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. TW J VOLUME 5,Vn I'M H ER '257r GASQLINETAX M ppears ^ IN THE HOUSE \ ....... ..................... __ ________ Id>ho ^Btato . L'ogiilftture Qefc GtioUne Ttuc Measure; BUI In ................- —trodttCTd-by Oomraittep cn-06oc Boada; Albion Normal Dispute Broke Onl Again Today; Direct Primary Bill Passed. sJ]OISEi. ,Kob. 7-Anionn ilt« oIbIi ' ' j.v»-MU>i iBtrodUftca In (tie liouso (lili nif'^nlnR wuh n n<iw Rnnoliiio tnx iiic:t ntirc. U Ik ItouKo hill U3. Iiy tho rum njliico on rnndu, hrlil)<M atul fiTrlcn Ettly .ln tlio Rcaiiion u su» ux hi) wni.ilnlroducod by Uciirvn«ii(uiiv> Jam sin or,LcwU,county. This wa iin .idn^inUtruMoii mcanuro. drawn li I ' nUvance'ot iho.ii<i.niloii tu oarrr roc ummvudBiloim niiidn by Oorcrno Moor* In Ills mewftBC. U wnn rnf<;t •r«it (0 Ihe! »tatd ftftnlra commluot ^ whKh.atlll ttOl(lA;lt. Thu tjllI JUsL lo trodBMd ht nn niicmpt by the-com mlllM to proiluro o moro Mallnfnttor meaiiiro. Tho now bill Uixrn nil kuu Qllne alllio without esemptlonn. Th# blonniB) lvBl«Utl«o' flnht ovo th« Atblon Normal bruka. lu tho auu u(« tills mornlu whgn -ftnatar Jnnt o f VnnnoeV coumy niovod ut recnn older tho voto by which «onnlo hll No. Si. provl(!l&« (or ocubiuhmunt u th o *cbool. wan VllleU Tuwdny. Th ontiro momlnK simnlon wan duvolo to dibate on tbo motion to reconnide and tt noon a rocetn waa taken unti Z o'eloek wh«n ths dlacunnlon wdh rc HuntcL Tbt bouie adjournod till 1 o'clock Thunday monilne. , ' Tb* houia lale Tuesday nri<>rnoo POUMI Ibo repnbllcan Hlntowldo <1: roci primary bill by a volo ot IC to r I t DOW |0ni lo the nonatp whrro il I , prctfletod It alno will pitnii. Henry Ford May •Get MiiBcle Shoal WASHINQTON. Feb. 7-E arly pai ^noK« (hrousb the boute of Iho bill ai thorliinc tho Kortiroraent to acroi H en rr'^ rd 's 0(r*r for MuhcI* Shoa wu UKUy by ReprMeDtall^ W riibl' at O«ortla. Advocaw of Ihe project concede tl au m u iMalon but they foel enac tntal lv,lHf.*ioiue will loiuro prom In the ne» consm ' COUtiKlSSE TOCllilpfCiE ...........------- CfnCACO.'^b.'T—The hlMtJr^ liNklora wore tiirnml Into choer». praiie here b]r Kntl COHe, FrcDvh aa uut. who apparently cured nix crlppl throueh hli "day by dny" theory. • Hundreds of (ollowora of tha fuino fVeuchman stormed Orchoaira hi early today to be on hund for tho i ' Intd further denonstrntions. Kle audience taul nielit broke Ir n liimultuom demonstration aflur fl nppareDlly boppUna Invnlldn thn away their crutches, abandooeil whi chairs and xl«|nre«l .they woro cur Coucxwan llio only calm pcrnon the hall. "I om not an extraordinary pvrni I do noi'pcrlorm'mlnicles.’'h e Inni '' cd, “I am nol n healer hut a teach . I teach people to cure themielvoa.* , Coue toda)' visited the alockyitr b • }|« luTM for Now York toblBhl gall for Frabce. AMERlii¥lDIH WITHPAPIVI WND |||i i SAVANNAH, On.. Feb. 7-9oldi of the Eighth UDlied Stales infan stepped on American toll here as today aner their lonn "watch on ----- nhlno.- Surrounfled by cheerrnit thousa , the troops debarked tn rn the. tra pert.SL Mlblel this aftemooo.tn accompaolmcnt of bombinjc suns j nlirloklni; whittles. Wllh the soldiers were 53 Oerr * wlvos anil a number, af Oerm Amerletn rhllilren. {''ronl^he time the boom of a batl ui 7Cs aod two rerolullonary cann tialloaed ut the harbor entrance nnunced tlie ship had cromed the bar, tbe harbor and docks wwi en upronr. Whittles ot thipa ' wltb tolllnii.cbureh 'betlsfdUi.'provU a noliy welcomc'for ' Ifijg; Teton troopers. In tho bedlam ot nolle tbe 81. MS {lapked by two cliugklnK IUki, ancl td ut berthu IS add 19 ihortlr be : o'clock. ! , , . As tho .gMK plnnn • was low. cOmpaBles ct troops raced wlih i other to>' q'alck formation, anxlou ht tbe first to ojil foot ‘iback hg . on ABierlran.solU XN F Central A ^ Agre^ lijf W A sins’n'n^N , i). vvi*. I I ; puiilic-K. lotluy Kft an cxninpir to iiiterntitiniiitl iij;r<‘i'ii«?nt Tor Jitii ■" lii'.tlii* IhiU of 'ill,- Atm'ii lierc.. whLT--- aouip of lln!_i)K'!<t In- liiivi’ bc-cii ornwiu'd uit) ood' thijCpntrnl-Amprienn rrpiililirK- illtO of llic IiikI tw u iiiiiiitli.s. •«t ,'■> ..........«.„1 , 1 „- i'slni)iisii pi'iifu ntlll pro^'n-hK an WlTi' NiKtlril: Harding Forced to Withdraw McNary’s rioi. Name as Comptrolle waa AVAKIU.VGTON. I-Vli. 7~I>rcfliaof ilArillii); will wltliilruw hl» uointm S tion of W illlw a. MeNary. iJis V. I Sim. New Mexico, tn bit cnmiHroller i ,, currciiiy, It wcui undcniiood todu t t ^ Miowinn n W ilto Hou»e call I.y 8oi ^ jjj.V .Honi CoutettK. Cupper and McLenii. :om- '•'he Ihroe senntorn nre mcmbom i inrV, Hiili<vom:iiUli.-R u t the non.Mn lianl Ini; nnd currnntry commlttoi', canili . crlnK tho McNary niitnlnMloii. Th« ovoii t>i>llfie<l Mr. llarilinR ihnt th r i-oniml suuJ Ice wun sllII ununl'inou.<ily aKnlnut .M i ontn ^>*ry'» sulcctlon to tlio post, im m i m ^lYORKCANNOWGE iDMfflPANl NKW VORK, Keb. 7.-"Y on wlnh dinner ^companion., nir? ah! y< lals blanile nr brunette, aud nbout wli ata and nlie would you fancy! Yi nir, bo boro nt 6:30 p. m." ll is MUn A’lrsinla Dsuueit, of t new firm of Bennett and Kci (iDiii* epeakins to n cuntomer on the tsi l,w * phOQt. Tbo. doBi U closad. Ml Rennelt phones « itlrl onkwtrloe I . speciricatloDU. -The meeting occii « the company's oftlce. the m “ aCJ thej-ro off I naci- •’'***'* llKhts. omot ' Beonelt and her partn Mlu Brelyn Kent, eitabllthed tbi new. business, two weeks eso. ou I edso of Qreenwlch village. • r n "Wo aren't runnlnR a mntrimon k f \ bureau." Miss Dennett said todi IL U *We aron'l deallns heart (hrobi. I w t aro selllDK lmpplncnO lo Htranvi irO lb ^'ew York." f r \ • "Wo arc In'touch wlth'a larse ou who are wllllnif to meet our cllei for, on..o»enliiK_nt.Uie- .cabatcL-.l ' ”, tbrutor or the Oance, Tbe women | IS nr the »10 foe. Wo dedonm of th ' “v " bcforo.signing tliem up. four cert catcs of cbiirsctor, two business i .noun *,,,11 P®''' attempt on iho pact of s 10 nf- l’«toino familiar. ' .."TliBjfomBiLott.our rglU.nrn mr Iy working gtrlfi'. Once a huabe I_i,s co'oe liero with his wife, to get 1 employmoril with u s.' Wo nim to hi all dMbrlptlons of wtimen on rail, whpni •®‘"® profot; hinh volcosnnd so , demand husky voices. Some M iii i i„ •'I'”"'® ''“'r I" lo"l5 “0 Qthors IntlKl'on Hhort ones wUh.h __ _ bed black linlr., ' "Twenty-five Is tbo minimum i X ;:o to u r.m pipyK ",.'. ; ^r<i*. Geraldine ' Farrar ;pivorce Will Nol B( "5 C^pose^ by Hub! rHS ' DEsyeii. T«litf actor, wnr hot'contest the'dlTorce llo" !''• Geraldine Karrur l/rV beliored hore today toliowing .i t l l tintement yeatorday tbat he had ilructed hit lawyer In' New York " ,1111 to oppose the lady In any way." JAH This-wan inTccn to meun thatTie iH II lended.lo.remaiaX-nllrely out of Ttllegen nald ho hoped hit ^ sldlers fould "gnln her freedom In S4 bc ifaniry If ■h* Dn*ihe Mint Bandit Reward utandt Claimed by Six Mei "S ; : $ Z ^ ,,I. U>e Rew« It and ^ ^' ' . P«b., 7—aix.'Ct&lmantj lermatv 'V r^wanl oCtetcxI.by the urman- (nr flrdvlnfonhatlon at lo theJdoi of any pf. l^e ,iMml(ts. wbo.robbii Dattery federal reserve liank truck ot |2!K annnuK ^ero December-18. today awaited ice an* action by .the city lu \>oylng ho Ty- *“PV r.' - .' . vare Ilf ,Not. «Bouglr'ov!<lcnco h u been- 4 vitil »epted,l6 w«rrantPayln«:thoMM BvldlUB tlx. It was hold In it rfi 'MShlel bandit* in an automobUo a monil inchor- ter the robbery led to tbe clalmt. LAST ASIEIUrAX HOLDIEltS LK owered , BnUMIfiN. Feb, 7 - n tty Amei Jt eacb etllcers and 100 eolltteO raeo left' :lous lo of tbe Isnt 'ot the ahsy et occupt home" sail far New‘ York op tbe atei ' America today. ^ALL TW IN 'F A L L S , I I Americas ; To Disarm I'Vlt. 7.—The fivi‘ (Vnlrnl ,j\mcini:an;rc- I- to lln- world in .iihtioiiiicliit; ili<iTir»i Jitiiitntinn 'of IitntV iinnnnicnt. ' iii'i'U'as of till' i'aivAnii'rii'iui Uiiihliiit; ti3t.jlui!t)rluuL..in:liip.vi'lin.‘iil'« for svnrlii witli fliinn'itk, lln! iiciicf colifiTi'lU'ir of iru-hrnn Kill' in ir I'losi- tnilny-its 'Inbors llircc ]tri)toi'o!s, alt'<l>'r’iKin'il firmly to : aiiioiiK tlijr l.'onlriil .NiiU'i'icnii nalinn<i, 5'. POLICEIOG HOLDS PRIM UIL 1 i OFFICERS I M H i snn. ___ , cm of • • . bank* CHICAOO, Fell. T—Ilob, n polled dof nn-'IU- l««l«y cuuKht nml held Jutepb .Mnbinei They nn be Ited rniiii thu tuxlcub In whicl' llllllll* J>H<-iili Ki'lifcrtiiiKi'r. chniifTvur . wa« It .Me* nlK,t lu di'uth. Moinrier wun tnkon to poilco hcnU' >iuurti'ni-fur QuuHtlonlni;. '*1" ''Itl* bl‘> 'nmiler: FraiiV 11 111 Ilaker. when.Melsner runhrd trom th< f l l vicinity or Ibo tnxicub. Thu doi; leap IV ill cd purxuli und easily nvcrlouk him Melsncr was trylni; ic nhnke Uoh frna I^L T *'*'* overcuot when llic police nrrlvei ••r I a fnw mlnutcn later. LILI ~l Klve up. ' Call off Uiiit brute,' M MeUncr cnlicd to ihn officers. I'olJcn bellflverf Sfhlolniter wai Htnln while roiilniini: hnldup men. Movie Murder Is dnh 0 Investigatec IX)S ANCEI.es ,- Fob. 7-lnvenllitti tion conllnuod toduy Into ovw unslt- of the William Deninond Tnylor niur Of the ,ier mystery.-- ................ Kent. ..^ lookn .promlalnK," was nil tha V .ll delocllves working on llio can n»- Vhn *ould say. Uepartmeni ot Jusilu ,r, »«euts are ailcmptlne to .vtrUy th man Taylor bad befriended th >ff f o r Taylor’s aitentlon to a niotlo picture. aetress. Tbe department < . 1.1 Justice Bgents deelnros they did m I kno*' the name of tlio mnn mentloao in the Information ;which,tamo t Ihem-thrmlgh u drog peddler,.- Taylor was murdered almo^i ezsrll X » -"O....................... ....... angers -GLARAPHILUPSHUN' irappEorm i as and ' ' of any pas O. T eias. Fob. 7. — Tl ijuM i .Pl»>lUsa bunt rcacbcd nn in uabond PM*»“ to '« « rr-- ............. ............... tet her 'Tbb lupaase U the doii*ery i to hnve "1'1‘tlfl Phll" Algnln. ordered depor mil an ed fram Mexico by President Obr d some »«n”''l lo AngclM fi Mil mil tbo- murder of Detective Sergeai ih.hnb* Although'bo has.been reported ' . irons-aboacd'a,tanker- which salb im age elthet' fnim Vera Oruc or Tampic lio/has-.Bot-AirWcl* is now b ' ' 4lnvM\po«kibla thai the tanker nio: w u merely .a.'ruse put '.out by i1 Mexican goverDmont to throw / Dp gmn'i^ksng' of'orlmlbals ond doi m t. P'A'M*” Off irail. ihun prever ubby IBr i'ny ’mtempt to' free him. Tti thitory^is 7er)t color by the tact th Jllexlcan oftlclait. ns well at II ii^e nc' '^•H coo consuls ai Tampico ni rrur ll rpfUBCd . tO nniw rin A i . “ «»'* W lreleft ree.nittj!c» regar r,? In AlBUln's whereabouu. Clara, liccordlnB to 'b e .i repor I'*. la still fleclaro<l to bo under nurve . lance,'If not In -aciual .custody - , -.w' oientk.Of Dtr. J..JL Urlba of Juar ot tne ,,^14 |„ j „ | Loa 'AnwlM. on n charfe o( at t wlfo BlthoufU tho principal pi * Hours poie p{ keeping them. Ipcemmunlca < Uiei«-|fto'Qs«.tbem'aM hostages I , AlkiUn or CUra. Tltelr release h ira beeir pnimlted when Algtiln li lar b , ed in jail.In.Los Aagele*. len: '‘It-ia now belleve<l'tbSt pltnt AIguln > e r e changed nere; warCI dtjra .ago pnd rtbat lie will not lolidid;Bi'aBlraalan'trosu a Unl »nU :ot Wt'-Hirh.pa at Nfrf. OrW nt, or m the elty be ;put across .the'Jttlornifllonal ll: JdenUV H#wHI:ntol be purncrdtli at Juar obbe<r a nowe»»r//■ I2M.0M ,'o r; Uribe's prfnclpal Job now Ited tBr>. dMtored .to- Ke’'KMplBg?Clara si ring tbe *l>e score of 'soldiers ot fortt . •• . krtvenittrem,, and. fr sen PM‘- MWlpapertneti ' ecourhig northi Efu'thquake Shock* lonihVf- ' Recorded in Ron llmt. --------- • : ROMD, Feb. 7—Violent etrthaui I LKATE shocks wtre recorded by Ihe telsi werlcan K^apbt at Naples and DenoTeato left'ow Mmtcfriea'todar.'* . ] cupailon. Thp shoeka woro. tjt^lared to ateamer about100 nnd aOO kilometers, i;e*{ ' tlTely^lrom'lbo two pUices. ' . ; - -if. •' .S 'D J IDAHO, WEDNESDAY, ] IDAHO GRAIN a RATE RAISE s IS REUSED “15 H m lhtrn Paoilic Hnilronil Hnd Proposed liaise iiPR'atcs from nrs -Nortlierii-Idaho to-Spokano buJ- Ncw Rato RofuBcd by ^nlcf. State OonunorcQ Commission t Ono Dissenting Voto. WA.SHINOTON. 1). l'.. IVb. 7.— 11’ I'roiioiic.l ituTCSM-.l ir;it. r. mi Kr.nln l \ nml grnlii pro^luchi in cnrlii.nl loin JU from Nluthinx on llio l'l<Mrw:il<-r liruncli of Ihe Nnnhcrn I':iciflc: nill- I r r«nil In Malm lo SiioV.itiH', Wa;ih.. :iii<l *ll* uorih I’uclfli; co:ixl H'lmlui.lf* ivrri- IL today •fniind uuJu'iillli-il t.y the lu- toniuit.' cfimmdnr r.miiiil.iMlon :iixl M ordered c.anc'^ilotl. The .Vorthern I'nclflo iirojion.'.] ili- nnw rnteii would bcccnic cffvriive November II, lo^i, Imt tliu oimuiln- ., nion BUtpvndcd ;the nrw ?i(hDiliili-^ H until Mnrch 11, on i>ri)i<v> doit from the public ^utlllilcn ruiiiniiH'<ii>n mer of Idaho, pendltr Invi'micutloa, tilch The tommletlon Invcnti-iiium n- wan '•MfciJ th a t If (Jir n.->v rm.-n permltKd to become rm'riivi. iin.v would InoreMe U>' two (•-•ut.i n him- .Iwd pounds tlm r.-itc» ,t.i .Vortbnn Pacific coast lormiii.ihi friini .Myrit.', ank Idaho, lo Oro Flau, liliiho, on iln< tbe Clenrwator bmnUi ami would ul»n Mp- incrcnnn the .raleM from thorn" ntn- tllm. llonn to Spokano. rnm Conimlimlober Hull dlitDrnieU fnmi Ived the commlnnlon'u ordor ninilnr tlml high opftr.itine com <it m e cir.ir- 1(0 " wiiter brnncK- Judtlflril -iacreaicil "lOGSMESO I'FIILY BY GlVli IF IR E ALAffl [m Slice I ----- , *|1* SALT LAICE'CliV. F^b. 7-l*tln'ci ,W(i. a,luUI dob^M 'W ihe.-llrwrot -tiv wlon I’eople enrly thia'niomliljr by givin an alarm of tlre.vM^, John.Nyc. Ik threo little childrei/dnrl her fnthvi oood retired nca c«f , fg tain, nwfikn to find the aparimet houso In (Inmen and tbelr cncnpo ci The houee Is at :8n Bast Flflh Soul ntreeL • Firemen found thnt the frnt nlaini had given away and the res aw ot th® apartment wan a mots < ll I brought the children to u tbir story window und held them so llu E ti»y.