~xpnn,ent › msu-exponent › objects › exp-018-28-001-006.pdfPractica11'· every grou1 cel\_ed...

Watch for The Looter's Light Opera "Chimes of Normandy " April 18 and 19, Ellen Thea t re /OLUME XVIII. BOZEi\lAN, MONTANA, TUESDAY, APRIL 12, 1927 >RESIDENT GIVEN Cap and Gown Now Chapter 1 LOOTERS P RESE NT BACK FROM SUCCESSFUL LEAVE OF ABSENCE OPE RETTA MON DAY ·1 TOUR OF NORTHWESTERN MONTANA In National Mortar Board \ some time '.·hiefly for rea-- 1 --- ons. accorchn:? to mtornrntior fro· l 'O TAKE GRADUATE WORK I WI LL BE GIVEN T WO l'residPnt Atkinson's . office. The I WERE GREETED WITH L.\RGE l ROWDS !:\' .\LL OF THE <T CORNELL NIVERS ITY \ NIGHTS ONLY AT E LLEN last srnsion "as held during the suni- SIX TOWNS SCHEDULED FOR TRIP. MEMBERS INST \LL ATIO"' H ELD j mer of l after which the slat I " " AT HE RRI CK HALL . -- . . legislature failed to pro,idc money ENTHCSIASTIC OVER RESULTS Dean F. B. Linfield To Be F RIDAY AFTERNOON A ' D RECEPTION GIVEN IN THE Is First Attempt of Organization rnough 'or the imp·ovement of th" -------------- --- Acting President EVENING. SEVERAL ALUi\lNI MEMBERS OF CAP AND I to Produce This Type campus ard _the amount neces.ary t.1 Cl dd. D ! The Bob.at band rcwrn_:<I yc•h'l Next Year GOWN BACI" FOR CEREMONIES I of Play hold. summei_ school too. Due to then ass l ing one I <lay mornmg from :hen· l oth a! nual \. ___ situation, a othet 1 :--tale tour. The B. C. band for At the regular meeting of the State oarcl of Education April 5, President tkinson was granted sabbatical leave ":>r the year commencing September 1, 27. During this year's absence the resident i:xpects to complete some catistical studies ·which he has been 1rrying on with the Genetics Depart- I . . schools in the state are takmg care I tf.e last sc,·cntecn years, under the On Friday afternoon the local I man, a former member of the locnl T:e are an- oi the rei?ular number ·.hat went sum- On Show Concessions tliredion of Lou Howard . ha:; made Cap I at the Cniversii::y of Tl- 3 °:d · mer school work. a. tour of state Sa urday en:: Gov.n installed .a-s a chap,cr. lmo1s, which is now. a chapter.of )lo!'- Theatre. This year's show, uThe ___ .. 01:e ot the national hono1ary tar Board and Chadw1ck who ('h' f X d " h. h . CONCERT PROGR M the most ttips Ill banJ The of-1 teaches at . the hi.g-h and :\lrs A .Actual Circus to Con1- history. .. f1l:er was .:\h:->s E. Luella Galll\'er. as- 11or:sl, wife of one of the facultv the . 1 ed II t b 1 1 [ men ce In1med1 at ely The :\lontana State atrgre- , eni: at Cornell University. dean. of at the Un;- I members. . · this Y usua y pu on Y __ lion of better of \.\ yonllng. I Rlcc1>t1on and Bar.quet IS WELL REC EIVED I The bidding 011 concessions fol' the Lou Howards musical Bobcat:s, 81 l' b f C rl h . ll · . The setting. which is in Normandy. t b l d t l1 f Commencing in 1912, when the x ac ive. '!l:m ers o . ap r . ter t e at1on France, during the :-;e\·enteenth cen- I college circus to be hel<l 1\lay sixth were. me Y arge crow a a o resident completed his Master's de- Gown were m1t1ated, \\j-hP, a. was g-1ven. at 6::30 m ttiry·. is very vividly rep1·oduced by and seventh, met with exceptionally six se:heduled .,..pnformances. The work at Cornell, some pure lines Esther Asbury, Irma Gill, dmmS?' of Herrick. hall the . good response from the various or- fn:s.t at Fo1·t Ber.ton \tas .re- Booth, Helen_Solberg and Alta Atktn- I r._ew m1tiates and the installing of- special is being pro Pronounced By l\1any as Best !!anizations. Practica11'· every grou 1 cel\_ed \\Ith much commendation, t grains have been grown each year Al f t't:red from l ork and San Fran .J h 1 C 1 the experimental grounds at Cor- son. so six members re- f1cers. Se\·enteEn were present for cist.:o. The castle scenes. Noblemen Entertainment of Year 's turned in bids and so close was the w t e at. onrad, the second place of turne_d for the mst_allation, Rhod 1 the occasion. In the evening a re- p bidding that m several I appearance. a banquet was gt\!en in 11 Unh·ersity 1 and also at ::\fontana II f B t El with their armors, ar.d costumes in 1 rogram h f h tat.e CoJlege and each year half of arns o u_ 1zabeth II art of from eight-thirt:: the peasant group will ca Try 1 theie was only a few cents diffeien\..i-! onor o t, e boys by 1\lontat a . RounduJ?, l\Iat Egan of Butte, and until ten in the fireplace room of the 1 b£tween the highest and next hiuhest boosters. The quartette was one of e seEd produ_ced from these Imes Leila Lmfielcl Nye, Louise Stone \Vomen's building. ln the recelVing the audience far across the sea as The concert, oi negro sp1r1.uals I bid. "' •the features of every program as .. each wai:: exchanged so Shunk and \"era Harris Ecton. line were :;.\liss Alta Atkinson, pre..;. well as back through se\·eral cen- r endered by J. Rosamond Johnson an11 was 1he solo work of Louis True an<l ants which had ?een produced 111 Requirements Same ident of the local chapter, the irstaJ. turies . 'Taylor Gordon, on Thursday evening, The cor:cession on ice cream anJ Ray Patten. e. easl and also m the were Membership requirements for ;\lor-, la ti on officers. the mernbers of the \\"e ll E\·ery n here. provided a very entertaini1:g and in- cake seemed to be the fa\·orite of the Lou c.:laims that it is the best band _ailable for study. each I tar Board are similar to those of the new local and ::Hiss Donaldson an·i Th(' Chimes of Normardy ha!'; been stiucti\·e evening- for those who at- bidders as there was a great deal of that he has had in years, and th_rt . nter careful measurements with the local org-anization. Each candidate Dean Herrick. Those who atti:nded favorably received by the most criL tcnd(!d, and splendidly rounded off compttition for this boo•h. The 8 ig· the trip was an immense aracters of these plants were made is selected on the basis of ci.cholar- the reception were rnembers o.f the ical audience!'; in eYerv countrv of the j the enteTtainment course foT the ma Chili's bid both finar.cia1ly and musically. Of d ·t is the plan to prepare a rather h' . . . . .... 1 . · . . . a sma marj?'1•1 received this conces· 1 . . . . . . " _ s act1nt1es, and faculty, townspeople, of the word and is a of. proven 1 year. The program was sion. The candy, popcorn, anti erl- course Ray was on the trip .. JOmt on c.or ership, each quality bemg taken mto student senate and Septe11w1n. The worth. The talent. which ts berngo fea. unusual and g-a,·e the audience a 1 nut co i r.t t th A.j 1 and before and after programs gave lat1on m Inheritance," I equal consideration. Only senior col- members of the Spurs acted as usher3 tu red bv the Looters is the verv muc:h better insight into the negro O' 5 it: :.s or\ we' 4 p 1 ' 1 his usual press agent speeches whil'h e data from the two institutions. le2'e women are eligible. icr tJ-,e occasion and presided o\·er obtainable in this ar:d harmonies than could have been gain-1 1 8 are always interesting and enlighte·n- \Yill Study Abroad 1 Dean Una B. Herrick and .i\Ibs J. punch bowl. . . compares. favorably with that on 'ed had not melodies been sung hy booths \\;s eto lir.g .. The boys _report they had In addition to the completion and L. Donaldson were made honorary . fhe pa1:t of bu1ldmg used dur- campus rn the country. The enln·e ! of the ra 'e .. 1\Ir. Johnson while the other was se;::ured by tht> the lime of then· hves while the iblication of these studies, President members new chapter. the rnstallatton the · "ast been at hard 1 . for acqmred a 1 :putat10n as a m::i- s. A. E. fraternity. Very close bid- , members, although merel:y tkinson expects to undertake some who were mttlated ar_ the same time tJOn _was decorated \\!Ith onentnl time and by the . opemng n1g-ht s1c1an, accompamst, and as an cling was shown on the concession for 1111tiates, seE:m -to look none the worse rther graduate work and will spend were )!rs. W. 0. Wh1tc.omb of Boze - hangmgs and stands of ferns. will_ have pe1:fected of thor and collector of negro mus_1.·. Hhot dogs'' and pop, but the Amigo after a of association with the trt of the year in Europe. President then· respective pai'ls .. Tn add1t1011. lo Taylor whose . t.er.or. \'OICe club was the winning bidder. 1 soph1_sbcated of the id i\lrs. Atkinson will probably es- ALPHA GAMMA RHO, CH ANCE LLO R BRA:\' NO:\ many college "'·\·:f1ed th_e basic The granting of concessions finish- 'horn blowmg organization.'' blish their home in Ithaca, N. Y., Chancellor Brannon of the Greate•· In the show there a1e local of.' he. is a :.\lontana _boy, I ed up all preliminary work on the Jt was after the concert programs most of the work to the time University of Montana was in c.onfer- wh_o are well kno'':1 and born 10 h_ite Spt:ne:: circus, leaving only the actual pra1:-1 that the boys got a chance to going to Europe will be in connec-' PJ BETA PHI LEAD ence with Pres. Atkinson Friday at;tl the they ha\e given Both men well ietened thJ tire work to b1;ng it to a finishc-d. s,1·ut then· stuff. IL seems that sev- m with Cornell University. I Saturday of l ast week. co eJ?'e producdons lll the past. audience. . . J state. It was finally decided to do them ha\e lef: broken Lear!s . During the absence of the President, 1\ kn t.a na Symrhcmy Orchestrn . 1 1 oug-hout c:orcert the _smcet · away with the raffle of the car whicr.1 ·o st1ew. the path, wh.Jle undoubtedly F. B. Linfield will be Acting J Agricultural Fratern ity Shows The l eading feature of the show 1 t: of .was was to have been by the othcn as ·esident. He will also carry on the . . 1 SeniOTS Again Adopt this year is the w·eser:tation of many b). the t\\o singer:) gteat fam1ha11t) i_ Bobcat club but efforts will be nrnc!e la!-'i the :sumn.er \acat10n tolls. arouno. neral administration of the Experi -[ Except1011al A\erage, P1 Phi s musica l numbe rs chat var;- from the with _ them, and by the unusual ran-. o •ubstitute another feature in it• Shelby, the town of Dempsey·Gih- ent Station, but will be relieved of Lead ·women Grads Regulati'on Derbi'es solo to the group chorus" type of ges m the voices of men. Tho I place. bons fame, se.,ms to have disappomt- t .d tat· d 1 'th tl blending of voice-s carries the thought Sweet Chariot. and All God's Ch1l- was he·ard to rtmark, "after the con- ministrative responsibilities with I --- i::ongs.. The beautiful harmony mvl well ,?ynrns,. Swrng- ed several of the fellows for one e ou s1 e s ions, an a so '" 1 1 e Alpha Gamma Rho and Pi Beta Phi of the Chimes to the audience and luns Got \Yings 11 brought an enthu- TRY OUTS MA SQUE cert in town was locked neral. w?rk away from the colle?"e. led the fraternity and sorority grades keeps the Chimes before them siastic Tesponse' from the listeners. up for night." •an Lmf1eld has been connected with for the winter quarter The agricul- At a meeting held last :\I. J h . T . r:mtana State College as Director of tural fraternity led the entire list afternoon the senior men derided lo throughout the show. The s uwn compos1 ions \\er.:? i G IVEN THIS WE EK From _an _the trip was e Experiment Station and head of •th th 1 , . f 88 OtJ- resume the wearing of derbies instead Symphony is also one of the feature!': u ·. . I 2.n enlarged repetition of prenous . . . f A . 1 . 1902 \\J e unusua a\e1age o .. :>. of straws as last year's seniors did. of the show. The direction of all the The bas1s of our present Jazz mu- trips and all the members give Ll'l'l e D1v1s1on o . gricu ture smce . leading the Delta Ta,us who !':iet- The women \"Oted to contir.ue the use musical numbeTs. both and is said to be in the spirituals i,l Howar<l the full credit for rnakin-r and among the .mens fratermt1es by of the parasol. singing, is under Jo1'eph the neg-ro rares. and a close atten- \Yil1 Be Held on Crow Indian possible this big- annual event for NY STUDENTS ON WINTER HONOR ROLL nearly seven pomts. As Ralph Mowery, the senior Adam, who has recently 1'€(..'eived na- tion to the refrains of the melodi1::-, R Bobcat band. The aYerage of all women's soror:- president , is not in school at the tional recognition from music critics I lC-:-;ented at the la:;t concert would eservatiop a nd Here --------- ties led the fraternities bv a little present time. Frances Wylie, \·ice- for his effor·s and success with the reward the listener with a at College better than three points , the president, acted as chairman of the Symphony. The ('oller:e tion o.f the relationships existing b - same lead that the sororities have al- meeting. f'horus whi.:h has been under tween the negro harmonies and MONTAN AN EDITORS ways maintained over the men stu- I Presidert Atkinson gaYe a short sor Adam's direction all sea- twentieth cer tury jazz. Stu den ts Make All A' s The average of the membe1' talk on college and class spirit. Tf•i> son, has been workmg hard on their ' Ven of the various organizations in nearly was followed by a report of I nu1_11bers and are at their best in The and T ota l of 104 all cases led the averages of the treasurer Roy Kerlee. The rest of Chimes of Normandy . Make Honors pledges for the same group. The or- time given 0 ,·er to .a disc:us· 1. _The !'ieat $ale Friday,i April ganized groups led the unorganized sIOn of senior class functions .. H 16 at the E1Jen Theatie and \\Ill con- !\ total of 104 students made the groups by only a fraction of a point assembly on Friday, 1\'lay 4th, all tinue until_ after the show staged. FEDERAL ! :'\SPECTOR Ferhral R. 0. T. C. E. C. \Vodclill, infantry, from Fran- cisco, will be at ill. S. C. on :.\lay 5 an<l for the purpose of inspecting M. S. C. units . i or roll for the winter quar er with this quarler, and last quarter were a seniors are to appear in their (Contmued on Page }:lour) ·en students on the "A flush" list little behind . A complete summary and gowr.s. ------------------------------- i 24 more than points per of the grades follows: This year there is to be a senior ·<li t. \Vomen's Or ganiizat ions week in which there will be some- NATIONAL SPUR CONVENTION NOW Hundreds of Crow Indians antl S. C. studl!nts alike will put all tht:ir ability and talent to a test this wet:!K TO GO TO GR EAT FALLS in the try-outs for the Indian :\lasque which are being held on the Crow reservation and on the A \Yill letter from Yictor Three Irons, chief of police on the re::iervation, who ha, been delegated to select sixteen In- dians to dance in the masque. g-iYl:-; Leave Latter Part of This Week to Put Work In Shop a hint of the and interse The Montanan editors are planning I competition among the I to take the annual to press at Great 400 Indians Falls the latter part of this week . .. rhis is a little larger than las Act ives : thing doing every day for the senior5. ' tr 's honor TOii but. much the same Pi Beta Phi .. 8.t.90S The morning of commencement there> l e that most of the honor rolls have: Chi Omega ... 82 .6lf) is to be a senior breakfast. .m for the past few years. Seve: Alpha Gamma Delta .. 81.854 At the close of the meelir.!! eYer:; I A serie · of three da11ces bet· ... r Unless something verv. unexpected OVER DELEGATES BACK IN SCHOOL hcid .. with::, four hundred happens. all cuts which wiJl be used ' tendmg each dance, dressed 111 then· in the 1927 l\Iontanan will reach the t he "A flush" list is, however, Alpha Omicron Pi 81.100 senior was urged to place his orde1 te unusual. The complete roll 1 s Kappa Delta 77.797 for announcements with Jack Travis. I '" follows: --.- On April 1st t.he national conven- j weight under which a tailored blou<:;C All members 81.5:.J3 LES BQUFFONS WJLL tion of Spurs opened at Seattle, I will be wo1·n. At the conn.ntion il Honor Roll Jrhose ma king 3 points per tredit flu sh) : . J. Bradbury, 21 credits. :. J. Helm, 20 credits. Pledges: I \\rashington, with reprcsentativ('S I was noticed that emblems varied i11 Pi Beb Phi ... from every active thapter in at.tend- design and size. )I. S. C. had the Chi Omeg-a ... 80.12R ANNOUNCE PLEDGES ance. The meeting was turned O\tr mo:)t satisfactory and so it was Alpha Gamma Delta 78.800 to Rhoda Harris, national president. tho.sen for the uniform. These em- Alpha Omicron Pi .66.961 --- \Vashington gave an address of wel- blems amt the stationuy are to be :. M. P akala, 19 credits . :. L. Th ompson, 19 credits. A. R. Patton, 16 credits . i. J. Shaw, 17 tredits. Kappa Delta .... 76.3&2 Les Bouffons, hororary social fra-, l'Ollle to the other delegates and eat:h ordered through this college. --- ternity, will announc:e their pledges 1 chapter gave their separate respon:;.!. Second Se:ssion . S. Thompson 1 15 credits. :hose making 2.75 to 2.999 points l' credit: All Pledges All Organized Women Unorirnnized Women All \Yomen Men St uden ts " E. Swingle, 9. L. Coy, 10. M. Dn- ·son, 11. L. Richards, 12. L. Ander- Actives: 1 1 13. II. Donohoe, 14. A. Herring- Alpha Gamma Rho ...... . , 14. W. Jellison, 16. F. Johnson, Delta Tau ·.·· . . ....... . I W. Pakala, 16. C. Perleberg, 16. Lambda Phi . ······· Wilkie, 20. R. McCall, 20 . R. Wink· Kappa Sigma ·: 22. A. Andes, 22. H . Gardiner, 24. Sigma Alpha Epsilo1L Oakwood. I Omeg-a Beta making 2.5 to 2.749 points Amigo Cl_ub . credit: Beta Epsilon 5. E. Fuller, 26. R. Stewart, 27. \\'. ' Sigma Chi -tl e, 28. J. Livers, 29. E, Asbury, 29. Benjamin 1 29. R. Dull, 29. V..'. All ··· nberry, 29. :IL Hinds, 29. T. J., Pledges: rri son, 29. J. o·connor, 29. Poh- Alpha Gamma Rho ', 37. H. Crosier, 38. T . Tower, 39 . Delta Tau . ··· ··· · •Bennett, 40. R. Eagle, 40. K. Eton, I Lambda _Pht ..... . J. Andes, 43 . I . Gill. 43. N. Lund, Kappa C. Suneson, 46. K. Copley, 46. H. Sigma - p a Epsilon 46. B. Ta vlor, 49. R.- Tootell. Omega Beta L. Sullivan, 5o. H. Wiles. 52. B. Anngo Club bbard, 51. R. Walters, 53. B. Ber- Beta Epsilon t, 55. C. Dugan, 55 . M. Herlevi, Sigma Chi ·· G. Kohls, 55. 0. Olsen, 55 . G. Pul- n, 55. E. W ier. ,hose making 2.55 to 2.499 poi nts l cr edit: All Pledges . Organized Men Unonranized 1\len All Men ........ . All Students 76. 3211 al the annual spring classic, to be Marcella Schneider made the respon:sf" On April the second the busines5 .... held at the grand opening of the for lvI. S. C. meeting was continued with each 79.998 Rose Garden dance hall on FTiday Miss Jessie of S .. c. discussing its campus. activi- ......... 80.215 1 evening, April 22. Another featu1e gave an address entitled, ''1hc :\a- ties. In Utah one of the special an<l 'I of the social function will be the tional Idea of Spurs." She was well· important duties of the Spurs is t'i awarding of the scholarship cup L..:> qu.al.ified to do th.is.' having bt.:!en .the darn and. mend the football suits an.I . 8 .Oftf> the organization havi.ng the f origmator the idea for socks . of football .. tean.1$ ... ;t ..... 81.122 a\erage over the period of years in Rhoda Harns ga\e an address st1.e:s- Wyommg durmg the fnst \\eek n ... 80.652 which the cup was offered . ! sing the importance of forgeltinp: school the Spurs scnenade the ntw .. 79.297 At a recent meeting of the mem- ! prejudices of g1·oup:s in connection freshmen women. At a lunc:heon, 77.656 hers of the Les Bouffon social fra- 1 with the Spur. I hel? ,\.ilsonian at noon, a mod- . 76.997 ternity, the time for announcing Changes . . el imt1at1on w_as held. . 76.841 pledges was chanp:ed from All rev1s1ons m the const1tut1011 Elect ion of Officers . 75.476 giving in the fall quarter, to the were ac7epted. Ea1.:h cha.pter may . the session _the nom- .... 75.100 Spring Formal Social Classic . This be permitted to make t11e1r own b.y- rnatmg comnuttee made the11· repo 1 t.. will give the members in the frate··· laws; any freshman or Those elected \vere: ..7 .103 nity a longer time to be act ive and is :ligible f?r membership, but it is President, Polly Brown, U. of derive the full benefits from the or- entirely optional t.o the local group \Vash. .77.698 ... 81.606 76.552 77.4;j8 . 74.910 70.679 . 74.599 70.899 ganization. ?n any campus. The. idea of. pledg- Vice-president, Mar>.'ella Schneider, The scholarship cup awarded each mg freshmen women is to tram .them I\I. S. C. year to the fratunity having the ' t? the duties of S1mrs so they will be Treasurer, Helen Taylor, U. of Id- highest average has been in service fitted to lead and caTry on the work aha. for seven vears and it has been de- , of SpuTs in their sophomore yea1. Editor, Virginia Phipps, U. S. C. cided it should be permanently' Any giTl that is pledged to. Historian, Kaye "'orosley, U. d awarded to the organization having- must be elected as a representative •Jt Utah . the highest average over that period I campus, or . independent The offkers were installed at of time. The winner of this award groups. A motion to this effect was meeting. At six-thirty a banquet will be announced at the spring dar.c. carried. Initiation may take was held in the room. Eac l .. 75.419 ing part.\'. tiy time during the school yeaT. individual part of the Spm· emble1)1 ..... 77 .5'3.J These· new features added to the Pin a nd Unifo rm Chan ge was toasted. An expansion commit· 77.72.11 prestige already established by Bouf- Two of the things taken tee \\.'a:-; formed. with the \'ice-pres - ..... 77.619 fon dancing parties, will make was of ,a dent, '.\farcella Schreider as chair- .. 78.:319 spring festival one of the in the pill and undorm. 1he pms man . All petitions lo Spurs n<"eh·ed social events of the year. \ Ve All plan will now be gold instead of silver, and from other sthools must be handled most gorgeous and war-like app'.uel Tribune Printing Company by Apr il Far into the night they dance the 1.3. All printed copy is now in and old war dances t.o tl--e sttady beating- coi:r ctecl and the big task now re- of the om tom, with Vidor Three maining is to make sure that the hons trying to make an impartial printers get the material arranged in choice of sixteen from so manv. He the proper order. emphatfrally states that he will .bring Don Bennett, the managing editor, only ;'good Indians'' to Bozeman, so has helped the printers assemble the undoubtedly they will be the best be- ·Montanan for the last two year$. This haved, best looking lncliars, as well experience is very valuable and should as the most excdlent dancers. 1\tost insure fewer typographical errors important, they must ha\'e a real in- than haYe ever occurred before. Due terest and enthusiasm in the produe- to the fact that the same printing tion of the masque itself. company did the work last year and Tryouts T hi s \\'eek understand ju!'t what sort of job it is, Tryouts will also be held here the process of getting the copy all week. The leading parts have- al· up and proofs pulled ";n be great- ready been assigned, but the alte1·- ly speeded up. However it is doubt- nates for these parts, tbe mytholos.d- fu! if this job can be done in less cal characters, the white men, t'lowns, than a week. After that, a11 copy Indians other t1:ibes, a,nd some must be proof read and appro\·ed be- Crow mak1r.g a1together fore the actual printing of the book nbout sixty arc yet to hi:! i can be started . chosen. The trvouts will be held in : . the Litt! Th t. f 1! t 11 J The exact time when the 11ontanan 1 4a will be for _distribution is n?t 15 froni -1 t 6 · ' S t . I known, but \·cry likely the date will April 5onp. be about 1\Iny 20. On \Yednesclav nt 7:30 li.lrs. Davi"' --------- will read the m3sque to all those who wish to hear it. Copies are also on reserve in the library . For the music the. member:-: of tr!' .·ollel!e chorus and of the chorus fO" the "Chimes of the chorus of Bozeman, and tl1e t·hoirs or tl· e have been asked tC' as- sist. Others who would like to should see Prof. Adam. whn STlDE:\"T SENATE ) !EETING Student Senate meeting will be held ' Wednesday afternoon, April 13 in the reg-ular room in Main Hall at 4 :30 . Arrangements are to be made for Associated Student elections. Don B. Bennett, President are in the choruses should also try !NTEll-FR.\ TERN!TY COUNCIL for individual parts. · MEETING Rehearsal!-';. for the ma:<.que will start almost immedia'elv after th,, ::.clertion of the c:ast. the 11 iddle of next week. I. :-r. Richie, 62. C. Albrecht . 62. · Ar nett, 62. W. Kobbe, 65. E. How- , 65. M. Andes, 65. S. Wagner, W. Walcott, 69. C. Oberhauser. 70. Mowery, 70. L. Sutherland, 70. 11. / rker, 74. C. Fa rri ngton, 75. J. H er- ( Continued on Page Four) Mrs. Leila Linfield N"ye. '20. visit- ed at the home of her father, Dean Linfield while in Bozeman for :.\lor- ta r inst a lla t ion. to j?O to the Bouffon party-so you'd are to be worn directly the by ::\larcella Schneider. helter get your bid in early. Send on the emblem .. The umfo1m. wtll The next Spur convention will be :\Ir. and C .. \. Truitt wctre yom· name lo Burton Rivers before consist of a white pleated skll"t, a in the spring of Hl2V at. Pul!- [ dinnl·r gue:-;ts at the Sigma Alph 1 ihe bids are all gone. J v-necked sweater of any preferable man, Washington, Epsilon house Sunday, Inter-Fraternity Coum:il mel'ting will he held in room 208 of the En1?ineering Building. Toe!;day afternoon. April 12, at ·1 Impor- tant business and all members should be present. Don B. Bennett, Pres ident

