X–ray resonant Raman scattering in light elements and - eThesis

epartment de Physique Universit´ e de Fribourg (Suisse) X–ray resonant Raman scattering in light elements and Relative detection efficiency of Charge Coupled Devices TH ` ESE Pr´ esent´ ee `a la Facult´ e des Sciences de l’Universit´ e de Fribourg (Suisse) pour l’obtention du grade de Doctor rerum naturalium Jakub Szlachetko Pologne Num´ ero de la th` ese: 1568 Saint–Paul (2007)

Transcript of X–ray resonant Raman scattering in light elements and - eThesis

Page 1: X–ray resonant Raman scattering in light elements and - eThesis

Department de PhysiqueUniversite de Fribourg (Suisse)

X–ray resonant Raman scattering

in light elements


Relative detection efficiency

of Charge Coupled Devices


Presentee a la Faculte des Sciences de l’Universite de Fribourg (Suisse)

pour l’obtention du grade de

Doctor rerum naturalium

Jakub Szlachetko


Numero de la these: 1568



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Page 3: X–ray resonant Raman scattering in light elements and - eThesis

”Nauka jest jak niezmierne morze

Im wiecej jej pijesz, tym bardziej jestes spragniony”Stefan Zeromski

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Resume 7

Abstract 11

Part I:

Relative detection efficiency of back– and front–illuminated CCDcameras for x–rays between 1 keV and 18 keV


Part II:

High–resolution study of x–ray resonant Raman scattering at the

K–edge of silicon47

High–resolution study of the x–ray resonant Raman scattering pro-cess around the 1s absorption edge for aluminium, silicon and their



List of publications 83

Curriculum vitae 87

Acknowledgments 89

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Page 7: X–ray resonant Raman scattering in light elements and - eThesis

Resume 7


Cette these de doctorat comprend deux projets de recherche qui se rattachent au domaine

de la physique atomique, plus precisement a celui des couches atomiques internes. Le pre-

mier projet est consacre a une etude des efficacites relatives pour la detection de rayons X de

deux cameras CCD de type different, l’une de type ”front–illuminated”, l’autre de type ”back–

illuminated”. Le second projet concerne la diffusion Raman resonnante de rayons X. Cette

etude est elle–meme subdivisee en deux parties, la premiere concernant la diffusion Raman sur

un echantillon de silicium, la seconde reprenant des resultats de la premiere etude d’une facon

plus approfondie et l’etendant a d’autres echantillons (Al, Al2O3, SiO2).

Efficacite relative de cameras CCD de type ”back–illuminated” et ”front–

illuminated” pour la detection de rayons X entre 1 keV et 18 keV

Les detecteurs CCD sont utilises dans un grand nombre de domaines scientifiques differents,

en particulier dans celui de la spectroscopie X de haute resolution. Cependant, pour une analyse

detaillee des donnees acquises avec de tels detecteurs, leur reponse spectrale doit etre connue

de facon precise. En vue de choisir le detecteur le plus judicieux pour le projet de diffusion Ra-

man, les performances de CCD ”back–illuminated” et ”front–illuminated” ont ete determinees

et comparees pour une serie de rayons X caracteristiques d’energie comprise entre 1 keV et 18

keV. Les mesures ont ete realisees a Fribourg au moyen d’un spectrometre a cristal incurve

de type von Hamos, utilisant le premier CCD, puis le second, pour la detection des rayons X

diffractes. A partir de ces mesures, l’efficacite de transfert de charges, la linearite de la reponse

en energie, le niveau du bruit et l’efficacite quantique des deux detecteurs ont ete determines.

Il a ete trouve que les performances du CCD ”front–illuminated” etaient amoindries par un

probleme lie au transfert de charge alors que la camera ”back–illuminated” souffrait, elle, d’un

effet de partage des charges entre plusieurs pixels, cet effet de ”charge splitting” touchant aussi

l’autre detecteur mais de facon moindre et surtout pour des photons de plus haute energie.

Pour resoudre ces problemes des logiciels de correction d’images ont ete developpes, lesquels ont

permis d’ameliorer considerablement l’efficacite quantique des deux detecteurs.

La dependance en energie du ”splitting effect” a ete etudiee pour les deux cameras. Les

differences ont pu etre expliquees par des simulations de Monte–Carlo. Il a ete demontre en

particulier que cet effet avait lieu dans la partie ”field free” du CCD, laquelle est situee du

cote de la face irradiee pour le CCD ”back–illuminated” et a l’oppose pour le CCD ”front–

illuminated”. Ceci a permis de comprendre pourquoi cet effet ne varie pas de la meme maniere

avec l’energie des photons pour les deux detecteurs.

A partir de l’intensite des raies de fluorescence mesurees, le rapport d’efficacite quantique des

deux CCD a pu etre obtenu en fonction de l’energie des rayons X incidents. Les resultats ont

montre que la camera ”back–illuminated” est plus efficace jusqu’a environ 4.5 keV alors qu’au–

dessus de cette energie, la camera ”front–illuminated” est superieure, un rapport d’efficacite

quantique d’environ 2.5 etant observe aux energies les plus hautes. Les resultats obtenus dans

University of Fribourg Ph. D. thesis Jakub Szlachetko

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8 Resume

cette premiere etude ont revetu une importance particuliere pour la realisation du projet de

diffusion Raman, indiquant que pour les energies inferieures a 2 keV correspondant aux photons

Raman de l’Al et du Si, la camera ”back–illuminated” etait clairement la plus appropriee.

Les resultats de cette etude ont ete soumis recemment pour publication dans le journal Re-

view of Scientific Instruments.

Diffusion Raman resonnante de rayons X pour l’aluminium, le silicium et leur oxyde

La diffusion Raman resonnante est un processus de 2eme ordre dans lequel un photon inci-

dent est absorbe par l’atome puis reemis par ce dernier. Plus precisement, un electron du cœur

de l’atome est photo–excite dans un etat lie juste au–dessus du niveau de Fermi. L’etat in-

termediaire virtuel se desexcite quasi–instantanement, la lacune de cœur etant comblee par un

electron provenant d’une autre couche profonde plus exterieure. Cette transition electronique

est accompagnee de l’emission simultanee d’un photon. La diffusion de Raman est peu prob-

able sauf si le photon incident possede une energie inferieure mais tres proche de l’un des

bords d’absorption de l’echantillon irradie. Dans ce cas, le processus devient un phenomene

de resonance et sa probabilite augmente de plusieurs ordres de grandeur. La diffusion Raman

resonnante de rayons X (XRRS en abrege) represente une methode efficace pour etudier la

structure electronique des solides. De ce point de vue, la methode XRRS est complementaire

aux techniques basees sur l’absorption de rayons X.

Dans le cas particulier du silicium, l’etude experimentale du processus XRRS presente un

interet supplementaire important. La fabrication de monocristaux de Si de plus en plus purs est

l’une des priorites de l’industrie des semi–conducteurs. Le probleme est qu’a l’heure actuelle les

cristaux produits ont une purete telle qu’il devient tres difficile de determiner cette derniere. La

methode la plus performante pour la determination du pourcentage d’elements–traces dans des

” wafers ” de silicium ultra–purs est la methode TXRF (Total reflection X–Ray Fluorescence)

combinee avec des faisceaux monochromatiques de rayonnement synchrotronique. Plusieurs

experiences ont cependant montre que dans cette methode, le seuil de detectabilite des im-

puretes d’elements legers est limite par la diffusion Raman resonnante. Dans la methode TXRF

appliquee au silicium, l’energie des photons incidents est en effet choisie en dessous du bord

d’absorption 1s du silicium pour eviter la production des raies de fluorescence K de ce dernier,

lesquelles masqueraient completement les signaux de fluorescence beaucoup plus faibles des im-

puretes. L’energie des photons incidents est cependant choisie juste au–dessous du bord K du

Si, ceci afin de pouvoir exciter la fluorescence K des impuretes d’elements legers voisins comme

par exemple l’aluminium. Pour cette raison, les conditions de resonance pour la diffusion Ra-

man sont remplies et les faibles raies de fluorescence des atomes legers constituant les impuretes

sont alors masquees par le spectre continu de rayons X de la diffusion Raman. Jusqu’a present,

l’intensite du spectre Raman parasite etait estimee a partir de modeles theoriques car il n’existait

aucune mesure de haute resolution du processus XRRS.

Les mesures ont ete realisees a la source de rayonnement synchrotronique europeenne (ESRF),

a Grenoble. Les spectres Raman ont ete mesures en haute resolution au moyen du spectrometre

Ph. D. thesis Jakub Szlachetko University of Fribourg

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Resume 9

a cristal von Hamos de Fribourg, lequel a ete installe sur la ligne de faisceau ID–21. Comme

indique precedemment, pour la detection des photons diffractes par le cristal du spectrometre,

la camera de type ”back–illuminated” a ete utilisee. Les spectres Raman d’echantillons solides

de Al, Al2O3, Si et SiO2 ont ete mesures pour des faisceaux de photons incidents de differentes

energies choisies en dessous des bords d’absorption K de l’aluminium et du silicium.

Comme predit par la theorie, les spectres Raman mesures sont caracterises par un point–

limite (cut–off ) correspondant a l’energie maximale du spectre Raman et d’une longue queue

a basse energie s’etalant theoriquement jusqu’a l’energie zero. Pour les spectres mesures avec

des energies de faisceau differentes, ces queues de basse energie se superposent et tendent a

se confondre, en accord avec les predictions theoriques. L’analyse des donnees a montre que

la forme des spectres mesures etait bien reproduite par des calculs bases sur le modele de

Kramers–Heisenberg, a condition d’utiliser dans ces calculs des distributions realistes pour les

forces d’oscillateur. Ces distributions ont pu etre deduites des spectres Raman experimentaux

pour les quatre cibles mesurees. Les distributions de force d’oscillateur obtenues presentent des

structures tout a fait semblables a celles trouvees dans des mesures d’absorption. En fait, ce

projet represente la premiere verification experimentale de predictions theoriques concernant la

presence de structures similaires dans les spectres d’absorption et d’emission de rayons X.

Les sections efficaces totales pour le processus XRRS ont ete determinees en fonction de

l’energie des photons incidents. La dependance en energie des sections efficaces a pu etre bien

reproduite par la theorie. Pour le silicium, les sections efficaces ont ete comparees aux quelques

resultats experimentaux existants. Un bon accord a ete trouve. Pour ce meme element, en

variant l’energie du faisceau de rayonnement synchrotronique a travers le bord d’absorption K,

la photo–excitation 1s–3p a pu etre observee experimentalement pour la premiere fois. Il a ete

trouve que l’evolution de la section efficace de cette excitation discrete en fonction de l’energie

du faisceau etait bien reproduite par des calculs DOS concernant la densite de probabilite des

etats inoccupes 3p du Si.

Cette deuxieme partie de la these a fait l’objet de deux publications, l’une dans Physical

Review Letters 97, 073001 (2006), l’autre dans Physical Review A75, 022512 (2007).

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Ph. D. thesis Jakub Szlachetko University of Fribourg

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Abstract 11


The present Ph.D. thesis includes two research projects related to the field of Inner–Shell

Atomic Physics. The first project is devoted to the relative x–ray detection efficiency of front–

and back–illuminated Charge Coupled Devices. The second one concerns the study of the x–ray

resonant Raman scattering process in silicon, aluminium and their oxides and is divided into

two parts. The first part, describes the particular case of the x–ray resonant Raman process in

silicon, whereas in the second one the results and the detailed analysis of the x–ray resonant

spectra for aluminium, silicon, aluminum oxide and silicon dioxide are presented.

Relative detection efficiency of back– and front–illuminated CCD cameras for x–

rays between 1 keV and 18 keV

The Charge Coupled Device (CCD) is a widely used detector in a variety of scientific areas

including high–resolution x–ray emission spectroscopy. However, in order to obtain meaningful

data an accurate spectral CCD response is required. In this project, in view of the investigation

of the x–ray resonant Raman process in low–Z elements, the performances and capabilities of

the front– and back–illuminated scientific grade CCD cameras were examined by measuring a

variety of characteristic emission lines in the x–ray energy range from 1 keV to 18 keV. The mea-

surements were performed by means of the high–resolution von Hamos type bent crystal spec-

trometer of Fribourg which was equipped with either a front–illuminated or a back–illuminated

camera. The x–ray photons were monochromatized by x–ray crystal diffraction. From these

measurements the charge transfer efficiency, the linearity of the energy response, the noise level

and the quantum efficiency of the two CCDs were determined.

It was found that the performance of the front–illuminated camera was affected principally

by poor charge transfer efficiency, whereas the back–illuminated one by a strong charge splitting

effect. To circumvent these problems, dedicated software for off–line corrections of the CCD

images was developed. As a consequence, a significant improvement in the detection efficiency

of both CCDs was achieved.

The photon energy dependence of the charge splitting effect was determined for both cam-

eras. The observed differences between the number of split pixel events in the back–illuminated

camera and the front–illuminated one were explained with the aid of Monte Carlo simulations

of photon absorption in silicon. It was confirmed that the split pixel events are created mainly

in the field–free region of the CCD chip. This weak electric field layer is located at the back

surface of a CCD device. As the incident photons enter the CCD from the back surface for the

back–illuminated camera, whereas for the front–illuminated one from the front side, the degree

of charge splitting and its photon energy dependence differs for the two cameras.

From the measured intensities of the x–ray fluorescence lines the quantum efficiency ratio of

the front– to back– illuminated cameras was obtained as a function of the incident x–ray energy.

The results have shown that in the x–ray energy range between 1 keV and 4.5 keV the detection

efficiency of the back–illuminated CCD is much higher than that of the front–illuminated one.

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12 Abstract

For photon energies above 4.5 keV the front–illuminated camera is more efficient and at the

highest measured energy a quantum efficiency ratio of 2.5 was obtained. These results were of

prime importance for choosing the most efficient CCD detector for the project concerning the

x–ray resonant Raman scattering in low–Z elements.

This work was submitted recently for publication to Review of Scientific Instruments.

X–ray resonant Raman scattering process in aluminium, silicon and their oxides

The x–ray Raman scattering is a photon–in and photon–out second–order process. In this

process a core electron is excited into a bound state just above the Fermi level by absorption of

a photon. The intermediate ”virtual” state then decays radiatively, the initial core hole being

filled by another inner–shell electron with simultaneous emission of a photon. Due to its reso-

nant character, the x–ray RRS is a powerful method to study the electronic structure of solids,

being complementary to the x–ray absorption techniques based on the first–order process.

In the particular case of silicon, it has been realized that the x–ray RRS process sets the

limits for application of the total reflection x–ray fluorescence (TXRF) method for measuring

very low concentrations of light element impurities on the surface of Si wafers. The production

of ultra–clean silicon wafers is one of the most important issues for Si–based microelectronic

technology. Contamination control has always been very crucial for integrated circuit manu-

facturing where in order to obtain high yields and maximum device performance clean wafer

surfaces are critical. Several experiments have shown that the detection limit of Al impurities

on the Si surface is limited by the presence of RRS x–rays. It has been shown that for incident

photon energies tuned below the Si K–absorption edge in order to avoid the intense Si K fluores-

cence x–ray line, the RRS structure of Si is indeed overlapping with the Al K x–ray fluorescence

peak. Since the TXRF technique combined with intense synchrotron x–ray sources offers new

possibilities for detection of light elements in ultra-clean silicon, a precise knowledge of the x–ray

Raman scattering in silicon is therefore crucial for applications of the TXRF technique in the

semiconductor technology.

The experiment was performed at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, in Grenoble,

France. The x–ray RRS spectra were measured by means of high–resolution, using the Bragg

type von Hamos bent crystal spectrometer installed at the beam line ID21. For detection of

x–rays in the energy range between 1.4 keV and 1.8 keV the spectrometer was equipped with

the back–illuminated CCD camera. The x-ray RRS spectra were recorded for several beam

energies tuned below the K–absorption edge of the measured element.

As predicted by theory the observed x–ray RRS spectra are characterized by high energy

cut–offs and long low–energy tails. These tails merge together in the low energy range, no mat-

ter which beam energy is used. The data analysis has shown that the observed shapes of the

x–ray RRS spectra could be well reproduced by calculations based on the Kramers–Heisenberg

formalism, but only when realistic oscillator strength distributions were employed. The latter

could be extracted from the acquired x–ray RRS spectra for all measured samples, namely Si,

Al, Al2O3 and SiO2. The so–obtained oscillator strength distributions were found to exhibit

Ph. D. thesis Jakub Szlachetko University of Fribourg

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Abstract 13

structures similar to those observed in absorption measurements. In fact, this was a first exper-

imental confirmation of theoretical predictions concerning the absorption–like structures in the

continuum part of the x–ray RRS spectra.

The total cross sections for the x–ray RRS process were determined as a function of the beam

energy. The variation of the cross sections with the beam energy could be well reproduced by

theory. For Si, the cross sections were compared to the few existing experimental and theoretical

data. A quite satisfactory agreement was observed. By tuning the beam energy across the 1s

absorption edge of silicon, we were able to observe the discrete 1s–3p excitation for the first

time. The evolution of the excitation cross section with the beam energy was found to well

reproduce the probability density of unoccupied 3p states predicted by DOS calculations.

This work was published in Physical Review Letters 97, 073001 (2006) and in Physical Review

A75, 022512 (2007).

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Part I

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submitted to Rev. Sci. Instr. 17

Relative detection efficiency of back– and front–illuminated CCDcameras for x–rays between 1 keV and 18 keV.

