Yellow rust epidemic on bread wheat, and population of P. striiformis f. sp. tritici virulences in...

Yellow rust epidemic on bread wheat, and population of P. striiformis f. sp. tritici virulences in Syria GCSAR Report for International Wheat Stripe Rust Symposium, ICARDA, Aleppo, Syria (18 - 20 April, 2011) (18 - 20 April, 2011) Al-Chaabi, S., T. Abu-Fadel, Y. Omran and W. Taweel General Commission of Scientific Agricultural Research, Syria, Damascus, Douma, P. O. Box 113, E- [email protected]


Al-Chaabi, S., T. Abu-Fadel, Y. Omran and W. Taweel General Commission of Scientific Agricultural Research, Syria

Transcript of Yellow rust epidemic on bread wheat, and population of P. striiformis f. sp. tritici virulences in...

Page 1: Yellow rust epidemic on bread wheat, and population of P. striiformis f. sp. tritici  virulences in Syria

Yellow rust epidemic on bread wheat, and population of P. striiformis f. sp.

tritici virulences in Syria

GCSAR Report for International Wheat Stripe Rust Symposium, ICARDA, Aleppo, Syria

(18 - 20 April, 2011)(18 - 20 April, 2011)

Al-Chaabi, S., T. Abu-Fadel, Y. Omran and W. Taweel General Commission of Scientific Agricultural Research, Syria, Damascus,

Douma, P. O. Box 113, [email protected]

Page 2: Yellow rust epidemic on bread wheat, and population of P. striiformis f. sp. tritici  virulences in Syria

Introduction: The total population of Syria is about 20 millions, the amount of wheat grain needs for seed and consumptions about 3.6 million tons, the total production was about 3 million tons in 2010 growing season, whereas the annual

average of wheat grain production was 5 million tons. Some biotic and abiotic stresses (Yellow rust, harmful insects, warm weather in the beginning of season, Frost, drought…) were the main reasons for decreasing wheat grain production during previous growing season.

Page 3: Yellow rust epidemic on bread wheat, and population of P. striiformis f. sp. tritici  virulences in Syria

Wheat rusts presented in Syria during 2010 growing season

RustsHoms research


Al-Jemaseih research station


Al-Ghab research

center (Hama)

Yahmool research station


AL-Tanboo research station


Al-Kamishly research

center (AL-Hasakeih)

Jilen (Dara’a

research center)

Yellow rust+++++++

Leaf rust+++++++

Stem rust+++___+

The environmental conditions (Rainfall frequency, high humidity and moderate temperature) during January, February, March 2010 were favorable for the development of yellow rust disease in most of governorates.Yellow rust was recorded in all governorates where the bread wheat was grown, meanwhile leaf rust

was more adapted to durum wheat. Stem rust was recorded in four governorates (Dara’a, Hama, Homs and Tartous) on differentials set .

SR was also observed on Cham 4, Cham 6, Bohouth 4, Bohouth 6, ACSAD 981, ACSAD 1071, ACSAD 1133, Douma 42151, Douma 40447, Douma 40444 and Douma 48114 cultivars in Jilen research center (Dara’a). The disease severity (%) and infection type ranged from 5MS to 80S.

Page 4: Yellow rust epidemic on bread wheat, and population of P. striiformis f. sp. tritici  virulences in Syria

Yellow rust was recorded on all growing bread wheat cultivars “ mainly on cham 8, Cham 10, Cham 6 and Bohouth 8", Leaf rust was recorded on many durum wheat cultivars in all governorates. Whereas Stem rust was recorded on some differential and grown cultivars in some research centers

Distribution of wheat rust diseases incidence in Syria during 2010 growing season

Page 5: Yellow rust epidemic on bread wheat, and population of P. striiformis f. sp. tritici  virulences in Syria


Wheat growing zones

Irrigated zoneFirst settlementSecond settlement




Hama (Al-Ghab)




Dair Al-Zour++++----



Damascus countryside





-Absent, + Sporadic (Low), ++ Moderate, +++ Wide spread (High)

The incidence of wheat yellow rust disease in different agro-climatic settlements of Syria during 2010 growing season

