break Bags that will be available to school aged kids over the Christmas Break. The committee is asking for the following items to be donated in order to fill the bags:

Peanut Butter Box of Crackers Box of cereal or oatmeal Soup Macaroni and Cheese Canned fruit Granola Bars Raisins (small boxes) Bag of Pretzels

If you would rather make a monetary donation towards the bags that would also be greatly appreciated. The last day that donations are accepted is December 15th. The Bags will be available on a first come first serve basis and will be handed out on the following days: Thursday, December 19; and Saturday, December 21st.

Thank you in advance in helping out this great mission!

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hristian Education Coordinator

The Christian Education and Nurture committee is very pleased to announce the appointment of Laura Yelton as the new Christian Education Coordinator to be effective Nov. 1, 2013. With approval from the Consistory at their October meeting, this position will be a 12 month, 40 hours per month, paid position to develop, plan, and oversee the Sunday School programming for all ages, coordinate Vacation Bible School and Summer Camps, and provide other activities and events for children and families. The funding for this position comes from the generous bequest from the Leona Anderson Estate. As you may recall, the position of CE/Youth director was created in 2010 after the congregation voted to use the funds from the Anderson Estate to provide a paid position for Christian Education. Landa Tomlinson was hired for this position and held it for 1.5 years. Upon her resignation, the CE and N committee recommended that the position be split and in August 2012, Mark and Amy Dieringer assumed the position of Youth Leaders and are continuing to work with the Senior High youth Sunday school class and youth group programs. Also at that time, the committee decided to update and revise the job description and responsibilities for the CE coordinator position. Laura was very instrumental in helping to determine the needs of the Sunday school programming and developing new activities, such as Sunday

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Funday in the summer, SHINE t-shirt sales, starting a new 7th grade class, and Middle School Youth group. With the new activities and increasing number of children participating on Sunday mornings and in extra weekly activities, it is time to resume the part-time paid position of CE coordinator. The CE and N committee looks forward to working with Laura, teachers, and volunteers to continue to provide exciting programs and activities.

Sunday School News:

Sunday School has been lively and busy for the first two months. We hope you enjoyed our presentation of Noah’s Ark! We had a lot of fun finding costumes, getting props together, learning songs and speaking parts! The units we studied were The Lord’s Prayer, The First Sin and Noah’s Ark using our new SPARK curriculum. Thank you to the high school youth for getting the props together, to Lori Now who helped me get the animal costumes together and to Sarah Walter and Amy Dieringer who were responsible for costuming Noah and his family. Also, thanks to Andrea Spencer who assists in the music room with piano playing, poster turning and wherever else she is needed. Many thanks as always to the outstanding teachers and parents who have made a commitment to our Sunday School program.

Camp Rock and Camp Marshmallow are in full swing with the kids earning either rocks or marshmallows throughout the year. These will be turned in to chances to win a trip to church camp or tickets to the zoo depending on the age group. Criteria will be posted on the St. Paul’s website if you cannot find or missed the initial letter that was mailed out regarding this program.

The kids are presented with a Bible memory verse each week and are making a Bible memory verse booklet. Memory verses are on

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the website and presented in church each week if you would like to go over them with your children.

The mission money that the kids are bringing in will be donated to the West Ohio Food Bank. They are in need of a large commercial freezer so we are donating our money to them for that project. If you stop in the Gathering Room, you will see our freezer. Each week as money comes in we fill it with food containers with the goal of having it overflow out the top! Thanks for your help with this project. Despite the iffy weather, the craft sales at the campgrounds went very well. This money will go into our youth event fund. Thank you to Kara Birt and Julie Speckman for taking on this challenge and for all their hard work in getting the crafts made and their patience in teaching the volunteers who came to craft night! We really do SHINE here at St. Paul’s. Our units starting November 3, which will take us to Christmas, are: Abraham and Sarah, Advent and Christmas, and Jesus is Born. The Christmas program will be on December 15 and practice for the program will be Saturday, December 14th at 10:00 am for everyone. Dance and bell participants will need to be there at 9:00 on Dec. 14. Please mark your calendars. Of course, there will be the traditional pizza party following practice. Bells and dance will begin Sunday, Nov. 3 with dance immediately after Sunday School and bells following Children’s Chat. Bell players should be in grades 1-7 and dancers anywhere from kindergarten to high school. Christian Ed is contemplating having a rummage sale again this year to coincide with the citywide garage sales. We have a co-chair but need another co-chair and several people on the

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committee. If this is your calling, please contact me at 419-305-9199. Laura Yelton

Sunday School Birthdays!


