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Scott, Joe Johnson, and Robin W. Lyons MAP SERIES 95 Baggs 1:100,000 - scale Bedrock Geologic Map (Saratoga) GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE BAGGS 3 0 ' X 6 0 ' Q U ADR ANGLE , CAR BON AND SW EETW ATER COU NTI ES , W Y OMING , AND MOFFAT AND ROUTT COU NTI ES , COLOR ADO Base map from U.S. Geological Survey 1:100,000-scale metric topographic map of the Baggs, Wyoming-Colorado Quadrangle,1983. Projection: Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM), zone 13 North American Datum of 1927 (NAD 27) 10,000-meter grid: UTM, zone 13 25,000-foot grid ticks: Wyoming State Plane Coordinate System, east central and west central zones National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 DISCLAIMERS U sers of t h ese maps are caut i oned ag ai nst usi ng t he dat a at scales di fferent from t h ose at whi ch t he maps were compi led. U si ng t hi s dat a at a larg er scale wi ll not prov i de g reat er accuracy and i s, i n fact , a mi suse of t he dat a. Th e W yomi ng S t at e Geolog i cal Survey ( W SGS ) and t he S t at e of W yomi ng mak e no represent at i on or w arant y, expressed or i mpli ed, regardi ng t he use, accuracy, or complet eness of t he dat a present ed h erei n, or from a map pr i nt ed from t h ese dat a. Th e act of di st r i but i on sh all not const i t ut e such a w arant y. Th e W SGS does not g uarant ee t he di gi t al dat a or any map pr i nt ed from t he dat a t o be free of erors or i naccuraci es. Th e W SGS and t he S t at e of W yomi ng di sclai m any responsi bi li t y or li abi li t y for i nt erpret at i ons made from t h ese di gi t al dat a or from any map pr i nt ed from t h ese di gi t al dat a, and for any deci si ons based on t he di gi t al dat a or pr i nt ed maps. Th e W SGS and t he S t at e of W yomi ng ret ai n and do not w ai ve sov erei gn i mmuni t y. Th e use of or reference t o t rademark s, t rade names, or ot h er product or company names i n t hi s publi cat i on i s for descr i pt i ve or i nformat i onal purposes only, or i s pursuant t o li censi ng ag reement s bet w een t he W SGS or S t at e of W yomi ng and soft ware or hardw are dev elopers/ v endors, and does not i mply endorsement of t h ose product s by t he W SGS or t he S t at e of W yomi ng . NOTICE TO USERS OF INFORMATION FROM THE WYOMING STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Th e W SGS encourag es t he fai r use of i t s mat er i al. W e request t h at credi t be expressly gi v en t o t he “W yomi ng S t at e Geolog i cal Survey” w h en ci t i ng i nformat i on from t hi s publi cat i on. P lease cont act t he W SGS at 307 - 7 6 - 28 6 , ext . 24 , or by e- mai l at w sgs. sales@w yo. gov i f you h av e quest i ons about ci t i ng mat er i als, prepar i ng ack now ledg ment s, or ext ensi ve use of t hi s mat er i al. W e appreci at e your cooperat i on. 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Tipton Tongue of the Green River Formation—L i ght blui sh - g ray, flak ey org ani c mar lst one i n t he upper par t and soft brow n t o buff org ani c sh ale i n t he low er par t ( B radley, 1961 and 1 96 4 ) ; Maxi mum t hi ck ness i s about 4 0 feet ( 1 2 m) i n t he w est - cent ral par t of t he quadrang le ( Het t i ng er and ot h ers, 2 08 ) Luman Tongue of the Green River Formation—B row n t o g ray- brow n, flaky sh ale, oi l sh ale, mar lst one, carbonaceous sh ale, and li mey sandst one beds t h at cont ai n a few t hi n local coal beds ( B radley, 196 1 and 19 64 ; R oeh ler 1 92 ) ; i nt er t ong ues wi t h Mai n Body of t he W asat ch Format i on; maxi mum t hi ck ness i s about 3 75 feet ( 14 m) i n t he w est - cent ral par t of t he quadrang le ( Het t i ng er and ot h ers, 2 08 ) Wasatch Formation (Eocene)—Subdi vi ded i nt o t hree uni t s: Cat h edral B luffs Tong ue at t he t op, Ni land Tong ue, and Mai n Body or low er par t ; i nt er t ong ues wi t h t he Green Ri v er Format i on; t he Cat h edral B luffs li es below t he Laney Member of t he Green Ri v er, but i s separat ed from t he Mai n Body by t he Green Ri v er Ti pt on Tong ue. Th e W asat ch N i land Tong ue li es below t he Ti pt on, but i s separat ed from t he upper par t of t he Mai n Body by t he Luman Tong ue of t he Green Ri v er ( B radley, 196 4 ; Het t i ng er and ot h ers, 2 08 ) Cathedral Bluffs Tongue of the Wasatch Formation—Gray t o g reeni sh - g ray, sandy mudst one mark ed wi t h easi ly recog ni z able pi nk and red layers. I nt erbedded wi t h t he mudst one are massi ve lenses and beds of brow n t o yellow muddy sandst one ( B radley, 194 5 , 19 61 , 19 64 ) ; t ends t o form badland slopes; maxi mum t hi ckness of about 13 0 feet ( 40 m) ( B radley, 1945 ; Het t i ng er and ot h ers, 2 08 ) Niland Tongue of the Wasatch Formation— About 37 5 feet ( 10 m) of g ray mudst one and g ray t o whi t e lent i cular sandst one wi t h some i nt erbedded carbonaceous sh ale and subbi t umi nous coal ( B radley, 1961 ) ; g radat i onal wi t h upper par t of t he Mai n Body; locally separat ed from t he upper par t of t he Mai n Body by t he Lumen Tong ue of t he Green Ri v er i n i t s out crop area i n t he nor t hw est ern par t of t he quadrang le Main Body of the Wasatch Formation— Gray t o g reen, and locally red- banded, sandy mudst one and i reg ular beds and lenses of muddy sandst one; carbonaceous sh ale and subbi t umi nous coal occur i n t he upper par t ; may also i nclude t hi n i nt erbedded t an t o g ray li mest one and brow n, g reen, g ray, or black sh ale; g rades t o cong lomerat i c near mount ai n rang es ( B radley, 1961 ; R oeh ler , 19 2 ) . Base of coarse- grai ned ark osi c sandst one li es unconformably on t op of t he For t U ni on Format i on ( Het t i ng er and ot h ers, 20 8 ) ; bet w een Dad Arch and t he L i t t le Snak e Ri v er , t hi s uni t i s up t o 1 2 feet ( 4 m) of cong lomerat e wi t h cobbles up t o 2 . 5 i nch es ( 6 . 4 cm) i n di amet er ( Honey and Het t i ng er , 2 0 4 ) . Maxi mum t hi ck ness i s about 2 1 0 feet ( 6 40 m) i n t he sout hw est ern par t of t he quadrang le ( Het t i ng er and ot h ers, 2 08 ) Fort Union Formation (Paleocene)—B row n t o g ray sandst one, si lt st one, mudst one, sh ale, carbonaceous sh ale and coal, wi t h cong lomerat e t o cong lomerat i c sandst one at t he base; unconformable on t op of t he U pper Cret aceous Lance Format i on ( Het t i ng er and ot h ers, 208 ) ; subdi vi ded i nt o t hree members: t he Ov erland at t he t op, whi chunconformably ov erli es t he B lue Gap, whi ch conformably ov erli es and i nt ert ong ues wi t h t he Chi na But t e i n t he low er part of t he format i on ( Het t i ng er and ot h ers, 20 8 ) Overland Member of the Fort Union Formation—F i ne- g rai ned, li ght - g ray, massi ve t o locally crossbedded sandst one, along wi t h some si lt st one, mudst one, and sandy i ronst one underlai n by a basal coarse- grai ned, g ray sandst one; t he 10 - foot ( 3 - m) t hi ck Ch erok ee coal z one near t he t op does not crop out wi t hi n t he quadrang le. Th e Ov erland i s about 10 feet ( 305 m) t hi nk near Dad Arch , t hi nni ng t o 4 25 feet ( 130 m) near t he W yomi ng - Colorado border ( Het t i ng er and ot h ers, 208 ) Blue Gap Member of the Fort Union Formation—O li v e- t o brow ni sh - g ray mudst one and clayst one, wi t h t hi n beds of fi ne- grai ned sandst ones, si lt st one, i ronst one, and carbonaceous sh ale; about 57 0 feet ( 170 m) t hi ck near t he W yomi ng - Colorado border and t hi nni ng nort hw ard t o pi nch - out j ust ov er t he crest of Dad Arch ( Het t i ng er and ot h ers, 208 ) China Butte Member of the Fort Union Formation—L i ght yellow i sh - g ray, t o whi t e, and medi um- brow n, fi ne- t o coarse- g rai ned, t hi ck - t o t hi n- bedded, crossbedded sandst one, i nt erbedded wi t h si lt st one, mudst one, carbonaceous sh ale, and coal; cong lomerat i c sandst one at t he base; about 7 35 feet ( 24 m) t hi ck near Bag gs, i ncreasi ng nort hw ard t o g reat er t h an 1 0 feet ( 305 m) near Dad Arch and more t h an 20 feet ( 61 0 m) nort h of t he quadrang le ( Het t i ng er and ot h ers, 208 ) Mesozoic Lance Formation (upper Cretaceous)—F i ne- t o medi um- g rai ned fluv i al sandst ones i nt erbedded wi t h clayst one and mudst ones; flood plai n deposi t s; subdi vi ded i nt o t he upper , R ed Ri m Member t h at ov erli es and i n places i nt ert ong ues wi t h an unnamed low er member ( Het t i ng er and ot h ers, 208 ) Red Rim Member of the Lance Formation—Up t o 20 feet ( 61 m) of li ght yellow i sh - g ray t o g ray, fi ne- t o medi um- grai ned, t roug h- crossbedded sandst one beds t h at form di scont i nuous cli ffs t h at are spli t by 20 - t o 10 - foot ( 6 - t o 30 - m) t hi ck clayst one and mudst one lenses; t ot al t hi ck ness i s about 68 5 feet ( 209 m) t hi ck near Dad Arch , t hi nni ng sout hw ard t o about 3 70 feet ( 13 m) near t he t ow n of Bag gs ( Het t i ng er and ot h ers, 208 ) Lower member of the Lance Formation—F i ne- grai ned, li ght - g ray, t roug h - crossbedded sandst ones up t o 20 feet ( 61 m) t hi ck separat ed by dark - t o medi um- g ray and brow n mudst ones and clayst ones i n t he upper part t h at ov erli e si mi lar mudst ones and clayst ones separat ed by t hi n, fi ne- t o v ery fi ne- grai ned, ri pple- lami nat ed or t roug h - crossbedded sandst ones up t o 5 0 feet ( 15 m) t hi ck ; sev eral lent i cular coal beds up t o 10 feet ( 3 m) t hi ck are found near t he base of t he format i on, whi ch i nt ert ong ues wi t h or conformably ov erli es t he Fox H i lls Sandst one; low er member i s about 1 30 feet ( 396 m) t hi ck near Dad Arch and near t he W yomi ng - Colorado border , but sw ells t o 167 5 feet ( 510 m) bet w een t h ese locat i ons ( Het t i ng er and ot h ers, 208 ) Fox Hills Sandstone and Lewis Shale, undivided (upper Cretaceous)— Th e Fox H i lls Sandst one i s an upw ard- coarseni ng successi on of g rayi sh - orang e t o yellow i sh - g ray, fi ne- t o medi um- grai ned, t roug h - crossbedded, massi ve sandst ones i nt erbedded wi t h si lt y, g ray sh ales; t h ese li e on t op of, are g radat i onal wi t h, and i nt ert ong ue wi t h t he upper part of t he Lewi s Shale ( Het t i ng er and ot h ers, 20 8 ) . Th e Lewi s Shale i s a mari ne and near- sh ore uni t of g ray sh ale i nt erbedded t o v aryi ng deg rees wi t h brow n and g ray, fi ne- t o v ery fi ne- grai ned and si lt y, massi ve t o lami nat ed lent i cular sandst ones t h at oft en h ost abundant concret i ons ( Love and Ch ri st i ansen, 1 98 5 ; Het t i ng er and ot h ers, 208 ) . Combi ned t hi ck ness of t he Fox H i lls and Lewi s, si x mi les sout h of Dad Arch , i s 16 35 feet ( 498 m) [Fox H i lls, 40 - feet ( 121 m) ]; 1 4 mi les ( 23 k m) furt h er sout h t oward Baggs, t hi s uni t i s only 960 feet ( 29 3 m) t hi ck , i ncludi ng 24 0 feet ( 7 3 m) of Fox H i lls ( Het t i ng er and ot h ers, 20 8 ) J J J J J J J J J J J J ? ? ? ? # # # # # # # # # # # # Ks Twa p^u Ks Kfl Kl Kmv Kn Tfu Tg J! Kn Kmv J! Ks Kmv Kn J! Kf Kf Ku PM^ Ku PM^ Kf Tbp Ku PM^ Qal -15,000 -12,000 -9,000 -6,000 -3,000 Mean Sea Level 3,000 6,000 9,000 -15,000 -12,000 -9,000 -6,000 -3,000 Mean Sea Level 3,000 6,000 9,000 49-037-23279 Koala Bar Unit 2-28 49-007-05058 Mattie 1 49-007-22715 Robbers Gulch 6-6-14-92 49-007-20218 Blue Unit II 3-6-14-92 49-007-22641 Mexican Flats 1-35-15-92 49-007-20374 Goa Fed 25-1 49-007-20824 Kenai-blue Gap 1-30 49-007-20031 Fed-Cherokee Creek 23-15 49-007-20238 Cherokee Creek 13-14 49-007-21533 Wild Cow Creek 14-14 49-007-20126 Federal 4-10 Kfl Kfl No vertical exaggeration Elevation (Feet) SOUTHWEST TO NORTHEAST CROSS SECTION A-A' A Southwest A' Northeast 49-007-05568 Govt Wenger 1 Twa Qal Kfl Elevation (Feet) Robber Gulch Wild Cow Creek Wild Cow Creek Th e upper par t of t he Lewi s i nt er t ong ues wi t h t he under lyi ng Dad Sandst one Member of t he Lewi s, whi ch i n t urn li es on t op of and par t i ally i nt er t ong ues wi t h t he low er par t of t he Lewi s, whi ch i s desi g nat ed as a separat e map uni t . Th e Dad Sandst one Member v ar i es from 5 feet t o 7 0 feet ( 16 9 t o 2 13 m) t hi ck , but i s not mapped as a separat e uni t . Fox Hills Sandstone and upper part of the Lewis Shale, and Dad Sandstone Member of the Lewis Shale, undivided— Th e Fox H i lls Sandst one i s mapped t og et h er wi t h t he poor ly exposed, v alley- formi ng , oli v e- g ray, si lt y sh ale i nt erbedded wi t h t hi n, v ery fi ne- grai ned, yellow i sh - g ray si lt y sandst one upper Lewi s and t he li ght yellow i sh - g ray t o li ght brow n, t hi ck - bedded sandst one and oli v e- g ray mudst one of t he Dad S andst one t h at crops out as small rounded hi lls and cuest as ( Het t i ng er and ot h ers, 2 08 ) Lower part of the Lewis Shale—P oor ly exposed, v alley- formi ng , dark - g ray, sandy mar i ne sh ale t h at conformably ov er li es, and i nt er t ong ues wi t h t he under lyi ng A lmond Format i on of t he Mesav erde Group; t he low er par t of t he Lewi s i s 410 feet ( 12 5 m) t hi ck si x mi les sout h of Dad Arch and t hi ck ens sout hw ard t o 1 60 5 feet ( 489 m) near Bagg s; conv ersely, t he Dad Sandst one t hi ns i n t he same di rect i on ( Het t i ng er and ot h ers, 2 08 ) Mesaverde Formation (upper Cretaceous)— Gray t o yellow - orang e, fi ne- grai ned, t hi n t o t hi ck , massi ve t o crossbedded sandst one i nt erbedded wi t h g ray sandy sh ale, mudst one, and t hi n coal beds of t he Mesav erde are mapped as a si ng le uni t wi t hi n t he quadrang le; t ot al t hi ck ness i s on t he order of 270 t o 2 9 0 feet ( 823 t o 8 4 m) ( Love and Chr i st i ansen, 1 98 5 ; Het t i ng er and ot h ers, 2 08 ) Steele Shale (upper Cretaceous)—Soft , g ray mar i ne sh ale i nt erbedded wi t h numerous bent oni t e beds and t hi n, lent i cular fi ne- grai ned sandst ones ( Love and Chr i st i ansen, 1 98 5 ; McLaugh li n and F ruhw i r t h, 2 01 0 ) ; t hi ck ness i s 310 feet ( 94 5 m) i n t he sout h east ern par t of t he map area ( Ri t zma, 1949 ) Niobrara Formation (upper Cretaceous)—B lack t o g ray t o yellow calcareous sh ale i nt erbedded wi t h li ght - colored li mest one and ch alk ( Love and Chr i st i ansen, 19 85 ; McLaugh li n and F ruhw i r t h, 20 10 ) ; t hi ck ness i s about 1 2 0 feet ( 3 6 m) i n t he sout h east ern par t of t he quadrang le ( Ri t z ma, 194 9 ) Frontier Formation (upper Cretaceous)— Dark - g ray t o black mar i ne sh ale and sandy sh ale i nt erbedded wi t h g ray t o t an, fi ne- grai ned sandst ones, and t hi n bent oni t e beds ( Love and Chr i st i ansen, 1 98 5 ; McLaugh li n and F ruhw i r t h, 2 01 0 ) ; t hi ck ness i s about 69 0 feet ( 210 m) i n t he sout h east ern par t of t he quadrang le ( Ri t z ma, 194 9 ) Mowry Shale (upper Cretaceous)—S i li ceous, h ard, dark - g ray t o g ray sh ale t h at w eat h ers t o a si lv er- g ray, flaky out crop; i nt erbedded wi t h numerous bent oni t e beds, and cont ai ns abundant fi shscales ( Love and Chr i st i ansen, 1 98 5 ; McLaugh li n and F ruhw i r t h, 20 10 ) ; t hi ck ness i s about 1 30 feet ( 40 m) i n t he sout h east ern par t of t he quadrang le ( Ri t z ma, 194 9 ) Muddy Sandstone and Thermopolis Shale, undivided (upper Cretaceous)— Th e Muddy Sandst one i s about 3 5 feet ( 1 m) of g ray t o li ght - t an, medi um- grai ned sandst one i nt erbedded wi t h g ray carbonaceous sh ale and sandy sh ale lyi ng on t op of t he Th ermopoli s Shale, whi ch i s about 3 5 feet ( 1 m) of medi um- t o dark - g ray and brow n, fi ssi le sh ale cont ai ni ng t hi n lenses of sandst one and bent oni t e ( Love and Chr i st i ansen, 19 85 ; McLaugh li n and F ruhw i r t h, 2 01 0 ) Cloverly Formation (lower Cretaceous)—84 t o 13 9 feet ( 26 t o 42 m) of rust y- g ray t o brow n, fi ne- t o coarse- grai ned sandst one i n t he upper par t , under lai n by a mi ddle, v ar i eg at ed purple t o black , bent oni t i c clayst one and sh ale; base i s a whi t e t o t an, r i dg e- formi ng sandst one t h at locally g rades t o a ch er t pebble cong lomerat e ( Ri t z ma, 194 9 ; Love and Chr i st i ansen, 19 85 ; McLaugh li n and F ruhw i r t h, 201 0 ) Cloverly Formation (lower Cretaceous) and Morrison and Sundance Formations (upper Jurassic), undivided— Mapped t og et h er as one uni t along McK i nney C reek i n t he nor t h- cent ral par t of t he quadrang le Morrison Formation (upper Jurassic)— Calcareous t o bent oni t i c, pale- g reen t o dark blue- g reen, maroon, and ch alk y- whi t e, v ar i eg at ed clayst ones i nt erbedded wi t h t hi n, drab, nodular li mest ones, and g ray t o buff, non- resi st ant , si lt y sandst ones ( Love and Chr i st i ansen, 198 5 ; McLaugh li n and F ruhw i r t h, 20 10 ; Ri t z ma, 1949 ) ; t hi ck ness v ar i es from 210 t o 2 41 feet ( 64 t o 7 3 m) i n t he sout h east ern par t of t he quadrang le ( Ri t z ma, 194 9 ) Sundance Formation (upper and middle Jurassic)—C reamy- whi t e t o g reeni sh - g ray, v ar i eg at ed, g lauconi t i c, fi ne- grai ned, calcareous sandst one, si lt st one, sh ale, and t hi n li mest ones, under lai n by red and g ray, nong lauconi t i c sandst one and sh ale ( Ri t z ma, 1949 ; Love and Chr i st i ansen, 19 85 ; McLaug h li n and F ruhw i r t h, 20 10 ) ; rang es i n t hi ck ness from 20 t o 24 0 feet ( 61 t o 7 3 m) i n t he sout h east ern par t of t he quadrang le ( Ri t z ma, 1949 ) Nugget Sandstone (Jurassic and Triassic)— Dull- red t o g ray, massi ve t o coarsely crossbedded, fi ne- t o medi um- grai ned sandst one ( Love and Chr i st i ansen, 19 85 ) ; t hi ck ness est i mat ed t o be less t h an 1 0 feet ( 30 m) Chugwater Group (or Formation) (Triassic)— R ed t o salmon and buff, si lt st one and sh ale i nt erbedded wi t h red, fi ne- grai ned sandst ones, t hi n li mest ones, and t hi n g ypsum par t i ng s near t he base ( Ri t zma, 194 9 ; Love and Chr i st i ansen, 198 5 ; McLaugh li n and F ruhw i r t h, 201 0 ) ; t hi ck ness i n t he sout h east ern par t of t he quadrang le i s 1 41 feet ( 348 m) ( Ri t zma, 1949 ) Phosphoria Formation and Forelle Limestone, and Pennsylvanian Fountain Formation, undivided (Permian)—A lt ernat i ng beds of pet roli ferous, t hi n g ray t o yellow i sh ch er t y li mest one, purple t o orang e- red and g ray- g reen sh ale, and t hi n ev aporat e beds of t he P h osphor i a Format i on i nclude t he promi nent , t hi n, purple- g ray Forelle L i mest one; t he P h osph or i a/ Forelle ov er li es di scont i nuous red t o brow n and g ray, hi gh ly v ar i able, locally crossbedded, ark osi c t o quar t z i t i c sandst one and cong lomerat e of t he Fount ai n Format i on ( Ri t z ma, 194 9 ; Love and Chr i st i ansen, 1 98 5 ; Love and ot h ers, 1 9 3 ; McLaugh li n and F ruhw i r t h, 2 0 10 ) . Th e P h osph or i a and Forelle t og et h er are 56 t o 84 feet ( 17 t o 2 6 m) t hi ck , and t he Fount ai n i s up t o 12 6 feet ( 38 m) t hi ck ( Ri t z ma, 19 49 ) Precambrian Paleoproterozoic rocks within or south of the Cheyenne Belt mylonitic and cataclastic rocks, undifferentiated— Numerous i nt erelat ed sh ear z ones, cat aclasi s and i nt ense z ones of g ranulat i on and myloni z at i on relat ed t o t he Medi ci ne Bow orog eny ( Graff, 197 8 ; H i lls and Houst on, 1 97 9 ; Ch amber lai n, 1 9 8 ) Sierra Madre Granite, 1744-1763 Ma—W ell- foli at ed t o medi um- grai ned t o fai nt ly foli at ed and coarse- grai ned, pi nk t o red g rani t e and quar t z monz oni t e plut ons, di k es, and si lls i n t he S i era Madre ( P remo and V an Sch mus, 1 98 9 ; Houst on and Graff, 195 ) mafic intrusive rocks ~1800 Ma— Dark - g ray t o black mafi c, g enerally si ll- li k e and conformable i nt rusi v es up t o a mi le ( 1 . 