ARCHITETTURA eTECNICA 2018 XIV CONGRESSO INTERNAZIONALE DI RIABILITAZIONE DEL PATRIMONIO La conservazione del patrimonio artistico, architettonico, archeologico e paesaggistico XIV CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE REHABILITACIÓN DEL PATRIMONIO La conservación del patrimonio artístico, arquitectónico, arqueológico y paisajístico 2018 The XIV INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF HERITAGE’S REHABILITATION The conservation of artistic, architectural, archaeological and landscape heritage MATERA 18, 19, 20 GIUGNO 2018 ATTI a cura di VITO DOMENICO PORCARI

Transcript of XIV CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE REHABILITACIÓN DEL … · Rosa Maria Vitrano ... Renato Iovino...

Page 1: XIV CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE REHABILITACIÓN DEL … · Rosa Maria Vitrano ... Renato Iovino Eusebio Leal Raffaella Lione ... Canarias, como punto de encuentro y puente cultural






La conservazione del patrimonio artistico,

architettonico, archeologico e paesaggistico



La conservación del patrimonio artístico,

arquitectónico, arqueológico y paisajístico 2018



The conservation of artistic, architectural,

archaeological and landscape heritage


18, 19, 20 GIUGNO 2018


a cura di


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La conservazione del patrimonio artistico,

architettonico, archeologico e paesaggistico


La conservación del patrimonio artístico, arquitectónico, arqueológico y paisajístico 2018


The conservation of artistic, architectural, archaeological and landscape heritage


18, 19, 20 GIUGNO 2018


a cura di


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© 2018 by Luciano Editore

Via P. Francesco Densa, 7

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ISBN 978-88-6026-245-5

Page 4: XIV CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE REHABILITACIÓN DEL … · Rosa Maria Vitrano ... Renato Iovino Eusebio Leal Raffaella Lione ... Canarias, como punto de encuentro y puente cultural

Con il contributo di

Con il patrocinio di



La pubblicazione degli atti è stata possibile grazie

al contributo finanziario della FONDAZIONE CARICAL e di ITABC - CNR

Page 5: XIV CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE REHABILITACIÓN DEL … · Rosa Maria Vitrano ... Renato Iovino Eusebio Leal Raffaella Lione ... Canarias, como punto de encuentro y puente cultural


Comitato d’Onore / Comité de Honor / Honor Committee

Maria de las Nieves Arias Incollà

Miguel Angel Fernandez Matran

Aurelia Sole

Ferdinando Mirizzi

Comitato Organizzatore / Comité Organizador / Organizing Committee

Carolina Di Biase

Paolo Mauriello

Marco Pretelli

Micaela Antonucci

Adolfo Baratta

Agostino Catalano

Luigi Marino

Camilla Sansone

Rosa Maria Vitrano

Comitato Scientifico / Comité Científico / Scientific Committee

Francesca Albani

Muhammad Benaboud

Graziella Bernardo

Jorge Néstor Bozzano

Laura Calcagnini

Susanna Caccia Ghirardini

Enrique Carvajal Salinas

Carlotta Coccoli

Antonio Conte

Eva Cosson

Enrico Dassori

Rosío Fernández Baca Salcedo

Ornella Fiandaca

Guillermo García

José Felipe Alamo García

Antonio Magarò

Mercedes Garzon Maceda

Antonella Guida

Luis Palmero Iglesias

Renato Iovino

Eusebio Leal

Raffaella Lione

Stefania Mornati

Oscar Manuel Osorio

Federica Ottoni

Antonello Pagliuca

Antonino Pirozzi

Fabio Minutoli

Juan Martín Repetto

Willy Rey

Andres Salas

Enrico Sicignano

José Tengarrinha

Andrea Ugolini

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Prof. Arq. María Arias Incollá Presidente Ejecutivo Federación Internacional CICOP

A 25 años del Primer Congreso Internacional de Rehabilitación del Patrimo-

nio Arquitectónico y Edificación CICOP.

La Federación Internacional de centros CICOP celebra cada dos años, desde

1992 , este congreso que sirve de cita a expertos y profesionales de todo el

mundo en el campo de la Conservación y Rehabilitación del Patrimonio Cul-

tural. En la línea de la Cooperación Internacional que vienen desarrollando

los CICOP de cada país, este congreso alterna su lugar de realización entre

América, Europa y África.

El primer Congreso celebrado en Canarias en 1992 supuso el inicio del pro-

yecto del Centro Internacional para la Conservación del Patrimonio, y la

oportunidad de ubicar la sede central de la Federación CICOP en las Islas

Canarias, como punto de encuentro y puente cultural entre América Latina,

Europa y el continente africano.

Destacados especialistas de diferentes países se reúnen cada dos años para

compartir su conocimiento y sus experiencias sobre la conservación, difusión,

gestión del patrimonio cultural y sobre los desafíos que esta áreas de trabajo


Uno de los objetivos es socializar proyectos e investigaciones científicas en

distintos campos de actuación : criterios implementados en procesos de con-

servación y salvaguardia del patrimonio natural y cultural desde la contempo-

raneidad; promover las buenas prácticas para el registro, la documentación

y la gestión de la información del patrimonio cultural; así como analizar e

intercambiar conocimientos y experiencias sobre los actuales desafíos que

tienen los actores involucrados en los procesos de patrimonialización de las

tradiciones vivas, esto es el campo del patrimonio inmaterial.

Estos congresos son espacios de intercambio y reflexión donde se debate

sobre políticas culturales, fomación, nuevas tecnologías, gestión pública y pri-

vada del patrimonio tanto material como inmaterial, entre otros.

Se trata de una magnífica oportunidad para destacar el papel que le cabe a

la tarea interdisciplinaria y a la necesidad de articular con la Sociedad Civil.

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- Tenerife (España) 1992

- Mar del Plata (Argentina) 1994

- Granada (España) 1996

- La Habana (Cuba) 1998

- Florencia (Italia) 2000

- San Bernardino(Paraguay) 2002

- Yaiza (España) 2004

- Buenos Aires (Argentina) 2006

- Sevilla (España) 2008

- Santiago de Chile (Chile) 2010

- Cascais (Portugal) 2012

- Baurú (Brasil) 2014

- Tetuán (Marruecos) 2016

El XIV Congreso Internacional de Rehabilitación del Patrimonio que se reali-

za este año en la ciudad de Matera,fue organizado por un equipo de profesio-

nales del CICOP Italia, liderado por su presidente, Prof.Agostino Catalano,

al cual la Federación internacional le agradece y le reconoce el enorme com-

promiso asumido.

