You can win/you will win


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you can win of #shivkhera explained my way.

Transcript of You can win/you will win

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How would you describe a person ?


How would one describe oneself ?

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Attitude is the most important word in English language.

It applies to every sphere of life, including one’s personal and professional life

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Harvard university found that

85%of time if people get the

promotion, job, selection etc. is all because of attitude

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Acres of Diamonds

• When our attitude is right, we realize we are walking on acres of diamonds, opportunity is always under out feet we don’t have to go any where, just recognize it

• Grass always looks greener on other side.• People who don’t realize opportunities,

complain of noise when it knocks• Right decisions at right time

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Environment Experience Education

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Building positive attitude.

• Become aware of principles that build positive attitude.

• Desire to be positive.

• Cultivate discipline and dedication to practice hose principles.

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8 steps to attitude change.

1. Change focus, look for positive.(Be optimistic)

2. Make a habit of doing it now.(when I become a big boy).

3. Develop an attitude of gratitude(count your blessings, not troubles)

(story of Dr. to alcoholics)

4. Get into a continuous education program.

(knowledge is not power, applied knowledge is power)

(sharpen your axe.)

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8 steps to attitude change.

5. Build a positive self esteem(six packs vs tummy)

6. Stay away from negative influences

7. Learn to like things that need to be done.

8. Start your day with something positive.

what do u get by doing this ?

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Qualities that make a person successful

1. Desire

2. Commitment

3. Responsibilities

4. Hard work

5. Character

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Qualities that make a person successful

6. Positive believing

7. Give more then you get.

8. Power of persistence

9.Pride of performance

10. Be a willing to be a student- Get a mentor.

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What is holding us back ?

Driving car with brakes onGives no full speed.

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20 reasons why we don’t achieve excellence.

1. Unwillingness to take risks.

2. Lack of persistence.

3. Instant gratification.

4. Lack of priorities.

5. Looking for shortcuts.

6. Selfishness and greed

7. Lack of conviction.

8. Lack of understanding of natures law

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20 reasons why we don’t achieve excellence.

9. Unwillingness to plan and prepare

10. Rationalizing

11. Learning from past mistakes

12. Inability to recognize opportunity

13. Fear.

14. Inability to use talent

15. Lack of discipline.

16. Poor self esteem.

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20 reasons why we don’t achieve excellence.

18. Fatalistic attitude.

19. Lack of purpose.

20. Lack of courage.

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Every success story isIs also a

story of great failure.

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Internal motivation External motivation

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Four stages from motivation to demotivation





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Four stages from motivation to demotivation

• A) motivated ineffective

• B) motivated effective

• C) demotivated ineffective

• D) demotivated effective


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• Beggar pencil story.

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Poor role modal

• School teacher asks her student what does his father do ?

student replied I don’t know but I guess he makes pens, light bulbs, books, and some stationery because he brings it in his tiffin box.

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The Wilma Rudolph story

• Born in Tennessee

• Paralytic

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Olympic gold medalist

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Importance of interpersonal skills

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Life is


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Factors the preventmaintaining positive relationships.• Selfishness

• Lack of courtesy

• Inconsiderate behavior

• Not meeting commitments

• Rude behavior

• Lack of integrity and honesty

• Self centeredness

• Arrogance

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• All relationships are trust relationships

• It may be anything between employer employee, father-son, husband-wife, buyer-seller,

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Factors that build trust.

• Reliability- gives predictability and comes from commitment

• Consistency- build confidence

• Respect- to self and others gives dignity and shows a caring attitude

• Fairness- appeals to justice and integrity

• Openness- shows a willingness to listen and share your views.

• Congruence- action and words harmonized

• Competence- comes when person has ability and attitude to serve

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Factors that build trust.

• Acceptance- in spite of our effort to improve we need to accept each other with pluses and minuses.

• Character- person may have all good skills and competence but if he lacks character he cant be trusted.

• Courage- person who lacks courage will let down in crises.

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25 steps to build positive personality

• Accept responsibilities.

• Show consideration.

• Think Win-Win.

• Choose your words carefully.

• Don’t criticize and complain.

• Smile and be kind.

• Put positive interpretation on other people’s behavior.

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25 steps to build positive personality

• Be enthusiastic.

• Give Honest and Sincere Appreciation.

• When you make a mistake, accept it and Move on.

• Discuss but don’t argue.

• Don’t gossip.

• Turn promises into commitments.

• Be grateful but do not expect gratitude.

• Be dependable an practice loyalty.

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25 steps to build positive personality

• Avoid Bearing grudges.

• Practice honesty, Integrity and sincerity.

• Practice humility.

• Be understanding and caring.

• Practice courtesy on daily basis.

• Develop sense of humor.

• Don’t be sarcastic and put others down.

• Have a friend and be a friend.

• Show empathy.

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Keep eyes upon the goalsbecause goals are important.

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• Desire v/s dreams.

Desires turn into dreams when they are supported by

• Direction

• Dedication

• Determination

• Discipline

• Deadlines.

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Smart goals

• S- specific

• M- most

• A- achievable

• R- realistic

• T- time bound

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Values and Vision

• Child story (smile to cry/cry to smile)

• No honor for people who received great things, honor has been rewarded for what he gave.

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Winning is an event,Being a winner is a spirit

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Thank you