3 - Isaac Wibbeler 4 - Alex Wourms 4 - Gunner Joseph 7 - Kacey Regedanz 9 - Laura Donovan 13 - Aubrey Birt 13 - Alex Mauter 15 - Zoe-e Joseph 17 - Toby Yahl 21 - Sophie Burden 25 - Oliver Daggerhart 27 - Zoey Briggs 28 - Karlie Lucas



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7th Grade Bowling

The 7th Grade Sunday School class will be bowling at Varsity Lanes on Sunday, November 17th from 6:00-8:00pm!!


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The Women’s Guild meeting was held on September 11 in Heritage Hall. The speaker for the evening was Jonathan Brenneman with the Christian Peacemaker Team. He spoke of being part of a mission team in Palestine. Nineteen hundred dollars will be disbursed to the following organizations: Cancer Association of Auglaize County, Church World Service, NWOA for the Webinar Studio and for the Love Gift, Crisis Center, ROC, Helping Hands, and Agape. The ROC Quarter Auction will be held at Noble School on Sunday, November 3 from 1 to 4 p.m. Kroger money received for the period of May through July was $383.82. Don’t forget to sign up as this money goes to the sanctuary new carpet fund. Women’s Guild Cabinet meeting will be Tuesday, November 5 at 3:45 p.m. in the confirmation room.

Funeral Help – If you haven’t been called in the past year to help

work or make food for the funeral dinners, please let Deanna Meeker know that you would like to be contacted. Sometimes phone numbers change and we don’t know how to reach you. Your help is appreciated. Thanks!

College & Military Addresses – Please let the church office

know your address if you are attending college or serving in the military. Even if your address has not changed in the past year, still let the office know this information for future mailings.

KROGER REWARDS: If you would like to enroll in the Kroger

Rewards Program, go to and sign in or create an

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account. The St. Paul’s Women’s Guild NPO # is 82083. If you have questions, call Kris Vanderhorst at 394-3650 or email at [email protected].

Busy Needles meets in the old kitchen on the 4th Tuesday of each month from 9 a.m. to ?? Thanks for everyone who has donated fabric and yarn to this Mission. It is through the donations of many that this program has continued for over 35 years. It only costs the church for the electricity we use in 3-to-4 hours. For more information, call Margaret at 419- 305-1321.

QUILTERS - we quilt on Wednesdays at 9:00 am. If you have any

questions, call Margaret Hunter at 419-305-1321.



The organ was dedicated in the spring of what year? Answer to the October trivia question: June 21, 1914

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Our sympathy to the family and friends of the following members who have passed away since the last newsletter:

Vonnie Martin, October 9, 2013

To Breaking Bread in memory of Vonnie Martin Evelyn Horner

To Memorial Fund in memory of Judy Bray Ed and Judy Rowady, Mary Alice Stoner and Janet Speckman

To the Carpet Fund in memory of Judy Bray Wilma Cathcart, Burnell Kellermeyer and Inez Weisenbarger.

