WYOMUN III F i re an d Bl o o d : T h e T arg aryen Resto rati o n · 2019-10-30 · WYOMUN III F i...

WYOMUN III Fire and Blood: The Targaryen Restoration 1

Transcript of WYOMUN III F i re an d Bl o o d : T h e T arg aryen Resto rati o n · 2019-10-30 · WYOMUN III F i...

Page 1: WYOMUN III F i re an d Bl o o d : T h e T arg aryen Resto rati o n · 2019-10-30 · WYOMUN III F i re an d Bl o o d : T h e T arg aryen Resto rati o n Dear Delegates, Greetings,

WYOMUN III Fire and Blood: The Targaryen Restoration


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WYOMUN III Fire and Blood: The Targaryen Restoration

Table of Contents

Table of Contents……………………………………………………………...2

Letter from the Committee Point-Person………...………….……………...3



The Committee………………………………………………………………...5

Background Information.……………………………………………………...7

Armies, Alliances, and the Current Situation………..……………………..11

Topics of Debate………………………………...……..……………………..15

Delegate Positions……………………………...……..……………………..16


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WYOMUN III Fire and Blood: The Targaryen Restoration

Dear Delegates, Greetings, and welcome to Fire and Blood: The Targaryen

Restoration. You’re in luck, as you’ve found yourself in the undisputed best crisis committee at WYOMUN III. What, you may ask, justifies such a bold claim? The answer lies in simple statistical science. After all, F&B is the committee with both the most dragons per capita and the highest rate of covert assassination. Aside from that, look forward to engaging debate, analytical problem solving, and good ol’ fashioned war games. What’s not to love!

I suppose I should tell you a bit about myself. As a senior this year, this is all very bittersweet for me. I’ve been a part of WYOMUN since it’s inaugural year back in 2014, and it’s been a very full three years since then! I’ve watched the conference grow and develop, all the while being stunned with the creativity and capabilities of delegates. Returning delegates may remember me as the Crisis Director for the Defense of the Motherland committee at WYOMUN II; this year, I’ll serving as your Crisis Director in this committee, as well as the conference’s Chief of Staff.

When not debating in Model UN or writing nostalgic yet vaguely relevant Background Guide letters, I participate in a few other extracurricular activities. I am: a member of Wyoming’s Academic Team, an editor and writer for the school newspaper, a boy scout, a mediocre tennis player, and a slightly less mediocre actor.

But enough with all that about me. Delegates, I hope you all feel as excited about the coming conference as I do. All summer, the staff and I have been working diligently towards crafting a truly remarkable experience of debate, problem solving, and intrigue. Even if you’re not a Game of Thrones fan, I’m confident you’ll love what the staff and I have put together for you over the past few months. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me by email ([email protected]) or by phone (513-633-6643). I am very honored to be serving as your Crisis Director. I’m also very honored if you actually read this whole mess of a letter. Either way, I can’t wait to see you all this October! Valar morghulis , David Easton Chief of Staff Crisis Director of Fire and Blood: The Targaryen Restoration


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WYOMUN III Fire and Blood: The Targaryen Restoration

Preface to the Committee As the subject of this committee, is rather unusual, it is important to note the following

information before beginning the research and preparation process.

- While the Game of Thrones books and television show are subjects for more mature audiences, nothing in this committee will be graphic or explicit to a level that would violate a PG-13 rating. Being a war cabinet committee with a martial subject matter, violent subject matters will be addressed, but no graphic imagery will be shown and battle descriptions will be kept general. Yes, characters will die, but this is Game of Thrones; that tends to happen. No sexual content beyond arrangement of diplomatic marriage and questions regarding noble parentage will be included in this committee. We’ll be focusing more on the conflict, conquest, scheming, and dragons and less on the taboo topics. In short, the committee subject will be in no way more or less appropriate for high school audiences than the typical Model UN committee.

- The Song of Ice and Fire universe is very extensive. With over 4,200 pages written in the

current five books and 60 hours of television in the HBO series, the subject has enough depth of details to function with the same depth of any reality based Model UN committee. Despite this wide lore-base, however, delegates need not be Game of Thrones fans or fanatics to successfully participate in the committee. All foundational information necessary for delegates can be found in the Background Guide. Delegates seeking a deeper understanding of the Game of Thrones universe represented in this committee should study the provided Context Guide. This document describes in fuller detail the history, geography, and culture of the Game of Thrones world, without needing to read the books or watch the show.

- Due to the divergent plot lines in the Game of Thrones show and books, this committee

will run according to a slightly hybridized timeline. Events will primarily be based off the HBO television series (beginning at the conclusion of Season 6, Episode 10) and borrow events from the book storyline. This information can be found in the Background Guide and in greater detail in the Context Guide. Finally, due to this unique interpretation, the committee staff retains the final word on disagreements regarding lore and topic matters.

- Although this topic is not grounded in reality, the rules and procedure of committee shall

not be altered from the model of a factually based committee. Delegates are expected to behave with the same maturity and composure expected in any other Model UN debate setting.

- This committee will contain spoilers about the plot and characters of the Game of

Thrones show and book. Sorry about that.

Now, without further ado, on with the Background Guide!


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WYOMUN III Fire and Blood: The Targaryen Restoration

––——————–—— Introduction —————–——–—– Three hundred years ago, a capable young man landed upon the shores of

Westeros with three fearsome dragons and a dream of greatness. After a great war, he united the realm under his rule, rising as king upon an Iron Throne forged from the swords of his defeated foes. For generations his line, House Targaryen, oversaw a diverse and prospering realm of lords, vassals, knights, and commoners.

Twenty years ago, all this changed. After years of simmering, tensions and feuds amongst the great lords of the realm erupted into insurgency. Leading the revolt was the virile young Lord Robert Baratheon. The old dynasty, once unrivaled in strength, had grown weak over time. Kings had grown more cruel and mad as the years passed, and over generations of domesticity the dragons faded to extinction. Thus, the Targaryens fell from the Iron Throne. The remaining members of the family were butchered by the forces of the usurper, except for one fugitive princess.

The fugitive girl grew up meek and scared in a distant land, running from the reaching knives of the false king. As the years passed, her circumstances changed. She grew older, stronger, and wiser. As she grew, so did the dragons she somehow resurrected from stone.

