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SHMITTAH YEAR 2015 Scriptures Regarding the Shmittah Year Exodus 23:10-11 Leviticus 25:1-7 Leviticus 26:32-36 Deuteronomy 15:1-8 II Chronicles 36:20-21 Jeremiah 25:1-33 Amos 8:4-12 Please read these few foundational Scriptures, above, before starting to read this article, so that you have bedrock for understanding what I write here from His Word. Yahuweh speaks in Leviticus 26 of the blessings IF His people obey Him, and the curses IF they do not. In this chapter, Yahuweh foretells the total expulsion of the House of Israel from the land into all nations by 723/722 BCE for their terrible sins against Him. This timing is connected to Ezekiel 4:4-5, making the time of the exile of the ten northern tribes into captivity 2,730 years. Doing your mathematics correctly, you will see that end of the punishment of the northern ten tribes, called the House of Israel, House of Ephraim, or House of Joseph, ended on Yom Teruah, Tishre 1, sundown September 12/13, 2007, the first day of the Shmittah year 2008. [Remember, the Creator’s days begin at sunset!] In Leviticus 26 also, is the reason for the expulsion of Judah in 586 BCE. Yes, the expulsion of Judah into slavery in Babylon was for their terrible sins against Yahuweh, but the timing of their captivity was determined by their disobedience against the law of the Shmittah year. The Shmittah year stood, from the time of Moses throughout history, as a plumb line to separate those who were aligned to His heart, who were submissive to obey Him, from those who rebelled against Him. In this article, I want to show you why the Shmittah year so important to us, as we enter the Shmittah year 2015.

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SHMITTAH YEAR 2015Scriptures Regarding the Shmittah Year

Exodus 23:10-11Leviticus 25:1-7Leviticus 26:32-36Deuteronomy 15:1-8II Chronicles 36:20-21Jeremiah 25:1-33Amos 8:4-12

Please read these few foundational Scriptures, above, before starting to read this article, so that you have bedrock for understanding what I write here from His Word. Yahuweh speaks in Leviticus 26 of the blessings IF His people obey Him, and the curses IF they do not. In this chapter, Yahuweh foretells the total expulsion of the House of Israel from the land into all nations by 723/722 BCE for their terrible sins against Him. This timing is connected to Ezekiel 4:4-5, making the time of the exile of the ten northern tribes into captivity 2,730 years. Doing your mathematics correctly, you will see that end of the punishment of the northern ten tribes, called the House of Israel, House of Ephraim, or House of Joseph, ended on Yom Teruah, Tishre 1, sundown September 12/13, 2007, the first day of the Shmittah year 2008. [Remember, the Creator’s days begin at sunset!] In Leviticus 26 also, is the reason for the expulsion of Judah in 586 BCE. Yes, the expulsion of Judah into slavery in Babylon was for their terrible sins against Yahuweh, but the timing of their captivity was determined by their disobedience against the law of the Shmittah year. The Shmittah year stood, from the time of Moses throughout history, as a plumb line to separate those who were aligned to His heart, who were submissive to obey Him, from those who rebelled against Him. In this article, I want to show you why the Shmittah year so important to us, as we enter the Shmittah year 2015. Nebuchadnezzar attacked Jerusalem for the last time in 586 BCE, burning both the Temple of Solomon and the city of Jerusalem to the ground, taking the surviving captives into Babylon. The year 586 BCE was a Shmittah year--the 70 th since they entered the land. Jeremiah prophesied that they would be in Babylon 70 years. For 490 years, or 70 Shmittah years, the people had not obeyed the instructions of the Torah of Yahuweh to let the land rest, let the poor glean from the fields, release slaves, and release all debts on Elul 29 before sunset at the end of each Shmittah year. The year after seven Shmittah years, the 50th year, is the Yobel/Jubilee year. So look at the Jubilee they also missed! Therefore, Yahuweh used Nebuchadnezzar to destroy all their idols, stop their sacrificing of babies in the fire to Moloch, and drove them out of their land. He destroyed their human-created society, their economy, their pride and their rebellion, and let the land rest for 70 years. [Refer to my article: “Jeremiah 25”/August 2014]

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The spirit of King Nimrod, ruling King of his capital city Babel/Babylon, passed westward until it settled down in the nation of America to become “end-time Babylon.” America has faithfully, since its inception, been carrying forward the desire of King Nimrod. [Refer to: “America’s Secret Destiny”] Western Roman-based society has been behind the restoration of Nimrod’s dream of building a tower into heaven to defy Yahuweh--to destroy Him, and His people. It is the dream of Lucifer! As far-fetched as this sounds, the truth of it, now being exposed openly, will answer everyone’s questions of the past, present, and future of Western civilization. Leaders of the E.U. are very open about it. Thus there is a duel prophecy in Jeremiah 25. It speaks of the 70 years of captivity in Babylon of the House of Judah, with the promise that they would return to rebuild. But, after that, the prophecy switches, as prophecy commonly does, to end-time Babylon, and says that this nation will reign over the entire world for 70 years, and at the end of the 70 years this nation would be totally destroyed. This aligns with Jeremiah 50 and 51, which speaks of America since 1945, its present reality, and its future. End-time Babylon is America, and its Nebuchadnezzar is definitely setting siege against Jerusalem at this very moment, waiting for it to weaken so that he can give the OK to enemy armies to bring it down. Here we see prophecy layering, as so much of it does – beginning with the present situation, then adding to it later on, then ending with the end-time situation. In Jeremiah 25:6-13, we have stacked prophecies – the first regarding Nebuchadnezzar’s attack on Babylon. But, the people return, and though Babylon is defeated shortly afterwards by the Medes, it is not destroy. Secondly, the prophecy turns to end-time Babylon, and ends with its utter destruction. The details are in Jeremiah 50 and 51. Notice the wording in Jeremiah 50:4, 20 “In that day, and at that time.” This is a Messianic expression, along with many other clues about this post-1948 nation. It calls this nation, the “policeman of the earth,” an expression used of America as President Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo. America began rising to power at the end of World War I, 1917, and emerged at the peak of world power at the end of World War II--1945. Both 1917 and 1945 were Shmittah years. Add 70 years to 1945 and you get the year of its fall--2015--a Shmittah year. World War I and World War II were connected to Shmittah years. We are facing World War III, and another Shmittah. He who orchestrates history is in control! I was born in July of 1944--two months before the beginning of the Shmittah year 1945.On July 25, 2014, I turned 70. On the eve of September 24/25, 2014 (pre-set rabbinic dates), or more accurately by the sighting of the first sliver of the new moon from Jerusalem the eve of the 25th or 26th, the Shmittah year begins the 1st day of a new seven-year cycle, Tishre 1--just 2 months after my 70th birthday. So, I have seen 9 Shmittah years in my life. This upcoming one in 2014 will be my 10th. The number 10 is Yahuwah’s legal number of completion in the arena of government and finance. But, we’re also entering the time of the decline of America’s power and mighty rule over the world, as the super power. This is also America’s 10th Shmittah since 1945. During this Shmittah year, the prophecy will be fulfilled of Jeremiah 25:6-13, just as surely as the prophecy for 586 BCE. In 2007, Dr. J.R. Church did a study on Creation week using a McIntosh version of Starry Night Pro. He titled his conclusions, “The Untold Story Behind Creation Week,” and published it in his Prophecy in the News magazine. As a result of much research,