To the Carpet Fund in memory of Vonnie Martin Fred & Pam Scheer, David & Kara Birt, Don & Jan Weimert, Rose Leffel, and Sharon Gottschalk

To the Mission Endowment Fund in memory of Judy Bray Mary Maurer

To the Women’s Guild in memory of Vonnie Martin Janet Hoge, Virginia Burroughs, Jeanette Speckman, Adele Fast and Sylvia Engel, Verneda Fark, Irene Lininger, Dale & Wilma Quellhorst, Mary Wale, Ron Ketchum, Sharon Ashton, Craig & Jan Suchland, Terry & Susan Monroe, Barb

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Bubp, Jim & Martha May, Dorothy McMullen, Jim & Mary Ann Rempe, Shirley Huckeriede, Jim Niemeyer, Jim & Kris Vanderhorst, Grace young, Naomi Sollman, Rick & Paige Canfield, Tyler & Noah Hartsock, Paul Marin, George & Janet Gibson, and Larry & Kelly Kill

To the Scholarship Fund in memory of Vonnie Martin Diana Prichard, Mary Alice Stoner, Jim & Mary Ann Rempe, Bob & Karen Adams, Janet Swartz, and Ed & Sharon Sullivan

Hello, I wanted to take the time to send all the members at St. Paul's a very large thank you! I received your very generous scholarship that has helped me out tremendously through my college career. I was able to pay for all of my books and put my first payment down to graduate school! If it was not for all of the love and support from my church family I wouldn't be where I am today! Thank you again for all that you do! Thank you, Abbie Spencer ****************************************************** Dear Busy Needles,

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Thank you for sending “Love to the rescue!” Your contribution of quilts immediately went to work lifting the spirits of our children and their families by making Shriners Hospitals for Children - Cincinnati feel less like a hospital and more like a home. Thank you for being a central part of our mission. In-kind donations enhance our hospital’s compassionate, family-centered care and help keep our costs to a minimum.

We are extremely grateful for your generosity and thoughtfulness.

Sincerely, Vanessa R. Mosley, CFRE Director of Development

****************************************************** Dear Friends: We would like to thank you for supporting the life and health of Outdoor Ministries. Your gifts to the Campership Fund will be used to assist campers who might otherwise not be able to participate in the camp experience.

We appreciate your faithful support of this important ministry as we continue to partner with local congregations to connect God’s people with nature for Faith Formation, Spiritual Growth and Leadership Development.

In Service to Christ, Joyce Oyler, Executive Director for Outdoor Ministries ****************************************************** Dear Friends:

THANK YOU everyone who sent cards, food, visits and phone calls while I was recovering from total left knee surgery.

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All is much appreciated, God Bless, Verneda Fark Thank You Friends: Thank you to everyone for all the cards, calls, visits, gifts, flowers, prayers and food through this time. Our family appreciated everything everyone did for our Mom/Grandma. She sure loved all of you and you gave her days much happiness and meaning. Thanks, Vonnie Martin’s Family


'GIVING THANKS' COMMUNITY DINNER - will be held on Thursday, November 25th from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm at the St. Marys Memorial High School. The dinner is free of charge, but donations are accepted. Carry-outs are available.

CALL-EM-ALL - Please let the church office know if you are experiencing any problems with the Call-Em-All phone messages. Also, please contact the office if you would like to be removed from the calling list - or listen to the broadcast and at the end follow directions to ‘opt out’ of any future broadcasts - this will remove your number from the calling list. Thank you! ‘BREAKING BREAD’ COMMUNITY DINNER - If you would like to make a financial contribution to help with costs for the weekly

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community dinner, these will be gratefully accepted. Donations can be placed in the Sunday offering plate or mailed to the church office. Please be sure to indicate your name on the envelope if you would like to receive credit on your giving statement. Contributions of #10 canned food are also accepted.

FOR THE RECORDS - INFORM US PLEASE!! If you will be going to the hospital or if someone you know is hospitalized, please call the church office and let us know. Please call the church office with address corrections or if you do not see your Birthday or Anniversary listed during the correct month. Call 419-394-3811. Thank you!! Home phone # for Pastor Ed and Judy is 419-300-9771 [email protected] - church e-mail address. Use this to e-mail articles for the newsletter/messages for the Sunday bulletin. [email protected] is Rev. Bray’s personal email address if you would like to contact him. [email protected] - Christian Education and Youth Director email address. [email protected] to contact Kendra Strand for the Email Prayer Chain Requests. - church web site address Televised worship service- our worship service here at St. Paul’s is shown on TSC cable - Digital channel 1 OR non-digital channel 2, every Sunday at 10:30 am and also on Monday evenings at 7:00 pm. There is a one week delay of the service shown.