Now, the girl has not only grown into a capable young woman. She has gathered one of the greatest and most diverse military forces ever assembled. She has enlisted advisors and generals from all walks of life and all types of expertise. She has brought back the ancestral beasts of her family to the sky. Against legions of enemies and newer, more sinister threats, she will land again on the shores of Westeros with a dream of greatness. She will the Iron Throne of her ancestors that is her birthright.

Her name is Daenerys Targaryen, and she shall be Queen.

————————— The Committee ————————— Committee Rules

- The subject of this committee is the restoration of the Targaryen dynasty to the Iron Throne of the Seven Kingdoms. This involves installing Daenerys Targaryen I as Queen of all Westeros.

- The topics of debate for this committee are: Restoration of the Targaryen Monarchy, Stability and Cultural Conflict in Westeros, and Winter has Come. These topics are outlined in further detail near the end of the present document.

- The committee shall follow parliamentary procedure of debate and the operative language of the committee will be English.

- In concordance with debate, actions of this committee shall be conducted through written directives sent to the Crisis Director. Directives must be signed by the author, and will be


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WYOMUN III Fire and Blood: The Targaryen Restoration

accepted from a single delegate (personal), multiple delegates (joint), or from the entire body (committee).

- The Fire & Blood committee at WYOMUN III is based off the world chronicled in George R.R. Martin’s series of novels, A Song of Ice and Fire and the HBO original television series Game of Thrones . For the sake of efficiency and standardization, the committee administration reserves the right to serve as arbiter in the case of disagreement over lore interpretation.

Committee Expectations

- Delegates are expected to behave maturely and professionally.

- Delegates are expected to gather a working understanding of their position. This information can be gathered from the present document, the provided Context Guide, or the other external resources.

- News travels slowly in a iron-age world, and many secrets exist in the lands of Westeros. Delegates should remain cognizant of this fact when acting in committee.

- Consider what information their position would know and disregard what they would not know in order to successfully represent their position.

- This can also be considered as an advantage, as little is known of the Restoration Army in Westeros at this point.

Committee Structure What: The committee shall operate as the high war cabinet of advisors and allies sworn to

restore Queen Daenerys Targaryen to the Iron Throne of the Seven Kingdoms. In addition to this primary objective, delegates will will be tasked with ensuring stability and security in the realm in the face of threats new and old.

Who: Delegates will represent a variety of characters from the world of Game of Thrones, united under the dragon banner of House Targaryen. Despite this common goal, the positions represent very different cultures and interests. These contrasts threaten to raise tensions and sectarian conflicts between the committee factions that may challenge the success of the committee as a whole.

Where: This committee will be primarily set in the continent of Westeros in the world of Game of Thrones. As the committee begins, the invasion force has just sailed into the region, arriving in the narrow sea off the south-eastern tip of the continent.

Who: This committee is set on the dawn of the 304th year after Aegon Targaryen’s landing in Westeros (AL). In other words, this is right where season six of the HBO Original Series


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WYOMUN III Fire and Blood: The Targaryen Restoration

Game of Thrones concludes. At this time, a winter projected to be several years long has just begun.

How: Delegates should represent the interests, loyalties, and cultural background of their position realistically. Through debate and directives, delegates should focus on collaboration, strategic thinking, and pragmatism to achieve success on the personal and collective levels.

–—––———— Background Information —–––————

Queen Daenerys I of House Targaryen The central figure of this committee is Daenerys Targaryen, rightful queen of the

Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. Her claim to the throne is descendent from her distant ancestor Aegon Targaryen, who used his three mighty dragons to bring the continent to its knees three hundred years ago. In spite of this legacy, no Targaryen has sat upon the iron throne in two decades, and Daenerys (also known as Dany) is the last surviving member of her family. Now, she is ready to retake the the kingdom of her forefathers, but getting to this point has been no easy task.

Living her early life as a fugitive in the trading cities of the Eastern continent of Essos, Dany was a very timid girl. This weakness was temporary, however: at the age of 13, her cruel older brother Viserys married her off in a political marriage. Her husband was none other than Khal Drogo, the mightiest chieftain of the clan-based warrior horsemen known as the Dothraki. Frightened at first, Dany ultimately learned many skills of judgement and leadership while on the grassy steppes, and earned the respect of many Dothraki. Unfortunately, her husband took a fatal wound in battle and passed away. But in this moment of loss, a miracle occurred for Dany: three extinct dragon eggs, given to her as a wedding gift, gained new life in the fire of her husband's funeral pyre.

Daenerys became the mother of three new dragons. Her acquisition of these powerful new beasts drew many powerful

eyes to Dany. She traveled through many of the great cities of Essos, growing wiser and stronger. Ultimately, she came to a region known as Slaver’s Bay, a region built upon enslavement and hierarchical castes and governed by three great cities: Meereen, Astapor, and Yunkai. Taking control of the eunuch-slave army known as the Unsullied, Daenerys successfully launched a coup and overthrew the oligarchs of the greatest city, Meereen. As Queen, Daenerys abolished slavery in Meereen but held a reign plagued with cultural tensions.

This domestic instability skyrocketed after Daenerys was captured by another clan of Dothraki. While Dany was taken to the Dothraki capital of Vaes Dothrak, her council (led by Tyrion Lannister) attempted to manage the city in her absence. In a triumphant moment, however, Dany was able to trap the corrupt leaders of the Dothraki in a burning building while she emerged unscathed due to her strange immunity to fire.


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WYOMUN III Fire and Blood: The Targaryen Restoration

This show of supernatural power earned her the loyalty of a huge portion of the Dothraki; almost 100,000 in number.

With this new army and her fully grown dragons, Dany returned to Meereen. When she arrived, she found the city under siege by a coalition of slave masters from all around Slaver’s Bay. The might of the slavers was nothing in the face of a combined army of dragons, dothraki hordes, and unsullied legions. Claiming the slaver’s navy, she abolished slavery for good in Slaver’s Bay and renamed the region the Bay of Dragons. After gaining the allegiance of Lady Olenna Tyrell and Ellaria Sand (two ruling ladies of major Westerosi armies) and the navy of the Greyjoy siblings, Yara and Theon, Dany finally set sail to conquer Westeros in the name of her ancestors. It is at this moment we join the Queen and her invasion force. The Targaryen Restoration Army

Three main factions compose the military force that has gathered to see Daenerys Targaryen reconquer Westeros as Queen. Each faction, though united through sworn allegiance to the Queen, varies in background and culture. These differences influence their values, warfare, and beliefs. Such variation may also may lead to internal tensions that could undermine the common goal of victory if not properly managed. The factions, including the Council, the Horselords, and the Insurgents, are outlined below. The positions in specific detail can be found at the end of this Background Guide.

