YHP Statewide Youth Engagement RFP

1 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL - Young Health Program (YHP: IM40) – Statewide Youth Engagement & Leadership Development Coordination RFP issue date: April 13, 2012 Issued by: United Way of Delaware Due date for responses: Proposals due by email, May 11, 2012 4:00pm, Submit responses to: Renee Roberts, Director – Strategic Initiatives United Way of Delaware [email protected] (302) 573-3722 For questions, please join our information conference on Thursday, April19, 2012 9am at UWD-Boardroom Or by teleconference (302)573-3781.


YHP Statewide Youth Engagement RFP

Transcript of YHP Statewide Youth Engagement RFP

Page 1: YHP Statewide Youth Engagement RFP



- Young Health Program (YHP: IM40) – Statewide Youth Engagement & Leadership Development Coordination

RFP issue date: April 13, 2012 Issued by: United Way of Delaware Due date for responses: Proposals due by email, May 11, 2012 4:00pm, Submit responses to: Renee Roberts, Director – Strategic Initiatives

United Way of Delaware [email protected] (302) 573-3722

For questions, please join our information conference on Thursday, April19, 2012 9am at UWD-Boardroom

Or by teleconference (302)573-3781.

Page 2: YHP Statewide Youth Engagement RFP


Executive Summary US YHP: IM40 will promote positive youth development by encouraging healthy behaviors that help marginalized and disconnected young people achieve academic success, using the Search Institute Youth Developmental Asset framework (See Appendix A). US YHP: IM40 will: Build a self-sustaining movement promoting positive youth development and healthy behaviors, which will:

Protect adolescents from risky health behaviors such as smoking, substance abuse, and early sexual activity;

Promote improved health through physical fitness and better nutrition; Protect from chronic diseases; such as asthma and diabetes Promote social and emotional wellbeing Promote academic achievement, as measured by attendance, grades and positive school

behaviors Build communities that support adolescent health and school performance, which will:

Strengthen community resources that support positive youth development; Broaden access to health resources for youth; Engage youth in designing and implementing critical aspects of YHP: IM40 Create a model of positive youth development that can be used in other communities

(See Appendix B for YHP Logic Model)  Problem Statement  The US YHP: IM40 Program will reduce health barriers to academic performance by supporting initiatives that build developmental and community assets, using a Developmental Assets tool as our organizing framework. US YHP: IM40 will base its strategies on the theory and science of “Positive Youth Development”, which demonstrates that youth health and well-being can be enhanced by acquiring a defined set of developmental experiences. These skills and characteristics protect youth from multiple risky behaviors and conditions simultaneously, thus increasing youths’ resilience – the ability to recover quickly from negative events and withstand stress. Because of this simultaneous protection from multiple risks, YHP will not focus its interventions on any one specific teen problem, such as teen pregnancy or drug abuse, but will instead focus on helping youth and the specific communities they live in build a larger inventory of developmental and community assets that will improve health outcomes and lead to enhanced academic achievement. The Search Institute’s 40 Developmental Assets Tool is one of the best known evidence-based approaches for positive youth development. This is the approach that will serve as the framework for YHP: IM40 and provide us the necessary theory of change:

More supportive community and family (asset abundance) Increased developmental assets for youth

Leads to healthy youth who are more likely to be successful in school

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Focus and Age Group  The target age group for the US YHP: IM40 will be 12- to-15-year-old students in the 7th, 8th & 9th grades in three high-need areas in the state of Delaware, where UWD will administer the US YHP programming. Evidence shows that young people in this age group are especially vulnerable to a range of health and learning risks and are experiencing rapid developmental changes—physically, cognitively, and socially – that can make them susceptible to negative behaviors including drug and alcohol abuse, risky sexual activities, truancy and more. Community Mobilizer Organization (CMO A CMO is responsible for advancing the implementation of YHP: IM40 in a specific geographical area in the State of Delaware. The CMO is responsible for developing YHP: IM40 community engagement and action through capacity building, coalition / partnership building, community resource mapping, community readiness, community conversations, youth engagement, adolescent health promotion and other designated activities. Geographic Location(s):  The YHP Coordinating Council has selected three initial locations in Delaware, identified as being areas with the highest concentrations of disconnected, marginalized, or disadvantaged youth. Community selection criteria and community profiles for the three initial locations are specified in Appendix C.    Grant Parameters

Geographical Areas: 3 Initial Communities + Statewide Wilmington - Eastside Dover – central to northern area Seaford – Bridgeville area

Grant period – one year (renewable up to two additional years based on results and availability of funds)

Grant amount - $75,000 per year; maximum of $225,000 over three years.

