Yearly Plan Maths F1 2011

SEKOLAH MENENGAH KEBANGSAAN RAJA PEREMPUAN, IPOH. SCHEME OF WORK MATHEMATICS 2011 FORM 1 Chapter 1 : Whole Numbers Week Learning Objectives Suggested Teaching and Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Point to Note Teaching Aids 1 and 2 ( 03/1/11- 14/1/11) Student will be taught to 1.1 Und ers tand the concept of whole numbers. 1.2. Perform Computations involving addition and subtraction of whole numbers to solve problems. Count, read and write whole numbers in words or numerals. Students read and write whole numbers while counting from a given initial value to a final value in a certain specified interval. e.g. i. Count on in tens to 100 ii. Count back in hundred from 1200 to 200. Estimate values, including that of real-life situations by rounding. Explore addition and subtraction using standard algorithm (rules of Students will be able to: i. Count, read and write whole numbers. ii. Identify place value and value of each digit in whole numbers. iii. Round whole numbers. i. Add whole numbers. ii. Solve problems involving addition of whole numbers. Emphasize the relationship between rounding and estimation. Rules for rounding numbers similarly apply to small and large numbers. Addition and subtraction should begin with two numbers. Emphasis that subtraction is the Handouts Text book and course ware. 1

Transcript of Yearly Plan Maths F1 2011

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calculations), estimation,mental and speedcomputation or pencil-and-paper.

• Use calculators to compare

and verify answers.• Students pose and solve

problems related to additionand subtraction of wholenumbers.

iii. Subtract wholenumbers.

iv. Solve problems

involvingsubtraction of whole numbers.

inverse of addition.

1.3. Performcomputationsinvolvingmultiplication anddivision of whole

numbers to solveproblems.

1.4. Performcomputationsinvolving combinedoperations of addition;

• Explore multiplication anddivision using standardalgorithm (rules of calculations), estimation,mental and speedcomputation or pencil-and-

paper.• Use calculators compare

and verify answers.

• Students explore therelationship betweenmultiplication and division.

• Students pose and solveproblems related tomultiplication and division of whole numbers.

• Students explore combinedoperations of whole numbersby using standard algorithm(rules of calculations),estimation, pencil-and-paper 

i. Multiply two or  more wholenumbers.

ii. Solve problemsinvolvingmultiplication of 

whole numbers.iii. Divide a whole

number by asmaller wholenumber.

iv. Solve problemsinvolving divisionof wholenumbers.

i. Perform computationsinvolving anycombination of addition, subtraction,multiplication anddivision of wholenumbers, including theuse of brackets.

ii.Solve problems

Emphasis that:

• The quotient of anumber dividedby zero is


• The quotient of zero divided byany number (except zero) iszero.

Emphasis on theorder of operationsand the use of brackets.


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subtraction;multiplication anddivision of wholenumbers to solveproblems.

or calculator.

• Solve problems related toreal-life situations.

• Students use calculators tocompare and verify answers.

involving combinedoperations of addition, subtraction,multiplication anddivision of whole

numbers, includingthe use of brackets.

Chapter 2 : Number Patterns and Sequences

Week Learning Objectives

Suggested Teaching and

Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Point to Note Teaching Aids

3( 17/1/11-21/1/11)

Students will be taught to:

2.1. Recognize andextend number pattern andsequences formedby counting on andcounting back inintervals of any size.

• Relate number sequence topatterns in real-lifesituations.e.g. Odd numbers are usedas addresses of houses onone side of the road andeven numbers, on the other.

• Use calculators to skip count(generate number sequence), explore number patterns, and solveproblems.

Students will be able to:

i. Describe thepattern of agiven number sequence.

ii. Extend number  sequences.

iii. Completemissing terms ingiven number sequences.

iv. Constructnumber 

Do not includenegative numbers.

Course ware


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2.2. Recognize odd andeven numbers andmake general

statements aboutthem.

