Y be AZfl RearAdmiral Hichborn- Prases P M a nrw nw...

THE GAINESVILLE SUN FEBRUARY 22 it ro t HUH t x x py rw r ra- Y r = = = AINCiVHX- E3tmeatOeteectteru Mner aa er Ae of Ce- rIt K eOXEARY Eiltoraa4 Fablr Twiee Week Sox II a year six iTOTtimaatiitJ U eeata a Use ift am K ajsjata ter each ddl aiftrHwaaeam far three aiawiat at ipeelal tutee fc wlW IMatUSV- IT n to alia M- M M- HA 1 teHw ISM la aaa at RaaSfi aaal VB w lMn1a CfjvMJ live at UM White LS e sjf Kaifltta el feet la M- M Fatort Yank 14U- iflujiHigiii keen gated the Wv2 aW BW pM W- HfilHfl If D Swift 0 at WMMwftM D O Bilf rfwfmi Sprtap ails lawriw- twi B a MCvaktSl AotwttiM iw M MM Jean AI IMMV I ts the hfMe Tits woo Maria Monroe Lewi Mies Eaetea Tyler Hellle Graat zany FlMI The lees MtM PraMie la UM aaarrieel to PneMeat- TharaHffeasjaafOiite it Is Mid will ft ft ieent because the LtjUlat re red seed the fare to The railroad of Ohio can sorry passengera for a mile than the Florid trade far thre seat and oae of road bees ffiviag a 2 Mrvlee for several years J O LaFoBtisee for a loag time lU r ef The Sun sad reeeatly SJltaf beanie pacltien ea The Times Uatosi kM a M aMletaai doter of The IsdMtrial Reseed FtofMas greatest trade Ml Mr LaFeatl e I well kaowa- IB this city where he resided with hla f r year and him Mil ktttlteat taaa He will M a MM ass oa The Record M fee fa ttefMfklj eoareraaat with kM ft ttaif tomlty ef eiprig kita be l M 11fIL 1 j tr nw nrw r- IM IOe oiiI Iltftl- tf tile I 12 ad f r 1- AS 1 f 0 f j J4i bet t f f L f f 7 1 r iL HI tr r iI tf t Is 111 wp- J lr llI I she i ft1oI t t 1 frll UW f t l her she Net 1 rII- t r 1 t l R 1 J II- I lei Ie t 11 a r the k t- In Chat nil tie I MIl G MJI Ole lee to h- OWe opted rimier posit reT per la TMdla Sa g AZfl d ay dsy a4 f- MIil i a a Tier PCUPT16X has a pca le- y o aureate 1 l fed apes iadstketiea hearted 9wQewpew Las Yi lfrie flleeZ- ksr 11 M- p A S1Y- Y iiier- tee a M eN rase 1 N stir rN ttlNMe a a- bl wsureelad etrtr- M IbBk N snarly dlaaads- r MIIiMY- M7v W1s N tint bsIdM whlelyte- bb Ns bled JiI rte lag NMI S Nils will di i pitN9i this N testy e x Aisaal hat bac 1N- 1ilr eni iron tie N ws et She beet find M- e Islhtal N ss M she- psissINsiss tt liahNs Ayhas a1la bsea dig n4 MI AiMw lie as tssa twM NtArw9ad kills a seratiw- 1lMfM li MS 4sksM ales Slowed isN aid Nit liille daM1 papers tiltli sad has a tit tapbtsYd teaNa Ol ee Lssgwsls wedding party led Is bs ter- NMfeltNa 1 Nittli N saels ep ieed Wait Ibis JIWMw PYs d tuft d risjtil M npsidt- 1N IP S d ledIee ehg art he sift vie st Ike e- is s esMrjs- L here k 1 r of T has Nbrek IKNss aa1e1 step la All teeth r While was l lM Tedt1 s Jabs Jaken- as hale lashes ale was Vol- es p e has ewe eeate halter state SW each Irate seat sky a se Joe passes has a she t I ie F > > < < = = ° < ° ° + + + < PRIMARY DATES D U Fleteaer chairman of the State Demeeratie Eiecutlve Commit tw ha satire the call for the corn Ittee to met in Jnekfonrillf Satur- day February 24th to flff the for holding the primarv election for Bominatloa of the State and county efitaer At meeting of the committee the dates will be filed fur holding the pri- mary editions for the nomination of State aad county officer and the for conducting the same will alo decided apes will be the flat m ting of the coaamittee for more than a year The last meeting was for the purpose of greets open proposed amcdments to the primary election law The Slle primary law re ejalre that at thirty days notice shall gives ia some newspaper or by fesjMhig ia each ward er preeiaet of the kalilag of each eleetioa for the aora- laatlea of aaadtdatet- Tfce ejalliag of the at this MM I bolas ky souse aelitieaa to- aie a early primaries this U sot Mltlte M the committee it i- tktMfjkt kf stay will ae call them writer thee limo lit Tke ariaMry two year ago wa held early the Ira ea May lOtk aid mJaaeTtb date were eJalate1 that they were very iaeeave talent o the farmer ef the State This meetteg hewerer will hen the teaveaey to briag sat the a liatM tar may Men State tor sad reareeratative rail eematlHieBer ete WILL MODIFY PARCEL POST It will bo ef stereos to all farmers AB the tint testes and te the mer- ekaat geaerally ta knew that aa a Mlltai ketag etarted Wa- iafjlea te Modify the peat kill M seek a