STAFF OF ST. PAUL’S UCC: Rev. Dr. Eddie A. Bray Jr., Pastor Al Baker, Minister of Visitation Carolyn Garrison, Administrative Assistant

Becky Anderson, Director of Music Amy & Mark Dieringer, Youth Directors Laura Yelton, Director of Children’s Choirs Andrea Spencer, Organist Ann Vogel, Organist

Tom Hevlin, Organist Emeritus Bob Schumacher, Custodian

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Rich Spencer, Audio and Video Kendra Strand, Email Prayer Chain Contact Jennifer Ginter, Church School Superintendent

Amy Keller, Confirmation Teacher Kathy McGee, Sunday Nursery Supervisor

We are fortunate to have the following items for

your use, should you need them. LOCATION FOR LABELS/BOXES DROP OFF (and


LIFT CHAIR - is unavailable for "loan"

HANDY WHEEL CHAIR - (located in FH handicap

restroom) is available for “loan”

BED WEDGE is available for "loan"









2013 CHURCH OFFICIALS President of Congregation Fred Scheer Vice-president of Congregation Ron Ketchum President of Consistory Carol Gehres Vice-president of Consistory Inez Weisenbarger

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2013 Members of Consistory

Elders: Sue Poppe Jill Dickman Laura Yelton Ralph Heckler Lori Now Ken Strickland Trustees: DeWayne Marsee Robert Roth Tim Hirschfeld Deacons: Inez Weisenbarger Charles Greenawalt Bill Zink Terry Tangeman Virginia Burroughs Jane Laird Carol Gehres Julie Speckman Lori Scheer Jen Lucas Irene Lininger Lynda Hadley


FINANCIAL REPORT September 2013: Current Fund: Budgeted through September 30, 2013 = $181,983.00 Received through September 30, 2013 = $167,950.19 Expenses through September 30, 2013 = $173,129.00 Received through September 30, 2012 = $165,119.72 Mission Fund: Budgeted through September 30, 2013 = $ 22,500.00 Received through September 30, 2013 = $ 19,029.00 Received through September, 2012 = $20,129.00 Status of 2013 Budget: Current Fund: Budgeted through October 31, 2013 = $202,203.00 Budgeted through October 13, 2013 = $192,093.00 Received through October 13, 2013 = $176,197.78 Mission Fund: Budgeted through October 31, 2013 = $ 25,000.00

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Budgeted through October 13, 2013 = $ 23,750.00 Received through October 13, 2013 = $ 19,996.00 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$



Minutes of the September 10th, 2013 meeting were reviewed and approved with a motion by Bob Roth; seconded by Sue Poppe. Motion carried.


Dave reviewed the September 2013 Financial Report. The Financial Report was approved with a motion by motion by Tim Hirschfeld; seconded by Lynda Hadley. Motion carried.

Jeff Dieringer gave a report on three different types of investments to consider for the LPL Committee Fund. Of the three cited, he recommended the Russell Short Duration Bond S as the safest investment that can withstand withdrawals for no fee. Jill Dickman made a motion that recommendation be taken to the Budget committee and report at the November Consistory meeting. Tim Hirschfeld seconded the motion. Motion carried.


Carol reported on a membership invitation from the St. Marys Community Improvement Corporation and information from the Sister Cities group on event information.

Carol also acknowledged a $1,200 check from the St. Marys Community Foundation that administers the Clausing Fund. St. Paul’s receives one-fourth of the investment proceeds on that fund. Those funds come to the church unrestricted.


Rev. Bray discussed a video project being put together by the City of St. Marys that offers a position on a promotional webpage in one of several different ways. The cost is pricey and Rev. Bray outlines other

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methods the church already uses for marketing church activities and felt the church is already “out there”.

The pastor also read an invitation from the St. Marys Community Partnership to be involved in the Festival of Lights.


Al reviewed his activities for the month of September. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Budget and Finance Committee: Dave Dickman

Dave went through the budget by line noting the differences made since the 2013 Budget. He outlined the Personnel items with discussion regarding the addition of pay for the Youth Leadership.