Transcript of ~xpnn,ent › msu-exponent › objects › exp-018-28-001-006.pdfPractica11'· every grou1 cel\_ed...

Page 1: ~xpnn,ent › msu-exponent › objects › exp-018-28-001-006.pdfPractica11'· every grou1 cel\_ed \\Ith much commendation, t grains have been grown each year Al f t't:red from ~ew

Watch for The Looter's Light Opera "Chimes o f Normandy" April 18 and 19, Ellen Thea t re


>RESIDENT GIVEN Cap and Gown Now Chapter 1

LOOTERS PRESENT '~~Lsg~1~1~r~s~~~~~~s~0E~~:BAND BACK FROM SUCCESSFUL LEAVE OF ABSENCE • OPERETTA MONDAY he~llll~i~tc~l~~I~:~~ "~1t1.[';0~::~~~:1 " f~,'. ·1 TOUR OF NORTHWESTERN MONTANA

In National Mortar Board\ some time '.·hiefly for finan~tal rea--1 --- ons. accorchn:? to mtornrntior fro· l


INST \LLATIO"' CERE~·10N IES H ELD j mer of l~J2 l after which the slat I ~ " " AT HERRICK HALL . -- . . legislature failed to pro,idc money ENTHCSIASTIC OVER RESULTS Dean F. B. Linfield To Be F RIDAY AFTERNOON A ' D RECEPTION GIVEN IN THE Is First Attempt of Organization rnough 'or the imp·ovement of th" -------------- ---

Acting President EVENING. SEVERAL ALUi\lNI MEMBERS OF CAP AND I to Produce This Type campus ard _the amount neces.ary t.1 Cl s·dd. D ! The Bob.at band rcwrn_:<I yc•h'l Next Year GOWN BACI" FOR CEREMONIES I of Play hold. summei_ school too. Due to then ass l ing one I <lay mornmg from :hen· l oth a! nual

\. ___ part1cuh.~r situation, a fe\~ othet 1 :--tale tour. The ~l. B. C. band for

At the regular meeting of the State oarcl of Education April 5, President tkinson was granted sabbatical leave

":>r the year commencing September 1, 27. During this year's absence the

resident i:xpects to complete some catistical studies ·which he has been 1rrying on with the Genetics Depart-

I . . schools in the state are takmg care I tf.e last sc,·cntecn years, under the On Friday afternoon the local I man, a former member of the locnl T:e ·L~ot:~·s are ~~ta~t.n~ th~!~ an- oi the rei?ular number ·.hat went sum- On Show Concessions tliredion of Lou Howard . ha:; made

won~en's o~·ganization, Cap a~d I o.rg~nizat~on at the Cniversii::y of Tl- ~~~' pl~r~~ ;~n 3°:d · 1~~ ~t ~~~ E~f~~ mer school work. a. tour of ~he state ~n~. Sa urday en::

Gov.n w~re installed .a-s a chap,cr. 1~1 lmo1s, which is now. a chapter.of )lo!'- Theatre. This year's show, uThe ___ nm~ m~rk~ .. U~e. clo:s1~1g, o~ 01:e ot the national hono1ary fratermt~. tar Board and ~lis:; Chadw1ck who ('h' f X d " h. h . CONCERT PROGR M the most succe~stul ttips Ill banJ :\~ortar Boa~·d. The installa~ion of-1 teaches at . the hi.g-h ·~chool, and :\lrs coi~~~etg~lt ~;E1~~~~~~ ~ '\·a~~~a~f011 ~~·on~ A .Actual Circus Practi~es to Con1- history. .. f1l:er was .:\h:->s E. Luella Galll\'er. as- 11or:sl, wife of one of the facultv the . 1 ed II t b 1 1

[ mence In1med1ately The :\lontana State co1le~e atrgre-

, eni: at Cornell University.

~i~t~~~ dean. of \~omen at the Un;- I members. . · this 11~~.~~~~iz~~~~n. Y usua y pu on Y __ ~a lion of mu~icians ~r better y~:

H:r~J,) of \.\ yonllng. I Rlcc1>t1on and Bar.quet IS WELL RECEIVED I The bidding 011 concessions fol' the Lou Howards musical Bobcat:s, 81 l' b f C rl ~f h . ll · . The setting. which is in Normandy. t b l d t l1 f

Commencing in 1912, when the x ac ive. '!l:m ers o . ap r a~ . ter t e mst~ at1on ceren~omcs. France, during the :-;e\·enteenth cen- I college circus to be hel<l 1\lay sixth were. me Y arge crow ~ a a o resident completed his Master's de- Gown were m1t1ated, F~·ar.cts \\j-hP, a. ~anquet was g-1ven. at 6::30 m thr~ ttiry·. is very vividly rep1·oduced by and seventh, met with exceptionally r~e six se:heduled .,..pnformances. The e~ work at Cornell, some pure lines Esther Asbury, Irma Gill, .:\laqrn~·et; dmmS?' ~-~om of Herrick. hall ~or the . good response from the various or- fn:s.t conc~rt at Fo1·t Ber.ton \tas .re-

Booth, Helen_Solberg and Alta Atktn- I r._ew m1tiates and the installing of- special scene~y w~ich is being pro Pronounced By l\1any as Best !!anizations. Practica11'· every grou1 cel\_ed \\Ith much commendation, t grains have been grown each year Al f t't:red from ~ew l ork and San Fran ~, .J h 1 C 1 the experimental grounds at Cor- son. • so six ~rmer members re- f1cers. Se\·enteEn were present for cist.:o. The castle scenes. Noblemen Entertainment of Year's turned in bids and so close was the w t e at. onrad, the second place of

turne_d for the mst_allation, Rhod 1 the occasion. I n the evening a re- p bidding that m several instan~e:::- I appearance. a banquet was gt\!en in 11 Unh·ersity

1 and also at ::\fontana II f B t El with their armors, ar.d costumes in 1 rogram h f h

tat.e CoJlege and each year half of arns o u_ ~e, 1zabeth II art of cep~ion \~as hel~ from eight-thirt:: the peasant group scene~ will ca Try 1 theie was only a few cents diffeien\..i-! onor o t, e boys by 1\lontat a Stat~ • . RounduJ?, l\Iat ~ Egan of Butte, and until ten in the fireplace room of the 1 b£tween the highest and next hiuhest boosters. The quartette was one of

e seEd produ_ced from these Imes Leila Lmfielcl Nye, Louise Stone \Vomen's building. ln the recelVing the audience far across the sea as The concert, oi negro sp1r1.uals I bid . "' •the features of every program as .. each pl~ce wai:: exchanged so th~t Shunk and \"era Harris Ecton. line were :;.\liss Alta Atkinson, pre..;. well as back through se\·eral cen- rendered by J. Rosamond Johnson an11 was 1he solo work of Louis True an<l ants which had ?een produced 111 Requirements Same ident of the local chapter, the irstaJ. turies. 'Taylor Gordon, on Thursday evening, The cor:cession on ice cream anJ Ray Patten. e. easl and also m the w~st were Membership requirements for ;\lor-, la ti on officers. the mernbers of the H.ecein~·d \\"ell E\·ery n here. provided a very entertaini1:g and in- cake seemed to be the fa\·orite of the Lou c.:laims that it is the best band _ailable for study. Durm~ each I tar Board are similar to those of the new local and ::Hiss Donaldson an·i Th(' Chimes of Normardy ha!'; been stiucti\·e evening- for those who at- bidders as there was a great deal of that he has had in years, and th_rt

. nter careful measurements with the local org-anization. Each candidate Dean Herrick. Those who atti:nded favorably received by the most criL tcnd(!d, and splendidly rounded off compttition for this boo•h. The 8

ig· the trip was an immense succe~ci. aracters of these plants were made is selected on the basis of ci.cholar- the reception were rnembers o.f the ical audience!'; in eYerv countrv of the j the enteTtainment course foT the ma Chili's hav~ng th~ highe~t bid b~ both finar.cia1ly and musically. Of d ·t is the plan to prepare a rather h' . . . . .... 1 . ~ · . • . . a sma marj?'1•1 received this conces· ~ 1 . . . . . . " _ s tp~ act1nt1es, p.erson~hty and l~arl- faculty, townspeople, membe~s. of the word and is a prod~:·ti~n of. proven 1 year. The program was ~1st1r.ctly sion . The candy, popcorn, anti erl- course Ray Bowd~n was on the trip

.. te~s1ve. JOmt p~bhcation on c.or ership, each quality bemg taken mto student senate and Septe11w1n. The worth. The talent. which ts berngo fea. unusual and g-a,·e the audience a 1 nut co ce~ i r.t t th A.j 1 and before and after programs gave lat1on m Inheritance," pres~ntmg I equal consideration. Only senior col- members of the Spurs acted as usher3 tu red bv the Looters is the verv be!;~ muc:h better insight into the negro O'

5 it: :.s or\ we' t~ b~d 4

• p 1'1

his usual press agent speeches whil'h e data from the two institutions. le2'e women are eligible. icr tJ-,e occasion and presided o\·er obtainable in this communit~: ar:d harmonies than could have been gain-1 ni~g-\\·er ~e;~:~ae co~~pe 0~gtl

1 8 1~~7- are always interesting and enlighte·n-\Yill Study Abroad

1 Dean Una B. Herrick and .i\Ibs J. th~ punch bowl. . . compares. favorably with that on a~y 'ed had not melodies been sung hy booths \\;s c~n~edecl eto the,eB~aE.': lir.g .. The boys ~ll _report they had