YR incidence was widespread, high epidemic on bread wheat in most surveyed settlements of Syrian governorates during 2010 season, mainly in irrigated and 1st settlements.YR incidence was moderate in 2nd settlement on bread wheat at Edlib, Hama, Homs governorates and in Latakia and Damascus countryside.YR incidence was sporadic or absent in DC, Tartous, Dara’a and Al-Qunaitrah governorates

Page 6: Yellow rust epidemic on bread wheat, and population of P. striiformis f. sp. tritici  virulences in Syria

+++Wide spread (High); ++ Moderate; + Sporadic (Low); - Absent

The incidence of yellow rust disease on bread wheat in different agro-climatic settlements of Syria during 2010 growing season

Source of YR primary inoculum (urediniospores) for Syria was from the outside the country, due to two reasons:

1. The green bridge is not existing for the pathogen asexual reproduction during long dry warm summer and autumn.

2. No alternative host needs for pathogen sexual reproduction has been recorded in Syria.

The pathogen (urediniospores) was possibly introduced to Syria by north or north-east or north west winds based on:

1. The disease incidence was varied among locations, it was high (widespread) in north and north-east of Syria, and sporadic or absent in west and west south of the country.

2. The number of YR population virulences also was varied among locations, It was 19 virulences in north-east of Syria, and 10 virulences in west –south of country and one in west of Syria.

Page 7: Yellow rust epidemic on bread wheat, and population of P. striiformis f. sp. tritici  virulences in Syria

Performance of some released bread wheat cultivars to yellow rust in on-farm and large scale field trials during 2010 growing season




Al-Kamishly (First zone)

Al-Raqqa (Irr.)

Dar Al-Zor (Irr.)

Aleppo-Yahmool(First zone)

Hama-Jurjeseih (Irr.)


(First zone)

Dara’a-Jileen (First zone)

Homs (First zone)




Douma2 30-60 MSS25MRR-5MR10RR- O


Cham 430-60 MS, 50S


Cham 690S60S50S70S50MR-15MS


Cham 8100S70S60-70S70S20MR-20MS






All released bread wheat cultivars were infected with YR but in different values of disease severity (%) and reaction type

Page 8: Yellow rust epidemic on bread wheat, and population of P. striiformis f. sp. tritici  virulences in Syria

Performance of some promising bread wheat varieties to yellow rust in some Syrian zones, 2010


Malkeih-Al-yanboo (Irr.



(First zone)

Al-Raqa (Irr. zone)

Dar Al-Zor (Irr. zone)

Hama-Jurjeseih (Irr. zone)

Homs (First zone)

Dara’a-Jileen (First


ACSAD 98120-30MSS-10MS10R-O


ACSAD 107140MS25MR--O

Douma 17322100S-40S70S-O

Douma 4206480S60S--O

Douma 42151100S60S--O

Douma 4044760MS50MS--O

Douma 4044460MS40MS--O

Douma 4811460MS40MS--O

Douma 4030690S-65S100S

Douma 4076540MS40MS70S

Douma 4069790S-45MS70S

Douma 4070090S-30MS80S

Douma 4282890S-80S100S

Douma 4833550MS-15MR20MS

Babaqa 3TR

All promising bread wheat varieties were infected with YR but in different values of disease severity (%) and reaction type

Page 9: Yellow rust epidemic on bread wheat, and population of P. striiformis f. sp. tritici  virulences in Syria

GovernoratesDisease severity (%) and infection type

Al-Hassaka (Tal-Tamr, Markadeh, Ras Al-Ain)

Al-Kamishly (Research Center in Al-Kamishly and Al-Yanboo, Malkeih)



Dar Al-Zor70-80S




Hama (Al-Ghab, Jurjeseh)90-100S

Lattakia (Farmer fields) 60-80S


Damascus countryside (Katana)20MS20MS



Cham8 (the most grown cultivar in Syria) was high susceptible to YR in all governorates with exception for Damascus countryside, its infection type was MS, whereas it was resistant/moderate resistant under artificial infection conditions by ICARDA data for 2008/2009 season

Performance of Cham8 bread wheat cultivar to yellow rust disease in Syrian governorates, 2010

Page 10: Yellow rust epidemic on bread wheat, and population of P. striiformis f. sp. tritici  virulences in Syria