6 km) long , and v aryi ng from a few feet t o sev eral h undred feet ( ~1 t o 1 0 m) wi de; local cross- cut t i ng i nt rusi ve relat i onsh i ps; complet e conv ersi on t o amph i boli t e domi nat es t h ese rock s; some mafi c bodi es may be i ncluded wi t hi n one of t he Green Mount ai n Format i on subuni t s, par t i cular ly wi t hi n mafi c met av olcani cs ( Houst on and Graff, 195 ) . W here or i gi nal t ext ures are preserv ed or w here ch emi cal composi t i on and mi neralog y are k now n, t h ese mafi c i nt rusi v es are desi g nat ed as follow s: diabase gabbro and metagabbro ultramafic Elkhorn Mountain Gabbro — Large bodi es, di k es, and si lls of medi um- grai ned, dark - brow n t o black cli nopyroxene - h ornblende g abbro i n t he sout h ern S i era Madre; also occurs as i nclusi ons i n t he S i era Madre Grani t e ( Houst on and Graff, 1 9 5 ) Encampment River Granodiorite, 1779 ± 5 Ma —Foli at ed, dark - g ray i nt rusi ve rock v aryi ng from g ranodi or i t e t o quar t z di or i t e t o di or i t e ch aract er i z ed by i nclusi ons of v olcani c rock s of t he Green Mount ai n Format i on ( P remo and V an S ch mus, 1 9 8 9 ; Houst on and Graff, 1 9 5 ) Green Mountain Formation Mafic metavolcanic rocks of the Green Mountain Formation —A sequence of mafi c met av olcani c rock s of upper greensch i st t o low er amph i boli t e faci es, wi t hlocally w ell- preserv ed pr i mary t ext ure i n t he cent ral S i era Madre; i nt ermedi at e t o felsi c composi t i on met av olcani c rock s and met agrayw ack e are i nt erbedded wi t h, and g rade lat erally east ward i nt o, domi nant ly calc - alk ali ne met abasalt i c rock s east of t he quadrang le i n t he Green Mount ai n and F let ch er P ark areas ( Houst on and Graff, 195 ) Felsic metavolcanic rocks of the Green Mountain Formation, 1792 ± 15 Ma—Felsi c met av olcani c rock s t h at are predomi nat ely fi ne- grai ned, whi t e t o g ray t o black met arh yoli t e and met adaci t e ( P remo and V an Sch mus, 19 89 ; Houst on and Graff, 195 ) Metagraywacke of the Green Mountain Formation— Dark - g ray bi ot i t e- ch lor i t e- quar t z - feldspar sch i st i n t he nor t h ern S i era Madre ( Houst on and Graff, 195 ) Mixed metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks of the Green Mountain Formation—A successi on of i nt erbedded felsi c and mafi c met av olcani c and met asedi ment ary rock s i n t he S i era Madre ( Houst on and Graff, 195 ) Chemical metasedimentary rocks of the Green Mountain Formation —F i ne- grai ned met aquar t z i t e ( ch er t ? ) , met ali mest one, oxi de- faci es mag net i t e- r i ch i ron format i on, and massi ve and di ssemi nat ed sulfi de deposi t s t h at are i nt er layered wi t h, or di ssemi nat ed i n, v olcanog eni c met asedi ment ary rock s and some sedi ment ary exh alat i ve sulfi de deposi t s ( Houst on and Graff, 19 5 ) Paleoproterozoic and Neoarchean rocks north of the Cheyenne Belt Mafic intrusive rocks ~1700-2300 Ma— Dark - g ray t o black t o purple mafi c di k es and si lls met amorph osed t o v aryi ng deg rees, but wi t h many preserv ed g abbroi c and di abasi c t ext ures; most ly alt ered t o amph i boli t e ( Mat us, 1 95 8 ; Shaw and ot h ers, 1 98 6 ; P remo and V an Sch mus, 198 9 ; Houst on and Graff, 19 5 ) . More det ai led rock i dent i fi ers and descr i pt i ons w here av ai lable are as follow s: diabasic rocks ultramafic rocks Snowy Pass Group (Paleoproterozoic) — Th i s g roup of format i ons, as descr i bed by Houst on and Graff ( 195 ) i ncludes: S laugh t erh ouse Format i on, Copper t on Format i on, Bot t le C reek Format i on, Cascade Q uar t z i t e, S i ng er P eak Format i on, and Mag noli a Format i on Slaughterhouse Formation—Est i mat ed 40+ feet ( 1219+ m) of a sev erely deformed, par t i ally preserv ed remnant of a successi on consi st i ng of fi ne- grai ned, i nt erbedded, red, yellow , and g reen met ali mest one cont ai ni ng layers of buff met adolomi t e, quar t z i t e, and dark - g reen ph ylli t e; fi ne- grai ned, ch lor i t e- calcar i ous sch i st under lai n by dark - g ray graph i t i c ph ylli t e, whi ch i s under lai n by met ali mest one ( Houst on and Graff, 19 5 ) Copperton Formation—S t ruct urally t hi nned by t h rust fault s; made up of t hree uni t s: an upper 5 0 feet ( 152 m) of whi t e massi ve quar t z i t e; a mi ddle lami nat ed ph ylli t e exh i bi t i ng an upper sect i on of alt ernat i ng beds of coarser- g rai ned sch i st and crossbedded quar t z i t e, under lai n by 10 feet ( 30 5 m) of g ray, t hi n alt ernat i ng quar t z and fi ne- grai ned mi ca- r i ch lami nae; and a basal, coarse- grai ned, hi gh ly sh eared, k yani t e- bear i ng , whi t e quar t z i t e as much as 20 feet ( 61 0 m) t hi ck ( Houst on and Graff, 19 5 ) Bottle Creek Formation— About 13 0 feet ( 39 6 m) t hi ck ; an upper slabby and buff quar t z i t e cont ai ni ng i nt erbeds of ph ylli t e successi v ely under lai n by uni t s of di ami ct i t e and quar t z i t e; di ami ct i t e uni t s are paracong lomerat e wi t hi n a mat r i x of t an or g reen ph ylli t e i nt erbedded wi t h pale- g reen sch i st ose and feldspat hi c, medi um- t o coarse- grai ned quart z i t e ( Houst on and Graff, 195 ) Cascade Quartzite >2092 9 Ma—5 0+ feet ( 152 4+ m) of locally crossbedded, predomi nat ely whi t e, ark osi c quar t z i t e cont ai ni ng layers of quar t z - pebble cong lomerat e and black ch er t - pebble cong lomerat e ( P remo and V an Sch mus; 19 89 ; Houst on and Graff, 19 5 ) Singer Peak Formation—A di scont i nuous upper par t of poor ly sor t ed paracong lomerat e wi t h ang ular g rani t e clast s, g reen ph ylli t e beds, and t hi n quar t z i t e and a 2 8 0 - foot ( 8 53 m) t hi ck low er par t of blue and g reen ph ylli t e, buff t o orang e quar t z i t e, and t hi ck si lv ery ph ylli t e t h at h ost s red g arnet at t he base ( Houst on and Graff, 1 95 ) Magnolia Formation, 2451 9 Ma— pr i mar i ly coarse- g rai ned whi t e t o g ray quar t z i t e mark ed by small- scale t rough - crossbeds and t hi n layers of ph ylli t e, wi t h lent i cular beds of radi oact i ve quar t z - pebble cong lomerat e near t he base; maxi mum t hi ck ness of 150 feet ( 457 m) ( P remo and V an Schmus, 1989 ; Houst on and Graff, 195 ) Neoarchean rocks north of the Cheyenne Belt Phantom Lake Metamorphic Suite (Neoarchean)—A ll t hree subuni t s of t he P hant om Lak e met amorph i c sui t e i n t he S i era Madre h av e been subj ect ed t o mult i ph ase deformat i on t h at h as obscured st rat i graph i c relat i onsh i ps; J ack C reek Q uar t z i t e and B r i dg er P eak Q uar t z i t e may act ually be t he same g eolog i c uni t ( Souders and F rost , 2 0 6 ) SELECTED REFERENCES AND SOURCES OF GEOLOGIC MAPPING (Numbers refer to INDEX TO SOURCES OF GEOLOGIC MAPPING) Bal, M. W . , 1 9 0 9 , Th e w est ern part of t he L i t t le Snak e Ri v er coal fi eld, W yomi ng : U. S . Geolog i cal Survey Bullet i n 3 4 1 , p. 2 4 3 - 2 5 , scale 1 : 2 5 0 , 0 . Bal, M. W . and S t ebi ng er , Eug ene, 1 9 1 0 , Th e east ern par t of t he L i t t le Snak e Ri v er coal fi eld, W yomi ng : U. S . Geolog i cal Surv ey Bullet i n 3 8 1 , p. 1 8 6 - 2 1 3 , scale 1 : 2 5 0 , 0 . Barclay, C . S . V. , 1 9 7 6 , P reli mi nary g eolog i c map of t he Tulli s quadrang le, Carbon Count y, W yomi ng : U. S . Geolog i cal Survey Open F i le R eport OF - 7 6 - 7 9 4 , scale 1 : 2 4 , 0 . Barclay, C . S . V. , 1 9 7 9 , Geoph ysi cal log s and coal sect i ons of h oles dri led duri ng 1 9 7 and 1 9 7 8 i n t he nort h east ern par t of t he Baggs quadrang le, Carbon Count y, W yomi ng : U. S . Geolog i cal Survey Open F i le R eport OF - 7 9 - 1 6 2 8 , scale 1 : 6 0 , 0 . Barlow , J . A . , 1 9 5 3 , Th e g eolog y of t he R aw li ns upli ft , Carbon Count y, W yomi ng : Ph. D . di sser t at i on, U ni v ersi t y of W yomi ng , Larami e, 1 7 9 p. , scale 1 : 3 1 , 6 8 0 . Bery, D . W . , 1 9 6 0 , Geolog y and g round- w at er resources of t he R aw li ns area, Carbon Count y, W yomi ng : U. S . Geolog i cal Survey W at er Supply P aper 1 4 5 8 , 7 4 p. B lack st one, D . L . , J r . , 1 9 5 8 , Geolog y of t he Muddy C reek area, Carbon and Sweet w at er Count i es: W yomi ng S t at e Geolog i cal Survey Open F i le R epor t 5 - 2 , scale 1 : 3 1 , 6 8 0 . Bridger Peak Quartzite— 260 feet ( 790 m) of g ray t o whi t e quar t z i t e v aryi ng from quar t z areni t e t o argi llaceous and ark osi c quar t z i t e wi t h w ell- dev eloped lent i cular beds of quar t z - pebble cong lomerat e; i nt er layered ser i ci t e sch i st i n t he upper par t t oward i t s east ern out crops ( Houst on and Graff, 195 ) Silver Lake Metavolcanics 2,680 ± 18 Ma— Complex met av olcani c sequence i ncludi ng g ray quar t z - plag i oclase- mi ca sch i st , fi ne- grai ned amph i boli t e, dark amph i bole g nei ss, peli t i c sch i st , whi t e feldspat hi c quar t z i t e, calcareous quar t z i t e, and paracong lomerat e; some frag ment al t ext ures; local preserv ed g raded beddi ng ; common abrupt faci es ch anges; g rani t e- boulder paracong lomerat e i nt erbedded wi t h feldspat hi c quar t z i t e and peli t i c sch i st t h roug h out ; t hi ck ness up t o 3 0 feet ( 10 m) i n t he cent ral S i era Madre ( Houst on and Graff, 19 5 ; Souders and F rost , 2 06 ) Jack Creek Quartzite— Domi nat ed by whi t e quar t z i t e and cont ai ns lenses of paracong lomerat e, quar t z - pebble cong lomerat e, g ray and g reen ph ylli t e, met agrayw ack e, and marble; 1650 feet ( 503 m) t hi ck i n t he nor t hw est ern S i era Madre, i ncludi ng t he Deep Gulch Cong lomerat e Member at t he base, whi ch consi st s of 328 feet ( 10 m) of w ell- dev eloped pyr i t i c and radi oact i ve quar t z - pebble cong lomerat e ( Houst on and Graff, 19 5 ) Red-pink orthogneiss, 2683 ± 6 Ma—W ell- foli at ed t o massi v e, red t o pi nk g rani t i c t o t onali t i c or t h ognei ss i n t he nor t h ern S i era Madre; more massi ve ph ases i nt rude t he Spr i ng Lak e Granodi or i t e ( P remo and V an Sch mus, 19 89 ; Houst on and Graff, 195 ) Spring Lake Granodiorite, 2710 10 Ma—W ell- foli at ed g ray g ranodi or i t e crops out ext ensi v ely i n t he nor t h ern S i era Madre and i nt rudes bot h t he V ulcan Mount ai n met av olcani cs and t he low er par t of t he P hant om Lak e Met amorph i c Sui t e ( P remo and V an Sch mus, 198 9 ; Houst on and ot h ers, 1 92 ; Houst on and Graff, 19 5 ) Vulcan Mountain Metavolcanics, Sierra Madre — An est i mat ed 14 8 feet ( 350 m) of hi g h ly deformed mafi c met av olcani cs made up of fi ne- grai ned amph i boli t e and h ornblende- plag i oclase g nei ss wi t h i solat ed i nt er layers of ch lor i t e sch i st , quar t z i t e, paracong lomerat e, and marble; pi llow st ruct ures and amyg dules locally preserv ed i n amph i boli t e, whi ch also h ost s conformable i nt er layered i nt rusi ons of ult ramafi c and g abbroi c composi t i on; i nt erpret ed t o li e unconformably on t op of t he basement quar t z ofeldspat hi c g nei ss ( Houst on, Kar lst rom, Graff, and F lurk ey, 1 92 ; Houst on and Graff, 195 ) Quartzo-feldspathic gneiss—W ell- foli at ed t o massi ve and fai nt ly foli at ed, pi nk t o g ray felsi c g nei ss pr i mar i ly composed of plag i ocla se, pot ash feldspar , and quar t z ; i ncludes i nt er layered pi nk g rani t e g nei ss, g ray bi ot i t e- quar t z - feldspar g nei ss, t an g arnet - quar t z - feldspar g nei ss, whi t e quar t z - mi crocli ne g nei ss, and local layers of kyani t e g nei ss, h ornblende g nei ss, and amph i boli t e ( Houst on and Graff, 19 5 ) B radley, W . H . , 1 9 4 5 , Geolog y of t he W ash ak i e Basi n, Sweet w at er and Carbon Count i es, W yomi ng , and Moffat Count y, Colorado: U. S . Geolog i cal Survey O i l and Gas Inv est i g at i ons Map OM- 3 2 , scale 1 : 1 9 0 , 0 8 0 . B radley, W . H . , 1 9 6 1 , Geolog i c map of a part of sout hw est ern W yomi ng and adj acent st at es: U. S . Geolog i cal Survey Mi scelaneous Geolog i c Inv est i g at i ons Map I- 3 2 , scale 1 : 2 5 0 , 0 . B radley, W . H . , 1 9 6 4 , Geolog y of t he Green Ri v er Format i on and associ at ed Eocene rock s i n sout hw est ern W yomi ng and adj acent part s of Colorado and Ut ah : USGS P rofessi onal P aper 4 9 6 - A , p. A1 - A8 6 , scale 1 : 2 5 0 , 0 . Bueh ner , J . H . , 1 9 3 6 , Geolog y of an area nort h of t he S i era Madre, Carbon Count y, W yomi ng : M. A . t h esi s, U ni v ersi t y of W yomi ng , Larami e, 3 7 p. , scale 1 : 5 7 , 0 2 4 . Carey, B . D . , 1 9 5 , Th e E lk h ead Mount ai ns v olcani c fi eld, nor t hw est ern Colorado: Gui debook t o t he g eolog y of nort hw est Colorado, 6 t h Annual F i eld Conference, Int ermount ai n Assoc. P et rol. Geolog i st s and R ock y Mount ai n Assoc. Geolog i st s, p. 4 - 4 6 . Ch amberlai n, K . R. , 1 9 8 , Medi ci ne BowOrog eny: Ti mi ng of deformat i on and model of crust al st ruct ure produced dur i ng cont i nent –arc colli si on, ca. 1 . 7 8 Ga, sout h east ern W yomi ng : Rocky Mount ai n Geolog y, v. 3 , no. 2 , p. 2 5 9 - 2 7 , Oct . 1 9 8 . Del Mauro, G . L . , 1 9 5 3 , Geolog y of Mi ller H i l and S ag e C reek area, Carbon Count y, W yomi ng : M. A . t h esi s, U ni v ersi t y of W yomi ng , Larami e, 1 4 1 p. , scale 1 : 6 3 , 3 6 0 . Good, L . W . , 1 9 6 0 , Geolog y of t he Baggs area, Carbon Count y, W yomi ng : M. A t h esi s, U ni v ersi t y of W yomi ng , Larami e, 9 0 p. , scale 1 : 2 4 , 0 . Graff, P. J . , 1 9 7 8 , Geolog y of t he low er par t of t he Ear ly P rot eroz oi c Snowy R ange Superg roup, S i era Madre, W yomi ng : Ph. D . di sser t at i on , U ni v ersi t y of W yomi ng , Larami e, 8 5 p. Gwi nner , D . , 1 9 7 9 , S t ruct ural set t i ng of urani um- bear i ng quar t z - pebble cong lomerat e of P recambri an ag e, nor t hw est S i era Madre, Carbon Count y, W yomi ng : M. S . t h esi s, U ni v ersi t y of W yomi ng , Larami e, 2 9 p. , scale 1 : 2 4 0 . Hallberg , L . L . , and Case, J . C . , 2 0 6 , P reli mi nary surfi ci al g eolog i c map of t he Baggs 3 0 ' x 6 0 ' quadrang le, Carbon and Sweet w at er Count i es, W yomi ng : W yomi ng S t at e Geolog i cal Surv ey Open F i le R epor t 0 6 - 3 , scale 1 : 1 0 , 0 . Hausel, W . D . , 1 9 8 6 , Mi neral deposi t s of t he Encampment mi ni ng di st r i ct , S i era Madre, W yomi ng - Colorado: W yomi ng S t at e Geolog i cal Survey R eport of Inv est i g at i ons 3 7 , 3 1 p. Het t i ng er , R. D . and Honey, J . G . , 2 0 5 , Geolog i c map and coal st rat i graph y of t he B lue Gap quadrang le, east ern W a shak i e Basi n, Carbon Count y, W yomi ng : U. S . Geolog i cal Survey S ci ent i fi c Inv est i g at i ons Map S IM- 2 8 7 8 , scale 1 : 2 4 , 0 . Het t i ng er , R. D . and Honey, J . G . , 2 0 6 , Geolog i c map and coal st rat i graph y of t he Dot y Mount ai n quadrang le, east ern W ash ak i e Basi n, Carbon Count y, W yomi ng : U. S . Geolog i cal Survey S ci ent i fi c Inv est i g at i ons Map S IM- 2 9 2 5 , scale 1 : 2 4 , 0 . Houst on, R. S . , Kar lst rom, K . E . , Graff, P aul J . , and F lurk ey, Andrew J . , 1 9 2 , New st rat i graph i c subdi vi si ons and redefi ni t i on of subdi vi si ons of lat e Arch ean and ear ly P rot erozoi c met asedi ment ary and met av olcani c rock s of t he S i era Madre and Medi ci ne Bow Mount ai ns, sout h ern W yomi ng : U SGS P rofessi onal P aper 1 5 2 0 , 5 0 p. , scale 1 : 1 2 5 , 0 . Houst on, R. S . , Kar lst rom, K . E . , Graff, P. J . , and Hausel, W. D . , 1 9 7 8 , R adi oact i ve quar t z - pebble cong lomerat es of t he S i era Madre and Medi ci ne Bow Mount ai ns, sout h east ern W yomi ng : W yomi ng S t at e Geolog i cal Survey Open F i le R eport 7 8 - 3 , scale 1 : 4 8 , 0 . Houst on, R. S . , S ch mi dt , T. G . , and Lane, M. E . , 1 9 8 3 , Mi neral resource pot ent i al and g eolog i c map of t he Hust on P ark R oadless Area, Carbon Count y, W yomi ng : U. S . Geolog i cal Survey, Mi scelaneous F i eld S t udi es Map MF - 1 6 3 7 , scale 1 : 2 4 , 0 . Houst on, R. S . , S ch ust er , J . E . , and Ebbet t , B . E . , 1 9 7 5 , P reli mi nary report on t he di st ri but i on of copper and plat i num g roup met als i n mafi c i g neous rock s of t he S i era Madre, W yomi ng : U. S . Geolog i cal Survey Open- F i le R epor t OF - 7 5 - 8 5 , scale 1 : 2 4 , 0 . Karlst rom, K . E . , and Houst on, R. S . , 1 9 8 4 , Th e Ch eyenne Belt : Analysi s of a P rot eroz oi c sut ure i n sout h ern W yomi ng : P recambri an R esearch, v. 2 5 , p. 4 1 5 - 4 6 . Lack ey, L . L . , 1 9 6 5 , P et rog raph y of Met av olcani c and Ig neous R ock s of P recambr i an ag e i n t he Hust on P ark area, S i era Madre, W yomi ng : M. A . t h esi s, U ni v ersi t y of W yomi ng , Larami e, 7 8 p. , scale 1 : 2 4 , 0 . Love, J . D . , 1 9 5 3 , P reli mi nary report on t he urani um deposi t s i n t he Mi ler H i ll area, Carbon Count y, W yomi ng : U. S . Geolog i cal Surv ey C i rcular 2 7 8 , 1 0 p. , scale 1 : 6 3 , 3 6 0 . Love, J . D . , and Chr i st i ansen, A . C . , 1 9 8 5 , Geolog i c map of W yomi ng : U. S . Geolog i cal Survey Map, scale 1 : 5 0 , 0 . Love, J . D . , Ch ri st i ansen, A . C . , and V er P loeg, A . J . 