Las mas de 170 ponencias recibidas, refuerzan la necesidad de intercambiar

proyectos y experiencias para el mutuo enriquecimiento de la comunidad

científica y académica que compone la Federación Internacional.

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Conservazione e riuso dei beni architettonici

Alberto Serra

La ricerca storica unita alla Building Performance Simulation.

Uno strumento di conoscenza innovativo per il patrimonio edilizio. Pag. 10

Adolfo F. L. Baratta, Antonio Magarò, Hector Saul Quintana Ramirez

Teorie e tecniche di conservazione del patrimonio architettonico in terra cruda in Colombia. 25

Francesca Cappelli, Devid Zanardo

Manutenzione certificata degli edifici storici, contemporanei, giardini e spazi aperti. 49

Fabio Colonnese, Marco Carpiceci

Teoria e procedure info-grafiche per la rappresentazione dello spazio nell’architettura rupestre. 55

Rossella de Cadilhac, Maria A. Catella

Cupole maiolicate in Puglia. Criteri e metodi nel percorso della conoscenza finalizzata

alla conservazione. 67

Jorge Alberto Garcia, Maria Gabriela Arias Capozzo

Colegio de Arquitectos de la Provincia de Buenos Aires- Distrito 5-Espacio de Patrimonio.

El aporte profesional y comunitario para la valoración del patrimonio arquitectónico y

urbanístico. 81

Francesca Giani

Il patrimonio immobiliare ecclesiastico: analisi per la sua valorizzazione a fini sociali. 97

Horacio René Ayala

Patrimonio Arquitectónico y Territorio. 111

Lara Martínez Díaz

Hábitat troglodita: paralelismos entre la casa-cueva en gran canaria (España) e i Sassi di

Matera (Italia) 123

Luigi Marino

L’addestramento al restauro architettonico Didattica e cantiere simulato 136

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Valentina Florio

Il ninfeo del palazzo Barberini di Palestrina: nuove conoscenze per un recupero necessario 161

Valverde Palacios I., Valverde Espinosa I., Ortega Ruiz V.,

Fuentes García, R., Martín Morales M.

Innovación en el empleo de la tierra para restauración del Patrimonio Edificado.

Sustitución de la cal por enzimas ecológicas 175

José Felipe Àlamo Garcia

Propuesta de activación y puesta en valor del Conjunto Histórico de San Juan de la Rambla 186

Vladimir Benincasa, Maria Elena Gabriel, Beatriz Fernanda Carvalho

Las Iglesias y los Cafetales 201

Stefano Cascone, Nicoletta Tomasello, Giuseppe Russo

H-BIM: Un caso studio a Catania 216

Edgar De Souza, Marcela Alvares Maciel, Caliane Christie Oliveira de Almeida

Sustainable development in the rehabilitation of historic buildings in Brazil 229

Guillermo Ruben García

El Plan Rector del Congreso de la Nación Argentina 243

Raquel Castro, Lorenzo Acerina

El Almacén de la Sal 263

Massimo Mariani, Francesca Maioli

Architetture rurali toscane: la valorizzazione dell’ex tabaccaia di Forcoli (PI) 278

Mariana Melhem, Gabriel Terenzio, Alejandro Yonson

Capilla Norte de San Miguel Arcángel 292

Rosio Fernández Baca Salcedo, Victor Ruegger Lucredi

The Architectural Heritage as an Instrument of Preservation of the Cultural Landscape

in Historical Centers 309

Susana Molina Sánchez

Origen incierto de las torres-campanario mudéjares en la comarca de Calatayud:

qué nos cuentan sus fábricas? 323

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Carla Daniela Brocato

Acciones directas sobre el patrimonio arquitectónico - estudio de materiales componentes

del estuco símil mármol. 337

Silvia Beatriz Bruzzo, Marta Oliva

La revitalización de áreas degradadas desde la idea del paisaje cultural. Buenos Aires.

Argentina 350

Patrizia Dellavedova, Lorenzo Jurina

L’archeologia industriale e il valore dei ruderi quale memoria: messa in sicurezza e

valorizzazione dell’ex mulino “Sotto il castello” di Legnano 375

Marco Felli

Il ruolo innovativo di Ignazio Gavini nei restauri abruzzesi di inizio Novecento 390

Evandro Fiorin

TransUrbanoGrams: experiences of urban reconnaissance to the re-singularization of the

degraded historical areas of the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil 404

Carla Jaliri Castellon

Valorización del patrimonio arquitectónico de la Compañía de Jesús en Charcas,

desde la revisión de tratados italianos. Estudio de caso Iglesia de San Juan Bautista. 422

Paulo Roberto Masseran

El Teatro Real de Belém en Lisboa: un descubrimiento aclarado por la arquitectura 432

Maria Elena Mazzantini

Principios para la conservación del patrimonio construido en madera 447

Gabriela Munoz, Veronica Veas Brokering, Luis Goldsack Jarpa

Protección del patrimonio arquitectónico en zonas de riesgo sísmico. Consideraciones

constructivoestructurales. 464

Gianella Mussio, Carola Romay, Veronica Ulfe, Ernesto Beretta, Julio Pereira

Análisis y valoración de los aspectos tecnológicos y deterioros de la ornamentación

de fachadas en Montevideo 476

Alejandro Nicolini

Diagnóstico y Técnicas de Inspección de procesos patológicos relativos a la humedad.

Caso de estudio Colegio Mayor Argentino “Nuestra Sra. de Lujan”.

Ciudad Universitaria, Madrid, España. 491

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Marta Julia Oliva, Silvia Beatriz Bruzzo, Vanina Iturria, Gladys Mónica Kuscich

Rescate y projecto de intervención del Teatro Martìn Fierro. La Plata. Buenos Aires.