• Explore general statementsabout odd and evennumbers such as:

a. The sum of odd andeven numbers.

b. The product of odd andeven numbers.

c. The difference betweenodd and even numbers.

sequencesbased on givenpatterns.

i. Identify and

describe oddand evennumbers.

ii. Make generalstatementsabout odd andeven numbers.


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2.1. Understand and usethe knowledge of multiple of wholenumbers.

2.2. Understand thecharacteristics anduse the knowledgeof commonmultiple andLowest CommonMultiple (LCM) of whole numbers.

• Students use the divisibilitytest of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10, 11 and their combinations.e.g.30 can be divided by 6.

Therefore it can be dividedby 2 and 3 and vice-versa.

• Students find commonmultiples and LCM by listingdown the multiples of eachgiven numbers.

e.g.Multiple of 4 : 4, 8, 12, ……

Multiples of 6 : 6, 12, ……..

Common Multiples of 4 and6: 12, 24, 36, 48, ……….

• Use the method of primefactorization to find commonmultiples and LCMe.g.4 = 2 x 26 = 2 x 3

Therefore the LCM of 4 and6 is 2 x 2 x 3 = 12.

i. List the multiplesof wholenumbers.

ii. Determinewhether anumber is the

multiple of another number.

i. Find thecommonmultiples of twoor three wholenumbers.

ii. Determinewhether anumber is thecommon multipleof two or threegiven numbers.

iii. Determine theLCM of two or three givennumbers.

Emphasis that the listof multiple of anumber is also anumber sequence.

Use small numbers

to develop theconcept.

Emphasis that a listof common multiplesis also a number sequence.

Use small numbersto develop theconcept.

Course ware


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• Use algorithm to find theLCM.

2 4, 6

LCM = 2 x 2 x 3 2 2, 3

= 12 3 1, 3

1, 1



2.3. Understand thecharacteristic of prime numbers.

2.4. Understand thecharacteristic anduse the knowledgeof factors of whole


• Use calculators or computer programmed to exploreprime numbers.

• Use sieve of Eratosthenes togenerate prime numbersless than 100.

• Determine factors of wholenumbers by exploring andinvestigating.

i. Identify thecharacteristic of prime numbers.

ii. Determine whether  a given number is aprime number.

iii. Determine all theprime numbers lessthan 100.

i. List factors of  whole numbers.

ii. Determine whether  

a number is afactor of another whole number.

Emphasis thatNumber 1 is not aprime number.

Emphasis that 1and the number itself are factors of any number.


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2.5. Understand thecharacteristic anduse the knowledgeof prime factors of whole numbers.

2.6. Understand and usethe knowledge of common factorsand HighestCommon Factors

(HCF) of wholenumbers.

• Students explore andinvestigate to determineprime factors of wholenumbers.

• State any given wholenumber as a product of itsprime factors.

• Students list down all thefactors of each givennumber and identify thesame factors for eachnumber.

• Students explore, identifyand determine commonfactors of whole number.

• Students find the HCF bylisting down all the factorsof each given number.

• Explore, identify anddetermine the HCF of whole


i. Identify prime factorsfrom a list of factors.

ii. Find prime factor(s) of  whole numbers.

iii. Determine whether anumber is a primefactor of another wholenumber.

i. Find common factors of  two or three wholenumbers.

ii. Determine whether a

number is a commonfactor of two or threegiven whole numbers.

iii. Determine the HCF of  two or three givennumbers.


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Week Learning ObjectivesSuggested Teaching and

Learning ActivitiesLearning Outcomes Point to Note Teaching Aids

• Use the method of primefactorizations to find the

common prime factors andhence HCF.


12 = 2 x 2 x 3

18 = 2 x 3 x 3

Common Prime Factors: 2and 3

The HCF: 2 x 3 = 6

• Use algorithm to find HCF


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Chapter 3 : Fractions

Week Learning ObjectivesSuggested Teaching and

Learning ActivitiesLearning Outcomes Point to Note Teaching Aids


Students will be taught to:

3.1. Understand and usethe knowledge of fractions as part of a whole.

• Use concrete materials anddrawings to demonstrate theconcept of fractions such as:

a. Folding a ribbon to findone-third of its length.

b. The number of girls ascompared to the wholeclass.

