Xnr. No. HONOLULU, MONDAY MARCH THE DAILY ......ics, and a complete resume of Honolulu and Wind...

EP 'V Pnff ?' , If ""?. fcjHwgrf''.t'','!y,l-''.'y''?'''',IJ'''''w,'- ' "h'ij'j" i lV,.li.j.rTM,.T.1W.'';vi-.-L- T 'i'''ne''fa!gg'?iyVij;gVftffLf jrvr''ir'CAXiylXl'?lH , ' " . "4. 1 '23pJSg M $ 'LtSSr? iHitthh. fJHli!- - v 3t! f i zra 'i!1 mnwuu' Vol. Xnr. No. 1900. HONOLULU, H. I.. MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 26, 1888. BUBQOrtlPTION 60 OEHTB PER MONTH. ytMUl.lllh l3i ' v .&- - f t Jr V: e it . "t THE DAILY BULLETIN Is printed anil published at tho ofllcc, Queen Street, Honolulu, II. I., every afternoon (Sundays excepted). Subicriptlon, GO conlt per Month. Addrois nil Communications Daiiv Bulletin. Advciliuimunls, tc ciuuro Insertion, should bo handed In before one o'clock V. M. WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor JAS G. CLEVIOR Managor Bulletin Steam Printing OIQco. Nowspapor, It mils nnd Job Printing of all klndB done on the most favorablo terms. 13cll Telephone No. 2D0 Mutual Telephone No. 250 Bally Mil Slimy Published twice a Month, An intereitlng and comprehensive publication, and lionUins from 40 to 00 columns of reading matter on local top ics, and a complete resume of Honolulu and Wind News. It is the 'best paper DublHiied iu tlio Kingdom to send to filends abroad. Sulwo ip lo'i (milled) SJ.fcO a year. Coinmisbion Meronants. tt jJUVOKirASJT-- W So Co., Qoneral Commission Agents. P,7I5 iy Honolulu 6. W. MACZAllLANE & Co. MPOHTERB AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Honolulu. H. I. - - Queen streot, - 101S i BBBWISB ft OOtdPANY, j. (Limited) general mercantile and Commission Agents. list OV OFKICKBSr P. O. Jones, Jr President & Manager J. O. Oarteu .Tieasurer & Secretary " DIKBCTOBS: Hon. O. ft. Uisuoi1. S. C. Allen, 11. Wailbiiouse. Jjsly T. WATBKHOUSE, JOHN Importer and Dealer In General Merchandise, tucm it., Honolulu. 1 S. N. Ciibtlc -- J B. Atherton-- Q. P. Castle & OOOKE, -- Shipping CASTLE and Commission Merchant. Importers and Dealers In General Merchandise, No. 80 King St., Honolulu. 1 Clans airocLi.l. Wm. a. Irwin. IB WIN & COMPANY, WQ. Sugar Pactors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 6s OO., WILDBB Dialers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Sal', and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts., Honolulu. I OrUlNBAUM &t CO., MS. Importers of General Mer chandise ami Commission Merchants, Honolulu, .mil 12-- California, street, 1 Ban FrauclBco, Cal. B. Lowers, F. J. Lowrey. O. M. Cooke. it OOOKIIS, LEWEB3 to Lewers & Dickson.) Importers and IValers in Lumber and all kind ot Building Materials, Port street, Honolulu I &c Co., Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants 289 Benvoi block, Honolulu. Notice of Removal! THOMAS LINDSAY, Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker Has removed to one of tho Now Stores In the Tliomni IllocU, King Street, Three doois fiom Cattle & Cookes', Where ho Is proparcd to manufacture all kinds i f Jewelry. 00 OEThewett, Stationer & Newsdealer, Merchant Street, - Honolulu, H. I Mutual TeLS71. BcU Tel.aoss. Law Book & Lawyers' Stationery aSpoclalty. OiJerrtakru fm Newspapers, Priodl. cals, Beak?, MifnlV! etc., from anypitt of the world, having made all nrrenge. meuU theiefor whilst, in Ban FrancUoo. Bed Kubber StiuupstoOrflcr. 11 TF YOU FIND ANYTHING, X advertise it lu the Dailt Bulletin Profoaaionals. M. THOMPSON, .A.t.toriioy-tit.-X.at- r. Oulco in Campbell's IilocU, Cor. Poit & Merchant Stt., Honolulu, 11. 1. PRACTICES IN THE COURTS. 5J" When desired, will rIvo tho law lu a 'rllteu opinion, as to tho probuhlu of tho contention urou tho facts slated. lf)881v JM. MONHARBAT, AlTOltNEY AT LAW ami Notary Public. Real Estate in auy part of tho Kingdom bought, sold and leased, on commission. Loans ncgotta ted, Lugnl Documents Drawn. No. 2? Meichant st. (Gazctto Block), Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands 108 BROWN, Attornerand Counsellor at Law Notary Public, aud Agent for taking Ac knowlcdgmeuts of Instruments for tho Island ol Oahu. Merchant streot, Hono-ul- u. J Alfred Magoon, AT I OltNEY AT LAW. 173 42 Meichant sticet, Honolulu. Iy JOHN A. HASSINQER, Agent to take Acknowledgments to Contiacts for Labor. Interior OQleo, Honolulu. VETERINARY. A RITCHIE ROWAT, xs.0 Vetcviimvy Siii'eoii. Office nnd Residence: 1G0 Klngsticct aiutuul Telephone 5J5). Orders lufuu Hotel Stables will' bo 'rectived and ptemptly utieiidcil to. 43 m J. H. BOPBR, M. D. Consulting Physician and Surgeon. S. "V. Comer Sixth and Murki t trccts, opposite Hawaii Nci Millinery Estab- lishment, Snn riuucitco. 23 MALCOLM BaOWN, NOTARY PUBLIC For tho Island of Oahu. Ofllco, : Gov't Building, Honolulu. 3Gtf II. M. BtNSON. O. AV. BMITlt. BENSON, SMITE & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 118 & 116 Fort Slrctt, - Honolulu. Depot for Boerioke & Sceolilk's MEDICINES, Ilicfaecker's Perfumes and Toilet Requisites, i2y HOLLISTER & CO., Druggists & Tobacconists, "WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 109 Fo-- t Street, "William's Block, lTono-21- 6 Honolulu, II. I. WEMER & CO. Slnmifticturiiic Jon cIIerH, NO. OS J?OBT 8TKEET, Constantly on hand a large astortmon of every desciiptlouof. Jewelry, WatchLS Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c. 958 ly J. A. DOWER, Ship Carpenter & Boat Builder. Having Improved facilities, is prepared to 1111 orders at short notice. 1851 tf CARREACE CO. Carringes at all hours, day and uight. Saddle Horses, Buggies, Wagonettes and VillHgc Carfs with stylish and gentle horses to let. FOR SALE. A few Horses, guaranteed. Bccond hand Hacks, Open and Top Buggies, Carts and Harness. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Ring up Telephone 112, or apply kj MIjLES & IBAY03Y. 1C74 ly Stcum Works, Bunnv South Tele, Bell 172, Mutual 215 DopDt. Mirchuiit titreet Tdo, Bell 112, Mutual SGO. Taiilti Lcinle Worte. The undersigned having purchased the business of the. Tahiti Lemonade Works, tlte depot hai been removed to No. 23 Merchant Street. All orders for Aerated Wnters manu factured at the above establishment vwll receive prompt intention. J. K. BROWN & Co. P. O. Ho 400. 1820 NOTICE. John Mngron Is nuthorbed to MR. collect for our nnd tign rrrelptt. J. K BROWN & CO. Jjui. 10. 1SS3. lW! TF YOU LOSE ANYTHING, X advortlso it in tho Daily Bullictin. BeavBr J4. Saloon Tho Best Lunoh in Town, Tea and Coffee at Ml Hours The lnost Brui d ol Cigars & 1 always on band. , H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor. STEAI CA1Y FACTOR! AND KA.IC3J311Y. F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. 71 Hotel St. "1325 Telephone 74 No. 0 Queen street. Fish Market, Deilei in choicest Kpef, Vcul, Mutton, I'lah, Ac, Family and Shipping Orders carefully attended to. Live stock furnished to vessels at short notice, and Vegetables of al kinds supplied to order. 840 ly S. THE i. IM&M? ryinfrnnnlitrin M d&siLa ' !eat Company 85 King Street, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager. Wholesale & Retail Butchers AKD NAVY CONTRACTORS. 1717 ly D. MEIIE k GO. && 'Commission JDvSsiS Mercliaiits !K522r SHIP CHANDLERY, ISp.vnl Stores & Groceries ItricKH,"LInio & Cement. Families and Ships supplied on most reasonable terms. COT ISLAND ORDERS SOLICITED. Mutual Tele, 292. P. O. Box, 470. No. 20 Port St., op. O. S. S. Co's Wharf. 1800 tf Polled Alps Stoci &&J1SS iif Bull Calves from 10 to 13 months old. Hellor Calves from 10 tu 13 months old. APPLY TO J. I. DOSETT. Honolulu, Juno 24, 1887. 70 xtjra.:no:e. Continental and Colonial AGENCY. 36 Eue do Dunkorquo, - -- Paris. Executes Indents for every description of French, Belgian, Swis", German, and English Goods, at tho Lest Manufacturers' Loneat Price. Commission, Tno.and.ii Half per cent. All Tiado and Cish Discounts allowed to Clients. Original Invoices forwarded when requested. Remittances, through n London or P.wis Banker, payable on delivery of Shipping documents; or, direct to tho manager. Tho Agency Represents, Buys, nnd Sells, for Homu and Colonial Firms. l'icco Goods, CaBhmcrcs, Cambrics, Silks. Velvets, L iwns, Chintzes, Muslins, Carpets, Cloths, Millinery, Laces, Gloves, Fringes, Parasols, Hubordashcry, Gold and Silver Lace, Flannels, Feathers, Pearls, Boots and Shoes, Gluts, nnd Chitm-wiii- Clocks, Watches, Jeuellry, Funny Goods, Electro-pla- t o, Musjcal Instruments, Fans, Ecclcslustlcul mid Optical Goods, Mirrors, Toys. Perfumery, Wines, &c , Oilman's Stores, Booki, Artistic Furniture, Stationery, Chromes, Machinery, Ac. &o, 1801 j S TaMti Lemonade Works. CUSTOMERS who Imvo on hand any or dues, would greatly oblige by tending word to tho Depot. 28 Merchant street, and they will at once be called for. Our Buttles nro all crystal vnlve, aud tho u'ordu "TAHITI LEMONADE WOBICK" blown i hereon. Hull Telephone 172. Mutual Telephone 300. 15 tf .' K BROWN is CO, T YOU WANT A SERVANT, . advertise iu tho Daily Bulletin, BARGAIN in EMBROIDERIES, imbroideries, Embroidehe .- - AT THE , POPULAR MILLINERY HOUSE, 104 Fort Sticet, Honolulu. W. S. SACHS, - - - Proprietor. Hamburg and Swiss Edgings ! Hamburg- - and Sveiss Inuertinss ! ALL OVER EMBROIDERIES ! Children's Embroidery Flounces ! Ladies' Embroidery Flounces ! In Skirt and lloloku Lengths. Ladies' Box Suits, Ladies' Box Suits, DIEECT IMPORTATION PROM EUROPE, Thcieby snwug United States Duty. Tho Entire Lot will be ofleicd at Astonishing Prices, Astonishing Prices, Astonishing Prices, iwrnnrriiL jw j j . m q . A. MORGAN, Blacksmith Work, , s Carriage Building:, Painting; and " Trimming:. 79 k 81 Kii Street, - - - - oil tee Premises. Entrances IVoin Iiiiif- - nnd Blcrclinnt SBtH. o Every description of work in the abovo lines performed in a first class manner. Also, Horse Shoeing a Specialty. Telephone, 107-v- ga (mrh eSBcll Telephone, 107-T- H HAY and-- G GRAIN. Largest Stocks, Choicest Telephones 175. Corner " j "' JOI ITT, 1. 8 GO o H CO VT'wfw rcaecc duality, Lowest Prices. n, Edinburgh & Queen Streets. ..i.ii,i ip. mmr Mi ms-- , to i CO Granite, Iron and Tin Ware ! Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns, WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE, House Keeping Goods, PLUMBING, TIN, COPIES, AND 093 SHEET IRON WORK. "GEO. EMELHARDT, (Formerly with Sainuol Nott). Importer, unci Oonlor In STOVES, CHANDELIERS, LAMPS, OltOOKKRY, GLABBWAUE, IIOUSE FuitMIBHIKO 1IABDWA1IB, AGATE IRON AND TINWARE Agent Hall's Safe and Lock Company. Beaver Block, - Tort Street. XW Store formerly occupied by S. NOTT, oppos'tto Sprockets & Co.'b Bank. - 1G0 RARE CHANCE EOS, INVESTMENT BETTER THAN A GOVERNMENT BOND OFFERED BY TUB AMSKTS OVBK OF TJIB IW'tTB) STATES. npHE proloL'tion of Life Insmnntu com blnrd with the Investment Principles of X a Savings Hank Kximplool :i'J'yeur BnihnMiient Policy for $10,000 taken out at the age of 25 jeais: Annual Total Premiums Cih Fund Equivalent Paid Premium. Paid in 20 yw Thtn due. Up Policy for Life. u" $487 59,740 $18,110 $43,800 Estimates for different amounts and different aces cheerfully civen. your family from future vrnnt or provide luuispuiame, x,c, ic. For full particulars, apply to Alexander lflio lv mjiwmnmi'ijmwu liiii ii'wmwii LUCAS, Jg, Contractor -- fei and Bullder,pi Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Kspla-nad- o, Honolulu. Manufactures nil kinds ot Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes, Doors, aud all kinds of Wood- work llulsb. Turning, Scroll and Band Saw ing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan- ing, Morticing aud Tcnantlnjr. Oi ders promptly nttuuded to and woik guaranteed. Orders from tho other ls solicited I. BJCo3K3E12:S:3E9 Contractor and ltuildcr. Sorca and ofllces fitted up, Estimates given on nil kinds of brick nnd voodcn buildings, Plans and Specifications fur- nished. CSf Ofllco, HO Bcretania St.; Mutual Telephone, 352; PostolBco Box, 100. 322 ly PLANING MILL. AIuHen, near nccn St. TcUphouo .1.'. Office 42 Merchant St, Honolulu. Collector & Real Estate Agent. 18 ly fl HONOLULU IEON "WORKS, iSiSSSSaStcam engines, sugar mills, boil-ei- coolers; iron, brass and lead cast- ings; machinery of ovcry description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exe- cuted at pliort notice. 1 Clipping! NEATLY DONE nnd with despatch HAWAIIAN" HOTEL bTA-BLE- S. Hand Clippers. 82tf CHR. GEKTZ, Impoiler and Dealer in UcutH', Ladles', JL Clitldrcn'H Boots, Shoes and Slippers. The Choicest Brands of Cigars & Tobacco Always on Hand. RrOnlers from the othei Islands solicited. 70 tf J. HOPP & CO. 71 KiiiK Street. Mnuufanturcrs and Importers of all kinds of Furniture & Upholstery Goods FINE BEDDING A SPECIALTY. All kinds of Jobbing promptly attended to. CHAIRS TO RENT For Balls or Patties in small orlaigo 801 quantities. ly. NEW- - Merchant Tailoring Establishm't Tho underslgntd having opened a lint. class Merchant Tailoring Estab- lishment nt the Cor. King and Bethel Streets, (Damon Building) under the firm name of F.Haipacher&Co. Begs IraOTtosfilioU; tlio patronage of his friends and public generally. 00 Om p. ONLY LIVE PAPER in Honojulu-sj-'Tn- Dally Bulletin." 60 cents per month. ?wypr 3it HOMCEPATHIC obacco WABERMACHER. uranoe Go 880,000,000. Annuity for Life $1,310 Protect for your own old agej Policies .Free, J. Cartwright, General Agent, Hawaiian Islands. FIRE, LIFE, AND MAHIKE INSURANCE. Hartford Firo Insurance Co. Assets, $5,055,000 Commercial Insurance Co. (Fire and Marine) Assets, $450,000 Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation (Fire nnd Marine) Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 South British Fire and Marine Ins. Go Capital $10,000,000 New York Life Insurance Co. Asset3, $75,000,000 C.O.BERGER HONOLULU. General Agent, HaVn Islands. 1053 ly CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Firo &. Marino Insur'ce Agents. agents ron Tlio Sow r.ucland - MUTUAL LIFE INS. COMP'Y, of Boston. The JEtna Tire Insurance Co. of Hartford, Conn. Tho Uulon fire ana Marine Insurance Cc. of San Francisco, Cala. 11)1 ly Prussian National Insurance Comp'y ESTABLISHED 1845, Capital, 9,000,000 Relchtmarki. npHE undersigned, having been up. X pointed agent of the abovo Company for tho Hawaiian Islands, is prepared to accept risks, against Fire, on Building, Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, Sugar Mills etc., on the most Favorable Terras Lossos Promptly Adjusted and Payablo in Honolulu. II. BIEMENSCHNEIDElt, C0 1y at Wilder & Co'g. Hustace& Robertson, DRAYMEN. LL orders lor Cartage promptly at. XX tended to. Particular attention paid to tho Storing & Shipping of goods'in transit to tho other Islands! Also, Black and White Sand iu quantities to suit nt lowest prlcos. Ofllco, ndjolnlng E. P. Adams & Co.'s auction room. 983 ly Mutual Telephone No. 10. Tho Inter-Islan- d Steam Navigation Co., Limited, Keep constantly on hand for sale Steam Family and Blaclamith Coal and a general assortment of 415. Bar Iron. TAHITI LEMONADE WORKS. HIGH CLASS AERATED WATERS. Lemon Boda and Ginger Alo pf all In. forlor quality, l tmtf bottles, as re. tailed by Chinamen nt Five cents a hot. tie, hiv not mid wjll uothomadeut this establishment, 17W jfi "i V "H $ i. w 2.V I v t.i v'. $ " M -- ''V'i&M