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he found that the first day of creation to be September 25, 4004 BCE – the first day was a Tishre 1, beginning the first Shmittah year of His next-to-last recreation of earth. Whether the new moon will be sighted from Jerusalem the eve of the 24th, the 25th, or even the 26th of 2014 simply means that we are celebrating His timing, and the soon return of Messiah! From the time of the giving of the command, the Shmittah year command by Yahuweh has been taken lightly by His people – both in Jerusalem of 586 BCE and today, in America and in Israel, and everywhere else His people were scattered to. It’s just that America has the most Jews and Ephraimites living in it, of all the tribes of Ya’cob, than any other nation on earth. But, then, America was not founded on the foundation of the Torah and the Prophets of Yahuweh! While studying on the Shmittah, Abba led me to see that Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Cahn had released a new book: The Mystery of the Shemitah--September 2, 2014. I bought it via Amazon Kindle September 2nd (smile). It contains amazing factual information about things that took place on Shmittah years in America. I relate some of that information below that reinforces what Abba has shown me in Scripture. The Shmittah was given to the Israelites in the Land of Israel primarily. However, Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 says: “Let us hear the conclusion of the entire matter: Fear Elohim and guard His commandments, for THIS APPLIES to ALL MANKIND! … For, Elohim shall bring every work into right ruling, including all that is hidden, whether good or whether evil.” What affects His people, whether they are in the Land, or scattered into nations in captivity, applies to all of His children! [My note: In quoting Cahn, I quote him exactly. He spells the word “Shemitah,” and I spell it “Shmittah.” I checked a Hebrew dictionary, and either spelling is OK.] Cahn writes in The Mystery of the Shemitah: “The word `Shemitah’ is most often translated as `the release’ or `the remission.’ The English word `remission’ is defined as `the cancellation, or reduction, of a debt or penalty.’ The Shemitah of ancient Israel refers not only to the releasing of the land, but also to the nullification of debt and credit ordained by God and performed on a massive nationwide scale. Shemitah became the name of the last day of the Sabbath year, Elul 29, the `Day of Remission.’ But, it also became the name of the Sabbath year in its entirety. The seventh year would become known as `The Year of the Shemitah, or simply `the Shemitah.’ The Year of the Shemitah would begin with the releasing of the land and end with the Day of Remission--Elul 29, late afternoon to sunset-- when the people themselves would be released. The word `shemitah’ covers both the seventh year and the last day of that year. There’s a reason for that. That last day of Elul 29 is the year’s crescendo, its peak and culmination – the remission of the Year of Remission. In a sense everything about the Shemitah year builds up to that final day, when everything is released, remitted, and wiped away in one day-or more specially, to the eve of that day to the final sunset…In Deuteronomy 15, the word `Shemitah,’ appears no less than four times…`because it is the Lord’s release.’ (Yahuweh’s Shmittah) Every creditor is to make a `Shemitah’ – or a release.” (Italics mine) Leviticus 25:4: In the year of the Shmittah there is to occur a cessation in the nation’s financial and economical realms …Back in the days of the agricultural society of Israel, this was not so devastating, except on a personal level. But, as banks were formed,

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national economy began to take shape, and world commerce began to rise as the northern ten tribes of Ya’cob joined with Phoenicians to travel around the world gathering items for Solomon’s Temple and his house, to cancel all debts every seven years would be disastrous to the nation’s economy. In the Shmittah year there is no planting of crops, no harvesting. The poor are able to glean the fields without charge. Of course Phoenicia wouldn’t obey the Shmittah command. As man unified to build a world around economics and commerce, obeying the Shmittah got more and more difficult. What if every seven years, major lenders like Citibank erased the debts of all its creditors? Talk about celebration in the streets of America! But, talk about economic collapse! Lucifer’s/Satan’s world system, which began with Nimrod and his tower of Babel, is at war with Yahuweh’s system for His people. Wise Solomon said, “The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is the servant of the lender” (Proverbs 22:7). The creditor-debt system was designed by the evil one to make slaves out of people. Under President Andrew Jackson, America was debt free! In the early 1900s, America had very little debt. A group of bankers met at Jekyll Island, off the coast of Georgia, and formed the Federal Reserve System. Out of it came the credit card system--instant gratification of fleshly desires that led people into prison houses of slavery. To gratify their desires, most American Christians turned from the light yoke of service to Yahushua, to the heavy yoke of the Satanic slave system. We pay heavily for the sins of gratifying our flesh! Best to: “Owe no man anything but to love one another.” Americans were told by mind-programming advertising what they needed to buy to be happy. A great deception arose, called “the American Dream.” “Keeping up with the Joneses” has led to the American nightmare. Yahuweh warned His people against the temptation to run up credit before a Shmittah year because they knew on Elul 29th it would be dissolved. That attitude shows an evil heart. Messianic folk have told me that in case of an impending financial collapse, they would run up their credit card, and when the economy collapses they would get off without having to pay their debt. Now, compare that attitude with the Torah, Prophets, Writings, Messianic Writings, and the nature of Yahuweh! Abba judges the heart, and a greedy crooked heart won’t make it into the Kingdom.In his studies this last Shabbat, my son Derek came across some amazing Scriptures. The call for Yahuweh to arise and scatter His enemies is associated with the cry of the poor. The greedy merchants did not like the command of the Shmittah year. The poor got to glean the fields without cost. The merchants lost a lot of money during the Shmittah year. And if it was the 7th Shmittah, then the next year would be the Jubilee—making two years of hardship on the merchants. In Amos 8, we read that the merchants are not happy about the poor gleaning without cost. So, as soon as Elul ended, and the new moon of Tishre announced the new cycle, the merchants jacked up their prices so that the poor were gouged and “ripped off.” Yahuweh was very angry. Much of His judgment against His people was due to the way they treated the poor. Ya’cob (James) addresses this wickedness towards the poor in Ya’cob 5:1-8. Notice, Yahuweh gives comfort for the poor in regards to the coming of Messiah to bring justice. Oh how we cry for justice! Today, obeying the Shmittah – letting the land rest, not producing crops, not harvesting, letting the poor glean the remnant of the harvests for free, and having all debts released--would devastate nations worldwide, and ultimately the whole world system.

