YAQUIS ON WARPATH, MENACE AMERICANS BW RWMJlW nd fiXfU ill gnu urn Admiral Fletcher Rushes Marines. CHI lf 11 PROPERTY TAKEN j, r Trx DM. 1 1 -- VaQUi Indians HH ,k-i- i Ihl warpath sgslnst native ni f r'K "r I alIKe In the Yaqui Vslley from Ouvnui to- il ef .i nit MM ut j , nieliardson Cotiet ruction i.'om-mi- ii which owni I.OOO.W0 In int v.ilfei. ha irtit out an appeal to the Amr:'ii OolMMll at ilunymo asking pmiteikAi i" turnWhtd. Th iMt MUM - ' '' rlporttd raiding farm. drl-- c "ff utork, liirnl!iic harvests of " toward the expen- - Ini'iili fl Indian Jtnon en"S;ed Mallear iroone for three hours Thursday slang t i' PorllrlO flan (.'anal between Otearll l d KlparahMi but the result 0 ,h, rn- ntcr h not been learned. Admiral Wlnsl w. who ta at Topolo-jf.m- ri ha-- directed r.i rruleer Raleigh. m pouia from Oueymss to Topoiobanipo. N) al ucsed to T"bari. hl"h la the nearcat afaroarh 10 tit American settlement. The Ralekjh la due to arrive there early gjegmi i oT Tndlans attacked the garrison prot- ecting the fouthern Pacini" employees rif.iR"' in repairing the tirlrlae. at Cnrrnl over the Yaqui River, but were gflren off. Catholic refugees from Heiniolllo hsvr brought word here that Oen. M U rienuea, when he occupied llermoalllo V tiie naiM of t'arrenia. took possession the Catholic eemlnary with all Ita gentente. forcing the atudenta to take eifue with private families. Later Dte-jae- z ll aid to have taken possession of the residence of the Vlear -- General, t' let Mm remove any of hi km rings- Oen. Villa Instead of coming to Juarea a announced laat night went from Ma-da- In western Chihuahua, direct to Cldhuahua city, according to announce- ments In Juarea Among bis officers it waa said Villa planned a movement south from city Into Carrania territory and (hat he hoped to drive hla way through .Mlfexico city. Advices from Mexico city to the local ceasuiats declare that the Secretary of PtrWlc instruction has prepared for Ion of educational organisation and procedure throughout Conatitutionallat territory. "The opening of the several museums and the reopening of educational Institut- ions closed under Huerta'a regime Is announced." says the wire from the capital The reorganisation of the Na- tional I'nlversltv la begun and the modl-Bc- at c f the laws on primary instruct- ion ire arnounced. W J. BRYAN IN CONTEMPT. for g PLAN (Miilirt Idk lrl'linra. P :prm .'nirt ItUVtlCt U"hitakr v 'I hii orrvr yfjitpnlay d!rrting Wlll-It- Jtntllngf Hryan to cauw on Dftmber Why lie ehouM r.ot e pun- - i i fo;- ntmpt of rurt for Ma fi!:r t,t RftpMr jterdfiy for fxnml-r.a- v unde An ror of Justine Glire-hc- h 1 hbe suit brought ly Petros P TfttanlP. h t.rpk Jn.porter. jiffAinnt t r- irtpaper 1 ttt, nUi. tu"r it .'H! Involve inter itewi iftfi Mr Hrvan nnd the fomf,r Qreth Mtnlstf nt rthincvM) Th Uim ff irt th rdr tit wHrnin Mr. Bryai who went lo Itin wlntor home ! im Flu . .after the ofder liail le-- ., I,l. at I hA Ulll.nsa Kuturday H- rxLi!alned i r a te- - t Ju1 n ijieKM that he would b wl iing 10 testify In the MM In Lfloi T oHer '.RPrd vepterslay Will not b ,f- ' unlet R vervod on Mr. Bryan, tr tfl II he neMMarg tor the plaintiff lo (: -- ;ii,.ion to yierve him by Lca:r- - MODEL OF TRADE Credit Me ll t.el Kiirm From Re- - rn e Ha nk. T' Vatlonal Nssociarior of Credit Mrp Vi ent out to us ntambsrg a Circular giving interesting data regard-In- c 'role acceptances ernlrh are avail thie for rediscount, The circular state t ris r the agaoclftlon Is In receipt of i th:iT intareat m trade accept in e grow ing, as aeveral members ef r':, association have written to the Sea nr ,. tildes saktng for a model eceptance form with a view to using n is their business. Ttis circular then sin "The matter was taken up with tbe federal Reserve Ran! in New York. - offers 'lie following as I form Istlsf irtury 10 the bank in connection with rrt:s ounttng : NEW YORK V November 1',. ttis Kevsaty dsys sfte- dte. pay to .loin V'-- r order, tlllcM. one hnndred SI"' t, mi, ll oo fiollnri. The olillni- - t: m tl - frnnr of tliln hill arl.s out t th ii 'ti of from tii.- Drawer, j' 'ii ji iNus co., ii n sn it: & i'o.. Trer-:- ,. N I A F V'lsh. i ishlsr. "Across 'lie face of the note the eigV lomer oi acceptor writes the following:! i 'ptsd, Trenton. N l November 30. 1 tha Tr.nl ,n M.,,blt,v Cn VrentoD, N t - gnsd) JOHN Ji inks 4b ro. 1 c. loHwB "The '. k caiu attention to tlie br.r f thlH point, tnat the place 01 l definitely stuted in the tody "i He- lull by its maker, or. better ' ll si great care be exercised to gtaka thai the bank at which pay i to bs made, under the terms of ths sptanci is m the same city or ton ' nr.iue Offloe of the drawee, te iv om the bill is addraaaed. The bank fei Is thai this Is an essential point tini t ,. negotiable Inatrumenta law. "Vow, when monev is In abundance sr, tin redlapounl privilege not needed ' lime for the members of this Mai itlon to prepare for tlie day when Ibiai condition! will be different. I Ii should consider Whether It be not poi to get ruatomera now to see the it .r developing the trHde hc- - s1 system nnq of encouraging tlie d closing Ihelr accounts by the icceptancg of i draff," st PENNSYLVANIANS HERE EXTOL STATE'S GLORIES Mayor Blankenburg Tells Keystone Society's Diners How He Downed Bosses in Philadelphia Gov. Brumbaugh the Guests. The Pennsylvania Hoclety, prldeful of the quantity of Ita members as well as their quality, held Ita annual dinner at the Waldorf-Ator- l laat night and cele. brated merrily In spite of the rather ponderous topic of discussion which was taken up and thoroughly dusted off by the three speakers, Mayor Rudolph Hlank. nlmrg of Philadelphia. II M Waits, City Manager of the commission government of Dayton, Ohio, and Sam- - ul B. Hare, a lawyer of Altoona. All three talked about "Municipal Government." hut most of the TOO In New York eeinied vastly more Intereated In renewing ROgHaHV tancoshlpa and talking about liome folk;. They called cheerfully from table to table, and Instated that Pennsylvnnij Is long State. The dinner opened with the siitmal parade of flags- - the hietori' it . owned by the eoelty with a great ruffling Of drums and fanfare of trumpets in honor of visiting gueats and with the ilnglng of choir boya. sjid with the march toj the dining loom to the steady bent of; drums. ftsjeste of the socletr. Th or'et gtiesta aa they sat upon) the dais in the grand ballroom of the hotel were tjov. Marti i (V Hriinibaugli of Penns aula. Mayor Rudolph Hlanli-enbur- g of Philadelphia. Hear Admiral Nathaniel R I'sher, I.avceon Purely, William C Sproul, Col. Robert M. Thompson, the llig.it Rsv, Janic.'