YEAST GENETICS Exploring genetic suppression interactions ...RESEARCH ARTICLE YEAST GENETICS...

RESEARCH ARTICLE SUMMARY YEAST GENETICS Exploring genetic suppression interactions on a global scale Jolanda van Leeuwen, Carles Pons, Joseph C. Mellor, Takafumi N. Yamaguchi, Helena Friesen, John Koschwanez, Mojca Mattiazzi Ušaj, Maria Pechlaner, Mehmet Takar, Matej Ušaj, Benjamin VanderSluis, Kerry Andrusiak, Pritpal Bansal, Anastasia Baryshnikova, Claire E. Boone, Jessica Cao, Atina Cote, Marinella Gebbia, Gene Horecka, Ira Horecka, Elena Kuzmin, Nicole Legro, Wendy Liang, Natascha van Lieshout, Margaret McNee, Bryan-Joseph San Luis, Fatemeh Shaeri, Ermira Shuteriqi, Song Sun, Lu Yang, Ji-Young Youn, Michael Yuen, Michael Costanzo, Anne-Claude Gingras, Patrick Aloy, Chris Oostenbrink, Andrew Murray, Todd R. Graham, Chad L. Myers,* Brenda J. Andrews,* Frederick P. Roth,* Charles Boone* INTRODUCTION: Genetic suppression oc- curs when the phenotypic defects caused by a mutated gene are rescued by a mutation in another gene. These genetic interactions can connect genes that work within the same pathway or biological process, providing new mechanistic insights into cellular function, or they can correct defects in gene expression or protein pro- duction. More generally, suppression interactions may play an important role in the genetics underlying hu- man diseases, such as the diverse penetrance of Mendelian disease variants. Our ability to interpret personal genome sequences remains limited, in part, because we lack an under- standing of how sequence variants interact in nonadditive ways to generate profound phe- notypes, including genetic suppression. RATIONALE: Genetic interactions, in which mutations in two different genes combine to generate an unexpected phenotype, may un- derlie a significant component of trait her- itability. Although genetic interactions that compromise fitness, such as synthetic lethality, have been mapped extensively, suppression interactions have not been explored system- atically. To understand the general principles of genetic suppression and to examine the extent to which these interactions reflect cellular function, we harnessed the powerful genetics of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae to assemble a global network of gen- etic suppression interactions. RESULTS: By analyzing hundreds of pub- lished papers, we assembled a network of genetic suppression interactions involving ~1300 different yeast genes and ~1800 unique interactions. Through automated genetic map- ping and whole-genome sequencing, we also isolated an unbiased, experimental set of ~200 spontaneous suppressor mutations that cor- rect the fitness defects of deletion or hypomor- phic mutant alleles. Integrating these results yielded a global suppression network. The majority of suppression in- teractions identified novel gene-gene connections, thus providing new in- formation about the functional wiring diagram of a cell. Most suppression pairs connected functionally related genes, including genes encoding mem- bers of the same pathway or complex. The functional enrichments observed for suppres- sion gene pairs were several times as high as those found for other types of genetic in- teractions; this highlighted their discovery potential for assigning gene function. Our systematic suppression analysis also identi- fied a prevalent allele-specific mechanism of suppression, whereby growth defects of hypo- morphic alleles can be overcome by mutations that compromise either protein or mRNA degradation machineries. From whole-genome sequencing of suppres- sor strains, we also identified additional sec- ondary mutations, the vast majority of which appeared to be random passenger mutations. However, a small subset of genes was enriched for secondary mutations, several of which did not affect growth rate but rather appeared to delay the onset of the stationary phase. This delay suggests that they are selected for under laboratory growth conditions because they increase cell abundance within a propagat- ing population. CONCLUSION: A global network of genetic suppression interactions highlights the major potential for systematic studies of suppression to map cellular function. Our findings allowed us to formulate and quantify the general mechanisms of genetic suppression, which has the potential to guide the identification of modifier genes affecting the penetrance of genetic traits, including human disease. RESEARCH SCIENCE 4 NOVEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6312 599 The list of author affiliations is available in the full article online. *Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] (C.L.M.); [email protected] (B.J.A.); [email protected] (F.P.R); [email protected] (C.B.) Cite this article as J. van Leeuwen et al., Science 354, aag0839 (2016). DOI: 10.1126/science.aag0839 Mapping a global suppression network Q Q Protein stability Same complex Q S Normal fitness Other functional connection Unknown Q S Same pathway Normal fitness S Q Related pathway Normal fitness NMD * mRNA stability All suppression interactions Normal fitness Wild type Reduced fitness (sick) Restored fitness (healthy) • 1842 Literature curated suppression interactions • 195 Systematically derived suppression interactions - Genetic mapping - Whole genome sequencing Mechanistic suppression classes Genetic suppression 0 16 4 fold enrich. Enrichment of suppression gene pairs same complex same pathway coex- pression GO coan- notation colocal- ization Global analysis of genetic suppression. Ge- netic suppression interactions occur when the detrimental effects of a primary mutation can be overcome by a secondary mutation. Both literature-curated and experimentally derived sup- pression interactions were collected and yielded a genetic suppression network.This global network was enriched for functional relationships and de- fined distinct mechanistic classes of genetic suppression. ON OUR WEBSITE Read the full article at http://dx.doi. org/10.1126/ science.aag0839 .................................................. on November 3, 2016 Downloaded from

Transcript of YEAST GENETICS Exploring genetic suppression interactions ...RESEARCH ARTICLE YEAST GENETICS...

Page 1: YEAST GENETICS Exploring genetic suppression interactions ...RESEARCH ARTICLE YEAST GENETICS Exploring genetic suppression interactions on a global scale Jolanda van Leeuwen,1* Carles



Exploring genetic suppressioninteractions on a global scaleJolanda van Leeuwen, Carles Pons, Joseph C. Mellor, Takafumi N. Yamaguchi,Helena Friesen, John Koschwanez, Mojca Mattiazzi Ušaj, Maria Pechlaner, Mehmet Takar,Matej Ušaj, Benjamin VanderSluis, Kerry Andrusiak, Pritpal Bansal, Anastasia Baryshnikova,Claire E. Boone, Jessica Cao, Atina Cote, Marinella Gebbia, Gene Horecka, Ira Horecka,Elena Kuzmin, Nicole Legro, Wendy Liang, Natascha van Lieshout, Margaret McNee,Bryan-Joseph San Luis, Fatemeh Shaeri, Ermira Shuteriqi, Song Sun, Lu Yang,Ji-Young Youn, Michael Yuen, Michael Costanzo, Anne-Claude Gingras, Patrick Aloy,Chris Oostenbrink, AndrewMurray, Todd R. Graham, Chad L. Myers,* Brenda J. Andrews,*Frederick P. Roth,* Charles Boone*

INTRODUCTION: Genetic suppression oc-curs when the phenotypic defects caused bya mutated gene are rescued by a mutation inanother gene.These genetic interactions can connect

genes that work within the same pathwayor biological process, providing newmechanistic insights into cellularfunction, or they can correct defectsin gene expression or protein pro-duction. More generally, suppressioninteractions may play an importantrole in the genetics underlying hu-man diseases, such as the diverse penetranceof Mendelian disease variants. Our ability tointerpret personal genome sequences remainslimited, in part, because we lack an under-standing of how sequence variants interact innonadditive ways to generate profound phe-notypes, including genetic suppression.