1 9 3 , S t rat i graph i c ch ar t show i ng P haneroz oi c nomenclat ure for t he S t at e of W yomi ng , W yomi ng S t at e Geolog i cal Survey Map S eri es 4 1 . Luft , S . J . , 1 9 8 5 , Generali z ed g eolog i c map show i ngdi st r i but i on and basal confi g urat i on of t he B row ns P ark Format i on and B i sh op Cong lomerat e i n nort hw est ern Colorado, nort h east ern Ut ah , and sout h ern W yomi ng : U. S . Geolog i cal Survey Mi scelaneous F i eld S t udi es Map MF - 1 8 2 1 , scale 1 : 2 5 0 , 0 . Mat us, I. , 1 9 5 8 , Th e g eolog y of t he low er F rench C reek area, Carbon Count y, W yomi ng : M. A . t h esi s, U ni v ersi t y of W yomi ng , 3 8 p. , scale 1 : 1 2 , 6 7 0 . McCalum, M. E . and Menz er , F . J . , 1 9 8 2 , Met al di st r i but i on i n t he Bat t le Lak e area, Grand Encampment mi ni ng di st ri ct , Carbon Count y, W yomi ng , wi t h compari son t o deposi t s i n t he NewR ambler mi ne di st ri ct , A lbany and Carbon Count i es, W yomi ng : U. S . Geolog i cal Survey Open- F i le R eport OF - 8 2 - 1 7 9 , scale 1 : 2 4 , 0 . McLaugh li n, J . F . , and F ruhw i r t h, J . , 2 0 1 0 , P reli mi nary g eolog i c map of t he R aw li ns 3 0 ' × 6 0 ' quadrang le, Carbon Count y, W yomi ng : W yomi ng S t at e Geolog i cal Survey Open F i le R eport 0 8 - 4 , scale 1 : 1 0 , 0 . Mont ag ne, J . , 1 9 5 , Cenoz oi c hi st ory of t he S arat oga V aley area, W yomi ng and Colorado: Ph. D di ssert at i on, U ni v ersi t y of W yomi ng , Larami e, 1 4 0 p. , scale 1 : 6 3 , 3 6 0 . Mont ag ne, J . , 1 9 1 , Cenoz oi c hi st ory of t he S arat oga V aley area, W yomi ng and Colorado: Cont ri but i ons t o Geolog y, U ni v. of W yomi ng , v. 2 9 , no. 1 , p. 1 3 - 7 0 , scale ~1 : 1 6 3 , 5 1 0 . Mueller , R. E . , 1 9 8 2 , Th e Ch eyenne Belt , Sout h east ern W yomi ng–P art I, Descri pt i ve g eolog y and pet rog raph y: M. S . t h esi s, U ni v ersi t y of W yomi ng , Larami e, 9 8 p. , scales 1 : 6 , 0 and 1 : 2 4 , 0 . O lson, A . B . , 1 9 5 9 , P hot og eolog i c map of t he F lat Top Mount ai n NE quadrang le, Carbon Count y, W yomi ng : U. S . Geolog i cal Survey Mi scelaneous Geolog i c Inv est i g at i ons Map I- 3 0 1 , scale 1 : 2 4 , 0 . P remo, W . R. , and V an S ch mus, W . R. , 1 9 8 9 , Zi rcon g eoch ronolog y of P recambr i an rock s i n sout h east ern W yomi ng and nort h ern Colorado, i n Grambli ng , J . A . , and Tew k sbury, B . J . , eds. , P rot eroz oi c g eolog y of t he Sout h ern Rocky Mount ai ns: Geolog i cal Soci et y of Ameri ca Speci al P aper 2 3 5 , p. 1 3 - 3 2 . Pri ce, C . , 1 9 7 3 , G laci al and drai nage hi st ory of t he upper CowC reek drai nag e, S i era Madre rang e, W yomi ng : M. S . t h esi s, U ni v ersi t y of W yomi ng , Larami e, 8 2 p. , scale ~1 : 1 , 9 8 0 . Ri t z ma, H . R. , 1 9 4 9 , Geolog y along t he sout hw est flank of t he S i era Madre, Carbon Count y, W yomi ng : M. A . t h esi s, U ni v ersi t y of W yomi ng , Larami e, 7 p. , scale 1 : 6 3 , 3 6 0 . R oehler , H . W . , 1 9 7 3 , S t rat i graph i c di vi si ons and g eolog i c hi st ory of t he Laney Member of t he Green Ri v er Format i on i n t he W ash ak i e Basi n, sout hw est ern W yomi ng : U. S . Geolog i cal Survey Bullet i n 1 3 7 2 - E , 2 8 p. R oehler , H . W. , 1 9 8 9 , Corelat i on of surface sect i ons of t he i nt er t ong ued Eocene W asat ch and Green Ri v er Format i ons across t he cent ral part of t he S and W ash Basi n, nor t hw est Colorado, and east ern part of t he W ash ak i e Basi n, sout hw est W yomi ng : U. S . Geolog i cal Surv ey, Mi scelaneous F i eld S t udi es Map MF - 2 1 0 6 , scale 1 : 2 5 3 , 4 0 . R oehler , H . W. , 1 9 0 , S t rat i graph y of t he Mesav erde Group i n t he cent ral and east ern Great er Green Ri v er Basi n, W yomi ng , Colorado, and Ut ah : U. S . Geolog i cal Survey P rofessi onal P aper 1 5 0 8 , 5 2 p. R oehler , H . W . , 1 9 2 , Descr i pt i on and corelat i on of Eocene rock s i n st rat i graph i c reference sect i ons for t he Green Ri v er and W ash ak i e Basi ns, sout hw est W yomi ng : U. S . Geolog i cal Survey P rofessi onal P aper 1 5 0 6–D , 8 3 p. R oehler , H . W . , 2 0 4 , P reli mi nary g eolog i c map of t he K i nney Ri m 3 0 ' x 6 0 ' quadrang le: W yomi ng S t at e Geolog i cal Survey Open F i le R eport 0 4 - 5 , scale 1 : 1 0 , 0 . S ch mi dt , T. G . , 1 9 8 3 , P recambr i an met av olcani c rock s and associ at ed v olcanog eni c mi neral deposi t s of t he F let ch er P ark and Green Mount ai n areas, S i era Madre, W yomi ng : M. S . t h esi s, U ni v ersi t y of W yomi ng , Larami e, 1 3 p. , scale 1 : 2 4 , 0 . Shaw , H . F . , Tracy, R. J . , N i emeyer , S . , and Colodner , D . , 1 986 , Age and ND- SR syst emat i cs of t he Spr i ng C reek Lak e body, S i era Madre Mount ai ns, W yomi ng : EOS , v. 67 , p. 1 26 . Short , B . L . , 19 58 , A g eolog i c and pet rog raph i c st udy of t he F er i s- Haggart y mi ni ng area, Carbon Count y, W yomi ng : M. A . t h esi s, U ni v ersi t y of W yomi ng , Larami e, 138 p. , scale 1 : 12 , 0 . Snyder , G . L . , 19 80 , Geolog i c map of t he nort h ernmost P ark R ange and sout h ernmost S i era Madre, J ack son and R out t Count i es, Colorado: U. S . Geolog i cal Survey Mi scelaneous Inv est i g at i ons S eri es Map I- 13 , scale 1 : 48 , 0 . Souders, A . K . , 20 4 , In suspect t erane? P rovenance of t he Lat e Arch ean P hant om Lak e Met amorph i c Sui t e, S i era Madre, W yomi ng : M. S . t h esi s, U ni v ersi t y of W yomi ng , Larami e, W Y, 7 4 p. Souders, A . K . , and F rost , C . D . , 206 , In suspect t erane? P rovenance of t he Lat e Arch ean P hant om Lak e Met amorph i c Sui t e, S i era Madre, W yomi ng : Canadi an J ournal of Eart h S ci ences, v. 43 , p. 1 57 - 157 . Spencer , A . C . , 1 904 , Th e copper deposi t s of t he Encampment di st ri ct , W yomi ng : U. S . Geolog i cal Survey P rofessi onal P aper 25 , 10 7 p. , scale 1 : 84 , 480 . Sut h er land, W . M. , and Hausel, W . D . , 2 04 , P reli mi nary g eolog i c map of t he S arat oga 30 ' x 6 0 ' quadrang le: W yomi ng S t at e Geolog i cal Surv ey Open F i le R epor t 04 - 10 , scale 1 : 10 , 0 , 3 5 p. Th omas, H . D . , 1 958 , P hot og eolog y of t he w est ern par t of t he K i ndt Basi n, Carbon Count y, W yomi ng : W yomi ng S t at e Geolog i cal Survey Open F i le R eport 58 - 1 . Th ompson, R. N . , G i bson, S . A . , Leat , P. T. , Mi t ch ell, J . G . , Mori son, M. A . , Hendry, G . L . , and D i ck i n, A . P. , 19 3 , Ear ly Mi ocene cont i nent al ext ensi on- relat ed basalt i c mag mat i sm at W alt on P eak , nor t hw est Colorado–furt h er ev i dence on cont i nent al basalt g enesi s: J ournal of t he Geolog i cal Soci et y, London, v. 150 , p. 27 - 292 . Tyler , T. F . and P et erson, J . R. , 1980 , W i ldcat w el penet rat i on map show i ng w ells dri lled i nt o and t hrough pot ent i aly g as- beari ng , low - permeabi li t y U pper C ret aceous and Ter t i ary reserv oi rs, W ash ak i e Basi n, W yomi ng : U. S . Geolog i cal Survey Open- F i le R eport OF - 80 - 189 , scale 1 : 125 , 0 . Vi ne, J . D . and Pr i ch ard, G . E . , 1959 , Geolog y and urani um occurences i n t he Mi ler H i ll area, Carbon Count y, W yomi ng : U. S . Geolog i cal Survey Bullet i n 1 074 - F , 2 39 p. , scale 1 : 480 . W elder , G . E . and McGreev y, L . J . , 1 96 , Ground- w at er reconnai ssance of t he Great D i vi de and W ash ak i e Basi ns and some adj acent areas, sout hw est ern W yomi ng : U. S . Geolog i cal Survey Hydrolog i c Inv est i g at i ons A t las HA - 219 , scale 1 : 250 , 0 . Het t i ng er , R. D . , Honey, J . G . , E lli s, M. S . , Barclay, C . S . V. , and East , J . A . , 2 0 8 , Geolog i c map of U pper C ret aceous and Tert i ary st rat a and coal st rat i graph y of t he Paleocene Fort U ni on Format i on, R awli ns- L i t t le Snak e Ri v er area, sout h- cent ral W yomi ng : U. S . Geolog i cal Survey S ci ent i fi c Inv est i g at i ons Map S IM- 3 0 5 3 , scale 1 : 1 0 , 0 . H i ls, F . A . , and Houst on, R. S . , 1 9 7 9 , Early P rot eroz oi c t ect oni cs of t he cent ral Rocky Mount ai ns, Nor t h Ameri ca: U ni v ersi t y of W yomi ng Cont ri but i ons t o Geolog y, v. 1 7 , no. 2 , p. 8 9 - 1 0 9 . Honey, J . G . and Het t i ng er , R. D . , 2 0 4 , Geolog i c map of t he P each Orchard F lat quadrang le, Carbon Count y, W yomi ng , and descr i pt i ons of new st rat i graph i c uni t s i n t he U pper C ret aceous Lance Format i on and Paleocene Fort U ni on Format i on, east ern g reat er Green Ri v er Basi n, W yomi ng - Colorado: U. S . Geolog i cal Survey S ci ent i fi c Inv est i g at i ons Map S IM- 2 8 3 5 , scale 1 : 2 4 , 0 . Houst on, R. S . , 1 9 3 , Lat e Arch ean and Ear ly P rot erozoi c g eolog y of sout h east ern W yomi ng , Snok e, A . W . , S t ei dt mann, J . R. , and R obert s, S . M. , eds. , Geolog y of W yomi ng : W yomi ng S t at e Geolog i cal Survey Memoi r 5 , p. 7 8 - 1 6 . Houst on, R. S . and Ebbet t , B . E . , 1 9 7 , Geolog i c map of t he S i era Madre and w est ern Medi ci ne Bow Mount ai ns, sout h east ern W yomi ng : U. S . Geolog i cal Survey Mi scelaneous F i eld S t udi es Map MF - 8 2 7 , scale 1 : 1 2 5 , 0 . Houst on, R. S . and Graff, P. J . , 1 9 5 , Geolog i c map of P recambr i an rock s of t he S i era Madre, Carbon Count y, W yomi ng , and J ack son and R out t Count i es, Colorado: U. S . Geolog i cal Surv ey Mi scelaneous Inv est i g at i ons S er i es Map I- 2 4 5 2 , scale 1 : 5 0 , 0 . Map layout and design by Robin W. Lyons Map editing by Suzanne C. Luhr EXPLANATION Geology - Interpreting the past - Providing for the future DESCRIPTIONS OF MAP UNITS Quaternary Alluvium— U nconsoli dat ed sand, si lt , clay, coarse g rav els and cobbles i n and along most drai nag es; may i nclude eluv i al deposi t s, lak e sedi ment s, slope wash and smal aluv i al and colluv i al deposi t s Terrace deposits— U nconsoli dat ed t o locally cement ed, si lt , sand, g ravel, and cobbles di st r i but ed ov er a wi de range of elev at i ons abov e t he present drai nag e syst ems Colluvium and eolian sand, undifferentiatedMi nor deposi t s of slope w ash and wi nd- blow n sand i n t he nort h- cent ral part of t he quadrang le t h at may i nclude t hi ck soi ls and mi nor alluv i um Colluvium derived from Miocene igneous rocks— Covers slopes suroundi ng Bat t le Mount ai n and ot h er hi ls near t he sout h east ern edg e of t he quadrang le; may i nclude some alluv i al mat eri al Sand dunes—W i nd- blow n sand and sand dunes i n Th e S and H i ls i n nort h cent ral par t of t he quadrang le ( Het t i ng er and ot h ers, 20 8 ) Upper Pinedale glacial deposits— Includes undi fferent i at ed t i l, prot alus, and morai ne ( Pr i ce, 197 3 ) . Clinker and baked rock— Areas of cli nk er and bak ed rock der i v ed from past coal fi res along t he out crop of t he Chi na But t e Member of t he Fort U ni on Format i on ( Het t i ng er and ot h ers, 2 08 ) Landslide deposits— Consi st of mi xed debr i s from soi ls and clast s of bedrock i n areas of st eep t opog raph y ( Honey and Het t i ng er , 2 04 ; Hallberg and Case, 206 ) Quaternary/Tertiary Quaternary and/or Tertiary deposits, undifferentiated— Includes alluv i al, colluv i al, t erace, landsli de, and g laci al deposi t s, and out crops of vari ous Ter t i ary format i ons ( Snyder , 19 80 ; Houst on and Graff, 1 95 ) Tertiary Igneous intrusive and extrusive rocks (upper Miocene) (11.6-8.7 Ma)— Basalt i c mag mat i sm i n t he vi ci ni t y of Bat t le Mount ai n i n t he sout h east ern par t of t he quadrang le; represent ed by flow s, pyroclast i cs, di k es, and plug s. Dat ed at 1 . 6 - 8 . 7 Ma by Th ompson and ot h ers ( 19 3 ) for relat ed rock s t o t he sout h i n Colorado. Browns Park Formation (Miocene)— V ar i able li t h olog y i ncludes t an, g ray, and oli ve drab calcareous t o si li ceous and t uffaceous sandst one and si lt st one, wi t h some t hi n li mest ones, mar lst one, and whi t e pumi ci t e beds ( Luft , 1 985 ; Mont ag ne, 19 1 ) ; vari es from about 60 feet ( 183 m) t o more t h an 1 0 feet ( 30 5 m) t hi ck ( Love, 195 3 ; Het t i ng er and ot h ers 208 ) Washakie Formation, Adobe Town Member (Eocene)— About 140 feet ( 4 3 m) of brow n sandst one unconformably ov erli es al low er par t s of t he W ash ak i e Format i on and t he Laney Member of t he Green Ri v er Format i on ( R oehler , 1 973 , 1 92 ; Love and Chr i st i ansen, 1985 ) Green River Formation (Eocene)— Maxi mum cumulat i ve t hi ckness of 2 0 feet ( 61 0 m) of lenses of lacust r i ne, g ray t o buff, t hi n- bedded and v arv ed, occasi onaly org ani c- ri ch , mar lst one, along wi t h sh ale, oi l sh ale, ooli t es, alg al li mest ones, and li mey sandst one t h at i nt erfi ng ers wi t h t he suroundi ng sh alow basi n- fi lli ng fluv i at i le sedi ment s of t he W asat ch Format i on ( B radley, 1945 ; 1961 ; 1964 ; Het t i ng er and ot h ers, 2 08 ) Laney Member of the Green River Formation— Buff t o g ray and brow n, papery t o massi v e, mar lst one, sh ale, and muddy sandst one, wi t h some whi t e t o brow n t uff and t uffaceous sandst ones, and oi l sh ale ( B radley, 1961 , and 196 4 ; R oehler , 1973 ) . Maxi mum t hi ckness i s about 175 feet ( 35 8 m) ( Het t i ng er and ot h ers, 2 08 ) . Th e Har t t Cabi n Bed i s t he only subdi vi si on of t he Laney mapped wi t hi n t he Baggs Q uadrangle Hartt Cabin Bed of the Laney Member— P oorly exposed g reen and brow n sh ale and mudst one i nt erbedded wi t hg ray sandst one, si lt st one, mudst one, li mest one, along wi t h lesser amount s of oi l sh ale, t uff, and dolomi t e at t he nor t hw est ern edg e of t he quadrang le ( R oehler , 1973 ) Xrf Xrm Prepared in cooperation with and research supported by the U.S. Geological Survey, National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program, under USGS award number G10AC00416. The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of the U.S. Government. 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 1 0 . Tgl Tglh Tgt KEY TO ABBR EV IATI ONS W yomi ng S t at e Geolog i cal Survey Maps: Map Seri es ( MS ) , Open F i le R eport ( OFR) , and unpubli sh ed STATEMAP proj ect ( SM) . INDEX TO 1:100,000-SCALE BEDROCK GEOLOGIC MAPS OF WYOMING Kmt Kcv KJs Jm Js Jn !c P$pf myl Xgs Xs Xsd Xsg Xsu Xe Xz Xrv CORRELATION OF MAP UNITS Ti Tbp Twka Tglu Tw Twc Tfu Eocene P aleocene U nconformi t y U nconformi t y U nconformi t y Tglh Tgl Twn U nconformi t y Mi ocene and O li g ocene TERTIARY Tgt QTu Qal Qce Qs Qb Qt Qls Holocene/ P lei st ocene QUATERNARY Tfuo Tfub Tfuc Klr Kle Kfle Klel Kmv Ks Kn Kf Kmr Kmt Kcv KJs Jm Js Jn !c P$pf U nconformi t y U pper C ret aceous CR ETACEOU S Lower C ret aceous U pper J urassi c U pper/ Mi ddle J urassi c U nconformi t y Lower C ret aceous/ U pper J urassi c U nconformi t y J urassi c/ Tri assi c Tri assi c P ermi an myl Xgs Xz Xrv Xs Xsh Xcp Xb Xcq Xsi Xmg Wbp Wsm Wjc Wog Wsl Wvm Wgg P aleoprot eroz oi c P aleoprot eroz oi c/ Neoarch ean Neoarch ean U nconformi t y CR ETACEOU S / J URASS IC J URASS IC J URASS IC / TR IASS IC TR IASS IC P ER MIAN P R ECAMBR IAN Kll Xsd Xsg Xsu Xe Xrf Xrm Xrx Xrc Xnd Xnu MAP SYMBOLS Formation contact— Dashed w here approxi mat ely locat ed Fault— Dashed w here approxi mat ely locat ed, dot t ed w here concealed; bar and ball on dow nt hrow n block ; arow s i ndi cat e relat i ve di rect i on of obli que- sli p mov ement ; no desi g nat i on on fault t race i ndi cat es undet ermi ned mot i on Thrust fault— Dashed w here approxi mat ely locat ed, dot t ed w here concealed; saw t eet h on upt hrow n ( t ect oni cally hi gh er) block Anticline— Dashed w here i nfered ( approxi mat ely locat ed) , dot t ed w here proj ect ed beneat h young er uni t s; arow on end i ndi cat es di rect i on of plung e Syncline— Dashed w here i nfered ( approxi mat ely locat ed) , dot t ed w here proj ect ed beneat h young er uni t s Line of cross section Shear zone Strike and dip of inclined bedding Drill hole—U sed t o const ruct cross sect i on; API number and w ell number sh ow n on cross sect i on; all w ells proj ect ed t o li ne of cross sect i on : # # # F M $ o 24 A A' EEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEE QTu Qal Qce Qs Qb Qcv Qt Qls Ti Tbp Twka Tglu Tw Twc Twn Tfuo Tfub Tfuc Klr Kle Kll Kfle Klel Kmv Ks Kn Kf Kmr Xrx Xrc Xnd Xnu Xsh Xcp Xb Xcq Xsi Xmg Wbp Wsm Wjc Wog Wsl Wvm Wgg Qcv Tg Twa Kl Kfl Ku J! PM^ p^u COMBINED UNITS (Shown in cross section only) Kilometers 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 1 Miles 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 1 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 45,000 50,000 55,000 60,000 65,000 2,500 Feet Meters 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 16,000 18,000 20,000 1,000 $ M compi led and mapped by J ust i n E . Scot t , W ayne M. Sut h erland, J oe J oh nson, and J . F red McLaugh li n 2 0 1 A digital version of this map is also available on CD-ROM. Wyoming State Geological Survey P.O. Box 1347 - Laramie, WY 82073-1347 Phone: (307) 766-2286 - Fax: (307) 766-2605 Email: [email protected] P ennsylv ani an Mi ssi ssi ppi an Cambri an P ENNSY LV ANIAN MISS ISS IP P IAN CAMBR IAN CENOZ OIC MESOZOI C P ALEOZ OIC P R ECAMBR IAN Federal 4-10 Bill Lusk Afton Cody Basin Lysite Bairoil Baggs Powell Farson OFR 11-6 Lander Buffalo Gillette Casper Kaycee Rawlins Laramie OFR 11-9 MS-96 MS-95 Douglas Midwest Jackson Recluse Riverton Worland Pinedale Saratoga Evanston Sheridan Torrington Cheyenne Kemmerer Sundance Newcastle Chugwater Rock River Kinney Rim South Pass Thermopolis Lance Creek Shirley Basin OFR 11-8 Devils Tower Rock Springs Laramie Peak Medicine Bow Gannett Peak Jackson Lake Reno Junction The Ramshorn Nowater Creek Firehole Canyon Carter Mountain Rattlesnake Hills Red Desert Basin Burgess Junction Fontenelle Reservoir Yellowstone National Park N MS-46 MS-70 MS-66 MS-65 MS-83 MS-73 MS-79 MS-71 MS-63 MS-62 MS-39 MS-49 MS-59 MS-64 MS-60 MS-81 OFR 04-6 OFR 04-5 OFR 08-4 OFR 04-7 MS-87 MS 82 OFR 02-2 MS-72 MS-78 OFR 04-10 MS-77 Yellowstone National Park S OFR 09-5 104°W 104°W 105°W 105°W 106°W 106°W 107°W 107°W 108°W 108°W 109°W 109°W 110°W 110°W 111°W 111°W 45°N 45°N 44°N 44°N 43°N 43°N 42°N 42°N 41°N 41°N Maps i n prog ress P ubli sh ed maps P roposed maps Curent Map WYOMING STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Wallace L. Ulrich, Director and State Geologist Laramie, Wyoming Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 1 1 1 1,7,10 10 7 7 7 10 10 10 10 10 6 6 6 6,9 6 9 9 9 9 9 9 6,8 8 5,8 8 8 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 INDEX TO SOURCES OF GEOLOGIC MAPPING ( Numbers are t h ose i n R EFER ENCES ) 107 00' o 41 30' o 107 00' o 41 30' o 108 00' o 41 00' o 108 00' o 41 00' o WYOMING QUADRANGLE LOCATION UTM grid convergence (GN) and 1983 magnetic declination (MN) at center of map Diagram is approximate GN MN ^ _ 240 MILS 29 MILS 1 39' 13.5 O O Qpu


