YAPping in the library: the Youth Access Programme at the Bridge

Craig Green Information and Learning Services Manager John Wheatley College


Delivered by Craig Green of Johhn Wheatley College at the Annual Conference of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals in Scotland (CILIPS), which took place 1-3 June 2009.

Transcript of YAPping in the library: the Youth Access Programme at the Bridge

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Craig GreenInformation and Learning Services Manager

John Wheatley College

Page 2: YAPping in the library: the Youth Access Programme at the Bridge

Shared service environment (swimming, drama, café, recording studios, library, flexible learning unit)

Partnership approach to solving problems ‘A cool place to be’ for young people Within Bridge, PCs act as magnet for young

people ◦ (provided by College, supporting public library

users as well as students)

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Comparatively high unemployment Comparatively high ill-health Comparatively low educational attainment Territorial violence and youth disorder◦ Generational, and more recently involving younger

young people

Regeneration Community planning commitment Strong partnership experience

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Most young people behave well Significant minority of young people with

behavioural problems (faced by all Bridge partners but with particular problems in main open library space)◦ Sometimes including abusive refusal to accept authority◦ Negative experience for other users

Need for rethink of approach to public-facing services in the library for young people

New opportunity for College learning support services in public service context

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4 years in practice, supporting young people 12+ Originally Greater Easterhouse community

learning centres (usually between 7 and 15 PCs), now Glasgow East wide and for last two years including Bridge

Informal IT-based learning support based on young people’s interests as they express them at the time (beginning and generally ending with fun)

Combination of youth workers (lead role) and tutors and other staff in host centres

Dependent on various partners in various venues

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Safe place to go Entertaining place to go Development of IT skills based on interests Development of Personal and Social Skills Citizenship agenda

Development of relationship with adult learning provider

Lifelong learning habits

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Supported by College youth worker in response to behavioural problems

Immediately successful (Saturday afternoons) trial of drop-in service with 20 PCs reserved

Extended to include tutor support Extended to evenings Extended on Saturdays to nearly all day Moved in August from 32 PC public area to 50 PC

flexible learning unit Use of PC access incentive supporting ‘probation’

approach to addressing behavioural problems

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Young People PCs Youth Workers Library Assistants Tutors Additional activities as alternative to PCs

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Build trusted relationships Encourage positive behaviour Encourage learning Encourage confidence Encourage development of social skills

Challenge negative behaviour, maintain orderly environment

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Issue CD based games (and occasionally, books)

Issue user accounts Consult young people about library services Support young people in basic use of PCs Build positive relationships with young people Challenge negative behaviour, maintain

orderly environment

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Teach creative IT skills◦ Young people supported by youth worker in initial

discussions about aspirations◦ Based on interest of young people in developing

more advanced skills (playing with more advanced software)

Encourage and confirming learning Encourage academic ambition Build positive relationships with young people Challenge negative behaviour, maintain

orderly environment

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CD-ROM games Bebo (for 13+) IM YouTube Animation Video editing Audio editing Music creation VJ sequencing

and, for those young people who get bored with play ... Homework support CV design and job applications

and, next year, Youth Achievement Awards and the BCS Digital Cre8or Award

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Monday, Wednesday (5-8pm), Friday evenings (5-9pm) (No library service Wednesday evenings, College entrance

used) Saturdays (11-5pm) Partial Youth Access service in public area Tuesday

evenings (5-7:30, because adult use of flexible learning unit)

No service Thursday evenings (under review), no service Sundays

Friday evening sessions finish early every 2 months for Dance NRG (300+ young people in Friday evening ‘rave’ gig accessible only through youth clubs)

Friday evenings include additional support from a local voluntary sector partner (F.A.R.E.’s ‘Mer Tae Me’ project)

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Bridge services are part of a substantial programme of youth work in Greater Easterhouse

Youth disorder and violence down over last two years◦ Particularly Friday evenings when good services now

developed◦ Less so on Saturday evenings when fewer services

Bridge services still have behavioural problems with some young people, but less, and services and staff are better able to deal with it

Over 400 young people have had support from the programme this year with average attendances 30 to 50

Overall respect for facilities indicated by lack of graffiti

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Young people◦ Found everywhere

PCs◦ Found in most libraries

Youth Workers◦ Found in council services and voluntary sector, often looking for

venues, usually able to provide alternative activities Library Staff◦ Found in most libraries

Tutors◦ Found in colleges and library services

Apply a little rocket science (‘please, because, thank you’), mix together and bake in a hot partnership environment until running smoothly