Yoga and Dentistry IADS&YDW Congress in India … Yoga and Dentistry IADS&YDW...

100 Yoga and Dentistry IADS & YDW Congress in India Voluntary Work in Sudan YDW INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINE AIM 03 // 2011 ISSN 2192-046X

Transcript of Yoga and Dentistry IADS&YDW Congress in India … Yoga and Dentistry IADS&YDW...






Yoga and Dentistry

IADS&YDW Congress in India

Voluntary Work in Sudan



A I M 0 3 / / 2 0 1 1

ISSN 2192-046X

// editorial

02 // AIM 03

“You’ve got to follow yourpassion. You’ve got to figureout what it is you love—whoyou really are. And have thecourage to do that. I believethat the only courage anybodyever needs is the courage tofollow your own dream.”Oprah Winfrey

editorial // // 03

Dealing with life’s challenges...I washappy to be invited to be part of the YDWfamily one year ago and participate ac-tively in both issues of the AIM as memberof the editorial board. It is a pleasure towelcome you here in the name of my col-leagues from all over the world.

I decided to tell you about my new/old lifein the US. It has almost been a year sinceI decided to leave the old continent, Eu-rope, and moved to the US. Why? BecauseI wanted to try something different thanthe European Way and at the same timeexplore the American dental education sys-tem. After the wonderful experience insidethe European Dental Students’ Association,I knew that only an international city,where different cultures meet and blendtogether, would meet my expectations.That being said, I was lucky to be acceptedat New York University College of Dentistryto continue my education. Moving to the“Big Apple” with no friends and ready (ornot?!) to accept a new challenge was justthe start. Step by step, I started to getused to the city, achieve the university’srequirements and make new friends fromall over the world, feeling comfortableagain. Still, the trip was not over. I feltthat I could be more challenged by the re-search education possibilities offered bythe system, and the city has too many

temptations that won’t let me focus on myeducation—the purpose of my “trip” tothe US. So, the story goes on and after myinterview at Tufts University School ofDental Medicine—one of the top dentalschools in the world, I gladly accepted theidea to continue my education and start anew life again, this time in Boston.

It’s been just a little more than a monthsince I am discovering a new, different typeof city. The demanding program, missingmy friends are currently the new challengesI am facing, still I know that every begin-ning is difficult and only going throughtough moments will make the later resultsworth it. That being said, I encourage youto try the “American experience”!

Thank you all for reading my story and Ju-liane for giving me the opportunity toshare it!

Sincerely,Irina Dragan, Boston, MA.


// content

04 // AIM 03

p. 34, 58

p. 72p. 12

p. 46

content // // 05

Read about these countries in this edition.

p. 92

p. 50p. 28, 38, 68

p. 68

p. 15

p. 96

p. 20

p. 08

p. 64

p. 76

// content

06 // AIM 03


03 Editorial

08 International Speaker Development Program (ISDP)Dr. Mark Antal

12 Organized Dentistry as a Foundation for PracticeDr. Michael Meru

15 DentCoach 2011Richard C. Nap, Magdalena Maciejowska

20 A Dental Experience to Remember:International Dental Summer School 2011Esti Riyanda Astuti

28 The 58th IADS&YDW Annual World Dental Congress,New Dehli, IndiaIonut Luchian

34 Dental Summer 2011— Where young dentists in Germany meetJuliane Gnoth

38 Herbal medicines and dentistry: Herbs and TreatmentDr. Saurabh Lall and Dr. Anu Aggarwal

46 Yoga and DentistryDr. Rodrigo Venticinque

50 Occupational hazards in dentistry. An e-surveyRowan Mojaidel Almojaidel

// young scientists

// inside young dentists

// worldwide dental events

content // // 07

58 The dental foot controller—The devil is in the detailDr. Caroline Gerhard

64 Being a physician for some time at the MaldivesChristine Bellmann

68 The Orthodontic Program at the Hebrew University—Hadassah School of Dental Medicine in JerusalemDr. Chen Israeli-Tobias

72 Faculty of Medicine—Masaryk UniversityKaterina Miklišová

76 Dental Field Trips: Sudan Dental „Qafla“Mawada AmirNawaf

80 The Sonada ExperienceKarolina Radó

84 Interview with David Rieforth

86 Interview with Dr. Chandresh Shukla

90 Interview with Zsuzsanna Stefánia Radó

92 Interview with Risa Tamura

96 Interview with Berk Ozogul

98 Imprint

// global dental village

// faces of dentistry


// inside young dentists

08 // AIM 03

International Speaker DevelopmentProgram (ISDP)TEXT: Dr. Mark Antal, President of YDW

“Leading the world to optimal oral health.” This is a sentence that has been around

the globe for a while and has a meaning for every dentist. Taking FDI’s mission to

the dentists is the responsibility of the current members and stakeholders of FDI.

This had and will have an impact on the present and the not too far away future,

but going one step forward, for a vision to come true, plans have to be done for

the coming decades as well.

inside young dentists // // 09

The Ideas of ISDPFinding a partner for these plans is never easy, but, in the co-operation with Nobel Biocare, an internationally recognizedpartner was found, sharing visions and missions in globalhealthcare. Young Dentists Worldwide has been working onthis for almost a decade, and now the outcome seems to becloser than ever. The main goal is to contribute to improvingglobal oral health by establishing a global network for thenext generation oral health profession opinion leaders,through the development of an international speaker devel-opment program. Creating a program for a few young dentalprofessionals might not be realistic, but connecting this withlocal inputs of the mission, and delivering the vision to futureFDI congresses, events and, even further, reaching a muchwider target group via web-based platforms and education isthe way to go.

The BeginningThe history of this program goes back several years. Alreadyin 2005 we were discussing a possible cooperation with FDIwith a similar idea. In 2007 in Dubai, the leaders of YDW werepushing this plan to the new members of the FDI head office.Thanks to one of the YDW founders, Stephen Smith, the pro-gram was a well structured and a really innovative plan. It waswarmly welcomed by FDI stakeholders and discussions led toan agreement with Nobel Biocare. The sponsorship was for thefirst version of the ISDP that was launched in Stockholm in2008. Unfortunately, the global economic crisis had reachedFDI and Nobel as well and there was a major stop of theprogress. The original idea had to be canceled and costs hadto be cut.

Where we are nowToday we are at a stage where, hopefully next year, we couldfinally make the last step and restart the program in the cur-rent, updated, more popular and cost-effective version. FDI’s

// inside young dentists

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// INFO ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Dr. Mark Antal has beenthe YDW President since2009 and is an honorarylifelong member of IADS.For years he has been ac-tive in the work of FDI.

In his home country Hungary he is workingin the university of Szeged and in his ownclinic.* [email protected]


Education Committee and Council haveto make their approval of the currentversion and, if everything goes fine inMexico and during the next midyearmeeting in Geneva, first participants canstart the three-year program in HongKong in 2012, which is where FDI willhave its 100th Annual Congress.

The ProgramThe basic plan is a combined program in-cluding nine separate modules. Eachmodule has an independent structure.Some of the modules will be organizedas part of the Annual World Dental Con-gress (AWDC), mainly as elective pre-congress courses. Suggestion is to letthese modules be accessible separatelyfrom the International Speaker Develop-ment Program (ISDP). The whole cur-riculum is separated into two parts: oneis to be organized during the FDI con-gresses and all the remaining knowledgecan be gained via an online educationcourse.

The current version of the ISDP is basedon the cooperation with Nobel Biocare,but can also become a long-term suc-cessful and self-supporting program. Al-though the money for the program hasbeen received years ago by FDI, up untilnow, no expenses have been made byYDW. Hopefully all of the sponsorshipwill be accepted and spent on the ISDP,and in the not too far future it might be

possible to develop it into a Master ofScience (MSc) program.

Modules to be organized during the


• Photo and documentation module

• Oral presentation module

• Health promotion/prevention

Modules to be organized online:

• Poster editing module

• Presentation software (ppt/keynote)

• Appearance and lecture structure

• Article preparation

• Web based and e-learning

• Literature and content review

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Unbenannt-8 1 14.03.2011 10:32:04 Uhr

12 // AIM 03

My Aims, My WayYears ago, when I decided I wanted toenter the dental profession, I did so withtwo main goals in mind: first, to have acareer in which I have enough income toprovide a good living for my family andhave time to spend with my children, andsecond, to have a skill set that I can useto give something back to those who wereless fortunate than me. A quote by WilliamPenn truly shaped the way I went aboutmy dental training. He said, “I expect topass through life but once. If therefore,there be any kindness I can show, or anygood thing I can do to any fellow being,let me do it now, and not defer or neglectit, as I shall not pass this way again.”Upon matriculating at the University ofSouthern California School of Dentistry, Isought ways to become a good dentist,

while at the same time giving back to hu-manity and the profession. It was thenthat I was introduced to organized den-tistry and to the American Student DentalAssociation (ASDA) and American DentalAssociation (ADA). The missions of thesetwo organizations include protecting thepublic’s oral health, advancing the profes-sion and maintaining the highest stan-dards of ethics and professionalism.

Our MissionThat said, as I looked around my commu-nity, country, and the world, I saw that inour own microcosm of dentistry, therewere crises occurring that needed to beaddressed. There were millions of childrenwho were not receiving care, people werecoming down with lethal cases of oralcancer that could have been solved with

Organized Dentistry as a Foundationfor Practice TEXT: Dr. Michael Meru

4,380…You must be saying to yourself, “What a random way to start this article.”Well, let me get to the point. It will take me 4,380 days, or 12 years, of post-high-school training to be allowed to practice as an orthodontist. Broken down that is5 years of undergraduate college at an American university, 4 years of dentalschool, and 3 years of orthodontic training.

// inside young dentists

inside young dentists // // 13

a simple oral cancer screening, govern-ments with no dental knowledge were reg-ulating how the profession of dentistrywas to be practiced, and some dentistswere treating their patients as a means toan end and not and end in and of them-selves. Initially this saddened me, but Ibecame hopeful as I saw others who rec-ognized the same issues and were fightingto resolve them through organized dentalgroups like ASDA, the ADA, the EuropeanDental Student Association (EDSA) andothers. I signed on as a volunteer withboth ASDA and the ADA and was fortunateto spend six years as a student volunteerin those organizations. The experiences Igained while serving have laid the foun-dation for the way I want to practice forthe rest of my life. The times I was ableto sit down with congressmen in Washing-ton DC, go on dental mission trips to EastLos Angeles and all the way to CentralAmerica, brainstorm with other leaders on how to solve the barriers-to-caredilemma, participate in the drafting of awhite paper on ethics in dental education,etc…have shown me that participation insuch efforts isn’t just another way to pada resume, it actually can make a differ-ence and change not only the way theprofession is practiced, but it can changea patient’s life for the better.

What Organized Dentistry gave meAs I prepare to venture into private prac-tice several months from now, my involve-

ment in organized dentistry has made theroad ahead much clearer and easier totackle. And involvement in organized den-tistry doesn’t stop the day I graduate, itmust continue. If we don’t shape the waydentistry is to be practiced, someone elsewill, and more often than not that personwon’t be an advocate for patients or theprofession. Hopefully each one of us willgive back to organized dentistry for altru-istic reasons, though one side effect ofvolunteerism that I was not prepared forwas all of the personal gain that camethrough the efforts. As I worked with dif-ferent leaders across my country, I foundthat job offers, patient referrals and otheropportunities came in abundance. Notonly that, but I found that I was happierand that my demeanor in life was muchmore positive.

Sorry for almost getting “preachy” there,but, bringing it back down to earth, each

// inside young dentists

14 // AIM 03

// INFO ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Michael Meru is an ASDAPast-President and 2009Graduate of the USCSchool of Dentistry. Mikeis currently a third-yearorthodontic resident at

USC, an Editor for the Journal of the Amer-ican College of Dentists, as well as boardof regents member. Mike, his wife Melissaand daughter Elle live in Calabasas, CA. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

one of us is extremely fortunate to be part of the dental pro-fession. We have careers that enable us to make a great livingand to help our fellow men to have better lives. That is reallycool, and I guarantee you a lot of people would love to be inour shoes. So wherever your professional pursuits may lead you,remember how fortunate you are and look to get involved inorganized dentistry—if you do, the profession, your patientsand you will all benefit.

inside young dentists // // 15

DentCoach 2011

We would like to invite you to participate in an ambitious not-for-profit coachingproject “DentCoach”. This global project started in September 2010 after consultingwith Young Dentists Worldwide (YDW). The project is the logic follow-up of thesuccessful project for young veterinarians VetCoach that was launched in August 7.VetCoach ( has produced 5 book editions and over 11,000books, available in English and Spanish for Europe as well as North and South America.

