YALLAH:Reef to Rainforest 2012 Costa Rica



A final edition of the Reef to Rainforest Book, Collection of Stories of students from different parts of the world including the Middle east and Brazil

Transcript of YALLAH:Reef to Rainforest 2012 Costa Rica



A Collection of Students’ Writing and Photography Pieces

Written By:

Students who participated in Reef to Rainforest Trip

Collected By: Nejat Kedir


YALLAH: Reef to Rainforest A Collection of Students’ Writing and Photographic Pieces

June 27, 2012 – July 9, 2012

Before I tell you about what you are going to see in this “book”, I

want to say few humble words and a few thanks. I would like to

thank the Qatar Foundation International (QFI) for believing in us:

the youth who went on the trip Reef to Rainforest to Costa Rica to

learn about the spectacular beauty and urgent and pressing

challenges of our planet’s ecosystems in one of the most unique and

extraordinary places. Thank you QFI l for investing in us and our

education unconditionally.

This is a collection of stories that is often not told about the

individuals that make up the Youth Allied to lead learn and help

(YALLAH) community. These stories are from students who have be

participated in the 2012 Yallah trip to Washington DC and eventually

to Costa Rica. Most of the work that you will be seeing is

photographic pieces and writings responding to the prompt “About

Me”. I hope you enjoy this.


Nejat Kedir



As a student and alumni of Qatar Foundation International I would like to say a heartfelt thank

you to the staff of QFI who have organized this trip to DC and Costa Rica and past trips. I am

drowning in the sea of gratitude for all QFI has done for me and I am sure my peers feel the

same way.

On behalf of the students who participated in this trip and on the behalf of QFI staff I would like

to say thank you to Country day school for allowing us to use the facility. I would also like to say

thank you to all the staff of Country Day school who helped us make our stay in Costa Rica

amazing. A special thank you goes out to Mr. Dan Baldwin, Mrs. Kimberley Baldwin: one of the

most enthusiastic and warm people I have ever met when it comes to teaching and carrying for

their students. Your passion and enthusiasm has helped us stay focused and get a lot more out

of this trip. I would like to say another thank you to Marguerite and Walter for being an

awesome tour guides and informing us about the local culture.

Another big thank you goes to Anncosta Water shed society in Washington D.C for teaching us

through application on the challenges of keeping the Ancosta River clean and healthy for the

public. I have learned more on the couple of hours we spent on the river about waterways

pollution than I have in my classrooms.


المطيرة الغابات إلى المرجانية الشعاب من: لال

الطالب من فوتوغرافية وصور كتابات من مجموعة

2102 يوليو 9–--- 2102 يونيو 27

أن أود. التشكرات بعض وعن المتواضعة األفكار بعض عن أعّبر أن أود" الكتاب" هذا في سترون عما أخبركم أن قبل

" المطيرة الغابات إلى المرجانية الشعاب من" برحلة ذهبنا الذين الشباب نحن بنا آمنت ألنها الدولية قطر مؤسسة أولا أشكر

واحد في وذلك تواجهها التي الملحة العاجلة والتحديات الرائعة اإليكولوجية كوكبنا أنظمة جمال عن للتعلم ريكا كوستا في

شروط أي دون من علمنا وفي طاقاتنا في استثمرت ألنك الدولية قطر مؤسسة يا شكراا . وروعة فرادة األكثر األماكن من .

يلال منتدى يشكلون الذين األفراد عن قصص إنها. عادة يسردها من تجد ل التي القصص من مجموعة يلي ما في إليكم

إلى 2102 لسنة يلال رحلة في شاركوا الذين الطالب يسردها قصص وهي( والمساعدة والقيادة للتعلم متحدون شباب)

وكتابات فوتوغرافية صور من مقتطفات هي سترونها التي األعمال ومعظم. ريكا كوستا إلى النهاية وفي العاصمة واشنطن

بها تستمتعوا أن أتمنى". عني معلومات" قسم ضمن شخصية تعريفية معلومات تقدم .