Argentina. 507

Edgar A. Pineiro, María del Pilar Salas

Earth heritage at risks: conservation actions in the “Tradition House”

(Santa Ana, Corrientes, Argentina) 523

Maria Rosa Plana, Eduardo Portillo

Programa de Salvaguarda y Puesta en valor del Museo “Casa Natal de Sarmiento”

San Juan, Argentina. 537

Carmen Martínez Ríos, YolandaSpairani Berrio, José Antonio Huesca Tortosa

Evaluación de daños por sismo en torres de la arquitectura defensiva.

La Torre del Espolón del castillo de Lorca (Murcia) 553

Maria Cristina Sennle, Silvia Beatriz Bruzzo

Rescate patrimonial y planificación urbana: Caso Barrio Villa Las Colonias.

Remedios de Escalada. Buenos Aires. Argentina. 565

Susana Elisa Torán Reyes

Estrategias aplicadas desde el ámbito público y privado en la rehabilitación

de la estructura de madera del Mesón de las Cañas y Ventorrillo de la Buena Vista 581

Andrea Mariana Guerrieri, Ricardo Carbone

Puesta en valor del palacete ryan II, av. de los incas 3360, capital federal,

Buenos Aires, Argentina 594

José Javier Correa

Santuario al Sagrado Corazón Misericordioso de Jesús de los padres Capuchinos:

un monumento inconcluso 612

Cristina B. Malfa

Conservacion y reuso de bienes arquitectonicos el patrimonio urbano de la avenida

de mayo en buenos aires y los usos actuales renovados 633

Roxana Gonzalez, Adriana Estevez, Graciela Fuentes

Recupero del ponte trasbordatore Nicolás Avellaneda (La Boca, ciudad autonoma de Buenos

Aires, Isla Maciel Avellaneda, provincia de Buenos Aires, República Argentina) 647

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Fernando Errico

Torre Castiglione: un rudere da tutelare nel paesaggio costiero pugliese. 662

Ornella Fiandaca

La “pietra” nelle cupole della ricostruzione a Messina: artificiale VS naturale 674

Adriana Estevez

La famiglia Domínico: origine di un quartiere. (Villa Domínico, partido de Avellaneda,

provincia de Buenos Aires, República Argentina) 690

Santiago Granda, Giuseppe Andrisani

Edilizia pubblica nei Sassi di Matera: analisi del caso studio di Comparto “E” 705

Laura Ibarlucea

Interacciones entre patrimonio y turismo en el Barrio Histórico de Colonia del Sacramento

(Uruguay). Dispositivos memoriales como elementos de la narrativa turística 719

Michele D’Amato, Michelangelo Laterza, Melissa Sofia Cabrera

Evaluación sísmica de la Iglesia del Purgatorio Matera-Italia 733

Andreina Milan

“Cupole diafane e trame di luce”. La definizione dello spazio architettonico vittoniano nel

paesaggio urbano e rurale piemontese del secolo XXI. 747

Valeria Ortiz

Evaluación de la Seguridad Sísmica en la Iglesia San Francesco D’Assisi de Matera 758

Michele D’Amato, Michelangelo Laterza, Edwin Ulloque

Evaluación sísmica de la iglesia San Giovanni Battista de Matera-Italia 773

Adolfo F. L. Baratta, Laura Calcagnini

La flessibilità come strategia per il riuso del patrimonio storico 787

Miguel Louis Cereceda, Yolanda Spairani Berrio, Luis Morales Gisbert,

José Antonio Huesca Tortosa, Raúl Prado Govea

Restauración de la ermita de San Sebastián de Xixona (España) 801

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Andrés Felipe Camargo Bocanegra, José Gamarra Torres,

Arnoldo Berrocal Olave, Michele D’Amato, Michelangelo Laterza

Comparación de resistencias a la compresión entre mampostería colonial mixta presente en

edificaciones y fortificaciones de Cartagena, Colombia y muretes fabricados bajo criterios de

construcción semejantes 813

Fabiana Navia, Antonella Guida, Salvatore Manfreda

Curve di danni e prevenzione di perdita negli edifici storici per la valutazione del rischio

d’inondazione 827

Livia Negro

Memorie dal sottosuolo 842

M. Sileo , N. Masini, F.T. Gizzi , R. Lasaponara , A. Donvito , L. D’Andrea

Monitoraggio multiscala e multisensore: il caso di studio della

“Cripta del Peccato Originale”, Matera 853

Antonello Pagliuca, Graziella Bernardo, Pier Pasquale Trausi

Materiali e tecniche costruttive “Made in Italy” 865

Josefina Matas Musso

Arquitectura franciscana en Bolivia: análisis del diseño de la Época Colonial 878

Elena Pozzi

Di confine / Senza confini Conservazione e valorizzazione del patrimonio architettonico

ecclesiastico tra le Diocesi di Mantova e Cremona 900

Umberto Berardi, Amelia Trematerra, Gino Iannace

L’acustica delle Catacombe 914

Marco Aurelio Maza Hernandez, Jaime Ortiz Lajous,

Abraham Martinez Robledo, Roberto Santana Nava

Restauración de una antigua casa para uso industrial 927

Patricia Máximo Romero,Rogelio Ramos Aguilar, Brayan Ibrahim Sámano Rojas,

Ricardo Soto Hernández, Juan de Dios Gamboa Velez

Patologías identificadas en el Templo de San Agustín,

catalogado Patrimonio Histórico y Arquitectónico de la Ciudad de Puebla, México 947

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Ana Teresa Cirigliano Villela, Marcelo Carlucci

Historic documentation of the Quadrilatero Centrale in Ribeirão Preto (Brazil) 961

Renato Morganti, Alessandra Tosone, Alessandra Bellicoso, Gianni di Giovanni

Valorizzazione e recupero del patrimonio abitativo dei centri storici minori:

il cohousing come modello sostenibile di conservazione attiva 974

Giuseppe Cultrone, Vanesa Sánchez Ibánez, Eduardo Sebastián Pardo

Evaluación de la eficacia del silicato de etilo en la consolidación de ladrillos elaborados

con y sin aditivos 988

Antonella Guida, Luis Palmero Iglesias,

Vito Domenico Porcari, Ida Giulia Presta

Approach for conservation and integrated transformation between tradition and

innovation. The Sassi of Matera 1002

Claudio Piferi

Il ripristino del Béton Brut. Tecnologie e materiali a confronto 1016

Helena Maccarini, Michele D’Amato, Michelangelo Laterza

Valutazione del rischio sísmico nella chiesa di San Pietro Caveoso – Matera 1031

Gloria Rivero Lamela, Amadeo Ramos Carranza

Una propuesta de catalogación de patrimonio industrial. Los molinos hidráulicos

del Parque Natural Sierra de Grazalema 1048

Gomes Samir

Project Guidelines for the Architectural Conservation of Railway Heritage:

