Yes Social Media Proposal

Yes Social Media

Transcript of Yes Social Media Proposal

  1. 1. Yes Social Media
  2. 2. Yes Ltd. Social Media Objective: I. Improve Brand Awareness & Positioning II. Improve Visibility Through Search III. Provide Education/ How-to IV. Develop, Curate & Share Industry News and Info V. Conduct Q&A/ Ask the Expert VI. Deliver Customer Service
  3. 3. Themes I. Organic Living II. Love for Nature III. Medicinal IV. Heterosexual Male V. Additional Uses for Products VI. Etc..
  4. 4. Objective: Social Media Headquarters Customer Engagement/ Service Why? Facebook has the integration to allow other social media platforms to coordinate with one another. Use: Embed YouTube Vid. Link Tweets Link Blogposts Link Instagram Articles Within Industry New Products Call-To-Action Graphics Competitions Respond to Customers Create Exclusive Pages Add FB info leaflets Add FB to promotional lube sachets
  5. 5. BMW makes you like their page prior to seeing the blurred out information. Large Call-To-Action button for NFL competition Brooks Brothers Customer engagement Examples
  6. 6. Objective: Micro Blogging Position Yes Products & Company Values for Discovery and Discussion Why? Fast way to communicate to the masses Has the ability to monitor conversations Use: Check direct messages and mentions daily Practice selective choice on whom to follow Follow our customers Search for our business name Create conversation lists Create a Twitter landing page on the website to introduce our followers from Twitter to our business
  7. 7. UNIQLO uses twitter for special discounts Game studio tweets about new additions to games Debenhams tweets regarding customer appreciation AP tweets about breakings news Examples
  8. 8. Objective: Inform Educate Entertain Why? Videos capture emotion and convey brand messages leaving lasting impressions on the audience YouTube videos have been found to play on mobile devices more efficiently than computers, making the content reachable while out and aboutUse: Create and customize our own channel Demonstrate quality of Yes products Link videos to Blog, Twitter & Facebook Record Yes teams activity at trade shows, conferences and festivals Reach out to Yes loyal customers for a chance to record an interview via Skype and upload the videos via YouTube Engage with other like-minded YouTube channels by liking their videos Create Call-To-Action graphic for consumers on Facebook to ask Yes professionals questions, and monthly record professionals answering the questions and upload videos via YouTube Add subtitles for those who are hearing impaired
  9. 9. This users channel is about beauty self help tips YouTube can be a place to educate Bloggers on YouTube. Examples
  10. 10. Objective: Visual Marketing Branding Why? Builds Trust- the pictures on Instagram give off a behind the scene impression Creates Impressions- the filters can create emotional impressions All Visual. Less ChatUse: Photos of sending out products Photos of sending out Yes Oil-Based to expecting mothers Photos of sending out samples Photos of Yes products in stores Photos of Yes at trade shows, conferences, fairs and festivals Photos of Yes products at historical locations, or around the world Photos of the team behind Yes Link to Facebook Upload Max of 5 photos a week Have Susi & Sarah approve photos by Friday the week prior to posting Use hashtags # on Instagram like on Twitter to gain a larger reach
  11. 11. Examples Nylon Magazine uses Instagram for behind the scenes Nike uses Instagram to allow users to customize a pair of trainers Southwest gave its followers a behind the scene walk of headquarters via Instagram McDonalds has 38,000 followers on Instagram, however there are over 700,000 images of running with the #McDonalds Audi on Instagram
  12. 12. Objective: Sharing a Experience Branding Why? Builds Trust - Creates Impressions Use: Videos of behind the scenes Videos of ingredients in nature Videos on tips Videos when at conferences, fairs, trade shows and festivals Videos promoting events Videos promoting organic living
  13. 13. Examples Sephora tips on using a product called tattoo me Tropicana uses Vine to create a fun video celebrating Valentines but calling it Valenvine GE uses Vine to engage followers
  14. 14. Social Media Mgmt Software TweetDeck Manages Facebook & Twitter HootSuite Social media mgmt dashboard Argylesocial A business-class social media marketing dashboard that combines publishing, customer engagement and ROI analytics
  15. 15. TweetDeck is a program that integrates both Facebook and Twitter accounts to allow the user to organize content into columns of activity.
  16. 16. Social Media management software