The concept behind the DentCoachproject is to collect professional ex-perience from dentists around the

world and make it accessible to studentsand recent graduates to inspire them andto help make the right strategic careerdecisions. The project includes colleaguesin all kinds of roles and responsibilities:practitioner, researcher, professor, gov-ernment official, business (wo)man. The

DentCoach project is about building up a”collective source of wisdom” to inspireand motivate dentistry professionalstarters, based on expertise collectedfrom dentists world-wide. The vision ofthe project is to make this collectionavailable as a gift to dental students

around the world at or before gradua-tion. The first step for the DentCoachproject is to collect career reflections

// inside young dentists

16 // AIM 03

inside young dentists // // 17

from dentists, like you and the colleagues in your professionalnetwork. The inclusive criteria is having finished dental schoolat least five years ago.

Your contributionThe question we ask you is to share with DentCoach three orfour key „learning experiences“ that you had after your gradu-ation which made you think now “if only I had known this whenI graduated”. For each „experience the text is suggested to beabout 300 to 400 words. We accept exceptions but kindly askyou to stay close to the requested format. To give you an idea,this paragraph counts 77 words.

We are looking for the experiences you had over the yearsthat have made you a more successful professional person.Decisions you made early on that proved to be critical (posi-tive and negative) later in your career. These can be decisionsrelated to your career in practice, in university, or in industryand in your private life that have influenced your professionalcareer. Your experiences in National or International dentalassociations and organizations would also be of value. Thepurely scientific or dental technical insights (such as whichdiagnostic or treatment procedure you prefer) are not whatwe are looking for. However, experiences and career decisionsthat made you more successful as a scientist are of coursewithin the scope of the project. Also experience in the areaof work-life balance would be highly appreciated and are con-sidered integral part of professional development. With thehigh number of female students in all schools today, this issueis more relevant than ever. How do you balance work and pri-vate life?

We all know well that we learn best from the mistakes thatwe (and others) make, so please also consider including someDON’Ts in your contribution. Things you did that turned outto be very serious mistakes and which (almost) put your career

// inside young dentists

18 // AIM 03

at risk, and that should be avoided bynew graduates if at all possible. If Eng-

lish is not your native language,please don’t let this stop you to partic-ipate. You can ask a native colleague toedit your text, or you can ask DentCoachto do so. Your experience is whatcounts!

The experiences you send to us will be

presented together with your name and

professional credentials. Therefore wewill also need:

Your brief but complete resume or CV

that includes:

• your current position and location• year of graduation, dental school coun-

try and city attended• nationality, gender, birthday (or year).• brief but complete professional history

and background in order to give thestudents a good perspective on “who

you are” and what you have done so far(if possible please do not exceed 250words, but if needed, just go ahead)

From a format point we ask for the easyto read “story format” that is used forspeakers at (international) congresses.Not bullets with year in reverse order.

Your photoThis can be a passport type ”mugshot” orone that shows you in family, friends, orhobby situation. The file should be JPEGformat at minimal 800 x 1,000 pixels forsufficient resolution. All family digitalcameras today make photos with higherresolution (between 1 or 2 MB is now thestandard). TIP: don’t send the photo asattachment by e-mail in the photo func-tion (as is available in hotmail and oth-ers) because these programs reduce thefile size back to low resolution. Pleasesend as a normal file attachment.

Submitting your experiences automati-cally implies that you transfer the infor-mation to Uppertunity Consultants andgive permission for it to be used it in thecontext of the “DentCoach” projects. The

inside young dentists // // 19

// INFO ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Richard C. Nap DVM, Ph.D

DentCoach—Uppertunity Consultats* [email protected]

Magdalena Maciejowska DDS, Ph.D

YDW Secretary General

YDW Health Coordinator

* [email protected]////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Further questions?Please let us know if you have furtherquestions regarding this project.Looking forward to hearing from youand thank you in advance for yourvaluable help.

combined experiences will be made acces-sible to new graduates and, depending onthe help we get from all of you andthereby the success of the program weplan to use the material in print. EachVetCoach edition has about 100 authorsfrom around the world contributing, witha relative overrepresentation of local orregional veterinarians depending the tar-get student population. Your text contri-butions and CV collection will not bepublished in internet. As you can see inVetCoach website, we have some exampletexts. No CVs.

New contributors! We highly appreciate your help in identi-fying other dentist colleagues around theworld who you think might be able tocontribute valuable and/or significant ex-periences. Please send your recommenda-tion to us via e-mail and may be themotivation why you think this individualshould be approached. Remember, every-body is welcome. Don t forget to includeup-to-date e-contact information.

How much time?Once you have given it some thought andprepared key-words, it will most probablytake you two to four hours, dependingon your personal writing skills. Sharingyour wisdom will be highly appreciated bynew dental professionals who will be ableto benefit from your personal experiencesand advice.

Due dateWe kindly ask you to submit your text, CV

and photo within four to six weeks andor to let us know when you think you cando it. We look forward to receiving yourinput. Please confirm by reply e-mailtoday that you received this mail. If youare not able to submit your contributionwithin six weeks, please take a minuteand let us know by reply mail when wecan expect your input. In case you decidenot to contribute to the project for per-sonal reasons, please let us know, so wedon’t bother you with follow-up remindere-mails. Your contribution does not in-clude your contact details or website, un-less you insist that we do.

// worldwide dental events

20 // AIM 03

IDSS 2011

worldwide dental events // // 21

// worldwide dental events

22 // AIM 03

A Dental Experience to Remember:International Dental Summer School2011TEXT: Esti Riyanda Astuti

International Dental Summer School 2011 (IDSS) is the second generation ofcaptivating Summer School organized by Dental School of Muhammadiyah Uni-versity of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The program is combining academic and clinicalactivity. The aims of IDSS are to broaden students’ knowledge in dental healthcare in Indonesia and to let International students gain practical experience indentistry that we have.

worldwide dental events // // 23

What you can learn and doIn a developing country everyone canwitness the impact of poverty on dentalhealth and that in conclusion the quan-tity and quality of dental morbidity is wayhigher than we find in western countries.IDSS allows the participants to performsubjective and objective examination, diagnose and treatment in modified prob-lem-based learning systems. There aretwo major programs that IDSS offers. Thefirst is the educational program that con-sist of activities in university, clinical vis-its and voluntary work. The second one isa non-educational program with some in-tercultural activities and city tours. IDSShas already arranged a program in threeweeks with different topics each week.Preventive and promotive/prophylaxisdentistry for the 1st week is followed bycurative and rehabilitative dentistry (ARTand LSTR 3 Mix MP) and herbal medicineand acupuncture. The educational pro-gram requires some layers of educationwhich start with the class and are fol-lowed by tutorial discussion, skill lab ac-tivity, clinical visits and voluntary work,and end with case report presentation.

Helping people with voluntary workThe main clinical activity of InternationalDental Summer School 2011 was volun-tary work. The activity was conducted ina village that indeed has a high numberof cases. The participants worked on somedivisions based on the operator’s chart

such as sterilization, physical examina-tion, operator assistance, prescription,and public dissemination (to do such fundental education with villagers), curativetreatment (atraumatic restorative treat-ment, lession sterilization and tissue re-pair (LSTR) 3 Mix MP and extraction). Theactivities were all actually the extensionof skill lab activity in which, after gettingthe basic knowledge and skill training,the students were expected to becomeall-capable to do anything required involuntary work.

What happened at IDSS 2011There were 12 participants attending theIDSS 2011. They came from Poland, Tai-wan, Czech, Slovakia, Denmark, Finland,and Turkey. All participants had accom-plished the educational program verywell. It’s really great to see their enthu-siasm and excitement about the program.For the detail of IDSS 2011 itself, IDSS2011 had two new programs. The firstwas the Village Day, which let partici-pants experience how to be indonesianvillagers. The participants did the sameactivities that the local villagers do. Thetour around the village was prior to otheractivities. This was continued by vil-lager’s activities such as rice field dig-ging, traditional game and sport, fishfarming, bathing the cows, planting thecorn and so forth. In the nighttime, theparticipants and the committee membersslept in villager’s houses and socialized

// worldwide dental events

24 // AIM 03

with the people surrounding them. Thesecond new program was social work anda trauma healing project that was con-ducted in a shelter of Merapi volcanicrefugees. The purpose of this project was

to heal the psychological trauma of therefugees and also to perform social workfor the local government. Besides the ed-ucational program, IDSS 2011 also of-fered a non-educational program thatconsists of a city tour and interculturalactivities like international expo and in-ternational dinner. On the city tour, bothparticipants and some committee mem-bers visit famous tourism objects thathave historical value, like BorobudurTemple, Prambanan Temple, VrederburgFortress, Tamansari Watercastle, SultanPalace, Ramayana Ballet and also theclay arts center in Kasongan and the sil-versmith center in Kota Gede. The partic-ipants also go to some beaches, likeParangtritis, Krakal, Baron and Kukup andin the afternoon all participants andcommittee members can enjoy the bar-becue party at the beach. IDSS 2011 alsooffered rafting, tropical camping andoutbound this year.

What comes in 2012?We will have the same International Den-tal Summer School program next year inJuly 2012. The application period hasstarted and will end on the 11th of May2012. The Educational Program costs380 € including hotel, transportation,breakfast and lunch, and official parties(this doesn’t include travelling costs, visaand tour). The Social Program will costabout 100 €. The maximal quota are 25participants.

worldwide dental events // // 25

// worldwide dental events

26 // AIM 03

For more information, please contact uson:

[email protected] and

• our official facebook account at IDSS MUY.

Or contact Esti Riyanda Astuti, SKG as theExecutive Steering Committee Chief :

• phone: +62 813 45924-309,

• facebook: Esti Riyanda.

We would like to welcome you next sum-mer. Get the application form, fill it andsend it back to us via e-mail:

[email protected].

Get ready to experience a dental expe-rience to remember!

// INFO ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Esti Riyanda Astuti is ayoung dentist in final in-ternship, Executive Steer-ing Committee Chief ofInternational Dental Sum-mer School of Muham-

madiyah University of Yogyakarta and alsoIDRP Local Scientific Officer. Her biggest pas-sion is the public healthcare system, epi-demiological research and voluntary work./////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

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// worldwide dental events

28 // AIM 03

worldwide dental events // // 29

The 58th IADS & YDW Annual World Dental Congress

// worldwide dental events

30 // AIM 03

A very special congressInternational Association of Dental Stu-dents (IADS) & Young Dentists Worldwide(YDW), the sister organizations which areactually leading and changing the newdental community, had this year's annualmeeting in New Delhi, India. 2011 is avery special year for both associations,because IADS is celebrating 60 years ofexistence and YDW 20 years of activity.This year’s meeting was organized andhosted by the Dental Student Welfare As-sociation of India (DSWAI) under thechairmanship of Dr. Chandresh Shukla.The event began with an impressive pre-congress in Agra. The pre-congress is usually more informal and has a mainlysocial-tourist dimension. For two days theparticipants could familiarize themselveswith the Indian culture and traditions.

The organizers provided a full tourist pro-gramme, including the famous Taj Mahaland the Fort of Agra. We were over-whelmed by the diversity of the places wegot the chance to see in such a shorttime. The pre-congress was also the firstopportunity for the participants to meetthe famous Indian cuisine.

Special days in New DelhiAfter the pre-congress we departed toNew Delhi, in order to attend the 58th

IADS & YDW Annual World Dental Con-gress. Such a successful pre-congress an-nounced early to us that an amazingcongress is about to begin. The partici-pants were accommodated in a very nicehotel in New Delhi and the entire con-gress was scheduled to take place in theresort, in order to avoid transfers between

The 58th IADS & YDW Annual WorldDental Congress, New Delhi, India.

TEXT: Ionut Luchian, IADS Immediate Past President 2011–2012

If somebody would have told me years ago that I will be facing now the strange

but very interesting feeling that sometimes the world is not enough I would have

started laughing for sure. How can you describe in words something that you can

consider part of yourself without being neither boring nor superficial? I think

it’s indeed a difficult mission but a mission which must be accomplished.

worldwide dental events // // 31

different places. The special guest star ofthis event was, without any doubt, Dr.Roberto Vianna, the president of theWorld Dental Federation (FDI). Dr. Viannafound time in his busy schedule to joinus, because, as he said, dental studentsand young doctors are very important tohim. The FDI president was invited by ourcolleagues from DSWAI, who surprisedeverybody with such a remarkable guest.The scientific part of the congress was apiece of contrast in the programme. Both,well known Indian and international lec-turers, were invited and their presenta-tions opened new perspectives to thedental students and young dentists. Itwas our personal honor that a formerIADS President and Honorary LifelongMember, Dr. Mark Antal from Hungary, wasinvited to give a lecture during this ex-clusive scientific meeting. The traditional

SCORE Lecture Contest was won, for thefirst time in IADS history, by an Indianstudent. This fact brought even more joyin our hosts’ hearts.