RATIONALE:Genetic interactions, in whichmutations in two different genes combine togenerate an unexpected phenotype, may un-derlie a significant component of trait her-itability. Although genetic interactions thatcompromise fitness, such as synthetic lethality,have been mapped extensively, suppressioninteractions have not been explored system-atically. To understand the general principlesof genetic suppression and to examine theextent to which these interactions reflectcellular function, we harnessed the powerfulgenetics of the budding yeast Saccharomycescerevisiae to assemble a global network of gen-etic suppression interactions.

RESULTS: By analyzing hundreds of pub-lished papers, we assembled a network ofgenetic suppression interactions involving~1300 different yeast genes and ~1800 uniqueinteractions. Through automated genetic map-

ping and whole-genome sequencing, we alsoisolated an unbiased, experimental set of ~200spontaneous suppressor mutations that cor-rect the fitness defects of deletion or hypomor-phic mutant alleles. Integrating these resultsyielded a global suppression network.

The majority of suppression in-teractions identified novel gene-geneconnections, thus providing new in-formation about the functionalwiringdiagram of a cell. Most suppressionpairs connected functionally relatedgenes, including genes encodingmem-

bers of the same pathway or complex. Thefunctional enrichments observed for suppres-sion gene pairs were several times as high asthose found for other types of genetic in-teractions; this highlighted their discoverypotential for assigning gene function. Oursystematic suppression analysis also identi-fied a prevalent allele-specific mechanism ofsuppression, whereby growth defects of hypo-morphic alleles can be overcome bymutationsthat compromise either protein or mRNAdegradation machineries.Fromwhole-genome sequencing of suppres-

sor strains, we also identified additional sec-ondary mutations, the vast majority of whichappeared to be random passenger mutations.However, a small subset of genes was enrichedfor secondary mutations, several of whichdid not affect growth rate but rather appearedto delay the onset of the stationary phase. Thisdelay suggests that they are selected for underlaboratory growth conditions because theyincrease cell abundance within a propagat-ing population.

CONCLUSION: A global network of geneticsuppression interactions highlights the majorpotential for systematic studies of suppressionto map cellular function. Our findings allowed

us to formulate and quantify the generalmechanisms of genetic suppression, whichhas the potential to guide the identificationof modifier genes affecting the penetrance ofgenetic traits, including human disease.▪


SCIENCE 4 NOVEMBER 2016 • VOL 354 ISSUE 6312 599

The list of author affiliations is available in the full article online.*Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] (C.L.M.);[email protected] (B.J.A.); [email protected](F.P.R); [email protected] (C.B.)Cite this article as J. van Leeuwen et al., Science 354,aag0839 (2016). DOI: 10.1126/science.aag0839

Mapping a global suppression network


Protein stability

Same complexQ S

Normal fitness



Unknown Q S

Same pathway

Normal fitness

SQRelated pathway

Normal fitnessNMD

*mRNA stability All


Normal fitness

Wild type

Reduced fitness(sick)

Restored fitness(healthy)

• 1842 Literature curated suppression interactions

• 195 Systematically derived suppression interactions

- Genetic mapping- Whole genome sequencing

Mechanistic suppression classes

Genetic suppression

0 164fold enrich.

Enrichment of suppression gene pairs




GO coan-notation


Global analysis of genetic suppression.Ge-netic suppression interactions occur when thedetrimental effects of a primary mutation canbe overcome by a secondary mutation. Bothliterature-curated and experimentally derived sup-pression interactions were collected and yieldedagenetic suppressionnetwork.This global networkwas enriched for functional relationships and de-fined distinct mechanistic classes of geneticsuppression.


Read the full articleat




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Exploring genetic suppressioninteractions on a global scaleJolanda van Leeuwen,1* Carles Pons,2,3* Joseph C. Mellor,1,4†Takafumi N. Yamaguchi,1,4,5 Helena Friesen,1 John Koschwanez,6

Mojca Mattiazzi Ušaj,1 Maria Pechlaner,7 Mehmet Takar,8 Matej Ušaj,1

Benjamin VanderSluis,2‡ Kerry Andrusiak,1,5 Pritpal Bansal,1,4

Anastasia Baryshnikova,9 Claire E. Boone,1 Jessica Cao,1 Atina Cote,1,4

Marinella Gebbia,1,4 Gene Horecka,1 Ira Horecka,1 Elena Kuzmin,1,5 Nicole Legro,1

Wendy Liang,1 Natascha van Lieshout,1,4,5 Margaret McNee,1 Bryan-Joseph San Luis,1

Fatemeh Shaeri,1,4 Ermira Shuteriqi,1 Song Sun,1 Lu Yang,1 Ji-Young Youn,4

Michael Yuen,1 Michael Costanzo,1 Anne-Claude Gingras,4,5 Patrick Aloy,3,10

Chris Oostenbrink,7 Andrew Murray,6 Todd R. Graham,8 Chad L. Myers,2,11§Brenda J. Andrews,1,5§ Frederick P. Roth,1,4,5,11,12§ Charles Boone1,5,11§

Genetic suppression occurs when the phenotypic defects caused by a mutation in a particulargene are rescued by a mutation in a second gene.To explore the principles of geneticsuppression, we examined both literature-curated and unbiased experimental data, involvingsystematic genetic mapping and whole-genome sequencing, to generate a large-scalesuppression network among yeast genes. Most suppression pairs identified novel relationshipsamong functionally related genes, providing new insights into the functional wiring diagramof the cell. In addition to suppressor mutations, we identified frequent secondary mutations,in a subset of genes, that likely cause a delay in the onset of stationary phase, which appearsto promote their enrichment within a propagating population.These findings allow us toformulate and quantify general mechanisms of genetic suppression.

Although causative variants have been iden-tified for many Mendelian disorders, chal-lenges remain in understanding howgeneticvariants combine to generate phenotypes.Great progress has been made in mapping

and interpreting genetic interactions in yeast, byusing growth rate as a proxy for fitness. High-throughput genetic interaction studies have iden-tified hundreds of thousands of negative andpositive interactions, in which the fitness defectof a yeast double mutant is either more or lesssevere, respectively, than the expected effect ofcombining the single mutants (Fig. 1A) (1, 2).Positive interactions indicate that the phenotypiceffects associated with detrimental mutations canbe masked or overcome and may explain whycertain individuals are healthy despite carryingsevere disease-causing mutations (3).Positive interactions can be further classified

by their relative strength, ranging frommasking,in which the double mutant fitness is higher thanexpected but less than or equal to that of the slow-

est growing single mutant, to suppression, inwhich the double mutant is healthier than theslowest growing single mutant and possibly hasa fitness that is comparable to that of wild type(Fig. 1A) (1, 4). These classes of positive interactionscan represent biologically distinct functional rela-tionships (4, 5). Most positive interactions iden-tified by systematic genetic interaction screensin yeast, based on synthetic genetic array (SGA)analysis with loss-of-function mutations (2, 6),are relativelyweakmasking interactions (fig. S1A),such as the positive interactions that occur amonggenes within the same nonessential complex orpathway (7). By contrast, stronger suppressioninteractions remain largely unexplored.Spontaneous suppressor mutations can be se-

lected to overcome the fitness defect associatedwith a specific mutant allele. Extragenic suppres-sor mutations encompass two basic classes: (i) in-formational suppressors that change the proteintranslational or mRNA transcriptional machinery,such that the primary mutation is reinterpreted,

and (ii) functional suppressors in which a muta-tion in a second gene functionally compensatesfor the defect associated with the primary muta-tion (8). Here, our major goal was to investigatethe general principles of functional suppressionby assembling a global network of these inter-actions, which should provide new mechanisticinsights about protein function and enable theordering of components of biological pathways.