. Henry DarlUiglon, R'shop of Marrlshuri ; I r Henry H Drink r. president of Lehigh University, Joseph i. Hutler, Jr., .suin-ue- l B Hare, Dr. John A. Braahaar, Lieut. -- Gov. Krank M. McClam o( Joseph Pennell. the Very RV, Lawrence B. Ridgeley of Hankow. China; Theodore Rousseau and Major-Ge- C. Bow Dougherty, commanding tlie IVnnsylvatiia National Guard. The toaatmaater was the president of the society. Oeorge W. Wickersham. Among those at the smaller tables were Richard T. Davles. Dr Samuel Mr-Cu- Lindsay. Edward Bok. editor of the I.atlie' Homr Journal : Oeorge A Post, William Ixeb, Jr.. W, A. Nah, Frank N. Doubleday, Custavus T Klrh George C. Boldt. Theodore P Slionts. Henry P. Davison. Cornelius Vanderbllt. August Belmont. Thomas K Ryan, B, .1 Berwlnd, Jacob H, .Schlff. William H. Truesdnle. Eugene II 'uterhridge, Ouy E. Trl, p. John Markle. Clark Wllllame, James Qayley. Dr. John H MeCrat-ken- , John w. Griggs. William IS, Corey, Joseph W Harrlman, Prank A Vandat" up, Amorose 3ioneii. rviinam is. Lficasam, j Alva u. Dinkey, i mini anuiennurg, s eder BeweT... MESSENGER BOY pub- - ACCEPTANCE. Among n.llOO Demand Better Wnrktitsi 4 osidltlnns and More Pay. A general e of R.onn milk wagon drivers was decide! on vesterrijy at a meeting of offlclsls of the American Federation of Tjibor, the Remd M Ik Prlvers t'nlon. Ihe International Broth, e'hood of Tesmsters and the United Hebrew Trades The conference, which was held at it.i Baal Broadway, was attended by Thomas Collins, organiser of the Amerl-ra- n Psderttion of Labor: Michael Caahel, nrst nt of the of Teamsters, and Assistant Secretary Fetnsteln "f tile t'nited Hebrew Trader After the con- - feranoe Mr. Felnateln sa.d "Thooaanda or people win be affected by the general strike o' the milk wagon drivers, since It will to- up all the mllK depots n the city which dlspens,- milk at retaii to consumer and supply the man thousands of retail dairies and groceries of ih city "The conditions under which tin mils drivers work are abominable. They ar compelled lo work every day in the year and one of Ihelr chief demand will be for 'me lis) "ff every two weks nt least Other demands will be tbe aboil- - lion of fins and an increase in wage of in per cent.'' A seriee of meeting of milk drivers will soon be railed, according to Mr. JSelntteln, and the date of the strike will be decided at these meeting, 0AYN0RS DAUGHTER SUED. Mrs. Mlllon Wlrks M ans lO.OOfl for Aoto Injuries. Supreme Court .luetics Asplnall In Brooklyn signed yesterday an ordtr ap- - polntl g Kdward T. Hedfor.l td guar- dian ,ol litem for bis wife. Mrs. Helen Hedford. daughter of the late Mayor CMynor, in a suit brought ag. inst her for tin. bv Mrs. Lillian Micks of Mlneola, as the result of an automobile 1.1 D.nl .n.h. I" ia.t. I'hiilles Wicks, huiband of tlie plaintiff, is also sulrnr for IttU for the loss of his wif.-'- Mrvlcee and ton for damage to lus automobile The aci idit occurred while Mrs He.l-for- whs returning In her automobll to Brooklyn after visiting her sister, Mrs. William s Webb, Jr., at Manhaeset As the car turned Into the mnln road It collided with the machine In which Wicks and his wife were riding and Ihe latter. It Is alleged, suffered Injuries about tlie head Bind body which confined her to her bed for several weeks A counter claim, It Is Intimate, will be set up for the defendant. FINDS A ONE TOED HORSE. vihlilgao Mclentlsf Also Illacovers a Three Toed Specimen. Ann Aaaoa, Mich., Dec. it, Dr, k. t., Troxlcr of the liuverslty of Michigan t0day tiiat during explora- tions In the Hlack Hills In South lUikota during the last summer he discovered tlie major portion of the skeleton of a one toed horse He also discovered a per- fect skeleton of a three toed horse, which Is also a rarity Furs for Holiday Gifts Lonft coats of Hudson Seal, Broadtail, Persian and Mink. Very light in weight. C. G. Gunther's Sons 391 Fifth at 36th Street, New York. Senator W illiam A. Clark. Alexander J. Hemphill. Charles R Flint, Kdward BhagrSOn, .lames 1' Kahnestock. Edwin S. Httiart, Judge Ditnner Keeber and Clarence K. Postlewaltr Main of the small tables were repre- sentative cf Pennsylvania counties, others of the larger cities, nrfd several tables were occupied by hIuiiiiiI of vari- ous Pennsylvania colleges ( Mayor ltlauketilun g'.x speecli COVOVM a pretty wide area of topics, but had to do largely With the troubles of mi independ- ent in oftlce harried and harassed by the well known Philadelphia type Of poll- - ticis--n and organisation header Ho was quite sure tV'i lus adflalftlltrAtlon Itad I been a III ss tnd that he had queiled , the DOT SOS, It seemed to 111. a III;' . niia- - dalphlu, alwaya nora in the trip of the machlna than Naw Ytirh ever tvns In Ta nniany's grip. wa in a fair Way to reform lie thought too that "Tammany wllDnaver again rula New York with an lrtn hMtd ipgrhapg a steal hand would be move appropriate as It has In the past." anil lie oplMd that ever'" hat re political bosses ha 1 learned tlint they had to be good. Philadelphia a bond Is- sue of 190,000,000, the Mayor announced, laniely for permanent Improvements- - UnWaya, elevatel roads, alolltloii of graile rl'Uailnaa, municipal piers, a sew-ag- o tHapoaal ptant, botllovorda and fifteen bridges. He complaine'l that many praona consider that the Mai or of a great city ought to be a sort of nioeseti- - ger Ih,v and Information bureau. "If anybody thinks a Mayor's office g bed of roses lie niffera from delu- - aton," said BurflomaaUi Blanhtnburg, "A man in Canada neked me to find n wife for him. A beaUtKul, niagniflcentVc gownsd woman ame my offlca and demanded that I keep other women from running after bar husband. I was asked to make a wife and daughter behave more respectfully to the husband nnd father. It was requested by phone to hurry to a certain place a: remove a dead cat d was asked to atop rooatars from crowing at night. Three young women wanted me lo adopt them A woman demanded that 1 run to her home and make the water atop flowing Into the house " Mayor Blankanborg urged complete military proparadnag for the L'nltad States and put hlmasM on record against any sort of half way Americanism He denied that there wax any such thing as the Anglo-Saxo- " race and declared thai pretended Angto-Baxo- could no more claim lnfluen.