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But, that’s what Abba is after – the devastation of the world system! The world system and all its allurements are from Lucifer himself. Refer to Matthew 4:1-11, to see the traps Satan set for Messiah. Messiah rebuked Satan each time by using the Word! Yahushua comes to judge the world for their rebellion and disobedience against His Torah. Thus the Shmittah command is a plumb line! Knowing its far-reaching effects as time would progress, why would Yahuweh ever make such a command in the first place? Keep reading…Nimrod built cities, and developed the system of finances, economy, and trade. But, at its root it is a Lucifer/Satan system--refer to Ezekiel 26, 27, and 28, and Revelation 13. It has been wisely said: “Whoever controls the food system of the world controls the world.” The False Prophet will command that everyone on earth take a mark of identification in order to be able to buy and sell. Who has this kind of power today to do this? - As preposterous as this may sound, it is the Vatican-based Jesuit General and his Jesuit pope. They control world finance, world commerce, world economy, banks, Universities, the world’s leading Intelligence agencies, the U.N., NATO, the U.S and the governments of all power nations on earth, and the food system. [Refer to: “The Hidden Agenda Behind the Pope’s Visit”/June 2014. In it, I refer you to reference books for documentation on these things. Vatican Assassins by Jon Eric Phelps is a good book for facts. I got it free as a PDF file. There is also an detailed article that gives a tremendous amount of facts on the Jesuits and the Black Pope—“The Black Pope, President of the World”, from the website, Warning Illuminati] By infiltration and subtle take over, the Jesuit order of the Vatican, a military Order for the pope, has taken key positions in all major governments, in all financial and intelligence institutions of world renown, military organizations, Universities, etc., so that indeed, for the Jesuit General, or this Jesuit pope, to demand that the world take an ID mark to buy and sell, would be a very simple thing. The power of the Roman Empire never ceased, it just appeared to die, but it hid in the papacy. The popes always demanded worship, just like the ancient Roman emperors did. The rise of the Roman Empire before the return of Messiah was prophesied in Daniel 2 and 7. Rome has joined with end-time Babylon to return the Nephilim to power--the “they” of Daniel 2:43. Notice that this uniting of the world under Rome and end-time Babylon (the composite 8th Beast of Revelation 17), takes place just before the return of Messiah (Daniel 2:44).What does all this have to do with the command of the Shmittah? – Everything!The world system is controlled by “the god of this world,” which is Lucifer/Satan.The Shmittah stands in defiance of the world system of man under Lucifer!Isaiah 14: We see Satan personified as the king of Babylon. But, this description is not referring to Nebuchadnezzar. It is referring to Lucifer (Helel). It is referring to Lucifer just before the fall of end-time Babylon – in the Day of Yahuweh, as Messiah returns.Prophecy for our time is very distinctive--it all about finalities, the end, the Day of Judgment, in which only a small remnant of the servants of Yahuweh will survive. The utter destruction of the Babylon system and the nation that helped restore it worldwide (America), takes place at Messiah’s return with the wrath of Yahuweh. This is why the fall of the great harlot of Babylon, the Roman Catholic Church and its world-encompassing religious system ( Revelation 17), and the fall of economic and political Babylon (Revelation 18) come together at the same time – they are “echad,” --

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a Hebrew word meaning “two in unity as one.” And when does the “great and terrible Day of Yahuweh” take place? – AT THE END OF A SHMITTAH YEAR! Revelation 18 describes New York harbor, and Wall Street. Those 26 commodities listed in Revelation 18:10-14 are only bought and sold every day in one place as a whole – Wall Street. The economic collapse takes place in New York City as Wall Street collapses and the whole world system implodes. It is amazing how many crashes and collapses that Wall Street has had since 1900, and all near the end of Shmittah years. There are too many occurrences for this to be coincidental. Why would Yahuweh make such commands in regards to the Shmittah year? Jonathan Cahn writes: “The Shemitah bears witness that the land, and, for that matter, the earth belongs to God. It is only entrusted to man as a steward. God is sovereign. His sovereignty extends also to the realms of money, finances, economics, and possessions. These are entrusted to man’s keeping, but ultimately belong to God. The Shemitah declares that God is first, and above all realms of life, and must therefore be put first and above every realm. During the Shemitah, Israel was, in effect, compelled to turn away from these earthy or worldly realms and turn to the spiritual. The Shemitah cleanses and wipes away, ends imbalances, levels accounts, and nullifies that which has been built up in the previous years--a massive cleansing of the financial and economic slate. It ends entanglements and brings release. Its release applies not only to the land and to the nation’s financial accounts, but also something much more universal! The Shemitah requires the people to release their attachments to the material realm: their possessions, their finances, their real estate, and their claims and pursuits concerning such things. It is the breaking of bonds. And those who release are, likewise released, no longer possessed by their possessions – but free. The Shemitah is a reminder that God is the source of all blessings, spiritual, and physical alike. But, when God is removed from the picture, the removal of blessings will ultimately follow. The Shemitah thus deals with a particular flaw in human nature--the tendency to divorce the blessings of life from the Giver of those blessings, to divorce the physical realm from the spiritual…The observance of the Shemitah is an act of submission and humility. It is the acknowledgment that every good thing comes from God and cannot ultimately be owned, only received as an entrustment. Possessions are let go, accounts are wiped out, that which has been built up is wiped away. The Shemitah humbles the pride of man. Lastly, the Shemitah shares the attributes of the Sabbath day--an entire year is given to rest and let rest, in release and be released, to unburden others and lay one’s burdens down, to wipe clean the slate and have one’s own slate wiped clean-the time appointed by God for rest, refreshing and revival.”Put this pride-humbling command up against the rebellion of mankind today, and you see why mankind as a whole continues to run after Nimrod. Nimrod’s tower symbolizes the unifying of the world under “the god of this world.” Right now, the Roman Catholic Church, in their ecumenical movement, is unifying the world, using religion, as Constantine once did. But, to achieve peace and prosperity, safety, and security, man will unify with a world leader--politically and economically. The Shmittah comes as the seventh year of every seven-year cycle from Creation. Creation occurred on a Shmittah year. Newly-created mankind gleaned their food from the provision of Yahuweh. Remember, before the flood, man ate grains, fruit, vegetables and herbs. It was a year of rest for all of creation, before beginning its 1st