J. Szlachetko, J.-Cl. Dousse, J. Hoszowska, W. Cao, M. SzlachetkoDepartment of Physics, University of Fribourg, CH-1700 Fribourg, Switzerland

M. KavcicJ. Stefan Institute, SI-1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia

High–resolution x–ray measurements were performed with a von Hamos–

type bent crystal spectrometer using for the detection of the diffracted

photons either a back–illuminated charge–coupled device (CCD) camera

or a front–illuminated one. For each CCD the main x–ray emission lines

(e.g., Kα, Kβ, Lα and Lβ) of a variety of elements were measured in

order to probe the performances of the two detectors between 1 keV

and 18 keV. From the observed x–ray lines the linearity of the energy

response, the noise level and the quantum efficiency ratio of the two

CCD were determined.

PACS number(s): 07.77.Gx, 07.85.Fv


Since the 1970s, when the charge–coupled

device (CCD) was invented at the Bell Tele-

phone Laboratories [1, 2], the CCD has be-

come a very efficient detector used in a variety

of scientific areas ([3] and references therein).

The CCD, which was originally developed as

a memory device, presents indeed important

advantages for x–ray detection: it provides

high spatial and good energy resolution, has

a relatively large detection area and is char-

acterized by an ultra low noise and a broad

spectral response. In the last decades CCD

detectors have been employed in an increas-

ing way to supplant photographic films in as-

tronomy and imaging as well as proportional

counters and semiconductor detectors in x–

ray spectroscopy (see e.g. [4–7]).

Nowadays a variety of commercial CCD

systems are available, with different design

architecture, size and characteristics [8–11].

In general, CCD detectors can be divided up

into two different types, namely back– and

front–illuminated devices. In this paper we

report on results of extensive characteriza-

tion measurements performed with a back–

illuminated CCD and a front–illuminated

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18 submitted to Rev. Sci. Instr.

one, both of scientific grade. The principal

aim of the measurements was to probe and to

compare the performances of the two detec-

tors in the x–ray energy range between 1 keV

and 18 keV. By measuring a variety of char-

acteristic x–ray emission lines with a curved

crystal spectrometer using the CCD devices

for the detection of the diffracted x–rays, we

were able to determine the quantum efficiency

ratio of the two cameras as a function of the

x–ray energy as well as several characteristic

parameters of the detectors such as the trail-

ing and splitting effects, the linearity of the

energy response and the noise level.



A. Work principles

The fundamental part of the CCD de-

tector is the Metal–Oxide Semiconductor

(MOS) structure, called buried channel

capacitor. A schematic transverse section

through the thickness of a buried channel

capacitor is shown in Fig.1a. A typical

MOS capacitor consists of a p–type silicon

substrate and a n–type silicon layer with a

thickness of about 1 μm. On the surface

of the n–type side of the junction a thin,

usually less than 0.1 μm, silicon dioxide layer

is deposed. To complete the capacitor, a

metal or polysilicon gate is diffused on the

oxide surface. Any voltage applied to the

gate generates an electrostatic field across the

capacitor. The corresponding electrostatic

potential is shown schematically in Fig.1a

(blue line). Depending on the strength of the

electrostatic field, two characteristic regions

can be distinguished in the channel capacitor.

The first one, the depletion region, which has

a thickness of several microns, corresponds to

the region where the potential has a sizeable

value. The second one, called the field free

material region is located after the depletion

region at distances of ≥∼10 μm from the

gate. In this region the electrostatic field is

nearly vanishing. As schematically shown,

the electrons released in the depletion region

by an ionising radiation follow the variation

of the electrostatic field until they reach the

lowest possible potential energy. In other

words, the MOS channel capacitor can be

used to create a potential energy well in

which electrons can be trapped.

A second type of MOS capacitor, named

surface channel capacitor, has been developed

which has no n–type silicon layer. In this

case the potential well is located directly on

the Si–SiO2 interface. Due to that a fraction

of the electrons confined in the potential

well may be trapped at the silicon–oxide

interface. This causes relatively big losses

in the charge transfer and therefore surface

channel capacitors are not commonly used in

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submitted to Rev. Sci. Instr. 19

serial registeron chip preamplifier

directionof the chargetransfer

c) CCD imaging area

e) front-illuminated vs. back-illuminated






d) charge transfer mechanism

b) channel stops and polysilicongates structure

channel stops

one pixelpolysilicongates

silicon silicon oxiden-typesilicon


depletion region






a) buried channel capacitor

field free material

epitaxial layerdeadlayer



















FIG. 1: Schematic drawing of a) buried channel capacitor, b) channel stops and gate structure, c)CCD imaging area and d) charge transfer mechanism. In e) the main differences between the designof front and back illuminated CCDs are shown.

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20 submitted to Rev. Sci. Instr.

the design of CCD detectors.

In order to avoid a spreading of the

charges, the channel capacitor is completed

with so–called channel stops (see Fig.1b)

which are made of heavily doped p–type

silicon. In addition polysilicon gates are

implemented in the perpendicular direction

to the channel stop structure. Two adjacent

channel stops and three adjacent gates define

the smallest area in which a charge can

be localized. This small cell is called a

pixel (from Picture Element). X–ray CCD

cameras with pixel sizes of 20×20 μm2 or

even smaller are now easily available. If for

a given pixel the potential applied to the

top and bottom gates is smaller than the

one applied to the middle gate, the charge

can be indeed confined in the area situated

beneath the middle gate, between the two

channel stops, i.e., within the corresponding

pixel. This three–gate architecture used

in modern CCD detectors permits an easy

transfer of the pixel charge by changing the

voltage on the gate electrodes as shown in

Fig.1d. An array of pixels forms the imaging

area of the CCD which can comprise several

hundreds of columns and rows of pixels

[8–11]. Readout of the CCD is carried out

by shifting simultaneously the pixel charges

by one row or one column. For example,

in the case of the vertical readout depicted

in Fig.1c, the pixel charges of each row

are transferred to the next row below, the

charges of the last row being transferred to

the serial register. After each one–step row

transfer, the pixel charges corresponding

to the last transfer into the serial register

are read by moving horizontally the charges

pixel by pixel. Because the electric potentials

resulting from the charges corresponding to

the trapped electrons are extremely small

(some μV), the tiny signals must be amplified

before transportation to avoid any increase

in the noise. This is realized by locating the

preamplifier as close as possible to the CCD

chip. The total time needed for the readout

of a full CCD image is of the order of 0.1

sec. to 10 sec., depending on the clock rate

and the size of the CCD chip. For example,

the readout time of an image consisting of

1340 x 400 pixels is 0.54 sec. if the camera

is operated at a rate of 1 MHz. Finally,

the signals after further amplification are

converted to digital numbers by dedicated

ADCs, which permits to reconstruct the

two–dimension image corresponding to the

CCD charge pattern.

As mentioned above, front– and back–

illuminated CCD detectors are available

(Fig.1e) . In the case of the front–illuminated

camera, the incoming x–rays must first cross

the dead layer corresponding to the polysil-

icon gate plus oxide layer before reaching

the epitaxial layer of the CCD. Due to the

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submitted to Rev. Sci. Instr. 21

absorption of the incoming radiation in the

dead layer, the detection efficiency is some-

what diminished, depending on the energy

of the x–rays. As this absorption decreases

with the energy of the incoming x–rays,

the efficiency of front–illuminated CCDs is

first growing with increasing energies, but

only as long as the incident photons can be

fully absorbed in the depletion region. For

higher energies the efficiency decreases. In

addition, for x–ray energies tuned across the

K–edge of silicon there is an abrupt drop

of the efficiency due to the sudden increase

of the absorption coefficient of silicon at

the K–edge, which results in a stronger

attenuation of the incoming photons in the

dead layer. For instance, as reported in [12],

the detection efficiency can drop down from

about 80% for x–ray energies just below the

edge to 25% for photon energies just above

it but in general the strength of this drop

effect depends of course on the thickness and

structure of the dead layer.

For back–illuminated CCDs the incoming

x–rays are entering the CCD directly from

the side of the epitaxial layer. Therefore

the detection efficiency is improved in com-

parison with the front–illuminated camera,

especially in the energy range for which

the absorption coefficient in Si is large. In

general, the efficiency drop around the 1s

absorption edge of silicon is also observed

as a result of the unavoidable oxidization

of the surface of the epitaxial layer but the

drop is much less pronounced than that of

front–illuminated CCDs. On the other hand,

to avoid a too big absorption of photons

in the field free material region, the silicon

wafer is chemically thinned, which limits the

depletion depths of back–illuminated CCDs

to 10–20 μm. For this reason their efficiency

is smaller that the one of front–illuminated

CCDs for x–ray energies above about 4 keV.

B. CCD characterization parameters

In the following, a brief description of the

main parameters used in the characterization

of CCDs is given.

1. Charge collection efficiency (CCE)

The charge collection efficiency describes

the capability of the channel capacitor to col-

lect charges. The CCE depends in particu-

lar on the full well capacity, which gives the

maximum number of electrons that can be

trapped within a single pixel.

2. Charge transfer efficiency (CTE)

The charge which is collected in a single

pixel must be transported through the CCD

array to the serial register and then to the

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preamplifier. During this transfer some

fraction of the charge might get lost due

to the mechanism of the charge transfer or

the ”design trap” effect reported in [3]. The

charge transfer efficiency is expressed as the

ratio of the charge transferred from a pixel

to the next one. For scientific grade CCDs,

CTE values are very close to 1, typically


3. Quantum efficiency (QE)

The quantum efficiency gives the ratio of

the number of photons detected by the CCD

to the total number of incoming photons. The

QE of back– and front–illuminated cameras

can be estimated by means of the following

simple formulas [3]:

QEBI(E) = CCE (1 − R(E))(1 − e−xSi/LA(E)

), (1)


QEFI(E) = CCE (1 − R(E))(e−xSiO2

/LA(E)) (

1 − e−xSi/LA(E)), (2)

where R is the reflection coefficient for sili-

con, CCE the charge collection efficiency and

xSi and xSiO2 the thicknesses of the depletion

region and dead layer, respectively. The ab-

sorption length LA is the inverse of the total

photon attenuation coefficient for Si. R and

LA depend on the energy of the incoming pho-


4. Dark current

The dark current originates from thermal

electron excitations. It strongly depends on

the temperature of the CCD chip. For Si, the

dark current decreases by a factor 2 for every

diminution of the temperature by 6◦ C [13].

It can be noted that the surface dark cur-

rent is significantly smaller in multi–pinned

phase (MPP) CCDs [14], a category of de-

vices to which belongs the back–illuminated

CCD used in the present study.

5. Readout noise

The total CCD noise consists mainly of the

above–mentioned dark current noise and the

so–called readout noise (RN). The RN is the

noise that is measured at the output of the

CCD camera system in the absence of any

source of radiation. It originates from the

electronics of the CCD camera, being mainly

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due to the ADCs. Note that the contribu-

tion of the dark current to the CCD noise in-

creases linearly with the CCD exposure time,

whereas the readout noise does not depend on

the exposure time.


A. Von Hamos spectrometer

To characterize the two CCD cameras as

a function of the x–ray energy, monochro-

matic x–ray radiations were needed between

1 keV and 18 keV. A simple solution would

have consisted to irradiate the CCD detec-

tors with monochromatized synchrotron ra-

diation but the high intensity of synchrotron

radiation beams (typically 1010 –1012 pho-

tons per mm2) was inadequate for the fore-

seen characterization measurements. In par-

ticular, single events per pixel were required,

which was hardly feasible with synchrotron

radiation. The characteristic x–ray emission

lines of a variety of elemental and compound

samples were therefore chosen as sources of

monochromatic radiation. The fluorescence

x–ray emission was produced by irradiating

the samples with the bremsstrahlung of x–

ray tubes. In order to probe the performances

of the CCD detectors with well resolved Kα,

Kβ, Lα and Lβ transitions, the characteris-

tic x–ray emission lines from the samples were

first filtered with a wavelength dispersive in-

strument, namely a crystal spectrometer, be-

fore being measured by the CCD cameras.

Actually, as the two CCDs were planned to

serve as x–ray detectors for this crystal spec-

trometer, the set–up represented some kind

of a natural choice.

The measurements were performed at

the University of Fribourg, Switzerland, by

means of a high–resolution von Hamos–type

bent crystal spectrometer, employing either

the back–illuminated CCD or the front–

illuminated one for the detection of the x–

rays diffracted by the crystal. A schematic

drawing of the spectrometer geometry is pre-

sented in Fig.2. A more detailed description

of the instrument can be found in [15]. The

resolving power of the von Hamos spectrome-

ter depends mainly on the width of the x–ray

source. In order to obtain relative energy res-

olutions ΔE/E of about 10−4, the width of

the radiation source should be of the order

of a few tenths of millimeter. For this reason,

the sample was viewed by the crystal through

a narrow rectangular slit placed between the

sample and the crystal. The slit consisted of

two juxtaposed 1 mm thick Ta plates. The

slit width was adjustable by means of a mi-

crometer screw. By decreasing the slit width

the resolution of the spectrometer is improved

but its efficiency diminishes. For the present

measurements a slit width of 0.4 mm was cho-

sen, which represented the best compromise

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CCD Camera








FIG. 2: Schematic drawing of the von Hamosgeometry.

between a high enough luminosity of the spec-

trometer and an acceptable energy resolution

(about 5×10−4). From the energy calibra-

tion of the spectrometer, a relative precision

better than 100 ppm was found for the ener-

gies of the measured characteristic lines, while

for the measured intensities uncertainties of

about 5% were obtained.

B. X–ray tubes

Two different 100 kV/3 kW Coolidge–type

x–ray tubes were used. The first one equipped

with a scandium anode and a 150 μm beryl-

lium window was employed for the measure-

ments between 1 keV and 3.6 keV. For the

measurements of higher energy x–ray lines, a

gold anode x–ray tube with a 1000 μm beryl-

lium window was used. For the same currents

and voltages, the characteristic x–ray emis-

sion of the samples was indeed found to be

more intense below 3.6 keV with the scan-

dium x–ray tube, due to its thinner beryl-

lium window. Depending on the samples and

the measured transitions, the two x–ray tubes

were operated at high–voltages between 20

kV and 60 kV and currents between 10 mA

and 30 mA.

C. Crystals

The Bragg angle domain covered by the

von Hamos spectrometer extends from 24◦ to

61◦. In order to measure x–rays with ener-

gies ranging between 1 keV and 18 keV, five

different crystals were employed. The crys-

tal specifications and energy range covered

by each crystal in first order of reflection are

given in Table I. As shown, covered energy

ranges are overlapping for all crystals except

for the two first ones where there is an en-

ergy gap between 1.160 keV and 1.645 keV

which is not accessible in 1st order of reflec-

tion with the quoted crystals. For this reason

the Kα1 x–ray lines of Mg and Al (1.254 keV

and 1.487 keV respectively) were observed in

2nd order of reflection, using the TlAP crys-

tal. The same holds for the x–ray lines above

16.836 keV, as for instance the Kα1 transition

of Mo (17.479 keV), that were measured in 2nd

order, too, but with the SiO2 (223) crystal.

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TABLE I: Characteristics of the employed crystals

Crystal 2d (A) Energy range (keV)TlAP (001) 25.772 0.547–1.160SiO2 (110) 8.5096 1.645–3.563LiF (200) 4.0280 3.475–7.528SiO2 (223) 2.7500 5.090–11.026LiF (420) 1.8010 7.772–16.836

D. Irradiated samples

Most irradiated samples were high–purity

(better than 99%) metallic foils or polycrys-

talline plates mounted on aluminum frames.

Some powder samples, like SrTiO2 used for

the measurements of the Sr Lα and Lβ lines,

were prepared by dusting the material onto

adhesive aluminium backings. Samples were

1.5 cm wide and 2.5 cm high, with thicknesses

varying from 4 μm to 50 μm. For the Ar and

Kr gaseous samples, a 10 mm in–diameter

cylindrical gas cell was employed. For both

gases, the pressure inside the cell was 1 bar.

To minimize the absorption of the incoming

and outgoing photons and diminish the back-

ground resulting from the visible light pro-

duced by the irradiated gases, the irradiation

and exit windows of the cell were made of 25

μm thick black Kapton foils. The list of all

employed samples is given in Table II.

In order to obtain reliable results for the

ratios of the CCD efficiencies, the same sam-

ples were used for the measurements per-

formed with the back– and front–illuminated

cameras. The same holds for the x–ray tube

parameters and the employed crystals. This

way the corrections for the sample x–ray flu-

orescence yield production, self–absorption in

the sample of the incoming and outgoing x–

ray radiation, solid angle of the spectrometer

and crystal reflectivity could be omitted in

the data analysis.

E. Charge coupled devices

The main specifications of the employed

front–illuminated (FI) and back–illuminated

(BI) CCDs are quoted in Table III where the

chip size, pixel resolution, depletion depth,

readout noise and full well capacity are given.