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Specific Responsibilities of the Agency Selected Collaborate with CMO (see description above) to facilitate youth engagement by integrating

the developmental asset framework with existing and new programs within the CMO organizations and among partners statewide.

Participate in and comply with YHP coordinating efforts including but not limited to representing the “voice of the youth” at the YHP Coordinating Council.

Ensure youth are participating in YHP programs and policy creation in a range of leadership roles.

Engage schools, community organizations, opinion leaders and others with the YHP movement.

Recruit additional YHP: IM40 Partners. Ensure adult/parental engagement with the development and implementation of the agreed

youth engagement strategy.

Develop and implement strategic and operational plans to raise the voice of youth and achieve the goals of the Statewide Youth Engagement Coordination function.

Establish and sustain a statewide youth leadership council and collaborate with any CMO youth leadership structures to foster and promote a youth-led YHP:IM40 movement across the state.

Comply with any and all statewide YHP plans approved by the YHP Steering Committee with respect to youth engagement and youth leadership development.

Collect data and monitor, assess, and report performance and outcomes measurements in a manner that complies with YHP’s overall evaluation framework.

Maintain and submit project status and financial reports as directed by the memorandum of understanding (MoU).

Comply with all requirements of MoU. Agency Requirements:

Agency must have demonstrated qualifications and “track record” with youth engagement and with implementing teen youth programs, youth leadership development, and health promotion programs within the organization and in collaboration with schools and other community organizations.

Agency must have significant capacity, presence, stature and influence statewide. Agency staff must complete designated Search Institute Youth Developmental Asset training

and complete any youth developmental asset – organization alignment requirements. (See Appendix D)

Ability to leverage agency partners and in-kind resources to build capacity. Agency must demonstrate a record or history of compliance with youth-related program

delivery standards through state and/or nationally recognized licensing, accreditation or credentialing authorities (e.g. State of Delaware childcare license, ACA or NRPA accreditation, etc.).

Any organization paid staff and volunteers, engaged with youth, must be subject to, complete and maintain relevant State of Delaware criminal history and other background checks for working or interacting with youth.

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All Youth organizations / programs must adhere to all State and Local compliance standards for conducting youth-related programs.

Demonstrate significant accountability to governing entities for compliance with youth-related programming.

Agency must be in compliance with the management standards of UWD, which includes submission and completion of the following: 501 (c) (3) Most Recent Audit (six months from FY end) IRS Form 990 (seven months from FY end) Current Board Roster Declaration of Non-Discrimination Comply with UWD fundraising policies Conduct annual UWD workplace campaign Annual Report

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Format and Content of Proposal UWD seeks proposals which describe creative and innovative approaches for implementing this initiative. UWD is open to receiving joint proposal submissions. Proposals shall contain the following information, adhering to the order as shown and page limitations. Use Times New Roman or Arial with font size 10 or 12. Proposal must be submitted electronically (see date and email address below).

A. Title Page The Title Page shall include: 1) the RFP subject; 2) the name of the applicant; 3) the applicant’s full address; 4) the applicant’s telephone number and email address; 5) the name and title of the chief executive officer and, if not the same, the name and title of the person responsible for implementation. If the person responsible for implementation is not yet known, this must be so stated.

B. Table of Contents The Table of Contents shall include a clear and complete identification of information presented by section and page number

C. Qualifications and Experience (limit 3 single spaced pages)

This section shall contain sufficient information to demonstrate organization experience and staff expertise to carry out the leadership of YHP’s Statewide Youth Engagement & Leadership Coordinator. Agency should describe the scope, intensity and demonstrated impact of their youth programs, youth engagement, youth leadership development, health promotion, school collaboration, and community mobilization activities. Also describe the extent to which organization members including the Board are representative of the community. The specific individual(s)/staff positions that will lead and implement must be identified with the nature and extent of their involvement. The qualifications of the individuals will be presented (in resume format).

D. Organizational References Provide a signed letter of recommendation from a senior officer of two (2) community organizations for/with whom the applicant has carried out a similar youth engagement initiative or initiatives. If no similar project has been conducted, others projects that required comparable skills may be cited. The letters of recommendation must be on the letterhead of the organizations involved and must include complete names, addresses, email information and telephone contact information.