-werc-rtiot'-onrrr<Tme~br-smok nrcmen nbot a ladder lo Iho lode and cfl|-rled tbe family lo nafciy. Wh( Assistant Chief W. H. KnlRht ' hem about the dog he deiorminud upOn ii reteuo; and at greai.poraontl rink I Tlie enler«d lha building nnd carrli . im- 1‘rlnce lo lalety, There wsn u cbei trem the"crpwd.- .............................. y At About nlno (amllles wore trnppi port- in tho bluiluK upariment house, b' Dbre- neighbors aide,I In their rcscUo wl n for Inddcrs before lim nrrlvnl of Ihe fl geant deparlmenL One woman threw h< baby trom a necond,ntory window b rd in the child, alighted on a mattri-RH at tailed Unlnjurr<l. Tbo woman Icapc iplco, (or safety bul fi'll across nome ele V i,«. trie wlr«w and wus inter. rMriieil ! ntory means of li iodder. ' icHUiHSi'IS -H CAiiOFSliigi s i i i i i i Jr .of i.v, ■■ .J uaroj, AN0BnS0.'5;ilnd.,.;F¥b.:- »l| In tlonal jtMtiinooy jVlHtOi.iBhikkKri auto crowded courtroom; wat li|tr^ « pur- todny In tbe trial td tier. Priwit'j tlcado bright, hU wife and three daogbte es for accuso^ 'ot coDlrlbutiac to the del e hnt quoBcy ot Korrest;/Hampton. l l i The youlh told ot Wlttlons wtm« n. (OUISWQlBtn. -.Pil»t lio told h« cw , under tht ti>eU of^theinlalttar'i wl or ^ whQ„Jnttoduc*d ,bIm'to. her7we n^ inkM r'MsdapghUra.. Tbe reiaUons wi tm a ^ ^llmaxtd, ,he decrare<l. w|i I he b|M,'the ypungest dsngbtor, ^w i uaret U. K<“l;apini a week at tbo'.AIbrli hM^, akgrlng d n^-wiib^bo'yoe I sale *'tVs-B lie,” Lois aalil, aashe^rusl ortune to.tb» wltneM.jiland>nd.Knbb«d-i , frum boy>,tuUr. . Mrs. Albrlc&t n rthern vlg<vo«u» denial- lOfd naoDer ' llrefar la sccerd with .coon procedti *111* .hjinlster, who worka In-.a i ' torr.durlogibe week'aail prtacbet SuBflays,';took the ^ItoM t sund i ome denied .that his cbun^ adTocated' t lautke "A.reiJstra ^ h t'u behind elsmo. w hj* *Ualr,’^bo dicUrtd, >to ob- YMms:U«nplon who.uged to>I } In ka orcbtitn In iipolber cbtt to be lolnw! oor: We i;e*pec- b«iuv* In chttreb. noale aad-he'ct ardund to-oo^. w^.Jot'dtlDklbg, ' - * ■ \ ■■''•*- ■’- - 7 ............................ .. V '' M IA FEBRUARY 7, 1923. 'President C Cancellins D WASBINOTON, d :-©'.; Feb for iht! repayment df the Br President Harding in a brief m — ment-ftB—tho-firat-fllcftring-ot-tl .^^burdcned world," ___ ' Thd'seltlcmcntT'hc'YuTtifti” '*("• jpint session, is "in cffoct a pl ons ponditurcs and n rigid iidheror trenchmcnt which cnhancea strt.1 obligations.” . The president asUed congr* •.nin spccilily. _ He coiiplcd with th I"'" llie'money to bo p.“ iid by Ofcat any other project, pointiiic on paid io already pJcdgcd to t ’ h,. _ American Liberty bond.i. He phatic appeal for tho ihij) jiiba ti„- important to stop loasc3,to the' '"•e , tions awod it. He franWy den Iho measure. ■I'Vi “ I plead for a doclaion," ...... “ If no decision is given,” rr- of the government may proccei in liqwidation and humiliation.' Ultl- “ CancoUation of tlio wurd< coiitribution toward pcaco," till' . tivo. uUo ___________________________ __________ BLIZZARD SWEEPS .1... ATLANTIC COAST e.ir- ___ :;K\V VOUK. I-Vh. 7—The Allanllc iu'nlm;inl from .\<nv Enitl.iud ' to iJu- I'arollnnii wan bll:zai-il nwrpi todn''. D " I--,ve Iii. hr!. ..f f. ll III -\.-w • York uml vicinity Iiihi nliilit nml cjrly (oiUy whilo n hurrlciinr w.nt roiiuiH'U off th.- Ilatlvran rr>U!il. mn All c:.!.lcru trnlnn wrre thrw or U L tour linitrH luir whllr i<hlii» i.t ..-a IHQ wne buffrtcl by thr nlorm. \t BUK.VII (;iVi:\~WA\~N ('lIU'.l(iO Y CHICAOO. Feb. 7— liroad wiui _l frro her.' today. ElKbiy-clxhl «lcr«-« nf u chnin of Kroccrles gave a liuit lo. evuryono maklug a purchns*. ■In'ce devcluD- l"7- monl...of llio cul-prleo -war bflBf ivini? between two clinln store or iher- :i FRENCH TAKE SEVE^ iSMORE RUHR T015 s of 1)U8«KL1>0KF. Keb. 7 -F r* « h Ihal (roojiK liATo hern ordered t« lire —upoa-flermnna In—tlin-^occapM- iDdro ’'h o ftitempl sniietBRe cn lie mllroad line.. tienrU I'erxoBK convlcted'of nuch ««b. Its olsKC by military court in«nlil ,k he will bn' liable lo Ibn dnitli i». irrled I'fce, Ihe French hliHi eoinmind cheor annuunred. ESSEN, Feb, 7—l-'tench troo[n t Ihe Iluhr ndvaiiced all along th( Hit ',.m , to.lay. occupying seven mnro towni p punhlng Into hlthartu unoccupied let r her i**®" Itedorvormald. w bul l.vnnep, Krebflonbe. Wormelklrthn Hand Ob^rtbau. Hergnchbnm. 8chwdb«a an caped t'lppe wero tuken over hy Ihe lami elec- o™. • I-OSnON, Feb'l^BrrfalnmiZi "ni ternonn sent a note to France (latl S .lecllnlnir to pernilt trains manfitd b French troopN lo traverse the Drills Ithlnelaud tone. It w u Itarned oa U: hlgliest authority. - III Thl) Drltlnh B(Ae nuggested tiu lAJ tralnn be illverlod. .Tbe commmilui Iro. tion answers u Freqch note uklr ■M' wbat .view'tho'nrillsU'would lilie i iDni! iroop-msnned tmlnt. In view' «l ll IKbL si^fke'bf German railroad workrnt. iw ool foots w c HraCfS UP'BlllIM JT* , , Ilh the bXlT lake CITY, 7rMttl cwe repretsntloi tlu> l»rBe I wife, »oo1 -heusep la the United.8 l#n» a > mar- riockltag tii tlir Uhlult, batln u d bl '"y* ding for wool. A pool of'SO.ODO ^ u n when ot wool was told ror.48.7 cenli p • W *' pound, n ’ rwjonl- breaking*,pritt. Ibrlgbt Wool pools‘ 'are-belng forntd yonng special grades Jjy tho /ibeepmek It- , ' {(eely pr«dictod thaLWMl pricn « ruthed golni^ to. romiUn: slcoaK.,',rnuytfi coming inio'tho'.lnte'rmounlaliiltr >,B»de tgry tBVBnil weekB^rlThr.lbjt&fitu « l en* Oitlcials;ofthe varioiit w6ol iro ^ ttfo . are' asaoclayonii.Are.,«T«lll* lii« t .a iv;- wool men <Iq not be too AUtyJa se :b«g on (ng but wmitiintll Wool'ii ad and pins wt1lvp‘6t commehct bm !ltx e d '^ tarlr in April'but U is aiTi^ipA mneh wool vttt d OtJit IUpresenUll»«.:^lbe't*JiS^*W i «t«l UIIls 4ad>41u;>»'^tb’ Voc^ i>,Slay HIIU of ProrIdeBe«.m L m 4 I |» cbttrcb tor HallowelV Jodis M d D o M l^ U asot popy afJBMtcti 'lUMUttw-lli rrttW e'eamo pMur.ot ,8t Xaoli tir* aU t. atyiTOgl.Ol!Ui. o n Denounces ig War Debts Feb. 7.—Presenting tho agreement British debt to congress today, :f messng'o characterircd the settle- )t-tlie-wni-olo«ded-e)<ieB-in-(v-<Ulj^ iltr dcci.ircd, in spccilung, before a a plight against war nnd war ox- tronce to thnt production and re- stftbility precisely as it discluirgcs ongrrcss to approve the settlemeut' this a warning against siioniiing - fcat Britain for a soldier bonus or : out that tbe debt thut is lo be 0 the repayment of investors iu He also incluJod a brief but em- jiibsidy bill, declnring thnt it i.i aa the‘government ns to collect obligii- demanded a vote in the senate oii tl," -said Mr. Harding, n,” ho said, "tlio executive branch tceed as best it can to end the loss' on. ’* J debts,” aa a fancied but fallitcioua was.-.donounced by the exccu- ----- Thr t.r.'»id.'til :ilurl.-il hi,, nnv •.;i;-, tiy iiulmiltllUK lh.r m u irl uf itir Am.-i d II'UII di'lit rmiilini: roiiinili-.l»ii on iii S 'p itrllinh jo'tllrmcnt. oiMllnltti; |t-j trrni' Tbln rriiurl. )i.- iialil. liin-K coiiMla.' tn-ryihmK ii.-rri..inry tn umiuu.-mI th nilc MKrwin.-nt, lo .-imKronnlonal naticiloi Itu- Hr aillctl ull.MitI.in lo lliu lurl Ih;. If. Ibo nrttlcnicnl rr|iii'ntnl..l a f:i1r I.iii \i.w Chill. ViNi 10 Ixilh c.ovurniiioiil". l>u j,ly mor.. ii.i!>arl«iit »llll. n rr<o,;i.liloa i iiic'U lh.' lal.'Krlly of URVi-rnH'ni;. nml Ul vnll.lliy of tonlnirl;., nf which, br n:.l III.’ wiirM In in iJi-.-al nr.-.I. (irci Drilnlu. be ii.ild, hnd nlnnK.rtilcd "ll blKhfOl nrlinr ut llniim:liil lujlii.r" I lh<< iiiatlor. Tho j>ri'!>fdi’«t mioku wlih r.rulif cullou Lit nliut Ub trrmvil Ihv iiliito npproval ul iirwii and pu! to,f , "il nicniis vunlly more," he add.; "llinn thu inuro lun.Hnn uud iliu iili mate.dlatUurau of tlm.Ursesl..Inte rnr ‘i«ll«n»lulodn,.«ver conlrsetod.M ll it'recuatniliment uf the Englinb-n;iva ing world to tbu validity nf roatni< ''The fallurv of tbe llrliluh uiul. ICikI <uk1ng would buve npread pullik T IV und,economic dla<;ouragetnont tbroii L l« uut Ibo world, and general repudi lion would llkoly bavo lollowed in fUv '"•'re In kepi fulth-w [ i ^ Hngiy liept. let ll be rocordcil—and ooveaiint ot peace no less effuctl thun It would bo it 'Jolat Urltuln i> American oppotltinn to war wore ( Kh prently agruud upon, ll l» u covenn Ijre nf the peace aiid recuperation, ll l:i 'W— new-elametit-of-tlBBiTrtal-itntl-wnon !!■<' ' Hinblllsatlou, when the world Is lu ly needing a reminder of tbe wn lb- ot peucc. II In nn exiinplo of ■ Illl ouurogomeni and 4nnplraUoa, wh »• the world In ntaggerliig IB dincoi ind ugcincnt and bowed with Uio sorro of wnm which humanity Is prnyi ,i.i^y b*t " ' ... — t tn If Iho debtor nation eould npproa t line Ihe auestlun In such n spirit an Oi gvDH, Bill Hbuwed, Ihn United States sboi 1 tor- m<;et It In Iho name splrll, aad read npprove, Mr. Hardlog stld, "and v rtbrn. a prunipinvnu thal will coavey fllll a and npprecinilon," . . ; . amd- lold eongrons that >ic roalli tho short tiniu remaining In'ihe ft slon, liiif declared thnl there U'am; [i nf- time to dlnpoHC Ot tidth tlic-dtbrftn flatly Inj; atid ship-nnbiidr bills.' ovoti" (d by lowing for much debate. , . Irltiiib '.‘Either It fit to bo reconled a cb| la Uje »or In. .groai achlevtmeat.. b « i > mark a slgnol triumph," be said. "Dl iitch aro Innepurahly rolutml to our . K( taluu' lortunea at home nnd oar high pli uiiliig 111'* world.", ike of Tlje prMldeni mndo no recommi ll the datluii as to the form iho legltlat approving |ho settlement ahould la llo lett It tn 'congrens to decide whu er lo m ake's general amendment n O C the debt funding law, applying H i f terms of tbe Urjilth setilomenl to IIV * debtor Dtiions. or to tpprdvo mer tht QrllUh' agreement se'parat< r i U wlibotit cbanglBg tht terms of , lA ll ‘ "Amid wldttpreM eltmor for otiuellBtlon of world wtr dtbts, a fiBcltd J)Oi talUelous contribution -Utkta w a n i . c l a m o r not limited IlirBeet ihe u a d t o t dtbtor .ntiU>n<|,but' f “/• .W.nt to'ohi miiy el.iif Wii I id bldr pie-:-tI>e Uritlih eommUslon came ^undt mnjie- scknowledaamtnt of the d ll. per to put Irestt tUunp'Df tppraval u Its ;ralldlir and sgrb* npoti' terms W. ot JIB repsymenl,--Mr, HtrdlOK satt. i,lt.l» H wn« nisaifesl' fncB tbt'^ » nlng, be taia; that .Grtkt^Britglii'ic Ifl *re no(;uBd«rUka any, prbgriiro , itrrl* mept wblch would oon(orm;to thej fitual. UatloiU of-4(mo «hd .<nt«V«st/^^ i.T*tbt lajseU- erM t naUoa :aekaDwl«U(Iiit-'l($ ligtUons sod M klu'ttrm a.in vl r,|tittll u nifht rtw . ^ tt am net uanlaaM U (faa,dl sltton.tovl^tsth^ikwUestloB Of Sky; . OLD VOU Xffl-NO. Ik BRITISH DEFY ts TURKS; SEND .| WAyLEETS ■■ Turkisli aovemment Has ^Issued r---------An UlitliTnl\mrThm~A1t-ATllBd-------- ^ -------Wm-fihipfl-MuBt- Loavo Smyrna ------------ Before Midnight Tonight: Great I Britain Replies by , Sending ;s ■ i Warships al Once. j Croat Britain today sent a ' wiirahip steaming fttll speed >r to Smyrna harbor in answer ,e to a Turk ultimatum that all allied men of war of more than 1,000 tons leave beforo mid- '• I night. 1 A nimilnr move will ho Bri- I;, I tain's answer to every ultima- ■n j turn Turkey iisucn, it v,-a« slat- I cd authorilatively, although j London stilUbclieves wnr may I bo averted, I The British also startled w I Paris wilJi a iJal “no” to Uio Quai d 'O n a y ’s request for js I ]icrmiscion- to inovo trains u. manned by French troops tlirough British occupied Rhino territory. Rail traffic in Uie xiv.i- Rhineland wo* in , chaos toilay, an the French .nn-;. pushed fonvard, occupj^ng .iii.Mi seven moro towns. I.aN-1M)N. i-Vb. 7,-. The Turkish , rovrrnmini hati liiHUrd un Ultimo- .11 .llic.l ».r.liln. ov.;r I.OiiU lonn lo lenvo Hmyrim , ,.,i liiirtmr lii.toro nildnighl tonlRlii. It u;-» h-iirm-d on tlm hlKhcnl nuthor- '‘• ; r Uy tu.liiy. ,"'.1 III (.KDnii^o to ili« ultlninium. dr. .ll Hriialn itirut n wsrnhlp of "oon-ildrrnbl.. ovor-l.OOO lonn." to amyriia, "lo r>e« what will happen." uuu- In llie uirnntlme. acting under or* I'l'oj'l dom-froni London, Ibe Qrltlsh sclinc pull- hiph cnmnilnnioncr ut Conttantlnoplo ronfrrrrd with the Turkinh reprc- iildcid. lirntnilvH nt Constanttoople. urgonily ulll- rc(|iiPiitlnR tbo Angora governmeni to int^r- reicind thB-aliWiatum: — It I* The liritlsh • crtilier to lent th< ■leak- Turk ultimatum. Is Mpscttd’ to - sr- itriicr. rlvr at Hmyroa Ult this afieraoon. ii„l..r. It l» btllevcd bore Ihero ,U llttW "''""'" llilcal liUrllhond of uorliius devulopmentn. , icoNviiiEwiPFl: ‘w“ yn Ql-'ENTIN l‘BNXTBNTlAtlV. cn- <^»f . 7-Slxcoav(eU,at,tbe sute whmi ponlti'iiUiiry hore w»r«‘ conflntd -to ncour- Ibu duiiReuii lodny at a rasvilt,ot,«hat irrowH Warden Johnntou bdlUires vtas an or-. rnying niionipi nt a prison dellTsrjt --------------TwcBiy-<nio-of'tbe-loons~iii-tIie'}ttt*' • - >roach mill 1uu> yesterday suddtnly burst'tn> I Brit- 10 flameH nlmultitaebualr if'tl * . 'X ibould pre-arrnnged signal. Orest'bonbwton eadlly follow«l. Tbo fire was .exUncalslMd I with by the UKO nf emnrgency; flro tppsr- . .. fllUaS ntun. , .--i ' I,,. After an invesUgaUoQ sism ea w^M-' ' laitxed n4-rlisslsad«rs tn<the';*U«|»d ■® plot and wcro ordurtd Into :soUll»y "fun^ confinemrm. .............. : ___ oti-aS ■ ' . --- ---------- r -------- , pcA m iitiir I of .tbe ^ n u d Oaseiilttr-CMMil^ ?rai“a CHJCAOO, ' r s b .\t^ v jfr^ 3 eompanr : .t- ll Inainicttd to' luert. ft setit oat b r meBtvtbat;;ctrt«ietC*llteB^|6|«i^ J JJi •ol'J by the . -J crops of nlfalfB to i*ttlmony-*t lht. tTUa « »«ifi^ Jot, clals ot th* e o m p e n » ,;te d ^ ^ tiN g ^ | »itii tuiu a>