Photographs of the two cameras are presented

in Fig.3 and Fig.4. Both chips (front illu-

minated: LCX–TE/CCD–1024E1; back illu-

minated: MTE400B E2V MPP CCD 36–10)

were manufactured by EEV [11] for Roper

Scientific [9] which provides complete CCD

systems and related control electronics and


The CCDs were operated through a ded-

icated controller (ST–133 from Roper Sci-

entific) at a rate of 1 MHz for the back–

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TABLE II: Measured x–ray emission lines

Energya Element Emission X–ray tube Crystal Reflection Target(eV) line kV/mA order1040.98 Na Kα1 Sc 30/20 TlAP(001) 1 NaCl powder1253.6 Mg Kα1 Sc 30/20 TlAP(001) 2 metallic1486.7 Al Kα1 Sc 30/20 TlAP(001) 2 metallic1557.45 Al Kβ1 Sc 30/20 TlAP(001) 2 metallic1739.98 Si Kα1 Sc 30/15 SiO2(110) 1 polysilicon1806.56 Sr Lα1 Sc 30/20 TlAP(001) 2 SrTiO3 powder1835.94 Si Kβ1 Sc 30/15 SiO2(110) 1 polysilicon1871.72 Sr Lβ1 Sc 30/20 TlAP(001) 2 SrTiO3 powder2013.7 P Kα1 Sc 30/20 SiO2(110) 1 powder2139.1 P Kβ1 Sc 30/20 SiO2(110) 1 powder2307.84 S Kα1 Sc 30/15 SiO2(110) 1 powder2464.04 S Kβ1 Sc 30/15 SiO2(110) 1 powder2622.39 Cl Kα1 Sc 30/15 SiO2(110) 1 KCl crystal2815.6 Cl Kβ1 Sc 30/15 SiO2(110) 1 KCl crystal2957.7 Ar Kα1 Sc 30/20 SiO2(110) 1 gas3190.5 Ar Kβ1 Sc 30/20 SiO2(110) 1 gas3313.8 K Kα1 Sc 30/10 SiO2(110) 1 KCl crystal3589.6 K Kβ1 Sc 30/10 SiO2(110) 1 KCl crystal3691.68 Ca Kα1 Au 20/10 LIF(200) 1 metallic4012.7 Ca Kβ1 Au 40/10 LIF(200) 1 metallic4090.6 Sc Kα1 Au 20/10 LIF(200) 1 metallic4460.5 Sc Kβ1 Au 30/10 LIF(200) 1 metallic4510.84 Ti Kα1 Au 20/10 LIF(200) 1 metallic4931.81 Ti Kβ1 Au 30/10 LIF(200) 1 metallic4952.2 V Kα1 Au 20/10 LIF(200) 1 metallic5414.72 Cr Kα1 Au 30/15 SiO2(223) 1 metallic5427.29 V Kβ1 Au 30/10 LIF(200) 1 metallic5898.75 Mn Kα1 Au 30/10 SiO2(223) 1 metallic5946.71 Cr Kβ1 Au 30/25 SiO2(223) 1 metallic6403.84 Fe Kα1 Au 30/10 SiO2(223) 1 metallic6490.45 Mn Kβ1 Au 30/10 SiO2(223) 1 metallic6930.32 Co Kα1 Au 30/10 SiO2(223) 1 metallic7057.98 Fe Kβ1 Au 30/10 SiO2(223) 1 metallic7478.15 Ni Kα1 Au 30/15 SiO2(223) 1 metallic7649.43 Co Kβ1 Au 30/10 SiO2(223) 1 metallic8047.78 Cu Kα1 Au 30/15 SiO2(223) 1 metallic8264.66 Ni Kβ1 Au 40/30 SiO2(223) 1 metallic8638.86 Zn Kα1 Au 30/20 SiO2(223) 1 metallic8652.5 Re Lα1 Au 50/20 LIF(420) 1 metallic8905.29 Cu Kβ1 Au 40/30 SiO2(223) 1 metallic9175.1 Ir Lα1 Au 30/20 SiO2(223) 1 metallic9572 Zn Kβ1 Au 30/20 SiO2(223) 1 metallic

afrom [16]

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TABLE II: Continuation.

Energya Element Emission X–ray tube Crystal Reflection Target(eV) line kV/mA order9713.3 Au Lα1 Au 50/30 LIF(420) 1 metallic10010 Re Lβ1 Au 60/30 LIF(420) 1 metallic10543.72 As Kα1 Au 50/30 LIF(420) 1 ZnAs powder10708.3 Ir Lβ1 Au 30/20 SiO2(223) 1 metallic11222.4 Se Kα1 Au 40/15 LIF(420) 1 powder11442.3 Au Lβ1 Au 60/30 LIF(420) 1 metallic11726.2 As Kβ1 Au 60/30 LIF(420) 1 ZnAs powder12495.9 Se Kβ1 Au 50/30 LIF(420) 1 powder12649 Kr Kα1 Au 60/30 LIF(420) 1 gas14112 Kr Kβ1 Au 60/30 LIF(420) 1 gas15775.1 Zr Kα1 Au 60/30 SiO2(223) 2 metallic17479.34 Mo Kα1 Au 60/30 SiO2(223) 2 metallic

afrom [16]

illuminated camera and 100 kHz for the front–

illuminated one, which corresponded to read-

out times of 0.6 sec., respectively 2.6 sec., for

full images and 16 bit signals per pixel. As

both CCDs were used in the full frame mode,

the cameras should be shielded from the in-

coming radiation during the readout opera-

tions. This was done with an x–ray shutter

placed in front of the detector. The shutter

which was developed for the von Hamos spec-

trometer consists of two superimposed metal-

lic absorbers, a 0.5 mm thick stainless steel

plate in the front and a 1.5 mm Al plate

behind. During data collection, both plates

move apart from the longitudinal axis of the

CCD which coincides with the dispersive axis

of the crystal spectrometer (see Fig. 3b). The

signals delivered by the controller to start and

stop the data acquisition are also employed

to open, respectively close, the x–ray shut-

ter. For this reason and because the time for

opening and closing the shutter is 0.21 sec,

the central area of the CCD is exposed a lit-

tle big longer than the top and bottom parts.

For both cameras, the CCD chip sits on

a cold finger which is mounted on a thermo-

electric two–stage Peltier cooler. The Peltier

elements are cooled down with a circulation

of water at 5◦C. In order to diminish the

dark current noise, for the present experi-

ment the CCD chips were operated at –50◦

C. In addition, to minimalize the remanent

pixel charges a dedicated cleaning procedure

(Clean Circles function) was applied before

each new frame acquisition. This function

shifts the self–accumulated charges in the

CCD array to the serial register and then dis-

cards them.

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The data were collected in the so–called

multiple–frame mode. Depending on the in-

tensity of the measured characteristic x–rays,

the number of acquired images varied be-

tween 200 and 2000 with exposure times of

1–5 sec. per image. The latter were chosen as

a function of the number of photons imping-

ing on the CCD in order to avoid multiple hits

in a single pixel. In order to get rid of the own

CCD dark charge pattern, a background im-

age, which was recorded beforehand with the

x–ray shutter closed, was subtracted from all

acquired frames. After the subtraction of the

background frame, all images corresponding

to the same measurement were stored in a

single file with the possibility of viewing or

processing off–line any individual frame.

Both CCDs were operated in the Full

Speed–Free Run mode which is used for real–

time sequential acquisitions of data. In this

mode data collection is steered directly by

the CCD hardware (controller) without any

interaction with the computer. In the Free

Run timing mode the shutter opens when the

readout of the previous frame is completed,

closes again after the preset exposure time,

remains closed during the data readout and

then opens again for the acquisition of the

next image. This measuring cycle is repeated

until the chosen number of frames is reached.

Each new acquired image, after subtraction of

the background frame, is displayed on the PC



FIG. 3: Photographs of the FI camera. a) Thecamera as installed on its moveable support. b)Zoom on the CCD chip and x–ray shutter.

FIG. 4: Photograph of the BI camera chip.

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TABLE III: CCD characteristics

Front illuminated Back illuminatedChip size 1024 × 256 1340 × 400Pixel size 27 × 27 μm2 20 × 20 μm2

Depletion depth 50 μm ∼ 15 μmReadout noise 3–7 e− at 100 kHz 8.5 e− at 1MHzFull well capacity 348 ke− 201 ke−

screen, which permits to have a live survey of

the measurements.


A. 2D charge pattern

As a result of the interaction of the in-

coming x–rays with the Si epitaxial layer

electron–hole pairs are created. The number

N of released electrons for the full absorption

of an x–ray of energy E is given by:

N =E(eV )

3.65, (3)

where the value of 3.65 eV corresponds to

the first ionization potential of silicon.

The released electrons are captured in the

pixel potential wells and the corresponding

trapped charges generate electronic signals

which after amplification are converted into

digital numbers. Representing these numbers

by specific colors, a two–dimensional image

can be constructed which reflects the charge

pattern of the CCD as a result of its expo-

sure to the x–ray radiation. In such images,

the coordinates of the point correspond to the

row and column numbers of the pixel and the

color to the charge that was deposed in that

pixel. Since the charge deposed in the pixels

is proportional to the energy of the absorbed

photons, good pixels can be sorted by filtering

the data with an energy window. If the pixel

charge fulfills the conditions of the energy

window, a one is assigned to that pixel, if not

a zero. This procedure permits to diminish

the number of background events originating

from scattered photons, photons diffracted in

higher orders by the crystal or cosmic rays.

The energy window can be determined from

the frequency distribution of the charges de-

posed in the pixels. This distribution called

histogram can be also used advantageously to

probe the CCD performances or determine its

characteristics. A more detailed description

of the histograms and image filtering proce-

dure is given in the next section.

In measurements performed with the von

Hamos spectrometer the two–dimensional im-

ages corresponding to single exposures of the

CCD are first filtered, using the adequate

energy window, and then summed together.

Thanks to the spatial resolution of the CCD

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FIG. 5: High–resolution Kα x–ray spectrum of Ti measuredwith the von Hamos spectrom-eter equipped with the FI cam-era.

FIG. 6: High–resolution Kα x–ray spectrum of Si measuredwith the von Hamos spectrom-eter equipped with the BI cam-era.

detector, the resulting total image presents

vertical stripes corresponding to the differ-

ent wavelengths, i.e., energies, of the x–ray

radiation diffracted by the crystal according

to the Bragg law. To obtain the correspond-

ing high–resolution x–ray spectrum, the total

image is finally projected onto the dispersive

axis of the spectrometer which is parallel to

the length direction of the CCD. For illus-

tration, the high–resolution Kα x–ray spec-

tra of Ti and Si measured with the FI and BI

cameras, respectively, are shown in Fig.5 and

Fig.6. The resolved weak x–ray structures oc-

curring in these spectra at about 4535 eV and

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FIG. 7: Histogram of the charge distributionin the FI CCD. The histogram was constructedfrom the measurement of the Ti Kα x–ray spec-trum. In the inset, a selected area of a 2D imageis shown.

1752 eV correspond to the 1st order L satel-

lites of the Kα transitions, i.e., to the 2p–1s

transitions with one additional spectator va-

cancy in the L–shell.

B. CCD histograms

In Figs.7 and 8 two examples of histograms

are presented. Selected areas of the corre-

sponding 2D CCD images are shown in the

insets. The histograms correspond to the

above–mentioned Ti Kα and Si Kα measure-

ments. In both histograms, pixel charges are

expressed in e−. The conversion factor be-

tween the digital numbers given by the ADCs

and the corresponding pixel charges in e− was

FIG. 8: Histogram of the charge distributionin the BI CCD. The histogram was constructedfrom the measurement of the Si Kα x–ray spec-trum. In the inset, a selected area of a 2D imageis shown.

determined using Eq.(3) and the energy re-

sponses of the CCDs discussed at the end of

this section.

The 2D image of the FI camera shows that

each event consists of a main pixel accompa-

nied by a horizontal tail of several pixels on

the left. This ”tailing” effect appears in the

corresponding histogram as a series of peaks

shifted to lower charge values. A similar ob-

servation reported in [3] was explained by a

poor charge transfer efficiency due to a ”de-

sign trap” problem. We have found that in-

dependently on the measured x–ray energy,

the positions of the secondary peaks are al-

ways shifted down by a factor of about 0.6

with respect to the next peak above. The

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length of the tails is always the same, no mat-

ter on which part of the CCD the photon

is absorbed but for increasing photon ener-

gies the tail length grows. This implies that

the ”design trap” should be located between

the last polysilicon gate (transfer gate) and

the serial register. A plausible explanation

for the charge tailing is that the ends of the

channel stops on the side of the serial reg-

ister were designed wider in order to better

guide the charges to the register. Due to that,

a small potential difference between the last

gate and the transfer gate occurs which can

hold back several hundreds of electrons [3].

Note that the observed tails are horizontal be-

cause for the FI camera the serial register is

vertical. As indicated by the histogram, in

our case the percentage of electrons trapped

by this parasitic potential is about 60%. In

other words, only 40% of the charge deposed

originally in the hit pixel is forwarded to the

controller. During the next transfer 40% of

the ”delayed” charge, i.e., 24% of the original

one, will be assigned by the controller to the

next pixel although the latter had no charge

in the real CCD image. This erroneous attri-

bution of charges to empty pixels during the

readout process continues until the wrong sig-

nals become negligibly small and disappear in

the noise. To determine the real charge de-

posed on the single hit pixel (the one with

the biggest charge), one should thus sum the

charges of all neighbor pixels belonging to the

”trailing” event.

A completely different behavior is ob-

served for the BI camera. As shown by the

inset of Fig.8, in this case the charges are ei-

ther deposed in single pixels or split randomly

between several neighbor pixels. This charge

splitting effect [3] occurs when a photon is

absorbed in the field free region (see Fig.1a).

Due to the weak electric field existing in this

region, the electron cloud can indeed diffuse

over an area corresponding to several pixels

before being trapped by the potential wells of

different pixels. Therefore, the corresponding

histogram contains a small peak which corre-

sponds to the single event pixels and a broad

structure arising from the split events. Of

course, the image filtering process can be per-

formed using an energy window correspond-

ing to the single event peak of the histogram

[7] but this leads to a significant loss in the de-

tection efficiency. It can be noted here that

split event pixels are rarely observed in im-

ages taken with the FI camera, except for the

highest photon energies. This is due to the

design of the FI CCD in which the field free

region is located opposite the exposed side of

the chip, after the depletion region. As a con-

sequence, only few x–rays and only those with

a high enough energy can reach the field free

region where the charge splitting takes place.

In order to recover the charges lost as a

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result of the tailing and splitting effects ob-

served with the FI and BI cameras, dedicated

image processing codes were developed. For

the images taken with the BI camera, the

code determines first the average charge of the

single event pixels. Then the charges corre-

sponding to the split event pixels are summed

up with the condition that the obtained sum

should be consistent within the experimental

uncertainty with the average charge of the

single event pixels. Finally the total charge

is assigned to the pixel with the highest par-

tial charge. As in most examined 2D images,

the major part of the charge was found to

be shared between 4 neighbor pixels or less,

a maximum of 4 pixels is taken into consid-

eration by the code in the sum of the split

charges. For FI images, a similar code was de-

veloped. In this case, the charges of the tail

pixels are summed and the total charge as-

signed to the first pixel on the right of the tail.

If split event pixels are present, their charge

is accounted for in the sum. For illustration,

selected areas of raw and processed 2D im-

ages are shown for both cameras in Fig.9.

The drastic improvements brought by the

two image processing codes are illustrated by

the Figs.10 and 11, where the histograms be-

fore (red line) and after (blue line) correction

are shown. In Fig.10, the histogram of the

raw data corresponding to the measurement

of the P Kα x–ray line performed with the BI

Front illuminated Back illuminated





FIG. 9: Selected areas of raw and corrected im-ages of the FI and BI cameras.

camera does not show any significant single

event peak that could be assigned to the Kα

transition of phosphorus. Actually, the small

peak observed at about 480 e− corresponds

to the Kα transition of silicon. According to

Eq.(3), this Si transition is indeed expected

at 477 e−. As the energy of the P Kα x–

rays lies just above the K–shell ionization en-

ergy of silicon, the weak peak is due to the

self–absorption in the epitaxial layer of the Si

Kα x–rays induced by photoionization in the

CCD material by the incoming characteristic

x–rays of phosphorus. However, as shown by

the blue line in Fig.10, the single event peak

corresponding to the P Kα line is clearly re-

solved after correction of the raw data with

the above–mentioned image processing code.

The fitted peak position (at 504 e−) corre-

sponds satisfactorily to the theoretical value

of 551 e− given by Eq.(3). The difference

arises from events that were split into more

than 4 pixels, i.e., from the residual charges

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FIG. 10: Histogram of the charge distribution inthe BI CCD resulting from the measurement ofthe P Kα x–ray spectrum. The red line corre-sponds to the histogram of raw data, the blueone to the histogram of corrected data (for de-tails, see the text).

that were not considered by the code in the

computation of the total charge. Actually,

the asymmetry occurring on the low–charge

side of the peak is due to the charges of these

omitted pixels.

As shown in Fig.11 where the his-

togram corresponding to the measurement of

the Kα transition of aluminium is depicted,

the correction software for images collected

by means of the FI CCD is especially use-

ful for low energy x–rays. In the uncorrected

histogram (red line), the Al Kα peak corre-

sponding to the pixels with the largest charge

is partly overlapping with the tail of the elec-

tronic noise and with the peak associated to

FIG. 11: Histogram of the charge distribution inthe FI CCD resulting from the measurement ofthe Al Kα x–ray spectrum. The red line corre-sponds to the histogram of raw data, the blueone to the histogram of corrected data (for de-tails, see the text).

the first pixels on the left, i.e. the pixels

with the second highest charge. Usually a

width of 3σ is chosen for the energy window.

However, if such a width is employed for fil-

tering the unprocessed images, noise events

will be sorted as good events with the re-

sult of a strong increase of the background in

the high–resolution x–ray spectrum. On the

other hand, the use of a narrower energy win-

dow leads to a significant loss of good events,

i.e., to a diminution of the intensity of the

transition of interest in the high–resolution

x–ray spectrum. No such difficulty is encoun-

tered with the corrected histogram (blue line)

in which a single peak is observed which is

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submitted to Rev. Sci. Instr. 35

FIG. 12: High–resolution Kx–ray spectrum of phospho-rus measured with the vonHamos spectrometer equippedwith the BI CCD camera. Redpoints stand for the raw spec-trum, blue ones for the spec-trum obtained after correctionof the 2D images with thecode discussed in the text. Asshown in the inset, the x–ray satellite structure between2022 eV and 2032 eV cannot beresolved from the backgroundin the uncorrected spectrum.

well resolved from the electronic noise. The

centroid position found for the peak is 373 e−,

in good agreement with the value of 407 e−

obtained from Eq.(3).