التمنيات أفضل مع

قادر نجاة




نّظم الذي الدولية قطر مؤسسة عمل فريق إلى الشكر أحر عن أعبر أن أود الدولية، قطر مؤسسة وخريجة طالبة بصفتي

ما لكل المتنان من بحر في لغارق إنني. الماضية األخرى الرحالت جانب إلى ريكا وكوستا العاصمة واشنطن إلى الرحلة

بالمثل يشعرون أصدقائي أنّ من تماماا لواثق وإنني ألجلي الدولية قطر مؤسسة فعلته .

مدرسة أشكر أن أود الدولية، قطر مؤسسة عمل فريق عن وبالنيابة الرحلة هذه في شاركوا الذين كافة الطالب عن بالنيابة

جعل في ساعد الذي الدولة مدرسة عمل طاقم إلى العميق شكري عن التعبير وأود. مرافقها استخدام لنا سمحت ألنها الدولة

أكثر من وهما" بالدوين كيمبرلي" والسيدة" بالدوين دان" السيد خاص بشكل أشكر. رائعة إقامة ريكا كوستا في إقامتنا

فحافظنا وحماستكما بشغفكما تأثرنا لقد. حياتي في بهم التقيت ورعايتهم الطالب تعليم مجال في ومحبة حماسة األشخاص

إلى امتناني عن أيضاا أعّبر أن أود. الحدود أقصى إلى الرحلة هذه من الستفادة من وتمّكنا تركيزنا على بفضلكما

المحلية الثقافة عن ثمينة بمعلومات علينا أغدقا وقد مذهلين سياحيين مرشدين كانا ألنهما" والتر"و" مرغريتا" .

خالل من علّمتنا ألنها أنكوستا لمياه القتصادية والتنمية الجتماعية الصحة جمعية إلى آخر كبير شكر عن التعبير وأود

تلّوث عن بمعلومات اغتنيت لقد. للجميع خدمة وسالمته أنكوستا نهر نظافة عن المحافظة تحديات عن التطبيقية األعمال

حضرتها التي كلها الصفوف في تعلّمت مما أكثر النهر ضفة على أمضيناها ساعتين خالل في المائية المجاري .


One of the Several different hikes that we did during the trip. This picture was taken at Volcano

Rinco de la Vieja in Guanacaste

The girls getting ready to hike at Guadamuz place a launching point to the Tamarindo estuary in Gunacaste.


Tasnim Salama-Doha, Qatar

A Doctor in the Making

Sara, our neighbor’s youngest daughter, was terrified of the blood that was coming out

of her mouth. When I saw her after returning home from my school, she asked me not to leave

her alone since she was so horrified. She was

sitting in her home alone after her mother had

left to pick up her eldest sister from school.

Her mother did not take her, because she was

sick after doing a tonsillectomy operation. I

realized how bad of a situation she was in, so I

took her right away to our neighbor Dr. Majid,

who is an emergency doctor. He brought ice

cubes for Sara to stop the bleeding until the

ambulance arrived, but it took the ambulance

half an hour to get to his house even though

the hospital is not far away. Dr. Majid called

again. The emergency team apologized because of the formal procedures that must be taken

before the ambulance leaves the hospital. Dr. Majid decided to take Sara to the hospital using

his own car. On our way to the hospital, policemen stopped Dr. Majid for running traffic lights.

But once they found out his reason, they facilitated the traffic to move more easily for him.

Upon arrival, Dr. Majid went to bring the stretcher. Sara started to lose consciousness

and her lips turned to blue. I gave her my scarf as her body was shivering, and I supported her

emotionally until her mother arrived. What was surprising and frustrating was that we were

told that the doctors had just finished their shift and that we must wait for the next shift of

doctors. Dr. Majid pleaded them to save Sara’s life; otherwise he would call the police. Her

mother was consumed with feelings of blame, and anguish. A few minutes later, one of the

doctors took Sara immediately to the operating room. One hour later, the doctor informed us

that the tonsillectomy operation she had three days ago was not done properly. As a result, she

was on the brink of death and what saved her was my efforts of rescuing her immediately.

