Year 6 Home Learning Pack 4 - · everyone already knew! Churchill made the...

Year 6 Home Learning Pack 4 Name: ____________

Transcript of Year 6 Home Learning Pack 4 - · everyone already knew! Churchill made the...

Page 1: Year 6 Home Learning Pack 4 - · everyone already knew! Churchill made the following announcement at 7:40pm on 7th May: “In accordance with arrangements

Year 6

Home Learning Pack 4

Name: ____________

Page 2: Year 6 Home Learning Pack 4 - · everyone already knew! Churchill made the following announcement at 7:40pm on 7th May: “In accordance with arrangements

Week beginning: Monday 11th May 2020

Monday Reading –


VE day

Writing –



Maths -


science –

Mammal life


Tuesday Reading –

Adolphus Tips

Grammar –

Features of

persuasive writing

Maths -


Theme –

The Romans -


Wednesday Reading –

Adolphus Tips

Writing –

Speech Planning


Maths -



Healthy lifestyle

Road Safety

Thursday Reading –

Adolphus Tips

Grammar –

Fact or Opinion

Maths -


R.E –

Pillars of Islam

Friday Reading –

Adolphus Tips

Writing –

Write a Speech

Maths -

Shape problems

Theme –

Picasso Problems

In addition to the activities set for each day, included in this week’s pack is a set of spellings for you

to practice which have been taken from the Year 5 and 6 spelling list produced by the government.

Why not try to include some of the words you practice in the writing activities for this week!

Page 3: Year 6 Home Learning Pack 4 - · everyone already knew! Churchill made the following announcement at 7:40pm on 7th May: “In accordance with arrangements

Spelling Practice: Look, say cover, write, check

Year Group: Owls and Eagles – Year 6

Look Say Cover Write Check Write Check Write Check bicycle aquarium aerodynamic supernatural microscope audience portable primrose autograph prehistoric

Now choose four of the words to write in sentences:









Page 4: Year 6 Home Learning Pack 4 - · everyone already knew! Churchill made the following announcement at 7:40pm on 7th May: “In accordance with arrangements

This week’s comprehension activities are based on our class book, ‘The Amazing Story of Adolphus

Tips’ by Michael Morpurgo. Each of the chapters that you will need have been typed up and included,

with the set of questions/activities for each day. However, as last Friday was VE day, we would like

to start this week with a non-fiction VE day comprehension.

Reading – Monday

Non Fiction – VE Day text

What is VE Day?

VE Day stands for Victory in Europe Day and is celebrated on the 8th May. It was the end of six years

of suffering, misery and courage during the second World War in Europe. Although it was not the end

of the Second World War, it was the end of warfare in Europe.

How did it happen?

One the morning of the 7th May 1945. Following Hitler’s death in the April, the German president of

the Third Reich, Grand Admiral Donitz, gave orders that General Jodl should go to the American

Head Quarters based in France. Jodl surrendered on behalf of the Germans, to the Western and

Russian officers and agreed to all their demands.

The Announcement

The British people began celebrating as soon as they heard the news. Although no official

announcement had been made, bell ringers in the churches around the country, were on standby to

ring out the good news when an official notice was given.

Joseph Stalin, the leader of the Russians, was taking his time to announce the surrender, but the

British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, did not want to give Stalin the chance to hold up what

everyone already knew! Churchill made the following announcement at 7:40pm on 7th May:

“In accordance with arrangements between three great powers, tomorrow, Tuesday, will be treated

as Victory in Europe Day and will be regarded as a holiday.”

Bring on the celebrations!

People began decorating the streets with banners, bunting and ribbons. They

organised street parties where neighbours shared food, which was still rationed, and

listened to the radio news broadcasts.

The Effects of War

In Britain, during the war in Europe, half a million homes were

destroyed, thousands of ordinary people were killed and millions of

lives had been torn apart.

Did you know …. ?

The three great powers were Britain, France and the Soviet Union, now known as Russia.

Page 5: Year 6 Home Learning Pack 4 - · everyone already knew! Churchill made the following announcement at 7:40pm on 7th May: “In accordance with arrangements

King George VI and the Queen appeared eight times on the balcony of Buckingham Palace, and their

two daughters, Princess Margaret and Princess Elizabeth – who is now Her Majesty the Queen –

walked amongst the crowds! Churchill told the crowds, “This is your victory!”

