Yellapur Water Falls

Information on Water Falls Satoddi Falls ................................................................................................................................................ 2 Magod Falls .................................................................................................................................................. 3 Shivagange Falls ........................................................................................................................................... 4 Benne Hole Falls ........................................................................................................................................... 5 Unchalli Falls ................................................................................................................................................ 6 Waate HaLLa Falls ......................................................................................................................................... 7 Burude Falls ................................................................................................................................................. 8 Vibhooti Falls................................................................................................................................................ 9 Jog Falls ..................................................................................................................................................... 10 Dabbe Falls: ................................................................................................................................................ 11 Kudlu Teertha.............................................................................................................................................. 11 Jomlu Teertha ............................................................................................................................................. 11 Sirimane Falls.............................................................................................................................................. 12 Hebbe Falls ................................................................................................................................................. 13 Abbey Falls ................................................................................................................................................. 14 Iruppu Falls ................................................................................................................................................. 15


This is the some water falls list in yellapur and how get there and travel guild.

Transcript of Yellapur Water Falls

Page 1: Yellapur Water Falls

I nform at ion on Water Falls

Satoddi Falls ................................................................................................................................................ 2 Magod Falls .................................................................................................................................................. 3 Shivagange Falls........................................................................................................................................... 4 Benne Hole Falls ........................................................................................................................................... 5 Unchalli Falls ................................................................................................................................................ 6 Waate HaLLa Falls......................................................................................................................................... 7 Burude Falls ................................................................................................................................................. 8 Vibhoot i Falls................................................................................................................................................ 9 Jog Falls ..................................................................................................................................................... 10 Dabbe Falls: ................................................................................................................................................ 11 Kudlu Teertha.............................................................................................................................................. 11 Jom lu Teertha ............................................................................................................................................. 11 Sir imane Falls.............................................................................................................................................. 12 Hebbe Falls ................................................................................................................................................. 13 Abbey Falls ................................................................................................................................................. 14 I ruppu Falls................................................................................................................................................. 15

Page 2: Yellapur Water Falls

Satoddi Falls

Satoddi Falls: I n the Ganeshgudi range forest of the yellapur taluk you will f ind this waterfall after 25+ kms t ravel in from Yellapur. Satoddi is on the verge of submersion. The Kodasalli dam built down the st ream of the r iver is the cause for the danger and in turn death of this beaut iful waterfall. Just after yellapur on the Yellapur-Hubli highway you will f ind a board saying something about eco- tour ism and Satoddi on the left side just after the forest check post . From Yellapur you will get buses which will take you to a place called Barballi. From here it is about 8kms walk.

Since the nearest fueling point is Yellapur carry your food and tentage. And you are not allowed to stay after 6pm in the forest .

Fact File

Geo ... place { satoddi falls} in Yellapur(25+ kms) taluq in North Kanara dist r ict in North West Karnataka.

Other places of interest : - magod, ganesh gudi, yellapur

Distance ... From Bangalore 450+ kms From Nearest Town Yellapur 25+ kms From Nearest Petrol Bunk Yellapur Nearest Medical Help yellapur Nearest Hotel yellapur Approach: Best Time Winter and ear ly Summer

Page 3: Yellapur Water Falls

Magod Falls

Magod fa lls

This waterfall of the Bedt i r iver is around 17kms from Yellapur. You have to take deviat ion to the left after around 5kms on the way to Ankola from Yellapur ( this highway r ide which actually starts from Hubli and ends near Ankola meet ing NH 17 is an exper ience by itself. Almost empty smooth road with your loving vehicle hmm..) . This place has a forest guest house though, do carry your food and water supplies.

To reach to the bot tom of the waterfall you have to take deviat ion of about 10+ kms on the way to the place ( there is a place with 4 roads meet ing at one place , take left ) to walk upst ream to reach the waterfall. This height of this water fall is around 650ft . On the way to this waterfall you will f ind nice lake called "Kavade Kere" of about 60acres area.

A word of caut ion : Avoid sundays and holidays as it will be crowded (most ly with unhealthy social pract ices) .

Geo ... place { magod} in Yellapur taluq in North Kanara dist r ict in North West Karnataka. Other places of interest : - satoddi falls.

Distance ... From Bangalore 500+ kms From Nearest Town 17kms(yellapur) From Nearest Petrol Bunk yellapur Nearest Medical Help yellapur Nearest Hotel yellapur

Approach : Best Time Ear ly Winter, Late Rainy Season.