Transcript of XN F^ALL.S 'DJM IAnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/.../PDF/1923_02_07.pdf · •Get MiiBcle...

  • . TWJ V O L U M E 5,Vn I 'M H E R '257r

    GASQLINETAXM p p e a r s ^

    IN THE HOUSE\ ....... .....................

    __ ________ Id>ho ^Btato . L'ogiilftture Qefc• GtioUne Ttuc M easure; BUI In

    ................- —trodttCTd-by Oomraittep cn-06ocBoada; Albion N orm al Dispute Broke Onl Again T oday; Direct Prim ary B ill Passed.

    sJ]OISEi. ,Kob. 7 -A n ionn ilt« oIbIi ' ' j.v»-MU>i iBtrodUftca In (tie liouso (lili

    nif'^nlnR wuh n n ..........«.„1 , 1„-i'slni)iisii p i'iifu ntlll pro^'n-hK an WlTi' NiKtlril:

    Harding Forced to W ithdraw M cNary’s

    rio i. Name as Comptrollewaa AVAKIU.VGTON. I-Vli. 7~I>rcfliaof

    ilArillii); will wltliilruw hl» uointm S tion of W illlw a . MeNary. iJ is V. I Sim. New Mexico, tn bit cnmiHroller i

    ,, currciiiy, It wcui undcniiood todu t t ^ Miowinn n W ilto Hou»e call I.y 8oi ^ jjj.V .Honi CoutettK. Cupper and McLenii. :om - '•'he Ihroe senntorn nre mcmbom i inrV, Hiilie Rew«

    I t and ^ ^ ' '. P«b., 7—aix.'Ct&lmantj

    lermatv 'V r^w anl oCtetcxI.by theurman- (nr flrdv lnfonhatlon a t lo theJdoi

    of any pf. l^ e ,iMml(ts. wbo.robbii Dattery federal reserve liank truck ot |2!K annnuK ^ero Decem ber-18. today awaited ice an* action by .the city lu \>oylng ho Ty- *“PV r.' - .' . ’vare Ilf ,Not. «Bouglr'ov!e score of 'soldiers ot fortt

    . •• . krtvenittrem,, an d . frsen PM‘- MW lpapertneti ' ecourhig northi

    Efu'thquake Shock* lonihVf- ' Recorded in Ronllmt. --------- • :

    ROMD, Feb. 7—Violent etrthaui I LKATE shocks w tre recorded by Ihe telsi w erlcan K^apbt a t Naples and DenoTeato le f t 'o w M m tcfriea 'toda r.'* . ] cupailon. Thp shoeka woro. tjt^lared to ateamer about100 nnd aOO kilom eters, i;e*{

    ' tlTely^lrom 'lbo tw o pUices.' . ; - -if. • '


    IDAHO GRAIN a RATE RAISE s IS REU SED“15 H m lh t r n P a o ilic H nilronil H nd

    P ro p o se d l ia is e iiP R 'a tc s from

    nrs -N o r t l ie r i i - I d a h o to -S p o k a n o buJ-

    N cw R a to RofuBcd by ^ n l c f . S ta te OonunorcQ Com mission t O no D isse n tin g V oto.

    WA.SHINOTON. 1). l'.. IVb. 7.— 11’ I'roiioiic.l ituTCSM-.l ir;it. r. mi Kr.nln l \ nml grnlii pro^luchi in cnrlii.nl loin

    J U from Nluthinx on llio l'lri)i

    doit from the public ^utlllilcn ruiiiniiH'n mer of Idaho, pe n d ltr Invi'micutloa, tilch The tomm letlon Invcnti-iiium n - wan '•MfciJ th a t I f (Jir n.->v rm.-n

    permltKd to become rm 'riivi. iin.v would InoreMe U>' two (•-•ut.i n him- .Iwd pounds tlm r.-itc» ,t.i .Vortbnn Pacific coast lormiii.ihi friini .Myrit.',

    ank Idaho, lo Oro Flau, liliiho, on iln< tbe Clenrwator bmnUi ami would ul»n

    Mp- incrcnnn the .raleM from thorn" ntn- tllm. llonn to Spokano. rnm Conimlimlober Hull dlitDrnieU fnmi Ived the commlnnlon'u ordor ninilnr tlml

    high opftr.itine com eU o f^ th e in la ltta r 'i wl o r ^ whQ„Jnttoduc*d ,b Im 'to . he r7w e n^ in k M r'M sdap ghU ra .. Tbe reiaUons wi

    t m a ^ ^llm axtd, ,he decrarend.K nbb«d-i , frum boy>,tuU r. . Mrs. Albrlc&t n rthern vlgto ob- Y M m s:U «nplon who.uged to>I } In ka o r c b t i tn In iipolber cbtt to be lolnw! oor: Wei;e*pec- b« iuv* In chttreb. no a le aad-he 'ct

    ardund to-oo^. w ^.Jot'd tlD klbg,

    ' - * ■ ■ \ ■■''•*-

    ■’- - 7 ............. ................. V ' '

    M I AFEBRUARY 7, 1923.

    'President C Cancellins

    D W A S B IN O T O N , d :-©'.; Febfo r iht! r e p a y m e n t df th e B r P r e s id e n t H a rd in g in a b r ie f m

    — — ment-ftB—th o -f ira t- f l lc f tr in g -o t- tl.^ ^b u rdcned w o rld ," ___ ■' T h d 'se ltlcm c n tT 'h c 'Y u T tif ti”

    '*("• jp in t session , is " in c ffo c t a p l ons p o n d itu rc s a n d n r ig id iidheror

    tre n c h m c n t w h ich c n hancea strt.1 o b lig a tio n s .”

    . T h e p re s id e n t asUed congr*•.nin spccilily . _ H e co iip lcd w ith t h I"'" l l ie 'm o n e y to bo p.“i id by O fcat

    a n y o th e r p ro je c t, p o in ti iic on p a id io a lre a d y pJcdgcd to t

    ’ h,. _ A m e ric an L ib e r ty bond.i. He p h a tic a p p e a l fo r th o ih ij ) jiiba

    ti„- im p o r ta n t to s to p lo a sc 3 ,to th e ' '"•e , tio n s a w o d i t . H e f ra n W y den

    Iho m e asu re .■I'Vi “ I p le a d fo r a doclaion,"...... “ I f no decision is g iven ,”rr- o f th e g o v e rn m e n t m ay proccei

    in liq w id a tio n a n d h u m il ia t io n .' Ultl- “ CancoU ation o f tlio w u rd <

    c o iitr ib u tio n to w a rd pcaco," till' . tivo.

    uUo ___________________________ __________


    :;K\V VOUK. I-Vh. 7—The Allanllc iu'nlm;inl from .\0KF. Keb. 7 - F r * « h Ihal (roojiK liATo hern ordered t« lire

    —upoa-fle r mnna In— tlin -^occapM - iDdro ’'h o ftitempl sniietBRe cn lie

    m llroad line .. tienrU I'erxoBK convlcted 'of nuch ««b.

    Its olsKC by military court in«nlil ,k he will bn' liable lo Ibn dnitli i » . irrled I 'fce , Ihe French hliHi eoinmind cheor annuunred.