Page 1: WYOMING STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MAP SERIES 95 Wallace … · WYOMING STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 108 00' 8 5 4 0 a 3 10 Tipton Tongue of the Green River Formation ... China Butte Member























































































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Wjc Qal






















































































































































































































































































































































































































Tw Xsg





Roaring Fork Fault

Quartzite Peak Fault



















































































Cherokee Creek


Wild Cow

Creek 14-14

Federal 4-10

Govt-Wenger 1












Savery Creek Fault


Hidden Treasure Fault myl








7 68




























8 6











6 9



2 5779







































































































13 11
















17 15































































16 16






















Koala Bar Unit 2-28

Mattie 1

Robbers Gulch 6-6-14-92

Blue Unit II 3-6-14-92

Mexican Flats


Goa Fed 25-1

Kenai-blue Gap



Creek 23-15









(Red DesertBasin)




)SCALE 1:100,000

Contour interval 20 meters

Digital cartography by Justin E. Scott, Joe Johnson, and Robin W. Lyons

MAP SERIES 95Baggs 1:100,000 - scaleBedrock Geologic Map




Base map from U.S. Geological Survey 1:100,000-scalemetric topographic map of the Baggs, Wyoming-ColoradoQuadrangle,1983.Projection: Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM), zone 13North American Datum of 1927 (NAD 27)10,000-meter grid: UTM, zone 1325,000-foot grid ticks: Wyoming State Plane CoordinateSystem, east central and west central zonesNational Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929

DISCLAIMERS U sers of th ese maps are cautioned ag ainst using th e data at scales different from th ose at w h ich th e maps w ere compiled. U sing th is data at a larg er scale w ill not prov ide g reater accuracy and is, in fact, a misuse of th e data. Th e W yoming State Geolog ical Surv ey (W SGS) and th e State of W yoming make no representation or w arranty, expressed or implied, reg arding th e use, accuracy, or completeness of th e data presented h erein, or from a map printed from th ese data. Th e act of distribution sh all not constitute such a w arranty. Th e W SGS does not g uarantee th e dig ital data or any map printed from th e data to be free of errors or inaccuracies. Th e W SGS and th e State of W yoming disclaim any responsibility or liability for interpretations made from th ese dig ital data or from any map printed from th ese dig ital data, and for any decisions based on th e dig ital data or printed maps. Th e W SGS and th e State of W yoming retain and do not w aiv e sov ereig n immunity. Th e use of or reference to trademarks, trade names, or oth er product or company names in th is publication is for descriptiv e or informational purposes only, or is pursuant to licensing ag reements betw een th e W SGS or State of W yoming and softw are or h ardw are dev elopers/v endors, and does not imply endorsement of th ose products by th e W SGS or th e State of W yoming .


WYOMING STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Th e W SGS encourag es th e fair use of its material. W e request th at credit be expressly g iv en to th e “W yoming State Geolog ical Surv ey” w h en citing information from th is publication. P lease contact th e W SGS at 307-766-2286, ext. 224, or by e-mail at w sg s.sales@w yo.g ov if you h av e questions about citing materials, preparing acknow ledg ments, or extensiv e use of th is material. W e appreciate your cooperation. Indiv iduals w ith disabilities w h o require an alternativ e form of th is publication sh ould contact th e W SGS. For th e TTY relay operator call 800-877-9975. For more information about th e W SGS or to order publications and maps, g o to w w w .w sg s.uw yo.edu, call 307-766-2286, ext. 224, or e-mail w sg s.sales@w yo.g ov .

Tipton Tongue of the Green River Formation— Lig h t bluish -g ray, flakey org anic marlstone in th e upper part and soft brow n to buff org anic sh ale in th e low er part (Bradley, 1961 and 1964); Maximum th ickness is about 400 feet (122 m) in th e w est-central part of th e quadrang le (Hetting er and oth ers, 2008)

Luman Tongue of the Green River Formation— Brow n to g ray-brow n, flaky sh ale, oil sh ale, marlstone, carbonaceous sh ale, and

limey sandstone beds th at contain a few th in local coal beds (Bradley, 1961 and 1964; R oeh ler 1992); intertong ues w ith Main Body of th e W asatch Formation; maximum th ickness is about 375 feet (114 m) in th e w est-central part of th e quadrang le (Hetting er and oth ers, 2008)

Wasatch Formation (Eocene)— Subdiv ided into th ree units: Cath edral Bluffs Tong ue at th e top, Niland Tong ue, and Main Body or low er

part; intertong ues w ith th e Green R iv er Formation; th e Cath edral Bluffs lies below th e Laney Member of th e Green R iv er, but is separated from th e Main Body by th e Green R iv er Tipton Tong ue. Th e W asatch Niland Tong ue lies below th e Tipton, but is separated from th e upper part of th e Main Body by th e Luman Tong ue of th e Green R iv er (Bradley, 1964; Hetting er and oth ers, 2008)

Cathedral Bluffs Tongue of the Wasatch Formation— Gray to g reenish -g ray, sandy mudstone marked w ith easily recog nizable

pink and red layers. Interbedded w ith th e mudstone are massiv e lenses and beds of brow n to yellow muddy sandstone (Bradley, 1945, 1961, 1964); tends to form badland slopes; maximum th ickness of about 1300 feet (400 m) (Bradley, 1945; Hetting er and oth ers, 2008)

Niland Tongue of the Wasatch Formation— About 375 feet (110 m) of g ray mudstone and g ray to w h ite lenticular sandstone w ith

some interbedded carbonaceous sh ale and subbituminous coal (Bradley, 1961); g radational w ith upper part of th e Main Body; locally separated from th e upper part of th e Main Body by th e Lumen Tong ue of th e Green R iv er in its outcrop area in th e north w estern part of th e quadrang le

Main Body of the Wasatch Formation— Gray to g reen, and locally red-banded, sandy mudstone and irreg ular beds and lenses of

muddy sandstone; carbonaceous sh ale and subbituminous coal occur in th e upper part; may also include th in interbedded tan to g ray limestone and brow n, g reen, g ray, or black sh ale; g rades to cong lomeratic near mountain rang es (Bradley, 1961; R oeh ler, 1992). Base of coarse-g rained arkosic sandstone lies unconformably on top of th e Fort U nion Formation (Hetting er and oth ers, 2008); betw een Dad Arch and th e Little Snake R iv er, th is unit is up to 12 feet (4 m) of cong lomerate w ith cobbles up to 2.5 inch es (6.4 cm) in diameter (Honey and Hetting er, 2004). Maximum th ickness is about 2100 feet (640 m) in th e south w estern part of th e quadrang le (Hetting er and oth ers, 2008)

Fort Union Formation (Paleocene)— Brow n to g ray sandstone, siltstone, mudstone, sh ale, carbonaceous sh ale and coal, w ith

cong lomerate to cong lomeratic sandstone at th e base; unconformable on top of th e U pper Cretaceous Lance Formation (Hetting er and oth ers, 2008); subdiv ided into th ree members: th e Ov erland at th e top, w h ich unconformably ov erlies th e Blue Gap, w h ich conformably ov erlies and intertong ues w ith th e Ch ina Butte in th e low er part of th e formation (Hetting er and oth ers, 2008)

Overland Member of the Fort Union Formation— Fine-g rained, lig h t-g ray, massiv e to locally crossbedded sandstone, along w ith

some siltstone, mudstone, and sandy ironstone underlain by a basal coarse-g rained, g ray sandstone; th e 10-foot (3-m) th ick Ch erokee coal zone near th e top does not crop out w ith in th e quadrang le. Th e Ov erland is about 1000 feet (305 m) th ink near Dad Arch , th inning to 425 feet (130 m) near th e W yoming -Colorado border (Hetting er and oth ers, 2008)

Blue Gap Member of the Fort Union Formation— Oliv e- to brow nish -g ray mudstone and claystone, w ith th in beds of fine-g rained

sandstones, siltstone, ironstone, and carbonaceous sh ale; about 570 feet (170 m) th ick near th e W yoming -Colorado border and th inning north w ard to pinch -out just ov er th e crest of Dad Arch (Hetting er and oth ers, 2008)

China Butte Member of the Fort Union Formation— Lig h t yellow ish -g ray, to w h ite, and medium-brow n, fine- to coarse-g rained,

th ick- to th in-bedded, crossbedded sandstone, interbedded w ith siltstone, mudstone, carbonaceous sh ale, and coal; cong lomeratic sandstone at th e base; about 735 feet (224 m) th ick near Bag g s, increasing north w ard to g reater th an 1000 feet (305 m) near Dad Arch and more th an 2000 feet (610 m) north of th e quadrang le (Hetting er and oth ers, 2008)


Lance Formation (upper Cretaceous)— Fine- to medium-g rained fluv ial sandstones interbedded w ith claystone and mudstones; flood plain deposits; subdiv ided into th e upper, R ed R im Member th at ov erlies and in places intertong ues w ith an unnamed low er member (Hetting er and oth ers, 2008)

Red Rim Member of the Lance Formation— U p to 200 feet (61 m) of lig h t yellow ish -g ray to g ray, fine- to medium-g rained, troug h -

crossbedded sandstone beds th at form discontinuous cliffs th at are split by 20- to 100-foot (6- to 30-m) th ick claystone and mudstone lenses; total th ickness is about 685 feet (209 m) th ick near Dad Arch , th inning south w ard to about 370 feet (113 m) near th e tow n of Bag g s (Hetting er and oth ers, 2008)

Lower member of the Lance Formation— Fine-g rained, lig h t-g ray, troug h -crossbedded sandstones up to 200 feet (61 m) th ick

separated by dark- to medium-g ray and brow n mudstones and claystones in th e upper part th at ov erlie similar mudstones and claystones separated by th in, fine- to v ery fine-g rained, ripple-laminated or troug h -crossbedded sandstones up to 50 feet (15 m) th ick; sev eral lenticular coal beds up to 10 feet (3 m) th ick are found near th e base of th e formation, w h ich intertong ues w ith or conformably ov erlies th e Fox Hills Sandstone; low er member is about 1300 feet (396 m) th ick near Dad Arch and near th e W yoming -Colorado border, but sw ells to 1675 feet (510 m) betw een th ese locations (Hetting er and oth ers, 2008)

Fox Hills Sandstone and Lewis Shale, undivided (upper Cretaceous)— Th e Fox Hills Sandstone is an upw ard-coarsening succession of

g rayish -orang e to yellow ish -g ray, fine- to medium-g rained, troug h -crossbedded, massiv e sandstones interbedded w ith silty, g ray sh ales; th ese lie on top of, are g radational w ith , and intertong ue w ith th e upper part of th e Lew is Sh ale (Hetting er and oth ers, 2008). Th e Lew is Sh ale is a marine and near-sh ore unit of g ray sh ale interbedded to v arying deg rees w ith brow n and g ray, fine- to v ery fine-g rained and silty, massiv e to laminated lenticular sandstones th at often h ost abundant concretions (Lov e and Ch ristiansen, 1985; Hetting er and oth ers, 2008). Combined th ickness of th e Fox Hills and Lew is, six miles south of Dad Arch , is 1635 feet (498 m) [Fox Hills, 400-feet (121 m)]; 14 miles (23 km) furth er south tow ard Bag g s, th is unit is only 960 feet (293 m) th ick, including 240 feet (73 m) of Fox Hills (Hetting er and oth ers, 2008)















## ## # # # # ## ##


































Mean Sea Level









MeanSea Level




49-037-23279Koala BarUnit 2-28


Mattie 1

49-007-22715Robbers Gulch


49-007-20218Blue Unit II3-6-14-92

49-007-22641Mexican Flats


49-007-20374Goa Fed


49-007-20824Kenai-blueGap 1-30

49-007-20031Fed-CherokeeCreek 23-15

49-007-20238Cherokee Creek


Wild CowCreek 14-14


Federal 4-10

Kfl Kfl

No vertical exaggeration




n (






Govt Wenger 1

TwaQal Kfl




n (



Robber Gulch

Wild Cow

CreekWild Cow


Th e upper part of th e Lew is intertong ues w ith th e underlying Dad Sandstone Member of th e Lew is, w h ich in turn lies on top of and partially intertong ues w ith th e low er part of th e Lew is, w h ich is desig nated as a separate map unit. Th e Dad Sandstone Member v aries from 555 feet to 700 feet (169 to 213 m) th ick, but is not mapped as a separate unit.

Fox Hills Sandstone and upper part of the Lewis Shale, and Dad Sandstone Member of the Lewis Shale, undivided— Th e Fox

Hills Sandstone is mapped tog eth er w ith th e poorly exposed, v alley-forming , oliv e-g ray, silty sh ale interbedded w ith th in, v ery fine-g rained, yellow ish -g ray silty sandstone upper Lew is and th e lig h t yellow ish -g ray to lig h t brow n, th ick-bedded sandstone and oliv e-g ray mudstone of th e Dad Sandstone th at crops out as small rounded h ills and cuestas (Hetting er and oth ers, 2008)

Lower part of the Lewis Shale— P oorly exposed, v alley-forming , dark-g ray, sandy marine sh ale th at conformably ov erlies, and

intertong ues w ith th e underlying Almond Formation of th e Mesav erde Group; th e low er part of th e Lew is is 410 feet (125 m) th ick six miles south of Dad Arch and th ickens south w ard to 1605 feet (489 m) near Bag g s; conv ersely, th e Dad Sandstone th ins in th e same direction (Hetting er and oth ers, 2008)

Mesaverde Formation (upper Cretaceous)— Gray to yellow -orang e, fine-g rained, th in to th ick, massiv e to crossbedded sandstone

interbedded w ith g ray sandy sh ale, mudstone, and th in coal beds of th e Mesav erde are mapped as a sing le unit w ith in th e quadrang le; total th ickness is on th e order of 2700 to 2900 feet (823 to 884 m) (Lov e and Ch ristiansen, 1985; Hetting er and oth ers, 2008)

Steele Shale (upper Cretaceous)— Soft, g ray marine sh ale interbedded w ith numerous bentonite beds and th in, lenticular fine-g rained

sandstones (Lov e and Ch ristiansen, 1985; McLaug h lin and Fruh w irth , 2010); th ickness is 3100 feet (945 m) in th e south eastern part of th e map area (R itzma, 1949)

Niobrara Formation (upper Cretaceous)— Black to g ray to yellow calcareous sh ale interbedded w ith lig h t-colored limestone and ch alk

(Lov e and Ch ristiansen, 1985; McLaug h lin and Fruh w irth , 2010); th ickness is about 1200 feet (366 m) in th e south eastern part of th e quadrang le (R itzma, 1949)

Frontier Formation (upper Cretaceous)— Dark-g ray to black marine sh ale and sandy sh ale interbedded w ith g ray to tan, fine-g rained

sandstones, and th in bentonite beds (Lov e and Ch ristiansen, 1985; McLaug h lin and Fruh w irth , 2010); th ickness is about 690 feet (210 m) in th e south eastern part of th e quadrang le (R itzma, 1949)

Mowry Shale (upper Cretaceous)— Siliceous, h ard, dark-g ray to g ray sh ale th at w eath ers to a silv er-g ray, flaky outcrop; interbedded w ith

numerous bentonite beds, and contains abundant fish scales (Lov e and Ch ristiansen, 1985; McLaug h lin and Fruh w irth , 2010); th ickness is about 130 feet (40 m) in th e south eastern part of th e quadrang le (R itzma, 1949)

Muddy Sandstone and Thermopolis Shale, undivided (upper Cretaceous)— Th e Muddy Sandstone is about 35 feet (11 m) of g ray to

lig h t-tan, medium-g rained sandstone interbedded w ith g ray carbonaceous sh ale and sandy sh ale lying on top of th e Th ermopolis Sh ale, w h ich is about 35 feet (11 m) of medium- to dark-g ray and brow n, fissile sh ale containing th in lenses of sandstone and bentonite (Lov e and Ch ristiansen, 1985; McLaug h lin and Fruh w irth , 2010)

