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Ft*' >, 16 » » a T H E B A P T i B T . MKMPHIB AKFAIRS i Tbo IkdUa of tbe ITirvl Pi e«byteri«n o h a n h h«IA » b««|iir uu ^ o o l g h t h , niatb Mid tsntb, tn'd » liiiillAr Ulnmeot WlU probtbly bf bold thia ««ek by (be ladlo* of tbe Ftrat B«|v U*|;oi>urob. V The Sunday eohool or ibe Firat Hat ohurob la making propanktion TOr * very oharnilug Ohriatmaa entertain- ment. Mr. L. N. Stark, <ho aiiptriii. tooJent, Is mnob Interotlfld lu tho af> filr, and tblnki bo will a«a all bis botrt dciirea roault from It, This ie bla flnt year'a Baporlot^Utlt^iioy, bitt bo bail ilready provc<l bimsoir a oom- potent oflloial. A charter h«« beon obtained to patabligh » tp«tniOj| t^hooi for uursei. rhyalolana are fuUy alive to the iiii portanoe of well-trained nurses. Tiili achooi la doubtlesa istbiidcd t) tup- ply thia mnch-felt vrjint. Sulta in ohHucery are pilintc "P afrilait the Taxing District and ita officfala. Tbe aubjoct of the Distrluti?* fliiancM is Iieing disoiitjaed by Sti^to ofllcialt,0itl20Q»aiid uowtpapont, Tho psrt the newipapers are taking in tht) affair ia evidently out of good ordor. The publ'o inten^Ht Is surely sutl'bring In csnsrqaence of the bondition of things whether the accused are guilty or Innoeent. A number of tho newspapers of tl c c(ty are complaining of the postal 8«r vice of tho city and this soctloii of country. It la evident there is "oinr thing wrong with tho system It might be well for the general depart ment to make a thorough ius|>ectiou of tbo aorvice iu and ai-otfbd our city drteot (he incompetent* and dlahonnit. and dUoiiK. tbem from tl>a force. Tho Hunday Times ssj»: " Y/o second th« motion of tho Appeal rtganliug (ho appointment of a conitni^sion to itt apcot the po«t>ofllco wvico in this acctiou of country. 8omo tiui.r wo called attantlon to tho fact that tbf Soulhom servioc was »lip«k,od and exasperating." Tiio kttcr maltcr ii gonoraiiy handled with «ipedUlon hut other matter must faio ai^ it cai Employees soem to havo a notion that thay own tho postal ayst^'ni, and that tho public must bcBati»«od with audi aervico aa they fool inclined to render A letter thief was dotoctod in (he oiBue hero a fow ('ays ago snu ar roatod. In tbo couiso of six month* be bad stolen several hundred dollars forwarded in common lottero. Maairs. O'Connor and Esmond., mombera of the. Brltli-h parlian cnt, visited our city a few days ago. Thoy wot with much sympathy. There is atroBg feellDg in favor of Ireland in this aity. One thing American citl Bonsought to look to,-they shoahi bo careful *a to how they act lu tho matter of the quest ion now l)eforo tho English and Irish. It is bard to prog- noBticate the coinplioatlons that.may arise or tho final outcome of the agl. tatlon. B p o ^ n g of armed resistance on tbo part df Ireland Mr. O'Coi nor aays (hat with ono hundred fifty thouaand men Irelaml might hopo to aooompllsh somotblng but not with a loaa force. It la very much doubted If Irtland could raise suoh a force. Ii woold seem tbon to any one who baa •ny dot of military airalrs and IBngland'a power, and of her del. rml- Mtlon to malntdln (ho United King- UiiiiU|M»^tr ««.llen«> prwrn In tiilllUiir. <>( linmwi FJ .r I>I ..r« lli »N « (Jiiirl.'f I .f « R «t)l «RV. It IK IIWIL L,Y [Im ITiilivO Kiniiii, OOTwrimwil. Kinl"ri<nl liy DM ' bM^a uf tl» »r»At .IiilvOT«lt<,- ««III,. 8lr«n«.-»t. Puii ol niiwt 1I.«J hftil. Ill , lU.. onW Wikhix IciwiliT tliM .l.«.o nut wtilftlii AiiiiniihU, I.lino.ir Aliiw. iwlilntily hiCniiK. I'ltit'a nvKiNo i'owi>i:u( ii. N«W RI)«K. I'.IK'JIUN. TFR, MHIIS. B EAUTV ^ofjHn: SkiiiStScalp ( R ESTORED ' J by the:-K TVrOTUINU til k m i w Hti unoB nt lOI Mim- p»r»bl« to tUi'CutlciirrtUoniwIlrMli) tlrolr m«rv»lou« i.ronnr»l«e of clfmisliiK. |»iirlf} liiK «"?,.''«a"i'I,vlrKtii<i «klw and in «.r- lHrliiK,<ll*fljutUK,liclilcK,((c»i5 nml iitmplv llmlTnl'iiU<""' i i ' l l>lf>"'t wltl' , Cii«ownv,tb« Kr.»t kkln f^rn, ami culloiird frotn It, «»temslly, au.l CuUeurs K«8v| ..>iit, I m new Hltxnl I'urmer, tir.HriinIlp, iitn * j»>»l IITP oure for r-. *ry fo in nr •kin nntl blix <1 ii'miMn from Dln>|i|p!i to tn-roniU tliidoiiriv HhK..lllloly PHI-,. ,„„| infallible fklii Iwi.iilllloi-i n.ul l>io<>.| , nrllUTn. H.>l,l (.vrrvwtier.. l'ilc«, .Hilpiirn Wo ; ItP- wilveiittl; Koiip?6.i. ITi-parnI liv 11... IMilor Uni »I1(I ( hi,i,iU:iH C, . n.mloii, Mi»wi. Wflltl titrHow loCiirf Hlilii DlBiiRSt* HAWdQ S^'* flown WHi wliiio flAnUd I>y ip -Ing Ciiloura M»«l'. hi..,l s„«,J. .f The sale ofTutt's Pills exceed those of all others combined. HOLI> KVICItV-VVllKKH. Office, 44 Murray Street, Now York. ilom intact, an act of the snpruiiieHt folly for Iroland lu attempt iinythliig i>y w a r If that, is all tho roroo nr a greater than she can rtUo All editorial of the Hutuiny Times on tho ouilo"k for our city in the ap |)i«8.jiilng Hprlnx 1» qiiotod ht-ro to In dic»tc whai is oxiieotcd of Moinphis inlen^Btfl: — ' It-al tBlalo Ht'cniA (o Iw nathi ring Htnnglh for a gennii cts boom In tho RptiiiH;. Tho duiiijiiy linos havo opened up H hplondid lerrlttiiy for tiioso do (.illtig chcip homes,and t vcu now the demand for property i« ijiiito jolivo, UCH! t-sthlo intii aurco tlml thero will bo the biggest kind of a ioti»al in tho •priiig Memphis iHniowing.straiigeri are coming here In lloeks, caplliilUtM are lincB(in{,' hero, and Col Hiil Sti ation anihoii'} for tho hope ihat a IJould Unlvornitj will bo built near thofeity. Wo art) grins; to have a city of ono bunilied tiumsand inhabitants in loHs than two years." Uumor tayB lh»t an oleulrlo niilway is Koing to ho bnilt longKndlnully ihroinrh our city. Tiir spirit of our people fcerrH 'o •.( in a forward dlroctiini. Man's sin roaily lies in hishaiietl of (Jod. The same cross wiiich is tho liirasnrw of (Jod's lovo to man is the n oa<inio of niui/^ hatred to God When tho HinlcHS Ono caino to this lost vvrl.l with blosHings in both hands, ihoy "hutea him without a cmme," nay,nioio,thoy rowardod his lovo with thtir hatred. Nevorthelcs^ the right- eous Ono hold on hi»5 way, and ije.iamo "cbi.llent unto death, even tho death I'f il.n croHs." (l'l)ii. ii. 8 ) Tho hearts \ hii h should havo weicom.ul him ••vou< illiod w l h aj^alut-f, him, an.J tt e irlorn wl.'. ouglit to have cro^vitod !• in. dooimsd him lu thcd, alli of a slave. Yci oven in dying hodelightod to do his l<\Ulicr'9 will,-'liy which will wr have hcoii HAiiciillcil ihioii.jrh (ho olln-lng ol'il.obti.ly i-i I'll. . , ,,. (,.,. Rheumatism A-Jt U ttn ertnm»heit /net i,liut liofm-. HHpnrlUa. hits prowu uu tnv.Uui.bl« In tiittiiy floToro cMt-s ,.f rtumumUsm, ^am li.lf romnrk«h)o euros liy It!, i-cwfrfuj uhi!; IncorreiilliifttHonpldliy of ih,) i.l,..„| J^ 111 tlio 0;mH0 (.1 the nmi ptlnf,,^ inul onrl.'liliiB llio vjtul Hulii, * It U ei'rtiiMv /air U, tmumo ih.u wi,,. tl.MKl'a Saranpftrlllft liiw iioim for oUht. ii will .10 f..r you. Tlio.vf„r«, it y.,,, tho pftliiH Hiici of rhouimiiwiiL tills iwitjiit. >i.iO(iy !L fair trIM, A Positive Cure. " 1 was trtnililud very inlictiwiii, tism In my tilps,' auklcH. mut wrl.ts i coulil h!\i-,lly wfilk, luui \v;i9 (•"iilliu'd to iiiv boil a itooil ilcul of iliK iiui,>. iieiiifl onnuoiHli'il 10 tiy itood'H SnrsnparlUa, i tmik four iHittloo ami am pt'tfcpiiy n',,n I chcorfully wdimiiciut Hood's .Siir.tu|i;iri|i| us ouo ,)t Iho l.i>f,i lilmiil piirlllfi!, ii, (),„ world." W, K. Wiioi), Iili«i»ilii(.|,iu, 111. F.ir Twenty Y.mup, 1 Iinvo tw>PU nniU>tC(l *vltli rhvuiimllsm ti> forp l.lMa 1 fouuil no rollcf, luit grew wnr,,.. i n,,,,, iH'KiUi tiikliiR llixxrH 8arwi«uUU, and It ,iid iiui uiiiio i!oo<l tlmn all tlio oilnir IUHIIIIMIKI i ovor hiul." H. T. 1UI,C0.M, Rlilili'y, M JM . " I euftorcil from wtmt ttio doclorii (ullid muscular rlummjiilimi. 1 took lioo.r.i .^.n. Hiii)arllla uiiil urn oiitlrfily cured." j, v. A. rnouoFooT, liTttor eiurlur, niicui;,!, m. ' Wo SiiiilS bo gUid to scuU, frco ot churi;.' (oiul wlio maydcBlrOiahookioidiilidnitni.iliy lulJltlDii.-U BtaU'uioiits oi curi's l>y Hood's Sarsaparlila Sold by all dniRBlBl.s, 81 j six tiir J',. M:„io only by C. I. JUMJU & «)., l.owi ll, Ma«q, 100 Doses Ono Dollar. CLUE ''•J'l hr Uiotwuiiij of llrrt rUM MwiiiOclurer. on lli'lf !>«<» »otk. IVi iinrABX] * <!o. Aiiywhuro, every where, hatn evil, ^hnn falgohfj.j.i, det'y self, (nisi in the Lord that died for you, roalizo the moiry IhRt waits for you, m.on your hem I to ihe ^ruci »hat is untlioicnt for yon ; and then, (hou^h all unheral.iod by Tnystie voi.-.cor blazing apparition, tho niipcjn One rcclprooates your tilivl yeHrniiiKf, and ninnlfouts hlnidoH (o yon in another wsv ilian hn .Iocs unto tho wor.il <lMlHmor«, linnttKHHI nsHlmoiP Hirfiil. Sew York, lla Klftb Avo. ^^'BdliliiKlon. HIT IJnMirl 8|m0!'. liWlU X - M A S MUSIC WmasmQIQp/li' mioiis Uiiou/ iVntuIn nt'w lir Miirt',)-, piililm, .VrNtOM'tMlf, I .iiDpiulli', nnil ullic'iB, liid.lliT with n Oiiii UiH|»iii«li" ^orvlco pn-iwnwl li" 10 R. .lo*fn^l. in p|i. ••li'i.Mhilif f iiliiti'd in niilorn, Vrli'o,.V.t". nuch. nr .Miii... n iln/' ii ly innll, iHmtpaliuSt por lui bf uxprcH* nut |>i>'i'iiil. ISTOIllij A>rtiillfuM;iirlMtmiw,S.;r; EXHAUSTED VITALITY. A Ur«nt M.ill.-nl Work lor V«.,„, a>„| MIU.IIn.A««! Mm. mow THYSELF. »tar« Than On* Million Oaplva HoM. n imu tipon Nirruiii anil PhjfiIo«l Dpblllt., rrota,. t u r . ^ 1 ^ •m«, «#*„„u,, K.h.,i.M VIUJI^ .".b««,U,|,|„lH«»rt bliirtin,. Mil loitntiT* ptmpkM r™. Ilmo ^ u ttu^ PimTjlMllBn by Ihe rB.inODV IHRnirAi .l*^'!'"*".'.*'"'- CoiMBllIlm P h , . Laarn, O Htudeni, tho true winloin. See yim hush atiamo with rosof, like (he burning luish of Moses. Listen and tlicu shalt hear, If ihy soul bono! deaf, hdw Torn out 't boH nnd clear Bpoaks t . Iioii I H I o I Al iWKhty. How fow God han hloRsod with the roeponsiblo gift of genius ran truth fully say wKI- Waltar Scott~"I trio.i to unsottlo no man's faith, to corrupt no man's princi|)lo», .and I havo writ- ton nothing which on my doatbbod I should wish blotted tut." Jlr . t liifi'i-Kiiiiriu'il tlirotiHlmut i» vniilvo UmKlliiff*. rlci, ooniiln.inu I.F IM ' W ' IIII ' I —. TlCft, COnHlffUnU i>l IL - n r I». r. <Mnipl«llo.rtiiolyhiinimnlml I'lirnli i-Kimriir" " ' ' • - • tinponi iiiiin Hfllimtloni). t ..f lt.wp I. moiit liiliTiKiliic I ' I'rlco, nainii IIB lor ('lirl«t- 1IIIB rMMORlonfl. NOTK.~/r, th! "Olrittmnt SthiH-nt" tht muHt Im'l (Hnli.i It/rilhti'»fltr IMl Kttfixitlvt SrrHrt. n-*"' it it iHltrt/irttti thrpy^ktHt tAt KftiiHH^^t, A Now Jodge Santa Claus. Uy Xlumbam A Root niil 111 iHith pri>tlir Anil c«ii ttlvo 11 will rniMMn. two to thrwi ' mch |)r Dikllri p<iitp»ld. fhrlmri'M I'K.n- ipiiliir rr». u If ni , 'n' •I'/]"' II nil P«iitii('liiii« MH liikp liy tlu'pnini' uiiiliiir". Innlnirtlvn, Any Hiiiii!,i>-. . Rood pffi-ct. ( HI) !«' P'"- WMki* timu. I'rli i', .n* !". Would you oaro to have a word of advice worth a great deal? Nbvor tamper with your liaby's boaith l)y using opiates to quiet H H stomach troubles, etc., but uso Dr. Bull's llaby Byrup Inatoad. Thousands of people are leading utu aatisfacloiy Uvea, booauso of tho dls- pirlting olToota of iDdlgoatlon. Lot] Buoh try Lazador and bo happy. iii'i, ii tl UiHhot c iniMMn »oh br I , Comolete Lis s s^oten-wiiri«:«.n!> wuiMuiutu kiuiu B,i,|r,,«, on Iiprliinllii". Mnntfon tblsp«p«r. Tbo JOHN OHUROH CO..Cinolnnall,0. — ra i m lam a . YHII CII». "CORONET" HEALTH CORSET PoinoaiiCH thBtltnCnrdliml IMInn of etnvlloiim nii«a.uiiil to n IVr- (fce« .\iljll«uilil0 Oornnl. Hnnil ll.l" tor i<niniiln CornPt. riiyiilnri" rnt". AORMTN WAltlTBn. OORONIT OOBBBT OOi. Mlohiion« II»l»eaw Jaokaon, f i l i t A MoiiT".«".«' llta ¥*>"Mlt Mfll v I<a<ll«tsli| rtcli cnunly I'. W.ZlKdi.iJll A CI,. -Sii('ln.»lliMl Hlnff rhlliiildp iiu, I'D. 1 la ii I HOW VII innr IM>«» wurK. J(« furON!*! iSimXm hau bfwufrhlftlot of lihltfitori c«»pvlnR \i$h\ fwry ^<£122? RUSSIA CEMENT CO., .'i*'! KliiJohtt Hsri-ftU si THE TENNESSEE BAPTiST. BAPTtST OLESNEB, taTO-^NSOLmTEQ JULY U m . stand yo In waya. and boo ond aat v the Old ptttbB, "wWoh tho good waya, aud walk thareta. IKOA yo ahRU Qnd c««t fbr your aoulB.-/"««»Wi Wutwort »< tho Po»t omoo o( M«nn)>tl/^ Btiooud ^^^^ Old Sorlos—Vol, XXU. MEMPHIS, TEHN.. DECEMBEH 24,1887. J T o w S e r i e s — V o l . I . N o . 80 OUftPClFIT. THE GOSPEL OF HEALTH. IIY T, UJtWirr TAlJH.'t(IK. "Till ft itart strlko tbrougU lil» Ilv()r."~l'iov. vll. 2H. NO II. I BLESS God that tho number of Christian |)hy- sitiians is multiplying, and sotno of tlio studentH of tho medical collogcs aro liero to-di\y, mid I liail you, and bless you, uud I ordniu you to tho teniier, l>«autiful, heaven descoudod work of A ChrlHtian phyBiciftii, and when you tako your diploma from the Long Island modical coilcge, to look after tho porifhablo body, 1)0 sure also to got a diploma from tho skies to look nftor tho iniporisiuible aoul, Ltit all Christian physlcianR unite with ministers of tho gospel iu persuading good jwoplo that it is not l)ecau80 God ia against thom that thoy Home- times feol depressed, but because of tboir diseased ixxiy. I 8up{K)B0 D a v i d , tlio p.ialiniat, was no more pious when ho called on ovorytiiing iiutnan and angelic, animato and inatnimnto, and from snowilako to hurrleano, to ])rai80 G.«i, than wlion he said : ' Out of tho depths of hell havo I cried nnto theo, O Lord,' or that Jeremiah wan any iK-tter when he wroto his prophecy than when be wrote his'LamentatiouH,' or tiiat Job was any i)ottor whon ho aaid : ' I know tiiat my Uedoemer liveth,' than whon covered all over with the pus- tules of elephantiasis ho siit iu tho ashos scratch- ing the Bcales oil" with a brokeu pieco of pottory, or that Alexander Cruden, tho concordist, was any Iwtter man whon ho completed tiio book that baa heiiwd ton thousand studonta of tlio Bible, tlnin when under the power of physical disorder ho wan handcuiTod and strait-waiHtcoatcl in Belliiiai (ireou insane asylum. " 'Oh,' say8 8t)mo Christian man, 'no ono .night to allow physical disorder to depress liis 8.)nl. Ho ought to live so near to God ns to I KJ always in the sunshine,' Yos, that is good a.lvice; but I warrant tiiat you, the man that gives tiio advicc, haH a sound liver. Thank God every day for licalthful hepatic condition, for, just as certainly as you lose it, you will somotimos, like David, and like Jere- miah, and liko Cowper, and liko Alexander Cruden, nud like ten thousand other invalids, l)c playing a 'Dtiad March' on tbo saiuo organ with which now you play n 'Toccata,' Mv oiijoct at this point is not only to omolliato tho criticisms of the well against those in poor health, but to show Christian people who aro atrebiiarious wimt is tho matter with them. Do not chnrgo against tiio heart tiio Crimea of another portion of your organism. Do not conclude that bccausc tho path of lioaven ia not urborod with as fine a foliago, or tho banks beautifhlly mowed under with exquisite chrysan themums OB once, therefore you aro on the wrong road. Tho road will bring you out at the same gate whether you walk with tho atrido of an ath- lete or ooine upon crutchos. Thousands ol Chris- tians, morbid about their experiences and morbid about their buBiness, aud morbid abtmt tho present, <\nd morbid iibout tho future, neod tho eormoii I nm now preaching. "Aootbsr pmotiml um of thia lubjoot ia for tbe ironng, tlMory Ui nbrotdi tlwt (hoy flnt sow their wild oatK, and afterward Michigan wheat. Lol mo break tho dolusion. Wild oats aro generally sown in tko liver, au.l thoy can never It'i pulled up. They so pro-occupy that organ that' there is no room tor the ihipiantation of u righte- ous crop. You see aged uiou about us nt eighty, erect, agile, splendid, grand old men. How much wil.i oats did they sow l>elweon oigliteeu years aud thirty? None, absolutely none. God does not very often honor witii old ago those who have in their early life sacrificed swtuo on the aitar of ttio bodily temple. Ilotnotniwr, O young man, that wiiiio in after life, and after years of disaipa- tion, you may perhaps have your iieart changed, roiigiou does not change tho iiver. Trembling aud staggering along these slreets to-day aro men, all bent, aud decayed, and prematurely old, for the reason that thoy oro paying for liens they put upon their physical estate before tiiey wore tiiirty. By early dissipation thoy put on their body a first mortgage, and a second mortgage, and a tiiird mortgage, to the .levii, and theso mortgages aro now being foreclosed, and all that remains of their earthly estate tho undertaker will mton put out of sight. Many years ago, in fuliillment of my text, a dart struck thoir liver, nud it is tiiero yet. God forgives, but outraged physical law never, never, never. That has a Hinai, but no Calvary, Holo- mon, in my text, knew what bo was talking about. He iittd in early iifo i>cou a profligate, and ho rises up on his throne of worldly splendor to shriek out a warning to all tho centuries. David, l)ad in early life, but good in later life, cries out with an agony of earnestnessl: ' liemeinl)er not the sins ol iny youtii.' "Stephen A. Douglass gave tlio name of 'squat- tor Bovoreignty' to those who went .ml West r,nd t.iok ji.iRsession of lands nnd held tlieni by right ot pre occupation. I>ot n flock of sins settle on your heart before you get to twenty-five years of ago, aud tlioy will in all probaiiility keep possession of it by an infernal squatter sovereignty. "I promise to pay at tho liank 8.^00 six months from .late,' says tho proinisory not. '1 promise to pay ray life thirty years from date at tho i)auk of tho grave,' says every infraction of tho laws of your physical being. "What ? Will a man's l)ody never completely recover from early dissipation in this world ? Never. How aiiout tho world to come 7 Perhaps God will li.K it up iu tho resurrection body so that it will not havo to go limping through all eternity; but get the liver thorouglily damaged and it will stay damaged. Pliyflicinns call it cancer of tho liver, or hardening of the livor, or cirrhosis of tho liver, or inflammation ot the liver, or fatty degen» oration of the livor, but Bolomou puts all these pangs into one figure and says: 'Till the dartbtriko through his liver.' "Hesoid loomed to have somo bint of this whon ho reproBontod Promothous ftir his crimoa foatenod to a pillar and nn eagle feeding on his livor, which waa rei^iowed again eaoh night, BO that tho devour- ing ^ n t on until finally Herculea alow tlie eagle and rescued Promctheiia. And a dissipated early Iifo asBurea a feroaoitv peeking away and olawing away at the liver year in and year out. and death U t M only ^ r o n l M tbiit oaa break the powtv of its beak or unolenoh ita olaw. tio, also, Virgil and Homftr wrote fablee about" vultures proying upon the liver, but there aro thoae here to day with whom it is no fable, but a terrible r^ity- "That young man amoking olgarotte» and amok- ing cigars ImH no idea that be is getting for him- self smoked liver. That young man has no idea that he has, by early dissipation, BO depleted his energicH that he will go into the battle only half arme.1. Napoleon lost Waterloo, daya before it was jfought. Ilatl bo attacked the English army ijofore it was reinforced, and taken it diviBion by division, lio mighi havo won the day, init he waited until be had only 100,000 men agaiust 200,000, And hero is a young man who, if ho put all his forces against tho regiment of youthful temptatiouH in tho strength ot God might drive them back, but ho is, allowing thom to bo reiaf(jroed by tho whole army of middle liio temptatiouBi and whon ail thpso combined forces are massetl against him, and no Groucliy comes to help him, aud Bluohor has come to help bin foes, what but immortal dofoat can await him ? O my young brother, do not make tho mistake thai thousands all around you are making, iu open- ing tho battle agaitiat sin too lato. What brings that express train from St. Louis into Jersey City three hours late? Ihoy loet fli\oen niiuutea early on the route, and that affecteti thom all the way and thoy ha<l to bo switci.ed oiF here and switched off there, aud dotuineil tiiero, and the man who loses lime and strength in the curlier part of tho journey of iifo will suffer for it all the way through, tiio fir»t twenty yenrs of Iifo damaging tho follow- ing fifty years. Homo years ago a sciontifio lecturer went through tho country exhibiting on groat can- vass .liiToront parts of ihe human body whon healthy, and diiferou'^ parta when duiease.]. And wiiat tho world wants now is somo eloquent sciin- tist to go through tho country,' showing to our young (woplo, on blazing canvase, the drunkard'a liver, the idler's liver, tho libertino'B liver, tho gamiiler's liver. Perhaps tho Bpoctacio might stop Bomo young man before ho eomea to tho same cataBtrophe, and the dart strike through his own liver. My htiarer, this is tho first sermon you have hoar.l on tho gospel of health, and it may Iw the last you will ever hear on that Bul^t,and I cha'.]£e you, in the name of God, and Christ, aud uv.tful* ness, and eternal destiny, take care of yonr health. Whon somo of you die, if your friends put on your tomlmtono a truthful epitaph, it will rood: "Uoro lies the victim of late suppera," or it will be, 'Be- hold, what chicken Balad at midnight will do for a man,' or it will be, 'Ten clgani a day cloned my earthly exiatence,' or it will be, '6atdown in a cold draught, and this is tho result.' or it will be, 'I died of thin shoos last winter,' or it will bo, 'Went out without an overcoat, andf took thia last ohill,' or it will be, 'Thought I could do at aeventy what I did at twenty, anti l am liere,' or it will bo,'Here is tho cdnsequoDoe of aitting half a day with wet foot,' or it will be, 'Thil iv where I have stacked my harveat of wild oata. or, Init^ad of words, the itone-ontter will ohiiel for ID epitaph on the toroh* irtooo two Qgiuroi, MnMlf, ft dftrt sod

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Ft*' >,

16 » »


T H E B A P T i B T .

MKMPHIB AKFAIRS i Tbo IkdUa of tbe ITirvl Pi e«byteri«n

ohanh h«IA » b««|iir uu ^ o o l g h t h , n ia tb Mid tsntb, tn'd » liiiillAr Ulnmeot WlU probtbly bf bold thia ««ek by (be ladlo* of tbe Ftrat B«|v U*|;oi>urob. V

The Sunday eohool or ibe Firat Hat ohurob la making propanktion TOr * very oharnilug Ohriatmaa entertain-ment. Mr. L. N. Stark, <ho aiiptriii. tooJent, Is mnob Interotlfld lu tho af> f i l r , and tblnki bo will a«a all bis botr t dciirea roault from It, This ie bla flnt year'a Baporlot^Utlt^iioy, bitt bo bail ilready provc<l bimsoir a oom-potent oflloial.

A charter h«« beon obtained to patabligh » tp«tniOj| t^hooi for uursei. rhyalolana are fuUy alive to the iiii portanoe of well-trained nurses. Tiili achooi la doubtlesa istbiidcd t ) tup-ply thia mnch-felt vrjint.

Sulta in ohHucery are pilintc "P afrilait the Taxing District and ita officfala. Tbe aubjoct of the Distrluti?* fliiancM is Iieing disoiitjaed by Sti^to ofllcialt,0itl20Q»aiid uowtpapont, Tho psrt the newipapers are taking in tht) affair ia evidently out of good ordor. The publ'o inten^Ht Is surely sutl'bring In csnsrqaence of the bondition of things whether the accused are guilty or Innoeent.

A number of tho newspapers of tl c c(ty are complaining of the postal 8«r vice of tho city and this soctloii of country. It la evident there is "oinr thing wrong with tho system It might be well for the general depart ment to make a thorough ius|>ectiou of tbo aorvice iu and ai-otfbd our city drteot (he incompetent* and dlahonnit. and dUoiiK. tbem from tl>a force. Tho Hunday Times s s j » : " Y/o second th« motion of tho Appeal r tgan l iug (ho appointment of a conitni^sion to itt apcot the po«t>ofllco w v i c o in this acctiou of country. 8omo tiui.r wo called attantlon to tho fact that tbf Soulhom servioc was »lip«k,od and exasperating." Tiio k t t c r maltcr ii gonoraiiy handled with «ipedUlon hu t other matter must faio ai it cai Employees soem to havo a notion that thay own tho postal ayst^'ni, and that tho public must bcBati»«od with audi aervico aa they fool inclined to render A letter thief was dotoctod in (he oiBue hero a fow ('ays ago snu ar roatod. In tbo couiso of six month* be bad stolen several hundred dollars forwarded in common lottero.

Maairs. O'Connor and Esmond., mombera of the. Brltli-h parlian cnt, visited our city a few days ago. Thoy wot with much sympathy. There is atroBg feellDg in favor of Ireland in this aity. One thing American citl Bonsought to look t o , - t h e y shoahi bo careful *a to how they act lu tho matter of the quest ion now l)eforo tho English and Irish. It is bard to prog-noBticate the coinplioatlons that .may arise or tho final outcome of the agl. tatlon. B p o ^ n g of armed resistance on tbo par t df Ireland Mr. O'Coi nor aays (hat with ono hundred fifty thouaand men Irelaml might hopo to aooompllsh somotblng but not with a loaa force. I t la very much doubted If I r t land could raise suoh a force. Ii woold seem tbon to any one who baa • n y dot of military airalrs and IBngland'a power, and of her del. rml-Mtlon to malntdln (ho United King-

UiiiiU|M» tr ««.llen«> prwrn In tiilllUiir. <>( linmwi FJ.r I>I..r« lli»N « (Jiiirl.'f I.f « R«t)l«RV. It IK IIWIL L,Y [Im ITiilivO Kiniiii, OOTwrimwil. Kinl"ri<nl liy DM' bM a uf tl» »r»At .IiilvOT«lt<,- ««III,. 8lr«n«.-»t. Puii ol niiwt 1I.«J hftil. Ill , lU.. onW Wikhix IciwiliT tliM .l.«.o nut wtilftlii AiiiiniihU, I.lino.ir Aliiw. iwlilntily hiCniiK.

I'ltit'a nvKiNo i'owi>i:u( ii. N«W RI)«K. I'.IK'JIUN. TFR, MHIIS.

B E A U T V ^ o f j H n : S k i i i S t S c a l p ( R E S T O R E D

' J b y the:-K

TVrOTUINU til kmiw Hti unoB nt lOI Mim-p»r»bl« to tUi'CutlciirrtUoniwIlrMli) tlrolr

m«rv»lou« i.ronnr»l«e of clfmisliiK. |»iirlf} liiK «"?,.''«a"i'I,vlrKtii<i «klw and in «.r-lHrliiK,<ll*fljutUK,liclilcK,((c»i5 nml iitmplv l l m l T n l ' i i U < " " ' i i ' l l>lf>"'t wltl' , Cii«ownv,tb« Kr.»t kkln f^rn, ami culloiird frotn It, «»temslly, au.l CuUeurs K«8v| ..>iit, I m new Hltxnl I'urmer, tir.HriinIlp, iitn * j»>»l IITP oure for r-. *ry fo in nr •kin nntl blix <1 ii'miMn from Dln>|i|p!i to tn-roniU tliidoiiriv HhK..lllloly PHI-,. ,„„| infallible fklii Iwi.iilllloi-i n.ul l>io<>.| , nrllUTn.

