Year C - Feast of the Holy Family

St. Maximilian Kolbe Renewed Catholic Church All Are Welcome! We are a young church made up of men, women and children seeking a genuine re- lationship with God. We extend love and hope to all that seek to be in community with one another and with God. We aren't a strict Catholic church community, our Faith is based on God's Word and His Commandments, we are always welcoming new member's of any sex and race. We hope you and your family will have a warm and spirit-filled experience with us as we worship and fellowship together at our services, events, and ministries. Laurel, Montana Phone: 520-261-7070 E-mail: [email protected] Rev. M.J. Leyden Pastor Celebrating the Liturgy of the Church Sunday Mass Saturday Vigil 5:30 pm* Sunday Morning 9:00 am (winter) Daily MondaySaturday 8:30 am (privately said) Anointing of the Sick1st Fridays by appointments Confession By appointment only Holy Hour with Benediction Day and Time coming soon



Transcript of Year C - Feast of the Holy Family

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St. Maximilian Kolbe

Renewed Catholic Church

All Are Welcome!

We are a young church made up of men,

women and children seeking a genuine re-

lationship with God. We extend love and

hope to all that seek to be in community

with one another and with God. We aren't

a strict Catholic church community, our

Faith is based on God's Word and His

Commandments, we are always welcoming

new member's of any sex and race.

We hope you and your family will have a

warm and spirit-filled experience with us

as we worship and fellowship together at

our services, events, and ministries.

Laurel, Montana

Phone: 520-261-7070

E-mail: [email protected]

Rev. M.J. Leyden


Celebrating the

Liturgy of the Church

Sunday Mass

Saturday Vigil 5:30 pm*

Sunday Morning 9:00 am (winter)


Monday—Saturday 8:30 am (privately said)

Anointing of the Sick1st Fridays by appointments


By appointment only

Holy Hour with Benediction

Day and Time coming soon

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Mass Request

Have you wanted to have a Mass said for a love one or someone

that is still alive. Now is your chance to request a Mass and a date

for it to be offered (some times are not allowed).

Please just email the office and request which Mass and who it will be for. Please put “Mass

Request” in the subject and share if they are alive or passed on to the reward.

Also, an address where the Mass card will be mailed to. Donations: $5.00 may be made via

PayPal, cash, or credit card.

WEDDINGS Upon your engagement, please contact the priest to set up your ceremony. Each couple must be-

gin the preparation before a date can be set for your wedding. Please anticipate 3 months for preparation. We are very relax when it comes to helping you with your scared vows for life.

BAPTISMS Baptism preparation for parents and godparents is offered usually on Sunday afternoons or

Wednesday afternoon by appointment. You can set up your child’s baptism during the meeting. Pre-registration is required please call, 520-261-7070 and leave a message asking for the form to be sent via email. Also, you are welcome to email us and ask for the form; [email protected]

Basic Information Regarding the Sacraments

Holy Eucharist We truly believe in the Body and Blood of Christ that was broken and shed for us! We ask that you be in good standings with the Lord as you join us for every Mass for Holy Eucharist. All are Welcome to

His table!! “Jesus said to them, ‘I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life … For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood

remains in me, and I in him … so the one who feeds on me will live because of me.’”

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Feast of the Holy Family

Year C


Liturgy of the Hours—I

Sun Dec 30 1 Sm 1:20-22, 24-28 Ps 84:2-3, 5-6, 9-10

1 Jn 3:1-2, 21-24 Lk 2:41-52 8:30 am Families of the World

Mon Dec 31 1 Jn 2:18-21 Jn 1:1-18 8:30 am St. Kolbe Church

Tues Jan 1 Nm 6:22-27 Ps 67:2-3,5,6,8 8:30 am Sick & Ill of the Parish

Gal 4:4-7 Lk 2:16-21 9:00 pm Peace of the World

Wed Jan 2 1 Jn 2:22-28 Jn 1:19-28 8:30 am All Retired Religious

Thurs Jan 3 1 Jn 2:29-3:61 Jn 1:29-34 8:30 am Poor Soul in Purgatory

Fri Jan 4 1 Jn 3:7-10 Jn 1:35-42 8:30 am Healing Mass

Sat Jan 5 1 Jn 3:11-21 Ps 100:1b-2,3,4,5 8:30 am Love, Faith, Hope

Jn 1:43-51 5:30 pm Health

Sun Jan 6 Is 60:1-6 Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-11, 12-13

Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6 Mt 2:1-12 9:00 am All Unborn Children

Family life is rooted in the unconditional love of God as

witnessed by the Holy Family.