Students will be able to:

i. Read fractions.

ii. Describefractions asparts of a whole.

iii. Representfractions withdiagrams.


4read as:

Four over five


15read as:

Fifteen over twentytwo.

3.2. Understand and usethe knowledge of equivalentfractions.

c. Folding papers.

• Use concrete materials anddrawings to demonstrate theconcept of equivalentfractions.

• Use paper folding to explainand explore:


3is the same as



iv. Write fractionsfor givendiagrams.

i. Find equivalentfractions for a givenfraction.

ii. Determine whether two given fractionsare equivalent.

Iii. Compare the values

of two givenfractions.

Use the termsnumerator anddenominator.Use number lines,concrete materials or the concept of equivalent fractionsto compare fractions.


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Week Learning ObjectivesSuggested Teaching and

Learning ActivitiesLearning Outcomes Point to Note Teaching Aids

3.3. Understand theconcept of mixednumbers and their representations.

• Compare the values of twofractions by converting them

to fractions with the samedenominator or the samenumerator.

• Use concrete materials,drawings and number linesto represent mixed numbers.

• Identify the use of mixednumbers in everydaysituations.

iv. Arrange fractionsin order.

v. Simplify fractionsto the lowest term.

i. Recognize mixednumbers.

ii. Represent mixednumbers withdiagrams.

iii. Write mixed

numbers based ongiven diagrams.

iv. Compare andorder mixednumbers onnumber lines.


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Learning Objectives

Suggested Teaching andLearning Activities

Learning Outcomes Point to Note Teaching Aids



3.4. Understand theconcept of proper fractions andimproper fractions.

3.5. Understand theconcept of additionand subtraction of fractions to solveproblems.

• Use concrete materials anddrawings to demonstrate therelationship between mixednumbers and improper fractions.

• Use calculators to explorethe relationship betweenmixed numbers andimproper fractions.

• Use concrete materials,drawings and symbols todemonstrate the process of addition and subtraction of fractions.

• Add and subtract fractionsby writing the fractions intheir equivalent forms withcommon denominators

including the use of LCM.

• Perform addition andsubtraction of mixednumbers by:

i. Recognize proper  and improper fractions fromgiven fractions.

ii. Change mixednumbers intoimproper fractions.

iii. Change improper  fractions intomixed numbers.

i. Perform additionInvolving.a. Fractions with


b. Fractions withdifferentdenominators.

c. Whole numbersand fractions.

d. Fractions andmixed numbers.

e. Mixed numbers

Addition andsubtractioninvolving not morethan threenumbers.


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Week Learning ObjectivesSuggested Teaching and

Learning ActivitiesLearning Outcomes Point to Note Teaching Aids

i) Adding and

subtracting wholenumbers andfractions separately.

ii) Writing mixednumbers in the formof improper fractions.

• Pose and solve problemsrelated to everydaysituations.

ii) Perform subtraction


a. Fractions withcommondenominators.

b. Fractions withdifferentdenominators.

c. Whole numbersand fractions.

d. Fractions andmixed numbers.

e. Mixed numbers.

iii. Solve problemsinvolving combinedoperations of addition andsubtraction of fractions.


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Week Learning ObjectivesSuggested Teaching and

Learning ActivitiesLearning Outcomes Point to Note Teaching Aids



3.6. Understand theconcept of 

multiplication anddivision of fractions to solveproblems.

• Use concrete materials,drawings and symbols to

explore and investigate theprocess of multiplication anddivision of fractions.

• Example of multiplication

a. A whole number times afraction.

3 x4


3 x4


9= 2



i. Multiply

a. A whole number by afraction or mixednumber.

b. A fraction by a wholenumber.

c. A fraction by afraction (includemixed numbers)

ii. Solve problems

involving multiplicationof fractions.

Emphasizemultiplication of 

fractions asrepeated additionof the fractions.


