Yorkshire Dance Friday Firsts summer 2016

FRIDAY FIRSTS YORKSHIRE DANCE www.yorkshiredance.com professional development opportunities, Juncture 2016 and much more... +


Yorkshire Dance presents a series of performances, workshops, professional development opportunities for dance artists, and other unusual happenings... May - July 2016 www.yorkshiredance.com

Transcript of Yorkshire Dance Friday Firsts summer 2016




professional developmentopportunities, Juncture 2016and much more...+

cover photo: Ella Mesma Company’s Ladylike at Friday Firsts #38: This Is Where It’s At © Sara Teresaphoto above: Skye Reynolds’ Pitch at Friday Firsts #36: Live Bites © Sara Teresa

Friday Firsts showcases newwork by independentchoreographers and dancecompanies working on thesmall scale.

Each evening has its owndistinct theme, and will oftenbe the first chance to seeperformances by the mostpromising dance makers fromYorkshire and beyond whoseek to experiment, push danceas a form or find a new voice.

@YorkshireDance #FFirsts


Box Office 0113 243 8765

or book securely onlinewww.yorkshiredance.com




Friday Firsts #39


Friday 6 May, 7.30pm

Tickets £8.00, concessions £6.00

The next generation gets a chance toshow us what the future is made ofwith an evening of mixed performancefrom some of Yorkshire’s mostpromising dancers and choreographers.

Showcasing work from students andpost-graduates, the evening willdemonstrate the diverse talent beingnurtured in our higher educationinstitutions, highlighting the students’wit, charm, and intelligence.

Olivia Calder, A Piece of Friendship © Paul Guenot; Brink Dance Company [Cenobyte] © Johnny Bartley

Maria Popova, Vliyaniye

(Leeds Beckett University)

MicroMacro, Rambling’s gonna

be the death of me


Jem Clancy, My Name is Carly

(Leeds City College)

Flight Effect Dance Company,Moon Eaters

(York St John University)

That Ribeiro Company, The Untruthful Story

of the Timeless Man

Thomas McKeon, Beyond the Flesh

Olivia Calder, A Piece of Friendship

Brink Dance Company, [Cenobyte]

Kathryn Hewison, A Flicker of...

(all Northern Schoolof Contemporary Dance)

A night of subversively wonky danceworks questioning queerness inmovement.

The diverse programme looks towarp expectations, send stereotypesaskew and make space for vibrantambiguity.


This is Yorkshire Dance’s third editionof Bend It, following hugelysuccessful events in 2014, curated byour Associate Artist Gary Clarke, andin 2015.

Bend It is our annual celebration ofdance and film work that exploresgender stereotyping, sexuality and thequeer aesthetic.

Friday Firsts #40

Bend It

Friday 15 July, 7.30pm

Tickets £8.00, concessions £6.00

Amy Bell’s Tombo(y)la at Friday Firsts #38: This Is Where It’s At © Sara Teresa


curated by Gillie Kleimana festival of

contemporary dance

Jo Fong in Quarantine’s Wallflower © Simon Banham

We know thateverybody dances

The community dance movement,folk dance, YouTube dance classesand Strictly all tell us the samething: everybody dances.

Departing from here, this editionof Juncture collects togetherartworks where the role of theprofessional dancer is given tosomeone else, bringing artists,participants and their sharedwork into conversation aboutwhat happens when thedancing is handed over.


27 - 30 October 2016at Yorkshire Dance

and other venues around Leeds



SPIRIT OF JUNCTURE israising funds to stageexceptional danceperformances featuring thetalents of people of all agesand abilities during ourJuncture festival this October.

Some amazing dance makers, includingSara Lindström, Lucy Suggate,Nicola Conibere and immigrantsand animals, will be working with 75members of the public – young people,older adults – in fact, anyone who’d liketo join in. Maybe even you...

Juncture’s all about what happens whenprofessional dance artists work withnon-professionals.

Please help us make this rareopportunity available to the peopleof Leeds today.


What could you give to the

SPIRIT OF JUNCTUREfundraising campaign?

