Yorkie Wagging Tales

Yorkie Wagging Tales Yorkshire Terriers Club of Gauteng Magazine December 2012


Yorkshire Terrier Club of Gauteng Magazine

Transcript of Yorkie Wagging Tales

  • Yorkie Wagging Tales Yorkshire Terriers Club of Gauteng Magazine

    December 2012

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    in this issue BREED TALES 6 Colour 8 Breed Standard CARING & REARING TALES 10 PRA-prcd testing 28 Liver shunt CHATTING TALES 5 Quotes from yorkie lovers GROOMING TALES 13 Wrapping 17 Taking care of a yorkie coat OUT AND ABOUT TALES 20 History 26 Showcasing the results of members SWAGGING TALES 25 Photo competition


    Rigair Marshal Gzada #1 Yorkshire Terrier 2012

    as per Animaltalk Top 100 rating

    KUSA National Showdog of the Year

    Editors: Rene Potgieter, Carol Campbell and Francesca Dalla Vecchia Editorial Contributors in this issue: Beate Ackermann Heidi Rolfes Henritte van der Zwaan Dr Tim Hepplestone Design and Layout: Ornella Trinco Dictum Publishers Advertising: Rene Potgieter and Carol Campbell [email protected] Subscription: Yorkshire Terrier Club of Gauteng [email protected] Yorkie Wagging Tales welcomes your input. Please send your contribution for the next issue of Yorkie Wagging Tales to: [email protected] The views or opinions expressed in this magazine or content of advertisements are those of the contributors and correspon-dents concerned and do not reflect the views of the Yorkshire Terrier Club Of Gauteng, the editors or publisher, who do not accept responsibility for errors of interpretation or fact in subject matter or advertisements contained herein. Advertisements are inserted in the form received from advertisers. Where these include descriptions of dogs and are at variance with the recognised description or make as to its achievements, the editors, published and Yorkshire Terrier Club of Gauteng do not hold themselves responsible.

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    Muttering about. Welcome to the first issue of Yorkie Wagging Tales.

    The Yorkshire Terrier Club of Gauteng was formed in the beginning 2011. We endeavour to protect the breed

    and breed standard; to promote and encourage quality in the breed; and to educated the public, breeders and


    The club feels very strongly about the colours of Yorkshire Terriers . There is only one correct colour combina-

    tion for a Yorkshire Terrier according to the breed standard. People who are breeding and selling anything differ-

    ent, advertised as rare or exotic are compromising the gene pool and exploiting the breed. There should be only

    one reason to breed, and that is to continuously improve the breed, according to the standard. It is not for profit,

    or personal gain, it is purely for the love of the breed. Puppy buyers please be aware of what a Yorkshire Ter-

    rier should be, and ensure that you purchase your puppy from a reputable breeder. Please do not be fooled by

    terms such as rare and exotic, for if these breeders really cared about the breed they would not be producing

    these incorrect colour combinations, and charging a premium for them.

    In this issue we are covering various tales under breed; grooming; caring and rearing; out and about. Hope you

    will enjoy these articles. Thank you to the contributors.

    We received a big entry for the photo competition. They were all winners but unfortunately Pat de Coning had to

    choose only one winner. The winning photo and some of the photos that she short listed can be seen on the

    swagging tales pages. The winning photo will receive a hamper of Wampum products kindly sponsored by Heidi

    Rolfes from Wampum products. Get your cameras ready for the next issues competition. Also read the tips on

    how to photograph a new puppy in tail-end.

    Please send your letters to be included in the chatting tales for the next issue to [email protected]. The win-

    ning letter will receive a hamper sponsored by Wampum products.

    Let us know what you would like to see in future issues.

    Ren Potgieter Carol Campbell Francesca Della Vecchia

    Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary

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    why is yorkies so popular...

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    Over the past 5 years, the highest number

    of registrations of all the breeds has been

    the Yorkshire Terrier. The popularity of the

    breed unfortunately has resulted that there

    are people out there who only breed for the

    quantity and not to produce quality, healthy


    Reputable breeders have a big responsibil-

    ity to protect their breed and their breed

    standard. They invest time to do research,

    to gain knowledge about their breed before

    commencing breeding. They should make

    sure that they reduce the chances of pro-

    ducing offsprings with inherited disorders.

    Good breeders also need to know as much

    as possible about any health or genetic dis-

    orders in the pedigrees of the dogs they are

    breeding so they can avoid doubling up on

    any genetic concerns that may be present

    in the pedigrees of both parents. It is seen

    more and more that people are breeding

    dogs with colours Chocolate, Brown, Liver,

    Gold just to name a few. One of the out-

    standing characteristic of an adult Yorkshire

    Terrier is its long dark steel blue and tan

    silky coat. This is also the only recognised

    colour combination according to the breed

    standard. Every responsible breeder

    should strive to avoid breeding incorrectly

    coloured yorkies, as it could be a genetic

    defect that my affect the dogs health.

    Some of the health problems that might oc-

    cur, include but are not limited to, are col-

    our dilution alopecia, severe skin problems,

    allergies, total hair loss and in some cases

    long-term illness.

    These undesirable colours can at times ap-

    pear because of genetics. Let us explain

    some of the basics. A Yorkshire Terrier is

    born Black & Tan (B/T) but as the puppy

    matures the coat should change from an all

    black body to the trademark dark steel blue

    by the time he is an adult. The coat may

    begin to change colour any time after 8

    weeks. Some people believe that early

    breakers tend to have a lighter blue, how-

    ever this is not the case. We have seen

    dogs break blue by 12 weeks and stay an

    extremely dark blue all their lives, there are

    also dogs that broke their colour much later

    and they became far lighter than the pre-

    ferred steel blue. As for the tan this should

    be a rich golden tan that keeps darkening,

    up to about the age of 3 years. The correct

    colour for the Yorkshire Terrier should al-

    ways be steel blue and tan or steel blue

    and gold as an adult.