The two developed image processing

codes permit to improve in a very significant

way the histograms of both CCDs and to use

then well defined energy windows for the im-

age filtering. An example of the improvement

brought by the correction software to the fi-

nal x–ray spectra is shown in Fig.12 for the

BI camera. The price to pay for this im-

provement is some deterioration of the en-

ergy resolution of the CCDs. Comparing for

instance the relative resolution of the peaks

presented in Figs.7 and 11 (FI camera), re-

spectively in Figs.8 and 10 (BI camera), one

sees indeed that the relative charge or energy

resolution becomes worse by a factor of about

3 for the FI camera and a factor of about 2

for the BI camera after the image processing.

This worse resolution implies the use in the

data analysis of wider energy windows, which

in turn results in some enhancement of the

background in the final high–resolution x–ray

spectra. The main reason for the resolution

loss resides in the fact that in the correction

process the uncertainties on the charges of all

summed pixels are added together.

The above discussed charge trailing and

charge splitting effects would make difficult

the use of the two CCDs for the direct mea-

surement of a polychromatic x–ray source. In

particular, low x–ray energy spectra would

be hardly measurable. Due to the presence

of different energies in the incoming x–rays,

many peaks would be indeed overlapping in

the histograms, which would make hopeless

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36 submitted to Rev. Sci. Instr.

FIG. 13: Charge deposed inthe two CCDs as a functionof the measured photon energy.Experimental values are repre-sented by full circles. Both setsof measured data were fittedwith a linear function (solidline).

the use of correction codes as those presented

above. In this case, the single possibility

would consist to choose an energy window

corresponding to the peak of the single event

pixels for the BI camera and the peak of the

pixels with the highest charge for the FI cam-

era with the result, however, that the effi-

ciency of the two CCDs would then decrease


To determine the energy response of the

two CCDs, the Kα transitions of a variety of

elements ranging from Mg (E=1.254 keV) to

Mo (E=17.479 keV) were measured with the

von Hamos spectrometer. The obtained 2D

images were corrected to account for the tail

and split events and for each measurement

the corresponding histogram was constructed.

The centroid positions of the resolved charge

peaks occurring in the histograms were de-

termined by means of a least–squares fitting

procedure, using for each peak a single Gauss

function. Results are plotted as a function

of the transition energy in Fig.13. As shown,

the experimental points could be well fitted

with straight lines, showing that the energy

response of both CCDs is linear over the en-

ergy range 1 keV–18 keV. The slopes found

for the straight lines are 274 e−/keV (BI) and

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submitted to Rev. Sci. Instr. 37

FIG. 14: Percentages of eventsdetected in a single pixel as afunction of the incoming pho-ton energy. Orange open cir-cles stand for FI data, blueones for BI data.

295 e−/keV (FI). Noticing that the inverse of

the slope should correspond to the first ion-

ization potential of Si, values of 3.65 eV and

3.39 eV are found for the BI and FI cameras,

respectively. The deviation of about 7% ob-

served for the FI camera is probably due to

the fact that split events and tail events with

the smallest charges were not considered by

the correction code for the FI CCD. For the

same reason, the FI straight line does not con-

verge exactly to the origin.

From these measurements, the average

value of the CCD noise was also determined.

Results of 31.1 e− (FI) and 28.7 e− (BI)

were found. They correspond to the FWHM

of the noise event histograms. Both values

are bigger than the noise levels given in the

CCDs specifications (see Table III). That in-

creased noise is principally due to the pres-

ence in the vicinity of the CCDs of a turbo–

pump and several stepping motors. From the

above noise levels and other considerations

related to the obtained histograms, we have

estimated for each camera the lowest energy

that can be measured with the von Hamos

spectrometer. Low energy limits of 950 eV

for the FI camera and 450 eV for the BI one

were obtained.

C. Charge splitting effect

The photon energy dependence of the

charge splitting effect was determined for

both CCD cameras. The results are presented

in Fig.14. As shown, the relative number of

single pixel events varies as a function of the

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38 submitted to Rev. Sci. Instr.

FIG. 15: Results of Monte Carlo simulations of photon absorption in the FI CCD. a) Depth absorptionas a function of the photon energy (each point corresponds to an absorption event). b) Schematicvariation of the electrostatic field across the pixel depth. c) Ideal quantum efficiency derived from thesimulations.

photon energy in an opposite way for the two

CCDs. It can be seen that for the FI camera

almost all of the detected events are confined

to a single pixel for low energy x–rays. When

the photon energy increases, a slight decrease

in the relative number of single event pixels

is observed. At the highest measured energy

(17.479 keV) about 20% of all events are split

between 2 to 4 pixels. The number of sin-

gle event pixels could not be determined for

energies below 2 keV due to the poor charge

transfer efficiency resulting in split charge loss

in the background noise. A different behav-

ior of the charge splitting effect can be seen

for the BI CCD. In the photon energy range

from 1 keV to 1.84 keV (K–absorption edge

of Si) an increase in the number of detected

single event pixels is observed. For x–ray en-

ergies just above 1.84 keV the number of sin-

gle event pixels decreases drastically to a very

low level of less than 1% of the total number

of detected events. This fact signifies that al-

most all events are split across several pixels.

When the x–ray energy is further increased

the number of single events increases and for

energies above 6 keV the ratio of the single

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submitted to Rev. Sci. Instr. 39

events to the split events reaches a constant

level of 45%.

To better understand the photon en-

ergy dependence of the charge splitting ef-

fect Monte Carlo simulations of the photon

absorption in the CCDs were performed. Re-

sults are presented in Fig.15a for the FI cam-

era and in Fig.16a for the BI one. The Monte

Carlo simulations were computed employing

an exponential probability distribution [3]:

xi = −Lx(E)loge(Nr), (4)

where Lx(E) is the absorption length in sili-

con for a given x–ray energy and Nr a random

number between 0 and 1. The calculated xi

correspond to the depth at which a photon

of given energy is fully absorbed as a result

of the photoelectric effect. The computation

was performed with a 10 eV photon energy

step and for each step 1000 events were gen-


In Figs.15b–16b the schematic pixel po-

tential well profiles are shown (orange lines).

Depending on the strength of the electric

field two regions can be distinguished: a field

free material and a depletion region. By de-

sign, in case of front–side photon illumina-

tion, photons fall on the front surface where

the gates are located, whereas on the contrary

for back–side photon illumination x–rays en-

ter the back–surface farthest from the gates.

Therefore, with respect to the direction of in-

cident photons, these regions are located in

an opposite way for FI and BI cameras. As

already discussed in Sec.II, for the FI camera

x–rays penetrating the gate and oxide struc-

ture (marked as a red dashed line in Fig.15a)

may be absorbed before entering the deple-

tion region and the field free material. In the

case of the BI camera, x–rays enter the field

free material first and then the depletion re-

gion. From the Monte Carlo simulations for

the BI camera one can see that for photon

energies slightly above the K–absorption edge

of Si (i.e 1.84 keV) almost all x–rays are ab-

sorbed within a depth of 3–4 μm where the

electric field is weak. Therefore, at these en-

ergies most of the generated electrons can dif-

fuse thermally to neighboring pixels before

being trapped in the potential well of one

pixel. This assertion agrees with the results

presented in Fig.14, where for energies just

above 1.84 keV the number of single events is

close to zero. As the photon energy increases

photon absorption takes place directly in the

depletion region.

For the FI camera, our experimental re-

sults for the degree of charge splitting as a

function of the photon energy are also con-

firmed by Monte Carlo simulations. At low

energies almost all of the incident x–ray pho-

tons are absorbed directly in the depletion re-

gion where the electric field is strong enough

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40 submitted to Rev. Sci. Instr.

FIG. 16: Same as Fig.15 but for the BI CCD.

to prevent thermal diffusion of the electron

cloud. Therefore, in comparison with the

BI CCD, the charge splitting effect is weak.

However, the number of split charge events in-

creases at higher photon energies due to the

larger penetration depth. As a result, photo–

absorption takes place beneath the depletion

region, where again due to the weak electric

field the charge can diffuse to adjacent pixels.

D. Quantum efficiency ratio of the

front– and -back illuminated CCDs

In Fig.15c and Fig.16c the ideal quantum

efficiency as a function of incoming photon

energy is shown. The QE curves were calcu-

lated employing the analytical formulas (1–2)

and using the absorption coefficients reported

in [17] in the energy range between 1 keV and

18 keV. We assumed that the CCE is equal to

one and that there are no losses due to pho-

ton reflection on the Si chip surface. In fact,

theoretical QE curves were also deduced from

the Monte Carlo simulation by summing the

events which were absorbed within a depth

of 50 μm for the FI camera and 15 μm for

the BI camera. The calculated QE curves

show two important characteristic features.

First, as the photon energy approaches the

K–absorption edge of Si a completely different

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submitted to Rev. Sci. Instr. 41

behavior in the QE of the FI and BI cameras

is seen. For the FI CCD a strong absorption

in the dead layer structure decreases the QE,

while in the case of the BI camera an increase

in the efficiency is observed. Secondly, even

in an ideal case, due to the absorption in the

dead layer structure, the QE of the FI camera

would be less than 100%.

In order to derive the experimental QE

ratios, the intensities of the measured x–ray

characteristic lines were fitted by means of

a least–square method employing Voigtian

functions. Examples of such fits were already

shown in Figs.5–6. Because the experimental

setup was identical for both set of measure-

ments, employing the FI camera or the BI

one, the ratio of the fitted intensities corre-

sponds to the QE ratio of the two cameras at

a given x–ray energy. In the Fig. 17 the mea-

sured QE ratio of the FI to the BI CCDs as a

function of the photon energy is depicted by

blue open circles and the horizontal dashed

line corresponds to a QE ratio of one. These

results show that for photon energies above

4.5 keV the FI CCD is more efficient than

the BI one and at the highest measured en-

ergy the QE ratio is equal to 2.55. In the

low energy range the QE of the BI camera

is significantly higher. For a photon energy

of 1.872 keV just above the Si K edge, cor-

responding to the Sr Lβ line, the detection

efficiency of this camera is higher by a factor

of 3.84.

The experimentally derived QE ratios

were fitted with a theoretical model based on

the analytical formulas (1) and (2). The val-

ues of R and CCE were assumed to be the

same for both CCDs. Since x–ray radiation

is incident on the CCD surface with an angle

depending on the measured x–ray energy and

the crystal, a correction factor A was added.

In fact, this angle of incidence corresponds to

the Bragg angle. Therefore, the theoretical

formula for the QE ratio can be written as


QE(E)ratio =



)× (

1 − eXF I ·A(E))

eXBI ·A(E)(5)

with A(E) =2d · E(keV )

12.398 · n · LA(E).

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42 submitted to Rev. Sci. Instr.

FIG. 17: Measured QEratios of Front to Backilluminated CCDs as afunction of the incom-ing photon energy (blueopen circles). Resultsof theoretical calculationsare also shown (red solidline).

where XFISiO2is the thickness of the dead

layer structure in the FI camera and XFI

and XBI are the depletion depths for the FI

and the BI cameras, respectively. The LA

stands for the absorption length in silicon for

a given energy E, whereas n is the reflection

order and 2d the lattice constants of the

crystals given in Table I.

The formula (5) was used to fit the exper-

imental data of the QE ratio. The result is

shown as a red solid line in Fig.17. As it can

be seen, except below 1.5 keV, the computed

curve reproduces well the energy dependency

of the measured QE ratios. In particular,

the Si K–edge absorption effect at 1.84 keV

is well reproduced by the calculations. The

small ”jumps” observed in the theoretical

curve correspond to abrupt changes of

the Bragg angle from ∼25◦ to ∼60◦ when

replacing the crystal of the spectrometer for

measuring higher x–ray energies. As a result

of the Bragg angle change, the thickness of

the CCD chip seen by the photons becomes

suddenly smaller than the one corresponding

to the measurements performed with the

previous crystal, which leads to the observed

small dips in the theoretical QE ratio curve.

The best fit of the theoretical function

given by the formula (17) to the experimental

data was obtained for the following values

of the fitting parameters: XFISiO2= 1 μm,

XFI = 40 μm and XBI = 15 μm. The

results found for the depletion depths are in

good agreement with the values given by the

manufacturer (see Table III). For the dead

layer thickness of the FI camera, there is no

indication in the CCD data sheet but the

obtained result agrees reasonably well with

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submitted to Rev. Sci. Instr. 43

the thicknesses reported for other similar

CCD cameras [12, 18].

As the QE ratios of the two cameras can

be well reproduced with Eq.(5) derived from

the formulas (1) and (2), one could conclude

that it should be possible, using the same

formulas, to determine the absolute QE of

the investigated CCDs. However, to this end

the CCE should be known. As this parameter

which depends on the photon energy is not

provided by the manufacturer, it should be

determined experimentally. With the setup

employed in the present study, this would

represent a difficult task because absolute

x–ray intensities are not easy to determine

with a crystal spectrometer, some parameters

such as the crystal reflectivity being poorly

known. Note that because it was assumed

that the CCE is the same for both CCDs,

this quantity does not appear in the QE ratio

formula, but only the well known photon

absorption coefficients.


In conclusion, a variety of characteris-

tic x–ray emission lines were measured with

a high–resolution von Hamos curved crystal

spectrometer using for the detection of the

diffracted x–rays a FI CCD camera and a BI

one. From the acquired data the energy re-

sponse of the two cameras was found to be

well linear for both detectors over the energy

range between 1 keV and 18 keV. The charge

splitting effect was probed as a function of

the incoming photon energy and the CCD

type. Obtained results could be explained

with Monte Carlo simulations. Finally, the

QE ratio of the FI to BI camera was deter-

mined and compared with theoretical predic-

tions. A good agreement was observed over

the whole energy range.

[1] W. Boyle and G. Smith, Bell Syst. Tech. J.

49, 587 (1970).

[2] W. Boyle and G. Smith, US patent: 3792322


[3] J. R. Janesick, Scientific Charge-Coupled

Devices (SPIE, Washington, 2001).

[4] P. Plucinsky et al., Proc. SPIE 5488, 251


[5] C. D. Mackay, Ann. Rev. Astron. Astro-

phys. 24, 255 (1986).

[6] J. T. Bosiers, I. M. Peters, C. Draijer,

and A. Theuwissen, Nucl. Instrum. Meth-

ods Phys. Res. A565, 148 (2006).

[7] M. Bregant and E. Milotti, Nucl. Instrum.

Methods Phys. Res. A413, 479 (1998).

[8] www.fairchildimaging.com.

[9] www.roperscientific.com.

[10] www.andor.com.

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[11] www.e2v.com.

[12] A. Owens, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys.

Res. A529, 391 (2004).

[13] ST133 Princeton Instruments manual.

[14] N. Saks, IEEE Elec. Dev. Lett. EDL-1, 131


[15] J. Hoszowska et al., Nucl. Instrum. Methods

Phys. Res. A376, 129 (1996).

[16] R. D. Deslattes et al., Rev. Mod. Phys. 75,

35 (2003).

[17] http:/physics/nist.gov/xcom.

[18] M. Pivovaroff et al., IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci.

NS–45, 164 (1998).

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Part II

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Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 073001 (2006) 47

High–resolution study of x–ray resonant Raman scattering at theK–edge of silicon.

J. Szlachetko1,3, J.-Cl. Dousse1, J. Hoszowska2, M. Pajek3, R. Barrett2, M. Berset1,

K. Fennane1, A. Kubala-Kukus3 and M. Szlachetko1

1Department of Physics, University of Fribourg, CH-1700 Fribourg, Switzerland2European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), F-38043 Grenoble, France

3Swietokrzyska Academy, Institute of Physics, 25-406 Kielce, Poland

We report on the first high–resolution measurements of the K x–ray Res-

onant Raman Scattering (RRS) in Si. The measured x–ray RRS spectra,

interpreted using the Kramers–Heisenberg approach, revealed spectral

features corresponding to electronic excitations to the conduction and

valence bands in silicon. The total cross sections for the x–ray RRS

at the 1s absorption edge and the 1s–3p excitation were derived. The

Kramers–Heisenberg formalism was found to reproduce quite well the

x–ray RRS spectra, which is of prime importance for applications of the

total–reflection x–ray fluorescence technique.

PACS number(s):32.30.Rj, 32.70.Jz, 32.80.Ys, 31.15.Md

The x–ray Raman scattering is a second–

order process of photon–atom interaction

in which a core–electron is excited into an

unoccupied state above the Fermi level by

absorption of a photon. This intermediate

“virtual“ state of the neutral atom decays

then radiatively, the initial core hole being

filled by another inner–shell electron. The

energy of the “scattered“ photon �ω′ is given

by �ω′ = �ω − |Bf | − ε, where �ω stand for

the energy of the incoming photons, Bf is

the binding energy of the inner-shell hole

in the final state, and ε is the energy of

the excited core-electron above the Fermi

level. The cross section for Raman scattering

is generally extremely small compared to

elastic Rayleigh scattering. However, if the

energy of the incoming photon is close to

an absorption threshold the Raman process

is resonantly enhanced and its cross section

increases dramatically. Pioneering works

on the x-ray resonant Raman scattering

(RRS) using x–ray tubes were performed

in the 1970s by Sparks [1] and synchrotron

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48 Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 073001 (2006)

radiation by Eisenberger et al. [2].

Due to its resonant character, the x–

ray RRS is a powerful method to study

the electronic structure of solids, being

complementary to the x–ray absorption

techniques based on the first–order process.

