Yearly Lesson Plan for English Form 1_2012

YEARLY LESSON PLAN FOR ENGLISH FORM 1 CHAPTER THEMES L E V E L LEARNING OUTCOMES GRAMMAR/ SOUND SYSTEM/ VOCABULARY EDUCATIONAL EMPHASIS INTERPERSONAL INFORMATIONAL AESTHETIC Chapter 1 Getting to Know You [PEOPLE] WEEK 1 – 2 1 2.3 (a, b, c) Taking part in conversation and discussion Talking about self, friends and interest, and understanding others when they talk about themselves 2.1 (b) Reading materials such as articles in print and in electronic media Poem: The River 3.1 (e) Reciting poems with feeling and expression 10 (i) Capital letters, Exclamation mark, Full Stop, Question mark 3 (i) Adjectives in terms of colors, size and shape 3 (ii) Adjectives that shows qualities 9 (iii) Positive Thinking Skills -identifying, gathering, arranging, and presenting information Learning how to learn skills -dictionary skills Values&Citize nship Education -co-operation Multiple 2 2.2 (a, b) Skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas 3.2 (2) vi Talking about characters in a story and writing simple paragraph on characters 1

Transcript of Yearly Lesson Plan for English Form 1_2012

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Chapter 1Getting to Know You


WEEK 1 – 2

1 2.3 (a, b, c)

Taking part in conversation and discussion

Talking about self, friends and interest, and understanding others when they talk about themselves

2.1 (b)

Reading materials such as articles in print and in electronic media

Poem: The River3.1 (e)

Reciting poems with feeling and expression

10 (i)Capital letters, Exclamation mark, Full Stop, Question mark

3 (i)Adjectives in terms of colors, size and shape

3 (ii)Adjectives that shows qualities

9 (iii)Positive Statements

/p/, /b/

bag, bib, pen, cap

Thinking Skills-identifying, gathering, arranging, and presenting information

Learning how to learn skills-dictionary skills

Values&Citizenship Education-co-operation

Multiple Intelligence-interpersonal intelligence

Preparation for the Real World-discussion and presentation of ideas

2 2.2 (a, b)

Skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas

Using dictionaries

3.2 (2) vi

Talking about characters in a story and writing simple paragraph on characters

3 2.3

Composing, revising, editing, drafts, and checking accuracy of spelling, punctuation and grammar


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Chapter 2Family Ties


WEEK 3 - 4

1 2.3 (c)

Talking about self, family, friends and interest, past events and feelings, and understanding others when they talk about themselves

2.1 (b)

Reading materials such as articles in print and in electronic media

Listening to spoken texts such as talks, speeches, and texts from other multimedia sources

Poem : The River

Finding out the meaning of unfamiliar words by using contextual clues

Preposition: Preposition of Places

Verbs:Regular and Irregular Verbs

/t/, /d/


Thinking Skills-identifying, gathering, arranging and presenting information

Values&Citizenship Education-consideration

Multiple Intelligence-Verbal Linguistic Intelligence

Preparation for Real World-teamwork

2 2.2 (a)

Skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas

3 2.3 (a)

Writing recount

3.3 Talking about the message the writer is putting across and writing a simple paragraph on it.

Chapter 3Stand By Me



1 2.1 (b)

Reading materials such as articles in print and in electronic media

Poem : The River

Re-telling the story or poem in one’s own words

9 (iv)negative statement

5(ii)negative verbs


Thinking Skills-giving causal explanation

Values&Citizenship Education-Justice

Multiple Intelligences-Intrapersonal

2 1.1 (a)

Taking part in conversations and discussions

2.2 (a)

Skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas

3.2 (2) ix

Telling how characters in text are similar to those in one’s life


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Hasn’t Intelligence-Interpersonal Intelligence

Preparation for The Real World-process writing

3 2.3 (a)

writing recounts

Talking about the theme and writing a simple paragraph about the theme

Chapter 4It All Starts At Home


WEEK 6 - 7

1 1.1 (c)

Exchanging ideas and giving opinions on topic of interest

Short Stories: Flipping Fantastic

Recognizing elements in the story

5 (iii) a

Verbs:For Instructions and direction

Connectors:Sequence connector


/m/, /n/

mail, name, bin

Thinking Skills-identifying, gathering, arranging and presenting information

Values&Citizenship Education-responsibility

Multiple Intelligence-Verbal Linguistic Intelligence

Knowledge Acquisition-awareness of social issue

Preparation for Real World-Time management

2 2.1 (b)

Participating in a conversation and discussion

2.1 (a)

Listening to spoken texts such as talks, speeches, and texts from other multimedia sources

Giving the sequence of events

3 1.1 (c)

Exchanging ideas and giving opinion on topic of interests

2.1 (b)

reading materials such as articles in print and in electronic media

2.2 (b)

skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas


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Chapter 5Do You Care Enough?