    When it comes to genetics there is always

    some confusion, often people assume that

    black is a dominant colour in Yorkies. Per

    Malcolm Willis' "Genetics of the Dog" the

    genetic makeup of a Yorkshire Terrier is B/

    T, which is a recessive colour to black, it is

    not a matter of simple dominant black. B/T

    is the only gene the Yorkie should be carry-

    ing for pattern, the blue colouring is created

    at another loci altogether. Whereas a solid

    black dog carries the genes AA or A, the B/

    T carries a(s)a(s), which is the B/T with a

    saddle. Anytime an upper case letter is

    shown that's the dominant gene and the

    lower case is the recessive. a(s)a(s) shows

    this as a recessive colour. As we proceed

    remember the Yorkie is a B/T dog, but

    since we are talking about achieving blue

    colour vs black colour, for ease of writing

    and understanding we will drop off the tan.

    What creates the trademark steel blue in

    the Yorkie is achieved only if they are carry-

    ing the Graying gene. Now geneticists refer

    to it as graying, but in our breed we call it

    the achieved colour blue. This is the gene

    that affects the blue colour on breeds that

    are born one colour and turn blue later in

    life. GG will give you a blue dog and Gg will

    give you a blue dog, but is carrying the re-

    cessive for non blueing and gg will give you

    a black dog, as this is the non blueing gene.

    Some confusion comes from people not

    understanding how they get a black soft

    coated dog from a breeding of two blue silk

    dogs. If you are breeding together two dogs

    that are both Gg then they are both carrying

    the recessive gene for non blueing and if

    the two gg genes for non blueing get to-

    gether it will result in a black dog. When the


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    dog is Gg, the dog will be blue as the dominant gene

    is G which is what causes the colour blue and will

    exhibit that colour. When the dog is gg, the only

    gene they have is the non blueing gene, so they also

    can only exhibit that colour which will be the black

    colour. Dogs that are born blue carry the dilute gene

    of dd, which should also not be in the Yorkshire Ter-

    rier breed, although that is what would cause the

    Blue born puppies.

    When you breed together two Gg dogs, your

    chances of mostly blue dogs is very good. Since the

    dogs in question are blue dogs as they are Gg, G

    being the dominant and the dogs exhibit that colour,

    but carrying the g which is a recessive they are able

    to pass that recessive on to the resulting puppies

    from the mating. The chances of the g sperm from

    one dog getting with the g egg from the other are not

    going to be really high but it will occur. Most times

    the G of one will end up with the g of the other and

    you still end up with a blue dog. Not to say that the

    odds are not against you and you end up with a litter

    of soft coated black puppies. We all know from

    breeding dogs that nothing holds true 100%.

    Many people breed their black Yorkies, because

    they feel they have many benefits.

    This is fine, but it is best to only breed one to a blue

    dog. Keep in mind that the blue colour is dominant

    here and the black recessive. A black dog can only

    throw a recessive gene and if bred to another black

    dog the resultant puppies will also be black.

    Here is an example of a Brussels Griffon litter. The

    breeder bred two rough coated Griffs together. She

    knew the sire had a smooth parent which meant he

    was carrying the recessive smooth gene. In 6 gen-

    erations on the bitches pedigree there was no

    smooth coat and therefore assumed she didn't carry

    the smooth gene. When the pups were born there

    were 2 smooths out of 3. So the bitch was carrying a

    recessive that was passed along for at least 7 gen-

    erations unseen and finally popped up under the

    right circumstances. The same can be true of blue

    silk dogs. You can breed along for many generations

    assuming you have locked in the colour and texture,

    until one day out pops a black soft coated puppy.

    The recessives were there hiding within those two

    parents and finally came together.

    Recessive genes are wonderful if they're for the

    quality you want. In two generations you can totally

    lock something in your line (such as long hair). The

    problem can be with dominants, you can breed for it,

    but you almost always have to continue breeding for

    it or those little recessives keep sneaking in there.

    As mentioned with the Brussels Griffon story, they

    can be passed along for many generations before

    they actually appear or get the chance to appear.

    The density of the shade of blue can be bred for, by

    selecting dark steel blue whenever possible. This

    does seem to be a quality that you can lock into with

    fairly much regularity. As with all the other things in

    breeding dogs though, when you expect something,

    always be prepared for something else.

    A responsible breeder will not intentionally breed for

    undesirable traits. On very rare occasions, a

    breeder will have a puppy born with a colour which

    could be brown. These puppies should be spayed

    or neutered and placed in a pet home. DNA testing

    should be done to see who the carrier of the incor-

    rect gene is and those dogs should not be use for

    breeding again.

    To assist responsible breeders KUSA in future will

    include on all new printings of registrations for York-

    shire Terriers, the colour as declared by the owner

    not only for the dog in questions, but for its parents

    and grand parents. We believe this may help the

    situation in that people will be aware if a colour is not

    one accepted by the breed standard.

    A breeder should not sell or promote the dogs of

    such deviations in colours as desirable, exotic or



    Cher Hildebrand

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    yorkshire terrier breed standard GENERAL APPEARANCE

    Long-coated, coat hanging quite straight and evenly down each side, a

    parting extending from nose to end of tail. Very compact and neat,

    carriage very upright conveying an important air. General outline

    conveying impression of vigorous and well proportioned body.


    Alert, intelligent toy terrier.


    Small, V-shaped, carried erect, not too

    far apart, covered with short hair, colour

    very deep, rich tan.