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year of a 7-year cycle. Most likely Adam and Eve, the beginning of the lineage of Yahuweh’s set-apart family, were also created and placed in the Garden of Eden on a Shmittah year. If so, did their rebellion occur before the end of the Shmittah year? Their rebellion cost them the privilege of staying in the Garden. They had to get out and work the fields, plant and harvest.Cycles of time from Creation are not determined by the 1st year of each cycle, but by the Shmittah. Creation began at the dawn of a Shmittah year, and Messiah will come at the end of a Shmittah year. The Shmittah purges everything, so that when a new cycle starts, it starts pristine. In an agricultural society, letting the land rest has many natural benefits---for the soil, the worm community, and the quality of the food grown after it. It also gives nature a chance to purge the insect and bacteria community. In big commercial farming, because the land is not allowed to rest, farmers spray pesticides onto the crops, and add chemical fertilizers to the soil, reducing the quality of the soil and the food grown in the soil. The Creator does know best! But, man is driven by greed. Today, the world’s food crops are just about all ruined by genetic DNA tampering with the seeds. The quality of our food, water, and air has diminished greatly! Netanyahu talked about keeping this up-coming Shmittah year as a nation. That would mean, at least, there would be no planting or harvesting in Israel for a year. I don’t think he’ll enforce that, but it was a fascinating idea he proposed. There are Jews, and Messianic Jews and Ephraimites, in other nations, though small in number, who observe the Shmittah year. The command to guard the Shmittah year includes the wisdom to store food, especially in the 6th year. When the Israelites came into the Land under Joshua, it was a Shmittah year. Yahuweh brings an increase in the 6th year to those who obey Him. The manna in the wilderness increased on the 6th day so that the people could gather enough for two days. The Shmittah is all about obedience, but also about wise preparing. Those that obey Yahuweh and prepare, will have a better chance of making it through alive to Messiah’s coming. As Daniel 2:21 tells us: “He gives wisdom to the wise, and knowledge to those that possess understanding.” He works with the astute and disciplined, who have done their research in practical things, as well as in the Word!Part of America’s plan to initiate martial law includes quarantining everyone in their homes, for whatever excuse that will be given. Anyone unprepared can easily starve. Most likely it will be during a time of economic collapse and famine that the “mark” (most likely a chip or similar tattoo under the skin) will be instituted worldwide--people will have to have the mark in order to buy any food at all. Yahuweh is an Elohim who promises to take His people through it, giving wisdom as to how to do it the best way. [Refer to: “Through”/May 4, 2012] In Deuteronomy 15:12-18, we see that the slaves were to be released in the Shmittah year. But, if a slave and his family loved their Master, and did not want to leave him, the Master was commanded to put drive an awl through their ear into a wooden door, to mark them as their servant until death. It was prophesied of Messiah that His Father would put the awl through His ear, also. Every one of us must ask the Master to do the same with us. It is only in submitting to serve Him as Master that we are truly free! Messiah said, “I am the door,” in referring to Himself as the way into the sheepfold of Yahuweh. If we ask Him, Yahuweh will put His awl through our ear into the Door – Messiah Yahushua – so that we are marked as His servants forever. Yes, having that

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sharp instrument, like an ice pick, put through the ear was very painful. It was not like getting “pierced ears” for earrings. The tip of the awl was not tiny--it made a hole that remained until death. The spiritual marking in our ear, marking us as a servant who hears the Master giving instructions and obeys, is part of the true new birth. This is the sealing of the Spirit that makes us sons of Elohim. The pain the awl for us is that in order to be marked as one of His, we have to die to self--lie down all of our desires and plans to take up the will of our Master. This can be very painful at times. As previously said, the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden most likely was at the end of a Shmittah year. I don’t believe that Yahuweh waited until Moses came along to put the law of the Shmittah into effect, since it involved creation from its inception. There are 7-day cycles, and 7-year cycles. At the end of the 7-year cycle, before beginning a new cycle, we come to Elul 29th. All debts must be released by that afternoon before sunset. For at sunset, at the sighting of the first sliver of the new moon, the month of Tishre begins. Elul, then, is the forerunning month for the creation cycles.On this Yom Teruah, “as it was in the days of Noah,” we symbolically enter Noah’s 7 th day, symbolic of entering the 7th year of this 7-year cycle. What happened on Noah’s 7th day? (Genesis 7) Noah gathered the animals and all provisions into the ark. He and his family went into the ark. Then Yahuweh closed the door, and sealed them in. This Shmittah year is the year of the completion of the sealing His set-apart ones for preservation through the wrath of Yahuweh to come. It is also the time for Ezekiel 9:4.Thus, it will be a year of separation between those who are prepared to go forward in obedience to Yahuweh, and those who are not. [Refer to: “And the Rain Came Down”] In going into the New Year, on the Creation calendar, everyone must be clean before Yahuweh. This is what Elul is all about – the month for repentance and return – T’shuvah. Is this where America gets the “New Year’s resolution” silliness? Those resolutions rarely stick, do they? But, to take this opportunity to repent and free ourselves of sin and self before going into Tishre 1, the day of the coming of Messiah in the very near future, is a righteous act of preparation to receive Him. Messiah returns a little after sunset, at the close of a Elul 29, at the sighting of the first sliver of the new moon for Tishre 1, as per the two witnesses’ report. Thus all mankind who will joyfully greet Him at His return will be set-apart and pure of heart, blameless before Him. As the 7th Shmittah year ends (after 49 years), and Yom Teruah begins the 50 th year on Tishre 1, counting forward to the 10th of Tishre—we come to the Day of Atonement. On this special Yom Kippur, ram’s horns are blown, announcing the Yobel – the year of Jubilee. The Jubilee is an extension of the Shmittah, and is a more thorough Shmittah (Leviticus 25:8-55), which involves more releases. It is a year of celebration and rejoicing and freedom. The coupling of the Shmittah with the year of Jubilee means that there are two years when there is no planting, or harvesting. It has long been understood by His people that Messiah will come at the end of a Shmittah year that goes into the Yobel – the Jubilee year. The 10th of Tishre is Yom Kippur – the Day of Atonement (Leviticus 16). It is on this day that the High Priest, Yahushua, will declare that HIs remnant of all the tribes of Israel are saved, for not only was Yahushua Yahuweh’s Passover Lamb, but also Yahuweh’s Atonement for the nation of Israel. (Romans 11:26)Tishre 1 is called “the Feast of Trumpets and Shouting.” It is also called “Yom Ha Din,” the Day of Judgment. It is the “Day of Yahuweh” mentioned throughout the Tenach and