That day we saved Sarah, Dr. Majid was supposed to be resting and spending his time

with his family, since he had just returned home from his night shift as an emergency doctor.

But Dr. Majid didn’t care about getting some sleep. Dr. Majid didn’t care about the big fines he

would have to pay for running traffic lights. Nothing mattered at that moment except Sara’s

life. He wanted to save Sara’s life, period.


That day we saved Sarah was my also birthday, and I was planning on celebrating it with

my friends and family, but I ended up spending the whole day in the hospital. But that night, I

learned some important lessons: to put others before myself and to be compassionate towards

people who need my help. I was reminded to cooperate, support, and make scarifies for others,

helping those in need, without any ifs, ands, or buts, just like Dr. Majid and the policemen did.

I also became a firm believer that our existing rigid systems must be destroyed. We

need to relax the laws so that sending emergency vehicles wouldn’t take so long. We need to

change rules about doctors’ shifts, so there are always doctors available to help. We also need

to provide health awareness sessions to our community. Our hospital system has to be built on

compassion and helping others.

Marwa Yahya-Doha, Qatar

Who Am I?

I am honest. A woman who stands for the truth and truth only. A young beautiful

women who loves taking risks and being

independent. I'm talkative, impatient, nervous and


I hate watching injustice and abuse in front of

me while I keep standing; I have to strive to do the

right thing. I like getting whatever I want by my own


I love writing, because I get to express my

feelings and opinions without any fights or

opposition. When I write, it is just me and the paper.

When I write, I feel a great sense of relief like I am

free. Over the past 20 years, a growing body of literature has demonstrated the beneficial

effects that writing about traumatic or stressful events has on physical and emotional health. In

the first study on expressive writing (Pennebaker & Beall, 1986), college students wrote for 15

minutes over four consecutive days about “the most traumatic or upsetting experiences” of

their entire lives. Participants who wrote about their deepest thoughts and feelings reported

significant benefits in both objectively-assessed and self-reported physical health four months



I often put others before myself, so I can know how they would feel if they were in my

place. I love trying new things, and I rarely care about people's opinions when making my own

decisions. I believe that I am the one who lives my life, not others, so I make the decision, not

others. I'm very interested in and fascinated by politics. I love discussing big political events of

our time like Arab revolutions and the Palestine case, and I believe that if I am standing for

justice, Allah (God) won't let me down and will reward me in this life and the hereafter.

When I purposefully look into the mirror, I know what I see isn’t what others see. A

random glance at my reflection or a candid photo lets me say, "Here I am."

I think of myself as solid, average weight and height, smiling and pleasant. I thought I

was the risk-taker, the friendly listener. When I do catch the real me in the mirror, I see the

critic, the thinker, someone stronger and more powerful and more ambitious, but I need to

work on my ambitiousness.

I once read a book called How They Became Great. Actually, I had to read that book in

school for an exam. I never loved reading books until I read this book; it talked about a lot of

great people who became great even though they had the worst circumstances that anyone

can have. After I read this book, I honestly began to make some plans: I cleared my vision in this

life and my choice for what I am going to study. I believe that people who achieve their goals

are not normal people, because they don't think in a normal way like others do; they think that

they want to make something happen, no matter what. Many people impressed me in that

book, such as Muhammed Al- Fateh, the seventh sultan of the Ottoman Empire.

Muhammed was brought up under the supervision of his father, Sultan Murad II, the sixth

Ottoman Sultan. Muhammed owned his ambitions and managed the conquest of

Constantinople. He managed to realize his dreams through hard, continuous work, and well-

organized planning. For example, before besieging Constantinople, he prepared for the war by

making cannons, preparing his fleet, and making use of all the factors that might render him

victorious. Because of his high ambitions and his faith in God, his dream came true. He was just

21 or 23 years old, which made him one of the greatest Muslim heroes and conquerors.