    Spirited with even



    Dark steel blue (not silver

    blue) , extending from occiput

    to root of tail, never mingled

    with fawn, bronze or dark

    hairs. Hair on chest rich,

    bright tan. All tan hair darker

    at the roots than in middle,

    shading to still lighter at tips.


    Perfect, regular and complete

    scissor bite i.e. upper teeth closely

    overlapping lower teeth and set

    square to the jaws. Teeth well

    placed with even jaws


    Hair on body moderately long,

    perfectly straight (not wavy), glossy;

    fine silky texture, not woolly. Fall on

    head long, rich golden tan, deeper in

    colour at sides of head, about ear

    roots and on muzzle where it should

    be very long. Tan on head not to

    extend on to neck, nor must any sooty

    or dark hair intermingle with any of

    tan. SIZE

    Weight up to 3.2 kgs (7 lbs).


    Well laid shoulders, legs

    straight, well covered with

    hair of rich golden tan, a few

    shades lighter at ends than

    at roots, not extending

    higher on forelegs than



    Medium, dark, sparking with sharp

    intelligent expression and placed to look

    directly forward. Not prominent. Edge of

    eyelids dark.

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    Rather small and flat, not too prominent or round

    in skull, nor too long in muzzle; black nose.


    Compact with moderate spring of rib, good loin. Level back.


    Free with drive; straight action

    front and behind, retaining level



    Good reach.


    Round; nails



    Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.


    Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and

    the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in

    exact proportion to its degree and its effect on health & welfare of the dog.


    Customarily docked to

    medium length with plenty

    of hair, darker blue in

    colour than rest of body,

    especially at the end of

    tail. Carried a little higher

    than level of back.


    Legs quite straight when

    viewed from behind,

    moderate turn of stifle. Well

    covered with hair of rich

    golden tan, a few shades

    lighter at ends than at

    roots, not extending higher

    on hindlegs than stifles. Booth Photography

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    PRA-prcd testing for yorkshire terriers in south africa

    Inqaba Biotec was established in 2001 by South African, Swiss and American scientists. The

    main service areas of this genetic laboratory are oligonucleotide synthesis and DNA sequencing.

    Our clients include universities and other research institutions. Inqaba has since grown in leaps

    and bounds and during 2009 expanded to provide animal genetic testing. Canine genetic disease

    testing was the first area explored as there was no local service provider. One of the tests offered

    is PRA-prcd, an eye disorder that occurs in Yorkshire terriers, amongst other breeds.

    PRA-prcd is caused by a single base pair substitution in the PRCD gene on the canine chromo-

    some 9 and the mode of inheritance is autosomal recessive. This mutation alters the reading

    frame of the gene and could ultimately lead to blindness. The test indicates the genetic profile of

    the gene and classifies the dog as clear, carrier or affected for the causative mutation. A clear

    dog carries no mutant copies of the gene, will not display the symptoms of the disease and will

    not pass the mutant copy to its offspring. A carrier dog has one copy of the mutant gene and one

    wild type copy. This dog will not display the symptoms of the disease but may pass the mutant

    copy to its offspring. The third category is affected dogs and these dogs have a greater probability

    to display the symptoms of the disease (although not all will go blind), and will pass the mutant

    copy to its offspring.

    Breeders should utilize results of the genetic test as a tool to improve their breeding lines. Pref-

    erably all mating should be performed between two clear dogs. In the case that a dog is a carrier

    or affected for the causative mutation but carries other desirable traits to be manifested in the

    continued breeding line, different mating scenarios could be considered (refer to Table 1). For

    example, a dog that carries the PRA-prcd mutation with other desirable traits could be mated to a

    clear dog and each puppy will have a 50% chance to be clear and a 50% chance to be a carrier.

    These puppies should then be tested and in return be mated to clear animals and thereby leading

    to the subsequent eradication of the mutation from the lines. It must be stressed that a mating

    between two carriers should be avoided at all cost, as affected puppies can be born from this


    Table 1: Possible breeding scenarios

    Parent 1 genotype

    Parent 2 genotype

    Normal Carrier Affected

    Clear All Clear 50% Clear

    50% Carrier

    All carriers

    Carrier 50% Clear

    50% Carrier

    25% Affected

    25% Clear

    50% Carrier

    50% Affected

    Affected All Carrier 50% Carrier

    50% Affected

    All Affected




















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    The price structure of the test is indicated in Table 2. When testing one or two dogs the price is R456 (incl Vat)

    each, and we offer a 15% discount when testing 3 7 dogs, and 30% discount when testing 8 or more dogs.

    We also offer a courier service that will collect any number of samples from anywhere in South Africa at a price

    of R57 (incl Vat).

    Table 2: Price structure of the PRA-cord1 test

    Number of dogs tested Price for each dog (incl VAT)

    1 or 2 R456

    3 7 R388

    8 or more R320

    We offer two sampling methods. Firstly 1-2 ml whole blood can be collected by the owners veterinarian and

    sent to us via courier. We can arrange the courier to collect the sample from the veterinarians practise. The

    second method is the use of FTA filter papers. We send the owner the papers together with a needle and full

    instructions via registered post. The owner can take the sample themselves. The dogs ear is pricked and one

    or two drops of blood are blotted on the paper. The paper is then sent back to us via mail or courier. For more

    information please contact Henritte van der Zwan

    1 Oligonucleotide synthesis is the chemical synthesis of relatively short fragments of DNA with defined chemical structure (sequence). The technique is extremely useful in laboratory practice as it provides a rapid and inexpensive access to custom-made oligonucleotides of the desired sequence. (Ref: www.wikipedia.com)

    2 DNA sequencing refers to sequencing methods for deter-mining the order of the nucleotide bases in a molecule of DNA. (Ref: www.wikipedia.com)

    3 A mutation is the altering of the DNA sequence of a gene. The change in the sequence can be due to an insertion of nucleotides, deletion of nucleotides or single nucleotide substitutions.