In addition to the completion and L. Donaldson were made honorary . fhe pa1:t of th~ bu1ldmg used dur- campus rn the country. The enln·e ! member~ of the ra ' e .. 1\Ir. Johnson while the other was se;::ured by tht> the lime of then· hves while the iblication of these studies, President members o~ ~h.e new chapter. Ot~e:-s 1~g the rnstallatton ar.~ the ~ecE:p · "ast h~s been at hard rche~rsa 1 . for a~. acqmred a 1 :putat10n as a m::i- s. A. E. fraternity. Very close bid- , ~r~~hmen members, although merel:y tkinson expects to undertake some who were mttlated ar_ the same time tJOn _was decorated \\!Ith onentnl s~me time and by the . opemng n1g-ht s1c1an, accompamst, and as an a~- cling was shown on the concession for 1111tiates, seE:m -to look none the worse rther graduate work and will spend were )!rs. W. 0. Wh1tc.omb of Boze - hangmgs and stands of ferns. will_ have pe1:fected ~then· portr~~al of thor and collector of negro mus_1.·. Hhot dogs'' and pop, but the Amigo after a we~k. of association with the trt of the year in Europe. President then· respective pai'ls .. Tn add1t1011. lo Taylor G~r?~n, whose . t.er.or. \'OICe club was the winning bidder. 1 ~iore soph1_sbcated men~bers of the id i\lrs. Atkinson will probably es- ALPHA GAMMA RHO, CH ANCE LLO R BRA:\' NO:\ ~he many college fav~r1tes app_e~rmg gre~tly "'·\·:f1ed th_e basic sentiment:~ The granting of concessions finish- 'horn blowmg organization.'' blish their home in Ithaca, N. Y., Chancellor Brannon of the Greate•· In the show there a1e local c1t~zens of.' he. sp1n~u~ls. is a :.\lontana _boy, I ed up all preliminary work on the Jt was after the concert programs most of the work pr~or to the time University of Montana was in c.onfer- wh_o are well kno'':1 and app,reci~ted born 10 ~ h_ite Sul~~u.r. Spt:ne:: circus, leaving only the actual pra1:-1 that the ~ollef!e boys got a chance to going to Europe will be in connec-' PJ BETA PHI LEAD ence with Pres. Atkinson Friday at;tl th~loug-h the s~ppo1t. they ha\e given Both men w~1e well ietened b~ thJ tire work to b1;ng it to a finishc-d. s,1·ut then· stuff. IL seems that sev-

m with Cornell University. I Saturday of last week. co eJ?'e producdons lll the past. Bo~~~rnn audience. . . J state. I t was finally decided to do ~ral ~f them ha\e lef: broken Lear!s . During the absence of the President, 1\k nt.ana Sym r hcmy Orchestrn . 1 1 oug-hout .t~e c:orcert the _smcet · away with the raffle of the car whicr.1 ·o st1ew. the path, wh.Jle undoubtedly ~an F. B. Linfield will be Acting J Agricultural Fraternity Shows The leading feature of the show 1t: of th~ s~ 1 r;t1.1~ls .was po1.t~a~"(~ was to have been conduc~ed by the othcn \~·111 r;tra~e .th~ir s~eps as soo~1 ·esident. He will also carry on the . . 1 • • SeniOTS Again Adopt this year is the w·eser:tation of many b). the t\\o singer:) gteat fam1ha11t) i_ Bobcat club but efforts will be nrnc!e la!-'i the :sumn.er \acat10n tolls. arouno. neral administration of the Experi- [ Except1011al A\erage, P1 Phis musical numbers chat var;- from the with _ them, and by the unusual ran-. o •ubstitute another feature in it• Shelby, the town of Dempsey·Gih-ent Station, but will be relieved of Lead ·w omen Grads Regulati'on Derbi'es solo to the group chorus" type of ges m the voices of bo~h men. Tho I place. bons fame, se.,ms to have disappomt-

t .d tat· d 1

'th tl blending of voice-s carries the thought Sweet Chariot. and All God's Ch1l- was he·ard to rtmark, "after the con-ministrative responsibilities with I --- i::ongs.. The beautiful harmony mvl well know~ ,?ynrns,. Swrng- L~w ed several of the fellows for one

e ou s1 e s ions, an a so '"1 1e Alpha Gamma Rho and Pi Beta Phi of the Chimes to the audience and luns Got \Yings 11 brought an enthu- TRY OUTS MASQUE cert e\~en·thing in town was locked neral. w?rk away from the colle?"e. led the fraternity and sorority grades keeps the Chimes before them siastic Tesponse' from the listeners. • up for th~ night." •an Lmf1eld has been connected with for the winter quarter The agricul- At a meeting held last 'Vedne~day :\I. J h . T . r:mtana State College as Director of tural fraternity led the entire list afternoon the senior men derided lo throughout the show. The ~lontatrn de;i,.rh~fn~on s uwn compos1 ions \\er.:? i GIVEN THIS WEEK From _an report~ _the trip was ~u~t e Experiment Station and head of •th th

1 , . f 88 OtJ- resume the wearing of derbies instead Symphony is also one of the feature!': ~ u ·. . I 2.n enlarged repetition of prenous

. . . f A . 1 . 1902 \\J e unusua a\e1age o .. :>. of straws as last year's seniors did. of the show. The direction of all the The bas1s of our present Jazz mu- trips and all the members give Ll'l'l e D1v1s1on o . gricu ture smce . leading the Delta Ta,us who ca.n~e !':iet- The women \"Oted to contir.ue the use musical numbeTs. both or~hestra and ~ic is said to be in the spirituals i,l Howar<l the full credit for rnakin-r

and among the .mens fratermt1es by of the parasol. singing, is under Profe~sor Jo1'eph the neg-ro rares. and a close atten- \Yil1 Be Held on Crow Indian possible this big- annual event for h~


nearly seven pomts. As Ralph Mowery, the senior cla,;;~ Adam, who has recently 1'€(..'eived na- tion to the refrains of the melodi1::-, R Bobcat band. The aYerage of all women's soror:- president, is not in school at the tional recognition from music critics I lC-:-;ented at the la:;t concert would eservatiop and Here ---------

ties led the fraternities bv a little present time. Frances Wylie, \·ice- for his effor·s and success with the reward the listener with a realiz<.-~· at College better than three points, ~bout the president, acted as chairman of the ~lontana Symphony. The ('oller:e tion o.f the relationships existing b -same lead that the sororities have al- meeting. f'horus whi.:h has been under Pmfe~- tween the negro harmonies and 0~11· MONTANAN EDITORS ways maintained over the men stu- I Presidert Atkinson gaYe a short sor Adam's persona~ direction all sea- twentieth cer tury jazz.

St udents Make All A's de~ts. The average of the membe1' talk on college and class spirit. Tf•i> son, has been workmg hard on their

'Ven of the various organizations in nearly was followed by a report of clas~ I nu1_11bers and are at their best in The and Total of 104 all cases led the averages of the treasurer Roy Kerlee. The rest of Chimes of Normandy.

Make Honors pledges for the same group. The or- t~e time wa~ given 0 ,·er to .a disc:us· 1. _The !'ieat $ale open~ Friday,i April ganized groups led the unorganized sIOn of senior class functions .. H 16 at the E1Jen Theatie and \\Ill con­

!\ total of 104 students made the groups by only a fraction of a point assembly on Friday, 1\'lay 4th, all tinue until_ after the show ~s staged.

FEDERAL !:'\SPECTOR Ferhral R. 0. T. C. In~pel'tor E. C.

\Vodclill, infantry, from ~an Fran­cisco, will be at ill. S. C. on :.\lay 5 an<l for the purpose of inspecting ~he M. S. C. units. i or roll for the winter quar er with this quarler, and last quarter were a seniors are to appear in their cap~ (Contmued on Page }:lour)

·en students on the "A flush" list little behind . A complete summary and gowr.s. -------------------------------i 24 more than 2~ points per of the grades follows: This year there is to be a senior ·<li t. \Vomen's Organiizat ions week in which there will be some- NATIONAL SPUR CONVENTION NOW

Hundreds of Crow Indians antl ~I. S. C. studl!nts alike will put all tht:ir ability and talent to a test this wet:!K TO GO TO GREAT FALLS in the try-outs for the Indian :\lasque which are being held on the Crow reservation and on the campu~. A \Yill letter from Yictor Three Irons, chief of police on the re::iervation, who ha, been delegated to select sixteen In­dians to dance in the masque. g-iYl:-;

Leave Latter Part of This Week to Put Work

In Shop

a hint of the strenuou~ and interse The Montanan editors are planning I competition among the Indian~ I to take the annual to press at Great

400 Indians Falls the latter part of this week . .. rhis is a little larger than las Actives : thing doing every day for the senior5. ' tr's honor TOii but. much the same Pi Beta Phi .. 8.t.90S The morning of commencement there>

l e that most of the honor rolls have: Chi Omega ... 82 .6lf) is to be a senior breakfast. .m for the past few years. Seve: Alpha Gamma Delta .. 81.854 At the close of the meelir.!! eYer:;

I A serie · of three da11ces ,· bet· ... r Unless something verv. unexpected

OVER• DELEGATES BACK IN SCHOOL hcid .. with::, four hundred Indi~ns ~·~~ happens. all cuts which wiJl be used ' tendmg each dance, dressed 111 then· in the 1927 l\Iontanan will reach the

t he "A flush" list is, however, Alpha Omicron Pi 81.100 senior was urged to place his orde1 te unusual. The complete roll 1s Kappa Delta 77.797 for announcements with Jack Travis. I

'" follows: --.- On April 1st t.he national conven- j weight under which a tailored blou<:;C All members 81.5:.J3 LES BQUFFONS WJLL tion of Spurs opened at Seattle, I will be wo1·n. At the conn.ntion il Honor Roll

Jrhose making 3 points per tredit flu sh) : . J. Bradbury, 21 credits.

:. J. Helm, 20 credits.

Pledges: I \\rashington, with reprcsentativ('S I was noticed that emblems varied i11 Pi Beb Phi ... 74.7~-l from every active thapter in at.tend- design and size. )I. S. C. had the Chi Omeg-a ... 80.12R ANNOUNCE PLEDGES ance. The meeting was turned O\tr mo:)t satisfactory and so it was Alpha Gamma Delta 78.800 to Rhoda Harris, national president. tho.sen for the uniform. These em-Alpha Omicron Pi .66.961 --- \Vashington gave an address of wel- blems amt the stationuy are to be

:. M. P akala, 19 credits. :. L. Thompson, 19 credits. '· A. R. Patton, 16 credits . i. J. Shaw, 17 tredits.

Kappa Delta .... 76.3&2 Les Bouffons, hororary social fra-, l'Ollle to the other delegates and eat:h ordered through this college. --- ternity, will announc:e their pledges 1 chapter gave their separate respon:;.!. Second Se:ssion

. S. Thompson1 15 credits. :hose making 2.75 to 2.999 points l' credit:

All Pledges All Organized Women Unorirnnized Women All \Yomen

Men Studen ts " E. Swingle, 9. L. Coy, 10. M . Dn-·son, 11. L. Richards, 12. L. Ander- Actives: 11

13. II. Donohoe, 14. A. Herring- Alpha Gamma Rho ...... . , 14. W. Jellison, 16. F. Johnson, Delta Tau ·.·· . . ....... .

I W. Pakala, 16. C. Perleberg, 16. 1· Lambda Phi . ······· Wilkie, 20. R. McCall, 20 . R. Wink· Kappa Sigma ·: 22. A. Andes, 22. H . Gardiner, 24. Sigma Alpha Epsilo1L

Oakwood. I Omeg-a Beta ~hose making 2.5 to 2.749 points Amigo Cl_ub . credit: Beta Epsilon 5. E. Fuller, 26. R. Stewart, 27. \\'. ' Sigma Chi

-tle, 28. J. Livers, 29. E, Asbury, 29. Benjamin

1 29. R. Dull, 29. V..'. All ~. ! embers ···

'°nberry, 29. :IL Hinds, 29 . T. J., Pledges: rrison, 29. J. o·connor, 29. ~I. Poh- Alpha Gamma Rho ', 37. H. Crosier, 38. T . Tower, 39 . Delta Tau . ··· ··· · •Bennett, 40. R. Eagle, 40. K. Eton, I Lambda _Pht ..... . J . Andes, 43. I . Gill. 43. N. Lund, Kappa ~f1~a C. Suneson, 46. K. Copley, 46. H. Sigma - p a Epsilon

~le. 46. B. Ta vlor, 49. R.- Tootell. Omega Beta L. Sullivan, 5o. H . Wiles. 52. B. Anngo Club

bbard, 51. R. Walters, 53. B. Ber- Beta Epsilon t, 55. C. Dugan, 55 . M. Herlevi, Sigma Chi ·· G. Kohls, 55. 0. Olsen, 55 . G. Pul­

n, 55. E. W ier. ,hose making 2.55 to 2.499 points l credit:

All Pledges . Organized Men Unonranized 1\len All Men ........ . All Students

76.3211 al the annual spring classic, to be Marcella Schneider made the respon:sf" On April the second the busines5 .... 80.3:~3 held at the grand opening of the for lvI. S. C. meeting was continued with each

79.998 Rose Garden dance hall on FTiday Miss Jessie Donald~on of ~ · S .. c. <:~apter discussing its campus. activi-......... 80.215 1 evening, April 22. Another featu1e gave an address entitled, ''1hc :\a- ties. In Utah one of the special an<l

'I of the social function will be the tional Idea of Spurs." She was well· important duties of the Spurs is t'i awarding of the scholarship cup L..:> qu.al.ified to do th.is.' having bt.:!en .the darn and. mend the football suits an.I

. 8 .Oftf> the organization havi.ng the Lighe~t. f origmator ~f the idea for Spur~. socks . of th~ football .. tean.1$ ... ;t ..... 81.122 a\erage over the period of years in Rhoda Harns ga\e an address st1.e:s- Wyommg durmg the fnst \\eek n ... 80.652 which the cup was offered . ! sing the importance of forgeltinp: school the Spurs scnenade the ntw

.. 79.297 At a recent meeting of the mem- ! prejudices of g1·oup:s in connection freshmen women. At a lunc:heon, 77.656 hers of the Les Bouffon social fra-


with the Spur. m~vement. I hel? _i~ t.~e ,\.ilsonian at noon, a mod-. 76.997 ternity, the time for announcing C?~litu ~lon Changes . . el imt1at1on w_as held. .

76.841 pledges was chanp:ed from Thank~- All rev1s1ons m the const1tut1011 E lection of Officers . 75.476 giving in the fall quarter, to the were ac7epted . Ea1.:h cha.pter may . A~ the aft~rnoon session _the nom­

.... 75.100 Spring Formal Social Classic. This be permitted to make t11e1r own b.y- rnatmg comnuttee made the11· repo 1 t.. will give the members in the frate··· laws; any freshman or sophomore.in~l Those elected \vere:

..7 .103 nity a longer time to be act ive and is :ligible f?r membership, but it is President, Polly Brown, U . of derive the full benefits from the or- entirely optional t.o the local group \Vash.

.77.698 ... 81.606

76.552 77.4;j8

. 74.910 . 1a . ~1a

70.679 . 74.599


ganization. ?n any campus. The. idea of. pledg- Vice-president, Mar>.'ella Schneider, The scholarship cup awarded each mg freshmen women is to tram .them I\I. S. C .

year to the fratunity having the ' t? the duties of S1mrs so they will be Treasurer, Helen Taylor, U. of Id-highest average has been in service fitted to lead and caTry on the work aha. for seven vears and it has been de- , of SpuTs in their sophomore yea1. E ditor, Virginia Phipps, U. S. C. cided that~ it should be permanently' Any giTl that is pledged to. Spu1~ Historian, Kaye "'orosley, U. d awarded to the organization having- must be elected as a representative •Jt Utah . the highest average over that period I campus, organi~ed or . independent The offkers were installed at thi~ of time. The winner of this award groups. A motion to this effect was meeting. At six-thirty a banquet will be announced at the spring dar.c. carried. Initiation may take plae:·~ was held in the ~Iarine room. Eac l

.. 75.419 ing part.\'. tiy time during the school yeaT. individual part of the Spm· emble1)1 ..... 77 .5'3.J These· new features added to the Pin a nd Uniform Change was toasted. An expansion commit·

77.72.11 prestige already established by Bouf- Two of the ~igges.t things taken tee \\.'a:-; formed. with the \'ice-pres -..... 77.619 fon dancing parties, will make ~h e ~p was t~e cons1de1:~t10n of ,a char~g~ dent, '.\farcella Schreider as chair­.. 78.:319 spring festival one of the outstardrn~ in the pill and undor m. 1he pms man. All petitions lo Spurs n<"eh·ed

social events of the year. \Ve All plan will now be gold instead of silver, and from other sthools must be handled

most gorgeous and war-like app'.uel Tribune Printing Company by April Far into the night they dance the 1.3. All printed copy is now in and old war dances t.o tl--e sttady beating- coi:r ctecl and the big task now re­of the om tom, with Vidor Three maining is to make sure that the hons trying to make an impartial printers get the material arranged in choice of sixteen from so manv. He the proper order. emphatfrally states that he will .bring Don Bennett, the managing editor, only ;'good Indians'' to Bozeman, so has helped the printers assemble the undoubtedly they will be the best be- ·Montanan for the last two year$. This haved, best looking lncliars, as well experience is very valuable and should as the most excdlent dancers. 1\tost insure fewer typographical errors important, they must ha\'e a real in- than haYe ever occurred before. Due terest and enthusiasm in the produe- to the fact that the same printing tion of the masque itself. company did the work last year and

Tryouts T his \\'eek understand ju!'t what sort of job it is, Tryouts will also be held here thi~ the process of getting the copy all

week. The leading parts have- al· ~et up and proofs pulled ";n be great­ready been assigned, but the alte1·- ly speeded up. However it is doubt­nates for these parts, tbe mytholos.d- fu! if this job can be done in less cal characters, the white men, t'lowns, than a week. After that, a11 copy Indians fr~m other t1:ibes, a,nd some must be proof read and appro\·ed be­Crow ~nd1ans, mak1r.g a1together fore the actual printing of the book nbout sixty par~s. arc yet to hi:! i can be started . chosen. The trvouts will be held in : . the Litt! Th t. f 1! t ~ 11 J The exact time when the 11ontanan Thursda~ an~a ;:.i~a; 0~ ~-7t 14a a~~ will be re~dy for _distribution is n?t 15 froni -1 t 6 · ' ~ S t . I known, but \·cry likely the date will da~•, April 1~. lf1~~n~1\ a~o 5onp. ~11~1· be about 1\Iny 20.

On \Yednesclav nt 7:30 li.lrs. Davi"' ---------will read the m3sque to all those who wish to hear it. Copies are also on reserve in the library.

For the music the. member:-: of tr!' .·ollel!e chorus and of the chorus fO" the "Chimes of ~ormandy", the men'~ chorus of Bozeman, and tl1e t·hoirs or tl· e churrhe~ have been asked tC' as­sist. Others who would like to ~in!! should see Prof. Adam. Tho~e whn


Student Senate meeting will be held 'Wednesday afternoon, April 13 in the reg-ular room in Main Hall at 4 :30 . Arrangements are to be made for Associated Student elections.

Don B. Bennett, President

are in the choruses should also try !NTEll-FR.\ TERN!TY COUNCIL for individual parts. · MEETING

Rehearsal!-';. for the ma:<.que will start almost immedia'elv after th,, ::.clertion of the c:ast. p~obablr the 11 iddle of next week. I. :-r. Richie, 62. C. Albrecht. 62.

·Arnett, 62. W. Kobbe, 65. E. How­, 65. M. Andes, 65. S. W agner, W. Walcott, 69. C. Oberhauser. 70. Mowery, 70. L. Sutherland, 70. 11.