A network of literature-curatedsuppression interactions

To capture existing suppression interactions inSaccharomyces cerevisiae, we examined ~6000potential interactions in ~1700 published papersderived from the BioGRID’s “synthetic rescue”data set (9). From each interaction, we annotatedthe type of suppressor mutation (e.g., spontane-ous mutation or deletion allele); the type of mu-tation that is being suppressed, which we refer toas a “query” mutation; and the use of specificconditions (e.g., a drug or specialized carbonsource). Suppression interactions that were in-tragenic, involved a specific phenotype otherthan growth, or included more than two geneswere excluded from the final data set. We alsoremoved suppression interactions derived fromhigh-throughput experiments or dosage inter-actions inwhich either the query or the suppressorwas overexpressed. The resulting literature-curatednetwork encompassed 1304genes and 1842uniquesuppression interactions (table S1). We visual-ized this network using a force-directed layout(10), so that query genes that share a commonsuppressor tend to be positioned together (Fig.1B). Most query genes (69%) are suppressed byone or two suppressor genes, whereas a smallsubset of queries (5%) have numerous (10 to 27)reported interactions (fig. S1B). Despite the rela-tively low average network degree, genes in-volved in highly studied processes, such as DNAreplication and repair or chromatin and trans-cription, tend to group together because of theirshared suppression interactions (Fig. 1B).Combining data from multiple studies can

reveal suppression mechanisms between path-ways or protein complexes that may not be ap-parent from any individual study. Indeed, asubnetwork focused on DNA replication andrepair pathways showed that many of the inter-actions appear to represent the activation of al-ternative DNA repair pathways (Fig. 1C). Forexample,mutations that perturbRad51-dependenthomologous recombination (HR) often lead totoxic chromosomal deletions or rearrangementsdue to increased repair of double-strand DNAbreaks by nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ)(11). In this case, suppression can occur through


SCIENCE 4 NOVEMBER 2016 • VOL 354 ISSUE 6312 aag0839-1

1Donnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomolecular Research, University of Toronto, 160 College Street, Toronto, Ontario M5S 3E1, Canada. 2Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University ofMinnesota-Twin Cities, 200 Union Street, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA. 3Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona), the Barcelona Institute for Science and Technology, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.4Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute, Mount Sinai Hospital, 600 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M5G 1X5, Canada. 5Department of Molecular Genetics, University of Toronto, 160 College Street,Toronto, Ontario M5S 3E1, Canada. 6Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Harvard University, 52 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA. 7Institute of Molecular Modeling and Simulation, Universityof Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Muthgasse 18, A-1190 Vienna, Austria. 8Department of Biological Sciences, Vanderbilt University, 1161 21st Avenue South, Nashville, TN 37232, USA. 9Lewis-SiglerInstitute for Integrative Genomics, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA. 10Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. 11Canadian Institute for Advanced Research,180 Dundas Street West, Toronto, Ontario M5G 1Z8, Canada. 12Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto, 160 College Street, Toronto, Ontario M5S 3E1, Canada.*These authors contributed equally to this work. †Present address: seqWell Inc., 376 Hale Street, Beverly, MA 01915, USA. ‡Present address: Simons Center for Data Analysis, Simons Foundation, 160 Fifth Avenue,New York, NY 10010, USA. §Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] (C.L.M.); [email protected] (B.J.A.); [email protected] (F.P.R); [email protected] (C.B.)




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Fig. 1. A global network of literature-curated suppression interactions forS. cerevisiae. (A) Genetic interaction classes. When two single mutants (xxxDand yyyD) have a relative fitness of 0.8 and 0.7, the expected fitness of the resultantdouble mutant (xxxD yyyD) based on a multiplicative model is 0.8 × 0.7 = 0.56. Anegative genetic interaction occurs when the observed double mutant fitness islower than this expected fitness. A masking positive interaction occurs when thefitness of the doublemutant is greater than expected, but lower or equal to thatof the slowest growing single mutant. Suppression positive interactions occurwhen the double mutant fitness is greater than that of the slowest growing

single mutant. (B) A global network of literature-curated suppression interactionsfor S. cerevisiae.Genes are represented as nodes and interactions as edges.Thenodes were distributed using a force-directed layout, such that genes that share asuppressor tend to be close togetheron the network.Genes involved in chromatinand transcription or DNA replication and repair are highlighted in magenta andcyan, respectively. (C and D) Regions of the global network highlighting sup-pression interactions between complexes and pathways involved in chromatinand transcription (C) or DNA replication and repair (D) are shown. Arrows pointfrom the suppressor to the query. PCNA, proliferating cell nuclear antigen.





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NHEJ inactivation, which favors double-strandbreak repair by the compromised, but more ac-curate, HR machinery (11). Similar trends are ob-served for genes involved in transcription, forwhich suppression interactions between path-ways mainly represent activation or repressionof transcription (Fig. 1D). For example, mutationsin genes encoding Mediator or RNA polymeraseII subunits can reduce transcription efficiency,which can suppress the toxic effects of derepressedtranscription caused by loss-of-function muta-tions in the NC2 transcription regulator complex(12). Thus, by integrating data from hundreds ofpapers, we derived a suppression network thatprovides insight on general suppression relation-ships and the ordering of pathways and com-plexes within a biological process.

Suppression interactions within andacross cellular processes

Consistentwithother biological networks (2, 13–15),many suppression interactions occurred betweenfunctionally related genes, such that a query mu-tant tended to be suppressed by another gene an-notated to the same biological process (Fig. 2A).Genes connected by suppression interactions alsotended to be coexpressed and encode proteinsthat function in the same subcellular compart-ment and/or belong to the same pathway orprotein complex (Fig. 2B). The extent of func-tional relatedness between suppression gene pairsdid not depend on the conditions under whichthe interaction was identified (e.g., a specificdrug or carbon source), or whether the suppres-sor was isolated as a spontaneous suppressormutation as opposed to an engineered allele thatwas directly tested for an interaction (fig. S2A).However, the frequency of shared complexmem-bership was significantly higher for gene pairsin which the suppressor gene carried a gain-of-function mutation compared with gene pairs in-volving loss-of-function suppressor mutations (P =0.01, Fisher’s exact test). Thus, when a query muta-tion perturbs a subunit of a complex, compensat-ing mutations in another subunit can be gain offunction—for example, by stabilizing the complex.Notably, the functional enrichment observed

in the genetic suppression network was substan-tially stronger than in a global network of nega-tive and positive genetic interactions generatedwith SGA (6) (Fig. 2B). In fact, most positivegenetic interactions identified in the global SGAnetwork, especially among loss-of-function allelesof essential genes, do not overlap with other func-tional interaction data. Suppression interactionsthus constitute a special class of positive geneticinteraction that captures highly specific function-al relationships between gene pairs (fig. S2B).Despite their tendency to connect functionally

related genes, suppression interactions also con-nect different biological processes. These inter-actions often occurred between genes involvedin related processes, such as Golgi, endosome,or vacuole sorting and ER-Golgi traffic (Fig. 2A).Note that genes involved in protein degradationsuppress growth defects associatedwithmutationof genes involved in many different biological