    ESSEN, Feb, 7—l-'tench troo[n t Ihe I luhr ndvaiiced a ll along th( Hit

    ', .m , to.lay. occupying seven mnro towni p punhlng Into hlthartu unoccupied le t r her i**®" Itedorvormald.w bul l.vnnep, Krebflonbe. W orm elklrthn H and Ob^rtbau. Hergnchbnm. 8chwdb«a a n caped t'lppe wero tuken over hy Ihe lam i elec- o™. •

    I-OSnON, F e b 'l^ B rr fa ln m iZ i "ni ternonn sen t a note to France (latl

    S .lecllnlnir to pernilt trains manfitd b French troopN lo traverse th e Drills Ithlnelaud tone. It w u Itarned oa U: hlgliest authority . -

    I I I Thl) Drltlnh B(Ae nuggested t i u lA J tralnn be illverlod. .Tbe commmilui I r o . tion answ ers u Freqch note u k lr ■M' wbat .v iew 'tho 'n rillsU 'w ou ld lilie i iD n i! iroop-msnned tm ln t. In view' «l l l IK b L si^fke'bf German railroad workrnt.

    iwool foots w cH ra C fS UP'BlllIMJT* , — ■ ,Ilh the bXlT l a k e CITY, 7rM ttl

    c w e rep re tsn tlo i tlu> l»rBeI wife, »oo1 -heusep la the U nited.8 l#n» a > m ar- riockltag tii t l i r U hlult, ba tln u d b l

    '" y * ding for wool. A pool of'SO.ODO ^ u n when o t wool was to ld ror.48.7 cenli p

    • W * ' pound, n ’ rwjonl- breaking*,pritt. Ibrlgbt Wool pools‘'a re -b e ln g forn td yonng special grades Jjy tho /ibeepm ek It- , ' {(eely pr«dictod thaLW Ml p ricn «

    ruthed golni^ to . romiUn: slcoaK.,',rnuytfi • coming in io 'th o '.ln te 'rm o u n la liiltr

    >,B»de tgry tBVBnil w eekB ^rlThr.lbjt& fitu « l en* O itlc ia ls ;o f th e varioiit w6ol i r o ^ t t f o . are ' asaoclayonii.Are.,«T«lll* lii« t .a iv ; - wool m en 4 1 u ;> » '^ tb ’ Voc^ i>,Slay HIIU of P ro rIdeB e«.m L m 4 I | » cbttrcb tor H allow elV Jod is M d D o M l ^ U a s o t popy a f JBM tcti 'lUMUttw -l l i r r t t W e 'eam o pM ur.ot ,8 t X ao li tir* aU t . atyiTO gl.O l!U i.

    o nDenounces ig War DebtsF e b . 7 .— P re s e n t in g tho ag re em e n t B r i t i s h d e b t to congress to d a y ,

    :f m essng 'o c h a ra c te r ir c d the se ttle - ) t- tlie -w n i-o lo « d e d -e )< ieB -in -(v -< U lj^

    iltr d cci.ircd , in spccilung , be fo re a a p l i g h t a g a in s t w a r n n d w a r ox- t ro n c e to t h n t p ro d u c tio n a n d re- s tf tb il ity p rec ise ly as i t d iscluirgcs

    ongrrcss to a p p ro v e th e se ttlem eu t' t h i s a w a rn in g a g a in s t siion iiing -

    f c a t B r ita in fo r a so ld ie r bonus or : o u t th a t tb e d e b t th u t is l o be0 th e re p a y m e n t o f in v e s to rs iu He a lso in c lu Jo d a b r ie f b u t em- jiib sid y b ill , d ec ln ring th n t i t i.i aa th e ‘ g o v e rn m e n t ns to co llec t obligii- d e m an d e d a vo te in th e senate oii

    tl," -said M r. H ard ing , n,” ho sa id , " t l io execu tive b ra n c h tceed as b e s t i t c an to end th e lo ss ' on. ’ *J d e b t s ,” aa a fan c ied b u t fallitcioua

    w as.- .donounced by the exccu-

    ----- T h r t.r.'»id.'til :ilurl.-il hi,, nnv •.;i;-,tiy iiulmiltllUK lh.r m u irl uf itir Am.-i

    d II'UII di'lit rmiilini: roiiinili-.l»ii on iii S 'p itrllinh jo 'tllrm cnt. oiMllnltti; |t-j trrn i'

    Tbln rriiurl. )i.- iialil. liin-K coiiMla.' tn-ryihm K ii.-rri..inry tn umiuu.-mI th

    nilc MKrwin.-nt, lo .-imKronnlonal naticiloi Itu- Hr a illc tl ull.MitI.in lo lliu lurl Ih;.

    If. Ibo nrttlcnicnl rr|iii'n tn l..l a f:i1r I.iii \i.w Chill. ViNi 10 Ixilh c.ovurniiioiil". l>u j , ly mor.. ii.i!>arl«iit »llll. n rr

  • PXQE T m ~ ^ t w ______________

    s o G i m ' A i iM r«. J . W . W h ee lin g — S o c ie ty

    Kntrrliilii f«r W lill.d l. U l) ,i'Vrnlni: Mr, nnd Mr». K- J. SI'-IiK*'!! I l |j, .■nicrliiliinl nt ".M'O'' li.'iuirliit; ,Mr. i.tid l-rai Mr«- I'llll \\'lill...'ll, whll a r.' liMvlt.K;Mr.

    H«Uc. '1I.11..1. I.r..... Mi. :in- >i>.'iii- n;ii

    ( ll.T» Ilf ..................... . W.iinrll -. . Itll. 1.1. ImlPliilpil Illl- rliil. iliun.T ai T ihii' - ii,,iI'iifu Mimil;iy cvrniui;. AtliT lUiiii.-r tli.-

    [ tlfc iiintnlji'rii rriiini.''! " i ii' r ln li Hriiroomn ulii-r.' Hu- tir - l liililiillon tiillip loi-nl rirr.iinltiiliiii v̂.lH d. iAll.Mil uv.'iily riiildl'liilr.i v>i'r.- linlii' l- CrliI'll iiiiii Ihl' ■‘IniU'r I 'lr tli’." ami

    • • ’ TI.Mrimt-:tiixtHiir) - 'Cl'" <

    ; '■■firrni ot dll' .Vmi'rlr.iii l.i'iilnii .\iixil- ;ni'. Inry .were ln»ialh'i| ai i lu i r iii.'.'iliu; ii.

    Ia»l Tliurmluy rv-'iilni;; I'ri'iihli'iil. iivi'I .Mm, lliiriim K. Muriii-; vlr.--|irr«lili'iii, Jd«'' Mr*. \y n r . llr.i.'lci'ii: n .'ir.'lary . Mm, \v,i A, J , Klnkr; irr.iKiir.'r. Mm. Oi i.. „ ^i; Cr(ilpr. I'h ii'i " . r.- l umi'lnt. il f.ir n.i-

    NhHliiK llio l.i'Ki.iii 111 .'nicriiiliilni; lliiiiiilly i.iir[irlHi-a a( llu-lr In.iiii! iivnr llr rsc r lam Siiiuh.y wlii'n n ■[ liirKP numliiT of ihi-lr frlcnil'i lunl Cd, nelRliliom Rulliprnl In with well (Illi-rl it.

    'V ■- ' —

    I Burn Aberdeen Coal! T l» : lU'.ST Iiy (;, ,H

    ̂ j

    - Tui'iilM Ii .I 'fu lu r)— .•'I’rDcrcuaivi;!.Mnilii'ri," lU.' ................. . Ih r iirn-jI'laiii ..t 111.- Tw .nili-ili I 'l'iilnry .l.ii.lI.1 atl I.|>rii iiii-1-tlnK lii'I'l In Hn' Mali-

    ........In-....... I llli' hii»lni'.n. ....iKloii Mrn.

    ............. annnuii.f.l Hint Ihi' rUibw;i'i fi|)iiii'ii)rtlii; liir .liaiiiai I.- ri i lliil- 111 I..- i:ivi'ii hy .Mi'i. ll.'iinan S.huril.-r

    ■''T ll'''lirul;ran. v.ai in . linri:- - f •Mr'.,(;. i: (lilh.- .111.1 .iiii-n. îl u itli tJir al(K;-(;ni'. nf Ihl' 1 lull '.nn.: l.'.l hy .Mrn. I iII. M.r.liT':. lnli'ri-.lliii; au.l hmlni. -i

    J.i«lVn. Mr'i. llila1i Hinl.-r.i iinrliit rlllh will mr.-l l-'tjdav n il. rii.w.li, K.-hriinty U,

    (1.111?, : r , s î'i'iii'i.l a».-iiiii' mirlli. ‘

    Till- ^a^t .V.itih' (Jrnliiln .'lilli will ;ri..f irirj, .M,.-. }'. I. . 'n.r'.. . rll. J"!. K.iiirlh av.-nij.' . a .i. • •riiii.-,-.'V1 .H r wa.i lui-lM', I i'l..M-n, I t . ‘>'

    iiili;i) Ilriilhrrn fui'* .gu. lory In hi ll.p I'lty on hiinlnrin. n,.

    M. K. Millrr of Curry wiin ii l.iu.-j in.--.- vUiK.r ln \T w in ^ illn yrnlcr- ,

    ' K. 11, CraiiP wnn np fnmi K llrr yi-.i- ]"' Irr.lay nn bualiirni, rrlnnihiK hi llu-1 'J '• iti.'TniioR. 11'""' ________________ [fnl

    ri'iiirnpil hiinir frmn Hir liiiiiiitnl I j y.Miirriliiy,

    Kd KIcldii of Ciirry w.i:i In thin vlly ' ‘ )'i‘Kli.rdaj- on biislnraH. ri'Uiriilii»: lu J '' lhi' rvrnlnn,

    Mrn. J. M.' Sl.'V.-m. r.'liirnr.l la'il .'VrnInK from lUirl.'y, wli..rr hln- vln. Kv

    , llcil ncvrral diiya.

    . Mrn. 1-Vank Myrr of Chl.-iiKn ram r In! ' 1.1BI rvrnlnK in vImH h rr .laiiKlil.'r, '

    ■ Mrn. K, V. I'a rkrr.

    ’ Mm, W.-\ltrr Jimllh !ii |u OrlKcii.- Ihr (tui'sl of h rr p.irrnin. Mr. anil » .Mm, Jrnii'H llylic-,, -------- . t

    Mrn, S, A. I),imn cnnir in Irnrn m, McC'amnnin yv%irrilny ii> vinii li.'r ilnuRhkr. .Mrn. J. A. lllcKlnM.

    Appreprlatai All Rlshl., “W h .r . de nunir of d ll l i i f a n tr dt-, •

    minilril Hip riilnrrd |inr>oii who itas gtlli'liillni:^! llir I'lirlrlciilnR uf Mctv dy'n Intmt iitr>.|ii'lnc. " llv r nume iiia Oplniii Ilryiilil." wnn Ihe (Inn reply.T lir pDri.iiu )iriilr'd, ''Olenin ain't no III naiin-tl.r It Kail" ".Wull. U fill ' (lin Kill," a:i1d iliui.ly, “ for ili-y »ay ' opium v.imr!. frnni wild p.ippy «iul dh

    In/iiiiy KUiili HIH \rlla,v< y..il nrr noi'M' und inny tT nt-rrrnrrr.“ Il.i*lon Kv.'iilui: Trau-i'rli.t.

    Where Real Courage i t R».julred,U 1« III.I .'iir w m n- m-llnUH wl.lrh ll

    rffjiilri'n .'.iiirai;.- I., ri.iifru-., i..i uii|.-h in tliii... ̂whi.'h nr.' riill,'iilniii. nni! fnnl' lih.—lI.iUN«pnn, ■

    ■ Thought for th t Day,.S'rrpJi «Jjiy» of i!>nl,e^

    G eorg ia Peach

    «lW rod,Churcbw«ll o t Cord*!#, a a .. waa c h o M tbe pretUeat eirl a t Weileyan CoUeve. Macor* th i oid«i( w om aa't ooU»(9 tn u f t V d ttd flUtM.

    ) N T E S t '

    . I.IM .1

    Iiihvr, ou. li

    ' > uriiui\ inlo

    ^ Hll- bX pupul

    • X plian:


    \ ■ ■ ■ J^ s | • adiipl

    ^ , "Ilun

    '■ IlHoM.ill

    ' . nt u' who.

    . J.l

    rloll1 llic Knidi- o r ju n io r lilu’h s.-lnml, u' Ilii-ali'i- nil F i-hn iiirv IH iiikI I’H, i.iiii'ily td lfi'ir .friuii ( I r w u r Mi--

    na llm nliovo ]iic tu ri‘, fill in llu- ^I m nsi lie II fi-i'.' h and ilrawiiiK . , fluli'in l, U 'lilti-ii v.-ry i>liiiitly nn tin- armiii'/i Jiiin no t la t . 'r tfii.ii ^''c^^(llll•y -----

    •c w firtli :fl.'Vl i 'a i:i, Scraiiil |iri/,i-


    Clack Magle.Thf- ii|»ry litin Junt l.-nkrd out uf n

    ' l.M-nl Kilnrrd fclli.w whn piild i. dnllar ; iliirhiK Hic Kit; ninilviil l.i hnvi* liln I furium- inid. Till' Indy lold lilni Hint I hr liivni i hlPLrn. tlmt iir hml won I Kimr miinry ini rm p i imO ,Hiiil lip lind I bpi'ii In .lilil. T h r fPlhin- ciu'li*'d ntid ;H0lil: ".Mall Kontln.-no, Indy; y.ni hnn

    ml.I my Inmiiot ili.iuthlM.”—I'rnit (Kan.) Ueimhtlcun.

    i I V h y s o m a

    m e n o w f i n d

    n a i s e e a s y i

    Th o u s a n d s of worf o u n d t h a t , b y u s i r e a s i l y a n d r e a d i l y p r c p a i ' o n n a i s c , e q u a l t o a n y t l t h c f i n e s t h o t e l s .

    M a x o la b l e n d s s o p c o t h e r s a l a d i n g r e d i e n t s f u l l e s t f l a v o r a n d m o s i [ \ a s m u c h a s M a z o l a t h y o u s a v e t i m e a n d m o i n a i s e r e m a i n s a l w a y s f i i

    ' I t k e e p s l o n g e r w i t h o u t

    r a n c i d .

    ■ Y o u c a n b e s u r e o f i i M a y o n n a i s e , a n d o f p y o u ( n o w t h a t t h e e g g ! s o l u i e l y f r e s h .

    U s e t h e M a i o l a y o i i h y o u r g r o c e r , a n d t r y tl

    . S e e h o w e a s y i t i s t o m :

    Y o u r g r o c e r s e l l s M 'h a l f 'g a l l o n a n d g a l l o n . o n o u r o w n p r e m i s e s , v i s i o n . I t i s n e v e r s o ld a s a r c - c r d i n a r y s a l a d o i

    I f y o u a r e n o t e n t i r e l y y o u r g r o c e r w i l l r c f t i n d


    ■— w. . . A T T H B . . .