The Case of the Museums Libraries of the State of São Paulo (Brazil) 1067

Luis Manuel Palmero Iglesias, Graziella Bernardo

Consolidation and restoration of the castle of Beselga (Valencia, Spain) 1076

Letizia Musaio Somma, Antonio Conte

Le stazioni ferroviarie: origine e trasformazione di un ruolo da centralità urbana

a patrimonio culturale 1093

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Conservazione dei beni archeologici

Annamaria Mauro

Grande Progetto Pompei: Lavori di Restauro della Domus di Sirico 1107

Luigi Marino

L’Opus Caccabaceum. Una soluzione antica e riutilizzata nei secoli XVIII e XIX 1121

Santi Cascone, Giuseppe Russo, Nicoletta Tomasello

Il BIM per i beni archeologici: il caso studio delle Terme Romane dell’Indirizzo

di Catania 1141

Leonardo Di Blasi, Maura Fadda, Giorgio Filippi, Michele Magazzù,

Elisabetta Pallottino, Paola Porretta

L’area extraterritoriale di S. Maria di Galeria: valorizzazione del patrimonio

archeologico e paesaggistico 1153

Antonio Pecci, Rosa Lasaponara, Nicola Masini

Strumenti e metodi di rilievo di prossimità mediante droni per lo studio

e documentazione di aree archeologiche e siti in stato di rudere. Potenzialità e limiti. 1167

L. Alberti, T. Koprivica, S. Burzanović, F. Colosi, M. Cozzolino,

A. D’Eredità, V. Gentile, P. Merola, P. Moscati, O. Pelcer-Vujacić, C. Sfameni

Progetto Doclea, Montenegro: un’antica città romana con un futuro da “ri-costruire” 1183


Conservazione e storia dei beni artistici

Alicia Fernández Boan, Alberto Andrés Alfaro

Materiales de sustitución. Desarrollo de los Mosaicos y Vidrios del teatro

Colón y baldosas encáusticas del Congreso Nacional 1201

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Conservazione e riuso dell’architettura del XX secolo in calcestruzzo armato

Francesco Cammarata

Ingegneria strutturale “Made in Italy” fra propaganda e autarchia: il ponte del Littorio

a Ragusa (1932-37) 1221

Sofia Nannini

Tra tecnica e politica. Il ruolo del calcestruzzo nell’architettura islandese (1900-1945) 1234

Julio César Pérez, Gustavo Sureda Menéndez, Pedro Ruíz Díaz Chiesa,

Williams Bradford López,

Daniel Pereyra Olivera

Complejo Habitacional EE70: Conceptos para la rehabilitación de un cerramiento

de hormigón armado expuesto de los años 80 en Uruguay. 1246

Julio César Pérez, Gustavo Sureda Menéndez, Pedro Ruíz Díaz Chiesa,

Williams Bradford López

Problemática de la exposición del hormigón armado: Una alternativa

de rehabilitación de la Claraboya del edificio del Correo Uruguayo (A.N.C) 1261

Cesira Paolini, Marina Pugnaletto

Le centrali termoelettriche nell’opera di Riccardo Morandi 1273

Gladys Monica Kuscich

El cemento, y algo más que anécdotas en la historia argentina 1287

Patrizia Dellavedova

Il calcestruzzo armato nelle architetture fasciste dello sport: conservazione

e valorizzazione di alcune strutture della ex “Piscina dell’Impero” di Legnano 1307

Beatriz Birriel, Jorge Laprovitera

Pertinencia y puesta en valor de la Arquitectura Moderna en el casco histórico

de Montevideo. Estudio de caso: “Edificio Centenario”, 1930, Ciudad Vieja. 1322

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Andrés Salas Montoya, Jorge Andres Robledo Posada,

Fernando Torres Corrales

Bambú como Refuerzo en Elementos Estructurales de Concreto: Un estudio de Caso

de 30 años de Antigüedad


Roberto Castelluccio, Maria Infante

L’utilizzo di materiali innovativi riciclati per la conservazione dei Beni Culturali:

il caso della Caserma Principe Amedeo 1353

Stefania Mornati

Oltre la “regola dell’arte”: le raffinate increspature delle superfici delle architetture

di Carlo Scarpa e Edoardo Gellner 1366

Claudia Sacristán

Carlo Scarpa. Il rinnovamento del patrimonio attraverso l‘architettura. 1380

Marco Pretelli, Giulia Favaretto, Alessia Zampini

L’impiego del calcestruzzo armato nei contesti periferici.

Mercato Saraceno durante il Ventennio. 1384

Silvia Augusta Cirvini, José Alejandro Gómez Voltan

Cemento armado y la construcción sismorresistente en Mendoza -Argentina

(1900-1930) 1409


Gli edifici e i paesaggi ereditati: beni immateriali e patrimonio intangibile

Elisa Piolatto

Nuove Tecnologie tra conoscenza e valorizzazione dei beni culturali 1438

Violeta Pompa, Guillermo Marzioni, Juan Sánchez

Programa de Inventario de Esculturas y Monumentos de Emplazamiento Público 1449

Daniel De León

Eladio Dieste: influencias en sus obras de arquitectura religiosa 1462

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María Isabel Descole, Pablo Devita, Luciana Rizzi, Paula Andrea Tassone

Patrimoni Invisibili 1485

Eliana Testa, Ana Pochi, Maria Rosa Plana, Emilia Erostarbe,

Natalia Martinez

Patrimonio de todos. Proceso de transferencia del conocimiento

científico patrimonial a la comunidad. 1498

Maria Rosa Plana, Ana V. Pochi Dorazio

Red cultural turística de artesanas en técnicas ancestrales textiles. San Juan, Argentina. 1513

