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Transcript of year1week14

  • 8/10/2019 year1week14



    Welcome to Month Four of Your Life Success Plan.

    It is hard to believe, but we are one quarter of the way throuh the !ne"Year Life Success

    Plan. I #now that you are well on your way to becomin the total, wholly healthy $ersonthat you want to become. You are well on your way to achievin the oals you have set

    for yourself. %nd you are well on your way to fulfillin all that you desire for your life.

    Ste$ by ste$ we are $iecin the $u&&le toether to see a beautiful $icture emere. I #nowyou're beinnin to see the factual correlation between $ersonal develo$ment, oal

    settin, ha$$iness in every area of life and weiht maintenance and health. When all

    areas are movin in a $ositive direction, it's so much easier to stay healthy and #ee$

    weiht off. When we're $racticin the lifestyle that is involved in stayin healthy, hittinthe other oals almost (ust )ha$$ens* as self"disci$line becomes easier, mental clarity is

    reater, intimacy is on a hiher level, $roduction increases, and so, so much more+

    ave a -reat and ictorious Wee#+


    0o$yriht ictory Manaement, Inc with 12I 3445 36

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    The Third Essential for Life Suess! S"iritual &

    E#otional Health$ Part One % S"iritual Healthello, 1im 2ohn here. %s we loo# at the to$ic of health this month, the first order ofbusiness is to ma#e sure our view of the to$ic of health is broad enouh. You see, if I

    were to as# you, )%re you healthy7*, you miht thin# sim$ly of your $hysical health.

    You'd do a brief overview of how your body is and answer me based on that. If you feelwell, then you $robably view yourself as healthy. 8ut this is only one as$ect of health or

    of bein a healthy $erson. I would li#e to challene you to consider dee$er than that. Let

    me e9$lain.

    %s human beins, we $ossess one of the most com$le9 desins the world has ever seen.

    We are not merely a body. :here is so much more to our ma#e"u$. In fact, I believe thereare three ma(or as$ects to each $erson, and they are all intricately connected to one

    another. :he three areas consist of our 8ody ;the $hysical natures

    beliefs will affect their emotions. If in a neative situation, they may e9$erience an9ietyor fear. :hat in turn could $otentially cause $hysical ailments such as stomach $roblems,

    headaches or fatiue for e9am$le. :his is (ust one sim$le way of loo#in at how the three

    areas of our ma#e"u$ affect one another.

    :his means rather than sim$ly viewin ourselves as $hysical bodies that need to be

    maintained and $hysically healthy, it would serve us well to develo$ a much moreholistic and well"rounded view of what it means to be healthy. We need to loo# at the

    to$ic from a much more in"de$th view. %nd as we develo$ these areas we will be much

    more able to achieve the health we desire in every area of our lives.

    0o$yriht ictory Manaement, Inc with 12I 3445 3?

    Material suess #a' result in the au#ulation of "ossessions( )utonl' s"iritual suess *ill ena)le 'ou to en+o' the#,-

    %. Nido /u)ein

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    % healthy s$iritual life will brin a unique strenth to the rest of your life. %s I have said

    before, the s$iritual life is the core of our e9istence. It is the foundation, the $art of us

    from which everythin else emanates and finds its strenth and $ur$ose. It centers us andives us the #ind of $ers$ective we all need to live and lead successful lives.

    With these thins in mind, here are some sim$le ways you can bein to develo$ a dee$er,richer, and healthier s$iritual life@

    1. Make it a pursuit, as you would make any other area of your life a pursuit. 1ust asyou have dreams and oals for your relationshi$s, your career, your $hysical wellness or

    any area of life you are ho$in to e9$erience rowth. Set your sihts on a stron s$iritual

    life and $ursue it with vior+

    2. Set aside time to be alone and to work on your spiritual life. %nythin worth

    $ursuin must have time devoted to it. In your $ursuit of s$iritual health, be sure to ive

    yourself the necessary time to cultivate that inner life. 1ust as you set aside time for other

    im$ortant areas of your life, be sure to do the same for your s$iritual $ursuits. Put it inyour date boo#. Ma#e sure you ive it the time that it deserves.

    3. Read good materials about the spiritual life.%s

    you #now, I am a reader and encourae everyone to

    be such. I am $assionate about it+ :here are so many

    reat boo#s that will enable you to row s$iritually.My $ersonal recommendation on where to bein is

    the 8ible. If you listen to me for even a short time

    you will see that I reularly quote from the wisdom Ihave learned from the 8ible over my lifetime. :here

    are many boo#stores that deal in boo#s s$ecifically

    written to hel$ you row in this area. :a#e advantaeof them and read ood s$iritual boo#s durin your

    time alone $ursuin s$iritual health.

    . Some people en!oy listening to musi" that is designed to deepen their spiritual life.

    Music has the $ower to move the s$irit in ways that most thins do not. I stronly

    encourae you to s$end some time reularly listenin to music that will strenthen your

    s$irit. Many of the classics fit this and there are many ood artists today who hel$ usfocus on the inner s$iritual life throuh e9cellent music.

    #. $n%ol%e yourself in a "ommunity of faith.I

    believe that our s$iritual lives are best lived in theconte9t of other $eo$le ;and not (ust our s$iritual


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    can o awry, but I am convinced that more ood than ill comes when we $ursue our

    s$iritual life with others.