Cloverly Formation (lower Cretaceous)— 84 to 139 feet (26 to 42 m) of rusty-g ray to brow n, fine- to coarse-g rained sandstone in th e

upper part, underlain by a middle, v arieg ated purple to black, bentonitic claystone and sh ale; base is a w h ite to tan, ridg e-forming sandstone th at locally g rades to a ch ert pebble cong lomerate (R itzma, 1949; Lov e and Ch ristiansen, 1985; McLaug h lin and Fruh w irth , 2010)

Cloverly Formation (lower Cretaceous) and Morrison and Sundance Formations (upper Jurassic), undivided— Mapped tog eth er as

one unit along McKinney Creek in th e north -central part of th e quadrang le Morrison Formation (upper Jurassic)— Calcareous to bentonitic, pale-g reen to dark blue-g reen, maroon, and ch alky-w h ite, v arieg ated

claystones interbedded w ith th in, drab, nodular limestones, and g ray to buff, non-resistant, silty sandstones (Lov e and Ch ristiansen, 1985; McLaug h lin and Fruh w irth , 2010; R itzma, 1949); th ickness v aries from 210 to 241 feet (64 to 73 m) in th e south eastern part of th e quadrang le (R itzma, 1949)

Sundance Formation (upper and middle Jurassic)— Creamy-w h ite to g reenish -g ray, v arieg ated, g lauconitic, fine-g rained, calcareous

sandstone, siltstone, sh ale, and th in limestones, underlain by red and g ray, nong lauconitic sandstone and sh ale (R itzma, 1949; Lov e and Ch ristiansen, 1985; McLaug h lin and Fruh w irth , 2010); rang es in th ickness from 200 to 240 feet (61 to 73 m) in th e south eastern part of th e quadrang le (R itzma, 1949)

Nugget Sandstone (Jurassic and Triassic)— Dull-red to g ray, massiv e to coarsely crossbedded, fine- to medium-g rained sandstone (Lov e

and Ch ristiansen, 1985); th ickness estimated to be less th an 100 feet (30 m) Chugwater Group (or Formation) (Triassic)— R ed to salmon and buff, siltstone and sh ale interbedded w ith red, fine-g rained sandstones,

th in limestones, and th in g ypsum parting s near th e base (R itzma, 1949; Lov e and Ch ristiansen, 1985; McLaug h lin and Fruh w irth , 2010); th ickness in th e south eastern part of th e quadrang le is 1141 feet (348 m) (R itzma, 1949)

Phosphoria Formation and Forelle Limestone, and Pennsylvanian Fountain Formation, undivided (Permian)— Alternating beds of

petroliferous, th in g ray to yellow ish ch erty limestone, purple to orang e-red and g ray-g reen sh ale, and th in ev aporate beds of th e P h osph oria Formation include th e prominent, th in, purple-g ray Forelle Limestone; th e P h osph oria/Forelle ov erlies discontinuous red to brow n and g ray, h ig h ly v ariable, locally crossbedded, arkosic to quartzitic sandstone and cong lomerate of th e Fountain Formation (R itzma, 1949; Lov e and Ch ristiansen, 1985; Lov e and oth ers, 1993; McLaug h lin and Fruh w irth , 2010). Th e P h osph oria and Forelle tog eth er are 56 to 84 feet (17 to 26 m) th ick, and th e Fountain is up to 126 feet (38 m) th ick (R itzma, 1949)


Paleoproterozoic rocks within or south of the Cheyenne Belt

mylonitic and cataclastic rocks, undifferentiated— Numerous interrelated sh ear zones, cataclasis and intense zones of g ranulation and mylonization related to th e Medicine Bow orog eny (Graff, 1978; Hills and Houston, 1979; Ch amberlain, 1998)

Sierra Madre Granite, 1744-1763 Ma— W ell-foliated to medium-g rained to faintly foliated and coarse-g rained, pink to red g ranite and

quartz monzonite plutons, dikes, and sills in th e Sierra Madre (P remo and V an Sch mus, 1989; Houston and Graff, 1995) mafic intrusive rocks ~1800 Ma— Dark-g ray to black mafic, g enerally sill-like and conformable intrusiv es up to a mile (1.6 km) long , and

v arying from a few feet to sev eral h undred feet (~1 to 100 m) w ide; local cross-cutting intrusiv e relationsh ips; complete conv ersion to amph ibolite dominates th ese rocks; some mafic bodies may be included w ith in one of th e Green Mountain Formation subunits, particularly w ith in mafic metav olcanics (Houston and Graff, 1995). W h ere orig inal textures are preserv ed or w h ere ch emical composition and mineralog y are know n, th ese mafic intrusiv es are desig nated as follow s:

diabase gabbro and metagabbro ultramafic

Elkhorn Mountain Gabbro — Larg e bodies, dikes, and sills of medium-g rained, dark-brow n to black clinopyroxene-h ornblende g abbro in th e south ern Sierra Madre; also occurs as inclusions in th e Sierra Madre Granite (Houston and Graff, 1995)

Encampment River Granodiorite, 1779 ± 5 Ma— Foliated, dark-g ray intrusiv e rock v arying from g ranodiorite to quartz diorite to diorite

ch aracterized by inclusions of v olcanic rocks of th e Green Mountain Formation (P remo and V an Sch mus, 1989; Houston and Graff, 1995)

Green Mountain Formation

Mafic metavolcanic rocks of the Green Mountain Formation— A sequence of mafic metav olcanic rocks of upper g reensch ist to low er amph ibolite facies, w ith locally w ell-preserv ed primary texture in th e central Sierra Madre; intermediate to felsic composition metav olcanic rocks and metag rayw acke are interbedded w ith , and g rade laterally eastw ard into, dominantly calc-alkaline metabasaltic rocks east of th e quadrang le in th e Green Mountain and Fletch er P ark areas (Houston and Graff, 1995)

Felsic metavolcanic rocks of the Green Mountain Formation, 1792 ± 15 Ma— Felsic metav olcanic rocks th at are predominately

fine-g rained, w h ite to g ray to black metarh yolite and metadacite (P remo and V an Sch mus, 1989; Houston and Graff, 1995) Metagraywacke of the Green Mountain Formation— Dark-g ray biotite-ch lorite-quartz-feldspar sch ist in th e north ern Sierra Madre

(Houston and Graff, 1995) Mixed metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks of the Green Mountain Formation— A succession of interbedded felsic and

mafic metav olcanic and metasedimentary rocks in th e Sierra Madre (Houston and Graff, 1995) Chemical metasedimentary rocks of the Green Mountain Formation— Fine-g rained metaquartzite (ch ert?), metalimestone, oxide-

facies mag netite-rich iron formation, and massiv e and disseminated sulfide deposits th at are interlayered w ith , or disseminated in, v olcanog enic metasedimentary rocks and some sedimentary exh alativ e sulfide deposits (Houston and Graff, 1995)

Paleoproterozoic and Neoarchean rocks north of the Cheyenne Belt Mafic intrusive rocks ~1700-2300 Ma— Dark-g ray to black to purple mafic dikes and sills metamorph osed to v arying deg rees, but w ith

many preserv ed g abbroic and diabasic textures; mostly altered to amph ibolite (Matus, 1958; Sh aw and oth ers, 1986; P remo and V an Sch mus, 1989; Houston and Graff, 1995). More detailed rock identifiers and descriptions w h ere av ailable are as follow s: diabasic rocks ultramafic rocks

Snowy Pass Group (Paleoproterozoic) — Th is g roup of formations, as described by Houston and Graff (1995) includes: Slaug h terh ouse

Formation, Copperton Formation, Bottle Creek Formation, Cascade Q uartzite, Sing er P eak Formation, and Mag nolia Formation Slaughterhouse Formation— Estimated 4000+ feet (1219+ m) of a sev erely deformed, partially preserv ed remnant of a succession

consisting of fine-g rained, interbedded, red, yellow , and g reen metalimestone containing layers of buff metadolomite, quartzite, and dark-g reen ph yllite; fine-g rained, ch lorite-calcarious sch ist underlain by dark-g ray g raph itic ph yllite, w h ich is underlain by metalimestone (Houston and Graff, 1995)

Copperton Formation— Structurally th inned by th rust faults; made up of th ree units: an upper 500 feet (152 m) of w h ite massiv e

quartzite; a middle laminated ph yllite exh ibiting an upper section of alternating beds of coarser-g rained sch ist and crossbedded quartzite, underlain by 1000 feet (305 m) of g ray, th in alternating quartz and fine-g rained mica-rich laminae; and a basal, coarse-g rained, h ig h ly sh eared, kyanite-bearing , w h ite quartzite as much as 2000 feet (610 m) th ick (Houston and Graff, 1995)

Bottle Creek Formation— About 1300 feet (396 m) th ick; an upper slabby and buff quartzite containing interbeds of ph yllite

successiv ely underlain by units of diamictite and quartzite; diamictite units are paracong lomerate w ith in a matrix of tan or g reen ph yllite interbedded w ith pale-g reen sch istose and feldspath ic, medium- to coarse-g rained quartzite (Houston and Graff, 1995)

Cascade Quartzite >2092 9 Ma— 5000+ feet (1524+ m) of locally crossbedded, predominately w h ite, arkosic quartzite containing

layers of quartz-pebble cong lomerate and black ch ert-pebble cong lomerate (P remo and V an Sch mus; 1989; Houston and Graff, 1995)

Singer Peak Formation— A discontinuous upper part of poorly sorted paracong lomerate w ith ang ular g ranite clasts, g reen ph yllite

beds, and th in quartzite and a 2800-foot (853 m) th ick low er part of blue and g reen ph yllite, buff to orang e quartzite, and th ick silv ery ph yllite th at h osts red g arnet at th e base (Houston and Graff, 1995)

Magnolia Formation, 2451 9 Ma— primarily coarse-g rained w h ite to g ray quartzite marked by small-scale troug h -crossbeds and

th in layers of ph yllite, w ith lenticular beds of radioactiv e quartz-pebble cong lomerate near th e base; maximum th ickness of 1500 feet (457 m) (P remo and V an Sch mus, 1989; Houston and Graff, 1995)

Neoarchean rocks north of the Cheyenne Belt

Phantom Lake Metamorphic Suite (Neoarchean)— All th ree subunits of th e P h antom Lake metamorph ic suite in th e Sierra Madre h av e

been subjected to multiph ase deformation th at h as obscured stratig raph ic relationsh ips; Jack Creek Q uartzite and Bridg er P eak Q uartzite may actually be th e same g eolog ic unit (Souders and Frost, 2006)


Ball, M.W ., 1909, Th e w estern part of th e Little Snake R iv er coal field, W yoming : U .S. Geolog ical Surv ey Bulletin 341, p.243-255,

scale 1:250,000. Ball, M.W . and Stebing er, Eug ene, 1910, Th e eastern part of th e Little Snake R iv er coal field, W yoming : U .S. Geolog ical Surv ey

Bulletin 381, p.186-213, scale 1:250,000. Barclay, C.S.V ., 1976, P reliminary g eolog ic map of th e Tullis quadrang le, Carbon County, W yoming : U .S. Geolog ical Surv ey Open

File R eport OF-76-794, scale 1:24,000. Barclay, C.S.V ., 1979, Geoph ysical log s and coal sections of h oles drilled during 1977 and 1978 in th e north eastern part of th e Bag g s

quadrang le, Carbon County, W yoming : U .S. Geolog ical Surv ey Open File R eport OF-79-1628, scale 1:60,000. Barlow , J.A., 1953, Th e g eolog y of th e R aw lins uplift, Carbon County, W yoming : P h .D. dissertation, U niv ersity of W yoming ,

Laramie, 179 p., scale 1:31,680. Berry, D.W ., 1960, Geolog y and g round-w ater resources of th e R aw lins area, Carbon County, W yoming : U .S. Geolog ical Surv ey

W ater Supply P aper 1458, 74 p. Blackstone, D.L., Jr., 1958, Geolog y of th e Muddy Creek area, Carbon and Sw eetw ater Counties: W yoming State Geolog ical Surv ey

Open File R eport 55-2, scale 1:31,680.

Bridger Peak Quartzite— 2600 feet (790 m) of g ray to w h ite quartzite v arying from quartz arenite to arg illaceous and arkosic quartzite w ith w ell-dev eloped lenticular beds of quartz-pebble cong lomerate; interlayered sericite sch ist in th e upper part tow ard its eastern outcrops (Houston and Graff, 1995)

Silver Lake Metavolcanics 2,680 ± 18 Ma— Complex metav olcanic sequence including g ray quartz-plag ioclase-mica sch ist, fine-

g rained amph ibolite, dark amph ibole g neiss, pelitic sch ist, w h ite feldspath ic quartzite, calcareous quartzite, and paracong lomerate; some frag mental textures; local preserv ed g raded bedding ; common abrupt facies ch ang es; g ranite-boulder paracong lomerate interbedded w ith feldspath ic quartzite and pelitic sch ist th roug h out; th ickness up to 3300 feet (1000 m) in th e central Sierra Madre (Houston and Graff, 1995; Souders and Frost, 2006)

Jack Creek Quartzite— Dominated by w h ite quartzite and contains lenses of paracong lomerate, quartz-pebble cong lomerate, g ray

and g reen ph yllite, metag rayw acke, and marble; 1650 feet (503 m) th ick in th e north w estern Sierra Madre, including th e Deep Gulch Cong lomerate Member at th e base, w h ich consists of 328 feet (100 m) of w ell-dev eloped pyritic and radioactiv e quartz-pebble cong lomerate (Houston and Graff, 1995)

Red-pink orthogneiss, 2683 ± 6 Ma— W ell-foliated to massiv e, red to pink g ranitic to tonalitic orth og neiss in th e north ern Sierra Madre;

more massiv e ph ases intrude th e Spring Lake Granodiorite (P remo and V an Sch mus, 1989; Houston and Graff, 1995) Spring Lake Granodiorite, 2710 10 Ma— W ell-foliated g ray g ranodiorite crops out extensiv ely in th e north ern Sierra Madre and

intrudes both th e V ulcan Mountain metav olcanics and th e low er part of th e P h antom Lake Metamorph ic Suite (P remo and V an Sch mus, 1989; Houston and oth ers, 1992; Houston and Graff, 1995)

Vulcan Mountain Metavolcanics, Sierra Madre— An estimated 1148 feet (350 m) of h ig h ly deformed mafic metav olcanics made up of

fine-g rained amph ibolite and h ornblende-plag ioclase g neiss w ith isolated interlayers of ch lorite sch ist, quartzite, paracong lomerate, and marble; pillow structures and amyg dules locally preserv ed in amph ibolite, w h ich also h osts conformable interlayered intrusions of ultramafic and g abbroic composition; interpreted to lie unconformably on top of th e basement quartzofeldspath ic g neiss (Houston, Karlstrom, Graff, and Flurkey, 1992; Houston and Graff, 1995)

Quartzo-feldspathic gneiss— W ell-foliated to massiv e and faintly foliated, pink to g ray felsic g neiss primarily composed of plag ioclase,

potash feldspar, and quartz; includes interlayered pink g ranite g neiss, g ray biotite-quartz-feldspar g neiss, tan g arnet-quartz-feldspar g neiss, w h ite quartz-microcline g neiss, and local layers of kyanite g neiss, h ornblende g neiss, and amph ibolite (Houston and Graff, 1995)

Bradley, W .H., 1945, Geolog y of th e W ash akie Basin, Sw eetw ater and Carbon Counties, W yoming , and Moffat County, Colorado: U .S. Geolog ical Surv ey Oil and Gas Inv estig ations Map OM-32, scale 1:190,080.

Bradley, W .H., 1961, Geolog ic map of a part of south w estern W yoming and adjacent states: U .S. Geolog ical Surv ey Miscellaneous Geolog ic

Inv estig ations Map I-332, scale 1:250,000. Bradley, W .H., 1964, Geolog y of th e Green R iv er Formation and associated Eocene rocks in south w estern W yoming and adjacent parts of

Colorado and U tah : U SGS P rofessional P aper 496-A, p.A1-A86, scale 1:250,000. Bueh ner, J.H., 1936, Geolog y of an area north of th e Sierra Madre, Carbon County, W yoming : M.A. th esis, U niv ersity of W yoming , Laramie,

37 p., scale 1:57,024. Carey, B.D., 1955, Th e Elkh ead Mountains v olcanic field, north w estern Colorado: Guidebook to th e g eolog y of north w est Colorado, 6th Annual

Field Conference, Intermountain Assoc. P etrol. Geolog ists and R ocky Mountain Assoc. Geolog ists, p.44-46. Ch amberlain, K. R ., 1998, Medicine Bow Orog eny: Timing of deformation and model of crustal structure produced during continent–arc

collision, ca. 1.78 Ga, south eastern W yoming : R ocky Mountain Geolog y, v .33, no.2, p.259-277, Oct. 1998. Del Mauro, G.L., 1953, Geolog y of Miller Hill and Sag e Creek area, Carbon County, W yoming : M.A. th esis, U niv ersity of W yoming , Laramie,

141 p., scale 1:63,360. Good, L.W ., 1960, Geolog y of th e Bag g s area, Carbon County, W yoming : M.A th esis, U niv ersity of W yoming , Laramie, 90 p., scale 1:24,000.

Graff, P .J., 1978, Geolog y of th e low er part of th e Early P roterozoic Snow y R ang e Superg roup, Sierra Madre, W yoming : P h .D. dissertation, U niv ersity of W yoming , Laramie, 85 p.

Gw inner, D., 1979, Structural setting of uranium-bearing quartz-pebble cong lomerate of P recambrian ag e, north w est Sierra Madre, Carbon

County, W yoming : M.S. th esis, U niv ersity of W yoming , Laramie, 29 p., scale 1:24000. Hallberg , L.L., and Case, J.C., 2006, P reliminary surficial g eolog ic map of th e Bag g s 30' x 60' quadrang le, Carbon and Sw eetw ater Counties,

W yoming : W yoming State Geolog ical Surv ey Open File R eport 06-3, scale 1:100,000. Hausel, W .D., 1986, Mineral deposits of th e Encampment mining district, Sierra Madre, W yoming -Colorado: W yoming State Geolog ical

Surv ey R eport of Inv estig ations 37, 31 p. Hetting er, R .D. and Honey, J.G., 2005, Geolog ic map and coal stratig raph y of th e Blue Gap quadrang le, eastern W a sh akie Basin, Carbon

County, W yoming : U .S. Geolog ical Surv ey Scientific Inv estig ations Map SIM-2878, scale 1:24,000. Hetting er, R .D. and Honey, J.G., 2006, Geolog ic map and coal stratig raph y of th e Doty Mountain quadrang le, eastern W ash akie Basin, Carbon

County, W yoming : U .S. Geolog ical Surv ey Scientific Inv estig ations Map SIM-2925, scale 1:24,000.

Houston, R .S., Karlstrom, K.E., Graff, P aul J., and Flurkey, Andrew J., 1992, New stratig raph ic subdiv isions and redefinition of subdiv isions of late Arch ean and early P roterozoic metasedimentary and metav olcanic rocks of th e Sierra Madre and Medicine Bow Mountains, south ern W yoming : U SGS P rofessional P aper 1520, 50 p., scale 1:125,000.

Houston, R .S., Karlstrom, K.E., Graff, P .J., and Hausel, W .D., 1978, R adioactiv e quartz-pebble cong lomerates of th e Sierra Madre and

Medicine Bow Mountains, south eastern W yoming : W yoming State Geolog ical Surv ey Open File R eport 78-3, scale 1:48,000. Houston, R .S., Sch midt, T.G., and Lane, M.E., 1983, Mineral resource potential and g eolog ic map of th e Huston P ark R oadless Area, Carbon

County, W yoming : U .S. Geolog ical Surv ey, Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-1637, scale 1:24,000. Houston, R .S., Sch uster, J.E., and Ebbett, B.E., 1975, P reliminary report on th e distribution of copper and platinum g roup metals in mafic

ig neous rocks of th e Sierra Madre, W yoming : U .S. Geolog ical Survey Open-File R eport OF-75-85, scale 1:24,000. Karlstrom, K.E., and Houston, R .S., 1984, Th e Ch eyenne Belt: Analysis of a P roterozoic suture in south ern W yoming : P recambrian R esearch ,

v .25, p.415-446. Lackey, L.L., 1965, P etrog raph y of Metav olcanic and Ig neous R ocks of P recambrian ag e in th e Huston P ark area, Sierra Madre, W yoming :

M.A. th esis, U niv ersity of W yoming , Laramie, 78 p., scale 1:24,000. Lov e, J.D., 1953, P reliminary report on th e uranium deposits in th e Miller Hill area, Carbon County, W yoming : U .S. Geolog ical Surv ey

Circular 278, 10 p., scale 1:63,360. Lov e, J.D., and Ch ristiansen, A.C., 1985, Geolog ic map of W yoming : U .S. Geolog ical Surv ey Map, scale 1:500,000. Lov e, J.D., Ch ristiansen, A.C., and V er P loeg , A.J. 1993, Stratig raph ic ch art sh ow ing P h anerozoic nomenclature for th e State of W yoming ,

W yoming State Geolog ical Surv ey Map Series 41. Luft, S.J., 1985, Generalized g eolog ic map sh ow ing distribution and basal config uration of th e Brow ns P ark Formation and Bish op

Cong lomerate in north w estern Colorado, north eastern U tah , and south ern W yoming : U .S. Geolog ical Surv ey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-1821, scale 1:250,000.

Matus, I., 1958, Th e g eolog y of th e low er French Creek area, Carbon County, W yoming : M.A. th esis, U niv ersity of W yoming , 38 p., scale

1:12,670. McCallum, M.E. and Menzer, F.J., 1982, Metal distribution in th e Battle Lake area, Grand Encampment mining district, Carbon County,

W yoming , w ith comparison to deposits in th e New R ambler mine district, Albany and Carbon Counties, W yoming : U .S. Geolog ical Surv ey Open-File R eport OF-82-179, scale 1:24,000.