    THEATRES -I - in iI I ■ ■ . —■ .. 11 Wl u pre


    To aay thut IJlllan Ulnh Is ono of III- v.-ry Krcalrnt ui lrciiicn Iho motion ,• Icllirr n ir rcn hun devulopi'il hi nbout Ike'naylni; ihnl walor In .wrl. It In ii 5 ” I'If-c'Vidcnt fuel nol oven dlapuicd hy ih«r iiitrn.'ii iii tri.-fiii.'ii, . Sh« nluiul.i Ul likir a f/anll of JlKhtnlnc on n ilnrJf IWj iKhl. In viTtiiln tdinnrn iif her work Chlhirmnkr^-wiHt-Uir-Ket-iiMrinHMlluuauiL —W if a l l Hlnrn, ^pl-Aiiil-nuvur..in utl-hcr. x-uricd acrucQ ..Ira an-or. han .Mlrni Oinh dimo Rrcuier ' (at vork, o r nhown n hlRlK'i' lypr of j^i riiuiry. ihun In Hir-lr»dlnR feminine .do in I), W, OrlftiUi'M "Orphnnn ut In- SSIorin." a film vernlon of Hiu i-vi-r lupulur nlaKW , play. '’Tlin Two Hr- dians." '•Drphiinn cf llic Slorni” him ii'pii Uoukril hy Ihp’ ninnuR.'inirni of h r Orpheum tnr iirxl .Monilny uml I'uenday. •

    \ t ; n Kr.vK sTtM tv S('ifw ;.vi;iJ ___.MiirkliiE the third of hln wliluly

    I'lid novels anil morlrn tlinl ba le h".-ii ,,, idiipli-d U. Uio nereeii. i’lilrr II. Kyii.''.. lluinnnliinB-.Mr. Wlnnhy." has lieeu jiroduceil by Parotnoiini under Hir "'*■ IHo ut "MnkUiK n .Mnn," wllli Jack hi; '. Moll BH Iho n u r . Thn nlory in Him if u lyrnnnl.-nl. nnobhhdi youmt man who R»rn to New Vork uud lliroiiKh a h -hnin nf elhi-nmi(jince« losen lili nion- ^y anil rvoryihlnE Hial would l.loiiilty |,ut lilni, llo un.lcr*oi;s a ll Ihe exprrl- r- ...■nren, of n ilnwii-and-onior, T hr pli> ___liiri- fOtiH-H III th f iiUihn Innwrnitr.

    Didn't Bother Her. ' |J .iirp liln r lii.it Im'.-ii dlNoli.HllPnt nnd I

    moihrr trli'il't.i r.-pro»r h rr by *nylnu: ' "Wuuld .vou lU e mii-h n nuiiKhry Rlrl10 alerp In your foniii, nml wi-iir ynur rlollir*. and look In ynur nh-r new i n i l r n ir r To whii-h J.Hpphinr repll.-d : ^"O. nnt nuy ......... hut t d.iii'l uilml ahaxlliK niynclf—I'm uned-lo iirr,'' •

    ------------------1— . 1Maks Companion of Slower. ‘ ^

    A .7iipani‘i.r In ai'clo>{.KU‘. % ,

    PR E C .-D eauliru llv IIIui-

    iook. W rite «o Johmon- Jcbcr Company, BoUc,


    i: - — 1 .------


  • NEW S*l E MifEAlSfflTtt

    - - I i i HThe Slioo MarJicl liowlliiK

    Ijroko tho IcnBUo rccord by loiiiHliiK hCn plan In' llio tlilnl Ritnio ot ilio ovcnltiR- wlUi tlio H«inlulil-Wrlj;Ul uulo Uam. Tlio |ir«r1oii» roronl wii« kau plnn (or imc Rnmi'. Tlto uuiu im-n won lb(> (Irs t gnmo vuMily liy tlio totul » fore Dt S3£ p)&j> na n«uJuil,C~4 fi>r

    , ^ H lU M (lUcrii. In (Iio ncconc] eamo tlfn Sbo« Markot inok ii ntniri ntiinr( rond

    l i itfrely :de l«l«d.—Wmidrn

    ' W ff iS U f iE . r t P I H S

    . «irti T h lv O ot nud Havo K SiTbJecI,l wHtf ( ti» Ba)'«r Crow, vh loh -oati bebad: In Un box«a of iw elra lablott (o r few cenla.


    O F r H £ ;

    Veteran Play\ \ ' ' Of “Oram

    IK 1______________I______________ __10III

    10 /

    -K / .^ 1iiyrm>hl- lolr ered unnsual o r . a 'a la p la; Uir nrw un . gunvrailon thut U ndo Sams ::o::' tv. m jm . will be c6ni(»oiieil nlim>*l cntl. 'y ol ■rn- vcioronji.not In three yoara only n hnnii.'nl uf lot- tiow ulhleics havo been doYClopixl, Tho

    1,0 moat ouUilumllMR or the athletoti whu were not on tbo 192U tonm but who n» iloubl will KO 10 I'arl* uro AifreU I.u- Conoy nnd Hoh MeAllliler; nprlniem;

    n,i Leroy BrowD. flnrlnioiKh hleh lump- ^ e r; Alleo H clUrlch,. mlihlle dlotnhcc

    S JA C K DAW IN H( ^ _ —

    ISlect •

    J .bl)'- Jack- Daw had hla nilnd sou

    I'...;, nu ti,te^ore^liB .d iy_w ui_orer. lead '■ lha wooda

    bei I -and n y b a t will be fu ll," ^aid lots rail fonc#. ' ' .

    S P O R T y________________________1__________

    lyer Disputes Tl id Old M an’l ĵj.

    M p - ¥

    W m m y t

    ■ V -« f lvB l B BI iu H

    '‘fii'r nceUliiK Rlory nnd lucrc In profMnlo;!- ,„i„ 111 ranks,llir- -Vcvi-r onco hnve tlio^c crack orK;:ii-

    Uiillon . ol.l Miiff niid III n , lintill lhi.l jir,( -Ik,.,!.'- i.iiurila,; »vri(.T« , tnll imo. „ ,

    Ily Ihl. wnv. .Illl you nolli i' Hint I Ilinh I'owi'i' hiiiii'b Uowihu- llir olhrr! afturiiimii. Tlu-y i.hiiok lln.. U..I1 ulloy, wllh llii'tr ti-rrlhl.i npnil l,;tll». Hut ••

    4 k'-ii> your c.vr on thrn., Thry wl1l| cel ont ot Ihe lirm.U ami imt nouir of; Ih.! '.Id tlni'Tn lo iihnmr. •'

    I 'I'he .nuKai- rii. toiy tuim h a t r .loi.k-j

    MV. r . Si'IHy rnfln t i.-i.Vdic olher if;iv j [jnnl :.Uinv tlir U''V'i Ihm U.. liall IH'I i If.irKOIIrii Ihr i„f or r.dlllli; lli.im dnwii I

    TTr. f nilKl.I-aACr.lT-------------- f-I Tli.,. m..... ,„.,r:.U .„ial a ,r.tarl ili 'av.nf. AVii'^tioiir n itiiit. nr c rn n tr v

    •ISniiilliolU. W|i.> h:iK r.iriui up trom t’lr l liT|I.M- III a U v ilavi. tn tUr 11. ,ir.' r? 1 |:;0.- riialii.,1 ii]> un ii.r hu lin iiil Ihuard wllh llir hli: i;nii:', |I llvrii Jrw.-|,.r« arc i;riil,u; ii„. frx. r i I. n.l IIinhaliKh r.l.'l.i.rd um Ihr olUrr M.vy lind rolli’il lliD.

    |uill of till*'f-iti;iU;.rla-i;i nml \..!ilrnliiyii.Hrrilixm Millril mrlUrn :iiul miai.-i lllllr a Yi.li.ran ami i..-urcil .|iillr n litr.li hna ili In t« u or d ire r iMin.-,;. Illn ui>- Ipuiirnt. ll;-.uvn.-ll, lull.-.l n;;i (,.r Uli;h !;,Uil mail- ,.rv..r;.l u::i..f ;;oua -nir.:..,I M lornrja :,„il ..ni;ln.'..i,, n t.' mil ilm innnr fii.iu lhl.. h.»vllni: viniii nn.l ljrK irnli,y Jan, It, n..Hi\v..|I anil hln ' iiarlnrr. W. (i, r ('hiiimian tir..ii. .| n .jl'tllp hrralhllir. I'Prll fron, offl.-r.vMirk ji-nd look in ilic iillryu wliii .\i;,rU Mur- JMORil ar. r.ifirh, .-111.1 rufln t \7C lUliJ, l ? t rcnlHTllvrly, l-lr;.:.r duii'l c.u .h-I cxanillir lliln « llnr;i '.,

    1 Iowa H as Not-Been Defeated

    ! I,Ai-.\Vi:TTi;, lilll.. 1-V»I.‘ Iun;> iv.an th r only KnI.raIrn l.,ani In llir w rnirrn iia ir rm ic r b;iHU(.tiiall racr '.0-ilay :■'> Ihr r.-silll of ............. . d.fcati>f Wl«-umiln lant niRhi. 17 lo i;:.

    II wnt. .me or llir hnrd.-al fouKlil Kamrn uf .he n.-m.un. .\lu-,l of Ihu i.corliiK wii:. ibi-uiikh Ihe fn-r lliron ronle. Hulwenla hrun-d clrv..u of

    ‘‘I'' 1‘uriliir'n pc.hiln uu liei- lliro«n,

    FiGH-f rY s u l t sinal ---------

    • llOSTOX-Joliniiy Dnnd.i-, Jmiloi- ctlc lli;Iit''.’cti;ht rlinmiilon. lont a in runml ,lh- dccinlon to Tony J 'lllnh of llrorktnn, Ip .̂. M.-iiiN. iJundco’n lltle M-a:. nut nl

    ible —-----the NliW YOUK—IU.llnii Joe (Innt., not. Vork mlddlrwelRl.t, outiioliilc.t I’an. |>4ll amii Juu Uaiit), .'olor.'d mlun*. cj»«f • «P- ■ '

    i l a a l t r i ^ 'h t a ijM t'^to' f ro m ..!. ' f V ' - : :

    ■t ' . ' ,

    ...................WHAT IS LOVCT j

    ̂ "Whtt l> li.>»r. J A.11...I lh.- monn: IA fiill-ia.Min It'nl *11111 nf rntna.».'»: (

    - Ithr .oh« ot nnltl AtTij rl,n« r ... |

    r r t.nv.-'(i mf i>h.) .it .iir» u.ui Tl.ai'i w1i&( loce In. iny inn."-

    '''' "Wlut !• love'" I |T«W.nd«.FEW 'A PO ST L E S P O O N S ' LEFT

    '" ' i Only Two Complete Sett ot Ancient „ r j Drillin Plate Aro Kn;wn le Os

    Tho ni'*«l iinrl.'nl i-l.'r.. nf hall- oijirl;i'il llrlllhh l-l,ite In .•xl-l.nc.. I-

    iiy ,ji„i,n.In Ihr l-'l;:il of lMwar.1 IV. Ilu-

    I;, »i">.in In m.nll..n.'.l la l-ln-ll-h llt. ia- 1,,; inr.-, ,Mn.onr Mn.-.nn r:,m,- luK.;■ 1..n .hiring IMward Vi. ll„„- nn.l ....

    c.nm- vrry fajIiW.miliU- .m .hrMriifiii;

    hln ' Unlll Ihr lluir .if lUr 1 on.m.i.nv.-nllliI n ll I....nine Ilir rii-.t.ini f..r \vr||.li..luirk '(.-iiiirnllu'i-n mul ;;iHltiii.llii'rn l.i. i:he .1“ f- i-lill.l II e"iii[.|i'lr i. 't uf ihrnr K[iiinn'«,'" ‘I .>r l.'M. ar.'.irilln« .lu llirlr nu'iin«,

    Wllll tl in .u i.r rr . In̂ s.■̂ . tk.. . Ull.l vn-.vuftru :;.II ..niy ni.. sllvrr ......... »lilin IlKUrr o t Iiln imlr.iu halni .ir Ihnl of Ihr i-lver.

    m.w. (ine in .iwneil hy llir (iuM- ',1,;’ Miillirn .'umiiany an.l Ihe otlirr In lu V;,. llu- ill.•.Nr^M.ln .It C rp iin Cl.rlHil ...|- ',.•■1 t i - f . rniiilThlRr,

    In hull. ........ .S.-II '-mr l..iril In r.-i.-Kill rr(.en1r.l, Imt not .Iinl.ls I«i-nrtn(; Ma Ihu iilnrr In tnkrn In un.- nrt l.j- I'nul and i-on In llm niber hv Miitlhi-w.

    or 'Mir ol.b'-l hnll-.iinrl;eil mii.Mlr , >.ti.i..ii.lhut In knimn to hi- In eil^t.-m.r

    unn nui.lr In 1 II'M.It Ili..-n n.il w riil fo he flir fn'.hi.iri

    to iirrvrnt Ihrm nuy m.ire iit rlirlnli'ii- :,|„r Ins., 'H ir rii.li.in 'Iwln.lh-il nt Ihr nml lime ef lUe I’nrlinns, wbu were i,Ti';it tun, Imnc'-lirrakerK.

    L etler Odcfly Recav*r«tf.The .'hlrf dl-lrlb 'il.ir .if oU| rlollie-

    for rrfiu-e.-. In llu .h -ii.. n yam s wum nn frum Teiinei‘*ee, n-rrUed twu bnl."

    li;Ul nf clolhli'S .thrulijh llu. relief conl - mltnlon In C«n«laulhi'ipl* fnun tin liome A f'’W nft.T tlw.Uilrlhiitl..n n miiii ......... . nt llu

    , le llo t stallou wllh a le tte r-u l.l-li In

    plele nninnlKhrarnt Mm found It wa* ‘ lflti:r thn l ha.l heen wrliien m Ue fn th fr til Tei.iiMner, IwriK.v yi-nr* nrn nml th r rrfiijee. clotUcd I'ruin llie "ol. clofhen bnt: fr.itu Anierlen." huil fnun. It In hln troiinrrn- p.»'l;^el.

    S '


    li,. Po tt—I have har* a b it of atraj lilc- v trse.’»ca Edltoru.Taka It to lha pounc

    ' master.

    Y oungitsr B attlid Burglar.(J* .K flfleen-yrar-olil Ohio Imy Is re a |..| coTprlnff from Injnrle* nfTpri>irtn ai ruit, eneounlor with n Inirclar. Due (0 th > ut ■*"* burRliir had w hiskm

    tlienr wa* nnihlnR ainleit. Thn h*i, surprised thn mnn In lha Ulchen an, a-tlKht rcnuUrd. l l i e Uilef * |m rk th

    I an boy rei»eatedly. who crabbed hi had wbUkera nnd held nn until a Hnnl Idm

    -I knocked him unconwloos. Tlirn th •Kor bnrRlar lieeame ^^^^h^^^nr̂ l nnd He* Iftolf The ln>y n-n* revived by his Oes Hrl

    ins h ll hanil*. Tho doc Imd given th ulatiu when ihe ,thief llrs't eniprt^.