way that It will act dteriml all aaaiaat the small or city ass sad still give the tarter the tame aaeanre pro aeeee to have the rival deliver all Mall aaal amekeadlee aa to cloves aeaed to their ea their re apostle taste provided the package fa Mailed aft tke effee tract which the rival treat cascade la ezplaaatlea it to stated this B- OBMrekaadite that te mailed outside tkeaeaaty la which the rote eper aaa ke delivered ky the carriers warkteic at it deetiaaiiea This Ike acaiUag ef Merekaaatee ky the large atalllag heosee la the larger aisles aid will remove the priaeipal- kjeettea that bees raised to the general bill as originally For iMUBee the wail house of Jaekoavlll eaa seed out good only through Duval county The keaeeeef Gaiaesville likewise under Ike sew plan could send merchandise Ikreagk the la towas IB Ala ekaa eeuaty Under the old plan the bill Intended te ekarge a stamp tax of an eaaee er sixteen eeat a poaad This pries too hard ea the far ater and it te accord lagly plaaaed to trek the aaiferM tax three site a Cad with BO package weigh sieve posse EDUCATIONAL MEETING The National Educational Asoeia ties meeting at LoaUville Ky 27th te Marsh lit 1108 will of- fer the follewiag low rate from the varies chin of State for the 1949 Palatka 22 06 The trains will leave Jacksonville at 742 p a and 9li a aa February 21th to 26th The route I the Railway and berth rates to Laahville will be 5 60 For ref vatioa J O Lusk D P A Jacksonville Fl- aMozteys Elixir THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE Pot Conillpslin Ilitloutar In- dlcrttion Sour Stomaih Colic DixilacM UratUrhr n i ftnythi- acu eJ by JUorUeicJ sects Rrnom That Drowsy Fitting by put tine your iligMtlve orftttt to work ioctctiinK your appetite la fact nuke you feel MJfJf- cirf ft00 t r- I all Brug Jtor rul len D I e I W I 18 lee Th post business coat le se lie IBI rea rip Ocala I Pall Lemen Is like- N a din this s fir his nit bet tern seaaal The appeoetZ by assay eewpepen who t a lag fwd aetW para taw hula seder pair sic pro- tease has parrots seggeated bilks ose sand Feb- ruary this Jsekaonville2040 address a and tor ese ea GseLssa ¬ < > > RearAdmiral Hichborn- riiiia JI w- P P rases i r J I ADMIRAL WORDS CARRY WEIGHT EARADMIRAL HIGHBORN u oae of the but knowa admirals of our navy HI statement ceaeerain Peruna will have much welch a It oat Into the world What be say hi echoed by maay other naval officer of high standing WHAT THE ADMIRAL AY8 Philip Hlehbora RearAdmlral United States Navy writes from Washtagtoa OC at follow After the ma Perumm for m jwrfef I CM it w cAMrvJfr ncmmcmj your valuable nmtjy to mmym w 4c a f o M lavJgvr allay INk jy MkJatere I AN EVERPRESENT FOE The soldier and the tailor are especially subject to catarrh In tome form or phase Exposed a they are to constant changes subject a they are to various vicissitudes and all kinds of climate wet and dry sight and day they find catarrh to be their insidious aid foe la the barrack and oa the field Peruna I equally efficacious Takea at once after exposure It should prevent catching eold PCRUNA A RELIABLE REMEDY After a cold become established Peruna will break- it up a quickly a any other remedy known Even after a cold become settled la tomo organ of the body Peraaa caa be relied upon to promptly dispel Peruna will relieve catarrh whether acute or chronic but a few duc taken la the tint stages of the disease will fee wore effective than when the duce has become chronic If you safer from catarrh In any form do not neglect it Take Peraaa at onc Delays In ueh matters are dan- gerous goes J I 1 I I 11 It of shed la a most eerpre eat L has has > ¬ WELL PLEASED The winter visitor to who came hero to attend the Bible Conference hare been well pleased with the conducted during the past week and many have attend- ed Those who have been topping here for health and recuperation have improved the opportunity offered to hear these able speakers and expresi themselves well repaid for the time thus spent The Conference 10 far been a success and all who have attended have not been compelled to contribute any mosey but a freewill offering ha been takes and those who have felt o disposed have contributed It is sel- dom that people have the opportunity- to hear a dollar