Transcript of Xnr. No. HONOLULU, MONDAY MARCH THE DAILY ......ics, and a complete resume of Honolulu and Wind...

Page 1: Xnr. No. HONOLULU, MONDAY MARCH THE DAILY ......ics, and a complete resume of Honolulu and Wind News. It is the 'best paper DublHiied iu tlio Kingdom to send to filends abroad. Sulwo


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v 3t!f


zra 'i!1 mnwuu'



l3i '


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V: e

it. "t


Is printed anil published at tho ofllcc,

Queen Street, Honolulu, II. I., every

afternoon (Sundays excepted).

Subicriptlon, GO conlt per Month.

Addrois nil Communications DaiivBulletin.

Advciliuimunls, tc ciuuro Insertion,should bo handed In before one o'clockV. M.

WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor


Bulletin Steam Printing OIQco.

Nowspapor, It mils nnd Job Printing of

all klndB done on the most favorablo

terms.13cll Telephone No. 2D0

Mutual Telephone No. 250

Bally Mil SlimyPublished twice a Month,

An intereitlng and comprehensivepublication, and lionUins from 40 to 00

columns of reading matter on local top

ics, and a complete resume of Honoluluand Wind News. It is the 'best paper

DublHiied iu tlio Kingdom to send to

filends abroad.Sulwo ip lo'i (milled) SJ.fcO a year.

Coinmisbion Meronants.

tt jJUVOKirASJT-- W So Co.,

Qoneral Commission Agents.

P,7I5 iy Honolulu

6. W. MACZAllLANE & Co.


Honolulu. H. I.- -Queen streot, -


i BBBWISB ft OOtdPANY,j. (Limited)

general mercantile andCommission Agents.


P. O. Jones, Jr President & ManagerJ. O. Oarteu .Tieasurer & Secretary


Hon. O. ft. Uisuoi1. S. C. Allen,11. Wailbiiouse.


T. WATBKHOUSE,JOHN Importer and Dealer In GeneralMerchandise, tucm it., Honolulu. 1

S. N. Ciibtlc --J B. Atherton-- Q. P. Castle

& OOOKE, --

ShippingCASTLE and CommissionMerchant. Importers and Dealers In

General Merchandise, No. 80 King St.,

Honolulu. 1

Clans airocLi.l. Wm. a. Irwin.IB WIN & COMPANY,WQ.Sugar Pactors and Commission

Agents, Honolulu. 1

6s OO.,WILDBB Dialers in Lumber, Paints,Oils, Nails, Sal', and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts.,Honolulu. I

OrUlNBAUM &t CO.,MS. Importers of General Merchandise ami Commission Merchants,Honolulu, .mil

12-- California, street,1 Ban FrauclBco, Cal.

B. Lowers, F. J. Lowrey. O. M. Cooke.

it OOOKIIS,LEWEB3 to Lewers & Dickson.)Importers and IValers in Lumber and allkind ot Building Materials, Port street,Honolulu I

&c Co.,

Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants289 Benvoi block, Honolulu.

Notice of Removal!

THOMAS LINDSAY,Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker

Has removed to one of tho NowStores In the

Tliomni IllocU, King Street,Three doois fiom Cattle & Cookes',

Where ho Is proparcd to manufactureall kinds i f Jewelry. 00

OEThewett,Stationer & Newsdealer,

Merchant Street, - Honolulu, H. IMutual TeLS71. BcU Tel.aoss.

Law Book & Lawyers' Stationery aSpoclalty.

OiJerrtakru fm Newspapers, Priodl.cals, Beak?, MifnlV! etc., from anypittof the world, having made all nrrenge.meuU theiefor whilst, in Ban FrancUoo.

Bed Kubber StiuupstoOrflcr.11

TF YOU FIND ANYTHING,X advertise it lu the Dailt Bulletin


M. THOMPSON,.A.t.toriioy-tit.-X.at- r.

Oulco in Campbell's IilocU, Cor. Poit &Merchant Stt., Honolulu, 11. 1.


5J" When desired, will rIvo tho law lua 'rllteu opinion, as to tho probuhlu

of tho contention urou tho factsslated. lf)881v


ami Notary Public. Real Estate in auypart of tho Kingdom bought, sold andleased, on commission. Loans ncgottated, Lugnl Documents Drawn. No. 2?Meichant st. (Gazctto Block), Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands 108

BROWN,Attornerand Counsellor at Law

Notary Public, aud Agent for taking Acknowlcdgmeuts of Instruments for thoIsland ol Oahu. Merchant streot, Hono-ul- u.

J Alfred Magoon,AT I OltNEY AT LAW.

173 42 Meichant sticet, Honolulu. Iy

JOHN A. HASSINQER,Agent to take Acknowledgments

to Contiacts for Labor. Interior OQleo,Honolulu.


xs.0 Vetcviimvy Siii'eoii.Office nnd Residence: 1G0 Klngsticct

aiutuul Telephone 5J5). Orders lufuuHotel Stables will' bo 'rectived andptemptly utieiidcil to. 43 m

J. H. BOPBR, M. D.

Consulting Physician and Surgeon.S. "V. Comer Sixth and Murki t trccts,opposite Hawaii Nci Millinery Estab-lishment, Snn riuucitco. 23


NOTARY PUBLICFor tho Island of Oahu.

Ofllco, : Gov't Building, Honolulu.3Gtf



Manufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists,118 & 116 Fort Slrctt, - Honolulu.

Depot for Boerioke & Sceolilk's

MEDICINES,Ilicfaecker's Perfumes and Toilet

Requisites, i2y


Druggists & Tobacconists,"WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

109 Fo-- t Street, "William's Block, lTono-21- 6

Honolulu, II. I.

WEMER & CO.Slnmifticturiiic Jon cIIerH,

NO. OS J?OBT 8TKEET,Constantly on hand a large astortmon

of every desciiptlouof. Jewelry, WatchLSGold and Silver Plated Ware, &c.

958 ly


Ship Carpenter & Boat Builder.

Having Improved facilities, is preparedto 1111 orders at short notice.

1851 tf

CARREACE CO.Carringes at all hours, day and uight.

Saddle Horses, Buggies, Wagonettes andVillHgc Carfs with stylish and gentlehorses to let.

FOR SALE.A few Horses, guaranteed. Bccond

hand Hacks, Open and Top Buggies,Carts and Harness.

PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES.Ring up Telephone 112, or apply kj

MIjLES & IBAY03Y.1C74 ly

Stcum Works, Bunnv SouthTele, Bell 172, Mutual 215

DopDt. Mirchuiit titreetTdo, Bell 112, Mutual SGO.

Taiilti Lcinle Worte.

The undersigned having purchasedthe business of the. Tahiti LemonadeWorks, tlte depot hai been removed toNo. 23 Merchant Street.

All orders for Aerated Wnters manufactured at the above establishment vwll

receive prompt intention.J. K. BROWN & Co.

P. O. Ho 400. 1820


John Mngron Is nuthorbed toMR.collect for our nnd tignrrrelptt. J. K BROWN & CO.

Jjui. 10. 1SS3. lW!

TF YOU LOSE ANYTHING,X advortlso it in tho Daily Bullictin.

BeavBr J4. Saloon

Tho Best Lunoh in Town,

Tea and Coffee at Ml Hours

The lnost Brui d ol

Cigars & 1always on band. ,

H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor.


F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,Pastry Cook and Baker.

71 Hotel St. "1325 Telephone 74

No. 0 Queen street. Fish Market,Deilei in choicest

Kpef, Vcul, Mutton, I'lah, Ac,Family and Shipping Orders carefully

attended to. Live stock furnished tovessels at short notice, and Vegetablesof al kinds supplied to order. 840 ly

S. THE i.IM&M? ryinfrnnnlitrin Md&siLa '

!eat Company85 King Street,

G. J. WALLER, - - Manager.

Wholesale & Retail ButchersAKD



&&'Commission JDvSsiS Mercliaiits


ISp.vnl Stores & GroceriesItricKH,"LInio & Cement.

Families and Ships supplied on mostreasonable terms.

COT ISLAND ORDERS SOLICITED.Mutual Tele, 292. P. O. Box, 470.

No. 20 Port St., op. O. S. S. Co's Wharf.1800 tf

Polled Alps Stoci


Bull Calves from 10 to 13 months old.

Hellor Calves from 10 tu 13 months old.


J. I. DOSETT.Honolulu, Juno 24, 1887. 70

xtjra.:no:e.Continental and Colonial

AGENCY.36 Eue do Dunkorquo, - - - Paris.

Executes Indents for every descriptionof French, Belgian,Swis", German, and English Goods, attho Lest Manufacturers' Loneat Price.