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the Messianic Writings. In Scripture, it is often called “that Day.” On that Day, Messiah descends with the wrath of His Father, separating the wicked from the righteous, the tares and chaff from the wheat, the sheep from the goats, and the sinful, rebellious, and prideful from the submissive and humble servants of Yahuweh.At the full moon of Tishre, Tishre 15, Sukkot begins for 8 days. To begin Sukkot in the Kingdom with Yahushua, Yahushua and His Bride take their wedding vows and enter the chupa for 7 days, coming out on the joyful 8th day to the wedding feast, which takes place on earth, not in heaven. The marking of the set-apart ones in Jerusalem Ezekiel 9 has not happened yet. It happens during the third Intifada, which began around June of 2014. It is growing in strength now. As we go into 2015, the possibility of the collapse of America is very real, as well as the outbreak of World War III. In today’s news, it was reported that Russia is provoking World War III, but America is provoking Russia? This will be a year of purging, of purging of financial and economic sins of the world – Revelation 18, corresponding to Isaiah 47; Ezekiel 26, 27, and 28. As world economy fails, the NWO will rise. American and European economists have been sounding warnings of a world economic collapse for several years. It is mind-boggling that economic crashes impacting world history have occurred so regularly at the end of Shmittah years! If you want to know details on this, read Jonathan Cahn’s The Mystery of the Shemitah. Thus, logic would say that if Messiah does not come on the next Elul 29 of 2015, going into 2016 on the Creator’s calendar, then the next opportunity for Him to come would be at the end of a Shmittah year and the beginning of the Jubilee year 2022. Other students of the Word have predicted His return on Tishre 1 of 2017, and some 2018. I watch for, and report, signs. I do not dogmatically set dates. He wants us to seek Him, not dates. It is not in my nature to set dates! I am no fortune teller! I report what Yahuweh shows me. I was called by Yahuweh as a prophetic watchman to warn His people to prepare. But, what is so amazing is that all of His faithful watchmen are seeing what is on the horizon, and reporting the same things! So, I know we are close to His coming by the Scriptural signs, and by the unity that is amazing among His watchmen! (Isaiah 52:9-10; Amos 3:7; Daniel 2:19-22, 28)And, there is one very important factor to consider--the words of Messiah Himself in Matthew 24:27-34. From Joel 1:9 and Hosea 9:10, we learn that Israel is the fig tree of Yahuweh. Messiah concludes his remarks about watching the budding of the fig tree-- about His second coming in relation to Israel’s restoration in 1948--in Matthew 24:33-34: “So you also, when you see all these things, know that He (“the Son of Adam”) is near, even at the doors. Truly, I say to you, this generation shall not pass away until all this takes place.” As per Psalm 90:10, written by Moses, and the testimony of rabbis and Christian scholars back to BCE, a Biblical generation is 70 years. The U.N. gave Jews a nation on November 29, 1947. The official beginning of that nation was May 14, 1948. Adding 70 to either 1947 or 1948 – well, you get the idea. We have a ceiling! Of course, Yahuweh knows timing better than we do! He chooses to align His timing to the Festivals! “No man knows the day and the hour,” simply refers to Yom Teruah, which is determined by the sighting of the new moon. As children of light, He will not come as a thief to us! (I Thessalonians 5) Yahuweh has been faithfully giving us signs all along, and it is amazing that all His watchmen and prophets are agreeing with what

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they are seeing. Even secular reporters are seeing the same things, and reporting like watchmen, though they do not connect what they see with Scripture. At the same time, many religious leaders are off in a ditch--foretelling things based on man’s eschatology- theology, or a few verses from the Bible. The wise go from Genesis to Revelation and let the Spirit of Yahuweh teach them, and thus they are aligning with His servants, watchmen, and prophets worldwide! He tells His servants what He is doing. He lets His servants in on His secrets! The world is very vulnerable now--wars are escalating, national tensions are at an all-time high. Gary Stearman of Prophecy in the News reports that we are in the same conditions that preceded both World War I and World War II. President Obama has reduced our military to the same low levels before Pearl Harbor. He has been calling back our internationally positioned war ships and fighter planes to America. He has sent our troops out into over 100 countries, many into war zones that America created. And as per his speech last night, he is escalating the war against ISIS. At the same time, America is on the verge of collapse; Israel is surrounded by enemies vowing her destruction. It would be difficult for the world to go on another 7 years like this! Tensions between nations are about ready to snap. As my daughter-in-law, Rivkah, pointed out, aligning with what I am hearing from many of His servants who hear from Yahuweh, after this Yom Teruah world events will begin a descending “snowball effect!” The Illuminati Vatican, Jesuit Vatican, has planned that the new world order will come out of chaos. Its vessels of honor include the UN, US, NATO, CIA, ISIS, and the terrorist world in general. America, leading the “end-game” from 2001, has set things in motion in the Middle East and around the world that will not go away – they will only accelerate. The target date to launch the Shmittah year is the sighting of the new moon on Elul 29 eve! The rabbinic date is September 24th, making September 25th Tishre 1. But, since Elul 1 started a day after the rabbinic date, by the sighting of the new moon, the real turn over to Tishre 1 could be either September 25th or September 26th. Nehemia Gordon’s team of moon-sighters will go forth inside Israel the eve of September 25th. If the moon is not sighted the 25th, by default, the eve of September 26th will begin Tishre 1. The last three 7-year cycles, beginning with September 13, 1993, then September 29, 2000, then September 13, 2007, were all Shmittah years! The towers of the World Trade Center fell on September 11, 2001 in a Shmittah year! [For clarity, review the information in: “The Shmittah Year Prophecy”/August 2007, as well as “2014: The Beginning of Ya’cob’s Troubles”/February 2014] Is there a mystery that Yahuweh worked into the Shmittah that connects obedience to peace and disobedience to judgment, not only for individuals but also for nations? How far reaching are Yahuweh’s laws? If the Torah is for all mankind, and it is, then how much more for the nation that contains the largest number of His people outside Israel, America, and the nation of Israel itself? America and Israel are tied together throughout Scriptural end-time prophecy. Since 1938, more since 1991, and especially since 2009, America has set in motion Israel’s destruction. The curse attached to Yahuweh’s Covenant with Abraham--Genesis 12:3--has been set in motion! The three-part Mazzini/Pike Plan of 1871 called for three world wars – to prepare the world for the new world order, and submission to a single man with supernatural powers, i.e. bow to this man or die! World War III is being brewed to the point of boiling. How fascinating that World War I ended during a Shmittah year and World War II ended