Donate: Give online or in person

Advocate: Help us spread the word

Participate: Join our fundraisers

To donate online please visit:



Spirit of Juncture Fundraiser

Open Mic NightFriday 27 May, 7.30pmThe Midnight Bell, Leeds

Box Office 0113 243 8765Or book securely onlinewww.yorkshiredance.comTickets £5.00Age guidance: all ages

Tickets may be sold on the door

subject to availablitiy

Yorkshire Dance is hosting its first ever Open Mic Night event as part of itsSpirit of Juncture fundraising campaign – an evening filled with fun, live musicand comedy.

The line-up of performers so far includes singer / songwriters Amy Cross,Adam Westley and Emma Hooker, but make sure you follow us on socialmedia to find out as more artists are confirmed!

The evening will be a great experience for everyone and raise funds to stageexceptional dance performances featuring the talents of people of all ages andabilities during our Juncture festival this October.

To donate online please visit:www.localgiving.org/appeal/spiritofjuncture

Want to perform at the Open Mic Night?

We’re looking for talented live music artists and comedians to performthroughout the evening in 15-20min sets that will give the public a flavour of therange of undiscovered creative talent in Leeds.

To audition, please book a half hour audition slot with Callum Holtby e-mailing [email protected] the subject heading Open Mic Night Audition.

Snakebox © Sara Teresa

Spirit of Juncture Fundraiser

24 HourDance Relayfeaturing Little Big Disco

Friday 1 July, 5.00pm- Saturday 2 July, 5.00pm

Events will be ticketed – details to be

announced on the website soon!

As part of Yorkshire Festival’s Big Disco, we’re inviting you to join us –and sponsor us – for 24 hours of non-stop dancing!

A team of three mighty Yorkshire Dance staff (Wieke Eringa, KirstyRedhead & Hannah Robertshaw) – alongside various dance artists, the youngpeople from our Saturday dance classes and (we hope) you – will keep the placejumping, even through the wee small hours...

Little Big Family Disco 5.30pm - 9.30pm

Join us as we kick off with a silent disco for Big Disco-ers looking for a chilled-out,family-friendly environment.

Little Big Late Night Disco 9.00pm - 1.00am

If you love dancing but you’re not sure city-centre clubbing is what you want, thisis a perfect alternative. Big Disco-ers, drop in on your way home for a final boogie!

Saturday Superstars 9.00am - 3.00pm

We hand the dance baton over to our young Saturday Superstars dancers to givea creative twist to their Saturday programmes.

Little Big Family Disco 3.00pm - 5.00pm

The family-friendly silent disco is back – from babies raving to grown-ups swaying,everyone’s welcome to join us for the final stretch!

1.00am - 9.00am events will be confirmed soon, so pleasecheck our website and social media for details, night-owls!

For details of sponsoring Wieke, Kirsty & Hannah, or giving to theSPIRIT OF JUNCTURE campaign, visit the webpage below...


Yorkshire Dance Silent Disco © David Lindsay



of Dance Marketinga workshop with Antony Dunn

Friday 29 April, 2.00pm – 5.00pmYorkshire Dance, Leeds

Box Office 0113 243 8765Or book securely onlinewww.yorkshiredance.comTickets £10.00Free to members of Yorkshire Dance’s

The Collective Plus

You’ve made a beautiful, breath-taking new dance work. Maybe you’re launchinga brand new dance company. You’re excited about getting in front of someaudiences. But how are you going to persuade them to come?

This workshop will equip you with marketing skills to help raise the profileof your work, your company and yourself.

Pick up tips on identifying audiences, writing good blurbs, using digital and socialmedia, handling the media, understanding your own ‘brand’ and much more.

This informal and occasionally hilarious workshop will feature a mix of practicalexercises and conversation, with examples of some truly great – and truly terrible– dance marketing…

This workshop is suitable for people working in any sector of the arts –

the principles are all the same.


Antony Dunn has worked in dance, theatre and literature marketing since 1997.He led the communications department of York Theatre Royal to win the TMAAward for Achievement in Marketing 2008, and was appointed Marketing &Communications Manager of Yorkshire Dance later that year.

He is also a poet, creative writing tutor and Artistic Director of BridlingtonPoetry Festival.