McLaug h lin, J.F., and Fruh w irth , J., 2010, P reliminary g eolog ic map of th e R aw lins 30' × 60' quadrang le, Carbon County, W yoming : W yoming

State Geolog ical Surv ey Open File R eport 08-4, scale 1:100,000.

Montag ne, J., 1955, Cenozoic h istory of th e Saratog a V alley area, W yoming and Colorado: P h .D dissertation, U niv ersity of W yoming , Laramie, 140 p., scale 1:63,360.

Montag ne, J., 1991, Cenozoic h istory of th e Saratog a V alley area, W yoming and Colorado: Contributions to Geolog y, U niv . of W yoming , v .29,

no.1, p.13-70, scale ~1:163,510. Mueller, R .E., 1982, Th e Ch eyenne Belt, South eastern W yoming –P art I, Descriptiv e g eolog y and petrog raph y: M.S. th esis, U niv ersity of

W yoming , Laramie, 98 p., scales 1:6,000 and 1:24,000. Olson, A.B., 1959, P h otog eolog ic map of th e Flat Top Mountain NE quadrang le, Carbon County, W yoming : U .S. Geolog ical Surv ey

Miscellaneous Geolog ic Inv estig ations Map I-301, scale 1:24,000. P remo, W .R ., and V an Sch mus, W .R ., 1989, Zircon g eoch ronolog y of P recambrian rocks in south eastern W yoming and north ern Colorado, in

Grambling , J.A., and Tew ksbury, B.J., eds., P roterozoic g eolog y of th e South ern R ocky Mountains: Geolog ical Society of America Special P aper 235, p.13-32.

P rice, C., 1973, Glacial and drainag e h istory of th e upper Cow Creek drainag e, Sierra Madre rang e, W yoming : M.S. th esis, U niv ersity of

W yoming , Laramie, 82 p., scale ~1:11,980. R itzma, H.R ., 1949, Geolog y along th e south w est flank of th e Sierra Madre, Carbon County, W yoming : M.A. th esis, U niv ersity of W yoming ,

Laramie, 77 p., scale 1:63,360. R oeh ler, H.W ., 1973, Stratig raph ic div isions and g eolog ic h istory of th e Laney Member of th e Green R iv er Formation in th e W ash akie Basin,

south w estern W yoming : U .S. Geolog ical Surv ey Bulletin 1372-E, 28 p. R oeh ler, H.W ., 1989, Correlation of surface sections of th e intertong ued Eocene W asatch and Green R iv er Formations across th e central part of

th e Sand W ash Basin, north w est Colorado, and eastern part of th e W ash akie Basin, south w est W yoming : U .S. Geolog ical Surv ey, Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-2106, scale 1:253,440.

R oeh ler, H.W ., 1990, Stratig raph y of th e Mesav erde Group in th e central and eastern Greater Green R iv er Basin, W yoming , Colorado, and

U tah : U .S. Geolog ical Surv ey P rofessional P aper 1508, 52 p. R oeh ler, H.W ., 1992, Description and correlation of Eocene rocks in stratig raph ic reference sections for th e Green R iv er and W ash akie Basins,

south w est W yoming : U .S. Geolog ical Surv ey P rofessional P aper 1506–D, 83 p. R oeh ler, H.W ., 2004, P reliminary g eolog ic map of th e Kinney R im 30' x 60' quadrang le: W yoming State Geolog ical Surv ey Open File R eport

04-5, scale 1:100,000. Sch midt, T.G., 1983, P recambrian metav olcanic rocks and associated v olcanog enic mineral deposits of th e Fletch er P ark and Green Mountain

areas, Sierra Madre, W yoming : M.S. th esis, U niv ersity of W yoming , Laramie, 113 p., scale 1:24,000.

Sh aw , H.F., Tracy, R .J., Niemeyer, S., and Colodner, D., 1986, Ag e and ND-SR systematics of th e Spring Creek Lake body, Sierra Madre Mountains, W yoming : EOS, v .67, p.1266.

Sh ort, B.L., 1958, A g eolog ic and petrog raph ic study of th e Ferris-Hag g arty mining area, Carbon County, W yoming : M.A. th esis, U niv ersity of

W yoming , Laramie, 138 p., scale 1:12,000. Snyder, G.L., 1980, Geolog ic map of th e north ernmost P ark R ang e and south ernmost Sierra Madre, Jackson and R outt Counties, Colorado: U .S.

Geolog ical Surv ey Miscellaneous Inv estig ations Series Map I-1113, scale 1:48,000. Souders, A.K., 2004, In suspect terrane? P rov enance of th e Late Arch ean P h antom Lake Metamorph ic Suite, Sierra Madre, W yoming : M.S.

th esis, U niv ersity of W yoming , Laramie, W Y , 74 p. Souders, A.K., and Frost, C.D., 2006, In suspect terrane? P rov enance of th e Late Arch ean P h antom Lake Metamorph ic Suite, Sierra Madre,

W yoming : Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v .43, p.1557-1577. Spencer, A.C., 1904, Th e copper deposits of th e Encampment district, W yoming : U .S. Geolog ical Surv ey P rofessional P aper 25, 107 p., scale

1:84,480. Suth erland, W .M., and Hausel, W .D., 2004, P reliminary g eolog ic map of th e Saratog a 30' x 60' quadrang le: W yoming State Geolog ical Surv ey

Open File R eport 04-10, scale 1:100,000, 35 p. Th omas, H.D., 1958, P h otog eolog y of th e w estern part of th e Kindt Basin, Carbon County, W yoming : W yoming State Geolog ical Surv ey Open

File R eport 58-1. Th ompson, R .N., Gibson, S.A., Leat, P .T., Mitch ell, J.G., Morrison, M.A., Hendry, G.L., and Dickin, A.P ., 1993, Early Miocene continental

extension-related basaltic mag matism at W alton P eak, north w est Colorado–furth er ev idence on continental basalt g enesis: Journal of th e Geolog ical Society, London, v .150, p.277-292.

Tyler, T.F. and P eterson, J.R ., 1980, W ildcat w ell penetration map sh ow ing w ells drilled into and th roug h potentially g as-bearing , low -

permeability U pper Cretaceous and Tertiary reserv oirs, W ash akie Basin, W yoming : U .S. Geolog ical Surv ey Open-File R eport OF-80-189, scale 1:125,000.

V ine, J.D. and P rich ard, G.E., 1959, Geolog y and uranium occurrences in th e Miller Hill area, Carbon County, W yoming : U .S. Geolog ical

Surv ey Bulletin 1074-F, 239 p., scale 1:48000. W elder, G.E. and McGreev y, L.J., 1966, Ground-w ater reconnaissance of th e Great Div ide and W ash akie Basins and some adjacent areas,

south w estern W yoming : U .S. Geolog ical Surv ey Hydrolog ic Inv estig ations Atlas HA-219, scale 1:250,000.

Hetting er, R .D., Honey, J.G., Ellis, M.S., Barclay, C.S.V ., and East, J.A., 2008, Geolog ic map of U pper Cretaceous and Tertiary strata and coal stratig raph y of th e P aleocene Fort U nion Formation, R aw lins-Little Snake R iv er area, south -central W yoming : U .S. Geolog ical Surv ey Scientific Inv estig ations Map SIM-3053, scale 1:100,000.

Hills, F.A., and Houston, R .S., 1979, Early P roterozoic tectonics of th e central R ocky Mountains, North America: U niv ersity of W yoming

Contributions to Geolog y, v .17, no.2, p.89-109. Honey, J.G. and Hetting er, R .D., 2004, Geolog ic map of th e P each Orch ard Flat quadrang le, Carbon County, W yoming , and descriptions of new

stratig raph ic units in th e U pper Cretaceous Lance Formation and P aleocene Fort U nion Formation, eastern g reater Green R iv er Basin, W yoming -Colorado: U .S. Geolog ical Surv ey Scientific Inv estig ations Map SIM-2835, scale 1:24,000.

Houston, R .S., 1993, Late Arch ean and Early P roterozoic g eolog y of south eastern W yoming , Snoke, A.W ., Steidtmann, J.R ., and R oberts, S.M.,

eds., Geolog y of W yoming : W yoming State Geolog ical Surv ey Memoir 5, p.78-116. Houston, R .S. and Ebbett, B.E., 1977, Geolog ic map of th e Sierra Madre and w estern Medicine Bow Mountains, south eastern W yoming : U .S.

Geolog ical Surv ey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-827, scale 1:125,000. Houston, R .S. and Graff, P .J., 1995, Geolog ic map of P recambrian rocks of th e Sierra Madre, Carbon County, W yoming , and Jackson and R outt

Counties, Colorado: U .S. Geolog ical Surv ey Miscellaneous Inv estig ations Series Map I-2452, scale 1:50,000.

Map layout and design by Robin W. LyonsMap editing by Suzanne C. Luhr

EXPLANATIONGeology - Interpreting the past - Providing for the future


Alluvium— U nconsolidated sand, silt, clay, coarse g rav els and cobbles in and along most drainag es; may include eluv ial deposits, lake sediments, slope w ash and small alluv ial and colluv ial deposits

Terrace deposits— U nconsolidated to locally cemented, silt, sand, g rav el, and cobbles distributed ov er a w ide rang e of elev ations above

th e present drainag e systems Colluvium and eolian sand, undifferentiated— Minor deposits of slope w ash and w ind-blow n sand in th e north -central part of th e

quadrang le th at may include th ick soils and minor alluv ium Colluvium derived from Miocene igneous rocks— Cov ers slopes surrounding Battle Mountain and oth er h ills near th e south eastern edg e

of th e quadrang le; may include some alluv ial material Sand dunes— W ind-blow n sand and sand dunes in Th e Sand Hills in north central part of th e quadrang le (Hetting er and oth ers, 2008) Upper Pinedale glacial deposits— Includes undifferentiated till, protalus, and moraine (P rice, 1973). Clinker and baked rock— Areas of clinker and baked rock deriv ed from past coal fires along th e outcrop of th e Ch ina Butte Member of

th e Fort U nion Formation (Hetting er and oth ers, 2008) Landslide deposits— Consist of mixed debris from soils and clasts of bedrock in areas of steep topog raph y (Honey and Hetting er, 2004;

Hallberg and Case, 2006) Quaternary/Tertiary

Quaternary and/or Tertiary deposits, undifferentiated— Includes alluv ial, colluv ial, terrace, landslide, and g lacial deposits, and outcrops of v arious Tertiary formations (Snyder, 1980; Houston and Graff, 1995)


Igneous intrusive and extrusive rocks (upper Miocene) (11.6-8.7 Ma)— Basaltic mag matism in th e v icinity of Battle Mountain in th e south eastern part of th e quadrang le; represented by flow s, pyroclastics, dikes, and plug s. Dated at 11.6-8.7 Ma by Th ompson and oth ers (1993) for related rocks to th e south in Colorado.

Browns Park Formation (Miocene)— V ariable lith olog y includes tan, g ray, and oliv e drab calcareous to siliceous and tuffaceous

sandstone and siltstone, w ith some th in limestones, marlstone, and w h ite pumicite beds (Luft, 1985; Montag ne, 1991); v aries from about 600 feet (183 m) to more th an 1000 feet (305 m) th ick (Lov e, 1953; Hetting er and oth ers 2008)

Washakie Formation, Adobe Town Member (Eocene)— About 140 feet (43 m) of brow n sandstone unconformably ov erlies all low er

parts of th e W ash akie Formation and th e Laney Member of th e Green R iv er Formation (R oeh ler, 1973, 1992; Lov e and Ch ristiansen, 1985)

Green River Formation (Eocene)— Maximum cumulativ e th ickness of 2000 feet (610 m) of lenses of lacustrine, g ray to buff, th in-bedded

and v arv ed, occasionally org anic-rich , marlstone, along w ith sh ale, oil sh ale, oolites, alg al limestones, and limey sandstone th at interfing ers w ith th e surrounding sh allow basin-filling fluv iatile sediments of th e W asatch Formation (Bradley, 1945; 1961; 1964; Hetting er and oth ers, 2008)

Laney Member of the Green River Formation— Buff to g ray and brow n, papery to massiv e, marlstone, sh ale, and muddy

sandstone, w ith some w h ite to brow n tuff and tuffaceous sandstones, and oil sh ale (Bradley, 1961, and 1964; R oeh ler, 1973). Maximum th ickness is about 1175 feet (358 m) (Hetting er and oth ers, 2008). Th e Hartt Cabin Bed is th e only subdiv ision of th e Laney mapped w ith in th e Bag g s Q uadrang le

Hartt Cabin Bed of the Laney Member— P oorly exposed g reen and brow n sh ale and mudstone interbedded w ith g ray

sandstone, siltstone, mudstone, limestone, along w ith lesser amounts of oil sh ale, tuff, and dolomite at th e north w estern edg e of th e quadrang le (R oeh ler, 1973)



Prepared in cooperation with and research supported by the U.S. Geological Survey,National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program, under USGS award numberG10AC00416. The views and conclusions contained in this document are thoseof the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing theofficial policies, either expressed or implied, of the U.S. Government.















W yoming State Geolog ical Surv ey Maps: Map Series (MS), Open File R eport (OFR ), and unpublish ed STATEMAP project (SM).




























P aleocene

U nconformity

U nconformity

U nconformityTglh Tgl


U nconformity

Miocene and Olig ocene



Qal Qce Qs Qb

Qt Qls

Holocene/P leistocene Q U ATER NAR Y





















U nconformity

U pper CretaceousCR ETACEOU S

Low er Cretaceous

U pper JurassicU pper/Middle Jurassic

U nconformity

Low er Cretaceous/U pper Jurassic

U nconformity

Jurassic/TriassicTriassicP ermian



















P aleoproterozoic

P aleoproterozoic/Neoarch ean

Neoarch ean

U nconformity
















Formation contact— Dash ed w h ere approximately located Fault— Dash ed w h ere approximately located, dotted w h ere concealed; bar and ball on dow nth row n block; arrow s indicate relativ e

direction of oblique-slip mov ement; no desig nation on fault trace indicates undetermined motion Thrust fault— Dash ed w h ere approximately located, dotted w h ere concealed; saw teeth on upth row n (tectonically h ig h er) block Anticline— Dash ed w h ere inferred (approximately located), dotted w h ere projected beneath young er units; arrow on end indicates

direction of plung e Syncline— Dash ed w h ere inferred (approximately located), dotted w h ere projected beneath young er units Line of cross section Shear zone Strike and dip of inclined bedding Drill hole— U sed to construct cross section; AP I number and w ell number sh ow n on cross section; all w ells projected to line of cross

























































Tg Twa







COMBINED UNITS(Shown in cross section only)

Kilometers0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 201

Miles0 2 4 6 8 10 121 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 45,000 50,000 55,000 60,000 65,0002,500 Feet

Meters0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 16,000 18,000 20,0001,000



compiled and mapped byJustin E. Scott, W ayne M. Suth erland, Joe Joh nson, and J. Fred McLaug h lin


A digital version of this map is also available on CD-ROM.

Wyoming State Geological SurveyP.O. Box 1347 - Laramie, WY 82073-1347Phone: (307) 766-2286 - Fax: (307) 766-2605Email: [email protected]

P ennsylv anianMississippianCambrian






Federal 4-10Bill








FarsonOFR 11-6


Buffalo Gillette





OFR 11-9
















ChugwaterRock River

Kinney Rim

South Pass


Lance Creek

Shirley BasinOFR 11-8

Devils Tower

Rock Springs

Laramie Peak

Medicine Bow

Gannett Peak

Jackson Lake Reno JunctionThe Ramshorn Nowater Creek

Firehole Canyon

Carter Mountain

Rattlesnake Hills

Red Desert Basin

Burgess Junction


YellowstoneNationalPark N


MS-70 MS-66

MS-65 MS-83

MS-73 MS-79

MS-71MS-63 MS-62MS-39


MS-64 MS-60 MS-81

OFR 04-6 OFR 04-5

OFR 08-4OFR 04-7

MS-87 MS 82OFR 02-2



OFR 04-10 MS-77

YellowstoneNationalPark S

OFR 09-5

















45°N 45°N

44°N 44°N

43°N 43°N

42°N 42°N

41°N 41°N

Maps in prog ress P ublish ed maps P roposed mapsCurrent Map

WYOMING STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEYWallace L. Ulrich, Director and State Geologist

Laramie, WyomingPrepared in cooperation with theU.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY


1 1













9 9







8 5 5



54 4

4 4

3 3

3 3

2 2

2 2


107 00'o41 30'o

107 00'o

41 30'o 108 00'o

41 00'o

108 00'o41 00'o


UTM grid convergence (GN)and 1983 magnetic declination (MN) at center of map

Diagram is approximate


240 MILS29 MILS1 39' 13.5




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Geologic Map of the Baggs 30’ x 60’ Quadrangle Wyoming State Geological Survey Map Series 95

By Justin E. Scott, Wayne M. Sutherland, Joe Johnson, and Fred McLaughlin,

With assistance from: Phyllis Ranz, and Suzanne Luhr Photos by Wayne M. Sutherland.

September 29, 2011

Introduction The Baggs quadrangle is located in Carbon and Sweetwater counties, Wyoming, and includes a thin sliver of Colorado. The map includes the towns of Baggs, Dixon, and Savery. The Sierra Madre, split by the continental divide, covers the southeastern third of the quadrangle. The western part of the quadrangle includes the Atlantic Rim, which is a topographically high region of uplifted Cretaceous sediments representing the border between the Sierra Madre and the Washakie and Great Divide Basins to the west. Rising copper and gold prices continue to draw metals exploration interest to the Sierra Madre. The historic Ferris-Haggerty copper mine in the Sierra Madre was one of the World’s more important copper deposits during the early 1900s (Hausel, 1997). Uranium exploration, primarily in the Miocene Browns Park Formation, is active near Ketchum Buttes, in the central part of the quadrangle, and at Poison Basin in the southwestern part of the quadrangle. The map area also has the potential for the discovery of diamond deposits (Hausel and others, 2003). The Atlantic Rim is currently the focus for extensive gas and petroleum condensate development, with 2000 wells (1800 coalbed methane, and 200 traditional oil and gas) planned for completion. Effects of this development dominate and heavily impact Savery and the surrounding area, with particular concern for the area’s ground water resources. Cretaceous exposures along the Atlantic Rim roughly define the area of gas development that focuses on the Cretaceous Mesaverde Formation, with additional oil and gas produced from units as old as the Pennsylvanian Tensleep Formation. Geologic units within the Baggs 30′x 60′ quadrangle range in age from Archean to Quaternary. The western part of the map area is the eastern Washakie Basin, a northeast-trending Laramide syncline dominated by Tertiary sediments and bordered on the east by westward-dipping Cretaceous strata along the Atlantic Rim. The Precambrian cored, Laramide, anticlinal uplift of the Sierra Madre in the southeastern part of the Baggs quadrangle is part of the Encampment mining district. The Encampment district produced mainly copper after its discovery in 1874. However, gold and silver were significant byproducts of copper mining (Hausel, 1989, 1997). The district is bisected by the east-trending Mullen Creek-Nash Fork shear zone, which is more than one-half mile wide in places. This shear zone forms part of the Cheyenne belt suture that separates the Archean Wyoming Province to the north from the Proterozoic basement of the Colorado Province to the south. Thick successions of Late Proterozoic miogeoclinal metasediments that overlie the Archean basement characterize the northern part of the district where mineralization

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includes copper-bearing quartzites, pegmatites, quartz veins, and unaniferous metaconglomerate. The southern part of the district is characterized by middle Proterozoic calc-alkaline metavolcanics intruded by granitic plutons, where eugeoclinal rocks host stratiform volcanogenic sulfides and related mineralization. Fracture-controlled, copper-dominated base metal deposits typify mineralization within the shear zone (Hausel, 1989; 1997). North of the Cheyenne Belt, metaconglomerates found in several of the Precambrian units are considered potential sources for uranium and thorium as well as for copper-gold-silver mineralization. A significant copper deposit in a sheared metaconglomerate at the Ferris-Haggarty mine in the Magnolia Formation of the Snowy Pass Group metasediments in the southeastern part of the quadrangle was considered to be one of the more important copper deposits in the world in the early 1900s. This conglomerate also yields anomalous silver and gold (Hausel, 1989; 1997). Late Miocene basaltic magmatism in the southeastern part of the quadrangle is the northwestern end of Colorado’s Elkhead Mountains volcanic field. Exposures include flows, pyroclastics, dikes, and plugs that stand out in high relief (Carey, 1955; Leat and Thompson, 1988).

Quaternary Qal alluvium. Alluvium comprises unconsolidated sand, silt, clay, coarse gravels and cobbles, located in and along most drainages. This unit, compiled from many sources including air photo interpretation, may include eluvial deposits, lake sediments, slope wash and small alluvial and colluvial deposits (Qc) along drainages. Qt terrace deposits. These include thin to thick, unconsolidated to locally cemented, deposits of silt, sand, gravel, and cobbles distributed over a wide range of elevations above the present drainage systems. A wide variety of rock types are found in rounded clastic materials that cover these surfaces. Cobbles are generally less than 4 in. (10 cm) in diameter, but boulders up to 1.5 feet (0.5 m) are found close to the mountains along the Little Snake River (Honey and Hettinger, 2004; Hettinger and others, 2008). Qce colluvium and eolian sand, undifferentiated. Minor deposits in the north-central part of the quadrangle are dominated by slope wash and wind-blown sand, but may include thick soils and minor alluvium. Small deposits of this type are locally abundant, but due to considerations of scale, are depicted only in a few areas where they obscure coal beds. Qcv colluvium derived from Miocene igneous rocks. Large amounts of colluvium derived from Miocene igneous rocks covers slopes surrounding Battle Mountain and other hills near the southeastern edge of the quadrangle. This unit may also include some alluvial material dominated by Miocene igneous rocks. The topographic highs are due to greater resistance to weathering than the underlying Browns Park Formation, and the Steele Shale in one location.