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on a Shmittah year. What about the one that’s being brewed? The 10 th Shmittah since the end of World War I is coming up in a few days. Once nuclear war is set off worldwide, prophetic finalities will happen very fast! It is very possible that the first four trumpet judgments of Revelation 8 are the results of nuclear war, not comets or meteors. [Refer to the Scriptures throughout the Word, listed in “The Soon-Coming nuclear War – No Flesh Saved but a Remnant”/January 2012]Jonathan Cahn writes, “We have seen that behind the Shemitah is the word `to shake.’ …The word `Shemitah’ is linked to the verb for `to let fall,’ `to cast down,’ and `to collapse.’ ” During World War I, the German empire collapsed, the Austro-Hungarian Empire collapsed. The Ottoman Empire collapsed, and the Russian empire of the Czars collapsed. 1917 was the turning point in WW I – it was a Shmittah year! “In the spring of 1917, after a series of German submarine attacks on US merchant ships, America declared war on Germany. The year 1917 is considered a turning point, not only of the First World War, but of world history. America’s entrance into the war changed the balance of power and virtually ensured the defeat of the Central Powers and thus the collapse of empires. The Shemitah year had begun on September 28, 1916 and concluded September 16, 1917. America entered World War I on April 6, 1917. Thus this pivotal event in American history and world history took place as part of the Shemitah…the Russian empire had collapsed in the same pivotal year, 1916, in the spring, and thus was part of the Shemitah year. In fact, these two pivotal events, the Russian Revolution and America’s entrance into the First World War, not only both happened during the Shemitah, but within three weeks of each other.” “Both 1917 and 1945 stand as key turning points in American and world history. They share, as well, another distinction. Each is the Year of the Shemitah. America’s rise to world super power begins with one Shemitah and will be completed with another. In 1945, the ancient mystery will manifest with such immensity of scale and force that the First World War will pale in comparison. Hitler’s takeover of nations began in 1938--the Year of the Shemitah. It would end with his suicide and the fall of the third Reich in the spring of 1945…all had taken place within the seven-year cycle, from Shemitah to Shemitah.”“In 1945, as the Shemitah neared its climatic end, so did the Second World War. With one month left to the `end of the seventh year’ and the time of nullification, the greatest destructive force ever devised by man was unleashed on the Japanese city of Hiroshima with the dropping of the atomic bomb…At 12:00 noon, Japan standard time, August 15, the Emperor Hiroshito announced the nation’s surrender…But the official end of the Second World War would come on September 2, 1945, aboard the USS Missouri, as the Japanese Empire issued its formal surrender to the Allies. The Second World War ended just as the Shemitah approached its end. In fact, the war would end in the Shemitah’s last week, within the days preceding Elul 29. The proximity of the end of the global conflict to the end of the ancient seven-year cycle was 99.99 percent. And at the same moment, at the Shemitah’s peak, a new age would begin with America as the head of nations.” Regarding a victory parade in Berlin, which included leaders from Russia, U.S., Britain and France, Cahn writes: “It happened on September 7, 1945. But, on the Hebrew calendar it was Elul 29, the day marking the end of the Shemitah--the very last day of the Biblical cycle of seven years. The cycle had begun in 1938, the year in which Hitler’s

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takeover of neighboring lands had begun and the fateful year that marked the beginning of the Holocaust. It had now ended seven years later on the last day of the Shemitah with the march of the victors through the streets of the conquered city…Emerging from the ruins of the Second World War, America stood at a high pinnacle of world history. It was the greatest financial power, the greatest industrial power, the greatest commercial power, the greatest political power, the greatest military power, the greatest economic power, and the greatest cultural power on earth. The world’s financial order, economic order, and political order were now led or driven by the American super power. Its economy drove the world economy, its industry filled the world’s markets, the culture filled the world’s consciousness, and the military stood watch over the world’s nations. Some called it the `American Empire,’ others, the `American Century,’ and others, the `Pax Americana.’ Its rise had begun with the Shemitah of World War One and had now been sealed in the Shemitah of another. And it was just then, in the same year, that had birthed the American super power, that the idea of a World Trade Center was born. America began building towers to maximum heights, and would become the world leader in the tallest buildings on earth – in New York City.”***Smittah years: 1903-1909, 1910-1916, 1917-1923, 1924-1930, 1931-1937, 1938-1944, 1945-1951, 1952-1958, 1959-1965, 1966-1972, 1973-1979, 1980-1986, 1987-1993, 1994-2000, 2001-2007, 2008-2014, 2015-“The Shemitah can be linked to a nation’s rise- or to its fall. The last two Shemitahs of this cycle--that of 1917 and 1945--were turning points concerning America’s rising. But, the Shemitah of 1973 was a turning point concerning its fall. It was the year America ruled it legal to kill the unborn children. Only eleven days before that decision, the stock market had reached its peak. In that same month it would change momentum and began a long decline that would last into the autumn of 1974, having 48 percent of its worth wiped away. The collapse would then combine with a crippling economic recession...In August 1971 President Nixon removed the dollar from the gold standard. And in the spring of 1973 the bonds tying the world’s currency to were irrevocably severed.”Jonathan Cahn brings out that in 1973, the killing of babies in the womb was legalized in America, and since then America has killed over 50 million of its unborn children. Most of these children were from families that have lineage back to the twelve tribes of Israel – both of the House of Israel/Ephraim/Joseph or the House of Judah. Israel legalized abortion, and has a very high percentage of abortions in proportion to its population. The IDF allows two free abortions to its female soldiers during the tour of duty. Judgment is on its way for both nations! It was the same sacrificing of the unborn just before the destruction of Jerusalem in 586 BCE. (Jeremiah 7:28-34) His people were sacrificing their children to the god Moloch in the fires of the Valley of Hinnom/Gehenna, just south of the City of David. They were worshipping idols of gold and silver. Many of these idols were found in the excavations of the City of David. Many were female deities – known as the Queen of Heaven, mother of sun gods, thus Jeremiah 7:17-19; 44:25! Part of His judgment was in revenge for the murder of His unborn children, as well for their pride, rebellion, and idolatry. An idol is anything you put before, or in the face of, Yahuweh! America is the most idolatrous nation on earth, filling the whole world with its idols and perversions. (Revelation 18)