SCIENCE 4 NOVEMBER 2016 • VOL 354 ISSUE 6312 aag0839-3

Fig. 2. Properties of the suppression network. (A) Frequency of suppression interactions connectinggenes within and across indicated biological processes. Node size reflects fold enrichment for interactinggene pairs observed for a given pair of biological processes. Significance of the enrichment was determinedby Fisher’s exact test, comparing the observed frequency of suppression interactions between two givenfunctional categorieswith the global frequency.The total numberof suppression interactions involving genesannotated to a particular process is indicated. Kinet., kinetochore. (B and C) Fold enrichment for (B) col-ocalization,GO coannotation, coexpression, same pathwaymembership, and same complexmembershipfor gene pairs involved in different types of genetic interaction (GI); and (C) overlap of literature-curatedsuppression interactions with dosage suppression interactions (13), or with negative and positive geneticinteractions identified by SGA analysis using either an intermediate or a stringent interaction score threshold(6). A Fisher’s exact testwasperformed todetermine statistical significanceof the results. (D) An example ofa gene pair showing suppression, dosage suppression, and negative genetic interactions.





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processes. This central role for protein turnoverin the suppression network likely reflects a moregeneral mechanism whereby growth defects ofconditional temperature-sensitive (TS) alleles ofessential query genes, which are often hypomor-phic (partially functional) even at a permissivetemperature, can be overcome by additional mu-tations that weaken the protein degradationma-chinery and elevate protein levels.

Overlap with other genetic networks

The suppression network shows significant over-lapwith adosage suppressionnetwork (13) (P=2×10-101, Fisher’s exact test) and with SGA-derivedpositive and negative genetic interaction networks(2, 6) (P = 5 × 10-87 and P = 1 × 10-33, respectively,Fisher’s exact test). The overlap with positive gen-etic interactions (fivefold enrichment) (Fig. 2C)is expected, as suppression interactions are anextreme type of positive interaction. Indeed, thisoverlap increases (11-fold enrichment) for stron-ger positive genetic interactions. The overlap ofthe suppression network with dosage-suppressioninteractions associated with gene overexpressionreflects that overexpression may lead to a gain-of-function phenotype (16) and suppression caninvolve gain-of-function alleles (Fig. 2C and fig.S2C). Gain-of-function suppressormutations alsoexplain the 2.5-fold enrichment for negative geneticinteractions between loss-of-function alleles (Fig.2C and fig. S2C). For example, whereas the growthdefect associated with loss-of-function mutationsin CDC25, which encodes the guanine nucleotideexchange factor that activates Ras2, can be sup-pressed by gain-of-functionmutations inRAS2, loss-of-functionmutations inRAS2 exacerbate the cdc25growth defect, thereby causing a synthetic lethalnegative genetic interaction (Fig. 2D). Despitethe overlap with other genetic networks, most sup-pression interactions (78%) are specific to the sup-pression network and thus provide novel insightsinto the functional wiring diagram of a cell.

Systematic identification of spontaneoussuppressor mutations

Literature-curated data can come from specifichypothesis-driven experiments and may thusbe biased (15, 17). We therefore compared thecurated suppression network to an independentexperimental set of spontaneous suppressormutations identified through the large-scale ap-plication of SGAanalysis. In SGA, a specificnatMX-marked query mutation is crossed to an arrayof ~5000 kanMX-marked deletion mutants, tosystematically construct a complete set of hap-loid natMX- and kanMX-marked double mutants(18, 19). This also represents a genome-wide setof two-factor crosses, enabling us to scan thequery strain genome for the presence of an un-marked extragenic suppressor locus, which SGAanalysis reveals as a collinear set of small col-onies spanning the genomic location of the sup-pressor mutation, which we refer to as a linkagegroup (20, 21) (fig. S3A). In total, we completed7056 full-genome SGA screens, involving mutantstrains carrying deletion or hypomorphic allelesof 5845 different genes (2, 6). In 251 SGA screens

(~4%), we identified a linkage group that sug-gested the presence of a spontaneous extragenicsuppressor mutation (tables S2 and S3).The 251 candidate suppressor strains were an-

alyzed by whole-genome sequencing, and for 216(86%) of these, amutationwas discoveredwithinthe suppressor locus identified by SGA (fig. S3Aand table S2). Almost all (98%) of thesemutationswere subsequently confirmed by Sanger sequenc-ing (table S2). For 24 genes, multiple indepen-dently generated query strains carried a potentialextragenic suppressor mutation (table S2). In 13(54%) of these 24 cases, the extragenic suppressormutations were in the same gene, whereas in theremaining 11 cases, twodifferent suppressor geneswere identified. In three instances, these differentsuppressor genes encoded knownmembers of thesame complex.We next validated candidate suppressor genes

using several genetic tests, including plasmid-based complementation assays and tetrad anal-ysis of meiotic progeny derived from crossingeach suppressor strain to a wild-type strain, astrain with a marked deletion that was genet-ically linked to the candidate suppressor, or astrain carrying a deletion or hypomorphic alleleof the suppressor gene (fig. S3A) (21). Of thesuppressor interactions, 88% gave a positive re-sult in at least one assay (table S2). Based on theseassays and the type of mutation, one-third (33%)of the suppressor mutations appeared to be gain-of-function, and two-thirds (67%) appeared to beloss-of-function mutations. We also randomlyselected four potential loss-of-function and fivepotential gain-of-function suppressor alleles andintroduced those into a diploid strain that washeterozygous for the corresponding query muta-tion. In all cases, sporulation and tetrad analysisof the resulting diploids confirmed the geneticinteraction and identity of the suppressor muta-tion (table S2 and fig. S3A). Thus, we identified216 unbiased mutations that arose spontaneouslyto suppress severe growth defects associated with146 deletion mutants of nonessential genes and70 hypomorphic alleles of essential genes (table S2).Although we observed significant overlap with

the literature-curated data set (15 shared inter-actions, P = 1 × 10−29, Fisher’s exact test), most ofthe spontaneous suppression interactions iden-tified through SGA (92%) have not been reportedpreviously; this indicates that the yeast geneticsuppression network has remained largely un-explored. The experimentally derived suppressioninteractions showed similar significant enrich-ments as the literature-curated set for differenttypes of genetic interactions, as well as for func-tionally related gene pairs, suggesting that sup-pression interactions in both networks define closefunctional relationships between genes and sharethe same basic properties (fig. S3, B and C).

Suppression interaction magnitudecorrelates with functional relatedness

Given that suppression interactions tend to con-nect functionally related genes, we examinedwheth-er the relative magnitude of a given suppressioninteraction was indicative of the extent of func-

tional overlap. We estimated the relative magni-tude of suppression for our systematic interactions(table S4) (21), ranked the suppression pairs bysuppression magnitude, and calculated the frac-tion of functionally related pairs for the 33%strongest and weakest suppression interactions(fig. S4). Gene pairs exhibiting more severe sup-pression interactions showed stronger enrichmentsfor various measures of functional relatedness(fig. S4), in line with what has been described forpositive and negative genetic interactions (2).Thus, large improvements in fitness appear tobe caused by mutations in genes that are func-tionally similar to the query, whereas weakersuppression may be achieved by more general ordiverse mechanisms.