    /o these thins on a reular basis. :he #ey here is to be consistent in your $ursuit of

    s$iritual health. :a#e time in a disci$lined manner. %nd as you invest in your s$iritual

    life, over time you will see your inner core and foundations strenthenin in ways youcould never imaine, and that in turn will ive you the basis for the #ind of whole life

    situation you are loo#in for+

    ntil ne9t wee#, let>s do somethin remar#able+

    1im 2ohn

    0o$yriht ictory Manaement, Inc with 12I 3445 G4

    So#e "eo"le don0t do *ell si#"l' )eause the' don0t feel *ell,-%. 1i# Rohn

  • 8/10/2019 year1week14


    i, this is 0hris Widener and in this section we will ta#e a loo# at some questions that

    will hel$ us thin# dee$er about s$iritual health, and then we will $ut some action ste$s

    toether that will hel$ the $rocess of develo$in our s$iritual health+

    8ut first, some $ersonal thouhts on the im$ortance and $ower of a stron and healthy

    s$iritual life.

    ntil the ae of A? I was raised in a home that had absolutely no em$hasis on the s$iritual

    life. =one. 8ecause of some circumstances that ha$$ened while I was rowin u$, Ididn't have the best head start in life. My father died when I was four, and I became

    rebellious and was quite a handful for my mother. In the fourth rade, I was sent away to

    live with relatives. My mother was ho$in that I could et some hel$ turnin thins

    around. I didn't.

    8y ae A3 I was drin#in. 8y thirteen I was involved with drus B every day. For the ne9t

    few years my life drifted and went nowhere.

    :hen, when I was AH I met someone who bean to hel$ me $ursue my s$iritual life. %t A?

    I made a ma(or commitment to allow -od into my life and $ursue s$iritual health for therest of my life.

    What ha$$ened ne9t sur$rised me. 1ust as 1im says, it became the foundation for everyother area of my life. I immediately quit drin#in and doin drus. My relationshi$s

    became sinificantly better. My rades, which dro$$ed as low as A.5 durin the de$ths of

    my use of drus, bean to soar. In fact, for the ne9t A4 semesters ;throuh collee

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    /uestions for Re6etion!/uestions for Re6etion!

    . Where would you consider yourself to be s$iritually7 Would you

    say you are in a healthy $lace s$iritually or not7 Why or why not7

    . ow im$ortant do you believe a s$iritual life is7 In what ways would you say your

    life reflects your answer7

    . What are the main benefits you have seen from havin a healthy s$iritual life7

    . In what ways do you see your s$iritual life bein the basis for the rest of your life,

    even your $hysical health7

    0o$yriht ictory Manaement, Inc with 12I 3445 G3

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    . What are the three reatest s$iritual lessons you have learned and how have theyim$acted you7




    0o$yriht ictory Manaement, Inc with 12I 3445 GG

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    Ation Ste"s This Wee4!Ation Ste"s This Wee4!

    A. Set aside some time this wee# to $ursue your s$iritual health. Put it in your date boo#

    and #ee$ the a$$ointment+

    3. 2ead a boo# that will ma#e a ood uideline for you as you $ursue your s$iritual life.

    It may be somethin you can et throuh in one sittin or one that you can use over

    the course of a set $eriod of time.

    G. Pic# u$ a music 0/ that will let your s$irit soar. Play it this wee# as you drive around

    or while you are at home. Let it act as a s$iritual )$ic#"me"u$.*

    5. :eam u$ with some others who may have similar s$iritual values or interests and

    consider develo$in your s$iritual life toether, actin as encouraers to one another.

    Re%iew of &' 1( )*effrey +itomer

    Play your favorite son before you sell

    ow do you reet your customers7

    Five bi (obs in every business

    A. Sell your stuff3. Ma#e a $rofit

    G. Cee$ loyal customers

    5. Cee$ loyal em$loyees

    6. 8e friendly and li#able

    0oncentrate on your value to others

    Lost secrets of sellin, servin and succeedin

    :he old way of sellin doesn>t wor#

    Sto$ sellin

    se a )very funny* close

    What do you say that your com$etition doesn>t say

    8rin your $ros$ect a sales lead

    :hey don>t care about you

    0o$yriht ictory Manaement, Inc with 12I 3445 G5

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    %re you a sales$erson or a resource7

    8e friendly and li#able

    Mil# your own cows first for business and referrals

    ow have you mastered the $hone7

    ave a reat voicemail messae

    -et A44 $ercent of your calls returned@ leave half of a messae

    Ma#e your business card creative

    Promote and $osition " do not advertise and com$ete

    -ive value first to $eo$le who can say )yes*

    /on>t quit too soon

    -reet your customer li#e your $et

    :reat every customer li#e a celebrity

    :al# li#e you>re tal#in to your randma

    :he o$$osite of answers is e9cuses

    0oncentrate on loyalty then satisfaction ha$$ens

    Ma#e a two"year networ#in $lan

    Your $erceived value ets you bouht " deliverin beyond e9$ectations ets you

    tal#ed about and bouht aain

    0hinese $roverb@ :o serve is to rule

    ow you s$end or invest your $ersonal time determines your fate

    Position yourself as a $erson of value

    Wor# while others slee$

    ard wor# ma#es luc#

    0o$yriht ictory Manaement, Inc with 12I 3445 G6

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    :hree thins to record@

    A. 2ecord your notes3. 2ecord notes from 1effrey's boo#

    G. 2ecord your $resentation s#ills

    8ecome reat by stayin a student

    Love your (ob, yourself and your $roduct

    :hin# you can+

    A Loo4 For*ard!A Loo4 For*ard!

    We have the wee# off from the cd series. :his is a reat time to etcauht u$ if you are behind, and a reat wee# to listen to some

    additional $rorams if you are on schedule.

    %s always, have a -reat Wee#+

    0hris Widener

    0o$yriht ictory Manaement, Inc with 12I 3445 GH