WWrrwr NDENT - University of...

A l wr r Vol I Mnui Judiciary The good people of Maui soom ahvnjs to liavo troiiblo with tho judges which Hnwniin boat govoru mout lias appointed to pusilioim us judges at a rooomponsu for patriotic forvicos iu taking tho oath to tho IlopublL and Rhouthig for annex ¬ ation Wo have in fonnor nanus n forred to Juilgo KaIuab and Judge Holokuuiliia oecapadea A corros pouduut now writes to us about tho funny bilaiueaa in which tho Dis- trict ¬ Magistrato of Mukawao Roems to indulgo This magiatrato is a Hawaiian of tho blue ribboned stylo petted ad promoted by tho virtuous Chief Justice and lie is evidently up to all tho tricks of his class Judge Peter Noah Knhokuoluna is not satisfied with the salary paid to hun by tho Govermnont and lie has there foro savs our correspondent devisnd moans to oko out his legitimate iu como During tho time Kpeuified by law for tho sworn returns by pro porty holders to the awossor he wen known to loavo tho judicial bench and go amongst tho Portuguese tax ¬ payers informing ilium that hewn iho party authorized to make out their returns to tho assos3or of heir property For his services in making ouch returns ho demanded and was paid ouo dollar for each person thereby netting quite a handsome income from the ignorant class Ho was not satisfied howovor with extras tirade in that way Ho also appeared as a collector nod in one instauco collected 15 a fee du to Mr A N Kopoikai a lawyer in Wailuku As the judgo had no authority to collect for Kopoikai ho was called to account by that gn tloman who threatened to havo the worthy magistrato arrested for gross cheat Thero is a general complaint by tho licensed attorneys of Maui against tho samo Makawao judgo Be is not a praotitionor but he acts as runnerfor Judgo Helekuuihi of Wailuku Ho has boon in tho habit of drawing divorce libels charging tho regular foes undor tho misrepre- sentation ¬ that ho could issuo a divorce from his good friend the circuit judge As ho cannot appear incTdiirt himsslf ho would got Hele- kuuihi who has a lawyers liceuso to prosent tho caso aud botwoeti the three judges tho divorce would bo granted and tho authorized attor- neys ¬ of Maui done out of regular business and foes There are numorous other in stauco3 about Mauis funny ways which shall havo our attention in at a future date m A Stormy Voyage The U S cruiser Baltimore had a hard time on her voyage from Yoko ¬ hama to this port aud the fine ship looked rather dilapidated whon sho entered port yestorday afternoon twenty ono days from Yokohama Tho hurrioano which was met by tho China on her way to this port play ¬ ed havoo with the whito oruiser Sho succeeded in weathoring tho storm with tho loss of two lives A boatswain Jossou was washed over ¬ board and drowned and tho ships carpenter Cooper was injured and died at tho hospital this morning Tho Baltimore will remain iu Hono- lulu ¬ about two weeks and tako iu coal and provisions Tho following is tho list of her otlicers of whom several aro known in society hero B F Day Captain H O Rittouhouso W A Mar- shall ¬ F H Holmes A E Gulvee A L Hall 0 M Fahs nontenants GN Hayward W H Buck L H Evorhard ensigns J A Scott chief ongiueor D A Smith paymaster J A Hawke modical inspector T 0 Frinoo first lieutenant U S M 0 W H L lioamy chaplain A Hartrath assistant onginoor G V MbElroy F A ouginoor A Moritz P A onginoor A Farouholt assistaut surgeon 0H Broom pay clerk J Cooper carpoutor 0 B Magrudor guniior Committed Tho caso of Underwood and Shori dan tho alleged conspirators was called in tho Distriat Court this morning Judgo Porry ovorrulod the motion of tho dofoudauts to bo discharged and thoy woro comraittod for trial to tho Oirouit Court In response to a request of Mr Robert ¬ son defendants attorney to havo tho mou admittpd to bail tho gavo a docidod re- fusal ¬ Tho mon will consoquontly linger in jail till February lb5 For Holiday Goods go to N S SaohB HONOLULU II I TUESDAY DECEMBER 24 1895 HIRA NO WATER The Great Mineral Water of Japan WATER IS KENOWNEIFOK ITS MEDI THIS qunlitios and lias a ltirgo snlo in Eng ¬ land and tho Continknt In thbjcar 189J Ovku 120000 Casus woro exported from Japan tho greater portion ofwhich was consumed in tho London mar- ket ¬ It is to bo found iu all of tho Lending Hotels and on all of tho Largo Passongor Steamships Tins Watkii is Chahcum with Its Own Natural Gas and not artificially as is tho case with many so called mineral waters Besides possessing groat Medicinal Properties it is also tho Most Palatublo of all Mineral Waters PRICE 500 per Case of Fifty Pints MACFAELANE CO LTD Solo Agonts for tho Hawaiian Islands low ss i our i sine It will also bo mino to sell you anything iu tho lino of Christmas Gifts If you want beautiful Bronze Gilt or Silvorplated Sta tuottos Framed Photos Pictures Clocks in tho newest styles Fancy Vases Glove and Handkerchiefs Sets irt tho most recherche styles Metal Curios Dolls Tea Sots in every prico and Christmas Presonts in ovory stylo But dont forgot I koep tho handsomost assortment of Laco Curtains in tho city oithor by tho yard or tho pair Come and seo my Whistling Boy in Bronze TEMPLE OF FASHION Fort Street M G- - SILVA - - - Proprietor Wo Miid Shawls Childrens Dresses Lace and Silk- - Gaps