The Council

The Council is the faction most diverse in background and most closely aligned with the Queen. As implied by the name, the Council is composed of the members of Daenerys’ highest advisory council. Offering insight on matters political, military, and social, these extremely trusted individuals wield significant influence over logistics, finance and intelligence. This great power, however, is offset by the fact that they tend to directly hold few military assets beyond sellswords and mercenaries. The Horselords

The Horselords are the military chieftains of the nomadic warrior civilization known as the Dothraki. An especially unique culture, the Dothraki are known for their reverence of the horse, communal social structure, and brutally warlike lifestyle that makes them some of the most feared fighters in the world. Despite being historically wary of outsiders, the 100,000 members of Daenerys Targaryen’s khalasar (clan) have become entirely devoted to her due to her strength and leadership. The Horselords’ greatest asset is unquestionably their military prowess, but their extremely alien culture and raze-and-pillage warfare style could result in serious issues to stability and support for the new Queen when war breaks out in Westeros. Though their common cultural ties may keep these positions unified in goals, delegates in this faction may wish to align


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WYOMUN III Fire and Blood: The Targaryen Restoration

themselves with a larger bloc to garner more voting power. More information about Dothraki culture can be found in the Context Guide or online.

The Insurgents

The Insurgents are composed of leaders of the Great Houses of Westeros that have forsaken the legitimacy of Queen Cersei Lannister to side with the returning Targaryen Queen. While they come from many different houses with different aims and goals, the Insurgents have all been deeply wronged by the ambition of the Lannisters in some way. Motivated by personal gain, a desire for security, and a thirst for vengeance, the Insurgents boast many strengths: they are the only group native to Westeros, they control powerful armies of knights and levies, and they each hold many vassals themselves. Their primary cause for concerns is suspicion regarding their recent oaths to Queen Daenerys and their lack of common goals between their group; delegates in this faction may wish to moderate their actions to solidify their ties of loyalty to the Queen. That being said, their knowledge of Westerosi culture will be critical in soothing cultural turmoil that may arise from the invasion.

The World of the Seven Kingdoms

Climate The world chronicled by the Song of Ice and Fire series is remarkably unique in

many ways, especially in its climactic shifts. Seasons last not months, but years, making the storage of provisions especially important due to the threat of prolonged multi-year severe winters. Geography has a major impact in the severity of these winters; In Northern regions of high latitude, where snow falls even in years of summer, winter conditions can easily plunge lethal levels. In Southern regions, on the other hand, snow is rare in even the most severe of winters.


The continent of Westeros is a long column of land that runs longitudinally across the known world. Past its western shore lies the Sunset Sea, a vast expanse of ocean that has never been crossed nor explored. To the east of Westeros, across the Narrow Sea, lies the larger and wider neighboring continent of Essos, where Queen Daenerys has spent her life in exile. Though smaller in size compared to Essos, Westeros is more culturally homogenous and thoroughly developed than its eastern neighbor.


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WYOMUN III Fire and Blood: The Targaryen Restoration

Westeros itself is divided into two main inhabited regions, referenced by the adjacent map. The South extends from the peninsula known as Dorne (red indicator) north to the isthmus known referred to as The Neck (black indicator). The South is home to a variety of different sub climates which will be described in greater deal later in this guide, but in general tends to have a more temperate climate and a similar set of cultural values.

The region between The Neck (black indicator) and the 700 foot-tall boundary of solid ice known as The Wall (white indicator) is known as the North. Though roughly the same size, the North is less populous and developed than the South, due to the less fertile soil and severe winters of the former. Culture

The lands of the Seven Kingdoms are also highly diverse, with environment and geography playing a significant part on the development of cultural variations. Westerosi cultural origins come from the two major ethnic groups that compose the continent, the Andals and the First Men. While both groups have greatly intermarried and blended over the years, each remains more dominant in its respective hemispheric region.

In the North, society still functions along the traditions set forth by the First Men. Northmen are proud of this heritage, and identify along very different lines from their Southern neighbors. Northern culture, hardened by fierce winters, many invasions, and the harsh environment of the region, has a reputation for being stoic, stern, and even dour. Northmen are highly formidable warriors, and tend to favor adaptability and resilience over regulation on the battlefield. Nearly all Northmen adhere the Old Gods of the Forest, an ancient, decentralized, animistic

religious tradition that reflects many of the values of Northern culture. The Seven Kingdoms of Southern Westeros, on the other hand, is

overwhelmingly influenced by Andal Culture. Here, society is based upon a classically medieval tradition of feudalism. Power divisions fall along a hierarchical pattern, and features a near polaristic division of wealth characterized by aristocratic nobles ruling over large numbers of commoners, or “smallfolk”. Influenced by a much milder climate, Southern society tends to be much more epicurean and relaxed than that of the North. Despite this warmer temperament, the chivalry-bound knights of Westeros are some of the most respected warriors in all the world, on and off the horse. Religion in Southern Westeros is monopolized by the Faith of the Seven, a highly organized religious tradition that features congregations led by clergy called Septons worshipping the seven aspects -or faces- of a single deity.

In all regions of Westeros, the values of honor and ambition are often held in dueling regard by the nobility. Similarly, bastards, or children born out of wedlock, are scorned as children of sin in all areas except for the southern peninsula of Dorne, where they are seen as children of passion, and generally considered equals.


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WYOMUN III Fire and Blood: The Targaryen Restoration

The above cultural descriptions, while sufficient for a basic understanding of cultural dynamics in Westeros, do not go into many regional differences that influence noble houses in Westeros. For such information, please view the Cultural Information section of the Fire and Blood committee Context Guide.