1 1.1 (c)

Exchanging ideas and giving opinion topics of interest

1.2 (b)

participating in conversation and discussion

2.1 (b)

Reading materials such as articles in print and in electronic media

3.1 (b)

Short Stories: Flipping Fantastic

Finding out the meaning of unfamiliar words by using contextual clues or dictionary

Suggested sentences patterns:Inviting, accepting & declining invitations, and apologizing

7 (ii)Preposition:Preposition of Time

identifying base words


select, class, should, cash

Thinking Skills-giving causal explanation

Learning How To Learn Skills-research skills

ICT Skills-computer terms and their meanings

Values&Citizenship -co-operation

2 2.1 (a)

Listening to spoken texts such as talks, speeches, and texts from other multimedia sources

2.2 (a)

Skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas

Talking about the place and time the story took place or the place describes and writing a simple paragraph on it

3 2.3 (a)

Writing announcement using appropriate format and conversations

Talking about the theme and writing a simple paragraph about the theme of the story


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Chapter 6What A Wonderful World


WEEK 9 – 10

1 2.1 (a)

Listening to spoken texts such as talks, speeches and texts from other multimedia sources

2.3 (a)

Writing directions, instructions, recounts and announcements using appropriate format and conventions

8 (i)


Verbs:Questions words

/s/, /z/

plastics, wastes, rooms, bottles

Thinking Skills-identifying the cause and giving causal explanation

Learning How to learn skills-research skills

ICT Skills-using the internet to look for information


Multiple Intelligence-Visual Spatial Intelligence

Knowledge Acquisition-awareness of social issue

Preparation for The Real World-discussion and presentation of ideas

2 1.1 (c)

Exchanging ideas and giving opinion on topic of interest

2.2 (a)

skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas

2.1 (g)

getting meanings of unfamiliar words by using word attack skills

2.2 (b)

Extracting main ideas and supporting details

Short Stories: Flipping Fantastic

Talking about characters in the story and writing simple paragraph on the characters


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3 2.2 (c)

Following sequence of ideas

3.11 (c)

Explaining the message the writer is trying to convey and discussing how this relates to one’s life

Chapter 7Safe Home


WEEK 12 – 13

1 1.1 (a)

Taking part in conversations and discussion

2.3 (a)

Writing directions, instructions, recounts, and announcement using appropriate format and conventions

5 (iii)

Verbs: Special Infinites or modals

Pronouns: Possessive Pronoun and Demonstrative Pronouns

Adjectives: Possessive Adjectives

/l/, /h/

bowl, stole, hoof, hare

Thinking Skills-synthesizing

Learning How To Learn Skills-Learning to be effective speaker

ICT Skills-searching for information using keywords

Values&Citizenship-Self reliance

Multiple Intelligences-Visual Spatial Intelligence

Preparation for The Real World-discussion and presentation of ideas

2 1.1 (c)

Exchanging ideas and giving opinion on topic of interest

2.1 (b)

reading materials such as articles in print and in electronic media

2.1 (a)Listening to spoken texts such as talks, speeches, and texts from other multimedia resources

Short Stories:Flipping Fantastic


Making simple predictions as to what might happen next

3 2.3 (b)Giving instructions, describing and narrating orally

2.2 (b)Extracting main ideas and supporting details


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2.3 (c)composing, revising, and editing draft and checking accuracy of spelling, punctuation and grammar

Chapter 8Safety First


WEEK 14 – 15

1 1.1 (a)

Taking part in conversation and discussion

2.2 (a)Skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas

2.1 (b)Reading materials such as articles in print and in electronic media

2.2 (c)following sequence of ideas

Poem: Mr. Nobody

Reciting a poem with feelings and expression and with correct pronunciation, intonation, stress and rhythm

5 (iii)

Verbs: Words that signals past time

Verbs: Special Infinites or modals

4 (i)

Pronouns: Personal Pronouns



Thinking Skills-making predictions

Learn How To learn Skills-research skills

ICT Skills-searching for information using keywords


Multiple Intelligences-Verbal linguistic intelligence

Preparation for Real World-discussion and presentation of ideas

2 2.1 (b)

Reading materials such as articles in print and in electronic media

2.1 (a)

Listening to spoken texts such as talks, speeches and texts from other multimedia sources

giving the sequence of events


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3 2.3 (a)

Writing directions, instructions, recounts and announcement using appropriate format and conventions