Churchill spoke to the nation, reminding them that although Japan still had to be defeated, and the

war was not yet over, for now Great Britain “May allow ourselves a brief period rejoicing. God save

the King!”

The end of the VE Day

At 9pm, King George VI made a final broadcast to the nation. Buckingham Palace was lit up in

floodlights for the first time since the start of the war, and two searchlights formed a V, the sign of

peace, above St Paul’s Cathedral in London.

All lights were turned off again the next day.

Although everyone was pleased the war in Europe had ended, far

many celebrations would have been a sad reminder of the loss of many

loved ones. They would have been fighting abroad, caught by the

enemy or died in air raids attacks. This meant that many did not

completely feel the lasting joy of the time.


1.) In your own words, explain why the VE day ended.

2.) What did General Jodl do?

3.) What does the phrase “the bell ringers were on standby” mean?

4.) Explain, in your own words, the effects war in Europe had on Britain.

5.) What did Stalin do and how did this affect Britain?

6.) What does V E Day stand for?

7.) Name two ways people might have lost loved ones during the war in Europe.

8.) Why do you think the author has used an exclamation mark when commenting on the

princesses walking around the crowds in London?

9.) Why do you think two searchlights were lit in the shape of a V?

Page 6: Year 6 Home Learning Pack 4 - · everyone already knew! Churchill made the following announcement at 7:40pm on 7th May: “In accordance with arrangements

Writing – Monday

This week, we are going to have a non-fiction focus in our writing. By the end of the week, we

are going to be writing persuasive arguments.

Fact Sheet


In recent times, orangutans have faced a number of severe challenges, bringing them to the

brink of extinction. They are vulnerable to forest fires and they have been affected by

logging as well as road-building. Road-building has split the areas of forest where the

orangutans live and to make way for palm oil plantations, local businesses have also played

a part in destroying their habitat. In addition, these animals are also victims of the hunting

trade. Hunting orangutans is popular because their bones are sold as souvenirs in Indonesia

and they can be used in traditional medicines. Also, orangutans are considered to be

attractive creatures making their babies desirable pets in some parts of the world. All this

makes protecting the orangutan very difficult.

Orangutan Facts

• Orangutans are critically endangered in Borneo and Sumatra.

• In Borneo, the population has decreased by 60% in the last 60


• In Sumatra, the population has decreased by 80% in 75 years.

• There are currently only an estimated 61,234 wild orangutans in the world.

Page 7: Year 6 Home Learning Pack 4 - · everyone already knew! Churchill made the following announcement at 7:40pm on 7th May: “In accordance with arrangements

Task 1 –

Research orangutans and create a fact sheet of your own.

Here are some things you might want to find out about…

Where are Borneo and Sumatra?

What is special about an orangutan’s DNA?

How tall are they?

What do they weigh?

What is an orangutan’s diet?

Do they like to live in small groups or alone?

How do they communicate?

Do any charities work to protect them?

Need help? -


You can present your fact sheet how you wish!

Page 8: Year 6 Home Learning Pack 4 - · everyone already knew! Churchill made the following announcement at 7:40pm on 7th May: “In accordance with arrangements

Maths – Monday –

Brain warm-up

2 + 20 + 15 + 9 = 4.6 x 10 ½ 0f 60

Round to the nearest 10 5678

-7 + 12 46 + ___ = 72

3/5 + 2/4 ¾ x 4/5 4/5 x 6


Page 9: Year 6 Home Learning Pack 4 - · everyone already knew! Churchill made the following announcement at 7:40pm on 7th May: “In accordance with arrangements

3) On the grid there are three points joined by two lines.

Lara plots another point on the grid at (−1, 2). She joins the points to make a quadrilateral.

Complete Lara’s quadrilateral on the grid. Use a ruler.

Then Lara translates the quadrilateral 4 squares to the right.

Draw the quadrilateral in its new position on the grid. 4) Here is a jigsaw with one piece missing.

Which one of the pieces below fits the hole in the middle?

Page 10: Year 6 Home Learning Pack 4 - · everyone already knew! Churchill made the following announcement at 7:40pm on 7th May: “In accordance with arrangements

Science – Monday

Today’s questions: What are the differences in the life cycles of a mammal, an amphibian, an insect and a



Page 11: Year 6 Home Learning Pack 4 - · everyone already knew! Churchill made the following announcement at 7:40pm on 7th May: “In accordance with arrangements

Task - Can you research another mammal, and then draw and describe its life cycle?