Alicia Leonor Cahn Behrend

El cambio y los planes de gestion. Identidad y valor universal excepcional. 1529

Enmanuel Salazar Ceciliano

Educación informal como medio de protección del patrimonio cultural 1549

Mercedes Garzón Maceda

15 años de la Convención para la Salvaguardia del Patrimonio

Cultural Inmaterial – nuevos desafíos 1558

Marta Julia Oliva, Hector Hugo Lucas, Silvia Beatriz Bruzzo,

Martin Manuel Otero

Patrimonio del siglo XX en el Distrito 2. CAPBA DII, IPPAUR/Instituto

de Estudios Patrimoniales 1570

Marco Orellana

Matriz de aproximación para la reactivación de redes urbano-socioculturales

en contextos patrimoniales 1584

Marina Rossetti Barretto Ribeiro

From the Sesmaria da Alegria to the City of Mococa 1602

Ignacio Yusim, Guillermo García

Crecimiento y conservación. La Plata, Argentina 1617

Ricardo Carbone, Andrea Mariana Guerrieri

La gestion privada en la salvaguarda del patrimonio arquitectonico, Buenos Aires,

Argentina 1631

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Enrico Sicignano, Pierfrancesco Fiore, Emanuela D’Andria

Ricostruzioni e costruzioni effimere in ambiti storicizzati. Scenari di un’architettura

smaterializzata. 1651

Graciela Raponi, Alberto Boselli

Constitución. Patrimonio intangible en la memoria urbana de una terminal ferroviaria 1666

Antonio Pecci

La Realtà Virtuale (Virtual Reality) per la conservazione e la fruizione virtuale

del patrimonio immateriale 1676

Diego Colangelo

Il progetto Basilicata Movie Tourism: gli itinerari cineturistici per la valorizzazione

del paesaggio culturale 1686

Sonia Elizabeth Jiménez Claros

Miradas históricas a las dinámicas de segregación en la conformación de la ciudad de

Cochabamba. Bolivia: 1571 - 1964. 1705

Rosa Elena Malavassi Aguilar

La costruzione del concetto di beni culturali in Costa Rica 1723

Antonio Conte, Annalisa Percoco, Antonio Bixio, Angelo Bencivenga

Il paesaggio di Matera - Basilicata 2019 e la promozione del turismo culturale 1737

Sonia Patricia Brieger Rocabado, Giuseppe Andrisani

Metodo para cuantificar los posibles impactos del turismo sobre los sitios arqueologicos

y as construcciones en el area 22 - destinada al “Centro demo etno antropologico - sasso

caveoso” - Matera 1755

Jose Luis Gago Vaquero

Salvaguarda del trogloditismo moderno 1770

Rafael Ramírez Eudave, Giuseppe Andrisani

The Aristotelian causes principle as an approach to the architectutal object: the case

of San Pietro in Morrone, Matera. 1784

Miriam Zubieta Chugar, Cidália Ferreira Silva

Entre forma y apropiación: la puesta en valor de los pueblos indígenas Chiquitanos

como patrimonio cultural de Bolivia 1805

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Rosa Maria Vitrano

Ambienti costruiti e paesaggi ereditati: cultura, segni e modelli bionimetici

della città resiliente 1828

Norberto Feal

Paisajes efímeros: la evanescencia del patrimonio 1846

Monica Gladys Kuscich

Las huellas de la Inmigración en La Boca, y la Valoración Económica Social 1853

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Ambienti costruiti e paesaggi ereditati: cultura, segni e modelli bionimetici della

città resiliente

Built environments and inherited landscapes: culture, signs and bionimetic

models of the resilient city

Rosa Maria Vitrano

Parole Chiave: Tecnologia, Bionimetica, Ambiente costruito, Progettazione ambientale

Keywords: Technology, Bionimetic , Buil t Environment, Environmental Design

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Sommario La cultura è "memoria ereditaria di una collettività ed esprime un sistema determinato di segni e di modelli". Vi sono segni e modelli materiali e immateriali finalizzati alla comprensione e all’interpretazione di un determinato ambiente costruito. Gli ambienti costruiti “ereditati” sono la scena di trasformazioni culturali e storiche eterogenee e sono formati da un numero illimitato di segni e di modelli in reciproca connessione e “interferenza”. Tra le forme dello spazio naturale e quelle dello spazio costruito c’è materialmente una aggregazione. Talora questa aggregazione è coesa mentre altre volte risulta discordante. Molti paesaggi ereditati sono caratterizzati da una incompatibilità persistente. Questo succede anche perché le forme e le tecniche del costruito non hanno saputo e talora non hanno voluto creare questa coesione. In certi casi tale incompatibilità è il segno, il risultato, di una mancata conoscenza e di una interpretazione sbagliata della realtà dei luoghi. Talora queste discordanze hanno prodotto paesaggi “incompleti” o degradati e causato disastri ambientali. Nelle metropoli gli ambienti costruiti “ereditati” sono di diversa natura, talvolta possiamo decodificarli come spazi in armonia con l’esistente, sia esso naturale o già antropizzato, altre volte invece si percepisce un netto contrasto ed una trasformazione inadeguata dell’esistente. Molte nel mondo sono le città «costruite “contro natura” e che sono in lotta con gli elementi naturali. Città che copiano la natura, ne usano il fattore biologico trasformandolo in spazi artificiali che imitano la natura. Questo porta a due possibili interpretazioni: la vittoria dell’intelligenza sugli elementi naturali oppure l’alterazione dell’ordine naturale». I paesaggi immateriali sono infatti anche quelli che possiamo immaginare conoscendo la vulnerabilità dei nostri territori. Quelli che siamo riusciti a prevedere ma non a prevenire. Il contributo parte da queste osservazioni come spunti per una possibile interpretazione degli ambienti costruiti e dei paesaggi ereditati.