General Assembly, the heart of each congressThe most important part of the congress,the IADS General Assemblies, took place

„Old friends pass away, new

friends appear. It is just like

the days. An old day passes, a

new day arrives. The important

things is to make it meaning-

ful: a meaningful friend–or a

meaningful day.“ (Dalai Lama)

// worldwide dental events

32 // AIM 03

in the hotel where the guests were accommodated and revealedonce more that, behind the friendly and sincere atmosphere,there is also a huge amount of hard work involved. The demo-cratic spirit, the will of rational debates and the reciprocal re-spect of opinions were the attributes that characterized theGA’s. The most awaited moment of the congress was probablythe election of the Executive Committee for the term2011–2012. The results of the elections revealed that the newExecutive Committee will be formed by:

President: Stefania Rado (Hungary) /General Secretary: Pavel

Scarlat (Romania)/Treasurer: Babak Sayahpour (Germany) /Edi-

tor: Karolina Florykova (Czech Republic) / International Scientific

Officer: Magdalena Wilczak (Poland) / International Exchange

Officer: Cristiana Focseneanu (Romania) / Immediate Past Pres-

ident: Ionut Luchian (Romania)

Another important aspect of the congress was the Young Den-tists Worldwide General Assembly. The YDW GA underlined the

worldwide dental events // // 33

need of filling the gap between freshgraduates and experienced dentists. Theyencouraged all fresh graduates to joinYDW and contribute, in order to improvethe international status of young doctors.If you ask me, the new concept of „youngdentistry” is the only one that willachieve major positive changes in thedental world.

Experiencing Incredible IndiaAll participants had the opportunity tovisit the main landmarks of Delhi and toexperience true Indian atmosphere. Indiawas indeed an inspired choice for the2011 annual meeting and we all hope tocome back, because it has so many faces.This convinced us that each visit to thisamazing country will be a different expe-rience. For some of our readers, the IADS& YDW congresses might seem a bit over-rated or unrealistic.

I just want to say that IADS gave me thechance to reinvent myself and to see theworld from a different perspective. Lastbut not least, IADS kindly offered me theunique chance to meet my brother. Inconclusion, I would like to invite you tojoin our meetings, grab the spirit andallow us to change your life!

See you soon in Egypt for the 2012 MidYear Meeting and in Romania for the 59th

IADS & YDW Annual World Dental Con-gress!

// INFO ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Dr. Ionut Luchian gradu-

ated in September 2009 as

a Doctor of Dental Medi-

cine from the Gr. T. Popa

University of Medicine and

Pharmacy, Iasi Romania.

In 2011 he received his Master Degree

Diploma in Oral Rehabilitation on Implants

from the same university. He was the Chair-

man of the 56th IADS&YDW Annual World

Dental Congress and served as IADS Presi-

dent for the term 2010–2011. Ionut is cur-

rently working as a dentist in a private clinic

and started teaching Dental Anatomy part-

time at university.

* [email protected]


// worldwide dental events

34 // AIM 03

Dental Summer 2011—Where youngdentists in Germany meetTEXT: Juliane Gnoth

It was the second time that members and friends of Young Dentists Germany(BdZA) gathered at the Baltic Sea not far from Lübeck in the place called Tim-mendorfer Strand. In 2010 BdZA developed the cooperation with IFG, a companythat has organized courses and congresses for dentists for many years.

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BdZA and IFG invite to TimmendorferStrandTheir high-class education has its prize, but Wilhelm Hakim and his team dis covered the potential of the younggeneration—their future customers. Aftermaking the concept for the Dental Sum-mer events, they offered BdZA membersplus students short before graduation freeparticipation in the meeting. In 2011,250 students and young dentists came toTimmendorfer Strand to spend two days

listening to top lecturers. Many could notattend as the number was limited. Fromadhesive techniques to functional analy-sis, the dental topics were widespreadand completed by courses like shaolintrainings. Last year, BdZA rewarded Wil-helm Hakim and his team from the IFGwith the 1st German Dental Alumni Awardfor excellent efforts concerning the edu-cation of young dentists. But not just thecourses are special in the Dental Summerconcept, also the after-lecture-happen-

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ings are not as usual. When normally par-ticipants of congresses and lectures justleave, they gather together at the DentalSummer.

Social life at Dental SummerEvery evening of the four days offers bar-beque or even big parties to take part in.In this leisure atmosphere, young col-leagues meet settled dentists and canshare experiences and tricks. As the con-gress hotel is located directly by the sea-side, each break gives the chance to havea quick rest in the sun and being at aneducational event feels more like holidaysthan usual. Like last year, the IFG SummerParty was the main event. Again, theband The Clou made the crowd dance andparty for hours. But before going to theparties, many participants of the congressshared a special experience—the officialbeach volleyball contest. Twelve teamswith four players each were randomlychosen andstarted the contest on Thurs-day after the lectures. The weather was

changing daily, but the contestants weretaking it seriously and played the finalseven with tough rain and cold wind. Thewinning team got high-quality dentalloupes each and celebrated their win atthe farewell party on Saturday. The fourfinal teams played each evening afterbeing in the courses all day, but alsoother participants wanted to see thegames and joined the whole crowd at thebeach.

BdZA and the futureThe active members of Young DentistsGermany used the week also to work ontheir ideas and plans for the future. Jan-Philipp Schmidt, President of BdZA, andWilhelm Hakim from the IFG, underlinedtheir will to continue the cooperation asthe Dental Summer event is a very attrac-tive gathering for the young generation.For BdZA it is a good opportunity to getnew members and the IFG generates newcostumers—no reason not to plan forDental Summer 2012.

Unbenannt-5 1 31.01.2011 17:31:50 Uhr

Herbal medicines and dentistry:Herbs and TreatmentTEXT: Dr. Saurabh Lall and Dr. Anu Aggarwal

From time immemorial, generations in India and other countries have grown uphearing the grand Hindu Epic “Ramayana”. In this world famous epic of the Hindipoet Tulsidas, there is a description of a wonder herb called the “Sanjeevani booti”(Life giving herb), which according to the popular belief had given life to the dying“Laxmana”, the younger brother of Lord Shree Rama. Since then, the question ofexistence of such life-giving herbs has been floating in the minds of people. Ac-cording to the Ramayana, the Sanjeevani booti is found in the Indian Himalayasand has the unique property of bioluminescence, which helps in its easy identifi-cation.

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In Hindu mythology, Sanjeevani is amagical herb which has the power tocure every known and unknown mal-

ady. It is believed that medicines preparedfrom this herb can even revive a dead per-son. This herb is mentioned in the Ramayana when, during the battle withRavana (the King of Demons), Lak-shamana was wounded and nearly killedby Ravana’s son Meghnaad. Hanuman wascalled upon to fetch this herb from theDronagiri mountain in the Himalayas (cur-rently in Uttarakhand State of India).Upon reaching Mount Meru, Hanuman wasunable to identify the herb and decidedto lift the entire mountain and brought itto the battlefield. Herbal medicine or“natural remedies” for dental care havebeen around for centuries, only now thereis research to prove if they are effectiveor just old wives tales. Herbs with medic-inal properties are a useful and effectivesource of treatment for various diseaseprocesses.

Applications of herbal medicines• Fluoride, a naturally occurring mineralhas been proven to protect teeth fromdecay.• Non-alcohol mouthwashes: Alcoholdries out the mouth which can cause dis-comfort and create an environment formore plaque to thrive.• Tea: Wet tea bags can give relief fromcanker sores, swollen gums, toothachesand stop bleeding after extraction.

• Cold sores: A diet high in lysine andlow in arginine has been found to behelpful. In vitro studies indicate that theamino acid arginine is required by theherpes virus to replicate. Since lysinecompetes with arginine for intestinaltransport, a diet rich in lysine (brewer’syeast, legumes, dairy, wheat germ, fishand meat) and low in arginine may havean antiviral effect. Chocolate, peanutsand almonds are high in arginine andshould be avoided. In addition to dietarychanges, lysine supplements are recom-mended. A dose of 1,000 mg taken threetimes a day has been shown to be effec-tive. This approach is not curative butcan help prevent recurrences. // 39

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• Green tea halts growth of oral cancercells and kills existing oral cancer. In-gesting or swishing with green tea intro-duces the tea polyphenols to the oralcancer cells which may be present in themouth. The polyphenols are antioxidants,which work to remove the free radicals(oxidants) that cause mutation of genes,which may lead to cancerous growth toprevent gene mutations from the actionsof the oxidants and cause cell death incancerous cells without harming the nor-mal cells. They can also inhibit the growthand spread of cancerous cells. The mouth’s

mucous lining must be exposed to four tosix cups of green tea a day. This studysuggesting the use of green tea as a beverage or in oral health and skin carepro ducts is likely to be beneficial in helping to prevent oral cancer.• Zinc: Available in lozenges to relievethe pain of a sore throat. Topical applica-tions of zinc can reduce symptoms andprevent cold sores recurrences. It is ap-plied directly to the skin at the site of theflare-up. Zinc can also be used to help al-leviate cold and flu symptoms.• Lemon Balm: Lemon balm cream pro-

Fig. 1: Barberry Bark to treat bad breath. – Fig. 2: Valerian is used to calm nervous patients. –

Fig. 3: Aloe Vera gives benefits to the skin such as vitamins and amino acids. – Fig. 4: Tea pre-

vents periodontal disease. // 41

moted the healing of cold sore blisters infive days.• Honey: Has enzymes that contain anti -bacterial quality phytochemicals which actas antioxidants to prevent the erosion oftissue surrounding teeth as a result of aninfection. Caution, honey can vary widelyin the potency of its antibacterial agentsand should not be given to children undertwo years of age.• Plant Aloe vera: Anti–viral and anti-inflammatory properties, Aloe vera pro-vides additional benefits to the skin, suchas amino acids, B1,B2,B6 and C vitamins.Dentists recommend patients to consumeAloe vera juice to treat various internal ulcerations of the mouth, including apt-hous ulcer, lichen planus and oral mucusmembranes. Recent findings show thatAloe vera cleared up oral lesions associ-ated with lichen planus better than anyother traditional treatment.• Oil of calendula: For mouth woundslike cold sores.• Plant–derived amica can be useful topatients after a tooth extraction or afteroral surgery. It responds to minor trauma• Valerian (Gilgiti valerian in Hindi andMushk bala and Risha wala in Urdu): Usedto calm nervous or anxious patients whoare interested in an alternative to nitrousoxide.• Barberry Bark, Myrrh Gum: To treatbad breath.• Horehound: To treat acute or chronicsore throats and coughs.

• Speedwell: To gargle for mouth andthroat sores• Echinacea Root: To treat strep throat.• More Tea, Less Cavities: Drinking blacktea can help prevent gum disease andfight cavities by rinsing your month withblack tea. Rinsing for 1 minute, 10 timesa day resulted in a decrease in plaquebuild-up. The chemicals in black tea,called polyphenols, suppress the growthof cavity-causing bacteria in plaque andreduce acid production levels. So drinkingblack tea could reduce the number of cavities and prevent periodontal disease.• Natural Whitening: Brush with normaltoothpaste and rinse as usual. Dip thebrush into baking soda and brush againwith it for one full minute. Rinse withmouthwash. Once Weekly: Substitute thefollowing regimen for one brushing eachweek—mix two teaspoons of baking sodawith enough hydrogen peroxide to make athick paste, brush and allow the mixture

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to remain on your teeth for at least twominutes. Do not swallow this mixture,Rinse and brush again with your regulartoothpaste.• Hibicleans OTC and dilute a 4oz bottlewith a gallon of water, it has the same effects as chlorhexdine.

InteractionsBlood thinners, such as the popular Ginkgobiloba can interact with aspirin leading toprolonged bleeding time. Patients takinggingko may bleed through their gums, andthe product may cause uncontrollablebleeding or speed up existing gum diseases.

The following herbal medications can alsocause an increase in bleeding when com-bined with prescription or over thecounter drugs...Garlic, Melilot, Sweet-woodruff, Horse Chestnut, Cinnabar root,Alfalfa, Dong quai, Barberry, Goldenseal,Oregon grape, Feverfew and Bromelains.These herbs increase the action of bloodthinners Coumadin, Warfarin and othercoumadin anticoagulants.