Page 4: Yellapur Water Falls

Shivagange Falls western ghats index

This waterfall is in a unique point of Western Ghats, on the border of three taluqs of North Kanara dist r ict (Sirsi, Yellapur, Ankola) . At about 45kms away from Sirsi. You can take a bus going to Jaddigadde. From this Jaddigadde the waterfall is around 3+ kms distance. Though a motorable road is available walking is a pleasant exper ience.The height of the waterfall is around 200ft . A lit t le fur ther away is a Ganesha temple in the m iddle of the r iver. This temple is on the upst ream. To go to this place you will have to take the deviat ion before you start walking down the valley for the waterfall.

Forest Department has built a v iewpoint a lit t le away from the place, from there you get a nice view of the waterfall and the valley. One has to take their rat ion from Sirsi. There are tea shops at jaddigadde and other places like Hulekal, Vanalli (places en route.) .

One word of caut ion : don’t t ry to get into the water near the waterfall. Many has already t r ied swimming (both amateurs and experts) and did not come up.

Fact File

Geo ... place { shiva gange falls} in sirsi(40+ kms) taluq in North Kanara dist r ict in North West Karnataka.

Distance ... From Bangalore 400+ kms From Nearest Town 40+ kms(Sirsi) From Nearest Petrol Bunk Sirsi (you get some amount at Hulekal) Nearest Medical Help Vaanalli 12+ kms Nearest Hotel Sirsi, tea shops at Jaddigadde, Vaanalli Approach : Best Time dur ing and after monsoon, Ear ly Winter

Page 5: Yellapur Water Falls

Benne Hole Falls western ghats index

This marvelous place is one among the numerous waterfalls (somebody said 18) in North Kanara. A t r ibutary of the r iver "Aghanashini" by name ’beNNe hoLe’(hoLe is big st ream in Kannada) flowing through the dense forests of the Devimane Ghats region of the Western Ghats falling from a height of about 200feet forms a spectacular v isual t reat (of course mental too) .

On the way to Kumta from Sirsi after 21kms you get a small places called "Kasage". From here the waterfall is around 6kms away. Take the path which goes towards "Hosur" and up to Hosur it is a jeep t rack t ill the last house in Hosur. From here it is 2kms walk to the waterfall.

Geo ... place { beNNe hoLe falls} in Sirsi(26+ kms) taluq in North Kanara dist r ict in North West Karnataka. Other places of interest : - unchalli falls , yana.

Distance ... From Bangalore 440 kms From Nearest Town Sirsi 26+ kms From Nearest Petrol Bunk Sirsi Nearest Medical Help Ragi Hosalli 9+ kms Nearest Hotel Ragi Hosalli( tea shop, snacks) and Sirsi.

Approach : Get Down at Kasage from en route Kumta from Sirsi. ( this stop is 5km before Ragi Hosalli) . Best Time Ear ly Winter (we went in rainy t imes, it is different ’cos nobody was around, hellua rain, full of leeches and everything is green as usual. The feeling is different ent irely) .

Page 6: Yellapur Water Falls

Unchalli Falls western ghats index

This place in thickets of the Sahyadr i hills of the Western Ghats is around 30kms from Sirsi and 35kms from Siddapura . Here r iver ’Aghanashini’ running through thick woods makes a spectacular waterfall. The ksrtc buses will go up to a place called Heggarani. From Heggarani it is few kilometers walk.

Jeep is the best mode of t ransportat ion anywhere in North Kanara. You can hire a jeep either in sirsi or anywhere your base camp is and take convenient dr ives.

fact file

Geo ... place { unchalli falls} in Siddapura taluq in North Kanara dist r ict in North West Karnataka.

other places of interest : - honnavar, yana, kanoor, jog, karwar

Distance ... From Bangalore 400+ kms From Nearest Town 25kms (Sirsi) From Nearest Petrol Bunk 25kms (Sirsi) Nearest Medical Help ~ 10kms Am inalli Nearest Hotel ~ 25kms Sirsi, Tea Shops at Am inalli.

Approach ... Best Time Any Time, esp. Ear ly Winter

Page 7: Yellapur Water Falls

W aate HaLLa Falls

One of the numerous waterfalls of the Western Ghats. This beaut iful waterfall is at few kilometers distance from Unchalli Falls. A t r ibutary to the Aghanashini River makes this wonderful falls some 30kilometers away from the Sirsi Town falling from a height of around 100+ feet . The water bigger than st ream and smaller than a r iver, by name Waate HoLe makes this v isual t reat . ’Waate’ is the local name for the r iver side bamboo which can be found in plenty here. and hoLe is KannaDa for a medium sized r iver. This places is also quite close to one more water falls by name Unchalli Falls. And the beNNe hoLe falls. The Sirsi-Kumta road is the main road connect ing to the nearest places to these places. Other places of interest nearby are : Yana, Unchalli Falls, BeNNe hoLe Falls. How to get there : Take a bus from Sirsi which goes to HaggaraNi, get down at a place by name Nilakunda. From here it is 3kms walk to the valley, where one has to climb down to reach the Waate HaLLa falls. Fact File: Waate HaLLa falls is 30+ Kms from Sirsi in North Kanara dist r ict . Distance from Bangalore : 430+ kms. Nearest Hospita l : Sirsi. Nearest food point : Am inalli (Tea shop) , Sirsi. Nearest Pet rol Bunk : Sirsi.