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Are you a follower of Christ? Kyle Idleman invites you to take an honest look at your relationship with Christ and name Him the center of your life! This six-session small-group study includes an amazing looking

within yourself and your love for Christ and will draw you closer. This study course will run 6 weeks with each course lasting 1.5 hours long.

Cost for this study course will be $13.00 for your journal and study book.

Please contact the Parish Office to sign up for this amazing study course. This course will max out at 8 people, please register quick.

Starting in February!

Religious Education: “Not a Fan”

Jesus “was submissive to them. His mother meanwhile kept all these things in memory.

Jesus, for His part, progressed steadily in wisdom and age and grace before God and men.”

~Luke 2:51-52, our translation

In the Christmas season, the Lord graces us to grow in love for Him even more

deeply than at most other times of the year. We will receive this new and

deeper love at Mass, through God’s Word, by witnessing for Jesus, by forgiv-

ing our enemies, and in many other ways. In trying to deepen our love for the

members of our family, we will also grow in our love for the Lord.

The way to love your family more deeply is to be yourself, that is, to fulfill

your God-given role in the family. Because God created families to be eco-

logical, the various roles and dynamics of family life are intricately interre-

lated. For example, a single parent shouldn’t try to be a “double-parent.” Par-

ents shouldn’t try to be a peer to their children. While all people are called to

be submission (see Eph 5:22). Otherwise, most people will not be submissive

and will misunderstand submission, as is the care in the Western world today. Fathers are to take the great-

est responsibility in making their children disciples of Christ. There are, of course, many other examples.

The Lord expects us only to be ourselves and to do our best. He will provide what is missing in the family.

In being ourselves and doing out best in family life, we will know the depth of Christ’s love in a new way

this Christmas season (Eph 3:18). Try to be a holy family. Know a new love for Jesus.

Weekly Christian Message

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What was the tenth gift from the true love? Ten Lords a leaping. The ten lords a leaping were the ten commandments. No

other Gods; no idols; misusing the Lord’s name; Remember the Sabbath; Honor your parents, don’t murder, commit adultery,

steal, lie

or covet. A gift to know the will of God.

What was the ninth gift? Nine ladies dancing. The “nine ladies dancing” were the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit found in the

book of Galatians. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

What about the eight gift? Eight maids a milking. The “eight maids a-milking” were the eight beatitudes. They gave impor-

tance to the week, the poor and the meek... the opposite to where the world puts importance. Just as Christ’s birth turned the

world on his head so did his message. His message was revolutionary to the way the world wants to work.

What was the seventh gift? Seven Swans a swimming. The “seven swans a-swimming” were the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit

listed in Romans 12:6-8. Read Romans 12:6-8

What was the sixth gift? Six geese a-laying. The “six geese a-laying” were the six days of creation. Reminding us that God is

the creator of all things... all life began with God.

And the fifth gift? Five golden rings. The “five golden rings” were the first five books of the bible, the “Books of Moses”, the

Pentateuch. This is the account of the beginning of humanity’s relationship with God.

What was the fourth gift from the true love? Four calling birds. The “four calling birds” were the four Gospels which sing the

song of salvation through Jesus Christ.