/ rker, 74. C. Fa rrington, 75. J. H er­(Continued on Page Four)

Mrs. Leila Linfield N"ye. '20. visit­ed at the home of her father, Dean Linfield while in Bozeman for :.\lor­ta r Boa~d insta lla t ion.

to j?O to the Bouffon party-so you'd are to be worn directly ov~r the ~p1.1 by ::\larcella Schneider. helter get your bid in early. Send on the emblem . . The umfo1m. wtll The next Spur convention will be :\Ir. and :\tr~. C .. \. Truitt wctre yom· name lo Burton Rivers before consist of a white pleated skll"t, a h~ld in the spring of Hl2V at. Pul!- [ dinnl·r gue:-;ts at the Sigma Alph 1

ihe bids are all gone. J v-necked sweater of any preferable man, Washington, Epsilon house Sunday,

Inter-Fraternity Coum:il ~lceting mel'ting will he held in room 208 of the En1?ineering Building. Toe!;day afternoon. April 12, at ·1 :~O. Impor­tant business and all members should be present.

Don B. Bennett, President

Page 2: ~xpnn,ent › msu-exponent › objects › exp-018-28-001-006.pdfPractica11'· every grou1 cel\_ed \\Ith much commendation, t grains have been grown each year Al f t't:red from ~ew


[!tl' llhdd~ (t~fJlllti'ltf !'ul Ii. ,eel E t'T'. TJC::=t :iv of the College Year by

tut SUh Lho. l'll From .1.he Studenb of :\lontana ~talc Colle .,.e of the l'nlvcrsiLy of )lontana,

Bozeman, )lontana

C.\LE:\' D.\R

Tuesuay. April !:!-Debate Here _ "orth Dakota .-\. ggie' \'S :llontana State Coll~gc. I~~ djJJ-#iJ:A*~ \mJ1 _II i ~~:'~,:::,,..,,~e~::~~::::,~:~:;;~::,,~

j ~ ~rR C 1+r-.. ;- ha»e an excellent a - ortment of Flo" ers and Plants

This )totting marril·d yuunc_ i>n't ii M. Langohr, Flori· st !:iubsi.:nption Hate: ~~.OU per School Yea r


XE" -s ST .\FF )!.\X.-\GIXG EDITOR.... JO OTON:\ER ' 28 .-\S!'OCL\TE EDITOR .ED\\'!:\ BECR.-\FT '29 ASSOC!.-\ TE EDITOR .... FR.-\NK IIUXSAKER '29 • ·r:ws EDITOR ROY KERLEE '27

Fnday, .-\pril Li-Amigo Yiresicle . Sunday, Ap!'il 17-S. A. E. E aster Breakfast

Phone 95

I ~o ~ood -one of the wcnkcr ~ex who .,, Once upon a t11nl', nut "0 Hry lon)..!' 1 ~1.:cntly t•oupkd h~1--t•lf off and 1ulll· ~ .

:t~o. then· was :i \t.:I') ntt.:I! . ntl.'e tr11l. ed. at. illusttit>v:- 1.:au:t't told Ill(' :.-hC' I ~ 19 E. 1\Ia 1n ~tra1ght f1om the Sht.>1tho1n r.ull'h nt:>e<luJ a Ill'\\ -.11rtn~ hd. bu\ :-hC' drop- _,,

rrne. Yt:-,, she W~b a\\IUlly nu:e, st.J llil!'.ht !:ihl' didn t e:et .... mi ~pr111g hat1



Jncidt'ntall,-. we might mention the fact lhat we ha,-e heard :;eyeral students express the opin ion that they weren't going to attend :;ince l hey "knew it wouldn't bl' any good." This sort of an attitude st'l'ms to be typieal with the perpetual knockers

::;.he l'rllll(' npparently as nu kl as Chc-..· 1 pc<l a homl·-m~tdC' bis, t11l un the lanrl- l '-'-""-"-'-"-"-'-"-'-''''~~"-'-'-'-"-'-"-"-""-'-'-~"-'-"-'-'--~ te1 fields !\I d a::; plll c .ts l)lconhll g· - Io1 d'~ sto\ l .1nd brokt• a h<l the otLct II

mw.:h ~o th.l.t she hnd nothing- io do - - -\\ llh any oi u:;. l'Olhkh ,,111zze::- \D\I C.E TO TH E t' ?\l:\ITl .\TE D. ~-----------------------------l

I n \'a in we im ited her ro a fr,, n \ BUSL "ES.' ~!..\!\AGER ER. 'EST DEALTO:-\ '27 AD\'ERTISIXG )L\.-AGER . -------

- . __ L.-\ SELLE WORTH!. 'GTON '29 CIRCUL.-\l!OX ;,1A..'-:AGER ----- -------------------------

_______ RU::>SELL A..'iDERS0:-1 '28

Assistant in llu:=;iness, Da\·e Carpenter: Assistant in ..\dq:rtisinl?', Len Rohbins, Frank Ce.:-arani, Art Gnin , Dale l arh-r; .Assi-.tants in Circulation, Clif­ford ~''::inson, Joe Delancy .

:'\Iorgucs, ::\lurgaret :\kDonnld; Stenographer s , Gladys ).;ichol~, Frida. Hendrickson, Coila Hollis; !'roof Rcadt•rs, Francis Kd}), Frand Howard ; Staff Artiot. \Yilhclm \\'aII.


I who condemn cYerything that is for the ad,·ance-


ment of the school if lhcy happen to think that it \\'on't work. To these men "-e would like to say: If you must knock . \\'ait until after a \'Cll­

midnig-ht sprl'ads. ~l·.l' did not cOl11f'. Sinl'C spring . has come (we .. a. \\'hen we w('1:l ttl ht·r room to bor oug-ht to know il by now .. "e '~I row a pencil she sl'tirned vur friuulh bcL'll told so n'ry often) ·: w~ll · · udvanl't!S. :\o soap! J sim·t• spnng- has come, \H ~po:-e U:e

. . . . old rush for second hand 1· vrds will ., Ah me! thm~,- u:-o :-oocial .t·11mbt·,1~. be rin ag-ain. as u~ual. i\ow. i t bn't ~he h.as somctlrnur 01_1. her mmd. i::v- l'Y~n·one who knows how to buy a erything- l·omcs t<.l Lim who w~ut.;~ sc~o;11.i hand For<l. People uft~n get says Caesar, so Wt' sc>en our duly n:- ·t or rather ::;luck bv thcst• we Uo1'e it. ~1~:1t ~cr~numk::d ·: .' . and. ,·ersntilt

One fo.tal night the nivce J?irl sent machines. There are Fords and us all noticL' to come lo her roo1~1 .Fonb. Ford~ that always run out oi at one('. There sh~· :-.at h:win.I! en: g-as .. Fords that hunt .. :-o It seems. dC'_ntly. goon.e througn nnll·h a;::ti~Y t l for small. :::.h:u 11 obJt•cts tu 1rnndt11'(:'


.\thlelic Shoes Including Dr. l\leanwel!'s Athletic


FEATURE Ell!TOR )l.\RG.\RET IJE\\'EY • h .. ist::rnts: llt•lt•ne ~tot•kt·r. H1.·rncicc: Crane, \\·innie Brnckclt, )for~· Halt', Lillian .\.ar~hall.

ture has been tried before conclemning il. T here is no reason why this production, Chimes of Nor­mandy. can 1~tll be gh·en with enti re success by this collcg,,_ \\"e only ask lhat these knockers and pes:;imi:;ls attt•nd this production, then do their knocking, if it is \\·a r ranted-and \\'C arc CL1rtain it i :=m't.

nnnd Jlhlg11~g by the looks oi l: •r ti res •. ~rnd of cour:;c, Ford::; that swikh lying ne~lcl·tl'd upon thl• wrn- hm·en't the good brakt:>s that are a ..._..._..._._._._._.._.._.._..J" .. ..._.._..._..._..._ .. ..._.._..._.._..._.._.._~..._.._..._..._...........-....-..-..-~~~~~.._. dow sill. .~nyway. therL \H' _:;~lt w~ •1 most. necessary t_•quipmC'nt. ~ ..

..,,,._...,.._..............,..._..._.._.._..._..._..._.._..._..._ ......... ..._..._.._..._..._..._ ......................................... ~

HEPORTERS \\ illiam DenJamin, Ruth Asbury. Bill Ro~s, Roy :\ewkirk, Ho~s Hutt:hin!', E~tlwr Stol'kton, l'lnrcm·e l\t•1·i1..~., Eloi.·c l lowell, \'irg"inia .1Jills, Vorginia Gilbtrt. Leoni! Gnlcrneau, :'llary .• kCuy, :\tartha I .ynn, )larjorit· Ritchie. Helen :Stron~. Don Bt·nnett, Bl h. l t1otcll, Chl't Paisk), Robert Dull, Gt•rtrude Da\\ !', Alhl' l c;reiner, )larjorie Spaulding, Opal Hil'hardson.


our .teet~ Ill our mouth wa1tm~ tor ..\f~er ha\'ill~ had experience with \ A ..... Sh Fi the 1J1C\'ltable. tJw:;c kinds( they aren't ~O hot). \ ~-.mart op or A shuddering- slib "Ginrr rrl ... ,' wl''\'e at last arri\'crl at a condusio1 ~ t._J she be~nn, "the timL' Las l'Olllt• when ... ~ to tl.e 1..111(• nnd only way to chllOs{' ·~:\: 1 can no lon!.~.'l'I' ket'P my :--catl from a second htrntl Ford. Examine the

Bor ghild Anderson, Editor ~ ......................................................................................................................... ....,......~

you . 1 must r('n~al nil. (Sniff) You !.!°Ud tank, the tin•s. tl1l' top, and in- s c ll will ne\l'r like llll' ag-ain, (ba\\ w-:') ddentally the crg:inc. These are ail \ mart 0 ege But what um 1 do·:•· details in l'hoosing-. But • . abo'e all ~

A t.l(':tt.hly silent:e (which must n_n·-1 things. look_ under the baek seat. If 1 ~ c~sanly 111tervcne to ullow h1..'romc there you .f111d .•. a t·?mpat't. a small \ Fl!.\TS Ill!.\ W LOTS

Couri~r Print Bouman. Mon ta na

l'ni\'er::-ity of Californin, Lo~ Angele:;, Calif.-Repre­H'ntntive:o: of the ~'.! fratt~rnities of the l.Jni\·ersily of California rl'cently drl'w for preferred !:'ites m~ar the 1ww unin·rsity eampu=-- for their fraternity houses.

ume to hunt up another o1·g-nndy han_<lkerl'hlcC a lipstick or :rnd1 . .. ~ G • l handkerchief). I h~s1t3tc- no lonJ.!er. Pay tlw dcpl1~1t \ zr

"Gir-r-r-r-rb:" :-he wheezed, "last with the who1e:.-ome knowledge that ~ S ,ummer I had a <latt• with the h.mll- here is a car that ha~ clone its duty ~ ::wmcst man in Cow Basin. "~c went 1 · . a1:d know" ib way around.

EDITORIALS for a ride. Ides of ~larch! Ihm· wa~ J to know? Xo une ever told For the benefit of those- not tea COPS IL \JIJ Fl! \T l!Ol' ::>ES-

All Editor ials wr itten by the Editor udr ~ otherwise signed

l! ECO \.EI! ll lJ :\UllEO L.\NTER.'<S me! But nlns! lnnon•nt nnd tru:-; ~ippers . in,g that I was , I didn't realize that 1 Rungah1\\', any time of day. tragedy wns my fate. Byron·~-Prcferred at G. You Are Invited to See

the New Spring Styles l\IORT.\H BOARD IXST.\LLED

Bcrkley.l'alif.- (B)- D. U. CoIIleg-iate Preos)-When no­pnrkin~ ~ig-n~ werl!' di~appt>aring too frequently from the streets of 13t.•rkley , the d1ief of J>l)lil'e digpalchcd two patrol wa!!ons, manned by a squad of ml'n, into lhc fra­tc1 nity tli~trfrt of the Unin·r~it:r of California.

"""e rode alone' ~ide by ~ide in tha wo1:ckrful old bu.l!f!Y. Th" hors.e kt· pt !.t'l'ttinL! farther nntl farther awny from the settlement. l wns fri~.tlnen­ecl but hravely ehokt.d my fear and rode rig-ht ulong-. Suddt·nly old ~l'l stOPl't",i in a shady g-kn. And 0:


One more new national has now made its ap­pearance on the campus in the form of a "·omen's honorary societ~-, The :IIortar Board . Cap and Go\\'n, " ·hich was installed into this national, is to be congratulated on their success in gaining this national recognition. They are also lo be commended fo r the unusually fine reception which they held last Friday e\·ening. E,·erything " 'as well done; and again \\'e say congratulatio1rn.

The raid resulted in the nco\'ery of about fin.'! hund rt-d sig-ns which \\ere t·atalog-uc.'d as "miscellany" by lhe raid­ers . The party Harched forty fratt'rnity and sorority hou~et' and n.•turnt.:"d with a cemctt:ry si,:rn that had ador ned th(• bed of a ~tud~nt, a hundred lanterns taken from con­strudion work, thn:l' fire axes, thrl'C life presc1·vers, two I barbL·r poh·s, a largo~ sidt'walk sign of an oil company, 1

Sl'\'t•ral "rcst•rn•d" 11nrking- :;igns, some furniture labded with the nanll's of hotds, and .any numbe1· of srnaller

Gir-r-r-r-rl::.:.! (a pil•rl'inl! shriek j..., \·er\' t~ffl'cthe ht1re) Gir-r-r-r-rJ..;! He--he- ht-he-he KIS~ED me!" -.- ~

Fadt• out of erain• 1..·ompany. ~ Chambers-Fisher Co.

pit•t:es of ··art." Xo arr('sts were made; ho\\'e,·er, the police promise

har~h tr1.:atnll'nt fur offendt!rs in the future.-De nver Clarion.


Thb year the Looter'ti are attempting some- ProYo, l'tah. The CouJ-rar catchers hn,·e gone in for th ing new ; something entirely different- They 'mailer 1<amc. :\ow that the Cougar, haw been sub­are bringing into the college life a litt le of the jug-ated, they arc Iookin~ around for new cats to con-

qu. r . Their lntC'st arhic\'C~ment in the l'('alm of catdom is tnie of music and drama lhal is ordinarily den ied the landing- of a contract to fumish bobcats for the • ton­t he student in :llontana. They are pioneering, as tana athlet<">- Whtn the footbaII men appear next fa II it \\'ere, in a nc\\' field of endea\'or in t he for m of _they wiII be attired in blanket-lined rubberoid sweat coals.

1 a light opera \\'hich they \\·ill present next week. On lh<' bach of the" there will be a bobcat head worked }'ron1 the appearance of present ach·ances made into a design with the wore! "bobcats."

TIH: Coug"ar heads on th~ basketball sweat shirts im ­by the cast and music, it will be a big success. If Jll'l'»Ni Ott Romnei· who has ordered the decorations for the production next :IIonday and Tuesday nights hi> new football coat>. Glenn Potter and George Lewis bears out this :;tatement, or eYen if the result is I will <lo the work. Th y Xe" Isn't it funl'Y after a man J-rradu-c ~ ·~. a es from college, for t.he~; do ot·ca-on!y \\·ithin the bounds of mediocrit\', they are to sionalh-. Oftl·n the,·'vc hnd to rush be connnencled for t heir venture into a field enh'er!'ity of \Yisconsin, ilfa.dison, \Vis.-The cones- hectic1:.lly around J.!e.ttincr ~tudies and hithPrto untried, that will mean n1uch to the col~ po1~dentc sd10ol ~13~ ~nroll('d 90. COJl\'ict:s._ The pr isoners ri<ling ponil's to ehrht o'clorks. . . . . I pa) for the coursts either hy pnson C'armngs or by loans bn't. it fur.ny (you ~ec, I ha\'l•n't lege \\'hen 1t 1s once firmly established. from lhe uni,·er;ity. I graclua'ocl froni eolleg< yet and I ________ ·--_ I really dun't know that "ndcl" should

be used 'stead of "funny".) But, any­YISITOR FR0:\1 OREGON 11e tal in 'he e>tnblishment of the facturin1t Department of the ) L s. C-I "·ay. after thcy\·o strn,,- .. h·cl throur:h

)l[SS _\YA n. l\IILON I S Home Et'onomir~ department in the is sho,\'n by the fact that positions1the four-y(•l\t' "ball an1l .1.·hain" (lf (.'~ll-l n \'C•rsity of PekinJr. were Sl><.·urt>d for all the short cour::.e I lt•l!e, so many mN: skid (ln thl' IC'l'

m(•n who majored in this work before C)f romam·t· and tie tht·m~t·I' es to ~· In addit.ion to v1~itin,... .. IL tlomc Ee <lcpartmo1t hHe. .:\liss Hlam wa$ a \ isitor at tht> :\h:thodist drnrch. She is \'ery atth·c in t:<-'lting yourw won1tn interC'st('d 'l mis.·:ionar\' wor in !nrcig-n countne~. .

li :-; A'a B . .'.\lilam wa;, a \ it.or of the Borne Economic llepartment la::.t wcc>k. ::\fo;;,. :\1ilam i:-: the DPan of Jlome Economirs at thl• Orc•).!un ~tate Agricultura. f'olle).!e at C'on-.11-li:o;;, Ore •'"· Sh !'pC'nt two ycBt'i-; in C 1ina in which time !>he wa:> instru-

FASHION Barber Shop


Beauty Shoppe

J . B. NEIL, Proprietor

Baths Phone 461-J


Champion Shoe Shop GIVES

10% Discount TO ALL STUDENTS

Opposite Woolworth's

The Home ::\lunal!'cment hou~e has thl'y had completed thC'ir courses. ball and l'h:lin for lift.. ain't 11 sad·~ be{ opened for !-'l'nior honw ec.·o- 1 nomic student!;. It is lo.atcd on Thl' :\ational Rifle match h<.1$ b('(~n I \\'t>si "'.\lcmdcnhall this ,·ear. Tht J.!irls complt·ted \\;th the score of fi:H n Hr house nt th<' pr~~ent tinll' ar~ out of a possible ~000 which is ;. ..\fan:~an•t Hammond, Alta Atkin 0'1, \'C~ry high mark. The national re­lrmn Gill. and :\Ian· . .\lite Powc-r:-; . tm·n...,, howe\'er, ha\'e not bet•n re­.\ baby has bet·n H:curul from the tehed .as the other teams will not Orp'ums' Home in Helena . a!" is tlw complete their srorl's until May, when ('Us!om. the final ::.tandinl!'s will be annomll'­

ed and the.' national champions n·-The C'ffkiency of the Dairy ::\lanu- cei\'e<l.

Genuine Leather


Priced to Make Them Sell


llavt! ,-ou C"\'~r :-.~en till' above ht·- 1

fore? \rel! that's you if you for- I get lo study and ,!!el a lot of "F's." j

\\'hen a high school g-raduatL~ 111:1-

trkula:t•s it.to colleg<.• lw lay~ hd1iml his. hid1 s('huol s weethearts and roar:-­'GC't tht<.• hl·m·c, am bi tion.''