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Cahn writes, “What year did America lose its first war in modern times? It happened in 1973, the Year of the Shemitah. America’s greatest military victory had taken place in the Year of the Shemitah. So, too, now did its most traumatic military defeat.” “It was in the same year that America legalized the killing of its unborn that the nation would suffer its first military defeat in modern history. That same year would begin a long-term financial collapse that would combine with one of the most severe economic recessions in its history.”The World Trade Center had been envisioned in 1945, but it was finished in 1973 – both Shmittah years – 28 years apart. Regarding Cahn’s research into Isaiah 9:10, presented in his book The Harbinger, he relates it to the Shmittah: “When the Septuagint comes to Isaiah 9:10, something striking happens: `The bricks are fallen down, but come…let us build for ourselves a tower.’ ” He relates it to Genesis 11 and Nimrod’s tower of Babel. Towers signify the attempts of man to rise into the face of Yahuweh to defy him, just as Nimrod’s tower was intended to do. A tower is associated with a pillar, or an obelisk – which are phallic symbols of Ba’al, the sun god of Canaan. Just as the unicorn-horn, like little towers placed on the heads of ancient kings meant power and authority, so the building of towers goes back to Nimrod. America was dedicated from before its inception as a nation to the restoration and reincarnation of Nimrod himself to rule the world, aka Osiris/Apollo – the Apollyon of Revelation 9:11! Thus the pride of building towers in America grew to such heights, that America became famous for having the highest towers in the world, until recently.The new World Trade Center, built on the ruins of the one destroyed 9/11/2001, has been completed recently. It looks like a giant obelisk with a capstone. As Cahn says, the rebuilding of this World Trade Center tower was encased in defiance, just like the tower of Babel was – an act of defiance against Yahuweh.Cahn reports: “The rebuilding of the tower was conceived the day after 9/11 on Capitol Hill…the proclamation took place on September 12, 2001, in the last days of the Shemitah. Thus even by a matter of days, the tower of defiance was conceived in the Year of the Shemitah.”“In 2007 came the preparing of the foundation. At the beginning of 2008 the building’s core began rising, ultimately to reach street level. The Shemitah was 2007-2008…In the spring of 2012 the tower had surpassed the height of the Empire State Building, to become the tallest building in the New York skyline.”“In the rabbinical writings it is said that a solar eclipse is a sign of judgment upon the nations…But as something to note, the day they set the spire on top of the tower, the sun was darkened. The tower reached its highest elevation on the day of a solar eclipse.” This is numbing: “The coming Shemitah will end in September 2015. Its final climatic day, Elul 29, the Day of Remission, will fall on Sunday, September 12.”On Tishre 1, September 13, 2015/2016, there will be a solar eclipse! I am wondering the judgment of Yahuweh by the Flood in Noah’s day began during a Shmittah year. I am wondering if 70 CE was a Shmittah year – the year Titus came into Jerusalem and burned Herod’s Temple to the ground, since 586 BCE was a Shmittah year. Both in 586 and 70 CE, the Jews fled into the nations. Most ended up in America, in New York, to this day. What about 722 BCE--the year that the final scattering of the House of Israel took place? On Yom Teruah, September 12/13, 2007, which began the Shmittah year of 2008 Ephraim’s punishment ended, after 2,730 years of captivity.

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The official end of the punishment and captivity of the northern ten tribes, which primarily fill the western nations of the world, came at the dawn of a Shmittah year! That Sukkot, Orthodox Jews were ecstatic, elated, jumping for joy – because they knew Ephraim’s punishment was over, and that meant, Messiah was on His way. I know, I was there to experience the joy with them. It was history-making Sukkot! The Shmittah began on Yom Teruah of 1916 and went until Yom Teruah of 1917. From Cahn’s book, “Allenby was the boy who had prayed every night for God to restore the Jewish people to their ancient homeland. Now it was he who, as a British General, was the key instrument in bringing in about. The fall of the Ottoman Empire, and the retaking of Jerusalem for the Jewish people was in 1917.” Allenby entered Jerusalem on December 11, 1917 in the wake of the Shemitah year. “The Balfour declaration was issued November 2, 1917. On September 16, 1917 the Shemitah had reached its conclusion, going into 1918, the 1st year of the new cycle.” Cahn questioned like I have. If the Jubilee followed the Shmittah year of 1917 that would put the next Jubilee year in 1967--the year Jerusalem was restored to Jewish hands. Jubilee is all about restoration. Below is a chart from the prophecy of the 10 Jubilees by Rabbi Judah ben Samuel--born in 1140 CE, died February 22, 1217.From an article on the website Destination Israel, dated 12/02/2012, reprinted in my article “2014: The Beginning of Ya’cob’s Troubles”: “In review, just before 1217 CE, this rabbinic sage made the amazing prediction that the `Ottoman Turks would rule over the holy city of Jerusalem for eight Jubilees.’ Unknown to Rabbi Judah ben Samuel, the first known reference of the `Ottomans’ was in 1215 CE, just two years before he died.“

Rabbi Judah ben Samuel’s Prophecy of Ten Jubilees

“As Judah ben Samuel predicted, the years of 1217 and 1517 were recognized as the biblical 50 year Jubilee Years. Three hundred years of six Jubilees after 1217, the Ottoman Turks took control of Jerusalem until its fading years when the Allied Forces swept the last ruler of the Ottoman from power by the forces of the British military troops under the command of General George Allenby in 1917. After the Six Day War, on June 17, 1967, the entire region of the West Bank was conquered by the Israeli Army and the entire city of Jerusalem returned back in possession of the Jewish people. Seven hundred and fifty years after the prophecy was first made by Rabbi Judah, from 1217 to 1967, all the conditions of the prophecy were fulfilled to the letter of the prophetic oracle. Then Rabbi Judah wrote: “In the ninth jubilee Jerusalem will once again come back into the possession of the Jewish nation – which will signify the beginning of the