Regions and Ruling Houses

Despite cultural heterogeneity, all of Westeros follows a feudal distribution of power, with Great Houses claiming dominance over different cultural and geographic regions. Each of these major houses, in turn, has several vassal houses sworn to them. Below, you can find a list of each of the major regions of Westeros, the house that currently controls them, the regional seat of power, and their allegiance in the coming conflict. Allegiance of houses proceeds in one of the following ways: to the Army of the Targaryen Restoration (represented in committee); to the Iron Throne, to the newly (re) independent Kingdom of the North.

Region House Seat of Power Allegiance

The Crownlands House Lannister King’s Landing Holder of the Iron Throne

The Westerlands House Lannister Casterly Rock The Iron Throne

The Stormlands House Lannister Storm’s End The Iron Throne

The Riverlands House Frey Riverrun The Iron Throne

The North House Stark Winterfell Reigning King of the North

The Vale of Arryn

House Arryn The Eyrie King of the North

The Reach House Tyrell Highgarden The Restoration

Dorne House Martell Sunspear The Restoration

Further analysis of the main factions ruling Westeros and the forces at their

disposal are described in the next section of the Background Guide.

–—–Armies, Alliances, and the Current Situation—–– The realm of Westeros, as it stands today, is in a splintered state. After a grueling

war of royal succession, many resources and supplies of the realm have been exhausted. To make matters more dire, the years of a particularly length summer have finally ended, and winter will only make the situation harsher.


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WYOMUN III Fire and Blood: The Targaryen Restoration

King Robert Baratheon and his two sons have all perished in their turn, causing the Iron Throne to strong willed and cruel Cersei Lannister of House Lannister. In total, the proud Lannisters now control wide swaths of Westeros, bringing an unprecedented level of lands under their dominion. In the North, the bastard Jon Stark has reclaimed his ancestral stronghold with aid of the Knights of the Vale, Winterfell, with his half-sister Sansa Stark. With a Stark again ruling the castle their family had held for centuries before it was briefly snatched by usurpers, the North has once again risen up in revolt against the Iron Throne, naming Jon Snow King in the North. On the rocky and barren Iron Islands off the west coast of Westeros, the sociopathic Euron Greyjoy has risen to the Salt Throne of the seafaring Ironborn, promising a return to the “Old Ways” of raiding, raping, and reaving mainland Westeros with his new fleet of 1,000 ships. And finally, now sailing towards Westeros with her grand army, Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen has laid claim to the Iron Throne forged by her ancestors.

These four feuding monarchs hold distinctly different objectives, and no alliances currently exist between each force. Despite their differences, each ruler has in common the fact that they are relatively new to their throne, making dominion and legitimacy major goals for each. Their newly crowned nature, however, by no means they are inexperienced. Each leader is highly capable, ambitious, and in possession of boasts highly capable fighting forces that demand respect. Details and further information about these feuding actors, excluding the Restoration Army (covered earlier) can be found below.

The Queen on the Iron Throne - Queen Cersei I of House Lannister Inheriting the Iron Throne through marriage from the recently extinct House

Baratheon, Queen Cersei Lannister is the first Queen that has ever reigned over the Seven Kingdoms. Her house, the Lannisters of Casterly Rock, are undoubtedly the single most powerful noble family in all of Westeros. Based out of the gold-rich hills of the Westerlands and holding firm control of the two largest cities -and ports- in Westeros, the Lannisters have an absurd amount of financial resources at their disposal. Many of these financial resources are funneled into training and equipping the highly organized professional legions of their army, and the gold often shows; the men who march under the crimson banners of House

Lannister are widely considered the most disciplined and strategic in all of Westeros. Despite these material strengths, the Lannisters are currently in a somewhat precarious situation. First, while the Iron Throne may be the most prominent

source of institutional authority in the land, a Queen has never sat upon it. Compounding this issue of legitimacy is the series of events that lead Queen Cersei upon the throne. Culminating with the suicide of Cersei’s son, a series of tragic and dubious events have paved the way to the reign of Queen Cersei. This has caused some degree of doubt towards the Lannisters in some of the smaller lords who have sworn fealty to Casterly Rock, but few are likely to act upon it due to fear of retribution. Queen Cersei Lannister is quite the intimidating figure; with striking beauty, an utter lack of tolerance for dissent,


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WYOMUN III Fire and Blood: The Targaryen Restoration

and a willingness to hold on to power at any cost, she is widely considered the most dangerous - and powerful - women in all of Westeros. There is also persistent rumor that her three (now deceased) children were not sired by King Robert Baratheon, but rather born of incest between Cersei and her twin brother, Jamie. In total, while they still hold a battered but powerful military, vast financial resources, and very capable leadership, the Lannisters have felt the effects of the long and painful civil war they have been waging over the past five years, and their overall power -while still significant- is far from its full potential.

The King in the North - King Jon Snow of House Stark The name of Stark is synonymous with the North. Starks have ruled out of their

granite keep of Winterfell for thousands of years, first as the ancient Kings of Winter, then as Wardens of the North following the conquest of Aegon Targaryen. This ancient lineage of fair, just, and highly capable leadership has inspired great deals of loyalty and love for their rulers in the smallfolk and nobles of the North.

In the past five years, however, this rule has been disrupted. In the midst of a civil war, the Stark capital citadel of Winterfell was seized by the treasonous actions of Theon Greyjoy. The Ironborn Prince held the island only briefly however, until it was conquered by Ramsay Snow, bastard son of Lord Roose Bolton. Recently, the usurping Boltons have been expelled from Winterfell by a conglomerated army of Stark supporters. This force was led by Jon Snow, bastard son of the deposed Lord Eddard Stark and his half sister, Sansa Stark. Now, the North has risen again as an independent kingdom, as they did at the beginning of the civil war that now tears through Westeros. This time, Jon Snow has been proclaimed King and the Northmen are set upon maintaining their independence.

King in the North Jon Snow rules over an extremely loyal realm and commands an extremely capable and highly devoted military force composed of the three “wildest” and most rugged forces in all of Westeros. First, are the Northmen, the historical bannermen of the Starks. Fiercely honor-bound and independent, the Northmen have always been some of the most capable soldiers of Westeros. Their ferocity on the battlefield is compounded by the fact that a good half of Snow’s army is still nursing embarrassment and seeking to redeem pride wounded by supporting the usurping House Bolton in the recently concluded Northern Civil War.