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Week Learning ObjectivesSuggested Teaching and

Learning ActivitiesLearning Outcomes Point to Note Teaching Aids

b. A whole number times amixed number.

4 x 1



4 x 12

1 = 4 x2

3 =2

12= 6

iii. Divide:

a. A fraction by awhole number.

b. A fraction by afraction.

c. A whole number by a fraction.

d. A mixed number by a mixednumber 

iv. Solve problems

involving division of fractions.

Division involving notmore than threenumbers includingwhole numbers,

fractions and mixednumbers.


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Week Learning ObjectivesSuggested Teaching and

Learning ActivitiesLearning Outcomes Point to Note Teaching Aids


c. A fraction times a fraction.











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3.7. Perform computationsinvolving combinedoperations of  addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of fractions to solve problems.

• Pose problems related toreal-life situations.

• Use concrete materials anddiagrams to demonstratecomputations.

i. Perform computationsinvolving combinedoperations of addition, subtraction,multiplication anddivision of fractions,including the use of brackets.

ii. Solve problemsinvolving combinedoperations of addition, subtraction,

multiplication anddivision of fractions,including the use of brackets.

Limit the operationsto three numbersincluding wholenumbers and mixednumbers.

Emphasis the order of operations,including the use of brackets.


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Chapter 4 : Decimals

Week Learning ObjectivesSuggested Teaching and

Learning ActivitiesLearning Outcomes Point to Note Teaching Aids


Students will be taught to:

4.1. Understand therelationshipbetween decimalsand fractions.

• Use concrete materialsdrawings calculators andsymbols to explain therelationship betweendecimals and fractions.

Students will be able to:

i. Represent fractions





decimals and vice-versa.

ii. Represent fractions withdenominators 10, 100,

1000 as decimals.

iii. Read and write decimalsto thousandths.

0.3 reads as:zero point three

0.05 read as:zero point zero five

3.29 read as:three point two nine

4.2. Understand theconcept of placevalue and value of each digit indecimals.

• Use number lines tocompare and order decimals.

iv. Chan fractions todecimals and vice-versa.

i. State the place valueand

value of each digit indecimals.

Emphasise therelationship betweenrounding andestimation.


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4.3. Understand theconcept of additionand subtraction of decimals to solveproblems.

• Use concrete materials,drawings and symbols.

• Solve problems relatedto everyday situations.

• Use calculators or computers to verify


• Use estimation strategiesto determine whether thesolution is reasonable.

ii. Compare the values of two

given decimals.

iii. Arrange decimals inorder.

iv. Round decimals to thenearest whole number 

or up to three decimal


i. Add decimals.

ii. Solve problemsinvolvingaddition of decimals.

iii. Subtract decimals.

iv. Solve problemsinvolving

subtraction of decimals.

Include wholenumbers.

Addition andsubtraction shouldbegin with twodecimals.

Limit decimals tothree decimal places.


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Week Learning ObjectivesSuggested Teaching and

Learning ActivitiesLearning Outcomes Point to Note Teaching Aids


4.4. Understand theconcept of multiplication anddivision of decimalsto solve problems.

4.5. Perform computationsinvolving combined

operation of  addition,subtraction, multiplication and division of decimals tosolve problems.

• Relate to everydaysituations.

• Use appropriate calculationmethods such as pencil-and-paper, calculators andcomputers.

• Mentally multiply decimalsby 10, 100 and 1000

• Mentally multiply decimalsby 0.1, 0,01 and 0.001

• Mentally divide decimals by10, 100 and 1000

• Mentally divide decimals by0.1, 0.01 and 0.001

• Pose problems related to

everyday situations.

i. Multiply two or moredecimals.

Ii. Solve problemsinvolvingmultiplications of decimals.

iii. Dividea. A decimal by a

whole number.

b. A decimal by adecimal.

c. A decimal by afraction

iv. Solve problemsinvolving division of decimals.

i. Perform computationsinvolving combined

operations of addition, subtraction,multiplication anddivision of decimalsincluding the use of brackets.

Include wholenumbers.