Systematic analysis identifiessuppressor hubs

The literature-curated network is enriched forgenes involved in highly studied processes, suchas chromatin and transcription, as well as DNAreplication and repair (Fig. 3A). In contrast, inthe experimentally derived network, queries andsuppressors were more evenly spread over thevarious biological processes. As we found forthe literature network (Fig. 2), genes involvedin protein degradation were specifically over-represented as suppressors in the systematic study(Fig. 3A), which mainly reflects suppression ofpoint-mutation alleles of essential queries. Al-though no significant functional enrichmentwas found for genes involved in RNA process-ing, nonsense-mediatedmRNA decay genes sup-pressed several DAmP alleles of essential genes(generated by decreased abundance by mRNAperturbation, DAmP) (22), which affect mRNAstability throughdisruption of their 3′untranslatedregion. Thus, restoring protein or mRNA levelsmay represent a widespreadmechanism to over-come growth defects caused by hypomorphicalleles.It is noteworthy that suppressed queries with

roles in ribosome biogenesis and translation wereunderrepresented in the literature but overrepre-sented in our systematic data set (Fig. 3A). Thisenrichment was driven by a set of 34 query genes,each encoding a component of the mitochondrialtranslation machinery. All 34 queries were sup-pressed by missense mutations in the a, b, or gsubunits of the F1 domain of the mitochondrialadenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthase, and themajority of the substituted residues were locatedat the interfaces between these subunits (Fig. 3B).Mutations in the same mitochondrial ATP syn-thase subunits also suppressed deletion alleles ofmitochondrial DNA and RNA polymerase genes,as well as three relatively uncharacterized genes:IRC19,PET130, andYPR117W (table S2). All of thesequery mutations led to loss of the mitochondrialgenome (mtDNA), which results in decreasedgrowth due to a defect in the import of proteinsinto the mitochondria (23) (Fig. 3, C and D, andfig. S5A). The ATP synthase suppressor muta-tions could restore both fitness and mitochon-drial protein import in the absence of mtDNA(Fig. 3, C and D, and fig. S5B). Note that an

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activity of the ATP synthase other than ATPsynthesis was required for this suppression phe-notype (fig. S5, C andD). Although themechanismby which the suppressor mutations increaseprotein import is unclear, one possibility is thatthe mutations reverse ATP synthase activity togenerate ADP3– instead of ATP4–. The chargedifference between these two nucleotide phos-phates could be exploited by adenine nucleotidetranslocators to rebuild the mitochondrial mem-

brane potential, which is lost in the absence ofmtDNA and is thought to be required for proteinimport into the mitochondria (Fig. 3D) (24).

Suppressor identification can predictnovel gene function

The functional relationship observed between aquerymutant and its suppressor can be exploitedto assign gene function to previously uncharac-terized genes. For example, in our systematically

mapped suppressor network, we found thatloss-of-functionmutations in an uncharacterizedgene, YMR010W, suppressed the growth defectof mon2D mutants (Fig. 4, A and B). Ymr010wbelongs to the family of PQ-loop proteins, someof which function as membrane transporters(25), and localizes to both the Golgi and lateendosomes (fig. S6A). Mon2 is distantly relatedto the Sec7 family of guanine nucleotide exchangefactors and physically interacts with Dop1, a

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Fig. 3.The mitochondrial F1 ATPase (adenosine triphosphatase) is a sup-pressor hub in the systematic suppression network. (A) The distributionof query and suppressor mutants in both the literature-curated and the sys-tematic experimental network across different biological processes. Node sizereflects fold enrichment or depletion for query and suppressor mutants ob-served for a given biological processes. Significant enrichment ordepletionwasdetermined by Fisher’s exact test, comparing the observed to the expectedproportion of genes in each functional category. Bonferroni-corrected P valuesare indicated. (B) Bottom view, facing the inner membrane from the mito-chondrial matrix, of the yeast mitochondrial F1 ATPase structure 2HLD. Res-idues that were found to suppress the growth defect of mitochondrial

transcription or translation mutants are highlighted in red. Orange spheresrepresent the nucleotides bound to the catalytic sites. (C) Fraction of wild-type and ATPsynthase-mutant cells either with intact (r+) or (partially) deleted(r–)mtDNA that showmitochondrial localization of GFP fused to amitochondrial-targeting signal (MTS-GFP). Averages (n = 4) and SD are shown. (D) Model ofATP synthase–dependent suppression of mitochondrial mutants (top) andcorresponding representative images of MTS-GFP import (bottom). Localiza-tion of outer mitochondrial membrane protein mCherry-Fis1 shows the pres-ence and position of mitochondria. ETC, electron transport chain; DYm, innermitochondrial membrane potential; ANT, adenine nucleotide translocator.Scale bar, 5 mm.





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Fig. 4. Characterization of YMR010W (ANY1). (A) Predicted membrane to-pology of Ymr010w. Sites of suppressor mutations, ubiquitination, and phos-phorylation are indicated. Single-letter abbreviations for the amino acid residuesare as follows: A, Ala; C, Cys; D, Asp; E, Glu; F, Phe; G, Gly; H, His; I, Ile; K, Lys; L,Leu; M, Met; N, Asn; P, Pro; Q, Gln; R, Arg; S, Ser; T,Thr;V,Val;W,Trp; and Y,Tyr.(B) Suppression of the growth defect caused by amon2D deletion allele, or TSalleles dop1-1 and neo1-2, by deletion of YMR010W. Series of 10-fold dilutionsof exponentially growing cultures of the indicated strains were spotted onplates with YPD medium and incubated at either 22°C or 38°C for 2 days.(C) Deletion of YMR010W restoresmembrane asymmetry in neo1-2 cells.Wild-type, ymr010wD, neo1-2 and neo1-2 ymr010wD cells were grown at 34°C in the

presence of the phosphatidylserine (PS) targeting peptide papuamide A, or thephosphatidylethanolamine (PE) targeting peptide duramycin. Growth relativeto vehicle-treatedwild-type strain is plotted. SEM is indicated by shading (n = 2to 3). (D) Intracellular distribution of PS,visualized usingGFP-LactC2 (31). Shownare representative confocal fluorescent micrographs of exponentially growingcells of the indicated strains. The fraction of cells was calculated for each ofthe following groups: those (i) that showed diffuse cytosolic fluorescence or(ii) localization of GFP-LactC2 to the plasma membrane, or (iii) in which GFP-LactC2waspartially localized to distinct internal structures.Measurementswereperformed in triplicate on at least 100 cells, and averages are shown. (E) Modelof suppression of flippase mutants by loss of Ymr010w.