The second component of the Northern Army is composed of the Free Folk, or Wildlings. Generally seen as barbarians, these assorted clans from the wilds beyond the wall are very culturally different from the civilized folks. When administering the Knight’s Watch, Snow allowed these forces to cross through the Wall into the lands of the North. These cultural divisions could lead to great deals of instability and conflict between the Northmen and Wildlings, but for now, the Wildlings are quite the military asset. The berserkers of the Wildlings fight with the same


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martial style of axes and swords rather than spears that the Northmen favor, but enter battles with a ferocity and bloodlust that is utterly unrivaled.

While the military power of these two factions is undeniable, it is almost entirely focused upon infantry capabilities. The third component of the Northern Army, the Knights of the Vale, rounds out much of this weakness by providing some of the continent's finest heavy horsemen. Ruled by House Arryn, the lords of the Vale now functions as essential puppets of the crafty Lord Petyr Baelish, and have sworn their allegiance to House Stark. While Baelish, also known as Littlefinger, has no sense of loyalty whatsoever, his interests lie primarily with Sansa Stark rather than Jon Snow. This matter should make no difference in the might of the Northern Army, unless Sansa were to turn against her illegitimate brother, an event that does not look likely. But when Littlefinger is involved with a political situation, the stability of nothing should be taken for granted.

In total, the strength of the Northmen is incredibly powerful on land. Northern naval capabilities, however, are very limited and based almost entirely on a moderately sized defensive fleet that guards the major port of White Harbor. It is worth noting that conquest of foreign lands does not seem high on the agenda of the new King in the North. Instead, the primary drive of the Northerners is survival of the severe winter to come and independence from the Iron Throne. While the Restoration Army and the Northerners may thus share an enemy in the Lannisters, Queen Daenerys has made it very clear that she has no intent of inheriting an incomplete realm. Despite this dividing point, the North should not be considered the primary enemy in the coming conflict.

The King of the Iron Islands - King Euron III of House Greyjoy The Iron Islands, an outlier to all of Westeros, have

always had a tendency towards violent independence. In historical times, the society of the Ironborn functioned from raiding and reaving coastal settlements of the Westerosi mainland. At one point, the incursions of the Ironborn stretched deep into the riverlands in the heart of the South. After the conquest of Aegon Targaryen, however, the Ironborn were forced to kneel to the Iron Throne and halt the old ways of raiding to live a life of impoverished existence on their barren islands. But the new King of the Iron Islands, the remorseless and brilliant Euron Greyjoy, has promised a return of independence and a return to the old ways of the Ironborn.

Euron has returned to the Iron Islands after a long exile of pillaging and traveling across the world in his fearsome war galley, Silence . The name of this ship comes from the fact that every member of its crew is a mute thrall, whose tongues Euron ripped out after capturing them. Such actions are indicative of Euron’s character and leadership. He is an individual no morals and unspeakable cruelty, inspiring obedience through fear, intimidation, and strength. The frustrated Ironborn, dissatisfied with years of poor leadership and poverty, have flocked to this strength, proclaiming him King of the Iron


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Islands after his brother’s convenient death. This coronation led to conflicts between Euron and his niece and nephew, Asha (Yara) and Theon Greyjoy, the former of which also holds a rival claim to the Iron throne.

During the kingsmoot, a council to choose a new ruler of the Ironborn, Asha noticed that support was coalescing around her uncle. She and her brother, Theon, gathered all their loyal soldiers and every last ship in the harbor of Pyke and set sail to the East. Now, they have sworn their allegiance to the Dragon Queen and fight for the Restoration Army.

Euron, now King of the Iron Islands, has been quietly building an enormous fleet of over 1,000 war galleys. While it is unknown how much progress has been made on this fleet, it will undoubtedly be the most dangerous naval force in the world when completed, especially at the hands of Euron Greyjoy. The Ironborn are uncontestedly the best sailors and shipbuilders in Westeros and perhaps the world, but they tend to fare much worse on land. Ironborn soldiers prize strength over honor, rival Wildlings in their ferocity, and are unsurpassed among the Westerosi in their cruelty. On the other hand, they function in a very disorganized manner in large numbers, as they operate in ship-crew units and have no taste for drawn out land campaigns. But with the leadership of Euron Greyjoy, the Ironborn are an unpredictable and highly potent threat.

––—–—–—–—–—–Topics of Debate—–—–—–—–—–––

A. Restoration of the Targaryen Monarchy The primary goal of this military force is to secure Queen Daenerys Targaryen’s rightful

place upon the Iron Throne of the Seven Kingdoms. If this goal is to be achieved, the other military powers of the region - the Lannisters, the Northmen, and the Ironborn - must all be subdued or absorbed. This may be achieved through military conflict or diplomatic alliance, as long as Queen Daenerys reclaims the throne that is rightfully hers. While the Army of the Restoration is arguably more powerful than any single opponent force, delegates should be wary of potential enemy alliances. While no cordial relations currently exist before factions, difficult times can create strange bedfellows, and few things are more difficult than facing an army with dragons.

B. Stability and Cultural Conflict in Westeros If Queen Daenerys is to successfully re-establish the Targaryen dynasty in Seven

Kingdoms, delegates must make efforts to preserve the stability and order of the realm. After a lengthy five year civil war, many lands in the Seven Kingdoms have been ravaged and many families have been left bereft of loved ones. While this turmoil may push some to look towards outside saviours like the Restoration Army, additional destruction and conflict is far from what the smallfolk desire.

Delegates should also be aware of the danger of cultural incursion in Westeros. Daenerys, though rightful Queen of Westeros by blood, is by all means a foreigner; she left Westeros as a infant, was raised in a different continent, and has ruled over lands of which the


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average Westerosi serf has never heard outside of myth and song. While Westerosi men may fight in her army, there thousands of Dothraki horse warriors, whose violent nomadic collectivist culture is far from welcome in the property-rich feudal society of the Seven Kingdoms. Delegates would be wise to address such issues before they erupt, by crafting rules and strategies to balance minimization of social sectarianism and cultural tensions with achievement of the main goal of the committee.