Page 12: Year 6 Home Learning Pack 4 - · everyone already knew! Churchill made the following announcement at 7:40pm on 7th May: “In accordance with arrangements

Reading – Tuesday

Adolphus Tips

Friday, September 10th 1943 part 1

I’ve been back at school a whole week now. When Miss McAllister left at the end of last

term I was cock-a-hoop (I like that word), we all were. She was a witch, I’m sure she was. I

thought everything would be tickety – boo (I like that word too) just perfect, and I was so

much looking forward to school without her. And who do we get as a head teacher instead?

Mrs “Bloomers” Blumfeld. She’s all smiles on the outside, but underneath she’s an even

worser with than Miss McAllister. In know I’m not supposed to say worser, but it sounds

worser than worse, so I’m using it. So there. We call her bloomers because of her name of

course, and also because she came into class once with her skirt hitched up by mistake into

her navy-blue bloomers.

Today Bloomers gave me a detention just because my hands were dirty again. “Lily

Tregenza, I think you are one of the most untidiest girls I have ever known.” She says zink

instead of think and de instead of the. She can’t even speak English properly and she’s

supposed to be our teacher. So I said it wasn’t fair and she gave me another detention. I

hate her accent; she could be German. Maybe she’s a spy! She looks like a spy. I hate her, I

really do. And what’s more, she favours the townies, the evacuees. That’s because she’s

come down from London like they have. She told us so.

We’ve got three more townies in my class this term, all from London like the others. There’s

so many of them now there’s hardly enough room to play in the playground. There’s almost

as many of them as there are of us. They’re always fighting too. Most of them are all right, I

suppose, except that they talk funny. I can’t understands half of what they say. And they

stick together too much. They look at us sometimes like we’ve got measles or mumps or

something, like they think we’re all stupid country bumpkins, which we’re not.

One of the new ones – Barry Turner he’s called – is living in Mrs Morwhenna’s house, next

to the shop. He’s got red hair everywhere, even red eyebrows. And he picks his nose which

is disgusting. He gets lots more spellings wrong than me, but Bloomers never gives him a

detention. I know why too. It’s because Barry’s dad was killed in the airforce at Dunkirk. My

dad’s away in the army, and he’s alive. So just because he’s not dead, I get a detention. Is

that fair?

Page 13: Year 6 Home Learning Pack 4 - · everyone already knew! Churchill made the following announcement at 7:40pm on 7th May: “In accordance with arrangements

Day 1 reading questions

1) How did Lily feel about Miss McAlister leaving – find a quote to support your answer.

2) Find 2 reasons why Lily hates her new teacher.

3) Why do you think Mrs Blumfeld favours the new townie children?

4) How do you think it would feel to be a ‘townie’ starting at a new school with children

who do not appear too keen on you being there?

5) How are the townies different from Lily and her friends?

Page 14: Year 6 Home Learning Pack 4 - · everyone already knew! Churchill made the following announcement at 7:40pm on 7th May: “In accordance with arrangements

Grammar – Tuesday

Here are some of the key features of persuasive writing. Read the example piece of persuasive text on the next page and underline all key features of the text type you notice, including those listed above. You could underline each feature in a different colour and turn the boxes above into a key!

Groups of Three

When three adjectives or phrases

are used together to make them

stand out.

e.g. Homework is boring, dull and



Words or phrases are repeated

so that they stick in the reader’s


e.g. remember what is was like to

be at school; remember how

much work you had.


Words that show that something

is the best or the most

e.g. best, coolest, fastest, most

wonderful, best, most amazing,

loveliest, freshest.

Emotive Language

When words are used to make the

reader feel a certain emotion, like

sadness or anger.

e.g. We are the poor, helpless

children who are forced to do hours

and hours of homework every night.


When information is given that is

over the top, or slightly untrue.

e.g. If I get one more piece of

homework, I am going to move to

the moon!

