You do not need to scale Agile

Unscaling Agile Arretons de construire des cathédrales

Transcript of You do not need to scale Agile

Unscaling Agile

Arretons de construire des cathédrales


The innovation paradox

Technology innovation

Management innovation

Leading edge! Uniqueness! Forefront!

Great! Scary!

Fairy tale

I want to be Agile

I’m Agile

So what next ?

Continuous Delivery

How do you feel today ?

From ‘All is good’ to ‘Not that bad’

Useless features

Not Agile Hippo decision making No vision

KPI driven

Annual roadmap Process and tools over…

We have to be more agile

The truth lies elsewhere

You are part of a system

Good or Bad ?

What your system might look like

© BBRT 2013 – All rights reserved |

Leadership  Governance  &  transparency  

1.  Values  –  Bind  people  to  a  central  plan  

2.  Governance  –  Govern  through  detailed  rules  and  regula5ons  

3.  Transparency  -­‐    Restrict  informa5on  and  control  it  

Accountable  teams  

4.  Teams  -­‐  Organize  teams  around  centralized  func5ons  

5.  Trust  –  Micro-­‐manage  teams  

6.  Accountability  –  Base  accountability  on  hierarchical  rela5onships  

Processes  Goals  &  rewards  

7.  Goals  –  Set  short-­‐term  fixed  targets  

8.  Rewards  –  Base  rewards    on  mee5ng  fixed  targets  

Planning  &  Controls  

9.  Planning-­‐  Make  planning  a  top-­‐down  annual  event  

10.  CoordinaJon  –  Coordinate  through  annual  budgets  and  planning  cycles  

11.  Resources  -­‐  Make  resources  available  through  annual  budget  alloca5ons  

12.  Controls  -­‐  Base  controls    on  budget  variances  

What about Agile ?

© BBRT 2013 – All rights reserved |

Leadership  Governance  &  transparency  

1.  Values  

2.  Governance  

3.  Transparency  

Accountable  teams  

4.  Teams  -­‐  Organize  around  a  seamless  network  of  accountable  teams;  not  around  centralized  func/ons  

5.  Trust  –  Trust  teams  to  regulate  and  improve  their  performance;  don’t  micro-­‐manage  them  

6.  Accountability  –  Base  accountability  on  holis5c  criteria  and  peer  reviews;  not  on  hierarchical  rela/onships  

Processes  Goals  &  rewards  

7.  Goals  

8.  Rewards    

Planning  &  Controls  

9.  Planning  

10.  CoordinaJon  

11.  Resources  

12.  Controls  

Governance & Transparency The usual way

Usual problem #1 Empowerment ?

Usual problem #2 Decision making without information ?

Planning & Controls The usual way

1. Budget 2. Projects 3. Staffing

Usual problem #1 Calendar driven horizons

Usual problem #2 Actuals = Budget

Usual problem #3 Form or Content

Goals & Rewards The usual way

1. Budget

2. Projects 3. Staffing 4. Personal objectives

Projects B & D = Success

Projects C & G = Success

Projects A & C = Success

Usual problem #1 Gaming

Usual problem #2 Not any more relevant

Usual problem #3 Outcomes or Outputs

Let’s talk about solution

We need to scale Agile

What is the problem you are trying to solve ?

Our journey


What we don’t want

What do we want

Adapt our business models as quickly as possible Allocate ressources to the most valuable business opportunities Improve our global knowledge

Beyond Budgeting

Where do we start ?

All roads lead to Rome Change  in  leadership  

Governance  &  transparency  

1.  Values  

2.  Governance    

3.  Transparency  

Accountable  teams  

4.  Teams  

5.  Trust  

6.  Accountability    

Change  in  processes  

Goals  &  rewards  

7.  Goals    

8.  Rewards    

Planning  &  Controls  

9.  Planning    

10.  CoordinaJon    

11.  Resources    

12.  Controls  

Continuous Delivery

New Leadership Model

Rolling Forecasts

Agile Leadership

Our experiment

1. Budget 2. Strategic allocation

3. Staffing

Business line A

Business line C

Business line B

4. All year Dyn. Alloc.

x 80

x 200

x 50

Duration < 3 months

Rolling forecasts

Change #1 Resource Allocation

From Challenges

Application teams

Customer centric teams

Application managers

Long value chain


Change #2 Resource Allocation

From Challenge

Specialist X functional Languages


Change #3 Forecast

From To Challenge

Project Product Skills

Change #4 Forecast & Target

From To Challenge

Budget variance

Business decisions

Optimize mindset

Change #5 Target

From Challenges

Cascading KPI

Team objectives

Annual appraisal

Human = Resource ?


Where do we stand ?

X or Y ?

Command and Control Sense and Respond

Where do we stand ? Change  in  leadership  Governance  &  transparency  

1.  Values  –  Bind  people  to  a  common  cause;  not  to  a  central  plan  

2.  Governance  –  Govern  through  shared  values  and  sound  judgement;  not  detailed  rules  and  regula/ons  

3.  Transparency  -­‐    Make  informa5on  open  and  transparent;  don’t  restrict  and  control  it  

Accountable  teams  

4.  Teams  -­‐  Organize  around  a  seamless  network  of  accountable  teams;  not  around  centralized  func/ons  

5.  Trust  –  Trust  teams  to  regulate  and  improve  their  performance;  don’t  micro-­‐manage  them  

6.  Accountability  –  Base  accountability  on  holis5c  criteria  and  peer  reviews;  not  on  hierarchical  rela/onships  

Change  in  processes  Goals  &  rewards  

7.  Goals  –  Set  ambi5ous  medium-­‐term  goals;  not  short-­‐term  fixed  targets  

8.  Rewards  –  Base  rewards  on  rela5ve  performance;  not  on  mee/ng  fixed  targets  

Planning  &  Controls  

9.  Planning  -­‐  Make  planning  a  con5nuous  and  inclusive  process;  not  a  top-­‐down  annual  event  

10.  CoordinaJon  -­‐  Coordinate  interac5ons  dynamically;  not  through  annual  budgets  and  planning  cycles  

11.  Resources  -­‐  Make  resources  available  as  needed;  not  through  annual  budget  alloca/ons  

12.  Controls  -­‐  Base  controls  on  fast,  frequent  feedback;  not  on  budget  variances  

Started ? In progress

Am I getting closer ?

Blocked Available

My KPI Available Capex during Prioritization Meeting


stupid is as stupid does