Wyse.com Wyse Thin OS Technical Training May 2007 ThinkThin Deploying Thin OS with Terminal Server.

wyse.com Wyse Thin OS Technical Training May 2007 ThinkThin Deploying Thin OS with Terminal Server

Transcript of Wyse.com Wyse Thin OS Technical Training May 2007 ThinkThin Deploying Thin OS with Terminal Server.

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Wyse Thin OS Technical Training

May 2007

ThinkThinDeploying Thin OS with Terminal Server

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• Introducing the S10 and V10L• Management of Wyse Products• Live Demonstration of implementing Wyse Thin

OS• New Wyse Thin OS 5.2 features• Scenario based examples of deployment• Technical details and gottcha’s• Setting up Linux• Additional Information

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Wyse Thin OS Current Hardware Product Line

Wyse Thin Wyse Thin



Simple optimized thin client for fast rollout



• Minimal install required (1 Minute Install)• Ideal Appliance to replace legacy PC’s running SBC• Very Small Footprint – (512KB – 2MB Image)• Unique Wyse OS (not Linux or Windows)• Stateless device• Fastest ICA/RDP Terminal on the Market• USB Only or Legacy Option Available• Integrates with many connection brokers for VDI• Simple text file management• Multi-media support soon


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Winterm V10L and S10Wyse Thin OS (formally Blazer)

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How are Wyse products managed?

  WTOS CE Linux XPe



Configuration deployment Yes  Yes No Yes Yes No No No

Imaging Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes

Software updates /add-ons N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes

Customers have multiple options for performing integral Customers have multiple options for performing integral functions of functions of

device managementdevice managementXPe only platform where WDM (Rapport) becomes mandatoryXPe only platform where WDM (Rapport) becomes mandatory

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When Is Wyse Thin OS Right?

• Simple, easy to mange• Users who want to login and work with no fuss• Limited peripheral support needed

– No USB floppy or CDROM (USB memory is OK on 5.2)

– USB printers (with standard USB:001 interface)– Parallel and serial printers (point of sale)– Many driverless USB, Serial, PS2 barcode scanners

• Users who need fast booting high performance ICA and RDP sessions

• Integration with VDI connection brokers• ThinPrint deployments (via TCP, ICA or RDP channels)

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WTOS in Depth – Live demo

• WTOS is THE thin client, best TCO and easiest to implement.

• New features on WTOS 5.2 include– Citrix Secure Gateway support via PNagent lite– Windows print server support– Multi farm support in PNagent lite– Updated Thin Print support– Enhanced wnos.ini support via ftp, http or https– Improved time zone support– Smooth Roaming– USB memory disk mapping and Smart Cards

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WTOS Simple boot process

WTOSPowers on and boots WTOS OS

Requests DHCP

address, reads DHCP Options tags

Customs tag point’s device to FTP server to default directory /wyse/wnos

WTOS check's for required filesA. firmwareB. wnos.iniC. Bitmap

If firmware is older then on device, it will update itself and restart the process

If firmware is current then reads wnos.ini file which sets connections information, background etc

WTOS is now at either ICA or RDP logon screen and ready to work

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WTOS - Deployment

• Follow these steps to deploy any WTOS thin client– Prepare management server, either Rapport,

FTP server or Connection Broker– Prepare network with DHCP option tags– Create a wnos.ini file to configure the Thin


• Note; for testing a static IP may be assigned to the terminal and the ftp path manually set to a test ftp server

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WTOS Deployment – Scenario 1 ftp only

• In this scenario we look at deploying WTOS in a simple environment via ftp

• This is suitable for easy deployment or when deployment without Rapport is required

Advantages Disadvantages

Read only ftp server required

No reporting

Simple to mange, easily scales

Only supports limited configurations

Easy to implement

Does not scale to complex configuration

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WTOS Deployment – Scenario 1 ftp only

• Prepare management server

For this deployment we need a ftp server with anonymous, read only access.