What about the third gift? Three French hens. The “three French hens” were faith, hope and love - the three gifts of the Spirit

that according to 1 Corinthians 13, abide. Who can tell me what we celebrate in one week’s time. The centenary of Federa-

tion. The ceremony of federation and signing of papers happened 100 years ago one week from today. It happened in the ga-

zebo in Centennial Park. Written on this gazebo are the words faith hope and charity. Australia’s beginning as a nation hap-

pened amongst the three abiding gifts faith, hope and love. And so this Christmas we need to recognize what an incredible gift

these are and as we celebrate 100 years of federation put these gifts into action.

The second gift? The “two turtle doves”. The “two turtle doves” are the gifts of the Old and New Testaments. The gift of

revelation from the creator God.

And the first gift was... The “partridge in a pear tree”. The “partridge in a pear tree” was Jesus Christ who died on a tree as a

gift from God. Jesus Christ coming to earth is an incredible act of grace. Jesus came to a people who were abandoned. He did

not enjoy the privileges of royalty but knew the hardships of poverty. At Christmas we are reminded that when God became

human he revealed that he was a humble God. The God who came to earth came not in a raging whirlwind nor in a devouring

fire. Unimaginably, the Maker of all things shrank down, down, down so small as to become an ovum a single fertilized egg,

barely visible to the naked eye, an egg that would divide and re-divide until a baby took shape, enlarging cell by cell inside a

nervous teenager.

Next week will be the part 3

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Schedule of Events

1/1—Solemnity of Mary, Mother

of God

1/3—Most Holy Name of Jesus

1/4—St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

1/6—Solemnity, Epiphany of the


1/13—Baptism of the Lord (Feast)

1st Wk of Ord. Time

1/31—St. John Bosco

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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4 5



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29 30 31

January 2013

As we grow this section will start to show

the budget and donations to our parish.


Please pray...for the ill of our Parish, and the

petitions written in our Book of Intentions.

“To everything there is a season and time for

every purpose under Heaven.”

“It is He Who is to baptize with the Holy Spirit.” ~ John 1:33

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The "Cards of the Deck" is a social club that we are

forming right now by

taken person’s informa-

tion so we can plan a

date for this group to

meet. Anyone who

is 50 years old or

older is welcome to

join us. We play bingo,

cards, games, and enjoy

each others’ company.

Our plan for this group

is to meet with our first

meeting as a business

meeting followed by bingo and then cards.

Then the second meeting we celebrate the birthdays

of our members during that month and then play

cards and socialize. Then the third meeting we have

a potluck where all the members bring a dish. After

the potluck we play cards and socialize. The fourth

meeting will be a Mass and offer any prayers and

t h e n p l a y g a m e s .

When there are five weeks in a month the Mass and

prayers are scheduled for that day rather than the

fourth Thursday. If you are seeking companionship

and want to meet new people, Please email the Par-

ish Office if you would like to be added to the list

and be informed of all the dates and when this Min-

istry will start.

Now Forming “Cards of the

Deck” Ministry

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We gather to understand our life and where God is

calling us! Am I meant to be a part of St. Maximil-

ian Kolbe? Will this help me in my life, how can I

share about my faith with others?, family?

Then this group will help you answer many of those

questions! If your unhappy with the parish you are

with or unsure where God wants you in His plan,

please call or email us and allow us to help you.

“Rice” Rite of Christian Education

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Pastor’s Notes

What a joy to be able to celebrate with you another great year to come! What a time it

is to recall the joys, and sorrow of last year and think of way we can improve our rela-

tionship with God and our families. As we tend to another year ahead we think of

things that we need to fix and we start to check off the list of things to do.

During this time of thinking and a new chapter in our life let us recall the Holy Family

the simple act of kindness from two loving parents that allowed our Savior to be born

into this world, by a simple YES. We look back into the Stable that was made for ani-

mals and we see a King so rich in love laying in the manger as the Wise Men come to

adore the True One! They brought Him gifts as we bring our own gifts we tend to lose

our path to the King as the year moves forward. Let’s think of ways we can start on

the road and grow closer to our Lord.

During this year of Faith, lets have a great 2013 by offering a helping hand to anyone

that needs it, but invites to church, or just an hour visit at the nursing homes. Bring

Christ to all that you meet.

JMJ, +M.J.

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