Commission, Tno.and.ii Half per cent.All Tiado and Cish Discounts allowedto Clients. Original Invoices forwardedwhen requested.

Remittances, through n London orP.wis Banker, payable on delivery ofShipping documents; or, direct to thomanager.

Tho Agency Represents, Buys, nndSells, for Homu and Colonial Firms.

l'icco Goods, CaBhmcrcs, Cambrics,Silks. Velvets, L iwns, Chintzes,Muslins, Carpets, Cloths,Millinery, Laces, Gloves,Fringes, Parasols, Hubordashcry,Gold and Silver Lace,Flannels, Feathers, Pearls,Boots and Shoes, Gluts, nndChitm-wiii- Clocks, Watches,Jeuellry, Funny Goods,Electro-pla- t o, Musjcal Instruments,Fans, Ecclcslustlcul midOptical Goods, Mirrors, Toys.Perfumery, Wines, &c ,Oilman's Stores, Booki, ArtisticFurniture, Stationery,Chromes, Machinery, Ac. &o,

1801 j S

TaMti Lemonade Works.

CUSTOMERS who Imvo on hand anyor dues, would

greatly oblige by tending word to thoDepot. 28 Merchant street, and they willat once be called for.

Our Buttles nro all crystal vnlve, audtho u'ordu "TAHITI LEMONADEWOBICK" blown i hereon.

Hull Telephone 172.Mutual Telephone 300.

15 tf .' K BROWN is CO,

T YOU WANT A SERVANT,. advertise iu tho Daily Bulletin,


imbroideries, Embroidehe.-- AT THE ,

POPULAR MILLINERY HOUSE,104 Fort Sticet, Honolulu.

W. S. SACHS, - - - Proprietor.

Hamburg and Swiss Edgings !

Hamburg- - and Sveiss Inuertinss !


Children's Embroidery Flounces !

Ladies' Embroidery Flounces !

In Skirt and lloloku Lengths.

Ladies' Box Suits, Ladies' Box Suits,DIEECT IMPORTATION PROM EUROPE,

Thcieby snwug United States Duty. Tho Entire Lot will be ofleicd at

Astonishing Prices,Astonishing Prices,

Astonishing Prices,iwrnnrriiL jw j j . m q

. A. MORGAN,Blacksmith Work, , s Carriage Building:,

Painting; and " Trimming:.

79 k 81 Kii Street, - - - - oil tee Premises.

Entrances IVoin Iiiiif- - nnd Blcrclinnt SBtH.o

Every description of work in the abovo lines performed in a first class manner.

Also, Horse Shoeing a Specialty.Telephone, 107-v- ga (mrh eSBcll Telephone, 107-T-

HHAY and-- G

GRAIN.Largest Stocks,


Telephones 175. Corner" j "'

JOI ITT, 1. 8



VT'wfw rcaecc

duality,Lowest Prices.

n,Edinburgh & Queen Streets.

..i.ii,i ip.

mmr Mims-- ,



Granite, Iron and Tin Ware !

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,


"GEO. EMELHARDT,(Formerly with Sainuol Nott).

Importer, unci Oonlor InSTOVES, CHANDELIERS, LAMPS,


Agent Hall's Safe and Lock Company.Beaver Block, - Tort Street.

XW Store formerly occupied by S. NOTT, oppos'tto Sprockets & Co.'b Bank. -1G0




npHE proloL'tion of Life Insmnntu com blnrd with the Investment Principles ofX a Savings Hank Kximplool :i'J'yeur BnihnMiient Policy for $10,000 taken

out at the age of 25 jeais:Annual Total Premiums Cih Fund Equivalent PaidPremium. Paid in 20 yw Thtn due. Up Policy for Life. u"

$487 59,740 $18,110 $43,800Estimates for different amounts and different aces cheerfully civen.

your family from future vrnnt or provideluuispuiame, x,c, ic.

For full particulars, apply to

Alexanderlflio lvmjiwmnmi'ijmwu liiii ii'wmwii

LUCAS, Jg,Contractor -- fei

and Bullder,piHonolulu Steam Planing Mills, Kspla-nad- o,

Honolulu.Manufactures nil kinds ot Mouldings,

Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,Sashes, Doors, aud all kinds of Wood-work llulsb. Turning, Scroll and BandSaw ing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-ing, Morticing aud Tcnantlnjr.

Oi ders promptly nttuuded to and woikguaranteed. Orders from tho other ls


I. BJCo3K3E12:S:3E9Contractor and ltuildcr.

Sorca and ofllces fitted up, Estimatesgiven on nil kinds of brick nnd voodcnbuildings, Plans and Specifications fur-nished. CSf Ofllco, HO Bcretania St.;Mutual Telephone, 352; PostolBco Box,100. 322 ly

PLANING MILL.AIuHen, near nccn St.

TcUphouo .1.'.

Office 42 Merchant St, Honolulu.

Collector & Real Estate Agent.

18 ly

fl HONOLULU IEON "WORKS,iSiSSSSaStcam engines, sugar mills, boil-ei-

coolers; iron, brass and lead cast-ings; machinery of ovcry descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exe-cuted at pliort notice. 1

Clipping!NEATLY DONE nnd with despatch


Hand Clippers. 82tf

CHR. GEKTZ,Impoiler and Dealer in

UcutH', Ladles', JL Clitldrcn'H

Boots, Shoes and Slippers.

The Choicest Brands of

Cigars & TobaccoAlways on Hand.

RrOnlers from the othei Islandssolicited. 70 tf

J. HOPP & CO.71 KiiiK Street.

Mnuufanturcrs and Importers of allkinds of

Furniture & Upholstery Goods

FINE BEDDING A SPECIALTY.All kinds of Jobbing promptly attended to.

CHAIRS TO RENTFor Balls or Patties in small orlaigo

801 quantities. ly.

NEW- -

Merchant Tailoring Establishm't

Tho underslgntd having opened a lint.class Merchant Tailoring Estab-

lishment nt the

Cor. King and Bethel Streets,(Damon Building) under the firm

name of

F.Haipacher&Co.Begs IraOTtosfilioU; tlio patronage of

his friends and public generally.00 Om p.

ONLY LIVE PAPER inHonojulu-sj-'Tn- Dally Bulletin."

60 cents per month.






uranoe Go


Annuityfor Life$1,310Protect

for your own old agej Policies .Free,

J. Cartwright,General Agent, Hawaiian Islands.


MAHIKEINSURANCE.Hartford Firo Insurance Co.

Assets, $5,055,000

Commercial Insurance Co.

(Fire and Marine)Assets, $450,000

Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation(Fire nnd Marine)

Capital, paid up, $2,000,000

South British Fire and Marine Ins. Go

Capital $10,000,000New York Life Insurance Co.

Asset3, $75,000,000


General Agent, HaVn Islands.

1053 ly

CASTLE & COOKE,Life, Firo &. Marino Insur'ce Agents.

agents ronTlio Sow r.ucland -


The JEtna Tire Insurance Co.of Hartford, Conn.

Tho Uulon fire anaMarine Insurance Cc.

of San Francisco, Cala.11)1 ly

Prussian NationalInsurance Comp'y


Capital, 9,000,000 Relchtmarki.

npHE undersigned, having been up.X pointed agent of the abovo Companyfor tho Hawaiian Islands, is prepared toaccept risks, against Fire, on Building,Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, SugarMills etc., on the most Favorable Terras

Lossos Promptly Adjusted and Payablo inHonolulu.

II. BIEMENSCHNEIDElt,C0 1y at Wilder & Co'g.

Hustace& Robertson,

DRAYMEN.LL orders lor Cartage promptly at.XX tended to. Particular attentionpaid to tho

Storing & Shippingof goods'in transit to tho other Islands!

Also, Black and White Sandiu quantities to suit nt lowest prlcos.

Ofllco, ndjolnlng E. P. Adams & Co.'sauction room.983 ly Mutual Telephone No. 10.

Tho Inter-Islan- d SteamNavigation Co., Limited,

Keep constantly on hand for saleSteam Family and Blaclamith Coal

and a general assortment of415. Bar Iron.


HIGH CLASS AERATED WATERS.Lemon Boda and Ginger Alo pf all In.forlor quality, l tmtf bottles, as re.tailed by Chinamen nt Five cents a hot.tie, hiv not mid wjll uothomadeut thisestablishment, 17W








" M-- ''V'i&M

Page 2: Xnr. No. HONOLULU, MONDAY MARCH THE DAILY ......ics, and a complete resume of Honolulu and Wind News. It is the 'best paper DublHiied iu tlio Kingdom to send to filends abroad. Sulwo







FOR SALE.The Hawaiian steauier "Knimiloa"

will bo sold nt jublic uuclion ouTUESDAY, May 1, 1888, unleeasooner disposed of by private sale.

LOltRIN A. THUKSTON,Minister of the Intel ior.

Interior Office, Jinrch 20, 1888.900 Ot ouw

TENDERS.Sealed tundcrs will bo received at

the Interior Ollieo until WEDNES-DAY, March 28, 1888, for mattingoffices in the Government Building.

The matting is to be of tho bestquality (white) and weighing notless than 100 lbs. to the roll, and tobe laid in a good and workmanlikemanner.

All bids must be at so much perroll laid. Particulars cau be obtainedat the Intoiior Office.

The Minister of the Interior doesnot bind himself to accept the lowestor any bid.

LOUK1N A. THURSTON,Minibtcr of the Interior.

Interior Office, March 23, 1888.98 3t

Finance ep:irtmcnf.

Honolulu, H. 1., Feb. 1G, 1888.

Notice is hereby given to all em-

ployees of the Hawaiian Govern-ment, and to other persons to whommoneys may be due at the HawaiianTreasury on or before Mai eh HI,

1888, to present vouchers for settle-ment on or befoie that date; and allpersons having moneys on accountof tho Government arc lequested tomake their returns promptly, inoider that theio nmy be no delay inclosing the accounts for the fiscalperiod onding March 31, 1888.

W. L. GKEEN.68 tf Minibtci of Finance.

BISHOP & Co., BANKERSHonolulu. Hawaiian Inlands

Draw Exchange on theJBiuilc ol California, H. IT.

And their agents inNEW YORK, BOSTON, HONG KONQ.

Mccsrs. N. It. Rothbchilrt & Son, LondonTho Commercial Bank Co., of Sydney,

London.Tho Commercial liuuk Co. of Sydney,

Sydney,The Bunk of Now Zenlatid : Auckland,

Christcliurch, and Wellington,The Bank of British Columbia, Vic-

toria, B. C, and 1'orlland, Or.akd

Tranfaaet a General Banking BusinessfifiO ly

Pledged lo neither Sect nor Paty,Hut established for the benefit of nil.



Perhaps nothing has so strong aninfluence in moderating extremistsin politics as experience in office.

Men who, as leaders of parties orfactions, out of office and so farirresponsible, propound and advo-

cate theories or principles of govern-

ment of a decidedly iconoclasticcharacter, usually evince a lessextreme disposition when placed inoffice, and hesitate to assume thoresponsibility of practically adopt-

ing in its entirety their own teach-

ing. This is commonly regarded ab

an exhibition of dishonesty. Theendorsers of the extreme views en-

unciated by their apostle while hewas an aspirant for official power,now believe that his only object wasto win their support and secure theirvotes, and having accomplished hispurpose and attained the desiredelevation, ho cooly and ungratefullyignores their wishes.

In this construction tho truth is

undoubtedly ofton found, and by italso the Until is probably as oftenmissed. Tho responsibility and ex-

perience of office compel a modifi-

cation of tho views previouslyfoimcd and honestly advocated."When the man was out of office nnd

a looker-o- n ho saw, or thought hosaw, vfhat should be done nnd how

it should be dono j but when in office,

and tho work and responsibility of

doing placed in his hands, ho dis-

covers that his notions are inappio-priat- o,

injudicious, or impracticable,and finds that it cannot be done.

The changed position and circum-

stances present the same matters to

view in another nnd more practicalaspect, nnd thus many un extieineliberal becomes mellowed into amoderate conservative.


It 13 of small importance uhclhcrtlio Portuguese immigrants came to

this country with tho intention of

staying or not, and it is of no con-

sequence whether somebody said

that they did or that thoy did not.

The fact remains, that homo of themdo emigrate to California when theircoutracts here have expired, whichthey have a perfect right to do.Most likely they, almost to n man,came villi tho view of remaininguntil they return to their nativeland; but after arrival here theylearn something about California,and believing that they may dobetter there, nie induced to try.They came hero, just as other peo-

ple come, with the view of betteringtheir condition in life. If they didnot believe there was any chance ofaccomplishing this purpose, theywould not have come. The samepurpose takes them from these isl-

and to California ; and after a littluexperience there, sonic of themwill go elsewhere for the same rea-

son. If they were doing ten timesbetter than they are, a peicentagewould still leave with the hope ofdoing better. They might after-

wards regret it, but they wouldleave all the same. This is thu wholething in a nutshell. There is no re-

flection upon the Portuguese in-

tended in the foicgoing. All othernationalities do precisely the same,both here and elsewhcic, and will

undoubtedly continue to do so.



The morning papers contain thetext of a petition, intended to bepresented to the Legislature, bj' theAnti-Asiat- ic Union. The potion asa v. hole is made up of 18 minorprayers or articles. Some of thesesay some peculiar things and othersask for impossible grants.