RegionsDisease severity (%) and infection type

Hamemeih (Irrigated Zone)10-15S

Mabaker Maskaneih (Irrigated Zone)


Monshait Al-Asaad (Irrigated Zone) 20-40S

Radaeih Al-Haberah (Irrigated Zone)


Maskaneih Shark (Irrigated Zone)60S

Yahmool (1st settlement)20MS20MS

Tal-Hadia (2nd settlement)15MS15MS

Performance of Cham8 bread wheat cultivar to yellow rust disease in different regions of Aleppo province, 2010

Cham8 (the most grown cultivar in Aleppo governorate) was susceptible in all irrigated zones, meanwhile its infection type was MS in 1st and 2nd settlements

Page 11: Yellow rust epidemic on bread wheat, and population of P. striiformis f. sp. tritici  virulences in Syria

Released cultivars

Disease severity and infection type

Promising genotypes

Disease severity and infection type

Bohouth 7R - 10MSDouma 43505R - 5MS

Bohouth 9Douma 41149

Bohouth 11Douma 45797

Douma 1Douma 45367

Cham 1Douma37163

Cham 3Douma 41008

Cham 5Douma 43205

Cham 7Douma 41063

Cham 9SH-7361

ACSAD 65Douma 45404

HouraniDouma 41239

-Douma 41240

Performance of some released and promising durum wheat cultivars to yellow rust in on-Farm field trials during 2010 growing season

The reaction types of released and promising durum wheat cultivars to YR ranged between R and MS under natural infection conditions, they were more adapted to leaf rust.

Page 12: Yellow rust epidemic on bread wheat, and population of P. striiformis f. sp. tritici  virulences in Syria

Recorded P. striiformis f. sp. tritici virulences on differential cultivars in different Syrian zones during 2010 growing season

Pathogen virulences

Al-Kamishly, Malkeih


Aleppo (Yahmool)

Dara’a (Jileen)



Presented P. striiformis f.

sp. tritici virulences

Yr2, Yr6, Yr7, Yr9, YrMor, Yr17, YrCv, YrA, Yr18,

Yr18+, Yr20, yr21, Yr22, Yr23, Yr25, yr27yr27, Yr28, Yr29, Yr31

Yr2, Yr6, Yr7, Yr9, YrMor,

Yr17, YrCv, YrA, Yr18,

Yr18+, Yr20, yr21, Yr22, Yr23, Yr25, yr27yr27, Yr28, Yr29, Yr31

Yr6, Yr7, Yr9, YrA,

Yr18, Yr20, Yr21, yr25, yr27yr27,

Yr28, Yr29

Yr2, Yr6, Yr7, Yr9, YrA, Yr18, Yr20, Yr21, Yr27,Yr27, Yr28

Yr6, Yr7, Yr9, YrA,

Yr18, Yr20, Yr21, Yr25, yr27yr27, Yr28, Yr31

Yr7 Yr2, Yr6, Yr7, Yr9,

YrA, Yr18, Yr20, Yr21, yr25, Yr27Yr27,

Yr27+?, Yr28, yr31

Total number of presented

YR virulences


Total numbers of presented YR virulences were varied among locations, it was 19 virulences in north east of Syria, 11-13 in central longitude (Aleppo, Al-Ghab and Homs), 10 in south-west of the country (Dara’a), whereas it was one in the west of country at Mediterranean seaside (Tartous).

Yr7 virulence was found in all locations; Yr6, Yr9, YrA, Yr18, Yr20, Yr21, Yr27 and Yr28 in six locations; Yr25 in five locations; Yr2 and Yr31 in four locations; Yr29 in three locations; Yr22, Yr23, YrMor, Yr18+, YrCv and Yr17 in two locations; Yr27+? In one location.