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conserved membrane protein involved in en-dosome to Golgi transport, as well as Neo1, anessential member of the phospholipid flippasefamily (26, 27). When tested directly, we foundthat a ymr010wD deletion allele also suppressedthe growth defects of neo1-2 and dop1-1 TS mu-tants (Fig. 4B). Moreover, a ymr010wD deletionallele suppressed the lethality associated withdeletion alleles of the essential genesNEO1 andDOP1 (fig. S6B). Loss of YMR010W function canthus bypass the requirement for theMon2/Dop1/Neo1 module.The essential function of the Mon2/Dop1/Neo1

module is likely performed by Neo1, which isthought to flip phosphatidylserine (PS) and phos-phatidylethanolamine (PE) from the exoplasmicto the cytoplasmic leaflet of membrane bilayersand thereby to establish an asymmetric distri-bution of these lipids (28). A neo1-2 TS mutantis defective in establishingmembrane asymmetry.This leads to hypersensitivity to papuamide A andduramycin, bioactive peptides that disrupt mem-branes through the binding of exposed PS and PE,respectively (28–30), and reduced plasma mem-brane localization of green fluorescent protein(GFP)–LactC2, a probe for visualizing the dis-tribution of PS over cytoplasmic membraneleaflets (31) (Fig. 4, C and D). Overexpression ofYMR010W also led to reduced levels of PS at thecytoplasmic leaflet of the plasmamembrane, andaccumulation of GFP-LactC2 in internal struc-tures (Fig. 4D), thus mimicking the phenotype ofa neo1-2 mutant. We found that a ymr010wDdeletion allele suppressed both the sensitivity ofaneo1-2TSmutant to papuamideAandduramycin(Fig. 4C), and the neo1-2 GFP-LactC2 localizationdefect (Fig. 4D). The absence of these phenotypessuggests that the neo1-2 phospholipid distributiondefects are corrected in the double mutant.In addition to suppressing loss of Neo1 func-

tion, a ymr010wD deletion allele suppressed thecold sensitivity caused by loss of the flippaseDrs2 (fig. S6C). Moreover, neo1D lethality was nolonger suppressed by ymr010wD in the absenceof Drs2 (fig. S6C). An intriguing possibility isthat Ymr010w functions as a scramblase thattransports PS and PE bidirectionally to at leastpartially collapse the membrane asymmetry es-tablished by Neo1 and other flippases (Fig. 4E).Deletion of YMR010W would then allow Drs2,possibly with the help of other flippases, to moreeasily establish membrane asymmetry in the ab-sence of Neo1. We named the YMR010W openreading frame ANY1 for antagonizes Neo1 yeastphospholipid flippase.

Frequent secondary mutations delay theonset of stationary phase

Whole-genome sequencing revealed that, besidesthe suppressor mutation, each suppressor straincarried on average eight additional secondarymutations (table S5). Unlike the suppressor mu-tations, none of these secondary mutations af-fected exponential cell growth enough to bedetected by SGA mapping analysis (table S3),suggesting the majority are random mutationsthat arose during DNA replication. We there-

fore refer to these additional secondary muta-tions as “passenger”mutations. We identified asimilar number of passenger mutations in a con-trol set of 72 strains that did not carry a sup-pressormutation that affects growth of the querymutant (table S5). Of the 304 strains that weresequenced at a coverage >10 times, only onequery strain, deleted for PMS1 that encodes amismatch repair protein, displayed a mutatorphenotype, exhibiting a relatively large number(76) of passenger mutations. In total, we identi-fied 2024 unique passenger mutations, of which996 were in coding regions, affecting 744 protein-or RNA-encoding genes. The fraction of missense,nonsense, and frameshift mutations was substan-tially smaller among the passenger mutationsthan among the suppressor mutations (Fig. 5A).In fact, most of the passenger mutations (64%)resulted in synonymous changes or mapped tointergenic regions (Fig. 5A). Furthermore, pas-senger missense mutations occurred less fre-quently in essential genes, were predicted to beless deleterious, were less often at protein-proteininteraction interfaces, and occurredmore often indisordered protein regions than suppressor mis-sense mutations (Fig. 5B). Thus, the majority ofthe passenger mutations, which have no effect onexponential growth of the query strain, have alower putative functional impact than the sup-pressor mutations that do affect query strain cellgrowth.A previous study suggested that deletion of

a particular query gene may select for furthergenetic changes, such as the occurrence of spe-cific secondary nonsuppressor mutations (32).However, we did not observe a correlation be-tween the number of passenger mutations andthe fitness of the query strain (fig. S7A). More-over, genes carrying passenger mutations do nottend to be coannotated or coexpressed with thecorresponding query or suppressor gene (fig. S7B).In addition, we did not find any enrichment forparticular GO terms among query genes thatshared the same passenger mutation, or forshared passenger mutant genes among mul-tiple, independent isolates of a particular querymutant strain. However, we found that 10 strainsthat all carried a suppressor mutation in ATP2but had different query mutations involved inmitochondrial transcription or translation, alsoharbored a third mutation in HEM1, TPN1, orHAP1. These three genes are important for hemebiosynthesis, and these mutations may thus beselected for tomaintain heme homeostasis in theabsence of mitochondrial transcription, transla-tion, or ATP synthase activity. Still, inmost cases,different isolates of the same query suppressorstrains did not contain mutations in the samepassenger genes, andmost passenger genes werenot functionally related to either the query or thesuppressor gene, indicating that passengermuta-tions are not generally dependent on preexistingmutations.We did find several genes that were mutated

in a large fraction of the sequenced strains; thissuggested that theymay be adaptive andmaynotrepresent innocuous passengermutations (Fig. 5C).

Of all sequenced strains, including wild-type con-trols, 29% carried unique mutations in WHI2,IRA1, IRA2,RIM15,CUP9, and/orUBC13. Multipleexperimental evolution studies have identified asimilar set of frequently mutated yeast genes(33–35). Most of the mutations were frameshiftor nonsensemutations, suggesting a selection forloss-of-function of these genes (Fig. 5C). Expo-nential growth rates of whi2D, ira2D, rim15D,and ubc13D deletionmutants were not enhancedrelative to a his3D deletionmutant control. It thusappears that there was no selection for these fre-quent secondary mutations on the basis of an in-creased maximum growth rate (fig. S7C). Notethat Whi2, Ira1, Ira2, and Rim15 are all negativeregulators of the RAS/cyclic adenosine mono-phosphate (cAMP)/protein kinase A (PKA) path-way, which, in response to glucose, stimulatespopulation expansion (36–39). When glucoselevels become limited, the RAS/cAMP/PKA path-way is repressed, thereby causing cells to stopdividing and enter stationary phase. Disruptivemutations in WHI2, IRA1, IRA2, or RIM15 maycause a delayed response to low glucose levelsthat enables a few additional rounds of celldivision before cells enter stationary phase and,thereby, lead to increased representation of thesemutants after serial passaging under laboratoryconditions. We constructed mixed populationsconsisting of a strain deleted for one of the fre-quently mutated genes and a wild-type strainand followed their ratio for six rounds of serialpassaging under conditions with a relativelyprolonged stationary phase (21). Indeed, the rela-tive abundance of strains deleted for WHI2,IRA2, RIM15, orUBC13 increased with each roundof serial passaging, whereas five control mutantstrainsmaintained abundances similar to or lowerthan the wild-type reference strain (Fig. 5D andfig. S7D). Similar results were obtained for IRA1and IRA2 in another strain background, W303(fig. S7, E and F). Thus, our data suggest that thevast majority of passenger mutations are randomand not dependent on the query or suppressormutation and, further, that a few additional sec-ondary mutations arise at high frequency be-cause of a selection for mutants that delay theonset of the stationary phase.

