XLRI’s Initiatives in Social Entrepreneurship -...

Madhukar Shukla Fostering Entrepreneurship with a Social Cause… XLRI’s Initiatives in Social Entrepreneurship

Transcript of XLRI’s Initiatives in Social Entrepreneurship -...

Madhukar Shukla

Fostering Entrepreneurship with a Social Cause…

XLRI’s Initiatives in

Social Entrepreneurship

Madhukar Shukla

Fostering Entrepreneurship with a Social Cause…

Why “Social Entrepreneurship”

It’s a socially relevant Initiative

It integrates management education with social concerns

It is consistent with XLRI’s Core Values and Identity

Madhukar Shukla

Fostering Entrepreneurship with a Social Cause…

Vision of XLRI

Inspired by Jesuit spirit of “Magis”, XLRI aims at being a management school with:

A passion for academic excellenceA passion for academic excellenceUncompromising human valuesUncompromising human valuesA sensitive social conscienceA sensitive social conscienceAn abiding commitment to improving life in An abiding commitment to improving life in organizations and societyorganizations and societyintegrityintegrity

Mission:Mission:……..””to encourage entrepreneurship and to encourage entrepreneurship and service orientationservice orientation””

Madhukar Shukla

Fostering Entrepreneurship with a Social Cause…

1st Indian B-School to sign the UN Global CompactPrinciple 1 (Purpose) : We will develop the capabilities of students to be future generators of sustainable value for business and society at large and to work for an inclusive and sustainable global economy.Principle 2 (Values) : We will incorporate into our academic activities and curricula the values of global social responsibility as portrayed in international initiatives such as the United Nations Global Compact.Principle 3 (Method) : We will create educational frameworks, materials, processes and environments that enable effective learning experiences for responsible leadership.Principle 4 (Research) : We will engage in conceptual and empirical research that advances our understanding about the role, dynamics, and impact of corporations in the creation of sustainable social, environmental and economic value.Principle 5 (Partnership) : We will interact with managers of business corporations to extend our knowledge of their challenges in meeting social and environmental responsibilities and to explore jointly effective approaches to meeting these challenges.Principle 6 (Dialogue) : We will facilitate and support dialogue and debate among educators, business government, consumers, media, civil society organizations and other interested groups and stakeholders on critical issues related to global social responsibility and sustainability.

Madhukar Shukla

Fostering Entrepreneurship with a Social Cause…

Key Social Initiatives of XLRI

Parivartan - Village Exposure Visits

Madhukar Shukla

Fostering Entrepreneurship with a Social Cause…

Parivartan -Village Exposure Visits

Part of Part of ““Induction ProgramInduction Program””LiveLive--in weekend experiencein weekend experienceSmall groups; deep interiors of Small groups; deep interiors of JharkhandJharkhand, , OrissaOrissaTieTie--ups with NGOs to facilitate learningups with NGOs to facilitate learningOften result in businessOften result in business--plans for NGOsplans for NGOs

Madhukar Shukla

Fostering Entrepreneurship with a Social Cause…

Key Social Initiatives of XLRI

Parivartan - Village Exposure VisitsAspen Instt’s Teaching Innovation Program

Madhukar Shukla

Fostering Entrepreneurship with a Social Cause…

Partnership in Aspen Instt’s Teaching Innovation Prog

Purpose: Purpose: to buildto build--in socioin socio--environmental concerns environmental concerns into the management school syllabusinto the management school syllabusCollaboration with academics from other Indian BCollaboration with academics from other Indian B--schoolsschoolsWorkWork--inin--progressprogress……

Madhukar Shukla

Fostering Entrepreneurship with a Social Cause…

Key Social Initiatives of XLRI

Parivartan - Village Exposure VisitsAspen Instt’s Teaching Innovation ProgramSIGMA Activities

Madhukar Shukla

Fostering Entrepreneurship with a Social Cause…

SIGMA (Social Initiative Group For Managerial Action)

Basic Computer Literacy ProgramBasic Computer Literacy ProgramAfternoon Project SchoolsAfternoon Project SchoolsSummer & Rapid Social Internships in Social SectorSummer & Rapid Social Internships in Social SectorBlood Donation DriveBlood Donation DriveShilpShilp MelaMelaXLRI XLRI GoonjGoonj Clothes Bank, etcClothes Bank, etc……

Madhukar Shukla

Fostering Entrepreneurship with a Social Cause…

Key Social Initiatives of XLRI

Parivartan - Village Exposure VisitsAspen Instt’s Teaching Innovation ProgramSIGMA ActivitiesXLRI-Goonj Clothes Bank

Madhukar Shukla

Fostering Entrepreneurship with a Social Cause…

Madhukar Shukla

Fostering Entrepreneurship with a Social Cause…

Madhukar Shukla

Fostering Entrepreneurship with a Social Cause…

Madhukar Shukla

Fostering Entrepreneurship with a Social Cause…

Key Social Initiatives of XLRI

Parivartan - Village Exposure VisitsAspen Instt’s Teaching Innovation ProgramSIGMA ActivitiesXLRI-Goonj Clothes BankXLRI Social Entrepreneurship Trust