Vitamin C, when taken in the thousandsof grams can cause problems and weakenthe efficiency of anesthesia. Calming sup-plement, such as Kava Kava or St. John'sWort and Valerian can enhance the effectsof the anesthesia to cause problems. It isrecommended to gradually discontinue theuse.

Dandelion and bearberry are both herbalsupplements that are said to work as a diuretic. These can interact with and over-enhance the effects of prescription diuret-ics, which can lead to dehydration, loss ofpotassium in the body, and even disruptheart-rhythm.

Echinacea—possible problems with aller-gic reactions, decreased effectiveness ofimmunosuppressants and possible immunesuppressant with long-term use.

Ginseng can cause bleeding and hypo-glycemia by lowering blood sugar. It isrecommended to discontinue ginseng useat least seven days prior to surgery. Avoidmixing with:• Warfarin (Coumadin), an anticoagu-

lant—this combination could causebleedingproblems.

• Phenelzine sulfate (Nardil), an antide-pressant—might cause headaches, trem-bling or manic behavior.

• Digoxin (Lanoxicaps, Lanoxin)—mightinterfere with its pharmacologic actions.

Cassia cinnamon can decrease the effec-tiveness of tetracycline by up to 80 %.Tetracycline can be used to help treatgum disease.

St John’s Wort can cause drowsiness andsensitivity to light. It interferes with theeffectiveness of other drugs such as Versed,

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Valium and Halcion, Coumadin and digoxinand Tylenol. Due to its ability to diminishthe actions of other drugs it is recom-mended to discontinue its use five daysprior to surgery. Avoid mixing it with:• Antidepressants—combination of SJW

with some antidepressants, such as se-lective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, maycause excess of serotonin. Typical symp-toms include headache, stomach upsetand restlessness.

• Indinavir sulfate (Crixivan), a proteaseinhibitor used to treat HIV.

• Digoxin (Lanoxicaps, Lanoxin), a drugused to increase the force of contractionof heart muscle and to regulate heart-beats.

• Theophylline (Slo–bid, Theo–Dur), anasthma medication.

• Cyclosporin (Neoral, Sandimmune,

SangCya) an immunosuppressant

Valerian: Potential to enhance the sedativeeffects of agents used in general anesthe-sia. It is recommended to discontinue the

use of valerian prior to anesthesia. Ifsomeome is taking large doses of this med-ication, it is not recommended to abruptlydiscontinue this medication, but slowly de-crease taking this herb in order to preventwithdrawal symptoms.

Avoid mixing Cayenne with: • Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)

inhibitors, drugs used for diabetic kidneydisease, heart failure, high blood pres-sure.

• heophylline (Slo-bid, Theo-Dur), anasthma medication.

PrecautionsSanguinarine is not recommended due toits links to predisposing gum tissue to oralcancer. People with heart conditionsshould be especially careful to avoid stim-ulants. The herb ma huang, known asephedra, has been associated with stroke,heart attack, and sudden death. Ma huangis a herbal source of ephedrine, a powerfulstimulant found in weight–loss and energy

Fig. 1: Echinaecea root is used to treat strep throat. – Fig. 2: St John’s Wort.

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supplements. Agrimonia eupatoria,Agropyrum repens, Alchemilla arvensis, Alisma plantago, Anacyculus purethrum,Bearberry, Black cohosh, Hawthorn, Sas-safras, Dandelion and Viola tricolor cancause hypotension when taken with medications prescribed for hypertension.Caution needs to be used when getting outof the dental chair after being in alaid–back position.

The FDA Center for Food Safety and Ap-plied Nutrition notified of the potentialrisk of severe liver injury associated withthe use of kava–containing dietary supple-ments. Supplements containing the herbalingredient kava are promoted for relax-ation (e.g., to relieve stress, anxiety, andtension), sleeplessness, menopausal symp-toms and other uses. Kava–containingproducts have been associated withliver–related injuries, including hepatitis,cirrhosis, and liver failure. Kava can belisted under different names: PiperMethysticum, Ava pepper, Sakau andTonga. Given these reports, persons whohave liver disease or liver problems, or per-sons who are taking drug products thatcan affect the liver, should consult aphysician before using kava-containingsupplements. Herbal tea may be harmfulto teeth. Dentists have warned herbal tealovers that their favorite drink may beharming their teeth. According to a reportpublished in the Journal of Dentistry,herbal tea can erode the protective layers

of enamel that surround every tooth. Itmay be a healthier alternative to the moretraditional cup of tea. Many of the teasthey tested were acidic enough to erodetooth enamel. They also found that somewere up to three times more acidic thanfruit juice. It was suggested to avoidherbal and fruit teas.

// INFO ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Dr. Saurabh Lall & Dr. Anu Aggarwal are

postgraduate students at the Department

of Periodontology & Implant Dentistry,

Dental College & Hospital, Mathura, India.

* [email protected]////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Recommendations before undergoing

dental surgery:

If you use any of these herbal medi -

cations stop taking them:

• Ephedra at least 24 hours before surgery.• Garlic seven days before surgery.• Ginkgo 36 hours before surgery.• Ginseng seven days before surgery.• Kava 24 hours before surgery.• St. John’s Wort five days before surgery.

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46 // AIM 03

Yoga and DentistryTEXT: Dr. Rodrigo Venticinque

Competitive environments, fear, guilt, anxiety, restlessness, anger, disorganization,bills, unemployment, poor sleep, etc. are factors that usually cause emotionalstress. Related to these factors are several systemic and oral diseases, such as non-carious lesions (abfraction, erosion, abrasion, wear), periodontitis, xerostomia,burning mouth syndrome, autoimmune diseases (e.g. oral lichen planus) and cancerthat might by triggered by the immunological disturbance that is caused by con-tinuous persistent and no-functional stress.

// young scientists

Body AlarmWhen we are alert, teeth grinding orclenching do not exceed 80 kg/Force.However, in sleep, the force applied canbe up to incredible 300 or 400 kg/F. Theperiodontal ligaments, bone, tooth struc-ture, muscles, articular disc and gums endup overloaded and subsequently injuredby this over-exertion. After a night withgrinding or dealing with our bruxism, wewake up tired, tensed and in pain. Ourbody has the best alarm system in theworld, however we misuse it. It is as if inthe middle of the night, our alarm rang—it might be burglars breaking in, anearthquake, an accident—but instead ofchecking it out you simply turn off thealarm and go back to sleep. Unfortunatelythis is what we do most of the time whenwe experience illness or pain and we just // 4700 // AIM 02

take a few medications instead of seri-ously dealing with the underlying causesand not simply the symptoms. We carryon like that until the day when thepainkiller no longer kills the pain and wemove on to stronger drugs, antibiotics orother substances.

We would grind away our tooth substanceor occlusal plane, our articular structures.We also might lose the occlusion we had,a basic key to body statics, with fataloutcome.

Moreover, the increased and intensifiedfunction of the central nervous system(CNS) during stress causes among othersxerostomia which in extreme cases mightcause dysphagia, swallowing difficulties

and dehydration as well as multiple teethdecays and toothache. In this way xeros-tomia is capable of jeopardizing thequality of life of the person and indi-rectly can lead to the stress inducement.Last but not least the multilevel andmultistep carcinogenesis process alwaysincludes stress either as one of the indi-rect causing factors mostly due to theimmunological weakness that it causesor as a leading promoting factor as it in-duces several molecular pathological re-actions.

Break out with YogaTo break free of this cycle and get to thereal causes, we must embark on a longjourney of self–knowledge. The lack ofawareness or perception of the surround-

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ing reality makes us loose touch with our-selves, and leads to emotional stress. Weare always looking for something else,but not always do we know what we wantor how to get it. To get you out of thistrap, there is Yoga. Yoga, dating back to5,000 years before Christ, is a physicaland mental activity aimed at achievingself-knowledge, revealing our inneressence, fostering union with the Divine,and the cosmic consciousness.

Yoga comes from the sanscritic word “yuj”that means link, unite and although thereare 5–7 branches of Yoga in the West, themost widely practiced being Hatha Yoga.Hatha Yoga is synthesized by two sylla-bles: “ha” that means sun and “tha”which means moon. Therefore literallyHatha Yoga means the sun–moon unionbut it actual refers to the harmonic co-existence of all opposite forces of theuniverse such as light & darkness, sky &earth, day & night, female & male, com-

pleteness & emptiness. Hatha Yoga con-sists of stretching practices calledAsanas, like the “Dog” or the “Cobra”. Theidea of practicing Asanas was originallyto stretch for the meditation. These po-sitions like the “Lotus-position” demandflexible muscles, Asanas prepare for themeditation and are also a good way ofpracticing sports.

What it doesYoga boosts body and mind awareness,and helps us notice what is good and badfor us, what we really like, or how wereact to certain situations. Yoga expandsthought and concentration, helps tofocus, change habits, and boosts self–es-teem. The physical effects are also veryimportant: strengthens and stretchesbody muscles, improves fitness, oxy-genates the body and brain, delivers ananti-stress effect, and boosts cardio–res-piratory capacity. Breathing exercises re-lease hormones that relax and dissipate

Fig. 1 and 2: Non-caries lesions. // 49

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// INFO ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Specialist in Oral Rehabil-itation, had experience asan academic traineeteacher at UNISA inRestorative and Periodon-tology. Aged in clinics

and universities in different countries likeUSA, Switzerland, England and Germany.Presented papers and lectured at interna-tional conferences in Italy, Austria, Malta,Czech Republic, Germany and Cuba. He hasbeen assistant professor at the APCD—SãoPaulo Association of Dental Surgeons, partof the prosthesis and implants.Author of several articles in the field ofdentistry and member of the editorialboard of ALUMNI International.////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

tension, causing a feeling of well-being.The benefits of Yoga greatly contribute topreventive dentistry and oral medicine.Practicing Yoga also helps to focus onourselves and to forget about the prob-lems and worries that we have. For this itis very helpful to focus on the breathing,which is usually not forced, but moni-tored by our selves. Besides that asbreathing is the source of life, one whogets control of his/her own breathing at-titude literally takes control over life it-self!

MeditationNew studies show that meditationchanges the brain structures and developsresistant against stress. When peoplepractice meditation, they more easilylearn how to go into themselves, to stopthinking and listen to their body.

The outcomeWhen stress levels fall, teeth clenching ismilder and there are fewer non-cariousand oral diseases. Expanding our bodyawareness, we will notice teeth clench-ing, bruxism, we won’t brush as hard thusreducing abrasion. Strengthening abdom-inal muscles, in many cases, will reducegastric reflux that is one of the causes oferosion. The inverted poses change ourvantage point in life and help us to findnew solutions, in addition to reducingstress. The exercise in patience, concen-tration and discipline helps in to change

eating and hygiene habits, such as intro-ducing daily flossing. Perhaps the keybenefit of Yoga is a greater perception oflife, it leads into a change of habits andbehaviors, and significantly improves thequality of life.

Special thanks to:Juliane Gnoth, Vasiliki Karathanasi, Fa-biene Rocha, Mario Reinert

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Occupational hazards in dentistry. An e-surveyTEXT: Rowan Mojaidel Almojaidel

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Dental professionals are susceptible to a number of occupational hazards. Relying onrelevant literature, this paper discusses selected occupational hazards, including occu-pational biohazards, stressful situations, latex hypersensitivity as well as factors leadingto musculoskeletal system diseases. Dentists belong to a professional group potentiallyexposed to harmful biological factors, which most often are infectious microorganisms,less frequently allergenic or toxic microorganisms. The fundamental routes of spreadingharmful microorganisms are blood-borne, saliva-droplet, direct contact with a patientand with infected equipment, and water-droplet infections. In this paper, the currentstatus of knowledge on microbiological hazards in a dentist’s work is presented, includinggroups of microorganisms, such as prions, viruses, bacteria, fungi and protozoa, to whicha dentist is or may be exposed.