Page 8: Yellapur Water Falls

Burude Falls

This wonderful waterfall is around 20+ kms from Siddapur and 55+ kms from Sirsi, on Siddapur-Kumta road. The way to get down to the r iver is through a small creek which is dry in summer. And which will be full in rainy and winter seasons which makes the ent ry to the waterfall and the valley impossible. The first step of the waterfall has an amphitheater sort of set t ing where hundreds of people can sit and watch the glor ious waterfall and feel the m ist rushing towards them. On the other side after a ser ious climb down you will get to see the other end of the waterfall. And the last st retch of this waterfall can only be heard from here. I f you have a heart for climbing you can climb down to the edge of the rock to see it part ially. This one is a wonderful one. This could be a ideal two day spot .On the way to Kumta from Siddapur after Kyadagi (1+ kms) you will get down at iLimane cross and take a walk for 5+ kms to reach the waterfall. Do carry your rat ion and tentage. This place can also be reached by t rekking from the Unchalli waterfalls along the st ream. And god knows who called it burude, he must have been a brainy. Fact File Geo ... place { burude falls} in Siddapur(20+ kms) taluq in North Kanara dist r ict in North West Karnataka. Other places of interest : - Jog, unchalli, honnemaradu Distance ... From Bangalore 450+ kms From Nearest Tow n Siddapur 20+ kms From Nearest Pet rol Bunk Siddapur Nearest Medical Help Siddapur Nearest Hotel Siddapur Approach : Best Time Winter and ear ly summer

Page 9: Yellapur Water Falls

Vibhoot i Falls

Fact File: Vibhoot i falls is 50Kms from Sirsi in North Kanara dist r ict and is around 8kms away from the Yana. Distance from Bangalore : 400+ kms. Nearest Hospital : Sirsi. Nearest food point : Devanalli (Tea shop) , Sirsi. Nearest Petrol Bunk : Sirsi.

How to get there: Take a bus from Sirsi which goes to Mat t ighat ta,Devanalli v ia Hegadekat ta.You will not get a bus which takes you near the waterfall you will have to walk the Vaddi Ghat after you get down at Vaddi cross or Yana see more pictures

One of the numerous waterfalls of the Western Ghats. This beaut iful waterfall is at few kilometers distance from the place Yana. Along with the two huge rocks there is one more limestone rock st ructure (which is quite small in size compared to the giants) in the vicinity. When asked a localite said the waterfall got the name as Vibhoot i falls because of this Lime Stone rock nearby. Once the Vaddi ghats are over you can feel the hum idity of the coastal Karnataka (Coast is few hours journey from here) . One will have to take a deviat ion at a place called Mabagi. From here the water fall is around 3kms distance. Though one finds few houses nearby the tentage and food are the items one should pack. When we visited this wonderful place we gave a visit to Yana also. To our horror we saw roads under const ruct ion t ill the foothill of the Giant rocks. I n our previous visits we enjoyed walking on a small path in the thick woods to the place. One could not have imagined that there would be a road somet ime in future to Yana. Road for a four wheeler. We believe it won’t be long we have all the facilit ies of a picnic spot . Why people are so fond of facilit ies? Other places of interest nearby are : Yana, Unchalli Falls, BeNNe hoLe Falls.

Page 10: Yellapur Water Falls

Jog Falls western ghats index

This is the place where the r iver Sharavat i falls from a height of 292m form ing a glor ious waterfall. The r iver forms four different t racks which are named ’Raja’, ’Rani’, ’Roarer ’ and ’Rocket ’ which are named apt ly by the majesty they display.

This place can be reached from sagar (30+ kms) , siddapur (21kms) or honnavar ( 60 kms) . When you are com ing from Siddapura take a r ight turn at a place called "Mavinagundi" which is few kms before jog. (You wont get this place if you are com ing from sagar) . And there are a few places where you can stay overnight . These places are run by KSTDC.

When the water is less you can actually walk down to the bot tom of the water fall, but be careful, that broken Beer bot t le m ight hurt you.

Fact File

Geo ... place { jog} in Sagar taluq in Shimoga dist r ict in North West Karnataka.

other places of interest : - honnavar, gersoppa, kanoor, honnemaradu, burude falls.