© Sara Teresa

Box Office 0113 243 8765 - book securely online at www.yorkshiredance.com

Artists’ Takeover Day

Thu 26 May, 9.30am - 5.00pmYorkshire DanceAdmission free

Making a Song and Dance about...

... litter, nowhere to park, public transport,school places, the NHS, dog shit, thepatriarchy, my/your boss, not having a job,the media, representation of women (inaforementioned media) how to complain,who to complain to, who’s running thisanyway... the illusion of democracy as wedebate and rage on social media aboutthe change we want to see, but cannotseem to make.

What to do?

Perhaps, in the words of David Bowie... ‘let’s dance’... because you put your wholeself in – or your whole self is out... OK, maybe the Hokey Cokey isn’t ‘what it’s allabout’...

No harm in having a go though.

Yorkshire Dance, Irregular Arts and A Quiet Word invite you to a makea song and dance about what gets your goat.

Join us to explore the body in motion, the body in song and the body shaking withrage about what’s wrong with the world. This is an ‘artists takeover day’ where thebuilding is available to support experimentation. The event is free, but you need tobe able to take part in the whole day.

This is the start of an investigation into the ways in which making a song anddance about things can change the world.

For more details of the day’s programme, visit:www.yorkshiredance.com/artists-takeover-day

To register please send an email with the subject line: ‘Making a Song and Dance’including your phone contact details and confirmation that you are available forthe whole day to: [email protected]

The deadline for registration is 9 May 2016

US Royal Navy Band © chooyutshing

11Box Office 0113 243 8765 - book securely online at www.yorkshiredance.com

Sketch 3 Workshop

with Peggy Olislaegers

Friday 17 June, 10.30am - 3.30pmYorkshire DanceAdmission £10.00Box Office 0113 243 8765or book securely onlinewww.yorkshiredance.com

Yorkshire Dance is delighted to announcethat our Sketch programme is back, onceagain with the astonishingly talentedPeggy Olislaegers.

As a part of this third instalment ofSketch, we are running this introductoryworkshop to give artists the opportunityto get a flavour of what dramaturgy, andPeggy’s unique approach to it, is all about.

This is a great opportunity for anyoneinterested in applying for the Sketch 3programme, giving you the chance to getto know Peggy and her way of working.

Sketch is a 6 month development opportunity for dance makerswith an interest in developing a new dance idea with a focus ondramaturgical practice. Sketch 3 will run from 5 September 2016to 3 February 2017.

Application forms for Sketch 3 will be available to downloadfrom our website from Friday 3 June.

The deadline for applications to Sketch 3 is Friday 1 July.

Peggy Olislaegers live-workshopping with Jamaal Burkmar,Sketch 2 © Sara Teresa

Them Two Dance © Brian Slater

mplifiedintensifying artist:audience interaction


Catch Them Two Dance on tour

Them Two Dance has embarked upon a journey with Connor and Katherineastride their tandem bicycle to encourage the occurrence of Random Acts ofKindness in Yorkshire. They ask for your help in this series of interactive pop-upduets. They ask you to be kind, to be random, and to help them if they geta puncture. Come along and see performances at:

Sat 18 Jun Sat 25 Jun Sun 26 JunGrassington Holmfirth Leeds Waterfront Festival

Sun 3 Jul Sat 9 Jul Sat 30 JulHebden Bridge Barnsley Mayor’s Parade Harrogate Festival

This work has been co-commissioned by Yorkshire Dance Amplified, The Civic Barnsley

& Yorkshire Festival. Supported using public funding by Arts Council England.

#RandomTandem | @themtwodancethemtwodance.co.uk

13Box Office 0113 243 8765 - book securely online at www.yorkshiredance.com

Grace Surman ResearchConversations: Join in!

Artist Grace Surman will bedeveloping a new dance film with herdaughter Hope following a residencyin two libraries in partnership withSpot On Rural Touring.

Conversations held during theseresidencies will inform thedevelopment of the film. Come andjoin Grace at Upholland Library andEuxton Library (Lancs) this spring toshare your experiences of parentingand memories of childhood. (ContactNatalie Duffield-Moore at YorkshireDance 0113 243 9867 to confirmdetails.)