C. Winter has Come

Winter has always been difficult in Westeros, and the coming years are projected by the Maesters to be the worst in millennia. In the South and the North, the peasantry often rely upon their lords for food and sustenance through the harsh winter years. The current and coming war that engulfs the land magnify these concerns, increasing the need for a prompt end to conflict. While chasing crowns and power politics may be the favorite pastime of the nobility, the commonfolk care much more about the food in their bellies then who sits upon the throne.Delegates should remain cognizant of the danger of revolution if they wish the achievements of the Restoration to persist.

The coming of Winter has also brought sinister rumors from the North. Whispered stories speak of dark terrors from beyond the wall and of dark legends returning to ravage the realms of men. While these tales of supernatural events may just be unfounded nonsense, but in fairness, Dragons, once extinct, have returned to the skies. These are strange times indeed, and Delegates should be well aware of the fear that is creeping through the realm. In times such as these, many look for a savior, and such desperation could have quite an influence on how the events of the future play out.

––—–—–—–—–—Delegate Positions–—–—–—–—–—– The Council

Tyrion Lannister, Hand of the Queen Despite being born into one of the most powerful houses in Westeros, Tyrion Lannister has had a very difficult life. Born a dwarf, Tyrion has always been treated as an outsider, and he has learned to rely upon his wit and intelligence. Having previously served as Hand of the King to the boy-king Joffrey Baratheon, Tyrion has a wealth of political experience at the highest level of intrigue in Westeros. As the the acting regent of Queen, Tyrion holds a significant amount of power and authority in the committee, especially in matters of political intrigue. Due to his disorder and exaggerated reputation for cruelty (evidenced by his nicknames of “the Imp” and the “Demon Monkey”), Tyrion’s biggest weakness is his poor popular support making his actions quite a target for public fury and hostility. Lord Varys, Master of Whisperers


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Few men are as brilliant, as unique, and as cunning as Varys. A eunuch, he has always been stigmatized and always been in the service of government. During this service, he has accumulated an extreme depth and variety of informats and covert connections, making him one of the most powerful espionage assets in the world. The secrets that Varys’ “little birds” whisper to him are prized by all those in power, and can easily be unnerving as the Spider (as he is often called) has a tendency to know of events before they happen. Because of the depth of his spy network and the knowledge he possesses, it has become a common saying that only a fool trusts the Spider. Afterall, when can one be sure he is really telling them all he knows? Furthermore, Varys is highly adaptable when it comes to his behavior, often fitting his mannerisms and even appearance to best accomplish the ends he seeks. Varys shows a common strain in his actions; while they are frequently Machiavellian and pragmatic, he always works towards achieving stability and peace, desires that brought him and Tyrion Lannister to the Queen’s cause in the first place. But even with this pattern, who can really be sure of the intentions of this enigma of a man? Missandei, Mistress of Laws

Until meeting Queen Daenerys Targaryen, Missandei spent her life in servitude as a translator and administrative assistant to the slave lords of the city of Astapor. After Queen Daenerys took hold of that city and abolished slavery, Missandei entered her service. With excellent negotiation and linguistic skills, Missandei is the foremost diplomatic authority in the Queen’s service. While many of the Westerosi individuals on the committee have connections to their homeland, Missandei’s expertise has earned her the role of Mistress of Laws, and the corresponding legal and diplomatic responsibilities. On this committee, Missandei will function as chief diplomat and cultural advisor, working to garner alliances and maintain order in the domains of the Restoration Army. While she does have experience in military administration from serving as aide-de-camp to Queen Daenerys, Missandei has almost no military connections aside from her relationship with Grey Worm, making her position somewhat fragile in capabilities of force. Grey Worm, Chosen Commander of the Unsullied

A member of the extremely disciplined eunuch-warrior army known as the Unsullied, Grey Worm is a very unique member of the Council. Like all Unsullied, Grey Worm was formerly a slave-soldier until being liberated by Queen Daenerys, to whom he now owes unwavering loyalty. Grey Worm’s strength lies in the Unsullied, a legion-like army of extremely disciplined and unwavering phalanx spearmen. Due in part to their status as eunuchs and tradition of janissary like slave-soldiership, the Unsullied are famed due to their reputation of never breaking in battle and are immune to bloodthirsty urges; they will carry out only what they are ordered to do, never more. As the elected leader of the now free Unsullied, Grey Worm’s authority over this extremely talented military force is absolute his men will follow his commands


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without question. His greatest weakness lies in the fact that he has little authority over non-military matters


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. Daario Naharis, Regent of the Bay of Dragons

Daario Naharis is a fighter, through and through. In the earliest days of his childhood, Naharis was trained in gladiatorial combat as a slave to the fighting pits. Eventually, his skill and fame earned him enough money to buy his freedom, after which he became a sellsword the mercenary company known as the Second Sons. After seeing the skill and potential of Queen Daenerys Targaryen, she overthrew commanders of the Second Sons and became the leader of this army of mercenary heavy cavalrymen. While not exactly honorable, Naharis follows a personal code of moderate chivalry that is very unusual for the average mercenary. He had a brief romantic affair with Queen Daenerys, but has now been tasked with maintaining order in the Bay of Dragons, formerly known as Slaver’s Bay. Despite this distance from Westeros, his military expertise and the financial assets generated from the three major trading cities of the bay make him a crucial member of the committee.

Ser Jorah Mormont, Keeper of the Dragonguard Few individuals have as complicated a past as Jorah Mormont.

Born as heir to the lord of a small but powerful house in Northern Westeros, Jorah was raised as a proper upper class lordling. His prowess in military service earned him a knighthood and a reputation as one of the North’s best swordsmen. When his father voluntarily joined the Night’s Watch, he became Lord of Bear Island and took a beautiful and wealthy maid as his wife. Their love was strong, but over time her expensive tastes drove the two apart. Disgraced by his unscrupulous acts of desperation to save his marriage, Jorah was banished to the Seven Kingdoms where he joined the company of the young Queen Daenerys. While serving as advisor and guard, the two grew very close. At the same time, Jorah was passing information along to King Robert Baratheon, who sought to assassinate Daenerys and end the Targaryen line once and for all. When Mormont confessed his betrayal to Daenerys years later, she banished him from her presence. Realizing he was in love with the young Queen, Jorah attempted to redeem himself by bringing the fugitive Tyrion Lannister to her, but was exiled again. Ultimately, he managed to win forgiveness by saving Daenerys’ life when she was recaptured by the Dothraki. However, this joy was cut short when Mormont contracted the mysterious and terrible disease known as Greyscale. In this committee, Jorah thus has two duties as directed by the queen. First, he must seek the elusive cure to his condition so that he may serve the queen. Second, as his proximity to others must be limited due to the contagious nature of Greyscale, he has been assigned to the commanding role of the recently created Dragonguard. As High Keeper, he is tasked with overseeing management of the Queen’s three dragons: Drogon, Rhaegal, and Viserion.