    4 A gene is the basic unit of heredity. Each animal has two copies of each gene, one inherited from each parent. Dif-ferent variants of a gene are called alleles. A gene is al-ways found on the exact same place on the same chromo-some, and that place is called a locus.

    5 All DNA is packed into chromosomes. A dog has 39 chromosome pairs (one chromosome of each pair inher-ited from each parent). 38 pairs are autosomal or body chromosomes of which males and females have the same chromosomes. One pair is called sex-chromosomes of which males have one X and one Y chromosome and fe-males have two X chromosomes.

    6 Autosomal recessive means only one gene is involved and males and females are affected equally.

    7 The Wild type gene copy refers to the normal or healthy copy of the gene.

    Inqaba b io tec

    Henritte van der Zwaan

    [email protected]

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    Showing your own Yorkshire Terrier can bring great pleasure and satisfaction.

    Whether in the regular classes, or perhaps even in the junior handling class (for the younger

    members of the family), this is something you and your whole family can enjoy.

    A Yorkshire Terrier with his coat in peak condition gorgeous ground length beard reflect-

    ing a golden three shaded tan, and brilliant steel-blue coat, belongs without a doubt to the

    most impressive stars at any dog show, anywhere in the world. It is little wonder that the

    Yorkshire Terrier always attracts more than its share of the publics interest at any exposi-


    About 10 years ago, it was decided in Germany that grooming (and all that went with it)

    should no longer be done at shows, in full view of the public. Irrespective of the reasons for

    this, or whether there was general agreement or disagreement, this is now a regulation.

    Of course, there are always two sides to every coin.

    While grooming in full view of other exhibitors and the public opens up criticism and fault

    finding with the techniques used, the downside is that newcomers to the breed can no

    longer learn by observing exhibitor-professionals, perhaps picking up some tips and tricks

    for their own use. This is to the detriment of the newcomers, as they are then at a disad-

    vantage. This leaves only one option: LEARNING BY TRYING AS YOU GO

    Please note that this commentary is not meant to be a speech in defence of wrapping!

    Remember, though, that top models, throughout their careers, undergo several extras to

    attain and preserve their beauty. If this beauty treatment makes our small stars shine, then

    wherein lies the problem? Wrapping is certainly not a hindrance to the Yorkie if anything,

    a wrapped yorkie is able to enjoy his life with total freedom!


    The fol lowing basic items wil l help you to help yourself!

    2 brushes (a real bristle brush & a brush with metal pins (rounded on top) for smooth combing through)

    1 metal comb with a wider and a finer side.

    1 very fine comb for the delicate hair round the muzzle (can be made from horn or metal)

    oil for wrapping for example: mink oil plus a spray bottle that is able to finely spray the oil

    wrapping paper - This paper must be free of acid and chlorine, and must be extremely soft. It can be purchased at the larger expositions and also special shops.

    Latex bands for fixing the wraps in place.














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    Every exhibitor has their own personal preferences, and every Yorkshire Terrier has

    individual needs. No two are the same. Therefore there is no single all round recipe


    Generally you should never put a dog in wraps unless he has been oiled.

    Only after our future wraps-candidate has had a thorough bath and has been com-

    pletely blow dried, can wrapping-oil be sprayed very lightly all over the coat. Do not

    spray on the skin, and take extra care around the eyes, nose, mouth and ears.

    Work the oil into the coat with the bristle brush. Once the oil has been evenly distrib-

    uted, you can begin with the wraps. Start at the head. The dog should lie down during

    this (which Yorkies mostly do).


    Using the metal comb, divide the hair into sections. The partings should be exact, tak-

    ing into account the anatomy of the dog, and the direction of the hair growth. Hold the

    parted hair portion and place the hair in the middle section of the wrapping paper,

    which will have been folded beforehand into three equal sections (diagram a). The two

    outer parts of the paper are then folded inwards, in order to seal the hair in (diagram b

    & c). The wrap is folded in half, so that the start and end meet (diagram d). Repeat this

    until there is a square package. The package is then fixed into place with a special

    band (diagram f).

    TIP: It is a good idea to fold the wrapping pa-pers before you start to wrap the dog

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    Start with 3 or 5 wraps. The head and tail are a

    good place to start. Once your dog is totally com-

    fortable in the wraps, you can begin to put the body

    hair into wraps. The dog should stand upright while

    the body wraps are done. Use the picture below to

    determine the partitions of the wraps, once again

    taking extreme care that the wraps do not interfere

    with the natural movement of the dog, either at play

    or at rest. When you are done, dont forget to give your

    Yorkie an extra treat or reward for his pa-

    tience! The wrappers must be removed and

    replaced when dirty, damaged or out of place,

    but completely new wraps should be done at

    least once or twice a week. Once you have

    mastered the art of wrapping a Yorkie coat,

    the procedure should not take longer than

    about 30 minutes. This is a small price to pay

    to achieve the coat that dreams are made of!

    The width of each package should be the

    same as the width of the parted hair. Special

    care must be taken when putting in the wraps

    that the dog does not feel restricted in his

    movement. (If the wraps restrict the movement

    of the dog, his coat will break)

    The only advice that we can offer to anybody

    new to this procedure is to practise the first

    few wrapping sessions under the watchful eye

    of an experienced exhibitor. Remember, also

    to allow your dog time to get used to this new

    experience. This is achieved by introducing

    the wraps step by step.

    Text page &





    first 1999,

    new 2003

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    Yorkshire Terriers are exceptionally popular pets. To behold them in their full glory, their long coats need daily care and attention. Life for their owners can also be made so much easier if they use the right products. Wampum has a range of products especially de-veloped for Yorkie coats (long or short). Let me explain, in order, how a Yorkie coat should be cared for.