Rhetorical Questions

Using questions that don’t need

an answer to get the audience to


e.g. Could you live with yourself if

you missed out on this


Page 15: Year 6 Home Learning Pack 4 - · everyone already knew! Churchill made the following announcement at 7:40pm on 7th May: “In accordance with arrangements

Are zoos right? Once again our great town planners have seen fit to give permission for a new zoo to open in the town centre. We need to consider whether a zoo is the right environment for wild animals. Many zoos are poorly organised, overcrowded and harm animals. We need to think about whether our community wants this. Frightened for our future Do animals really belong in small enclosures with little space to exercise? Do we really want our town’s reputation to be ruined by a zoo that may not be the right home for its animals? Zoos are prisons where animals suffer from boredom, stress and frustration. The public could not bear to see poor, helpless animals suffer in a zoo where they are not treated with the respect they deserve. The whole world is going mad. If this town is going to have a zoo I may move to Mars! Tigers and lions have around 18,000 times less space in zoos than they would in the wild. Polar bears have one million times less space. Look into your heart and ask yourself do you want animals to suffer because they are trapped away from their natural habitat? We need to urge the people of our town to consider what is right for these wild, wonderful and precious animals. Think before you make your decision. Think about the lives of precious animals. Think about our town and its people. This writing isn’t perfect – what would you do to improve it? Give three wishes below W W W

Page 16: Year 6 Home Learning Pack 4 - · everyone already knew! Churchill made the following announcement at 7:40pm on 7th May: “In accordance with arrangements

Maths – Tuesday

Brain warm-up

20% of 800 5/6 – 2/7 = 5/6 ÷ 8 =

70 x 26 10000 – 5 5.6 x 3

784 + 345 4.5 x 100 56 x 22


Page 17: Year 6 Home Learning Pack 4 - · everyone already knew! Churchill made the following announcement at 7:40pm on 7th May: “In accordance with arrangements

Here is a shaded shape on a grid.

The shape is translated so that point A moves to point B. Draw the shape in its new position.

Use a ruler.

Kyle has drawn triangle ABC on this grid.

Holly has started to draw an identical triangle DEF.

What will be the coordinates of point F?

Page 18: Year 6 Home Learning Pack 4 - · everyone already knew! Churchill made the following announcement at 7:40pm on 7th May: “In accordance with arrangements

Topic – Tuesday

History – The Romans

Task 1: Below are the dates for when key time periods through our history took place. Can you place

them into chronological order? You can either cut them out and stick them onto another piece of

paper to create your own timeline, or you can number them instead.

Be as creative as you want! We’d love to see the timelines you create – why not add some of your own

facts to these key dates or even add in any other key events which you know about!

Page 19: Year 6 Home Learning Pack 4 - · everyone already knew! Churchill made the following announcement at 7:40pm on 7th May: “In accordance with arrangements

Task 2: Over the next few weeks, we’re going to spend some time learning about The Romans. Below

are some dates of key events during the time of The Romans. You can either cut them out and stick

them onto another piece of paper to create your own timeline, or you can number them instead.

410 AD

Roman rule in Britain


455 AD

The Roman Empire


202 BC

Rome conquers land

outside of Italy.

200 AD

Rome is attacked by


43 AD

The Roman army

lands in England.

122 AD

Hadrian’s wall starts

to be built in England

235-285 AD

20 Roman emperors

are assassinated.

0 BC

Jesus is born.

130 BC

Rome conquers

Greece and Spain.

55 AD

Julius Caesar first

invades Britain but is

forced to return


753 BC

The building of Rome


510 BC

Rome becomes a

republic and officials

are elected.

Page 20: Year 6 Home Learning Pack 4 - · everyone already knew! Churchill made the following announcement at 7:40pm on 7th May: “In accordance with arrangements

Reading – Wednesday

Adolphus Tips

Friday, September 10th 1943 – part 2

Barry told Maisie, who sits next to me in class now and who’s my best friend sometimes,

that she could kiss him if she wanted to. He’s only been at our school a week. Cheeky

monkey. Maisie said she let him because he’s young – he’s only ten – and because she was

sorry for him, on account of his dad, and also because she wanted to find out if townies

were any good at it. She said it was a bit sticky but all right. I don’t do kissing. I don’t see the

point of it, not if it’s sticky.

Tips is going to have her kittens any day now. She’s all saggy baggy underneath. Last time

she had them on my bed. She’s the best cat (and the biggest) in the whole wide world and I

love her more than anyone or anything. But she keeps having kittens, and I wish she

wouldn’t because we can’t ever keep them. No one wants them because everyone’s got

cats of their own already, and they all have kittens too.

It was all because of Tips and her kittens that I had a row with dad, the biggest row of my

life, when he was last home on leave from the army. He did it when I was at school, without

even telling me. As soon as they were born he took all her kittens and drowned them just

like that. When I found out I said terrible things to him, like I would never ever speak to him

again and how I hoped the Germans would kill him. I was horrible to him. I never made it up

with him either. I wrote him a letter saying I was sorry, but he hasn’t replied and I wish he

would. He probably hates me now, and I wouldn’t blame him. If anything happened to him I

couldn’t bear it, not after what I said.