Chapter 9Safe Living


WEEK 16 – 17

1 1.1 (c)

Exchanging ideas and giving opinion on topic of interests

2.1 (a)

Listening to spoken texts such as talks, speeches, and texts from other multimedia sources

2.3 (a)

Writing directions, instructions, recounts and announcement using appropriate format and conventions

3 (iii)

Adjective: Formative of the negative by adding prefixes “dis”, “im”, “in” and “un”

Conditional Clauses:“if” clauses


chemistry, rock, pique, case

Thinking Skills-classifying

ICT Skills-using the internet to look for information

Values&Citizenhip -courage

Multiple Intelligences-Interpersonal Intelligence

Preparation for the Real World-Discussion and presentation of ideas

2 2.2 (a)

Skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas

Poem: Mr. Nobody

Talking about the place and time the poem describes

3Talking about the theme and writing simple paragraph on the theme


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Chapter 10I’ll Be There For You


WEEK 18 – 19

1 1.1 (a)

Taking parts in conversations and discussion

Drawing directions and explaining them


Nouns:Concrete NounsCommon and Proper Nouns

Nouns: Gender


Suffixes “er” and “ess”


Preposition of Directions

/z/, /g/

zip, prize, wig, game

Thinking Skills-making decision

Learning how to learn Skills-research skills

ICT Skills-word processing skills

Values&Citizenship-compassion-public spiritedness

Multiple Intelligences-Interpersonal Intelligence-Visual Spatial Intelligence

Preparation for the Real World-time management

2 2.2 (a)Skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas

Reading and understanding non-linear texts using simple diagrams

2.3 (a)

Giving instructions, describing and narrating orally

Poem : Mr. Nobody

Talking about characters in the story and writing simple paragraph on the characters

3 2.3 (c)

Composing, revising, and editing drafts ad checking accuracy of spelling, punctuation and grammar

Talking about the message the writer is putting across and writing a simple paragraph on it


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Chapter 11Never Too Young Never Too Old


WEEK 24 – 25

1 1.2 (b)

participating in conversation and discussion

1.2 (a)

Carrying out a variety of language functions

9 (i & ii)

Sentences:Simple and Compound


Nouns: Abstract Nouns


Thinking Skills-justifying and giving results

ICT Skills-using the internet to look for information


Multiple Intelligences-Verbal Linguistic Intelligences

Preparation for the real World-discussion and presentation of ideas

2 2.1 (b)

Reading materials such as articles in print and in electronic media

2.2 (a)

Skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas

Poem:The River

3.1 (c)

Telling how character in the text are similar to those in one’s life

3 2.3 (a)

Writing recount using appropriate format and conventions

Chapter 12Independence Day


WEEK 26 – 28

1 1.2 (b)

Participating in conversation and discussion


Adverbs:Adverbs of Manner

Nouns: Collective

Thinking Skills-Making summaries-making inferences and conclusions

Learning how to


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Pronouns:“each” as an adjective


wine, wart, whine, whip

learn skills-research skills

ICT Skills-using the internet to look for information

Values &Citizenship-patriotism

Multiple Intelligences-Verbal Linguistic intelligence

2 2.1 (b)Reading materials such as articles

2.1 (a)Listening to spoken texts such as talks, speeches, and texts from other multimedia sources

Short Stories:Flipping Fantastic

Talking about values found in the text

3 2.2 (a)

Skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas

2.3 (a)writing recounts

Chapter 13Food For Thought


WEEK 29 - 30

1 1.2 (b)

Participating in conversation and discussion

2.3 (b & c)

giving simple recounts orally and in writing

Poem:Mr. Nobody

3.1 (c)

Explaining the message the writer is trying to convey and discussing how this relates to one’s life

1(ii) & (iii)

Countable Nouns and Uncountable NounsPhrasal Quantifiers


Pronouns:“some” as an adjective

1(v) a & b

Thinking Skills -Classifying

Learning how to learn skills-research skills

ICT Skills-using the internet to look for information

Values&Citizenship-self reliance

2 2.2 (a)

identifying main ideas in simple paragraph


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2.2 (a)

identifying supporting data or ideas in simple paragraph

Nouns: NumberNouns: Regular and Irregular Plurals

5(iii) b

Simple Present Tense

Plural form/iz/, /aiz/

Flies, cries, boxes, houses

Multiple Intelligence-Visual Spatial Intelligence-Verbal Linguistic Intelligence3 2.3 (a)

writing recounts

Chapter 14Your Health, Your Wealth


WEEK 31 - 33

1 1.2 (a)Carrying out a variety of language function


Making enquiries

2.2 (a)Skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas

2.1 (a)