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Qs sand dunes. Wind-blown sand and sand dunes occur primarily within the north central part of the quadrangle in an area known as The Sand Hills (Hettinger and others, 2008). Qpu Upper Pinedale glacial deposits. These includes undifferentiated till, protalus, and moraine as mapped by Price (1973). Qb clinker and baked rock. Areas of clinker and baked rock derive from past coal fires along the outcrop of the China Butte Member of the Fort Union Formation (Hettinger and others, 2008). Qls landslide deposits. Landslides consisting of mixed debris from soils and clasts of bedrock are mapped mainly in areas of steep topography where bedrock is dominated by clay lithologies. Sources include air photo interpretation, field observation, and mapping by Honey and Hettinger (2004) and by Hallberg and Case (2006).

Quaternary/Tertiary QTu Quaternary and/or Tertiary deposits, undifferentiated. These may include alluvial, colluvial, terrace, landslide, and glacial deposits, and outcrops of various Tertiary formations (Price, 1973; Snyder, 1980; Houston and Graff, 1995), however details were unavailable for the separation of these units during this project.

Tertiary Ti Late Miocene igneous intrusive and extrusive rocks (11.6-8.7 Ma). Basaltic magmatism in the vicinity of Battle Mountain in the southeastern part of the Baggs quadrangle is the northwestern end of the Elkhead Mountains volcanic field and is interpreted to represent the northern end of the Rio Grande Rift (Gibson and others, 1993; Thompson and others, 1993). The Wyoming portion of this volcanic field is not thoroughly studied, but is represented by flows, pyroclastics, dikes, and plugs that tend toward high relief (Carey, 1955; Leat and Thompson, 1988). These rocks intrude and overlie the Browns Park Formation at Battle Mountain. Rock types catalogued to the south in Colorado are dominated by basalts, but include rhyolite, syenite, trachyte, and minette (Carey, 1955; Leat and others, 1988). A date of 11.6-8.7 Ma for these rocks is a re-interpretation of pre-1977 K-Ar and fission track methods by Thompson and others (1993) for rocks from Colorado; no radiometric dating has been done on samples from Wyoming.

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East endleft, and

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Colluvia Sampleflank of 107.299

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Park Forma

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Page 6: WYOMING STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MAP SERIES 95 Wallace … · WYOMING STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 108 00' 8 5 4 0 a 3 10 Tipton Tongue of the Green River Formation ... China Butte Member

Sample Table 1. Ag B<1 2 Ho L0.87 5 Ta T1.4 1 Tbp Mspread omany Brare problithologysandsto(Luft, 19 Browns places inyellowisLocally, ripple la

BattleMtn-. Sample B

Ba Ce 500 112.5a Lu 5.5 0.3

Tb Th .08 4.22

Miocene Broutcrop in trowns Parkbably all Broy, and includne and silts

985; MontagPark Formntertonguesh-gray to yenear Brownminated, la

1 (L) and cuBattleMtn-1

Co Cr 5 37.4 32

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Cs0 1.23

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Cu Dy54 4.98Ni Pb195 14V W192 1

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Eu Ga 2.74 21.9 Rb Sm 14.7 9.95 Yb Zn 1.9 116 Formation ome early wevaluation iagne, 1991)siliceous an

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Page 7: WYOMING STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MAP SERIES 95 Wallace … · WYOMING STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 108 00' 8 5 4 0 a 3 10 Tipton Tongue of the Green River Formation ... China Butte Member

A basal crossbeaccompsubroun(1.2 m) ioverlies

Basal coin the so

Uneven muddy sthe quad The Brothe quadthe Saraand Hau

conglomerdded and sanied by co

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Formation gle.

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showing pr

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Page 8: WYOMING STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MAP SERIES 95 Wallace … · WYOMING STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 108 00' 8 5 4 0 a 3 10 Tipton Tongue of the Green River Formation ... China Butte Member


Outcrops of the Browns Park Formation in the Sierra Madre may be included in Quaternary and/or Tertiary deposits, undifferentiated (Qtu) due to lack of details. Unconformity Twka Eocene Washakie Formation, Adobe Town Member. This member at the top of the Washakie Formation crops out along the west-central edge of the map area and consists of about 140 feet (43 m) of brown sandstone. The Adobe Town Member unconformably overlies all lower parts of the Washakie Formation and the Laney Member of the Green River Formation (Roehler, 1973, 1992; Love and Christiansen, 1985). This is the only part of the Washakie Formation that crops out within the Baggs quadrangle. Unconformity Eocene Green River Formation. The Green River Formation as described by Bradley (1964) is a pile of lenses of lacustrine sediments surrounded by a large mass of shallow basin-filling fluviatile sediments, represented within the Baggs quadrangle by the Wasatch formation, with which the Green River interfingers. Lithologically, the Green River Formation within the Baggs Quadrangle is represented by gray to buff, thin-bedded and varved, occasionally organic-rich, marlstone, along with shale, oil shale, oolites, algal limestones, and limey sandstone (Bradley, 1945; 1961; 1964). The Green River Formation crops out only in the western part of the Baggs Quadrangle where its cumulative maximum thickness is on the order of 2000 feet (610 m) (Bradley, 1964; Hettinger and others, 2008). The Green River formation is subdivided into three units within the Baggs quadrangle and interfingers, sometimes complexly, with the Wasatch Formation. The Laney Member at the top of the Green River Formation, with its separately mapped Hartt Cabin bed at the top, is underlain by the Cathedral Bluffs Tongue of the Wasatch Formation. The Cathedral Bluffs overlies The Tipton Tongue of the Green River Formation, which in turn is above the Niland Tongue of the Wasatch Formation. The Niland overlies the Luman Tongue of the Green River Formation, which in turn overlies the Main Body of the Wasatch Formation. (Bradley, 1964; Hettinger and others, 2008; Love, Christiansen, and Ver Ploeg, 1993).

Tgl Laney Member of the Green River Formation. The Laney Member is the most wide-spread outcropping of the Green River Formation within the Baggs quadrangle, and generally is the most extensive and thickest member of the Green River Formation across the entire Green River Basin (Bradley, 1964; Hettinger and others, 2008). Outside the map area, the Laney is subdivided into: the Hartt Cabin Bed, the LaClede Bed, and the Godiva Rim Member. However, only the Hartt Cabin Bed is mapped as a separate unit within the Baggs quadrangle.

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Lq Tssmo



aney Membuadrangle.

The Laney ishale, and mandstones,

maximum thf the quadr

Tglh uppernorthwshalelimes1973)sand

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maximum thuadrangle

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Formation.c marlstone. Outside ofhe Rife Bedaggs Quadk include doil shale, s

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dstone er 1992). timated

Page 10: WYOMING STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MAP SERIES 95 Wallace … · WYOMING STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 108 00' 8 5 4 0 a 3 10 Tipton Tongue of the Green River Formation ... China Butte Member

EoceneBaggs qof the fointertongLaney Mthe TiptoTipton, bGreen Rand othe

Tipton TFormatio


Wasatch quadrangle ormation, thgues with th

Member of ton Tongue but is separRiver Formaers, 2008).

Tongue of thon in the we

Twc CatheTongue of thmudstone mmudstone arBradley, 19ertebrates

Outcrops of

Formationand is subde Niland Tohe Green Rthe Green Rof the Greerated from tation in the

he Green Rest central edral Bluffhe Wasatch

marked with re massive

945, 1961, 1are relativethe Cathed

. The Wasdivided intoongue, and

River FormaRiver, but isen River. Ththe upper pnorthweste

River Formapart of the

fs Tongue h Formation

easily recolenses and

1964). Verteely abundandral Bluffs te


satch Formao three units the main b

ation such ts separatedhe Niland Tpart of the Mern part of t

ation (Tgt) oquadrangleof the Was

n is dominaognizable pd beds of bebrate Tracnt in the Caend to form

ation crops s: the Cathebody or lowthat the Catd from the MTongue of tMain Body the map are

on top of the. View norsatch Formated by graypink and redrown to yelce fossils aathedral Blum badland s

out in the wedral Bluffs

wer part. Thethedral BlufMain Body ohe Wasatchby the Lumea (Bradley

e Main Bodrth. mation. Cay to greenisd layers. Intllow muddys well as w

uffs Tongueslopes.

western pas Tongue ate Wasatch ffs lies beloof the Wasah lies below

men Tonguey, 1964; He

dy of the W

athedral Blush-gray, santerbedded w

y sandstonewood and e (Roehler,

art of the t the top

ow the atch by

w the e of the ttinger


uffs ndy with the e 1992).

Page 11: WYOMING STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MAP SERIES 95 Wallace … · WYOMING STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 108 00' 8 5 4 0 a 3 10 Tipton Tongue of the Green River Formation ... China Butte Member

Laney Mthe Was

Rwgslimincins Tth



Member of tsatch FormaRoehler (199which includ

rey and greandstone amestones. nterbedded laystone. T

nterbedded andstone, t

The Cathedrhe Baggs q

Twn Nilanrades into torthwestern

white lenticuubbitumino75 feet 110umen Tonguadrangle.

Tw Main ominated beds and lenccur in the an to gray lilaces beco

the Green Ration (Twc)92) divided

des the weseen mudstoand siltstoneThe middlewith brown

The lower Cwith thin m

tan oolitic aral Bluffs reuadrangle

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ular sandstoous coal (Br0 m), and isgue of the G

Body of thby gray to gnses of muupper part imestone ame conglom

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Conglomeratic muddy sandstone of the Main Body of the Wasatch Formation in the southwestern part of the quadrangle.

South of Dad Arch, the Main Body forms badland topography; north of the arch, it

forms gentle slopes. The base of the Wasatch is generally a coarse-grained arkosic sandstone that lies unconformably on top of the Paleocene Fort Union Formation (Hettinger and others, 2008). Between Dad Arch and the Little Snake River this basal unit is up to 12 feet (4 m) thick and conglomeratic, with cobbles up to 2.5 inches (6.4 cm) in diameter; cobbles include chert, quartzite, quartz, limestone, and igneous rocks (Honey and Hettinger, 2004).

The Main body of the Wasatch Formation reaches a maximum thickness of about 2100 feet (640 m) in the southwestern part of the quadrangle (Hettinger and others, 2008).

Unconformity Paleocene Fort Union Formation. The Fort Union Formation outcrops extend from north to south in a wide gentle curve over Dad Arch across the west-central part of the Baggs quadrangle. The Fort Union is made up of brown to gray sandstone, siltstone, mudstone, shale, carbonaceous shale and coal, representing flood plain, fluvial channel, paludal and possibly some lacustrine environments. A wide-spread conglomerate to conglomeratic sandstone with cobbles up to two-inches (5 cm) in diameter, marks the base of the formation where it lies unconformably on top of the Upper Cretaceous Lance Formation (Hettinger and others, 2008). The Fort Union is subdivided into three members within the Baggs quadrangle. The Overland Member, at the top of the formation, unconformably overlies the Blue Gap Member, which conformably overlies and intertongues with the China Butte Member in the lower part of the formation (Hettinger and others, 2008).

Tfuo Overland Member of the Fort Union Formation. The Overland Member, at the top of the formation, is dominated by fine-grained, light-gray, massive to locally cross bedded sandstone, along with some siltstone, mudstone, and sandy ironstone. This is underlain by a basal coarse-grained, gray sandstone that increases in coarseness southward where chert clasts may be as large as one-inch near the southern edge of the map. The Cherokee coal zone, near the top of the Overland does not crop out within the quadrangle, but is about 10 feet (3 m) thick in the subsurface in the northwestern part of the map area. The Overland is about 1000 feet (305 m) thick near Dad Arch, but thins southward to 425 feet (130 m) near the Wyoming-Colorado border (Hettinger and others, 2008). Tfub Blue Gap Member of the Fort Union Formation. The Blue Gap Member comprises olive- to brownish-gray mudstone and claystone, accompanied by thin beds of fine-grained sandstones, siltstone, ironstone, and carbonaceous shale. The Blue Gap is about 570 feet (170 m) thick near the Wyoming-Colorado border, thinning northward to just over the crest of Dad Arch, where it pinches out (Hettinger and others, 2008).

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Tfuc China Butte Member of the Fort Union Formation. The China Butte Member is made up of light yellowish-gray, to white, and medium-brown, fine- to coarse-grained, thick- to thin-bedded, crossbedded sandstone, interbedded with siltstone, mudstone, carbonaceous shale, and coal. The China Butte is about 735 feet (224 m) thick near Baggs, increasing in thickness northward to greater than 1000 feet (305 m) near Dad Arch and more than 2000 feet (610 m) north of the quadrangle. Conglomeratic sandstone with cobbles up to two-inches (5 cm) in diameter, marks the base of the formation where it lies unconformably on top of the Upper Cretaceous Lance Formation (Hettinger and others, 2008).


Mesozoic Upper Cretaceous Lance Formation. The Lance Formation is dominated by fine- to medium-grained fluvial sandstones interbedded with related claystone and mudstones flood plain deposits. It is subdivided into the upper Red Rim Member that overlies and in places intertongues with an unnamed lower member (Hettinger and others, 2008).

Klr Red Rim Member of the Lance Formation. The Red Rim Member is characterized by light yellowish-gray to gray, fine- to medium-grained, trough-crossbedded sandstone beds up to 200 feet (61 m) thick that form discontinuous cliffs. Grain sizes generally increase toward the upper part, which may contain chert pebbles up to 0.5 inch (1.3 cm) in diameter. Lenses of claystone and mudstone, varying from 20 to 100 feet (6-30 m) thick form splits in the sandstones. The Red Rim is about 685 feet (209 m) thick near Dad Arch, but thins southward to about 370 feet (113 m) near the town of Baggs (Hettinger and others, 2008). Kll Lower member of the Lance Formation. The upper part of the lower member hosts fine-grained, light-gray, trough-crossbedded sandstones up to 200 feet (61 m) thick separated by dark- to medium-gray and brown mudstone and claystone. The lower part of this member is dominated by similar mudstone and claystone separated by thin, fine- to very fine-grained, ripple-laminated or trough-crossbedded sandstones up to 50-feet (15 m) thick. Several lenticular coal beds up to 10-feet (3 m) thick are found near the base of the formation, which intertongues with, or conformably overlies the Fox Hills Sandstone. The lower member of the Lance is about 1300 feet (396 m) thick near Dad Arch and near the Wyoming-Colorado border, but swells to 1675 feet (510 m) between these two locations (Hettinger and others, 2008).

Kle Upper Cretaceous Fox Hills Sandstone and Lewis Shale, undivided. The Fox Hills Sandstone is an upward-coarsening succession of grayish-orange to to yellowish gray, fine- to medium-grained, trough-crossbedded, massive sandstones interbedded with silty, gray shales. The Fox Hills lies on top of, is gradational with, and intertongues with the upper part of the Lewis Shale (Hettinger and others, 2008). Because of these relationships, the Fox Hills is mapped with the Lewis rather than as a separate unit.

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the northeastern and southeastern parts of the quadrangle where they are not unconformably buried beneath the Browns Park Formation. The Niobrara is included within undifferentiated Cretaceous and Jurassic rocks in outcrops in the valley of Sandstone Creek in the southeastern part of the map area. Ritzma (1949) showed a thickness of about 1200 feet (366 m) for the Niobrara in the southeastern part of the quadrangle. Kf Upper Cretaceous Frontier Formation. The Frontier Formation is made up of dark-gray to black marine shale and sandy shale interbedded with gray to tan, fine-grained sandstones, and thin bentonite beds (Love and Christiansen, 1985; McLaughlin and Fruhwirth, 2010). Frontier outcrops are found in the northeastern and southeastern parts of the quadrangle. Ritzma (1949) showed a thickness of about 690 feet (210 m) for the Frontier in the southeastern part of the quadrangle. Kmr Upper Cretaceous Mowry Shale. The Mowry Shale is a siliceous, hard, dark-gray to gray shale that weathers to a silver-gray, flaky outcrop. The shale is interbedded with numerous bentonite beds, and contains abundant fish scales (Love and Christiansen, 1985; McLaughlin and Fruhwirth, 2010). Limited Mowry outcrops are found in the northeastern and southeastern parts of the map area. The thickness of the Mowry is about 130 feet (40 m) in the southeastern part of the quadrangle (Ritzma, 1949). Kmt Upper Cretaceous Muddy Sandstone and Thermopolis Shale, undivided. The Muddy Sandstone is about 35 feet (11 m) of gray to light-tan, medium-grained sandstone interbedded with gray carbonaceous shale and sandy shale at the top of the Thermopolis Shale. The Thermopolis Shale is about 35 feet (11 m) of medium- to dark-gray and brown, fissile shale that contains thin lenses of sandstone and bentonite (Love and Christiansen, 1985; McLaughlin and Fruhwirth, 2010). Small outcrops of the Muddy are found in the northeastern and southeastern parts of the quadrangle. Kcv Lower Cretaceous Cloverly Formation. The Cloverly Formation is made up of 84 to 139 feet (26-42 m) of rusty-gray to brown, fine- to coarse-grained sandstone in the upper part, which is underlain by a middle, variegated purple to black, bentonitic claystone and shale. The base is a white to tan, ridge-forming sandstone that locally grades to a chert pebble conglomerate (Ritzma, 1949; Love and Christiansen, 1985; McLaughlin and Fruhwirth, 2010). The Cloverly crops out in limited exposures in the northeastern and southeastern parts of the quadrangle. Unconformity KJs Lower Cretaceous Cloverly Formation and Upper Jurassic Morrison and Sundance Formations, undivided. These formations are mapped together as one unit along McKinney Creek in the north-central part of the quadrangle. Jm Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation. The Morrison Formation is represented by calcareous to bentonitic, pale-green to dark blue-green, maroon, and chalky-white, variegated claystones interbedded with thin, drab, nodular limestones, and gray to buff, non-resistant, silty sandstones (Love and Christiansen, 1985; McLaughlin and Fruhwirth, 2010; Ritzma, 1949). The thickness of the Morrison varies from 210 to 241 feet (64-73 m) in the southeastern part of the quadrangle (Ritzma, 1949).

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Terminology and units are based on those used by Sutherland and Hausel (2004) for the Saratoga 30’ x 60’ quadrangle, which lies just east of the Baggs quadrangle. All Precambrian outcrops occur in the eastern part of the map area.

Paleoproterozoic rocks within or south of the Cheyenne Belt myl mylonitic and cataclastic rocks, undifferentiated. The Cheyenne Belt is an ~1.78 Ga suture zone representing collision of island-arc terranes of the Colorado province with the Archean Wyoming craton (Graff, 1978; Hills and Houston, 1979). The collision responsible for the suture was termed the Medicine Bow orogeny by Chamberlain (1998). This event produced numerous interrelated shear zones, cataclasis and intense zones of granulation and mylonization. Xgs Sierra Madre Granite, 1744-1763 Ma. Well-foliated to medium-grained to faintly foliated and coarse-grained, pink to red granite and quartz monzonite plutons, dikes, and sills in the Sierra Madre (Houston and Graff, 1995). A facies of the Sierra Madre Granite was dated as 1744 ± 14 Ma, 1749 ± 8 Ma, and 1763 ± 6 Ma, by Premo and Van Schmus (1989) using the uranium/lead zircon method. Xs mafic intrusive rocks ~1800 Ma. Dark-gray to black mafic, generally sill-like and conformable intrusives up to a mile (1.6 km) long, and varying from a few feet to several hundred feet (~1-100 m) wide. Cross-cutting intrusive relationships occur locally. Complete conversion to amphibolite dominates these rocks, and where interlayered with amphibolitized mafic volcanic rocks, distinction between these intrusives and flows and tuffs is difficult. Therefore, some mafic bodies may be included within one of the Green Mountain Formation subunits in general and within the mafic metavolcanic rocks in particular (Houston and Graff, 1995). Where original textures are preserved or where chemical composition and mineralogy are known, these mafic intrusives are designated as follows: Xsd diabase Xsg gabbro and metagabbro Xsu ultramafic Xe Elkhorn Mountain Gabbro. Large bodies, dikes, and sills of medium-grained, dark-brown to black clinopyroxene-hornblende gabbro in the southern Sierra Madre. This gabbro also occurs as inclusions in the Sierra Madre Granite (Houston and Graff, 1995). Xz Encampment River Granodiorite, 1779 ± 5 Ma. Foliated, dark-gray intrusive rock varying in composition from granodiorite to quartz diorite to diorite, and characterized by inclusions of volcanic rocks of the Green Mountain Formation (Houston and Graff, 1995). Premo and Van Schmus (1989) determined a 1779 ± 5 Ma uranium/lead zircon age for the intrusion. Green Mountain Formation.