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Culture is "a hereditary memory of a community and expresses a determined system of signs and models". There are material and immaterial signs and models aimed at understanding and interpreting a built environment. The environments built "inherited" are the scene of heterogeneous cultural and historical transformations and are formed by an unlimited number of signs and models in mutual connection and "interference". Between the forms of the natural space and those of the built space there is materially an aggregation. Sometimes this aggregation is cohesive while at other times it is discordant. Many inherited landscapes are characterized by a persistent incompatibility. This also happens because the forms and techniques of the building have not known and sometimes did not want to create this cohesion. In some cases this incompatibility is the sign, the result, of a lack of knowledge and a wrong interpretation of the reality of the places. Sometimes these disagreements have produced "incomplete" or degraded landscapes and caused environmental disasters. In the metropolis the built environments "inherited" are of different nature, sometimes we can decode them as spaces in harmony with the existing, whether natural or already anthropized, other times we perceive a sharp contrast and an inadequate transformation of the existing. Many in the world are cities "built" against nature "and that are struggling with natural elements. Cities that copy nature, use the biological factor transforming it into artificial spaces that mimic nature. This leads to two possible interpretations: the victory of intelligence over natural elements or the alteration of the natural order ". These observations are suggestions for a possible interpretation of built environments and inherited landscapes.

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1. DNA Design Nature Artifice - Landscapes inherited and to beinherited

1.1 Resilience as a challenge and bionimetic as a method of urban regeneration. Resilience is a form of adapting to changes. The resilient city is an urban system that knows how to adapt and react to climate change (global warming) that make it vulnerable. The resilient city creates new social, economic and environmental responses that enable it to defend itself from the demands of the environment. A sustainable city is a resilient city. Resilience is a term used in relation to a physical characteristic of materials, referring to resistance to external stresses. Ten years ago the term has entered the vocabulary of engineers, architects and urban planners, who use it expressing with it the ability to resist and face a recovery for those communities that have undergone upheavals, as in the case of L'Aquila after the earthquake of 2009. Resilience is today a necessary component for sustainable development. it acts on the organizational and management models of urban systems for the urgent need to secure cities and territories. In the process of transition to the green economy and towards a more sustainable future, we need good practices and the active participation of all citizens, politicians, researchers, for the sharing and dissemination of new ideas that can also be used globally. A sustainable city is therefore a resilient city, which produces significant economic opportunities, as demonstrated by the examples of some European countries. Today there is the need to adopt a local climate-smart strategy that provides for the adoption of intelligent solutions and technologies to tackle climate change, in the interests of citizens and economic development. Resilience must help the population, organizations and systems vulnerable to resisting. Resilience must also help to thrive as a result of unpredictable destructive events. Denmark, Spain and Great Britain today see their leading companies in the development of technologies for living environments, green infrastructures and technologies for smart cities. In Italy, on the other hand, we are rather behind both in the practice of the green economy due to the lack of planning, and in the context of the adaptation and resilient transformation of our socio-economic system. The vulnerability of the territory and the worsening of the climatic comfort are the two fronts of intervention on which it would be necessary to intervene urgently to make the Italian cities resilient. Droughts, storms, heavy rainfall

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accentuate the hydrogeological fragility of the Italian territory. Furthermore, the spread and development of many settlements in unstable areas (due to landslides and flooding) cause further dangers. Among the specific effects of global warming in urban areas are the heat islands. It is a phenomenon that is created during the summer in the dense city of buildings, with narrow and high buildings, built with materials with high thermal conductivity and crossed by asphalted roads. In these cities, thermal energy is stored which is not disposed of even at night. Often the high temperature also leads to more air pollution. Good practices in Italy - Some good practices already active in Italy are present in the municipality of Ancona and Turin, which has distinguished itself with the organization of neighborhood contracts aimed at the recovery of urban areas marked by widespread physical and environmental degradation. Furthermore, Bologna is working to define adaptation strategies, engaging in the resolution of problems such as heat waves. The Emilian city is working on the construction of a resilient city thanks to the Blue Ap Community project, with which it will prepare an Adaptation Plan involving citizens and stakeholders in its area of reference. In Trento, the Le Albere residences, designed by Renzo Piano, are characterized by a new type of sustainability approach integrated with the city. With the 1998 Master Plan, Faenza introduced the criteria of environmental sustainability in the construction of new buildings, with volumetric premiums to those buildings that favor the saving of energy, the production of solar energy, the recovery of water, the garden roofs, obtaining so the design of neighborhoods with very low energy consumption. The use of soil, water, waste, energy, biodiversity, mobility, social and urban morphology are the paradigms of a sustainable city. Case studies in Europe - In Europe there have been several experiences and good practices of urban recovery, also from an energy point of view, with the aim of improving the technological quality of homes and open spaces. Neighborhoods such as Hammarby Sjöstad in Stockholm, Hafen city in Hamburg, Rieselfeld in Friborg, Gwl in Amsterdam or Bo01 (Malmoe), have provided for the recovery of large portions of urban areas by planning recovery actions aimed at improving energy efficiency. Since 2008, Rotterdam has started its own climate change strategy (Rotterdam Climate Initiative) which in 2010 led to two successive mitigation and adaptation programs. The Rotterdam Climate Proof plans to make the city completely resilient by 2025, while the Rotterdam Climate Initiative aims to reduce CO2 emissions by 50% compared to 1990 levels

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by 2025. The goals of the Rotterdam Climate Proof also have the development of the city as a center of national and international excellence, for knowledge on water and climate change. This has meant the promotion of investments to make the city and the port more attractive for residents, companies and research institutions. Building renovation and sustainability interventions have been carried out for over thirty years in the countries of Europe. In France, for example, with the Operation Programmée d'Amelioration de l'Habitat, already in the late seventies with the Perseigne district in the Municipality of Alençon, an intervention was undertaken to recover a social housing district with the tools and methods of participation.

Fig. 1. Antoni Gaudí “La Pedrera”, cityscape in Barcelona, Spain (R.M.Vitrano)

Similar examples can be made for the Bethoncourt district with the restoration work with small demolitions and reconstructions, the Quai de Rohan residential

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complex in Lorient with a remodeling intervention with addition and subtraction of volumes. In Germany one of the first interventions was carried out in East Berlin in 1991, with the redevelopment of the Institut fur Erhaltung und Moderniieung von Bauwerken, as well as on residential buildings in Büchnerstrasse in Leinefelde in Thüringen, or in Denmark (Urban Renewal Company, 1994 ), or in the Hedebaygade residential block of Outer Vesterbro in Copenhagen. These case studies represent an improvement in functional and spatial quality with redevelopment strategies at the neighborhood, building and housing scale and the use of technologies using solar energy with passive and active systems.