Begin with one digitwhole number.

Emphasis the order of operations

including the use of brackets.

Include wholenumbers andfractions.


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ii. Solve problemsinvolving combinedoperations of addition, subtractionmultiplication anddivision of decimalsincluding the use of brackets.

Chapter 5 : Percentages



Students will be taught to

5.1. Understand theconcept of percentages andinvestigate therelationshipbetweenpercentages andfractions of decimals.

• Use concrete materials anddrawings demonstratepercentages.

e.g. Use ten by ten grids todiscuss the equivalentpercentages of fractionsand decimals. For 

example the fraction2

hasa decimal equivalent of 0.5,and 0.5 has an equivalentpercentage of 

Students will be able to:

i. Express percentagesas the number of parts in every 100.

ii. Change fractions anddecimals topercentages andvice-versa.

Use the symbol % torepresent percent.

Include percentageslarger than 100.


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50% (2

1= 0.5 or 50%)

Week Learning ObjectivesSuggested Teaching and

Learning ActivitiesLearning Outcomes Point to Note Teaching Aids

5.2. Performcomputations andsolve problemsinvolvingpercentages.

• Pose and solve problemsinvolving profit and loss,simple interest, dividend,commission and discount.

i. Find the percentage of aquantity.

ii. Find the percentagesone number is of another.

iii. Find a number given

the percentage.iv. Find the percentage of 

increase or decrease.

v. Solve problemsinvolving percentages.

30% of 240 = 72

3 of 12 = 25%

8 is 20% of whatnumber? (40)

Original amount 15

Increased to: 18 Findpercentage of increase.

Original amount: 40Decreased to: 10Find percentage of decrease.


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Chapter 6 : IntegersWeek Learning Objectives

Suggested Teaching andLearning Activities

Learning Outcomes Point to Note Teaching Aids

14 and 15


Students will be taught to:

6.1. Understand and usethe knowledge of integers.

• Introduce integers incontext (e.g.temperatures, sea levelsand floors of building).

Students will be able to:

i. Read and write integers.

ii. Represent integers onnumber lines.

- 32 read asnegative thirty-two.

- 5 is less than −2

6.2. Perform

• Students completesequences of integers,find the missing terms,and identify the largestand the smallest value of integers from given sets of integers.

• Given sets of integers,students order them onnumber lines.

iii. Compare the valuesof two integers.

iv. Arrange integers inorder.

v. Write positive or negative numbers torepresent worddescriptions.

i. Add integers.

- 15 is greater than


Words descriptione.g.

i. 39 meters below

sea level −30

ii. Weight gain of 2 kg 2

The number 0 is


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computationsinvolving additionand subtraction of integers to solveproblems.

• Use number lines to addand subtract integers.

• Use concrete materials,drawings, and symbols(e.g. colored chips) todemonstrate addition andsubtraction of integers.

• Use brackets todifferentiate betweenoperations and the signsof numbers.

ii. Solve problemsinvolving additionof integers.

iii.Subtract integers.

neither positive nor negative.

Begin addition andsubtraction using twointegers.

- 8 −(−7) read asnegative eightminus negativeseven.

- 4 −2 read asnegative four minus 2

• Solve problems related toreal-life.

• Revision Exercises.

iii. Solve problemsinvolvingsubtraction of integers.

Addition shouldinclude like andunlike signs.

e.g.Like signs

9 + 5, −7 + (−8)

Unlike signs:

3 + (−4 ),

(−9) + 5, 3

Differentiate between


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operations and signs.

Relate subtraction of integers to addition.

Chapter 7 : Algebraic Expressions

Week Learning ObjectivesSuggested Teaching and

Learning ActivitiesLearning Outcomes Point to Note Teaching Aids

16( 25/4/11-29/4/11

Students will be taught to:

7.1. Understand theconcept of unknowns.

7.2. Understand theconcept of algebraic terms.

• Use examples of everydaysituations to explainunknowns.

e.g. Glass x contains ynumbers of marbles


Which alphabetrepresents theunknown number?