-- e in the affairs of the lUrrtry rbaii I'OtiM any other variety of clllaen. ii m Waite of Dayton tin blessings f city gtrvarnmanl by nom- - inlas in and HamUel M Hare euloglied tiic graatneaa of the home state. c MLK DRIVEK8 STRIKE. FRAUD tt. Brotherhood announced Lamb Avenue '..ctsewtl Republican contemplates emphaalaed BARED. Impostors lint cella lonlrlhn-lN- a I lirlatinaa t'nnd. f - rnessenger boy should ask you with .in appealing look In ins eves and H t'hrtetmaa box III bis band for a f r the meaaenger boys' fhrist-ma- a fund kindly to tbe Ud and d. ta ii hiin iiile you are communicating bi telephone with lte,-to- r 3so. Mi,- icewvenger boys of tbe al i' romrtanv are forbidden to s.'':, It Ihe .otiioanVs rustonicrs for ri Mia funds, to sell tickets, to obtain wrlptl ois for anything at all. and ih.. chant es are that the boy who appeals to you i" an Impostor and thaj you sre nig proapeot i ve victim. In on- - sma district thirty-tw- o firms have been victimised by these bocs, and although the company has warned the public lor several years of the fraud the impostor are again at work, if one wishes io give anything fp tlie mes-- , ger boys th only way to do It 1s to send i suhacrlptlon tn th, treaenirer. Messengers' fund. ComnsarolaJ fable Company, 2d Broad street i'hat is the only iv to make sure tbe mas-- j, ger iovs will get the ben, nt of It. Cigars Are most acceptable Holi- day presents, widely used for man-to-ma- n gifts. The judgment of critical smokers is always keen when applied to cigars given him. Select your Gifts of fine Cigars from our stock, the Imrgest and the very finest in the city. We are and have been for years the Largest Direct Importers in the U. S. of Havana Cigars. Our distribution has also been very large of Clear Havana Cigars of excellent quality. The justly famous "Mi Favorite" is popular and widely sold. The brands of Imported Cigars we sell, are only those manufactured by the Independent Factories of Havana Identified as the very choicest exported from Cuba. Holiday packings in large number now fully displayed. Especially fine stocks of Cigar- ettes are also shown, including HFTY-SI- X of quality and fashion In our stores every pleasing courtesy will be extended to you and illustrated Holiday price list can be mailed if desired. Park & Tilt ord Fifth Avenue and 26th Street Madison Ave. and SSlh Street Madiaon Ave. and 76th Street Broadway- - and 41st Street Broadway- - and 87th Street Broadway- - and 101st Street Broadway- - and 112th Street Broadway- - and 146th Street Columbus Ave. 72nd Street Lenoi Ave. and 126th Street THE SUN, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12, IMA GUILBERT RETURNS TO HER OLD SONGS Wonderful Frenrli Artist Siiiir-intff- lt tho Lycram riiniirros Her Projjrammf'. STAGE NEWS AM) i oss IP Vxeiie Otillhert Is snoihr- - refuuee is bo has been eompelleil to onie io tills country on account of tlie hard hip from the near The wonderful French artist frankly admit that she Is broke. This Is McOVflttd. for le the larae amounts she w as e impelled to epend on the soldiers who were nuu;-tere- d In her house for niHiiy month. Fortunately she l singing to large audiences st the Lyceum Theatre and sure of ten I site hns expended ma be eltirrd to her At her coinert on Friday Urn, Qullbtri returned io some of tlie older long In her repertoire and nave ' Jm Otu" and "La Femma ." she repeat her tlrst pros f mm, ehleh Include "t Men Herre." Whtell sue now to nn it ever..- conceit. Sbe will be heard uka.ii on Tueoda) mid Friday afternoon Mm Oullberl ha r me remorkabl) Interesting old songs whiih she col- lected through ihe (UggOetlOn of mtoie Kranee. They rtrlte the story of .loan of Arc on verses written b) a contem. )Mirnnnue pOel Who heard "ll the sto.ies of her life. Bven Ih music lo whlrh Joan and tbe Mtdler entered I i nth' drsi at fthelm gr i" th- - possession of the ilngor, Alio is snxioiis to Introduce these plc which lire unknown In .this country, to tome of Hie students in the colleges. The educational Alliance announce it performance of Ibsen's "Uiiosts" with Anathe Barcu m the leadln role The other parts win be played bj member of the Art Prnnia Player, It is lo I"1 hoped :hst tiie performance of ihe plaj win prove of educational ralue lo the audience in the Straus Auditorium, sin.-- It Will probably not supply litem with dlvei sion. Now it is Al Jolon woo ,ii 'I Friday in a musical version of "Itob-Inso- n ruoe" Tbe Bhubert II make, II. e production earb in the pnns ,iit-r- ; Mr, Jolion leturns from Klorlda. The last preceding comedian was to hue this chance was Ben William, but that scheme fell through Kdgar .smith and Harold Atlerbrldge .ire lo write the text. The muse will be by Blgmund Kombers and lames H tip ley AH but fiptr Nw York theatre nre W ofTrrinu their pt.i I M half pr In "Happy-Here- " Childhood's Joys Complete HON. H. TAKT ifoneer of the 1'nltwl Sifi This is the result of the recent f lilure of the agreement r the msnairers which cHine to an and several weeks ago. Hut It happens to be true tbst there never were before so many theatres which nre offering ihelr wares it half price s there are at tho present time. Mis. Lntigtry took Walter Klnasley Walking the oilier day and led him toward the neighborhood if Twenty third It reel and Ninth cve-nu- e Pausing near Ninth avenue she addressed Mr. Klngslev us follows : "This dear little old fashioned house al 31 West Twenty-thir- d street was my Itome for five years nnre g long time ago. Tlie I'asteur Institute has ll now, but evidences of my tenancy are still numerous. If you will look at the specially designed Iron isiilns In front of the house you will And lilies ss tlie motif. I put those lilies there. I also built a stone well ten feet high eo as to have tills teeny weeny little grass plot for i private garden. Tour citv officials didn't like this a bit and or- dered me to take down what they called an encfoackrgenl on the public high- way 1 refused and one day a w reck- ing Km appeared, accompanied by horde of reporters, and It wasn't long before that wall had disappeared and ever' one had an unobstructed view of tny pinks and imsles In my little garden. Ho. you see. these and other things make .".61 Went Twenty-thir- d street stnnd our in m memory." SEES HUMAN GROWTH CONTROL. Srlrnre Mt nirlnfr mitl WrlBht nf Ihi- - Nmp. PlIlieAMtePMlAi no 1 1 That m,i?n', tn op lh thrjihoM of Tiinfoxcnft will make :t pownlbif to rrtnrrl or liHUtn tho growth or human lwirift( nun itio statemrn mcl v by Dr. M W JttCObtl, He a8Prtpr1 fhrtT rxporimrnt with rats have prnvrrl thut HiiiniHls foil on rortnln protetna for exteiifle1 perlniH maintain a cOMtilll weiirtit. tint an rmon otlior nei'e'e-.v- rv COtlattlttNtttl are dded grOWth in temjmeil. He rited one Instance In which h rnl vh kopt ttuntod fof M2 flnyn. nn nge rorrnponTlrnif to about f'Mty-flv- e