Xemplar Anti Clockwise


Transcript of Xemplar Anti Clockwise

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Rules – Same as before!

• Infinite Bounce

• Infinite Pounce

+10/0 on bounce and pass

• +10/-10 on a pounce

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Question 11 – A famous discovery in question

“Instead of focusing on the finding itself – which wasunanimously regarded as a long sought after

breakthrough  – both scientists and the media gotobsessed with who should deserve the credit, whether one, two, four or six people should win theprize. We found that the beautiful discipline of 

physics was being torn apart by this constantbickering. It was no longer about the science, it was abeauty contest.” - Lars Brink, the chairman of theNobel physics committee. 

But since the real hero of the story is the ____ itself,why not take human beings out of the equationaltogether? We therefore decided to honor the onething that really matters in this whole story”. 

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Higgs Boson winning Nobel Prize for Physics.

It was passed around the internet till someonerealised it was a prank and to stress about howthe Nobel Prize has become a beauty contest.

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Question 12 – Whats the Blank?

This now popular physics term is actually gotten fromJames Joyce's book “Finnegans Wake”.

Three _______ for Muster Mark!

Sure he has not got much of a bark

And sure any he has it's all beside the mark.

The flavours of ______ are up, down, top, bottom,strange and charm.

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Question 13

Logo of what body?

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IUPAC (International Union of Pure and AppliedChemistry)

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Question 14 - Connect

Mother Nature (a globe)

Scribble (an origami-esque cat)

Power Pup (a superhero dog)

Will (a caricature of William Shakespeare)

Bosgrove (a butler)

Kairu the Dolphin

The most famous of them all, Clippy.

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Microsoft office assistants

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Question 15 – What was he inhaling?

Richard Holmes, in his book “Age of Wonders”,

describes how young Humphrey Davy went lookingfor a possible cure for tuberculosis.

He tried inhaling different things hoping to improverespiration. Davy would go into a glass chambersaturated with gas, close the door and breathe. Hesaid he experienced “inconceivable pleasure” when

testing one gas.He discovered it wouldn’t cure lung disease butwondered if it could be used as an anaesthetic as ithelped reduce his tooth pain.

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Nitrous Oxide/ Laughing gas

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Question 16 – Who is X?

On X's 72nd birthday on March 14, 1951, UPIphotographer Arthur Sasse was trying to persuadehim to smile for the camera, but having smiled forphotographers many times that day, X did something

else instead. This photograph became one of themost popular ever taken of X, often used inmerchandise depicting him in a lighthearted sense. Xenjoyed this photo and requested UPI to give him

nine copies for personal use, one of which he signedfor a reporter.

On June 19, 2009, the original signed photograph wassold at auction for $74,324, a record for an X's


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 Albert Einstein

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Question 17

What is called a solidus if written as a diagonal line ora vinculum if written as a horizontal line?

What are these latin terms which play an importantrole in mathematics today!

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The line between the numerator anddenominator in a fraction!

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Question 18

When a spinal manipulation is performed, theapplied force separates the articular surfaces of afully encapsulated synovial joint, which in turncreates a reduction in pressure within the joint cavity.In this low-pressure environment, some of the gasesthat are dissolved in the synovial fluid leave thesolution, making a cavity, which rapidly collapsesupon itself, resulting in a gas bubble made mainly of 

carbon dioxide which then goes pop.

A commonly felt experience on a day to day basis,what are we talking about?

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The clicking sound when joints in the body crack

Q ti 19

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Question 19

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Question 20 – X ?

X has been used to demonstrate the second law of thermodynamics. The law describes a process knownas entropy, often taken to be a measure of "disorder".

After X’s fall from his wall, and the subsequentshattering of his environment, the inability to put himtogether again is representative of this principle, as itwould be very highly unlikely, though not impossible,

to return him to his earlier state of lower entropy, asthe entropy of an isolated system never decreases.

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Humpty Dumpty !

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Scores Please!

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Audience Questions!

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What’s being shown in this Video? 

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Foucault’s Pendulum 

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Id the Animal

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Who is the Person in question?

• In 1888, he was astonished to read his own obituary,titled ‘The merchant of death is dead’ in a Frenchnewspaper. But, it was his brother Ludvig who haddied and the newspaper had made a mistake. So, the

obituary was actually 8 years premature!

• The article disconcerted him and made himapprehensive about how he would be remembered.

This inspired him to change his will. Who is he? Whatis he remembered for today?

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Alfred Nobel/ Nobel Prizes

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