Www.scifun.org. Professor Bassam Z. Shakhashiri Professor Bassam Z. Shakhashiri William T. Evjue...

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Transcript of Www.scifun.org. Professor Bassam Z. Shakhashiri Professor Bassam Z. Shakhashiri William T. Evjue...

  • www.scifun.org

  • Professor Bassam Z. Shakhashiri William T. Evjue Distinguished Chair for the Wisconsin Idea Director, Wisconsin Initiative for Science Literacy Department of Chemistry University of Wisconsin-Madison

    Friday, May 22, 2015Khorana Bose Scholars ProgramChicago, IlinoisThe Joy of Learning and the Joy of Sharing

  • Grand Challenges to Society and to ScientistsHelp sustain Earth and its people in the face of: Population Growth Finite Resources Malnutrition Spreading Disease Deadly Violence War Climate Change Denial of Basic Human Rights, especially the right to benefit from scientific and technological progress

  • What differentiates our society now from all previous societies?

  • Science

  • Industrial Revolution

    Electronic Revolution

  • Science-rich Sector

    Science-poor Sector

  • Scientific Competence

    Science LiteracyScientific Expertise

  • Science Literacy is for Everyone

    Chemists, Artists, Humanists, All Professionals, The General Public, Youth and Adults Alike

  • Science is Vital to Democracy

  • Public sentiment is everything. With public sentiment, nothing can fail; without it nothing can succeed.

    >> Abraham Lincoln

  • Respect Trust Confidence


  • FamilyFriendsNeighborsCommunity

  • Grand Challenges to Society and to ScientistsHelp sustain Earth and its people in the face of: Population Growth Finite Resources Malnutrition Spreading Disease Deadly Violence War Climate Change Denial of Basic Human Rights, especially the right to benefit from scientific and technological progress

  • Science and society have what is essentially a social contract that enables great intellectual achievements but comes with mutual expectations of benefiting the human condition and protecting our planet.Grand Challenges to Society and to Scientists

  • In a free and civil society people must be virtuous as well as technically skilled.We must assure that the next generation of scientists is both highly skilled technically and properly educated to carry on their scientific and educational work for the common good of society.

  • The Strongest Forces in SocietyReligion


  • Evolution

    Climate Change

  • Winters have gotten milder.Our planet has changed and continues to do so.

  • Its gotten warmer locally.Our planet has changed and continues to do so.

  • Ice has melted.Grinnell Glacier, Glacier Natl Park19402006Our planet has changed and continues to do so.

  • Human activities change the composition of the atmosphere.Our planet has changed and continues to do so.

  • Which gas is responsible for the largest fraction of the Earths atmospheric greenhouse warming effect?

    A. methaneB. ozoneC. water vaporD. carbon dioxide

    ACS Climate Science Toolkit

  • ACS Climate Science Toolkit www.acs.org/climatescienceTools to better understand and communicate climate science

  • Scientist-Citizen

  • Is it enough for a scientist simply to publish a paper? Isn't it the responsibility of scientists, if you believe that you have found something that can affect the environment, isn't it your responsibility to actually do something about it, enough so that action actually takes place? If not us, who? If not now, when?>> F. Sherwood Rowland

  • Scientist-Citizen


  • www.scifun.org

    Although the other planets can offer clues about our climate, their atmospheric compositions are quite different from Earths. So we have to focus most of our attention on our atmosphere *