Umbrellas and Parasols Whito Dress Goods m Etc Etc 3MC fi MjJETWIK Fort Street a E WILLIAMS SON ED A WILLIAMS Manager Oil Kinp Stroet noxt to Arlington Hotol Undertakers and Funeral Directs Hearses Hacks and Wagonettes Furnished TOMBSTONES aud MONUMENTS E3mloalmixig Undor Porsonltl Suporvisiou of Ed A Williams F D who irrniluntotl from Olaiiks School of Perfect Embalming in May 1891 Offlce 179 TELEPUONBS Res and Night Call NDENT Oceanic Steamship Go lnsmiim Mail Mci For San Franciscu Tho Now and Fine Al Steel Steamship U MARIPOSA- - Of tho Occnnlo Steamship Company will bo duo nt Honolulu Irom Sydney and Auckland on or about January til And will leavo for tho above port with Malls and Passengers on or about that date ii For Sydney Auckland The Now and Fino Al Steel Steamship U ALAMEDA Of the Oreanio Steamship Company will be duo at Honolulu from San Francisco on or about January 1 6th And will have prompt despatch with Malls and Pus ongers for the above ports Tho undersigned aro now prepared to Issue Tbroufh Tickets to All Points in the United States W- - For further particulars regarding Freight and Passago apply to Wm G IRWIN CO Ld General Agents Ocanic Steamship Go yiMD TABLE LOCAL LTNE 815 N S AUSTRALIA Arrlvo Honolulu Leavo Honolulu from B F for 8 F Jail 3- - Janfl Jan 27 Feb I Feb 21 Feb 20 March 10 March 21 April 18 April 15 May i MayO May 20 - Juno Juno 22 Juno 29 July 17 July 20 AUg IU I AUg 10 Sept 4 SeptO Bpt2S Oct Oct 20 Oct 28 Nov 10 Nov 21 Deo 11 Deo 10 THBOUGH LINE From San Francisco for Sydnoy Arrive Honolulu Alameda Jan 10 Mariposa Feb 13 Monowal Mar 12 Alameda Apr 0 Mariposa May 7 Monowal Juno 4 Alameda July i Mariposa July 30 Monowal Aug 27 Alameda Sopt21 Mariposa Oct 22 Monowal Nov 10 Alameda Deo 17 3 3 From Sydnoy for San Francisco Xeate Honolulu Mariposa JanO Monowal FobO Alameda Mar 5 Mariposa Arr2 Monowal Apr 30 Alameda May 28 Maripnsa Monowal Alameda Mariposa Juno July Sept Monowal Oct Alameda Nov Mariposa Dec OAHU RAILWAY LAND COS TIME TABLiB From and After October 21 1885 on 63 Bid TllAINS B tig S tig fl sp 3 e5 Off Sar g g M c u to AM AM I M Leavo Honolulu 040 Oils 115 510 Invo 1carl City 740 068 228 863 Leavo Ewa JUU 810 1019 210 011 Arrive WnlniiW 10 M 321 041 TllAINS og Hs og p tn3 EB Zl S3 2 o kS AM AM lM IM Leavo 611 132 317 Leavo Kwu Mill 719 010 207 422 loarl City 760 018 238 453 Arrlvo Honolulu 823 1030 311 620 RiimlnvB train will leave Wnliuino at 347 p m Instead n 132 p m arriving Honolulu 620 pm lrelRnt Trains will carry Passenger accom ¬ modations F O SMITH General PiuseugcriS Ticket Agent Q F Dbnison 8uperlnteiulent XOVVN LOX FOR SALE ADliSIHAHUi I10UBK back of Dlolcson Premises and Walklklof thu OhlnesoY 25 23 Auc 20 17 15 12 10 S lH S E Wntanno Leavo On In at M C A Hall rontalulng an area el UI20 Bquure toot ii iuih lureo looc piun en trnnees caoh from Kmiim Jlerlmnlaand Kort streets For partloulars liiouire of 1 J TESTA 10M 327 King Stroet No 155 Wilders Steamship Go TIME TABLE 0U WIGHT Pros B B KOBE Seo Copt J A KING Port Sapt Stmr KINATJ CLARKE Commander Will leave Honolulu atlOA m tonchiugat Lahalna Maalaea ltny and Makona tho same day Mahukuna Kawalhaoand Lau nauodioo tho following day arriving at Hllo tho same ovenlng LEAVES HONOLULU ARRIVES HONOLULU Friday Dec 20 Friday Dec 27 Returning will loavo Hilo at 1 oclock p h touching at Laupahoehoo Mahu kona and Kawaihao samo day Mnkcnn Maalaca Bay and Xahaina the following day arriving at Honolulu the afternoons of Tuesdays and Fridays UW No Freight will bo rccelvod after 8 A M on day of sailing Stmr OLAUDINE CAMERON Gommandor Will leavo Honolulu Tuesdays at 6 r u touching at Lahalna Kahulul Hana Ha moa and Kipabulu Maui Returning ar ¬ rives at Honolulu Sunday afternoons win can ncmiu jiaupo on seconu trip of each month KW No Freight will bo received after i r m on day of sailing This Company will reserves the right to make changes in tho tlmedf departure and arrival of its Steamers without notice and it will not bo responsible for any conse- quences ¬ arising therefrom Consignees must be at the Landings to recelvo their freight this Company will not hold Itself responsible for freight after It has boon landed Lire Siock only at owner srisk This Company will not be responsible for Money or Valuables of passengers unless placed in tho care of Purser tEW Passengers aro requested to por chus3 Tickets before embarking T5ose fmllriK to do so will bosubject ternri addi ¬ tional charge of twenty five per cent Business Cards ANTONH ROSA Attohnet-at-La- Kaahumanu Street Honolulu PAUL NEUMANN Counsellor and Attorney-at-La- w Merchant Street Honolulu A S HUMPHREYS ArronNEr-AT-LA- In Ofllco of J A Magoon Old Capito Building next Postoflice Honolulu JOHN NOTT PLUMDma Tin Copper and Sheet Iron Work King Btreet Honolulu GONSALVES CO Wholesale Grocers and Wine Merchants 225 QueonStreot Honolulu B B THOMAS Contractor and Builder Building Materials for sale Estlmatos Furnished H P BBRTBLMANN Contractor and Bdilder All kinds of Repairing and Qoneral Garpon- - try Estimates on Buildings Furnished ALLBN 8s ROBINSON Dealers in Lumber and Coal and Buildino Materials of All Kinds - Qnpnn Rtrflflt ironolnln M S GRINBAUM CO LD i Commission Merchants and Dealers in General Merchandise Qacon and Kaahumanu Streets i