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WYOMUN III Fire and Blood: The Targaryen Restoration

Kinvara, High Priestess of the Red Temple of Volantis

Kinvara is a Red Priestess, a member of the secretive clergy that worship the deity known as R’Hllor, or the Lord of Light. The faith of the Lord of Light centers around fire and is one of the popular faiths in the many lands of Essos, but is very rare in Westeros. This faith defines two deities who are eternally at war. R’hllor, the Lord of Light, is a god of fire and joy is opposed by the Great Other, a god of darkness and death. The doctrine of the religion holds that when times are most dire, a hero known as The Prince That Was Promised will be reborn “amidst salt and smoke” and vanquish the gathering shadows with the flaming sword Lightbringer. While this faith has its skeptics, the power of the Red Priestesses is very real. One of these priestesses, Melisandre, has used shadow sorcery to assassinate King Renly Baratheon and restore life to the murdered Jon Snow.

Just as Melisandre proclaimed the now deceased Stannis Baratheon as the Lord of Light’s chosen one, Kinvara has now endorsed Daenerys Targaryen as the Prince That Was Promised, reborn. While this may have little relevance in Westeros, it has major implications in lands of Essos such as the Free Cities, where the God of Fire is widely worshipped. Kinvara also possesses strong personal powers; as a Red Priestess, she wields mystical powers in realms of clairvoyance, mass persuasion, and other more sinister arts. Due to this power, many in Westeros and the committee fear or despise her. Still, she is a critical asset for the committee to have in this time when shadows seem to be growing increasingly powerful. As she her position makes her highly independent, the committee must be careful not to lose the benefits her talents bring.

The Horselords Kovarro, Bloodrider to the Queen

One of the Queen’s life-sworn Dothraki bodyguards, or bloodriders, Kovarro is unquestionably loyal to the Queen. In the Dothraki tradition, every khal , or chieftain, has three bloodriders who swear to protect him to the very last. If the Khal were to die, it is custom that the bloodriders sacrifice themselves as soon as his death has been avenged. The same applies for Kovarro to the Queen. Kovarro’s loyalty is matched only by his skill in battle, and his abilities have earned him great respect of many riders in the Dothraki horde. This influence makes him the equivalent of a high level general of the Dothraki portion in the Restoration Army. As the one of the first of Queen Daenery’s bloodriders, he has adopted many of the responsibilities of personal security for the


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Queen, making him the functional equivalent of Commander of the Queensguard. This loyalty and de facto position has generated some negative opinions of him in among the other factions of the committee, as they believe a Dothraki horsemen is not the ideal candidate to hold this honored role, due to cultural concerns. If he seeks to gain the official position of Commander of the Queensguard, Kovarro could moderate his actions and fighting style to be more culturally acceptable to the Westerosi, at potential risk to the size of the group of riders that follows him. Aggo, Bloodrider to the Queen

Another of the Queen’s bloodriders, Aggo is very similar to Kovarro in his loyalty and skill as a warrior. But, unlike Kovarro, Aggo is much more diplomatically inclined than most Dothraki. While unquestionably fierce in battle and no stranger to acts of vengeance, Aggo sees foreign cultures - and especially their warriors - as worthy of respect, especially when they feature strength to rival that of the Dothraki. He is a quite admirer of the knights of Westeros for such reasons, after witnessing the capabilities of Ser Jorah Mormont, knight in service to the Queen. For such reasons, Aggo and and the riders who follow him may be the Dothraki best suited to combat in Westeros, as they may be the most willing to refrain from extensive pillaging and reaving out of respect for the Westeros. On the other hand, as this point of view is more uncommon in the Dothraki mindset, Aggo’s contingent of the Dothraki section army is smaller than that of the other Horselord commanders. Rhano, Ko of the Dothraki Horde

Rhano is a young Dothraki rider widely considered to be one of the best fighters in the entire Dothraki nation. While he may not be a bloodrider like Aggo or Kovarro, he does hold the office of Ko, or commander of a subdivision (or kha) of the Dothraki army under the Queen’s control. The forces that Rhano control are one of the largest and most experienced groups in the entire Dothraki army. Many of these riders are firm believers in the old ways of the Dothraki and take great honor in the Dothraki traditions of pillaging and raiding. They are thus naturally drawn to Rhano due to his severe temper and reputation for violence and strength. Rhano’s abrasive and even bloodthirsty personality is affirming to many of stereotypical perceptions of the Dothraki as wild savages, and could easily become a point of cultural contention if not regulated. Furthermore, his actions and rhetoric have led sparks of conflict with the queen, who would like to see the Dothraki tempered some in their conquering traditions. While he should be wary of the Queen’s ire, Rhano is not eager to change his ways radically; when he is true to the old ways of the Dothraki, his popularity in the horde grows and with it the number of riders he commands.


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Ornela, Handmaiden to the Queen While Ornela may lack the high birth, powerful offices, or famous

names of some of the other committee members, her strength, resilience, and intelligence are far from insignificant. Born and raised in the peaceful sheep-herding culture of the Lhazareen in Central Essos, Ornela grew up in quite a docile culture. This tranquil existence was shattered at the age of twelve, when she was married off as to a khal , or chieftain, of the warlike Dothraki nomads. As khaleesi , Ornela bore her khal several children before he died when she was sixteen. In this respect, her story is very similar to that of Queen Daenerys. Unfortunately, she was not treated in the same respected way that Daenerys was during her marriage to her Khal Drogo; after giving birth to a daughter, Ornela’s husband broke one of her ribs in anger. Through such events, Ornela learned resilience and grew strong of will. After her husband's death, she

was sent to the high council of the wives of dead khals, the dosh khaleen . Among these wise women, she learned skills of judgement and wisdom, and ultimately met Queen Daenerys. Now that the Dothraki ride Daenerys, Ornela’s position as dosh khaleen has a great deal of influence with the common riders of the Dothraki. Furthermore, her experience with the Lhazareen and Dothraki cultures have made her a valuable expert when resolving cultural tensions.