1.2 Sustainable development and eco-compatibility Ecocompatibility is linked to the concept of sustainable development. The eco-compatible construction proposes, the construction of buildings constructed with criteria that respect the nature and the environment, that consume less energy and water resources, that produce products with materials safe for the health of users and whose life process does not damage the environment. The environmentally friendly design of the built environment has the obligation to promote sustainable development that is able to achieve reduced consumption of environmental resources by controlling emissions levels. These objectives can be pursued: in the urban planning project, in the architectural project, in the construction and maintenance of buildings, in the choice of environmentally friendly building materials. The most environmentally responsible eco-compatibility measures are aimed at optimizing the energy efficiency of buildings, reducing the exploitation of natural resources by making greater use of renewable and recyclable resources, and using materials, products and components with eco-friendly characteristics. These interventions have the objective to improve the environmental performance taking into consideration also the demolition of the deficients that are not possible or convenient to recover. We must therefore rethink the project, the building processes and the built in order to control and minimize the impact on the environment and on health.

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Fig. 2. Prospects of green architecture, cityscape in Barcelona, Spain (R.M.Vitrano)

1.3 From ecology to bionimetic how to redesign sustainable cities Architects have always been inspired by nature, this is witnessed by Egyptian architecture, by Greco-Roman architecture, by Art Nouveau and also by the organic architecture of Antoni Gaudì in the twentieth century. Also biomimetic architecture, like eco-architecture, is inspired by the Earth. The development of technologies helps the architects of this current to recreate complex structures with shapes and systems that mimic nature, using innovative construction methods and materials. For over thirty years, the Belgian architect Luc Shuiten has been designing cities made of plants, the Vegetal City, imagining them as green salons in which man and nature harmonize and create extraordinary landscapes. The eco boulevard in the neighborhood of Vallecas, in Madrid, is an example of an urban project realized through natural systems to improve the living conditions of the entire system. The Beijing National Aquatic Center, Water Cube, was created by studying the space systems that are created in soap bubbles. Also in this project the reference is not only formal, the external

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finishing material is Etfe, a transparent, transpiring plastic, cheaper and easier to assemble than glass, and even more insulating. Even the work of the Dutch designer Daan Roosegaarde combines the world of technology with that of nature and creates very creative, innovative landscapes

1.4 Environmental sustainability in building construction - global and national policies The basic building requirements are identified at European level in EU Regulation 305/2011 and are also referred to in national legislation: - hygiene, health and the environment; - energy saving and heat retention; - sustainable use of natural resources. - mechanical resistance and stability; - security in case of fire; - security and accessibility in use; - protection against noise.

Fig. 3. Vegetable wall, cityscape in Brussels, Belgium (R.M.Vitrano)

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In particular, as regards "Hygiene, health and the environment", the regulation provides that construction works are carried out in such a way as to: - do not represent a threat to hygiene or to the health and safety of inhabitants or neighbors; - do not exert an excessive impact on the quality of the environment due to one of the following events: - development of toxic gases; - emission of dangerous substances, volatile organic compounds (VOC), greenhouse gases or dangerous particles in indoor or outdoor air; - dangerous radiation emissions; - dispersion of hazardous substances into groundwater, marine waters, surface waters or soil; - dispersion of substances that have a negative impact on drinking water; - incorrect discharge of waste water, combustion gas or incorrect disposal of solid or liquid waste; - humidity in parts or on the surfaces of construction works. In light of the EU Regulation, construction works must be safe, designed and implemented taking into account accessibility and use by disabled persons; they must be protected from noise, with energy-efficient heating, cooling, lighting and ventilation. The same construction works must be designed, built and demolished so that we can have: - reuse or recyclability of construction works, their materials and their parts after demolition; - the durability of the construction works; - the use, in construction works, of environmentally friendly raw and secondary materials. The above listed requirements are now in the attention of world and national policies; in fact recently the Ministry of the Environment has implemented the Law 296/06 with the D.M. 25 December 2015 (Article 1, paragraphs 1126 and 1127) issuing minimum environmental criteria to be used in public procedures for goods and services, including design and construction, renovation and maintenance of buildings and management of public administration sites. Furthermore, UNI and ITACA, respectively the Italian Norms and Institute for transparency, updating and certification of tenders, have prepared two Reference Practices related to environmental sustainability in buildings.

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Fig. 4. P rospects of green architecture, cityscape in Brussels, Belgium (R.M.Vitrano)

The first reference practice describes the methodological and procedural principles for assessing the environmental sustainability of buildings, for the purpose of their classification, through the attribution of a performance score. The second reference practice specifies the criteria on which the multi criteria analysis system is based for the assessment of the environmental sustainability of residential buildings, for the purpose of their classification, through the attribution of a performance score. The object of the assessment is a single building and its external area of relevance. Both documents were revised on June 22, 2016 to fully implement the D.M. 26 June 2015 - Application of energy performance calculation methodologies and definition of minimum building requirements and requirements - and Inter ministerial Decree 26 June 2015 - Adaptation of national guidelines for the energy certification of buildings.

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1.5 Tools for assessing the level of energy sustainability of buildings Building compliance with sustainability requirements is assessed and certified by

national and international organizations:

ITACA (Italy) Institute for innovation and transparency of procurement and

environmental compatibility. The ITACA Protocol (Institute for Innovation and

Procurement Transparency and Environmental Compatibility - National

Association of

Regions and Autonomous Provinces) is a tool for assessing the level of energy

and environmental sustainability of buildings.