E. Proposed Methodology and Work Plan (limit 4 single spaced pages) This section shall describe in detail the approach that will be taken to carry out the responsibilities outlined in the project description. The work plan shall outline specific objectives, activities, and resources.

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F. Proposed Project Measurement Capacity This section shall describe the extent to which your agency has the capacity / skills to maintain and administer a system that tracks the performance of youth engagement for YHP against the desired outcomes.

Budget Provide a detailed budget, including any in-kind resources, for achieving the project plan and responsibilities. The budget must not exceed the $75,000 annualized grant amount. Proposal Evaluation and Selection Process Proposals should be submitted electronically to Renee Roberts at [email protected] by 4:00 pm on May 11, 2012. A committee of UWD staff and community stakeholders will evaluate all proposals submitted. An agency will be selected based on a review of the proposals submitted utilizing the following criteria. A maximum of 100 points is possible.

Meets mandatory RFP requirements pass/fail

Currently a nonprofit, community based organization with a demonstrated significant youth development and health program focus and community mobilization experience. 15 points

Qualifications and experience 20 points

Proposed methodology and work plan 25 points

Strategy employs a significant collaboration / strategic partnership with other community organizations 10 points

Budget 20 points

Project measurement capacity 10 points UWD plans to adhere to the following timeline but could adjust based on unforeseen circumstances:

April 13, 2012 Issue this RFP.

April 19, 2012 Information conference 9am @ UWD or

via teleconference: 1-302-573-3781

May 11, 2012 RFP submission deadline, 4:00pm.

May 31, 2012 Screening, review and selection of grantee.

June 11, 2012 Negotiate MoU.

July 1, 2012 Contract year begins.

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Contractual Terms and Conditions UWD will develop a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the selected organization. The MOU will outline the terms of funding, payment schedule, reporting requirements, and other conditions. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, UWD reserves the right to:

Reject any and all proposals received in response to this RFP; Select a proposal other than the one with the lowest cost; Waive or modify any information, irregularities, or inconsistencies in proposals received; Negotiate as to any aspect of the proposal with the bidder and negotiate with more than one

bidder at a time;

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1. Family support—Familylifeprovideshighlevelsofloveandsupport.2. Positive family communication—Youngpersonandherorhisparent(s)communicatepositively,andyoung personiswillingtoseekadviceandcounselfromparents.3. Other adult relationships—Youngpersonreceivessupportfromthreeormorenonparentadults.4. Caring neighborhood—Youngpersonexperiencescaringneighbors.5. Caring school climate—Schoolprovidesacaring,encouragingenvironment.6. Parent involvement in schooling—Parent(s)areactivelyinvolvedinhelpingyoungpersonsucceedinschool.

7. Community values youth—Youngpersonperceivesthatadultsinthecommunityvalueyouth.8. Youth as resources—Youngpeoplearegivenusefulrolesinthecommunity.9. Service to others—Youngpersonservesinthecommunityonehourormoreperweek.10. Safety—Youngpersonfeelssafeathome,school,andintheneighborhood.

11. Family boundaries—Familyhasclearrulesandconsequencesandmonitorstheyoungperson’swhereabouts.12. School Boundaries—Schoolprovidesclearrulesandconsequences.13. Neighborhood boundaries—Neighborstakeresponsibilityformonitoringyoungpeople’sbehavior.14. Adult role models—Parent(s)andotheradultsmodelpositive,responsiblebehavior.15. Positive peer influence—Youngperson’sbestfriendsmodelresponsiblebehavior.16. High expectations—Bothparent(s)andteachersencouragetheyoungpersontodowell.

17. Creative activities—Youngpersonspendsthreeormorehoursperweekinlessonsorpracticeinmusic, theater,orotherarts.18. Youth programs—Youngpersonspendsthreeormorehoursperweekinsports,clubs,ororganizations atschooland/orinthecommunity.19. Religious community—Youngpersonspendsoneormorehoursperweekinactivitiesinareligiousinstitution.20. Time at home—Youngpersonisoutwithfriends“withnothingspecialtodo”twoorfewernightsperweek.



Boundaries &Expectations

ConstructiveUse of Time





40 Developmental Assets® for Adolescents (ages 12-18)SearchInstitute®hasidentifiedthefollowingbuildingblocksofhealthydevelopment—knownas

Developmental Assets®—thathelpyoungpeoplegrowuphealthy,caring,andresponsible.