lecture for ten cents but oa this occasion they here enjoyed that privilege or they could hear them for nothing jutt as they felt Inclined FARM NOTES A turkey today is north a much money a sheep a ft w year ago To sum it up in ten word Wiii make good road loud ruail makt hauling ei y Since the avenge cow ray 110 profit and t i average hen 1 ten hens tqnal one and tint bring true mathematics how ninny mangy sheepkillinR dugs qrjal a A a meat for the farm there is nothing which beats the 1600pounJ draft colt which sells for ten cents a pound It brings twice as the steer ad costa but little more to produce Out of every 100 people la the Unit e4 States 53 are farmer The value of farm interests eiceedi twenty billi oa dollar of railroads than twelve billiON and of factories leut- fefta billiaa No woader the far as a- far a- Jar 1 proposition meek I Gainesville servers has was tires cow hone aver- age sea three year old less via ¬ ¬ CHRONIC CATARRH Of THROAT was trouhl d with catarrh of the throat particularly and suffered considerably as a result thereof fur a of about five years and my general health was affected SOUGHT CHANGE OF CLIMATE Three years ago I forced to give up business and took up my residence la the Westera country looking for relief in change of climate as well a a change la the method of treatment for my ailment RELIEF IN PERUNA After much expense both hut and In the Went I was by a friend to try Peruna I continued the u c of It for about live weeks at the end of which time I returinil to New York both well and happy Wm H Switzcr t K- Sard street New York City I USED PERUNA IN HIS FAMILY- I have used Peruna in my family with very satisfactory results for the last two years hid I have recommended it to all whom I think are in need of It I urge all who are afflicted to buy a bottle and begin use at once I have never heard of any who have used it to be dissatisfied with the W Harris boa 9B Basic City Va member AV A A M A TYPICAL TESTIMONIAL- Mr J H Ualbralth Wet Second Are Columbus Ohio writes I have been a sufferer of catarrh of the stomach and kid aeys for seven years Doctor did me no good and after Peruaa for six months at Intervals believe I am curl My appetite returned I sleep well and work every day 1 always have It la the house No rcnudy ever yet devised ha received web unstinted eulogy from so renowned statesmen and military as Peruua have oa lIe thousand of testimonials like those given nerve V ran give our renders only a dimpw of tho vast array of vudureiavuU Dr llitrtmau is rvcuiviutf 1 I period I I I I I i I I I r 10 tak- Ing mans a- Wl f j 9 was in- duced its malts Frank r i r < + = mer in Amori n a person of I The department of sericulture of Ireland appropriates a sum of money- in each county annually for poultry There are now employ- ed thirty introctreet in poultry keeping and meetings are held for the instruction of poultry keeper The department special renters for dtt tributiun of eggs of the breeds I The jurymen in the Greene and Gay nor care have commenced to give out and court adjourned for a day Mutt be a terrible strain on them when Hob Smith Howell and all the boys are having a good time to be obliged to it there all day THE WOODS couldnt to pay more r didnt care tf50 all the style of a Shoe at twice the calf enamel and patent leather Come and see our and try them L C SMITH North Side Square Gainesville Fla t I improvement I fall of plain serviceable ShOt but plain just man 0 than Our new hut Sh impor- tance has best was H Are 1350 theyre always as the oho afford 1350 Shoes ii > Toe Un Supreme Court ha decided the care which allows Chi- cago to drain her into the Mississippi river A the water passes through the Chicago sanitary canal and down the Illinois river it wont have much flee on the Miisiioippi- WeScH si lowest Factory p7Tccs EASY TERMS WcPajirreijIit And Guanffr SatisfactIon tesTRUHCNT5 TAU l EXCHANGE Wn t f rfuiPaff trs And Callo ue J or t IIMUI PIANOS OR ORGANS NO AGENTS sin Lil MH- UGEOSHACKERSON MANUPACTUHEKS OF and Building MaterialrC- HAICLBSTONN C Sash nights Cord Oirdnre B M HACKEE Pnroriitor i PIA f4 1 A C U Un n4ill Z5 J r Ole > i j II 11 t f I r II i- II e I AND GLASS ted States sewerage t t 1 t 3125 Upward I Isle t P r i iktnddrrr y 7 h ¬ < =