H.>l,l (.vrrvwtier.. l'ilc«, .Hilpiirn Wo ; ItP-wilveiittl; Koiip?6.i. ITi-parnI liv 11... IMilor Uni »I1(I ( hi,i,iU:iH C, . n.mloii, Mi»wi.

Wflltl titrHow loCiirf Hlilii DlBiiRSt*

HAWdQ S^'* flown WHi wliiio f lAnUd I>y ip-Ing Ciiloura M»«l'. hi..,l s„«,J.

. f

The sale ofTutt's Pills exceed those of all others combined.

HOLI> KVICItV-VVllKKH. Office, 44 Murray Street, Now York.

i lom intact , an a c t o f the snpruiiieHt fo l ly for Iroland lu a t t e m p t i inyth l i ig i>y w a r If that, i s al l tho roroo nr a greater t h a n s h e c a n r t U o

All editorial of the Hutuiny Times on tho ouilo"k for our city in the ap |)i«8.jiilng Hprlnx 1» qiiotod ht-ro to In dic»tc whai is oxiieotcd of Moinphis inlen^Btfl: —

' I t -a l tBla lo Ht'cniA (o Iw n a t h i r ing H t n n g l h for a g e n n i i cts b o o m In tho RptiiiH;. T h o dui i i j i iy l inos h a v o o p e n e d u p H hplondid lerr l t t i iy for t i ioso d o (.illtig c h c i p h o m e s , a n d t vcu n o w the d e m a n d for p r o p e r t y i« ij i i ito jo l ivo , UCH! t -s th lo int i i a u r c o t lml thero wi l l bo the b i g g e s t k i n d of a i o t i » a l in tho •pr i i i g M e m p h i s i H n i o w i n g . s t r a i i g e r i are c o m i n g here In l loeks, caplliilUtM are lincB(in{,' hero, and Col Hii l Sti a t i o n a n i h o i i ' } for tho hope iha t a IJould U n l v o r n i t j w i l l bo bui l t near thofei ty . W o art) gr ins ; to h a v e a city of o n o b u n i l i e d t i u m s a n d i n h a b i t a n t s in loHs than t w o y e a r s . "

U u m o r tayB l h » t an oleulrlo n i i l w a y is Koing to ho bni l t l ongKndlnu l ly ihroinrh o u r c i ty . Ti ir sp ir i t o f o u r people fcerrH 'o • . ( in a forward dlroctiini.

Man's s in roai ly l ies in h i s h a i i e t l of (Jod. T h e s a m e cross w i i i ch i s tho liirasnrw of (Jod's lovo to man is the n oa<inio o f n iu i /^ hatred to G o d W h e n tho HinlcHS O n o caino to th is los t v v r l . l w i t h blosHings in b o t h hands, ihoy "hutea h i m w i t h o u t a cmme," nay ,n io io , thoy rowardod h is l o v o w i t h t h t i r hatred . N e v o r t h e l c s ^ the right-eous O n o hold on hi»5 w a y , a n d ije.iamo " c b i . l l e n t u n t o death , e v e n t h o death I'f il.n croHs." ( l ' l ) i i . ii. 8 ) T h o hearts \ hii h s h o u l d havo w e i c o m . u l h i m ••vou< illiod w l h aj^alut-f, h im, an.J tt e i r lorn wl . ' . ougl i t to have cro^vitod !• in. dooimsd h i m lu t h c d , alli of a slave. Yci oven in d y i n g h o d e l i g h t o d to d o h i s l<\Ulicr'9 will,-'liy w h i c h wi l l w r have hcoii HAiiciillcil ihioii.jrh (ho o l l n - l n g o l ' i l .obt i . ly i-i I'll. . , , , . (,.,.

Rheumatism A-Jt U ttn ertnm»heit /net i,liut liofm-. HHpnrlUa. hits prowu uu tnv.Uui.bl« In tiittiiy floToro cMt-s ,.f rtumumUsm, ^am li.lf romnrk«h)o euros liy It!, i-cwfrfuj uhi!; IncorreiilliifttHonpldliy of ih,) i.l,..„| J ^ 111 tlio 0;mH0 (.1 the nmi ptlnf,,^ inul onrl.'liliiB llio vjtul Hulii, *

It U ei'rtiiMv /air U, tmumo ih.u wi,,. tl.MKl'a Saranpftrlllft liiw iioim for oUht. ii will .10 f..r you. Tlio.vf„r«, it y.,,, tho pftliiH Hiici of rhouimiiwiiL tills iwitjiit. >i.iO(iy !L fair trIM,

A P o s i t i v e Cure. "1 was trtnililud very inlictiwiii,

tism In my tilps,' auklcH. mut wrl.ts i coulil h!\i-,lly wfilk, luui \v;i9 (•"iilliu'd to iiiv boil a itooil ilcul of iliK iiui,>. iieiiifl onnuoiHli'il 10 tiy itood'H SnrsnparlUa, i tmik four iHittloo ami am pt'tfcpiiy n',,n I chcorfully wdimiiciut Hood's .Siir.tu|i;iri|i| us ouo ,)t Iho l.i>f,i lilmiil piirlllfi!, ii, (),„ world." W, K. Wiioi), Iili«i»ilii(.|,iu, 111.

F.ir Twenty Y.mup, 1 Iinvo tw>PU nniU>tC(l *vltli rhvuiimllsm ti> forp l.lMa 1 fouuil no rollcf, luit grew wnr,,.. i n,,,,, iH'KiUi tiikliiR llixxrH 8arwi«uUU, and It ,iid iiui uiiiio i!oo<l tlmn all tlio oilnir IUHIIIIMIKI i ovor hiul." H. T. 1UI,C0.M, Rlilili'y, MJM.

" I euftorcil from wtmt ttio doclorii (ullid muscular rlummjiilimi. 1 took lioo.r.i . .n. Hiii)arllla uiiil urn oiitlrfily cured." j , v. A. rnouoFooT, liTttor eiurlur, niicui;,!, m. '

Wo SiiiilS bo gUid to scuU, frco ot churi;.' (oiul wlio maydcBlrOiahookioidiilidnitni.iliy lulJltlDii.-U BtaU'uioiits oi curi's l>y

H o o d ' s Sarsaparlila Sold by all dniRBlBl.s, 81 j six tiir J',. M:„io only by C. I. JUMJU & «)., l.owi ll, Ma«q,

1 0 0 D o s e s O n o Dollar.

CLUE ''•J'l hr Uiotwuiiij of llrrt rUM MwiiiOclurer. on lli'lf !>«<» »otk. IVi

iinrABX] * <!o.

A i i y w h u r o , every w h e r e , hatn ev i l , ^hnn falgohfj.j.i, det'y se l f , ( n i s i in the Lord that d i ed for y o u , roal izo the m o i r y IhRt w a i t s for y o u , m.on your hem I to ihe ^ruc i »hat is untlioicnt for yon ; and then , (hou^h all unheral . iod by Tnystie voi.-.cor b laz ing appar i t ion , tho ni ipcjn O n e rcc lprooates y o u r tilivl yeHrniiiKf, and ninnlfouts hlnidoH (o yon in a n o t h e r w s v i l ian hn .Iocs unto tho wor. i l

<lMlHmor«, linnttKHHI nsHlmoiP Hirfiil. Sew York, lla Klftb Avo. ^ 'BdliliiKlon. HIT IJnMirl 8|m0!'. liWlU

X - M A S MUSIC W m a s m Q I Q p / l i ' m i o i i s U i i o u /

iVntuIn nt'w lir Miirt',)-, piililm, .VrNtOM'tMlf, I .iiDpiulli', nnil ullic'iB, liid.lliT with n Oiiii UiH|»iii«li" orvlco pn-iwnwl li" 10 R. .lo*fn^l. in p|i. ••li'i.Mhilif fiiliiti'd in niilorn, Vrli'o,.V.t". nuch. nr .Miii... n iln/' ii ly innll, iHmtpaliuSt por lui bf uxprcH* nut |>i>'i'iiil. I S T O I l l i j A>rtiillfuM;iirlMtmiw,S.;r;

EXHAUSTED VITALITY. A Ur«nt M.ill.-nl Work lor V«.,„, a>„|

MIU.IIn.A««! Mm.

m o w T H Y S E L F . »tar« Than On* Million Oaplva HoM.

n imu tipon Nirruiii anil PhjfiIo«l Dpblllt., rrota,. t u r . ^ 1 ^ •m«, «#*„„u,, K.h.,i.M VIUJI^

.".b««,U,|,|„lH«»rt bliirtin,. Mil

loitntiT*ptmpkM r™. Ilmo ^ u ttu^ PimTjlMllBn by Ihe rB.inODV IHRnirAi

.l*^'!'"*".'.*'"'- CoiMBllIlm Ph, .

Laarn, O Htudeni, tho true w i n l o i n . See yim hush at iamo w i t h rosof , l ike (he b u r n i n g luish of Moses . Listen and t l icu sha l t hear, If i h y soul b o n o !

deaf , h d w Torn out 't boH nnd clear Bpoaks t . Iioii I H I o I Al iWKhty.

H o w f o w God han hloRsod w i t h the roeponsiblo g i f t of g e n i u s ran truth fu l ly s a y wKI- W a l t a r S c o t t ~ " I trio.i to unsott lo no man's f a i t h , to corrupt no man's princi|)lo», .and I h a v o writ -ton n o t h i n g w h i c h on m y doatbbod I should wish blotted t u t . "

Jlr . t liifi'i-Kiiiiriu'il tlirotiHlmut i» vniilvo UmKlliiff*.

rlci, ooniiln.inu I.F IM'W'IIII'I —. TlCft, COnHlffUnU i>l IL -n r I». r. <Mnipl«llo. rtiioly hiinimnlml I'lirnli i-Kimriir" " ' ' • - • tinponi iiiiin Hfllimtloni). t ..f lt.wp I. moiit liiliTiKiliic I ' I'rlco, nainii IIB lor ('lirl«t-1IIIB rMMORllonfl.

NOTK.~/r, th! "Olrittmnt SthiH-nt" tht muHt Im'l (Hnli.i It/rilhti'»fltr IMl Kttfixitlvt SrrHrt. n-*"'

it it iHltrt/irttti thrpy^ktHt tAt KftiiHH^^t, A Now

Jodge Santa Claus. Uy Xlumbam A Root niil 111 iHith pri>tlir Anil c«ii ttlvo 11 will rniMMn. two to thrwi ' mch |)r Dikllri p<iitp»ld.

fhrlmri'M I'K.n-ipiiliir rr». u If ni , 'n' •I'/]"' II nil P«iitii('liiii« MH liikp liy tlu'pnini' uiiiliiir". Innlnirtlvn, Any Hiiiii!,i>-. . Rood pffi-ct. ( HI) !«' P'"-WMki* timu. I'rli i', .n* !".

Would you oaro to have a word of advice worth a great deal? Nbvor tamper with your liaby's boaith l)y using opiates to quiet HH stomach troubles, etc., but uso Dr . Bull's llaby Byrup Inatoad.

Thousands of people are leading utu aatisfacloiy Uvea, booauso of tho dls-pirlting olToota of iDdlgoatlon. Lot] Buoh try Lazador and bo happy.

iii'i, ii tl UiHhot c iniMMn »oh br I ,

Comolete Lis s s^oten-wiiri«:«.n!> wuiMuiutu kiuiu B,i,|r,,«, on Iiprliinllii". Mnntfon tblsp«p«r. Tbo JOHN OHUROH CO..Cinolnnall,0.

— ra i m lam a . YHII CII».


PoinoaiiCH thBtltnCnrdliml IMInn of etnvlloiim nii«a.uiiil to n IVr-(fce« .\iljll«uilil0 Oornnl. Hnnil ll.l" tor i<niniiln CornPt. riiyiilnri" rnt".


Mlohiion« II»l»eaw


f i l i t A MoiiT".«".«' l l t a ¥*>"Mlt Mfll v I<a<ll«tsli| rtcli cnunly I'. W.ZlKdi.iJll A CI,. -Sii('ln.»lliMl Hlnff rhlliiildp iiu, I'D. 1 la ii I HOW

VII innr IM>«» wurK. J(« furON!*! iSimXm hau bfwufrhl ft lot of lihltfitori c«»pvlnR \i$h\ fwry <£122?


Kl i i Joh t t Hsri-ftU s i


s t a n d yo In w a y a . a n d boo o n d a a t v t h e Old ptttbB, "wWoh tho good w a y a , a u d w a l k t ha re t a . IKOA yo ahRU Q n d c««t f b r your aoulB.-/"««»Wi

Wutwort »< tho Po»t omoo o( M«nn)>tl/ Btiooud ^^^^

O l d S o r l o s — V o l , X X U . M E M P H I S , T E H N . . D E C E M B E H 2 4 , 1 8 8 7 . J T o w S e r i e s — V o l . I . N o . 8 0

O U f t P C l F I T .

T H E G O S P E L O F H E A L T H . IIY T, UJtWirr TAlJH.'t(IK.

"Till ft itart strlko tbrougU lil» Ilv()r."~l'iov. vll. 2H. NO I I .

I BLESS God that tho number of Christian |)hy-

sitiians is multiplying, and sotno of tlio studentH of tho medical collogcs aro liero to-di\y, mid I liail you, and bless you, uud I ordniu you to tho teniier, l>«autiful, heaven descoudod work of A ChrlHtian phyBiciftii, and when you tako your diploma from the Long Island modical coilcge, to look after tho porifhablo body, 1)0 sure also to got a diploma from tho skies to look nftor tho iniporisiuible aoul, Ltit all Christian physlcianR unite with ministers of tho gospel iu persuading good jwoplo that it is not l)ecau80 God ia against thom that thoy Home-times feol depressed, bu t because of tboir diseased ixxiy. I 8up{K)B0 David, tlio p.ialiniat, was no more pious when ho called on ovorytiiing iiutnan and angelic, animato and inatnimnto, and from snowilako to hurrleano, to ])rai80 G.«i, than wlion he said : ' Out of tho depths of hell havo I cried nnto theo, O Lord, ' or that Jeremiah wan any iK-tter when he wroto his prophecy than when be wrote his 'LamentatiouH, ' or tiiat Job was any i)ottor whon ho aaid : ' I know tiiat my Uedoemer liveth,' than whon covered all over with the pus-tules of elephantiasis ho siit iu tho ashos scratch-ing the Bcales oil" with a brokeu pieco of pottory, or that Alexander Cruden, tho concordist, was any Iwtter man whon ho completed tiio book that baa heiiwd ton thousand studonta of tlio Bible, tlnin when under the power of physical disorder ho wan handcuiTod and strait-waiHtcoatcl in Belliiiai (ireou insane asylum.

" 'Oh, ' say8 8t)mo Christian man, 'no ono .night to allow physical disorder to depress liis 8.)nl. Ho ought to live so near to God ns to IKJ always in the sunshine,' Yos, that is good a.lvice; but I warrant tiiat you, the man that gives tiio advicc, haH a sound liver. Thank God every day for licalthful hepatic condition, for, just as certainly as you lose it, you will somotimos, like David, and like Jere-miah, and liko Cowper, and liko Alexander Cruden, nud like ten thousand other invalids, l)c playing a 'Dtiad March' on tbo saiuo organ with which now you play n 'Toccata,' Mv oiijoct at this point is not only to omolliato tho criticisms of the well against those in poor health, but to show Christian people who aro atrebiiarious wimt is tho matter with them. Do not chnrgo against tiio heart tiio Crimea of another portion of your organism. Do not conclude that bccausc tho path of lioaven ia not urborod with as fine a foliago, or tho banks beautifhlly mowed under with exquisite chrysan themums OB once, therefore you aro on the wrong road. Tho road will bring you out at the same gate whether you walk with tho atrido of an ath-lete or ooine upon crutchos. Thousands ol Chris-tians, morbid about their experiences and morbid about their buBiness, aud morbid abtmt tho present, <\nd morbid iibout tho future , neod tho eormoii I nm now preaching.

"Aootbsr pmotiml um of thia lubjoot ia for tbe ironng, tlMory Ui nbrotdi t lwt (hoy flnt

sow their wild oatK, and afterward Michigan wheat. Lol mo break tho dolusion. Wild oats aro generally sown in tko liver, au.l thoy can never It'i pulled up. They so pro-occupy that organ that ' there is no room tor the ihipiantation of u righte-ous crop. You see aged uiou about us nt eighty, erect, agile, splendid, grand old men. How much wil.i oats did they sow l>elweon oigliteeu years aud thirty? None, absolutely none. God does not very often honor witii old ago those who have in their early life sacrificed swtuo on the aitar of ttio bodily temple. Ilotnotniwr, O young man, that wiiiio in after life, and after years of disaipa-tion, you may perhaps have your iieart changed, roiigiou does not change tho iiver. Trembling aud staggering along these slreets to-day aro men, all bent, aud decayed, and prematurely old, for the reason that thoy oro paying for liens they put upon their physical estate before tiiey wore tiiirty. By early dissipation thoy put on their body a first mortgage, and a second mortgage, and a tiiird mortgage, to the .levii, and theso mortgages aro now being foreclosed, and all that remains of their earthly estate tho undertaker will mton put out of sight. Many years ago, in fuliillment of my text, a dart struck thoir liver, nud it is tiiero yet. God forgives, but outraged physical law never, never, never. That has a Hinai, but no Calvary, Holo-mon, in my text, knew what bo was talking about. He iittd in early iifo i>cou a profligate, and ho rises up on his throne of worldly splendor to shriek out a warning to all tho centuries. David, l)ad in early life, but good in later life, cries out with an agony of earnestnessl: ' liemeinl)er not the sins ol iny youtii. '

"Stephen A. Douglass gave tlio name of 'squat-tor Bovoreignty' to those who went .ml West r,nd t.iok ji.iRsession of lands nnd held tlieni by right ot pre occupation. I>ot n flock of sins settle on your heart before you get to twenty-five years of ago, aud tlioy will in all probaiiility keep possession of it by an infernal squatter sovereignty. "I promise to pay at tho liank 8.^00 six months from .late,' says tho proinisory not. '1 promise to pay ray life thirty years from date at tho i)auk of tho grave,' says every infraction of tho laws of your physical being.

" W h a t ? Will a man's l)ody never completely recover from early dissipation in this world ? Never. How aiiout tho world to come 7 Perhaps God will li.K it up iu tho resurrection body so that it will not havo to go limping through all eternity; but get the liver thorouglily damaged and it will stay damaged. Pliyflicinns call it cancer of tho liver, or hardening of the livor, or cirrhosis of tho liver, or inflammation ot the liver, or fat ty degen» oration of the livor, but Bolomou puts all these pangs into one figure and says: 'Till the dartbtriko through his liver. '

"Hesoid loomed to have somo bint of this whon ho reproBontod Promothous ftir his crimoa foatenod to a pillar and nn eagle feeding on his livor, which waa rei^iowed again eaoh night, BO that tho devour-ing ^ n t on unti l finally Herculea alow tlie eagle and rescued Promctheiia. And a dissipated early Iifo asBurea a feroaoitv peeking away and olawing away at the liver year in and year out. and death U tM only ^ronlM tbiit oaa break the powtv of

its beak or unolenoh ita olaw. tio, also, Virgil and Homftr wrote fablee about" vultures proying upon the liver, but there aro thoae here to day with whom it is no fable, but a terrible r ^ i t y -

"Tha t young man amoking olgarotte» and amok-ing cigars ImH no idea that be is getting for him-self smoked liver. That young man has no idea that he has, by early dissipation, BO depleted his energicH that he will go into the battle only half arme.1. Napoleon lost Waterloo, daya before it was jfought. Ilatl bo attacked the English army ijofore it was reinforced, and taken it diviBion by division, lio mighi havo won the day, init he waited until be had only 100,000 men agaiust 200,000,

And hero is a young man who, if ho put all his forces against tho regiment of youthful temptatiouH in tho strength ot God might drive them back, but ho is,allowing thom to bo reiaf(jroed by tho whole army of middle liio temptatiouBi and whon ail thpso combined forces are massetl against him, and no Groucliy comes to help him, aud Bluohor has come to help bin foes, what but immortal dofoat can await him ?

O my young brother, do not make tho mistake thai thousands all around you are making, iu open-ing tho battle agaitiat sin too lato. What brings that express train from St. Louis into Jersey City three hours late? I h o y loet fli\oen niiuutea early on the route, and that affecteti thom all the way and thoy ha<l to bo switci.ed oiF here and switched off there, aud dotuineil tiiero, and the man who loses lime and strength in the curlier part of tho journey of iifo will suffer for it all the way through, tiio fir»t twenty yenrs of Iifo damaging tho follow-ing fifty years.

Homo years ago a sciontifio lecturer went through tho country exhibiting on groat can-vass .liiToront parts of ihe human body whon healthy, and diiferou'^ parta when duiease.]. And wiiat tho world wants now is somo eloquent sciin-tist to go through tho country, ' showing to our young (woplo, on blazing canvase, the drunkard'a liver, the idler's liver, tho libertino'B liver, tho gamiiler's liver. Perhaps tho Bpoctacio might stop Bomo young man before ho eomea to tho same cataBtrophe, and the dart strike through his own liver.

My htiarer, this is tho first sermon you have hoar.l on tho gospel of health, and it may Iw the last you will ever hear on that B u l ^ t , a n d I cha'.]£e you, in the name of God, and Christ, aud uv.tful* ness, and eternal destiny, take care of yonr health. Whon somo of you die, if your friends put on your tomlmtono a truthful epitaph, it will rood: "Uoro lies the victim of late suppera," or it will be, 'Be-hold, what chicken Balad at midnight will do for a man,' or it will be, 'Ten clgani a day cloned my earthly exiatence,' or it will be, '6a tdown in a cold draught, and this is tho result. ' or it will be, ' I died of thin shoos last winter, ' or it will bo, 'Went out without an overcoat, andf took thia last ohill,' or it will be, 'Thought I could do a t aeventy what I did at twenty, anti l am liere,' or i t will bo, 'Here is tho cdnsequoDoe of aitting half a day with wet foot,' or it will be, 'Thi l iv where I have stacked my harveat of wild oata. or, Init^ad of words, the itone-ontter will ohiiel for ID epitaph on the toroh* irtooo two Qgiuroi, MnMlf, ft dftrt sod

--•••1;?' ' ^ '

fL th.

ftff --- JkV \

Thero U « kind Ofilokneiia thkt Is boauliful wlion it ooinoB from'over-work for Ood, or oneV ooHiiliy or oue'a own family. I have neon wouudutbat wero

• glorious. After tho bftttlo of Autiotam, in tlio tios-pital, a soldier, in reply to tay (luestion; "Whoro ttro you hurt?" uncovored Ids bosom and showed me a gash thai looked like a badge of eterunl no-bility. I have B«ou an empty sleevo that waji HJor« beautiful than the most muscular forearm. I hiivo seen a green shado over tho eye shot out in liuitlu that was more beautiful than any two oyes that had passed without injury.

I havfl seoM an old missiouary, worn out with the malaria of African juuglos, who looked lo ino moro radiant than a rubicund ifyuinaHt, I liuvo seen a niother, after six weeks' watching over a family of children, down with scarlet fover, with a glory around her palo and wan face tiiat nur-passtid tho angelic. I t all dejwuds on how you got your s i o k n c H B and in what battle your w o u i k I s .

Frederick T. Freliughuysen, the pride of Now Jersey—aye, the nation—and one of (he piliniH of the Ohnatian church, and for nearly four ycacs practically president of tho United .States, although in tho oflice of secretary of State, in hix ileteruiiii-ation to maku peace with ail the governments oi? this American continent, wore himself out, and while his brain was as keen as it ever was, and Ins heart beat as regularly as it ever did, he was ac-cording lo the bulietiv of his physicians at Wash-ington and NewarJt, dying of hardening of tho liver. Satan, who does not like good men, sent a dart through his liver. Tho last, ray dear frit nd —for he was my friend and my father's friend be-fore me—the last ho was seen in Washington was in tho President's carriage, leaning his head against the shoulder of tho President on his way to tiie depot to take the train to go home to die. Martyr of tho public service, he died for his country, though he died in time of pcace. In his earlier life ho was called the nephew of his uncle, Theo-dore Frelinghuysen, but bo lived to render for God and his country a service that will make others proud to be his nephew, and which will keep his name on the scroll of history as tho higli-est stylo of Christian statesman that this century or any other century has i)M(Juced. My Lord and my Go<l I if we must get sick and worn out, let it Im) in thy service, and in the effort to make the world good and happy. Not in the service of sin No I No I One of tho most pathetic scenes that I ever witu'iss, and I often see it, is that o ' men or women converted in the fifties or sixties, or seventies, wanting ' to be useful, but they s j served the world and Satan m the earlier part of their life that they have no physical energy left for tho florvice of G(KI. They sacrificed nerves, muscles, lungs, heart and liver on tho wrong altar. They fought on tho wrong side, and now, when their >word is all hacked up, and their amtouni tion all gone, they enlist for Immanuel, When the high-mettled cayalry horse, which that ftian spurred into many a cavalry charge with ohamp^ ing bit, and flaming eye clothed with thunder, is worn out, and spavined, and ring-boned, and •prlng-halt, ho ridos up to tho great captain of our lalvation on the white horeo and offers his services. When such persouB might have boon through tlio good habits of a life time crashing tho battle-axe through helmetod Iniquities, they aro spending their days and nights in diBoussing tho beat way of breaking up tholr indigsBtion, and 'quieting their jangling nerves; and rousing thoix haggard appe-tite, and trying to extract tho dart from their out-raged liver. Better converted lato than never I Oh, yoBj forthev will to htoyw, they will go atoot when they might have wheeled up the Btoep hilU of the iky in ElUah't chariot. There ti w old bjrmo that we tuwl to i log to tho country

5i. . f ' , f ,

in(*ellng*house whun I was a boy, and I romemlHir how ihe old tolka' voices trembled with omoiloii. whilo ihoy Httng it. 1 havo forguiten all but two lino», liut those I iuob nru the ])erorution of my bor-mon :

" ', 'Twill t>avo UB from ii thouauud anarcs To mind religion yot.iip,'"


t ? 1


H V i r i m t ; i i K i y r « MICMO-HlAf. .


^ A C l i c l inr i 'h !iii» ti r i g h t , o f cunrHO, to i n a k o y i ts o w n n i l w , providn.-l i h e s o riiK'M aro in

h i i n x i o n y will* i l io vv«>r,ls la id np ir i l o f C h i i s t . " — / J r .

U. i). lioanhihvi.

1 liiivt) t i l n i u i v Huiil Ih.ii i l io n o t i o n ilisU i» c l i irch

huii p o w e r to " n . u k c ni lof i ," wup il io I h u i l ' u l

so i i r co o f al l w c l M i i n t i c i d trou i i los .

T h o t r u t h it), iin i n d i v i u u i i l i.s um i n u o h s u s t a i n . d

ijy t h e \ \ o n l o f ( ; o i i , ill u .akini . ' r i i k o iui' l i imjiell

in t lu« i iu iKer, h^ u c l u i i c h w o u l d l)i<.

N i j i l l i e r a c i u i n ' h or :in i i u t i v i d u a l Imr' a n y r i^ l i l

to (l(» a n y f u c l i t i l i n g .

Kvcii an iiispirLMl ap .stiu luul no sm h iikIu. In dood, had no diaort^tion in llio nuillt r.

I' l iul says: " I havt* rece iv . d oi th.i Lord i lmi

w h i c h 1 airto (I. l iviT.- , l i i n t o you-."

A l l ih i l t till' ai»o.sili- !i;ii| a u y lo do , wn.s

t o " ( i c l i v o r u n t o tluMji." w h a t hi; hi in . -c ir nad " i c -

c o i v i / J , " no n u ) i i \ no K'm.

H o w , tlu'il , can a nuui , w i l h tin.' S, r l | i t n n s in

hii) l u u u ) , t ny t h a t " c u c l i i d n u c i i h a s a ni ,du" l o do

a u y t t a i n j ; o f ( l i e k i n d '

L o t us l ook nt a >>r t w o to i l l u s t r a t e

111 t h o Mithodi - ' t DiHCiplin-v, I read : " N o per

s o n Bfiall liL' a t l in i l l t 'd to l la- Lord'M MijipiT arnt.ii;,'

U i w h o ia g u i l t y o f t iny i>ractico for w i i i c h « c

w o u l d o x c i u d o A a i o m b e r f r o m o.ur o lna-ob ' '—

p a g e s 187.

N o a l l u s i o u w u a t f v e r , n o t o v o n b y ronioto in fereni ' i ) , lo t lu! .Scr ip tu iva as n u l h o n t y , lur jsaid r u l e .

T h i s r u l e is i n i p f i a t i v o .• " N o pcrsoi , t^hull Ik

a d m i t t . e d , " e t c . N o w , w l u l e ihi.-i lor . v t i cxcUid.'H

1110 f r o m t l n i r k c i v k i ' , a n d " I itu n.- l t) i | .h - , i , u M

p a r t a k e w i t h tlu- M d l n iih^t u i . ior ihi' ai>< vo

" r u l e , " nnl i ' s a there ci i iui ld !>,• i i y p n O i M y W'onc.

whero, yet I do not eite d u, hut lo s a y , U)i)t tho i M e i h o d i s t hai, a ri;;hi to do w i t h hin i

o w n a s lu! plwDw-w. H o nuirlu it , a n d i i m hin o w n . i

P a u l d id n o t " d e l i v e r " i t to

Lot no one think that I would dUoriwluato against tho Methodist, for h« ha» as muuh author-ity to luiiko a "rulo" in this matter as any one, wlilch is jiiol none lit all, '

Tho (JenorHl Asseiubly of tho Preabyterian church, which i« their highest authority, says, " Kvery OInistinn church, ia entitled, to declare tho terms ol iidiuiHoion into its'communion."

Huppoac this to lio no then, tho rule of the Methndist, and tho terms of the Prosbytorians, wita tho coiulitioua of tho Baptist wouhl mutually' ex-chido Olio iinother. Is not this simply a fact ?

" Eiitilled to decluro tho terms," indeed ? and from w h; nee " If JesuB Christ and his a[)08tles Imve t.,!.l uH what tho tenns are, then his churches ha\';} noihiiii,' to do but rocogniio said terms and be ..'I'Vi'itied liv them.

" if diey have not taiij,'lit tho full nieusnre of this eierviei! in every purlieulur, Ihon, who will daro

that unvoneHhall not be adniitled," etc. I.et ' !:'ke i\i. iD(livifiii!i] caso. i)i. i;ngi<x, a di...iingui(jhe<l I'roabyterian, speak-

ni),' of the New .Seii'xd I'rewbytt't'ianB says ; " We einihi.!, r tlifir rtv-tcin (w very erroneous. Can wo lav „-i.l,' .-.iioii^' f.eliiig.Hon the ('iibjo<!t, whilo wo . oHimuiie .(her'r It i. utterly inexpedient to hill.I rmiiiiuiii-n with tliosu chtirchos."

N(iw 111 tld« e,ui.e, firong toeiing is tho rule by wlueh I to- party controlled. If strong feelings is the right prineipio which governs one man in this matt, r wnnld it m-t be the right principldi for all oti-trs? II..w Iiiiu:!i of strong feelings would a Baptist have to lay aniilo, in order to accept an in-vit,.i'ion u lneh Dr. I'.iiglo;! might givo him ?

If a n.anV> feelings aro 10 govern in tho cacf, then the w.rd nt 'liod muiit l)o adjusted to the feelings iiii 1 not the leeling.s to the word of God.

" It is utteily inexpedient, says the Doctor ; very well, it is not a quwtion of the holy fckriptures theu, l>ut one of o.xpfiiliency ? "

I eite thortecasca simply to show that when wo bcuin th.' work of inlc inaking that wo simply put '>-ir word 111 the place of Christ and his apostles.