ycnrri in Yiuman life. H rliHiifinf the dt Kioth vhh DOf mlttod to fleveloii that WOllM normall have taken plACt !n ) nuth "Wc hae it in our potver," a4 lr. ,?ru-oh- "to Mp whether an animal ehnll do t! f rOWlnfJ In jrotlth 01 old (te, or whthep !t nhetll l.e several perio4 n fJtOWUl. Thtfl hotna true, it in not too milch tn export that th ultimate OtftN rome eUCh work will be the arientinV Control of the forrep of organic growth rrn in human belneja' FOUR JUMP IN COLLEGE FIRE llnmlllon Men Ksrape Injnrr In SHO.OOO Hlsse. CLINTON, X. V. Pec ll Four student a' flamllfori t oiiege fumnerl from the second floor of tbe sigmn riii fraternity hoime. where they were asleep, early to-d- wtirn the buiWing caught f-- e Tlie los Is ellmate1 r t IfiOrtfnl None of the four men. one of whom tt.i William M. of Brooklyn, 10 iv injurefi SAVE "Ah. if brtidr- thf dead, Slumbered the pain! Ah, if the heart thai bled Slept ir-il- the slam! If the grief died. Rut no, War mil riot hate it no." DO YOU REALIZE 1 That YOU, here in this happy, peaceful land, have been assigned a part in the prfent great world drama the noblest role of them all? J Your part, assigned you bv THE SPIRIT OP HUMANITY is HELPER OF THE HELPLESS! ! of suffering, perishing children! They WILLIAM PrasMenl HONORARY PRESIDENT un- suspectingly Belstol Helper NEW YORK M i DOROTHY ARNOLD CASE NOW 5 MYSTERY To-iIh- v Is Aniiivprsnrv of Din iirni'Hiicp That Has Itnfflnl World Police. Five yeirs ago y at 11 ill In th morning Dorothy Arnold left iier home SI 1ft Ksst Seventy-nint- h street Half sn hour Ister she was seen bill ing :i bog of eendy st Fifth avenue snd Kifly-nint- h street nt 3 o'clock she purehssed s book st Hrentsno's ; at 2 :4" she met a girl friend st Fifth svenue snd Tblr-llet- h street. Bine tbsi moment all trace of her bss been losi. In spite of tbe fuel tbst her parents spent ihoussnds of dollars mi private detectives, the poli, n , f the world were elrciiln rlietl with her BtCtUfM mid deMeription and smsteurs nil over this country- at least devoted much energy to the Attempt to utirsvcl the mystery nf lo r disappearance. Tlie mystery i" Just s great now in it was on December H, 1tUo. when he failed to return home for euppei MlBS Arnold's paren's hsve long since given NATIONAL AMERICAN J. PADEREWtUU, Hank) TREASURER AEOLIAN YEAR her up for dead. gltttOUgfl they explain how or when- - or when or why she died. Prancl R. Arnold, father Is an Importer of French and RtMSlgn Derf nines. Wc the are the are by in are away and It is war's most the of a young its very life and 1 are to save some. We can save if at once. you hear the of the they arc far A. President N'allnnsl City cgnttOl the The searib for tbe girl has novo been eipmiied for accord- ing to detectives Tile fgmOU cll.-- f r?harlle iiom gtnng is in i. but In that ease the searcher were by tbe (gel that I'harlle was a siniill hoy, while Mil Arnold wo' ,i young woman of ? yean-- , highly t, nseil to going shotlt alone. FO almost six weeks after her Attce the seai-e- was conducted iun-:- tiieii tlie gld of tbe newspapers era SSkl d tbe young woman':, plcttlf has been printed In almost every iow paper In the I'tilted ami man) abroad, where the seareb Also was i and even tbough the moving plc tsjre tbestres flashed her picture on ihe Sereen no reel clue has ever been DIES IIiij's spine In hired FetleS 1th dm nnets. l.r.xiNi.ToN . Vs.. I'er. ii. Authorities o' Hie Virginia Military institute began In t"-d- a Into tlie death nf Cadet Thurber sweet, who died last night from Injuries aajd to have '':, caused Sweet, son oT 1". A. Ohll'HgO bustiess man, reported lo hi fal lei esrly in October Hint lie had hern bstll) beaten With bayonet hi' other students. wekL Mouming Specialty House Announces a Sale 20 Reduction of the Season' 8 Stock of Millinery Gowns, Waists, Kurs, Leather Goods and Novelties. make special mention of following:: Bonnets and Toques in black. Not Mourning. PttT Sets of finest :7o Aw, at 35th St. SANTA CLAUS They That nation's being swept by famine disease. the feature today nation's hope. We trying many generous these words cries Polish children I0NACB FRANK comparable han- dicapped rllMipeiir Although HtatSS, AFTER HAZING. RenllllK investigation hgglng. Sttert. Fifth East. fHl' hurtiuslfil'tas If-'l- w IIIIMIIIMmisWTfTMTTTfl NEEDS BREAD FOR THE lie complarcit itf pa ill :i t hack. Dr. .1. M. W o(t told him Ilia! flls spin column was Injured and might result in parn'ysls Ills father sent the vouinf men luck t illege. and on No, tube, Ift be beVlMIW so ,11 that he Csrfle, to the Institute hnepltnl. Mis ntlier ami mother bad hern w ith him lor Ot er a week nRooki.VN' ,tn iisssStlMe-'irSvia- i is Mi lagstea street tlpp Keeer''s I brn'rr THE ;IFT IDS L ANDERSON'S NEW PLAYERPIANOS ai450 Built lo Last a prti" Mil liMlCfl bftnclti cot, rnlln of muiilf On Easy Hlvery member of your farntlc can play It frith fullest ex pi essinn. 9 Playerpianos For Saturday Vrr for DrtriimslratioTis! On Easy Terms on Ifri 3 88-No- te Plgyerpianos at 3 88-No- te I at J'JJ 9 88-No- te SOTC at 'tit! - . , Prtee Includes benob, cover, 11 rolls of music free delivery Open In "The Nothing to- - Gie Bnf Mor Tears Mothers and Children of Poland PLEASE HELP US TO FILL PACK CHRISTMAS-TID- E CHECK ALLAY SUFFERING AND LIVES greatest perishing thousands POIXD. ehildren ap- palling extermination Americans contribute generously Through printed though COMMITTEE POLISH VICTIMS' RELIEF FUND FOUNDER VANDERLIP HONORARY thoroughness, ALLEGED Special Neckwear, quality. sufferers. KRTIPKMtcNT. 88-NO- TE Lifetime Terms! Special!! Only Deliverer! Payment. 5325 SQCA Plaeernianos PlnyernianoK Eveninos Saddest Land" HIS YOUR WILL BUILDING, away. You sec their little hands outstretched. ! Surely you will give them bread. For their niolhtrs have nmlimg to (five them but 'hi n tears. J Your aid the little or much thai you can paro will allay suffering and save liven. ! And in some mother heart there will he a praj er of gratitude for you ;he unknown helper in the name of world-wid- e brotherhood and risterh In later flays, when Peace has come, a greater happiness musl be yours as vu realize i hut VOL. TOO. HAD A PART, the noblest of iht in ail, and PLAYED IT WELL. TO-DA- Y spells LIFE POLISH VICTIMS' RELIEF FUND, AEOLIAN BLDO., NEW YORK: 1 encloRo t for foo l for staning children In Polgnd Plese tend official recoipt. Xame Addrt P!ea.it make chtckg, gte pava1''" in "Na'ional City Hank for Polish Hrli.f " H"'l iA r,rnl (Mfo food gfOtSetf! IS ""I diirrtri !t ,iij a j fffa--s- s fnrirriy ISPS ?o ir: ,,l an 'I nrmi - 1irl.r,o,i., tn sals,