In Article 9, refeiring to licencesto Asiatics for following pursuits"which are obnoxious or dangerousto public health or safety," bakersand butchers are mentioned. Breadand beef, it appears, are "obnoxiousor dangerous to public health orsafety." Horse flesh and taro maybe the correct diet ; Init this is onlya cuess, for the document is not explicit on this point.

In Article 7 the Legislature is

asked to enact that tho cuiploj'cr ofAsiatic labor shall be allowed to payinto the hands of his employee asmall portion only of his (the em-

ployee's) earning, "sufficient for hismaintenance," the balance beinghanded over to the custody of Gov-

ernment until the engagement hasterminated and the employee isabout to leave the country. Whatif the man has a wife and childrenin his native land, dependent on him

for support? lie cannot send themany money, for he is only allowedsufficient for his own maintenance.Then if he wants to spend his earn-ings in the country, he cannot doso. He must take it out of theKingdom before he is allowed itsuse. A very good method of drain-ing away the cash, to be sure. Rutwhat man will accept employmenton such terms?

The 10th Aiticle asks "that noAsiatic, after once being bankrupt,be allowed to own any mora inter-ests in any other licensed business."How is it to be prevented? Thehare has to be caught before it canbe cooked, and the "interest" hasto bo discovered before it can bestopped. A Chinaman may have,an interest in a dozen different busi-

nesses at the same time, but by whatmeans can the Government ascci tainand prove the fact.

This petition is :i document w)iich

lcquircs considerable mending be-

fore an intelligent Legislature cangrant its prayer.



Editor Rui.i.utin: In the inter-ests of his employers, the Public,I reply, certainly iiot. Rut is it nota notorious fact that a public ser-vant need not keep a store or anoffice and yet carry on a most ex-

tensive private business? 1 thinktho sooner deputy sheriffs are givento understand that they aie paid bythe public to perform public dutiesonly, the better it will be for allconcerned,

The picture of a Deputy Sheiiffrunning about as the agent of someprofessional dun in Honolulu, witha packet of bills for collection, en-

quiring for Dick, Tom a?id Ilauy isundignified, brings him fiupioperlyinto conflict with tho public whomhe is paid lo serve, and whose timeho is using for his private gain. Ihope tho Attorney-Genci- al will en-

force the spiiit of 'the law on theseofficials. We have judges nnd law-

yers for such work. Yours,Waimjku.




The following is n translation ofan editorial article which appearedin the "Elelo" last Saturdny niorn- -

The public nro considerably exer-cised ovor tho formation in ourmidst, of an Anti-Asiat- ic Union, thomembership of which oiganteationis, we aro told, about eighthundred stroug. Various minorshave been iu circulation, regard-ing the objects of this Union.Some hnvo said, It was a move-ment against the planting interest ;

some have also said that the inten-tion was to drive the Chinese nowliving here from the country. Suchwe are assured, is not the case onthe contrary, the Union feel dis-

posed to assist the planter in gettingall the labor he wishes to employ.And again the Union do not desirelo drive a single Chinaman who isnow a resident of the HawaiianKingdom from the Islands. Thiswo know to be a fact. What theAmi-Asiat- ic Union propose lo do isthis: they propose to petition thocoming Legislatuie to pass a law,prohibiting and stopping any fur-ther Asiatic immigration into thiscountry. Thoy claim if the "vag-rancy Act" were put in operation asit should be, there is sufficient laborin the country to supply the demandof our planters, if not, and theplanteis should lequire more labor,the Government should supply thedemand, holding the planter respon-sible at the end of his labor con-tract, lo either renew his contractwith his laborers or to return themto the Government, to be sent bythem to their homes. This is whatthe Union wants. It thinks, too,that when the planter learns, whatpoverty and tribulation he is caus-ing the while and native mechanic,retail mcichunt and laborer, bythrowing his Asiatic laborers, afterthe expiiation of their contract,upon the niaikol, to compete withwhite men who have large familiesto support, children to educate,taxes lo pay, and the various neces-saries to buy, to lead an honest anduptight life, he (the planter) as aman and a Christian, will come tothe aid of the Anti-Asiat- ic Unionand give his hearty suppotl to con-trol this unncessary immigration.

Hawaiian Lodge, Ho. 21,-- F. &A. M.

rpiIERBwtll be ii special meeting ofJL Hawaiian Lodge No. til, i & A.M., nt their II ill, coiner of Fort andQueen slrtcls, THIS (Monday) EVEN-ING, ut 7:30 o'oloulc, lor the purpose o

Installing the Officers Electfor the ensuing Masonic year.

Oflleers and inrmbrra nf Lodge 1c

I'rogro-- and all sojourning brethren aiefralenmlly united to li pieseut.

By outer of the VW. M.:T. (J. POUTER,

000 It Ncrutiuy.


88 KSXU STUKKT.Thomas Muldoon vill open 1ub silicon

On SATJlWA IHaicli Sst,And will supply his patrons with evciycoiiciicy procuiaiiie. meals at an Hours.

!I00 lm


A SITUATION in n country stole,by a youiijj man that can rciul

nud wine both .Unejish nnd Portuguese.AddicM "11," P. O. 15o.x fiO'l. 000 lv,

NOTICE.account of my health and hitON dcpttiiuic fiom the kingdom, all

hillts due to me mut be puid on orbefore the 1M of Apnl next, or will bepluicd in the hatidi of u culler ii r900 lw W. T. 11 HO ADS.



npili: A NX UAL MKl'.TTXG OF theA. Vooii.wN Dairy and S"rocic

Co , will be held at tho ofllee of W. O.Smith, Kort Ptieet, on TI1UK DAY,Ii inch 20. lfeSS hi 2 o'ejock i. m. Afull uttciiiltuiLC of tho Isde-he- A. L. S51ITII,1)8 ttl Secietai y Y. D. & S. (,'o.

NOTICEHPO the subscribers of the MutualJL Telephone Company: Inordirtoseeure tho veiy Lest ot service Ibc uu.dii'rigncd i c)iicMbthui:iny complaints Ini vgiinl lo iho inattention o'l'lho operators,oi trouble on the lines or InstniineiilB,will bo reported at onco to J. Piatt,.Superintendent, or to

C. O. UEKGER,03 lw Btcietary.

ASSIGN KID'S NOTICE.WO, corner nuiiakiii nd ' i

htrcets, truing lhit J ti tuiiilo uuaibipnmoiit to in ot ait lile piopi i iy amiOK6UU-- , for the tunttlt uf Ills cruiiiors,till jettons having claiiiiB agaiiibl himme iiijuontcd to present the bumo to ment onto, anil till persons indebted iroviii(; any moiny to mid Yce Wo, midany persona having potubiou or ooiumlof any piopuriy I eltniging to him willpleutc iniiko immediate pivmcnt ordelivery of Biinie lo mo at the otllce ofII. Phillips & Co.

M. QltEKN,A'higneo of Yeo Wo.

Honolulu, llarch '20, 18U8.


TiHE B'ook In tiudo, stoio fixtures ondJL tmfu ntnv contained in ilio storeformerly octujiitd by Yeo Wo, cornerllatmnkca and King streets, to;ctliervsilh hor-- und wagon, building nnd in.ttrrsi In lo.ibu m Puluma, nnd nil debisiliio and oulnj; upon bonk ttccouu' totheal i Yeo w o, me oll'iiel foi &ii'ihsu wl.de, mid uiuu bo told hefoio'lUKoDAY. March t:7tli. I'.rtliM diHlili g topuiclii'.M'r inn obtain lull iiilonuu Ionin otlco of PhillipH ii O .

M. OIU015N,Assigneo of Yco Wo.

Honolulu, Match SI, 1868. 1)0 lw


Attorney and Counsellor nt Imw.

No. 15 Knnhumnnu street, adjolnlm;oflloc foi meily occupied by Hon. S. B.Dole. 01 lw


fX Klnau street No,

f&& room', eci runt's room,stable nnd rnrrlairo

house. Lot lOOsKO fett; garden.Apply to

fotr ,r. e. munvN" & uo.


. . a T)KTVliEX Piikoi and KceCAi.K JLJ mitnnku etreet, lot runs

thiotigh to Kinuu strict, 100

feet ftontage. Goi pnMUingc. Coltifocontains J room-'- , niirtlngc house andhtnbU's for 3 or 4 horse. Ilciu $i0 permoiun. Apply to

J. L 1IHOWN & CO..t'--l tf i8 3Ui chum i&ti cut.


'pmtHE COTTAGES inX L'fthunu.Apply to

Wm. NcOVNDLKSa,03 tf nt Hie Fish Mm ket


a T7IVE mluiucs' walk fioinft&AtMk J? thf Post Uffloe. Suit.

JisSS& "Mo ior a bachelor.Apply to

89 tf J. M. MONSAKHAT.

TO KENT.COTTAGE oil LlllhiiA lect, between Kin?:

and School stieets, Kent 812per month. Applv to

M. S. GK1XBAUM & CO.,80 tf Queen sticet.


AUSTIN Wliiiing nnd OliailesW Crelehlou, attorneys nnd conncillors ni lau, have by mutual nirnngc-men- t

ihK day dissolved their businesslclutions.

Honolulu, March 17, 18S3. !U lw


The undeisigued has just received directfrom tbe itoyul Ulster Works,

Belfast, n specially lineassortment of

Marcus Ward's Letter Papers,Suitable for Inter Isluud and Foreign


Also, Menu, Name & Ball Programmes

Iu Great Variety.

98J A. M. IIEWETT. I"lw

mh 87



CHAS. J. FISHEL,Cor. Fori nnd Hotel Sts.


mim SeSe

AVo Will Sell2'ii tlnz-- n LnilU's Linen Capu C Hum at

10 cents eachHamburg Edging from fie. up320 perfect-mtln- Misses' Corsets at Jfln

210 iW Gent's Cotton Undcr-hli- t at 2r,c

181 dozen Misses' nutl Children's SHU.clockril lime, full llnih Vf.c.

203 dozen Men's Silk-cloc- k il tloo, fullllnhh $2.50 pur doz.

103 dnz MenMtllibed Iloai', full llnlsh,at $2.G0pcrlnK. ' ,

f.3 doz Grnt's Col. Shirts, collars andcull's, atfiOc e1 th. .

l do?cn Bov's Stiaw Hats, GOc. each,worth $100

70 doz Childim'ts School lints at 50c.,woilh double.


Wo mean to keep trade lively.

Visit our establishment, ask our prices,nnd ou will think so too.

Intlies' Jerseys,"White Goods,

Dress GoodsHave been selling cheap, but tle present

stock will go for a mere song.

This great cut Is


Ghas. J. FisM,Corner Port and Hotel Sts.

87 lm

ff& j5v 9iPfc

All kinds of Brackets, at

G. "WEST & CO.'S.o

A large assortment of Bird Cages, at

G. WEST& CO.'S.Crockery, Glassware and Jelly Glasses, at

G. WEST& CO.'S.Oil Paintings, Engravings, Allotypes and New Chromos, at

G. WEST & CO.'S.o

Brackets, Easels, Mirrors and Frames, at

Purses, Ladies' Bags, Dressing Cases, Alliums andScrap Books, at

" ." G. WEST & CO.'S.o

Bedroom Furniture, Book Cases, Desks, Meat Safes andCliairs, at

G. WESTo& CO.'S.Baby .Carnages, Doll Carriages, Boy's Carts and Small

Wheel Barrows, atr G. WKST & UO.'S.

Combs, Brushes, Fans and Dolls, at


Pianos, Organs, Guitars, Aceordeons, Drums, FluteB,Yiolins, Banjos, &c, &c, at

G. WEST & CO.'S.0

Guitar, Violin, Banjo, Zither and Piano Strings, at

G. WESTo & CO.'S.

Picture Frames, Cornices and Mattrasses made to order, atG. WEST & CO.'S.

Pianos and all kinds of Musical Instruments Tuned and.Repaired, at

G. WEST & CO.'S.

Canary Birds, Avarranted Singers, at

& CO.'S, 105 Fort Street,II01VOIL.XJJL.TJ. ly

The New and Elegant Fitted Store of r McINERNY, corner

of Fort and Merchant Streets,

"Whore will bo found an Elegant Display ot Goods of suchgrndos, riB this corner lino been always noted for.

Entire iNow LineB of Goods selected by Mr. E. A. Me-Iner- ny

now East. Among' my very General' Stock will be found

Ladies', Misses' & Childrens'

French Kid Button Boots ai Slippers,

Ladies' Misses' & Childrens' Peb. & St. Goat But. Boots," " " Dongola Kid Button Boots," " " Shoes & Slippers, vari. styles,

Ladies' Silk Hose,Ladies' Silk and Merino Undervcsts,

Ladies' Misses' & Childrens' Lisle and Balbrigan Hose,

Men's Silk Undershirts & Drawers," Perforated Silk Undershirts," Lisle Thread & Balbriggan Undershirts," Saxony Lambs Wool Undershirts and Drawers," "White and Bed Shaker Plannel Undershirts and

Drawers," Anglo-Indi- a Gauze & Merino Undershirts.

Boy's Undershirts. My usual Fine Assortment of

Men's and Boy's Fine Shoes & SlippersMen's Elegant Neck Wear, "Very Choice Line of Sus-

penders, Jouvins White and Colored Kid Gloves,Gent's Pine Hiding and Driving Gloves,

Buck Gauntlets.