It J list us true (if tho B.iptist aa of others. I ht ard l>i,,ther .say, who had communed at

. Iiurel. ill London, that he had lo lii-<t . hiaiii a tiekel (roni a board of deacons, or

.ini' .lie v.h.i wa- a|i|),)int..d lo e.xiuuine visitors w li.i w i-lie I 111 f. liiiniiinc.

I Uhked liiiii the nhjiet of this examination and of thin ticket, and lie miiil, it was to prevent being

chiini the Hcriptnren as his " ml.' " in this nifUter. lum. iio.^.t .es 1,0 imposed upon by improper and. unworthy i^rsons.

I..*, M . .„. 1'"' <liiH ahmg Hide tho rulo ol tho Methodist, or the k ho.h.t t. willing to take the re.pon.i . .her and . h a t i. the ditleronco y Practically,

b.l.ty, then 1 can t Heo why i,e may not make ihtro in very HlMo dilVorenco. any " ru le that iileaaes him, and if ids " rule ex eludes me, why then, lot mo not complain, fm- he does nie no wrong. IJesides, he luw a right to do with his own a.s pleases him best, uiid I am not hur t by staying away.

If ho should 80 iiir forget hia own "rule" as to invito ine, thou let mo iiot forgot that I am f.b-noxioui in both "faith and practice," ho ft'ould surely" ox-oludo mo.

It would a moral impossibility for ita both to bo right, weiti I to accept hia invitntion.

What ho would do in a cortsiiti mno to one of his own members, ho makes tho basis of my com-ing to the tablo whicfj ho spreads, Why ahotild ho measure my litnes.H for the Lord'a siipjicr by tho worthinesfl or tho iinworthiuesa of somebodv else?

If it is tho "Lord ' s supper," why should he lix •rulce" for its observance?

But my object ju referring to this matter, was to eihphMiKo tho luet that such " rule-makiuK " is

Imagine if you can, tho ajiostlo Paul, Igiving to iho ehuieh at Corinth, instructions about issuing tickets upon examination of its memlwrs, by a board of doucona, or a committee aiijtointed for tlui purpose!

Imugiuoi tyou can, such a chapter in tho

noxioufi U, his Discipline, and if I am a Wupii^t ^ m u in both "fatth ami practice." ho .ou ld Him..;' I I '

Look at tho rule adojited by Mr. Bpurgeon. He would gii.v.rt'fljifaiust ui;worthy persons it would seem, guard against Boniebody for whose worthi-nosB or unworthinoHS neither he nor his church is in any way roHponsihb. Why slioidd they take upon Ihom tho examination of a man for wh»m thoy havo no correction, provided they find him unworthy? They could withhold from him their oonimunion nays ope. Well, suppose thoy do, that leaves him just where lie waa Iwfore. What right have you to inquire into tho man's faith and con-duet over whom you havo no power to correct them, provided you should find thorn wrong? If , as a ehiiroh, you have no power over him to cor. _„- - i „ . 1 1 , — .n lu, u uiiuruu, you uave no power over him to cor.

Z t ' o r d Qo7 't reot his wrong why then should you fn^^ui ln to ° • ; j «uoh wrong? Besides thw, if the man reooivei r

f \



H o k e t b0i« not bound k) UM i i t Into bii pookal, iwitJ, while he niay (w expected uM it, yet alter «ll he m«y do jus t as be ple«ae«

Bo we would My agein, aa to rule-making, that there ]• no authority whatever for any of them They are all to be dispoBed by the word of God Here, and here alone, is our authority. I jet men gay, I think, I believe, my opinion is, etc., etc., just as much aa thoy will, but tho all-suilinient word Christ is the alpha and omega ol his churches.


M R S . F A R R ' 8 L E G A C Y .


Mr s . F A R R waa » poor widow dwelling ijuite (done in a plain littlo house hidden b y a c l u m

of e v e r greens, at tho end of a narrow lane that turned otf one of tho handsome vilnge streets. She was a dovout woman, laying aside from her earn iiigs, as seamstress, a tenth, so that tier mite was always ready to help on every good work. 8he was focial, active and earnest, a loailer in tho church who spoke hor mind without aoriiuony, am whoso advice at all times was cousidcied safe to follow.

On the Septemlier afternoon when n.ost iinex liected good fortune stood waiting to enter her jwr tal, her words of Jwistlom were, liko half fledgf< birds, destined to come homo for shelter. The ladiea at the sewing society were talking of a poor young man, an orphan, who had grown up in their midst, and having bceu rcccntly converted, fe that he had a "call to preach."

" If there ia ono business more than another ttiat needs careful and prayerful preparation it is the business of preaching the go«|)el of Christ, said the Widow Farr , " I don't believe in every glibtopgued convert settint; himself up an a public leader and teacher, and throwing himself ui>on tho community fqr Bupjwrt. Le t these young men re-tain their secular employment and devote their leisure to personal work among unconverted friends and neighbors, and talking in the social meetings. If they set themselvea up as preachers, their zea will outrun their knowlc<lge, and their sphere ol usefulneas will be a very uarr(iw ojie. Now-a-days tho intelligent, reading, general public demand an educated ministry, and tho spirit of (ho age needs an ordained ministry. Churches ought to l)o par-ticular about licensing uneducated young men to preach. They don't know what mischief thoy may be doing some small church in the obscure fields, and sigh for the good old days when a man was held in reverence who had fitted himself by long years of study and been set apart in solemn form with prayer as the servant of God. If the Lord has called James Hill to be a shepherd of sou^s ho will open the way and provide the means to fit him for the work. I t doesn't eilucate a person to con-vert him. Education means money provided in a natural way. I don't expect a miracle to be per-formed."

She thought of Mrs. Nims, who was worth her thousandB, and Mra. Ames, her lens of thousaudB, and hoped that hor words might prompt them to do something for their yoUug brother.

An hour later, when walking homo in tho twi< light, Bhe was over-taken by James Hil l , who brought hill rapid steps into unison with her slower ones aa they talked of tho state of tho church and •T tho abounding goo<)uc88 of God,

Aa they reached ths poat-oflico she said, " I wish you would look in bo* 76. I may have a letter."

Ho returned with one immediately, to hor sur* prite for she had few correspondents.

" I t ia a mourning envelop, and is sealed with black," he n i d .

It aet the good woman into a flutter, although •he laid repeatedly to the young man, who still

oousiderately walke<rby her side, " I have no near relaiivea, and I don't know why any one's d<&ath need u|Met me «o."

Aa she reached home, found the key under the step stone, and unlocked the door, she asked her companion to-come in, for the letter had seemed to surround her with an unwonted gloom of apprehen-sion.

Tho lamp was lighte<l, tho letter serutiniiied, the hand-writing couimente«I on, and at length one end neatly pared ot! with tho pcit<sors. It was a lawyer's letter, apprising her of the death of an aged aunt , who had died ihtoatate, and informing her that she thus became heir to five hundred dol-lars.

Tho most unexpc tod thing, she exclaimed. " It is liko a miracle I " and with the worda oamo a thought of the opinion she had so lately expressed tit tho newing-society ; " Tho Lonl will not perform a miracle, l lo will provide the means in some na t -ural manner.

Turning to tho young man, who seemed to heartily rcjoico ai her good fortune, she said,—

" Tho Lord sent me this money that 1 might hand it over to you to prepare you to preach his wonl. You are to take it, use it judiciously, pay the interest to him in souls and to mo in a gowl reiwrt ol your progress onward and upward. 1 havo always wished I could do moro for tho cause of Christ in the world, and he has given mo tho opportunity. I t is not necessary that you should tell anyone about it, as it would give rise to a great deal of unnecessary talk,"

Tho earnestness of her words was so convincing that he accepted her offer without a pro'est, say-rtg- " I havo been praying that the Lord would

giv -le somo proof if he wanted me to take up his work. I will not doubt that my prayers are an-swered in this way." ^

The secret of the legacy remained a secret for some months, then a cousin who had received a like

poor widow's portion, and finding her obduratoand uncommunicative endeavored to learn through the neighbors where it was, invested, and so the matter caked out The widow was surprised that so

many people were interested in her nffairs and so anxious to pay her a high rate ot interest on small nans ; but she kept her own counsel, saying only that she was perfectly satisfied with her present in-vestment.

Meantime, along with the talk of the widow's )enuriousne8s, for she bad not in any way changcd ler manner of life and no ono could tell of her mak-ng an extra purchase, was tho wonder how James i i l l was managing to get along through college,

and also accounts of his success in bringing souls to repentance, for he preached as he had an opfwr-tunity here and thero. Alrout this time tho ques'^ tion of repairing tho church came up. A paper was carried around for sulworiptions and tho sum sot down by Mrs. Far r was so small as to give rise to a great many unkind remarks. People said what

ley thought, and those suspicions were repeated as facts until every oup looked askance at the un-suspecting w. jf>w who went quietly along tho even tenor of her way wondering, indeed, why tho neighbors did not ruii in, but never mistrusting

lat she was being set down by them all tu a pious fraud.

When tho church WHS finished James Hill waa invited to preach tho re-dedication sermon. The

lliage folks were all very proud of him now, and I very anxious to entertain h im; but all of their

nvitationa were quietly declined,

•• Where ia the Widow FarrT " ho asked on the eventful morning of his arrival aa he waa ahaking landi right and left, and being told by iK>me <K)m*

munioative person that aho waa n o t ' be out, he asked t— ,

" Who ia with her f Every one a p ^ a r a < to" be hero." u '' I ^

" Well, tho fact is, ahe U able to hira ^ a nuraoj and we have mudo up our minds not to humor her in her ijenuriouaneBs," and theu came the atory of the one dollar she bad Bubacribed to the 'bu i ld ing fund.

Tho young minister buttoned up hia coat. " I will l)e back before the services begin,'' he said.

" But the Cbiiaiion in tho vestry ia just ready.' " I do not caro lor dinner," and he was gone, to

every ones surprise and disappointment. ' " He has gone to the Widow Farr 's ," said some

one who had watched his tall form speeding down tho street, and when presently somo one followed to urge hm presence at the elaborate lunch, thoy found him nmking gruel and tea for the widow, whii wa.-! sitting in her high back rocking-chair with her denr motherly old hands folded in her lap. When urged to return to tho church he ins i s t^ u|>mi sharing the repast he had p r e p r e d , saying that what was good enough for his best earthly friend was quite good enough for him.

" I l ls best oartlily friend I " waa iterated and re-iterated when his woids were repeated in the crowded vestry. " What does he mean? "

They understood hib meaning presently, for when he arose in the pulpit to begin his sermon his care* fully prepared manuscript was laid one side and ho proceeded to speak to them out of tho fullness of his heart, taking for a subject, " T h e Widow's Mite." He called no names, but ho had a good memory, and there were very few of tho town peo-ple prcacnt who had m t at some time, in sickness or aflliction, received from Mrs. Farr consolation or kindness. The story of the legacy came out, of course.

" Bhe gave only a dollar toward the building fund ," he said, " but she ban given you the minis-ter whom you havo been pleased to invite to preach

amount and spent it bethought him to borrow the I your dedication sermon, and who hopes to remain with you until your hear ts— that are so hard that you have neglected one of God's chosen servants —, may bo broken by an outpouring of hia love."

That was the t)cginning of a great revival that continued until many wore brought into tho church and tho gospel of love prevailed throughout that community. With James Hill it is always a time of refreshing. The Lofd has proved that ho called him to the Work. Tho Widow Far r has her home with him. He calls her mother. I need not add that she has never regretted her investment, and it is not surprising tliat she is fond of whispering to tho well to do i>eople with whom sho is constantly coming In contact:—



DE A R B R O . G R A V E S : — I thought I would write you a lino or two to let you know that we

havo not forgotten you. Wo much desire you to coino and visit ub again, and spend a week or two with us, and preach for un at Ukiah. have no pastor now. Bro. Snndford left us lost spring, greatly to our regret. He is n good man, and a good preacher, and has tho nicest family we ever ' saw. We sympathize with you in your great afliio. tion, but rejoice to hear of your gradual improve-ment. Find inclosed two dollars to renew my sub-scription, never stop it. I think it the liest paper I over read. E x c u k o noor writing, but accept tho love of your friend and brother.

Ukiah, Cal., Deo. 5 , 1 8 8 7 . J O H N L . T O D D .

Remarks .—We highly appreolate your ^expres* sions of remembrancu and regard. We oan acaroely think of a tnp that would give us more pleasure'^ than t*i re-viait CUifornia, and aheuld we UUah ji and Lftkeport will oo^ be forgotten,


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>1* r - J r . A ^S ! it^ f l S l H

M O O D Y - H A R D I N G D E B A T K , [ELDVAI Whito Mills, Hard(n county, Ky . , bo-

H gitiaing Dooetnbor niiicto«nlli, 18H 7, and cqn-tinuiug BU (layB. J. B. Moody roproeouUsd the BttptUta, and ""J.'A. Harding the Campbollitea,

. I ' B O P O B M O N .

' The 'Soripturei t m d i thai reinunon of l i m , with like Umingn o/tcdvatum, u received before bo/iliim.

J, B. Moody op«uod the divousaion iu tho atllrma-tivo with tho followinn introductory reraarks: —

Mr. President, gontlenion Mudenttora, iadioa and ceutlemon: 1 feel thankful to God for tho strength of body and mind, for tho dispoBition of heart and for the boldui'HB of faith, which enables nio to ap-pear iNjfore you in alHrniation and defeuEO of what I bolievo to be tho vital principles of the (;os])el. I oongratulate this audience, in having this oppor. tunity of seeing those truths tubjectwl to the sever o»t teat; for if it is in tiie power of man to over-throwjheiu, my opponent is tho man to do it • and if ho fails, your minds can rest as to the'^cor. rectness and stability of our faith.

Let mo now define the terms of my proposition. By huptism I mean (he immersion in water of it candidato possessing (jualifications required by tlio Scriptures, Should ii candidato be imiilerscd in water who did not possess tho Scriptural prere-quisites, his immoraion would not bo baptism, so that, should a sinner subsoquent to such immer-sion, receive the remission of sins, it would still IMJ remission of sins before baptism. To this de-finition I am sure my friend will not demur.

By remission of sins is meant, what is intended by the very strange expression to be heard in my opponent's proposition threo days hence; viz., " pardon of past sins to a i)enitont believer."

" tjalvation^' is used in that comprehensive sense, so general in the Scriptures, including tho soul with its deliverance from guilt and condemna-tion. B y l i ^ blessingB of salvation, is meant those blessingfl presented to us in the gospel by tho uso of terras that are generally rocognixod as the cquivnl-ents of remission, or those which include i t ; sucli as New Birth, Now Creation, deat^ to life, adop tion, justification, etc.

I am going to affirm most sincerely and 0[)enly, that salvation, with remission of sins and liUce bless-inga is received nErouB baptism. That a sinner becomes a child of God before baptism, and that immersion without these blessings is not Scriptural baptism. My opponent, with a zeal worthy of the truth, will deny, and will try his utmost to over throw those righteous"affirmationfl; and then three days henco, he haa engaged himBolf to prove, or at leaat try to prove, that all these blessings are in, or beyond the water. Baptism has its blessings. Church membcrBhip, church privileges, with greater usefulneBB, happiness, and rewards belong to baptism, but these are not liJke blessings of salva tion. A man may be forgiven, juatified, saved, and have all hia worka burned up. I do not deny that auch a man sufTers loaa, but I do deny that he loses his eoul. He himsolt is saved yet so as by (Ire. H e haa tho " like bloaaingB of salvation " but not tho other blesainga belonging to baptism and obedience. My friend opposos mo with tho view that without baptism there ia no salvation, not oven to what ia called a penitent Miover* U o is here to preach what Mr. Campbell calls " tho gospel in water." I am hore to preach th«) gospel of the grace of tho Bon of God.

In eondueliog tho discuBaion in tho affirmative of my propoaition it dovolvea on mo to preaont my arguments not aitnply with reference to the propo-sition to be proved but alao with reference to^the isnte to bo disouBsed. This is nooeaeitated by tho preaeuoe of an opponent whose or.poiing views lead bim to deny my propo«itiOD,uid to sfl«k to ovorthrow p y Itfitimtnti, U O M I M M U M wonld bt m the way of

his argument when h«f shall take tho loRd, I • h i l l iheroforo tako no uoneo of the oi>poiing viowa of other |)00pl0 |n other lands or times. This great and viud iwiuc Iwtween tho tw(» po.iploa hore rep* roflcntud liy my opiiouout a(jii myacit is exiwott'd to roceivo « thorough diacuBsion, I will thtsreforo aim to prov<« that lutlVation is nut only by grace, ttithuut works, unci tliat justification is by Aiith, witliout ilc<«'(la of law, but tha t they nro wiilimit baptism na a work, or ii law, or part of a law. Tlio thouHand other phiim of Halvntion and litws of pur> (ton I care nothing iii itresont about, T h u saauc botwet'i) UH must Im k f p t ku constiiutly and i-oii spicuouflly hol'oro UH thut all una uiulorHtivnd. Not simply BO thoy Bluiuld, l)ut nn tiioy x/ia//: not hd thoy may, Inii so thoy miijif: ii(»t so tlioy omi, lint so tluiy cmi hut hear it, luul eei) it, ami foci il, and tnato it, and know it.

Wo lire not lieru to distUKs uhstraot teinis, hut tho meaning, order unci rehition of tornis. It is

•tho WHyt>i'"truth tliat is evil sjink- ii of.

Wo agroo in tlio nnniiiial slatcniciiiH that a man must ho forgiven, jnirged, jfiirilieti, \vi\ahu<l, cleaned ; hut we dilJer widely aw to the way to ihcHe, at) to iho uhcrr lui'! ^'•/im lunl jc/iji. I niiinn that wo receivc ihese when we hcliove in C iu i s t ; Hiy opponent pays no, not." till we are l)apti/.etl. I don ' t believe tiiat wo ever tliua receive them, or over will, or over can.

We Hgrctt tlnvt u ninn must he snnctificd, Justi-fiod, ado])t»'d, s a v e d , — h u t how, when, where? My opponent thinks tho way to these is Implisni, tha t tha t ia the t ime and plaee. I th ink thia ia a fatal uiiaiako ; and I nni heie, hy (unl 's helji, to show tho better way.

We afirco that men inuat boconie iliaciples, chil-dren , heirs', Piiinta, hut how, ,vhen ? My opponent thinka haptiHin is the way. This i - f a t a l , if true, to the milliona who hnvo die<l iu ho|)o without baptism ; ami if not true it is fatal to tho niillion.'i who have died wiili a-hope that it is true.

We iiorhaps agree that man must he regenerated, recreated, qnickoneil, reconciled, translated from darknesa to light, and from death to life, but how? My opponent will answer again, with at t jnt jr ian energy, tha t baptiam " in in order to," hut wateti r.nd pray while I try to ahow the way ot life and salvation.

We agree that nmu must receive tho saving mcrcy and ^ra'-o of (jtixl, hut when, how"' My opiK)ncnt is here to Hlhrin that liaptisni " is iu order t o ; " but I will take pleaanro in tryiuK to teach him the way of tho i-ronl more perfectly. W h o haa repentwl iinto life and Iwliiu'cd to the aalvatioti of the aoul ? My friciul says only tho i)aptized. Who has lovo, joy, jwace, hope, riglite-ousncbs and tho Holy Sp i r i t ? " T h e bap t i zed !" W h o are the purchased, the rodcomcil, tiie called, the , chosen, the predestinated f My opponent th inks only tho baptized. He will tell you that baptism now aaves UB. I don't hcliove a word of it. H e will toll you that tmptism is iu order to remission, and in order to salvation, with all of ils like blessings. This is the way tha t seems right to him, though the way therool is tho way of death. I t rust tho W d hiu) sent mo to opon his eyes, and turn him from darkncas to light, and from the power of erroi unto t ruth . If he claims that he does ijot mean baptism on/y I jironiise to freely g r an t him h i s preroiiuisitcd to baptism, the aame that I do for qiyself. Bu t this will not change tlio issue. H o may offer other terms, varying the sound, but in no case will thoy vary tho issue. Would he substi tute obedience ? By that ho means baptiam, Will he say obedience to Chr i s t ? By that ho mnana baptism. Will he put — obodienco to tho foith i By that ho means baptism. Do thoy

^y—hearing of faith? That weans baptism. Do they toy — keep hln oomttiandmpnts ? T h a t meana

^>1 W

uptiam. D o Ihoy aay fbrm of dMtrinti T That means baptism. D o ' thoy Bay regotienitinn ? T h a t moanfl baptiam. Do they woflhlrtg of regenerat ion? Tha t inoanB bttptlam", Do they say —lo<l by tho Holy Spi r i t? That means bap-tisni. Do thoy say — the law of the Spir i t of life ? T h a t moans baptiHin. Fa i t h , ropontauco, refor-mation, turning, convertdon, are nothing without baptism. Lovo, joy, peaco, hope, rightoouanoaa, iudwttlling Spiri t , eetnstituto a catalogue of do-lusiona wi 'hout baptism; None bu t the baptizc<I have been forgiven, purged, purified, washed, cleansed. None hut the baptized aro sanctiliod, justified, adopted, waved. None hut tho baptizui m e diaciplea, auints, chi ldren, heirs. None but the baptized havi- U-en quickoned into lifo or trana-latcd into light. Nono but the baptiked are re-deemed, reconciled, elected, aavoci. Baptism ia all in al l ; and w ithout baptism yo aro nothing but flinnera, aorvanta ot Hatan, sona of perdition, de-ceiving and being deceived.

The Scr ip ture that doea not contain baptism, or water, or aoinetliing that can he constrnoil or inia-eon.strued to niciui baptiam, is not only uaclosa, hut generally antagouiiitic to my opponents doctrine. It there is tio water or indications of water in the paanage il is ,counted ol little or no importance, Matthew, Mark and l juko haa each a verse, which being niisunderfitood is claimed by my friend to aupiKirt hia doctrine. Mark haa another attributetl t.) liini, but which ho never wrote, and by twisting ail the ooninion sonacout of that , my fr iend thinks it (iup|)orta hia prcqwaition. John hixs one, firat iiiiainterpretwl by anti Chris t , and in tha t misintcr-[irotation my friend claima his proposition. Acta haa two, with one base interpretat ion, and those ore confidenily claimed in support of the opposing proposition. Koinana has ono,Coritt thian8one, Gala-liana one, Ephesianaone, Ti tuaone , and Peter one. Those contain tho word baptism or something my oji-poncnt thinka amella or smacks of water, and these are claiino<l in support of hia pro|)osilion. Then thero is ono in .Ininea that apoaka favorably of woiks; and thia the gentleman thinka means bap-tiam, though ono ia singular and tho other plural.

Now do you wonder what ho can do, or will do with all the other paaaagos in Mat thew, Mark , l iuko and .lolic. Acts and Roniana, 1 Corinthians, and (iahuiana, Kpheaiana, Titua 1 I 'eter; and with increasing wonder do you aak what use have thoy for all these Epistles that do not contain water or baptism ao they can use them. 2d. Corinthians, I 'hilipinans, lat , and 2n(i. Thessalonians, Ist. and '2nd, Timothy, IMiilemon, Hebrows, 2nd. Peter, first, SOCOIKI, and third John , Judo , and Itovelation? Why all theso epistles as a whole, and all theao iiinoty-rdno hundrotha of those quoted from, if my friend's proja)8ition is tho simple gospel. Seo how tho Scriptures he claims will prove to him a cha»-tisement of whips while the ten thousand o t h c n will prove to him a chastisement of scorpions.

Now inatcad of distorted views of a few isolated pasaages, let ua with eyes to see, and oars to hear, and hearts to receive, walk for threo days around the walls of aalvation. Lot us mark well the chief corner atone, together with tho whole foundation, even the "living stones" that are built thereon; and when wo shall see how compaotly theao are builded together, and how forever secure tho "cap. stone holds tho walls, lot thero then go up from re-newed hearts, the exultant shout of''grace unto it.''

Salvation is thus comprehensively rovoale<l for our comprehonsive understanding. With this clear and f\ill statement of tho situation, and tho issue*, I proceed with all dlligonee to provo my positions by laying before you, first tho two ooveniuita.


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I ' t T'r-T I


0NEMR.KOBEUTSON.a Ciimpbollito preacluir, while traveling along tho public highway

picked up a hickory nut that had rooontly fallon from the tree, roraarkinj^, " I am going to uso this hiokory nut to illuatrato tho threo loading diiuomi-nations in this country, iu myjsormon a t — r - ^ , " Placing it in his pocket ho wont on his way rejoic-ing, ontered the house, niountod tho rostrum, and diroctly proposed to clearly illustratii tho relative worth and durability of tho denomiualiona.

First, said he, this outer , aoft, bri t t le hull aptly representi tho Methodist church , at tho aaino tinio striking tho nut with hia pockot-knife, and aliuoat at the lirst stroke the outer hull drojiped olV.

Second, aald ho, " th ia hardahell repreaenta tho Baptist church ." But everybody knowa. that tlio meat, tho goo<l part of the iinl la inside of theahell, iind that roprcaonts tho coiiiparativo worth of tho Christian church, the iuaide ia the (.'hrialiun church." Suiting hia actions to hia words lio begun parting tlio aholl, and at last auccecded in lirenkiiig it, when lo ! 'Twaa rotten as couM he, the illiistra tion proceeded no fu r ther . But many othera have discovered, long ago that tho so called "Chr i s t ian" (more projierly Camplxdlito) church ia only a inai^a of rottenness. Thero is nothing now in the iliscov ery. Tho above is vouchwl for by many witnesses

W . A . S M I T H .

KEMAUKH.—Mr. Cauipl)ell, tho au thor anc founder of Camplx'll ism, says unless one believe! that so Boon as his body coinea in contact with tho water tho blood of Christ comca in contat t with his soul, washing his soul from all ain, hia baptiam la l)ut a blasted nut , the shell ia there, but the kernel is wanting. This is tho casence ot Campholliani.

i i iSTtnucu. D l l . A K M I T A G K ' S HISTOUY O F T H E

l U n i B T S tmtiW mil iiiRinriiii SKuwrgr.J

NO IX T U U N l N t i from Dr. ArmitagOH'a account of the 1 Baptists of the European Continent to his bts-

tory of tho'Kngliah Huptiata, wo are nearly lU) much iliaappointed aa I'n any portion of hia woik. Tlio

K E S O L U T I O N S .

WH E R E A S , our kdoved pnator, Rev. R A i.ce, haa concluded that ho owes it to hia family to

leave our section of count ry , and to give up tho care of our church to go iutu a <listiuit tiehl of labor,—

Bti it therefore resolved, thnt we, tho riiemln'rH of Sunflower Baptist church, located nt Lyon, Miaa. part with our brother with tho di epeat regret.

Bosolved tha t wo have had in Bro. Lee a prompt, wise and fai thful pastor, tha t wo have fouud him to bo atender , t rue and devoted friend, ami thut ho has been fearless, able and bold in presenting tho glorious gospel.

Resolved tha t as a church , we will endoavor, hy the example our brother has aet before IH, and the teachings wo have roceieved from him, to be more consecrated in our labors, and in tho use of (nir means to support tho oauso of Christ.

Reeolved that we comniond our brother to Baptists throughout tho world, aa a wiae and voted pastor, and aa an able and thorough pounder of tho 'vord of God.

Resolved tha t a copy of those re-iolutiona spread upon the rccords of tho prococdinga of thia church, that a copy bo sent to T I I K B A I T I S T , at Memphis, Tenn. , with a request that the aame bo published, and that tho B a p t i d Record of thia State and the Arkan»a» B a p t i d of Little Roek, Ark., bo requested to copy tho same.

Done by order of tho church, December tho fourth, 1887.

T. S, SiniKUiin, Moderator, pro loin, W, H, BTAOY, Church Clerk.





'I'wenty years ago It coat aixtoen dollura lo aciid ton words by wlro from Portland, Mo., to L'ort-Oro. N o w It oosts ono dollar. It took ono your to travel there, and now ten days. Thinga do move>

Mri» Ueorgo Qould recently out tip a ten thoiis-furnioi'ly bolongiul to

iVi* hul*


«nd tlpUai

ssr" 'go l iould rooentiy out tip liao of laoo, tlint ntrniQi'ly g m U i \ 9 (Vim a now

Doctor ia hiamelf an Engliahman. Ho came ta this eoiintry a Methodist preacher, and cordi'Ulj einhnto<'il Bu|)li8t principlea. During hia long reaidenee iu Now York he hna aoveral timcH viaitci hia nat ive , land. Tlitae were advnntages anc iiualiticntiona apoeially fittiMg him to write a com-pact iind ooniprehonsive hielory of the English Uapti ' ts. l i e had a noble field. Thu endurancea, t.U'' 8teailfafltne!«a, the unlliiioliing fidelity to princi pies against every inllueiice, and in tho faoo of every terror, reiuler the ohl lOnttliHh Baptists worthy the title of "Celoatinl ch iva l ry" and Chria tiaii herooa. No poopk' iu tho world's history havo for their numbera) diaplayed a ]<iltior bearing, or

exerteil u heller or more wido aiiread and lasting inllueiice upon tho thought and the destiny of Chriatiiui peoples tho world over. Aro these men to stand out in full, tjold relief? Aro thev to bo presented on tho living pagij ao that we may catch the echoes of their songs of anfl'i r ing and of t r iumph and walk in tho, beams of their sunny l ight? Alaa page af ter juigo ia given to obacuro and iininuiortant matters : to the lives of men who were in uo aense Biiptista, while tho principle ac'ors — Christ 's dauntleas witneasea, and aoldiers iu the grand bat-tle of ago» — are left nnmentioned or lightly passed over. Sixty-aix pages, one third ot tho whole hia. t >ry, or aeclion, on British Baptista, are given lo John Uuuyau. Thero ia a moat uninloreoting in vealigation of tho registry of the birlh of his in-tiiiita In Pariah church, to prove ho waa himself iiuineraed, and therefore a Hiptiat , which no one over denied. To havo atated the facta, aa Phillips, h's PedoliJiptial hio^raplnr , haa done ; to hav, i|uoie(i Macaulay ; to hnvo prcaented the charge of insinuation of Dativera, who woa Buiiynn'a cotcni' porary, that he hud eoaaed to bn n Raptiat by practicing open eouiinunioii; or to have cited tho language of Dean Stanley at the unvfil i i ig of Itunyaii'a atatue at Bedford, " N e i t h e r among (ho dead or the living who huvo adorned the Bap-tist name in there any before whomDthor cliurcheii )ow iheir henda ao rovercntly, aa he who in thia

received hia chief inapiration Ironi them " — would havo buou all Huflicient, oven if fkinyan'a wife ilid have one, or two evon, of her infanta christr-ijod. lint one third ol" the whole apaco apjiropriated to tho history of tho Engliah Buptiati devoted to Bun-yan, of whom thoro aro so many biographies,nearly every one of which aays ho wiis a Bajiliat, while only eight pagea aro given to Engliah Baptist Mis-sions, including tho lalxn'S of the imtnorlul Wil l iam Carey and Andrew Fuller , neenis an oi'itrago. A n d then four times as much spnco ia occupied with .John Milton,who denied the doctrino of the Tr in i ty , tho proper Doity of Christ , and hia atonement, and who novor was jmmoraed, or belonged to the Rap-tii»tii in any way w h a t e v e r — f o u r times as muoh space as is given to Andrew Ful le r ; and to J o h n Howard, who, though admiring tho talonta of a Sovonth-Day Baptist minister (Stennoi , ) and attending for a ooutdderable timo Ida ministry, never joined a Baptist uhureh or was baptirod, ho dovotoa about four tiuios tho s,pace Kivon to tha t granti man whoso name will liyo fresh and promt* nent in recallecilou while tho world lasts , A N I I A I T A M B O O T H . I

Hut all this IN realty nothing to the tiioltlti U of lUe iha m r A wf tha ftiunniw nf Binix

tlat church in Bristol. Of that cUy, of its oollcge. . i adorned with the nuinos of Evans, RyUnd, H»ll, and at present, Gotoh, pot a word ia rowrded. Of ; the struggles and triumphs of the o U Broad MoiwI thoro is no mention, dan that bo a History of Baptists whore that light fountain Is ignored? ^

John Canne was for many years pastor pf the Ancient English ehurch, Amateidftm. In 1084 ho puhlishetl a book entitled, "The Necessity of Separation," showing forth tho , nnaoripluralnisi of the Episcopal church. It was widely olroulatod iu England, and its results were felt through all raaks, and had much to do with the downfall of Bishop Laud's high churohiam. Canne visited Bristol, England, in 1041, a year before the great civil war. "Thia Baptist man," aays the Old Broad Mead records, " was eminent in his day for godlintss and reformation in religion, having groat undersUnding in the way of the Lord." Seven-toon were baptized, among them Mrs, Hnszanl, wife of the Epi/scopal rector, aud Edmund Perrel, who'left a bequest for the endowment of Briatol College. Several of iU early pastors were im-prisoned. But the church grew, and with it the college. In this institution were educated Bonja-rniu Bedome, who composed several of our hymns and was long pastor of a Baptist church. His hymna wero collected into a volume, and they and Mr. Simma' published after bis death. Also John Ryland, sr., Morgan Edwarda, the Baptist his* toriaii of Pennsylvania; Dr. Ash and Hugh Evans, Dr. Rippon, John Sutcliff and Samuel Percer, joint founders with Fuller, of the Baptist Mission-ary Society of England; Joseph Hughes, founder of the Britisli and Foreigh Bible Society; John Foster, one ol the greatest of ,.EngliBh essayists; -and liobert Hall, the firat of English sacred orators* Is it not unaccountable that thia institution aud Its founders aro passed by without a nod of reoognl-tion, while only four lines are given to John Canne, the first Baptist commentator known 7 Would any one believe it, if it.were not beyond question? And thii, while page ofter page is given to Mahomet and Milton and Howard, and sixty^eight pages to Bunyan!