    BW RWMJlW nd fiXfU illgnu urn Admiral Fletcher

    Rushes Marines.


    j, r Trx DM. 1 1 -- VaQUi IndiansHH ,k-i- i Ihl warpath sgslnst native

    ni f r'K "r I alIKe In the Yaqui Vslleyfrom Ouvnui to-

    ilef .i nit MM

    utj , nieliardson Cotiet ruction i.'om-mi- ii

    which owni I.OOO.W0 In intv.ilfei. ha irtit out an appeal to theAmr:'ii OolMMll at ilunymo askingpmiteikAi i" turnWhtd. ThiMtMUM - ' '' rlporttd raiding farm. drl-- c

    "ff utork, liirnl!iic harvests of" toward the expen- -

    Ini'iili fl Indian Jtnon en"S;edMallear iroone for three hours Thursdayslang t i' PorllrlO flan (.'anal betweenOtearll l d KlparahMi but the result0 ,h, rn- ntcr h not been learned.

    Admiral Wlnsl w. who ta at Topolo-jf.m- riha-- directed r.i rruleer Raleigh.

    m pouia from Oueymss to Topoiobanipo.N) al ucsed to T"bari. hl"h la the nearcatafaroarh 10 tit American settlement.The Ralekjh la due to arrive there earlygjegmi i oT

    Tndlans attacked the garrison prot-ecting the fouthern Pacini" employeesrif.iR"' in repairing the tirlrlae. at

    Cnrrnl over the Yaqui River, but weregflren off.

    Catholic refugees from Heiniolllohsvr brought word here that Oen. MU rienuea, when he occupied llermoallloV tiie naiM of t'arrenia. took possession

    the Catholic eemlnary with all Itagentente. forcing the atudenta to takeeifue with private families. Later Dte-jae- z

    ll aid to have taken possession ofthe residence of the Vlear --General,

    t' let Mm remove any of hikm rings-Oen. Villa Instead of coming to Juarea

    a announced laat night went from Ma-da-In western Chihuahua, direct to

    Cldhuahua city, according to announce-ments In Juarea

    Among bis officers it waa said Villaplanned a movement south from

    city Into Carrania territory and(hat he hoped to drive hla way through

    .Mlfexico city.Advices from Mexico city to the local

    ceasuiats declare that the Secretary ofPtrWlc instruction has prepared for

    Ion of educational organisation andprocedure throughout Conatitutionallatterritory.

    "The opening of the several museumsand the reopening of educational Institut-ions closed under Huerta'a regime Isannounced." says the wire from thecapital The reorganisation of the Na-tional I'nlversltv la begun and the modl-Bc- at

    c f the laws on primary instruct-ion ire arnounced.


    for g PLAN(Miilirt Idk lrl'linra.

    P :prm .'nirt ItUVtlCt U"hitakrv 'I hii orrvr yfjitpnlay d!rrting Wlll-It-

    Jtntllngf Hryan to cauw onDftmber Why lie ehouM r.ot e pun- -i i fo;- ntmpt of rurt for Ma

    fi!:r t,t RftpMr jterdfiy for fxnml-r.a- vunde An ror of Justine Glire-hc- h

    1 hbe suit brought ly PetrosP TfttanlP. h t.rpk Jn.porter. jiffAinntt r- irtpaper 1 ttt, nUi.

    tu"r it .'H! Involve interitewi iftfi Mr Hrvan nnd the fomf,rQreth Mtnlstf nt rthincvM) ThUim ff irt th rdr tit wHrnin Mr.

    Bryai who went lo Itin wlntor home! im Flu . .after the ofder liail le--

    ., I,l. at I hA Ulll.nsaKuturday H- rxLi!alned i r a te- -

    t Ju1 n ijieKM that he wouldb wl iing 10 testify In the MM InLfloi

    T oHer '.RPrd vepterslay Will notb ,f- ' unlet R vervod on Mr. Bryan,tr tfl II he neMMarg tor the plaintifflo (: -- ;ii,.ion to yierve him byLca:r- -


    Credit Me ll t.el Kiirm From Re- -rn e Ha nk.

    T' Vatlonal Nssociarior of CreditMrp Vi ent out to us ntambsrg aCircular giving interesting data regard-In- c

    'role acceptances ernlrh are availthie for rediscount, The circular statet ris r the agaoclftlon Is In receipt of

    i th:iT intareat m trade acceptin e grow ing, as aeveral membersef r':, association have written to theSea nr ,. tildes saktng for a modeleceptance form with a view to using

    n is their business. Ttis circular thensin

    "The matter was taken up with tbefederal Reserve Ran! in New York.

    - offers 'lie following as I formIstlsf irtury 10 the bank in connectionwith rrt:s ounttng :

    NEW YORK V November 1',. ttisKevsaty dsys sfte- dte. pay to .loinV'-- r order, tlllcM. one hnndredSI"' t, mi, ll oo fiollnri. The olillni- -t: m tl - frnnr of tliln hill arl.s outt th ii 'ti of from tii.- Drawer,j' 'ii ji iNus co., ii n s n it: & i'o..

    Trer-:- ,. N I A F V'lsh. i ishlsr."Across 'lie face of the note the eigV

    lomer oi acceptor writes the following:!i 'ptsd, Trenton. N l November 30.1 tha Tr.nl ,n M.,,blt,v Cn

    VrentoD, N t- gnsd) JOHN Ji inks 4b ro.

    1 c. loHwB"The '. k caiu attention to tlie

    br.r f thlH point, tnat the place01 l definitely stuted in thetody "i He- lull by its maker, or. better

    ' ll si great care be exercised togtaka thai the bank at which payi to bs made, under the terms ofths sptanci is m the same city orton ' nr.iue Offloe of the drawee,te iv om the bill is addraaaed. Thebank fei Is thai this Is an essential pointtini t ,. negotiable Inatrumenta law.

    "Vow, when monev is In abundancesr, tin redlapounl privilege not needed

    ' lime for the members of thisMai itlon to prepare for tlie day whenIbiai condition! will be different.I Ii should consider Whether It be notpoi to get ruatomera now to see the

    it .r developing the trHde hc- -s1 system nnq of encouraging tlie

    d closing Ihelr accounts by theicceptancg of i draff,"



    Mayor Blankenburg Tells Keystone Society's DinersHow He Downed Bosses in Philadelphia Gov.

    Brumbaugh the Guests.

    The Pennsylvania Hoclety, prldeful ofthe quantity of Ita members as well astheir quality, held Ita annual dinner atthe Waldorf-Ator- l laat night and cele.brated merrily In spite of the ratherponderous topic of discussion which wastaken up and thoroughly dusted off bythe three speakers, Mayor RudolphHlank. nlmrg of Philadelphia. II MWaits, City Manager of the commissiongovernment of Dayton, Ohio, and Sam- -

    ul B. Hare, a lawyer of Altoona.All three talked about "Municipal

    Government." hut most of the TOOIn New York eeinied vastly

    more Intereated In renewing ROgHaHVtancoshlpa and talking about liomefolk;. They called cheerfully from tableto table, and Instated that PennsylvnnijIs long State.