Madhukar Shukla

Fostering Entrepreneurship with a Social Cause…

XLRI Social Entrepreneurship Trust

To generate resources to encourage and To generate resources to encourage and finance social entrepreneurship among the finance social entrepreneurship among the XLRI students, alumni community, and XLRI students, alumni community, and others.others.To provide a channel to XLRI alumni and To provide a channel to XLRI alumni and others who have means and motivation to others who have means and motivation to finance and support social development.finance and support social development.To develop the XLRI brand consistent with To develop the XLRI brand consistent with the Institutethe Institute’’s identity and mission.s identity and mission.

Madhukar Shukla

Fostering Entrepreneurship with a Social Cause…

Founder Trustees

1.1. Fr E Abraham, S.J. (78PMIR),Fr E Abraham, S.J. (78PMIR), Director, XLRI2.2. MrMr BushenBushen RainaRaina (73BME),(73BME), MD, The Tinplate Company of

India & President, XLRI Alumni Association3.3. Dr Madhukar ShuklaDr Madhukar Shukla,, Professor, XLRI & ex-Chairperson,

Alumni Affairs4.4. MrMr RanaRana SinhaSinha (78BMD),(78BMD), MD, TELCON & President, XLRI

Alumni Association (Jamshedpur Chapter)5.5. Fr James Fr James SanthanamSanthanam, S.J, S.J., Administrator, XLRI6.6. MrMr S S AkhtarAkhtar (94PMIR),(94PMIR), Administrative Officer, XLRI &

Treasure, XLRI Alumni Association7.7. Dr Dr AshisAshis K K PaniPani,, Professor, XLRI

Madhukar Shukla

Fostering Entrepreneurship with a Social Cause…

Funds from:

Funds from:

••Alumni donations

Alumni donations

••Events, e.g.,

Events, e.g., XL Dream Run

XL Dream Run

••CorporatesCorporates, Trusts,

, Trusts,…… ??????

Madhukar Shukla

Fostering Entrepreneurship with a Social Cause…

Projects Supported by the Trust

Incubation Funding/ Loans approved to 3 Social Entrepreneurship Ventures started by XLRI students:

-- a venture to connect rurala venture to connect rural--tribal tribal artisans & craftsmen to the marketartisans & craftsmen to the market

-- a cleana clean--energy venture using oxenergy venture using ox--driven generator to provide electricity in rural areasdriven generator to provide electricity in rural areas

-- an online market research venture to an online market research venture to generate funds for NGOsgenerate funds for NGOs

Madhukar Shukla

Fostering Entrepreneurship with a Social Cause…

Madhukar Shukla

Fostering Entrepreneurship with a Social Cause…

Madhukar Shukla

Fostering Entrepreneurship with a Social Cause…

OX-Driven Generator for Rural Electrification and DevelopmentAn Ox connected to the rotor through a shaft is directed in a ciAn Ox connected to the rotor through a shaft is directed in a circular path with rcular path with the motor and apparatus at the centre of the circle, this movemethe motor and apparatus at the centre of the circle, this movement generates nt generates energy that is stored in a lead based battery. The power generatenergy that is stored in a lead based battery. The power generated in 1 hour of ed in 1 hour of working is sufficient to charge a 40 Ah battery. This battery isworking is sufficient to charge a 40 Ah battery. This battery is used to power used to power equipments in the houses.equipments in the houses.

Product Highlights• Patented Product• Clean Technology – Potential carbon credits• Highly available resource – OX• Ease of maintenance in Rural India• Lowest cost in non‐conventional energy sources• Multi‐utility: Electrification and Irrigation• Geographical reach – Applicable at all terrains

Developments so far:• The product is being manufactured in Ranchithrough Outsourcing• Jointly with JREDA, TATA motors and CromptonGreaves for Implementation in 3 villages


Madhukar Shukla

Fostering Entrepreneurship with a Social Cause…

Madhukar Shukla

Fostering Entrepreneurship with a Social Cause…

Key Social Initiatives of XLRI

Parivartan - Village Exposure VisitsAspen Instt’s Teaching Innovation ProgramSIGMA ActivitiesXLRI-Goonj Clothes BankXLRI Social Entrepreneurship Trust1st National Conference on Social Entrepreneurship

Madhukar Shukla

Fostering Entrepreneurship with a Social Cause…

Theme: Providing Access Theme: Providing Access toto

EducationEducationHealthcareHealthcareCredit & Financial ServicesCredit & Financial ServicesLivelihood opportunitiesLivelihood opportunitiesSocietal ResourcesSocietal ResourcesMarketsMarkets

160+ participants 160+ participants –– social social entrepreneurs, NGOs, entrepreneurs, NGOs, developmental developmental professionals, academics professionals, academics & students& students

Madhukar Shukla

Fostering Entrepreneurship with a Social Cause…