Also, another great character I read about is Erik Weihenmayer, an accomplished

climber, who became the only blind man in history to reach the summit of the world's highest

peak, Mount Everest, on May 25, 2001. Erik spoke to audiences on harnessing the power of

adversity, the importance of a strong “rope team,” and the daily struggle to pursue your

dreams. Clearly, Erik's accomplishments show that one does not have to have perfect eyesight

to have an extraordinary vision. I want to mention that the dangers of Mt. Everest are fatal:

frostbite is one of the most common dangers, which normally happens from not keeping hands

or feet warm enough. The frostbite will make the body part turn to a blackish blue color. If the


frostbite goes too far without being treated, the body part that has it will probably have to be


My point from these stories is after I read this book I felt that I should create my own

goal and try my best to achieve it. Your goal will be better and greater if it is for helping

others, and remember dreams without plans are only wishes.

Pricila Carmona-Sao Paulo, Brazil

That’s Too Much

“The only truth is that I live. Honestly, I do. Who am I? Well, that’s too much...” Clarice

Lispector said it, and I felt that I should use it to describe me. As a matter of fact, I won’t

describe myself, exactly… As an addict for math (and, at

the same time, an addict for languages), I have spent a

lot of time thinking of something logical that could

perfect the definition of “me,” and as a perfectionist,

I’ve become frustrated once I’ve realized it would never

be enough. Then I hope you consider my efforts enough

to understand, at least, a part of it. Here’s a list of parts

that make me who I am:

First, as I said, I’m addicted to math. Numbers,

numbers, numbers. I’m like this, because math has an

incredible connection to languages and to life itself. To

learn math, you must understand details, connect them, put it in a logical way, analyze them,

and finally, use them to answer the questions you made (we always have questions, don't we?).

That’s how life works too… However, life has literature to change it, partly. It makes all the


Don’t get me wrong. I’m not so logical, methodical, or similar to these adjectives… That’s

too much math for me! Due to the moment when I fell in love with literature (when I was

younger, like 3 years old), and since then, this passion has become an enormous part of who I

am too. I am my books (the ones I own that were written by someone else and the ones I

wrote), the books I read, the books I intend to read, the books I don’t intend to read but will

certainly do so, the books I’d never read. Books fill me up with a certain joy which I can’t

translate. Clarice Lispector, Simone de Beauvoir, Anne Rice, Machado de Assis, Gabriel García

Márquez, Joumana Haddad... All of them had a specific importance for me. The way I write,

adjectives that I use, the way I know myself (at least a part of my personality was understood


by me while reading books), and even the gifts I receive when it’s my birthday (books, of

course). Each and every part of my house, for example, has a piece of writing by a writer I love

fixed to the walls. Entire poems everywhere to let me know that literature is everywhere too.

My friends, my family, and people I love in general. They taught me things I’ll never forget,

of course. I try to protect them, to help them, to show them all my respect and love… Another

good part: I love hugs and, once I like someone, once I’m his/her friend, I won’t hesitate to

show it clearly. Telling my usual nerdy jokes, listening, and most of all, trying to understand

them. I hope I do it well.

My routine can be defined using one verb: study. The normal high school: the technical

course (Multimedia), Arabic, English, Spanish… Courses, tests, efforts to build a solid career are

parts of me too. As Ibrahim, my teacher, would say, I’m addicted to tests! It isn’t a joke, I guess.

And (I’m still guessing what is true and what is not) I’m in love with studying, learning, knowing.

Every day, I find some time to relax, and when I do it, it’s the perfect opportunity to do other

things that I love: then, I listen to heavy metal, tango, MPB (Brazilian popular music), and I

occasionally mix them all. And I love French music, Italian music, music from the Middle East. I

love music and can’t live without it. I’m in love with politics, too. I’m always reading about it,

talking about it, searching for news about it and historical facts about it. By the way, I’m a


One of the last things you all must know about me is what I intend to do in the future:

communicate. Since I started learning Arabic, I’ve been in love with the people I met thanks to

the language. Like a spotlight, I realized that I wanted to go to the Middle East and meet them.

