Yoga 2.1

Yoga Body, mind and spirit


This is Tobin's powerpoint for yoga.

Transcript of Yoga 2.1

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Body, mind and spirit

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Generally you always need a mat!But there is tons of other equipment that can be involved too:• Foam rollers •Bolsters•Blocks•Straps•Blankets•Stools

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Asanas ( poses )



Sun salutation




Lotus Posture

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Safety issues:

You don’t push your limits in yoga. Yoga is about what you are capable of and being healthy. During classes the instructor always gives alternative poses if the pose is to difficult for you. It’s not a dangerous sport, the only thing that can come in to the picture is if you have health issues. Also it is important if you are doing hot yoga ( where the room your doing yoga in is very warm) to be well hydrated before hand so you don’t get dizzy or light headed.

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Comfortable and moving clothing, made with environmental awareness

Try and wear attire that uses organic fibers

Yoga is all about health, the natural way of things, earth…

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EtiquetteAlways remove your shoes

Turn off your cell phone

Arrive on time

Respect your teacher and other students

Don’t skip savasana (it is a very important part of yoga and people often skip it because it is at the end of your class)

Don’t wear perfume or scented body lotion

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Playing surface

Any where!

Yoga is so convenient because you can do it in your bedroom, on the beach, in your yard, even on the side walk if you really wanted!

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Proper and safe technique

It’s important to have proper technique. You don’t get as much out of it if you do it wrong, but it is very easy to have proper technique! This is what I love about it. You can use blocks, bolster, chairs, the wall…all types of things to help you do it properly and comfortably!