Any type of ftp will do:

Windows FTP


Cisco Routers

In this example we will be using Microsoft FTP installed to C:\inetpub\ftproot

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WTOS Deployment – Scenario 1 ftp only

• Prepare network with DHCP option tags– Create a 161 and 162 option tag in the DHCP

scope the terminal will be in.– These are custom options and will have to be

created in the DHCP server– Option 161 is the IP address of the ftp server– Option 162 is the path to the wnos folder– If the path “/” is used then WTOS will

automatically append /wyse/wnos– If the path is /mypath then WTOS only appends


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WTOS Deployment – Scenario 1 ftp only

• Prepare the Network - Microsoft DHCP server example

Step 11. Right-click My

Computer and select Manage

2. Expand Servers and Applications

3. Highlight DHCP and click Action | Set Predefined Options

You should now be looking at the

Predefined Options and

Values screen

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WTOS Deployment – Scenario 1 ftp only

• Prepare the Network - Microsoft DHCP server example

Step 21. click Add 2. Type the code

value3. Click OK

Repeat the actions for the

162 tag

Wyse ftp server

Wyse ftp server directory

You can now add the option tags to your DHCP scope

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WTOS Deployment – Scenario 1 ftp only

• Create a a wnos.ini file to configure the Thin Client

privilege=high lockdown=no <- Global parameters signon=2autoload=1Resolution=1024x768desktop=asia.jpg Layout=center

connect=ica \ <- Programmable parametersicon=ica.bmp \description=“My Desktop" \localcopy=yes \browserip=CTXSVR01:8080 \host=melapps2 \httpbrowsing=yes \reconnect=0 \fullscreen=yes \autoconnect=0

This is a sample of a simple Citrix

published desktop

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WTOS Deployment – Scenario 1 ftp only

• Copy the wnos.ini to the C:\inetpub\ftproot\wyse\wnos folder

• The terminal should now automatically configure when put on the network!

• Trouble Shooting– FTP path errors are most common, check the

terminal system log for path– Check system log for parameter statement

errors– Parameter statements always have a “\” at the


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WTOS Deployment – Scenario 2 Rapport Workgroup

• In this scenario we look at deploying WTOS in a large centralised environment

• This is suitable for deployment in large LAN environments with one central configuration to all devices

Advantages Disadvantages

Provides asserting and greater control

Greater complexity to set up

Suits large, single configuration deployments

Will not provide more than one configuration

Allows to scale later with Enterprise licences

Requires investment in server equipment

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WTOS Deployment – Scenario 2 Rapport Workgroup

• Prepare network with DHCP option tags– Create a 186 option tag in the DHCP scope the

terminal will be in.– This is an option tag that tells wyse terminals

the ip address of the WDM (Rapport) server– This is custom option and will have to be

created in the DHCP server– We DO NOT need the 161 & 162 tags– You can set a 187 tag to define a port if WDM

is not on port 80

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WTOS Deployment – Scenario 2 Rapport Workgroup

• Prepare the Network - Microsoft DHCP server example Step 1

1. Right-click My Computer and select Manage

2. Expand Servers and Applications

3. Highlight DHCP and click Action | Set Predefined Options

You should now be looking at the

Predefined Options and

Values screen

*After adding the option tag add option to the thin clinet DHCP scope

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WTOS Deployment – Scenario 2 Rapport Workgroup

• Prepare the Network – Install Rapport server– From the Preferences tab in rapport tick the Enable Return

FTP/INI At Checkin box

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WTOS Deployment – Scenario 2 Rapport Workgroup

• Create a a wnos.ini file to configure the Thin Client privilege=None lockdown=yes


connect=RDP \description="Click to Logon..." \Domainname=melapps2 \Experience=1111 \icon=RDP.bmp \domainname=ica \host=melapps2 \Command="C:\Progra~1\Intern~1\IEXPLORE.EXE -k" \Directory=C:\windows \Fullscreen=Yes \Colors=High \autoconnect=1 \UserName=demo \Password=demo \LocalCopy=no

This is a sample of a dedicated

RDP application

in Kiosk mode

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WTOS Deployment – Scenario 2 Rapport Workgroup

• Copy the wnos.ini to the C:\inetpub\ftproot\Rapport\wnos folder

• The terminal should now automatically configure when put on the network!