Palestinian people, Qatari people… All of them. The lights of Doha, the time I spent there

(thanks to BibliASPA and QFI), the friendships I built, the hijabs… That was the moment when I

finally understood what I wanted, who I was, who I wanted to be. “Epiphany,” perhaps, is the

word to describe that feeling which is still alive. Journalism and Languages, then, are my

definitions for career and professional goals.

Ahmed Al Thani-Doha, Qatar

Photography; An Agent of Change to Society

There are many ways to change the community either positively or negatively by using

photography. There are a couple of famous artists that have changed billions of lives by using

photographs and by being realistic toward maintaining a better life. According to the Internet,

photography is important, yet it captures all aspects of beauty in life. Pictures are a way that

families and friends recollect their past events, and sometimes it can be tough, and sometimes


it can be a funny picture; today I will tell you about how

photography has the power to change communities in a

positive way and make a remarkable impact in many

people’s lives.

Firstly, I would like to define what a community is, as

it will be a continuously stated term throughout this paper.

A community is a place that supports the people who live

there. In my opinion, photography is the world's most

popular hobby, and it is one of the most important hobbies.

We use it to document family milestones, capture beauty,

reveal the ugliness of war, stalk celebrities, and sometimes make fun of our friends.

Photography has changed the world way more than any other thing in the media, because

photography is used in film and television. Our world no longer has its focus on words and

paintings, but now it is focused on photography. Photography has completely changed how we

perceive ourselves and the world. It can change our lives through advertisements which we

commonly see during a break in a movie theater or our televisions at home; it can completely

change our minds through something, and make us against our own selves; it can either leave a

positive remark or a negative one.

How can photography change and make a good impact in our community? Here is an

example: imagine that there is a Qatari child going out with his parents to a Toys”R”Us store in

Doha. Toys”R”Us contains toys which cost well over 4,000QR, and this child saved money and

finally bought one toy which he chose. The child loved the toy, he stroked it, and even slept

with it. However, one day, he broke it while throwing it to his friend. Where did all the

4,0000QR go to? It just went to waste. That 4,000QR, if spent in a charitable way, could have

helped lots of people who are in need of assistance.

A picture can speak 1,000 words, but only a select few say something touching enough

to electrify an entire society. Many photographs screamed so loudly that the entire world

stopped to take notice. However, a photograph doesn’t have to be sad, or have to do

something with war; a photograph can be a picture of a willow sitting near a lake with its leaves

limping from side to side; it can be a humorous picture or a romantic one. War or labor is not

only what can change a community; a picture too has the power to change a community.


Reem Abdul Moneim Zida-Doha, Qatar


Who am I? Am’ma tell you now I can either be a friend or a foe... I can’t really describe myself or I maybe just don’t know My vocab is actually good but the adjectives don’t flow... I believe in fate And having a best mate I believe in those fairytales And that to succeed you’ll have a lot of fails... I believe that it’s your choice, the road you take Whether reaching your goal was a tough task or a piece of cake I believe the road you take might seem tough and dark But in the end you'll leave your mark I believe that maybe I am bad at calculus or even have a short temper but I forgive easily and in 30 minutes, I might even not remember I believe that my weaknesses might sometimes bring me down But when it comes to making fun of them, I am probably the clown I believe I'm really curious when, about something, I don’t have a clue So I work on finding it out, myself to the chair I’d glue If this is not getting to know me, then I don’t know what else I would do Carlos Sanchez-Boston MA, USA


The one who has always needed them, The one who praised them for the most miniscule accomplishments, The one who applies what they taught in everything he does, They compose a son. The one who stands by your side, The one who knows what's wrong when everything seems right,


The one who will remain when the parents will not, They compose a brother. The one who shares your laughter, The one who feels your pain, The one who was there for the scabs and scars, They compose a friend. The one who inquires, The one who solves problems, The one who works with diligence, They compose a scholar. The one who takes risks, The one who knows the unknown, The one who searches for more They compose an adventurer. The one who explores the body, The one who listens to all the sounds, The one who creates with the mind, They compose an artist. The one who connects across waters, The one who pushes for peace, The one who works for a better tomorrow, They compose a cosmopolitan. The cosmopolitan, The artist, The adventurer, The scholar, The friend, The brother, The son. The composer.