21. Achievement Motivation—Youngpersonismotivatedtodowellinschool.22. School Engagement—Youngpersonisactivelyengagedinlearning.23. Homework—Youngpersonreportsdoingatleastonehourofhomeworkeveryschoolday.24. Bonding to school—Youngpersoncaresaboutherorhisschool.25. Reading for Pleasure—Youngpersonreadsforpleasurethreeormorehoursperweek.

26. Caring—Youngpersonplaceshighvalueonhelpingotherpeople.27. Equality and social justice—Youngpersonplaceshighvalueonpromotingequalityandreducinghungerandpoverty.28. Integrity—Youngpersonactsonconvictionsandstandsupforherorhisbeliefs.29. Honesty—Youngperson“tellsthetruthevenwhenitisnoteasy.”30. Responsibility—Youngpersonacceptsandtakespersonalresponsibility.31. Restraint—Youngpersonbelievesitisimportantnottobesexuallyactiveortousealcoholorotherdrugs.

32. Planning and decision making—Youngpersonknowshowtoplanaheadandmakechoices.33. Interpersonal Competence—Youngpersonhasempathy,sensitivity,andfriendshipskills.34. Cultural Competence—Youngpersonhasknowledgeofandcomfortwithpeopleofdifferent cultural/racial/ethnicbackgrounds.35. Resistance skills—Youngpersoncanresistnegativepeerpressureanddangeroussituations.36. Peaceful conflict resolution—Youngpersonseekstoresolveconflictnonviolently.

37. Personal power—Youngpersonfeelsheorshehascontrolover“thingsthathappentome.”38. Self-esteem—Youngpersonreportshavingahighself-esteem.39. Sense of purpose—Youngpersonreportsthat“mylifehasapurpose.”40. Positive view of personal future—Youngpersonisoptimisticaboutherorhispersonalfuture.

Commitmentto Learning




Page 10: YHP Statewide Youth Engagement RFP

Rev. 4/5/12

Community Young Health Program (YHP) - Logic Model – 2012/2013 Plan Systemic Change Model

Invigorate Programs

Engage Adults

Influence Civic


Activate Sectors

Mobilize Young People

Improved School

Success and Health Status

Page 11: YHP Statewide Youth Engagement RFP

Rev. 4/5/12

The Vision of Success

Engage and support our adolescents in reaching their fullest potentials through positive youth development in asset-rich communities!

Objective: Implement systemic strategies to engage the community in YHP movement creating community change to support youth developmental assets.

Inputs - Resources *Strategies / Activities (Search Institute Five

Action Strategies)


Outcomes – Individual Change (skills,

behaviors, attitudes, etc.)

Impact – Community Change Input

Partnerships & Collaborations Implementation & Momentum Partners AstraZeneca Johns Hopkins United Way of

Delaware CMOs – 3

communities SYELC Search Institute NHPS YMCA Christina Cultural Arts Schools and school-

based health centers Community coalitions Other youth-serving

organizatons DOE DHSS

INTEGRATION RFP for Community Mobilizer Organizations (CMO) Lead Partners in 3

target areas to integrate YHP with the community

Responsibilies could include: - capacity building and coalition building- community mapping- community readiness and engagement activities - continued community conversations

. Mobilize Young People (CMO) RFP for Statewide Youth Engagement Mobilizer / Coordinator

● Increased community stakeholders that are engaged with YHP.

● More youth-oriented, developmental asset programs in communities and schools.

Increased access to

health resources. Community funders

aligned with developmental assets model as funding criteria.

Increased number of adolescents who are aware of healthy behaviors.

Increased participation in school and

Increase the number of adolescent developmental assets being experience by individual youth

Increased parent (caregiver) engagement with community, schools, and their children.

More youth have caring, nurturing, stable relationship with at least one parent or grandparent or other stable adult.

More youth are engaged in community services and youth programs.

Increase the number of youth who engage in activities that promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Greater % adolescents stay in school.

Increased graduation rates.

Designated communities show improvements in youth supporting environment

Schools serving those communities show improvements in youth supporting environment.

Public policy, statutes, and funding support positive youth development.

More access to a built environment that supports health and development of assets.

More youth-oriented sources of health care.

