Xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx · Three Ways Healthy Mirror Talk Changes Your Story 1. Catching Your Thoughts As...


Transcript of Xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx · Three Ways Healthy Mirror Talk Changes Your Story 1. Catching Your Thoughts As...

Page 2: Xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx · Three Ways Healthy Mirror Talk Changes Your Story 1. Catching Your Thoughts As Soon As You Wake Up Every morning I invite you to switch negative thoughts to ones


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Page 3: Xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx · Three Ways Healthy Mirror Talk Changes Your Story 1. Catching Your Thoughts As Soon As You Wake Up Every morning I invite you to switch negative thoughts to ones


Every morning is an opportunity to go a new way because after a night of sleep you’ve let go of all that “stuff”  and wake up to a fresh start to have more room to change the way you’re thinking. This starts with the conversation you have with yourself each day. We can choose to start where we left off the night before or choose to go a new way. 

I love the practice of creating “healthy mirror talk” so you’re consciously building a new habit to be as loving and kind to YOU as you are to everyone else.    I tell clients in my coaching practice to start healthy mirror talk every morning and every evening as they get ready for the day or wind down for bed.

This is a powerful way to lighten your vibe, up the attraction, and to truly come into your own confidence. That’s because you get to decide your worth and what it is you deserve. As you learn to love and approve of yourself- he does too. You determine your value, not him or anyone else! This starts with small steady changes to create the big shifts we desire.

Hi, there!Welcome to Jen Michelle Coaching!


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Three Ways Healthy Mirror Talk Changes Your Story

1. Catching Your Thoughts As Soon As You Wake Up

Every morning I invite you to switch negative thoughts to ones of

appreciation. This looks like instead of “I wonder what he’s thinking….”  

You can catch this pattern at the start and immediately shift it to: 

“Today is going to be an amazing day for me.” 

If that feels untrue or if you feel any resistance around it, saying it as

something we’re moving towards helps with that.

Example: “I’m getting closer to having the love I want everyday. “

When we start our day inside a man’s head or by making ourselves not good

enough, smart enough, pretty enough, thin enough, you name it...Not only

does it feel terrible, but we unintentionally create this reality. 

That’s because when we feel bad about ourselves, we take action from this

space. This is the perspective we’re approaching the situation from, so our

feelings and actions follow it. This energy is one of not being “enough” or

one of trying to prove or earn a man’s approval and acceptance.

 A man can feel this and it exudes a vibe of heaviness, working too hard, and

he’ll feel at a gut level that you’ve put him on a pedestal and lowered


Counter this with Healthy Mirror Talk when you start getting ready for the


I like my hair today. I like my shirt today. I like my skin

I appreciate my healthy body. 

Take your time and feel into each one...


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Notice how this sends your mind in a different direction, and as a result it

sends how you feel in a completely new direction. 

Suddenly you start to feel lighter, prettier, more confident, less critical, and

more loving because you’re shifting what you’re focused on to create more

of what you like. 

It creates a high vibe feeling within you each day where you’re back on the

pedestal, and you don’t need anyone’s approval to have the love you know

deep down you deserve. 

 It just takes awareness and practice!

  As you start changing the way you talk to yourself, you’ll start to notice

changes in the way you’re treated.  You will start to feel loved, cherished,

and adored because a man will feel that he’s with a high value woman who

loves herself more than the relationship. This is what a masculine energy

man needs to feel in order to ignite and inspire his attraction in a powerful

way. He needs to feel that a woman loves herself and isn’t afraid to lose him

if he isn’t treating her right. She loves and accepts herself, so he does too. 

We get to decide and teach men how to treat us by the way we treat


2. Give Gratitude When You Shower

When you’re in the shower or doing something routine, it’s easy for the mind

to slip back into negative thinking, find something to worry about, or finding

something that’s wrong. We can easily start falling into the comparison trap

and start telling ourselves we’re not good enough. 

So instead, we want to choose to look for evidence of the opposite. 

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I’m grateful for my health and wellbeing. 

I’m grateful for my strong body that supports me doing things I love


I am grateful for a hot shower, for my house, car, etc. 

I am grateful for my pet, child, friends, family, etc. 


There are so many ways to feel into appreciation and gratitude for all we

have, we just have to choose to focus on it and feel into it more and more.

As we lean into feeling good and turn towards feeling happy about all that

we have now, we create opportunities for more good things to come our


A masculine energy man can’t wait to contribute to an already happy and

appreciative woman. 

He just doesn’t want to be responsible for it! Gratitude immediately lightens

and softens us, it completely shifts our perspective to one of abundance!

We feel our worth and are empowered in an entirely new way.

3. Take A Technology Breather  

Do you start the day with getting on your phone or computer to quickly scan

or check the news headlines or hop on social media?

Do you see a post that immediately makes you start comparing yourself to

someone else? Or do you read ten negative things that happened overnight

and feel your heart sink?

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Healthy mirror talk expands past the time when we’re in the mirror and

getting ready for the day. 

If we stop practicing choosing to feel good, we can easily get sucked into

everything that’s wrong instead of everything that’s right. Fear, lack,

judgment, and comparison will try to get our attention, yet if we have

awareness around it we can choose to move away from things that lower us

or make us feel bad. Things like:

Who is he with?

What if he does this?

What if he doesn’t do that?

Before we know it, we’re focused on all the wrong things, the things we

don’t want!

I know for myself, I can’t get on my phone, computer, or turn the television

on in the morning. 

Each day I set an intention for how I want to feel. 

With some practice, I’ve found ways that help me feel my best:

Quiet time to have coffee by myself and read something uplifting for 15

minutes or so.

Writing about what I want to do each day, and notice how I feel as I do this. I

start to get inspired, excited, and let go of what isn’t supporting me.

Getting out of my husband or other people’s heads, I only know what they

choose to share. 

Choosing to be in the moment instead of worrying about the things I have

no control over. 

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I love to savor the quiet time to myself, so I notice if I’m wanting to rush, or

move onto the next thing too quickly. 

I then slow myself down, and give myself permission to just be in the

moment. It’s truly  the simple things that bring us joy and set the tone of our

day. We get to decide. 

What are some ways you can set your day up to create more of what you

want everyday?

If you could use some tools around creating a healthier, loving, and more

compassionate version of yourself, contact me HERE for a discover call to

see if I can help you with your specific situation.


Join my Facebook or LinkedIn groups to receive tips and tools to change

your situation quickly and start creating the love you desire. 


Jen Michelle