E?eri Style & SMe ii Men's Hals & Boy's Straw Eats

Umbrellas, Walking Canes in Solid HeadsGold and Silver.

s mvlHBIIll spI have the most Complete Assortment in Elegant Fashion-

able Styles from the best houses in the United States.

Very Elegant Tweed and Cass Suits,Cheviott Suits

Black Dress Suits,Black Frock Suits.

All My Clothing is Warranted Shrunk, Well-Cu- t, CarefullyMade and Will Give Very General Satisfaction.

Razors and Pocket Knives,,Razor Straps and Brushes,

Tooth, Nail and Hair Brushes, '

Flesh Brushes, Back Scratchers,Hand Mirrors, (heavy plate) ,

CloiCB Pestles el Otler Toilet Articles.

Ladies' and Gents' Solid Sole Leather Trunks,Gents' Solid Sole Leather Valises,

Gents' Fine Leather Traveling Bags fc Satchels,Shawl and Trunk Straps,

Traveling Rugs, (very fine) , which every traveler ought topossess.

Tie Usual lo stock of Mies' Gents & Boy's


Ladies' & Gents' Gold and Silver Chains, Solid Gold andSilver Jewelry, Dimonds and the famous GORHAM

STERLING SILVERWARE, warranted 925 Fine.EN. B. No Plate Goods Sold in thii EatablfchmenVtSa

Thanking tho public generally for the very liberalpatronage bestowed on this house during the last 25 years,and soliciting a continuance of the same at the New Pre-mises. The Clerks will he found ready and Ayilling to cour-teously attend to all ladies and gentlemen visiting thisestablishment.

m' McINERNY.Honolulu, March 9, 1888. , 86 lm

;:i..,mk& kM'iM



Page 3: Xnr. No. HONOLULU, MONDAY MARCH THE DAILY ......ics, and a complete resume of Honolulu and Wind News. It is the 'best paper DublHiied iu tlio Kingdom to send to filends abroad. Sulwo


Tilil'tljy'ilj..li.'lj''llTjllliLljjujJLji.iliaWJHUWi; 'tSUH'MJHI'tBUU.m JlWH' i'TPftmwLWiaiMMiMjm nn m.M.jMMuwjmMJLmmUM i'ih.wjuijwjh tilttmj MMMXftiMm,MimiMiAmtm immimnn tLJWW'lW'.'iM'lilitiliii lllill tWMMjtfM.H-1- 1

A Pew Bloro If you wnnt n Uo to Look nt tho riuo lino of A Fine Lino of

Ladies' Kid Gloves Fine Hat or Necktie, Tho Arcade-EG- AN

'ov jour.& CO. Dress

AtGoods, Ladies' & Misses'


Shoes, TEMPLE F FASHION !I'or S1.00. At

Tho Aroado EGAN & CO. Tho Arcade-EG- AN. & CO. Full Dress White Yests, Tho Arcade-EG- AN

Latent HtylcH.& CO. The Arcade-EG- AN & CO.







H- ' if "





attg ijAtiTTqfht



USS Vandnlln fiom lllloIlk Vlloia H UopMus fiom Sau Diego8tinr Mlknhnla fioin KauaiStmr fiom KnhululStun- - Kluau fioin Hawaii and MnuiSchr nniite fiotn Kunu

Kll'iuca Hon fiotn UauiakuaStmr J A Cummins from KuulnuSchr Wuloll fiom ICtuuiSchr KaulllU'i from KauaiSclir Knnloknl from KauaiSclir nimoknwal from KonlauSclir Kulamami fiom Hawaii

March 2(i

Sclir Addle IhiEbcltiii 2(i ilays fiom SanFranei-c- n en louto for the SouthSen Island.


Stmr Suipiicc for Laupahochoe andway porN

Sclir allele for KuanIlk Sonoma foi SailIlk Cnilu! leu for San FianeleoStmr Lulnia for Ilamakuafctmr .las Makec for Kapaa n' f p inSclir Kaulilua for Kloelo and llannpcpu

at 3 p inStmr Knul.i for Walanao and WtiinluaStmrKlnau for tho Volcano and way

ports at 4 j) inStmr U It Bishop for Kuan at :i p in


Stmr Likcllke for Maui at "1 m

Stmr Kllanca Hon for Hamakua at 5

li inStmr Mikahala for Kauai at C p mSchr Canute for KuanSclir Waioll for Ku miSchr Kmiikeaotill for KolialaSchr Addie Ilasseltin for tho South Sea



From Kauai, per Mikaluln, March 25Mr and !rs Warren, Mrs A II Jones,

Mrs Kiiehoff and child, K L,accy, JMorse, A Wiggins, .lames Campbell,Asliford Silencer, Koss Speneer, 3 Chi-

nese nnd 17 deck.Fiom Maul per Mkolikc, March 25

MrsKooney and 2 chilUieu, E Hoff-mann, Mrs H KuihelanI,M AGousalves.J S fiaiba, W Burlowitz, 2 Chinese, and5G deck.

Fiom Hawaii and Maui, per Kinau,March 23 W C Parka, 'is M Brown,Hon W A Kiunev, H A Biclcnbcrg, Hon"W II Daniels, Mrs W T Khoads andchild, G XI Ewart, Bi o Bertram, Miss LDavawoshollc, Bov T V Moore, Hem WG Irwin, W M Glffnul, Hon J U Kawal-nu- l,

Mrs J S Smithies, Miss L poiron,and 50 deck.

From Kauai, per Walaleale, March 20it Bertelman, Master Bcitelman and

24 deck.


Kinau 0,123 bags sugar, liiO bags spudand corn, 171 hides, 1 Horse, 40bags ginger, 10 bags peanuts, 41bags taro, 110 pkgs sundries.

Kilauea Hon 3,500 bags bitgar.Iwalaul G,0." bags sugar and 59 hides.Mikahala 3.803 b.ys sugar, 100 bag

pia, 180 sh ep, CO liidcs and 2horses.

Likelike (i,flG3 bags sugar, 123, hides 1

horse and 1 cow.Canute 2.800 bagsjugar.Waioll il j'I bags sugar,Kauilceaouli 1,'JUO bags sugar.Luka 1 ,875 hags .sugar.Kulamami 1,170 bags sugarMol Wahine 2,000 bags tug.ir.Walaleale 3.550 bags Mig.ir.


ThebaiKF S. Thompson sailed fromKahulul la- -t 4i ednesday with sugar forSan Francisco.

The Caibaiain took for Franciscoy, 10,107 bigs sugar, weighing

1,017,734 lbs., and valued at 837,371.84.the also took 200 bunches bananas.

LOCAL & GENERAL HEWS.A nativi: woman while fishing at

Koloa, last ThuiHday, was drowned.

Mn. V. W. Hull has been appointsed u member of the Board of Educa-tion.

.a .

Kahalkmauna.u native well-know- n

in Honolulu, died at Koloa lastThuibday.

TnuiMiNU of trees, to allow of thefree Bpier.d'of tho electric, light, willbo undei taken this week.

A youno mini desires a situationin iv country btoio; can read andwrite English and Portuguese.

Mn. Thomas Muldoon will re-op-

his saloon and rtMiuu.uit at No. .'IS

King sticer, on Satuuhiy, Matcha 1st.

Unlks.s dis)iOM d of previously byprivate kale, tho Kainiiloii will booffered at auction on the first day ofMay next.

Tin: unated wateis manufacturedby the Tahiti Loinonado Works Co.aro becoming univeis.vlly Ubed. Thodepot is at 28, Morchant sticct.

Josui'H Can ion, u Spaniard, drop-lie- d

dead ftom Iuh homo, while lasso-ing bheupat Wuimea, Hawaii, beveraldays ago. Tho cause of his deathwas uneuriHin.

The glass at the bottom of thefoot hills near Lihuo "took (ire lastWednesday, nnd when tho Mikahalaleft SiituuTuy tho fire had traveledup into the woods.

OAi'TAiN Larfcon locked Jack Mc-Va- y

in tho Station Hoiibo yesteidayoii n charge of nulling liquor withouta liceiibe. Tho nibo was to come upin the Police Court this afternoon,

Mil. W. T, Ithoads announces totho public that owing to ill healthnnd consequent departure fiom thekingdom, all bills duo him must bepaid before Apiil 1st, or thoy will boplaced in tho hands of the Collector,

Tuehc was a big jnm of loadeddrays, lending fiom tho stenmer Ki-nu- u

to Foit street, this afternoon.

Captain Bates has lecdvctod fromhis Into illucfcs and will pilot thosteamer C. 11. Bishop to Kunu thisafternoon.

The class of book-keepin- g to boopened thin evening by Sir. P. C.Jones, ut the Y. M. 0. A., is free tothe members of the association.Persons not members can take thecom so for if 2.00.

Tun Irish Linen advertised by A.M. Ifewotl, is Hindu only fiom thepure and unworn linen outlines ob-

tained fioin the linen niunufnr.torics.Neither cotton nor rapes of nny kindrue tied in the manufacture.


Tho Koynl Hawaiian Hand willpiny nt Kmmn Square this eveningcommencing at 7:30 o'clock. Fol-

lowing is tho programme :

l'AUT I.Ovci lure Mai Itana WallaceBallet Mii'ie Astoiga Attbcr

Vall7.-l,0- 01 Nlgbts StraussSelection I inaloie Quy leanest;


l'AKT II.Medley War ltccolleetlon. ....HoverEcho Dioams .WideckeMarch Vienna ....SehlMMarch The Band . . .Sehlld

Hawaii Vonol.


Moonlight Concert at EmmaSquare, at 7:30 o'ejock.

Mr. P. C. Jones book-keepi-

class at the Y. M. C. A. hall, at 7:30o'clock.

MeetingoC the Trustees and Stand-ing Committee of the CentralUnion Church, at tho residence ofHon. Charles R. Bishop, at 7:30o'clock.

Meeting of Hawaiian Lodge, No.'21, P. & A. M., at their lodge room,Queen street, at 7:30 o'clock, forthe installation of ollicors.


Por the Volcano by the Kinauthis evening: Mrs. Wild, J. A.Wood and wife, Mr. Dottcier, Mr.Davis, Mr. Driver, Mr. Moore, E.A. Judson, Eugene Zoetl, G. Blownand wife. Mr. and Mis. G. P.Wilder and a number of others leavefor other ports.


only Twi:xY-riV- E c;i:ntr l'EU rouxn.

Initated throats nnd annoyingcoughs are quickly relieved by thegenuine Butter Scotch, only to bofound at the Pioneer Steam CandyFactory of F. Horn. Plenty of testi-monials. US

blu1SoTleTgue.The entertainment given by the

League on Satuiday night was a de-

cided success. The programme waswell rendered and was thoroughlyappieciatcd by the large audiencepresent. After the musical part ofthe programme had been completed,the President introduced Mr. P. C.Jones. Air. Jones, in his usualpleasing manner, entertained theaudience by exposing the frauds inadulterating California wines, andremarked that they weie all more orless injiuious, as the quantity ofadulterant was small or great.

'police court.Satuiiday, March 24th.

Antono Pcttina further continuedto 2Gth.

Two natives, drunkenness, SOeach.

Hermann, disturbing the quiet ofthe night, 60.

All Cliang, profanity, continuedto the 2Cth.

Jas. Mason, vagrancy, continuedto 2uth.

Robt. E. Lee assault and batteryon a Kakaako wahine yebterday,$18.30.

Monday, March 2Gth.There were 21 cases to he tried in

the Police Court this morning. Anumber were put off until

and two were to come up thisafternoon. The cases concludedthis morning we're:

Six drunks, 80 each.Knperida, assault and battery on

Elen (w), S10.Ah Kuna, selling goods on Sun-

day S5tG. T. Camera, a hntmlessly in-

sane Portugue&e, discharged.Jack, assault and battery on a

wahine, S7.


Yesterday evening a Chinamanmimed Kok Yuk, stoickeeper on thocorner of Piikoi and King streets,was discovered by his nephew AhSing, lying on the lloor of his bed-

room in n pool of blood. Kok Yukwas alivo but unconscious when dis-

covered.The nephew at first went for a

Chinese doctor, nnd inter telephonedto the Marshal. The telephonemessage to tho Marshal was receivedat 5. 15 o'clock p, in. Dr. Kodgerswas immediately rung up and

to ibi't tho injuied man.A litter was dispatched from thoStation House, nnd when the policoan i vert nt tho. scene of horror Dr.Rodgeis wus there nnd Dr. Woodhad just come. The .mangledChinaman was placed ou tho litter

and taken to tho Queen's Hospital.The wounded man bad a huge

gash on the right temple, where thebono was fractured. Another cutwas on tho lcft temple, nnd a thirdon the top of tho nose, between theeyes. Tho sight was horrible. Thecurtains which surrounded the bedwere smcaied with blood, while apool was formed on the lloor. Thoonly evidence of robbery was abroken table dtawer, which showedthe maiks of two axe-cut- s. Thewounds were evidently made by theaxo or hatchet found on tho lloor.

Kok Yuk was attended at tho hospital by Doctors Kodgers, Woodand Urodic. He did not recoverconsciousness and up to 12 o'clockto-da- y there were no signs of his re-

covering.Marshal Sopor has had posters

in four languages stuck up, offeiing85000 reward for tho captuic of theperson or persons who pcrpcitratodthe horrible crime, or for informa- -

that will lead to the arrest andconviction of the party or parties.