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Messianic end time. This leaves one more Jubilee, the tenth Jubilee since the Ottoman Turks took control of Jerusalem and the Land of Promise in the years of 1517. According to this Jewish sage, the end of this tenth Jubilee will `signify the beginning of the Messianic end time’…`As we review the Sabbatical Week of Years, this present Sabbatical Cycle began on Rosh Hashanah 2008 5778…If this Sabbatical Messianic cycle 2009-2017 is completed… then the Messianic Era will commence before Rosh Hashanah 2017.’ ”This is fascinatingly close to what His watchman are now seeing. But, Messiah comes at the beginning of a Jubilee year, not its end, or during it. Here we have just one of the voices from the past that blends with all the voices of the watchmen today – repent and prepare to meet Messiah at His coming! Yahuweh is a personal Elohim. He wants His servants to hear from Him and learn, so that they are prepared. Cahn writes: “The first restoration followed the Shemitah of 1916-1917, in 1918. Counting forward from that time, one arrives at the seventh Shemitah in 1965-1966. The seventh Shemitah leads into the year of the other great restoration: that of Jerusalem” From all my research for years throughout Scripture, Messiah comes on Tishre 1 of a Jubilee year, preceded by a Shmittah year. Like I’ve said, our timing may be off a speck, but it is not off very much, if any! The timing is His – our job is to prepare! I am not afraid of different thoughts – right now, the watchmen are midrashing! What we see is being united, so that we can all see the whole picture. It is very exciting. My job is to get His people focused so that we watch, pray, and act in His strength to do His will. Cahn writes: “The Jubilee year is to be a year of restoration. After two thousand years, in the year 1917, the first official act of restoring the land to the Jewish people took place. In the Jubilee each one is to `return his possession.’ In the same way, in 1917 the door was opened for the Jewish people to return to their possession, the land of Israel. In the year of Jubilee, if others had taken possession of one’s land, they had to relinquish it. Likewise, in 1917, those who had possession of the land given to Israel had to relinquish it. So it was that the Ottoman Empire gave up the land. They represented two thousand years of foreign rule over the land now coming to an end. In the Jubilee ach one is to `return to his family.’ So in 1917, with the opening of the land of Israel, Jewish people from all over the world came home and returned to their family. In the Jubilee one returned to one’s ancestral home and land. In 1917, the door opened-the door for the Jewish people to return to their ancestral home, to the land of their forefathers, to their inheritance. In the Year of Jubilee, the captives are set free. In AD 70 the Jewish people were led captive into the nations. In 1917 the door opened for the ending of the nearly two thousand year exile, the ending of the captivity- for the captives to be set free – Jubilee.” On June 7, 1967, Jewish soldiers entered the Lion’s Gate onto the Temple mount. They were returned to their homeland Capital-- Jerusalem. When Messiah returns, we will be set free to return to our homeland, and no one will ever force us to leave it! Yes, it is possible that this Shmittah of 2015 will culminate on Yom Teruah, 2016, and go into a Jubilee Year, on Yom Kippur, 10 days later, after Messiah’s return. If not, we hold on tight, for His return is even now looming upon us. Remember the ceiling Messiah gave us of 2018. But, remember also that Yahuweh does nothing unless He first tells His servants the prophets what He is about to do – so that His servants can go

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about their assignments with accuracy. So, while the earth will receive Him as a thief in the night, His children of light will receive Him with accuracy! (I Thessalonians 5) The time when the day fades into night is called “sunset.” After the sighting of the first sliver of the new moon of a Yom Teruah, Messiah will descend. No, “maybe morning, maybe noon, maybe evening, and maybe soon,” for us! I used to sing that old song with gusto. Those that think He will pop in at any old time don’t know the Word or the nature of Yahuweh. He is a to-the-second Elohim in His timing. Our job is to go forth as His servants and be about His business--especially during this Shmittah year! Malachi 4:5-6: Eliyahu comes “BEFORE that great and terrible day of Yahuweh” to restore His Torah-order into the earth among a remaining remnant of His people, or else Messiah will destroy the earth. When does Scripture, and the Jews, indicate that Eliyahu will come? - PASSOVER! - Passover of what year? - The Passover “BEFORE the great and terrible Day of Yahuweh,” on which Day Messiah descends with the wrath of His Father!” The time of world catastrophe, nuclear war, natural devastation worldwide, world economic collapse, the mark of the Beast, the Inquisition, and the Holocaust restored, the rise and fall of the Vatican, the anti-messiah, and etc. could all very well take place within one year! Remember that the Jesuits added the 3½ year timing to Revelation to get people looking for a political leader who would reign for 3½ years, to take people’s eyes off of the Vatican as “antichrist,” when they were ordered by the pope to make a revision and commentary of Revelation as part of the Counter Reformation. That 3½ year thing in Revelation 11, 12, and 13 is not in the Tenach, just as their addition of two extra Passovers into the book of John to make a 3½ year ministry of Messiah is not valid either! Remember the word in Hebrew for “time” in “time, times, and half a time,” in Revelation and Daniel, is “mo’ed/mo’edim” – an appointment by Yahuweh, referring to the Festival cycle of Passover through Sukkot, not “years.” (Leviticus 23:1-4) The events of the tribulation time, culminating in the Day of Yahuweh, Yom Ha Din, (Isaiah 63:1-6; Revelation 11:15-18) could happen easily within a year’s time once it is set off by war in Israel! Iran is ready. How long would it take for nuclear war to engulf the world? [Refer to the Scriptures listed in “The Soon-Coming Nuclear War – No Flesh Saved but a Remnant”/January 27, 2012] It is amazing how many Scriptures describe nuclear war, and the destruction of the earth by fire, i.e. Isaiah 24 and II Peter 3. Prophets and Jewish sages from hundreds of years ago prophesied that “Persia,” modern Iran, would set off the conflict with Israel. It’s close … To save the planet from being totally destroyed, Messiah comes for His Bride, the resurrection of the just takes place, and all is restored, in the year of Jubilee. Let us seek the Master for His thinking, His opinions, His timing, and search the Scriptures under His guidance for our answers! I pose some questions. I give no dogma except what the Word says. Let us lift up our heads with excitement, for our Redemption draws near!I present this to you so that you will be knowledgeable about the importance of this coming Shmittah year. Watch and pray!With love and shalom, Yedidah, September 11, 2014