Mechanistic categories ofsuppression interactions

We classified the suppression interactions intodistinct mechanistic categories on the basis ofthe functional relationship between query andsuppressor. Most queries (54%) reported in theliterature or identified by our systematic analysisare suppressed bymutations in functionally rela-ted genes (class “A”) (Fig. 6, A and B). These func-tional connections can be further divided intofour subclasses. Subclass “A1” includes 135 in-teractions from the literature and systematicnetworks, in which both the query and the sup-pressor genes encode members of the same pro-tein complex. These particular interactions canreflect a mechanism whereby the suppressorrepresents a gain-of-functionmutation (fig. S2A).Subclass “A2,” to which 201 interactions from our

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network were assigned, describes cases where thequery mutant growth defect is suppressed by amutation in a gene that is annotated to the samepathway. In the case of loss-of-function suppres-sor mutations, the suppressor gene often hasantagonistic effects compared with the querygene (e.g., Fig. 4). Subclass “A3” involves sup-pression by a different, but related, pathwayand explains 195 interactions in our networks.In this scenario, the growth phenotype causedby absence of a specific cellular function re-quired for normal cell growth is suppressed whenan alternative pathway is rewired to re-create themissing activity (e.g., Fig. 3). Finally, subclass “A4”consists of gene pairs that are annotated to thesame biological process but for which pathwayorcomplex annotation data were not available forboth genes.In addition to suppression interactions between

functionally relatedgenes, suppression interactionsinvolving hypomorphic (partial loss-of-function)

alleles—such as conditional TS alleles of essentialgenes—revealed a different and more generalclass of suppressors that affect expression ofthe query gene. This type of suppression (Figs. 2Aand 3A) can be achieved by stabilizing a mutantmRNA or protein through the perturbation ofpathways or complexes that regulate mRNA orprotein turnover (Fig. 6A, class “B” and “C”). Al-though this type of suppression is rarely describedin the literature, 48% of the hypomorphic queriesin our experimental data set are suppressed bymutations in protein degradation or mRNA de-cay genes (Fig. 6B); this indicates that this type ofallele-specific suppression is one of the mainroutes through which partial loss-of-functionalleles can be suppressed. Of the suppressioninteractions, 60 to 70% fall into one of thesemechanistic classes, as compared with only 34%of positive genetic interactions identified by SGA(6) and 11% of passenger-query pairs. Thus, pos-itive genetic interactions that are true suppres-

sion interactions often show high functional andmechanistic specificity.


A global, literature-curated network of geneticsuppression interactions (Fig. 1) showed thatthe majority of suppression interactions linkedfunctionally related genes. Moreover, suppressioninteractions overlapped significantly with othertypes of genetic interactions (Fig. 2). Systematicsuppression analysis confirmed these general prop-erties of suppression and further showed thatsuppression of hypomorphic alleles often occursvia loss of protein or mRNA degradation, a find-ing that was less obvious in literature-curateddata (Fig. 6). The underrepresentation of thisclass of interactions in the literature is consistentwith what has been reported for dosage suppres-sion interactions (13) and may reflect that mech-anistic studies focused on the functional analysisof a particular gene or pathway are less likely to

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Fig. 5. Characterization of potential passenger mutations. (A) Distributionof suppressor and potential passenger mutations over variant effect classes.Only SNPs are considered, as reliable structural variant calls (deletions, in-sertions, or inversions involving >5 base pairs) were only available for sup-pressor mutations.The RNA class refers to mutations in an RNA species suchas a noncoding, ribosomal, or transfer RNA. (B) The fraction of all suppressoror potential passenger missensemutations that map to an essential gene, at aprotein-protein interaction (PPI) interface, or at a disordered region of a protein,and the predicted deleteriousness of thesemutations (SIFTscores: 0 = extremely

deleterious and 1 = benign). P values were calculated using Fisher’s exact test,except for the SIFTanalysis, in which a Mann-Whitney test was used. (C) Thepercentage of strains in which a particular gene carries a passengermutation isplotted against the chromosomal position of the gene.Genes that are recurrentlymutated in >2%of the sequenced strains are highlighted, and the distribution ofthemutationsover variant effect classes is shown. (D)Differentially fluorescentlylabeled cells of the indicatedmutants [labeled with red fluorescent protein (RFP)]andwild type (GFP) weremixed, and the ratio of RFP to GFPwas followed for sixrounds of serial passaging on agar plates. Shading represents the SD, n = 12.





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report nonspecific suppressors. Nevertheless, anunderstanding of the prevalence of this form ofsuppression could be important when interpret-ing a genotype-to-phenotype relationship. Eventhough the genes encoding proteasome or mRNA-decay components are essential in human celllines (40–42), we anticipate that genetic varia-tion that subtly modulates the activity of thesemodules may exhibit genetic interactions asso-ciated with a decreased disease risk for a varietyof human disorders. As in yeast, these processesmay thus buffer a range of detrimental mutationsin humans and, thereby, modify numerous dif-ferent disease phenotypes.Despite the prevalence of these general sup-

pressionmechanisms,most suppression gene pairsshowed a close functional relationship (Fig. 6), sothat genetic suppression can be used to assignfunction to a previously uncharacterized gene(Fig. 4). The suppressor interactions identified inour systematic screen resulted from the directselection of spontaneous mutations during stan-dard laboratory growth of a querymutant whosefitness was compromised. In total, ~3% of strainsin the yeast nonessential deletion mutant collec-tion and ~4% of the strains in the hypomorphicessential gene mutant collections showed evi-dence of a suppressor locus when screened bySGA. Whole-genome sequencing of 251 potentialsuppressor strains did not reveal any instances ofsuppression via aneuploidy, a mutational eventinvolving copy number variation of many genes,possibly because aneuploidies are not necessarilyrevealed by SGA genetic mapping or becausethese events come at a fitness cost (43). AlthoughSGA suppressor mapping can theoretically iden-tify multiple suppressor mutations within onestrain (20), no query strains with multiple sup-pressor linkages were identified. This suggeststhat the direct selection for spontaneous sup-pressors does not mimic adaptive evolution ofwild-type strains in nutrient-limited conditions,in which aneuploidies andmutations inmultiplegenes, each contributing small fitness increases,combine to collectively produce a robust sup-pression phenotype (35, 44). In contrast, we foundthat there is often a single direct suppressionstrategy because for most (~67%) of the queriesfor which we isolated several independent sup-pressor mutations, these recurrently occurredwithin the same single suppressor gene or withingenes that encode subunits of the same com-plex. In addition, we found that large increasesin fitness are mainly achieved by mutations ingenes that have a close functional relation tothe query gene (fig. S4). Thus, only a few, veryspecific mutational events appear to be able tosubstantially increase the fitness of a particularquery mutant.Besides the suppressor mutation, each strain

also carried, on average, eight additional passen-ger mutations that did not have a measurableeffect on exponential growth rate. In a previous,but relatively limited, study, it was suggested thatthe deletion of a query gene in the deletion mu-tant collection often selects for further geneticchanges (32). Although this is true for suppressor

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Fig. 6. Mechanistic classes of suppression. (A) Suppressor and query genes often have a functionalrelationship (class “A”). In a situationwhere the query (protein A)activates a proteinB,which is required fornormal growth, suppression can take place in multiple ways. For example, the suppressor (protein C) canbepart of the same complex as the query, and gain-of-functionmutations in C can restore the activation ofB (class “A1”). Alternatively, the suppressor and query may be members of the same pathway, and thesuppressor (protein D) may inactivate or inhibit B. Loss of D may thus suppress by partially restoring theactivity of B (class “A2”).The suppressor (protein E) can also function in an alternative, but related, path-way,whose activity can be slightly altered to restore the activity of B (class “A3”). Suppression interactionscan also occur among pairs of genes that do not share a close functional relationship. For example, partialloss-of-function query alleles may carry mutations that destabilize the protein or mRNA, leading to afitness defect caused by reduced levels of the query protein.This can be suppressed by a loss-of-functionmutation in a member of the protein degradation (class “B”) or mRNA decay (class “C”) pathway, whichmay partially restore the levels of the query protein. NMD, nonsense-mediated mRNA decay. (B) Dis-tribution of suppression interactions, positive genetic interactions (6), and passenger-query pairs acrossdifferent mechanistic suppression classes.