IntroductionDuring their professional work, dentists areexposed to a significant number of occu-pational hazards such as the potential con-tamination of infectious microorganisms,as there are four basic routes of spreadingharmful microorganisms: 1) Blood-borneroute, 2) Saliva-droplet route, 3) Directcontact, and 4) Water-droplet route. More-over, dentists are at high risk for develop-ing diverse musculoskeletal problems aswell as hearing and vision diseases due tothe constant exposure to noise (turbines,

saliva ejectors, etc.) and to artificial light-ing and focusing on a limited surgical areacorrespondingly.3

Biological health hazardsIn the case of direct contamination as aresult of an accidental bite by the patientor through a needle, the greatest risk forthe dentist are the viruses3: Hepatitis Bvirus (HBV) is highly infectious, easilytransmitted through blood and saliva, andhighly resistant to environmental agents,disinfection and sterilization. The dentist

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may be HBV-infected through needlesticksor other accidental percutaneous injurieswith sharp instruments, and through anaerosol of blood. The virus causes asymp-tomatic infections, acute or chronic, whichmay lead to cirrhosis.2, 7 It is estimatedthat infections with type B viral liver in-flammation occur among dentists at leastthree times more often than in the generalpopulation, and among dental surgeons—at least six times more frequently. Generalvaccination reduced the number of occu-pational infections with hepatitis B. He-patitis C virus (HCV) is a blood-borne viruscontaining RNA, epidemiologically similarto HBV. HCV infection remains asympto-matic in 90 % of the cases and may de-

velop into a chronic liver inflammationand eventually cirrhosis and chronic livercancer.7 HCV is less infectious than HBV.2, 7 The Virus causing the acquired im-munodeficiency syndrome AIDS disease(HIV) is an RNA-containing retrovirus,transmitted in a blood-borne mode andthrough sexual contact. It attacks humanCD-4 lymphocytes, causing a drastic im-munity drop and death, most frequently asa result of infection with opportunistic mi-croorganisms, normally indifferent tohuman health. Some of the most signifi-cant HIV oral manifestations areoral hairyleukoplakia, candidiasis and NecrotizingUlcerative Gingivitis.37 The main sourcesof indirect infection are: saliva, gingivalfluid, natural organic dust particles (dentalcaries tissue) mixed with air andwater.3 The basic protective measures forpatients and doctors against infectiousviruses transmission are: 1) gloves, mask,glasses, 2) autoclave usage, 3) disposableunits usage in case of treatment of aknown seropositive patient, 4) permanentcoverage of handpieces with a baggie.7

StressStress comprises a frequent risk factorduring dental practice, the dental profes-sion is categorized among the moststressful ones. The psychological aspectsof the dentist–patient relationship as wellas the actual dental action (e.g. anaes-thetisation, emergencies) are the mainsources of dental professional stress.

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Latex hypersensitivityLatex gloves and masks might lead to al-lergic reactions as 2.8–17 % of the em-ployees of health service are allergic tolatex. The main risk factor of immediateallergies is the repeated exposure to latexproducts. An alternative to latex are vinylgloves.38

Musculoskeletal disorders and diseasesof the peripheral nervous At work, the dentist adopts a strainedposture (both while standing and sittingclose to a patient who remains in a sittingor lying position), which causes an over-stress of the spine and limbs that nega-tively affects the musculoskeletal systemand the peripheral nervous system. Thus,commonly dentists suffer from back painsyndromes and neck discopathy.3, 19, 20, 21

Laser radiation hazardsGeneral stomatology frequently uses laserradiation of low and medium intensity thatinduces certain cellular chemical andmetabolic reactions usually described asbiostimulating. The effect is absence ofpain, elimination of inflammation and

stimulation.22, 23 In dentistry good resultsare reported from laser usage during treat-ment of pulpitis, dentin hypersensitivity,periapical tissues pathologies, recurrentaphthosis, maxillary sinusitis, postextrac-tion wounds, alveolitis, pericoronitis, in-flammation and neuralgia of the trigeminalnerve, diseases of the maxillary joint, pe-riodontitis. However, laser radiation mightbe a health hazard as the eye and the skinare the organs most exposed to thelight.24

Materials and methodsA questionnaire-based e-survey was con-ducted among 200 dentists, with an ageranging from 21 to 68, regarding their po-tential professional exposure to the healthhazards mentioned above. The resultsshowed the distribution of dentists accord-ing to their demographic data as askedabout gender, age, country, work experi-ence, working sectors and working hoursper week. Also, we asked them if they havehad one or more of the occupational haz-ards like HCV, HBV, HIV, air borne disease,muscle pain, chemical adverse effect , ra-diation hazards , skin allergy, sharp injuryand stress.

DiscussionModern dentistry has been described to beone of the most hazardous of all occupa-tions.26 Our results showed no significantdifference regarding the prevalence of HBV,HCV, HIV, air-borne infection, radiation

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hazards, and sharp injuries. However, statistical significance wasobserved in the prevalence of muscle pain, materials adverse ef-fects, skin allergies, and stress. Results showed that three maledentists (1.5%) out of 200 were reported to be positive for hep-atitis B virus (HBV) and another threee for hepatitis C virus (HCV).Also, four males of the same occupation (2%) were reported pos-itive for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). We compared thisto the results of other studies that showed that seven males andsix females had (HBV), (HCV) and (HIV), with the females havingthe highest rate. Primary concern should be given to thesepathogens, as they are easily transmitted through blood and otherbody fluid exposures across a wide variety of occupations.28 In an-other study in Palestine, the dentists were well aware of the bio-logical hazards, especially the dangerous ones (HIV and hepatitisB virus), as it was mentioned that HIV is 13% less than hepatitisB virus which is only 38%. Numerous studies have shown thatthe incidence of hepatitis B developing after needle-stick injuriesfrom hepatitis B infected patients is approximately 20% comparedto 0.4% for the HIV similar exposure. In a study conducted on1,309 dental professionals it was noticed that 15% of the partic-ipants who practiced in locations with increased reported Aidscases were contaminated, while 94% of them were reported asaccidental puncturing of the skin with dental instruments.32

In order to estimate the risk of HCV infection among primary den-tal care workers in the West of Scotland, occupational and per-sonal risk data were collected in parallel with a blood specimen.The overall prevalence of HCV antibodies was 0.1%, which wasnot statistically different compared to the local population.33

In another study it was observed that 29 males and 20 femaleshad a sharp injury, while other investigators found out that 78.5%of the participants damaged their gloves at least once during aclinical procedure in the previous 12-month period and 27.7%had experienced at least one sharp or needle stick injury duringthe 12-month period. 16.1% involved an injury from a contami-

nated instrument that had been previously used on a patient. Themost common dental appliances that are likely to cause sharp in-juries were 14.4% needles and 10.2% burs.30 Regarding musclepain, the results reported a higher rate among males than fe-males, due to a wrong position and overstress.3, 19, 20, 21

In a Danish study 50% of the dentists reported neck & lowerback pain and 56% shoulder pain. Similarly, a study from Israelobserved that 55% of the dentists had neck & lower back painwhile a relevant study from Australia reported that 82% of thedentists complained about musculoskeletal disorders. It is worthmentioning that self-employed dentists may suffer from directloss of income if they are unable to work due to their physicallimitations caused by back and neck pain and that 21.62 %missed work because of neck pain and 24.66% because of backpain. On the other hand, only 25.32% and 37.33% sought med-ical help for neck and back pain respectively.35 Considering Ma-terials’ Adverse Effect, it was found that nine males and twelve

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females had adverse effects, which washigher among females (total 10.5%).

Another study regarding hand eczema andsymptoms associated with dental materialsshowed that 63% of the subjects had al-lergic contact dermatitis (ACD) and 23%had irritative contact dermatitis.34 Previousstudies revealed that 2.8–17% of the em-ployees at health service are allergic andamong Palestine dentists, 8% were re-ported to have the same problem mainlycaused by the use of latex gloves dustedwith cornstarch powder.31, 3 Regarding radi-ation hazards, eight males and two femaleswere reported to have laser radiation haz-ards, the rate is higher aming males (total5%) than among females. This may be dueto the exposure to its harmful effect with-out proper application of protection meas-ures. Similarly, another study in Palestineshowed a similar result of 5%.31 Fortu-nately, risks from radiation appears to havebeen effectively reduced by most dentistsdue to a previous study from Thailand.26

Stress study results showed that 78 malesand 61 females were stressed, with ahigher rate among females (total 69.5%)than males. The stress results of a studyperformed in Palestine was 100% of thetotal participants, which coincides withthe international data indicating that den-tists perceive their profession as highlystressful.31 Finally, regarding vaccination,this survey showed that 144 participants

received vaccination for HBV (total 72%),while in Italy 89.2% of the dentists re-ceived vaccination.29

Conclusion and recommendationsOccupational hazards in the dental fieldrepresent a serious risk that should beconsidered while working in that field.Stress, viral infection and musculoskeletaldisorders seem to be the most commonamong them and preventive measuresshould be taken.

// INFO /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Rawan Mojaidel Almojaidel is a secondyear dental student at the Qassim Uni-versity College of Dentistry located inSaudia Arabia, Qassim, Buraiydh.* [email protected]


Our recommendations are summarized as follows:

1. Awareness of occupational hazards

among dental professionals should be


2. Infection control measures should

be applied in dental clinics.

3. Vaccination against HBV should be


4. Dentists should constantly adopt

an ergonomic working position.

The Internet Newspaper of Dentistry

58 // AIM 03

The dental foot controller– The devil is in the detail TEXT: Dr. Caroline Gerhard

Ergonomics and usability have gained a lot of momentum in the last years. Employees and Employers in many industries started to spend time and money tothink about how the workplace and its environment could be enhanced and howlong-term damage to the dentists musculoskeletal system can be avoided. One possible answer: Change the dental foot controller.

// young scientists

The best thing about my thesis isthe fact that I get to deal with theobject of interest on a daily basis.

The foot controller is, frankly, just an“input device” and probably the leastexpensive element that ships with adental unit. But let's start with the fullpicture:

Everyone working in dentistry knowshow demanding this kind of job can be.Not only in a psychological way, butalso—and sometimes even more—in aphysiological way. Mostly, the dentist’swork posture leads to a typical clusterof symptoms, mainly in the muscu-loskeletal system. These are influencedby a number of factors, such as patient,oral work area, dental unit and dentistwith his professional training.1, 2, 3, 5, 6

Beginning with Schön & Kimmel5, 6 inthe late 1960s to Rohmert4 in the 1980s,

a lot of experiments and studies havebeen conducted, aiming to enhance the dental working environment. Albeitmany product innovations came up in the last years, many dentists still suffer from painful problems with theirmusculo skeletal system.

The fact that the whole situation hasbarely changed has been the core moti-vation for me to write my thesis and con-tinue to develop a solution. I startedwith dissecting the dental workplace,taking the aforementioned elements intoaccount. The dental foot controller has,surprisingly, never been element of a sci-entific study and can’t be found on anexplaining picture.

That’s interesting, because the dentistcan not drill any cavity without the den-tal foot controller.

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Study designThe aim of this study was to determinehow the operating principles of the footcontroller affect spinal position(Sonosens® monitor) and foot pressuredistribution (medilogic) of a dental pro-fessional. For this purpose, a total of 63participants were monitored.

They were divided into three groups of21 participants each, based on their

profession (dentist yes/no) and theirprofessional working years (< 10 years,> 10 years). For the study, four dentalfoot controllers were chosen, comparablein their functionality, but differing incontrol concepts. The controllers usedwere the universal-pedal controller (A-dec) the combined sliding-pedal con-troller (KaVo), the pedal controller(Sirona), and the sliding wheel controller(XO CARE).

Fig. 1: Universal-pedal controller (firm A-dec; pictures 1–5)

Fig. 2: Combined sliding-pedal controller (firm KaVo; pictures 1–6)

Fig. 3: Pedal controller (firm Sirona; pictures 1–6)

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Results and conclusion

The spinal positionAs far as the effects on the spinal position are concerned, wecan assume that they are in direct relation to the operatingprinciple of the respective dental foot controller. In order to beable to use most dental foot controllers effectively, the humanbody is forced into a posture not physiologically natural andoriginating from the following compensatory reactions:

• dorsal tilt of the pelvis (universal-pedal controller, combinedsliding-pedal controller, pedal controller)

• kyphosis and right lateral flexion in the lumbar spine (uni-versal-pedal controller, combined sliding-pedal controller, pedalcontroller, sliding wheel controller)

• lordosis, right-sided lateral flexion and right-sided torsion inthe thoracic spine area (universal-pedal controller, combinedsliding-pedal controller, pedal controller, sliding wheel con-troller)

• hyperextension of the head in dorsal, right lateral flexion andright-sided torsion in cervical spine (universal-pedal controller,combined sliding-pedal controller, pedal controller, slidingwheel controller).

Foot pressureIn order to operate the foot controller, a number of movement se-quences are essential and the consequences diverse. For example,

Fig. 4: Sliding-wheelcontroller (firm XOCARE; pictures 1–6)

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during the operation of the universal controller and pedal con-troller, as opposed to the combined sliding-pedal controller andsliding wheel controller, an increased application of pressure onthe working foot causes a flexion extension movement. This ini-tiates muscular compensatory reactions such as a weight shift thatleads to a decrease of pressure on the standing leg.