• Give a list of terms andstudents select algebraicterms with one unknown.

Students will be able to:

I. Use alphabets torepresent unknownnumbers.

ii. Identify unknowns ingiven situations.

i. Identify algebraicterms with oneunknown.

ii. Identify coefficients

An algebraic term iswritten as 3x not x3

A number, e.g.

8 is also a term.



is a term.


5is not a term.

7 p:

The coefficient of p is



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in given algebraicterms with oneunknown.



18 and 19

7.3. Understand theconcept of 


• Use concrete materials todemonstrate the concept of 

combining like and unliketerms.


i. 4s + 8s = 12s

ii. 5r −2r = 3r 

iii. 7g + 6h cannot besimplified becausethey are not like


iv. 3k + 4 + 6k  −3

= 3k + 6k + 4 −3= 9k + 1

i. Recognize algebraic


ii. Determine thenumber of terms ingiven algebraicexpressions.

iii. Simplify algebraicexpressions bycombining the liketerms.

4 p = p + p + p + p


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Chapter 8 : Basic Measurements 18 and 19 exam

Week Learning ObjectivesSuggested Teaching and

Learning ActivitiesLearning Outcomes Point to Note Teaching Aids


Students will be taught to:

8.1. Understand theconcept of length tosolve problems.

• Measure the length of objects around the schoolcompound.

• Students draw a line givenits length.

• Measure given lines usingdifferent standard units.

Students will be able to:

i. Measure the length of objects.

ii. Change one metricunit to another (mm, cm, m and km)

iii. Estimate the lengthof objects inappropriate units.

iv. Use the four operations to solveproblems involving


Emphasis theimportance of usingstandard


Introduce inches,feet, yards, miles andnautical miles.


8.2. Understand theconcept of mass to

• Relate to everydaysituations.

i. Measure the mass of objects.



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17/6/11) solve problems.ii. Change one metric

unit to another (mg, g, kg, tone)

iii. Estimate the mass

of objects inappropriate units.

v. Use the four operations to solveproblems involvingmass.



8.3Understand the conceptof time in seconds,minutes, hours, days,

weeks, month and years.

Use calendars, clocks or stop-watches to discuss themeasurement of time for events.

suggest a unit to estimate or measure:

i. The time it will take toeat lunch.

i. Determine theappropriatemeasurement of timefor certain events.

ii. Change one unittime to another (Seconds, minutes,hours, days, weeks,months and years).

1 millennium= 1000 years

1 century= 100 years

1 year = 12 months= 52 weeks

1 month = 4 weeks


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ii. Your age.

iii. How long it takes for  water to boil?

iv. How long it takes to

run 100 meters?

• Involve great events inhistory.

iii. Estimate the timeintervals of events.

iv. Use the four operations to solveproblems involving


1 week = 7 days

1 day = 24 hours

1 hour = 60 minutes

1 minute = 60seconds


8.4Understand and use timesin the twelve-hour andtwenty-four  hours systemto solve problems.

Students will be taught to:

• Use digital and analogueclocks.

• Read times from train or busschedules.

• Relate events to everydaysituations.

i.Read and write timesin twelve-hour system.

ii.Read and write times

in twenty-four-hour system.

iii.Change time intwelve-hour system totwenty-four hour systemand vice-versa.

iv.Determine the intervalbetween two giventimes.

v.Solve problemsinvolving time.

Students should be able

7.30 read as seventythirty, half pastseven,thirty minutes pastseven and thirty

minutes to eight.

Introduce a.m. andp.m.

0350 read as threefifty hour.

3.50 a.m. read asthree fifty a.m. or three fifty in themorning.

1900 read asnineteen hours.


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9.1. Understand theconcept of angles. • Students identify angels in

the classroom. (e.g. cornersof tables, blackboards,windows, clock hands, andopened doors).


i. Recognizeangles.

ii. Denote and label


iii. Measure angelsusingprotractors.

An angle is formedby two lines thatmeet at a point calledthe vertex.

Model of a clock.