    ■ ]

    ' llitle (ellow j jf '^ s o t 'S e n ' Iq

    . . . ! . b a t faeuI : .(itieer in ln u L .'C ^ itB tied .] K •


    ' " ' ' 'W lr,

    ■ 1

    ~ ^ - ,1

    T A a n TIIREB A

    -I .S O ' /G O O D


    1 0 '_ G E N U IN E


    ifn ■ T O B A C C O

    •- r ra :s i i i i ;M - iiK M U .siK S

    FT J (Conllnuod froia Paso 1.)ii.1T iiU'.l.:.il U> III.' very Kr.inl ot #u- , ,

    IIiKrllV lu iiK.k.. Ihr 1.1.1111.. The rcpriil ut th:ii ..iniiiillnieiil un iilwnyH wllliln llir aulli.irll>- ut ih.t cunicr.-!.!. If nuch a ri'iiral 1,. .Ii-rmrd wl..e, Iml It will

    I, h/'wl rrrn u llll Ib r ImiwrlUIlCB of null Itll liiI.T.'.ii irnn^n.-lloii lo Rive I trank, i'X..liii.Ivr. au.l d irr. l dccinlon.

    ■ tn |„v.,ls,.,| l.v any u lll hrlin: (v;.r. nml w.- r)i'.hily np- r 11 |n;.l-.i' M ;i, luiUililr li.roniiilli.hmelll.

    Dn lh.' u lh .r haiul. the rxecullvo l-rjiiu'.'i Dii: j;»vcr«ini'i)l In chnrjsi'd

    .IV,llsl I'lill.iiliti; wlil.'h In loniBB (ho , , Irdcral ir r a t i i r ' $r.ii.UOii,liiin u y. ^ mlclc.l, If n mujorlly In uppouod de-

    (,(, f,j.l i>)ll he .leclulv.-, TUrn, If conjs- ami r.'Hn fnlh In iirovhllnr Ibr rcijuested

    I nllcrnullvr m,''u»ure. ihc ' eaecullTO lirancU ..f th r r.overnnicnt miiy pro- Cihii nenule'ii dpclHlon, bnl I

    .llirn nm niipcalhiK for some decision."^„i„. I'h ih Senator >'aior» I ’lan ,nl,,, itciiaior Smoot, member of Ihc debl

    comiiiUnli'n. Introduced a Ulll lo rnrry 1 . l.ul till) ncitl'.m cni pruvlslon outlined „ ^ |U y H.r l.renhlint-

    ' T lir hill nlno wouhl nuUiorlio Mu(- , " ' ‘ liU'inri.t wllh oih'tr conuirltn on Uia ", K;.m."l.,vj:n, Unbjrci lu Ibu, approval ot 5'" " ' ih 't prcshlcni:

    Sh'revKd Woman Cantlldai*. -A Ciin.lhfrtfe »clj

  • Plan pouB.

    THE TWIN FALLSL ea d in g K o m p tp e r o f t h o 01t7

    -pabU ilied E r« rr S^Ta&liii E xco»t Suodny p a o r. Tw in >*all

    t t t MABTBRa-------------------------- 1:----------

    ____________________' - < ° i ^

    Sniared t t lil* Twia Fall* Poatottleo on r u btlcntlon. April

    8U B S C R U » T I0 N------------D n lly rO P gT cnr ---------------- ;--------------------............. D a i ly , . s i i .m o n t l i f l_______________

    D ail)’,' ono m o n th ........... ............... ........

    T lif cviitiKflihl la s t .•vi-iiinn aiiin h io n c ri Imd jiiljo iirm 'd t ln 'i r n 'K iila r i

    . itl lh i‘ L iiverinu tlicntri,'. A i^ouil iiiai H int tlicv w ou til iiiljom -n i in n r ofli-ii ro m p li 'h .

    T ill ' IndicK r.t' th .. (V iit.vcxUTiluy w ill] tin- ail.In-.sM w lilcli llicin . H '' hlitiwinl t l i a t imic’li tif tli t iic m lilclii! tra iiiiiik ' 'v l iir li tlic lx>v hi({h ni;liot on K' W ill o u r c iv iliz a lio u p ro w co n ti

    lu illcnn ium n l Intit jirr iv iH ?O r is KoincthinK Monu'whiT.’ in tl

    tio n Koini; to c n ic k a n d I d tho u lio l Scieiit’t*'kiiowH diKi-nsc ki'h iis .'u ii

    m nny o f th e K n-nt c iv ilin i lio im o f tli U re rk n ' pow er of reH istnncc, siuall|>ux

    T odoy those didenHi-s a ru coiKjti c iv iJirttliiinJ

    A NlmnKc new n io la ily . ha>n i ’rc r s t liviiiB a n tlir c i)c iu K is t~ “ ii (lisi-iine .jtingliiiK Ic-Iephom'S, o f jiiz7. l iv in g .”

    I)t> you hIiow hym jiiijius o f tli is i Ilciid J ’fofcs-sor S ta iT H 'd i 'so r ip l

    , M'lf.

    T E R R IBLE 1--------------------- n e a td i th .' iin i.s ir 's v ih ra lim llii'iii. V ou r fool, y ..iir fiin,'>‘i'., y .jin re n ls -H ’Veu .vonr piiKc;— Iiui.- w

    Yo u an- w i r , s il,;: ^Them- Vihnilii.iK nn- o f Iw.i jisyehi'.'.

    A l.m it 1.' y e a rs au-o. ih .- \^o|•l,l v ratiio r.p !aci< l. f.-«' .if u s r r a l ly v \r iw i n a rro w ly cM'a[M'd i lr a ih r inii'inisc vibratiotiK of. a sniip.ln>\ (in.ii>r o r n

    T h en II r .’s1i . '- .n . 's s hn .U .. i.iit o f n ilun .’e .•all.-.l iho l/nij;ci. T h is th e w orM . It w as, ieil Ihe w isli wit -11 th a n tliey do lo r a ll tliey nc-

    I'__________ Kle om

    ^-v,.r f ind . • •tho o r . 'ln s l ra jih iys a’ r .T tiiin dn:

    11.. I„ li,.,.|, M ill, l.lll,. „ t„„i,ll.- i.u is j i i d hoeiuiir syneliro iii/.od to ila. .jiir v.)i'nl e n rd s. y o u r n e re .: eiir- j , ; ' ^^illl Iho nin.sii'. 1>>.

    y t , r .s |io iid in n l.i eih i-aiious. | 'h » i e a l ( iin ite r ia l) am i K;i

    I W.IS iJoiiiK iilon^' .■i.lmly. pi'ojih- » le tl ex .i.'p t x v lie ii'u y 'fo u n d ninii.'y _ :is('iiiU 'ly he.-aiiie a llu n o d to tho ‘ ' ' a moh.It ill. I’.uonos A ire«, in th , ' form is dime.- sp rea d ra p id ly a ll ov.t l ie 's m 'rvos in t.T n a tio n a lly , Jike

    II j.'roiil psyehie for.',- ha.I h.'Knn u p 1.1 a hiiU'-niad e .u u lilio n of

    fin d ils elim ax iu ih c W o rl.l w ar. iroiiK h Us like a .'y i'lono IhrouK h Ims n n ir ly n m ils .■ourso, I t is . ii;. us h .'h iin i— n itl ie r b iir ii l ou t,

    yi-hie e u n v n is flow th ro iin h iho ''• li in lr is ls n ill “ ai[i i.i:lu'aii. to bl) dlr;airi...l .':itliwltli 111.- iiiiliK. of .'Vcn a i.rl.'ntlfl.- f.'ri.ihoory.^^ ll .in on ini^.elfallflc i)l|i.> of t:

    g. 1)0 nol ni.liill«li. .-Inim Hint .illii'Koverniiiuat .iwaonililii anil i.oi-laliinii A.ik'i.rp 111.. «aaioT—Viiior. r.'f.'i

    A. 1..« .kn 'ln Twin Kail'. «llbrury. IlllliiaUt In ".Sorinllxia In s'M'nTh.'ory nnd I’rarilco," .lunii". (’rji- ov.-r(pnmir I’nrri.tii:., another nixialltit, tm an l

    ■ T T ---------------------------------------------- 5 » '

    I ’ MURTAUGH 1"°>.t---------------------------------------------L j i

    of II, Mi:ilTACtIH,-Tli.> lt..lUf .im:li'ly n vini.it Ta..nil:ty iirivrn.i.ia a t lli.i (loia.i moriof M, l’.-a Monday nl ili.i Tw in rulli. h.w- .Iiltnl for ainirndlelllii. nnd I't ro- Iportod lo b.i ImproTlnR rai)hlly. .

    Mr. anil Mm. H K. Wnlk.-r n - •'— lurn td Krldny from Porllnml, Oro., wht.ro ihny rcnfdrtl fftr llio l>:iM Ihren mnnihn. .Mr. Walltpr hm. ac- coptril n iiodllloa in. liarbiT In a Itniiort nliop.

    Ml«s Van ai\>t Mt.ift Klvlln J"NoMon and IHira Wiliu.iai. >.ii.-ni fri.n Saliirihy In Twin Kallii r.hniipliiK- I

    Mr. nn.1 Mrn. W. C- lHrk.-y tnt.ve.l Iln'thero hoim.thold kooiIh to Twin Kalin i;ar.' Mon.lny wlicru llu-y ^Uli llv.. wlill.-; Ml Mr. Dickey In wr>rklni; In tlio Klni-lMr.licrly hnaii. Iiel

    MurtaiiKti wati nulte Uvrly Kntnr- Stall.lay nlRhl. wlipn Mr. and Mm. Arllii dnyTolinnn ciitcrlulncd n tiuinber of .'Vfii frlfndu at nn oym.T miiiji.-r nml litMr*. !*, J. }'nlify .•ntcriulnrd a t ronr,cardu In bunt>r of hor huiibanil'ii to ]{tilrtliilay unnlvomary. . rclni

    >Im.. Cnrrol Trni> an.l Infani fra i da tu lilc r .rc lu rn c l Miindny ovonlnK Mifrom T«'hi Knlln tu ihuir home hi m.MurtnuBli. iho

    Mm. ll. 11, T rn r »:nvc a n-adlni; u ,nt the lUirtnit-Toiiclu'rii .'n lortnlnnirni ;\i„na t llic Twiu Kalin lilnli iiuhool T linm - ^adday pv.'altic. ,i„y„

    i':;irl Caniirj; wan a baiiln.'.ii vl«- \v.,.| Ilor In Twin KallH. Moailay. n,

    Mm. W. U. Hk-katus I'nlorl.ila-'.l111.. l.i.dlpn- Aid al her hom.. Tlmni- n„,,,

    i;d»ln Trn.-' of Twin Kalli. ni.mi llic wfck-cnd wllh hl.'i iiari'nl.'i. Mr. nml Mm. II. II. Trn.-.—A—In rrr -r rtu rd n itcnilpd-tlic lilav I' Vrt.Uy .'VvulsiK at. I.IrIv nn.llli)rlum Khcn by lli.' Miiriaai:!.' Dmamtlr cim.. -'Du,.! ,.r i1„- K»rili- whitli Mail aiiiir.'clal.'d au.l timr- , onchly tajoy.'d by all. '

    Mr .̂, Allio Miiltlu'w an.l Mm, K K. Walk.-r aad .'Ull.lr.'n M.iat .Sun- *’='• dny In llnnK.'a at ih - Sli.rii hoaw.

    C. V. Trn.- wa.i n liaHii,i.s» vl-lm r In Twin Kallii TIiiirHiluy aad Krl- *’ day, - ni.n

    Mr. aii.I Mm. I.... D.'Wi.y iiiov.-.l ' ’I'Thumdiiy lo Haa:\.'n. whcro Mr. >1''" I> iueli which wonidiiakc folk-cilvli}- iiomlnont In tlio I.,7.,.oa.iiiilL Bi.tu-re." llo nuya much m, rn rrrnrnentm - -nL'tlvKy— ffombiim '̂r.- 7 „ ,‘| alkd no.lnlIi.tlc In antl-doclallKtlC.

    - Atinflfl Hoe: iloK--lom; did •» ,,

    ‘X ............................ ,i.y 'A. I dnnao. Bmmt ra rly MipoIok- b m

    i':.l writ.-ri. In th.- .la r when Hit- M toman oini.lr.. cxUI.-d tlioiiKlit lh«H day" .....ani tiaya of ,LM •houm ■aili. Otlii'n. thon rh t th a l Ihcy ro- ■ .Ti.'.l to tho crd.-r of Imiioriniico ^ Ui>iiaucouri oriinlun j 'M'niii to h(< In rtliK-iird. but th irriiw IV,-r lh» othor lbcorl«'i'. In iillll with ' |» »»ilny.____ ______________________

    Henry IIcch wits a bunlnenu yIk- I* tnr In Twin KnllN, Monday. ’ A

    Mm. M. Peck iiponi Snlnnlay In > ln I'n iil KhotipInK,

    Tli.i W. W. CIUHs of Junior cirls if Ihc M. B, Ktindny i-c1i..ol will r Ivc "; viili-ailno tea iit ih.t Hoover IJruK t i tori' Satunlay, Kehrnary 10. Kvcry. i).Iy liivltpil.S. A, Hoffinnn and T, Clnrk of

    l.ilili'ii Valloy m olop’d to Miirlatigti ml Tiviii ^^lll^, Tiit'uday.

    AMSTERDAM ^__________________________________!

    Mlnnrri MyrI Sklmi.T and Thohna lla.'k and Mcnnra. Il.'ury Tolmau nnd bill .Sklunor woro Twin h'l.lla (ilcaa- r.' ntfki'm Wcdncndny niKhl.J.«' K nrha .waa' u Knci.t o t UUi

    ri.nd. Jack Wllllainfi. on Hnnday.MlH't Helen Voiorn of Ilolllnlor .i|icni

    hi' wc'k vnd with her eoutilnn, Mar- ar.'i and Jt--'tncltt> i'ct.-rn, [ ■Mln-i.'n JcHtn K unk.'l. Mln Hklnnrr, ^

    Ir. K»lnK Skliincr ami il.iryl Kaii- cl w.T.' .Iliin.ir RncnlH a t lIui Jonnu :mlth homo went o f II.ik.t -iou Thiim- ny .'vcnliiB, Tll.i .llvori.l.m of lh» vciiInK wna rook.Ilml Krazlor, wlfo and .laiinhtor, Lo-

    nnc. wi.jit lo Ilcrnor 'riiiimiluy cnr.mtc 0 Katisnn for tin |nd A.-.itf home.

    iir’ iii'.;.. m r.iriland thh. wc.-k, llo ;.- 111 I’.irtlna.l.