But, t•n·n at toll ej.!t'. in the sprinj!', sweethearts retu rn (llwy hn\C a \\ay o! doing- that) nnd ambition flit•" I lnthcr and thither, knowing- down down a flow o<.·cas ionnih·.

Said ambition cxprt~"PS itsl'lf on the dt'ar uld tennis euurt next cloor to the dormitory. BrothL·r~ wnkc.' up the entire ~iberia in a hazv c.'ntkavor to meet th(' girl "11t fiY£" fl1r a g-anw of "Kivc ard take.'' .\ncl a~ tht• dorm we\·t• heard th.al alarm l'lork:; tinkl e at all hour s.

Any way athletics dC'\'elop the mu~-

1 ~~,~~'-'~"-U'US..1'~'''-'''-''"--'''~'~~""-.~'~~~ cles and ambition must a ir itself on ·t• '- in a whilt·!

I. D.\ Y .\XD NIGHT SERVICE ' - --~ PHONE 273-'V f'! Doan ll amilton told his •<><·iulng:y I l'la"s the oth('r morning- wlw our ,_ NELSON CAB stat(' happt'l1(•1l t be l'alled :\I~ntana. I ~ The pinnet·rs you know, :ho sturdy

~ Oldest and l\lo t Reliable ~~~-~~,g:~~· G~,\·~~i~0 ,:;,\'!~;'. :,~,~":~,~";;:~ \ , bur white :\I o\·er her<.' on tht• south-~ f'OLLEGE WORK ,\ SPECL\LTY western hill. They decit!ocl ns a fir:il I r . conclmaon that t hC' stnte s name wou ld I ~ Office 26 Eas t l\lain have to bog:in with I. ~X'-.~'-'-"-~'-""'-'-~"-'~'"-"-'-'"'-'-"-'-'-'~~~ ~ :-\ow you know ?ust how important ~~ I our college town is.

Bozeman's Best ~

Restaurant • >


•' ..._..._..._..._._._.._._ ... ..._..._..._..._ ................................................ ..._..._ ......... ..._..._...._....,.,...,...,.,,..,.~~~,..,. .....

WHEN Greek or calculus gets you into a tight corner, tie a tin to trouble--a tidy red tin of Prince Albert! Tamp a load of th is really friendly tobacco into the bowl of your jirnrny­p ipe and light up. Watch the sun crash through the clouds with every puff!

P . A. can't bite your tongue or parch your throat, no matter how fas you feed it, because the Prince Albert process gave Bit and Parch the air at the start. C ol as a Laplander's bp. Sweet as apple cider. Fragrant as spring bl s­soms. That's Prince Albert!

One pipe-load invites another. And _ .• you can hit P. A. from morning till midnight and it won't hit back. Don't put off to tomorrow what you can smoke today, Get a tidy red tin of P. A. and turn on the sunshine , •. now!

l>RINGE ALBERT -no other tobacco is like it!

P . A . is solrl t' • <' n•hcr<' in t1d \' red tin 1, r o u nd 4nd holf. p o 1n 1r/ fin lt u r11 1Jo 11 , •nd l' '! und cr) JlJl ·ila.11 hum idou a 1tl1 1;1,1n11:l.'·mo 11tc nC'r tol' . -lnd al• Cl''.U • i t h uery t11 1

~£ ~b ;~", t:cdc 11:/ttc;~';';::~::.

Page 3: ~xpnn,ent › msu-exponent › objects › exp-018-28-001-006.pdfPractica11'· every grou1 cel\_ed \\Ith much commendation, t grains have been grown each year Al f t't:red from ~ew

THE WEAKLY <l) EX 0 k~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



Notice Yea Theatre Goers The \\'indjammers L~ague, Pi\LOCAL STUDENT fiOES VIOLENTLY INSANE

:~~~~~,~~,l~:k.he~~-:re:~~~~t:e~ WHILE PLAYINr. p.~RT r.ASPARD THE MISER led the membern 111 prayer and 1 U ii U Dr. .J. 'Wheeler Barger pro-1

Sh~~ •. ~otuhewC~nhti·n,teosgoeft resernd seats for the annual Loot nounced the Benediction. PORTRAYS DRAi\L\TIC .\BILITY IN i\L\D SCENE FROi\I RCEDES ST.\BLER W \NDERS THRU FRANCE 200 Normandy. you will have to come

IE •, '· early. Its too late to aYoid the rus h for mail orders are MISER HAS ALL I THE C'HL\IES OF • 'ORi\I \ 'DY-CRITICS .\GREE TH.\T YEARS PREYIOCS BCT .\CTHORITIES Fl'.'ID SHE IS PART OF G.\SPARD IS O"\E OF THE GRE.\TEST IN ONLY PRACTICING FOR PLAY AND TURN HER LOOSE coming in fast and furious and from all indications extra LIGHT OPER,\

mail ~erv ice will be installed before adrnnce sales reach ·

ThAeG~:::rs of the staff are I THEY SAID HE '"~::,.:':~'" ""11"··· h'" '"" '""' "' tho di, "

11" I HIS GOLD SWIPED PROMINENTBOZEMAN an:t~~;;r k;i,~-~-~~~~{o/:aj~~:~~~ force to take care of the mob when the ticket sale starts

nder the impression that things I .. \~'SESSOR •' ND REGISTRAR in the Chemical Engineering at the Ellen Saturday the 16th. Wayne Kobbe is in charge . "' •'• CITIZEN IN CHIMES ~d t~; ,~~::~~s \~-~~r!o;~.! tf~-~:.e


COULDN'T SWIM I of the ticket sale and he announces that all orders will ~~:~:E D~1iJiiE~RI~~)~gl ~~~f:i Ui~o:!co~~l=~t~~ t~nes:~~ a-eds golllg to stop. It is a receive prompt attention in spite of the fact that he has CAN nual Looter's production, "The ueRtion. They are up to :lll had offers of large bribes to give certain dramatic lovers T. B. STORY TAKES IMPOR- 'himes of ::\"ormandy." Schwartz arts of things. Recently one of I COULD SEE ONLY DEATH AS choice seats. Hard is the life of the Asses- TA::\"T PART IN ANNUAL playing the part of GaRpard, the he rep01·ters lost his sanity HIS DELIVERER BECAUSE I ,or and Registrar. They must LOOTERS PRODUCTION miser-the strongest character rom a shock he recei\·ed while I OF THE DRE.\D OF A LIFE do all the dirty work; collect the part in the play-has displayed n one of his tours for news. I BEHT.:'\D THE B.\RS-.\ND LOOT CHORUS SHOWS p c 0 'S I rents and tithes: attend all the Takes Role of Notary and Shows un_usual ability in all of hi_s dram-ater im·e. tigalion revealed HE WAS A FISHERMAN U EARL ARR LL fairs; and finally dispose the Remarkable Ability as Auct-1 at1c engagements and his wo~·k at he had seen one of the most l'ich old miser of all the gold ioneer at the Corneville Fair durmg the mad scene stamps h1:n

•o;u~~~ ~'~o~7~~e0~n~l;:n~i~le~·!~~ 1 sw~m. fi~~~~':~-1~r ~~~rd ~t~~~~ VANITIES FOR BEAUTY OF FEMALE FORM i~1~~e~~-sh::c1 \e:;yi~~~:~,~~~~ The boy who is going to knock ~~eo~:ii~!e~he greatest actors 111

f burden that made the pros- a thing, yet this very fact lost can, and had just taken from its the Bozeman theatre goers for Gaspard, the miser, has had ector famous, the burro. So Grenicheux, alias Heward Alex, cache. They must also attend a row of apple carts is T. B. charge of the castle of Corneville

-real was the shock that the the hand of the fair maiden. M. S. C. BEAUTIES M.\KE MACK SENNETT'S BATHING the fairs and keep the notary in Story cast in the part of The I ancestral home. of Rend, l\Iar-.oung man has not yet recover- This poor simple fisherman BEAUTIES LOOK LIKE SO M.\NY POSTAGE STAMPS place. He looses his head 0,·er :-<otary in "The Chimes of Nor- qu1s of C~rnenllle, durmg the d. This was all that was re- could have had wealth, power, WHEN IT COMES TO MEAN DAXCERS the chorous girls se,·eral places mand,-." And that's not half latters exile from Normandy, ealed in the preliminary im·es- 'I \Jut instead he had nothing but in the play. Wendel Pitman tak- the ston- the collitch children ·rncl his method of keeping

tigation. Further inquiring into the haunting dread of impending If there is one thing the Although there are only half as es the part of the Registrar. He are going' to get a kick out of hings has not been of the etails re,·ealed the fact that the I arrest, and a long and dreary Looters Club is proud of this many men in the chorus as there fits his part to perfection. Hard T. B.'s acting too. i\Ir. Story, straightest. He has hoarded the oung lady was also suffering life behind prison walls and fin- are women, it is expected that and merciless, unscruplous in who is one of the most influen- :old belonging to_ the marquis_ in

d ~·ear it is the chorus of the h ti d f h h om hallun~inations, accor ing I ally death as his deliverer._ Th~t the remaining thirteen girls will 11·ord and deed. He Rwaggers tial citizens of the fair village · e caR e an ng tens t e s1111-J the detectives_ 111 charge. She I is the ordeal that _h e saw m wait "Chimes of Normandy." Peopl_e be well taken care of by attend- with a quiet bold dignity that I kindly consented to take part in ,ile yeasants by ghost tale: and •as under the 1mpre s1on that for him and 1s it any wonder talk about Earl Carroll's Vam-

1 ;ng males. could not be ruffled for the The Looters play and no one has »rn10ns n: the castle, 111 order l<.>

he was in France some two I that he is simple as he is. You ties, The Scandals of 1927, Mack I Among the beauties who hold world; you will think he is a been sorry since. At least, the <e_ep :·1s1tors fro;n the castle. undred years ago Of course see it was this way, he made the Sennett's Bathing Beauties, but forth to the delight of theatre man of importance when you see Looters haven't and neither has ·!is mece, Germallle, rn the 1:eal

ne detective notified the proper fair maiden, the darling of his alongside of the Chimes chorus I goers are: Margarete Lemmon, him, no matter what your im- the cast. ost ;\Iarch111ese of Corne\'llle, thorities immediately, and an heart, believe that he had-but they all look like a two cent pos- Ruth Grush, Fay Hahn, Isabel pressions are now. As the kino-s notary Mr. Story ~nd when the returned marqurn

n•estigation of the ladies sanity vou can see him and all his tage stamp. Loot has had good Gilchrist, Ruth Sander, Bernice T 1 Ch dcl k I f"t h' 1 • f t


I "f Ell ·omes home and chscovers the f 111 I

ec a oc_ a so 1 s ts '5 a per ec ~cream anc, 1 en r.1i·ser< misoap ropiation of funds ·as made. The worst was ear- troubles so why bother to te choruses in the past and pro- Norris, Kate Caldwell, Alice nart to perfectiort. He takes a theatre auchences don t laugh d 0

1 " P. G . .

i. It was proved by ahemsts. about them. bably will have in the future, Brew, Esther Stockton, Ruth · · · f p·t d h T B a:1 a so marnes erma111e 111 part s1m1lar to that o . 1 man well an lm:g :1· en . . _con- t;ie bargain old Gaspard loses o\\·ever, that her sanity was un- Howard Alex is ,·ery well suit- but ne1·er before has Loot had I Platt, Lorraine Coy, Harriet and acts verv well cons1der111g ducts the otf1cial Great Fau· of h t rt

1 ' h h

1 ft

npaired. She was merely prac- ed for his part in the production. an)·thing to even compare with Stone, Ruby Kindschy, Mary the circumst;nces. You can't Cornel'ille, "·e are badly mis- w a 1 t e reason e as e · .cing a part for a play. We He has a natural ability for act- th-= startling beauties of this 1 Tatten Evelyn Hansen, Nolan like him. He isn't made that taken. When it comes to selling ?or O\'er two centuries, critics · h th h th I of I d h I n·11· H I s v· l re world 01·er, ha,·e remarked ·1s roug e co umns ing and takes to his part evce · years s ow. •l mgs. e en trong, 10 a wa,·. but don't fail to see him cows. chickens, ducks, pigs,

1is paper to apologize to her for ingly well. His part is naturally And believe me, l\Ir., these Lalasher, Twila Hough, Eloise ancl Pitman strut their duff g 1 ese, donkeys (all real and Jive rn this scene, and it is by far b t that -he ] I ·t I h · I · t k 'cl R J h B F k he most powerful and thrilling 1e em arrassmen " difficult and it is rnrc to su1 a : orus g1r s are go111g o ma ea ·"' am, ay o nson, en ran - when the time comes. on the stage) ::llr. Story is a real

1ight have been cau_sed by our ~haracter to this particular type. ;ie1·sonal appearance. Kothing Jin, Carrol Holl_owa,-, Robert Rm· Kerlee takes the part of salesman. but he is in his ele- ·n the play. Patrons of The eporters stupid act10n . Yes, His voice lends itself naturally ~thereal about them. They are Dlose, Chester Paisley, P. Barber the Bailli . He is the big bug of ment -"·hen it comes to auction- .himes of ~ 'ormancly "·ill be ou ha,·e guessed it. It was to the squeaky voice of the fish- meant to look at and they know Gardner Waite, Henry Scodlle, the clay. He is a shining ex- ing off sen-ant men and women, ~i,·en the thrill of their Jh·es

cl I. S I tt h h · 't d b f th · ht R b t St k D T ·11 J durinz the mad scene and during Cerce es, a ias erpo e e. erman and the fear l at e is 1 an e ore e mg s over o er oc . . ern , ames ample of what Jove can do to an especially, the cute little sen·ant -One of our repoi-ters inter- II able to register. is almost_ genu- you wi_ll agree that i\L .s .. C. col- Looney, R_alph Hodge and Dutch old man especially when he is 11·enches. Looter's will refund the ghostly seances when cen-

1 t d t I I tt ft I H II t t ury old armour moves silently l·e,,·ecl i\Kercedes after the exam- ine. That he 1s we l su1 e o ege g1r s are pre Y 111 Y ga s. o ens em er. .disappointed . Kerlee is a good the money of any patron who ' h bout and sounds and sighs rntion. He reported that he his part can be readily seen w en actor. but we hm·e our doubts. doesn't get a sicleache from ,•rranale from the weird old cas-

:~~;~a~~~~:.~~,s~o:;;~~~1~e~\~~~ you see the play. FOUR RED HOT MAMMAS APPEAR IN CHIMES ~=r~=~~~~ ~~S~1~~:~,~:~~~sli!~ ;~~'.~hi~~p~~~~n o~h~h~i~~r::~ le. er language was incoherent. He Bob Blose (In desperation) :

0 a similar nature in real life. How maidens as sen· ant girls. Fay Hahn: I contribute to

-ked her how the work was Do you smoke? Of N RM ANDY AT ELLEN THEATRE J 8. Jg else could a person do such sub- mral leading magazines rograssing and whether she Bernice '.'<"orris : No, but lots ' · .urb acting if they had not. Alpha Gamma Ddta unnoun.1' Ruth Sander: Yes I s~e you ad anything o_n the prince of\ of people do. . ce_s the pledging of Pushlmtton I buying College Humor and True vales. She said that she had I , The Looter's have been facea She's the only blond of the four HEARD AT THE Liz. Confessions quite often. 1directly, becaus~ t.hey all fell . Ruth ~-latt _: l ':1 troubled with t~e necessity of hiring. ex- 1·illage maidens and she certain- . . ir her. \\ e 111ce1 el) hope, how-


night~.' 1 "~lk 1_n m( sleep: . tra policemen dur111g. rehea1 sals ly upholds the honor of her com- I Alpha Zeta, Honorary Agn- Several members of Alpha Chi ver, that the poor beast ~loes Ve1 a ~e1fe1 t. · .. ".ell c~on t f?r-1 for the annual show 111 order to plexion. The Looters have some REHEARSALS. cultural Society, hoed spud all .Sigma took the~r annual baths ot fall for her when she. 1 ides get to take cai fai e "ith ) ou keep away beauty struck colleg- one always stationed around Saturday afternoon. 1 .ast Saturday mght.