Transcript of Y be AZfl RearAdmiral Hichborn- Prases P M a nrw nw...

Page 1: Y be AZfl RearAdmiral Hichborn- Prases P M a nrw nw MIilufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01403/00765.pdf · lashes ale was Vol-es p e has ewe eeate halter state SW each Irate




x py rw r ra-


= = =


E3tmeatOeteectteruMner aa er Ae of Ce-

rIt K eOXEARY Eiltoraa4 Fablr

Twiee Week Sox II a year six

iTOTtimaatiitJ U eeata a Useift am K ajsjata ter each ddl

aiftrHwaaeam far threeaiawiat at ipeelal tutee

fcwlW IMatUSV-

IT n

to alia

M-M M-


teHw ISM

la aaa at

RaaSfi aaalVB w

lMn1a CfjvMJ live

at UM White

LS e sjf Kaifltta elfeet la M-

M Fatort Yank 14U-

iflujiHigiii keen gated theWv2 a W BW pM W-

HfilHfl If D Swift 0 atWMMwftM D O

Bilf rfwfmi Sprtap ails lawriw-twi B a MCvaktSl AotwttiM

iw M MM Jean AI

IMMV I ts thehfMe Tits

woo Maria MonroeLewi Mies Eaetea

Tyler Hellle Graat zanyFlMI The lees MtM PraMie

la UM aaarrieel to PneMeat-

TharaHffeasjaafOiite it Is Mid will

ft ft ieent because theLtjUlat re red seed the fare to

The railroad of Ohio cansorry passengera for

a mile than the Floridtrade far thre seat and oae of

road bees ffiviag a 2Mrvlee for several years

J O LaFoBtisee for a loag timelU r ef The Sun sad reeeatly

SJltaf beanie pacltien ea The TimesUatosi kM aM aMletaai doter of The IsdMtrialReseed FtofMas greatest tradeMl Mr LaFeatl e I well kaowa-IB this city where he resided with hla

f r year and himMil ktttlteat taaa Hewill M a MM ass oa The RecordM fee fa ttefMfklj eoareraaat with

kM ft ttaif tomlty ef eiprig kita



1j tr nwnrw


IMIOe oiiI





r 1-




0 fj

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7 1r







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f t l her sheNet

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I lei Iet 11 a


the kt-

In Chat










opted rimier posit


la TMdla



AZfld ay dsy a4 f-

MIil i a

a Tier PCUPT16X

has a pca le-

y o aureate1


apesiadstketiea hearted

9wQewpew LasYi

lfrie flleeZ-ksr 11 M-

p A S1Y-Y iiier-

tee aM eN rase 1 N

stir rN ttlNMe a a-

bl wsureelad etrtr-M IbBk N snarly dlaaads-

r MIIiMY-M7v

W1s N tint bsIdM whlelyte-bb Ns bled JiI rte lag

NMI S Nils will dii

pitN9i this N testye x Aisaal hat bac 1N-

1ilr eni iron tie

N ws et She beetfind M-

e Islhtal N ss M she-psissINsiss


liahNs Ayhas a1la bsea dign4 MI AiMw lie as tssa twM

NtArw9ad kills a seratiw-1lMfM li MS 4sksM ales Slowed

isN aid Nit liille daM1 paperstiltli sad has

a tit tapbtsYd


Ol ee Lssgwsls wedding partyled Is bs ter-

NMfeltNa1 Nittli N saels ep ieed

Wait Ibis

JIWMw PYs d tuft

d risjtil M npsidt-1NIP Sd ledIee ehgart he sift vie st Ike e-

is s esMrjs-

L here

k1 r of


hasNbrek IKNss aa1e1 step

la All teethr While was

l lM Tedt1 s Jabs Jaken-as halelashes ale

was Vol-



ewe eeatehalter stateSW each





passes hasa

she t



















D U Fleteaer chairman of theState Demeeratie Eiecutlve Committw ha satire the call for the corn