    Rule Number 1: Never hurt a dog when grooming If you hurt a dog once, they will never lie still for you and it will make their groom-ing a taxing event for both you and the dog. Make the grooming like caressing so the dog starts to enjoy it and look for-ward to it.

    Rule Number 2: A dog must be bathed at least once in 10 days Clean coat grows. In addition, a Yorkie coat must be brushed through daily. Before a bath, all mats must be removed from the coat as they will con-tract on contact with water and it will become even more difficult to remove them. To do this, we suggest saturating the knots with Wampum Silk Spray or Wampum Miracle Spray (Double strength), leaving this in for a minute, and then teasing the knots apart with a face comb. Always hold the knot firmly next to the skin when you work at it so as not to hurt the dog when you pull hairs. Once the knot has been teased sideways, use a pin brush or soft slicker brush, work AWAY from the skin of the dog, and in straight lines perpendicular to the skin, try to brush the knot out. Then repeat the process. Pull the knot apart parallel to the skin of the dog with the face comb, then take the pin brush or soft slicker and work in straight lines away from the skin of the dog.

    Rule Number 3: A slicker brush

    may never touch the skin of the dog. Work away from the skin, hold the hair on your fingers, work against your own hand and fingers. If you cannot do this, do not use a slicker brush.

    THE BATH Before you start:

    Take a Wam-

    pum Dilution

    Bottle and dilute

    100ml of Wam-

    pum Condition-

    ing Shampoo

    C o n c e n t r a t e

    with 400ml of

    luke-warm wa-


    Take another

    Wampum Dilu-

    tion bottle and prepare a rinse of 25ml

    Wampum Conditioning Rinse Concen-

    trate into 500ml of warm water.

    Step 1: Set diluted Shampoo and Conditioner down next to the bath. Place the dog on a secure rubber mat in the bath. Rinse through the coat with luke-warm wa-ter. Apply the diluted shampoo and work through the coat. Rinse very well until all shampoo residue has been rinsed from the coat. Apply the conditioning rinse by squirting it through the coat with the dilu-tion bottle. DO NOT RINSE THIS OUT! Wrap the dog in a dry towel and dry it out. Take a second dry towel, re-move the wet towel, wrap the dog in the new dry towel and move to the blow dryer.

    Step 2:

    Lie the dog down on your lap (or on the

    taking care of a yorkie coat

  • 18

    table in front of you, whatever you prefer). Open

    the towel to the first section you want to dry. Keep

    the rest of the dog wrapped in the dry towel to keep

    it warm. Take a section of coat, mist it well with

    Wampum Miracle Spray. Using a pin brush, blow

    dry the coat in sections, brushing in the direction

    you want the hair to lie. Once a section is com-

    pletely dry, feel through it carefully with a large

    comb. Continue until the dog is completely

    dry. Stand the dog up on the table, on a secure

    rubber mat, make the parting and brush through to

    check the coat is dry everywhere. Now lie the dog

    facing you, down on the table with its head on a

    small pillow. Use the face comb to do the top knot

    and secure it with a soft elastic band.

    Now we check teeth and apply Wampum Antibacte-

    rial mouth spray. Then check ears, nails and do a

    little trimming if required.

    If your Yorkie has a particularly difficult coat, you

    can apply Wampum Silk Spray to the coat when dry-

    ing (at the same time as applying the Miracle Spray

    (Double Strength). It will make the coat slightly oily

    but will prevent matting on woolly coats.

    If you do this properly, you will not have any knots

    before the next bath.

    For daily face cleaning we use Wampum Self

    Rinse Shampoo. Wet the whiskers under the eyes

    carefully with a cotton wool ball soaked in Wam-

    pum Self Rinse Shampoo. Wait a minute for any

    hard bits to soften. Then use the face comb to re-

    move them. Now comb and dry the whiskers, or let

    them dry naturally.

    Wampums recommended list of products: 1 x Wampum Conditioning Shampoo Concentrate 1 x Wampum Conditioning Rinse Concentrate 2 x Wampum Dilution Bottles 1 x Wampum Miracle Spray (Double Stength) 1 x Wampum Silk Spray (OPTIONAL) 1 x Wampum small or medium pin brush 1 x Wampum Face comb 1 x Wampum Greyhound comb 1 x Wampum Small soft slicker brush (OPTIONAL) 1 x Wampum Self Rinse Shampoo These products (and many others) can all be seen and ordered at www.wampum.co.za Happy grooming!

    Heidi Rolfes





  • 19

  • 20

    yorkshire terriers in

    south africa

    Yorkshire Terriers became the most

    popular breed in South Africa for more

    than 10 years. Unfortunately the

    breeds popularity is causing indis-

    criminate breeding. Many breeders

    are only interested in the puppies they

    are going to sell and not to improve

    the breed and breed to the breed stan-


    The Yorkshire Terrier Club of Gauteng

    was formed in February 2011 by a

    group of interested people in the York-

    shire Terrier breed. The main objec-

    tive to protect the breed and KUSA

    approved breed standard; to promote

    and encourage quality in the breed

    and to educate the public, breeders,

    judges and veterinarians. The York-

    shire Terrier Club is the only Yorkshire

    Club in South Africa that is affiliated to


    Research covering the last 30 years

    has shown that only two Yorkshire

    Terriers that won Best in Show at an

    All Breed champions show in South

    Africa, Durrers Classical Masterpiece

    and Rigair Marshal Gzada .

    Before we introduce you to some of

    the statistics of the current Yorkshire

    Terrier in the show ring, we have to

    mention the mentors and breeders

    who have laid the foundations for the

    current breeders and exhibitors.