High–resolution x–ray RRS measurements

represent a novel experimental tool to probe

unoccupied states in silicon, giving thus a

deeper insight in the electronic structure of

this important material for semiconductor


On the other hand, it has been realized

that the RRS process sets the limits for

application of the total reflection x–ray fluo-

rescence (TXRF) method [3] for measuring

very low concentrations of light element

impurities on the surface of Si wafers. For in-

stance, several experiments [4, 5] have shown

that the detection limit of Al impurities on

the Si surface is limited by the presence of

RRS x–rays. In fact, for incident photon

energies tuned below the Si K –absorption

edge to avoid the intense Si K fluorescence

x–ray line, the RRS structure of Si is indeed

overlapping with the Al K x–ray fluorescence

peak. Since the TXRF technique combined

with intense synchrotron x–ray sources

offers new possibilities for detection of light

elements in ultra-clean silicon, a precise

knowledge of the x–ray Raman scattering in

silicon is therefore crucial for applications of

the TXRF technique in the semiconductor

technology. By now, only theoretical pre-

dictions [6–10] were available for the RRS

structure in silicon. However, to be used for

reliable estimations of the detection limits

of the TXRF method for light element im-

purities in silicon, these calculations needed

experimental verification.

In this Letter we report on the first

high–resolution measurements of the res-

onant x–ray Raman scattering in silicon,

which yielded detailed shapes of the x–ray

RRS spectra for TXRF applications. We

also demonstrate that both the continuum

and bound states close to the threshold can

be probed in silicon by means of the RRS


The RRS x–ray spectra were measured

at the ESRF beamline ID21 by means of

high–resolution x–ray spectroscopy, using

a von Hamos Bragg–type curved crystal

spectrometer [11] with an energy resolution

of about 0.9 eV. The photon beam delivered

by the undulator was monochromatized

by means of two 20 A Ni/B4C multilayers

and the residual higher–energy photons

were suppressed with a Ni mirror. The

monochromator was calibrated by measuring

in the fluorescence mode the Al and Si K –

absorption edges. Depending on the energy,

1012–1013 incident photons/s with a FWHM

energy resolution of ∼ 6 eV were obtained

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Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 073001 (2006) 49

on the sample, which represented a good

compromise between an acceptable beam

energy resolution and high enough beam in-

tensity to investigate the weak RRS process.

For all measurements the angle between the

incoming beam and the target surface was

set to 20◦. Test–measurements performed

at smaller incident angles showed too poor

RRS yields to be measured in reasonable

collecting times by means of high–resolution.

A 1 mm thick solid polycrystalline Si sample

with a purity better than 99.99% was used.

The measured Si RRS x–ray spectra for

beam energies tuned down to –50 eV below

the 1s absorption edge are shown in Fig.1a,

while those measured at energies tuned

across the absorption edge, from –6 eV up

to +4 eV with 2 eV steps, are presented in

Fig.1b. As shown, the spectra consist of

two components, a broad and asymmetric

RRS structure whose position varies with

the beam energy and a narrow Si Kα

fluorescence line which occurs for all beam

energies at 1740 eV. The two components

are well separated for beam energies smaller

by about 10 eV than the Si 1s edge (Fig.1a)

but are overlapping for energies close to the

edge (Fig.1b). The x–ray resonant Raman

scattering investigated in the present experi-

ment is due to the excitation of a 1s electron

into the continuum (1s–εp) accompanied

by a quasi–simultaneous transition of a 2p

electron to the 1s level. The RRS x–ray

spectra have very long low–energy tails due

to the Lorentzian shapes of the involved

atomic levels and sharp high–energy cut–offs.

The position of the cut–offs is given by

�ω′ = �ω − |Bf | since ε = 0 and is therefore

shifted towards higher energies when the

beam energy increases. The Si Kα1 ,2 fluores-

cence line (2p–1s transition) results from the

photoionization of 1s electrons by photons

from the high-energy tail of the beam energy

distribution. For this reason, the intensity

of the Si Kα1 ,2 fluorescence line for incident

photon energy below the K–edge diminishes

rapidly and saturates above the absorption


In order to understand the shapes of the

observed spectra, calculations of the x–ray

resonant Raman scattering around the K

absorption edge were performed within the

second–order perturbation theory using the

Kramers–Heisenberg formula [7–9]. A more

detailed description of these calculations can

be found in [10]. The x–ray RRS profiles

were computed assuming the excitation of a

1s electron into the continuum (above the

Fermi level) and a 2p vacancy in the final

state. The binding energies and natural

widths of the 1s and 2p levels were taken

from Refs. [12] and [13], respectively. The

oscillator strength distributions dg1s/dω (see

Ref. [10]) for silicon, needed in the Kramers–

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50 Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 073001 (2006)

FIG. 1: High–resolution RRS x–rayspectra of Si for incident beam en-ergies tuned a) below the 1s absorp-tion edge and b) across it. The opencircles represent the measured spec-tra, the solid black lines the theo-retical predictions comprising boththe continuum and discrete excita-tions. The filled areas in b) standfor the predictions corresponding tothe discrete excitations. For com-parison, the spectra measured at1829 eV and 1834 eV are presentedin a) and b).

Heisenberg approach, were derived from the

experimental RRS x–ray spectra in a self–

consistent way (see Ref.[14]) by exploiting

the fact that the RRS structure measured

for different beam energies is determined by

a common dg1s/dω function. In fact, the

oscillator strength distributions extracted

from the data for different energies were

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found to be very similar, so that the average

of these distributions was chosen for dg1s/dω

in the calculations of the theoretical RRS

profiles. The beam energy distribution which

was derived from the above mentioned Si

K absorption edge measurement, was found

to be well reproduced by a Gaussian with

a FWHM of 6.1 eV and a small Lorentzian

contribution (8%) with a FWHM of 10.0 eV

describing the profile tails. To be compared

with the experimental RRS spectra, the

theoretical profiles were convolved with

the beam energy profile and experimental

broadening of the spectrometer. The theo-

retical RRS amplitudes were scaled to match

the experimental intensities with the same

scaling factor for all spectra. Results of

these calculations are presented in Fig.1. As

shown, the theoretical shapes are generally

in good agreement with the measured ones,

demonstrating that the Kramers–Heisenberg

approach reproduces fairly well the RRS

spectra in a broad range of x–ray energies.

In Fig.2, the four most intense x–ray RRS

experimental spectra induced by photon

beams tuned below the K edge are plotted

on the same scale, highlighting the evolution

of the RRS spectral features as a function

of the beam energy. It can be seen that

the low–energy tails of the measured RRS

spectra merge together into a single curve.

This observation which is expected from

theory is of practical importance for TXRF


A more detailed comparison of the

theoretical and experimental spectra showed

that for incident energies tuned just below

the 1s edge the measured intensities slightly

below the Kα1 ,2 fluorescence line were higher

than the calculated ones, when assuming

the resonant excitation of 1s electrons to

the continuum in the RRS process. These

discrepancies, peaking at about 1836 eV,

suggested the existence of additional, beam

energy dependent, 1s–np photoexcitations

that were not considered in the calculations.

Further calculations including the most

probable photoexcitation channel for silicon,

namely the 1s–3p, were therefore performed.

The generalized Kramers-Heisenberg formula

[10] combining both the bound and con-

tinuum states was employed. Taking into

account that the 3p electrons in silicon form

the valence band with binding energies in the

range from 0 to –5 eV [15] that correspond

fairly well to the observed 1s–3p excitations

centred at about 1836 eV, we found that the

present experiment is sensitive enough to

observe the 3p valence band structure. The

measured evolution of the 1s–3p excitation

as a function of the beam energy is depicted

in Fig.1b (filled areas).

In order to suppress the experimental

broadening, the oscillator strength distri-

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52 Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 073001 (2006)

FIG. 2: X–ray RRS spectrameasured at different beam en-ergies below the K edge.

bution (dg1s/dω) obtained from the RRS

spectra was further deconvolved for the

beam energy profile contribution. Adopting

a similar deconvolution procedure as the

one proposed by Filliponi [16] for EXAFS

applications resulted in an overall resolution

of our data of about 3 eV. The deconvolved

distribution dg1s/dω, together with measure-

ments of the linear attenuation coefficients

for crystalline and amorphous Si samples

taken from [17], is presented in Fig. 3. In

fact, both the XANES structure in the near

edge region (1840 eV–1855 eV) reflecting the

distribution of electronic states in the contin-

uum and the EXAFS oscillations occurring

above 1855 eV could be extracted. The

observed differences between the amorphous,

polycrystalline and crystalline samples can

be attributed to the electron scattering

effects reported in [18]. We wish to empha-

size, that due to the extremely low cross

section of the RRS process, the possibility

to obtain EXAFS–like information from

RRS measurements for silicon at the K –edge

had not been demonstrated experimentally


The total cross sections for the RRS

process were derived from the experimental

intensities of the integrated x–ray RRS

spectra normalized to the intensity of the

Kα1,2 x–ray fluorescence line measured at

a beam energy of 1895 eV. The K–shell

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FIG. 3: The oscillator strengthdistribution dg1s/dω obtainedfrom the present RRS mea-surements for polycrystallineSi compared with the linear at-tenuation coefficient for amor-phous and crystalline Si (from[17]).

photoionization cross section at 1895 eV

calculated with the XCOM code [19] was

adopted for the normalization and the partial

fluorescence yield of the Kα1,2 transitions

was taken from [20]. The same method of

normalization was employed to determine

the cross section for the 1s–3p excitation.

All x–ray yields were corrected beforehand

for the differences in the self–absorption in

the solid Si target of the incident photons

and the emitted ones, whereas the crystal

reflectivity and CCD efficiency were assumed

to be constant over the energy interval

covered by our experiment.

The measured total x–ray RRS cross

sections are presented as a function of the

incident beam energy in Fig.4. The theo-

retical RRS cross sections were obtained by

integrating the Kramers-Heisenberg formula

(see Ref. [10]) over the energy of the emitted

photons. As shown, a quite satisfactory

agreement is observed. Other experimental

data concerning x-ray RRS cross sections,

obtained using different techniques, exist

only for the photon beam energy of 1740 eV

[21, 22]. For the purpose of comparison to

these former data, the curve corresponding

to the least–squares fit to our results (see

Fig.4) was extrapolated to 1740 eV. A value

of 5.41 ± 0.61 [barns], i.e. 68.1 ± 7.7 [r20]

(where r0 stands for the classical electron

radius) was found, in good agreement with

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54 Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 073001 (2006)

FIG. 4: Measured total cross sections for the Si x–ray RRS (full circles) and 1s–3p excitation (opencircles) plotted versus the incident photon beam energies. The theoretical RRS predictions are shownby the solid line. Inset shows the density of p states in Si (thin line) convolved with our experimentalresolution (thick line). The latter was fitted to the evolution of the observed 1s–3p excitation.

the experimental values of 58 ± 20 [r20] and 67

± 8 [r20] reported in [21] and [22], respectively,

and with the theoretical prediction of 61[r20]

given by Tulkki and Aberg [7].

The x-ray intensities resulting from 1s–3p

excitation were fitted with a theoretical

profile obtained from the density of states

(DOS) for Si [15] (inset in Fig.4). The DOS

spectrum was convolved with the known

experimental broadening and transformed

to a beam energy scale assuming an energy

of 1840.1 eV [12] for the 1s edge, which

corresponds to 0 eV in the DOS curve. Here,

we would like to point out that no pre–edge

structure was observed by now for Si in near

edge x–ray absorption measurements, most

probably because of the very small relative

intensity (3%) of 1s–3p photoexcitation

process compared to the x–ray fluorescence.

In conclusion, the x–ray RRS spectra

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of Si were measured for the first time by

means of high–resolution x–ray spectroscopy.

The overall shapes of the observed x–ray

RRS spectra were found to be satisfactorily

reproduced by calculations based on the

Kramers–Heisenberg formalism. The total

x–ray RRS cross sections at the Si K –edge

were determined and the oscillator strength

distribution for continuum states was de-

rived revealing fine details of the electronic

structure of silicon. The weak 1s–3p pho-

toexcitation was observed in silicon for the

first time. Finally, it has to be noted, that

the obtained results are of prime importance

for applications of the TXRF technique,

which represents the most sensitive method

to determine the low–level impurities in Si



The authors would like to thank Dr. R.

Tucoulou and his collaborators at the ESRF

beam–line ID21 for providing our experi-

ment with very good beam conditions. They

also acknowledge the financial support of the

Swiss National Science Foundation and the


[1] C. J. Sparks, Phys. Rev. Lett. 33, 262


[2] P. Eisenberger, P. M. Platzman, and

H. Winick, Phys. Rev. Lett. 36, 623 (1976).

[3] R. Klockenkamper, Total Reflection X-Ray

Fluorescence Analysis (Wiley, New York,


[4] K. Baur et al., J. Appl. Phys. 88, 4624


[5] K. Baur et al., Spectrochim. Acta 56B,

2049 (2001).

[6] M. Gavrila, Rev. Roum. Phys. 19, 473


[7] T. Aberg, Atomic Inner-Shell Physics

(Plenum Press, New York, 1985), pp. 419–


[8] F. Gel’mukhanov and H. Agren, Phys. Rep.

312, 87 (1999).

[9] A. Kotani and S. Shin, Rev. Mod. Phys. 73,

203 (2001).

[10] J. Tulkki and T. Aberg, J. Phys. B15, L435


[11] J. Hoszowska et al., Nucl. Instrum. Methods

Phys. Res. A376, 129 (1996).

[12] R. D. Deslattes et al., Rev. Mod. Phys. 75,

35 (2003).

[13] J. L. Campbell and T. Papp., At. Data and

Nucl. Data Tables 77, 1 (2001).

[14] H. Hayashi et al., Chem. Phys. Lett. 371,

125 (2003).

[15] P. S. Fowles et al., Phys. Rev. B48, 14142


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[16] A. Filliponi, J. Phys. B33, 2835 (2000).

[17] A. Owens, G. Fraser, and S. Gurman, Rad.

Phys. Chem. 65, 109 (2002).

[18] A. Bianconi et al., Phys. Rev. B36, 6426


[19] http:/physics.nist.gov/xcom.

[20] F. B. Larkins, At. Data Nucl. Data Tables

20, 313 (1977).

[21] J. M. Hall et al., Phys. Rev. A19, 568


[22] A. G. Karydas, (private comunication).

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Phys. Rev. A75, 022512 (2007) 57

High–resolution study of the x–ray resonant Raman scatteringprocess around the 1s absorption edge for aluminium, silicon and

their oxides.

J. Szlachetko, J.-Cl. Dousse, M. Berset, K. Fennane, M. SzlachetkoDepartment of Physics, University of Fribourg, CH-1700 Fribourg, Switzerland

J. Hoszowska, R. BarrettEuropean Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), F-38043 Grenoble, France

M. Pajek, A. Kubala-Kukus

Swietokrzyska Academy, Institute of Physics, 25-406 Kielce, Poland

X–ray resonant Raman scattering (RRS) spectra of Al, Al2O3, Si and

SiO2 were measured at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility

(ESRF), using a high–resolution Bragg–type curved crystal spectrom-

eter. The x–ray RRS spectra were collected at several beam energies

tuned below the 1s absorption thresholds of Al and Si. Differences in

the spectral features between the elemental samples and the oxide ones

were clearly observed. The data were interpreted using the second–order

perturbation theory within the Kramers–Heisenberg (KH) approach. It

is shown that, using the KH formalism, oscillator strengths that are sim-

ilar to the ones deduced from x–ray absorption measurements can be

extracted from emission x–ray RRS spectra. The total cross sections for

the x–ray RRS process were derived for the different photon beam en-

ergies and compared with theoretical predictions. For elemental silicon,

the weak 1s–3p excitation was observed for the first time and found to

be consistent with results of density of states (DOS) calculations.

PACS number(s):32.30.Rj, 32.70.Jz, 32.80.Ys, 31.15.Md


Intense, monoenergetic and energy–

tunable x–ray sources have become a very

important tool in material sciences, in

particular for the investigation of electronic

states and electron–electron correlations

in insulators, semiconductors and metals.

Synchrotron radiation has played a major

role in this development, being extensively

used for state–selective studies in both x–ray

absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and x–ray

photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). X–ray

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58 Phys. Rev. A75, 022512 (2007)

emission spectroscopy (XES) and resonant

inelastic x–ray scattering (RIXS) represent

alternative techniques to probe electronic

excitations in condensed matter systems [1].

However, due to the small signals of XES

and RIXS which are spectroscopies of second

order optical processes, very intense x–ray

sources are needed to obtain precise experi-

mental data. In this respect, a tremendous

development of XES and RIXS studies has

occurred in the last decade due to the advent

of high-brilliance x–ray sources offered by

third-generation synchrotron radiation facili-


Like RIXS, x–ray Raman scattering is a

photon–in and photon–out second–order pro-

cess. In this process a core electron is excited

into a bound state just above the Fermi level

by absorption of a photon. The intermediate

virtual state then decays radiatively, the

initial core hole being filled by another inner–

shell electron with simultaneous emission of

a photon. The energy of the inelastically

scattered photon is equal to the energy of

the incoming photon minus the sum of the

binding energy of the inner–shell hole in the

final state and energy above the Fermi level

of the excited core electron. In comparison

with first–order processes, x–ray Raman

scattering intensities are much weaker except

if the energy of the incoming photon is close

to an absorption threshold. In this case,

the Raman process is resonantly enhanced

and its cross section increases drastically.

The x–ray resonant Raman scattering (RRS)

process can be regarded as a particular case

of RIXS in which the scattered photons

are characterized by discrete final states

[2]. Pioneering works on x–ray RRS were

performed in the seventies using x–ray tubes

[3] and synchrotron radiation [4].