Seif Bassam Al Tahtamouni-Doha-Qatar

Who am I? Simply Seif or simply awesome

I am Seif Bassam Al Tahtamouni. I like to meet new people and spend time with friends.

I like to spend the time talking about new things we

have learned or sharing knowledge of certain things. I

believe in hard work and commitment as a means to

success. As a human being, my strengths are my

willingness to learn new things and help people when

they need help. The areas I struggle with are when I

sometimes leave some work to the last minute. I

sometimes struggle with keeping my room tidy but I am

trying to improve this. I also struggle with waking up

early during weekends! I would like to know more about

how we can make our environment healthier and safer

to live in.

Hussam Mohammed-Doha, Qatar

Who Am I ? An ambitious leader

When it comes to who am I, here I have to confess: this is the most unanswerable

question I had ever faced! However, I'm Hussam

Mohammed, the 17 years old Egyptian guy, 11 grader

who has been training in Doha Equestrian Club for the

last two years till this day. I used to play in Al-arabi Sports

Club soccer team for two years, as well as swim team,

Alahlyy Club, judo, and tae kwon do, so I'm a sports-a-

holic person!

Voice of Youth Community Service Club [VOY]

played an essential role in my life, since I am one of the

administration members. In VOY we do our best to

attract youth to our club and here's the challenge itself: combining fun with community service

and having new positive friends in our program. All that I can say is, “WAIT FOR VOY! My older

brother has been supportive of me. He taught me website developing and making advanced

Photoshop designs. Now I do my t-shirt designs myself. I can’t live without my hot chocolate;

kill me but don't take my hot chocolate away from me.


Jason Dunn-Chicago, Illinois USA

Who Am I? An Array of Treble Clefs

My name is Jason Dunn, and I am 17 years old. I am a caring yet still aggressive person. I am me

because I have a heart for people. I am honestly dedicating my

life to help those who cannot help themselves, specifically

those affected by violence. I believe in everyone having an

equal chance at life, and it shouldn’t be hindered because of

the recklessness of others. My strengths as a human being

include being a hard worker and being dedicated. I feel that I

struggle with impatience when working on tasks. I don’t give up

on tasks when I am impatient, but I may do things differently to

speed up the process if it is dragging. I would like to know what

I can do to become a better leader and supporter of others.

I chose to use to represent myself is an array of treble clefs. I

chose this because I love music, and I feel that it is always

around us. I often make beats at home on the kitchen counter when the fan over the stove is

on. I am particularly fond of percussion. This is what my musical background is based on. Music

has been a huge part of my life since I was about 7 or 8. My parents bought me a practice pad,

because I used to beat on the ground in our living room. My parents then decided to have me

start lessons when I was around 11 or 12 years old. The one thing I regret is that I didn’t

continue to pursue it the way that I should have. Despite this, music is still something that

defines me.

Tomader AlKobaise-Doha, Qatar

Who Am I?

The way I was raised, the place I lived

in, the education that I received, the culture I

was exposed to, life issues I faced and

overcame matter to me. All of these factors

strengthened me to face what has yet to

come; these factors help me in the process

of sculpturing myself. I will never forget


those who were there for me when I needed them, people who helped me to reach what I had

been aiming for. I try and will try hard to pay them back.

I love to explore life to its fullest but that doesn’t mean getting rid of my Muslim identity

and Islamic principles because they are an integral a part of me. I was raised to be humble. A lot

of people interpret my silence as arrogance which makes me upset. How can they judge me

without knowing me?

I am quiet when I can’t fit in with the people around me due to my lack of interest in

what they are discussing. I can’t seem to find what pulls or attracts me into talking to them and

most of the time I drown in my dreams so there is no way to interrupt me from the illusions

that I am living.


Reflection on the Trip

These are pieces from the post-trip debrief students had on YALLAH. I just want to

highlight the role that YALLAH has played in the exchange of cultures between

students before the trip and after the trip. This is the case for the Reef to

Rainforest trip and other trips of the past. There aren’t a lot of forums out there

that bring global youth leaders from different cultures around the world to the

discussion table on important issues.