The combined sliding-pedal controller, on the other hand, com-bines the flexion–extension movement and a rotate–slide move-ment to initiate a balance of pressure between the working andstanding leg. Due to the single rotation of the foot necessaryto operate the sliding wheel controller, the pressure is moreevenly distributed and the working leg relieved slightly as someweight is shifted to the standing leg.

Group comparisonAlthough the muscular motion sequences of the spine whenoperating the foot controller are not related to the workingyears, the effects of a summation of muscular compensatoryreactions can be detected in the cervical vertebrae—a directresult of automatized myoreactions along the muscle chainswhich are produced by known functional principles.

In group comparison, the balance of foot pressure applied onthe working and standing leg is almost identical. This indicatesthat there are no statistical differences identifiable and thatwork experience or operating knowledge do not play a role inthe results.

Comparison of objective and subjective evaluationIt must also be noted that the subjective evaluation of the footcontrollers’ operating principles in the questionnaire correlatesto its assessment in this study as well as to the spinal meas-urements of the participants. In summary, the assessment andparticipants’ measurements indicate that the sliding-rotationcontroller is the most recommendable one, followed by the

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universal-pedal controller and the com-bined sliding-pedal controller. The pedalcontroller causes the most noticeable im-balance in foot pressure, most deviationin spinal position (especially in the cervi-cal spine) and has thus been assessed asleast recommendable.

An article by Prof. Rotgans follows:

Dental Ergonomics and ESDEIn the 1960s the concept of the patientchair changed dramatically with the in-troduction of chairs allowing for a moreor less horizontal position of the patient,thus enabling the dentist to do his jobin a sitting position. Also the develop -ment of micro motors and airotors made

big changes in workflow, work speed andefficiency, even enhanced by the intro-duction of four–handed dentistry. Thesechanges resulted nearly immediately inthe well known hazards of dentists. Theoccurrence of cumulative trauma injuriesand repetitive motion disorders, such aschronic back pain and carpal tunnel syn-drome, increased dramatically due to sus-tained awkward working positions and

„All the operating principles ofthe examined dental foot con-troller have negative effect onthe dentist’s work posture inthe spinal area.“








0A-dec KaVo Sirona XO CARE





Fig. 5: Assessment of the foot controller by participants, marks 1 (best) – 4 (worst)

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// INFO ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Dr. Caroline Gerhard livesin Griesheim, Germany,and works as an associatein a dental surgery. Shewrote her doctoral disser-tation at the Johann

Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt/am Main, Center for Dental, Oral and Max-illary Health, Carolinum, Health Care Centerfor Orthodontics, Prof. Dr. Stefan Kopp. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

poorly-designed equipment. Apart fromthe physical part, efficiency and workunder pressure can also lead to too highmental stress levels and eventually to aburn-out syndrome.

Today dentists have many more optionsto practice in an ergonomic way, not onlywith products being designed to create ahealthy workflow, but also stools allowingthem to maintain healthy postures at alltimes. The ideal is for all products on themarket to be manufactured according toprerequisite ergonomic standards. Fortu-nately, there has been a marked increasein the number of new products being clas-sified as ergonomic and the dental indus-try has shown its support for thedevelopment of this area. The EuropeanSociety of Dental Ergonomics (ESDE) aimsto play an important role in ensuring thisgrowth in interest, and that awareness issustained and increased.

About ESDEThe European Society of Dental Ergo -nomics was founded in 1987 by 10 mem-bers from different European countries,with the aim to encourage internationalexchange of experiences and ideas bet -ween dental practitioners. After a periodof orientation, ESDE has grown in num-bers and sharpened its focus: Its in -fluence resulted, among others, in thepublication of the document ‘ErgonomicRequirements for Dental Equipment—

Guidelines and Recommendations for De -sig ning, Constructing and Selecting Den-tal Equipment.’

To get more information have a look at:•

To get an introduction of the discipline ofergonomics in the ADEE-document ‘Profileand Competences for the GraduatingEuro pean Dentist—Update 2009’ checkthe website:•

For the bibliography to this article pleasecontact the editorial office.

// global dental village

My arms are still sore from car-rying around the movementboxes, so much that I was

thinking about the last few weeks. Manythings just happened. I passed the finalexamination, I had a nice prom and Imoved out of the apartment I sharedwith a colleague and stored my belong-ings. I started realizing that I actuallymade it, „I am a dentist“! And there Iwas, sitting at Düsseldorf airport, freez-ing (as it is December I am talkingabout) and waiting for my flight to Male(Maldives). How did I get there? Well,long story short: I was asked to help out

at a medical center at the Maldives as amedical consultant. I had no idea whatto expect or what my job would looklike. The flight was quite nice and I ar-rived in Male, the capital of the Mal-dives, in the morning. The sun wasshining and I was so looking forward tofinally reach the island and meet my col-leagues, two German doctors highlyqualified for emergency medicine anddiving sickness.

After another few hours I reached theisland and was amazed by the bluewater, the sand and the sunshine. I

Being a physician for some time atthe MaldivesTEXT: Christine Bellmann

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never saw anything like it. It reallylooks like it was pictured on postcards.The medical center I was supposed towork at is located on a small island withonly a luxury hotel on it and a fewbuildings for staff accommodation. Evenwith me being so tired after the long

trip, I was not able to go to bed rightaway, as there were just too many newthings to explore. During the next threemonths I treated patients with all kindsof medical problems. Our patients werestaff from the hotel or hotel guests. So,during my time working as an assisting

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hotel doctor, I explored what it is liketo be called in the middle of the nightto see guests in their rooms becausethey had major sunburns or an upsetstomach. Decompression sickness af-fects divers because during their divethey inhale gas that is at higher pres-sure than the surface pressure. Es -pecially if divers stay underwater forextended periods or dive deep withoutascending gradually with certain de com- pression stops, the risk of getting a div-ing sickness increases. The most com-mon symp toms are paresthesia, pain ormarbled skin. We treated the patientswith diving sickness with decompres-sion.

In the cases I was not sure, I just calledmy colleague, who was a very well-trained and experienced German emer-gency and dive doctor. Together we alsotreated some more severe medical prob-lems. So, I was able to see and learn alot in this short time. It also happenedonce or twice that my colleague calledme to come to the medical center to seea patient with dental problems, mostlylocal staff. Because there was not muchdental equipment around, there was notmuch I could do besides extractingteeth.

A lot of patients were Maldivians, asmost of the hotel staff were local peo-ple. They are very thankful people in

general, and especially the women werethankful that a female doctor was avail-able on the island. But not just them,also the hotel guests are thankful tohave well-trained doctors available atsuch a remote destination. Like all overthe world, I met friendly patients aswell as some bullheads and smarty-pants. I guess, everyone knows what Iam talking about...

So in the end, this was quite a nice ex-perience for me. I met so many new peo-ple, explored a new county and madesome new friends. It was nice to see thebigger picture before starting my firstjob as a dentist in Germany. Now I knowfor sure that there is a world beside den-tistry!

// INFO ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Christine studied den-tistry in Dresden, Ger-many, and graduated in2009. After her trip shestarted working in Ettlin-gen (near Karlsruhe, Ger-

many) in a dental office. She is thetreasurer of Young Dentists Germany(BdZA) and engaged in a closer coopera-tion of dentistry and medicine.* [email protected]


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The Orthodontic Program at the Hebrew University—Hadassah Schoolof Dental Medicine in JerusalemTEXT: Dr. Chen Israeli-Tobias, D.M.D

The Orthodontic Program at the Hebrew University—Hadassah School of DentalMedicine (HUJI) is the most prestigious post-graduate dental program in Israel.Every three years, a few selected resident dentists are accepted to this 3½-yearprogram and I feel fortunate to be one of the seven residents studying towardsgraduation in 2012.

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The ProgramThe Orthodontic Program at HUJI has at least four considerablestrengths in comparison to other programs worldwide: faculty,additional practical clinics, an interdisciplinary approach, andJerusalem as the program’s home. The program’s faculty consistsof accomplished orthodontists who have excelled in both practiceand academia worldwide. Coming from diverse backgrounds andhaving published numerous research papers, our professors bringto the classroom various philosophies and approaches to ortho-dontics. The high ratio of professors per resident at the programadds to the state-of-the-art orthodontic education. This is espe-cially true in practical aspects; we practice different treatmenttechniques in small groups of residents with several faculty mem-bers directing us in a truly hands-on fashion. This constitutes abig advantage for our learning experience.

Practical skills and interdiscplinary approachIn addition to the rigorous syllabus and practice required at anyestablished program, the orthodontic program at HUJI includesadditional specialized clinics that are aimed at honing our skillsat specific situations and innovative techniques. Renowned prac-titioners train us in areas such as impacted teeth, treatment ofadult patients, cleft lip and palate, lingual orthodontics, and or-thognathic surgery. Such clinics allow us valuable experience indiagnosis, treatment planning, orthodontic therapy, and patientmanagement in diverse circumstances. Another great aspect ofthe program is its interdisciplinary approach. We are constantlyencouraged to learn about different ways of doing things and tothen choose the approach that works best for a given situation.In addition to constructive dialogues with our professors, we getaccess (and responsibi lity) to discuss cases with professors acrossthe School of Dental Medicine and School of Medicine in HUJI,all located at the same academic hospital campus. We collaboratewith specialists in periodontics, endodontics sugery, pediatricdentistry and other departments. In addition, a mandatory rota-tional program at other departments rounds up our ability to un-

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// INFO ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Dr. Chen Israeli-Tobiasgradu ated from the Hebrew University inJerusalem with a bache-lor’s degree in Medical Sciences in 2001. She at-

tended Tel-Aviv University’s School of DentalMedicine, earning a D.M.D in 2004 and serv-ing as an instructor of clinical restorativedentistry. Dr. Israeli-Tobias returned to theSchool of Dental Medicine at the HebrewUniversity in Jerusalem in 2009 for her post-graduate residency at the Department of Or-thodontics, and is scheduled to completeher studies in 2012. Since 2004 Dr. Israeli-Tobias has practiced dentistry in Israel,France, and the Netherlands.* [email protected].////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

derstand the big picture and give our pa-tients the best treatment.

JerusalemLast but not least, the program’s locationin Jerusalem makes for an unmatched com-petitive advantage. Israel is a young coun-try (63 years) composed of many exilesfrom literally across the world. Jerusalem,Israel’s capital and the home for manybreathtaking holy sites of three religions,demonstrates vividly the diversity of Is-rael’s population, bringing together oldand new, people of different ages, cultures,religions and ethnic groups. Such diversityobviously presents itself in the patientcommunity we welcome on campus everyday. Planning treatments that take into account the unique genetic and culturalbackgrounds of patients is a truly humblingand enriching experience. Having practiceddentistry in three countries, I came to findthat there’s no place like home. I reallyenjoy my residency at the Orthodontic Pro-gram at HUJI and I invite you to visit Israel and our lovely campus in Jerusalem.

International Postgraduate OrthodonticProgram: Hebrew University—HadassahSchool of Dental MedicineThe International Postgraduate Orthodon-tic Program at the Hebrew University—Hadassah School of Dental Medicine inJerusalem begins on March 1, 2012 andwill be entirely in English. General dentists(DDS, DMD, or equivalent) from a recog-

nized academic institution are invited tosubmit their applications directly to thesecretary of the Orthodontic Department.Next admissions in September 2014, dead-line February 2014.

For more detailed information on the program please see:



or e-mail:

[email protected]



YOUNG DENTISTSWORLDWIDE Take part in your world.

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The UniversityMasaryk University is one of the most rapidly developing teaching and researchinstitutions in Central Europe. The univer-sity was founded in 1919 and is namedafter the first president of the newly inde-pendent Czechoslovakia, T.G. Masaryk.Since then, students and professors havebeen trying to raise its educational quality.

Initially, the university had only four fac-ulties (the Faculties of Law, Medicine, Sci-ence and Arts). Today, Masaryk University,with its nine faculties, is the largest uni-versity in Moravia. Recently a new univer-sity campus, a modern teaching andresearch complex, has been built in Brno-Bohunice. The campus offers surroundingsfor the whole academia. Lectures and

practice take place here. Besides that,students can find everything they needthere, such as a library with computercenter, a canteen or shops. Our universityis tempting not only for Czech studentsbut also for foreigners, whom we are veryglad about, because it gives us the op-portunity to meet new people and widenour horizons.