Mum keeps telling me I shouldn’t let my tongue do the thinking for me, and I’m not quite

sure what that means. She’s just come in to say good night and blow out my lamp. She says

I spend too much time writing my diary. She thinks I can’t write in the dark, but I can. My

writing may look a bit wonky in the morning, but I don’t care.

Page 21: Year 6 Home Learning Pack 4 - · everyone already knew! Churchill made the following announcement at 7:40pm on 7th May: “In accordance with arrangements

Reading questions day 2

1) Why did Masie feel sorry for Barry?

2) What are the signs that Tips is going to have her kittens any day soon? Find a quote

to support your answer.

3) Why does no one want any of Tips’ kittens?

4) ‘She’s just come in to say good night and blow out my lamp.’ Why does Lily’s mum

have to blow out her light? What might this tell the reader about the time period the

story is written in?

5) ‘Mum keeps telling me I shouldn’t let my tongue do the thinking for me,’ what does

Lily’s mum mean by this phrase?

Page 22: Year 6 Home Learning Pack 4 - · everyone already knew! Churchill made the following announcement at 7:40pm on 7th May: “In accordance with arrangements

Writing – Wednesday

Charity Speech –

Imagine that you have been set the challenge of raising money for an orangutan charity through a

sponsored event. Read the orangutan fact sheet again and use it to plan a persuasive speech that you

could deliver to your classmates, explaining why they should support your charity.

Charity Speech – Planning Sheet (bullet point your ideas)

Introduce what you are talking about and why.

Hello classmates. I would like to talk to you about...

Explain why orangutans need to be protected (give as many reasons as you can).

Orangutans need to be protected because...

Give your own opinion and explain why they should get involved.

I think that...

You must get on board because…

Page 23: Year 6 Home Learning Pack 4 - · everyone already knew! Churchill made the following announcement at 7:40pm on 7th May: “In accordance with arrangements

Maths – Wednesday –

Brain warm-up

Round 5674 to the nearest 100

567 x 4 432 x 1

5677 – 231 4.5 – 2.31 8000 – 10 =

673 x 23 ¼ x 5

2/3 ÷ 3


Draw the reflection of the shaded shape in the mirror line.

You may use a mirror or tracing paper.

Draw the reflection of the shaded triangle in the mirror line.

Page 24: Year 6 Home Learning Pack 4 - · everyone already knew! Churchill made the following announcement at 7:40pm on 7th May: “In accordance with arrangements

The line RS is a reflection of the line GH in a mirror line Draw in the mirror line.

Complete this sentence: The mirror line is

Page 25: Year 6 Home Learning Pack 4 - · everyone already knew! Churchill made the following announcement at 7:40pm on 7th May: “In accordance with arrangements

PSHCE – Wednesday

We all know it’s important to live a healthy lifestyle but why might people choose not to live a healthy lifestyle? Did you think of these reasons? Lack of motivation Lack of time Lack of money Lack of understanding Lack of desire

Discussion time! Discuss with someone at home…. How do you stay motivated? Why is it important to keep motivated about having a healthy lifestyle? Would you find this advice helpful, if someone gave it to you? Why/why not? What advice would you use for yourself?

Can you come up with three ways you would encourage someone else to live a healthy lifestyle and keep motivated?

Jot them down below.




Page 26: Year 6 Home Learning Pack 4 - · everyone already knew! Churchill made the following announcement at 7:40pm on 7th May: “In accordance with arrangements

You could steal these ideas too…

• Getting enough sleep

• Eating a balanced diet

• Being active for at least 60 minutes every day

• Keeping clean

• Not being ill

• Doing things that make you feel happier

• Relaxing

• Having a healthy body image

• Choosing not to smoke

• Choosing to enjoy alcohol responsibly or not at all

Debate time!

You are going to have a short debate with someone at home about which of these pieces of advice you believe is the

most important.

Before you begin, you both need to decide which of these pointers for a healthy lifestyle you believe is the most

important. Then you need to generate some ideas for your argument – you may wish to jot them down. If you really

want to strengthen your argument, you could always collect some facts to back you up!