More organizations are investing resources in positive youth

Page 12: YHP Statewide Youth Engagement RFP

Rev. 4/5/12

Coordinate youth engagement efforts statewide.

Assess and recommend youth leadership development and engagement strategies.

Monitor and report progress on strategy implementation.

Coordinate capacity building efforts with youth organization / entitites to implement youth leadership development.

Activate Sectors -Community Engagement (CMO) Cultivating A Developmental Asset Culture Through Training - create a learning commuity.

Search Institute youth development training

Invigorate Programs (CMO) Mobilize organizations and programs as Youth

community activities.

Increase individuals and family connections to social support systems.


Decrease behaviors that jeopardize physical and/or mental health.

Increase access to healthcare for un-/under insured populations and individuals with limited or no resources.

Increase the number of youth who achieve grade level proficiency and are promoted.

Page 13: YHP Statewide Youth Engagement RFP

Rev. 4/5/12

Development Asset “Champions” / Builders Enlisting /

mobilization process for developmental asset programs / organizations

“Alignment” – organizations / programs based on established criteria.

Engage and promote Champion programs to community and funders.

Assess training / program / organization: community-based / school-based

Common Memorandum of Agreements

Common data collection – change in youth developmental assets

Prerequisite for funding

Engage Adults (CMO) Influence Civic Decisions (CMO) Funder and Funding Alignment Funder Forums

Page 14: YHP Statewide Youth Engagement RFP

Rev. 4/5/12

Align UWD funding allocation process.

Align community outcomes and indicators with youth developmental assets.

Communication / Marketing / Branding Strategy

Page 15: YHP Statewide Youth Engagement RFP

Community Profile, YHP – Wilmington Eastside, Northeast (see Map on


Census Tracts: 3,5,6,01, 6.02, 9,29,30.02, 107.02 Zip Codes: 19801, 19802

Demographics Total Pop. 0 – 17 Pop. In School grades

K‐12 Employed

(16+) Race &

Ethnicity Median

Household income range

24,625 6,848 5,174 9,325 Black 77.6% Hispanic 4.1%

$11,376 ‐ $50,946

Risk Indicators

Total Pop. in Poverty

0‐17 in Poverty FHHs, with own children < 18

% 25+ < H.S. graduation

Occupied / Total Housing

Grade / dropout

6,959 (29.6%) 2,809 (41.4%) 2,009 (21.7%) 20.3% 9,268 / 11,649 (79.6%) 2.6% ‐ 5.6%*

Selected Community Resources (see Appendix for complete list)

Community Service Organizations

School or Civic Government Related Health Delivery, Faith‐based, Corporate & Other

‐ Christina Cultural Arts Center ‐ United Brothers of Ninth Street (U.B.9)

Christina School District ‐ Christiana HS & SBWC ‐ Bancroft Elem. (PZ) ‐ Elbert Palmer Elem. ‐ Stubbs Elem. (PZ)

City Council ‐ Dennis P. Williams ‐ Hanifa Shabazz ‐ Eric Robinson ‐ Charles Potter

Christiana Care Health System, Wilmington Hospital Center.

Fletcher Brown Boys & Girls Club – N. Spruce St.

Colonial School District ‐ William Penn HS, SBWC

Northeast Service Center, Jessup Street

Henrietta Johnson Medical Center, Lea Blvd

YMCA Walnut Street Brandywine Sch. District ‐ P.S duPont Middle Sch.

William Hicks Anderson Rec. Center

Nemours Health System

Children and Families First Howard Tech HS (PZ) and SBWC

Westside Family Healthcare 908 E 16th St

Delaware Adolescent Program (DAPI)

East Side Community School

St. Francis Hospital

Connections CS Programs First State School at Wilmington Hospital

Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church

Metro Wilm. Urban League T. Edison Charter School Bethel AME Church, N.Walnut

BSA Del‐Mar‐VA Delaware Tech. CC. Planned Parenthood Assoc.

Kingswood Center Delaware State U. Wilm.

Duffy’s Hope Kuumba Academy Ministry of Caring, W. 8th St.