Friends of this work have no right to say it is tho most complete history over written. I t is in many roapects, the most incomplete, and no hasty press notices, can obliterate the fact, change its character, or cover its deficiencies.

Referring again to Dr. Armitage's style — while it ia a small matter — we con but feel sorry if not shocked at many of his expressions.

In speaking of Bunyan's writings, he saya (p. r>2l,) " There ia not a more marked BunyaneaqUu passage than thia." Wo might as well say: " Ti|ere is not a more Armitagos()ue passage than that."

Speaking of the register of the pariah, he aays: " However, be could find no one to serve as a wit-ness hut a priest who was sadly disgruntled," eto. Now what ia disgrunt:e<l? Ia it Engliah? is It cant? is it alang 7 ia it a fit word to use in a B a p -tist history ? But worae than thia, he gives an ac-count of a aister who was expelled from Bunyan's church for having withdrawn communion with tho saints, and adds: Taken altogether, this case ooks much as it his trump card was that terrible

notion of close communion. Now what il a trump card ? Wo confess we do

not know. Not one of our household knows. Nono of us desire to learn. Wo suppose it is bor-rowed from that degrading praotioo of playing cards, and that the trump card In somo way gives value to others —but don't know, that this la tho foot. Surely our ikmlllei are not to be Interested by figures borrowed flrom gambleirs' dens,' os H pleasure^lovlng wt)Mdt and to«Use raob «

la Qottneott^ Witb ootnmunlqii ^(th Obrtii m hit twoblt w h i l m i l T w i Mil 111

. •'S

p l g l i i i i f i i i P ^

T H E B A P l y ^ T . .


BRO. G R A V E S :—III looking over Utfl ltom» of interest iu thn Emmimr of Now York, '

iiutiorid your name. I bqoiuno at ouce iult'rt'«tcd und wish to know if you aro the anmo Dr. Grnvos who wa8 once tiie editor of tho TKSNKBHKS; IUITIHT

and author of tho Great Iron Whotil, if so, I have Bomething to say to you.

In the year 18U0, while reoiding in C'anndA, ii friend called ray attontion to ihat book, and I rend U with great iiitoreBtlaiul reli»h. Previous to thnt timo ray education, prejudices and sympathies hu( uU boon against tiio BHi)li8tfl. I was a I'resby teriau by birth, and up to that time, (my eighteenth year,) ray religious education had bccii from ihe Mothodiet ministry. Tho BnptiHta, I had i)cen led to heliovo, were of all people called ChristianH tlio most to bo feared and shunned. But ycur clear und forcible argument aoon opened niy eyep, and I began to study tho Now Testament, anc very soon after, united with tho Baptist church.

In duo time God colled iiiio to tho work of the ministry, in which I have been engagrd tor nearly twelve years, with blessed experience anil Hiiccenf. ful results. I am now pastor of the Baptist church at Wilson, N. Y.

I have long wished to know, or know of the writer of the ''Wheel," and thank him for it, and relate to him some of ray experience.

[f "thou art the man," please accept my thanks, and may God richly bless you, is the prayer of your humble brother in (Ihrist.

Wilson, Dcc. 0, 1887, H. G. ANDKUSON.

FROM (iEOU(il.\.

DEAR BAniST:—AIIOW me to say a few wonU touching Dr. Graved late visit to Rome,

and his chair talks on salvation. He talked one night to the white and once to the colorcd congre-gation. He is the best talker I over heard. I lost all note oi time as I listened to him. He is a faithful and fearless preacher. Hia solemn reproof of ihose who profess to bo (JhrislianN, und yet go frora the Lord'a table 'to the Iwll room, and tho theatre, and into the [jleasures of sin, will not soon be forgotten in Rome. I HK 7O I MG taken THE BAPTIST, and wanted to hear Bro. G. preach one tiraa, aud God providentially has granted my wish, and yet I rth not satisfied. The oft«ner I hear him the more I want to hear him. Hhould Bro, G. ever viiit Rome again, or coma near UB, there will ba one unanimous nnd earnest invitation from the white and colored churchei to give talks to eachi Fraternally,

Home, Dec, ft, 1887. GR IEN Bordbw.


SUBMIRHION of our wills to Ihfr Divine Will is a divine requirement. VVhat a blessed privi

lege as well a« duty to do it I What unspeakable Batisfaotion it brings to the soul in all of its expe rienoea! 8uoh aubnaission is beautifully preeentad by Thomai a Kempis. He says: "Give m»> what thou wilt, and in what measnrn, and at what time thou wilt. Do unto ma what thou knowest i>) be best, what best pleasoth thee. Place mo where thou wilt, aud freely dispose of mo in all things." And still more ho ?: "I offer ray-Relf in saorifioe. Henceforth I hayo no will suvo toucoomplish thine. 'Not my will but thine bo done.'"

Tho laws of nature are just but torrilile. There id t»o weak meroy lit IheMt. Cause nnd oouaequence Hife iatejpRfitbla andjaayluble.

jiH«ii Ml leoiii io liiv« ITNtii itiiPlii

T H E B A P T I 8 T . Nllnniip Id (JU« muiit oOleleiK Adcomplle* or Brrtir Tlioii liiMi K'VOU n to tbem tbnl leiiir th«« llmt It mnjr b« dlaptiijrotl ltfNnitu««i ol th« trntlt. I'M. UHAVKM <k H4H»»r, Pro|irl«it«ra nixl ll*iibll«li«>irM

•oiToaiAi. ooBpa. 1. K.dUAVBR. U*0 UKV. ,1. n, M(JOi)v. UKV. J. N. HMiU, Kentuoky, IIO I. J. II AilUALi, MiMlMtppI, Auoolatfl

sraoui. ooNTuiKutou. K.S IfROfiT. D.U. - • • Pun nnrnnrilUio, Onl. ,1. I). MUIUIY, o.l)., Mohorly.Mo. I' H WtiUmnn, OimraU 11 KaV"liir, I) 1). h>ut»ok: T II I'r.TTiT, I) D, KBiitltok, J. T. l-HIOK, Uii«vlll«, Ark (). UUAII.EY, Kmixvllle.Tonn, j M I'lilUlpi, n.l), Keutiioky ,i T OHkii'v. "ronm'iwt H W II Hmilli, Tfom'amo W K l/'Wc, Kt'iiluoky J I! (»rlm«, Tmm' KHi o UBV WM. N0HT0N,L.L.U. ilu«liuul miilneaH IllUm sns Sfalu N<r««l, •otmpbia, T«DI(. JAB. H. MAHAKKY IIIIBIIICBS Mnnn(<er.

HDBHORIPTiONH HEH ANNUM IN AOVANUKl ninnlo'ciiy, WIK) (!lnV) of flve to ten, 1 74 aiui)ort«uormoT«, i ivi MlnlKt«r«, I 50 Jn leniUna moretliAQona name the i«iuler o( club will

fiIc<u)e (Iffii Ola name at the bottom of iboet. 1h sendinK InUtera' •nbucrlptloni pleime preflx the Itev.or Ktder to hoir aninm, Aliw pl»08 amoaot opiKMlle oaoh nftino. AUVBKTIBINU KATKH Mrnlihea on appliontlon. Bend money by I'oat-offloe Order, Keglitered Uetto Kxnrem, or Driifi, At our rUk; otherwise st the acndar's. If HUiwvr is loalred b; mall, send atAmp or poetal card. I'ereonal letters or notes tntondod for the editor Rhouia bo written on Bemratoshoeta ttaongh Inoloied lu tho »Ame en-reloiie with Dualneaa letters. AddrcMallbuslneMlettera, nnd make Mouoy Order* and Orafls payable, to Tui BAPiiffT.

DiatlMcmablMB Prlael|ilea ol Bapuat*. I, As B«ntfjt«, we are towtand rortbe«npremeanthor!(y of tho word ot (tod aa Ui« only and inffloient rule of faith and practice. The Bible, and the Bible only, aa opposed to all human tradition in matten both of faltu and praotluo, we moat claim a* being a dUtlnirnlahlng doctrine of onr de-nomination — a doctrine for which we are oalied earnestly to contend. a. Aa Baptlata. we are to atand for the ordlnancea of Otarlii aa he eojolned tuem upon hla followera, the aame In numbtr, n mode. In ordtr, and In «vni6o<<« mtminir, nuchanged and unohanjrMble till he oome. S, Aa Baptlata, we are to stand for a aplrltnal and rag«ner> ated obnrob, and that none shall be received into cmrlat'i charcb.ur be welcomed to Itaordlnancea, wlthont confaaalng a personal faith in Chrlat, and giving oradlole eTidaaoe ol regeneration of heart,

i'bar«b Polity. Tbe UaptlsU beUeve that a Uhrlatlau church la a single con •rcgatlon, and complete in itself: and the true churches of bhrUt are the conatltnenU of hu kingdom, a. That, under Uhrlat, each churchTa absolutely soTerelgn and Independent. 8. Thattc an'>hlp and au'I admlnl i. Thnt al Lo-il'aMU>f rlfKllotiou of each bhuroli.

Ii. That to each ohnrcb Utarlat ouMimltted the sole gnardl* an'>hlp and cunlrol <n the ordfnanCeii—preac'mbE'thegospel au l admlnUUirlun baptlsni and the X<unlsimper. -4. Thnt all churoli rlghtu and prlvlleufM, na voting and the preMTnng the gospel

Bhtu and prlvlleui Lo-il'a Pupper. elionld be limited to flio'dl»oli»llne ami in IfKllotiou of each churoli. 6. rhut no semblance of eooleHlastlcal authority can'be cturolHed save by a charcb. 6. That each obnrch aUinu la Invented with all ocoU tUitlcal |>ower—power to eMctHud commlMlon and depoae lt« own offloem,—power to rocelwe, iltBctplInc and oiofaUe lt><own membeoa, lilatluKaUtaliiB Follpy of lllMtorleal Unptlata.

The non-recognition ot huiuau aooietlea aa Hcriptnrai obarcho* by amiiatlou, ministerial or ecclealastlcal, or any alliance or co-opemtlon that la ansceptlble of being ap. larenUy or logically conatrnwl by onr mnmbera or theirs or the world lnlr> n rocngnltlon of ecelealastlonl or mlnlsterln' equality with Baptist churehaa.

D) not send nioiicy tor missions to this cfllce. directory on eleventh page for proper addroi^iv.

1 NEW YIAM'S GIFT. W I C C A N N O T dlsuji««, tbe ihouKlit irom our

mind that our readers deserve to treat them

solves to a new dress for their paper, and lo have

it cut, tnd psfltcd for thr.Ir coiivenioDce. So deep

is our conviction (hst wo aie willing to help them

to tho Mtent of our ability. If they will sdd one

thousand now lull Hubsorlbors to out list wo will

purchase a complete outfit of new, bright and

beautiful typo that will iDorease the reading mat-

ter, and purchase a tnachliie lo fold^ cut and paste

With a whiter paper theso improvements will

make thin paper, In typographical appearance, all

tho most fafctldlous can desire,— the most beautiful

Baptist werkly on the continent. Wi l l not ono

thousand of t>nr patrons and friends tako right

hold of this proposition and say this hliall Im done,

and see what thoy can do before tho first of F6b-

rttary ncittf Wo will report wb6kly thd numher

OfHIWkuMbiril fBoHlfea, eohifniiiioltiN i»lth tho IrilofONimttRrt


BJfO. SWfNDAljL giwe hU eipositiou of Phil.

1. 23, aud asked what Broth. Graves and

Moody thought of It. Bro. Oakley has filed sonio

objectloufi, and Bro. Swlndull has replied again.

Wo thought wo would give our view Of the JIBSS-

ago troni tho Ilapti^t Oleamr of July, 1881), in

answer to a query covering tho same ground. Tho

passago, cousUlored by Itself, Is of doubtAil Intor-

protatlon, but wo think It will easily admit of nu

lnl«rpn)(Hllou I bat will harinonl/,e with tho gcuo-

ral tcsichlng of Scripture. Paul may have lougod

for ft full luid uninterrupted spiritual communion

with Christ lu his dlsombodled stato, but even

tblH would not imply that bo was going into

heaven Itself, tho true holy ot holies, aud there

SCO CIU'IKI as ho is; lor if so Christ ought to liuvo

told tho (ilRciplos this when ho coinfortod thoin

with a iironiise of his roturii. Does Paul, by tho word analmai, In Phil. 1, 'j.l,

inoan his own death, or departure, or Christ's ns turn Ono or two facts strongly Indicate that ho means his own death. 1. ThouRh tho word rotiirii occurs Ircipiont'y in tho New Testament yet no form of this word is used to express tho Idea in tho l ircck, not even Luke xll. :i6, which speaks of ft iioblcmun who went to rccoivo a kingdom and return, 2. Pftul docs use an inflection of thi* word, anahms, In 2 Tlni. Iv. 6, where ho Is with-out <loubt spesklug of his own death. Thin strongly Indicates that ho expectcd to go to Chr is t ,—to heaven, — T . 11. PETTIT.

We give iho following rendering of the Em-phatic Diaglott of Phil. i. 21-24 ; "Therelore for me to live is for Christ, and to die gain. But if to live in the ilesh this is to mo a fruit of labor; and what I would choosg I do not exactly know. I am indeed hanl |)reB8ed by two •l ings. I have an earnest desire for the returning and lieing with Christ, since it is very much to be preferred, but to remain iu tho Ilesh is more recjuisito on your account."

Tlu'ii the following foot-note : — •'The loosing again or returning, being what

i'nul earnestly desired, could not bo death, or dis solution, as implied by the word depart in the Common Version, because it seemed a matter of indiflerenco to him which of the two, life or death, he should choose; hut ho longed for the ano/imi, which was a third thing, and very much to be pre ferred to either of the other two things alluded to. The word analufai occurs in Luke xii, 8«, and is there rendered return : " Be you lie men waiting for their master when ho will return," ete. Jesus had taught his disciples that ha woulil oome again or return. John zlv. X- Thus also the angels said to them at the ascension. Acts i. 11. Paul believed this doctrine, and taught it to others, and was looking for and waiting for the Savior from heaven, Phil, iii, 30, 1 Thess. i. 10, iv. 16, 17, when his mortal body would put on immortality, and so he would ever be with tbe Lord."

Return, in its ordinary sense, does not exactly express the idea of tbe Greek word, and yet it is used in Luke xii. 86 in referenoe to tka return of our Lord to earth, and I think the Ureek word is appropriate to such a return.

Christ has engagoraents in heavon. "Tho hoavons inust retain him till tho time of restitution of all thinga." ''He is gone to nppefir in tho prcs* enco of Ood for us." "He over lives to make in-tercession fur us." Bo thoHo who oarnosUy desiro to see him must wait until ho la disengagod loosed again.

When the Master of the parabld leaves hotoao to got married, ho has eogageinenta e&ough lor one

umt), nnd tht itirVifat wha trotihl imi falfti Mui i Wflll ilii bl il iOOM l|ftil) tim (blH Hbil|ft(l8Bll

' -» flt' • , , -J , I (I,


t h e r a b t j s t . The Miiater is bound by tho engagement, but he* coining unbound by their fulfllhncnt, tho rotuni is a 'matter of course. Like tho wlfo who wrilcH tlm governor to unloose her Imsband or sou, their ro. turn is eflbotod by tho unloosing, Aud so with Christ. If it had not been necdi'ul ho would not have goiio away. II<) is now ptHormhig iho servlco In tho holiest ol hollos, and wlion ho Is on-loosotl ho will surely and iiiilclcly roiuni. Tl.ft ono Implies the otlior If a man ' Nhoiild leuvn m!|:( r and mother and bo Joined lo tii« vvli >, tuitl if wo he-iiig evil know how to ob?y h'* l ivv of lourriufjo, h, returning to our wife being iinl0(»30>l. suroU' (J irWt will leave his Father and boJjloia lo lils wir.-, tMid Paul said that coucorolng (Jhrlst and his c.linioti As to a Tim, Iv. 0, whoro ihi) iidi'i ainilusi or-

ciiis, tho Idea Is tho satno. I'lUil hml a k t dtp, ti race lo run, tt batllo lo ll>rht, ami I'H.m. muNi wholly eiiKiimu lilm until tin;, mo iIdIhIio), iIkmi Ik} will dissolve, return lo iiu«t, li-ivii!,; liuHiioil di,'. work assigned hlin ho wl l no lonpifM- im .I'lijsitu i, hut unloosed, and his roluni lo (IIIHI in c nj tion of law, a divine a|i|iiiinlmciii, oiitiiillnt; m i s ojieratlon like tho Master roiiir-iinif froin tli(> vrnl-ding (with Ills hi-lilo), or tho hinbiiinl IIMIII inU' ii, orChrUtlo earth. Imniodia'u |)trs.j-ini fioiiMcd Wil l i Christ, "seeing liini »h Ihj is," « m mn i,, Psul's mil d, for he conHolfM hiinsoK in (hn noxl vorsr wHh these words: "llenctloilM HUTU 1,'TL.I

up for mo a crown of rightn m-iiioss which iho L )nl tho righteous Judge will jjivo mo al that .ty, m i notto me only, but to thotu aUo ihm lovo li i ap-pearlni?."

Wht ii Christ who is our llfo s'lll anpAiir then w(i shall appear with hlni tft fjlni i-. N u whnn wo die. Wo know that whiMi ho Nhall af, c ir wo nhall bo Hko him, for wo shall cot h in m h • li, Why can't wo sro him at ho U !> 'ftrto ho ivpnc iiM,

if wo enter at onon at doath into hh urosnno-? If Bro P. will answer ihis (jiiciiMo i, Im will ' liel|) them much that bLiicvo;'

provl.lo this comfort and dlstlurtlvo gornient for hor divino Son. Hh. ,.t,t too poor, for she must have been an heiress l„ snme amount of proiiorty In llethlehem, or elw sho would not have been oallo l npon to go up t.. her pr.torn«l „Hy to bo taxed or assosscd, Wiu. will doubt that Mary Imd tho ronilnluo taot to hiivi. fft..f,ioiu!a uno?"'

N'o doMl)( Urn -f a intbo lying lu a inaugor oiiwmppe.l in rrgal swad.iling cloak, lik.Hl.o ..dHprinK of aldiiK, Miirtlod iho sh-pherds tilt.) u rocogniMou of their i.roiniHod Messiah and Ivonl

Kli'll U'lNI'HU I{KAI»1N(;. \\JK ILW'K nmdo iiiriuii"iiiftila (o Imvu llro. < \!f(iih'« (||s,ii,(.i(Mi uiili Mi'.j.A ||,ir<tlng

n'lKM'it'.l I,. IIIIH (niiid fully if not fnliv. It liiis li.-ui \ .iiM iiiiii' .IIP i-cikI.th havo boon oro-vUl.a uilli -nr], iroul. Il nil! Ix- tho fihlcstdU ( ii'-lun Ih.'U hii-; inUin |.iiii|. hin,(. ISIIT'.S dobafo Willi A. ( iim|.(>i-ll ur ,l,,iibl not. I'iio IftfcHf fti-gll-iii'iil .uul -opliistrl.'s I'cM'il on l.v Cuthiii.cllitcs will 1.1- iMMMjilit (•.irwiirtl hy Mr liunlinj,', win., is lli'Mi-Hbio-.| rlinini.HMi 111 Konlui Uv; un<l if tlioy lUT noi inilvcri/.i-.l l.y our a..w<)ciiil,o wo will nfriko (HI r i iiiiirrt.

MIIIHC jlin now lor 'R.III. IIAI'TIRT, NML j(ot RTLL

111 iHiinlici -i. Don't wait a day. I)r Mm pliy will coniinii-! In.s sorios. I'l. I''iiisi will sDdii conimcnco hi.s review of

l'euiu;;cll ami Wiilio, nliich will ho masterly ami



Ihavobeen reading moro Ihdiiffhtfiilly than over the birth of Christ lal"!y, MII.I ..in. ilifnu; .ir. rested my attention, What fifj-n to the NhnphonlH wan thcr 0 in tho fai t tliiii Marv'-t bjib • \vaw \»raiipcd In swaildling CIOIIH>N luici I\ iiif/ in a man Ker at Bclhlehoni that Im- WHH t lie K iflif of llio .f«WH? Thv.v6 (loubi loNN u ("re iiioru ilimi nno liabp lyliiu; In nmiiKPrs in thnt inn. i.i. wiKi IM, iiir,>n yard, wrapped in s.vaddii 11 ('liit|ii>h, ur IIIHIIK All new-born babes worn rarclnlh »ruppid in these bands, as with UH. Ihiw cdiild ilii» r in iim stance have boon a nign nnin ilic nIh'pI:itiI>.? East Tenneseeo. MK.S W < . A. That swaddling <(lolhe.t somolinnh rolcrrcul to

the narrow bandage of linen or woolen HKod for tightly enfolding the body of the newly liurii in-fant Is n fact, but ii ottener in (.rook ami Roman writings meanji more; viz., a GNRMCNI ot IOOH.I

and ample capacity for iho outside wrappiii;.;-. of infants, a peculiar luxury of il.n ansiocrafir. if not ef the strictly Inipcrlal, in wliich e iM- tlioy wore purple, dyed wllh the most oxprnsivo of anelent colors, and highly decoraled with tiio choicest embellishments of female hnminvork. Sayi a writer: "Greek and Uonian prose ami poetry have been fuiiiloyed to dnscrlhc, in glow lag tenns, the beauty, richness and aniplcncss of thess aristocratic and imperial swaddling clotlios, or robes, while expectant mothers found untold delight In elaborating with highest art tho s«ft and dainty garment for tho ronilng Infaiit.''

You pertinently ask how could tho narrow inner Dand,0T0r which this gorgeous robo, ur swaddling cloth, was wrapped, have been a si^n lo the slicp. herds when nil Infanta were bandaged with It,but to llnd a now-born babe In tho manger of a ka/iu, or general lodging jilaoo for travoloi's nnd iimrtkot men and women, with their oxen, assoH and bi'axts of burden, wrapped In a royal eloak, would In-dood be a sign of,tho babos royalty. Did not jMary know that she was of tho house of King David, and, If able, had a right to make such n robo lor her tjhlld, whom, by angelic niinouncemotit, sho leat'tlort of thrt royal birth and heir to DftVJtl's tlirniibf AMrt.fVfivUl ftho not. think yoM) hKvo i»ri>* tfWi* ftjp Dtm K simtrtiliijf (littPtlfi hurtMlUB Ido ku*

bilnbtpr Suriiy 1U0, nr iti inMmNi f9ft(il4

Amiiln r iipplioiition tor iiiil since making our lu>i appeal lor aid. vVo linvo reeeipod another ro-ipiost i.,r asisistniii'o fnuii a voiiii;,' mini.ster of tho hrsl prninis.!. Ilo hiiH Inbored lianl during all the I iiif; Mimim r mouths without a vacation, iu hofes of I reel villi,' otnnigb iVoiu the chnrjlies for whom he hnn hiliored, and tho church in the country he m rvi n lis piudoc to cany him through this fwsion. wiihoiii rtikiii/x lor assifftanco, but .itter paying for i loiii..',-, liiiokn, niatrii'ol.ition f'l-o and inciilentals III 11. V lor biani \vi I lio nniitiii)/, inid the nlitrna-live i-i ii-ii hill, In rtccivo iii ! or Uav.> school Hri'din M liii.l i|. iir n'jiliiii,' ti help, tvo i\'iiiii.ii say M'> t 1 iii> upp hiK. i-cl\itij,'npon your gnuroii" lu 'o !.|vii| l>y mx' innil urito und say, "inihl the hniil, I'liijhlUily cri." H. niil pul it. iiiio tlio luMirtH of iu.-< eii'iViroii his "choue ones'' (<i-lulp yon. \V<' li)!Vi> ii'iiv (infagiii to pay tho hoiucl of f .ar yonii).' ihiiiioicrti umil next .lone,and S'lOOwill be mvdin, vVo irii-p (aiiii in (tod, and in ilif iu'etiuvii, that help will oonnj lo us to enable ilH lo meet llio ol)li/.;.»lion.

We|iiiMetlieMneXa»*BMi»»*|M»«»i Ml WHM* (liu.>wUl«x»tr«wlbi« (He a>ll»«iii|| feiir we«k«, iflvlM« all »at»i« tima lo >>«••» wllbonl IMIMI.. alni;le«o»|r. Wa i|t«« all talv war«l«i| kvre. Mti«r we ahali ar*» «il itauwthe eaM* week Stt*)!. time •M|ilr««. ti ]R«nr |MI|W» ta MwrkMl tuni y«Hir

b«a eiirwi]r«« tuay Uvm wnetklw U w»«»ir, and yuii al>*uM mwttm na

Do not fail to read Mrs. Farr's Ugacy in thip paper, and then decide if you can make abetter in-vestment of a tew dollars Oiis, the last month of tho year 1887, than In a j ious, promising young -minister. Are there not 1000 sisters who will read this that have something of the fpirit of Mrs. Farr, who if thoy cannot give aa mush as she did can at least give something, five dollars or at least one dollar or even less? This month's receipts will fall far short of meeting tho expenses of the month. Who will send us a Christmas gift to help ? Wo want five hundred Christmas dollars.

M Y DKAK BKOTIIEK: — T h e Parables came'WI right. I scanned over them last uight, and think thai they will be of great help to mo In the study of (Jod's word. May Uod bless this work of tho Parables to iho convincing oif many, aud tho lead-lug them to Christ, is my prayer. j . r .RU)Kn.

This, i.ext to THK BAITIST, would bo a most ac-

ccii able and useful Christmas present to a pastor

or ministerial friend.

The best reforms of thin eurtii come through wftite ami storm and doubt and suspicion; the sun ils(<I( wlien it tines on each dfiv wastes the radiance of the moon nnd blots the (ifariiglit, from tho skies, but only to niiliick llio eartti Iroin tlio clasp of night ami jihuit Ihe stars (loer in the opening flow-ers. Behind that sun, aa behind this movement, we may bo sure there stands tho Lonl God Al-mighty, .Muster ami M.ikt»r of this uiiivcr««', from whose hand the epbt»res are rolled to thoir orbits, aud whoso voico has b-?eu the harmony of this world since the nioriiiusj st-ir< saiig t();[i3thor.—ORADT. Wo learii Inly from example ns well as prcce(it.

E. A. McHan has Iwught Dr. Kobertson's stock in the Rffitctor, nnd has employed a managing edi-tor in addition to tho assistance of tbe pastors of tho city. We tiave this information from Bro. McHan himself, which will be a sufficient correc-tion of our former notice of the change effected in the conduct of the paper,

There will be no paper issued from this office next week on account of Christmas. Tho next issue will l)o that for January seventh, 1888. Re-member this and you will not be disappointed by not receiving a pajier on December thirty first.

l>o not Walt until you are dropped before re-newiujr, but cither renew or write at once to con-tlnuo the paper.

A .Tay Gould University, to cost five million dolla's, to bo built on East End dummy line, is tho tal'j now in Memphis. The Vanderbllt is to be but a farthing candle to It

Iu ausw or to nuuie ous luquirlas for wholesale rates on Liberalism aud Tho Name Christian wo hitve decldrd lo ofTor them as long as this notice staiidii a' flvo dolhra per hundred, deliTOi . Wo will deliver one hundred of etch to one address for nine dolUis Now who will hlp us to use these small amiH, so potent to the pnllinf down of strong holds? Every pastor needs one hundred «a<3h in bis field of labor. Now Is the time to order.

Tho tninutes of tho Htato Convention, hold Inst October have but UiiH day roiiched thin ofllco. It is it iioat j.iiniphlet ol forty ono pages, but tho typo is entirely too sninll for old eyes. VVhy should tho last piigo bo occupied with Stindiiy-scliool helps and paiierfl of tho Aiuorioan Baptist j''ubliciition Hociety iuHleiid of thoso of our own Souliiern Baptist Con* vention, publishhd nt AtlnnlaT Our own Sunday school litovHturo is iiottor, fullr Ai ohenpi Ahdinors MaittiiiMO) UAIIMHI »iiiit)af.i<ituitttii alutlU

Wo will mark each week dnrinf December al. papers expiring by December thirty-first.

' OUil YOUNiJ MIN18TEI18 A T J A C K S O N .

Those ininlstrra we have personally nndertatcen to support, with ihe help of our readers, we eal. our ministers. We have, so far, only guaranteed the board of three and clothes of one, Dro. B, $96. Amount needed for this session, |S75 00 Kerelvcd np to Dacember 1, , 1«2 80

Amount still needed, $223 2( Which will averatco 137 SO per month. Will

yon not help raise tnia ? > HiOEirrs von OKCEMBIH.

Mrs K M Katctlir,Cal., 1 00: Mrs L W Ttt'ompmn, Miss., II oti! Wm IlArkins. (Jal., 10 00| W A Jolly ami wifo, Ure-Kon, a M)! Mm M ItHlmmonB, Iin„ a BOt M Y Uarston, Ark., n ()0{ A OPatlon, Texas, 1 OOj A. O Raines, AU., n iiOi Mrs T B Wtiigo, Tonn,, 6 lOj Mrs O Z IHowJworlb. •I'lixus, 1 :, Seo otir oxpluiatloa of th« blhti ortiti lu iuiolhar


¥ i -

8 T H E B A P T I M .

<|irEHTIOJfM AND ANHWEIW. To what l)«pU*m (loon l^iike rttor In <Jmeiltlull 7<37. xti JVIf K. TMILLIUAN.