X–ray RRS has been used extensively in

the last years to study the electronic struc-

ture of numerous elements and compounds

[1]. Up to now, most studies were carried

out for transition metals [5–7] and rare earth

elements [8, 9] whereas, for low Z elements,

x–ray RRS information is more scarce [10–

12]. For silicon data were collected mostly

about the L2,3 edges [13, 14] and more rarely

at the K edge [15]. In these experiments,

it was shown that the x–ray RRS emission

spectra exhibit features which can be used to

study the valence and conduction bands. In

particular, the shapes of the Si x–ray RRS

spectra observed at the L3 edge were found

to be well reproduced by band–structure

calculations [16]. In contrast to that, to

our knowledge no x–ray RRS study around

K –edge has been reported so far for Al,

nor for Al2O3. This is somewhat surprising

because novel aluminium based materials

[17] and aluminium oxides [18], which are

widely used in industrial applications have

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Phys. Rev. A75, 022512 (2007) 59

been intensively investigated using other


The x–ray RRS process also plays an

important role in the determination of light

element impurities on the surface of ultra

clean substrates by means of the total reflec-

tion x–ray fluorescence (TXRF) method [19].

The TXRF method is affected by the x–ray

RRS process because the latter represents

an important source of background. For

instance, recent experiments have shown

[20, 21] that the detection threshold of Al

impurities on the surface of ultra pure silicon

wafers is limited by the presence of RRS

x–rays. For incident photon energies tuned

below the Si 1s-absorption edge to avoid

the intense Si Kα fluorescence peak, the

broad x–ray RRS spectrum of Si is indeed

overlapping with the Al Kα fluorescence line.

Detailed knowledge of the shape and yield

of the Si x–ray RRS spectrum is therefore

crucial for optimisation of the measuring

parameters and also assessing the practical

minimum detection limits for light element

impurities which can be attained. Up to

now, due to the lack of existing experimental

data, only theoretical predictions [1, 22–24]

have been used for the determination of the

x–ray RRS background in ultra pure silicon

wafers. However, the sensitivity of the TXRF

method being limited by the uncertainties

related to these calculations, an experimental

verification of the theoretical predictions is

highly desirable.

In this paper, we report on high–resolution

measurements of the x–ray RRS spectra of

Al, Si, Al2O3 and SiO2. Partial results

concerning elemental silicon were already

published in [25]. The spectra were collected

at several incident photon energies below the

K -edges of Al and Si. The shapes of the ob-

served x–ray RRS spectra were compared to

predictions based on the Kramers–Heisenberg

theory. They were found to be well repro-

duced by the calculations over wide ranges of

beam energy, providing that proper oscillator

strength distributions are used. Using the

equations proposed by Tulkki and Aberg

[22], we were able to extract for all samples

the oscillator strength distributions from

the corresponding experimental x–ray RRS

spectra. The obtained distributions were

found to exhibit similar shapes and features

as the curves measured by means of the near

edge absorption technique. The absolute

x–ray RRS cross sections and their variation

with the beam energy were determined for

the four samples. For elemental silicon,

for which data were also taken using beam

energies tuned across the K edge, the weak

1s–3p excitation could be observed for the

first time and its cross section determined.

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60 Phys. Rev. A75, 022512 (2007)


The measurements were performed at

the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility

(ESRF), in Grenoble, France. The x–ray RRS

spectra were measured by means of high–

resolution, using a Bragg type von Hamos

bent crystal spectrometer [26], installed at

the beam line ID21, downstream from the

chamber of the scanning transmission x–ray

microscope. The spectrometer was equipped

with a 10 cm high × 5 cm wide × 0.03

cm thick (101) ADP (Ammonium Dihydrogen

Phosphate) crystal (2d=10.642 A), curved

cylindrically to a radius of 25.4 cm. The x–ray

source width, which is crucial for the resolv-

ing power of the spectrometer, was defined by

a narrow rectangular slit, consisting of two

juxtaposed vertical 0.3 mm thick Ta plates,

placed between the crystal and the target. By

decreasing the slit width the resolution of the

spectrometer is improved but its efficiency di-

minishes. To satisfy at best the conditions of

this experiment a slit width of 0.2 mm was

chosen. The x–rays diffracted by the crystal

were recorded with a position–sensitive back

illuminated CCD (Charge Coupled Device)

detector consisting of 1340 columns and 400

rows with a pixel size of 20 × 20 μm2. In or-

der to reduce the dark current noise the CCD

chip was thermoelectrically cooled down to –

50 degrees C. The energy calibration of the

von Hamos spectrometer was determined by

measuring the fluorescence Kα lines of Al and

Si at incident photon energies 50 eV above

the K edges of the two elements. These mea-

surements were also used to determine the

response function of the spectrometer. The

latter was found to be well reproduced by a

Gaussian profile with a full width at half max-

imum (FWHM) of 0.8 eV for Al and 0.9 eV

for Si.

The white beam delivered by the ID21 un-

dulator was monochromatized by means of

two 20 A Ni/B4C multilayers. Higher–energy

photons were rejected with an efficiency bet-

ter than 99.9% by means of a Ni mirror.

Depending on the energy, 1010–1011 incident

photons per second with a FWHM energy res-

olution of about 6 eV were obtained on the

samples, which represented a good compro-

mise between a high enough beam intensity

to observe the weak x–ray RRS spectra and

an acceptable beam energy resolution. The

monochromator was calibrated in energy by

measuring the Al and Si K –absorption edges

in the fluorescence mode using a Si(Li) detec-


Solid targets of metallic Al, polycrys-

talline Si and amorphous Al2O3 and SiO2

with a thickness of 1mm were employed. Pu-

rities of the samples were 99.999% for Al and

Si, 97.5% for Al2O3 and 99.9% for SiO2. The

spot size of the beam on the target was about

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FIG. 1: a) Energy diagram of thex–ray RRS process involving 1s and2p electrons. b) Theoretical Si x–ray RRS profiles assuming the fi-nal vacancy in the L2 or L3 sub-shell (thin solid lines) and their sum(thick solid line). Calculations weredone for incoming photons with anenergy 20 eV below the K edge. Theinset shows the simple step functionmodel used in the calculations forthe oscillator strength distributiondg1s/dω.

1 mm in diameter. For each sample, the angle

between the beam and the target surface was

set to 20 degrees. Test–measurements per-

formed at smaller incident angles to better

reproduce the experimental conditions of low

resolution TXRF measurements that are car-

ried out at grazing incidence angles showed

x–ray RRS yields too poor to be measured in

reasonable collecting times by means of high


The x–ray RRS data were recorded in the

energy range between 1400 eV and 1490 eV

for Al and Al2O3, and between 1640 eV and

1760 eV for Si and SiO2. The CCD size along

the dispersion axis (26.8 mm) permitted us to

cover an energy range of about 40 eV. Thus

two to three CCD lengths were required to ob-

serve the x–ray RRS spectra of interest. Data

were acquired in the so–called multiple frame

mode. Numbers of collected images for sin-

gle measurements varied between 200 and 600

with exposure times of 1s to 10 s per image.

Exposure times were chosen depending on the

photon intensity on the CCD in order to avoid

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62 Phys. Rev. A75, 022512 (2007)

multiple hits on single pixels. The CCD cam-

era was operated through a dedicated con-

troller at a rate of 1 MHz so that the time

needed to read each two–dimensional image

amounted to about 0.5 s. To reject higher or-

der reflection events and diminish the back-

ground the acquired images were filtered on–

line by setting suitable energy windows on the

CCD. The sum of all filtered images was then

projected onto the dispersion axis giving the

energy spectrum.


X–ray RRS differential cross sections can

be determined using the formulas developed

by Tulkki and Aberg [22, 23] within the

Kramers–Heisenberg model. In the present

study the x–ray RRS process consists of the

excitation of a 1s core electron into an in-

termediate unoccupied level. This ”virtual”

state then decays radiatively by a 2p→1s

transition as schematically shown in Fig.1a.

As reported by Aberg and Tulkki [23], the

anisotropic interference term between the res-

onant and nonresonant amplitudes becomes

very small close to the K edge. Assuming

therefore this term to be negligible in our

case, the x–ray RRS differential cross section

can be written as follows:


dω2= A

∫ ∞




(ω1s − ω2pj)g2pj

(ω1s + ω)(dg1s/dω)

(ω1s + ω − ω1)2 + Γ21s/4�2

× Γ2pj/2�

(ω1 − ω2pj− ω − ω2)2 + Γ2



where A is a normalization constant, �ω1 and

�ω2 are the energies of the incoming and out-

going photons and �ω stands for the energy

above the Fermi level of the excited electron.

The oscillator strength for the 2p →1s tran-

sition is represented by g2pj, where j = 1/2

or 3/2, depending on whether the final va-

cancy is located in the L2 or L3 subshell. The

dg1s/dω represents the oscillator strength dis-

tribution for 1s absorption. It is a function

of the excited electron energy. The second

term in Eq.(1) represents the normalized fi-

nal state density function that accounts for

the final state broadening (Γ2pj) and ensures

the energy conservation which is given by:

�ω2 = �ω1 − �ω2pj− �ω (2)

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As an example the theoretical x–ray RRS pro-

file given by Eq.(1) is shown in Fig.1b. Cal-

culations were performed for Si assuming an

ideally monochromatic beam having an en-

ergy of 1820 eV, i.e., an energy 20 eV below

the 1s threshold. The binding energies �ω1s

and �ω2p, the atomic level widths Γ 1s, Γ 2pj

and the oscillator strength g2pjwere taken

from [27], [28] and [29], respectively. To sim-

plify the calculations, a step function was as-

sumed for the oscillator strength distribution

dg1s/dω (see inset in Fig.1b).

As it can be seen from Fig.1b the x–ray

RRS profile presents a long low–energy tail

which is due to the Lorentzian shape of the

involved 1s atomic level. At the low energy

limit (�ω2 → 0) the differential cross section

dσ(ω1)/dω2 vanishes. The sharp high–energy

cut–off is defined by the energy conservation

(�ω = 0 in Eq.(2)) and moves towards lower

energies when the energy of the incoming pho-

tons decreases.

Due to the choice of a step function for

the oscillator strength distribution, the theo-

retical x–ray RRS profile presented in Fig.1b

does not show any fine structures. Actually,

a more realistic dg1s/dω distribution would

contain peaks and oscillations similar to those

observed in x–ray absorption fine structure

(XAFS) spectra. These fine structures should

be then reflected in the measured x–ray RRS

spectra because in the Raman process by

exciting 1s electrons above the Fermi level

one scans the density of unoccupied bound

states in the atom. As a consequence, realis-

tic dg1s/dω distributions should be deducible

from experimental x–ray RRS spectra.

In order to calculate analytically the

dg1s/dω, the normalized density function in

Eq.(1) can be replaced by the Dirac delta

function [23, 30], provided that the width of

the final state is negligibly small. Indeed,

within this approximation Eq.(1) can be ex-

pressed as:


dω2= A

∫ ∞




(ω1s − ω2pj)g2pj

(ω1s + ω)(dg1s/dω)

(ω1s + ω − ω1)2 + Γ21s/4�2

× δ(ω1 − ω2pj− ω − ω2)dω =

= Aω2


(ω1s − ω2pj)g2pj

(ω1s − ω2pj+ ω1 − ω2)(dg1s/dω)

(ω1s − ω2pj− ω2)2 + Γ2


and the dg1s/dω is then given by:









(ω1s − ω2pj− ω2)

2 + Γ21s/4�


(ω1s − ω2pj)g2pj

(ω1s − ω2pj+ ω1 − ω2)

. (4)

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64 Phys. Rev. A75, 022512 (2007)

As the experimental x–ray RRS yield at the

energy �ω2 is proportional to the differen-

tial cross section dσ(ω1)/dω2, the latter can

be replaced in Eq.(4) by the measured Ra-

man intensity. For a given beam energy (�ω1)

tuned below the 1s absorption edge, the pro-

file of the distribution dg1s/dω can thus be

derived from the corresponding x–ray RRS

spectrum for a wide energy range (�ω). Ac-

tually, from Eq.(4) two profiles are obtained,

that correspond to final vacancy states with

j = 1/2 and j = 3/2, respectively. As only

the sum of these two distributions is reflected

in the experimental x–ray RRS spectrum, the

obtained oscillator strength distribution is a

sum of two profiles having similar shapes but

shifted in energy. However, for the low–Z

samples investigated in the present study, the

shifts are only 0.3–0.6 eV [27] and therefore

the resulting smearing of the total dg1s/dω

distributions is small. On the other hand, in

contrast to the absorption method, the ob-

tained profile is not broadened by the atomic

level width Γ 1s of the 1s state. Thus, if

the experimental broadening is smaller than

Γ 1s, more detailed dg1s/dω profiles can be ob-

tained with this method than with absorption

measurements [5].


A. Shape of the RRS x–ray spectra.

The high–resolution x–ray RRS spectra

measured for several beam energies tuned be-

low the K absorption edges are depicted in

Fig.2 for Al and Al2O3 and in Fig.3 for Si

and SiO2. The energy calibration of the

monochromator was obtained by measuring

the absorption spectra of the Al and Si sam-

ples in the fluorescence mode, assuming for

the inflection points the energies of 1559.9 eV

and 1840.1 eV reported in [27] for the K edges

of these elements. The K edge energies of the

two oxides were then deduced from the inflec-

tion points of the Al2O3 and SiO2 absorption

spectra. Energy shifts of +5.9 eV and +8.0

eV with respect to the parent elements were

found for Al2O3 and SiO2, respectively.

As shown in Figs.2–3 each spectrum con-

sists of two components: a broad structure

corresponding to the RRS x–ray spectrum

and a narrow line corresponding to the Kα

x–ray transition. The presence in the ob-

served spectra of the Kα x–ray line for beam

energies tuned below the 1s edge is due to

the high–energy tail of the monochromator

response. For this reason, the intensity of this

line for incident photon energies below the K

edge diminishes rapidly and saturates above

the absorption edge. The monochromator re-

sponse was found to be well reproduced by a

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FIG. 2: (Color online) High–resolution x–ray RRS spectra of Al and Al2O3 measured for differentbeam energies tuned below the 1s absorption edge.

Gaussian with a FWHM of 6.1 eV and a small

Lorentzian contribution (8%) with a FWHM

of 10.0 eV accounting for the Lorentzian–like

tails characterizing the multilayer monochro-

mator profile.

In general the observed x–ray RRS struc-

tures have similar shapes as the ones pre-

dicted by theory. In particular, the maxima

of the x–ray RRS spectra and the high en-

ergy cut–offs move with the beam energy ac-

cording to the energy conservation law (see

Eq.(2)). One can also see that for all sam-

ples the tails in the low energy parts of the

x–ray RRS structures merge together for any

beam energy. This feature of the x–ray RRS

spectra may be of practical interest for the

TXRF technique. On the other hand, the ex-

perimental broadening results in a smearing

of the observed spectra. For this reason, the

high energy cut–off as well as the maximum

of each RRS structure are significantly wider

than those of the theoretical spectrum shown

in Fig.1.

B. Oscillator strength distribution


In order to extract more detailed infor-

mation from the observed spectra data were

analysed using the Kramers–Heisenberg ap-

proach. First of all, a realistic dg1s/dω oscilla-

tor strength distribution was needed in order

to fit properly the RRS spectra. As discussed

in sect.III, realistic dg1s/dω distributions can

be extracted directly from the experimental

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FIG. 3: (Color online) High-resolution x–ray RRS spectra of Si and SiO2 measured for different beamenergies tuned below the 1s absorption edge.

x–ray RRS spectra. The method is explained

in more detail below for the case of Si.

At first, the dg1s/dω function was deter-

mined using Eq.(4). The binding energies

were taken from [27], the oscillator strengths

g2pjand the widths of the 1s and 2p states

from [29] and [28], respectively. The energy

range of the dg1s/dω function obtained in this

way is limited by the energy domain covered

by our measurements. The threshold is given

by the cut–off of the emission spectrum and

the high–energy limit by the lowest energy of

the emitted photons. As a consequence, de-

pending on the beam energy, the extension of

the calculated dg1s/dω profiles varies. How-

ever, in the overlapping region (about 60 eV)

the calculated profiles were found to be the

same for each beam energy, as expected from

theory, so that the average of these distribu-

tions was chosen for dg1s/dω. For Si, this av-

erage distribution is presented in Fig.4 (fluc-

tuating thin solid line). In this figure the en-

ergy scale of the excited electrons (�ω) was

transformed to the energy scale of the incom-

ing photons (�ω1) according to Eq.(2), assign-

ing to the origin of the (�ω) scale the energy

of 1840.1 eV reported in [27] for the 1s ab-

sorption edge. As shown, the obtained dis-

tribution has a similar shape as the spectrum

measured by the absorption method but, due

to the poorer statistics of the x–ray RRS mea-

surements, the dg1s/dω distribution is more

noisy. In addition, the observed differences

in the spectral features at the edge, namely

the shift of the first peak and the edge width,

are due to the better beam energy resolu-

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tion for the absorption spectra measurements.

In order to diminish the noise and improve

the resolution of the derived distribution, a

more sophisticated method of analysis using

a dedicated deconvolution procedure was de-


Among existing spectral deconvolution

techniques (see e.g. [31–33]), the method pro-

posed by Filipponi [32] was found to be the

most appropriate one to deconvolve XAFS-

like functions. Assuming that the measured


dωresults from the convolution of

the real dg1s/dω distribution with the exper-

imental response function G, one can write:





G(E − E ′)dE ′ (5)

The easiest way to obtain the real function


consists to use a deconvolution method

based on the Fourier transformation (FT).