Medicine and dentistryThe Faculty of Medicine has been presentfrom the birth of the university and itspriority has been the education of doc-tors, dentists and other specialists in thehealth sector. Dentistry itself camethrough many changes during the historyof our faculty. Nowadays, the dentistry

Faculty of Medicine—Masaryk UniversityTEXT: Katerina Miklišová

Brno is the second largest city of the Czech Republic and has nearly 370.000 in-habitants. It is located in the central part of Europe and as Prague is called “theheart of Europe”, Brno is called “the heart of South Moravia”. Brno was establishedas a city in the 13th century, but the first signs of settlement date back to the 5th century. Therefore the city is an important historical centre. But as we try topreserve sights and keep our traditions we also try to evolve and keep up to date.


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Photos: Archive of Brno

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degree program lasts five years and aftergraduation you can open your own prac-tice. In our field of study it is very im-portant to have as much practice aspossible and I think that our university

is offering us a lot of possibilities howto become an experienced enough den-tist.

Czech Dental Student AssociationTalking about opportunities, I would liketo give my special thanks to the dentalstudents’ organization called Czech Den-tal Student Association, which widensour horizons even more. CDSA organizesboth educational and social events fordental students and, furthermore, it en-ables us to go for various exchanges,thanks to its membership to IADS (Inter-national Association of Dental Students).I am very happy that I can study den-tistry at Masaryk University and also thatI can be a part of such a great team ofpeople who represent our associationand IADS.

// INFO ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Katerina Miklišová is a

dental student from Brno,

Czech Republic. She is a

National Scientific Officer

of Czech Dental Student

Association. Her aim is to

help people through their future job. She is

passionate about preventive dentistry and


* [email protected]////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////


IADS_2012_A4_AIM311.pdf 1IADS_2012_A4_AIM311.pdf 1 13.09.11 17:2213.09.11 17:22

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Doing something for the communitySudanese dental students are trying to dothe same in occasional organized groupprograms; as they take on their shouldersthe responsibility to help the people whoare for many reasons unable to come for-ward to get the oral care they should anddeserve to have. The idea comes from theold saying “If you are not good to yourpeople, you are no good to anyone!” So wetry to be useful to our people! It is consid-ered a magnificent experience for both par-ties, the working team and the targetedcommunity. For many students benefits in-clude social, clinical and personal aspects.Clinically lots of students make their firsttooth extraction EVER at these Sudanesefield trips. Surprisingly that even includesIADS former president: Tomaz Spindler!

These are obviously supervised extractionsbecause dentists, young dentists and a lotof other experienced students are there!

Learning, Learning, Learning—in severalwaysIt is worth noting that bizarre cases werefound during clinical work in number ofsituations including a six-rooted molarthat would have been impossible to dis-cover otherwise because the patient wouldhave never come forward if the clinic hadn't been reaching out to the commu-nity in his area! For the social aspect, stu-dents are found enjoying the days of theirexperience, strengthening their relation-ships and coming closer and closer to eachother, strong friendships made throughand deepened by field trips. And it’s funny

Dental Field Trips: Sudan Dental“Qafla”TEXT: Mawada AmirNawaf

Charity plus adventure, camping and oral health, learning through helping andsharpening clinical skills while having fun journeying on the countryside—theseare all descriptive names for a great experience called projects for outreaching thenearby rural areas and also the far-away communities in need. For dentistry to be-come part of ordinary people’s lives we all—dental students and dentists—try toeducate, spread the awareness, help people realize the importance of self-relianceoral care and show them the improvements of one’s life after successful treatment.

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that some have even fallen in love andhooked up together only after such an ex-perience! The students come back rejuve-nated; they face the university andstudying routine of everyday life with abetter spirit because boredom was mur-dered during those trips!

Also exposing themselves—the students—to different cultures, different environ-ments and dealing with different types ofpatients, enhances the social skills leveland improves its quality. Students comeback much more confident in terms of theirclinical performance but also in terms oftheir own personal matters. They havemore appreciation for the facilities avail-able at the regular clinic but know thatthey can be skilful even in the absence ofsome great technologies. They realize thatdentistry is a modernized science with thesimple concept “The best work is workingwith your hands!” They are more comfort-able in their surroundings at the faculty be-cause they know more about theircolleagues and in a better way, too.

Helping people in needThe targeted community is often pleasantlysurprised to find so many dentists comingjust to help them all. The people come tothe clinics in huge numbers, which maysometimes reach hundreds and hundredsper day. They welcome the dental educa-tion they get and the oral health instruc-tions they receive. They are mostly

co-operative as patients and warmly wel-coming hosts toward the visiting team.They show students the true meaning ofhospitality and the essence of the Su-danese spirit. Wealthy individuals wouldoften invite the team for feasts, dinnersand evening social gatherings. The care thepatients receive includes but is not limitedto periodontal, prosthetic, conservativecare and extractions, as these types arerepresented by plenty of gingival scaling,simple fillings, simple acrylic removable

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partial dentures (RPDs) and lots and lotsof extractions. The patients receive dentaland oral care never found before; they arenow being examined for any oral lesionsthey may complain about, or even the non-painful asymptomatic lesions—the onesthey don’t know about! This then couldplay a desired role in the early discovery ofsuspected malignancies or pre-canceroussituations, which could be helped withearly recognition. When an early proper di-agnosis makes the whole difference, dentalFIELD TRIPS do, too!

Emergencies and educationSuspectedly high-risked patients or pa-tients in need for more or closer follow-up, or the patients require more facilitiesthan available at the time: either for treat-ment or for testing and investigations, orpatients are in need for surgery, or may re-quire a more professional consultation.

They are all referred to the capital to oneor more of our professors, to the hospitalor the University of Khartoum (U of K),Faculty of Dentistry. People who come aspatients are safe because in an emergencyneeded is there, with a well-trained emer-gency team that includes but is not con-fined to medical doctors as well as dentaldoctors. Educating those villagers is al-ways fun as they mainly receive what yousay with gratitude and big smiles and witha “teach me how and/or tell me what todo and I will do it” way. So by that simplesmile from them you feel respected andappreciated in your efforts and thereforefind yourself giving more than your maxi-mum. They somehow bring the best out ofyou. Serious matters are sterilization andinfection control measures because weconsider them with extreme importance.They are very well taken care of in tightrestrictions and to maintain the safety of

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the team and the patients. It is never un-derestimated, but always well conducted.

Come and see for yourselfThe journeys in the past few years includedso many areas inside the Sudan toward alldifferent geographical directions. They in-cluded trips to a lot of the Sudanese states.The number of patients treated at each sin-gle trip amazingly ranged between 500 to3,500 patients. And a few years earlier onetrip even reached 4,500 patients. Never-theless, all patients receive all types oftreatment as well as dentures as well aspharmacological drugs and analgesics, allfree of charge. This brings great joy to thepatients. Let me grab the opportunity andinvite you all to the chance for discovery,the chance to amuse yourselves with sucha learning experience. In fact, we are plan-ning another international Sudanese out-

reaching dental field trip in our country.And you are all welcome to sign up for it.Do you want to have fun?! Fruitful fun?!Let me know! Let me know now!

// INFO ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Mawada AmirNawaf (BDS)is a Fresh Graduate of Fac-ulty of Dentistry, Univer-sity of Khartoum, comesfrom a country of warm-hearted people and warm

weather. She served at many positions inSudan both locally and internationally asNational Exchange Officer and General Sec-retary. She is one of the founders of Basma“Smile” Oral Cancer Association for Charity.She has passion for traveling, loves experi-encing new places and enjoys writing.* [email protected]////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

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The Sonada ExperienceTEXT: Karolina Radó

I was lucky to be able to visit a boys orphanage in India and teach children about

oral health. I was with my dear friends Nadja Uncianschi and Pál Radácsi. But how

did we get to this particular place? Why did we choose Darjeeling and then


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Starting the JourneyLet me start at the beginning: the threeof us decided to travel across India fortwo weeks, before we attended the an-nual IADS congress in Delhi. We startedour journey in Darjeeling, as this place iswell known for its beauty, its tea and itspeople, who are more than kind and hos-pitable. Darjeeling is in the Northwesternpart of India, very close to the borderwith Nepal. People here are mostlyNepalese, they speak Nepali and they aremostly Buddhists. Before we were leavingfor India, I contacted a local guy, Nim,via CouchSurfing. His family was runningan orphanage for children who are with-out parental care in this border area. Onlyon the plane did we realize that we wouldlike to do something for those children.As we met Nim, we told him that wewould like to do prophylaxis in his or-phanage. We bought the children toothbrushes and tooth pastes.

Off to SonadaOn the next day, we traveled to Sonada,which is 45 minutes away from Darjee-ling. We traveled by shared jeeps, whichwas also a big adventure on those rockyand exciting roads. The name of this or-phanage is Bethany Children’s Home, itis in Christian hands and run by a family.The children are from the surrounding vil-lages, the Pastor (one of the sons of thisfamily) is collecting them as soon as hehears of children in need. At the time wepaid our visit, there were two new boys.The boys are from the age five to seven-teen. These children get a new family,love and not least: education. The bestexample to describe the efforts they putinto the children is that the eldest, whois 17, will go to college next year.

A great experienceWe had the warmest welcome there. Thekids prepared a little show for us and

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82 // AIM 03

gave us a white silk scarf, which is thesymbol of welcoming and honor. Afterthis little ceremony, we separated themin two groups—an older one and ayounger one—and talked about oralhealth, healthy diet and the importanceof a good brushing technique. Then webrushed our teeth together: one of us wasbrushing, the others were explaining. Thechildren were very attentive at all timesand interested in everything we said tothem. We were talking in English, andNim or the eldest boy were translating forus. This orphanage, as Nim described it,is a low-budget place. They have prob-lems with buying clothes, particularlyuniforms for school, and toys. This pro-phylaxis was a big thing for these chil-dren. They were so happy to get new

toothbrushes and we got the impressionthat they were happy to get the knowl-edge as well. I have never felt so honoredin my life as I felt there with these chil-dren.

// INFO ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Vilma Karolina Radó is 22 years old, was born inBudapest, Hungary, butspent her first nine yearsin Austria. She lives inBudapest, studies den-

tistry at Semmelweis University and is inher second year. Karolina is the LEO of BU-dapest, likes travelling and being active inIADS.* [email protected]


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// faces of dentistry

84 // AIM 03

“I advise students to become part of inter -national organizations”

INTERVIEW with David Rieforth

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David Rieforth graduated in summer 2010 und practices in Berlin.

AIM: Why did you study dentistry andhow do you think about it today?I studied dentistry because already inkindergarten I was fascinated by smallthings. I was told that I spent hours play-ing with, and repairing these things. During my time in school, I did two in-ternships; one as a cook, which I liked alot, and the other one I did at a dentalpractice which I liked even more. I de-cided to study dentistry because it givesme the chance to connect crafts with artand medicine—a very fascinating mixture.

AIM: Where do you practice dentistryand what is special about dentistry inyour country?I work in Berlin, Germany’s capital, at asmall practice that just celebrated its thir-tieth birthday. What is special about Ger-many’s dentistry? Since Germany has a verylong history of dentistry, various areas anddifferent styles developed. Maybe onecould say that German dentistry tends toconcentrate on high quality and can besaid to have a very high ethical standard.Aesthetics are important too, but the trendof ever whiter teeth is seen through a crit-ical lens by many dentists practicing inGermany—including myself. It can be crit-icized that for many years preventionseemed to be less important to many Ger-man dentists than restoration—I am gladthat this is different now.

AIM: Why do you love dentistry? Love is not the word I would use for an oc-cupation. However, I do feel passion fordentistry. Our working area is very limitedand may seem restricted to some people—to me it is definitely not. The mouth is theentry port to the body—and there is a con-nection between dental or gum problemsand serious other diseases like diabetes. Ihope that in some years it is common sensethat dentists and other health specialistsclosely cooperate and create something likean holistic medicine. I did not study den-tistry to only do restorative work. I reallywant to help people. When I attended anIADS congress in the Sudan, I went on amedical field trip and had the chance tohelp, which made me extremely happy. Den-tists have a big responsibility toward theirpatients, thus continued education andpsychological training is indispensable.

AIM: What does YDW mean to you? I did not become part of the YDW familyyet. But when I was head of the BdZM, theroof organization for German dental stu-dents, I discovered my interest in dentalpolitics. I attended IADS meetings in Egyptand the Sudan. I learned a lot at these in-ternational meetings and can only advisestudents to become part of internationalorganizations. This is a chance to connectwith dentists worldwide and to broadenone’s own horizon.