ANivv'Bii 727. (JbrUt ©vlcioutly rrf«r8 to tho ovorwholiKiwjf suflprlngs ofHOul aud body whluli ho WM about to undargo In (,ho tfunlou aud on Cnlvary, *h<m tho bIub of his people would b« ivid upon lilin. l l o refom to it an an Imniomlon. Boo lllblo Uuiou trauelatiou.) It wan not a Hltght nioistoulug or sprinkliuK of sulforiugs, but, fign-rativoly, an Immorslon of »oul aud body in them, an lovorwholming by thoiu. ,

Can Chrlittlun« know tlmt thoy uro QiicHtlon 7 S « . fSTiiir or, cBi) fiillh l o roiluM-.l to kliowUnlyof I> 1' »ANI>KIW. A.viiWKn 728. Abel knew It. (Mob. *i. <.) Kuoch

know it. ( i lob, xl. 6 ) J o b knew it. John tliu apostio know It, aud tolls un how wo may kuow It ( I Johii iii. H- 24.)

Only thoBO naved (!au bo HcriptiirHlly added (o u church of Christ. IJuptlsin U a prorcsfdon of our personal nalvation. In it wo toHlify to tho fact boforo augols aud men. No one can bo iScrip lurally baptized unlos* ho knows that ho has passed f rom death unto life.

It Is a s trange (luostlyn for a Christian Uaptist t o ask of U8. In this one thing we dilK>r f rom all o ther peoples aud denominations, — tho require mout aud profession t f salvation before baptiiiui.

I 'aul did not say ho hoped ho wae saved, or be-lioved ho had believed on Christ, but " 1 know whom I have believed," "Tie that belioveth on tho bou hath otornal lifo, aud shall never perish."

A m«n who (s an unlwllever fti>mi-<jtit>««lon 7 2 0 . (Ions his wifo, who Ih it member of tbc

church hero; and sho Abtaina a dU vorce from bim, ulloglng *t>aMdonuient Tor mnrn than otit' year, and then marrtea another man. It i» coutondiHl by some URUibcrs orthc ohur.oh thnt her liustmiid, tx liiK un unbeliever and having loft her, «ho w«« iwmltted to mflrry again. It is also contended that Matt..xix.!) has rcfor> nco only t" tho law of Moses, and Is not lo govern the ohtirch set up by (Christ. What oinjiit tno chtirc b to dor R U WJtlKKH.

A n s w k u 729. Tha t sister violated the express law of Christ , not Moses, when she divorced her husband no t for tlio Scriptural cause, adultery, and married another man. bho was bouud by tho law of Christ if ho was n o t ; and sho should have boon promptly excluded f rom tho clnirch for adul-tery . Every day tho church retains her in her fellowship she is violating the law of Chriat, and cannot celobrnto the supper, since with adulterers sho is not to oat.

N Ixjconies dUsatlolicd with llvin)^ in Questlun 7;iO. tho church, and ro(iue»i« the ohuroh

to ouller blm to withdraw from her. The church oilers lo kIvc blm a loitsr of commi^ndatlon, ljut ho rofuves to accept It, and says nothing will HatUfy him but disoMint'otibn with tho eburch. Tharo «r«» no charges ol inimorality or anything of iho kind aKainet blm. tfhnuld tho church prefer a cbarfcc, and rxpol him on sUcb (harKe ' If so what should Im) the nnttire of thnt charuor Or should sho withdraw her fi llowshlp simply b y h l i t (picai w . m. s wii.ks

A n b w k r 730. Wo SCO no author i ty in God's word for a church to give n mombor permission to wi thdraw his o r her connoction with hor, no good and sufllciont reasvn being given. A htis-baud with as good reason might apply to tho judge of tho chancery fcourt to annul his marriage bocnuRo ho jis tirod of living with his wito. When one unites with a church of ( hrist it is for lifo, like marrying. Not until his covenant obligations arc violated can ho bo excluded, or tho fellowship of tho ohurrh be wi thdrawn.

Tho following was Ulod but until now over-looked by reason v>f our long absonoo in tho sutu-mor 'and fall.

I usilcrstood ynii to "iiy in .your 8or. (jiiostlun 7 i n . mon Wednesday niKbt that no man had over yet lieon Bcni to holl, that the l>oTil hlraself was not In Uoll, and also that no man had over gone to heaven. If I understood you eorrrdtly please toll mo what Imcamo of Knoeh and Elijah. What iK'eamo of tho dying thief, to whom Jesiis said, " This day thou shall bo wiib mo in {laradlse " r If you anawor that they are In paradise I ask II tho sama word tranalaled imriullie li not In many other ptaooa In Uio lllbln trans> latod hoavenr t wan not aware the Baptist ohurob bold to tho dootrlno of the Intaruedl ate atato, tbouKh I am not of that denflmlnallon, •«« am not aottuMlDtcd wlUi It*

A n b w e h 781 Kuoch and Elijah, tbo thiof a n d Lazarus, aro whoro Abraliam, Isafto, Jaoob and tho saints f rom Abel lo this hour a rc ,—in paradiso. No, paradiso is novor oorrootly translatod hoavon nor hades hell in tlio Now Testament.

Tho llapiists have no formulated article of fa i th touching an Intormcdiato state. Tho opinions uf thei r scholars and eomiuontators are variant, as they are touching tho t ime and character of Christ 's second coming. These and many o ther (|ueHtion not vital to salvation aro nubjndfce.

Will J u d g e Fent ress set) our exposit ion of tho parable uf tho rich nw.n and Lazarus for a fu l l aud critical disctiHsion of paradise, heaven and hadoe?

u r r MK I!I'. Uut (if niyuvil, dear Lord, oh lilt mo up! ,N'o nioro 1 trut<t inysoll In lifo'H dim mitzo. Sulliaionl l<i niy»< If in nil iti dovimis wuys 1 trust IK) initio, tiui huiniily iil Uiy Ihrono I'ni) , l-oiul nil', tnr I unnnol f;o iilom<. out o' my noary solf oli lift int> up I I laint. Tlio road winds iipwiinl nil tbo wiiy, Kiw'b nifibt liut i'IhIk iinolbcr woiiry duy. (•IV(> nil' tliy xtn ii 'Ui, iiiid may 1 Ik; tio bictii As on tbo bltihtu I lind Ibc lon(;ed-f(ir root. Out iif my SI Itlsh soif oli liti nio upl ' Tr> live for otiicru, niid in iivliit! en To liciir H liloHSinv; wltoirso'or I To k;ivo tbo tuiisiiiiio, iinii tb» cIouiIh foiio».'u!, (ir lot tbcni tint Ibe silver oIoihIh tovcal. IMil of iny lonely ih-K oh lift mo upl Though other hearts with lovo iiro running o'or. Though dear ones lill my lismrly homo no moro, TbouKb every day I miss thu fond narcii«, Help mo lo join In others' hnppiuess. Out of ray doubuniit self oh lilt ino up! Hf Ip me IP lcc\ thnt thou art nlways near.

That though lis niKbt nnd all iiround seems drear Help mo to linow that though I cnnuot seo It is my Kathfr'si baud Hi,it lofidt-tb mo.

The following from tho lyes/cni /ieconler touches a tiiatler wbicli needs to he emiihasized : —

" T o o often it Is t rue that brethren think they have no responsibility in reference to thoir do-nomiuational paper, that it is a private entorprlse which tho proprie tors alono must look aftor , while tho brethren are under no obligation to subsicribo for the paper or to push its circulation. There is no siuglo agency moro powerful tor good in this ago than a rightly managed religious paper, and to regard it as simply a pr ivate enterprise is very shorth sighted ftiul foolish. Why are ou r nfe papers owuod by individuals or companies? yiniply because experience has shown that is tho best way to conduct them. When a Convent ion or an Association owns a paper the results aro exceedingly unsatisfactory. Tho business affairs of tho paper are 'ovqrvbody's busiuoss, and so thoy receive annually an airing that is far f rom being wholosomo." We wish our pa t rons (a patron of a paper is one

who subscribes aud pays tho regular prico for it in advance) to consider this paper iis thoir paper, conducted for them, iuterestod most in their beat interests aud tha t of thoir children. Wo wish them interested iu ita greatest usefulnoBS, and thoy must of course be iu its lippoaranco and cir-culation.

Wo do not ask you to givo us more than wc re-turn to you, i. 0., that which is bought with your subscriptions. O u r books will show that Wo have not only no t made one dollar in the last twenty-one years wo have oditod this pajtor, but haro cx-pondod some thousands to live while wo have oditod it dur ing this time. AVo only ask for tho yeara to como a mere suppor t ; bu t wo do want nnd will not dio satisllod without seeing U tho handsomost if no t tho most abio Hud valuable of nil l iaptist weekly papers, and f o r this wo purpoae to labor, soorllloe and pray j and this not aa & ma t t e r of prido o r vainglory, bu t for tho sake of i t s greaiost usofuhiosi. If it is a uaolul papor It* WaoralneBs tjiiu only lio In propor t ion to Ua olrcU' Utloni Will holp «• to tW ihU for you r

own sakoa and tlmt of your obiUlron as well oa tho cauHO of Chris t .

When w« propoae to you to add ono thousand new subBoribers tha t we may b r ing the papA.r out In n now and boauti lul dross, exooUod by no other Daptist paper, it is for your aakos and not ours. You will have more ,,ploaimr« Ju reading i t ; and ytiur ghildrou will bo moro anxious to road it,and take more [dcaMiro In reading it. This will be tho case with your brothron who do not now take it, and wi th yottr nolghbora, rolativos aud fr iends; and its at traotivo appcaranoo will enable you thu moro easily to oxtoud lt« circulation.

Now all of this can be acVcmplished if all of you or the half of you will dovoto a lit t le tlmo next moiiib and the rest of this in soliciting a new an-nual or ft six mouths subscribor to tho paper. (><• It may give you tho ptire and Nanctitied enjoy-ment a Chrlst iau feels ii» doing good it» nmkinjf a useful present to a son or daughter who is raising a family wi thout a Haptist iiaper, or In prcsenilug il to your poor jiastor, a poor widow, lo beuellt her and her chiluren, or a relative or u friend. What more valuable Now Year 's present lau you lurtke? There aro fully two thousaiul among our six thousand pat rons who can well attord to indulge this pleasure and do this good to others, aud thus aid iu pu t t ing thoir paper in u new and elegant dress, Ouo thousand will bo (luito enough to do it, by procur ing only ouo new subscriber each. It can bo doue iu ono mouth an well as iu one year, aud J a n u a r y is tho mouth oi all the twelve t» do it.

The now dress shall bo ordered when tho one tliousaudth namo is entered on the list, which shall bo jiubiished e -h week. Now who will be the first to vote for the new dress? What will tho good Haptist pastors iu this State do for tho Old l launer that has waved so long ami so grandly to give it a new dross? They could add ono thous-and uatnos in ouo week wi th ease if it was in their hearts to do it.

Every ono who will send live now names shall have tho jiaper ono year free. Will not that do?

£1)1 (J IIA M S . ."^ister C Wingo sends us tfood news from

Trozeviiut, Tenu., as tho restilt of a meeting of days. Twelve valuable addi t ions to the church, aud amoyg the happy number U L Collins, grand-hou of Eld Klisha Collins, and his two daughters. Verily tho seed of tho r ighteous is blessed.— " I have thrico been compousatod for tho mouey I have paid for T u k D a i t i s t , " wri tes a minister f rom Arkansas. No ono who has read tho paper the past years but can t ru ly say th is ; and wc are resolved tha t no ono who reads it tho coming year but can say it . Will not each stibscriber help us to compliment tho paper by giving it a now dress as a Now Y'ear's prosont? Ono thous-and iw sul)8cribors will do ' ' i t . Will you not send ono ? Our con t r ibu t ing list is now so largo that our space will not allow us to contract for m o r e this volume. A new series by D r U F Tay-lor Is now ou hand wai t ing for i ts tu rn , M W J J .

D r H C Anderson, Carlolina, Tonn.: If it was to keep until Uro U. graduates , etc., wo did. Ho wrlto conditions. 8 E MvDonald, Missis-sippi : Tf w'e convorso with you it is a dialogue, speaking al ternately iu turna. There is no in-atanco in tho Diblo where tho original torm,f/iVi-loffeo, is used for preaching, o r Is properly trans-lated to preach, i. o , a cont inued dUcoursO by ouo porson. If Paul dlsoottrsod wi th the aevon travel-ing conipanlouB they conversed with earJi other aud nothing more, as every scholar knows. I t Is an evidence of a weak , oatiso when tho word of Ood has to bo wrostod to suppor t It. J H Lane, East TounosBOc: We should Indeed be pleased to receive a well prepared article ou the value of a Sabbath school to a church Kid C 0 Elliott uf Howard Collogo wri tes us that a onm-iQlttoo of hlfl elasH has boon appointed to purohaso t w o of our books, tho Boven Dispensat ions and thu Exposit ions of tho Parable and Propheoles (vf t jhr lh t . These works arc reoelvlug uulTersal oom-msudat lon . B. M. r h l l l l p s sends Iu namo far %'ittM U A m u T , a VoriQMl VwtiWH f r o m M«tbotilinji

fiul", " i t - -

a. vf'Kv . i T H B BAFHIBQL : ^o r six m o n t h , oaroltal w d p r t y o r f u H u v a s t l .

.V „ Hro C B HolBhft of Moaroo oouuty, Ark. , of h?m as a v i l u a W . addi t ion t o h i s ohurob,<

..laf that he wiu become an intel l igent and In-t Z ^ X X ^ . Wo l - y th i s m - y indeed fluoiitiw ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^^ ^ ^ ^ lUCTUT, our u Itoos lu to nearly every State, If not

A m I correct r , i We refer red this quest ion to our busiuoss Lnai fer , aud hero U hU a n s w e r : " W o send tho

pnr to forty-sevon Btatos and Torrl torios, in act to every ono except A l a s k a . " - ! . 8. m

ifid K A Loo, Arkansas : Your roquost mo, t S,eerl\.lly compiled with. How can you leave Mich a peoi.lo? Wo hope you will become a reader of this paper. There will be much in it the ootning yoHr that will do you good. Thou re-fors to Satan, who was ta lking to Jesus, tempt ing ,,i,n It is as much tho du ty ol Batan to worship (io.i as for us to do it, Mrs Wilson of Kentucky.

Where is your post-olllce, Ida Wiiliugtou, Tcunesseolf Wo have a le t ter for you. Tho books for tho children sent, and tho two dollars anil tifty cents for tho young ministers gratolully received aud forwarded. Wo do feel thankful for every dollar received for the young ministers, as much so as t l iough givou to us personally j for we „re obligated to pay all tlmt is not contr ibuted for the support of four ministers. Thank you, llro Jameson. Uceoivo all that is freely given, and iu March wo will answer you. Bro M Y Marston, Arkansas , iiays up his subscript ion, lltty couts per month (five dollars), for the young luiu-iHUir,'* at Jackson . Mrs Graves smiles at your compliment, aud will jo in you in another sub-scription next sosHlou We shall have to yield Uro M. to you one Sabbath only, Uro HillsiuAu, Trezevant, Tenu. Iu youi coudilion what are you doing this w in t e r ? - a. m. v. Wo aro work-ing bu tlio paper , and, V.y pen, purse and voico Bupporting four youug ministers at our Uuivor-8ity while thoy aro prepar ing themselves to preaeb the gospel, hop iug to preach through them long alter our —

"Feeble , s tammering touguo Lies si lent iu tho grave "

Will yon not help us? Can you mako a bet ter in-vestment of tivo, ten or twenty dollars?

I)E LESSEPS' P A N A M A C A N A L . ' P H E Panama Canal s-ihemo is again a t t ract iug 1 public a t ten t ion . M. Do Leseeps has boon t ry-

ing to induce the French government to lend money to tho company. I t has been asserted that ho will bo succoaaful, and tho aid asked tor will l>o f iven. There are a largo number of difflcultieH in tho way of complet ing the canal; and it is a won-der that before this tho whole bot tom of tho schorno baa not fallen out . In spite of all tho ditll-cultles tho projec tors have not lost faith, aud aro still of tho opinion tha t thoy will bo able to com-plete tho w o r k . A now plan of ro-organiiat lon has been proposed, and an agreemeut will be en-tered into with the Kockholders to carry it for-ward. I t Is n o t very probable that the French goverumout will give the aid asked lor, because if it should advance the money the ul t imate result would be tha t France wonld become the oTfner, and this would Involve hor In difllcultios wi th other n i t l o n s . The Unlto(\ States would have something to say about such ownership. The people of this country would no t be likely to p e r mit such ft t h ing as tho ownorshlp of tho canal by a Kuroponn p o w e r . — />e»»ore«<'« ManMy.

Many s t rong and sharp argiimoutB agninst It tCampbolllfim] aro horo presented with great olear-noBB and force. Persons disposed to koop up con-troversy wi th the CampbolllteH will Und valuable help In this t renchant work [Gospel In Water] , wri t ten with tho author ' s known ability.—John A . UnoAUUn. l loipol In Water ft)r,ialo by tho ikil tUil Book I tot twi Mtmpiaa , f » 00.


TbouKb tbo dull dayn oorao again. Though tho elouds aro dropping rain, ThouKb Uio winds t)i aluhs oomplaln.

Fear notj F'of the summor shall Ih) ehoury. And tbo days uo longer dreary. And thy heart loss otton woary.

And tho sorrow all torgot. Thouub the June of lifo bo Hhudoti, And Iho ilrul HWOfl aowois UikVO rudkHl, And lb; heart is lirml and Jaded,

Trust and sing. lUvt-lborn hedgos sbull bo wbito, And tho roses swout and bright, (lod Hhiill mako thy summor lisbt.

Ikllcvo utid sing. Tbougli souu' ploiisiint lUlni?« lirtvi- llo'l. Though soino trionde bwlovod aiu dciul, rbuugli lifo'H golden dajs have sped,

Ho not sad. Thy l<o»t plfusures yet romuln. And tbo dead shall rise a«ain. Hoiiven'B day dawns whon oarth-Uoiirs wimo.


tb ruml ih i t at soVeuty-flvo p«r oopy,pot t paid. Tenn.

f-rif ( Address Baptist Iloolc H o u m , l i l o m j ^ s ,


i ' l lOM IIEKE AND TIIEIIE. 1 wish to scud you a few dots

I{o«eltutH Ark. f rom bur church at Uosobud. Our churcli is prosper ing under

the pastoral care of Eld. M. T Webb of Hebor, Ark. We have had a revival iu the t rue sonso of tho word. T h e eirects of it can bo soon iu a'l of tho work of tne church. Wo have n prosperous Sabbath-school also a regular prayer-meeting.

A I.. M'KAV. Sister .Mary A. Mills departed

Crosse tlver. this life October weifth, 1887. She was born on Oceem'ier tho

twent leh, 1812, Bister Mills joined !the Ilaptist church at IJotliany, Caroline countv, Va., when about the ago of twenty, was marr ied to W. Mills January lifto' nth, 1»!U, was tho daughter of ( ieorge and Mary White Bho lived a cougiHent Christ iau lifo. She moved with husband to Ten nessoe about tho year 1848, and uni ted with tho llaptist church at Ziou in 1849. Sho loved her church. Her funeral was preached by J . P. Kin-caid to a large aud sympathizing congregation and church. Sho boro hor alUictions with Christian iiationco for two months , and died in tho full t r iumphs of a living faith. IMossed nre tlie dead who dio in the Lord w. i>. . iovnkr .

At his residence iu Graml Junct ion, Died. T e n u . , a f te r a short ilUiess, October the

eighth. 1887, Deacon MUton W. Prowl t t , age sixty-six yOars and nearly elevon months. Bro. Prowlt t had been ppst-mastor of tha t town many years and iiad been one of tho best cltlrens of that communi ty f rom early life Ho was highly flstoomed by all who knew him, and will bo greatly missed. Uo made a profession of religion when a young man, and as a deacon, as a Christ ian gontlo-man, and as a fa i thful f r iend and helper to his pastor no one surpaasod him. He a t tended tho lost mooting of Big Hatchlo Association, and on-toyed It very much. H e loved T u » B a f w b t , and was a devoted fr iend to Bro. Graves

j W « u . B u m i y TO thu U nbduoatbu . - ^ " I think you havu UHVOllod Campbellism [In tho CkMpoV to Watorl 60 thBt the loador of ooinuion IntelligomH) caii dettotltsBophlstrloi." —Rav.J.K.PiWiLUAMB, Blicrman, Texas. Prloo of Iho Clospol In Wator, 12 00. Bond all o rdon to tho Baptist Book Uouso,

1 Momphla, Tonn. Don't forgot tliat wo want the llvost m»» or

woman In oaeb ohnroh to act aa our agent. Lot some kind friend send ua the namo of such, and wo will scad o\ir list, catalogue and terms. This

j wo must have soouor or la ter ; and those wl8hlu'«J I to do 08 a great favor will ploaso reply to thls^^j

onco, giving the post-offlce address and tko c^^' tho of t ho ono conunondod. /

8eo a jiropoHllion to secure a now ou t t^ for I paper, lor tho advantage of Its readori^ by addli.^ one thousand new subscribers to Its Ilut in the noxi two monthB. All can see that tko proposed Im-provomoniii am for the sole advautage and pleasure of our roadors ami not for oureelvos, although wo Bhall take It as a substantial token of their friend-ship for its otlltors and appreciation of their lalth-fuluoss. Lot every friend do somothlng In securing thoBO liuprovomonts of tho paper.

A NKW YEAR'S GIFT. Sec what It is. Do you vole for a new dross for

your pai»or? A now subscriber Is a voto.

R. R. M.

ITEMS IN V A R I E T Y . Will you not aid, by obtaining ono new sub-

scrlbor, In purchasing a new and beauHfnl dreis for your p tper and a maohlno to (old, out, paste and make i t ready for you to read.

Wo can supply Uio Lives of tho Throe Mrs. J u d -Bonfl, In nloo cloth bindtiw, food tyP^ a t o r e dollar per copy, poat i>ald. Baptist Book Houao, Memphis, Tcon.

Wo direct a t tent ion to our list of Teaohars' BliiloH to bo found In this iiopor. Thoy aro well HUlted to bo proBontod as proionts to f r l a n i s and dear ones. ' '

1' The Baptist Layman 's Book Is ono that shonlfl bo lu tho bauds of eTtiry Isymtn in o u r ohurthos.

OUU NEW Tl? ACTS. DANCIN(}, ancient ami modern, In the form of

a dream. By Dr. J . M. Poay. A story of thrilling interest, and a subjoct of Immsnse practical Im-l>oftanco. Tho children road It through whon thoy begin it. Prico, ton cents.

LTBEHALIBM, or chaUty for error, an eternal sbsurdlty. By Judson Taylor. Second etlltlon. Ilovised and cnlaryred. This la ono of tho most fcotivo wcaiions Bar ' la i" " 'y ' " imltablo aud tho difcusalon most masterly. Price, ten e^snts

T H E N A M E CHRISTIAN. By J . B. Moody. More than ton thousand havo been sold. Bince its appnaraneo about ono half of tho loading Camp-bellito papers have almuddncd tho «'lglnal argu-menl, »nd the others are grratly mnllf l-d. If you wsiil to "s lop the mouths ct the ga lnssye is" o» this Mil ject ciicula'o this tract. P.-lce, ten oanU.

DEPUAVITY', total, hereditary and universal. By J 11. Crime Ueply to Dr. T. W. Brents, Tho arKumeot is conclusive aud tho refutation com-nieto. Price, ton cents.

Ail of tl'o abnv" postpaid for twenty-flve oonts, If ordered dur ing Novembor. Order at onos, as it may bo too lato.

ADDBESBES WANTED. Eid E M Gerald, formerly of Rlugoos, N, J . W L Black well, formerly at Elmo, Ark . Mrs C E Harrison, Little Book, Ark. D H Illchardson, Throckmorton, Texas. We want tho preseni post-offlce of John Gardner,

who has been recoivlng his paper at Chattanooga, Tonn. Eld. Goo. M. Parker , formerly Of Marion, Ala., wil l wlaase send his prosont address to this oflioa.

BUHBAU o r WAKTH. w * or«i)«w to ostahiub ono now anA bare j«. s w om«. .«i;fi«TvMt am^nt of wrlUng and rospOhslblllKr. . A ^ obrob wanung a pastor or waaUng • Inv oresldonf or board waoUsg a qualtfla i ?«««!?«; oualllM teaohsr waViUng a sftiool ar a p»-iSiinn In S sobMl, a i ^ wishing a loteraass, oaa

SliCS Iholr wMtt & n tbrouKb tbls'ftursatt.by tiannUag a s naw'thoy wHiS and .en41s« mtosnosat . foraaoh llns.

w ' r.

U&itt. ' / . ' •• , • . V- • :



The Young South. Mllfi . N O l l A Q U A V K 8 U A I I ^ K Y , K m r O H .

r o whom ull ooromunloat lons f o r t b l t i lo imrtmuii t muy Iw

wUlroMoa, K n o x v U l e , T o n n . ^

K N O X V J L L K . T K N N . , U K C K M I I K I I 'H, i m j .

II' I ' O S T - O F F I U K .

k K A R C ' m L I > U K N : ~ 3 o n t a U l u u s tons boon poojitiiK n upon mo ihiD w t o k j « u , l If you rcuil a l l Itolow |you wi l l 810 tUo IctUirn lio hrought mo. Hut ali mo! lin

ill.I not look iiiuuli liku the j o l l y , ko«m1 old UHInw ll iut w a « t.uoplnK aiiil plai lnij in upon mo e v e r y l ltt lo whi lo thiH

^ i lmo i H s t y o a r , a m i brInRliig mo buh.Ull-;8 of loiUirs , that ^mutlo h is m u r r y e y o s t w i n k l e ami m y h c n r l Kla.l tiu'y , "(nircd o u t tliolr iiloliclH, dlmi'g luul t lol lurs for . Icsuh, W1 V '"<1 you not sond tho muoo Siintii C I«u« tiroiind thin

)onr , uhlldren niul frloiidnf Our Kir la ' f u n d iioodod hli . i ' . I d l y ; and 1 8 io nothInK to do now but to tako f rom tiu' .h i ipc i v . ' h f t l l s ncoeosary to p a y o u r dobt on iiin ,(irlh' lu l t lon, r<;r that w s s o u r Hrst obI lg»t lon. Wbnt nay yoi i f l U i t l hopo Iho BHmo Kood, Jo l l y old H«nta n«u«» who v U l H d me l a s ' - j f t u r win Ko to 8U0 oiioh ol you n e x t Sun-d a y moni lnK , n -U mako y o u r huar t s t,'l«d twioo ovi-i And now 1 wish > > a m e r r y , m a r r y l . 'hr l« lm«s. I wan."

n much ft nl(;o Ci-Vlstmiis Icl lnr f rom oaoli ono of you fori ch l ldron, I four t. w i l l bo tho laut l h r l s t m a s 1 shnll ••pond w i t h you, Di i t j cctimH to by cnlUni? mo p I s o w I u t c

A U N T N O I U . • l . i c l o s f d llnd chook fnr (ivo dol-

M r » . N . O . I l u l l c y : t a r s for J (ro . I ' o w e l l ' s c h a p i l , | hav i . boon wunlhiK to «ond srvnio

for iboc i i . ip i i l „ i i ) i c u)ii i l r s t iMoiitlnnnd It in iho Vouok South, but .hnvo not beon nblo Until now. I w, ,nt one o( l l ro. I 'owol l s p loturoa . I om iid.Mouo to bco tho p oturc ..I oiin Who Is doing 80 much for ( iur i s t . 1 wish I - o i i M >.->morp. Ood bloBS you in y o u r wo. ' i j . V o u r h I s I i t

S o c l . 1 C lro lo . M . o . « , ; „ „ .

A u n t N o r n : I a m a l l t t lo g i r l nino y e . i r s oi l. My m a m m a Is a n old f r iend of y o u m . 8hi'

' . v t » in e h i c u g o , and 1 a m s t a y i n g wlih my Ornnd. , , , .>ougln»», and g o i n g to school horo , bconueo It Ih ko cold .1 ChloHgo. I pppnt u d a y t w o s u m r a c r e a g o a t A r o a d l a

. . l i b y o u r »lHtcr U l l l o . M a m m a w e n t wi th me to i-co ou . ] h a v e bDcu rending tho Y o u n g Houih, a n d would

iko to btioome ono of tho lUtto w o r k e r s , go I . p n d flfiom • "ntfl In thlB l« t t«r , and h..,>e to send more In the next .10, W i t h a k i s M o y o u r I i t i lo brown-uyed O. ronn und

...vo I.) j n u r s c l l I i.m y o u r l l t t lo nlcot>, k v a Kt.xri CoTlnytf^n, Twnn.

U d o f s m o ^ o o d to hear Irom y- u, K v a , for 1 bHvo Hocn • • u often, iind 1 .vo y o u r m a m m a . C. ime a « n l n .

I truHt j o u h a v i n ' t f e r g o i i e n ih.. Ilitl,. A n n t N o r u j t h r c c y o a r - o l d boy m a m m a IntroducHi

you to n e a r l y two j c a r s a g o , nni lom y u . - . i n u It, u y d e s i r e to be a w o r k e r with tho cousImh

. r J c H u s .Mamma wil l c .xpla ln how we h. ivo nuftor.'d • v r , . tkn<lrou.h , and hnven ' t beon ablo to son I a n y h l n j u. the i o u n g S o u t h . Dro. Wi l r io I>owell 1 , mamma-N own ' ; .m«ln. I lor f a t h e r , tho l . t o M r . I) . F . C. K a n k i n o J l l a n , T e n n . . w a « Counln W i l l i e ' , molbor>« y o u n g e s t

brother . W o are n o w l iv ing o u t a t T r i n i t y I ' l a . o on th« C i e a r F o . k of T r i n i t y r i v e r , w h e r e there 'are n i c e

- .«ud w a nut g r o v e s , T h e one d o l l a r iuolo.oU w a s ^ a S " ..y so i l ing p e c a n s rre gatUer.Hl o u r . « I » e , . J t M e x i c a n g i r l s . Y o u r i l t t le n e p h e w . " " " o r tfio

T r i n i t y P l a o o , T e ^ a s . . k t h k l m e h No, I had not forgotten y o u , K t h e l m e r , and a m g M to

»ee y o u r e n e w y o u r p r o m i s e to a s s i s t u s in o u r w o r k You s u r e l y should h a v e a d o u b l e Intereet In It. W r i t o u s ' •ga in .

A » band of A w . t N O f t I a m a o o n . t . n t r e a d e r of the

Y o u n g BoutJ), a n d a m v e r y m u c h lut«r oeted l a the le t ter . , a n d p o r t r a i t . , 8o w e h / v e a w o « - I " l l t u e d a r k - e y e d , d a r k . h a l r « I poualn h a v e w e , i T j n d to her my h e a r U e s t w e l c o m e , a n d lee l s u r e . h e c a n h e l „ u . w o r k tor J e . u . . 1 w i s h I c o u l d see h e r . s L T e r £ me A u n t Nortt.lf flyo d o l l a r , . o c u r o . ono of i r r o . l i I f « P i c t u r o . h o w m u c h w i l l . e o u r o one of v o u r . and T o n l ' o r r o n a ' s , 1 w o u l d m u c h r a t h e r h a v e U t h a ^ h l ^ T o , l Uncle Orren I havo boon go ing to .ohool to a I4d» h,! . o , M r s . M o A l l . t e r . Bhe w a , « M l . . o ? r f o X S o w a . m a r r i e d . She . a , , . h e h a . hoard Wm p e a o l a , ^ N o r a , I u n d o n e d o l l a r and ten c e n t . . I . o m l f l H v L n and m a m m a the othor f o r tho yountt M b v I o T . ^

V . M M i i * h i j i i t o n ' T i l .

I IK ' 1 , 1 ' UNH A N O T I I K U ,

H e l p one Another thti Hitov> ll ikeo s a i d

A « thoy j juddlon down In tholr (luncy l>ud.

(Inu of U8 hero wpiild not bo loit,

Olio of u« hero would nul i iS ly im;!l |

Hut I ' l l lifllp you anil j o u ' l l hi lp iiky,

A n d Ihoii what ii big v.hll,i Mnli vv. Ml hm., #

l lu lp ono iinothor tho maidn Hprny

W.lld to !ti4 fe l low le.iVi'N ojK! il . iy,

'I'hP Hun would wllhi r mo boro i i i"m'

l,ong ciionHh CIO llio dny i-om ;

Hut I ' l l help you luid you ' l l h( lii liir.