Within this method, the extracted profile and

broadening function are first transformed into

the Fourier space, then the first Fourier trans-

form is divided by the second one and the

result is finally transformed back into the en-

ergy space:


dω= FT−1





where q = 2π�ω

. In our experiment the broad-

ening was mainly due to the beam energy dis-

tribution which could be represented approx-

imately by a Gaussian with a standard de-

viation σ of about 2.6 eV. In the direct and

Fourier spaces the Gaussian broadenings are

given respectively by:

G(E) =1√


(− E2



G(q) = exp




As in the Fourier transformation the noise

blows up even for small values of σ, an ad-

ditional filter was employed in the deconvo-

lution process. The filter consisted to add a

third power term in q in the argument of the

G(q) function to prevent the latter to con-

verge to zero for the q → ∞ limit. With this

filter the deconvolved dg1s/dω distribution is

finally given by:


dω= FT−1





2− b(q − q0)



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FIG. 4: Oscillator strength distributions obtained for Si and SiO2 extracted from the correspondingRRS x–ray spectra (thin solid lines). The thick solid lines stand for the distributions that wereobtained when a dedicated deconvolution procedure was applied (for details, see text). For comparisonthe corresponding absorption spectra [34] are also shown (grey lines).

FIG. 5: Oscillator strength distributions obtained for Al and Al2O3 extracted from the correspondingRRS x–ray spectra (thin solid lines). The thick solid lines stand for the distributions that wereobtained when a dedicated deconvolution procedure was applied (for details, see text). For comparisonthe absorption spectrum of Al reported in [35] is also shown (grey line).

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where b is a constant and q0 which is of

the order of 0.3 eV−1 serves to enhance and

sharpen the features present in the spectra

[32]. When applying the FT a further dif-

ficulty resided in oscillations stemming from

the step like shape and the finite interval of

our distribution. The problem was solved by

subtracting a linear function from dg1s/dω so

that the first and last points of the distribu-

tion had the same value after the subtraction.

The linear function was then simply added

to the deconvolved distribution since, accord-

ing to the Cauchy principle, the deconvolu-

tion of a linear function results in the same

linear function. To check the reliability of

the described deconvolution method, the lat-

ter was applied to functions resulting from

the folding of known profiles. Quite satisfac-

tory results were obtained for the deconvolved

curves which were found to match rather well

the original ones, neither artificial peaks nor

oscillations being observed as a result of the


As the FT is a noise–sensitive process, raw

data were smoothed before their deconvolu-

tion, using the Slavitzky–Golay filter. As it

can be seen from Fig.4, the noise level is not

constant but grows with energy. Actually

this is not surprising because the high–energy

part of the dg1s/dω distribution corresponds

to the low–energy part of the emission spec-

trum where the fluctuations are much bigger

than in the near cut–off region. For this rea-

son, before smoothing the data, a variable

binning was employed in which the number

of binned points was increased with energy, in

order to bring the normalized sums of binned

points to the same statistical error. However,

to preserve the fine structures present in the

spectrum, the energy range corresponding to

the binned points was always kept smaller

than the experimental resolution.

The result of the deconvolution of the pre-

viously smoothed dg1s/dω distribution of Si is

depicted in Fig.4 (thick solid line). As shown

a significant improvement is brought by the

binning–smoothing procedure. For instance,

the small structures around 1870 eV and 1885

eV are better resolved and in the near edge

region a triplet structure appears which was

hardly visible before.

The same deconvolution method was em-

ployed for SiO2, Al and Al2O3. Results are

presented in Fig.4 and Fig.5, respectively. At

first one sees that significant differences are

observed between Al and Si, although the two

elements differ only by one unit in the atomic

number Z, as well as between the pure ele-

ments and their oxides. A further inspec-

tion of the two figures shows that for Si,

SiO2 and Al the overall shapes of the de-

rived distributions are similar to those ob-

tained by means of absorption measurements.

For Al2O3, no comparison could be performed

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since no corresponding XANES (near edge x–

ray absorption spectroscopy) spectrum for an

amorphous sample was found.

In the case of Si, the triplet structure ap-

pearing around 1842 eV reflects the density of

states of the conduction band [36] while the

structures at 1862 eV and 1883 eV are due

to the multiple scattering effects reported in

[37]. A similar triplet structure is observed in

the near edge region of SiO2 in good accor-

dance with the absorption spectra reported

in [34, 36, 38]. The strong white line around

1850 eV, which is less sharp and shifted to

higher energies in our case as a result of the

poorer beam energy resolution, has been as-

signed in [36] to an excitonic state with p

symmetry. Regarding Al, the near edge struc-

ture can be interpreted in terms of unoccu-

pied levels with a majority contribution of p

and d states as discussed in [35].

Here, we would like to point out that the

possibility to obtain XAFS–like information

over a wide energy range from x–ray RRS

spectra has not been demonstrated experi-

mentally beforehand, probably because of the

extremely low x–ray RRS cross sections. In

fact, as shown in the present paper, x–ray

RRS measurements can represent an alterna-

tive to absorption measurements for studying

the electronic properties in materials.

C. Shape of the x–ray RRS spectra vs.

Kramers–Heisenberg formalism

The dg1s/dω distributions derived with the

method described in the preceding section can

now be employed to calculate the shapes of

the x–ray RRS spectra using the Kramers–

Heisenberg formula. An example of the re-

sults obtained from these numerical calcula-

tions is shown for SiO2 in Fig.6.

The energies of the 1s and 2p levels of

SiO2, which are needed in the calculations,

were derived directly from the experiment.

At first, the energy of the 1s level was de-

termined from the inflection point of the K –

absorption edge measurement. A value of

1848.1 eV was found. The energies of the two

2p levels were then determined by subtracting

from the above value the fitted energies of the

Kα1,2 doublet measured in the off–resonance

regime. Results of 108.1 eV and 107.5 eV

were obtained for the 2p1/2 and 2p3/2 lev-

els, respectively. The fitted Lorentzian widths

of the Kα1 and Kα2 lines were found to be

the same as those obtained in the fit of el-

emental Si, so that the widths Γ 1s and Γ 2p

and the oscillator strength g2pjoccurring also

in the Kramers–Heisenberg formula were as-

sumed to be the same as those reported for

Si in [28, 29].

The x–ray RRS profile calculated by

means of Eq.(1) as well as the fluorescence

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FIG. 6: Theoretical shape of the x–ray RRS spectrum of SiO2 calculated for an excitation energy of1836 eV (thick solid line). Thin lines correspond to final states with the vacancy in the L2 and L3

subshells. The open circles represent the experimental spectrum. The oscillator strength distributionused in the calculations is shown in the inset.

Kα line were then fitted to the data. As

shown in Fig.6 a quite satisfactory agreement

was achieved. Similar good agreements be-

tween the shapes of the experimental and the-

oretically computed spectra were observed for

the other samples and any employed beam

energy. Note that for a given sample the

theoretical x–ray RRS yield was scaled to

match the experimental intensity but the

same scaling factor was then used for the

x–ray RRS spectra taken at different ener-

gies. It can be concluded that the shapes of

x–ray RRS spectra can be well reproduced

by the Kramers–Heisenberg approach, using

the Tulkki and Aberg formula. However, we

have found that good fits to the experimen-

tal data were only obtained when the proper

dg1s/dω distribution was used in the calcu-

lations. This is probably not true for low–

resolution (Γexp >100 eV) TXRF measure-

ments, for which precise enough theoretical

x–ray RRS spectra can be computed using a

simple step function for the dg1s/dω distribu-


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D. X–ray RRS cross sections

The total cross sections for the x–ray RRS

process were derived from the experimental

intensities of the integrated x–ray RRS spec-

tra normalized to the intensity of the parent

Kα x–ray lines measured at beam energies

about 50 eV above the 1s thresholds. As-

suming that the x–ray RRS cross section for

photon energies slightly below the K –edge is

isotropic [23], the following relation was em-



IKασKωKα (10)

where IRRS and IKα correspond to the inte-

grated yields of the x–ray RRS spectra and

Kα transitions. The single K shell photoion-

ization cross sections σK and the partial fluo-

rescence yields ωKα were taken from [39] and

[40], respectively. All x-ray yields were cor-

rected for the differences in the absorption

in the target of the incoming and outgoing

photons, whereas the efficiency of the crys-

tal spectrometer was assumed to be constant

over the about 100 eV wide energy intervals

covered by the present experiment.

The energy range of the x–rays emitted

in the RRS process extends down to 0 eV,

whereas only photons with energies bigger

than the lower limits (Emin) of the measured

energy intervals were observed. The value of

Emin was 1400 eV for Al and Al2O3 and 1640

eV for Si and SiO2. The problem was solved

by extending the calculations of the theoreti-

cal x–ray RRS profiles down to 0 eV and by

integrating then the theoretical spectra from

zero to Emin. The so–obtained theoretical

yields were then simply added to the mea-

sured x–ray RRS intensities to get the total

x–ray RRS yields employed in the cross sec-

tion determination. Since the shapes of the

experimental x–ray RRS spectra were found

to be very well reproduced by theory over the

whole photon energy intervals covered by the

measurements, one can expect that the cor-

rections for the missing experimental x–ray

RRS yields obtained this way are reliable.

Furthermore, as the low energy tails of the

x–ray RRS spectra merge together below the

maxima of the spectra (see Fig.2 and Fig.3),

for a given sample the correction should be

the same for any beam energy. This was con-

firmed by the calculations within the statis-

tical uncertainties so that the same average

yield correction was applied to all x–ray RRS

spectra corresponding to the same target.

The total x–ray RRS cross sections ob-

tained in the present work are presented in

Fig.7 for the four samples. The cross sections

corresponding to the missing experimental x–

ray RRS yields discussed above amount to

0.166 cm2/g and 0.125 cm2/g for Al and

Al2O3, respectively to 0.123 cm2/g and 0.072

cm2/g for Si and SiO2. The solid lines in Fig.7

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FIG. 7: Total x–ray RRS cross sections plotted versus the photon beam energies. The solid linesrepresent the corresponding theoretical cross sections computed by means of the Kramers–Heisenbergformula.

correspond to theoretical predictions based

on the Kramers–Heisenberg formula. They

were calculated by integrating Eq.(1) over the

whole energy range of the emitted photons,

i.e. from �ω2 = 0 to �ω2 = Ecut−off . The

constants A occurring in Eq.(1) were deter-

mined by fitting the theoretical cross section

curves to the experimental points. As showed

by the figure the beam energy dependency of

the theoretical cross sections is in good agree-

ment with the experimental data.

Because the 1s absorption edges lie 6 eV

(Al2O3), respectively 8 eV (SiO2), higher

than those of the corresponding pure ele-

ments, the cross section curves of the ox-

ides are shifted towards higher beam ener-

gies. Furthermore, a careful inspection of

Fig.7 shows that for the same energy differ-

ences with respect to the K edges, the x–

ray RRS cross sections of the compounds are

smaller by about a factor 2. This is due to the

fact that the cross sections presented in the

figure are expressed in cm2/g and the num-

ber of Al or Si atoms per mass unit is about

2 times smaller in the oxides than in the pure

elements (1.88 times smaller for Al2O3 and

2.14 for SiO2). Converting in barns per atom

the cross sections obtained for instance at

beam energies 10 eV below the K –edges, one

finds values of 61.8 b/atom and 75.5 b/atom

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74 Phys. Rev. A75, 022512 (2007)

for Al and Al2O3, and of 60.5 b/atom and

71.5 b/atom for Si and SiO2. Approximately

the same ratios (RRS)oxide/(RRS)element∼=1.2

are obtained for other excitation energies. It

seems therefore that the x–ray RRS cross sec-

tions of Al and Si are about 20% bigger in the

oxides than in the pure elements when ex-

pressed in barns per atom. This is, however,

not really unexpected, the unoccupied states

above the Fermi level involved in the x–ray

RRS process being affected by the chemical


Other experimental data concerning x–ray

RRS cross sections are very scarce and ex-

ist only for elemental Si [41–43]. Available

data were determined by means of differ-

ent techniques employing low–resolution de-

tectors. Results reported in [41] and [42]

were obtained using the Kα x–rays of Si as

incoming photons (1740 eV). Cross sections

of 58±20 [r20] [41] and 67±8 [r2

0] [42] (where

r0 stands for the classical electron radius)

were found. To compare our Si results to

these former data, the curve corresponding to

the least–squares fit to present Si cross sec-

tions was extrapolated to 1740 eV. A value

of 0.116±0.013 cm2/g, i.e., 68.1±7.7 [r20] was

obtained in good agreement with the above–

mentioned experimental results and with the

theoretical value of 61 [r20] reported by Aberg

and Tulkki [23].

Very recently, a new set of experimental

Si x–ray RRS differential cross sections was

published [43]. The cross sections were de-

termined for a wide energy range of incident

photons (1580 eV–1822 eV). The Si target

was irradiated with monochromatized syn-

chrotron radiation (resolving power of about

1000) and the scattered radiation was mea-

sured with a Si(Li) detector. From the curve

reported in Fig.6 of this paper, differential

cross sections of 5.1±0.4 [r20sr

−1], 14.4±1.0


−1] and 46.9±3.3 [r20sr

−1] corresponding

to beam energies of 1740 eV, 1800 eV and

1825 eV were deduced. Using the values of

the least squares fit to our results correspond-

ing to the three energies and transforming

them into the same units, differential cross

sections of 5.4±0.6 [r20sr

−1], 14.5±1.4 [r20sr


and 41.6±3.7 [r20sr

−1] are found that are again

consistent within the combined errors with

the ones from [43]. However, for beam ener-

gies close to the 1s edge (e.g., the third chosen

energy in the above comparison), the results

reported in [43] seem to be somewhat bigger

than ours. A plausible explanation for the de-

viations, if any, may reside in some contam-

ination of the x–ray RRS spectra of [43] by

the fluorescence Kα line of Si. At beam ener-

gies close to the 1s threshold, the Kα line can

indeed be induced by photons from the high–

energy tail of the beam energy distribution,

leading to some excess of intensity in the x–

ray RRS spectra since Kα x–rays cannot be

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separated from high–energy x–ray RRS pho-

tons in low–resolution measurements.

E. Measurements across the 1s

absorption edge for Al and Si.

For Al and Si, the measurements were ex-

tended to beam energies tuned across the K

edge. The corresponding x–ray RRS spectra

FIG. 8: High–resolution RRS x–ray spectra ofAl for incident beam energies tuned across the1s absorption edge. The open circles representthe experimental spectra, the solid lines the theo-retical predictions calculated with the Kramers–Heisenberg formula for continuum excitations.For comparison with the yields of the x–ray RRSspectra depicted in Fig.2 the spectrum measuredat 1553 eV is shown again.

are presented in Fig.8 and Fig.9. From the

two figures, the evolution of the target x–ray

emission from the fluorescence Kα emission

to the x–ray RRS emission while the beam

energy is tuned across the edge is clearly vis-

ible. As also shown by the figures, the over-

all x–ray emission yields diminish drastically

with the beam energy as soon as the latter is

FIG. 9: High–resolution RRS x–ray spectra of Sifor incident beam energies tuned across the 1sabsorption edge. The open circles represent theexperimental spectra, the solid lines the theoret-ical predictions comprising both the continuumand discrete excitations and the filled areas thediscrete 1s-3p excitation. For comparison withthe yields of the x–ray RRS spectra depicted inFig.3 the spectrum measured at 1829 eV is shownagain.

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76 Phys. Rev. A75, 022512 (2007)

FIG. 10: Measured in-tensity evolution of theSi 1s–3p excitation (opencircles). The thick solidline represents the fit tothe data of the convolvedDOS function. The DOSprofile of the Si 3p statesis depicted in the inset(thin solid line) as wellas the convolution of thisprofile with the experi-mental response function(thick solid line).

tuned below the 1s edges.

Measurements in the near edge region are

interesting because they permit to probe the

goodness of calculations in the energy region

corresponding to the �ω1 → �ω1s limit, where

there is a transition from the x–ray RRS pro-

cess towards characteristic fluorescence. On

the other hand, when the beam energy is

tuned close to the absorption threshold one

can hope to observe excitations to discrete

unoccupied levels. From the experimental

point of view, however, measurements across

the 1s edge are difficult because the absorp-

tion of the beam in the target varies rapidly.

Very careful beam energy dependent correc-

tions for the intensity attenuation of the in-

coming photons in the target were necessary

to obtain reliable results. This point was cru-

cial for the present experiment since thick tar-

gets were employed.

To reproduce the evolving shape of the

x–ray emission spectra observed in the near

edge region, each spectrum was considered as

the sum of a x–ray RRS profile and a 2p–

1s transition. The x–ray RRS profiles of the

two samples were determined by means of

the Tullki and Aberg formula using the oscil-

lator strength distributions determined from

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the spectra measured below the edges (see

sect.IVB). For each sample, all x–ray RRS

profiles were normalized in intensity with the

same scaling constant. The shapes and po-

sitions of the Al and Si Kα lines were kept

constant in the calculations, using the cen-

troid energies and widths obtained from the

fits of the lines measured 50 eV above the

edges. The variation of the intensity of the

Kα line across the edge was computed using

the intensity measured above the edge and

correcting it by the relative number of inci-

dent photons having an energy bigger than

the 1s threshold. As for each measurement

the position and shape of the beam energy

profile (area normalized to 1) were known, the

fraction of incoming photons having enough

energy to produce a 1s photoionization was

determined by integrating the beam profile,

using as lower integration limit the 1s thresh-

old energy.