    The dinner opened with the siitmalparade of flags- - the hietori' it . ownedby the eoelty with a great ruffling Ofdrums and fanfare of trumpets in honorof visiting gueats and with the ilnglngof choir boya. sjid with the march tojthe dining loom to the steady bent of;drums.

    ftsjeste of the socletr.Th or'et gtiesta aa they sat upon)

    the dais in the grand ballroom of thehotel were tjov. Marti i (V Hriinibaugliof Penns aula. Mayor Rudolph Hlanli-enbur- g

    of Philadelphia. Hear AdmiralNathaniel R I'sher, I.avceon Purely,William C Sproul, Col. Robert M.Thompson, the llig.it Rsv, Janic.'. HenryDarlUiglon, R'shop of Marrlshuri ; I rHenry H Drink r. president of LehighUniversity, Joseph i. Hutler, Jr., .suin-ue- l

    B Hare, Dr. John A. Braahaar,Lieut. --Gov. Krank M. McClam o(

    Joseph Pennell. the Very RV,Lawrence B. Ridgeley of Hankow.China; Theodore Rousseau and Major-Ge-

    C. Bow Dougherty, commanding tlieIVnnsylvatiia National Guard. Thetoaatmaater was the president of thesociety. Oeorge W.Wickersham.

    Among those at the smaller tableswere Richard T. Davles. Dr Samuel Mr-Cu-

    Lindsay. Edward Bok. editor ofthe I.atlie' Homr Journal : Oeorge APost, William Ixeb, Jr.. W, A. Nah,Frank N. Doubleday, Custavus T KlrhGeorge C. Boldt. Theodore P Slionts.Henry P. Davison. Cornelius Vanderbllt.August Belmont. Thomas K Ryan, B, .1Berwlnd, Jacob H, .Schlff. William H.Truesdnle. Eugene II 'uterhridge, OuyE. Trl, p. John Markle. Clark Wllllame,James Qayley. Dr. John H MeCrat-ken- ,John w. Griggs. William IS, Corey,Joseph W Harrlman, Prank A Vandat"up, Amorose 3ioneii. rviinam is. Lficasam, jAlva u. Dinkey, i mini anuiennurg, s

    eder BeweT... MESSENGER BOY

    pub- -



    n.llOO Demand Better Wnrktitsi4 osidltlnns and More Pay.

    A general e of R.onn milk wagondrivers was decide! on vesterrijy at ameeting of offlclsls of the AmericanFederation of Tjibor, the Remd M IkPrlvers t'nlon. Ihe International Broth,e'hood of Tesmsters and the UnitedHebrew Trades

    The conference, which was held at it.iBaal Broadway, was attended byThomas Collins, organiser of the Amerl-ra- n

    Psderttion of Labor: MichaelCaahel, nrst nt of the

    of Teamsters,and Assistant Secretary Fetnsteln "f tilet'nited Hebrew Trader After the con- -feranoe Mr. Felnateln sa.d

    "Thooaanda or people win be affectedby the general strike o' the milk wagondrivers, since It will to- up all the mllKdepots n the city which dlspens,- milkat retaii to consumer and supply theman thousands of retail dairies andgroceries of ih city

    "The conditions under which tin milsdrivers work are abominable. They arcompelled lo work every day in the yearand one of Ihelr chief demand will befor 'me lis) "ff every two weks ntleast Other demands will be tbe aboil- -lion of fins and an increase in wageof in per cent.''

    A seriee of meeting of milk driverswill soon be railed, according to Mr.JSelntteln, and the date of the strike willbe decided at these meeting,


    Mrs. Mlllon Wlrks M ans lO.OOflfor Aoto Injuries.

    Supreme Court .luetics Asplnall InBrooklyn signed yesterday an ordtr ap- -polntl g Kdward T. Hedfor.l td guar-dian ,ol litem for bis wife. Mrs. HelenHedford. daughter of the late MayorCMynor, in a suit brought ag. inst herfor tin. bv Mrs. Lillian Micks ofMlneola, as the result of an automobile

    1.1 D.nl .n.h. I" ia.t. I'hiillesWicks, huiband of tlie plaintiff, is alsosulrnr for IttU for the loss of his wif.-'-Mrvlcee and ton for damage to lusautomobile

    The aci idit occurred while Mrs He.l-for-whs returning In her automobll

    to Brooklyn after visiting her sister,Mrs. William s Webb, Jr., at ManhaesetAs the car turned Into the mnln roadIt collided with the machine In whichWicks and his wife were riding and Ihelatter. It Is alleged, suffered Injuriesabout tlie head Bind body which confinedher to her bed for several weeks

    A counter claim, It Is Intimate, willbe set up for the defendant.


    vihlilgao Mclentlsf Also Illacoversa Three Toed Specimen.

    Ann Aaaoa, Mich., Dec. it, Dr, k. t.,Troxlcr of the liuverslty of Michigan

    t0day tiiat during explora-tions In the Hlack Hills In South lUikotaduring the last summer he discovered tliemajor portion of the skeleton of a onetoed horse He also discovered a per-fect skeleton of a three toed horse, whichIs also a rarity

    Furs for Holiday Gifts

    Lonft coats of Hudson Seal, Broadtail, Persianand Mink. Very light in weight.

    C. G. Gunther's Sons391 Fifth at 36th Street,

    New York.

    Senator W illiam A. Clark. Alexander J.Hemphill. Charles R Flint, KdwardBhagrSOn, .lames 1' Kahnestock.Edwin S. Httiart, Judge Ditnner Keeberand Clarence K. Postlewaltr

    Main of the small tables were repre-sentative cf Pennsylvania counties,others of the larger cities, nrfd severaltables were occupied by hIuiiiiiI of vari-ous Pennsylvania colleges (

    Mayor ltlauketilun g'.x speecli COVOVM apretty wide area of topics, but had to dolargely With the troubles of mi independ-ent in oftlce harried and harassed by thewell known Philadelphia type Of poll- -ticis--n and organisation header Ho wasquite sure tV'i lus adflalftlltrAtlon Itad Ibeen a III ss tnd that he had queiled ,the DOT SOS, It seemed to 111. a III;' . niia- -dalphlu, alwaya nora in the trip of the

    machlna than Naw Ytirh evertvns In Ta nniany's grip. wa in a fairWay to reform lie thought too that"Tammany wllDnaver again rula NewYork with an lrtn hMtd ipgrhapg a stealhand would be move appropriate as Ithas In the past." anil lie oplMd thatever'" hat re political bosses ha 1 learnedtlint they had to be good.

    Philadelphia a bond Is-sue of 190,000,000, the Mayor announced,laniely for permanent Improvements- -UnWaya, elevatel roads, alolltloii of

    graile rl'Uailnaa, municipal piers, a sew-ag- otHapoaal ptant, botllovorda and fifteen

    bridges. He complaine'l that manypraona consider that the Mai or of agreat city ought to be a sort of nioeseti- -ger Ih,v and Information bureau.