Remember, in a good debate, you calmly listen to both sides of the argument and try to support your beliefs with


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Page 28: Year 6 Home Learning Pack 4 - · everyone already knew! Churchill made the following announcement at 7:40pm on 7th May: “In accordance with arrangements

Reading – Thursday

Adolphus Tips

Sunday September 12th 1943

We saw some American soldiers in Slapton today; it’s the first time I’ve ever seen them.

Everyone calls them Yanks, I don’t know why. Grandfather doesn’t like them, but I do. I

think they’ve got smarter uniforms than ours and they look bigger somehow. They smiled a

lot and waved – particularly at Mum, but that was just because she’s pretty, I could tell.

When they whistled she went very red, but she liked it. They don’t say “hello”, they say “hi”

instead, and one of them said “howdy”. He was the one who gave me a sweet, only he

called it “candy”.

I’m sucking it now as I’m writing. It’s nice, but not as nice as lemon sherberts of peppermint

humbugs with the stripes and chewy centres. Humbugs are my best favourites, but I’m only

allowed two a week now because of rationing. Mum says we’re really lucky living on the

farm because we can grow our own vegetables, make our own milk and butter and cream

and eat our own chickens. So when I complain about sweet rationing, which I do, she

always gives me a little lecture on how lucky we are. Barry says they’ve got rationing for

everything in London, so maybe Mum is right. Maybe we are lucky. But I still don’t see how

me having less peppermint is going to help us win the war.

Thursday September 16th 1943

Mum got a letter from Dad today. Whenever she gets a letter she’s very happy and sad at

the same time. She says he’s out in the desert in Africa with the Eighth Army and he’s

making sure the lorries and the tanks work – he’s very good at engines, my dad. It’s very

hot in the daytime, he says, but at night it’s cold enough to freeze your toes off. Mum let

me read the letter after she had. He didn’t say anything about Tips and then kittens or the

row we had. Maybe he’s forgotten all about it. I hope so.

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Reading day 3 questions

1) Why do you think Lily’s Grandfather may not like the American soldiers?

2) Find a phrase in the text to show that Mum has been embarrassed by the American


3) Lily talks about rationing – what was rationing and how did it affect Lily’s family

differently to those who lived in large cities like London?

4) Find a phrase in the text that shows Lily does not quite understand why there is


‘Mum got a letter from Dad today. Whenever she gets a letter she’s very happy and sad at

the same time. ‘ Why do you think mum may have felt both happy and sad?

Page 30: Year 6 Home Learning Pack 4 - · everyone already knew! Churchill made the following announcement at 7:40pm on 7th May: “In accordance with arrangements

Grammar – Thursday

Fact or Opinion

Fact: Something that is true and can be proven.

Opinion: How a person feels or what someone thinks.

Activity 1

Read each statement.

If the statement is a fact, place an F on the line.

If the statement is an opinion, place an O on the line.

1. That man has a beard. ______

2. Red is the best colour. ______

3. Apples taste better than pears. ______

4. Peter can run faster than Paul. ______

5. There's a frog in the pond. ______

6. I don't want sausages for dinner. ______

7. Chelsea will definitely win. ______

8. I am the smartest kid in my class. ______

9. He's better at art than maths. ______

10. You shouldn't go swimming in the sea. ______

Activity 2

These passages contain facts and opinions. Underline the parts you think are facts in one colour and the parts you

think are opinions in another colour.

Fill in the key to indicate which colour is which.

Hate housework? You'll love the SuperSweep vacuum cleaner! With five interchangeable

nozzles and three times the usual suction power there's nothing quite like it. Buy it today

and receive a 1% discount! Miss out and you'll regret!

Thomas is the best runner in the class. James has won more races, but that's just because he's a fast runner. Thomas

can run almost 15 kilometres! That's a really long way. I think the most exciting race was the one where Thomas

overtook James right near the end.

The jungle is a very dangerous place to visit. There are lots of poisonous bugs in the jungle, not to mention tigers,

snakes and more. You should never visit the jungle unless you have all the proper safety equipment. Mosquito nets

can help keep you safe from mosquito bites. Rope is a helpful thing to take, too.




Page 31: Year 6 Home Learning Pack 4 - · everyone already knew! Churchill made the following announcement at 7:40pm on 7th May: “In accordance with arrangements

Maths – Thursday

Brain Warm-Up

56 x 22 123 x 100` Find 25% of 250

0.3 x 33 33 x 33 1/2 x 7

2/7 + 3/4 2/6 ÷ 4 `10/11 – 5/11


Complete this shape so that it is symmetrical about the mirror line.