    Eric and Di Dunstan from Mount-

    morris Kennels began to show in the

    1960s. They imported from Yadnum,

    Progresso and Johnstounburn Ken-

    nels and were on of the leading ken-

    nels in South Africa. Ch Typros Devil

    May Care was a consistent winner. He

    also went BIS in 1985 at the Pretoria Toy

    Dog Breeders Club Show. Ch Progresso

    Golden Sunset sired at least 9 champions.

    Di Dunstan made up 21 Champions over

    the years before retiring from the show


    After having shown locally bred Yorkies in

    the late '60's, a small kennel named Graelor

    was founded by Lorraine Coleman during

    the 70's and based on imports from Dee-

    bees, Beechrise & Astolat lines, their prog-

    eny becoming Champions. The most well

    known import was SA CH Deebees Princess

    Florinda. Later Graelor introduced the Ozmil-

    ion line & combined with Deebees produced

    more SA Champions.

    Gwen Measham was a winner in the show

    ring for many years with her dogs from

    Streamglen and Dundry kennels.

    Sandra Braude from Regent Kennels

    was also another well-know name in the

    1970s and 1980s. She imported from the

    Ozmilion line.

    Connie Suddaby from Pennylane Ken-

    nels immigrated to South Africa in 1972

    with her two Yorkies and a Bearded Collie.

    Connie does not show anymore but she is

    regularly ring stewarding at Championship


    Stella Parks from Porchester Kennels first

    imported David Stroud, Mastrouds kennels

    and later imported dogs during the 80 from

    Ronny Engelen (of Millmoor).

    Liz Edmonds from Hlalala Kennels im-

    ported Swedish Ch Footprints memory make

    who quickly became a South African cham-


  • 21

    Johann Bosch and Dave Keytel were the owners

    of the Vihoven Kennel. Johann was one of the best

    handlers. He has done very well with Ch

    Primnproper of Petituchien who was a grandson of

    Ozmilion Hearts delight imported by Ellen Parkin

    from Petituchien Kennels. Ch. Primnproper of Peti-

    tunchien was the top Yorkshire Terrier in 1990, 1991

    and 1992. Johann also imported from Ozmilion. In

    1994 Johan campaigned Ozmilion My Flirtation with

    Vihoven and missed being Top Toy that year by one


    The following are some of prestigious events where

    yorkies have excelled:

    The Dog of the Year: Ch Vihoven Might Max,

    a son of the famous Ch Primnproper of Peti-

    tunchien, bred by Johann Bosch was awarded

    6th place in 1996 at this prestigious event.

    KUSA National Yorkshire Terrier: The winners

    of event in the past 11 years were:

    2001 Durrers Copyright at Barker

    2002 Brolea Creative Dream

    2003 Jankeri Ambassaor of Yorkems

    2004 Brolea Royal Ambition

    2005 Hassendean Royal Addition of Brolea

    2006 Brolead Royal Ambition

    2007 Xamners Africandream

    2008 Durrers Classical Masterpiece

    2009 Durrers Classical Masterpiece

    2010 Naomy of Padawis with Brolea

    2011 Naomy of Padawis with Brolea

    2012 Naomy of Padawis with Brolea

    Two yorkies had to honour be the KUSA

    National Toy Dog. In 2008 it was awarded

    to Durrers Classical Masterpiece and in

    2010 to Naomy of Padawi with Brolea.

    The winner of the Toy Group at the Supa 7s

    in 2011 was Durrers Classical Masterpiece.

    The following Yorkies also featured in the KUSA Showdog of the Year ratings:





    Name Owner Points

    Rigair Marshal Gzada Potgieter/Durrer/Rodionova 80

    Naomy of Padawis with Brolea Brown 20

    Name Owner Points

    Durrers Classical Masterpiece Potgieter 37

    Naomy of Padawis with Brolea Brown 24

    Name Owner Points

    Durrers Classical Masterpiece Potgieter 60

    Name Owner Points

    Durrers Classical Masterpiece Potgieter 37

  • 22

    Durrers Classical Masterpiece was the Top Toy in the The Animaltalk

    Top 100 rating in 2008. Here are the statistics for the Yorkshire Terriers

    featured in the past 6 years:









    6 Rigair Marshal Gzada

    48 Naomy of Padawis with Brolea



    18 Durrers Classical Masterpiece

    36 Naomy of Padawis with Brolea



    21 Durrers Classical Masterpiece



    48 Durrers Classical Masterpiece

    86 Durrers Vibrant



    16 Durrers Classical Masterpiece



    97 Durrers Classical Masterpiece

  • 23

    The Showdogs Breed Leaderbaord is a rating system that recognises consistent achieve-

    ment at breed level. The Yorkshire Terrier Leaderboard:




    The following kennels are currently actively involved in showing their Yorkshire Terriers:

    Bellmoral Yorkies (Tyrone Goode)

    Brolea Yorkshire Terriers (Pam Brown)

    Celaeno Yorkies (Madeleine Anderson)

    Countryblu Yorkshire Terriers (Carol Campbell)

    DargentoYorkies (Francesca Dalla-Vecchia )

    Demlyn Yorkshire Terriers (Cheryl Lynne Ellis)

    Enrichetta Yorkshire Terriers (Ansa de Jager)

    Janivie Yorkies (Janine Visser)

    Maupe YorkshireTerriers (Pamela Pelser)

    Treu Vision (Selina Vickerman-Prince)

    Xamner Yorkshire Terriers (Rene Potgieter)

    Yorkems Yorkshire Terriers (Louise Powell)

    Name Owner Points






    Name Owner Points










    Name Owner Points


  • 24

  • 25














    the shortlist:



    Pat de Coning

    Prize for the




    By Wampum


    and the winner is .