Jane Laird led a discussion regarding the addition of a Christian Education Coordinator. Jill Dickman made a motion to make a Christian Education Coordinator as a paid 12-month position effective November 1, 2013, with Laura Yelton as the designated employee. The salary of $375 per month will be paid out of the Leona Anderson Estate Savings. Terry Tangeman seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Jill Dickman made a motion to affirm that Laura Yelton be hired as the Youth Music Director as a paid 12 month position with a salary of $1566 per year. Charles Greenawalt seconded. Motion carried. Trustees: DeWayne Marsee

Trustees are reaching out to companies to get estimates on repaving and/or resurfacing the old parking lot.

Tuck pointing completed. Birt’s will be back to make sure all is done and remove their lift.

It was suggested to replace the dead trees north of the parking lot. Bob Roth said that would be completed. He will talk to Cisco.

Laura Yelton suggested taking out the burning bushes at the Perry Street entrance and allowing the Sunday school students to dedicate a planting in memory of Judy Bray.

It was also discussed repairing the railing at the Perry Street entrance and that the railing on the west side of the church has been repaired.

Bob Roth discussed replacement of the pew cushions at the same time the new carpeting is put in. The cost is approximately $15,000 so it may be put on hold for now.

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Elevette repairs have been made and it is working fine. Elders: Sue Poppe

128 people took communion this past Sunday.

Reminder that when communion is served those serving need to stay and assist in the cleanup. Elders are to set up for communion and deacons are to clean up.

Those who are to serve are requested to find a substitute if they are unable to help and to report to Sue or Church Greenawalt.

It was requested that the administrative assistant send out an e-mail before each communion to remind Elders and Deacons. Deacons: The old hearing aids were discussed. They are missing and it was suggested that Rich Spencer be asked if it is worth getting others. Christian Education and Nurture Committee: no additional discussion Christian Mission and Outreach Committee: Terry Tangeman

1371 meals were served in September. OLD BUSINESS:

Lynda Hadley spoke about the parade float the Building Centennial Committee will be doing for next Summerfest.

Jill Dickman noted she has tickets for the Fall Cafeteria

Ralph Heckler noted he has information about United Way

Dave Dickman asked about where to use the disbursement from the Clausing Estate Fund. Laura Yelton made a motion to put it in the building’s 100th Anniversary Fund. Ralph Heckler seconded the motion. Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS:

Rev. Bray led a discussion about pay for Kelly Kill, who will be filling in half time for Carolyn Garrison while she is on medical leave. Lynda Hadley made a motion to give Kelly half of the administrative assistant pay. Laura Yelton seconded. Motion carried.

It was announced that $600 was given by the St. Marys City School ABLE program and it was deposited it into the St. Paul’s UCC Scholarship Fund account.

Carol Gehres noted they would be working on finding members to serve on the 2014 Consistory. There will be an announcement

Page 27: You have every reason to be grateful to God for what you ... · You have every reason to be grateful to God for what you have and for whom you are. Take time and just think about


Sunday morning and an article in The Communicator asking if there are any volunteers.

It will also be announced that we need greeters for Sunday mornings.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. with the motion by Tim Hirschfeld; seconded by Jane Laird.

Respectfully submitted, Carol Gehres, 2013 Consistory President Kelly Kill, Substitute Administrative Assistant

Deadline for articles, announcements, etc. for the November

issue of The Communicator will be November 18th.


REMINDER: The church and office will be closed for the Thanksgiving Holiday on Thurs., Nov. 28th and Fri., Nov. 29th Regular office hours will resume again on Mon., Dec. 1st.

Thank you!!

Page 28: You have every reason to be grateful to God for what you ... · You have every reason to be grateful to God for what you have and for whom you are. Take time and just think about


Some tips for reading through the Bible:

READ . . . the passage for the day, listening closely for what God is Saying.

EXPLORE . . . what the Bible has to say about asking questions.

ACT . . . on the truth by finding one thing you can DO.

PRAY . . . the versus you have just read back to God.