Girl Scouts Chesapeake Bay Council, 10th Street

Nehemiah Gateway DE Ecumenical Council on Children and Families

One Village Alliance Eastside Blueprint Cmty. Hanover Presbyterian Church Food Closet

Sojourners’ Place Eastside Planning Council St. Patrick’s Center

FAME, Delaware Futures East Side Charter School

MJ Moyer Academy

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Map Data U.S. Dela Note Sub 3/12/1

p of Wilm

a Sources:

. Census, 2

aware Dep

e: a Partne



mington E



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ation, Dela

e school is




aware Drop

s denoted


ty Survey

pout Summ

as (PZ)


mary Statisstics, 2009--2010*

Page 17: YHP Statewide Youth Engagement RFP

Community Profile, YHP – Dover North Ring (see Map on back)

Census Tracts: 402.02 - .03, 405.01 - .02, 407, 410, 414, 415, 418.01 Zips: 19977, 19901, 19904

Demographics Total Pop. 0 – 17 Pop. In School grades

K‐12 Employed

(16+) Race &

Ethnicity Median

Household income range

51,103 11,775 9,829 22,314 Black 34.8% Hispanic 5.1%

$34,188 ‐ $67,534

Risk Indicators

Total Pop. in Poverty

0‐17 in Poverty FHHs, with own children < 18

% 25+ < H.S. graduation

Occupied / Total Housing

Grade / dropout

6,835 (13.7%) 3,373 (28.9%) 2,362 (12.5%) 14.6% 18,895 / 21,911 (90.4%) 4.2% ‐ 6.6%*

Selected Community Resources (see Appendix for complete list)

Community Service Organizations

School or Civic Government Related Health Delivery, Faith‐based, Corporate & Other

‐ Simon Circle Boys and Girls Club ‐ Central Delaware YMCA ‐ Big Brothers Big Sisters ‐ Connecting Generations ‐ Children & Families First, Wolf Creek Blvd., Dover

Capital School District ‐ Dover High School (PZ) and SBWC ‐ Central Middle School ‐ William Henry MS ‐ Fifer MS ‐ Postlethwait MS

Representatives: ‐ Daryl Scott ‐ Brad Bennett Dover city: ‐ Mayor C. Carey Sr. City Council: ‐ Sophie Williams Levy Court: ‐ Hon. Bradley Eaby ‐ Hon. Allan Angel

‐ Bayhealth Medical Center ‐ Kent Community Health Center ‐ Westside Family Healthcare, Forrest Ave, Dover

Boy Scouts of America – Del‐Mar‐VA

Positive Outcomes Charter School (PZ)

James William State Service Center

Calvary Baptist Church

Kent Co. 4H Kent County Communities in Schools

City of Dover Recreation Dept. – Pitts Center

Mount Zion AME Church

Greater Dover Committee Caesar Rodney School District (part)

Peoples United Church of Christ

Capital Mentors Delaware State University – Wellness and Recreation Center

First Southern Baptist Church

Delaware Parents Assoc. CenDel Foundation

Inner City Cultural League

Page 18: YHP Statewide Youth Engagement RFP

Community Profile, YHP – Bridgeville and Seaford (see Map on back)

Census Tracts: 503.01, 503.02, 504.03, 504.05, 504.06, 504.07, 504.08 Zip Codes: 19973, 19933

Demographics Total Pop. 0 – 17 Pop. In School grades

K‐12 Employed

(16+) Race &

Ethnicity Median

Household income range

30,058 7,754 5,344 12,442 Black 22.4% Hispanic 7.0%

$25,290 ‐ $52,763

Risk Indicators

Total Pop. in Poverty

0‐17 in Poverty FHHs, with own children < 18

% 25+ < H.S. graduation

Occupied / Total Housing

Grade / dropout

5,029 (17.1%) 2,563 (33.1%) 1,067 (9.7%) 17.0% 11,041 / 12,730 (86.7%) 6.7% ‐ 7.4%*

Selected Community Resources (see Appendix for complete list)

Community Service Organizations

School or Civic Government Related Health Delivery, Faith‐based, Corporate & Other

‐ Sussex Health Promotion Coalition ‐ Children & Families First, N. Market, Seaford

Seaford School District ‐ Seaford High School and SBWC ‐ Seaford Middle School

Representatives: ‐ Daniel Short ‐ David Wilson County Council: ‐ Samuel Wilson, Jr.

Sussex Community Health Programs at: ‐ Coverdale Crossroads CC ‐ Iglesia De Dios Maranatha ‐ Clarence St. Church of God

‐ Western Sussex Boys and Girls Club

Woodbridge School District ‐ Woodbridge HS and SBWC ‐ Wheatley MS

Bridgeville State Service Center

‐ Nanticoke Medical Center ‐ Nemours Health – Fallon Ave.