    I- A. Trn.-maa Uaulcd. Hour. .from. _ nii-r Litii (■Tl.lnv,

    C. M. Trn.^ii,.n iinil family have iii'A.-d li> Un- .Mrn. 1?. I). (ia);o rnnch.

    •il.Tl W ai.l.u. Jonn.-tle • Wnlcol. H.'ory Tolauin. Claude, Karl ami Klo- i.'.'ii SklniK-r !.|M-nt Thum day cvcnlnK It 11.1- r . M. TriM'iimn homo.

    r..nl ll.'.'.1 ami family mH..rcil to r ' 'i a |-..|li Siii.irday for a J.'w iluyn

    ,Vlr. mill ,Mvk. M .Tru^m nn i.iicnt VliorMliiy iilKlii a l tlic tilllicrl Hull

    ■iUfS TODAYull sign ificance o f th o abovo op to a n a ly ic a no w a se rv ice m iy a p o ss ib ility b u t a r e a lity , tn T w in F a lls a n d N o w Y o rk o f p o p u la tio n in th e o a s t ia . th is f a c t g ives n n a fte rn o o n :o in g e ttin g th e n e w s to th o ,mo h u h a p p en e d ,

    n stitu tio n s a n d 'b i f f w holesalo 3 to 4 o 'c lo c k in th c a fte rn o o n 1)0 ab o u t 1 o 'c lo c k . T h u s w c [ore go ing to p r o s s l o g o t tho n 'a c a p ita l a n d th o f in a n c ia l In to o u r p a p e r b e fo re w e go lUtion,

    ling th e n m rk e ts o f O h lc a ^ ^ publish th o fu ll m a rk e t r e p o r t a n d liyeatock 12 h ou r? , e a r lie r a o u th cm Id a h o ,

    te d up w ith E u r o p e a n a ffa ira w een h e re a n d th c m o s t w est- . s ix to e ig h t h o u rs . • T h e re fo re , ' lb a fu l l a n d co m p ie to u b l e a t le a s t 12 h o n ra e a r l ie r th a n n.

    )f tho te leffrap li e to riea o f th on th is p n r t ic a ia r . |

    .-> ?! r u n n u B !

    l^BIbi# BQiighlJpr Ttlay*■ ■ ’ Mlldr

    lll)\V TO T ltU .T r ^ iir.-nTrunl In the I.oril with all mine’ wlihlic'arti nml l.'i.ii nol ualo ihln.- hoin.iowu umlorntundlnt;. In a ll tliy l>ciways ackiiow-l.nlKo Hltn. i.ml he to 11rhall dlrcol thy | i a th s . - l ‘rov, Z: ■ Mr!,, C,______________■ .

    Thu U lorary nocliiiy mci on Krl.luy Tjvc-nliiK ut tho ncliiiol houno. Nol n Lsrcnt minihi-r nticnded' hul a i:i>od F Inio was roportcil by Ihotic iircncntj. ^ ;iofrcnhmi(Olii won. ni'rvril. . ,

    Duford Kulinii of Mo.'icmv In npuuJ- * nR i> few duyt. in ihv AniKt.-rditui vl- ;lnliy.

    ■Mr-. MImj. D.iIImnn* U lirivlii.- m..iit.- ___repair work tiunv on lier.homo went3t_luwii.......- ...........................................................•C, U Earl Kpoftt Tbumday and Frl-

    l a ^ a l Ihc A. A. Tolman horn.-. Wr.

    i g f a i l T O VE i n s s E i a „

    — T O N IG H T —

    I« Yuur I.nst CIninre iu Sro I

    W ALLACE ^ I

    R E I D gn (s L nsl i'rnducllun.

    “THIRTVDAVS” c—A lsn -

    Mcrraaidi Comedy V'P A T H E N E W S

    M U T T A N D J E F F |

    -TO.M Oim :«ery l.uml of thc (ilubc—UN (irent'

    ■ /- A l s o - •;

    Constance Talmailp *In t> illir Tonirdr Jlrnniii;JjiuithK < ;n lo r(^ .tn a lllff

    TWO.l’A ltT CO.MKHY

    Conir, Eiijiiy Youn-t'lic«. ^

    ^ AdmNiIon:

    . Cldldrcti,, lU r-A dahs, iOc

    f h l l . l r e i i - r s c ja n r cnni|.ll. l.i.-i.1iiry TI.-kelH f.,r ThN Slion *'

    IfH (;ri'nl • I

    V y ; A /,y x 'a x j/ y V " i n v e s t V W l

    \ / \ / l ! l IDAHO Po\wER s \ / n

    - -/-Y ' ■ y \ ' P r ^ c t e d . S t ^ k / ' ) |

    t h e l W e i ^ c i i f t v e Q u a r l DEND ^ <

    ■ A I n v e s t i n O n e o f I i

    ■ I a n d M o s t S u b s t a n t ^ H

    The ''l.^‘ irk a l biinln.-,nn Ix no' n tin lla l nnd ho:il culal.Iii.lloil I nui>|ilyliiK II oomm.nllly ahs.iliil.. phicnii. .amil.trt and w rlfare ..f

    TC: I* r.trr fc l St.n-k oflfrcd h; jiany bt fnn.hinicntally ronnd fn pulnl, mill Klv.-n y.iu ihi’ Mallnf money a t Jn.nio whi-io It will <

    ^ ® dcvclo|iiiient of yoar iilalo.

    S ' l D l A H O 1

    S c O y i F*

    ^DA Y , F U n U P A R Y 7, l'i2.1.

    ■MlKi. .Volllo, rclurnud from llllnoW on Krldiiv a fte r an exicmkil vlnlt with irl.'iui-i and tolailveii.-

    A.O':. Kimkol and family were Sun- »•In.s: .llnncr i:uc-(|h i. i Mr. and Mra.J r/iro Smltirit of lloKCr;iali. '

    THENEWORPHEyM ,-T < U )A V -ll .\i: IMY O U T -

    Vaudeville RoadShpwof I'n .'xcelloJ Atlrnellonii'

    The Zingarella Trio ~C irm 6 tir~&~Latbuf

    Henella & Co.A dair & Adair' ^ 'v;,\TI'Ill: I 'l i t r i iK

    Ili-anllfol Knihi-rlne ,VRcl)on«li! In I l i r I.u lc 'l i'rudiicllon

    “T H E INFIDEL^:-A I 'on rrflit Dnimu V.nlJrrif 1>H-

    •fer.-n«_A Tornn.lo of Trnplenl T h rllls- .sp ip ii I{..V i:kki,v a s u n a i i

    I 'IC T O dit.tl’II .Sjicrlnl .Miihle l.y Or]ilioam Or-

    dipHtrnI t’s n Illir Show from Slnrt to

    Klnl-.h-Heo I t Sure.(:o .iii.N < ;-(n .n . \k x t B ia o n e

    “ Over the Hill”Athi|irc*

    II liidnslrlci Id iho world,Inl.-ly oiiDciilbl to tho tiap< *.if nil.

    I hy tbc m nho I’ow cr Com- froni nn Invciiimcnt ilaiid-

    ilnfa.rtlon Of InvciUhiK yourII contrlbutu in tho growth

    P O W E R ' J A I S T V - .

  • TO>NT.SDAT, PEBnUAnT-": 13

    T I M E SY o u r c l a s s i f i e d a

    m o r e p e r s o n s l h :

    e r n I d a h o . S w i

    p r o x i m a t e l y 2 0 , 0 0 j ) i

    p l a c e y o u r “ W a n t " a r

    ---------------------f i e d c o l u m n — — - L

    I Help Wanted______WANTED—Malnrnlly cniicn bynurnn

    «pcclnlt«lnit Ih Oil, l‘liouu 3UC. iii

    o o o n HKUAIM.B OKU. v,;irltri wnrl! Jay . l \ 0 . Uox im . Twin Fiilln.

    WANTKI)—A KOiKl man on iruck - rancli on H Ityfltiy tiroiiunUlun. I’huuc


    Situation Wanted 'Woman wauii) work liy llio liuur.

    1-liono 820W.__________•'

    Wanted-iVTiscenaneous ”C ar IcuvltiK (or Cullfornlu Wciln'ii- j-

    rtiiy moriildK. Itoom fur iwd puitMen- .Rorii. I’honu _

    nVA.VTKl> TO » i;y —Scroml Imni) j, (urnlliiro nnd nnnl arllnlcs, I•hnn^ k 40B. Home E|ctiiinHe. :o7 Sliiinliou# -St, So, ________ ____________ ,

    WiVNTl^D—Locral ntul InnK iIhilito'i:o houlInR liy triicH. I’rlcoK ronaonuWo. Holton & Kunkk'. Thonc 1050 nr C»l,

    WANTED—Stnnilnnl mako pliino, - W in puy caHli tf prlccil rlKhl. llnx il" ,IMpg. IJiilin.________________________K

    ■WANTED—Cleon cotion men. Tlmco ^office. °--------------------------------:------------- --------- B

    WANTEI>-rl0.000 lbs. froir.lit lo o:Uaul by truck lo Dolso or return. Dol* nton A Kunkle, 1‘hona lOSO nr sm , S

    WANTED—Oood farm or ranch la axcliaoge (or my bulldloEs; 12 apart- a i 'x t bulldlnr. p r ln MO.OOU; 21 a part- B e n t bulldlns, prlco iss.OOO; 4S npart* ' B e n t btilldlng, S200.000: (Ivo build* b t e , 300 apartm rnU , )7SO,000. E. „ .Woodoll. 28 Boutb U S a llt , Clilcago, °

    BAKER flO OM S-Dalhi Sic. *»B „ . Jou th MftlD. _______________ g

    For Sale MisceDaneoup............--------------------------------------- j

    . FOH 8AL&>On-Cuniblonllon I^icbvn citt>ln«, blcyclo am i'tviiV room wlilrU • cnn be niovod without iciirlnn down. ■ C2l» n t l l l ovcnut I'nnL---------------------------- 1-------------------------- ;

    TOU 8ALV>-l)i»by bi'.l. UIkIi chulr. ( lllrdiM>yo mnplo drviinvr.'V lctroIa aniV * olher furniture, I’lionn lO.VJ.

    , r a E S lI EG03-d«Il»ered OTcry Sol- i nrday. I’hono 790J. \

    I-'OU SAU5->*roih elder Just madT J , t d Vunpe. Public Markel.___________ ,

    A NO. 1 rORTY FOR 3ALB o r trade Phona C42J1,____________

    FOR SAL&—I-'urnlluro. H20 Elgbtb ea it.

    •: TOR SALE—Red Clover nei-d,. Ro-cleancd and Krmlod. nxtrn Nu. I froe from dodder, 20c per pound. Plione 7G06 Filer. Or ra il ^ mllo Noutli and Vi mllo went of Clover nlorc, l-'rlti;Meyer. '______________ _

    FOR SAL&-AI1 VIndi o( freil- m eat—n n r amount dellrerod anjrwberi —c lly o r country. Plione your orderrla to C60RH._______________________

    FOR SALE—F am t and kalsomloe lo r pa in ting and kaUunlnlng. Pbonr>■ M oon'i Shop.___________________

    .TOR 8A 1.E-K iadllit< delivered al> , w. re^idy ip l l t ; uian plnn lop t fo r (Ire-

    ' ' p l,Re or stove, «awed to IccRtli. W , i l . Patton. Phones ia3«'and CSO-Jl. '

    W e se ll Spring Canyon Coal at 8 per ton. 45 cent* por sack. We

    ■ screen ou r cool. The slack is taken out. Detwellor Coal Co. Phone

    » SOS.

    , Loat and foundLOST—Female Irish pointer, (our

    inonDw old. White and brown. Call lg^ ^^ ___________________________

    FOUND—Dlack broke horse. Baddle nnd h a lier on. K. il,, care of Times.

    FOUND—Automobile license. Owner can have name by paying for th is ad. Tim es offlco.

    STRAYED- OR STOLEN-I->om lillch rack lost Frldoy night one rangy black saddl» horse, w earing old sadd le and rope halier. Notify Times of> (Ice. .______________________________

    , Moral Charvetir Everytl.lnp.^ All human wlMdnm Hnd trxiterlcnee

    nnlle In rerasnlilnn n( inonil rh n m c (er *■ (he basis (artn r la Ibf devHo|>- ment o( MablA rIvllUatlun nud tn (ho

    , rea llu tlo n o( peace auiunj; num .-U .O. Jllttenhbute. I

    i W A N ^1 a d v e r t i s e m e n t i n T H E "

    h a n t h r o u g h a n y o t h e r pu w o r n c i r c u l a t i o n 3 7 3 6 , i

    r e a d e r s e v e r y i s s u e , T

    a n d “ F p r S a l e " a d s i n T l

    . F O R R ^r o u lllC.ST-SI-n lino, .Nunrty ull In .

    I r.‘>oil Jimi.v. JIOI SlJi AVI-, j ' Kahl.I 'll ■ . . ,»■■■, I , I,-

    Furnliihod hoOHoKeflplne ap,irt> monlfl. EU'Ctrlo boat. Reasonable i) rales. Oasla Homo. S

    , ------------------------------------------------------ /FOR RENT—« room bouso. Phono -

    163 or CI0R4.

    ; FOR R E N T -IrrlK aled (arm In Coal- - dnlo. Alberta. Canada. Alfalfa nod Brnlu. Good dairy dlslrlcL For cash

    I o r division of crop. Slaie equipment i, . nnd cash available, M. E. Wilson, XIC c

    S. Slh 8 l„ Minneapolis, Minn. .I FOR R E N T -T breo room (um lsh- . ed apartm ent. StC per monlh. Dunga* . . low Apia.. Snd avenue. 5ih s tree t E.■ FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room S ’ w llh board. Phono 1234. Coll 121 C ; Seventh uvonuo north.; TOR RENT—House keeping apart- I-

    m enti. complelely turnUhed to r llgbl 1 bouaekeeplng, one, two and th ree I rooms, close In, and low rates, by ■

    ̂ week or m onth. Tbe O itord. i28 Main :

    ■ W a n t e d To: K e n t . ^I WANTKD TO lltlST—SO acreii In '■ blRh stnlu of cuUlralioii on Twin ,

    Kalin trac t. C onlijir crop renl, C. '• Chrlnli-mivn. Holllilrr.

    , F o r S a l e — A a r o m o b i l e F '

    1 I-'OU SALf;—Il'uj truck nuarly new, |, I In (Im t clusH condition, cheap. John ̂; D. Uolion, Phono DSK_______ _ .

    1 Por "Pep" see "Step." the Cylinder , > Irlnder, 147 accepJ'avcnue npfth. ' ~ |

    WANTED-l-^ird louring car. fully t mulpped. Mual bc cheap fur cash C^lt 32C Main avvnuo nurih.