Jessica Venture-Washington DC, USA

The most memorable part of the trip was the boat ride where we all danced to different types

of music like Latin music, Arab music, and even American music. I thought that was one of the

funniest days of my life. And also a very memorable

experience for me was just getting to meet/know

everyone. Who knew that only spending like 12 days

together we'd grow to be so close? I miss everyone

that went on this trip. If I could rewind time I would.

I think what I learned from this trip is that you

shouldn't let fear get in the way of anything. I'm

extremely afraid of heights but I still did zip lining

and caving. I cried, but I got through it and I guess I

learned that I can do anything if I put my mind to it

and also with the support of good people! I would

have never done any of that if it wasn't for the push

all of you gave me!

Hamad Ahmed Abdulla-Doha, Qatar

The memorable experience was the hiking with the following group

me, Devonta, Gabe ,Anna,Tim,Jada. I learned that giving up doesn't

always mean your weak sometimes it means your too strong to let go,

always keep looking forward and having no fear. “The only fear we

have to fear is fear itself.”


Devonta Dickey-Chicago, IL USA

The most memorable experience I had during the trip was the first day in Costa Rica when

everyone played Frisbee and soccer (football) in the rain. I felt like that was the perfect way to

break the ice with the people that I didn’t meet in D.C. That experience was also a great way to

connect everyone together before we actually began our 8-day trip in such a foreign country.

After the returning home from such an awesome trip, I learn how to gain the courage to

interact with new people. When I am around new people, I am

generally quiet and conservative, but I learned how to take

that leap of faith and break the ice with others. I learned that

once you break the ice with strangers, you can grow forever

lasting bonds with them and begin loving them like a family.

Beleicia Bullock-Washington DC, USA

Every day was pretty awesome, but if I had to choose a day it would be the day

where we had a choice to go hiking or to the

beach. I chose to go to the beach and I had a

chance to get to know people that I hadn’t

taken a time to talk. I had a lot of fun doing

various activities such as swimming.

Now that I reflect on the trip two things stand

out to me: one is how quickly we bonded and

the second thing is how much of an impact my

peers had on me. I have traveled with my peers

before but because we didn’t keep in touch

with each other after the trip it had less of an

impact on me. When we were heading to the

airport I knew everyone and I was in tears. I am


truly grateful for all the things QFI had done for me. This was truly a great


Nazeeha Khan-Hawaii USA

The most memorable thing for me was trying new and risky things with

a group of (then) strangers and seeing how all those activities brought

us so much closer to one another. We all had the same fears, worries,

and eagerness. I couldn't have imagined being with a better group.

Honestly. After returning home I've learned that I'm not just the quiet,

safe girl I used to be. There were more layers to me than I could have

imagined. I realized how tired I was being afraid of everything and that I

was letting it all hold me back from really understanding people and life

in general.

Jada Beasley-Chicago, IL USA

Most memorable: EVERY DAY! We did so many cool things while on this

trip and every day we were able to push ourselves to do things most of us

have never done. We also had the opportunity to get closer with each

other every day and learn more about each other.

Learned: I learned that hiking is hard! On a serious note I did learn that

there are so many cool and exciting things out there in the world that you

can't experience unless you go out and explore. I learned so many things

on this trip that I would have would have NEVER learned in Chicago and I

thank QFI for that

Mohammed Subhi -Doha, Qatar

What was the most memorable experience that you had during the trip?

Surfing and surfing again!! What did you learn after returning home from this innovative trip? I learned to always try new things even if i have fear for it. Keep going and try your best.


Asia Lee and Nejat Kedir-Chicago and Seattle, USA

Asia: The most memorable experience was the entire last day because everyone got to interact

with one another during the activities as well as the dinner. I found it amazing how a group of

strangers could just get together and have so much

fun with such a positive vibe.

From this trip, I learned what I am capable of doing.

I've never even imagined myself jumping into the

ocean or holding a snake or surfing or hiking through

forests or even walking across bridges for fun. I faced

a lot of fears this trip, showing me just how

adventurous and open minded I can be. Thanks QFI!!!