Grace will be testing a scratchedversion of the piece at Battersea ArtsCentre supported by TransformFestival on Sat 21 May – ticketsavailable from www.bac.org.uk

Join us for National RuralTouring information session

Yorkshire Dance is hosting a NationalRural Touring information session onWed 1 Jun for artists and producersfrom across the North. The sessionwill be packed with informationabout the scheme and their mostrecent opportunities to apply foryour work to be presented in newcontexts outside of a black boxtheatre.

You will also have the opportunity tomeet programmers from HighlightsRural Touring and Spot On RuralTouring and engage in one to onesurgeries if appropriate.

This session is free of chargehowever booking is essential. [email protected] book your place today.

Lîla Dance - The DelugeGrace Surman © Gary Winters

Box Office 0113 243 8765 - book securely online at www.yorkshiredance.com

Contemporary Class

with Rita MarcaloSummer term 2016Tuesdays, 19 Apr - 19 Jul£6.50, concessions £5.50

6.30pm - 8.00pm, Advancedfor professionals, dance students andthose with advanced ability

8.00pm - 9.30pmBeginners / Intermediatefor people with a good basic levelability wanting to try a higher level

With a focus on risk taking,individuality and non-linearmovement, teacher Rita Marcalo willencourage you to embrace her wayof moving in this weekly class. Withan attempt to enable participants towork against their common learneddance movement patterns and findnew ways to develop, Rita creates asafe and fun environment to explorenew ways of thinking and moving.

It is taught on two levels to enablecomplete beginners to get acquaintedwith basic principles ofcontemporary dance, at the sametime as allowing people with someexperience to develop further.

Gracefool Collective present


ProDanceLeeds is an artist-ledprogramme of professional levelcontemporary classes for dancers.After a very successful Arts CouncilEngland-supported pilot of thescheme, we are pleased to announcethat we have further funding fromACE to run classes 5 days a week,bringing you the best of thecontemporary dance world.

Previous teachers have included GaryClarke, Amy Bell, Yael Flexer, JorgeCrecis, Azzurra Ardovini, Phil Sanger,Anthony Middleton, Eleesha Drennan,Jo Fong, Tim Casson, Joss Arnott andKristina and Sadé Alleyne.

Over the next year we will welcomesome excellent new teachers, as wellas some brilliant returning artists. Wewill also hold specialised workshopsfor dancers to delve into thetechniques and styles.

For more informationvisit www.prodanceleeds.comor [email protected]

Twitter: @ProDanceLeeds

Yorkshire Dance invites you to...

a conversation on quality in youth dance

performance & choreography

15photo: Dance United Yorkshire Performance Company at Fresh 2015 © Brian Slater

Fri 23 Sep 2016, 2pm – 4pm

Yorkshire Dance, Leeds3 St Peter’s Buildings, St Peter’s Square, LS9 8AH


[email protected]

This interactive, free session will provide an opportunity to discussand explore what quality looks like in youth dance performanceand choreography.

As part of our ongoing development for the regional youth dance showcase,Fresh, we are opening up a conversation and we would like to invite artists,group leaders, teachers and decision-makers to join us.

Yorkshire Dance Registered 2319572 EnglandRegistered Charity No. 701624 VAT No. 418 0193 70

Finding Yorkshire Dance

Yorkshire Dance3 St Peter’s BuildingsSt Peter’s SquareLeeds, LS9 8AH

Yorkshire Dance is in the culturalquarter of Leeds city centre,opposite the BBC and Leeds Collegeof Music, next to Northern Ballet &Phoenix Dance Theatre, over theroad from the bus station and 15minutes’ walk from the train station.





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Join The Collective...two new, improved membershipsfor dance artists at Yorkshire Dance

Standard£50 / concessions £30 per year• Up to 50 hours’ free studio space per year • E-bulletins • Free equipmenthire • One-to-one advice session • Residency opportunities • Discountsand offers on training, events, conferences and performances

Plus£100 / concessions £60 per yearAll the benefits of Standard, plus...• Unlimited free Standby Space • Three one-to-one advice sessions •Opportunity to curate a performance, workshop or event with a £1000budget • Free professional contemporary class • 3hr training session onlighting & sound or marketing • One facilitated Critical Response Processfeedback session

For more detailed description of these benefits, visitwww.yorkshiredance.com/professional/the-collective