, J'i'lU'.l'JIJCl'l


Dr. Edwnid Hoffman departedfor his eternal rest last Sundaymorning, at his residence, Wyliestreet, Nuuanu Valley, and wasburied at 1 o'clock yesterday after-noon.

Dr. Edward Hoffman was boin atOldcnberg, Germany, August 21st,1815, and was educated in Heidel-berg University. lie came to theseislands as doctor on a Bremenwhaler, (said to be the Jos. Ilay-den- ),

in the spring of 1817. lielocated in Honolulu with Dr. Wood,now living near Boston, and kept adrug store on the site whore Bishop& Co.'s bank now stands. Laterhe took possession of the buildingerected by Makec, where Mr. C.Bolte's ollice now is, corner of Kaa-hiima-

and Queen streets. Thedoctor earned on the apothecarybusiness until about 1881 when heretired. lie was at one time medi-cal adviser for the Lunatic Asylumand Oahu Prison. .


Socially Doctor Hoffman wasamong society people, and was aprincipal mover in all social events,lie was an excellent musician aswell as a man of learning. He wasKnight Commander of the Order ofKamchamcha I, Companion of theAustrian Order of Francis Joseph,.Austro-Hungaria- n Consul from 180!)to 1882, and a member of HawaiianLodge No. 21, P. & A. M.


The late storm here has been theheaviest .known for several "years,and the surf was higher than it hasbeen for a long while, making it al-

most impossible to land at Waiakeaeven. Wc need a good vharf nearCocoanut Island, and unless theHilo It. R. is built, the Governmentwill have to take the matter in hand.A "rif raf" or breakwater fromthe vicinity of Cocoanut Island tothe point of the reef, would makeour harbor one of the safest in thewoild. Stone is plenty on the ad-

joining mainland, and one could bebuilt without a tremendous outlay.Would that some of our moneysquandered the past ten years couldhave been made available for thatpurpose.

As long as I'vo been a residentof Hilo I never saw so much snowon Mauna Loa. 'flic cold weatherhere gives one a feeling of healthand spirits that is decidedly good.

The U. S. S. Vandnlin leaves to-

morrow after a few days' stay inour port, and she leaves with thebest aloha of all Hilo. Never has awar-vess- el made us a visit whereolllcers nnd men have been moregentlemanly and quietly behaved,and we pait with them with regrets.

Tho Lui line left here last Satur-day carrying a full cargo of sugar,and also a large number of our

among whom womention Mrs. D. II. Hitchcock, Mrs.Thompson and child, Mr. and Mrs.Lewis. Mrs. Kennedy, Mr. Bochmerand Eply Austin. It bus madequite a gap in Hilo society.


MOLOKAI ITEMS."Whales aro quite plentiful on tho

windward side of Alolokui and especially so from Pclekuiiu to Kalawao- -

Dr. Pcteison is becoming morepattoniscd than formerly by thopeople within his distiicl. Downslooked upon for a long time witli asuspicious eye by the nntires on ac-count of a story that the doctor hartgiven u man medicine mid tho mandied immediately. The doctorshowed that bo had not given theman medicine, that the man hndnot taken nny medicine nnd lastthat no such person had died.

The Bui.uniN heems to be tho"people's paper" in the settlementCopies of it may be seen ftequentlyand uouu other.

Supt. Wilson's working party atMolojcni aro rushing things alonglively. Already tbey have laid overtwo miles of pipe intended for carry-ing water to tho Leper Settlementat Kalaupapa.

Father Damien nnd his Hock pro-fited by tho visit of Minister Thurs-ton, the levcrenrt gentleman havinghart forwarded to him since a sewing-m-

achine, wagon, and materialfor a new house,

Tho weather at Waikolu diningtho past four weeks has been very

boisterous, rain and high winds prcjvailing.

There is overy prospect now of anew wharf or landing being built ntKalaupapu immediately. F,



Knwninhno Church was ciowdedon Sunday morning, the event beingthe quarterly Sunday school exhibi-tion. Tho exhibition was under thedirection of the Superintendent Hon.W. R. Castle, assisted by the Hon.D. L. Naone, and was very credit-able to all concerned. The pupilsfrom the Knwaiahao and Kameha-meh- a

schools took part in the exer-cises, as did also the HawaiianBand, the latter furnishing in-

strumental and vocal music, whichproduced a marked effect on theaudience, especially their singing ofseveral liyinns. Pour little girlssang and recited psalms in the Ha-

waiian and English language in avery perfect manner, winning thoadmiration of all present. At theclose of the exercises by the schools,the Rev. J. Q. Adams, delivered aa short address.


There was also an exhibition atKaumakapili Church, under thediicction of Mr. A. L. Smith, Superintendent, in which ten Sundayschools took part. The. large andspacious room was well tilled withspectators, who showed their appre-ciation of the proficiency of thepupils in a very decided manner. Anoticeable feature of the exhibitionwas the singing in concert of sacredmusic, which could only have beenexecuted in the manner it was bycareful and pcisistcnt training, onthe part of the teachers. After theregular exercises, the Rev. E. S.Tiinotco addressed the pupils inHawaiian, highly complimentingthem for the progress they had madeduring the last quarter. The wholeexhibition was highly commcnablcto both teachers and scholars.


The conditions of electrical powertransmission have been thoroughlystudied by competent engineers, andare now so well understood thatthose conversant witli the practicalaspects of the subject arc well as-

sured that within u few years eventhe smallest towns and villages willsupply themselves with electriclight and power plants. In suchplaces a plant of lifty-hors- o power,or even less, will bo quite sulllcientto furnish a good profit on themoderate investment of capital re-quired. The establishment of apower center even in a rural villagecannot fail to attract a greater orless number of small, though by nomeans unprofitable industrial enter-prises, and the meie fact that suchpower can be had will in itself tendto rapidly increase the demand.The management of an electricpower plant requires no unusualscientific knowledge. Once the sta-tion has been established it can becairied on by the ordinarily intelli-gent class of mechanics and woi le-

mon who arc to be found in everyvillage. It is computed by statis-ticians that the average pi ice atwhich power is sold in the UnitedStates approximates SI 10 per horse-power per annum. A fifty horse-power electrical plant, including thostation building, engines, boilers,dynamos, distributing-wire- s nnd fix-

tures, can be erected at presentprices, at an expense not much ex-

ceeding 8150 per horse-powe- r, andtho gross cost of operating such aplant may be fairly estimated atabout $ 1,000 per year. Experiencehas shown that, in consequence ofthe intermittent demand by agroup of miscellaneous consumers,it is entirely safe to contract to sup-ply a quantity considerably in ex-cess of the actual capacity of thestation, so that indeed as much nsseventy horse-pow- er might bo soldfrom a fifty horse-pow- er plant, thusbringing in a yeaily gross revenueof 87,000 or more and leaving a netprofit of sonio $U,000. Wheie agood water-pow- er is available tit amoderate outlay, the profits mightbo even thoro than we have estimated. Scribner's.


A correspondent of the London"Times" writes from Naples, Jaun-tily 27th: "It is as lovely and tepida morning as the most confirmed in-

valid could desire. Winter haspassed away ho, at lease, we hope

and 'the'journhls nre completingthe statistics of the weather duringthe year that has but lately set in.Up to Christmas it was compaia-tivcl- y

fine, and wu had no reason toexpect tho ligid season that wasnppronching. Confining my icportto Italy, in Turin the cold was in-

tense, and the thermometer fellmany degrees below zero, which, inItalian calculation, is 112 . AtAllcsandria, further south, it wasyet colder. Ah to Florence thobeau idcnl of every Eiiglibhmun aftieurt who hns for several years

r wintered in Southern Itnly writes:'Never will I pass another winter iuFlorence. The cold was extreme,anil tho snow was permitted to Ho inthe streets so long that it was im-

possible to get out of the house, Iwould rather winter in Eughmrt.'

And so would any one who, guidedonly by tho pmstigc of a name,comes out without advice, and ex-

pects to find heat in nny part of thisglorious land. Even Rome nndNaples suffered more than usual, astho cold on several nights was 4

below zero, or 28 Fahrenheit ; butthe brilliant sun soon warmed us up,Indeed, since New Year's dayscarcely a day hns passed withoutenjoying its rays for muny an hour.From Catania friends write com-

plaining of the cold, nnd speak ofhuddling over the Ore as in'.England.This could only Inst for a very shorttime, as Elmi and the sun soon ten-dered all artificial heat unnecessary.The moral of my report is this letno one imagine that by crossing theAlps he can bask in the sun of Italy.Such a trip, and such a voluntaryexile, requires much inquiry, for inthis land thcic aro climates ns severeas that of England."



Tnuuuraciuicd at the above establish-ment are used by all the princlpMfumilirs at Honolulu, and exclusivelyby H. B. M. vessels of war visiting tliUport. Plain Soda Water equal toSchucppes. Depot 118 Merchant street.

U00 lw

T F YOU WANT A SITUATIONJL inlviriiu) In tlie Daily ltuia.miN.

CH ARLI EI There's no use tnlktng,the .Now Candy Factory makes

delicious Choeolatu Creani9! !)8 lw

TOB PRINTING ol all kinds exc-- lculwl a tins Dmi.y Htil.l.KTlN Otllre

TSAY, JENNYI When go dowTiJL town we'll call at the Elite and getan exquisite lee Urcum UrniKl us tw

THE DAILY BULLETIN-T- hcJL mo-- t tiopnla!iiper publisliail.

pHAS. J. FISH EL has iccehedJ ex Aitntralla the latent atjle of

ladles uuuiimuvd lints, al-- a. line lineof children's leghorn hats In diffeientshapes. Call and tec them. 87 lw

DAILY BULLETIN SUMMARYHI eolnmtis. $2 p.T inniini.

ftET SOME Genuine OldfashionedVJ l!iittcrcotcIi Candy, at the new(. audy Factory ! 'Yum! Ytnn!'


THE ONLY PAPER mul by allJL classes 'The Daily nullel in." 60

cents per month

BOAT BUILDINGIYAN'S Rear of Lucas.1 Mill.

THE DAILY BULLETIN nut. theX. largest circulation of any paper

primed in this Kingdom. SO cuils ptrmouth'

THRESH. HOME- - MADE WAL- -JL nut Cic.uns lcduced to ::0 centsper whole pound, nt the J'ionccr htcamCandy Fnctory and HnLury, Hotel, be-

tween Nuuanu and Fort sti ects. 71

HP!HE BEST PAPER to sulwrlbufor Is the "Daily bulletin." on

etnts per month.

I?RESH, HOME-MAD- Eand Coco.imit Caiamels re-

duced to 30 cents per whole pound, atthe Pioneer Steam ( andy Factoiy andBakery, Hotel, between Xiiuauu andFort stieets. 71

THE OLDEST DAILY hi ihoJL Kingdom The Dally C'lllcliu."

CO cents per month.


tornia Port, Madcit a mid Malaga,for sale in keg-- , and cac by

tiONSALVKS & CO.,01 Queen street.


JL PER In Kingdom "TehDnllv Bulletin." 60 cents per mouth

PURE, FRESH, HOME-MAD- EVanilla Chocolate Crcains(dc-llelous- )

reduced to 110 cents per wholepound, nt the Piokkku Stkmi CandyFactoiiy And Bakkuy, Horui.,

Nuuanu and Fout rtueistb.71

CLEAN RAGS ana becond handwill bo gratefully iccclv-c- d

for the use of tho inmates of l hortriinch Ilomilnl for Lepers at Knkuako,or nt tliu Leper Bittlmcnt on Mololuii,if left with J. P. Wuterliouse, jr.. at theQueen Sired Store. Ufcf if

MISS. P. TUIELE,On Beret'inia street near I'iikoi.

(Fornieily MiOuiro's Homo,)Kindergarten & Elementary,

Dally & Boarding School.

Alto, Fronch nnd German tnught, undMusic Logons glvni.

A coiivoynnco will call for und re.ttiiu childrmi living nt a displace.

73 Mtim.it I'olrpiinuu No. 501. Sm


TO exchange u No. 1 Phino for nJL Horse nnd IMuirton, or for n Hnroi!

and UruUe. Inquire at this ofllce.U3 U


rpiIK uiiiler&igued having heeu up-J- L

polnud Assignee of the P.atatoof 11, W. Lui lie, huiil.iupt, rcquesti)all persons uho have olulins ngainst the(Btntu of snid K. W, Lulne, bi'ciui'd orotherwise, to present lliu same dulysworn to, mul ull persons indebted tosuld KMiilo nre icipiestfd to make Inline,dime piymeiit to

A. J. C.VUrWUIGHT.Atnlmic-- of tliu Bilntu of K. W. "

Luiue, bankruptHonolulu, March IBlli, 1888. Ill Uw


HTFSSRS J. BROWN &CO.Ill Aro authorised in collect for theIllIM.KTIN

Honolulu Juno 8th, 1887. 07

.' Y

JtL. dbi.Jaixjyt!Afc i

0- -

63 & 65 FORT STREET.




Mia Lira ml- - Mrolflsfl Swbs,

BM En Silk at Low Prices.'