:u'Rt ;;nd~~;o'~L~E~TED" L0;1~~ '1 r~~~:~~;i1-~~l~::~~~if~{~~~~;!~~ ~~i;h~~UE~~-:~:~~tl~!~~-~~~l\JE~ El?ise Acla~~The way tohJI 'IN THE SPRINr. A YOU1Nfi MAN'S FANCY S. 1- t Ch · t' St ff d l th 1 t 1 th . 1 mans heart is through is


. U ' ie er ' . r1s me a or ' am . ·~ Jrunne es rnve e .iea ou~- st mach but 11·ho the heck wants

Now USED By P.~sslONATE VALENS JONES II ~7tt~~i~~~~rfen~~l~~e h~0::· ~~-1:~;~ ~e:s ]l:~~=~t~tei1~e::i:~c1e~hl'JS~~~ to


go through his stomach. UfiHTLY TURNS TO THOUfiHTS OF LOVE' l\ the hearts of sixty se,·en males, that we blame Chris. A poor Ruth Grnsh: \\'hereja get the

according to the latest and most I girl must Ji,·e, must'nt she? hat? IN THIS CASE A YOU.:'\G WOl\IEX·s DID TOO, WHEN SHE IARGARET McDONALD FALLS LIKE A TON OF BRICK TO I authentic census. Betty Weir is another of the Carrol Holloway: I bought DID THE BIG FLOP FOR A P.\SSIO. 'ATE YO NG ROMEO

THE SOFT. SWEET, SYBILLA"'T. SERIOUS WARBLING ;)Iiss Van Horsen has ~nocked causes that _the rehearsels have this hat two years ago. Had it OF OLD NORMANDY OF THE PASSIONATE lll.\RQUIS OF CORNEVILLE more male hearts fluttermg than attracted sightseers. Do you cleaned t\\·ice, excha~ged_ it in a

e\•en Glona Swanson, Svelte, remember Greta Garbo? \Veil restaurant once, and it still looks• . . . . . . . t II brunette and mean from Bettv is ('reta with black hair. d , I Science has rel'ealed the fact I t1onally more timid, (though we

d I t I , · 'Ch1n1es of Normandy" wntten a ' ' ~ J as goo as ne\\ · h' · f , . . ] · . cl bt ) d . ] I Hot lovers come an 10 0' e1s 1 · · . , . ' h the tips of her ears to the edge In other words she possesses __ that about t is t1n:e o ~em, no" la' e o~n ou ~ an usua -o but for pure and unadulerated about old No1 ~land) m the 17t . of her toes she's in the word of plenty of that little thing, called I Kate Cald\\·ell: Does your 11·hen the buds beg111 to form Iv present 111 the m111ds of all of

· · h - ean centL11·1· "ertamly has plenty of ' · . . h ? d th b e at e t1·me o a11othe1· Tl1e irnd lov111g we a Ye never s ' ·' ' N' t 1 1

th the pug a Jalapaloosa ! Senous- "IT" br l\Iadame Elinor Glynn. wife select your clot es. an e grass ecomes gre n, us ' on r ' · · h th hot 0 c·ene0 o on " c oes e ' · ' l I I · d I h h t he nything to compare wit e J ' ·:· 1 1

' t . ii' though ,·our editor has even Bov if u-ou want a thrill that Bill Hathaway: No, but she anc t 1e worm sun s 11nes, an man mere Y s ows w a can h · ' 1·a1se t 1e pu se ra es m · · ' ' · ' , h b. d · cl t 'tt · th l d th f · t f th f · I ·ark of Valens Jones as the pas- c oi us ·

1 d · t' fallen for her and he's seen lots will last come and see "The picks the pockets. t e Ir s smg an WI er 111 e c 0 an e aires 0 e an·

l tonate ;\Iarquis of Corneville in the bal? :e~~ e_ \ow 1eve~yt 1~: of them-good, bad, and inclif- Chimes of Normandy." It's Parly morning air that young then make their choice. It may

The Chimes of 'ormandy." they k1c I en· ;ee s, u d th I ferent If you want to see a \\·orth a dollar lo see these four Issy GilchriRt: It took Ben men are ,-ery apt to lose their be keen disappointment to same fever before in the history of ardor of Vai\eii:s , oinDes anld : niftl· ~irl in a nifty costume do- (simple and innocent) village Franklin twenty-five lessons to appetites in the rush. It lets but to others-well that doesn't II I h h I · g 1·esponse bi· I iss "' c ona cei- · · · f k t ·c1 d · th t l'ttl t h t I LI· f1'gL11·e out the reaso11 '"h" eecl explaination. SometimcH J ege pays as sue ovm . • · · t t h't ing a mftv bit o wor come o ma1 ens ance 111 e swee 1 P eac me o cance. s • ,

iusic been sung to a loved one ~a1nly makes one wan o 1 I the Ellen 'next l\Ionday or Tues- (accent on the little) Norman Esther Stockton: The ca. d ! this is so, however, ancl as a re- the eligible males need encour-nd we certainly em·y the beau- the roof .and ~et ou~ and. froli_c clay to see "Horsie." costumes. Ile taught me in six . suit many explanations hm·e igcme~t, and it is then that _the ful Germaine-(;\fargaret Mc- around himself. (Senousl: •ho': ~ For honest to goodness sing- I __ I been offored . . . w1]~· female uses th~ tnck_s ionald). Jones warbles Jo,·e e1·er. we look to se~ this affa1_1 ·n and keen acting we recom- . I Lorraine Coy: That guy, Don One of the mo~t plaus1ble 1s if her art ,to ent~ce him ~nt1l assages with such beauty and cle1·elop mto someth.1 ~ig 0~ a ~ei-1 ~!nd little Vera Siefert. She's Gardner Waite: Why do you Kintz is always up to his chin the one that old Bill Shakespear I the knot ot the tie that b111ds requenC\' (seriously, he has a ious nature and ma1k om '~Olds, . n ther of the mean village call your house mother a crystal in music. put forth rnme seYer~l hundred\ 1' 'ecure. . tightv fine voice) that it is eds and co-ed~, Jones will be a .0 , t be seen in "The gazer? Jim Lonoey: \\'ho's he 0 years ago. "In sprmg young- ::llargarel ::l!c_Don~lcl certallll,-mall ~,·oncler that sweet and in- passing the cigars. pretty · oon ~~::: 0~ Normandy." Miss . Ruby Kindschy: Becam;e_ al Lorraine Coy: The violinist men's fanc:· lightly _turns to neecb no coach mg_ m the s'.'.btle 0 t G . d es the bi"g or we are badly mistaken)· / . f ·t h 1, cl accumulated nme o'clock she starts looklllg -- I thoughts of love." l ou know art for her actmg 111 The

1 cen ermame o . . t II I S1e et as area Y ' • I . · · • I .. · lop for him and says, "Come A bit of advice . o _a you co -I some 17 or 18 calps during re- at her watch. ,Joe Adam (Exas?erated): that most of us hal'e ne,·er even Chim''" .of ' ormanc y . is s~p-nd t k'd I' our's." lege boys and girb. It ! 0u ' h . 1 1 the Looters expect I You have all the qualities of a thought of that uut nevertheless remc. She-well that JS gomg '\\~e m.e'.

1 ·. 1 ~hyt the old want to learn the are of lovlllg, leai~a ~ ai~c t be be ieged with L. E. Hathaway: Yes, we clid jackass except the patience. it is so. Take for instance in too far. If you must see this

h. 0 ~' ~ sai~ . d .~ h ·e the come to the Ellen and see Jones

1 ~e c 001

;rnn ~ ates for Vera hm·e a ,·acancy in the chorus, many of the great productions of irrestible action come. Don't ~sdio~e ~?'S ~h nt ~l:gians and :McDonald demonstrate for P _en:y ~ m~: . n ance but vou're too late. ·Margaret Lemmon was a clin-1 the past and present, this little fai to see :.\largarl't in her 1~1 ~E~~1

111~ . a ~o . In your benefit. Oh. yes, we know attei t ~ pSei ~~m d.. ·th ,. Ap.plicant: Too late? ne;· gue~t at Hamilton Hall last piece of knowledge is vividly heil{ht of <nprcme acting. You ~ rd b isf ,.c1a;) . they they look so quite and meek-· Chnss1e ta ?,r I~ e o11_g- L. E. H.: Yeh, by about ten Sunda,·. She ;eports ha,·ing a brought lo our minds. But the will JO\·e her too when you see no e hayts, lo;!· uen ' d i·s bL1t don't forget the old saying. inal reason .~1·hy dgen em~ntpk1e- '\'ery e'n.J·oyable time I real reason is more subtle, tradi- this play. , ew w a rea ove was an d ep ,, fer blonds an no mis a e. years . · nd ought to be. At least, "The 1 "Still water runs e ·

Page 4: ~xpnn,ent › msu-exponent › objects › exp-018-28-001-006.pdfPractica11'· every grou1 cel\_ed \\Ith much commendation, t grains have been grown each year Al f t't:red from ~ew

TH[ WEAULY EXPLO ON lh> l'ntirc r:ist of "The Chimes of ;\ormand)-" ( for their kind L I\ indulgence). and whether cbc we h:ll"C mentioned in this issUL'-~OTE a:' a :--pedal fa\·or to LI'-'. for gnodneRs ~ake attend thP

PubJi,h<!d cYcrr onrl' in a while by the da« ·n 'n-a•i• e w·-i .. rµ- I "Chi mt" of :\ormandy" or .\'L' editor "-ill lose his happy home. undt:r .:\I ~s Pt.•arl Robert:-:on. It l'OHs mofll,\ to a(h-t·rti:-:e and \\·c must produc:t?- re~ults.

,'Gbscription Rate: Au<olutel) nothing I F!Ll THE SEAT' :\IOXDA \ AXD 1TE DAY AT THE ELU.:>:

Al'l'Pptance for 1nailing hy :-.p lt·ial .-\et of t'ongn1 s:-:

THE RATHACK :\largarelte Lemmon is only a

ian11or',; daughter but she sure "'Tt']ls t ht'm off t ht•ir feel.

~1waking auout daughters. :\Iary Tatten is only· a malhe­Authorized ·

1·1 ril


\\'ETIT0:'.11~~~~i~;~F:0 no magazine or paiwr 01~.e~t~:::.itt Hur;z MUSIC IN ANNUAL LOOTERS PRODUCTION I ::i;;~,\'i,~t•:;um'ii'~~'.ghti-r

:t\Ei\'S STAFF I . .\ faJ,;e rumor that the Col-

but Oh,


Al L. Hard There are tinws. and again more than expn»s it. Prof. kgt• lnn was "'lling cigarettes Titus A. Drum then• are other times . when Adam is famous for his musical nearly precipitated a riot from

G. I. Kenlye great things could not uc pos- talent and his ,.;l'IL•clion of good llam llall last Friday afternoon. J. 1'1. Tyteszell ~ibil1 \\'t1rc it not for certain in- Ringers and got'tl mu$iC. ::\Ir.

-------------------------- di,·idual< who lend their energies Tiatha,n1y has a>',.;umed full re-BCSL -ESS STAFF and tlwir hearts to the ta,.;k of spon<iliilil)' for thL' successful

AD,.ERTISING Chiefly !wiping others. Prof. ,Joe Adam staging of !ht> famous comic

. . . . . L. E. Hathaway is another. whole play· and it sure is some

CIRCULATlO, • _ _ Poor is one of these indidduals and I opera. He has charge of the

. .\nnouncemen!: There will be no mon' school the rest of this ,·ear <n,·ing to an epidemic of i1iccough,; which has been sweep­ing on•r somt' regions of China.

Their will be a meeting of the Ant i-:llilitar)· Socict)· Saturda)·

Paid Advertisemen t

SASSIETY DRIPPINGS Harriet Stone attended the I House la t week.

dance at Gallatin Gateway last ---Saturday night. Olh·er-Stout The annual faculty Kelly p 00 Hardware Co. announces the sale tournament was run off las of a pair of roller skates. week. Dean Hamilton won ,

The llorn Toolers Organiza­tion. Kappa Kappa P si, returned from its annua l blowout in the unexplored regious of the state.

:\largaret :lfcDonald was not a guest at the Kappa Della Hou e last Sunday.

The :\lutual Admiration oci­et.'" Tau Beta Pi. held its month­J_,. meeting last week at Three Bears lnn. Each member brought his land)· friend. Four ladies attended.

close and exciting game frorr Prof. Ham .

Professor Ludwig has accept eel a position with the Lamber Pharmacal Company of St. Lou i as chief experimental engineei E\'en his best friends tell him t go.

The r egist rar announces tha Prof. Dick D kker passed fou students in E. D. 102 the las. Winter Quarter. As this issue goes to Pr<''"· th" _editor leels !he need ol '1l)'Ing 1 \\'ithout their untiring efforts ,iob and no maybe,.; about it. He

a fnend!y word to l11s milhons < t readers. :'\ecdles:;. to say. it and co1rntant attention the ha,.; his hands full. lie \\'ill soon has lteen a pleasure and a delight to put out this superlath·e issue, Chinws of . ·ormand)· wouldn't 1.0 ablt• to bean a dt•ep sigh of and we hope it will be receh-ed in the spirit that it ha" b•••·n be exact!.'· what )'OU ,,·ould call reJi,•f \\·]wn the pla.\· is all O\'l'r giYen-like! ! Howthesoe\·er, ,,.e wish to thank the Looter's Clu1), ehinws. A IJoiil'l' factory \\'Quid /-tilt' state.

aft~rnoon in the Dai-racks. Cap- Pn•x.\· and :\lrs . Atkinson had lain Zt>l'k will act as chairman. I their annual tea at the Frosh

cabbard and Blade had thei annual tin sword polishing las. \\'ednesda)-. Major Fox too the Booby prize.

IF Y U WANT TO--See Beautiful Girls Hear Catchy Music Watch Clever Acting

=====DON'T MISS=====



Seat Sale Starts Saturday, April 16--Mail Orders Received Now. 50c-$1.00-$l.50

Page 5: ~xpnn,ent › msu-exponent › objects › exp-018-28-001-006.pdfPractica11'· every grou1 cel\_ed \\Ith much commendation, t grains have been grown each year Al f t't:red from ~ew

I Ka pr.a De lta Dinn<'r G u e~ts

I< nc Parker. Trea:5. :\Iarjo1·ie S1.auldin "• ~hir

F:ibric. Hepor~er. Edith ~w n,...k, :\Iable

i:!" Jest f '.\lrs. I-, Bi lllj!' he>r ~t:ty here,


)l 11 in dt. -1 · lh'.net trainin,z council hel1 nt l• t 1 unt .. 'lin l nt n .. ol1Pge. _Gs SOCIETY Prcsidert. and '.\lrs. Atkin~on. Dc1'1

and :\lrs. Hamil:on. were dinn. r ~uests. at the Kappa Delta hou~t· ".,.l:<lnt!"~day t!Vl'nin~ .

Jiird::;. Yice )lar~hall, :\lartha

Louise :\laynard.

Ii ... :- ... -:\larJ c :;.~. du: 1 • 1 Audrey is ~o du tb, she 4hinks Tbl'lma Gaylord :-.pcm the \\eek ni ,. 1y .,. l called 11Pe~1• ha.., aw ioden

Herle• i, in Helena attcndinl!" the Y. ". l' .. \.. le ·

Margaret Booth, Editor - Helen Solberg, Assistant De lta T a u ll old !-; l rriti a tion

Cricit., .Joe Clal'k. :\lary Hale. Alumnae Se: .. \'era z.;jeftr , Leone

Din ne r Guest .\m igo-; ll ave Jlou&e Gu e~t

Delta Tau held formal ini·iati n Sunday for Claude Perleberg-, L<:11 Robbirs. Glenn :\l ontg'omery. Rolland Crumley and Carl Hollcnsteincr.

Lynn. ~I I I I I I I • I I I I • I I I I I I I ' • I I I ' I I I I I I I • 1 I I I I I I I I I I • I • . • I I ';

Election will take plac-e next Fri- • dar. April sth.

\ t. .\m igo Houhe )1iss Elizabeth Powers was a din­

:er J!Ubt of the Amigo club on Sun­ay.

.. i gma Ch.i ledge. . Sij?"ma Chi announces the plcdgrng

f Ernie • .\nderson, Helena, and ~ rchie Eikrem of Salt Lake City.

:\Ir~. R. S. Stoc:kton of Strathmore. Alberta, was a house guest at the Amig-o hou~e durin"' the pa~t wed: . P i Bet a Phi

I lni tia t el"I Sigma Chi ll as Open Jl c.. use

Pi Bela Phi ht:ld initiation Satur­day for Elizabeth Gardiner, Anac.:on­da, and Leone Galerneau. Billingi::. The initiation was: fol1owed by a ban­que· at Gilkerson's banquet hall.

:-: :·: ::: ::: GDDI E FHO LIC'.

Boy:$-I mean men, for we hav~ :: men. not bov!-; at college, or so they •• tell us! · !·; :-: :: :.:

1Nell, ai:yway, boys you're going- to

:~ :: :: :: :: :: :: :-: :: -

l' E l~SQX_\ LS

:~· :: :: :: :: :: :: •• :: :·: !·! -

be "left outl' for om·e at least the Dean Herrick was a visitor in Bil- ..


Basement Coi.m1ercial Bank Phone 332-J

Be• a Rho chapter of Sig-ma Chi held open house Sur.day afternoon for Hamilton hall, and all thE- sororities and fraternities. once is April 21st, at the big g-ym, lings and Livingston last week.

8 o'clock. ; li l ll l ll l I I I I I I I I I I I I I f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I l 1 I I I I I I 1 1

l ~ !~~=r ~~u";;~: Has ~;~e!ci•t Parl, Initiation the Stu~ent Organization ro?m th~t ":orks to spend the ,.,..eek end at the

Beta Ep:-ilon Gu~ss what? \Yl'll. you heard uf I June Burke came up from Thr •e

""' · Beta Ep:·dlon announces the initia- a certain competent committee I!:' h .. D. hom~e. :\lrs. R. S. Stol'kton of Strathmore, The undercla%men of Alpha Gam- tion of Rex Stratton of RapalJe. l\lai·_ raisin~ money to furnish'! They'n• __ _ .\ lberta, :\!rs. Jessie :\lcCoy of 2\liles ma Delta entertained at bndgP Sat- low Sands t>f Chinook. Louie Da\ld- de\•ised a real plan. I Elizabeth Gardiner, Evelyn Bartrm '1t\, '.\l1~s Elsie lfellet, Y. \\". C A lurday afternoon. Ele,cn tables w~rc (sor and Bavard Ta\loi of Crea~ I They're having a danc:e. a H:al and :\lartha Flynn were dinner g-ues.s e~~etary, E~ther Stockton and :\lary in play. :\lrs Eel .:'\lard1s won h1,1!h Fall". Ben ·Briscoe -of Toston and one for just girll'i. But the ~iris ha,·e at the Alpha O house on Sunday. \kCoy were dinner guests a: the Al- honors. The proceeds are to j.!o to- Dwarnt:' Tallman of Bozeman. to c~me _i~ co~ple~. one. a_ bo~~- :~~


. --- . ha Gamma Delta house \Vedne~das 1 ward the furr.bhing- of the stucien othe1 a 1?111. ) ou can ch es:s an) \\a:-, ~li:Ss Elsie Heller nrd :.\IanC' Bower ort::: nization room in Herrick hall. 1 Pi Beta P hi girls, from the time of :4..dam _and E,·e wen: dinner guests at the Kappa !!..-------------- - ----=----==="""== = = = Emertain:-, at Oinn<.r down to the present, rnc:luding, pa- Delta house ) Jonday.

:\Jrs. R. s. Stockton of Strath· duks ar.d formals. __ _ - - - - - - -~~41D-~~~~~~~~~ mo1c. Albeita, was a d1nnei· guest of There'!S to be a prize g-i\en for the )lrs. Ruth X. Dawson. Alpha 0

T R Y U S F I R S T i P1 Beta Phi on Tuesday f;\·emng-. )lrs. l'Ouple ":!10. da:ic.es _best.' ~lisplays the house ('haperone, visited at her hom'.!" Chaile"' \'ander.hook and daughte1 .nost 0111.nnaht~ 1" costumes~ and in Great Falls the lattf;r part of the



..\ ltce \\ ei l' guests Thm sday e\ ening- ltl clev~rne.ss . Dame Ru.mor wh1~pers week. 1 and )I 1 s, (" L. Opdyke on Sunda'. the, pnz~ 1~ a worthwhile one.

___ >:_ow h::-:-;tn, all the women_ ha\·~ to :.\!iss Elsie Heller, Y . "" c. A. li e k n "'\' ob le do is cl re:-;~ . a~yway,_ and bnng .fift;r worker

1 and Margaret Dewey wue

)l a r ned cents (admission pnce) .. There 5 to luncheon guests at the Alpha 0 hom-t> .-\lph.t Omit'ton Pi ·announces th<? be a real o~·ches.tra, banJo~. ukes and I Thursday.

marria,l!e of Helen Xoble '26 to li ar- I the proverbial ~tan_o. . __ _

· · · ~' 50 · Mtss E lizabeth Ha rt, '26, came ; --,_, ~~~~~~~4--~--~--4--~--~--~--~-· rv E. F'rver of Kansa:-; Citv ) I issouri. Leave your d1gmtr home and g-1m- . . II

T~e .c:eremonj-~ took pl~a('e at . tl~c me--. c. over from Roundup for installation bnde ~ ~ame in Grea_t l• all:::; , -~pnl. I. I into 1Iortar Board on Friday, and a I erty, )lo. s OJ \ISi \\I .