Week Learning ObjectivesSuggested Teaching and

Learning ActivitiesLearning Outcomes Point to Note Teaching Aids


9.2. Understand theconcept of paralleland perpendicular lines.

• Students identifyperpendicular and parallelline in the classroom (e.g.edges of books, windowsand doors).

i. Determine parallellines.

ii. Determineperpendicular lines.

iii. State that the

angles formed byperpendicular lines

is 90°.i. Identify intersecting

lines.ii. Determine the

Two lines are parallelif they never intersect.A perpendicular lineis a line that makes a

90°with another line.

Denote a 90°angleas:


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9.3. Understand and useproperties of angles associatedwith intersectinglines to solveproblems.

• Students investigate todiscover the properties of angles formed byintersecting lines.

properties of vertical,complementary andsupplementaryangles.

iii. Determine the

value of an angleon a line, given theadjacent angle.

iv. Solve problemsinvolving anglesformed byintersecting lines.



a dc

Vertical-angle pairs.

  ∠ a = ∠ d

  ∠ b = ∠ cSum of adjacentangles on a straight

line is 180°

(a + b = 180° )

Chapter 10 : Polygons

Week Learning ObjectivesSuggested Teaching and

Learning ActivitiesLearning Outcomes Point to Note Teaching Aids


Students will be taught to:

10.1. Understand theconcept of polygons.

• Use concrete materials suchas protractors, rulers, gridpapers, geo-boards andcomputer software to explorethe concept of polygons.

• Students explore therelationship between the

Students will be able to:

i. Recognisepolygons.

ii. Name polygons(trianglequadrilateral,pentagon,hexagon,heptagon and

Use capital letters toname vertices.

Models of polygons,non-polygons.


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10.2. Understand theconcept of symmetry.

sides diagonals and verticesof polygons.

• Students explore symmetryby using mirrors, patternblocks, folding papers or making inkblot designs.


iii. Determine thenumber of sides,vertices anddiagonals of 

given polygons.

iv. Sketchpolygons.

i. Determine anddraw the lines(s)of symmetry of shapes.

Shapes includepolygons.

Models of symmetricalshapes, andassymetricalshape.

• Students explore theimportance of symmetry ineveryday situations (e.g.pattern on buildings andtiles).

ii. Completeshapes givenpart of theshapes and theline of symmetry.

iii. Draw designsusing theconcept of symmetry.


Students will be taught to:

10.3. Identify and use thegeometric properties

Students will be able to:

i. Determine anddraw symmetry

Types of triangles: Paper cuttings of different triangles,


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or triangles to solveproblems.

• Investigate the relationshipbetween angles and sides of all types of triangles.

• Use a variety of methods tofind the sum of angles of triangles: e.g. aligningcorners on a straight line,using protractors andgeometry computer software.

line(s) of giventriangles.

ii. Draw trianglesusing protractorsand rulers.

iii. State thegeometricproperties of thedifferent types of triangles andname thetriangles.

• Isoscelestriangles

• Equilateraltriangle

• Scalene triangle

• Acute triangle

• Right triangle

• Obtuse triangle


Week Learning Objectives Suggested Teaching andLearning Activities Learning Outcomes Point to Note Teaching Aids

iv. Determine thesum of theangles of a

triangle is 180°

v. Solve problemsinvolvingtriangles.

28 usbf 2


10.4. Identify and use thegeometric propertiesof quadrilaterals tosolve problems.

• Investigate the relationshipbetween angles, sides anddiagonals of all types of quadrilateral.

• Use a variety of methods to

i. Determine and drawsymmetry line(s) of given quadrilaterals.

ii. Draw a quadrilateralusing protractors and

Types of quadrilateral:

• Square

• Rectangle


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find the sum of angles of quadrilaterals: e.g. aligningcorners on a points, usingprotractors and geometrycomputer software.


iii. State the geometricproperties of thedifferent types of quadrilaterals and

name quadrilaterals.

iv. Determine the sumof the angles of a

quadrilateral is 360°

v. Solve problemsinvolvingquadrilaterals..