A n d lliPii wbiU 11 »j,l«,>|li,! ' li'iiir tii, ri Ml h.

I l i ' lp iiiii' ai\ol! irr III,J ili'M.lr j|i i r i , , ! ,

Henliu; Iii ioilifi iliii|> I'l.i ,- i,. , , „

'I'lila wiii i;i siniMi III i , ,,, m ,

Ai id I nlmulil K'.iu' . i. i ,.,|,n

Hut I'll III l|i )uii Uiiil Ml', 11 (I l|, 1,1

And « o ' l l ui iKi- ;i l.riii.K, i ,„ i i m ,, , , ,,

lli'l|>oiHi luioil ier II III! 1.1 .iii:.<|

t^atd to iwiolliiT i-niiii jiihI hi Ii i,

•| be will.I iiMv 11 ri . |. ,i\ , m . , ,

A n d ilii'ij i.h wliiii „ |,| ,.,,1 ( V

Hut CDiiio, iiij I her, „ „ , , . „ ,

\Vi ' ' l | liiiilil a iiiciiiiiini . ,1111! 1,1 I

T h e B A P T I S T

• I I I

• . 1 ' i M s A n d 80 Um Mil , . , |,

The graliiH rf ^ ii::| m m. u ,

Tho leavcH hcoi i i i . u.|>|| i - . m h, . ! , .

A n d il nvili o|.« (oil i.'if I 111 i „ i i , s .

A.N I N K A N r , , 1 1 ; I M ( s |. ;ji

(-1 K 1 u . r T f 1, J. I.

<'oiiu.' II: ,1 Il,.ai' >V , . . . ,

I am ( , |'i)i I iirl-i i.i 1- ,!,(.,


II I I >8 l o i ,1 | l l | | . | H h . i y ,

Ami I wl»li you nil 'M \

U iiuifct r l n « Uu: ( ill H i m . i .

.llM^lo, Jiuif;l(.i all 111 II 111'.

1 am 1 , aa >r.u 01111 bco.

It 1 trloil ho I'lsi <• Mil i I

I .Ml'

IMCillli) S.liil.l ('I , „ .

IK-'-i IIJI • I . I 111 ii!;ii 11,•



T ti tri'o 111 ,1

( hi Ih. Ill • ^ i.vi

V".i! 1.1

. n il..

.M N ni' I I \ , rto 1 Irv

hill ull I.lirii;|,i , 'II ( il m .

A — U'liiii «•„» |i I ,,

A 010 iliH nil , 'I III, 1 1.' !• ll ll.I.

I l l ,

- n r .

s Ih UlO Bclltf 111! HhVi'tl. Ill ( r,..

Wlieti all the iviiiilnir nli w,i„

TWO IN I,.Mmi>N.

H a r k : tho nt)|/, :» o l iam

On carUi pcaor , toui i r , ' „ en „


N o w be m o r r y , (or, nli donr.

C h r l o t m a s coftics but niieo a y e a r !

A O I I A N D M A T H A T ' S s n , K S i , | r , ,

O r i i n d m a ' s e y e s aro dlin, •

A n d g r a n d m a ' s ha i r ig s p r i n k l e d

W i t h thr r sdg of white , her oitp'a enl, pr im

A b o v e a f a c o that ' s w r i n k l e d ;

B u t g ranr tmu ' s oyos a r e k ind ,

A n d g r a n d m a ' s hmiio U o h o o r y .

f*ho I l k o s o u r nolso ; ahu doosn ' t m i n d ;

8ho ottllH u s pet and d o a r y .

Hho to l l s UB fiuoh It lot

Of s tor i e s w i t h a f Airy

A n d g i a n t In. Hho knowa It'n w h a t

W o l lko, somothlng roal s o a r y .

Hho nover soolds «t nil .

S h e keeps o u r plnythlnga mondod,

«ho d r o e i e s dol l s . Hho'a w h a t w o oal l

A g r a n i l m a that'l l j H s t o p i o n d h h

ouriil i jg It, " A l i a 1 w i l l Klvu a f i r . . l»r J*^book to 11,0 t w o flotv^iJni w h o «oo»d w a t w i t n u m l w r ol lo t t f l r . d irlnif t h V L J ! . ' ^ " ? •"(> ( m r i r a l t s , ttusworing a l l l U r m m a t i o n a m w h a t iPsbon thoy d r a w f r o H h ^ f fo aTd 'oba ' N ono pie8v.n(ed. | , e t tho oou.IUH a s k ,m( ii? .lUoHiJiMi m. .(I .caiiwii , thoy m a y wl»l t l ' l ^ t f^hor C

betoro thoiu. — A i t N T N o i u . )

" T i i o n I 'a i i l HtoiHl u p In tho mids t of Mnr« Hill „ , , „ . V e niou Of Atheu..,, f poroolvo t h a t la a l l fl I n l 1 'a

Hopcniut l .u iM f ).- a . I pa«Hod by m.d b c S l v n T votii.n« I . u m l an i .Uur w l , h tliN Inaerl i t S 1 " o w . i «od. Wliou, ih. i .ef„ .ro y« I g n o r S ^ : . r "

i leol i i jo I unto y o u . " " I ' ''I'll

Wild ' , . Ih I 'at i . n o w , oht ldrei i f

' an J'ou Ihid ll on yiuii- i u i i i h I '

Wluit l.li;,| of poopio v.or() tlK'ao A i b c u l i u i , j-

'>1 Wliolll ,11,1 l ' „ , | | „ , 1 |

H r a c rc'iiil a l l liU uptiucb;'

Mow w;l.., It i i . r , u , . , | 1.,. (),,. | „ , „ , , | , , t

u hU' l ' . lm I'.Hil , w „ . i i I;,. l„r, .Mil,-oh;

Willi rtlMiii .IM ! , " I n , ' «

I I I n i i t - .M.l ho l lvi III,',-,, r

T i : y | (»r i i >

^-^-WKU r , , I , K . i u „K.||.M„KI1 n i lKi .

1 , I - • I ' , lb . M-VKlra.aiHllM'h. . , , , „ ,„

( . t l i T .viUMi . i i v . l . " a , . | , i x m I. K . l n l r o i v a . ' l i i n n ,

, l '>onlum. m m v r S

I 1.1 IHiii. I ' a . l . , , , verm «yon L ' m "

I " " ' ' . unil u i h i U . . . r o r H o d . f e l l o i v lal,or„r

M , 1 1 n M n i l s b o p . or pant- . r ,o f , .heeui i r .^ I ' l ' i! iT^ M.Hl n-H. and S-HMnd Tin.oiHy ar„

' ; i : . ; n r , r r •IA.MK8.MKIN.NKV.

1 m M . y „ f „ K i o o , „ | , H i ' , . , u , KirHt ami . n . ,

U - ' a . U b e b o o k , I I ; „ o | „ „ „

. ' . .k. , , I.iy , , | „ 1 vou i v . i u . „ . n i muoli, a,id iiavo I' •'<•1. r i r . u l K inl, . tl.o t - a o b i n g s of holy iv,rd I h a i i 111 any uUicI' >v l y . '

by I , W o , l l a U ( e n n d , l o h n Jloo,ly I • l'«rU,M- an,I T h o n i u . MeOiogor,

" " " " l . ' l ' m . | , . , y . „ „ W.'lll, U l l i o ( i r 'V .M, Midll,. " V, | . , ' , „ , . K lora ami Hobl.lJ

I '., -M il . hxtl- .' U-|„i;o

I'M m l

MniniIm ttr ( I r u l s i IB M l d i l l Of

i V . I • A r m ®

' .O'liri . Kfii , . , . 1 , . l u u . ' > l > ! i ' i . Uin tollowiuK liHVH Mr, \!.1III. ,1IV,I .Itl!i.r», IM 111 « i r« ' i i c l , -'iMi.luy. eh.,.,!. if.

Mi'i i Miv oi l 'ii,|,,r„ riuir, ll H ll".

, A In <• 1 p. .„ i , . r M,;..' l. , i , 7 , ' I V ' i " ' ' " l •Mn- , r, M,u. K l i / o ll 'V r r , I V ^r^

M . , 1 1 ' 1 I i . i v . r . Hll,!,., .', .(1 \1 •„ M r , ! i , n ' " "

z m n . li.i.lHr, I,r<..i„\, 1 ,6; ^^^^ , ^ ^

OKK nuil.l.AH,

i i i i S i S B i i i ^ t 0 . ' V u i i e 1 HfTinttoV. ut: M . '^ ' s i s ' s

Ju lm i M u g a d r n i , Ala, ixi Mm VI c; m m . w o , To.ta«, w • 'omialeUniubcrry .Uu. . ' m OlNI li'rlulll (.J«t,;„; Hbxl<\r K/XjiH- t

I oIJ^.^i-hII";']}'?

H'f s t u \ IthoiloH, Tnuu , .'lOi Ooiiyew JVof^ TWrntv-FIVIS IIKHTS,

llHtebott, Tonn.J )c Ooyle. J . T i AlNnalo Oo)dHon. K l a , | Unlvlii Uravu) , T i u m . ^ ' ' ' "'"iHlio

HlHtor, lo i i i i . , Wh i k i d a h Uri-oii iljt T o m m v Norwnn.l un

.el C a t u o V r ' " ' " " 'Ol vI^lomtZfofXu. KivK t)K«r» m a w s n K .

U n d o X'om,Jr , 9o, O n r raiMiounry »-ii(ttt.

Ho Kstna. TeiM lau, A r k , , Mary


T ^ H I S w r l o . o f v o l u m o i l i i p c o U l l y T t h e C l e r g y . S t a d e u U t n d H u n d t y i o h o o J T c a o h -. r . o f « d o « o m l n » t i o n . , i n a i 8 m e a n t t o f n r . i l B h

. I . h . . i i m u l u i »n»l » u g B O » t l ( i n I n t h o v » r l " n « i S r ^ J n u S S w o r k i m o ^ i h o p n l , i l . f i r k o r T f r o m w h o m t h e w s o r ^ ^ o u l U n o a h y e K l r i w n i r o l o t d l n g m o i l o f a l m o . o v o r y d e -

1 S n In G r e » t B r i t a i n t m l A m e r i c a ; t h o a n b -, « . i ™ l b o h i B . o f c o u r s e , i r a c t l o a l r a t h e r t l i a n

T . r w S g o f t h o d » y t r o h o i o f t i r n i n h m l l n a c o i i -,1 ? « e . r f o r r » n d a t , n o a o r a t « p r l c o . K l g h t v u l u m c a

" m w ^ 8 r o . r o n o w r e a . l y ( . m c h v a h i m n o o m plole l X e i f . a m l m a y b o o u l o r o . 1 B o p a t a t o l v If ' l e -

" V S L ^ b y " ho S S m r t ' n H m ' . o r , a n d c a y C l e r i c a l

u b i l r y . A i U l r c B " , l U | . t U t B o o k I I u u b o , M o m p h l - ,

T o n u . T O L U M E I .


lly 72 K i n l i u i i t E t i g l U h a n d A m o r l c . n ( l o r ( ; y m o u .



( B i l t J g 2 u d v o l u m e . )

v o l U M E I I I .

O i n i . I N K 9 o r 8RHM0NH TO C'ttll-Dltt'.N.

W U h n u u . o r o u i i a i i c c d o t e n . C i o w u 8 v o C l o t h .$l..')0. T h o f o s e r n i o t u a t o b y m e n o f a c k t i o w l o d K O i l o n i i

n o n c o l u i iossosnInK t h n b ^ p p y f a c u l l y o f i i r c a c h n . K I n t e r o i l l n K l y to I h o y o n n g . , „ , ,

T h e y a r o f u l l o f b u k k i s t i o n s • w h i c h w i l l b e f o i tul o x c o o d l n K l y h p l p f n l ; t h e h a b i t o f ubIhr a p t « n . l s lu ip lo l l l u s t r a l i o n H , a n d o f r , ' i w » ( l i i K K ' ) o d a n e c dolea , l)0(iot« a l a c u l i y a n d p o w e r w h l o h a r e o f v < l u o . T h i s v o l u t n o U a t r e a B i i r t ) w h i c h a h t t m l i c U p a s t o r s w i l l l l u d e x c e e d i n g l y c o n v p u i c n l i.> d r a w u p o n .

V O L U M E I V .

r U L r i T P R A Y E K 8 B T E M I N t N T I'AHTOKS.

C r o w n 8 t o . C l o t h f 1 CO ( B e i n g t h o 4 l h v o l u m e . ) T h e B r l l l . h Quarterly saya : ' T h e s e p r a y e r s a r e

f r e s h a n d f t r o i g : t h o o r d i n a r y r u t s o f c o n v e n t i o n a l f o r m s a r e l o f t , a n d t h o f r e s h ( h o u K h l s o f i i v i t i g h e a r t s a r o u t t e r e d . T h e c x c i l e n i c n t of d o v D t i o i i i i l t h o u K h t i a n d ( i v m p a t h y m u s t b e i r r t a l in t i i e i f l j - ' i . i n g of s u c h p r a y i r e , e s p e e i a l l y w h e n , a s i i e r e . flpir-I t u a t i n t e n s i t y a n d d e v o u t n e t s a r o m a r k e d an f a s i-n t s s a n d s t r e n g t h . B u c h p r a > « r 8 h a v e t h e i r c l i i r -a c l e r l s t l c a d v a n t a g e . " ^ , , _

London Literary World: " U s e d a r i K l i I , HiIh v o l u m e i s l i k e l y t o bo o f g r e M B o r v i c o t o i n u i i s i o t n. I t w i l l s h o w t h e m b o w l o p u t v a r i e t y , i i o s h n c s s a n d l l u r a r y b c E U t y , a s w e l l a s B p i r i l u a l i t y o f t o n e . I n t o t h e i r e x t a m p o r a u o o u s p r a y e r s "

r O L U M E V .

A V J I f l t ) * T E i l L L W « T B A T l T B OF K K W T E S T A M K N T T E X T S

W i t h 0 0 0 a n e c d o t e * . C r o w n 8 v o . 4 0 0 p * , C l o t h | 1 6 0 . ( B e i n g t h e 6 t h v o l t i a i o . , )

iMHdon Oirittian Tender s i y s : T h i n I s o n e o f tho ludf-t v a l u a b l e b o o k s o f a n c c d o t t s t h a t w o l i s v o e v e r s e e n . T h e r e Is h a r d l y o n o a n c e a o t o ( h n i s n o t o f flrst-rate q u t l l t y . T h e y h a v o b o c n c c l i c l c t l b y o n e w h o h a a V c a d t u a n d v i g o r o f m i n d a a w e l l an k e e n s p i r i t u a l I n s i g h t , a n d s o r a o o f i h o m o s t f f t r e i l v e l l l n s t r a t l o n B o l S o r l p ' u r e t i x t - h a v e a l i e i v e i n o f h u m o r o f e x q u i s i t e q u a i t y "

A s a n a p t I l l u s t r a t i o n o t i e u p r o v e - , t h e n a i l w h l o h f a s t e n s t h e t r u t h In t h e m i n d , l h l < v o l u m e w i l l prove an t d m i r s h i n a n d v a l u e d a l l , m t o n i v t o c l o r g v m e n , b u t t o 8 u n d a y . s c h o o l t. a c h o t -a n d C h r l s t U n w o r k e r s g o n o i a l i y . A b o o k r e p l e t e with I n e l d o n t a n d i u g g e s t l u n a p p i i c a b i o t o e v e r y o e o a s l o n .

V O L U M E n .

XSFOMTOiBr B U M O v a J ^ D o u T l 4 y * a o * n w Ofcti T K I T A M R V T .

C r o w n 9 f 4 o l « t h , l l W ( B e i n g t h e flvh v o l n m ^ ) R i c h K f f t ^ t l o a l a p p l l ' t t l o n , t h e s e • B r m o n s w i l l

b e a n e S l M t l o n » n d a n I n s p i r a t i o n t o m a n y .


P l i A T f O I l M A S D r U L l ' I T A I 0 8 .

C o n s i s t i n g o f S t r i k i n g B p ' - e c h i a , H o m o W o r k , F o r -e l g n M l s a l o i a , T h e B i b l e . B u n d a y - w h o o l , T o m . p . ' r a n o e , a n d k U d r e d s u b j u c l s , w i t h "


ANkOWOTfS I i : . I .n»TBATlVB o r OLD T»JIT_AM»NT T R X t a . W i t h o v e i BOO l I l H s t r a t l o n B a n d I n d i ' X o f T e x t s .

C r o w n 8 v o . c l o t h . ( B e i n g t h o 8 i h v o l u m e . )

" f t w i l l b o f o u n d I n v a l u a b U i t o alt p v e a c h e r s , t e a c h e r s , a n d p t i b l i o s p o s k o r s , ao p l a n i n g a t ( h e i r c o m m a n d tt ^vas l s t o - o l o t t f e o f i n c i d e n t s w i t h w h i c h l o e n f o r c e a n d l a s l o " a n i d e a o r p o i n t a m o r a l . " — N. Y.ChnBlianat


r o n t M l i i t i i K I n d o x , T w o l v < 4 n i a p H , € o k v i > € o r « l n u C < ' , T a l i ) l o f ( o l ' W « i f f l i t N a u d i > 1 « w h « i i r 4 ! M , ( J l i r o u o l u g i c H i I n d e x , l l a r i u o u ) o f ' t l i n C 4 o n | > « I h , A l p l i a b e t l c n l l i i d o x t o l l i i(> P N H l a t H , a u . l a V a r i e t y u l ' o l l i v r r a l t l M N a n d l i i f o r i i i a f l o i i .

l » » . « i l • r y p K . 8 ' J i n o . .HUe « H ' "y F r c r i c i i M o r o c c o , l / ) V u i i t L i m p , I l i t i i iu l C o n i o r s . ( J i l t E d g e , p o s t -i )a id , » I 6 0 . F r o n o h M o r o c c o , l i c v a n t L i m p , R o u n d C o r n e r s , D i v i n i t y C i r c u i t ( l i l t E m l g « , p o s t - p a i d , 9 1 7 5

U n i t y T j | > « , l U i n o . N i i s bjr 0 .

, \ o . . K i o t i c h M o r o c c o , U i v a n t G r a i n , D l -;.in4ty C i r c u i t . H o u n d C o r n e r s , U l i t

K d g c , | ) 0 8 l - p a i d , $ 2 7 6 . »* r t o r v S . I ' c r a i i i n M o r o c c o , S e a l G r a i n , I l o u n d

C o n i e r p , S i l k . S e w e d , G i l t E d g e , p o « t - p a i d , 50 .

•' G u a o b T r u m a n . - - A f l o r t j i n u b i l e v e r d i c t h a s p i ^ o u n f i i i i I n s t r u e t l v o a n d p o p t t l i r o v e r — B o u r o o In A i n e r l e a . B u m & M V o o p l e s h a v e b e e t i I s s u e d , . j t u ^ i t M a I t l t a s i l v c h u n d r e d i a f i n e s t e e l u n g r a v l n g o f t h o a u t ^ . u n g r a v l n g o f A u n t P u t r g y . S ^ e

l e a r a n c n t h o fo lU

. I h i a u t h o r , a a

t w o y e t r a d t m m p e a r a n c n t h e f o i l o w U i g w a a p n b t U U e d I n t i M

Y o r k Mlxaminer; " I l a v e y o n g i v e n y o u r d i u f b t o r a a c o p y o f G r a o o T r u m a n ? T h e s a l e U a t i l l u n *

i n H l l l « u T y p l ' , H T O , H l B » i ' 7 J < l » j r n S . !>Io • l l . ' V i l . F r i ' t i r h M o r o c c o , I,OVII.HI, D i v i n i t y C i r -

c u i t , K o t i ' i d C o m e r s , G i l t E d g e , p o s t -p a i d , » 3 7 6 .

W e l i u v o Bcii^ck'd t t ie s t y l e s a b o v e n a m e d , s o t h a t w o c o i i l i i l i a v c a j j o o d K» ; sor t inent 1 o t h a s t o s l e e o f t v Iti

a n e c d o t * ^ t r i M a d d r o . . i M . C r o w n 8 vo . o l o t h | 1 6 0 ( I k l B K t h e T t k T o l v B i e . ) . , . J u s t t l i l i k e o k t o f l » e t 6 a o m o o t e r i r o r k m l p a s t o r

w h o h a a m a a y a p e w h e a I t m a k e w i t h U t H o J u s t th i l k e o k t o g i v e t o l o m o o v e i

w h o h a i l m a a v a p e a e h e a I t m a k e m

l l M f l

a m i p i i c i y i ; iM'd .vo r a n r , ; e o n i r a e n d t h e a e i i i )1('B to c v c r v b u n d a y - B c h o o l t« ;acbor , B i b l e s t u -( l e n t a n d i i i in iHtor a s t i iu nKST a n d c h e a p e s t Class o l TfKcbt<r(t ' B I I i I c b k i i o w i i l o t i io b o o k t r a d e . W e i l l i c i t y o u r p u t r o n a g o f o r t h o s e B l b i o B . P l o a s e O l d e r b y t h e u u i u b c r , a i i d s a y , T e a c h e r s ' B i b l e s .

B a p t i s t B o o k l i o n i s e , M t m p h K T o n n .

T E A C H U 8 H O W T O P R A Y . D u r i n g o u r lonj< c o i i n c o t l o n w i t h t h o B a p t i s t

B i 'Ok M m m r w e l i a v e r c c e i v c d n n m e r o u s c ^ l U f o r a B s n t l f l p r a j c r l . n o k , a u d , » f i p r d i l i g e n t s e a r c h t b r o t i K h i h u c a t a l o g u e s o f t h o p u b l i s h e r s v v i t h w h o m w e d o b u s i m s s , h a v e a t l ^ t M n d a i w o k w h i c h , t b o u g i i not " /,rai/cr.book like t h o s e u s e d i i v KpiH<'i>p»li6't» i i i i . l U j i i i a u C a t h o l i c s , I s a b o o k c a l c u l a t e d t-. «'<! y o u n ^ C U f i ^ t i a u ^ i u p u b l i c .iiiii i i n v a U ' w o r s h i p , a n d w i l l m n e t t h e w a n t s o f u n r p M f i . n . . T h e n l l o o f t h e b o o k in A . d a to D o -v o t i o u , I i i c l iHl i t iK H . c k o r s t c t h o n I ' r y o r , W a t t s G u i d e tv) l ' i a \ ( r, a n d h o l c c t D o v i . t i o n a l E x c r c l s o e . T i t o t i t l e Id' i l i i « b>.»lv e x p l a u i B i t s c h s r & c t o r a n d d t s i g n . Ueuidc . ! t h e w b o l o o f D r . W a i t s u n -l o i m l e d ( J ' i d i ) t o I ' r i y i - r it c o n t a i n s t h e t i t h l y o v a i i L ' o l i c a l V i c w i o f I V a y i - v b y M r . n i c k H S l e l l ) , w i t h c x R t i . p ^ " ' ' M i f l l c i e n l 1 0 i l l u s t h v H ) «: ir l k u I t h e y u u g C h r l U i a n In ' h f ' f » lo |>< : " i l " ' " P I ' l i - f a o e a n - i o v a i u i b l o l ' ) f im«''u1 p r a y o r - m e e t i n p , 1 1 ,0 bc i c l i n of vvl icli a r - s<>"AfliiMi£8 -A-holiy l o s t f o r want o l ol„?0i 'vitig J Bt ^ n o u t I f i m o , 3-20 p p . ( ' l o t h 1 1 Op S e n t b y m ^ l , poBi p d i d . Oil roco ip t o f p r l c o , b y B a p t i s t B o o k

M P ' " ' h u

What Baptists Believe A N D O T U E K D I 8 C O U H 8 E 8 .

B T J L . B D B R O w e , D.D. T h e w o r k Is d o n e i r l t h a m a s t e r ' s h a n d . T h e

foundation In e v e r y I n s t a n c e a n d o n i t a e p l i e s a s t r u c t u r e u f m a g n l f l o e n t o g l e , t o d m a k e s It K l o w w i t h a l l t h o Hros o f r h o t o r l o B y r C o n o f t h e e x c e l l o n c o r.f i t s m a t t e r a n d t h e charm o f ItB s t y l e t h i s b o o k h o l d s t h o r e a d e r ' . I n -S r e S c h a l n e f l to t h o e n d . I t la J u s t a u oh a b o o k a s o u a h t t o bo r e a d , m a r k e d a n d I n w a r d l y d l g o a t ^ , I s S l l V b y every y o u n g C h r l s U a n I n o a r c h u r o h e . X S t t h e v m a y b e a b l e t o r e n d e r to a v e r y m a n t h a t ; . k « t h t L m a r e a s o n f o r t h e f k l t h t h a t I s In t h e m , f h a t t h e y m a j l e a r n t o h o l d u p t h e i r h e a d s I n s t e a d o f h a n J f n r t l . e m d o w n t o b o p i c k e d a n d t o t h a n k O o d h a t t h o y a r o V p t l s t s I n s t e a d o f g o i n g a r o u u d

a p o L g l ' l i g f o r U d i l u g t o a l i t t l e »oet s o I g n o -

r S n t a n d l i i l b e r a l J D r B u r r o w s , w h o h a s d o n e i r r a u d B o r v l c o a s a l e a d e r I n o u r B a p t U t h o s l t , K S e r i K b e t t o r fiervloo t o t h e B a p t i s t e a u s o t h a n i n ^ h e c o n t r i b u t i o n o f t h i s a d m i r a b l e v o l u m e t o

D S r r o w B ' D l s o o u r s c s a r o e x e o l l o n t . T h o o n o o n c l o s e e o i n m u n l o n I s t h o b e a t I h a v e o v e r s e o n -

vaaca^w «.auiMi»fi» a aiv wwiv aiv a b a t e d . I t h a s f o u n d i t s w a y i n t o e v e r y In t h o u n i o n , — h a s p a s s e d i n t o E n g l a n d a a i t I V a l e s , A u s t r a l i a a n d B u r m a h . O n e o f t h e m w t i N l u i l o t i s a n d d i s t i n g u i s h e d m i n i s t e r s In I h o B a p t i s t daHDini* n a t i o n s a y a : ' F o r a s t o r y o f t h r l l l l H g l n t « r « a t a n d a n u u R n s w e r t t b i o a r g u m e n t o u c l o s e c o m m u n i o n , a s U Ih c a l l e d , r o a d G r a c e T r n t n a n . " ' D r . R i c h a r d F u l l e r o f B a i t l m o r o . w h o h l m s o l t w r o t e a n a h i o w o r k o n I m p l l s m a t u i ( l o m m t i n i o n , w r o t e I n 1 8 6 8 1 " I (iHd G r s c e T r u m a n t h e m o s t u s e f u l w o r k t h a t I ca t ! p u t i n t o t i io h a n d s o f t h o s e t r o u b l e d » n t h o s u b j e c t o f I ' t i s t r l c ted c o r a m u c i o u . I t I s d o i n g g r e a t g o c d . " U p v l B c d e d i t i o n , w i t h s u p p l e m e n t , " l l o w I a a m o t o w r i t e G r a c e T r u m a n . " P r l c o , $ l 6 0 . Adi^rpHB B a p t i s t B o o k H o u s e , M e t n p h l o , T e n n .

TlieFoot-Miits of Satan, . OR,

THE DEVIL IN HISTORY, B y Rev . H 0 L L I 8 R E A D , A .M. ,

t .ate MlHslonary of the Ameitcsn Boan l to Imlitt ; author of " Ood in Hijrtorjr i " India nnd its People , " etc.

R E V I S E D E D I T I O N .

T h e nuthor has here c lven the clmr.cter , infjuejicc. »nd power of Sa tan , with hisloricsl outl ine, of l . l i woik in the abuse and perversion of every (.owl, ai|»hown In the ruinous elTectn of the ai)08t«cyjn the sfTairs of the world, from Adam'* fa l l , thro..|;h Dible times, the e . r l y Church, the M i d d l e Ages , to liie p ie ient day.

Here are i l lu.trnted the mi.u«e snd . b u w of L M r o l n g . Science, Wealth, Honor . , C iv i l and Social the PreM. Ambition, Foetry , and S o n g ! Fa ih ions . and all the v a . t re»ource. of N a uro and a " contr lbul leg, when rightly used, to m a n ' , h l g h ^ t and best lntere»t.

The»e are .ubstantiftted b y f a c t , " " d f igure , and ihril l inij Incldentii the mor«RwfuI bccauMtrne, making up I, volume of unuMial intore.t to the • f a l reader, " not f i c i i t ious yet Urangrr than fictkw.

R t v , T h e o . L . C u y l e r , D . D „ o f B r o o k l y n , w y a : T h e chapter on the rav.pei j ai>a ru ln of aitong drink fc . l o n e > . o r l h the price o f th« l ' ^ . ' ' ' va luable information can b e got f rom j d a o

enioua compilation of f a c t , from the . ; L a n hUtory. I t Is a «ugR,.tW« book for minUter . and Sunday-school teachei*.

C r o w a O c t a v o V o l u m e , S " P a g « s , f r o m $ 3 . 0 0 t o | a . o o . ,,

A d d n - H " B a p t B o > - I l o u s j , M o a a p h l s , T a n n .


A b s o l u t e l y P u r o n

rtM. A m


' "'(I ,

DPfiMS T B J i s B A F T I S T

' ^ C O L O K E V E K Y T H O G .

rnouM'iffMl filf mm, Wool, Ootton (nwi fill hfhrtciinna ntHVUfluoiU. JtrllUuHt, JUtmH» una SeonomloaU Anusm*^


. 3 2 C O L O R S ~ I O C £ i m E A C H .

Bouuuabsr, these a n the o i i ^ Funk fibna*

loM tmd Unadaltantod D y «

Bovrare of other Drea, beoatum o iWi PtA-

eououB, Adaltoratc^ Weak and Vo r t h lM i

H'o wirrant Uk«»« J>n*t to mfov mtorw Hon,l»,nnckaa' for piwhaat, thnn nnu Iilhrr n^ti rcpf (iKirfn, axtl to tfiw ffMir*

UurabUt a>t<mt% tfuia^jite liriiidiii^'ilHii fytut.

THE DIAMOND PAINTSw GOLD, S ILVER , BRONZE and COPPER Knr i/ iltitif n.rfV .i. *

T I I I 8 A N D T H A T .

The Kr0t<08t ootcomo o f »n dgo 1b I»8 boat IhoiigUtH! It i» tho ua turo of t l ionght to fliid ltd way i n to tot iou.

H o that uovor chaiigctl any of hta oplt i iana novor corrooit'd any Of his mlaUkc* .

A tho ivm la a tllaoaeo of iho soul bo-foro i t bocoiuos nti orror o f tho nntlor-atandiug.

A notoworthy charaatoriKllc o f tlic genu ino M l o v o r i«, that ho RlvvHys pray a am i uovor faints.

M a u lot)keth on tho d u l w a n l appoarauco, l>ut tho Lord lookoil i on tho hoart.

l l o 1b Irnly tfrcst that h l i t dp In hliiiiwlf. and that tnakoth no aoconnt o t a u y h ight o f honor.

Thoi-o Is a h igher , sweotor llfo jusi w i t i d n your roacli, dear chi ld of t i o i l ; tako It and boconifi nioro !ikii God .

I/Ot alt Bcon onjoyuicnts li-Hd to iJie unseen »ouui« lu In jn i whcnco tln-v flow.

^— T

Dou ' t tbini? OHrlat dloU for tho gootl — tboro arc none. Ho d ied for tho i i i iKodly .—l io in ; v, 0.

Pertoct nymmo l ry never protU'coa the rrt>!ct o f Nraatnose. I t is oj i ly by M n d y h i g the dot i l i a that wo.oflm|no-hontl the character ol t he wbolo .