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mutations, we could not find any substantialevidence connecting the query or suppressormutation to the occurrence of most passengermutations. Because we did not observe a sig-nificant enrichment for functionally related genepairs among queries and passengers (fig. S7B), weconclude that the occurrence of query-driven non-suppressor mutations is likely rare.In a mathematical model of bacterial serial

passaging, de novo mutations that delay theonset of stationary phase were more likely tofix in a population than mutations that decreaselag time or increase growth or survival rates (45).This may be true for yeast as well, as the growthhistory of laboratory-grown yeast strains followsa similar pattern of repeating cycles of lag phase,exponential growth, and stationary phase. In-deed, we observe selection for mutations thatlikely delay the onset of stationary phase in26% of the sequenced strains (Fig. 5C). Thesestationary-delay mutations are thus not true“passenger” mutations but are adaptive. How-ever, in contrast to suppressor mutations thatcause adaptation to the query mutation, thestationary-delay mutations are adaptive to lab-oratory passaging. These mutations could comeat a cost, as they probably decrease viability dur-ing longer periods of starvation (35, 36).As most (78%) suppression interactions did not

overlap with any previously identified geneticinteractions, additional suppression mappingwill help complete the yeast genetic interactionlandscape. Conditional alleles have been devel-oped for nearly all essential yeast genes (6), andthus, suppression interactions could be mappedfor the full set of essential genes. Similarly, sup-pressors of nonessential genes could be identi-fied in a conditional or synthetic lethal context inwhich the nonessential query has a fitness defect.Although we focused on mapping suppressioninteractions in yeast, similar suppression studiesshould be possible inmammalian cells andmodelsystems and may identify new drug targets forquery mutations related to human disease (46).As ~6% of human pathogenic variants are fixedin other mammalian species (47), compensa-tory mutations may be present at a high fre-quency in natural populations. Understandinggenetic suppression may provide insight in howgenetic variance accumulates during evolutionand more specifically how modifier genes de-termine the severity of genetic traits, includinghuman disease.

Materials and methods

Detailed materials and methods are available inthe supplementary information.

Literature curation

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae “synthetic rescue”data set was downloaded from the BioGRID (9)on 9 November 2012 (version 3.1.49) and on 31March 2014 (version 3.2.110). In total, these datasets consisted of 5985 interactions described in1667 papers. Each paper was read in detail, andan interaction was considered a suppression in-teraction if the doublemutant grew substantially

better than at least one of the single mutants.For each interaction, suppressor and query al-lele type and specific conditions were annotated(21). The final data set consisted of 1842 uniqueinteractions, involving 1304 genes (table S1).

Systematic suppressor identification

All suppressor strains were part of either theBY4741 nonessential deletion mutant collection(MATa xxxD::kanMX4 his3D1 leu2D0 ura3D0met15D0; Euroscarf), the SGA nonessential dele-tion mutant collection [MATa xxxD::natMX4can1D::Ste2pr-Sp_his5 lyp1D his3D1 leu2D0ura3D0met15D0; (2)] or the corresponding MATa andMATa collections of DAmP or TS mutants ofessential genes (6). The presence and genomiclocation of a spontaneous suppressor mutationwere identified by the occurrence of a suppressorlinkage group upon screening strains in thesecollections by SGA analysis (20) (table S3). Po-tential suppressor strains were subsequentlysequenced whole-genome on the Illumina HiSeq2500 platform using paired-end 100-bp reads.Read mapping and single-nucleotide polymor-phism (SNP), as well as indel calling were per-formed by using standardmethods (21). Candidatesuppressor mutations were confirmed by ampli-fying the corresponding gene and flanking se-quences by polymerase chain reaction, followedby Sanger sequencing (table S2). Suppressioninteractions were confirmed using plasmid-basedcomplementation assays and tetrad analysis ofmeiotic progeny derived from crossing each sup-pressor strain to either awild-type strain, a strainwith a marked deletion that was geneticallylinked to the candidate suppressor, or a straincarrying a deletion or hypomorphic allele of thesuppressor gene (table S2).


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We thank G. Fairn, C. Dunn, N. Pascoe, and E. Styles forreagents and technical assistance. This work was primarilysupported by grants from the NIH (R01HG005853,R01HG005084, P50HG004233, and U01HG001715) (C.B.,B.J.A., C.L.M., and F.P.R.); the Canadian Institutes of HealthResearch (FDN-143264 and FDN-143265) (C.B. and B.J.A.);the Ontario Research Fund (Research Excellence Grant) (F.P.R.);the Canada Excellence Research Chairs Program (F.P.R.); and apostdoctoral fellowship from the Canadian Institutes of HealthResearch (J.v.L.). Additional support was provided by theCanadian Institutes of Health Research (FDN-143301) (A.-C.G.),the Vienna Science and Technology Fund (LS08-QM03)(C.O. and M.P.), and the NIH (R01GM107978) (T.R.G.). C.B.,B.J.A., F.P.R., and C.L.M. are Senior Fellows in the CanadianInstitute for Advanced Research Genetic Networks program.All whole-genome sequencing data are publicly available atNCBI’s Sequencing Read Archive, under accession numberSRP067030. All suppression interaction data are included intables S1 and S2.

SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS and MethodsFigs. S1 to S7Tables S1 to S7References (48–62)

9 May 2016; accepted 4 October 201610.1126/science.aag0839

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(6312), . [doi: 10.1126/science.aag0839]354Science Frederick P. Roth and Charles Boone (November 3, 2016) Murray, Todd R. Graham, Chad L. Myers, Brenda J. Andrews,Anne-Claude Gingras, Patrick Aloy, Chris Oostenbrink, Andrew Sun, Lu Yang, Ji-Young Youn, Michael Yuen, Michael Costanzo,Bryan-Joseph San Luis, Fatemeh Shaeri, Ermira Shuteriqi, Song Wendy Liang, Natascha van Lieshout, Margaret McNee,Gebbia, Gene Horecka, Ira Horecka, Elena Kuzmin, Nicole Legro, Baryshnikova, Claire E. Boone, Jessica Cao, Atina Cote, MarinellaVanderSluis, Kerry Andrusiak, Pritpal Bansal, Anastasia Usaj, Maria Pechlaner, Mehmet Takar, Matej Usaj, BenjaminYamaguchi, Helena Friesen, John Koschwanez, Mojca Mattiazzi Jolanda van Leeuwen, Carles Pons, Joseph C. Mellor, Takafumi N.Exploring genetic suppression interactions on a global scale

 Editor's Summary


, this issue p. 599Scienceto other genes or to more complex organisms.suppression interactions. Furthermore, the study provides a template for extending suppression studiessuppression network in yeast. The data set reveals a set of general properties that can be used to predict

generated a large-scaleet al.literature survey and expanding into a genomewide assay, van Leeuwen Some mutations can amplify a deleterious phenotype, whereas others can suppress it. Starting with a

The genetic background of an organism can influence the overall effects of new genetic variants.A global genetic suppression network

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