I rl 11 I ·1 I I ·I I '' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~

They will make their home in Lib- LAST HOME DEBATE h -t .- ·t ··th friends She was " j

.\I J; ha Ga mm a Rho - Initiates N. D. AGGIES TONIGHT Erickson's



Prompt, Reliable Service - Careful . Courteous Dri vers

PHONE 3-1-4-W

Alpha Gamma Rho held initiatioH - Saturday for Carl Haase, Dave Car-- penter. Zaclok Hudgin. Lee -2\lartin-- ell, :Melbourne Parker and S:::ott Hos-- kinson. Guests at the initiation ban-- quet besidEs the newly initiated mem-: bers were, P1:of. Xelso~. Prof. Post. • Dr .. Joseph. Herman Dokken an3 • John 2\likkle~on.

Will Be Held at E ight O'clock In The E ng ineering Assembly

The Inst home debate of th e season will be held tonight at 8:00 o'clock in the Engineering Assembly r oom ag-ainst Xorth Dakota Agricultural Colleg-e. Joe Liver s and Henry Gard-

) lcrta r Bmtrd , iner uphold the affirmative side of I I I ••• .•• I. I I I . I I I I. I I I I I II' I lll ll ~n I l l l UI Ul lJ l ll l Ul ll l Ul ll l l. l tl l ll ll.ll l l ll l ll l UI Recc1>tion their debate subject, "Resolved that The Spurs were hostesses at a the Yolstead Act Should be Amended

°""liilii~~~~~~~"-' lo,·ely reception in the fireplac.e room to Permit the Sale of Light Wines and

~ of Hernck hall Friday evening rn Beer."

MONTANA STATE COLLEfiE Bozeman, l\Iontana

A school that has buillt and maintained standards of scholarship. Offering courses in t he following divisions :

College of Engineering College of Agriculture College of Applied Science College of Household and Industrial Arts

Each course leads to t he degree Bachelor of Science

For Information Write to THE REGISTRAR, M. S. C., BOZEMAN, MONTANA

honor of the ir:stallation of the local Last Tuesday April 5, the team de­Cap and Gown lnto 1\lor tar Boar<l . bated :;\Jount St. Charles in the little

I Pink roses and tulips were used ir.


t heatre. Livers and Gardiner took decorating the rooms. and music wa~ the affirmative side of the above ques­furnished throughout the e\·enirg b:; tion and won with a unanimous de­th£. Swingle girls and Helen Crozier. cision. The judges were R. ~Ioney, Those in line were :\liss E. Luelln debate coach of G. C. H. S., Fred Lay,

I Gallh-~r, assi~tan~ dean of ,~·omen. at 1 Clerg of ~istrict Court, anc~ Will iai_n \.Vyoming un1vers1ty and rns ta lhng Casper, ed itor of The Couner . This officer, the acthe chapter member~ victory made a record of 6 voctor ies !\I isses Alta Atkinson , Margaret and two defeats. Booth, Frances "Wylie, Irma Gill, Es her Asbury and Helen Solberg';

I ~frs. \Yhitcomb, member of the Il-E URO DE LPHIAX )l EETIXG.

linois chapter. later making Mortar T he regular Eurodel phian meetin!!'

DECAGON 552.00 A H amilton 'Vatch has char­

acter. It j!ains your respect by reason of its thorough reliabil­ity. Year after year it will serve you, combining- in high degree the stern quality of ac­curacy with beauty that does not grow old.

~Jany of these beautiful watehes are on display at

PERRIN'S I Board, Mrs. Leo Horst and :l!i5' was held on March 30th at the home Chadwick, members of a group at of :\Irs. R. E. Brown. Initiation of :\Iissoula being- installed and alumr.ae Yera Siefert and :.\Iary Hale was hel.1 Perrin for re pa irin' of Cap and Gown who were invi:ed, early in the evening. The busine.;~ Certified Watchmaker

-: Coming to The Rialto ·

IF YER KNOWS _\ BETTER OLS GO TO IT This is the Funniest Picture of all the Big Comedies


Are You Prepared for the

EASTER PARADE? With one of our bt autiful light Suits, a nifty Top Coat, Correct Hat, Shirt, Tie and a handsome smile, you can win in a " \\"alk-Over" Oxford


Walk Over Shoes Stetson Hats Nobby Caps

:'\Iisses Rhoda H arris , :.\fary Eg-an. meeting brought forth plans for the ~liiliilii~~ Helen Waite, El izabeth Hart, Mrs .. membership tryouts of the Freshme" i '--------------- I

Louise Stone Shunk and Mrs. Lulu t and Sophmore women to take place --------------------------·--------------------

CLOTHES Ready-made

And Cut to Order



Qih~~ter J~ ouzc OF BOZEMAN

The character of the suits and topcoats tailored by Charter House will earn your most sincere liking.

THE MEN'S STORE McCracken Bros.

Lirfield Xye. I within the next few weeks. It wa<.\ I de.:ided to send letters of instruction

1 to all those of the underclasses.

State Oil Laboratory E lection of Edna Vickus of :\farsh-1 all, and Bernice Crane for Recordin~ I I d C bl • h Secretary were unan imous during the I

I Opene by Mr. 0 e1g nomination of the following' members I

to office. --- 1 Pres. \\"inifred Bra..:ket-:.\l arcella


The legi!slative assembly recently Snyder. . ! I adjourned, passed Senate Bill >:o. 2~,; V ... P. ~ ~1 argaret Dewey 1 Frieda 1

\irtr oduced b:r Senator Paul. Th1~ , H endi 1ckson . . I j law makes pro,·isions to regulate an:I Correspondmg Sec. lris Peters, license manufacturers and dealers of gasoline, kerosene. and other petrol eum products. The enfor.:em€nt of the law is made the re:-;ponsibility of the Public Serv ice Commissior.

Sec:tion JX of t he law desig-nates Lhe Head of the Department of Chemistry of ":\Iontana Sta!e College as State Chemist and fu1iher author-

1 izes the analyses of samples of gaso-1 line, kerosene. and other petroleum prcrlucts. collected in the official in­sre.:tion made by the Public Ser\'ic:e t:OlllllliS$;iOn .

In effed this law re-estab_li~h.es lhl:- 1 State Oil laboratory as a d1v1s1011 of the Department of Chemi~try. T he state oil laboratory operated under a rrevious law had beEn closed for two ver:I~ . Authorization to re-open the laboraton· has not been officiall~· re­cei\'ed. iTowe\·er, the- department of chemistrv will proceed to re-estab­lish the iaboratory as soon as author­its is g-rantecl.

F. W. Jordan, We tinghouse Representati ve. S pea k s

To Engineers Assembly

I Last Tuesday morninl! a sp~ria l _a~·

I sembly was he~d for a l ~ en,gmeerm~ students at which ) l r. I~ . \\ . Jordan. cornected with the Butte office of the

The Proper Rings

"\Vesting-house ) fanufacturing Com­pany, spoke on "Electricity in the • tee! Industry."

In his discussion on this topic )1r. Jordan poir.ted out the g reat change that is being made in the larg-e sted mills from steam to <!lectric powcl". The first pan of h is lectur e cons is t · ed of a mo\•ing picture film which showed the w1rious ways in which ele-etric power is applied to dri\"e ~he machinery in the largu steel n111ls I anti this was followed by a lecture concerning the g-rowth of the u~e of eleetric power in the large industries


during the past few years . I

H. A. PEASE & CO. Jewelers



The right of way-N o question about it-for thorough-_

tobacco taste has 'em all

The world's finest cigarette tobaccos - an d every bit of natural tobacco character re­tai ned and bro ugh t o ut to full nah1ral perfection !

Chesterfiel ~SJrft ... and yet, they're MILD

-~Tc· :l.lYrRS T OBACCO Co .

Page 6: ~xpnn,ent › msu-exponent › objects › exp-018-28-001-006.pdfPractica11'· every grou1 cel\_ed \\Ith much commendation, t grains have been grown each year Al f t't:red from ~ew


-------------~------------:--------------. :·: WO\!fu'l 'S ATHLE'l'!

SPORTS - II t! t! :·: :i n n n n :·: :·: :·: n n ii


I I OPER, ! FRANK HEIKKILA I:\' surr AG.\IN '!HIS YEAR gume• were : Tenm :-l o. 3 fi rst plac<,

Two ;::~~~~1~:~11~n~!r:rGold J ~ Editor JAiv~~i~~n~~EY • O nl y ~-'~~ g~~, ~~0~~111~-~ led As ~~:n:~o~~~rtf P,~~: Je~~ce~~~~~::~~! This Season In View cons1de r ir.g t h is is the first year voi-

PHyslrAL EDUCATION CLASSES PLAN TO :\ OTll E ley ball has been pla yed in orga nized In s~iite of the d~sa_gT('('abk• wca•h- l.J 4 - All tho:::oe \\ lw si).:!tWd up for Th(' fir.:-;t touclu~s of ·prin~ \VC:l.th- games nt 1\1. S. C.

CATS )JEO"' ~~,.:::~;::;~~'.t\i:~r~~::·~1tl'~~~~:;~~t:;~~ I' FURNISH MANY ACTS COLLEf:E CIRCUS :;1~.:;~~.b~l~po~~ri~:t 1;~·~ ~~~n1~,;:~,~·;~; ~},~tl;a'u';1,~;·,ou~~'~"~'t ~~1':u~~~~10;~~1c~:~ The •peed :~:~ sl:~::uled for las

all~h~u~7:.t::l::lh~~~lt_~.~u~co'.~l·a~n~~~~e;in:~ i:1:e~11;·1!io:d~~e;11.t11u1hl1~n{ht~o~,,' .... t~~1t1;l,1n;t~~~t.:h~;e;r"·t·'t~·ua<71~1~1ntt~.'.· ' ' . U at ii Jl m Tumla\larry Ellis . ~~;n~ut;"~,~t~;:;;l~I ~~::~"'~'.~Yst:~\~t n;~~ ~=~u ~~:;;h~1~t "~fi't~~n~~ldbe~~us~i;f six day trip into lduho and fou ;:, .,.. ~ L -· - I w~aher mar nllo\\s, w~rm1nc- u1_1. the nke day at ;) o'clock fro m th: we:~ games "·1 1 1

• •• n~ve;si l'· are vitally interested in athletics. Fll'\ . \LS IN BOX !;>;G .\ ND WRESTLING WILL BE H ELD ON stiffen"'! arms '~~id usmp: die \\lllow end of the bnrracks. The mile spe;d Too bad Ott can't rcguh1!c tla· These G~ mrn are doing their bt•" ic L.\ST TWO NIGHT . ; l\L\NY OTHER NOVEL AND lntraillUI'a} Baseball •t'.ch fo r the. t1'.·st. prnct1rc. of the hike. will be Saturday. Apr il 30th. To

. tl n l 11 d order that we will ha,·c a powerful INTERES TING l.CTS TO BE l'RESEN'1'ED I se.ison. }Inn;. o! last ;eat ' letter I part1c1pate in this hike one must par. v.ea 1cr mnn 1,c lC cou_< an. er. Jn/ BobLal scttrnd next fall. .. • . •


men arc out m :-.mt:>._ among the1n tic ipntc in one of the r . the team or footballs l:tL'UlJ!, J•)l' .l:lck - . . - . I t fr t "t B . c~q1~ain Glynr: and Rahco ·k . pitchers, hikes. pr (' llll ltlnry Frost SL·cms ~o like to bnttle :uwin::.t I 1:'h~ bnght h~ht of the -,pr1nr: ~ ' - 1 n er a ernI y as1s \\"inner and Bowl'n, inf'dd, anti Stone . 1' . k . Bobcat cinder artists. bascb: ll an I tn1111111g- i> the game between the 1he, big c~llEge cu·eu, will be l.e.J be from !he college studcnl'. Thc1c Twildc. B. Bri>cne, outlicltlcr<. r.tc a nd Field and Baseball spring footbal1 pla:n-•rs. ~old and Blue wa_rriors. ThC'~.: tw~1 :\fa.y G and 1. and wJIJ. be a new and ts enoug-h. talent rn the s~udent budy .·~monj! the liktly l~okr.g- l.'arn~idutes I T he f,?irls' t r ack meet w ill be held~

• • • • rl\"al team~ are picked :-:o that the)· ~10\Cl enterta111ment w1th a good act lo make five good nwdenlle at'l:-; and Fir~t Gaines to be P layed About hH" berths on the nine .• lre, E1krem, the last week in Apr il OT the fin• The trackmen will get the!r first are as nearly equal in :--tn•n!!th as Ill g-ymnastics, a five ad \'mule,·illl' . this talu~t will be used to mah!.! this t he F irst of l\Iay I f catl'he~-. _Thompson,• in'.1t>ld . :;\ful'Far- \.\·~ek. in ~l ay. By t h at time an y g ir

tryout!5 when they mcc. Gallatin hi possible and there is much spc>cula- linals in boxing- ~lnd wre~tling . a t·at·- part of the program n suel'cs:-:.. \\~eathcr Pern1its land .. m.~1eld . and. ~ul11\an ard r~rn- w1shtn1? to enter t he t r ack meet must school in a handicap meet .\p1·i1 19 ion as to who '.dll hC' the w1nnC'l'S ni\nl d:rnc<.• the .last nifrht anti nu-I The finals in the boxin.I! and \\Tt..·S· non. mtield nd pnt.·hl'r. re:-;pecti\'ely. h.ave ~ he required number of prnc· and 20. his yu1r. This g-ame wilJ be played merous side shtrns. tling tournament will be lwld du1·ing- The IH~7 ~chedule hac.; nut been dC"fi - tire.~ m or she ~ar'Jlot ente r . Tht

• • • • n 8aturd.a) and .rn mb.~re~tlll!! en· The ~vmmbtH.: nd will be com- this drlus ''it_h the fin,1b .in hoxinc. lntlamural bnse-ball \\lll be re:::;umed niteh 1.:om ilt..•'ed ·1s \t:t l111t th<• i renocls for practide in t rack a rt The cro>s country \\Ill be un counter IS a"'uied to an, Oil' who osul of dumb bt•ll dtill and .1JJn1- thl' u1oht of f11da), \In) "·:"'ti t•tc ,11j!'a111 tht> ycni on the mterfratenuty . . I ... , . ft!- Tue,da' at 5 o'clock, Wetlnesda"

A 'l •>•


l · \\l"hc-:. to ,,atch P I l \\ tes.t\!ng on Shtuid ''" 1ltel'noon It 1 . hrn1111.r l!.lllH:s .n:C' nlH•.\lh schedulf'd c .:i al , p11 _,an< ess t'1an ~O ha\O s1rn- Tl··., ,' . ·. . , , <ltis d!!ll by men \\ho kno" \\hat ~ . _ .. " ' · '"'"as do1e, and it_ IS expected t\lth moll' )!«Ille- 111 the',,ffm• .I and_ JO, and F'Tiday at 11. Bnsebnl ed up :.o far. Is this Bobent trnd1t10n 1 .e ~ t\\o squ~id~ me dnelopuH .. hey tilt..' and ho" they aie us;Nl. A~l j · 1?) 1

1 that th1~ \\ill he.• one o! the fastest i; practices ha,·e also started and t h

de<tme<l t~ die'? For ,eats it hu> 1 ·.~m.aik~.bly '.?~: un<~'.' 1 the S) sit ma tic th•> \\Ol'k 1s u1 tier the supel\ ,,10n Jf 1

. lhc'.c '" ~ b~ d,rnc>1I~ " 1 all ; 11"'~ and mo>t 111te1cstinj!' •ene, e\er run :ll,i; 10-1 l 1'.laho Fall l ndcpen· 11wnttice~ are Thursday at 5 o'cl o~

heen the btg-gt"'st mtr:mmral C\ "t:t m I ~MHlnn,... of • 1.:ott) ;\la Don.dd. \\ho j ILt1 tj Ellrn. who is till expert at th1 Im the l!ttk J.:) m11,1::-;1um dUJ 111..., tlu o11. Tht.• firt-t ''"31llt..• \\ill pl'obabl~- be I d('ntt-> at Idaho r all .... Idaho and F rida,· at 10 o'clock A _· .. . the school and it seems hkc intc1e,t ~ 111 drnr"~ of th<· B~ues .rnd "Pop' s<nt of wo1k and :1110> Pack "ho 1 ~ -ide_,h;"; and ~hc~e will ~e "~1 "1011 th,• first ot:1r.1i if the \\eather ~la) l~-l:l-1.J-l'ollegc ,,f ld.1ho.!intere•ted.i11 this tvpe of . athl~;i/'r

• • • • :\Ip n 1 "-On 1s criptam1r.f! thl' Blue . ~ · e o h.'t p1og1am \\l e t·ut -.; toi I' I I · · • ' h

1 01



l h G l l paratus and its u::-;es. A numbc1 of . t 1

imc- a reaty st~rted to g"l~t th<.•n \1~n 11v>o r of \lontan·t at \Ii~ pract ice requi rement~ necessitate t h tn the big- annual event h:b died Rrei:~_v1 ww. is coal'. Ill!.!' the Golds lnJ,...o fannlrn

1 ,,

1th c:vi,masi~m ap- '"t'h•1111

'1•11 cnnt.e t c.• ,i::-llt bnit:ll . "

1 en p(•tm1t:-, so .1 ~ood number of men at C~1IJ,,ell. Id.iho urc:ed to l!O out in;mC'distelv for



l:al1fo~nia achieHd a fl\: years' Be~~'i~l ~f l\~esese~lel~ ~::~-~lghtdc 3 •<;~t men ha\e Sl"llCd Uµ for theS< \al'C- ¥:.fo:'el t~I~"~~ ·:::~l~O-~~~·l'l;;~J'> \\Ill "thr<l\\lllj!'" .arm• in shnpe agal!l. so;i!a: • - , • "•' ... ,,;etting in RS Of as n;any p~actiCes a' desire \\hen the Blue ar.d Gold c1e\\ . . 3 ou::- drills aml ate wo1k1ng- ha1cl t·1 "'"' ~ I I t \\as fn·st thou$rht that letter \ ·r ·> • • pc~s1b1e. from California beat 'Vas.hmtrton 'football cxperHnce and a1e ~ho"-1 makc them good This act \\tll b(' be s1Cle ~hows a ll ove1 the lot~ m~1,1- men \.\ould be allowed to cornpcte in .Ia:. _, __ :-; l. of \l ontana at Husky crew in b) th1ec and one-hnl mg up "."11 Ill their po•itwns \\Olth >Celll'1: and the oppo1tu"1tv \\Ill srnm except on the marn floor.