• Trouble Shooting– FTP path errors are most common, check the

system log for path– Check system log for parameter statement

errors– Parameter statements always have a “\” at the

end except for the last line in the connect statment

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WTOS Deployment – Scenario 3 Rapport Enterprise

• In this scenario we look at deploying WTOS in a large scale environments

• This is suitable for deployment in large complex LAN/WAN environments with cental control over all devices

Advantages Disadvantages

Provides full control of all devices

Greater complexity to set up

Suits large, complex configuration deployments

Greater knowledge to manage

Allows automated managed release of firmware

Requires investment in server equipment

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WTOS Deployment – Scenario 3 Rapport Enterprise

• Prepare Network– Use 186 option tag as in last scenario– Ensure ftp preferences are set in Rapport

• We will be using a feature called Default Device Configuration (DDC) to deliver different whos.ini files

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WTOS Deployment – Scenario 3 Rapport Enterprise

• Create a a wnos.ini file to configure the Thin Client

This is a sample of

using PNlite to publish


privilege=high lockdown=nosignon=1autoload=0MaxVNCD=2resolution=1024x768fullscreen=1 SEAMLESS=yes PnliteServer= DomainList=MELAPPS2

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WTOS Deployment – Scenario 3 Rapport Enterprise

• We will now use a Rapport script to import the wnos.ini file into Rapport. Creation of scripts will not be covered here

1. Create Group Types, i.e. “Citys”, “Divisions”

2. Create Views, i.e. “View by City” -> City

3. Switch view in Device manager, i.e. “View by City”

• DDC applies images to views so we create a view in WDM first under Configuration - Views

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WTOS Deployment – Scenario 3 Rapport Enterprise

• Default Device Configuration\New -> Default Device Configuration:

• Media Size for 1200LE = 0, for S10 and 1125 = 16 (and WNOS.INI -> ImageSize=16)

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WTOS Deployment – Scenario 3 Rapport Enterprise

• Trouble Shooting

– FTP path errors are most common, check the system log for path

– Check system log for parameter statement errors

– Check Scripts for Image size– Apply to correct Rapport view– Existing scripts may be modified from the

ftproot\rapport directory

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WTOS Do’s and more Do’s

• Always look with WTOS, this product rocks!• Do use the wnos.ini file to control WTOS, even if its

only a few.• If possible use the DHCP option tags to configure• Cisco routers can host the DHCP server and NTP

server• Do brand the terminal with wallpaper, screen saver• Client side time support is available if wanted.• Decide on PNagent or Published desktop – not mixed• Do use the user ini file for admin mode if using

PNagent• Point PNagent to the Citrix Data Collector or Citrix

Secure Gateway (CSG) PNagent site• 5.2 can use http/https rather that ftp!

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WTOS Gottcha’s

• Citrix PS4 has changed the PNagent web site In order to configure it you simply need to edit the following fields in

C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Citrix\PNAgent\conf\webinterface.conf with the following information. So long as the edits are made to the

ClientAddressMap that specifies to use “SG” or not, Program Neighborhood Agent get’s the correct info and it connects fine.



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WTOS Gottcha’s

• In some poor networking environments you can tune the MTU size. This can be done from the wnos.ini file

• The confgen utility can generate wnos.ini files for you• The WTOS will append /wyse/wnos to the ftp server

path by default, no need to add this to the DHCP option– Option tag 161 = <ip of ftp server>– Option tag 162 = /– Real path to file is c:\inetpub\ftproot\wyse\wnos

• Connect statements can not have spaces after the \ and the last line in a connect statement has no backslash.

• Check the system log on the terminal for errors when setting up new deployments

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Linux – similar deployment more features

• The good news is Wyse Linux offers the same text file management as WTOS

• Enhanced peripheral and application support– Smart cards– USB drives, CDROMS, Floppy drives– VPN clients– Firefox and Terminal emulation– Slower boot time and much larger firmware

• DDC and Imaging is not the same as WTOS• Good path for WTOS users who need added

features and strong ICA performance (much better than Windows CE)

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Additional Information

• Complex WTOS deployments can be handled from Rapport, but Rapport is not a requirement

• www.wyse.com – Official web site• www.freewysemonkeys.com – Community web

site. Free Wyse stuff and WTOS/DDC configurations samples!

• If logging a call with Wyse support include a copy of your wnos.ini file and details of the server environment.

• New V10L just released, will support many new features.

• The 188 DHCP option tag is used with connection brokers

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Wyse Thin OS Technical Training

May 2007

ThinkThinDeploying Thin OS with Terminal Server