Results of these calculations are shown in

Figs.8 and 9 (thick solid lines). From Fig.8

one sees that for aluminium the experimental

spectra are well reproduced by the calcula-

tions. In the case of silicon, some discrep-

ancies between theory and experiment were

observed for beam energies tuned slightly be-

low the 1s absorption edge, the calculated

intensities of the Kα line being systemati-

cally lower than the measured ones. These

deviations which were found to vary with the

beam energy, the maximum being observed

at 1836 eV, suggested the existence of addi-

tional, beam energy dependent, 1s–np pho-

toexcitations that were not considered in the

calculations. Further calculations were thus

performed, using the generalized Kramers–

Heisenberg formalism which allows the in-

clusion of discrete excitations, by assuming

dg1s/dω = g1snp · δ(ωnp + ω) in Eq.(1) [23].

Within this formalism, the line shape of the

1s–np photoexcitation can by described by

the following equation [22, 23]:


dω2= A



(ω1s − ω2pj)g2pj

(ω1s − ωnp)g1snp

(ω1s − ωnp − ω1)2 + Γ21s/4�2


(ω1 − ω2pj+ ωnp − ω2)2 + Γ2



The most probable 1s–np photoexcitation in

silicon corresponds to n=3. The 3p levels

are valence band states with binding energies

between 0 and 5 eV. This energy interval is

consistent with the energy difference between

the 1s threshold (1840 eV) and the energy

for which the biggest intensity deviation

was observed (1836 eV). Actually, assuming

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78 Phys. Rev. A75, 022512 (2007)

that the intensity deviations between the-

ory and experiment are due to the 1s–3p

excitation, the variation of the deviations as

a function of the beam energy corresponds

to the evolution with energy of the 1s–3p

photoexcitation. This evolution is depicted

in Fig.10 (open circles). In the inset of

Fig.10 results of density of states (DOS)

calculations for the 3p states of Si taken from

[44] are presented (thin solid line). Convolv-

ing the DOS distribution with the known

experimental broadening results in the curve

represented in the inset by the thick solid

line. The convolved curve was then fitted

to the observed intensity deviations, using

the curve centroid position and the area as

free fitting parameters. The best fit result is

represented by the thick solid line in Fig.10.

The weighted average position given by the

fit is 1836.4 eV. Since the K –edge energy

of Si was determined to be 1840.1 eV, an

average binding energy of –3.7 eV is found

for the 3p level, in fair agreement with the

weighted average value deduced from the

DOS calculations (–3.5 eV).

A third term corresponding to the 1s–3p

excitation was thus added in the compu-

tation of the theoretical shapes of the Si

spectra measured across the K –edge. As

shown in Fig.9, in which the 1s–3p excita-

tion contributions are represented by filled

areas, the experimental spectra are well

reproduced by the calculations for all beam

energies, included those around 1836 eV

where significant deviations were observed

before considering the 1s–3p excitation. At

this point, we would like to point out that

the 1s–3p photoexcitation in Si has not

been observed before, neither in XANES

spectra nor in XES measurements. This is

most likely due to the weakness of the cross

section for the 1s–3p excitation. The latter

could be determined from our measurements.

A value of 19.6±6.3 barns/atom was found

for incident photons of 1836.9 eV, a value

which is about 7000 times weaker than the

1s photoionization cross section. For Al the

1s–3p excitation was not observed. This is,

however, not unexpected since in metals the

valence and conduction bands overlap, and

because a high photon beam energy resolu-

tion is required to probe discrete excitations

to unfilled upper levels.


In conclusion, the x–ray RRS spectra of

Al, Al2O3, Si and SiO2 were measured by

means of high-resolution x–ray spectroscopy

using monochromatized synchrotron radi-

ation whose energy was tuned below and

across the K absorption edges of Al and

Si. The observed shapes of the x–ray RRS

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Phys. Rev. A75, 022512 (2007) 79

spectra could be well reproduced by calcu-

lations based on the Kramers–Heisenberg

formalism, but only when realistic oscillator

strength distributions were employed in the

calculations. As predicted by theory the

observed x–ray RRS spectra are charac-

terized by high energy cut–offs and long

low–energy tails. These tails merge together

in the low energy range, no matter which

beam energy is used. For all samples, the

oscillator strength distributions could be

extracted from the measurements. They

were found to exhibit structures similar to

those observed in absorption measurements.

The total cross sections for the x–ray RRS

process were determined as a function of

the beam energy. The variation of the cross

sections with the beam energy could be

well reproduced by theory. For Si, the cross

sections were compared to the few existing

experimental and theoretical data. A quite

satisfactory agreement was observed. Tuning

the beam energy across the 1s absorption

edge of silicon, we were able to observe the

discrete 1s–3p excitation for the first time.

The evolution of the excitation cross section

with the beam energy was found to well

reproduce the probability density of unoccu-

pied 3p states predicted by DOS calculations.


The authors would like to thank Dr. R.

Tucoulou and his collaborators at the ESRF

beam line ID21 for providing our experiment

with very good beam conditions. They are

also grateful to Dr. A. Mihelic from I.J.S.,

Ljubljana, for helpful discussions about the

deconvolution problematics. The financial

support of the Swiss National Science Foun-

dation and the ESRF is acknowledged.

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List of publications 83

List of publications

Referred articles

Chemical effects in the Kβ x–ray emission spectra of sulfur .

M. Kavcic, J.-Cl. Dousse, J. Szlachetko, W. Cao.Nuclear Instruments and Methods B, accepted for publication.

High–resolution study of x–ray resonant Raman scattering process around 1s ab-sorption edge for aluminium, silicon, and their oxides .

J. Szlachetko, J.-Cl. Dousse, J. Hoszowska, M. Pajek, R. Barrett, M. Berset, K. Fennane, A.Kubala-Kukus, M. Szlachetko.

Physical Review A75, 022512 (2007).

A 2D position sensitive germanium detector for spectroscopy and polarimetry ofhigh–energetic x–rays.Th. Stohlker, U. Spillmann, D. Banas, H.F Beyer, J. Cl. Dousse, S. Chatterjee, S. Hess, C.Kozhuharov, M. Kavcic, T. Krings, D. Protic, R. Reuschl, J. Szlachetko, S. Tachenov, S. Trot-

senko.Journal of Physics: Conference Series 58, 411 (2007).

High–resolution study of x–ray resonant Raman scattering at the K–edge of sili-con.J. Szlachetko, J.-Cl. Dousse, J. Hoszowska, M. Pajek, R. Barrett, M. Berset, K. Fennane, A.

Kubala-Kukus, M. Szlachetko.Physical Review Letters 97, 073001 (2006).

State–selective x–ray study of the radiative recombination of U92+ ions with cool-ing electron.M. Pajek, Th. Sthlker, D. Banas, H. F. Beyer, S. Boehm, F. Bosch, C. Brandau, M. Czarnota,S. Chatterjee, J.-C. Dousse, A. Gumberidze, S. Hagmann, C. Kozhuharov, D. Liesen, P. H.

Mokler, A. Mller, R. Reuschl, E. W. Schmidt, D. Sierpowski, U. Spillmann, J. Szlachetko, S.Tachenov, S. Trotsenko, P. Verma, M. Walek, A. Warczak and A. Wilk.

Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Proceedings of the 14th ICPEAC conference, 289,(2006).

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84 List of publications

Resonant x–ray Raman scattering for Al, Si and their oxides.J. Szlachetko, R. Barrett, M. Berset, J.-Cl. Dousse, K. Fennane, J. Hoszowska, A. Kubala-Kukus, M. Pajek, M. Szlachetko.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 238, 353-356 (2005).

Conference abstracts

Investigation of Depth Profiles in Trace Elements Distributions in Wooden Sculp-tures with XRF Method.J. Braziewicz, R. Dudzik, A. Kubala–Kukus, M. Paciorek, M. Pajek, J. Rutkowski, M.

Stankiewicz, J. Szlachetko, J. Semaniak.17th International Congress on X–ray Optics and Microanalysis, Chamonix 2003, France.

Resonant Raman scattering for Al, Si and their oxides.J. Szlachetko, R. Barrett, M. Berset, J.-Cl. Dousse, K. Fennane, J. Hoszowska, A. Kubala-

Kukus, M. Pajek, M. Szlachetko.4th Conference on Synchrotron Radiation in Materials Science, Grenoble 2004, France.

X–ray resonant Raman scattering in Si at 1s absorption edge.J. Szlachetko, R. Barrett, M. Berset, J.-Cl. Dousse, K. Fennane, J. Hoszowska, A. Kubala-Kukus, M. Pajek, M. Szlachetko.

ESRF Users Meeting, Grenoble 2005, France.

Size–dependent Kβ resonant X–ray emission spectra of MnO2 nanopowder.J. Hoszowska, M. Berset, J.-Cl. Dousse, K. Fennane, J. Szlachetko, M. Szlachetko.ESRF Users Meeting, Grenoble 2005, France.

First high–resolution study of the double 1s photoionization of Mg.J.-Cl. Dousse, J. Hoszowska, M. Berset, K. Fennane, J.Szlachetko, M. Szlachetko.20th International Conference on X–ray and Inner–Shell Processes, Melbourne 2005, Australia.

Size–dependent resonant K x–ray emission spectra of Mn and Fe oxide nanopow-ders.J. Hoszowska, M. Berset, J.-Cl. Dousse, K. Fennane, J.Szlachetko, M. Szlachetko.20th International Conference on X–ray and Inner–Shell Processes, Melbourne 2005, Australia.

X–ray resonant Raman scattering in Si and SiO2 at Si–K absorption edge.J. Szlachetko, R. Barrett, M. Berset, J.-Cl. Dousse, K. Fennane, J. Hoszowska, A. Kubala-Kukus, M. Pajek, M. Szlachetko.

XXIV International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Rosario 2005,Argentina.

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List of publications 85

First high–resolution observation of X–ray resonant Raman scattering in Si at1s absorption edge.J. Szlachetko, R. Barrett, M. Berset, J.-Cl. Dousse, K. Fennane, J. Hoszowska, A. Kubala-

Kukus, M. Pajek, M. Szlachetko.International Workshop on Photoionization, Campinas 2005, Brazil.

High–resolution study of the x–ray resonant Raman scattering for Al, Si, Al2O3

and SiO2 in the region of the K–absorption edge.M. Szlachetko, R. Barrett, M. Berset, J.-Cl. Dousse, K. Fennane, J. Hoszowska, A. Kubala-Kukus, M. Pajek, J. Szlachetko.

International Workshop on Photoionization, Campinas 2005, Brazil.

High resolution study of the resonant Raman scattering in the region of Xe L3

edge.M. Zytnik, M. Kavcic, K. Bucar, A. Mihelic, J. Koktajl, J. Szlachetko.2nd International Conference on Current Developments in Atomic, Molecular and Optical

Physics with Apllications, New Delhi 2006, India.

X–ray resonant Raman scattering in Si and SiO2 at Si K–absorption edge.A. Kubala-Kukus, J. Szlachetko, R. Barrett, M. Berset, J.-Cl. Dousse, K. Fennane, J. Hos-zowska, M. Pajek, M. Szlachetko.

8th International School and Symposium on Synchrotron Radiation in Natural Sciences, Za-kopane 2006, Poland.

X–ray resonant Raman scattering below the Si–K absorption edge.M. Pajek, J. Szlachetko, A. Kubala-Kukus, R. Barrett, M. Berset, J.-Cl. Dousse, K. Fennane,J. Hoszowska, M. Pajek, M. Szlachetko.

European Conference on X-Ray Spectrometry, Paris 2006, France.

Chemical effects in the K x–ray emission spectra in sulfur.M. Kavcic, J.-Cl. Dousse, J. Szlachetko, W. Cao.European Conference on X-Ray Spectrometry, Paris 2006, France.

Double photoionization of Ca and V beyond maximum.J. Hoszowska, J.-Cl. Dousse, K. Fennane, W. Cao, M. Kavcic, J. Szlachetko, M. Szlachetko.European Conference on X-Ray Spectrometry, Paris 2006, France.

Double K–shell ionization of magnesium and aluminium.J.-Cl. Dousse, J. Hoszowska, K. Fennane, W. Cao, M. Kavcic, J. Szlachetko, M. Szlachetko.

European Conference on X-Ray Spectrometry, Paris 2006, France.

Performance Test of a 2D –Strip Ge(i) Detector.Th. Stohlker, U. Spillmann, D. Banas, H.F Beyer, J. Cl. Dousse, S. Chatterjee, S. Hess, C.

Kozhuharov, M. Kavcic, T. Krings, D. Protic, R. Reuschl, J. Szlachetko, S. Tachenov, S. Trot-senko.

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Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference and 15th International Room Tem-

perature Semiconductor Detector Workshop, San Diego 2006, USA.

Relative detection efficiency of back– and front–illuminated CCD cameras for x–rays between 1keV and 18 keV.J. Szlachetko, J.-Cl. Dousse, J. Hoszowska, M. Kavcic, W. Cao, M. Szlachetko.

ESRF Users Meeting, Grenoble 2007, France.

Non-refereed publications and scientific reports

High–resolution measurements of x–ray RRS of Si and Al and their oxides.J. Szlachetko, R. Barrett, M. Berset, J.-Cl. Dousse, K. Fennane, J. Hoszowska, A. Kubala-Kukus, M. Pajek, M. Szlachetko.

ESRF Scientific Report 2004.

State–selective x–ray study of the radiative recombination of U92+ ions with cool-ing electron.M. Pajek, Th. Sthlker, D. Banas, M. Czarnota, J.-C. Dousse, A. Gumberidze, R. Reuschl, E.

W. Schmidt, D. Sierpowski, U. Spillmann, J. Szlachetko, S. Tachenov, S. Trotsenko, P. Verma,M. Walek, A. Warczak.

Annual Report 2004, Swietokrzyska Akademy.

Resonant Raman scattering for Al, Si and their oxides.J. Szlachetko, R. Barrett, M. Berset, J.-Cl. Dousse, K. Fennane, J. Hoszowska, A. Kubala-

Kukus, M. Pajek, M. Szlachetko.Annual Report 2004, Swietokrzyska Akademy.

Double K–shell photoionization of Mg, Al and Si from threshold to saturation.J. Hoszowska, M. Berset, J-Cl. Dousse, K. Fennane, J. Szlachetko, M. Szlachetko.

ESRF Scientific Report 2005.

Performance test of a 2D μ–strip Ge(i) detector at the synchrotron facility ESRF.Th. Stohlker, U. Spillmann, D. Banas, H.F Beyer, J. Cl. Dousse, S. Chatterjee, S. Hess, C.

Kozhuharov, M. Kavcic, T. Krings, D. Protic, R. Reuschl, J. Szlachetko, S. Tachenov, S. Trot-senko.

GSI Scientific Report 2005.

X–ray study of the enhancement effect in radiative recombination of bare U92+

ions with low–energy electrons.M. Pajek, Th. Sthlker, D. Banas, H. F. Beyer, S. Boehm, F. Bosch, C. Brandau, M. Czarnota,

S. Chatterjee, J.-C. Dousse, A. Gumberidze, S. Hagmann, C. Kozhuharov, D. Liesen, P. H.Mokler, A. Mller, R. Reuschl, E. W. Schmidt, D. Sierpowski, U. Spillmann, J. Szlachetko, S.

Tachenov, S. Trotsenko, P. Verma, M. Walek, A. Warczak and A. Wilk.

GSI Scientific Report 2005.

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Curriculum vitae 87

Curriculum vitae

Personal information

First name:Last name:

Date of Birth:Place of Birth:

Nationality:Marital status:


Szlachetko10 June 1977

Kielce, PolandPolish



07.2003–06.2007Physics Department, University of Fribourg, Switzerland

Ph.D. student and assistant in the Atomic Physics Group (Prof. Dr. Jean-Claude Dousse)

Title of the Ph.D. thesis: ”X–ray resonant Raman scattering in light elements and Relativedetection efficiency of Charge Coupled Devices”


Institute of Physics, Holy Cross Academy, Kielce, Poland

Master student in the Atomic Physics Group (Prof. Dr. Marek Pajek)Title of the Master thesis: ”Trace element contamination control by means of the total

reflection x–ray spectroscopy”

09.1994 – 06.1998

Secondary school, Kielce, Poland

09.1986 - 06.1994Primary school, Kielce, Poland


Master of Physics (Holy Cross Academy, Kielce, Poland)

Secondary school Certificate

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A journey is easier

when you travel together.

This Ph. D. thesis is a result of four years of work. During this time, many people have given

me their support and guidance. It is a pleasure to have the opportunity to express my gratitudeto all of them.

First of all, I would like to thank Prof. Jean-Claude Dousse who has guided my research work

with enthusiasm and constant help. His integral view on research, experience and passion forphysics were for me a source of great motivation. Being always a patient supervisor, he has

steered my work caring for its high-quality in every respect. I was lucky to have a chance towork with such an excellent physicist.

I would also like to deeply thank Prof. Marek Pajek for all the ideas and criticism. His commentsand suggestions always served as a source of never-ending discussions. Thanks to his constant

encouragement, I was able to achieve more and more ambitious goals. I owe him a lot.

I thank Dr. Joanna Hoszowska for all her help. Her invaluable experience in synchrotronradiation helped me a lot in learning and understanding experimental physics.

I also thank all colleagues and friends who had worked with me during my study: MichelBerset, Matjaz Kavcic, Yves Kayser, Wei Cao, Karima Fennane and Yves-Patrik Maillard.

Special thanks go to my friends from Kielce: Aldona Kubala-Kukus and Darek Banas.

I am also grateful to the administrative and workshop staff of the Physics Department for their

kindness and help.

Last but most important, I wish to thank my wife Monika who had patiently tolerated myworking weekends. It is impossible to express how much her everyday support has helped me

in completing my Ph. D. study.

Szczegolnie chce podziekowac ca�lej mojej rodzinie za wsparcie i pomoc podczas moich studiow w

Szwajcarii. Dziekuje rodzicom, ktorzy zawsze we mnie wierzyli.

University of Fribourg Ph. D. thesis Jakub Szlachetko