Listening to spoken text such as talks, speeches and texts from other multimedia sources

Graphic Novel:Journey to the Centre of the Earth

Re-telling the story in one’s own genre

Verbs: Time Expression


Articles: with plural countable nouns and zero article

2(iii)Articles: using “the” with superlatives

2(iv)Articles: for unique nouns or one that is one and only

Thinking Skills-identifying, gathering, arranging, and presenting information


Multiple Intelligences-Visual Spatial Intelligence-Verbal Linguistic Intelligence

Preparation for Real

2 1.3 (b)

ordering goods and services

Giving the sequence of events


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Articles: using “the” with “same as”

/t∫/, /n/

chain, latch, witch, king, thing


3 2.3 (c)

composing, revising, and editing drafts and checking accuracy of spelling, punctuation and grammar

Chapter 15A Lifelong Journey


WEEK 35 - 36

1 1.2 (b)

participating in conversation and discussion

Suggested sentence patterns: Placing Orders


Adjectives: Comparison adjectives

/ѳ/. /đ/

thread, month, this, smooth

Thinking Skills-identifying, gathering, arranging, and presenting information

ICT Skills-using the internet to look for information


Multiple Intelligence-Bodily Kinaesthetic Intelligence

2 1.2 (a)Carrying out a variety of language function

2.2 (a)Getting the explicit meaning of the text

Graphic Novel:Journey to the Centre of the Earth

Talking about characters in a story and write simple paragraph

3 2.3 (a)Writing directions, instructions, recounts and announcement using appropriate format and conventions

2.3 (c)Composing, revising, and editing drafts and


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checking accuracy of spelling, punctuation, and grammar

Chapter 16Deep Impact


WEEK 37 - 39

1 2.1 (b)

Reading materials such as articles in print and in electronic media

2.1 (a)

Listening to spoken texts such as talks, speeches, and texts from other multimedia sources

Figurative Language: Proverbs

Homonyms: Homophone

5(iii)Verbs: Special finites or modals “will” to affirm

Verb: special finites or modals “will” to show request


Nouns: concord

Vowels: Long and Short sound

/Λ/, /a:/

cup, carp

Thinking Skills-identifying the cause and giving causal explanation

Learning How To Learn Skills-research skills

ICT Skills-computer terms and their meanings


Multiple Intelligences-Verbal Linguistic Intelligence

22.2 (b)

Extracting main ideas and supporting details

Graphic Novel: Journey to the Centre of the Earth

Talking about the place and time the story took place and writing simple paragraph

3 2.3 (a)

Writing directions, instructions, recounts, and announcement using appropriate format and convention

3.1 (c)

Talking about the message the writer is putting across and writing simple paragraph


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Chapter 17 As Good As It Gets


WEEK 40 - 41

11.1 (c)

Exchanging ideas and giving opinion on topics of interests

Figurative language:Smiles


Verbs: Simple Past Tense

Homonyms: Homograph

Vowel: Long and short sounds

/i:/, /I/

see, week, team

Thinking Skills-comparing and contrasting, classifying and giving reasons

ICT Skills-using the internet to look for information


Multiple Intelligence-Verbal Linguistic Intelligence

Preparation for Real World -teamwork

22.2 (a)

Skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas

2.1 (a)

Listening to spoken texts such as talks and speeches, and texts from other multimedia sources

Graphic Novel Journey to the Centre of the Earth

Telling how events, characters and values in the text is similar to one’s life

3 2.3 (a)

Composing, revising, and editing drafts and checking the accuracy of spelling, punctuation and grammar

Talking about the theme and writing a simple paragraph about the theme


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Chapter 18A test of Time


WEEK 42 - 43

1 1.1 (a)

Taking part in conversations and discussion


Prepositions: Phrasal Verbs


Pronouns: referring back


Present Continuous Tense


Verbs: Future Tense


Sentence: Question words

Vowels: Long and short sounds

/æ/, /e/

bad, dad, read

Thinking Skills-comparing and contrasting

Learning how to learn Skills-research skills

ICT Skills-computer terms and their meanings

Values&Citizenship-self reliance-co-operation

Multiple Intelligences-Logical Mathematical Intelligence

Preparation for the real World-discussion and presentation of ideas

2 2.2 (a)

Skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas

2.1 (a)

Listening to spoken text such as talks, speeches and texts from other multimedia source

2.2 (b)

Extracting main ideas and supporting details

The River, Mr. Nobody, Flipping Fantastic, Journey to the Centre of the Earth

Understanding and telling in one’s own words the story heard or read and giving one’s opinion of the text

3 2.3 (c)

Composing, revising and editing drafts and checking accuracy of spelling, punctuation and grammar