Prayer is tho onl lct o f thu »uUnl«' sorrow, and tho inlet o f their ai i i i forts «»»d cojiiforta.

Q a t a r I I H

^ w aro wi80 onough to prefer who icsomo b l amo to troachcrous pralao.

Tho real izat ion o f Cio<l's prcBcnco i.f tho one aovorolgn remedy aan ins i t empUUoD.

P ro f an i t y is a d ingnst ing hIu. I t is a l oud advort iscnient o f cosrecnesa and vu lgar i ty .

Plao'a I l omedy for Ca t a r rh Ih Htjrco ablo to nso. I t la uot a l i q u i d or a anutr, COo.

Af ter d iphther ia , scarlet fov^r, or

I pneumon i a , I I ood ' « Saraapa i i'.la wi l l

• ^'nu ^ ' p Rlvo atrcngth to thoayatoni , a n l oxpol

»I1 poiaou from the blootl.

A l l wo l ike fiheop havo gono a s t r a y ; thora la, thcrtjforc, no hope for a ny of u« but In a eln-bcarlnK S av i o r ; such a one wo havo.

I{eoau«o (JIulst Iovob uu lio claluie •!« am i desire to havo us whol ly y lcJdoil to hlfc w i l l , »«) tha t tho opera-tion^ o f lovo in and f>)r u« may t ind no hindra^'Cfi.

Htorni Calni idci a n l u t . s i h f r (o-r.

casts tor 1S8,S, l»y U-jv. I f ! tt l i i cks .

wikii explanat ion (.f (bo •'(irc.M J o v i a n

IVr io . l , " upon whic l i uiir I'iatuit ia

now nuttiriii;,', iuiiik.,1 t ) any ai! iro'.s,

on r i i iid 1)1 4 ! , , 111 I'o iago .siiimp

Wr i t , p la in ly y n i . N i i i ie , IVat Oll ice,

and S I r 1".

TUKD i , . J I I . M,i, i . . >..s M K n i n v K Lu , ijoui.". Ml/

W h e n O h r i a i t b i d o a ' i n « i,.. hoart, bo la lu U « tmmo?la|'h„";!?

I t l a r l g b t l l v l u g w h i c h p h i J I ' ' l o raa fo or evttn Joypup dy ing .

T h o re» l laa l l4n o f God's ureso-ioo i .

E l y ' s


J Icanrj^ Ui.. Vi.si.l Vnwi>tfH, A I 1 H y l*niit niul Inflit iu niHtloi, , I I o n I It

< n M«M«pn n| TnHt* nni l .Smell.

T r y C u r e


i - i ' " f ' y / " l y - " ft" C'hiirehem

, ! | cShan0 B « l l F o u n d n r I P l n o a t O r a d o o f Bo l ls , f MtMrn AMI f.^rOHURCHIli/**.


b e l l s

NOAH SCALES. llre«<l»(rof(A.>rjc.C.)


Hfn of llonpo a on, no Ih iw©-. iir».iii«An 2' Niiry Ann;, of HI. U m l i ^ r t ^

And tb« Tormeutor BiiU, BlONAIrfJ TORMK.Nlim v „ i , —

S E N f F R E E


Ph r eno l og i o a l

Trust hia rich pn.'uilHoa o f graco.

6o shall it bo ful l l l lod in tliwo.

^ God never yot forsfx)!^ at nocd

2 Tho Boui thatXfuatod bl iu indeed.

Na tu re usual ly makes a gul lan i

tight aga ins t dtaoaao, and when lielpKd

by D r . J . U . McL«an 'a Stronglhentn jr

Oonl ia l and IJIood Pur i f ier wi l l eradi-

cato i t f rom the ay atom.

"p ieaacd aro the m c o k ; for thov

o h ^ U h o r l t tho ear th , " W o arc the

thorofore, roaolvod, tho earth is onrtt

Un l i l . o other cUhart ics , D r . I'iorcu'a

"Po l le tB" do not rondor tho bowels

coativc a f ter operat ion , hut , on the

contrary, e i tab lUh a p o i i n . u n n i l y

hcMlhy act ion. Ucini/entirely ve,je-

n o par t i cu la r caro ia requ i red

whl lo u s i n g them. B y drugglata .

The aecrot o f all t ru ly efl'ectual ser-vleo la Joy in tho Lo rd , a nd Jiavinjf

i r wo il.) not waii i 1.) 'Siit-ak of l i i in ," k'! l . iw i r v 111 |il!iii-.,l))y poi-naiUn}^ oiir-flvos iti it it ih liooauao wo

'10 not WHiit t(t »i;.)iit onrwlvos

Lut us lio honest, and o w n that tho vcsrti! dotiH noi ( A ' r l low bccaiiao it Ic not vory fu l l la i ih a-i.) lovt\

Tho true hero in (lif> (jrcat, wiho inaa

of d i i ' y , he whoso wnii i<i a r m M by

' l u i h and anppoi ( i d by ibe lunile o f

(-iixl, be w h o nuTlh iifo's [perils wit l i

H cantiouR but t a r q n i l spirit., ^atbera

Mrongth t y facing i ' " Ktuims, and

diCB, i f he irt called t > die, .h a Chris-

tian victor at the pout of d u t y .

G i v e nio those l l n ka ; F i r j t , sense of need ; eecond, dcslro to go t ; th i rd , belief tha i G ,>d has i n s t o r o ; fonr th , belief that, t hough ho wirhho lds for awhi le , ho Iovoh i.> be asked ; and l i tth, hel iuving that .i.aklng w i l l ob-tain. G ive uio thsso l inks, and the cha in wi l l rcacli f rom earth to heav-en, bi i t ig lnir h iavcr . all d o w n to ino, or beat ing mo up iut. i Imaveif.

W h e n our d i v i ne Ma-iior says to ns

' Osst your oareun me , " ho does not ro-

CB8U us irc ni Icgn i ina ie d ity or tho

joy of do i ng il. l i e a ims to tako the

n t p . p f s s t i r e o u t o f u a b y tak ing Piuful

anx ie ty but o f our lieari«, and pu t t i ng r r^t • I . . I . I • ff

<U i8 aame Josus , " ono of tim watoh w o h l . o f my fa i th " j

etantly w o u r t o it, and J th ink it I f m y ooiiifort H tho dark valloy.

Good t o h e a t n i c t e d ! Yea, tho'eria

r f lif-o llta us for tlie aweoiiioss of

grace. J oy 1« all t ho i lchoc for having

a U c k g i o u n d o f sorrow^ rest an

moro restlul attor weariness, st,,

oven onhannos tha beauty o f HKhtunni. nos8. Tho worW o f wranvies, Z Z am i shamo is I ad, torrlbly bad wlm. Btudiud a l uuo ; bu t ' jiM immenso ^ood out o» it for his saints. Sat-.n h imse l f m foRcd to iu. m-aso tho l . n o i i y o f tho rfdocnied. rho face ot Jesus imj ia i ts » l l ti,(, mc-o

cheor from tho e iposure of the visaao "1 ihe pr inco of evi l . Compare his k i ngdom w i t h Iho k i ngdom of (iod f 010 wou ld appreciate (ho g(M).l and boau lHul . Groa t ( r ibu la t iou will not bo iegrettiHl when wo enter the rualuis of ptornal lifp.

T c onr ioh and qu icken tho c i rcu la -t ion o f tha blood, a n d to r e f o r m i r reg -ular i t ies o f tha aystom uso D r . J . u

M c L e a n ' s S t rengthon lag C o r d i a l a n d Blood P a r i Q o r .

H o w d l l R r e n t ' a r o tho suf lbr i rgs o f slnnor and t h o M ®f tho aalnt I T h o

torraor a r . an oolipw) o l tho moon , by

w h i ^ tho d a r k n i g h t liocomoa atll l

Jlaokor a n d w i l d e r ; tho la t ter aro a m l u oclipao, w h i c h coola s l l l h o h o t

d y a n d c a a t s » romant ic shade, ai d

I w b i a Iwgll) to

A l l E Y O U K E S T L E 8 8 A T N I O I I T

a n d h»rrftM«Ml by a bad c o u g h ? Uto

BaIIo , i t w i l l 8C0t>rfl you aouud «loon, w d u r w t « p romi i i iit<) Vartloal n u r l

b t t t y M M B t i M b o W o i '

ihtt louK- 01 trubt in jlaco. This g l on . U8 i lu f i r inc of trust d r wou.Ior-ully restful one to the ovtirloadod For

lot us rcniiiMi omselves iifjain tliat is Is liot honest work that ,i«u.Uly breaks God 's ohiUlroM down .

A faultless Km-lish co inposi t ion on a raanago of Scr ipture Is not a good Bormon, A fiiultlcHs composi t ion on a ber lp turo text, well dolivered la not a good sormon ; it is e imply a goiHl speech. Tho a n lmua w i t h wb ich tho work is done gives it its dlstlno-f ive character aa proaching. W i t h o u t th ia 1 a d rud , lifeleae product of tho intel lect and tasto. I t Is . not tho prcaoh lng G o d bids ua uroach. I t muijt have an elsontial elomeut, a n unct ion from on h igh .

I h l a a t a m l a r d inagaz ino aoon ontera year. It is tho on ly

aatia actor y fresh and comnloto c o m . pl lat lon 01 tho best periodical lltera-ture of the world, an ' l hence it " ^ c on t i n ue sticoosfl. I u t h o m u I t l p U d t y of p. ir iodi . ;a l« l l Is wol l n l ^h i n d i s i i o Z sablo to tho A .nor iean i m l o r , a ^ t alone rnablea h im , w i t h a smal l oui-lay of t ime and money, to koon nnon w i t h tho host l i teraturo o f ^ c and abroaat w i t h tho work of tho moat ominent l i v ing wrltora. I ts n o s S

ooloctliigouo's rciadlug m a t t o r tot thu "1m y . ? " ' ItctluOTd o lubblng r a t ™ w i t h ot l icr porlodloala arc givou, and 0 now 9«bM ribors rwrnllt ltrg now foi

tho IRRH I . . " . ' . " ' * .

Some iH-rso'is now-a-daya are seek-

i ng to et l 'octgwd by try ing to aualyio

tho reasons why V,od in apocltlc eases

dops and in others doe.? not aiiawer

prayer. Thoy practically arjine In

such a way as to lead to tho conclusion

that answorod prayers come aa a re-

w a n t o f mor i lor ioua asking. Such

speculation is both orronooua and

dangerous. I t is ours s imply to pray

in faith, and to loave the resulta to

w i sdom and gooilncaa o f God . Pray-

er's pow«r and efloct cannot be reas-

oned out . D r . Pierson woll says: " I

havo m i d o up m y m i n d that there are

aomo th ings i n tho m l u d of G o d that I

cannot got i i t;) mino . Uenoo I do not

a t tempt to rtconcl lo tho two revealoti

t ruths — t h a t G o d ia unchangoable,

and thst praynr changes h i m . "

,A father repr imanded his a >'i, who

had c o m m i n c c d tho habi t of am )king.

" O u r min ister sm )ke9, and so does

Deacon S, Deacon B and Deacon C. I f

It i l not wrong for thorn to smoke it

c e i t i i n l y cannot bo wrong for lue,"

W h a t could tho father say ? W h a t bo

d id sav was at the prayer-mooting

soon a l t a r ; a nd his remarks wore so-

vnro but Just. The minister and

daacons saw ' ho pornlcJous intluence

of their example , a nd at once aban-

doned tho hati lt . A ro thero not other

ministers and church members who

im l u l go iu tho in jur ious practice of

smok i ng whoso cx%mplu is producing

a bad elToct upon y o u n g men around

them ? I f BO ahal l tl oy cont inue tho

pract ico? B u t that a in 'a arguiaent

a d conci laiou wore apei ioua, It ight

conduct is r i gh t not botaaso o f what

others do but bocauan tt ia r igh t i Some

people may ><0 ablo a nd pcrmlttod to

d o wha t others aro n o t , ' . T h a t aon's

aotiou waa wroug^b jcauao ho had no

roaaou by wh i ch bo cou ld Juat i fy what

be d i d .

Jdttul l « Uo,, BmIoui uro auut -


C O J i S U M P T I O N , S C R O F U L A ,

G E N E R A I ^

Deb i l i t y , W a s t i n g Diseases o f cHil-

dron, Ch ron i c Coughs a nd Bronohltia

c m bo curod by t h i uao o f Scott'i

Emu l n t « n o f Pu re C o d L ivor O i l w i th

lIy|H>ph09lto8. P r om i nen t physicians

use i t and loatify to i la gtoat value.

Please read tho f o l l ow i n g ! " I «"otl

Huott'a I Smu l dou for au obatinato

C o u g h w i t h Uoiuorrhago, L s i s of A p«

p»ti(fl, Kniaoiat lon, alooplossuoas, &o, A l l of tboso havo n o w loft , a n d I l)0-l U v o y o u r Binulsion ba« saired a oat t o f w t l ! dovalf ipul U'Witt ia i i t la i i ' T l

r tKDb iV , M . D . h 9 M itftTi TMUd^

T H E B A P T I S T .

lh« W a t a i e i n unt(Ifino«l|i>

to" m vital

Hhilte , , , «ntitclir W ® '

S B , u T l h a t wh ich renders the groat-

Mt number happy .^

M I B S C ^ H ' V L O U I S K K K L L O G G ,

The BluBOr, does not W l o v o in

ina American gir ls abroad for a m u -elwlcihioation. Sho gives hor reasons ia an arilclo w h i c h w i l l appear I n tho Youth's aotn/tfinion. ^

Our bltt's-.ii . H • " o may not niiss that bleascluess—is that o u r miasuies aio t reasurrd i n a in-rson. and aro tlicrcforo. incxhaustibltf .

W O M A r " A N i r .llliVv D T ^ E A b E S

i s t ho t i t l o o f a largo tioatlse by Dr.

K. V. Pierce, Bntlalo, Now Y o r k , aont

to any addrcaa lor tonccn » ;n stamps

It loaches sncccssful solf-ti ca tmcnt . m » »

How few G <1 ! ' lrs<-cd w i th tho

rCTiwiisible Kitt of genius can trutb^

fully say will- W a l t a r Scot t—"1 trunl

to unsettle no n u n ' s fa i ib . to co i rup t

nomau's principlo?, and I havo writ-

toa nothing which on my deathbed 1

should wish blotto.1 ou t . "

t O M C

Persons, and especially chi idre;j , arc

flul'ject to t h l i agonia i i ig comi-laiui ,

which often comcs on suddenly in tht

night and w H h o u t a n y previous warn-

Ing. Si iumona L iver Uogulatur should

always Iw at h i n d . A single doso wil l

generally allay tho pa iu . I t n"vi 'r

fails iu g iv ing relief. I t 5i\h»rmle«s

and tan bo given w i t h safety Jo a chi ld

of tho tendercBt ago.

When wr ni<. t wii l i i l i t le vex-

atious Incidents of lite by wh ich our

quiet Is 80 often dlaturbct i it w i l l pro-

vent many pa in fu l sensations i f we

only consider bow InRignificant they

will ap|)oar twelve mon ths hencc.


With Its intense I tching, dry , hot skhi

often broken Into pa in fu l c r i c k s and

tho little watery pimples, cause Inde-

scribable aufforlng. Hooil 's Sarsapa

rilla haa wonuer fu l powor over this

dissaie. It puriflos tho blood and ex

pola tho humor , a n d the skin heala

without a scar. Send for Ixjok con-

taining many ataioments o f cures, to

C. I lloo<l & Co. iApothccar lcs , I .owoi !


T U H K K R K A t i D N b F O U ( l O l N G

T O O n U H U H

1. Y o u r h«»d aiul w i l l bo Itu-

» r u v c d , a n d you wi l l l lvu longor.

t W ^ Is no book h a l f w rkih In l i i iois

M l M - I h o IMWe. Itti hlatorloa a « j

t b r l l l l n g ; Its biograpiiluH aro frosh

a n d I l f c l i k u ; Us procepta are bonovo-

l e n t : . It* parab ca aro simiilo and

touching- The m a n w h o given him-

aolf to pt)bllo wortihip, and (h rowa his

heart ' u t o the aerviins cannot bu t have

hia alt'eotlons clovated, hia tanto rvtln*

ed , hilt vtown enlarged, a n d hIa Intel-

lect qulckenoi l . A n d thoro can bo no

d o u b t that ohcdipnco to God 's holy

coiiHUtindaoonducoa also to licaUh and

longov l 'y , l.(0<'k al>0(n ainon(i»'t your

ne lghbwff , and you wi l l ttnd that thoHo

w l o g i v e their S u i u l i j a to rcrt .and

w o ship d o l ive longer tlinn s tvb

spend tho SabVath in di«8ipat lon, in

Id f no9. or I sbor.

3. Y o u wi l l havo less (rouble In

t ra in l ig your ch i ldren, l i you koon

tbo F o u r t h C o i n m a m l n i o n i , thoy wiM

keep tbo F i l t h . VtoA ti is pUccd ihciO

(v.o conuuBi d incnts s idot jy side, snit

they ataiul or fall foKrther. I u nine

casi'Si'Ut o i ton, S iv iba ' l . bri'.^klog pa-

rents have unr i i ly and tmul>loM>uin

chi l i l i t in. Th is is natura l , a i d Is j i is t

what m igh t be t'S|»octod. Fnihors a; tl

mo ihcr« h >t at naugh t the ^'ithority of

G o d in break ing tho isabbaih, and

co l ldren t ramp lo upon ' tho i•oulman<l^

and dofy tho j iower of their jiarents.

But , on the other Jiaad, i t liiey see you

honor G o d , they wi l l soon learn to

honor you.

3. Y o u may prcp.iro yoursel f for

h c k m i . O f cotirwj you may attend

chui-ch sorvicoe a n d dlo unsavcsd ; but

i f von CM! go ttud do not , you are now

on' the way t<» hell. Tho Scriptures

wi l l not profit yon at homo f ) long as

you w i l l i ng ly negloct pub l ic worshi i ) .

l lesidcf, i ' IS shotT nonscnso to profese

.• ny regard for tho Bible and l ive ii>

the negl>?ct o f a d u t y \vhich i l p la in ly

c ommands , '"^hatv, then, your reaped

for She word of (.Jod by comit ig io hi-

house; and , w h . n in the sanctuary,

roniembyr tha i tho "gospel of Ch r i s t "

l.' '-thi^ powo!- (^f t^CHl un to salvat ion to

evurv on<i tli&t b f l i cve th . " vHomana

i. Iti )—I', tfl>ij'crtan.

I T K M 8

Y o u now lay y o u n e i r ou t not tor imu ih but for groat^patlouee.

N o one knows how »o ImoH

moralUy olloiitlvoly w i t hou t raHgloii.

I t l« a a lg t to f Infancy w h e n only a fow bolngnli j lorejft us.

W u mus t uQver separato faith In

Chr ist 's a ton ing death (roiB tha hooos-

slty o f commut i lou w i t h h U risen l i fe .

The usual troatmont o f catarrh is

very unsatlafaotory, as thousands o f

i lcspati lng patientaean testify, O n th is

point a t fus twor thy mod io l i ,*rliijr

t a y e : " P opo" local troatment Is

positively necofsay to suocoaa, b u t

many, i f not mot t of tho rcmiMlloa In

g<>ner.il uso by physicianH allord bu t

te iupj i i i ry bonotlt. A euro certainly

caiu.ot be from anulla,

jwwders, douches and washes." Ely 's

t j i e a m Ba lm is a reuKsly wh i ch com-

bines tho i i i iportant roqiilsltes of qu ick

action, spcciiic curat ive i iwwer w i t h

perfect safety and pleasautnosa to the


A re you l a t roub le f A l l mon are

souietlnics In trouble. " C a l l upon

me in iho day ol t roub le , " l« tho di-

v ine command , " a n d 1 w i l l del iver

theo,",,^ W l i a t oucourgomont to Ibo

distressed 1 Y o w h o ait) sufTorlug

need not snflor long. A t ouco you

may l lnd reliof by approach ing you r

Fathi . ' , and In makhi i{ k n o w n your

af i l ic i ion lo h l .u . H o w couaol lug the

i l >!:Khi!. I f you arc aad you r heart

w i l l bo taadu to rtJoScc; I f yon aro

J o j r tliO riches of d i v i ne graco wi l l be

abundan t l v supp l i ed ; I f you are

IV « MA)MI't.»l rWKVt TtttrMviiU* .

in<t KmHrln Itotta, llrutU mm^tix IO* Ki'diti" V •«•

; » OilOB Mf l<M«ifc. Y. i9»tWfH>w

O P I U M ^ ^ S B i t m 4>ilii><) 10,8!

n i d u

aita 'VR; t«k«» n t k V tta ««r«<t t i Ihmm wUh •vntiwla. ti««W»w>py H.l».WOOfciJtV,M.a

iW* WbtU^bsil

t I t I

H Q U M Y m n : ^ pMi mii PQOImi ©•BII^ Hiioiiii^ ft^^iiyi^

SHOPPiNI ^ . J ^ Y m W L

uliii iEM *

I f a m a n is fa i 'hru l to t ru th , truth

will Im) fa i thful to h im . l l o need have

no feara. I l ia shccoss is a quest ion o f


P R O F R S S I O N A L K f l Q U R T T E

proventa atmio doctors t'rem .advertis-

Ing thdlr ski l l , b u t wo sro bound by

no auch convent ional rules and t h l p k

that 1( wo make a discovery that ia o f

honeflt to our fel lows, wo ough t to

spread the fact over the who le l a ud .

Therefaro wo oaiiao to Iro pub l i shed

throughout tho l a nd tho fact that Dr .

R. V . Pierce's "Go l d en Mo<Ucal D l s

covery" is tho best k n o w n remc«ly for

consnmption (.BcroA^tla o f the lungs)

and 'k lndred diaoMCS. Bond 10 cents

In stamps for D r . Pierce's c«imp!cto

treatise on consumpt ion , w i t h uueur-

Sa s sed m e a h s o f M l f - l r e a t i u e n l . A d -

reta. Wo r l d ' s D ispensary HiHlleal

A<.trp»»'»n. f j f l SM i i S l t f ', H 11 l'»,

Now Y a i k .

L i x a d o r in Uo ! • till of years of ob-

seiv^ i ion and experionco. It la now

r08. mmeii 'Jod h ; Iffi . l ing pbys icUns

lor co^iivcnct-s ami Imlis^t^s'lon.

"Baby U k i n g " all the world over.

As its rula saould bo a^ quiet as p ' s i-

l)!c, fail not to pi-ovi.li.* n w i th Dr

Bull 's Baby 8yr t ip I j r a l l Mie a i lments

incident to i t i condi t i i i. It is a safe

remedy .

Tho po l 'O ' • • -I ' i • uf' i , »nd tho

silken con ls ol love, twisted together,

wi l l d r aw men on w i th a swo^Jt vlo-

enc<» w l i f t bc r thoy wil l or not.

woMAM Disease % ^ a l R R E G U L A R r n E 5

P E G U U A R - T O H E R S E X .

/ j p m r e m H K C o t A r a a

A N D P o w e r f u l T o n i c .



•i «

ARBUCKLES' ^osrao on a Suwnuitoo

of O O K F £ £ U a

ARIOSA i X V n S O Ol topt tn nil nrst-olaas BtoNa firom tlto At lant to to Uio Paolitu.


•aa lod O K

w h » a oaqpoesdto tha air., t h i i bmna l n h a rmo t l o a l l y P O U N D P A C K A O K S .

T b f f l O IbtVm

(lAimwWWS (J*ITll»C«»Mlf»l ..(ifgnwtTilMlnqtuwy . _ _

illKRRKI.X'ai r iMA I 'W W. jWjMIt'*

w,>ii>kiWir, It h r a M M U i t a a « i i M w l ^ ^ B * ukou M kli OttkM iiifti/j^^riloB* aa .


(HirrcwU .. flM. Itl«<lf


orlsln'Wl" an® Ku Man* OMMW)'. tl HW ii«>rr tnf oQu* -V nc*' hla lint m**"* mwk, o<>«n

owtwM'ity-WAIfTitl*. A nra ohtuwu for li«i>

TBS t m n T m u i wnumtHQ (XK Komicv. cr.

1 B-'l

O O M M O M - a i N a i O A T A W B H O U W K

tt I h M i t v ambtl , a I

wSnrlUiMMdpMti houra lU • U M a OUM lUtMID . ^^uwg^lfc BnmoWtf

^ MidolnUireiiiBtTK SrtsKl.cloUwuKi uUnooToreil. »vrt»lootwrwn««fc

590 I U «l M>«

it Ml «

rt » »i,lr.l tor Tbfi l l l iwr* ofChrl»tl»nll» S hr AblwM. .A fT»n.l r ^ nc « . A

MAKE A S I G N M Worth Tweruy-fiva CcnU.

A G E H T S W A N T E D . S a m p l e s F r ee .

j r . W . B T O A I C m MUUk lV* O .

FIT8J i J i * ! I » r AMwM. a fT»n.I rn«nc«. a « U J i l 1 « , ( i u « i>..Bul»r prici »t II11. U l ^ r * !

I»riii« Till" n ll«lou« n«iiiir« I1^»nt1» l 11 oiw ol the

c«»ntv.rki>uwl» li»«fc->iiu..1VriB»«r»». Stintox * IJo. IMMl»bet», IMrllund, >l«Jnfl.



ANTI-DY8PIPTIN1 VI 10, tln> i>min»nt H>«

V 8ILBNT TUOUGJim Wlikt reronl will 'he«vuii hold of , you toHlay ? Whoovnr rcnUU truth bwonios hairduKMil by thiit aci. £lt)rt u.il uaro for tbo fututo arc 1)01 prokibitcd —liut Roxietv. Yekamtiui «pArcli U Ictu eilofltlvu to ovorcotnt ovil than a civil tongue, Th« M«uirr«oUou of Qhiist U the as •luaiut uf ours. HltMkiiig without IbliililDg |g shoot lag wUbout taking alua. Leva i» an akhouiUt thsKraoan uh uuto iioisous into food, Ood fails not to sow blosglnjfs in th« long furrowt. llumbJo lovo, antl not jiroml stiendo, kei'pn tho door of luavoii. Ood never dcRU0) 8 oiunftra, tiU he 8CC8 tlien) no other way with thoin. To will what vvillij i» only lolcnco tliat givds no rcot. Maijy B man has ruined hi» pyn-•ight in a bar-room looking for work. Nono are so nsrtow and Ignorant and Uigotod att ihoao who shut their eyes to spiritual things. Truo popularity is not .opularity which is follon-od altor, but »Li) pop. uiarlty which toilows aficr. Novurlay too great a strtss upon your usefulness, or perhaps God tuay show you that he cau do without you. The bread ot lifo Is lov ; the salt of life is work; the sweetness of lifo is poetry; the water of life is faiih. No money is letter spent than what 1b laid out for domestic satislac-tion. The doing of the will of Goti loaves no tlmo tor disputing about his plan. Life appears to me too short to bo spent in nursing animosity or rojiis-tering wrong. The faithful minister will bo laying np hia treasure in heaven and g/orv infnduriug hardness as a good sol-deir.

Tho liiKhtHUt earthly pmmotloH and glory Hfta us no whit naaror hciivou. It la easier to men thoro from tho lowly valo of buniilUttuu and sorrow. Tbofialnts are "wimotinioa allowed to fall into an alTiioiion, to preserve tbrm from railing in with a tompta tlou. To grow old is quilt natural: bilni? ' tr • 'latursl It is hcantiful; If wo gruiublo • it w< niisH tho lesson, and lose all the beauty. tJoek go< dness; hut let groatnesB be thrust uiK)n yon. An itching for groatuesa will breed a u:oral canrer that eatf out all goodnens in tiio soul, All beliovei s recoivo of Christ's full-msp. The ' Vi'attjst saints oannot live without bim and tho wetku t sainti may live by him. High08t truth wiil not save uio fur-ther than as It brinjfs mo to 'ho Savior that lie may givo and 1 may got eter-nal life. me one han well said that while wo cannot control our circuuHtancop, yet wo o»n control what wo shall do ill tho circumstaucos. On a sun-dial which stands upon the pier at Ikighton is inscribed this most hopeful lino: " Tis always uioniing soniewhero In Mic world." It tlu.'U wouldst tin<l much favor aud pcat'o with (hul and man, be very low In thine own eyes. Forgive thyhciriittio and others much. Borrow is not soithh, but many per-sons are in sorrow entirely solllBh. It uiaki s them so Imi'ortant in their own eyes that they soem to have a claim on all that people can do for them. Tho fctontest ditllculties when over-couio by gracn divine, may be trans formnd Into stepping stones Uading upwanl to the attainment of tho per-fect Ufo.

The noiistliutioiml hariminy of ouf ayalotn la rapidly doitroyud by an uiw hoalthy liver, to oi'J.iy life regulate your liver and kidtieyfi by u«ln«( Dr. J. IF. McLean's Liver and Kldnoy Ualui. Tho lark goei< up ainging t jwarda heavon; hut If she stops the motion of iioi: wings, Ihou straightway ahe falls. Ho it is with him who prays uot, I'rayer i« the iimvement ofthe wings of tho soul; it iMjarii one lu avonward, bnt without prarur wo sink. Practice to make 0«mI thv last tlu)u«ht Ht night vyiiun thou sleopost, and thy Jlrnt thought when tho!! wak-est, so Nhail thy faiioy ha Rauetllbtd In tho night, and thy underataadlng bo txctillcd in the day, so shall thy rest bo peaceful ai d thy labors prospmi-ous. Jesus salth, "Ulcsfed are thoy that liavo not twn anil yot havn believed.' A warm heart is a satVr guld(> than a eool brain. It in nobler to bo decftlvod throui-'h ovor-trustt'ulmmH, than to bo kept from pcrfional harm through over-HuspiciuuMnoHs, Vet, an a rulf, ho who trusiH is less lluhle to bo do-reivod than lio who yields only to ov-idence which convinces his own un-dorstan<llng; lor tho impulses of a loving heart direct one moro wisely than can soltlsh calfiuhiti.ons, and tho o-thibit of such a spirit commoHdsono bettor to IkiIIi tiod and man

More CouYoiiieiit. In compllanco with tuauy urgwjt rc iaeats and lo more lully •ccotamo. date Daptlati In (he gouthorn 8tat«i the Amoricau Baptist Pnbl!o»tlo« go. clotv has decided to open a branch houHo in Atlanta, Qa.

LOCATION. For tho prosont thl« now Sunday-school supply storo will bo locateil In the uornor room, aucoud story, of Chamberlin, Johnson & Oo's. llulld-lug, Whitehall and Iluntor streets. Tho Htoio will bo roady to l)eglii business by Docombur 16, 1887. The 8o cioty ill keep at this place, as at tho parent houso,— K V K U Y T K I N O N E K D I I D 1»Y

H U N D A Y S C H U T J L S ,

Nothing makes the world seem so •paclouB as lo have fdonds at a dis-tance; they make tho latitudes and longitudes. Parent! will got rest and the baby will bo relieved from pain by using Dr. Bu i's Baby Syrup, a i.armlegs and reliable remedy. Price 25 cents There is nothing will make you Chrlstla-i Indeed, but a taste of tho iweetnf aj of Chriat "Come and eeo" will apeak best to your soul. It Monga to the nature of tho Bible thatlt was written for all men of every clime, aud for tho cxperloncocf eaoh tingle human heart Old age Is tho night of lifir, as night 8 the old ago of the day. Still, night la full of niagnlllconco; and for iHany It is moro brilliant than tho day. It la a reproach to bo in the bonds of Rin, bnt to be Id tho bonds of prison for the sake of Christ la a groat glory.