    "If anybody thinks a Mayor's office gbed of roses lie niffera from delu- -

    aton," said BurflomaaUi Blanhtnburg,"A man in Canada neked me to find nwife for him. A beaUtKul, niagniflcentVcgownsd woman ame my offlca anddemanded that I keep other women fromrunning after bar husband. I was askedto make a wife and daughter behavemore respectfully to the husband nndfather. It was requested by phone tohurry to a certain place a: remove adead cat d was asked to atop rooatarsfrom crowing at night. Three youngwomen wanted me lo adopt them Awoman demanded that 1 run to her homeand make the water atop flowing Intothe house "

    Mayor Blankanborg urged completemilitary proparadnag for the L'nltadStates and put hlmasM on record againstany sort of half way Americanism Hedenied that there wax any such thing asthe Anglo-Saxo- " race and declaredthai pretended Angto-Baxo- could nomore claim lnfluen.-- e in the affairs of the

    lUrrtry rbaii I'OtiM any other variety ofclllaen.

    ii m Waite of Daytontin blessings f city gtrvarnmanl by nom- -inlas in and HamUel M Hare eulogliedtiic graatneaa of the home state.












    Impostors lint cella lonlrlhn-lN- aI lirlatinaa t'nnd.

    f - rnessenger boy should ask youwith .in appealing look In ins eves andH t'hrtetmaa box III bis band for a

    f r the meaaenger boys' fhrist-ma- afund kindly to tbe Ud and

    d. ta ii hiin iiile you are communicatingbi telephone with lte,-to- r 3so.

    Mi,- icewvenger boys of tbeal i' romrtanv are forbidden

    to s.'':, It Ihe .otiioanVs rustonicrs forri Mia funds, to sell tickets, to obtain

    wrlptl ois for anything at all. andih.. chant es are that the boy who appealsto you i" an Impostor and thaj you srenig proapeot ive victim.

    In on- - sma district thirty-tw- o firmshave been victimised by these bocs, andalthough the company has warned thepublic lor several years of the fraudthe impostor are again at work, if onewishes io give anything fp tlie mes-- ,

    ger boys th only way to do It 1s tosend i suhacrlptlon tn th, treaenirer.Messengers' fund. ComnsarolaJ fableCompany, 2d Broad street i'hat isthe only iv to make sure tbe mas-- j,

    ger iovs will get the ben, nt of It.

    CigarsAre most acceptable Holi-day presents, widely usedfor man-to-ma- n gifts.

    The judgment of criticalsmokers is always keenwhen applied to cigars givenhim.

    Select your Gifts of fine Cigarsfrom our stock, the Imrgest andthe very finest in the city. Weare and have been for years the

    Largest Direct Importersin the U. S. of Havana Cigars.

    Our distribution has also beenvery large of Clear Havana Cigarsof excellent quality. The justlyfamous

    "Mi Favorite"is popular and widely sold. Thebrands of Imported Cigars wesell, are only those manufacturedby the

    IndependentFactories of

    HavanaIdentified as the very choicestexported from Cuba.

    Holiday packings in largenumber now fully displayed.Especially fine stocks of Cigar-ettes are also shown, including

    HFTY-SI- X

    of quality and fashionIn our stores every pleasingcourtesy will be extended to youand illustrated Holiday price list

    can be mailed if desired.

    Park & TiltordFifth Avenue and 26th StreetMadison Ave. and SSlh StreetMadiaon Ave. and 76th StreetBroadway- - and 41st StreetBroadway-- and 87th StreetBroadway- - and 101st StreetBroadway- - and 112th StreetBroadway- - and 146th StreetColumbus Ave. 72nd StreetLenoi Ave. and 126th Street




    Wonderful Frenrli Artist Siiiir-intff- lt

    tho Lycram riiniirrosHer Projjrammf'.

    STAGE NEWS AM) i oss IP

    Vxeiie Otillhert Is snoihr- - refuueeis bo has been eompelleil to onie io tillscountry on account of tlie hard hip

    from the near The wonderfulFrench artist frankly admit that sheIs broke. This Is McOVflttd. for le thelarae amounts she w as e impelled toepend on the soldiers who were nuu;-tere- d

    In her house for niHiiy month.Fortunately she l singing to large

    audiences st the Lyceum Theatre andsure of ten I site hns expended ma beeltirrd to her At her coinert onFriday Urn, Qullbtri returned io someof tlie older long In her repertoire andnave ' Jm Otu" and "La Femma ."

    she repeat her tlrstpros f mm, ehleh Include "t MenHerre." Whtell sue now to nn itever..- conceit. Sbe will be heard uka.iion Tueoda) mid Friday afternoon

    Mm Oullberl ha r me remorkabl)Interesting old songs whiih she col-lected through ihe (UggOetlOn of mtoieKranee. They rtrlte the story of .loanof Arc on verses written b) a contem.)Mirnnnue pOel Who heard "ll the sto.iesof her life. Bven Ih music lo whlrhJoan and tbe Mtdler entered I i nth'drsi at fthelm gr i" th- - possession ofthe ilngor, Alio is snxioiis to Introducethese plc which lire unknown In .thiscountry, to tome of Hie students in thecolleges.

    The educational Alliance announceit performance of Ibsen's "Uiiosts" withAnathe Barcu m the leadln role Theother parts win be played bj memberof the Art Prnnia Player, It is lo I"1hoped :hst tiie performance of ihe plajwin prove of educational ralue lo theaudience in the Straus Auditorium, sin.--It Will probably not supply litem withdlvei sion.

    Now it is Al Jolon woo ,ii 'IFriday in a musical version of "Itob-Inso- n

    ruoe" Tbe Bhubert II make,II. e production earb in the pnns ,iit-r- ;Mr, Jolion leturns from Klorlda. Thelast preceding comedian was tohue this chance was Ben William,but that scheme fell through Kdgar.smith and Harold Atlerbrldge .ire lowrite the text. The muse will be byBlgmund Kombers and lames H tip ley

    AH but fiptr Nw York theatre nreW ofTrrinu their pt.i I M half pr

    In "Happy-Here- "Childhood's Joys Complete

    HON. H. TAKTifoneer of the 1'nltwl Sifi

    This is the result of the recent f lilureof the agreement r the msnairers whichcHine to an and several weeks ago.Hut It happens to be true tbst therenever were before so many theatreswhich nre offering ihelr wares it halfprice s there are at tho present time.

    Mis. Lntigtry took Walter KlnasleyWalking the oilier day and led him

    toward the neighborhoodif Twenty third Itreel and Ninth cve-nu- e

    Pausing near Ninth avenue sheaddressed Mr. Klngslev us follows :

    "This dear little old fashioned houseal 31 West Twenty-thir- d street wasmy Itome for five years nnre g long timeago. Tlie I'asteur Institute has ll now,but evidences of my tenancy are stillnumerous. If you will look at thespecially designed Iron isiilns In frontof the house you will And lilies ss tliemotif. I put those lilies there. Ialso built a stone well ten feet high eoas to have tills teeny weeny little grassplot for i private garden. Tour citvofficials didn't like this a bit and or-dered me to take down what they calledan encfoackrgenl on the public high-way 1 refused and one day a w reck-ing Km appeared, accompanied byhorde of reporters, and It wasn't longbefore that wall had disappeared andever' one had an unobstructed view oftny pinks and imsles In my little garden.Ho. you see. these and other things make.".61 Went Twenty-thir- d street stnndour in m memory."


    Srlrnre Mt nirlnfr mitlWrlBht nf Ihi- - Nmp.