Ittee to met in Jnekfonrillf Satur-day February 24th to flff the forholding the primarv election forBominatloa of the State and countyefitaer

At meeting of the committee thedates will be filed fur holding the pri-

mary editions for the nomination ofState aad county officer and thefor conducting the same will alodecided apes

will be the flat m ting of thecoaamittee for more than a year Thelast meeting was for the purpose ofgreets open proposed amcdments

to the primary election lawThe Slle primary law re

ejalre that at thirty days noticeshall gives ia some newspaper or byfesjMhig ia each ward er preeiaet of thekalilag of each eleetioa for the aora-laatlea of aaadtdatet-

Tfce ejalliag of the at thisMM I bolas ky souse aelitieaa to-

aie a early primaries this U sotMltlte M the committee it i-

tktMfjkt kf stay will ae call themwriter thee limo lit

Tke ariaMry two year ago wa heldearly the Ira ea May lOtk aid

mJaaeTtb date were

eJalate1 that they were very iaeeavetalent o the farmer ef the State

This meetteg hewerer willhen the teaveaey to briag sat thea liatM tar may Men State

tor sad reareeratative raileematlHieBer ete


It will bo ef stereos to all farmersAB the tint testes and te the mer-

ekaat geaerally ta knew that aa aMlltai ketag etarted Wa-

iafjlea te Modify the peat killM seek a way that It will act dterimlall aaaiaat the small or city

ass sad still give the tarterthe tame aaeanre proaeeee to have the rival deliverall Mall aaal amekeadlee aa to clovesaeaed to their ea their reapostle taste provided the packagefa Mailed aft tke effee tract which therival treat cascade

la ezplaaatlea it to stated this B-OBMrekaadite that te mailed outsidetkeaeaaty la which the rote eper

aaa ke delivered ky the carrierswarkteic at it deetiaaiiea This

Ike acaiUag ef Merekaaatee kythe large atalllag heosee la the largeraisles aid will remove the priaeipal-kjeettea that bees raised to the

general bill as originally

For iMUBee the wail house ofJaekoavlll eaa seed out good onlythrough Duval county Thekeaeeeef Gaiaesville likewise underIke sew plan could send merchandiseIkreagk the la towas IB Alaekaa eeuaty

Under the old plan the bill Intendedte ekarge a stamp tax of aneaaee er sixteen eeat a poaad Thispries too hard ea the farater and it te accord lagly plaaaed totrek the aaiferM tax three site aCad with BO package weigh

sieve posse


The National Educational Asoeiaties meeting at LoaUville Ky

27th te Marsh lit 1108 will of-

fer the follewiag low rate from thevaries chin of State for the

1949 Palatka 22 06 The trains willleave Jacksonville at 742 p a and9li a aa February 21th to 26th Theroute I the Railway and

berth ratesto Laahville will be 5 60 For refvatioa J O Lusk D P AJacksonville Fl-



Pot Conillpslin Ilitloutar In-

dlcrttion Sour Stomaih ColicDixilacM UratUrhr n i ftnythi-acu eJ by JUorUeicJ sectsRrnom

That Drowsy Fittingby put tine your iligMtlve orfttttto work ioctctiinK your appetite

la fact nuke you feelMJfJf-

cirf ft00 t r-I all Brug Jtor


len D






lee Th




le se lie


rea rip Ocala















ternseaaal TheappeoetZ by assay eewpepen who

ta lag



















ese ea GseLssa





RearAdmiral Hichborn-


JI w-

P Prases i rJ



EARADMIRAL HIGHBORN u oae of the butknowa admirals of our navy

HI statement ceaeerain Peruna will have muchwelch a It oat Into the world

What be say hi echoed by maay other naval officer ofhigh standing


Philip Hlehbora RearAdmlral United States Navywrites from Washtagtoa O C at follow

After the ma Perumm for m jwrfef ICM it w cAMrvJfr ncmmcmj your valuablenmtjy to mmym w 4c a f o M lavJgvrallay INk jy MkJatere


The soldier and the tailor are especially subject tocatarrh In tome form or phase

Exposed a they are to constant changes subject a theyare to various vicissitudes and all kinds of climate wetand dry sight and day they find catarrh to be theirinsidious aid foe

la the barrack and oa the field Peruna I equallyefficacious

Takea at once after exposure It should prevent catchingeold


After a cold become established Peruna will break-it up a quickly a any other remedy known

Even after a cold become settled la tomo organ ofthe body Peraaa caa be relied upon to promptly dispel