Distance ... From Bangalore 450+ kms From Nearest Town 21kms(siddapura) , 30+ kms (Sagar) From Nearest Petrol Bunk siddapura, Sagar Nearest Medical Help Jog colony Nearest Hotel Jog itself (siddapura, sagar)

Approach : Best Time July - August

Page 11: Yellapur Water Falls

Dabbe Falls:

On the way to Bhatkal from Sagar via Talaguppa and Kargal, 20+ kms after Kargal you will get a place called Hosagadde, you will get down there and walk around 6-8 kms to reach a waterfall called Dabbe Falls.

Kudlu Teertha

About 50 kms. from Udupi, 15 kms. From Hebri, is the Kudlu Teertha where the r iver seetha cascades from a height of 150ft . This picturesque locale makes a fine picnic spot as well as t rekkers delight .

Jom lu Teertha

Situated 42 kms. from Udupi 10 kms. from Hebri. This cascade of Seetha r iver creates a beaut iful picnic spot .

On Ellu amavasya (an auspicious day in the Hindu calendar) day, people come to this place and bathe in the waterfalls. This year, more than 10,000 people bathed on the holy day. Having natural beauty, this place is a well-known picnic spot .

Page 12: Yellapur Water Falls

Sirim ane Falls

One of the numerous waterfalls of the Western Ghats. This beaut iful waterfall is at 5 kilometers distance from the place Kigga near Sr inger i. This waterfall though small in size when compared to the other waterfalls of the Western Ghats. But in beauty this one as pret ty as others. Best season for v isit ing would be just after the rainy season. I t is both good and bad as this waterfall is easily accessible through road. Good, the road makes the visit safe and fast . Bad news is that such easily accessible nice places are always crowded and crowded with "picnic going" crowd. Already this place is being spoilt . One can see writ ings on stone and lots of plast ic bags thown around. pity! Other places of interest nearby are : Narasimha Parvata. Aagumbe, Sr inger i, Uluve Bird Sanct t . Fact File: Sir imane falls is 5Kms from Kigga in Chickmagalur dist r ict and is around 22kms away from the Sr inger i. Distance from Bangalore : 300+ kms. Nearest Hospita l : Sr inger i. Nearest food point : Sr inger i. Nearest Pet rol Bunk : Sr inger i. How to get there : Take a bus from Sringer i which goes to Kigga.You will not get a bus which takes you near the waterfall you will have to walk 5kms after you get down at Kigga. There is motorable way to the waterfall.

Page 13: Yellapur Water Falls

Hebbe Falls western ghats index

This beaut iful waterfall is 10+ kms away from the famous hill stat ion Kemmangundi.This waterfall is inside coffee estate can either be reached by walk or a four wheeler.

Fact File

Geo ... place { hebbe falls} in Chikamagalur dist r ict in West Karnataka.

other places of interest : - kemman gundi, kalhat ta gir i falls, Shant i Falls

Distance ... From Bangalore 300+ kms From Nearest Town Tar ikere From Nearest Petrol Bunk Tar ikere Nearest Medical Help Kemman gundi (10+ kms) Nearest Hotel Kemman gundi Approach : Best Time Ear ly Winter

Page 14: Yellapur Water Falls

Abbey Falls western ghats index

This waterfalls is am idst of lush green coffee plantat ion and is located at about 10kms from Madiker i.

Fact File

Geo ... place { abbey falls } in madiker i(10+ kms) taluq in madiker i dist r ict in South West Karnataka.

other places of interest : - iruppu falls, tadianda mol, talakaver i, bhagamandala

Distance ... From Bangalore 250+ kms. From Nearest Town 10kms (Madiker i) . From Nearest Petrol Bunk Madiker i Nearest Medical Help Madiker i. Nearest Hotel Madiker i.

Approach : From Madiker i catch a local t ransport ( jeep or taxi) to the coffee estate. From here it is a 10 m inutes walk to the waterfalls through the coffee fields. Best Time Ear ly Winter

Page 15: Yellapur Water Falls

I ruppu Falls western ghats index

This waterfalls is am idst of lush green Western Ghats and is located at about 50kms from Madiker i and 20kms from NagarahoLe Nat ional Park. This st ream will later join r iver Kaver i.

Fact File

Geo ... place { iruppu falls} in Madiker i dist r ict in South Karnataka. Distance ... From Bangalore 250+ kms. From Nearest Town 10kms (Madiker i) . From Nearest Petrol Bunk Madiker i Nearest Medical Help Madiker i. Nearest Hotel Madiker i.

Approach : Best Time Ear ly Winter