First State Community Action Agency

Sussex Tech. Adult Center

Seaford Parks and Recreation

Trinity Logistics (Developing Youth Life Assets program)

Sussex Community Partners

‐ Kiwanis Group Seaford Library and Cultural Center – Job Center

Delaware Guidance Services, Health Services Drive

Sussex County 4H Seaford Child Development Partnership

Connections CS Programs Clarence St. House of God – Pastor Cannon

Peoples Place, Virginia Ave. St. Johns UM Church

Children and Families First – N. Market St.

Mt. Calvary AMEC – Pastor Batson

Bridgeville Goodwill

Coverdale Crossroads CC

Sussex Community Crisis Housing Services

John Wesley UM Church – Pastor Briggs

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Map Data U.S. Dela Note Sub


p of Bridg

a Sources:

. Census, 2

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geville, S



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ation, Dela

e school is



aware Drop

s denoted

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as (PZ)


mary Statisstics, 2009--2010*

Page 20: YHP Statewide Youth Engagement RFP


YHP Network Champions 

The purpose of the YHP Network Champions program is to align community organizations / program 

with the YHP movement. The alignment process will recognize the youth organizations and the program 

they provide as being asset‐rich with respect to the Search Institute youth developmental asset 

framework. Organizations will be recognized as YHP Network Champions after demonstrating sufficient 

achievement of the following criteria. This process also enhances the recognition of Implementation and 

Momentum Partners.  

Participation in the YHP Network Champions Program encourages organizations to enhance their capacity to support an organizational culture and relevant program delivery for positive youth development by infusing youth developmental assets and developing youth leadership. Such capacity building is a continuum, permitting organizations to participate and develop as their own rate.  


Organization Alignment  Program / Service Alignment  Resource Alignment 

Mission and vision articulates a purpose that is strongly aligned with positive youth development.  

Program outcomes align with youth developmental assets. 

Staff is continuously trained to build and improve assets.  

Organization provides youth programs and services with scope and intensity to support youth developmental assets.  

Routine programs and practices are conducted to increase youth developmental assets.  

Staff has expertise in supporting, creating and articulating youth developmental assets. 

Youth are “infused”/integrated with organization leadership structures. 

Programs are evidence‐based with outcomes that build youth developmental assets. 

Youth are participants / partners in delivering asset‐building programs, services, etc. 

Assess the organization (shift) culture as asset rich. 

Asset‐building outcomes are monitored and measured “standardized” instruments. 


Proactively implements strategies to develop asset rich environments in their community. 

Program and services support and promote positive life changes for improved healthy lifestyles and status and school achievement. 


Routine and strong strategic partnerships with other community organizations for youth engagement. 

Efforts are implemented to engage youth in community / civic activities.  


Organization develops, advocates and supports youth‐adult partnerships. 


The youth developmental asset framework is routinely communicated through organization materials. 


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Organization vision, principles, policies, and procedures support asset‐building efforts and asset‐rich environments.  







 Benefits of Participation 

Technical assistance /  SI training 

Collaboration for resources 

Common measurement / evaluation systems 

Funding opportunities through UWD and other funders 

Community recognition as a youth engagement leader 

Confirmation of achieving critical common youth program outcomes 

Capacity building:  grant writing, logic model development, outcomes measurement 

Be part of a learning community 

Promotion of organizations 

 Assessment Tools   

YMCA cultural assessment 

40 developmental assets,   


Intent to Participate 

Memorandum of Agreement 

Declaration of Network Champion  




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Moving toward an “Accreditation” Model Around Use of the Developmental Assets Framework. 


The question about an “accreditation” process that agencies might go through has given us an 

opportunity to outline some possible steps that programs might go through on a path toward being 

recognized as “asset rich” or “asset Infused.” Below are some of our thoughts on what such a process 

might look like. We invite a next conversation about how this might fit with the agencies you fund.                                         

For agencies/programs funded by United Way, there is a perfect opportunity to invite them to align with 

the YHP model and embed asset‐building practices into their work. 

1. Build awareness of the Developmental Assets and first steps to embed asset building 


In other settings where we have done this, the first stage is to build awareness amongst staff of the 

Developmental Assets framework, the research behind the framework, and some early actions they can 

take to begin building assets for and with the young people they serve. 