Page 13: Yellow rust epidemic on bread wheat, and population of P. striiformis f. sp. tritici  virulences in Syria




Cham-4Flk's'- Hork

Irrigated and first zones

1986Flk's'- HorkCM39816-1S-


Cham-6NiserFirst and second



Cham-8Memof 22Irrigated zone2000JOPATICOCM67458-F-3/BLUEAY/VEE`S`-T-81

(KAUZ) Memof 22

CM67458-4Y-1 M-3Y-1 M-


Bohouth-4S-201Irrigated and first


Bohouth-6C-6419Irrigated and first


Douma-2885أكسادSecond zone2004VEE'S'/BOW'SV/ALD'S'-PVN'S'ACSW-7957-2IZ-8IZ-3IZ-



Irrigated zone2004KAUZ/KAUZ//STAR



Bohouth-8D-19918Irrigated zone2007JAPATEiCO-F-73/BLUEJAY//URESVee'S'-T-81CM67458

Golan-2-2عتريسFirst zone2007ATRIS-1 (SHUHA-17/GHURAB-1)

Douma-4901أكسادSecond zone2007ACSAD592/4/C182.24/C168.3/3/Cno*2/7c//Cc/TobACSW-8024-14IZ-1IZ-3IZ-

Pedigrees and origins of released bread wheat cultivars in Syria

Except for Cham8, Cham10 and Bohouth8, the pedigrees of grown bread wheat cultivars in Syria are not identical and their effective resistant genes to YR pathogen are not known. the resistant genes in most of them were over come by new PST virulences during 2010 growing season

Page 14: Yellow rust epidemic on bread wheat, and population of P. striiformis f. sp. tritici  virulences in Syria

Reasons of epidemic status of yellow rust disease on grown bread wheat cultivars in Syria during 2010 growing season

1. Unusually favorable environmental conditions, which prevailed where bread wheat was grown, For example in Malkeih (monthly average rainfall ranged between 40 - 88 ml during January and April 2010), weekly rainfall frequency, daily decreasing sunshine hours, daily mean temperature ranged between 2-25 C). These conditions played an important role for YR epidemic status incidence in previous season.

2. 71-80% of wheat cultivated area in Al-Raqqa, Al-Hasakeih and Dar Al-Zor governorates (North and north-east of the country) were grown with susceptible bread wheat cultivars (Cham8, Cham10, Cham6 and Bohouth8).

3. Present of someYR virulences, such as; Yr27 in most locations and Yr17 and Yr27 in North-east of the country which able to attack new resistant genes.

4. Application of high rates of wheat seed and nitrogen nutrients …etc. actively shared in the incidence of YR epidemic status in previous season.

Page 15: Yellow rust epidemic on bread wheat, and population of P. striiformis f. sp. tritici  virulences in Syria
Page 16: Yellow rust epidemic on bread wheat, and population of P. striiformis f. sp. tritici  virulences in Syria

Except for Yr2, Yr6, Yr7, Yr9, YrMor, Yr17, YrCv, YrA, Yr18, Yr18+, Yr20, Yr21, Yr22, Yr23,

Yr25, Yr27, Yr27+?, Yr28, Yr29 and Yr31, many other resistant genes (Yr1, YrHVII, YrSD, YrSu, Yr3a, Yr4, Yr4a, Yr4b, Yr5, Yr8, Yr10, Yr15, Yr16, Yr19, YrCle, YrSp, APR, and Yr32

have remained effective against presented virulences.

More than one YR virulences (Yr7, Yr17 and Yr27) were contributed in outbreak of severe epidemic status on most grown bread wheat cultivars in Syria during the previous season. The pedigrees of grown bread wheat cultivars in Syria are not

identical and their effective resistant genes to YR pathogen are not known.

Race specific resistance (Seedling resistance = All-stage resistance) = Yr1, Yr15, Yr17, Yr19, Yr28, Yr31, Yr33, Yr35, Yr37, YrH52, YrSp, YrA, YrCle, YrDu, YrDru2, YrH46, al.• High-temperature, adult-plant resistance (HTAP) (Non-race-specific resistance (NRS) = Yr16, Yr18, Yr29, Yr30, Yr34, Yr36, Yrns-B1, YrA1 – YrA8. (Line and Chan, 1995; Chen et

al., 1998; Chen, 2005). • Durable resistant genes (nonspecific resistance) = Yr3a, Yr4a, Yr12,+, Yr13,+, Yr14,+,

Yr16 = (Johnson, 1981; Stubbs, 1985)•

Virulences of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici fungus were recorded in Syria, 2010