    PlIlieAMtePMlAi no 1 1 That m,i?n',tn op lh thrjihoM of Tiinfoxcnftwill make :t pownlbif to rrtnrrl or liHUtntho growth or human lwirift( nun itiostatemrn mcl v by Dr. M WJttCObtl, He a8Prtpr1 fhrtT rxporimrntwith rats have prnvrrl thut HiiiniHls foilon rortnln protetna for exteiifle1 perlniHmaintain a cOMtilll weiirtit. tint an rmon

    otlior nei'e'e-.v- rv COtlattlttNtttl aredded grOWth in temjmeil. He rited one

    Instance In which h rnl vh kopt ttuntodfof M2 flnyn. nn nge rorrnponTlrnif toabout f'Mty-flv- e ycnrri in Yiuman life.H rliHiifinf the dt Kioth vhh DOfmlttod to fleveloii that WOllM normallhave taken plACt !n ) nuth

    "Wc hae it in our potver," a4 lr.,?ru-oh- "to Mp whether an animal ehnlldo t! frOWlnfJ In jrotlth 01 old (te, orwhthep !t nhetll l.e several perio4 nfJtOWUl. Thtfl hotna true, it in not toomilch tn export that th ultimate OtftNrome eUCh work will be the arientinVControl of the forrep of organic growthrrn in human belneja'


    llnmlllon Men Ksrape Injnrr InSHO.OOO Hlsse.

    CLINTON, X. V. Pec ll Fourstudent a' flamllfori t oiiege fumnerlfrom the second floor of tbe sigmn riiifraternity hoime. where they were asleep,early to-d- wtirn the buiWing caughtf-- e Tlie los Is ellmate1 r t IfiOrtfnl

    None of the four men. one of whomtt.i William M. of Brooklyn,10 iv injurefi


    "Ah. if brtidr- thf dead,Slumbered the pain!

    Ah, if the heart thai bledSlept ir-il- the slam!

    If the grief died. Rut no,War mil riot hate it no."

    DO YOU REALIZE1 That YOU, here in this happy, peaceful land,

    have been assigned a part in the prfent greatworld drama the noblest role of them all?

    J Your part, assigned you bv THE SPIRIT OPHUMANITY is

    HELPER OF THE HELPLESS!! of suffering, perishing children! They








    M i



    To-iIh- v Is Aniiivprsnrv of Diniirni'Hiicp That Has Itnfflnl

    World Police.

    Five yeirs ago y at 11 ill In thmorning Dorothy Arnold left iier homeSI 1ft Ksst Seventy-nint- h street Halfsn hour Ister she was seen bill ing :ibog of eendy st Fifth avenue snd Kifly-nint- h

    street nt 3 o'clock she purehsseds book st Hrentsno's ; at 2 :4" she meta girl friend st Fifth svenue snd Tblr-llet- h

    street.Bine tbsi moment all trace of her bss

    been losi. In spite of tbe fuel tbst herparents spent ihoussnds of dollars miprivate detectives, the poli, n , f the worldwere elrciiln rlietl with her BtCtUfM middeMeription and smsteurs nil over thiscountry- at least devoted much energy tothe Attempt to utirsvcl the mystery nflo r disappearance.

    Tlie mystery i" Just s great now init was on December H, 1tUo. when hefailed to return home for euppei MlBSArnold's paren's hsve long since given






    her up for dead. gltttOUgfl theyexplain how or when- - or when or whyshe died. Prancl R. Arnold, fatherIs an Importer of French and RtMSlgnDerf nines.


    are the areby in

    are awayand It is war's most

    the of ayoung its very life and

    1 are to save some. We can saveif at


    you hear theof the they arc far

    A.President N'allnnsl City



    The searib for tbe girl has novobeen eipmiied for accord-ing to detectives Tile fgmOU cll.-- fr?harlle iiom gtnng is in i.but In that ease the searcher were

    by tbe (gel that I'harlle wasa siniill hoy, while Mil Arnold wo' ,iyoung woman of ? yean-- , highly t,

    nseil to going shotlt alone. FOalmost six weeks after herAttce the seai-e- was conducted iun-:-tiieii tlie gld of tbe newspapers era SSkl d

    tbe young woman':, plcttlfhas been printed In almost every iowpaper In the I'tilted ami man)abroad, where the seareb Also was i

    and even tbough the moving plctsjre tbestres flashed her picture on iheSereen no reel clue has ever been


    IIiij's spine In hired FetleS1th dm nnets.

    l.r.xiNi.ToN . Vs.. I'er. ii. Authoritieso' Hie Virginia Military institute beganIn t"-d- a Into tlie deathnf Cadet Thurber sweet, who died lastnight from Injuries aajd to have '':,caused

    Sweet, son oT 1". A. Ohll'HgObustiess man, reported lo hi fal leiesrly in October Hint lie had hern bstll)beaten With bayonet hi' other students.

    wekLMouming Specialty House

    Announces a Sale20 Reduction

    of the Season' 8 Stock of MillineryGowns, Waists, Kurs, Leather Goods

    and Novelties.make special mention of

    following::Bonnets and Toques in black.

    Not Mourning.PttT Sets of finest

    :7o Aw, at 35th St.



    That nation's being swept byfamine disease. the

    feature today

    nation's hope.

    We trying manygenerous

    these words criesPolish children












    Fifth East.

    fHl' hurtiuslfil'tas If-'l- w



    lie complarcit itf pa ill :i t hack.Dr. .1. M. W o(t told him Ilia! flls spincolumn was Injured and might resultin parn'ysls Ills father sent the vouinfmen luck t illege. and on No, tube,Ift be beVlMIW so ,11 that he Csrfle,to the Institute hnepltnl. Mis ntlier amimother bad hern w ith him lor Ot er aweek

    nRooki.VN' ,tn

    iisssStlMe-'irSvia- i

    is Mi lagstea streettlpp Keeer''s I brn'rr



    ai450Built lo Last a

    prti" Mil liMlCfl bftnclticot, rnlln of muiilfOn Easy

    Hlvery member of your farntlccan play It frith fullest expi essinn.

    9 PlayerpianosFor Saturday

    Vrr for DrtriimslratioTis!On Easy Terms

    on Ifri

    3 88-No- tePlgyerpianos at

    3 88-No- te I

    at J'JJ9 88-No- te SOTC

    at 'tit!- . ,Prtee Includes benob, cover,11 rolls of music free delivery


    In "TheNothing to-- Gie Bnf Mor Tears

    Mothers and Children of PolandPLEASE HELP US TO FILL PACK


    greatest perishingthousands POIXD.


    palling extermination

    Americans contribute generously

    Through printedthough












    88-NO- TE





    Deliverer! Payment.





    Saddest Land"



    away. You sec their little hands outstretched.! Surely you will give them bread. For their

    niolhtrs have nmlimg to (five them but 'hi ntears.

    J Your aid the little or much thai you can parowill allay suffering and save liven.

    ! And in some mother heart there will he a praj erof gratitude for you ;he unknown helper in thename of world-wid- e brotherhood and risterh

    In later flays, when Peace has come, a greaterhappiness musl be yours as vu realize i hutVOL. TOO. HAD A PART, the noblest of iht inail, and PLAYED IT WELL.



    1 encloRo t for foo l for staning children In Polgnd Plese tend official recoipt.


    AddrtP!ea.it make chtckg, gte pava1''" in "Na'ional City Hank for Polish Hrli.f "

    H"'l iA r,rnl (Mfo food gfOtSetf! IS ""I diirrtri !t ,iij a j fffa--s- sfnrirriy ISPS ?o ir: ,,l an 'I nrmi - 1irl.r,o,i., tn sals,