YIN Jie China National Cleaner Production Center

YIN Jie China National Cleaner Production Center CP Promotion CP Promotion Law Law in China in China 2013.09.04


CP Promotion Law in China. YIN Jie China National Cleaner Production Center. 2013.09.04. Topics:. 1. Background. 2. Overview of CP Promotion Law in China. 3. Effectiveness and Results. 3. 1.Background. 1990’s. CP was firstly introduced into China. 1994. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of YIN Jie China National Cleaner Production Center

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China National Cleaner Production Center

CP Promotion Law CP Promotion Law in Chinain China


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Background 1

Overview of CP Promotion Law in China2


China National Cleaner Production Center China National Cleaner Production Center


3 Effectiveness and Results

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1.BackgroundCP was firstly introduced into China. 1990’s


Establishment of China National Cleaner Production Center (UNIDO/UNEP)1994

CP Promotion Law was put into effect on Jan. 1st, 2003 (approved on June 29, 2002)

2010Inspection on the enforcement of CP Promotion Law by the Steering Committee of NPG

2012CP Promotion Law was amended on Feb. 29th, 2012 and put into effect on Jul. 1st.

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2.Overview of CP Promotion Law

China National Cleaner Production Center China National Cleaner Production Center

Chapter Title Main Contents

I General Provisions Purpose, definition, scope of application, governmental bodies involved, etc.

II Popularization of Cleaner Production

Roles and responsibilities of various departments and levels of government

III Implementation of Cleaner Production

• Roles and responsibilities of various enterprises in manufacturing industries, agriculture, service sectors, construction and mining sector, etc.; • Requirements on CP Assessment (voluntary and mandatory)

IV Encourage Measures

Awarding, financial supports and favorable tax rates, etc.

V Legal Liabilities Punishment for various illegal activities mainly according to the articles in Chapter III

VI Supplementary Articles

Put into effect on Jan. 1st, 2003.

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2.Overview of CP Promotion Law

China National Cleaner Production Center China National Cleaner Production Center

What is CP in CP Promotion Law of China? Continuous applying the measures of

design improvement using clean energy and raw materialsadopting advanced processes, technologies and equipmentimproving managementcomprehensive utilization and so on

To reduce pollution at source, improve resource utilization efficiency, reduce or avoid pollution generation and discharge in the process of production, service and product using So as to decrease harm to the health of human beings and environments.

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2.Overview of CP Promotion Law

China National Cleaner Production Center China National Cleaner Production Center

What to be done by the government? Produce various policies favorable to CP implementation (Financing and taxation, Industrial development, Technological development and dissemination, etc.) Develop CP Action Plan (National, local, sectoral) Establish CP Special Funds (National & Local) Build up CP technical supporting system, including

Information systems and technical consulting service systemDirectories on technologies, processes, equipment and products to be disseminated and to be eliminatedCP awareness raising, training and education, etc.

Publish a list of enterprises with higher energy consumption and heavier pollution.

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2.Overview of CP Promotion Law

China National Cleaner Production Center China National Cleaner Production Center

What to be done by individual enterprises?(1)

Adoption of CP technologies and processes

Eco-design of products and packages

Indication of materials of large-scale machines and vehicles

Use of green fertilizers in agriculture

Application of environmental-friendly technologies and

processes in service sector

Green construction and building

Application of high efficient mining technologies

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2.Overview of CP Promotion Law

China National Cleaner Production Center China National Cleaner Production Center

What to be done by individual enterprises? ( 2)Compulsory CP audits in 3 categories of enterprises

Exceed the national or local discharging standards or the total amount control targets for pollutants; Exceed the energy consumption limits for unit product; and Use toxic and harmful materials in production or discharge toxic and harmful substances.

Local government should supervise the compulsory CP audits and evaluate the results and effectiveness of the CP audits if necessary. Other enterprises are encouraged to sign a voluntary agreement on CP with local government.

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3. Results and Effectiveness

China National Cleaner Production Center China National Cleaner Production Center

Institutional Framework National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT)Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Science and Technology, etc.

Regulatory Framework Administrative Measures for CP Audits Evaluation System for the results from CP Audits Regulatory framework for compulsory CP audits Management Measures for the Special CP Funds Supplied by the Central Government to the Local Government

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3. Results and Effectiveness

China National Cleaner Production Center China National Cleaner Production Center

Technical Supporting System CP Standards for 58 sectors (MEP)CP Evaluation Indicator System for 45 sectors (NDRC) 3 batches of CP technologies (NDRC and MEP) CP technologies to be popularized in 34 key industrial sectors (MIIT)

Capacity Building

National CP Experts Database established More than 700 CP service providers Nearly 30,000 been trained in professional training courses Over 100,000 participated in various CP awareness raising workshops and activities.

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3. Results and Effectiveness

China National Cleaner Production Center China National Cleaner Production Center

CP Audits Over 20,000 enterprises carried out CP audits More than a half is compulsory CP audits

Economic and environmental benefits from CP (2003~2009) An accumulated reduction in COD is 2.27 million tons An accumulated reduction in SO2 is 712,000 tons An accumulated reduction in ammonia nitrogen is 51,000 tons Water saved by 11.8 billion tons Energy saved by 49.32 million tons of standard coal equivalent

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China NCPC’s Role in CP

Key policy adviser to national and local governments




First and biggest CP training service provider to enhance

CP capacity building in China

CP audit consulting service provider

Researcher and developer of CP technologies and processes

China National Cleaner Production Center China National Cleaner Production Center

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