Use a ruler.

Page 32: Year 6 Home Learning Pack 4 - · everyone already knew! Churchill made the following announcement at 7:40pm on 7th May: “In accordance with arrangements

Here is a shaded square on a grid.

Shade in 3 more squares so that the design is symmetrical in both mirror lines.

Draw the reflection of all the shaded shapes in the mirror line.

mirror line

Draw the reflection of the shaded shape in the mirror line.

Page 33: Year 6 Home Learning Pack 4 - · everyone already knew! Churchill made the following announcement at 7:40pm on 7th May: “In accordance with arrangements

R.E – Thursday


What is Islam?

Followers of Islam are known as Muslims. Muslims believe there is one true

God, called Allah (the Arabic word for God). Muslims believe that Islam was

revealed over 1,400 years ago in Mekkah, Arabia through a man called


Muhammad is so respected that it is usual for Muslims to say 'peace be upon

him' whenever they mention his name.

Muhammad is believed by Muslims to be the last prophet sent by God (Allah). They believe God sent

prophets to mankind to teach them how to live according to His law.

Task 1: Follow the link below to watch the learning clip on the Five Pillars Islam.

Task 2: Now that you’ve watched the video (you may also wish to carry out your own research too),

create your own poster on the Five Pillars of Islam. On the next page in this booklet is a template

which you may wish to use.

Page 34: Year 6 Home Learning Pack 4 - · everyone already knew! Churchill made the following announcement at 7:40pm on 7th May: “In accordance with arrangements
Page 35: Year 6 Home Learning Pack 4 - · everyone already knew! Churchill made the following announcement at 7:40pm on 7th May: “In accordance with arrangements

Reading – Friday

Adolphus Tips

Thursday September 16th 1943 – part 2

I feel bad about writing this, but I must write what I really feel. What’s the point in writing

at all otherwise? The truth is, I don’t really miss Dad like I know I should, like I know Mum

does. When I’m actually reading his letters I miss him lots, but then later on I forget all

about him unless someone talks about him, unless I see his photo maybe. Perhaps it’s

because I’m still cross with him. The thing is, he didn’t need to go to fight in the war; he

could have stayed with us and helped Grandfather and Mum on the farm. Other farmers

were allowed to stay. He could have. But he didn’t. He tried to explain it to me before he

joined up. He said he wouldn’t feel right about staying home when there were so many

men going off to the war, men the same age as he was. I told him he should think of

Grandfather and Mum and me, but he wouldn’t listen. They’ve got to do all the work on

their own now, all the milking and the muck spreading, all the haymaking and the lambing.

Dad was the only one who could fix his Fordson tractor and the thresher, and now he’s not

here to do it. I help out a bit, but I’m not much use. I’m only twelve (almost anyway) and

I’m off to school most days. He should be here with us, that’s what I think. I’m fed up with

him being away I’m fed up with this war. We’re not allowed down on the beach any more

to fly our kites. There’s barbed wire all around it to keep us off, and there’s mines buried all

over it. They’ve out horrible signs up everywhere warning us off. That wasn’t much use to

Farmer Jeffery’s smelly old one-eyed sheepdog that lifted his leg on everything he passed

(including my leg once). He wandered on to the beach and under the wire yesterday and

blew himself up. Poor old thing.

I had this idea at school (probably because Bloomers was reading us the King Arthur

stories). I think we should dress Churchill and Hitler up in armour like King Arthur’s Knights,

stick them on horses, give them a lance each and let them sort it out between them.

Whoever is knocked off loses, and the war would be over and we could all go back to being

normal again. Churchill would win of course, because Hitler looks too weak and feeble to sit

on a horse, let alone hold a lance. So we would win. No more rationing. All the humbugs I

want. Dad could come home and everything would be like it was before. Everything would

be tickety-boo.

Page 36: Year 6 Home Learning Pack 4 - · everyone already knew! Churchill made the following announcement at 7:40pm on 7th May: “In accordance with arrangements

Reading day 4 questions

Think back to the extracts we have read so far, what information have we found out about

Lily’s character so far? Make notes around the outside edge of the person to explain about

how she looks and make notes inside the person to explain what you have found out about

her personality.

Page 37: Year 6 Home Learning Pack 4 - · everyone already knew! Churchill made the following announcement at 7:40pm on 7th May: “In accordance with arrangements

Literacy – Friday

Earlier in the week you planned your charity speech. Today, you need to write the speech that you could

deliver to your classmates – use your planning sheet and fact sheet to help you!