    Liam Liam


  • 26


    the results of members during 2012

    Countryblu Exclusive Jewel Owner: Carol Campbell

    2 x CC (Goldfields KC & Roodepoort KC)

    Countryblu Indigo Magic Owner: Carol Campbell

    5 x CC (Jubilee Toy Dog Club, Northern Tshwane KC, East London KC, Port Rex KC, KUSA, ) 1 x RCC (Pretoria Toy Dog Breeders Club)

    Countryblu Just a Jester Owner: Carol Campbell

    1 x Best of Breed (Pretoria KC) 4 x CC (Vereeniging & Districts KC, Pretoria KC, Wit-watersrand KC, Eastern District KC)

    1 x RCC (Transvaal Midlands KC)

    Countryblu on the Cat-walk Owner: Carol Campbell

    5 x CC (Pretoria KC, Queenstown KC, Grahamstown KC, Sasolburg KC, TKC KC) 8 x RCC (Transvaal Midlands KC, Northern Tshwane KC, East London KC, Port Rex KC, KUSA, KZN Junior KC, Northern Natal KC, Roodepoort KC, )

    Enrichetta Ariel Atom of Janivie Owner: Janine Visser

    2 x CC (George KC, Outeniqua KC) 3 x RCC (Breede Rivier KC, Western Province KC, Hotten-tots KC)

    Enrichetta Good Luck Charm of Janivie Owner: Janine Visser

    2 x CC (Breede Rivier Vallei KC, Western Province KC) 1 x RCC (Cape Town KC)

    Enrichetta True Blue Love Owner: Ansa de Jager

    4 x Best Puppy (Queenstown KC, Grahamstown KC, Breede Rivier Vallei KC, Victory Toy Dog Club)

    5 x RCC (Queenstown KC, Grahamstown KC, Breede Rivier Vallei KC, Victory Toy Dog Club, Hottentots Holland KC)

    Foolish Love V.H. Polan-erduin Owner: Ansa de Jager

    3 x RCC (Kennel Association, Liesbeek KC, Outeniqua KC)

    Georgy Girl de la PamPommeraie Owner: Ren Potgieter

    2 x Best Puppy (Transvaal Midlands KC & Witwatersrand KC)

    1 x CC (Transvaal Midlands KC) 2 x RCC (Walmer & Suburban KC, Port Elizabeth KC)

    Heidi Orlando Island Onwner: Ansa de Jager

    2 x Best Puppy (George KC, Outeniqua KC)

    Maupa Lady Liz Owner: Pamela Pelser

    2 x Best Puppy (Western Gauteng KC, KUSA ) 1 x RCC (Sasolburg KC)

    Maupa Rango Owner: Pamela Pelser

    4 x Best Puppy (Port Elizabeth KC, Junior KC, Natal Toy Dog Club, Durban & District KC) 5 x RCC (Durban & District, Natal Toy Dog Club, KUSA, Western Gauteng KC, Uitenhage KC

  • 27

    Nicnaks Drummer Boy Owner: Carol Campbell

    7 x Winners Dog (3 x Seaway KC, 2 x Arnprior Canine Asso-ciation, 2 x Aurora & District KC, ) 4 x Best of Winners (Seaway KC, Arnprior Canine Associa-tion, 2 x Aurora & District KC) 5 x RCC (Goldfields KC, Roodepoort KC, Queenstown KC, Gra-hamstown KC, Sasolburg KC)

    Rigair Marshal Gzada Owners: Rene Potgieter, Betty Anne Durrer, Ilonoa Rodionova)

    2 x Best in Show (Witwatersrand KC and Queenstown KC) 1 x Reserve Best in Show (Grahamstown & District KC) 10 x Best in Group (Transvaal Midlands KC, Witwatersrand KC, Western Gauteng KC, East London KC, Port Rex KC, George KC, KZN Junior KC, Roodepoort KC, Queenstown KC, Grahamstown KC)

    29 x Best of Breed (Kennel Association, Liesbeek KC, Ver-eeniging & Dist KC, Transvaal Midlands KC, Witwatersrand KC, Port Elizabeth KC, Walmer and Suburban KC, Toy Dog Breeders Association, Pretoria Toy Dog Breeders Club, Western Gauteng KC, East London KC, Port Rex KC, FCI Africa International Show, George KC, Outeniqua KC, Junior KC of Gauteng, Durban & Dis-trict KC, Pietermaritzburg KC, KwaZulu Junior KC, Zululand KC, Northern Natal KC, Roodepoort & District KC, Queenstown KC, Grahamstown & District KC, Sasolburg JC, TKC FCI International, TKC KC, Breede Rivier KC, Western Province KC)

    5 x Reserve Best of Breed (Uitenhage KC, Highway KC, Na-tal Toy Dog Club, KUSA, SALKA)

    2 x CACIB (FCI Africa International Show, TKC FCI Interna-tional)

    Xamner Vibrant Banjo Owner: Rene Potgieter

    1 x Reserve Best of Breed (Kennel Association) 2 x Best Puppy (Kennel Association, Liesbeek ) 2 x CC (Kennel Association, Liesbeek KC)

    E &OE

  • 28

    The term liver shunts is an old term used

    to refer to a variety of blood vessel abnor-

    malities. These so called shunts are now

    termed porto systemic vascular anomalies

    (PSVA). The Yorkshire terriers have been

    reported to be predisposed to PSVAs with

    studies showing that they have a risk of

    having a PSVA that is 35.9 times more

    breeds put together.