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“I have many plans foryoung dentists in India.”

INTERVIEW with Dr. Chandresh Shukla

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Dr. Chandresh Shukla graduated from the College of Dental Sciences and Hospital

Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India. He now practices at Peoples College of Dental Sciences

and Research Center Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.

AIM: Why did you study dentistry andwhat do you think of it today?I remember when I was a child and vis-ited my dentist many times due to mycrowded teeth, and how I realized themiraculous effect on my profile after thetreatment. That day the dentist becamea person for me, who gives a good smileto the people. I decided to become adentist to spread the smile in India andnow I realize that I have chosen theright profession. In India, a doctor isconsidered to be equivalent to God sothat helps me to do more for the peopleand help those in need. But nowadays,many dentists are unemployed and notin a good economic condition becausethe government is not making any poli-cies. Our association is trying its levelbest for it. I hope we will reach that.

AIM: Where do you practice dentistry andwhat is special about dentistry in yourcountry?I practice it in Bhopal City, which isplaced in the heart of India. Bhopal isthe capital of its state and is quite de-veloped but there are many uninformedpeople, because of which there is ahigher intake of tobacco-based prod-ucts, which has led to an increase ofOral Cancer. Males, females and even

kids use tobacco in many parts of thecity and you will be surprised to knowthat Bhopal has the maximum numberof oral cancer prevalence in Asia. As faras dentistry in India is concerned, theawareness for oral health care has increased, and people have started visiting the dentist frequently for the general check-up. Bhopal being adensely populated City, we get enoughand varioous kind of cases to learn andpractice. Dental services are also quiteinexpensive here in Bhopal compared toother European countries.

AIM: Why do you love dentistry?Well, dentistry is my passion. Here wecan have lot of blessings from the pa-tients with a good and satisfied profes-sional life and we can help people bytreating them and by eliminating theirpain. I love it more when I can reach outto the people as a dentist through vari-ous Community Camps and awarenessprograms, which are unable to reach meor another dentist. Many people aredying because of oral cancer and if I cansave their life then I don’t think any pro-fession can be above dentistry. We cando a lot of research and exciting workwhen patients realize the changes thatsatisfy me.

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AIM: Are you specialized or planning to be? Why did youchoose this field?I have done my post-graduation in Orthodontics because my or-thodontist was the person who inspired me to choose the field ofdentistry. The best thing I like in orthodontics is that you cancorrect what nature has distorted. In our field we always haveyoung patients who keep us young and updated. Also, a person’ssmile that I see after the full treatment gives me a kind of satis-faction that cannot be expressed in mere words.

AIM: What does Young Dentists Worldwide mean to you?I don’t think I can describe YDW in words, but yes, YDW haschanged my life. I never thought I would be on this internationalplatform and that I am here today, well, the credit goes to YDW.I joined only last year and the love I received from my colleaguesat YDW was incredible. Only because of their support I was ableto organize the 58th World Dental Congress in Delhi. I have manyplans for young dentists in India and hope that with the supportof YDW we will be able to implement them. We want to arrangevoluntary projects and research projects with YDW.

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// faces of dentistry

90 // AIM 03

“I cannot think of a betterfeedback than a patient’ssmile.”

INTERVIEW with Zsuzsanna Stefánia Radó

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Zsuzsanna Stefánia Radó graduated in July 2009 and is currently practicing ortho-dontics and general dentistry in Hungary. She’s also President of the IADS.

AIM: Why did you study dentistry? I announced my intention to become adentist at the age of 4, but, at that timethis was only the least complicated answerto the ‘big question’: “What will you bewhen you grow up?” Of course, I had to re-consider this question in secondary school,but no matter how hard I tried, I could notimagine studying something else than thehuman body. Looking back, I made thebest choice.

AIM: Where do you practice dentistry andwhat is special about it in your country?I practice dentistry in my home country,Hungary. I work at a governmental clinicwhere I do only orthodontics with minors—orthodontic treatment in my country is onlysubsidized by the government under the ageof 18. I also work at a private clinic whereI do general dentistry. Being a dentist inHungary, you are in quite a controversialspot. You are “almost an MD” to some peo-ple, to others you are the avatar of sadismor greed, and others will simply see you asa dentist without any mystification.

AIM: Why do you love dentistry? It is, manually and intellectually, a never-ending challenge where every case presentsan individual and unique task, so you arenever at risk of getting bored. I like that we

have to deal with people, not inanimate ob-jects, that each treatment is not a one-manjob, but a cooperation with the patient.And I cannot think of a better feedback,than seeing that your patient has a smilefull of confidence after leaving your office.

AIM: Are you specialised or planning tobe? Why did you choose this field?I am in my second year of specialisationfor orthodontics. My good fortune fell intomy lap and allowed me to apply for a jobat one of the principal orthodontic clinicsin Hungary. I decided to go for it and I waslucky enough to get it. I have always lovedmechanics, physics and logical tasks, andorthodontics is the field of dentistry thatapplies these sciences the most. I love towork in order to achieve a result that isboth aesthetic and well functioning.

AIM: What does YDW mean to you?First of all: Friends. I love the spirit of YDW,that it gathers young professionals from allover the world, who are enthusiastic, full ofenergy and attitude, who are really repre-senting the young present and the futureof dentistry worldwide. It is a great achieve-ment that YDW is creating a community ofyoung professionals and giving them a plat-form to exchange knowledge, experiencesand friendship on a worldwide level.

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92 // AIM 03

“After my graduation I workedfor one year. Then I realizedthat I enjoyed it researching.”

INTERVIEW with Risa Tamura

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Risa Tamura has got a PhD from the Tokyo Medical and Dental University in Tokyo,

Japan. She is doing research in the field of Sleep Medicine.

AIM: Why did you decide to do a PhD?After my graduation I was working for oneyear. Then I realized that I enjoyed itwhen I had been researching or studying.Exploring knowledge is very interesting tome.

AIM: Why did you decide to choose thisdiscipline?When I was in the 6th year of my studies, Ijoined a APDSA meeting to have a pre -sentation at their “student research pro-gram”. At that time, I saw a presentationabout “Sleep apnea syndrome”, which wasshown by Indonesian students. I havebeen interested in that subject ever sinceand I decided to enter the post-graduatecourse.

AIM: Why did you decide to choose thisschool/university? I found three universities which had studies about the subject, then I chosethe one, which is the nearest from whereI had been working. I took the entranceexam and then I was searching for a newflat near the university.

AIM: Tell us about the advantages of yourPhD.I got deep understanding about my sub-ject, I got to know how to do the researchwork. Furthermore, I had the opportunity

to familiarize with “Evidence Based Medi-cine” in clinical occasion.

AIM: What are the disadvantages?Wasted time and that I didn’t earn moneyas a dentist, compare with my ex-class-mates who didn’t take post-graduatecourse but have been working.

AIM: Was it worth? Why?One crucial thing in doing a PhD is to choosethe mentor “good or not-good”, and the cir-cumstances are also important. I couldn’t doa good job in the first 2.5 years, because mydepartment had been weaker after my ex-professor had retired. But I met my well-re-spected teacher who was in anotherdepartment and now I got my PhD, thanksto him. I was also confused in those 4 yearsof doing the PhD. Sometimes I was proud ofmy PhD, but sometimes I was ashamedabout wasting more time. In Japan, es -pecially for a dental clinician, we have a say-ing about the PhD, “A piece of rice under thebare foot.” It means there is not enough ofa big effect or good thing for the PhD holder,but they feel there is something under theirbare foot. I think so, too, although I thinkits value must be my experience. My subjectis not directly connected with daily maindental treatment, although I can think toconnect the daily treatment (fillings or ex-tracting…) with its related research to make

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one more small step forward for the dentalworld. I think I like it now!

AIM: What are your future plans?Nothing but just working. I had felt manytimes that I wasted time compared to myfriends or ex-classmates who didn’t enterthe post-graduate course. They alreadyhave a lot of clinical skill and earn a lot ofmoney. A few of them have already openedtheir own clinic and have success. ActuallyI am happy that I got a PhD, although atthe same time I am not happy about

having less clinical skill for daily dentaltreatment than my friends or ex-class-mates. Now I’ve started working very hard,nine hours a day, six days a week, and haveno plans for my next research. I may notbe back to university to continue my re-search in the next 5 years, although I amnot sure if I will or I won’t after that. Afterall, I think I was correct to do the PhD be-cause I could have a mind of “EBM (evi-dence based medicine)”. Now it is time todo other clinical things. I hope I will beable to come back to the field of research.

Answers on reasons for doing a PhD*

• I’m interested in taking issues and knowing about them in detail and even- tually trying to solve them

• To work abroad

• I have a diagnosable mental illness

• I don’t lose interest even if I fail to solve a problem, on the contrary, I get more interested in it and curious to know is there any solution at all

• I can’t get a job

• To avoid working

• I had unrealistically optimistic ideas about the feasibility of my research aims

• I can’t face the real world

• The elegant life style of academics and their reputation, flexibility to work according to my own ideas and thoughts, no private intervention

• It’s cool to have a “Dr” before name

• The title opens doors (at the same time closes others)

faces of dentistry // // 95

*By Magdalena Maciejowska, DDS, PhD, YDW Secretary General and Health Coordinator. Presented answers are coming from holders of PhD degree and PhD trainees, representingdifferent professions from different countries and institutions. Source: interviews, discus-sions, literature, internet. The Author does not take any responsibility for any conse-quences following the reading of the article; intention was to give an overall picture of thetopic.

Answers on reasons for doing a PhD*

• I would love to teach at university and a PhD is required for that

• I want to try something new

• To meet new people

• It offers intellectual stimulation, independent projects that nurture a love of discovery and the development of a skill set that opens a host of science- related opportunities for a budding scientist

• It is my personal challenge

• Just in case, you never know what can come in useful in your life

• For employment prospects

• My parents expect that

• I enjoy research

• My sibling(s) did it

• PhD was the easiest option to take after graduation

• My lecturer offered me the position to join him at the lab

• Being student is fun—a lot of freedom, few obligations

• I want the world to be better place to live

• I wanted to head a research group

• I couldn’t think about anything else

• I feel it’s too early to go into the job market

• I've always wanted to work on interesting things

• I think of myself as a freelancer

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96 // AIM 03

“I love dentistry becauseyou can make a differencein your patient’s life”

INTERVIEW with Berk Ozogul

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Berk Ozogul has got a PhD from the Gazi Universitz in Ankara, Turkey. He is doing re-search in the field of Orthodontics.

AIM: Tell us something about yourself!I attended an IADS meeting in 2004 andit was a blast for me to meet many stu-dents from all around the world. After-wards, in 2005, I was accepted in theErasmus Exchange programme and had thegreat chance to visit Greece as a dentalstudent for 4 months. I had my orthodon-tic treatment in high school and it was aninteresting experience. My PhD educationstarted in 2006 and this year I’ll hopefullybe graduating from the programme. I livein the capital of Turkey.

AIM: Why did you decide to do your PhD?I decided to do a PhD to be able to workin the field of orthodontics in the future.

AIM: What are advantages of your PhD?The advantages of my PhD are the follow-ing: treatment of 150 patients, learninga large variety of techniques.

AIM: What about disadvantages of a PhD?The disadvantage of my PhD is that wehave to treat a large number of patients,so there is less time for academic research.

AIM: What are your wishes for future re-search?When I participate in a research project, mygoal is to provide useful and new informa-tion as a result of the research. Acquiring

unbiased and detailed information aboutthe research is becoming harder nowadays.We are hurrying up to access the necessaryknowledge about the research besides try-ing to understand what to do with theknowledge. With the help of technologicalaccess options, we can obtain hundreds ofarticles and case presentations in a coupleof minutes, but we don’t have unbiased cri-teria for determining which research is morereliable. For future research more meta-analysis studies should be carried out, toanalyze and classify previous studies andcase presentations. In this way, a dentist’smost valuable “time” is saved. Patients al-ways ask me for more treatment possibili-ties and future research should be focusedto find more treatment alternatives.

AIM: And why do you love dentistry?When I was 7 years old, I had my firstmeeting with the dentist and he was talkingto me and smiling all the time. Later, I alsohad orthodontic treatment. I liked the ideaof fixing crooked teeth with orthodonticsand my orthodontist was a really outgoingperson, smiling all the time. I noticed thatpatients could be arranged according to hisholiday schedule. After those good impres-sions I decided to be an orthodontist andnow I’m in my last year of PhD. I love den-tistry because you can make a good and vis-ible difference in your patient’s life.

// imprint

98 // AIM 03

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