Fig. 5. Cityscape in Los Angeles, United States (R.M.Vitrano)

The Protocol allows to verify the performance of a building, consumption, energy

efficiency, environmental impact and human health, thus promoting the

construction of increasingly innovative buildings, zero energy, reduced water

consumption, also encouraging the use of environmentally friendly materials with

high comfort. Over the last twenty years, the European Commission has paid

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more attention to indoor pollution and has carried out several studies with the aim of increasing knowledge and defining the priorities and objectives to be achieved. The World Health Organization has also elaborated for the European Region "The guidelines for indoor air quality" in relation to some substances, whose effects on humans are now widely recognized and scientifically proven. The European Normative Committee (CEN) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) have elaborated some rules that have been partially implemented in Italy by the Italian National Unification Body (UNI). As for building materials, their influence on air quality is exercised in three ways: - with the direct emission of pollutants, - with the absorption of other contaminants present in the air and their subsequent release, - promoting the accumulation of dirt and the proliferation of micro-organisms. The release of these substances is favored by high temperature, high air humidity and rough surfaces. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a home can be defined as "healthy" if it is able to promote the physical, social and mental wellbeing of its occupants through a planning, construction, maintenance and territorial placement able to support a sustainable environment and a cohesive community. In this context, the Italian Hygiene Society (SItI) has also drawn up a document for the residential sector. From this it emerges that, in order to guarantee health, it is essential to direct the choices to the improvement of the overall conditions of the environmental system (urban area) and of the building it contains. For this purpose it is important to create and manage the built environment in relation to the urban context in which it is located, not only environmental, but also social and historical. This document aims to assess the well-being and protection of the environment and the safety of the occupants for the aspects listed below: - usability and flexibility of spaces; - thermohygrometric wellbeing and air changes; - appropriate design solutions have the task of: - stability of indoor air temperature, both during day and night, and during summer and winter; - reduce the difference between the temperature of the building envelope and that of the air; - to favor the optimal movement of the air, without negatively influencing the heat exchanges between body and environment;

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- maintain the relative humidity between 30% and 70%. The correct thermal design of the building must guarantee high levels of individual well-being and reduce energy consumption, while maintaining an adequate number of air changes. - Acoustic well-being; - Quality of living spaces, are fundamental factors of well-being: - sufficient width and height of the premises, in relation to their use; - a correct orientation, studied according to solar irradiation and natural caloric and lighting supplies, favoring, in temperate climates, the South-East, South and South-West orientation for open areas; the East for sleeping areas; the North for study / work areas, to exploit diffused natural light for visual tasks not compatible with glare; - Functional compatibility; - Plant security; - Prevention from air pollution; - Water safety; - Prevention of domestic accidents; - Anti-intrusion systems and escape routes; - Green design.

1.6 Green to contain the "heat island" effect It is appropriate to provide interventions of proper planting in relation to the positive influence of the green on the microclimate: - arrange the vegetation in such a way as to maximize the summer shading of the buildings, of the pedestrian paths and of the outdoor spaces; - use the hanging green to limit the summer overheating of the building and to limit the "heat island" effect. Perform interventions: for visual and psychophysical wellbeing; for air quality; for a better liveability of common areas and social cohesion (playgrounds for children, recreation areas and rest for the elderly, areas equipped for sports, spaces for animals). The green must be carefully designed by selecting suitable species, evaluating their density, tree diversity and location.

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It is also necessary to consider the possible negative impacts represented by an increase in the presence of insects, by a higher humidity, by a reduced lighting (especially in the winter period), and to provide for any suitable control measures. How to make resilient cities - The hope is that climate change can be arrested, or at least limited, by global policies whose objectives were dictated by the Paris Agreement signed at the end of COP21 in 2015. But if it will not be so, how will we be able to "adapt" our cities to the growth of temperatures, or become "resilient"? "The first thing you need to do is plant trees to get shade. But we must do it correctly, otherwise we risk imprisoning even more heat and pollution on the ground ". Another useful method is to exploit waterways more effectively, or to plant shrubs on the roofs of buildings, or to completely rethink them, depending on sustainable architecture, as in the case of the city of Masdar. , in the United Arab Emirates, which has built buildings capable of "collecting" the wind over the roofs and pushing it down to move the air. Many European cities have cutting-edge adaptation plans, such as in London, Copenhagen, Bratislava and Almada, Portugal. Examples include Rotterdam and Ghent, "whose thermometers were installed in different areas of the city and on trams: in this way, it was possible to identify the places in the city where the heat island effect was most pronounced. and implement mitigation measures. Trees have been planted in some of these areas ". Bioluminescent trees to illuminate cities - The goal is to create a biological material that is harmless to the tree, but which makes it bright at the same time. The starting idea, of course, is always the inspiration for biomimetics, which in this case is aimed at those fungi that naturally, at night, emit bioluminescent light independently. Another perfect example of the application of biomimetics is the collaboration between the designer, the State University of New York and the Bioglow Tech research center, which led to the creation of the first genetically modified bioluminescent seedling, introducing DNA of electroluminescent bacteria to the internal of the genome of a common plant. The effect is stunning, the stem and leaves of the small plant emit a light and faint light very similar to the glow of the fireflies. Parallel to this project, Roosegaarde has pursued the study "Glowing Nature Paint", a non-invasive technique that uses a biological paint, which spread on the entire bark of the tree and on the leaves, makes them luminescent. During the day, the paint is recharged to emit a bioluminescent light over the eight night hours. It is necessary that these inspirations become reality in a future, not far

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away, to create a city in which life takes place in complete autonomy, without waste, where the energies are renewable, calibrated, monitored and where instead of secular street lamps rise trees , which with their luminescence, illuminate urban paths, in a very beautiful vision.


The imitation of nature must become a survival strategy for the human race, a path to a sustainable future. The more our social functions will imitate those of the natural world, the more likely it will be to survive future adversities. It is therefore a priority to build or redevelop "quality spaces" capable of satisfying current and future welfare needs. The eco-compatibility interventions in the construction and renovation of existing buildings represent today a topic of great importance both in the construction sector, both in the protection of environmental resources for the considerable impact on the environment, for the high consumption of resources and for direct health effects. Throughout their life cycle, buildings absorb considerable resources (water, mineral raw materials, energy) and entail significant negative impacts (greenhouse gas emissions, waste generation, biodiversity destruction) with effects on human health. It is therefore necessary to consolidate strategies to promote: - energy efficiency, reducing the energy needs of the building; - the use of highly efficient systems for domestic production, distribution and emission systems; - the use of renewable energy for the production of energy (photovoltaic, biomass, wind, geothermal, solar thermal); - the use of environmentally friendly materials/products, for example by orienting the preference for those with low environmental impact in their life cycle (LCA), with a high content of raw materials, with reduced energy incorporated, with a high percentage of raw materials easily recyclable, with high functional durability. It is therefore a question of designing and building environmentally friendly by strengthening the resilience of the city according to the principles of sustainability, in other words paying due attention to environmental resources, health, energy performance of buildings, control of technologies and construction processes, having as final goal the livability of living environments.

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