83 & Q5Irwin & Co.58

K1NC-- o-







Eiiiuuiles iS

Eort street.Opposite



TorcliiM Laces




Dupce Hams & Bacon, Kits Salmon Bellies, Kits Mackerel, KegsBeef, Kegs Poik, Smoked Halibut, Extra Select Oysters, Salmon,Ctanberry Sauce, Boston Brown Bteart, Table Fruits, Germea,

I::cliins & Franco American Feed Co.'h AssortM Soups,Kidgcs Food, Imperial Grantim, Boiled Oats, Breakfast Food,Gem, Giahain Wafcis, Oaten Wafers, Snow Flake & CreamCi ackers, Ginger Wafers, Chocolate Wafers, Pretzels, Prunes,Dates, Nuts, Apples, French Peas, Pop Corn, Garden Seeds,Wheat, Flour, Butter, Honey, Plum Pudding, etc., etc., etc.

And a General Assor't of Staple & Fancy Groceries, at Prices to Suit the Times.

fiQy Leave your outers, or ring tip 110. --X5a

'ubiic of these Islands

H n B Q n B E! n M


Ladies or gentlemen who contemplate giving 'orders for the above arti-cle are respectfully requested to call at the Honolulu Pioneer Steam Can-dy Factory and Bakery, established 18113, before going to any other house,as my establishment is POSITIVELY the only establishment in Honolulu,notwithstanding all the ridiculous, empty and pompous newspaper blow-ing and puffing, where a cake can bo procured to give the greatest- - satis-faction to the most refined tastes, and to be an ornament of exquisitewoikmaiiship on your table whieli will not crumble in pieces when cut,but be n credit to the line art of the Confectioner, which lias not only fortwenty-liv- e years but still buU competition defiance to this day. AH at-tempts in nuy other establishment are infetior to mine and not worth theprice you pay. It is an indisputable fact that all over tho world a goodworkman's productions are always cheaper than a halfmadc one's arc.Having hart over half a cenlury't) practical experience the undersigned isenabled to ornament Cakes in all and the highest styles of art.

The only Practical Confectioner in all branches ; ProprietorHonolulu Steam Candy Factory and Bakery. Hotel be-tween Fort tiurt Niiuanii Streets, Honolulu. II. I.


S yPILif rUiiL S$

Made of the celebrated CREAM of the Woodlnwn Dairy,sold at tho great reduced price of

S2.00! S2.00! S2.00!



sonic evil who areof the of my and

my and IOK I will

mre soldjuuw to any purgon who willJUU is notthan else. .

cdr OF






S2.00! S2.00!



analvsis Hint,

rSSr'As disposed persona openly boasti-ng- intention ruining business villanouslvl'alsefying GOODS OREAM forfeit

although cheaperUKMAM strictlyanywhere


F. HORN,Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook &,0rnamenter

Both Telephones Xo. 71. HotelJSt. N uuiuiu & Fort St.

tC'Af A



prove mv









Page 4: Xnr. No. HONOLULU, MONDAY MARCH THE DAILY ......ics, and a complete resume of Honolulu and Wind News. It is the 'best paper DublHiied iu tlio Kingdom to send to filends abroad. Sulwo




57 -






Just Received at Hollister k Oo.'sA largo nssortmcnl of

PERFUMES! PERFUMES!Comprising the well-know- n brands of



Xor Sale at DR,eisoiiaJtle JPricee1592 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.


GeneralExpert Accountants and Collectors, Real Estate, Fire &. Life Insurance

Agents, Custom-Hous- o, Loan and Exchange Brokers.Departments of Business

Books and Accounts nccuiately kept and luopcrly adjusted.Colletions will reccivo special attention and returns promptly made.Conveyancing a Specialty, llecords searched and correct Abstracts of Title

furnished.Leal Documents and Papers of every description carefully drawn and hand.

somely engrced.Copying and Translating in all languages in general me i this Kingdom.Real Estate bought and sold. Tuxes raid and Property mfcly insured.Houses, Cottages, Rooms, Offices and Land leased and rented, and rents collected.Fire and Life Insurance effected in irstcl.iss Insurance Companies.Custom-Hous- o Business transacted with accuracy and dispatch.

Loans ncgollaied at favorable rates.Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publishers.Any Article purchased or told on most favorable terms.Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive particular attention.

BS All Business entrusted to our caic will rccoive prompt and faithful attention atmoderate charges.

Having had an extensive busings expciicncu for over twenty-fiv- o years inXcw York City and elsewhere, we feel compctcut to attend to all business of anintricate and complicated nature, or requiring tact and discretion, and respectfullysolicit a ti ill.

Bell Telephone No. 274. JSiisrfueKK A.fyeuoy-- .

ian. 7.S8 ly

Telephone Both Companies 340. 1'. O. Box 297.



FRESH GOODS from California on ICE, by each steamer of the O. S. S. Co.A COMPLETE LINE OK



ALSOA Very Choice Lot of K. Z. " Taranaki Butter,"

(IX KEGS.)All of which we offer to the Public at REASONABLE PRICES.

Fresh New Zealand Butter, ON ICE, In 1 Pound Pats !

By each arrival from New Zealand SOMETHING FINE.


Groceries, Provisions and Feed,EAST CORNER FORT AND KINO STREETS.

received by every Parket from the Eastern States and EuropeFresh California Produce by every hteamer. All orders faithfully attended toand Goods delivered, to any part of the city free of charge. Island oidcrcited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Post Office Box m. TcTer.li.mc; No. Jia. lfis ly



Made Su America.

Meals Superior to all Others,

GONSAJLVES & CO.,Solo Agents of the Hawaiian


78 tf

J. C. MARCIIANT,(Successor to T, Q. Thrum)

Book-binde- r, Faper-ruler-& Blank-boo- k

Manufacturer, ,.

. tFriend Building, Bethel street, Ilono.03 lulu. tf


ALL persons who want to comiminiwith the Pmtugucse, either

for business, or for procurjpg workmen,. servants or any other helps, will tlnd Ittho most profitable way to advertise inthe Luto iapaiiaiw, the now organ ofthe Portutrueso colony, which in pub-lislie- d

on Merchant street, GatetteLetter Box L), and

only charges reasonable rutC4 for ndvcrUucmenD.

. W.

For Sale! To Let! For Lease !

FOE SALE 1 Lot of Lund. 175x108 ft.Healthy Location. Good view, $960.

t Lot of Land, IftfixlOS ft. Healthy Ietc., $850.

TO LET- -1 Dwelling House, 4 roomsf 15 pir month,

1 House v. Jth Store, $40 pet month.Rooms, c Miite or single, from !J2 to ,G

per week.

FOR LEASE 4 Lota, each G070 feu,tor biiUding. Good Location; waterlaid on; teims easy and the rit'lit par.tics assisted in building.


FRANK GODFREY,Copj Iht mid (ienei-u- l ISiihIiichk Accnt

No. 84 King Stieet.P. O. Box 8f 5. Burgess Express Office.


FERTILIZERSFor Plantations, Gardens, lawns,

Etc., Eto.

For Halo by 1IAXSOX A. H3IYTJI.

WE nro now prepared to receive nilordeis for tho ubovo Fertilizer of

a Mipciior quality, thoroughly curedand warranted one of the bust articlesof tho kind in tho market. Orders maybo left with

L. P. HANSON, 200 Queui strict,G. 31 SMYTH. II iw. Hotel Stable!

I'D tin

qHEWORKINGMAN'S PAPER '"Tho Dallv )Juliniin ." no V.i7,i:per icoath.


HolstBin Friesian


HARRY J. AGNEWBegs leavo to notify the public that holias on hand at "Greenfield," KtiplolanlPark, u flno lot of young Bulls nndHeifers of the celebrated "HolstelnEitcstau" family. Selected from thebest herd in Atnci leu. The Heifers willcalve shortly. The Bull "Waterloo"nnd llelfct "Santa Anita." heie adver-tised, arc bumplcs of the stock:


Toot lot rlrn ut California J'nlr,

(Calved May 13, 1886.)

HVbVo?'"114' IlcgislC1' N'0, 3230'

Site "Angglo idallnc 4th's Roland,"Il.U.B. Vol. 8, 3122.

Q. She "Jan," Distiict Bull of Oost-won- d.

Dam Jacob Wit's "Myth," H.II.B.Vol. 8, G900, by "Jacob 4th."

G. Dam "Triintju," N.H.H. C02."Aaggle Iilallno 4th's Roland" calved

Feb. 14, 1SB4, imported in dam (August,183) "Aaggiu Idallnii 4th."

Aaggle Idallnc 1th" has a milk recordas a old of Ii,fll2 lbs. 8 ozs. In 7mo", and 0 day., and her dam ". aggieIdalluu Hid" gave 57 1- -5 lbs. in 1 day asa !! year old in Holland, and lias giventhe Hint :citson after importation 53 lbs.12 ozs. in 1 day, and 8315 lbs. 11 ozs. in7 nui'). and 0 days. "JCaatje," the damof "Angglo Idalini' Old." gave C8 2-- 5lbs. in 1 day. "Nnatjo" is also the damof "Aaggic Idaline 2nd" (l!)G3), whogave G4 lbs. in 1 d.iy, as a 4 year old inHolland. Mie gave thu season after Im-

portation, as a 5 year old, 53 lbs. is ozs.In 1 day and 8750 lbs. 1 1 ozs. in 7 inns,and 17 days. Dam nl.o of "Aagglelda-llnn- "

(4302), lecord of OS 2-- 5 lbs. in 1

day in Holland, and gave the first sea-son after importation CO lbs. in 1 day,and 0.3GO lbs. 15 ozs. In 0 mos. and 25days.

"Aaggio" Idallnc Sid's" sire "Jacob2nd," is also the hire of "Xcptune" and"Aasgio 2nd."

"Roland" won the 1st piizc at NewYoikKair, 1SS4.

Jacob Wit"- "Myth." the dam of"Vt aterioo," calved March 23, 1S84, andwas imported in May 1884.

She "Jacob 4th, (X.H.B. 210) (J.W'sH.U.H. 2002.1

G. .sire "Jacob 2nd," (N.JI.B. 50).G. G. Sire "Jacob 1st," (N.U.B..20).G. G. G. Sire "Booker."Dam "Tiizurjo," Pf.ILB. 002) with

milk record of OS 2-- 5 lbs. in J day."Jacob 2nd"' was winner of 1st prize

at Haarlem, lb"'J, and of the 2nd ptizeatLeydcn in 1SS0. His dam "Tiintjc,"

.ii.n. oo; iias a recout ot Hi) jos. In 1ftn. Tin Is ills1 ttin etc.. nf (t A. ..!..2nd," whicli has the laiget oldreeoid known, having given ("il lbs. Cozs. in 1 day, 17.740 lbs. 2 ozs. in oneyear, and a butter record on drv feed of13 lbs G ozs. in one week.

G. G. Sire "Jacob 1st." X.H.B. ?0)winner of 1st prize at Amsterdam. Hisdam was "De Goede," a piizecowatPails Exposition, with milk lecord of01 lbs. Sozs. in 1 day.

(. G. G. She "Rookcr;"' sire, prizebull at Hoorii, 1S71. "Rookcr" is thesiie of "Lady v lifden," record of 10,275lbs. in 1 year; of "Aaggic" record 1S,-O- Ot

lb. 15 ozs. in 1 year; of "Porce-lain," (3C.II.li. H7) lecord 80 lb. 1 oz.in 1 day. and winner of Ibt prize atRottcidaui. 1S7C.


(Calved April 27, 188G.)

H.fluirVoi?02, HcsIstw X"1021'She "Prince Imperial," (H.II.B. Vol.

0, 1,1G4.)G. Siie "Xetherland Prince," (71G.)G. G. Siro "Sclieinmel."G. G. G. She "aclirender."Dam "Lakeside Amy," (1I.H.B. Vol.

OjiiOiO) Impoited, by Distiict Bull ofTwisk.

(. Dam "Mantel.""Prince Impeiial," (1,104) was the

winner of 1st piizc 3Cew York Stateas a old. Also winner of

prize in 188 land 1864."Nctherland Prince,'' (710) winner of

tluee 1st puzes.and one 2nd prize at3cwYork State Fair."SehPiiitmsl." son of "XetherlandDowager," (H.H.li. Vol. 0, 2,032). andsire ot 'Xethciland Princess," (H.II.B.

y"1:,-- ' s5r); "Xetherland Countess,"-- '0:u) "Xetherland

elle," ni.Il li. Vol. g 1,870); and"t'thciland Dowager 2nd.""Schictider," sim of "XethcilandQueen," (H.II.B. Vol. 3, .uv; imti

r fS1""1 Duclie.ss," (II.II.b! Vol.


"Xcthcrlund Queen" at 2 years ofage gave 13.574 lbs. 3 ozs. milk in 315days, l years of age gave 15.014 lbs, 9pa. milk in 1 year. 5 years of ago gavoW lbs. 4 ozs. milk in 1 day, aim 10,010lb,. 8 ozs. milk in 7 mos. 18 days.

'Xetherland Dowager" at 0 vearsgave 18,731 lbs. ou. milk in 1 year!in0!!J,V'V.nt:I" at 22 ,nos- - W sho gavo12,200 His. 4 ozs. milk the 1st year.

Xethciland Duehes-s- at 311.401 lbs. 12 ozs. milk i iyyoir.b At5 years gave 10,520 Jbs. 7 ozs. milk in1 year.

"Xetheiland Princes!" at 3 vearsgave 14,101 lbs. 2 oz,. ...ilk I.. 1 year.