You all are amazing!

Nejat: The most memorable experience for me was

snorkeling because I really pushed myself to do

something that I have always been afraid of. It was amazing to have the support of my peers

and staff members.

I have learned a lot during this trip. It was a time of growth in all aspects. I learned about

alternative energy such as solar energy, and geothermal energy. I have learned about the

mangroves and different ecosystems across the board. The title of this trip is “Reef to

Rainforest” and we really have studied ecosystems ranging from

the coral reefs to the Costa Rican rainforest and everything in


Liam Walsh-Boston Mass, USA

The Costa Rica Reef to Rainforest trip was amazing. Thank you so

much to QFI for bringing us all together. One of the most

memorable parts of the trip was all of you. I am honored to have

met and gotten to know so many great people on this trip. I

learned to conquer my fears and really appreciate what was

happening around me even if it was not my favorite thing to do.


To the left: Ahmed Alfateh Ahmed- Wakra,Qatar and left Anna Dodson-Portland, Oregon, USA

Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin instructor- Country Day school Guanacaste Costa Rica


Mohammed At-Thani-Doha Qatar

Jessica Martinez-Boston Mass. USA

Right to left Tim Silva- Chicago Carson Haunt- Portland,


To the left Maryam Al –

Hassan-Chicago USA and

Livia Al Kobayashi -Sao



Julander Al-Shukaili-Doha, Qatar

Gabriel McCrea-Boston Mass. USA

Mohammed Obaidan-Doha,Qatar Wai Sze Chu-Seattle WA,USA

Next page: group pictures by team starting from left to the right on the first row Ahmed,

Julander, Devonta, Belicia Annan Gabe, intern Noura and Arabic teacher Mr. PorcellThe next

group : Mr. Ednan,student Carlos, Wai,intern Mohammed, and Mohammed Obadani, Jada,

Thomader, Hussam and QFI staff Denise



In Washington DC students were put in groups for the final project of this trip which was to

make a video, audio or picture to teach others about an environmental issue that the group is


e about


From left to right


Mohammed, Jessica

Nazeeha and Marwa

Above, Tasnim,Priscila,

Jessica, Liam Darialle,

Ibrahim,Ahme and Jason


Our Incredible Team of Teachers, Chaperons and Interns

Nasser A. Al-Khori QFI staff, Mr Ednana teacher from Qatar Leadership Academy


Chaperons Darielle from Seattle

And Stacy from Boston, to the

Right Ms.Shadda from Doha and

To the right intern Noura Aljurdi



Thank you QFI staff, teachers, Country Day school staff , and interns for your time, energy,

unconditional love and commitment. You truly have made a difference in my life and in my

peer’s life.

Names of individuals from previous page on the top left hand corner Ms. Asma from Doha,

Qatar Dennise from Portland, Mr.Porchally, Lobna from Washington DC and Kasia from Doha


The next row, QFI staff members Jessica and Latrecia Wilson, from Washington DC across Pablo

and Ibrahim from Sao Paulo, Brazil . In the last row we have our Photographic camp instructor

Jay Kinghorn from Washington DC and intern Mohammed from Doha, Qatar


Nejat Kedir

Few Words

I just want to say thank you to QFI for everything. I am really grateful to have been part of such

an exciting trip. I have enjoyed every single aspect of this trip. I have learned a lot about the

world, people and their cultures. But most importantly I have learned valuable lessons on the

pressing issues of our environment and alternative energy sources such as geothermal power

sources. I will always cherish the people I met and the things I learned during this trip. I will

always miss the people that I met during this trip but, “Good friends are like stars. You don’t

always see them but you know that they are there.” Unknown.


90% of the pictures that are in this book belong to students who went on this trip as well as to

the QFI staff. All the stories are written by the students. Please understand that English is not

the first language of most of these students. All what I did was collect the stories and edit

minor grammatical and spelling errors and put them together. I had a lot of support and help

from my best friend and mentor Jessica Chin.