The speech should explain why this cause is so important. Write your speech on lined paper using

persuasive language.

Don’t forget to...

• introduce what you are talking about and why;

• make a point, give evidence then explain the evidence;

• make another point, give evidence, then explain this evidence;

• make another point, give evidence, then explain this evidence also;

• give your personal opinion and make a last appeal to your classmates.

Page 38: Year 6 Home Learning Pack 4 - · everyone already knew! Churchill made the following announcement at 7:40pm on 7th May: “In accordance with arrangements

Charity Speech









































Page 39: Year 6 Home Learning Pack 4 - · everyone already knew! Churchill made the following announcement at 7:40pm on 7th May: “In accordance with arrangements

Maths – Friday

Brain Warm-Up

36 ÷ 12 12 x __ = 120 279 x 3

8³+ 45 7²- 4 0.78 + 0.435

44 x 4 100 x 78 0.78 x 100

Solving shape problems

Adam has this rectangular piece of card. It is marked with grid lines.

Adam makes two straight cuts along the grid lines.

The two cuts divide the rectangle into 3 shapes:

• 2 squares of different size, and

• 1 rectangle.

Using the grid lines, draw two lines that show where Adam could have made his cuts.

Use a ruler.

Page 40: Year 6 Home Learning Pack 4 - · everyone already knew! Churchill made the following announcement at 7:40pm on 7th May: “In accordance with arrangements

Here is a drawing of a 3-D shape.

Complete the table.

Number of faces Number of vertices Number of edges

2 marks

Here are three nets of a cube.

On each net draw one more dot so that each cube will have dots on opposite faces.

Now investigate:

What different shapes can you make using five hexagons?

Be careful that you do not have any the same as each other. For example, these two look different but are in fact identical:

Page 41: Year 6 Home Learning Pack 4 - · everyone already knew! Churchill made the following announcement at 7:40pm on 7th May: “In accordance with arrangements

Topic – Friday


Pablo Picasso was born in Malaga, Spain.

Task 1: Research and mark on the blank map of Spain below,

where Picasso was born.

Picasso’s father was an artist and gave him art

lessons. He finished his first painting, Le

Picador, when he was 9 years old. When he was

13, he joined the School of Fine Arts in

Barcelona. At the age of 16, he went to Spain’s

top art school, Madrid’s Royal Academy of San

Fernando. Picasso started by creating paintings

which looked like real life before moving to

creating paintings which were more abstract.

Pablo Picasso (along with another artist) created a new way of painting known as Cubism. This involved

painting people or objects using different angles and geometric shapes. They created pictures by

breaking a large picture up into smaller, different blocks. Below are some examples of his work!

Page 42: Year 6 Home Learning Pack 4 - · everyone already knew! Churchill made the following announcement at 7:40pm on 7th May: “In accordance with arrangements

Task 2: Cubism uses geometric (any shape with curved and/or straight lines with corners) shapes.

Below are various challenges and activities linked to geometric shapes for you to have a go at.

It would be lovely to see your attempts so if you are able to TWEET photographs, we

would love to see them. @gilberdykerocks is the school Twitter account and

@ospreys2020 is our class account!

Puzzle 1

In this diagram 11 matches make 3 squares.

Your challenge is to move 3 matches to show 2 squares.

Puzzle 2

How many outlines of triangles of all sizes and shapes can

you trace in the figure?

Puzzle 3

If you cut the shaded shape A into two pieces in

a certain way, you can then make all the other

shapes: B, C, D, E, F, G from those two pieces.

Can you work out where you’d need to cut shape A

to make the other shapes?

Page 43: Year 6 Home Learning Pack 4 - · everyone already knew! Churchill made the following announcement at 7:40pm on 7th May: “In accordance with arrangements

Puzzle 4

This diagram shows 3 squares and 2 triangles made with

match sticks.

Can you rearrange the matches to make 5 squares and 6

triangles which are connected together?

Puzzle 5

You have nine circles (divided into 16 smaller

sectors). Each has a different pattern of holes.

Which two of them can form an opaque (non-

transparent) circle when stacked on top of each


Circles can be rotated and/or overturned.

Puzzle 6

Here’s a picture of a teapot. It’s been broken up into five pieces. Can you

rearrange the five pieces to make the letter ‘T’ ?

Can you create your own version of any of these puzzles? Why not share them on Twitter for other

people to try and solve?