A training designed specifically for youth serving programs is More Than Just a Place to Go (7.5 hours, 

including lunch and breaks). This training familiarizes program staff and managers with the 

Developmental Assets; identifies how the assets can serve as a lens for higher quality program planning; 

reviews how the assets reflect current national standards; and engages participants in examining their 

own program(s) and determining priorities for infusing assets more fully. 

2. Option of using assets‐based measurement tools 

For some programs that are already working with quality improvement strategies, you could look at a 

pre‐test using the Developmental Assets Profile (DAP) to be able to measure change over time. This 

would not be appropriate for programs that are “low dosage” (e.g. they meet with young people only an 

hour or 2 a week, or provide mainly drop‐in services, or work with students intensively but only for a 

short period of time, such as 1 day event.) If the pre‐test is used, there should be an understanding that 

for the first 2 or three iterations, the data will not be used to “grade” or “rank” programs, but to give 

them information about program participants that can help them with more focused program 


3. Time for application of learning and peer reflection 

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Good training can only start the process toward implementation of what has been learned. Managers 

can use a number of existing resources to keep asset building ‘top of mind’ for staff.  A book of staff 

development activities (Strong Staff, Strong Students) which also includes posters, downloadable 

templates for wallet cards or name badge backs, a series of handouts to deliver to staff weekly or 

monthly, can help staff continue to reflect on what they have learned and how they are putting that 

knowledge into practice. Additional posters from Search Institute, or posters and art created by program 

participants, can provide additional reinforcement. 

4. On‐site evaluation strategies for continuous improvement 

As staff members become more comfortable with the behaviors they are incorporating, a number of on‐

site tools can be used to deepen understanding, and empower staff to direct their own learning and 

improvement activities. Search Institute has developed a ‘walk through” model and an activity 

observation template which can be demonstrated by Search Institute staff initially, but rapidly shifted to 

self assessments, where staff observe each other and offer feedback to lead to program improvements. 

5. Youth participants as partners in asset‐building actions 

One of the unique hallmarks of the Developmental Assets framework and its use across programs and 

other parts of communities, is that it does not presume only that assets are “done to” youth, but that 

youth can be active participants in identifying and setting goals around asset building for themselves.  

They can also be key partners in creating asset rich environments and in building assets in their peers 

and in younger children, including younger siblings. 

Staff can use a variety of print resources, including activity and game books, from Search Institute to 

support this work with the young people in their programs.  There are also several trainings from Vision 

Training Associates, including Leading with Assets, which can deepen youth engagement. 

Depending on the program and the ages and inclinations of the youth they serve, this work might lead 

to service learning projects, youth summits or other youth driven activities that both engage youth in 

work that matters, and showcase their positive efforts to the broader community. 

6. Deepening and broadening asset building across programs and agencies 

If multiple programs or agencies in a target area have begun this infusion process with the 

Developmental Assets, the training  Infusing Assets into Your Organization (full day) can bring them 

together to work in agency teams to learn more about the larger change process, and how strength 

based approaches can be more fully incorporated. Teams leave with their own action plans, but this 

training also brings them together across organizations, to see that they are all pulling toward the same 

goal of healthier settings for all youth in the community. 

7. Assessment options 

As program staff becomes more confident in their skills with the Developmental Assets, more of them 

may wish to use the Developmental Assets Profile (DAP) to measure change over time in their 

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participants. Additional quizzes and questionnaires are available from Search Institute to help programs 

measure their efforts in a customized way for immediate feedback on how they are doing. 

8. Customizing sustainability support based on program requests 

Programs will identify what they most need in order to keep the work moving forward. One option 

might be help with articulating the asset‐infused work they are doing as they write grant proposals. 

Others may want further help with specific sub‐populations, or with working with other key partners, 

such as parents, police, congregations, schools, depending on their focus and mission. 

9. Funding tied to building Developmental Assets 

At some point in this process, United Way and other funders may wish to meet and address how they 

can collectively support this effort through the guidelines they create and name in their RFP’s.  Funders 

can best support this work with a combination of high expectations and support for training and 

learning opportunities so that programs can move toward meeting these new expectations. 

10. Early Adopters as coaches 

Programs that embrace this model and embed it in their practices can serve as coaches for new 

programs that have been watching from the sidelines and decide to enter into this work. Their practical 

experiences and stories can help new programs visualize the work to be done and their path toward 

embedding the Developmental Assets and more fully engaging youth.