• Rhombus

• Parallelogram

• Trapezium

Chapter 11 : Perimeter and Area

Week Learning ObjectivesSuggested Teaching and

Learning ActivitiesLearning Outcomes Point to Note Teaching Aids


Students will be taught:

11.1. Understand theconcept of perimeter to solveproblems.

• Use square chips,tessellation grids, geo-boards, grid-papers or 

Students will be able to:

i. Identify the perimeter of a region.

ii. Find the perimeter of 

Shape includestraight lines andcurves.


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11.2. Understand theconcept of area of rectangles to solveproblems.

computer software to explorethe concept of perimeter.

• Investigate and developformula to find the perimeter of a rectangle.

• Use unit squares,tessellation grids, geo-boards, grid-paper or computer software to explorethe concept of area.

• Investigate and developformula to find the area of arectangles.

• Use unit square chips or files

to investigate, explore andmake generalisations aboutthe:

a. Perimeters of rectangleshaving the same area.

b. Areas of rectangleshaving the sameperimeter.

a region enclosed bystraight lines.

iii. Solve problemsinvolving perimeters.

i. Estimate thearea of a shape.

ii. Find the area of  a rectangle.

iii. Solve problemsinvolving areas.

Limit to straight lines.

cm2 read assquare cm.

The area of aunit square is 1square unit.

Area of a righttriangle.


1of the area

of a rectangle.


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Week Learning ObjectivesSuggested Teaching and Learning

ActivitiesLearning Outcomes Point to Note Teaching Aids


11.3. Understand theconcept of area of triangles,parallelograms andtrapezium to solveproblems.

• Investigate and develop formulaeto find the areas of triangles,parallelograms and trapeziumsbased on the area of a rectangle.

i. Identify theheights of triangles,parallelogramsandtrapeziums.

ii. Find the areasof triangles,parallelogramsandtrapeziums.

iii. Find the areasof figuresmade up of triangles,rectangles,parallelogramsor trapeziums.

iv. Solveproblemsinvolving the


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• Solve problems such as findingthe height or base of aparallelogram, given the area.

areas of triangles,rectangles,parallelogramsandtrapeziums.

Chapter 12 : Solid Geometry

Week Learning ObjectivesSuggested Teaching and

Learning ActivitiesLearning Outcomes Point to Note Teaching Aids



Students will be taught to:

12.1. Understandgeometricproperties of cubes andcuboids.

• Use concrete materials to

demonstrate the concepts of geometric solids.

• Game: Searching out Solids.Make up sets of activity cardscontaining descriptions of solidssuch as.a. Exactly 2 faces that are the

same shape and size.b. All edges have the same

length.Students compete to searchout solids in the classroombased on the descriptions.

• Investigate and explore therelationship between faces,edges and vertices of cubesand cuboids.

Students will be able to:

i. Identify geometric solids.

ii. State the geometricproperties of cubes andcuboids.

iii. Draw cubes and cuboidson:

a. Square grids.

b. Blank papers.

iv. Make models of cubesand cuboids by:

Geometric solidsinclude:

• Cubes

• Cuboids

• Cylinders

• Pyramids

• Cones

• Spheres

Models of 



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• Compare and contrast betweencubes and cuboids.Ask students how they are alikeor different.

• Use concrete materials(opened boxes) to draw the

layout of cubes and cuboids.

a. Combining givenfaces.

b. Folding givenlayouts of solids.

Week Learning ObjectivesSuggested Teaching and

Learning ActivitiesLearning Outcomes Point to Note Teaching Aids


12.2. Understand theconcept of volumeof  cuboids to solveproblems.

• Use unit cubes or other concrete materials to letstudents explore the concept of volumes.

• Investigate and develop formulato find the volume of cuboids.

i. Estimate the volumeof cuboids.

ii. Find the volume of  


iii. Solve problemsinvolving volume of cuboids.

cm3 read ascubic cm.

The volume of a

unit cube is 1cubic unit.

Models of solids










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