'Xetherland Belle" at t veins14,511 lbs. ii o, milk in 8 mos. 17 days


"Xetherland Queen" In Xovembcr.lRt2, made 20 lbs. In 1 week and 30 lbs!8 ozs. in 2 weeks without any thaiiL'ofrom her feed in (inutility ornualitv.Butter weighed after woiking and be-f-

salting,"Netherland Princess" made, before

she wasttyeais old, 11 lbs, 4 oz. In Iweek, una when Mio was 3 year old shemade in 1 week, on winter 'feed, 14 Jbs.114 ozs. ; as a I year old Miu made m a4 day's test at thu rate of 18 lbs. 04 ozsof butter In 1 week.

"Xetherland Hello" inado ns aold 10. lbs. 7 os. in 1 week.

"Xetherland Duchess" inado as aold 11 lbs. 2 ozs. In 1 week,

"Xetherhwid Baroness" inado hoonafter inipoitatlon and before blie wasacclimated, 17 lbs. 5 ozs. in l week.

Six inembeis of this family all boughtfrom onu breeder in Holland, all he had,avciagcd 10 lbs. .7 712 ozs. which wobelieve has never been equaled bnnyentire family of tho same iuiiilier.

"P.li.co iiupciinl'o" dam Curjotta,"(H....B. Vol. 5, l,200)j as a old,bus given 1,541 lbs. 0 ozs. of milk in 1

InO. Ah It K.vnof nlf1 lino itlpnn in 11. a

n ozs. of milk In 1 day nnd 9,227 lbs 13oz!. of milk in 7 11109. 18 days. IllsGrand Dam gavo 01 lbs, of milk In 1

day."Xetherland Prince's" dam "Lady

Xetherland," (H.II.B. Vol. 5, 1.203),has u milk record of 73 3 lbs. in 1 day.Sho has given In 6 tnos. nnd 5 days,G,130 lbs. 11 ozs. of milk. In Februarynnd March, 1885, sbo mndo 21 lbs. 3 ozs.of butter in 1 week, and 88 lbs. G ors. in30 consecutive days, and 17 lbs. of milkmndo 1 lb. of butter. Ills Grand Dam"UertMotand," has a record of 71 lbs.8 ozs. In 1 day. His Great Grand Dam"Govt Met" was kept 20 years f01 breed-ing. "Lady Xethciland" is dam of"Xetherland Queen" and "XetherlandPilncess," and wou 2nd piizc as bestmilch cow of any breed, at Xow YorkState Fair, 1882. ("Aaggle,'' of thesame herd, winning 1st ptlze), nnd wasone of the herd that won the goldmodal.

"Santa Anita's" dam "LakesideAmy," (H.II.n. Vol. 0, 0,840), calvedFebruary 25, 184. Imported August,1881. Her Grand Dam "Mantel" has alecord of tUlbs. of milk lu 1 day, as a

old; a cow of elegant milk veinsand flno escutcheon, bred by J. LatinTwisk, Xorth Holland.

-- ALSO-

A few Highly Bred Jersey Cows.

80 2w cod

Honolulu LibraryAND

Rcadina Room Association.

Cor. Ifiotcl & Alnkcn Streets.Open every Day and Evening.

The Library consists at the prescntime of over Five Thousand Volumes.

The Reading Room is supplied withnbout fifty of the leading newspapersnnd periodicals.

A Parlor Is provided for conversationmd games.

Terms of membership, fifty cents aJionth, payable quarterly In advance.Xo formality requiied in joining exceptsigning the roll.

Strangcis from foreign countries andvisitors from the other islands are wel-come to the rooms at all times as guests.

This Association having no regularmeans of support except tjie dues ofmembers, it is expected .that residentsof Honolulu who desire to avail them-selves of its privileges, and all who feelan interest in maintaining an institutionof tills kind, will put down their namesand become regular contributors.

A. J. OARTWR1GHT, Pros.,M. M. SCOTT, Vice-Preside- nt,

II. A. PARMELEE, Secretary,A. L.SMITH. Treasurer,O. T. RODGERS, M.D.,

Chairman Hall and Library Committee.


4,000 Asparagus Roots!

Two years old and strong;. Readyfor plauting.

g $5.00 a Hundred -- SAPPLY TO



BUTTER SCOTCHIs only made and sold at the


Steam Candy Factory, Bakery

& Ice Cream Parlors,


01 lw

Rubbish I Rubbish 1 Rubbish!

npilE undersigned having been in theX business for the past IB months,

and now being appointed by tho Boardof Health as Rubbish Collector. Ihereby wish to thank the public torthere liberal patronage, hoping a

of tho fiame with a morolist of customers. I shall us

heretofore have my iiihbish oaits go oneacli sl.ect where required three timeseach week, except in very rainy weather,then two times each week. After thismonth eacli oait will cairy a bell toannounce its appemnnco on the street,that no one will have an excuse for notsetting out their dirt.- as heretofore: OrdinaryRoute Bubbish and Yard Sweepings,00 cents, 75 cents nnd 61.00 per mouth,if put in containers.

The above pi Ices arranged accordingto tho amount of rubbisn taken away.

Tree Tiimmlngs and Horae Litterwill bu charged extra.

Hoife, Hullocks, Hogs nnd D03SWHIbo bulled at lcasouahlc rates.

N. F. BURGESS.P. S. Anyone knowing of one who

i3 required to have their rubbish re.moved, who is not able to pay the tax,if tho party or parties will let me knowI will do their carting frco of ohnrco.00 Hn N. P. B7



HAS been opened over the restaurantby 0110 of tho bebt practical

barbers in the city. Gentlemen wish,ing a nice easy Blmvo, or a fashionableHuh Cut will find it to their ndvnntagoto give men ttinl. 751m


O WHALE BOATS; 1 Decked0 Whnlo Boat, 30 feet long, 3 feeldeep; 8 feet wide; 2 22 feel Burf Boats:1 18 feet Suif Boat; 2 Decked Plunger10 fret long, 0 feet 0 nchc8 wide, 2 feet11 inches, deep, with mast and sails allcomplete- - 1 2 feet Sailing Hcnw, withmast mid bulk all complete, Atiplv to.

J5. It. RYAN.Boat Builder and General Jobber, fil tf

THE PEOPLES' PAPER-T- hoDaily Bulletin 00 eta per month.

Great Bargains !

mat BaMning I

mm JJ111&I

Tho business of tho Into

GEO. ENGELHARDTWill bu conducted by tho undersigned

executors of the will of thedeceased, until tho




Xixivuro,Kiiclieu Utousllw,


CluiHclcliei'M,Lamps, lilt;., ltc

-- IS DISl'OSKI) OF- -

. Everything will bo sold at Cost

Price I

Thus affording homckccpcni andothers a raro opportunity of

renewing these ueccs.sary household articles at small ex.pensc. They will also sel" at publicauction sometime next wcvk dateto bo announced in a fuluie issueat the late rciidcnco of the deceasedon Queen street, near the corner ofAlakca, the entire contents of tho

Fernery and Conservatory !

tSThero is a gnrdener in daily at-tendance nnd public inspection ia cor.dially invited.


Executors of tho Will.72 tf

g tr1


! &o 5 I CZ

o 0 i

3- S W


? S I &

U ? & Og1 as ma s ST? g CD


Nos. 33, 45, 62, 63, 67, 73 & 07.

E. U. Sclinuian, - - Proprietor.

1" Btand Corner Merchant and Fort'Stieets.

3-- Teloilionon, S3S. Smch 0 80-l-


WE beg to intimate that Mr. "W. L.Green who has hitherto, with

Mr. G. W. Maofurlane, conducted ouragency here, retires from the same uson 1st January, 188.

Mr. G. "V. Macfarlnne, assisted hyMr. Robeit Outtun, will coutinue torepresent our firm here.

MIRRLEES, WAT50N & CO.Honolulu, 2yrd February, ' 1888.

73 tf


Tlio Walkiki residence of Mr. Fred HHaysclden situated nt Kaplolani Parkbetween tho residences of Hon. W. G.Irwin, nnd Mr. Frank Brown, Is offeredfor rent, lease, or sale. For terms applyto tho undersigned.02 tf FRED II. IIAYSELDEN.


The premises at Kollhl Valley adjoin,ing the residence of Mrs, Markham andknown as thoGuerreio Homestead. Theyconsist of three distinct lots, viz:

1 House lot upon which stands a sub-stantial two-stor- y liouso and s.

Area about 1 3-- 4 acres.2 House lot ol about 3. 4 ot an acre.3 Houso lot and taro land, Aroa about

2 acres.

For further particulars apply to

J. M. MONSARRAT,74 Merchant Street. tf

Richard Cayford,VETERINARY

Tort St.. Next IUrns' Mill.Shoeing, from $1.50.

Horson and Cnttlo Treated forall Diseases.

Residence: ,'il Alnkcn Street,3?. O. OB OX 408.

Australian 111 Service.

FOR SAN FRANCISCO,Tho now and flno Al steel steonahip

"Zealandia,"Of the (Jccnnlo Steamship Company, trill

be due at Honolulu from Sydneyand Auckland on or nbout

April 8, 1888.And will leave for the above port withmalls and passengers on or about thatdate.

For Height or passage, having SU-PERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, apply

WM. Q. LttWIW & CO., Agents.

For Sydney and Auckland,

The new aud fine Al steel steamship

"Mariposa,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will

be due at Honolulu from SanFrancisco on or about

April 12, 1888,And will have prompt ditpatcb withmails and passengers for the above ports.

For freight or passage, having SU-PERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, applyto37 WM, G. IRWIN & CO., Agents.

Ken Tel. 3J. Mutual Tol. 130I'.0. 110X415.

Office - . 38 Merchant St., Honolulu



Conveyancing a Spocially Records searched and abstracts of title furnished onshort notice

Copying, Translating, and engrossing in alllanguages in general use in tho King,dom.

Cuslom Houso brokorago Fife and LifeInsurance receive prompt attention.


MR. JOHN GOOD JR.-Autho- rized


Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished.

REAL ESTATE,bought, sold and rented.

Several valuable properties In andaround the city now for sale on easytorms.

Convenient Cottages in desirable healthylocations in and near the city to let orlease at reasonable rates.

Employment Wanted by several men andboys, who will make themselves use-ful In performing the various officesand chores required by puvate fami-lies.

Full particulars given on applicationat tbeogency.

Orders from the other Islands prompt-ly attended to.

Bell Tel. 172. Mutual Tel. SCO.

P.O. Box 4(10.

J. E. BROWN & GO.,Flro Proof Stone Building,

42 Merchant Street.

General Commission Merchants

General Agency for Haw'n Islandsof the

Burlington and Chicago Railway

Across America.Connecting at Boston with tho Azores

and Madeira.

Through tUkets granted from Honoluluto all poiuts East.

Accountant Department.MerchandiEO stored and sold on com-

mission. Consignments solicited.Shipping and Custom House Uusiness

attended to.Books and Accounts kept and audited.Legal Documents prepared.Averages adjusted.Properties leased, rented and sold.Legal documents drawn.

To Lei No 80 Klnau street; parlor, 3bedrooms, kitchen, servant's room,stable, carriage house, gurdeu, etc.Rent very moderate.

Cotlago nt Wulkikl, opposite BunnySollth j largo yard, stable, eto. Pessession on 1st April,

f limcui.m!w5jH

New York Line.

Atti.Th,C,f w V bc. 'PHtclic( by

"onoiMlu, to leavoNow York In nil May.For further Information apply to

W. H. OROSSMAU & BROW &7ti Broad Slice'.

Now York.O-R-

CASTLE & COOKE,67 3ra Honolulu.



At J. J. Williams05 tf

By the S. S. "Australia" 8lh February 'NOW ON SAL- E-California OrangoS'--prim- o sample, Barrels

Saurkraul. Kegs Saurkraut, Crates WhiteHoart Cabbage, Celery, on Ice,

Crates Cauliflower,


APPLES AND PEAKS IA large consignment of

Potatoes, Figs, Canned Fruits, Jellies,Jams, Prunes, Raisins, Chestnuts, Wal.nuts, Hardnuts, Almondnuts. CannedTomatoes, Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc, EtoIS-LO-


CALIFORNIA FRUIT MARKET,CO King street, Honolulu, tf



ALL kinds of drnwige attended towJth promptness. Whito andBlack baud dellvcied in quantities to

suit. Also, Black Rock nnd Coral Rock.Offtco: With J. F. Colburn, Kingstreet, nenr Maunakca. 72 8m


Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k


W shes to notify tho public that hehas removed to larger quarters,

No. 13 Kaabaunanu Street,IS" UP STAIRS. --Ta

81 3m

Tahiti Lemonade Steam Works,

STTIS2XY SOUTH.Honolulu Depot, 28 Merchant St.

Manufacturers High Class AeratedWaters, put up in Patent Crystal

Valvo Bottles


Plain Soda,Ginger Ale,

Saspucrryade,Hop Ale

Tahiti Icnionade,Cream Soda


J. E. BROWN & CO.,08 Proprietors. tf



Every description of


Bread & CrackersJ


SALOON BREADAlways on hand.


Island orders promptly attended to,R8 0m

Yosemite Skating

p!BCS DR. X IV X 31.

Skating! Skating! Skating!Corner Queen & Richard Streets.

Will bo open every evening from 7 to0:30 v. ii.

MUSIC: Tuesdays and Saturdaysevening for the Public in General.

THOMAS IS. WiVJLOLs1C01 Proprietor. lyr


1 (