    TOUD FOU RALE-Kord ruiiaboul 1- in good romlltlon wlib aliuodt new '- top. llRh(H;-Hc/- Call n t KondabU

    Wrlglit Aulo QnraRc and noo ll. Phono <■ 10 f(ir particular* or call .and osk lu I ’ Huo il run._________________________ I

    WA.VTED-KordK. opon nnd cloned ' nodols. , I c.in use an unlimlied nuni>

    >er. ‘ Central Oarage. -»» -

    ̂ FOR BAU) OK T RA D E-U azw ell (Qunoc c ar.tf l good ModlUon, good ilFM. itid rc M ^ . 3. W , corv-TlsM ,-

    e . " F ■'c ; • ,d Oo to the Bhodilr Rooms (or t clean, quiet r o o s t and good.

    beds. P rlcei Me; 7Se, and t l ., ! Spoclal n t e i b^ the week 6r *' month. Phone 03. .Mrs. J D.' Rogers, monager. O^rer Parrolt ' OpUcal Co.. Twin Falls, Idaho.

    0 I I I— ■;C '

    Advlcs for tha Mlddle.Agtd.~ Advlco ID men pnit ilfly: l.lvc ns I* If ynn t'xi'Cflfil lo, li» on earth (or f (lilrty y n m nml, w lib,nil rotir plnn*.

    be pri'parcd lo gn ininnmnv.

    On the Border Line.1( Is \roniIer(ul huw near cunccit Ij

    to Iniunltyi—Jerrold.

    T dO IN G S o f t h e D U I

    I L E M A ,I G U E S S I’U .'S H A V E T O E A 7 M V

    ir BREAKF/iST ALONE•I 7 H J5 W R N M G : }.

    D U FF IS h 'T FCEUK G / e , W E 1 .L - ^


    ...... ........... TWIN Fi

    T A D S °: T I M E S i s r e a d b y

    p u b l i c a t i o n i n S o u t h -

    , a n d t h i s m e a n s a p -

    T h i n k t h i s o v e r a n d

    T H E T I M E S c l a s s i -

    For Sale Keal EstateKOU SAI.K-Oni- ri{ tb,, t„...t 0-rooiii

    lliixl'Tn Iioni'-H In tli.r clly. Nierly I'l- . I'ltli'il; u t » bari::iln. Jtniniru ul Tlm

    r- ToKK'^ry.

    ■■ I KOU'3Al.lv--ii(l uc rri tbrro mlUs - 'f r n m HolllinN,'r. layn timr. nearly nil n. Ill hay. k‘HI\1iuu:i«. i-k-, ]4U4 IClRlilh 15 iiveiiuo eanl.

    _ If yon w aul In M,ii uicUtoril.( . iniiiiii :i, Orplieiuii llldK-

    r | Miscellaneouc-- i W IM . i-AV CASH for iirrimil-lmnil ' “ IfuriilUir'-. Call nl ir,:: Snpm ptrly so called. 5

    UFFS— ̂ ■ 'i

    l \ f ALL R IS H T T l / C j o c I'LL S E R V E \ /;{

    ■ Y o u R IG H T J T H E ■’- y I,

    ' F^Tfll - ■


    F A L L S _ D A I L Y T I M E S , '

    T H E (

    t l

    I *» fFijRmTUB

    [No-NO-1 ■T'tUUSAY y \ o w r '

    H OM E

    .MUUSOCS_________________ H , O N T R g


    CHICAGO. Feb, 7.—All rr.iln clon- cd iilRli'rr nn Ibe t cpurral -luowii q wet*'! favorablu In llnr, wliili-r wli.-al y

    Provlnlomi fliim'il IiIiUmt, . lMuy wlirut nii('ti'’(l iiiii'liani;cni ul [3

    }1.IR4 nnd clii’«'il up 2’>i‘' ; July t(>peii'-d iiji ‘ic III U . n i t ami cloiurd j.u p ''T ie ;’"H>'iil':iiffi«rif{ii'il25c lower;, bulk ot nal«-», *7,60®; 7,75:, (op, »S.

    S h oep -llece lpu , 13,000; market 15 ‘ (»:512,7G:• w eiherx. | 7,504f 0; lumbn. }13.25

    Si}f7.71i,________ . .

    Tom Mai

    iE VOUR E G G 5 DONe \ i,E -V M V v o u L IK E p ) j j, E M . M R .D U F F ?

    / / ^ ^ V E S ^ T H ^ I) W ER E J U S T

    a y w * (, Th e w a v tT>4eM

    !. — ____________________ _

    O L D H O M E T O V


    ~ I \KS^OT'CrE.t> Pk 'U 'T S

    -- ; j V ™ / / .

    *HERH D O O I-iT '^ tIe . CHAM f TH ENO FiTH S iD E O F MAI Iil2 W R IS T W H IL E CA.pyi

    •Rg C R A C K E R . B A R R E 1 -/N ' 8 A > .T

    Fal# MoroanS Mtrjgc. |Tlu- mlrui:i. wbbli Ih .ifi.-ii ►crn at

    (h,4«3MiC =

    ,. Turkeys .. ......................................... .-..̂ Oc ■ {. OoesB------------------------------ ---------- 1-c

    Ducks .. ............................................ 12c ''■ Hens .. ...... ............................. ............ 12c

    ^ - ..... ...........................mU m ba ----------------------------------------He f,,

    PRODUCE„ Eggs .................................... - ..... . 20c" Ttannb butter, per pound ............... 35c" Uutlorfat ,. ........................... ,..35«38c

    d ” >EW T H AiysCH ERU LK “0 (Clly or Mountain Time.)^ Kan(l)0uud

    So. m r ....................... JJopart 7.-50 a. m . }',■ No. 8 4 ....... .............Depart 0:10 p. m, U

    UeMbound ili, No. S 3 .................... Depart 1:20 p. m, di

    No, ICC....................Depart 4:20 P, m. ol

    ? -TlOGKRSOX u iu N C H TRAINS ir Konlhbonnd I"

    S o . 333 ....................Depart 1:30 p. m, m>erthl«>unrt ni

    “ .*:Phono 79. fj

    5 M O N E Y T O L O A N1 I3M0 (o-lend ’a t a low ra te on

    0 ' good real estate srcurlly.[p 11000 to lend a t a lew rolo on

    good real esiale Hecurlty.16 11000 to »50OO to lend on good Hi; second mortgage security. "O' HEWRY J.-W A LIi J

    akes a Suggestion

    \ [ T T n o t i c e o t h e - w a y y o u5. ( CARRIED "THAT W A T E R GLA }. = i IW - 'iW i; HAO VOUR. FIMGER}, - 4 7WE JN 5 IP E O P TH U G IA S1 V VOUSHOULD HOLD A S IA S

    ‘ ^

    > W N

    J I -- t e a ■



    ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ rr^ R E V E R S ie u EVi-:r-\OOOP!. KMOaS -------

    \T S \ \ __ PATHMTTED }■= s r - r r ^ '— s e l f f u ip p jh q ,-------• -pAjrcAvctT— ” w V, I-------- FLOPPtrP-*3 ------- —

    ''— • > i _ - £ ^ " S '

    jr 'N V CA fJCV E R/^ T.; : CHL=W(N!j -

    , - ^TCtACCO ~ , —-T iiru iR C D

    — r- MAJiS _ ^- DCUCHT-' _ ^ \ ~

    ^ '


    A M P E tM W M IT T L E E O F MAIN s i n e e T , s p r j a i n e p \PyilAC, A F A N C Y L E T T E f e .>.TERS~ C A S H S T O I 5 C J

    1 IIHIS WANTi:ii

    1 will rccrlvo itealeil ranli Mils on Tbe Idaho Ilardw urc nud Impl'-nicnt _

    ■i.inck nnd fixtur'-ri np to and Indud- ̂lln r lh'> lOih day of I'Vbruary. 1U23.

    I’ropiTiy ran bo Innpeclrd by cull- - Inn mi trmilec, T r u i i f r rrtiervcn the rlRlit in rcjccl any ati nerve a lerni of trom two to flvo yearn Im- prlnnnment. In tho Stnlo Ponllenllary

    II, a i Ilolnu. Ada Couniy. Idaho. ' will mnke nppllcailnn to the llnnorable

    n. Stale Hoard of Pardon*, a t tbe lr next regular mpellng. n fier the legal pub-

    » llcollon of Ihln notice to r a commu- intlon of nenlencu to Onn 111 yenr. (Signed) LEE POLSON.

    Ilox 58. Ilolse. Idaho.

    eupsrotltlen Helps CsL Tn Fmnce it la 0 custom tu give

    I the rn t nil It can ent on Cbrlstmss •nv, (o r If. by nuy cbnncc. It mews, bad luck (or Ihe houtebold Is m e |

    - (0 follow._____________________ , ■

    /OL) ' W rW E L L .h A J-W A 'GLASS / T H E M THAT VS E R 5 OH t S=J O RO P 'E M , B L A S 5 - p - < Vo u r W A V r IA 5 S OM , / V. R O N T lr S l O E ^

    7 / ^ - y

    — T A O B F i v a .

    B u j i n e s s D i r e c t o r y

    AttorneysI’ORTEU & W irilASI. LAWyert,

    SuKn I. Smith & Rice Bldg.

    SHAl) U ItaD tflN -A ltom oy-aia^w '.Room C, Twlu Knlln Uank A T ro iJllulldliin. Phono !>S3,____________

    E. J, IIOIINIIIUUOK. Attorney a l Law.Ronm C, Twlu l■ .̂lln Dank & T ru it iluililini;, I’lionu VS3,

    Jam es R. Uolbwoll - - O rr C hapm u-----■liU'm.W>XL. &-,CHAl»MAN. ....______ __

    Woodn Dldi;. Rooms 5. C. 7, 8. >, 19

    aWKKLEY & SWEELHY—Attorney** - KIrut Nnllonal Uauk Dldg._______

    ASIIKU n. \

  • P A G E S IX . “ ,

    iS E m BILL 0 -E K iliR E

    RAmStorm y Scone and Ihtimati

    T h ick 'an d F ast; A ll Sfi , -.j& fto rfH w B ee rT ^ a d —^ tfe e n s j M ^ o r Denie,

    A ^ r n e y to Take Proce Nam ed in W olfenden R

    T h e Im rr ic a n r th u t luul h .-m lu m in io n litPpdnR biir« t fu rl li in fu ll f o f WUN i.rcsc-iit.',l l.y 'I’ii.- OI.m( lea n u d it... ComniiMioM cr S, S, A ll-1

    . t io n o f u M iaiiu-rnl o f I.UMiirss ̂o f n (UKropulalilo ninl

    ■ ilr ilrab le blemema hn»e cliarKr i.f tli fhJB ififn f a n d 'Im re urgod (c oii. n>i m:- ':ili> m lnlilm U ona o( ihla clly i> yi'“ >

    1 luleJy (alia tfnrf 1 will he iM-mnnnll}' flfi_jrllt aualain u»," ‘'i- ' “I'imayor, " l l becomo my puinful iluiV , now lo (natrucl the clly nitorncy in lake a ler« 10 a ac m a ln th r 1*-Ka)lij- ‘■'‘'I o( tho actlona o t aom'o or il>r mui. llr ln * In thia city In rcKanl to

    I th i t t t i ibow n tip la ih r ainllt. 'I ••!( an BU‘111 were tnWrn n f tu . -' rJ{y dttrtn* {fie Jmi oir tunniUn It[ wonld ahow up the ndmlnl-.-1 trailon* In Uie roo4i (nvorut)k- UrIii “ I”'

    b r .COmparUoc," dtK^lnrnl .Mr. All.€onlr«»er*r n lih llobrrN . AU

    : Comm(»i.lon*r J. !•:. flr.l.rrtn tlini f .t; entered, llio Ihla. Ilo Hiir.Ri'itrd t|i:uI on a ' recent occtilon n xnnill ud- ^

    vcrtU em eal was tirinOHl In ilirc i\:i.I p e n . One charfitd Jn.so. ntid th.,- ' i ,

    other* n do llar leni. T h r cnf rharK- ,i,,,■ Ina the hl«hei»i clalmoil It v.;i:.

    Charti&s o D iy lccu l rnlBH. nnd rtlm.-! l.upil ratea wero charKnl. «hy not

    in ono flj well a» a no ih rr? Mr. AJ) cJmr«ed Mr. Hobrrl* w nu inuldnK " plediteii' durlBK the enmiiairn tlnii . ho.'w ould vole (u let U>e prln iln r ' to tho low eit biador. Mr. HoheHi.

    . odcnKlAii (h/B bt(t taM If «rifi u xrr\>:r.'loo. ’'I Imvr voieil (or muny tblim«l lierit tor tbu auke o( linnnnny, but I ri lienii'( i.I.ow 1miu:|..,, ■Idea up." he auld. ' ' ,

    Wr. M l T̂ lll>r.̂ lerr*. nv.yinr thnt th r nm iluiion lirnlKONlod Tl.r ■..

    I O ta rrv rr u« flty ..rKau .lid nol r s. I t m ts o v . r ! , IlK

    ------------------------------------- ------------------;l'biLuIar. TJiv ori.i'i MH-. (li.rifi.C.i}|-;i>’(..J. :i.ri

    E V iG E iS l iw FMRSSHOULDMlr

    THEIR RECORD OfER''̂--------- II.

    :,aierhiK Thenlt-e Unn Crowdc.J l.i I"!! Caiiurlly lo Uenr i:>nnirp|ljt Hur. " ' WK la s t Mk IiIJ JudKT I'mrned Inr .Siiaklne “IlootlPKBerv.”

    Ilrv. I.. K- liiirRcr In liU hi' iro d u c lo ry ' .rei.iHrkh Ihhi nUlii , Hiulod ll.a t ih.i city hnd n.llo.irn- I ' rd .th r lr nicrtlaR Ini.t niRlit In nttcn.l Iho Hcrvtcrj. llu lliiinkril [l-'H th rm lo r lhl» nnd Uu-ii Mtntri) |boi p.Tl.ap« th ry « r re laklni: )ii..r»- m'I" tinip tn tbUik ovrr aome u( Uivlr !«•> d w la MS Jlje jiajjOM Jind jiiatii) jmi' thn t they hnd pnid linoo for l1l^ llrl: nudll when thry coul.l have Un.l nix It doiin (or |:000. Thii pvanKu- IlNl ita te d th a t he (nil tha t ililii 7 wa» w orth thInklnR i.rrr. mi'.Iti'V. IturKrr concralu latcd 'tb o j.'ii

    r«vln KnllH Ju'lp.o wUicl. mvu n n r. nri nlii boollrRC.r.- frnm nnr lo Uvo L ,1-iir!. lu Ihi: p-n to r bU .c o n d cf- st< rnnr itnd iinntbrr nnu i\ (luu t,( ■],-

    nn.l tlO ilnyn In Jail, llu pral>rd i„, he jinlRo thul did tb l! i_ a iid .a u u d .. U.II r.ii.:b « JndB.' nboiiiu li£_ ro- ^l.'i t. by Twin l-'alln.

    Urv. iiiirce r inlkcd nn "Sin" nn.l llrTll.’tiicd n (rnm m a n y nnKlrt. Up “ f iluiKil Uiat nwny wtinwUird Ihi: 0r clKiiri'tin i.tnoklni5 uml de-».Tlbrd ^o«- m nny muii woiiM Jikr i« fi.r- I «ike tl.lH rv ll If il„.y c