1110 th<''" g-ames hut the plans hnYe been nozeman -==============

length-:. \Yashmgton \\a~ last )Car Last ".eek the coaehes c:pent moi!;t be during the cn·t·us · !tan bark, :-.w 1 ~1rn1mg pool h1ckc1 I lh:tnged now The Varsity s uad Hl'a\y pactice will ~ta1t thi:s \\eek intional champions. ~·f the p1.1ctice t1111e d_11ll11 g the nwn . rooms, halls, ot!1ces and all :l\ailub1e '"ll be p1<hd and trainm · ste.{tlil · when ond1 J1yd1e '"I! lake

01er the ·~i··~~~~)l[l(:J§~!l•ml !

• • ,,_ • m the fundanll'ntal-: ol the g.:tme --mh j . .\ fl\C act \aude,ille an will bl' space will be j!l\en up to s1dl' shO\\"' b 1 1 .11 b t g b J 1e111s arc! put tht.• canclidate5' thtou,.,.h _.. - N bl k

. t kl f II t d ft h I 1

. \.' :.. lL'n so t lC\" '' 1 e oo usy to · ,,.... Cnlifornrn. thrC'\\ hai k he adYalH e" as oc mg", ac mg, :t ml! on the I~ au( a er t e p 1ys1ea deµartmen·~ which \\ 1ll fUJ t 1sh u1tcrta111ment bl'- · t tl ·. 1 "• thc11 pace'"' FOR E \ STER

of the Cornhuskers truck :eam 8o- ii; ball. etc. A· man) of the• pra< t1ces ,1\'l and the rnalet ial fo1 this ad \\ill fore the bi)! mnm sho\\ bel!'lll> <0•2.P~ e ''.1

. 1~ •111

'.':amuia games._.


. · : -when she beat :\ebr.'.?ska b\ a 1011- wc>1e m:-.idt" th~ s1g-n.lls haYe been II ·~ t _)L~l: .t e sc11es .en~cd ~p \.Hth GIFTS THAT LA.ST sided scote at Betkclev 13~t Satut- pertc.ted to a g-ood dc~n:e. This C [d UT h S A • • • r.~H· ... \. E.s and A1~;g-os ty111g for F }t M b . d

' \l'C.k will he (<e\'Otcd nw<ll.1· to <Crim- 0 YY eat er tops ctzvztzes I mst place• and the s1.g Alph 's '.''Oil acu y em ers Jn many patterns fo r men and worner ay. Phil Barber de!'eated Rtiwln.n(l th t b th f I I Loeke. world's record holder in the ma<!'e, if the \\cather i,; rnitablc, ar<l " pcnnan Y w111111ng e nm Pins . broaches, stickpins cuff link•

ll th tl'ams should be in excellent ··011- 0 c. d T k n F, D ~anll'. Tins )'t:ar should see a number Have Spec1"al F d . . ' ' . 220 yard dash in one nf the bi!!"'!"('" '"- I n zn er rac or ew ays f I ee et..: Ill gold Sll\·e d I · -- lition fur tllL' final battle. o c tlst~ g-ames; as there are many " · r an P a i.e up~ets of the day. Both WC"re ):!T:td .~ nmnlwr of last year's men eligible

ntes and runninf!" an exhibition rttCl' I LESLIE E r.Ar.E . .. . . y w c A Convent1"on Trac·k men wel'e fotTNI inside last sun in the shot. \\hen thl' \\'L•ath-:1· ':~:111'.h~fl' ~·~ic~I 10

.\:f 11


·~0 o~~ 0 1· . I . ·1 8 h II • u u The joint basketball rules commit- • • • • k h h I prett\, g-ond. n 'l'll ay e:·em,ng, · pn , t e

tee. in annual session at Xew York wee. w en t e unex.pel'tl:<l cold ~nap geb a liltli.? wanner it takes the tra ·l.: faculh· llf ~I S ( held F c Icy J made a radical chani:e in the ama- L t ll' k • H } hit Bozeman and the.> tryouts which .sc\'eial days to dty enou~h to run Baseball is a sport that i3 well Dinne;· :lt i:h. Pre .b t ·aa C~ u ). eweler and Optician teur r ules by restricting the dribble as nee Ill e ena wore lo have been hold laot :Saiur- on and C\'cn then the track is in ·' worth ~\·orking- for. as the winners Parlors. This ~\'ent ~,-~~ ~::~lr ntt:~J~d Broken Lenses Replaced the Same De to a single bound. The number or day were postpor.ed until some: later poor condition. I ~t>t th~eu na t~tts o.!1 t~1e bn~e-bnll cup. there bt:ing- almost one hundred per- 1 20 S. Black Ave. Phone 925.1 bounds had been unlimited . date. Ott has been taking- soml' timl' )lontnna State b greatly han.1 1- The l· 1:ater1~1.ty ." rnnmit the ser ies, sons present. I ~ ~~~§ii~

A two day:;' l'Onference of y, "·· trinls on the tanbark and the times t•appecl by the 11oor athletic field ~he th rel'.' tunes is given the cup ns a per- _ ,,._. ..: l . A. associa:ions was held at Inter- that ha\"e been made look \'cry prom- has to ,~·ork with and g-reai trni.::k nrn.nent pos~e~sion. ~I r . 0. G. Romne~ acted as toast- 1 mountah Cnion college at HelenJ isini:r. teams cannot be had until thl'.'rc i::- :\ master of the occasion and answer ed

\\' lXTER HO~OR ROLi April B and 10. The confeH~n<:t..· wa-.; The wholt' squa<l i::-< truinin~ faith- good track and equipnwnt to wotk •• LE \\"IS IL\ LL ~OTES .• <l f.C'w of the letters sent to i.zandra." ,,--------------·-in the form of a cabinet trainin!! fully and ~omc new me11 haH• been with . The bad wt:.a'.hcr will tot al-,, ~lt.>~:-;r~. :\!abet>, Parker. Philip, anJ T'hi~ .._,.a~ followed by a short but in- .

(Continued from Paire Oi:el group. The speakers we1·c ~J iss Elsi» shuwinj!' up in fine shape. Spanen· low the Bobcats out>ide unti l n mo1"h Stailey uf :he Entomolo"y deptt<I- tc•rc,tin)!' talk to the faculty by Chan - I


RADIO schkel, 76. " ·- Boss. 76. B. Hull. iv. Heller and )liss "·ygal , both natiotH\l burg-er ha:. been showing some ex-1 or so after other schools h:ne bec•l, mL•nt left for the Flatht:.>ad I ndian ccllor Brannon, head of the Greater I H. Reno, 79. F. Bowen. 80 . .JI. l e, student sC"cretariu~ . a1lli Dean Craine ceptionul good form in the dnshls lraining. But ne,·crthl'less there will l(.•.:(n-\'atio 1 la~t c k t k Lni\'er:--ity of .:\Iontana, who was the RL W . \\"ood, 82. F. Buck, 82. F . Wy- of Jntcrmountain {;nion college. and he is. c.o"tested hard by Dug)!'an, be a good trn"k ll'am Lo ,:cprc,;ent the: ex.tcnsiye 'su1:,.~Y '~f' i;1se:.•t :.~~<l~tio~:~ guest of honor of the ewning. A one lie. 8·1. Fabrick, 8-l. E. :\le Hose, R-L G. This l'Onferenc:e included represcn- former ~\ h1tet IS~ star nnd Go111gs ot Bobcats when they meet with other there. Stanley. who g-rnduated ~he act p~ay ~,·as then. presented . under R ice , 84. M. Tatton, 88. G. Sands, ~U. atiYe~ from Bozeman

1 Dillion. )fr'.i- ~!~e~.t F all.s. D1lla.~·~ Cc\tes.. of last schools this sen~l~ll. wir tl'r quarter. will remain ti t:?rt: a.: t.h: chrect1on of ~ lt:.-:s. Brewe.r, by n

A. Atkin~on. ~fl. C. Hoffman . 91. II. soula, a1~d Helt.nu the representative~ >e.u s squLl~ and .Sta~ \ ~gt also The_ ~chedule includes fuur inter- fiC'ld man in ·-hl' ~Iormon t•ri ket co'.1- t'a~t made up of the igollow~ng per- I Kohls. 91. \Y. Lewistien. ~:". \\-. .rom )lontana State college were of lns~ years sq~ad are _showmg g-ood l'Oll<;"J?lall' {'or.tc.-'.'"ts1 tht: tlunl meet trol for thl' m·xt few months . I sons: :\tr_:.-:. R~ A. Cooley, )1 1ss R ob-Braekett, ~):J. G. Hnye

8• H:3. )L Lem· fhelma Gaylord, president, and .Jlar- form 111 the middle distance run~. agnmst the State unh·ersit\· ?\ l a\· l·l. __ crt~on , ;.\hss Chubbuck, and )frs. E d

mon. fl:l. H. Stockner. ~17 . .:\I. Flynn jorie Spaulding, undergraduate rep- Decker b runmng- 111 his usual good dual meet \\ith \\ yoming- -)l n,·· 21. r f r A. , ;Iowanl This play \\::lS \.ery cle\'erlJ



D. H. BUDD CO. Plumbing, Heating, Electrical

and Sheet Metal Work

Phone 300 30 W. Main fl'i. F. Lot?an. 9fl. :;\f. Staehlf'r, 100 resentative. fotm of la::-t ylar and B.1de and Dob- dual meet with cOioracio 'fe~cher-- t.

1 ~ · ~'\ k l tiolt..» madl' a buc;m~::-s pn•!".(\Jlt<>d and "a" lec:ei,·ed with much .:\I. Booth, 101. J . Pepper. 101. F. I Those from the L'nh·ersity at )!is- ler perform as uf old. The bad :\lay 2,{ and the c:onfo1ence med u~ I lip

0t ..... pu ·an; tner tie \H•ek end

11~ I appru:1ation hy the audience. :\lrs Stermi t z, 10:3. .:\I. :\lcDonalcl, 10-1. A. soula were, Edith Dawes, president. weathe1 has made it ha1d for the I Den\(\!', l\Iay :?~ and :w. The fn~t c~t nu· wn ''


1 :he ton-..truclion "

1 Bl'nmon Jed the g-toup m sm~ing.

Hartwig. Rox.ey Copenhcner, u1 der_g-ra<luatc Ja\.ehn throwe1s. shot putter::., pol"' nwet \\ill be a hnn<l1c:ap meet aga·n--t It te l~ew 1"potted k\er tl{·k la bot a ton I============:--================= representatiVL' and Francis Elge. ,·aullers and high jumpers to <lo Gallatm h1g-h s~hool ~ lay 19 :ti d :W a ann ton .

Si i:rma Chi The rt;pre:-;entati,·es from the ?\ or- nn~l'h \\Ork althoui:rh :'\ea! ha:s been \\I h lhl:' 1nterd.1:-.s meet follO\\lng- ~1 ~============== ~~~~~~'-.~'-.'-..'-..'-.."'-""-'"-'"-~"-~~ Pledges mal at Dillon were ;\larion Benedict clorn.g- \\ell for early spnng work ir we.ck Inter and the lettet nwn-non-let . ~

Beta Rho of Sogma Chi announces and )Jar1!'nrct Andersor.. the high jump a~ has \\'ard and 01- termen the fir:-;t week in )lay. I ~ the pledging of Frank W ard. The Int~rmountain Lnion repr~- · ,_

:".entathes were, Eloh•e Brockwa· year's lea\e of abscm:e are Prnf. I Pl p d • HEAR ~ 1nuident, and Ag1;ess Orr, uncle;·. ~lurtlock. of the O"l'iculture de11un- ay ro uction Class Th' k ~

d . ~ JS \\'Ce ·s '\' ictor Releases n

IXTR .. \ .\IPR.A L BOXING AN D c-1 a uate rcpre:.entatl\"e. ment, )lts:;. Gladys Bra1:cgan of thL· I '-WHESTLI'.\ G T OlI RX.n lEXT home economk' department, "liss I To Present Wilde Play at Orlon Bros. ~

F .Jennmg-s of the Engh::;h department ~

The finals will be held in the our Faculty Members and Dean Earl B. :O.:orris. - - T h ey are fi n e nu m be r s ~ Always at college gymnasium during the Dean and ~lrs. :\orris ht1ve Deen I '-cir('us, Saturday, l\Iay 7. Get Leaves of Absence tra,·eling throug:h .the. :-.:e.w. Engolmd The Piny P1udu. t1011 1 <>s will rre- 0 t B ~ Your SerYice

Preliminaries will be held ..\Ion- ~tat~s Slnl'e :.\lr. Norns ~m1shc<l hi~ sci:t Os<:ar \Y ilde':. "Th·I r111p11n.~J1(!(' r on ros. ,, day, ) Jay 2. ~vor~. at t_he arm·y· experime-1n. cam11 of Being Earnest" on l\ lay JB antl lH Bozeman. Mont.amt ~


133 - 137 E.

Babcock St.

Phone 79

In the finals, boxing bouts and <rn<l i:s 110'' ?t Au;:,ll~ , ) l ass. , Wtth tl11.~ at the old Bozemiln Ort'.'ra huu:-:.c ,, WTestling bouts will be run simul- Sc\'etal members of the fatull. B. ostun l r.~.·tituh: of fechnolug-y. I which has H'Cl'ntly b~n n·no\.'all~d 1 ~~~"--""'-""-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-~""-"'-.."-"-~"-"'-"-"-~~~~ taneou~l~t. 11a\e been granted a Jea\·e of absent:.·C. Pr.of .:\~urtlock has also b~en t.nwel: anti madti h.>ady for the thlatre~g-oin,!"

Ench college class will be re· ior next year. ~lr!-< . Olga Ross B an- Ill~ and i:::. now at the. Uni\"en;1tr of public. Bt..•a:rin• Freeman l>a\i:'i, ti'

pre1::ented in the finals in each non has been g1·a1~teil a lea\'C from Anz_o_1~a :lt _Tuc:.son . . .Arizona. dcr whose dil'lt·tion the play will ll weight by one h0xer and one wrest- June 1927 until April 19~~- She i~ ' )l~s~ Cla~a ~~lmeuJ.er, former ly. o.t I sta~cd . hns sl'l1.•t·tet.l t he ft>llo,,·i11 (._ .... .._,.._..._.._.._.._.._..._ ........................ ......_._ .... ..,_.._.._..._......_.._.._.......,,,,.._..,,...._.._.._ ............... .......,......_~

.l!Oing- to study for the Pranc:y com ·'l S C ''ho 1s. no\\ at the U f!I\. et t f J ler. J.any of Chica~o wldch specializes in ~i;y ~f -~rkansa~, will be actin)!: .heaj b~·oln~~~lts l'lllll w m h the final will TODAY IS THE D . \ Y YOU l\IUST GET

:======-===:::::;;;;;;;~ 1water color painting, ar.tl take a tour of the art department during- ;\!rs. . . . DfPE RIAL PIPES t:rou11°J the wutld. Prof. E. L. Grant Hannon's absence. :llis. Lorn llnp· 1 Al got~un :~om·ne ff-)lerritt ,Jo'rn- HER EASTER CANDY of l 1t d' ii cndnt-ering- depmtmenl, ner, uf the: L'. of .:\li:ssoula will hcaJ ston .


1,lmc i . Landol'. EACH

K . has h.!Ul granted a year 's lean_. o! the t>ducation depnrtmei:t ' in Prot. i ' 11~hn :' orthrnt.t, J . P . ll enry Gani- T H E B u N G A L o w fUSZies' Cafe nt:rnce as has ulso "fos Jessie Doc- Holst's absence, and John JI . ~lorri-1 no ' .L> le Ho«lcr. $1 50

ll aldson of the Eng-lish department :ind son, a senior in C. E .. wi ll take O\'C"l' Re\. . Canon .. f'~u1sub l (\ , n. D. Yer·1 Prot'. J. II . Hob· of the t•ducallon de- some of Prof. Grant':; work I Dusenb~ry, \\

11I1am 1latGregor •

Where Quality and Right Prices Reign

partment. · Merriman ( Butler) - E tlward ('ol}-

;\Jani Coming Back per . Charles Ilic. j{} • h "d & Facul y members returnin" after a LOOTERS PRESENT Lad) Braehnell :\ orn111 Smith, ,\ [. einsc ml t Co.



------------------o"-----:====~--- OPEl\ETTA ~ I OND.\Y lion . Gwendolen Fairfax-Betty "\Veir, Bc1Tiic.·e B<'rthot. .... ........ ._ ............................ ._ ......................... - ...... .._ .... .._..._ ........ .._ ........ .._ ............... .._""""""".._ ........ w.. J'J'\18 • ..

Big Special 100 Suits





(Continued from page.• one.) '.\tail Ol'dus are filled ir the ord~r received and will be filL•d ut the opening- of the scat sale. :\!ai l order!' should be addressed to t he E ll en The­atrt- with a cle!'criplion { f thC> scat dc~ired usd the night the seat~ ar(' desired. The prkc~ arC' ~ 1. 50, $1.00 nnd !<:.fin. 'I'h<.' 50 et.rnt SN ts will not Le re~en-1.d for mai l ordc:n;.



CC'ci ly Cardeir-E sther Asbury, Gwen Davis .

Lune I1'red Yandell, Kenneth C'hristinn.

Miss Prim-Alma Alkcirt, ).l :n­i:raret B ooth.

nean Li nfic>l<l spent the past week at thl' U . S. Range Livestock Station at ?\ l iles City where he su per vised t he making out of ''nrious f in a ncial hud­g-cts and al•o atte nded the State Cat ­tlemE.'n 's Convention.

. As plan net! no\.v cxtensi\.'C \\'Or ks ~1 111 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 111 1 1 11 1 11 1 1 1 , 11 111 111 11111 ... 1111 1

, .11111 11 1111 1 ,~

will be .donr in improving the nppear­anl'c· oi the l'am pus th is spring and sumnw1:. The len~l i n g and grading work w11l he fi nished around H errick • and 1J a111ilton Hal ls. And all the c·ampu~ whkh was plowed up last ~umm1.•1· and fn11 is being put in shape

Shoes hined, Laces and -S hoe Polis h es as well as -

Liquids old here. eparate

department for ladies s hoes

to be shined.


to sN'<l _down to g- r ass this ~pring-. Thcrt> will al~o be a few shrubs or • trn.·~ planted although most of t he ~ scttrng out of trees will be left t ill a later date w hen there is a good stand of grnRs a nd a watering system -~-· ( nder Holloway's)

PHONE 496-W ( hns been installed. ~ ;

1 1 11111111111 11 1 111 111111I1 11 111 111 \l ll l l ll llll

A Cool Head and a \Vinning Smile I F YOU SE

Rite-Dress and Glacier Bloom ( .\Cleans ing hair·dressing) (A Cool. anti eptic face lotion)

.\ t all leading barber shops and beauty parlors. Or. write for our trial offer

The Buerger Bros. Supply Co. Since 1885