God'a aUtngth Is like a well of wa ter that never runs dry—»living well whore we oan always renew our •trengtb. . "It Is worth n thousand pounds a year to have the habit of looking on tho bright aide of thlDg9.".-/>r. JoAn-


It la when wo feel »11 broken ud and that we can on"v bring the blU to 6OA tTiat hp aava come and bo will tak« at mSa lUpWminaotiiwimtHiln,

8in may lie very ewret at tho start, and it may indin!o groa' wretchedness aftnrwartl. Tho cup of sin is sparkling a! thr top, but there is death at tho bottsm. lie that abidsth lu Christ bringeth much fruit, Ttie processes of grace reouiro time. Patient continuance In welldoing Is tho condition of inherit-ing tho largest promises of tho L O A I . In due season you shall reap Thoy that did eat manna liungered again, died at last, and, with many of tbom, Ood was not well ploat>od wnoroas thoy that feetl on Christ by faith shall never hunger, atid shall dlo no moro, and with them God will be Jhraver wdl ptea ed Charles Kiugiey has said, "If atroo is not growing, it is suro in the long run to bodying." And so are our sou Is, Iftheyaronot growing, they aro dy-ing ; it they aro uot getting bettor thoy aro getting worso.

A lady had a (avorito text which she frujuohtlv repeated, aud which WUB includ(;d in a collection she used for daily hel|»: 'Fear thou not fori am witli thca; bo not dismayed for I am thy Cod; I will strougthen theo; yea, I will uphold thee by tho right hand of my rlghtcousnees " On tho morning iho day she died it was ro-peated by her bodsldo with tho re-mark that it was the text for tbo day, when shu looked up amid hor pain and i Bsid: "is tjittt tho < xt for to day ?" o*cellont Sunday-school papers and And on being informed that it was, i i , sho roplietl: "Ob, then, I will Just go '®""" '" 'l" can send their S"(?.rrisia; g h o o ^ wm

A young man in buninPHH. who had «"nvonlont. Orders will bo just been converted to Christ, called I promptly attended to. All orders on his paator to (ell him of his strong Bi,n,,i,i v i . , de.!r to labor for tho Vaster, | ^ "ccompanied by tho money

Such as Bibles Lesson Helps, Pori-odicals, Libraries, Ilnwards and Ra-qnisitcs of all kinds, and will sell th«m at tho same ratee at which they are sold in Philwlolphla. WIIEKE TO BEND ORDERS, After Dticembor 16,1887, all schools

1" tho South wishing tlw Society's

Jamos V. 15.—"Ellas prayed earn-estly " In the original it Is, "ho pray-od In prayer," Intimating a man may be atpraysr, and vet bo a praj orloss man, not pray, aud that bocauso tho hoart l< not in It. If sorrow could over ontor hoavon, f a algh could bo hoard thoro, or If a tear oould roll down tho chook of a saint in light, It would bo for lost op-poHunitles, for time spent In neglect ofGod and duty, which might Eavo bonn spent for tho divine glory. to him through ChrUt, oan novor by any power bo separated fhtm him. ith, that Is tho groat dissolvor of all other nnions civil and natural, is so ftir from untying this, that If cl)n8u. mates it; It (sonVoya the soul into the noareat and fulloat enjoymont of Ood, who Is Its lifo, where It shall uo> imS todeslroM It were from a distance; U shall bo at tho snrlng-head. anij •hall bo wUiilQd taslowSS •TWPt

with tho vague notion that this feeling was Bomehow a cull to tho ministry. "Have you over thought," asked the pastor, "thai some men are called to make money for Christ, prodHeiy as some others aro called to proach for Christ?" It was a ncv/ way of look-ing upon a bu«iness career; and tho von UK man went back lo his storo lo ponder the duty of making monoy for Cl'rlst But. wl.yno*? MUSICAL GIFTS On- NKW Hooks. A Birthday Book of Musicians and Oomposers (It. tt oy <j»RTBODM MILL. A l.;.ok of (Ine np_i>e.»r»noo, .|uVto snU-for 8 Btr, and oonutrlnn tUe imtnMi.cIa pinouof .Tr(h hikI niunerou.4 qnotattonV In prose sndvorffl, of about TOO prominent mu-steal mnn. Hpaoos In llin bwk for every dsv bVrlSVf'frY.gll'i? «« th 1 Ohlldren's Musical Gift Book (So oonts.i 1 Is a vory tnktug little goni with plituros ana |

I and addrossod to AM. BAPTIST PUB. SOCIETY,


luv i t a t iou . Tho Society most cordially Invites all Sunday-school workers visiting Atlanta to call and see this Bunday-school supply store, Tou will Ond It a good place to leave baggago, to rest, write letters, or got what you want as Bunday-school helps. Come and 800 us. Take tho Elevator on White, hall street.

ThS' ' illtSre . fflrrb ^ GRIFnTH, Socrotary . vAniijiiiu irii m A. iO'H iaUKIOai Ijlbi ,Thoy .constitute ((nllo n llbrsry.nud are, imllvlduaity and o itteoUvoly attraoiTv KINKICL-S t'Ol'V IIOUK, A Manual of Mu»io. A oouveulont book for tosonera wltli tWe Rtwiieufofmuileplsmiy, uood prlntod wrltKxwoIsS; VALUAIILIi: I'lAMO OOMiBOTIOMH, "flfSl-'lMspHoos. I'iniM. nn*«i<.» (,i) A arnat suooew VAI.UA1II.K H O N O CULLBOTIOMH.

Ain.:Pub. Society, Atlantu, Oa. 1 29.38


wmm •Mtwn t lulnrnrii I. t>*|rh ha* r«v«laUonin Ik* worlit during Ui* iMt bitf MDturr. Not l«Mt smonK tin wondan of m.U.od «.d .,.1 0, wrk U.. "ISWSutt UitlrhofflM. P*y|llmaliui*oinamn do Ui* worki

liiiliialilo ItCHOiirce for iiii Sick. n Itmli'-r Ihn" Himnimm

I'l' H 1. V V IC« J ETA IJI. K. tt,p nowfliH wliiiout gni'iiiK, pii't-1' 7 l.rlnlll ftlllt C!>mp'l'ltl.V XIIWVC.X llH. m»tilMim i; '« lyy" /huW It nlHo i t!,i ii ''»rr>tn«a OH. JiKNUINK. wUlH. our /. II»1C « i t o J J''''

A M.iN 01' A TIIOU.SANl).

l Un, i.'iinlMK IhlM'HIH'f' ' "" The Higboe School.

FOR YOUNG LADIES. B«fil«, iJiiHll-rUiilo * Jrsartml:**- M*. MKMPIIIN. TUWft Iiirorrfiat"! with CollfgmUi I'rlvlleKtiS' Hew Biiildlnir". .. . luorrwiea Viu llliIrM, KsCPllrlH F riil(>, CstaltRUM nf iinnKtisI Intpnwtnow mady. Corr(>«|«iidfnc« tiivtti it. Aildrc st MI'fH JKNNV .M. UI«BKE, filDcltwM, > inif Mr.fn.Jjlr I noil GOLD'WATCHES FREE TO ALL! IM pabll»hcr» of Uuturvi/t. Oii' - io))ul«r IIIu• tr»(e U jomo moiilPily, lo liititi-iliioi' It liitu ut'w limiie«, BMkt thli lllHTuI Oder: Tbp iicrKoi t«Un> HI lh« longuat veriv In lli« II h!f tH'fnrflilHnuAry l&th will rocrlvt n«BtlnmHn'> WATOII worth Vh, Hnliii Uold. lliintiiiK Htem wimlor. If Oick* tw niortt thuti on* corrcft ftnuwor. the t'oond win rN«l.v« «ijMly'ii WATCH wnrth »fln. Solid (lol.l, lluntlniiCiaF, mom winder,ih« Ihlnl n «olit Wiilrh, llunllnd cMe, Htcni winder, worth tW. thi' I'liirtli n NolM Sllvnr Wntflli wnrlh T'4!>, Kaeli oftlm n«xl HO • h»nclii>ni« upvn fucit Mlvkel AVntcIt u urUi 3ln r.ool'iwMccntu wlU) )onr mmwcr for wlikh wii will inid "iMi //si««r(Ai I'och inunlh for tl nidmlw. Ilonilt h.v pAUl niitii.BllTcroritnmin. Nnuii'lliUiinpiT. Aililri'M UOVaKWIV-U I'UU. CO., UnttiuUvM. niii«».

(JIIEAT liEDUCTIOX. HcglnnlnK Willi llio i " n i-y iiiimiipr,

Tlll-J WOUKKII wl'lhorcduooil 111 |iil»o, Irnm fl"iO) n liun-ctiw) for one yci r, In S4I,0I) A UUMDItlCn roil UNI'i VKAlt, orM« ooiita n copy for "no y«nr, In rliibwo/lO crmiirc, I'liepiiiHr will ho somowlml los-•ened lu slap, amt will Imro Plotorlal llluitraltoni In onoli lituo, wltliooo.tslonBl niBBfumd, Mlwloimry Mnns, •tU'/univomal in&rost. iM , .Pi'pw nof'oU I" ilovclop iiiriitlan worksra In Hnptiit oluirchort. .J? "i'J'l?' l'«l"'rt0l>0HC«tt0rui! wlJnly kmonij flaotirt (nml Ins. •fltlsjustlho jianor fnr iim Aniilt IJii. PMtmeiit of eri>r» I'sptiHl HmiUiiy-HBluiol. ninirie ooplca, lo oonls for nii'* year. Ton wplesorniore, UmiIio nddrrM tl oont* rmili wpyiiror one year, postUHo paui. I'uuiiHlioa ™»nllily. Aildros*, Am llnptiHl rnblicnlioii 'Socicly.

"Willy "Al "O® C'lieHmit Hti ept i UOTOOWmoO vnnlilmitnn HtrBet! ' " • AvJim 0! lioooiiv. »j«ro?ti atimnTAi OA.iOOK Wliiiauall Htrest.

WOM A 1N rLUBNOK. l( l" r»lttted of Frnt'kliii that from tini wliirtnw ofbls ofllco In Plilladol. plds, lu) nniloed a int'flbftnlt!,mH»ng a nmnlKiroCotlHJia, at work on a lioiiso wticli was iieliig ererlml nearby, wh"-" bad II kind and cbeertiil snilla ibrev •ui <tnr! ho nm!. Let tho dav Im ovor BO cold, gloomy or sunleiiH, tho happy Hrnilfl ilatiottl Ilk" a sunlieftni on his islKsrttliil 'iniijtiiuftiue Mealing him one day Kfiiiiklin niim; ted to keow the Miorct of Ills eDji<titti;t .haiii)y How oJ Hplrllc. •ii's »i> H.'crct, ])octor," llio man nipliwi; ' I've u»t one of iho bout ol w:>vc!H, miO '/hoii 1 ito lo wiik hUi always glvrs mo a kind word ot on-com A(tt;ut<)ui unit a ules lii'? with lu r jiurtiiig li-le?; wtid wlicii I go Imnio kIic Ik uii>< (d iiR'til int) wllti a Biiiilc aiul u kl(<H of wt!lff)iiui; luid I lion tji if. him- t'l lie ret> . Ill ti e cveniiijif I / i 'id s» we chut nd she tms licon Ifii! ' H. inmiy lUllo lhhi|. 8 tiiiongti ill i)H)' t; i loasti llio, iliiil I ca,ii not timl H in my ii|iiid l{» (ijjcftk an uii' )•• I < • c.n! Ui glvv: an iniLiiid look'to anybody." Ai tl 1"' niikliii lulih: "VVhiit kii in-tlii' iu!', II CM, hiiih woiuan ovfr the lit'.iri i>/ iii'.i, i j nt'cii il, Mid Hiiikn it H li)u iiii n I 1 chii'iCiil ami |jii ociiio-timml 6|iciii; icMiil), ilien, A hai-Jiy nil ' , h mI 1,111(1 rtoril ( r (>;icoliiig ul'ci t . I.I U III ilioilay arc i;vor ()•.)«! iju-l>'iiL, ml tS ' li'i t '" iti i.i iiiukliig honiu liupiiy and ptai eful." llMb OK rillNGS. Ai:if uii'c I ani tiiiii It U bciirr 1)0 sick, I'loviiiltif; (JliriHi. rduuiw ii> the h tl : i'!i', aiid_ tlr« v>'s l»y t o ciir-talu" ami f. tyi, " (iMiiiag' ! I u :i ili> H ilvu ion," t'lan to l)i> luttv and •iKj' i;, ati'l never biS visiij l by Clnit. iiMV lo.'-o lioi'.veii by neutraUtv •ic well asi i.iy liobiiliiy, by \t,auti!i}.' ()i! SR we" as by driiii'.ing poisnn. An uni'i'dlltHiilo Hoi'vant sliail rh ii ncl) be |.iiii;i:tiinl an It prodiji'al son. IJiulone lit! y « ill li.iitlo our .foulc, .llllllttlull VVSH III.' (XTAOn V, l)0 lilit :MI Ollgitli' Ilrisuild ll' i ^ U III' 111 nil.I » ring iipfii) hln linger. They asKid him, •'Why tlnl yoij l)c."i<>>v hII the ill- o H1 . .11 iini' ' 1 ••.t 111 111 Oh •(.!> 11 I'l ha li, <vli.-i lit* lifcl.t is mioi'i'Mf' Ho >1 n II' 'I, Ulli''it III (it IIu' 1 iglit Ib il. I'l iiKHirii; I'l bi.iiu: light." Balv-ili'i. lo Mil' I. II ) who has 11 I rti ii e 111' bf iii; I vst without a Baviiii, bax 111' ("oiitiil of i ontl.ltMice inuuniiiKio H"; friKviin- tif ilin lost. "t)tiri>ii .1. Mi.N cH.'iir i""i the world lo save "iiini'i..." it imiin liiHUi.y doubt as to tho fno' of hi" being 'i sinner, bo may wi ll ilmibi wlietimr the 8avior wlM savti him. But if ho is c)iitl.iaiit on tliai ji'iiii', if he t.s miri> tli»t he Is not dccciv iiK hlmoelf 111 tlilnkia;{ that lio i" a biiimr, then ho ciin i.'oiiimit hltnri'If i'l "11 •isimraiuw, nothing ilotibtliig, t!i t'"'f' i vior of s'liiiuru.—

tiundoy VVDIM.

o tho I'Miicr:— I'leasii inform your readers that 1 huvo a ptvitlvo remedy tor tho above named dlfoaHO, Ity !•« tinuly uso tbmiHandH of hopeless cases have been pornianenily cnrtiii. I shall he glad to Mend two boHlcsof my remedy FIIEK to liny ol your ri adora who huvo eon-ifuinptlou if Ihey will send mo their Express and l <). address. Ue9|)r«tfiilly, T. A. SLOUUM, M. (1., IHl Pearl Bt , New y I It I »II " — p m " If llio mind is bent towards God with a "trong p-irposo, whatever bit-tor botldes It in this prooont ilfo It eoiintii Hwi'ot, all that annoys it It reckons rntt, and It longs to iiass ovon 'K , coinplctrly dONllOB to „„ „.„.., -low, tihat It may nil« nmplotoly poi-Mw itself of lU .

rOCK')nS riii.1', nun 111 iiciiimn ii" I'fw.i Uirfiuuh death, that it may oven more possess itself of Ilfo. I' bo utterly aunlbllatod bo

A « » T C S U I ) ' R I L W A | I P A P U F S

Bnit Ciia HomeOlro'e. |l«"»rke» IfepOTta rirrnctpit' tti' iwient tiomBtit of It i« Ituat tlollav's wo llalifit. h pob* alifil. Haiiii)t<> o ipiti* rrec. Alldr»M C.O. COi.KINXn,TOSOIIvtllrstl,•t.ljnls, M*. tll-.M Tfj,.-

1887 JIdliday Sxcursions.

Oil ac.i'fmiit 'of the IIollday<< a rate ol ope aud one-third faro for tho niuntl trip wllllbn *niido bi t voen sll (.tjuiions on th< GuM U"u(o (K. 0, Pt, 8 Si: a. tt.ll. K. C., B. & M, II H , K. 0 , (J. & 8. Uy.) Tickets '.vlll bn sold on Doc. 23d, 2iili and 213th and on Dac IJO'b, iUst iind Jan. lit, good for rotnrn |)«, sago until and including Jan. 31,18R8. Tills reduction will not howovor tilHily between stations where tbo I'tgulir lounii ir'p into ig 25 <"1*. or It!. H. J K. LOCK wool), G.I' &T.A ICt'isas City, Mo. J W niiitms, T. I' A . I'V lcott, Ivan. Holiday KxcurnionH

1888 Memphis Directory. ot I,«>iuliHC Bn<ilii«><M rirma. WOODS & WOODS. Agricultural Implomcnts, Wagous, Buggies and liamess. aa2 Seexmd Street Eaglo Boiler Works.

SHEA & MCCARTHY. Manufacturers,stationary and Marino lkiiler>4, Oil and VVator Tanks, Itreccliiiig. SniokeBtaeks, Heavy I'laio Irt-ii Work of every descrip-tion Special attention paid to plan> tatiou work. 140 to 141 Vfonl Ntreet. VVOODItUFF & OLIVEB Huggies, Carriages,

Wagons, Harness and ^iaddlery. 378 to 380 Front Street EVEB'rSON & CO. MsBenil Coiuniissiou Merchants. aOI frout StrMt. tipecial Attention given to Ooneign monts, Koferonch; Goi tnaii lUnk, Moinphis. JUSTICE & CO. SiioMiiitori lo H. Brooki A Co. (Joniniission Merchants And Dftlrrs in Feed, Produce, Garden and Field Seeds. •<0, II lleaU St.. M.mphli, Tann. TaltpbeiM He. Ml

R.H.W. GODWIN. Dry Goods, Notions, Et«., NEW AND DESIRABLE GOODB AT WIDE-AWAKE P B I O E B . aalu Ntr M.'


P R A H GIN GO. lUO J'OPLAa MTh MKMf UIB, tbmii. ManniMttmn of Uia !UT7mOLVil(l-IIAB«il,rilliyill IIDIIIIIl.

iMi tn Imi llnia ami nowdliBSt hXiJV.""''**'"-®"*' »«

A book, *• Row to Obtain Patmita'* wiiii csunty, or town, a*ut free. Artawia ' opi>oaiu rateat omeS! wgt^nf ffl!

e Sea

Menken Company 371,873,375,377 and 371» yfain Street.

MEMPHIS. Tbo Largest House iti tho South 1 Wholesale and retail dry goodf notions, shoos, clothing, inlllenry oloaks, '

OARIKTS AND QUE ENS W ARK Wo sell every article worn bv Tfian, woman and oblldron, and tbt materials to make them. Every article warranted up t? tbi hlghett standard of exoollence, and sold at prices as low as U eonsUtect with fair dealing and good quality Merchants who do not visit tht city should send us a trial order — those who comc t j Menphls should call and ace our wonderful establish ment. Hotels, housekeepers and fatulllo' «hould send for our catalogue— mailed free. We are solo agenU for Dattrlok't ".elebrated pattern and llall't Bazaar dresa forms.

RASBVILLI CHAmNOOOH 4 8T. miHl •teKmmia'Hoate ThoqnlokMttoaUpo'n'a In Middle,Tenn., and n«r Famoas Bnnimer K««ortH and the lending Untvenltlea and ColleuM ol Uio Btate. The best Rout* to Atlanta, Maooo, Jack-viot Ilin, and the Florid* Onutge Belt. Via Itriavoi, mouwunuj nuiiviK. i Via. UoKanate and Otiattanoos<u Our SpeciaUles TttMimti Wlilcti hive run fw yeaw ovor this route bo iweeu AtUnta. ,ni»iiiu>oo«a, MashTlUe, UemphU and UtU* Book, qVICK TIMB ByrMuwn of perfbot trotUnf-stofk. rook. ballMted, flak-burred traok «du good sonnee* qi;iOK:TiiiiB tMW RATES RATE! Bewtueorourlmmeuse bostneM. FaelU-between Ohattenooga. Atlanta and liOuUvilte. „ Two Ualna datv between Naalivtlla, Uem-ntala and tbe WeeV boniiMtloiia OIoM, Uh w re. And'mSSe "lla'all anion <t«poti.'''9brongb aleeim on aU nlgbttraioa. Varlor oan on

TOOF & c 6 : S t e a m P r i n i e r s y L TH0QRAPHER8,

Blank BooklSanufftoturers Qtimm


. . .

. i l ' - f 16

I t U l i P J I I S AbKAI fUi . yro l)RV« (u M«iu|?blH flvd •iyliiina,

In W h H (hroii hnnilretl orpbinft* Qulten oiuubor of our poopio, women »nd mon, ara mtking oarnoal and auo-cflsifnl. affiHTtc to btTa overy ona of thobo uubtrinnato ouo'a boartr obedrod oil our groat annqal boUdty^ I t is a good work. ^'Tho poor ye have iil« way* with you, atid as oft aa ye will yo may do th«m good."

Last Thorsday Uov. Honry Pcaraoa a colored Baptist prcacbsr, was ar-rested for stoaltug twelve dollars from a lady's bureau drawer. He was pre* parlng^fj) go to conduct religloas ser-vice when arreeted by the of&wr. It has been so that there have h-ieit honest oonfessors of Christ since tbe, day that Ananias and Bspphira con« spired to defraud the L->rd and their brethren, and so tlio way of the Loni Is evil 8i)oken of. Eld. Posrson con fossod bia guilt.

There will bo an olc«Hon of two members of the School Board, two members of tho Boanl of Public WorltB, and one monibor of the Board of Fire and Pollcc C'oninilasionerB, in January. A good deal is being said aliout oandidatcs. TLto Gorman popu-lation wa)it a moUibor in tho Hohool Board as also do the Negroes. The Utter oflor to coaloaco \»Uh any party who will support their man. The Ledger 8iye: " T h e School Board badly needs m overhauling. No poll ticlan should bo admitted to member ship." To elcct a man on account of his race or nationality is equivalent to electing one on account of political atmiatlon or standing.

A charter has beon granted the Wellford Manufacturing Company, which proposes to manufacture bar rels, etc.

The l)Ox manufacturing Interest of Memphis Is getting to bo Immense. The South and West aro largely sup-plied from here.

The Prospect Park and Belt railway companies are about to consolidate,

r Tho object Is to establish an immense l^ark on the river front, to be known as Riverside, at a cost of thirt) •five thousand dollars, including a hotol.

In tho show*window of J . J . Miles's dragitore, Main street, may bo seen three ar four huge piles of gold, silver and copper bullion bricks. This but Hon is the flnt output of tl.o Hum boldt mino«, New Mexico, which ara owned by a company here. The com-pany thinks it has a valuable mining field, and expects soon to be able to reallie a net profit of six hundred dollars a day for an indefinite time.

D. P. Hadden, president of the T a * Ing District, has filed a reply in chan eery to the bill of tho attorney general, charging him with malfeasanco in offlca. From his reply It seeins be will be able to prove himself Innocent of. tbe things charged against him. 80 may he b« for the honor both of bimseiraa a man and of our munici-pal government.

The holidays are rapidly approach-ing, Indeed will bo hero by tho time thla la read. Never were greater preparations made In our elty for dolnnUii Immente business during the hoUdays season. A city paper aayas ' 'An nntamed heathen walking along tbealreetaeonld wall divine that K m * atisyloloua eT«nt WM ntu i t

M J B 4 I X I 8 3 L

lU rapwlor wmllooiK, nrovon In udUloiM of bonm ormor» Oi«u «diMu1»rol« cintuw. U U UWMI by h. Ifultrt 8l»fe» OoTeroiMiU. Kndnriml by th»

BMi HwIJfchiL nr. PrlMl* Ui« baking M Atutm Ik^t A

tor th* . M.^Mni»ijjfchi „., ^ HbvMw <»«>• iMl emfln AoimonU, Unioor AIIIB. S*II| ont* la U«M.

I ' R I C L U A K I N U r o w Q R J T C O . mw To«i« (UIIOAOA. *r. Lovt*.

Cuticura A POSIT IVE C U R E for^V^ryforiTi of S H m a n d B l o o d - ^ D i s ^ a s ^

- ^ f r o m PlflPUEStoScROFUIA

..N TUKTUKKH o r H lltellme iniitaiilly rallevMl by a warm butli with ootloura

BMP, » ro»IHklD Ueaiitlfler. arc! N HP-pllcsHon of Cut toara, the are«t Skin cure.

repottted dhUjr, will two. r(hr»eilf.Be« otcailoura ll(«oiy<!nt, tb« NPW Blood l'url> fler, to keep th« blood cool, tlio p«niplrnt|nn |>tir« aid iinlrrlutingi tb*] bowoinopen, tbe Myeraud kidney*«olTv«, will •l ewlfly onro

Kctetnn, tetter, rlii««rorin. peorlBiln.ftohon, prurilM, Bcali head, tliindlnff, wul oTery spo-S'JTI tortnrlnB, dunBivrlnK, UOIIIUK, »only nnd pimiily dlnearoa of the tikin mid IU HIP with loM of li»lr, wbeu phyalflluiiM and aU kuoirnremedleafcll.

hand; aa ha saw the almuiit number-leas throng of people who crowd into the atoie*^ or stand outaide fbasUng their eyi s oh the numorons beaullHul and presentable artloles wbloh aro uo tastefully arranged in them." I t la nearing Christmas, tho trappiest and gladdcbt day of tbe yenr. Preparations (or Us celebration commcnee weeks before Us arrival. It is the established time to givo and receive tokens of frlondshlp. Memphis peoplo always glvo Christmas day a generons rteog* nltlon. Whether this Christmas will bo any merrier than former ones is yet lo be seen; but the prosperity of the peoplo, high and low, and the abundant supplies of every kind ot pleasing and desirable article whlcti merchants and shop-keepers have piled close and high on shelves broad and tall, Indhjato that It will be one of gladsome onjoyment to thousands of peoplo who aro blessed with loving friends. May hearts be choored, sor-rows forgot and friendships and love Inoreaaed and strenglhenerl.

PLKS, tilaokhpRd", cbnppwl «"d oily •kin prevented by CuUrura JHHUOHUHI

— ^mj mm ^ ^ mm Mi • • ^ ^ To <-nro cMtlvoneM* «he inodl Iplne mnat inaaeat. It mnai contBlu T o n l o , A l t e r a t i v e a n d

C a t h a r t i c P r o p e r t i e s .

Speedily Restore to ihe bowein their iiMtnal perlntaltte ittottoii, Nv MMoiitinl to rc»ul»»Uy.

S o l d Z U r A r y w h e r e .

IXHAUSTED VITALITY. A Omu MedloiU WMTk n»» Y « i m aiul

BIM4IWA««4 U e a .

n o w niYSEir.-AIer« TkM Oa« minMS OsflM M4L

nwfc«iD.tnar. i w .

tb* M M M k M enoMv^ OaaMmMvtm, nlalwlMcniMMMi] Moduw, (bn



OhrlBtmas lia* 001110 Rgiiln at lauti Oh 11 hni boon MO lonV, so Jonif,

BInoo wc hixl our luat CUrlstmoal Twel vo lotiB montba Uavo conic and goiitn

It Boetnod twouhl never como OKaiu: 1 thought the year hud Kono to sleop.

Ho dld't know how It vexed my mind Or ho'd iH'on hero at one big leap.

Hut now he's hero I'll hold him fast: I will not lot him go.

He shall not got awuy go fa^t When ho has ooino HO BIOW.

Ho coinoB and marks niy little brow, Amlsayfi, Another year,my lltUolrlend.

I ortu't Blay longer with )ou now: Next year I'll (jome a^aln.

Why won't ho stay all through tho year r Ho knows wo like hlin Jolly well.

One day ho brings UH all gnotl oheor, And then goes home to dwell,

lie's leaving now. He's gone! I hoard him bang tho door,

I'll oount tho days ono by one — H\it ho may oomo to mo no more.

R N e y m ^ f l s i i i rt to «« w t o W i t f c a i U w t BoodHi Hs-.

SAPartUa baa provim au UwaiuaWB rcmX In many soT«re «a«iM et riwimutUstiL «ffe«u tog romarkable etuea by Its powertul aetiw ta oortMUng the acidity at tho blued, wiu^ Is the cause at the dUoaso. tod partNin. and qnrhihliMt tlie vttal OiUd.

It iM cfHaUtHt f a i e . l o amtm Hat what Ilood'i Banapartlla hos done for oUiert it wIU do Cor you. 'HieteCoro, u you .uBw the pntns ivnd aohsa at rtwwmnHsm. BIYO tbis potent nnwdy (HMr tdaL

AIMatttvvCaMp waa uoti>te4 voty muAwtth tbattmit.

t«m tn my hips, anatos, M wrtiti. i eeuid hardly and vsweooaMd to my bed a aood 4aal tbe wmi a i ^ ho. emmeixloil to try Bqed'i e a t s u a ^ i took tgov bottles and aui perdaotly mu, I QbeertuUy roeuounend Oooil's Sanapartiia as ono Qt tiio best bloo(|L vuitown to uio wotUL* Wi 9. ^oQit, DloeiutDcuin, lu.

SXw Teranty Toara IhavelwooamiotcdvlUittuwnaUiiq, Sdbra i8a3ltomidiioteUQt,btt)grevwort^ lUim began taking Hoed'a Baiu^wtUa, «iu| u did mo tnoro good than all the other uodloino i OTorhad." IL T. lUMOK, Bmiloy, itau.

" I soOotod trom what tho doctors ooJicd mutetdair rbooinattam. Z took naod'i 8«u<-iaparlila and am oath«ly o m ^ " J , T. A. rnovnrooT, letter e a ; ^ , QtUosgo, lu.

'^e ibaU be glad te send, tteo o( ohorKn to aU who may desire, atiook oootatnUigiiumj additional ibvteoenta <4 cores by

H o o d ' s S a r s a p a r l l l a Bold by aU frtigglstik Hi lU tor|& Hade onlyb70.I.SOOO « OX. Lnroll, ICStt. 100 Dote* One Dollar.

T o i i f i i M j f ^ ^

, Baltimore, tJ nn d Bast Baltlraore Street.

M u s i c a l N u g g e t s .

» • T ' ^ ? . ' " ' ' p e o p l e who want to tsllall they know at ono sitting; they pour forth such a mans of words that It weighs upon one like an ava-lancho and we are sometimes glad to escape from hearing. There are others who know but lUUe and harp upon the one string of their melody until It becomes monotone most monotonous. There Is another class who can aeldct what Is best to say at the right time; deliver no more than enough, and gratify us with a portent picture of the completMioss ot their message, thus showing that they aro mast^s of their suWects, and not, like a man ll »underlng In tho sea, tliat their sub-

lets aro masters of thnm.

T lut i t — i c t i Via l tor . A . " ? , ! ? * ! " * ? ! " " ' ' ' i n m U i l r for the uiwirf

TIM) MtoBi f o f B a n g o r .

I *Hmif0. raiendM ••ttlnnnf HooiiM T Y M J J L M A I * V O L M B O O L E W

at«K»era • o p m n o •ongn* An siLArmuMi oolleotlon of Uie very ^ t soprsno »r5R)lo{h ^ ^ oempoeeie. By msU. U.WUJiii

I Oo«pel Mynmii COiukiUdMtcd. S?.'?!!^'" SMJllon tmnuina all tbowonlii nnd music »ot». extra for poetace.

A Mttmioai c a i o t i t f a r Iter ig88 .

AH ot the above a ^ t o ^ l e by MMIO Dealon

I T i l JOHIOHURON 00M0lRdii i i i t l ,0. And tff last lOih H , Nsw Ysrfc Oily.

1 the

" A better article It Is Impossible to get, sir, I havo tried them all, an J un-hesitatingly pronounce Dr. Bull 's | Cough Syrup superior to any." (E*o.) I

The old story i - T r l v l a l symptoms were neglected untU rheumatism bo-eame established, whereas all the suf. ferlng could havo been prevented by tho prompt use of Salvatloa Oil. S0 etnta.



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