    Figure . Diagram illustrating single

    shunt outside the liver. i.e. extra-


    In the normal dog blood from the intestine

    flows through the liver before entering the

    general circulation. In the liver potential

    toxins are removed, nutrients are taken up

    for metabolic purposes such as production

    of proteins, glucose and blood clotting fac-

    tors. In an animal with a PSVA some of

    the blood from the intestine bypasses the

    liver (via the abnormal blood vessels) and

    enters the systemic circulation via the por-

    tal vein. As a result, multiple metabolic

    derangements can occur. Different types

    of shunts may be seen, varying from a sin-

    gle large abnormal blood vessel connect-

    ing the intestinal circulation with the sys-

    temic circulation (the most common for in

    the Yorkie), to multiple shunting blood

    vessels either outside or inside the liver

    tissue. Another form of shunting occurs at

    a microscopic level in a condition known

    as microvascular dysplasia (MVD). In

    dogs with MVD the abnormal communica-

    tions between intestinal and systemic

    communication occurs at a microscopi-

    cally. MVD may be present as an isolated

    condition or may be present along with

    other shunts.


    Probable the most devastating effects of a

    shunt are those that occur in the brain-

    what we refer to as hepatic encephalopa-

    thy (HE).

    Hepatic encephalopathy refers to a com-

    plex neurophsychiatric syndrome that is

    seen when liver function is compromised.

    Neurotoxic compounds that are normally

    filtered by the liver can have a dramatic

    effect on the central nervous system as

    well as other organs. Over 20 different

    compounds have been found to be ele-

    vated in patients with compromised liver

    function. Of these ammonia is probably

    the most important because increases in

    ammonia levels trigger the events leading

    up to hepatic encephalopathy in rats, hu-

    mans and dogs. Other compounds of im-

    portance include fatty acids and endoge-

    nous benzodiazepams (similar to valium).

    Other effects include chronic liver failure

    and bladder stone development due the

    precipitation of ammonia biurate crystals

    in the urine (related to the high blood am-

    monia levels).


    Symptoms most commonly begin before 1

    to 2 years of age (although can onset as

    late as 7 to 10 years).

    The three organ systems most com-

    monly affected are the central nervous




















    Hereditary conditions of the Yorkshire Terrier

    Liver shunt why the fuss?

  • 29

    system (CNS), intestinal tract and urinary system.

    CNS signs include a wobbly gait, behavioural abnor-

    malities, seizures, blindness and coma.

    Gastro-intestinal signs such as vomiting, inappe-

    tence and diarrhoea occur in about 30% of dogs.

    Occasionally ascites (build up of fluid in the abdo-

    men) may be seen. Up to 50% of dogs have signs

    related to bladder stones (bloody urine, straining to

    urinate or urinary tract obstruction.

    PSVAs may occur with other hereditary defects

    such as undescended testicles (cryptorchidism).


    Blood tests to evaluate liver function as well as analy-

    sis of urine samples often raise the suspicion of a

    shunt. In our experience the presence of ammonia

    biurate crystals in the urine and elevated serum bile

    acids in the blood are often the most reliable indica-

    tors that a shunt may be present.

    Definitive diagnosis of a shunt requires diagnostic im-

    aging. Several modalities may be used including ultra-

    sound scans, specialised x-ray techniques and more

    recently computed tomography (CT scan). Liver bi-

    opsy may be needed to detect MVD.


    The ideal treatment for a shunt is surgical attenuation

    of the abnormal vessel. This is most feasible in dogs

    with large, single vessel shunts. Recent develop-

    ments of surgical implants which slowly attenuate the

    shunt over a period of time seem to significantly re-

    duce complications. 70 to 90% of dogs with single ex-

    tra hepatic shunts can be expected to have an excel-

    lent outcome.

    Figure : Ameroid Constrictor device placed

    around shunting blood vessel.

    Medical management of shunts is often used to sta-

    bilise patients prior to surgery, or to treat patients

    where surgery is decline or not possible (e.g. MVD).

    Medications such as oral antacids, lactulose and

    metranidazole can significantly reduce symptoms in

    dogs with shunts.

    While surgical attenuation is undoubtedly the first

    choice, some dogs do achieve long term survival

    with good quality of life on medicines alone.

    Thoughts around breeding

    Recent research has shown that it is quite likely that

    many dogs with milder defects, and thus few, if any

    symptoms do exist. Therefore, while no universally

    accepted recommendations exist, a screening pro-

    gram to identify these dogs and remove them from

    the breeding pool could hold tremendous potential

    for reducing the incidence of these diseases.

    Screening tests such as serum bile acids (a routine

    blood test) represent a simple way of potentially

    identifying such dogs. Prof. Sharon Center and her

    colleagues at Cornell University are currently inves-

    tigating the possibility of identifying genetic markers

    for these illnesses. If they succeed we could poten-

    tially identify carriers of the abnormal genes by ana-

    lysing the DNA of a potential breeding dog, thus al-

    lowing for better genetic selection of our breeding

    dog population.

    Dr Tim


    BVSc (Hons).

  • 30

  • 31

    how to photograph a new puppy









    1. Remove film from box and load camera.

    2. Remove film box from puppys mouth and throw in trash.

    3. Remove puppy from trash and brush coffee grounds from muzzle.

    4. Choose a suitable background for photo.

    5. Mount camera on tripod and focus.

    6. Find puppy and take dirty sock from


    7. Place puppy in pre-focused spot and re-

    turn to camera.

    8. Forget about spot and crawl after puppy on


    9. Focus with one hand and fend off puppy with

    other hand.

    10.Get tissue and clean nose print from lens

    11.Take flash cube from puppys mouth and

    throw in trash.

    12.Put cat outside and put peroxide on the

    scratch on puppys nose

    13.Put magazines back on coffee table.

    14.Try to get puppys attention by squeaking toy

    over your head.

    15.Replace your glasses and check camera for


    16.Jump up in time to grab puppy by scruff of neck and say, No, out-

    side! No, outside

    17.Clean up mess.

    18.Fix a drink.

    19.Sit back in Lazy boy with drink and resolve

    to teach puppy sit and stay the first thing

    in the morning!


  • 32