The Insurgents Queen Yara Greyjoy, Mistress of Ships

Fiercely independent and characteristic of all the strength of Ironborn culture, Yara Greyjoy (known as Asha Greyjoy in the book series of Game of Thrones) is the foremost naval authority in the committee. After her uncle, Euron Greyjoy, seized the throne that she thought of as rightfully hers, Yara and her brother Theon fled Pyke with the entire Iron Fleet and sailed to join the Restoration Army. In exchange for support in reclaiming the Driftwood Crown of the Iron Islands, Yara has promised her powerful navy to Daenerys and has sworn that she will end the raiding and piracy currently practiced by the Ironborn. Fiery and strong-tempered, Yara is determined not only to reclaim her throne but to exact revenge upon her treacherous Uncle. As Mistress of Ships and Commander of the Iron Fleet, she is the foremost authority on naval strategy and operations. Like all skilled Ironborn, Yara’s warriors are very powerful at sea, but very limited in their capabilities on land. Furthermore, as an Ironborn, her loyalty and commitment to the cause have definite room for doubt.


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Theon Greyjoy, High Advisor to the Queen While his sister commands the Iron Fleet, Theon Greyjoy has

been given an advisory position, less respectable to the traditions of the Ironborn culture. Years ago, this would have made the highly assertive and extremely proud Greyjoy prince furious. But time has not been kind to Theon Greyjoy; after his short lived capture of Winterfell from the Starks, Theon was severely tortured and dehumanized as prisoner to the sadistic Ramsay Snow. Shaken deeply by this experience, Theon has begun to recover with support from his sister, to whom he know has an extremely close bond. Due to these personal trauma and challenges, Theon has grown far more humble and reserved in nature. While these qualities may make him something of an outsider to his native culture, they will serve him well in his role of High Advisor. His expertise on naval and military matters will surely complement the efforts of his sister, with whom he works with closely. Furthermore, Theon spent his childhood raised in Winterfell as ward to the Stark family; the insights and knowledge that he possesses of the North will be unique and invaluable to the committee if the war spreads to this frozen region. Lady Olenna Tyrell, Representative of the Reach

Matriarch of House Tyrell, the great house ruling the region of Westeros known as the Reach, Lady Olenna has become an absolute expert in Westerosi politics and court intrigue in her many years. While she may be grand lady of the Westerosi aristocracy, Lady Olenna is known well for her sarcastic and caustic wit. Due to this personality, she has earned the nickname of “Queen of Thorns”, a reference to the rose that is the Tyrell sigil and to her barbed comments. Lady Olenna has joined the cause of Queen Daenerys for a simple reason; vengeance. Recently, tragedy struck the Westerosi capital when the Great Sept of Baelor was destroyed in an explosion of wildfire. The blast killed Lady Olenna’s husband, son, and daughter, leaving her the last living member of House Tyrell. The Queen of Thorns, like many others, believe that it was the Lioness Queen, Cersei Lannister, who snatched her future away from her. She has vowed not to rest until Cersei Lannister is made to pay for her crimes, and she has quite the assets to offer the committee. Aside from the Lady Olenna’s diplomatic clout, there is the Tyrell Army of the Reach. As the most fertile and populous realm of Westeros, the Reach can field an army of over 100,000 soldiers, twice as large as any of the other great houses. Despite their size, however, the Army of the Reach tends to be poorly equipped, under-trained, and inexperienced, filled with many peasant levies. Despite these hindrances, the wealth and might of House Tyrell is not to be underestimated.


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Ellaria Sand, Representative of Dorne In many ways, Ellaria Sand is representative of the region

from which she hails. A highly assertive woman, she carries with her the passionate nature of Dorne in her temper and her vengeful nature. It was this vengeful nature that led Ellaria and her daughters to their current position of power; after a legacy of what she saw as weak willed Martell men ruling Dorne, she and her daughters launched a coup and seized the palace at Sunspear for herself. Obsessed with seeking vengeance against the scheming of the Lannisters, Ellaria has pledged her newly acquired forces to the Dragon Queen’s army. As the region of Westeros with the smallest population, the Dornish armies are quite small but highly valued due to their unique strategies. Dornish sand steed-riding horsemen are considered some of the best light cavalry in the world. Aside from their light cavalry, the Dornish are famed for their missile capabilities, primarily using both short throwing spears and long range double bows. Often, the strategies are combined and small bands of missile cavalry are used to great effect to harass and skirmish with larger enemy armies. Aside from her military forces, Ellaria also has many connections to espionage sources and is a very resourceful leader. Her biggest flaw is her notoriously disloyal and self-serving nature, which she rarely denies. Ser Davos Seaworth, Emissary from the King in the North

Davos Seaworth, also known as the Onion Knight, originally served King Stannis Baratheon of Dragonstone. After Stannis was killed at the disastrous Battle of Winterfell and his army was routed, Ser Davos entered the service of Jon Snow and Sansa Stark. A man known for his skill in sailing, rhetorical prowess, and no nonsense attitude, Davos quickly earned the trust of these members of the shattered Stark family. This was not the first time Davos was served by the merits of his character; once a smuggler, Davos is now a highly trusted advisor. Recently, he has been sent by King in the North Jon Snow to begin talks with the Queen’s Army. While relations between the two parties are far from friendly at the moment, they share a common enemy in the Lannister forces that currently hold the Iron Throne. Before either Queen Daenerys or King Jon can be established, this threat must be dealt with. While Daenerys has not acknowledged

the legitimacy of the new King in the North, she has temporarily granted Davos full voting privileges in hopes of solidifying a tentative partnership between parties. In this committee, Davos will have the responsibility of standing strong to the policies of the North, especially Northern independence and the role of liaison between the committee and the North. Due to his personal history with the Red Woman, Melisandre, Ser Davos has a seething hatred towards all Red Priestesses that could easily jeopardize the stability of the committee.