Peruna will relieve catarrh whether acute or chronicbut a few duc taken la the tint stages of the disease willfee wore effective than when the duce has becomechronic

If you safer from catarrh In any form do not neglect itTake Peraaa at onc Delays In ueh matters are dan-gerous








of shed

la a

mosteerpre eat






The winter visitor towho came hero to attend the BibleConference hare been well pleasedwith the conducted duringthe past week and many have attend-ed Those who have been toppinghere for health and recuperation haveimproved the opportunity offered tohear these able speakers and expresithemselves well repaid for the timethus spent

The Conference 10 far been asuccess and all who have attendedhave not been compelled to contributeany mosey but a freewill offering habeen takes and those who have felt odisposed have contributed It is sel-

dom that people have the opportunity-to hear a dollar lecture for ten centsbut oa this occasion they here enjoyedthat privilege or they could hear themfor nothing jutt as they felt Inclined


A turkey today is north a muchmoney a sheep a ft w year ago

To sum it up in ten word Wiiimake good road loud ruail

makt hauling ei y

Since the avenge cow ray 110profit and t i average hen 1

ten hens tqnal one and tintbring true mathematics how ninnymangy sheepkillinR dugs qrjal a

A a meat for thefarm there is nothing which beats

the 1600pounJ draft colt which sellsfor ten cents a pound It brings twice

as the steerad costa but little more to produce

Out of every 100 people la the Unite4 States 53 are farmer The valueof farm interests eiceedi twenty billioa dollar of railroads thantwelve billiON and of factories leut-

fefta billiaa No woader the far



far a-














sea three year old






was trouhl d with catarrh of the throat particularlyand suffered considerably as a result thereof fur a ofabout five years and my general health was affected


Three years ago I forced to give up business andtook up my residence la the Westera country looking forrelief in change of climate as well a a change la the methodof treatment for my ailment


After much expense both hut and In the Went I wasby a friend to try Peruna I continued the u c of It

for about live weeks at the end of which time I returinil toNew York both well and happy Wm H Switzcr t K-

Sard street New York City


I have used Peruna in my family with very satisfactoryresults for the last two years hid I have recommendedit to all whom I think are in need of It

I urge all who are afflicted to buy a bottle and beginuse at once I have never heard of any who have used it tobe dissatisfied with the W Harris boa 9B

Basic City Va member A V A A M

A TYPICAL TESTIMONIAL-Mr J H Ualbralth Wet Second Are Columbus

Ohio writesI have been a sufferer of catarrh of the stomach and kid

aeys for seven years Doctor did me no good and afterPeruaa for six months at Intervals believe I am curl

My appetite returned I sleep well and work every day 1always have It la the house

No rcnudy ever yet devised ha received web unstintedeulogy from so renowned statesmen and militaryas Peruua

have oa lIe thousand of testimonials like those givennerve V ran give our renders only a dimpw of tho vastarray of vudureiavuU Dr llitrtmau is rvcuiviutf









I r



mans a-

Wl f







malts Frankr






mer in Amori n a person ofI

The department of sericulture ofIreland appropriates a sum of money-in each county annually for poultry

There are now employ-ed thirty introctreet in poultrykeeping and meetings are held for theinstruction of poultry keeper Thedepartment special renters for dtttributiun of eggs of the breeds

I The jurymen in the Greene and Gaynor care have commenced to give outand court adjourned for a dayMutt be a terrible strain on themwhen Hob Smith Howell and all theboys are having a good time to beobliged to it there all day


couldnt to pay morer

didnt care

tf50 all thestyle of a Shoe at twice thecalf enamel and patent leather Comeand see our and try them

L C SMITHNorth Side Square Gainesville Fla





fall of plain serviceableShOt but plainjust man 0than

Our new hut






Are 1350theyre alwaysas the oho

afford 1350



> Toe Un Supreme Courtha decided the care which allows Chi-cago to drain her into theMississippi river A the water passesthrough the Chicago sanitary canaland down the Illinois river it wonthave much flee on the Miisiioippi-

WeScH si lowest Factory p7Tccs

EASY TERMSWcPajirreijIit And Guanffr SatisfactIon


Wn t f rfuiPaff trs And Callo ue Jor t IIMUI



and Building MaterialrC-HAICLBSTONN C

Sash nights Cord Oirdnre

B M HACKEE Pnroriitor


PIA f4 1

A CU Un n4ill

Z5 J


>i j

II 11 tf








ted States



t 1 t

3125 Upward

I Isle


P r i iktnddrrr y