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Xrv Mafic metavolcanic rocks of the Green Mountain Formation. A sequence of mafic metavolcanic rocks of upper greenschist to lower amphibolite facies, with locally well-preserved primary texture in the central Sierra Madre. Intermediate to felsic composition metavolcanic rocks and metagraywacke are interbedded with, and grade laterally eastward into, dominantly calc-alkaline metabasaltic rocks east of the quadrangle in the Green Mountain and Fletcher Park areas (Houston and Graff, 1995). Xrf Felsic metavolcanic rocks of the Green Mountain Formation, 1792 ± 15 Ma. Felsic metavolcanic rocks that are predominately fine-grained, white to gray to black metarhyolite and metadacite (Houston and Graff, 1995). A uranium/lead zircon age of 1792 ± 15 Ma was reported by Premo and Van Schmus (1989) on zircon separated from metadacite porphyry from this unit on the east side of Green Mountain. Xrm Metagraywacke of the Green Mountain Formation. Dark-gray biotite-chlorite-quartz-feldspar schist in the northern Sierra Madre (Houston and Graff, 1995). Xrx Mixed metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks of the Green Mountain Formation. A succession of interbedded felsic and mafic metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks in the Sierra Madre (Houston and Graff, 1995). Xrc Chemical metasedimentary rocks of the Green Mountain Formation. Fine-grained metaquartzite (chert?), metalimestone, oxide-facies magnetite-rich iron formation, and massive and disseminated sulfide deposits that are interlayered with, or disseminated in, volcanogenic metasedimentary rocks, and some sedimentary exhalative sulfide deposits (Houston and Graff, 1995).

Paleoproterozoic and Neoarchean rocks north of the Cheyenne Belt Xn mafic intrusive rocks ~1700-2300 Ma. Dark-gray to black to purple mafic dikes and sills metamorphosed to varying degrees, but with many preserved gabbroic and diabasic textures; these are mostly altered to amphibolite (Matus, 1958; Houston and Graff, 1995). Age range cited is from Houston and others (1992), although Houston and Graff (1995) suggest a probable range of ages from 1990 to 2092 Ma in the Sierra Madre. The Houston and Graff (1995) range is based on a uranium/lead zircon age of 2090 ± 9 Ma by Premo and Van Schmus (1989) of a pegmatitic phase of a metagabbro that intrudes the Cascade Quartzite, and a Sm/Nd whole rock date of 1990 ± 30 Ma by Shaw and others (1986) of an ultramafic sill intruded into Vulcan Mountain Metavolcanics west of Spring Lake. More detailed rock identifiers and descriptions where available are as follows:

Xnd diabasic rocks. Xnu ultramafic rocks.

Paleoproterozoic Snowy Pass Group. This group of formations, as described by Houston and Graff (1995) includes: Slaughterhouse Formation, Copperton Formation, Bottle Creek Formation, Cascade Quartzite, Singer Peak Formation, and Magnolia Formation.

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Xsh Slaughterhouse Formation. This is a severely deformed and only partially preserved remnant of an estimated 4000+ feet (1219 m+) succession consisting of fine-grained, interbedded, red, yellow, and green metalimestone containing layers of buff metadolomite, quartzite, and dark-green phyllite. Fine-grained, chlorite-calcarious schist is underlain by dark-gray graphitic phyllite, which is underlain by metalimestone (Houston and Graff, 1995). Xcp Copperton Formation. The Copperton Formation, which has been structurally thinned by thrust faults, is made up of three units: an upper 500 feet (152 m) of white massive quartzite; a middle laminated phyllite exhibiting an upper section of alternating beds of coarser-grained schist and crossbedded quartzite, underlain by 1000 feet (305 m) of gray, thin alternating quartz and fine-grained mica-rich laminae; and a basal, coarse-grained, highly sheared, kyanite-bearing, white quartzite as much as 2000 feet (610 m) thick (Houston and Graff, 1995). Xb Bottle Creek Formation. The 1300 feet (396 m) thick Bottle Creek Formation is best expressed in the western Sierra Madre where an upper slabby and buff quartzite containing interbeds of phyllite is successively underlain by units of diamictite and quartzite. The diamictite units are paraconglomerate within a matrix of tan or green phyllite interbedded with pale-green schistose and feldspathic, medium- to coarse-grained quartzite (Houston and Graff, 1995). Xcq Cascade Quartzite >2092 9 Ma. The 5000+ feet (1524+ m) thick Cascade Quartzite is a locally crossbedded, predominately white, arkosic quartzite containing layers of quartz-pebble conglomerate and black chert-pebble conglomerate (Houston and Graff, 1995). Premo and Van Schmus (1989) constrained the age of the Cascade Quartzite with their 2092 9 Ma U-Pb zircon date from a gabbroic intrusion cutting the Cascade Quartzite. Xsi Singer Peak Formation. A discontinuous upper part of this unit consisting of poorly sorted paraconglomerate with angular granite clasts, green phyllite beds, and thin quartzite is restricted to the western part of the Sierra Madre. The lower part, about 2800 feet (853 m) thick to the west, and thinning out east of Silver Lake, consists of blue and green phyllite, buff to orange quartzite, and thick silvery phyllite that hosts red garnet at the base (Houston and Graff, 1995).

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common. A lack of marker horizons, poor preservation, and ambiguous top and bottom criteria lead to stratigraphic confusion within the Silver Lake metavolcanics (Souders and Frost, 2006). Granite-boulder paraconglomerate interbedded with feldspathic quartzite and pelitic schist throughout the unit is noteworthy. Thickness varies dramatically from 3300 feet (1000 m) in the central Sierra Madre to 1000 feet (305 m) in the eastern Sierra Madre (Houston and Graff, 1995). U-Pb zircon geochronology by Souders and Frost (2006) from a porphyritic metadacite in the Silver Lake metavolcanic suite give an estimated crystallization age of 2,680 ± 18 Ma. Personal communication (2009) with K. Chamberlain suggested that zircon grain morphology may indicate a sedimentary origin rather than volcanic for the dated material. Wjc Jack Creek Quartzite. The Jack Creek Quartzite is dominated by white quartzite and contains lenses of paraconglomerate, quartz-pebble conglomerate, gray and green phyllite, metagraywacke, and marble. This unit is 1650 feet (503 m) thick in the northwestern Sierra Madre, including the Deep Gulch Conglomerate Member at the base, which consists of 328 feet (100 m) of well-developed pyritic and radioactive quartz-pebble conglomerate. The unit is finer grained in the north-central Sierra Madre where conglomerate layers are missing, and thins to a ‘feather edge’ about five miles (8 km) west of Encampment (Houston and Graff, 1995). Souders (2004) states that the Jack Creek Quartzite and the Bridger Peak Quartzite are indistinguishable in the field, and suggests that they may actually be the same geologic unit as opposed to the interfingering, time-transgressive sequence as described by Graff (1978).

Wog Red-pink orthogneiss, 2683 ± 6 Ma. This unit consists of well-foliated to massive, red to pink granitic to tonalitic orthogneiss in the northern and east-central Sierra Madre. More massive phases of this unit intrude the Spring Lake Granodiorite (Houston and Graff, 1995). Radiometric date is after Premo and Van Schmus (1989). Sample SM7 was collected by R.S. Houston and Kevin Chamberlain from the type locality for the red-pink orthogneiss near Methodist Creek. It is a medium-grained, equigranular granite dominated by potassium feldspar and quartz with minor to no mafic minerals. The sample is generally massive with some coarser pegmatitic zones, is weakly foliated, and has been interpreted as one of the youngest granitic phases in the region (K. Chamberlain, personal communication, 2011). Location: 41.335556N, -107.043056W.

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Concordia plot of U-Pb apatite data from SM-7 (K. Chamberlain, personal communication 2011). Uncertainty on U-decay constants is depicted by the width of the red swath for Concordia. K. Chamberlain (personal communication, 2011) interprets the U-Pb data to define a mixing line from ca. 2.7 Ga to 2.19 Ga and to represent nearly complete resetting at ca. 2.0 to 2.2 Ga of magmatic apatite, which originally crystallized ca. 2.68 Ga (Premo and Van Schmus, 1989). Apatite U-Pb dates reset thermally at about 450 °C (Chamberlain and Bowring, 2000, and references therein). The timing of thermal resetting of the apatite corresponds to the timing of widespread emplacement of mafic dikes and sills in the Sierra Madre (Premo and Van Schmus, 1989; Duebendorfer and others, 2006) related to rifting of the Archean margin of the Wyoming craton. During subsequent Paleoproterozoic (1.78 Ga) accretion along the Cheyenne belt, 20 km to the south, this portion of the foreland remained cooler than 450 °C at this level of exposure. When coupled with previously determined cooling dates (Harper, 1997; Duebendorfer and others, 2006), this new cooling date suggests that the pattern of tectonic burial related to the Medicine Bow orogeny and the thermal histories of the foreland in the Sierra Madre are strongly controlled by faults with only minimal overthrusting and unroofing. In contrast, the foreland history in the Laramie Mountains, 150 km along strike to the east, records tectonic burial of at least 10 km depth and block uplift and unroofing in a 60 km-wide swath north of the Cheyenne belt during the Medicine Bow Orogeny (Chamberlain and others, 1993; Patel and others, 1999; Chamberlain, 1998; Chamberlain and Bowring, 2000). Geochronological zircon studies of the red-pink orthogneiss are pending. Wsl Spring Lake Granodiorite, 2710 10 Ma. This well-foliated gray granodiorite was dated using U-Pb zircon techniques by Premo and Van Schmus (1989). It crops out extensively in the northern Sierra Madre (Houston and Graff, 1995), and intrudes both the Vulcan Mountain metavolcanics and the lower part of the Phantom Lake Metamorphic Suite (Houston and others, 1992). Wvm Vulcan Mountain Metavolcanics, Sierra Madre. The Vulcan Mountain Metavolcanics are an estimated 1148 feet (350 m) of highly deformed mafic metavolcanic succession in the Sierra Madre that is primarily made up of fine-grained amphibolite and hornblende-plagioclase gneiss with isolated interlayers of chlorite schist, quartzite, paraconglomerate, and marble. Pillow structures and amygdules are locally preserved in the amphibolite, which also hosts conformable interlayered intrusions of ultramafic and gabbroic composition. Although the contact is obscured, the Vulcan Mountain metavolcanics are interpreted to lie unconformably on top of the basement quartzofeldspathic gneiss and correlate with the Overland Creek Gneiss in the Medicine Bow Mountains (Houston and others, 1992; Houston and Graff, 1995). Wgg Quartzo-feldspathic gneiss. This unit is a well foliated to massive and faintly foliated, pink to gray felsic gneiss primarily composed of plagioclase, potash feldspar, and quartz. In the Sierra Madre, the felsic gneiss includes interlayered pink granite gneiss, gray biotite-quartz-feldspar gneiss, tan garnet-quartz-feldspar gneiss, white quartz-microcline gneiss, and local layers of kyanite gneiss, hornblende gneiss, and amphibolite (Houston and Graff, 1995). Based on the intrusion of this unit by 2.71 Ga granodiorite and granite, dated by Premo (1982), Houston and Graff (1995) assign an early Archean age for the gneiss.

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Souders and Frost (2006) state that is unlikely that this basement gneiss could predate the 2.71 Ga Spring Lake granodiorite by >100 million years based on Nd isotopic studies. The possibility exists for unmapped units of diverse ages to be included within the designation of the quartzo-feldspathic gneiss.

Selected References Ball, M.W., 1909, The western part of the Little Snake River coal field, Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 341, p.243-255, scale 1:250,000. Ball, M.W. and Stebinger, Eugene, 1910, The eastern part of the Little Snake River coal field, Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 381, p.186-213, scale 1:250,000. Barclay, C.S.V., 1976, Preliminary geologic map of the Tullis quadrangle, Carbon County, Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report OF-76-794, scale 1:24,000. Barclay, C.S.V., 1979, Geophysical logs and coal sections of holes drilled during 1977 and 1978 in the northeastern part of the Baggs quadrangle, Carbon County, Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report OF-79-1628, scale 1:60,000. Barlow, J.A., 1953, The geology of the Rawlins uplift, Carbon County, Wyoming: Ph.D. dissertation, University of Wyoming, Laramie, 179 p., scale 1:31,680. Berry, D.W., 1960, Geology and ground-water resources of the Rawlins area, Carbon County, Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply Paper 1458, 74 p. Blackstone, D.L., Jr., 1958, Geology of the Muddy Creek area, Carbon and Sweetwater Counties: Wyoming State Geological Survey Open File Report 55-2, scale 1:31,680. Bradley, W.H., 1945, Geology of the Washakie Basin, Sweetwater and Carbon Counties, Wyoming, and Moffat County, Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Oil and Gas Investigations Map OM-32, scale 1:190,080. Bradley, W.H., 1961, Geologic map of a part of southwestern Wyoming and adjacent states: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Geologic Investigations Map I-332, scale 1:250,000. Bradley, W.H., 1964, Geology of the Green River Formation and associated Eocene rocks in southwestern Wyoming and adjacent parts of Colorado and Utah: USGS Professional Paper 496-A, p.A1-A86, scale 1:250,000. Buehner, J.H., 1936, Geology of an area north of the Sierra Madre, Carbon County, Wyoming: M.A. thesis, University of Wyoming, Laramie, 37 p., scale 1:57,024. Carey, B.D., 1955, The Elkhead Mountains volcanic field, northwestern Colorado: Guidebook to the geology of northwest Colorado, 6th Annual Field Conference, Intermountain Assoc. Petrol. Geologists and Rocky Mountain Assoc. Geologists, p.44-46.

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Chamberlain, K.R., 1998, Medicine Bow Orogeny: Timing of deformation and model of crustal structure produced during continent–arc collision, ca. 1.78 Ga, southeastern Wyoming: Rocky Mountain Geology, v.33, no.2, p.259-277, Oct. 1998. Chamberlain, K.R. and Bowring, S.A., 2000, Apatite-feldspar U-Pb thermochronometer - a reliable, mid-range (450 °C), diffusion-controlled system: Chemical Geology, v. 172, p. 173-200. Chamberlain, K.R., Patel, S.C., Frost, B.R., and Snyder, G.L., 1993, Thick-skinned deformation of the Archean Wyoming province during Proterozoic arc-continent collision: Geology, v. 21, p. 995-998. Del Mauro, G.L., 1953, Geology of Miller Hill and Sage Creek area, Carbon County, Wyoming: M.A. thesis, University of Wyoming, Laramie, 141 p., scale 1:63,360. Divis, A.F., 1976, The Geology and geochemistry of the Sierra Madre Mountains, Wyoming: Colorado School of Mines Quarterly, v.71, no.3, p.1-95. Duebendorfer, E.M., Chamberlain, K.R., and Heizler, M., 2006, Filling the North American Proterozoic tectonic gap - 1.60-1.59-Ga deformation and orogenesis in Southern Wyoming, USA: Journal of Geology, v. 114, n. 1, pg. 19-42. Eggler, D.H., et.al., 1988, Tectonomagmatism of the Wyoming Province: Colorado School of Mines Quarterly, p.25-40. Gibson, S.A., Thompson, R.N., Leat, P.T., Morrison, M.A., Hendry, G.L., Dickin, A.P., and Mitchell, J.G., 1993, Ultrapotassic magmas along the flanks of the Oligo-Miocene Rio Grande Rift, USA – monitors of the zone of lithospheric mantle extension and thinning beneath a continental rift: Journal of Petrology, v.34, Part 1, p.187-228, Feb. 1993. Good, L.W., 1960, Geology of the Baggs area, Carbon County, Wyoming: M.A thesis, University of Wyoming, Laramie, 90 p., scale 1:24,000. Graff, P.J., 1978, Geology of the lower part of the Early Proterozoic Snowy Range Supergroup, Sierra Madre, Wyoming: Ph.D. dissertation, University of Wyoming, Laramie, 85 p. Gwinner, D., 1979, Structural setting of uranium-bearing quartz-pebble conglomerate of Precambrian age, northwest Sierra Madre, Carbon County, Wyoming: M.S. thesis, University of Wyoming, Laramie, 29 p., scale 1:24000. Hallberg, L.L., and Case, J.C., 2006, Preliminary surficial geologic map of the Baggs 30' x 60' Quadrangle, Carbon and Sweetwater counties, Wyoming: Wyoming State Geological Survey Open File Report 06-03, scale 1:100,000. Harper, K.M., 1997, U-Pb age constraints on the timing and duration of Proterozoic and Archean metamorphism along the southern margin of the Archean Wyoming craton: Ph.D. dissertation, University of Wyoming, Laramie, 176 pp.

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Hausel, W.D., 1986, Mineral deposits of the Encampment mining district, Sierra Madre, Wyoming-Colorado: Wyoming State Geological Survey Report of Investigations 37, 31 p. Hausel, W.D., 1989, The geology of Wyoming’s precious metal lode and placer deposits: Wyoming State Geological Survey Bulletin 68, 248 p. Hausel, W.D., 1997, Copper, lead, zinc, molybdenum, and associated metal deposits of Wyoming: Wyoming State Geological Survey Bulletin 70, 229 p. Hausel, W.D., 1998, Diamonds and mantle source rocks in the Wyoming Craton with a discussion of other U.S. occurrences: Wyoming State Geological Survey Report of Investigations 53, 93 p. Hausel, W.D., Gregory, R.W., Motten, R.H., and Sutherland, W.M., 2003, Geology of the Iron Mountain kimberlite district and nearby kimberlitic indicator mineral anomalies in southeastern Wyoming: Wyoming State Geological Survey Report of Investigations 54, 42 p., scale 1:100,000. Hausel, W.D., and Sutherland, W.M., 2000, Gemstones, and other unique minerals and rocks of Wyoming–a field guide for collectors: Wyoming State Geological Survey Bulletin 71, 268 p. Hettinger, R.D. and Honey, J.G., 2006, Geologic map and coal stratigraphy of the Doty Mountain quadrangle, eastern Washakie Basin, Carbon County, Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map SIM-2925, scale 1:24,000. Hettinger, R.D., Honey, J.G., Ellis, M.S., Barclay, C.S.V., and East, J.A., 2008, Geologic map of Upper Cretaceous and Tertiary strata and coal stratigraphy of the Paleocene Fort Union Formation, Rawlins-Little Snake River area, south-central Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map SIM-3053, scale 1:100,000. Hills, F.A., and Houston, R.S., 1979, Early Proterozoic tectonics of the central Rocky Mountains, North America: University of Wyoming Contributions to Geology, v.17, no.2, p.89-109. Honey, J.G. and Roberts, L.N.R., 1989, Stratigraphic sections showing coal correlations within the lower part of the Fort Union Formation in the Baggs area, Carbon County, Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey Coal Investigations Map C-135, scale 1:24,000. Honey, J.G. and Hettinger, R.D., 2004, Geologic map of the Peach Orchard Flat quadrangle, Carbon County, Wyoming, and descriptions of new stratigraphic units in the Upper Cretaceous Lance Formation and Paleocene Fort Union Formation, eastern greater Green River Basin, Wyoming-Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map SIM-2835, scale 1:24,000. Houston, R.S., 1975, Preliminary report on the distribution of copper and platinum group metals in mafic igneous rocks of the Sierra Madre, Carbon County, Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report OF-75-85.

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Houston, R.S., 1993, Late Archean and Early Proterozoic geology of southeastern Wyoming in Snoke, A.W., Steidtmann, J.R., and Roberts, S.M., eds., Geology of Wyoming: Wyoming State Geological Survey Memoir 5, p.78-116. Houston, R.S. and Ebbett, B.E., 1977, Geologic map of the Sierra Madre and western Medicine Bow Mountains, southeastern Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-827, scale 1:125,000. Houston, R.S. and Graff, P.J., 1995, Geologic map of Precambrian rocks of the Sierra Madre, Carbon County, Wyoming, and Jackson and Routt Counties, Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-2452, scale 1:50,000. Houston, R.S., Karlstrom, K.E., and Graff, P.J., 1979, Progress report on the study of radioactive quartz-pebble conglomerate of the Medicine Bow Mountains and Sierra Madre, southeastern Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report OF-79-1131, scale 1:125,000. Houston, R.S., Karlstrom, K.E., Graff, Paul J., and Flurkey, Andrew J., 1992, New stratigraphic subdivisions and redefinition of subdivisions of late Archean and early Proterozoic metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks of the Sierra Madre and Medicine Bow Mountains, southern Wyoming: USGS Professional Paper 1520, 50 p., scale 1:125,000. Houston, R.S., Karlstrom, K.E., Graff, P.J., and Hausel, W.D., 1978, Radioactive quartz-pebble conglomerates of the Sierra Madre and Medicine Bow Mountains, southeastern Wyoming: Wyoming State Geological Survey Open File Report 78-3, scale 1:48,000. Houston, R.S. and Lane, M.E., 1984, Huston Park Roadless Area, Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1300, p.1145, scale 1:79,200. Houston, R.S., Schmidt, T.G., and Lane, M.E., 1983, Mineral resource potential and geologic map of the Huston Park Roadless Area, Carbon County, Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-1637, scale 1:24,000. Houston, R.S., Schuster, J.E., and Ebbett, B.E., 1975, Preliminary report on the distribution of copper and platinum group metals in mafic igneous rocks of the Sierra Madre, Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report OF-75-85, scale 1:24,000. Karlstrom, K.E., and Houston, R.S., 1984, The Cheyenne Belt: Analysis of a Proterozoic suture in southern Wyoming: Precambrian Research, v.25, p.415-446. Kratochvil, A.L., 1981, Geology of the uraniferous Deep Gulch Conglomerate (Late Archean), northwestern Sierra Madre, Wyoming: M.S. thesis, University of Wyoming, Laramie, 113 p., scale 1:1,920. Lackey, L.L., 1965, Petrography of Metavolcanic and Igneous Rocks of Precambrian age in the Huston Park area, Sierra Madre, Wyoming: M.A. thesis, University of Wyoming, Laramie, 78 p., scale 1:24,000.

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