Yoga Exercises for Huge Weight Loss

Yoga Exercises for Huge Weight Loss

Transcript of Yoga Exercises for Huge Weight Loss

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Yoga Exercises for Huge Weight Loss

Page 2: Yoga Exercises for Huge Weight Loss Yoga exercises meant for weight loss are best activity to try. Ensure that you stick to it and keep healthy diet. Yoga exercises that can be practiced include:

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1. Wind Releasing Pose: Lay down on the floor, and let your knees to the chest together, then take your hands in around them. Try raise your head up, ensuring you breath throughout.

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2. Cobra Pose Ensure your feet are level on the floor. Gently hold hands directly under your shoulders on the ground and push. This will going to raise the head and middle upwards.  Expand the space within your fingers while bringing the shoulder lower and reverse, and you will feel the the spine stretched. Breathe deeply while in the position then relax when you are in initial stance.

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3. Side Stretch Pose  A stance for raising heartbeat rate and burning the fats, you have to stand upright while spreading the legs apart. Turn your shoulder and the feet to right side and after that to left side. Proceed with this procedure with the other side, not neglecting to breath after you hold your breath in the activity.

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4. Warrior Pose

If you want to work your thighs, arms and the abdomen, you have to stand erect and turn both of your feet and abdominal area leftwards, ensuring that the closer foot is spread out to four or about five feet. Twist your outer knee while you keep your inner leg straight. Reach out the sky with the hands and turn the face to it.

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5. Bow Pose  Set down on the tummy with the knees bowed behind you so that you can reach them. Continue reaching them outwards with the stomach breathed in. You could have to try lifting upper body area with your shoulders out while doing this. Ensure you are relaxed all through the exercise.

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