Transcript of WWrrwr NDENT - University of...




l wr


Vol I

Mnui Judiciary

The good people of Maui soomahvnjs to liavo troiiblo with thojudges which Hnwniin boat govorumout lias appointed to pusilioim usjudges at a rooomponsu for patrioticforvicos iu taking tho oath to thoIlopublL and Rhouthig for annex ¬

ation Wo have in fonnor nanus nforred to Juilgo KaIuab and JudgeHolokuuiliia oecapadea A corrospouduut now writes to us about thofunny bilaiueaa in which tho Dis-


Magistrato of Mukawao Roemsto indulgo

This magiatrato is a Hawaiian oftho blue ribboned stylo petted adpromoted by tho virtuous ChiefJustice and lie is evidently up toall tho tricks of his class JudgePeter Noah Knhokuoluna is notsatisfied with the salary paid to hunby tho Govermnont and lie has thereforo savs our correspondent devisndmoans to oko out his legitimate iucomo During tho time Kpeuified bylaw for tho sworn returns by proporty holders to the awossor he wenknown to loavo tho judicial benchand go amongst tho Portuguese tax ¬

payers informing ilium that hewniho party authorized to make outtheir returns to tho assos3or of heirproperty For his services in makingouch returns ho demanded and waspaid ouo dollar for each personthereby netting quite a handsomeincome from the ignorant class

Ho was not satisfied howovorwith extras tirade in that way Hoalso appeared as a collector nod inone instauco collected 15 a fee duto Mr A N Kopoikai a lawyer inWailuku As the judgo had noauthority to collect for Kopoikai howas called to account by that gntloman who threatened to havo theworthy magistrato arrested for grosscheat

Thero is a general complaint bytho licensed attorneys of Mauiagainst tho samo Makawao judgoBe is not a praotitionor but he actsas runnerfor Judgo Helekuuihi ofWailuku Ho has boon in tho habitof drawing divorce libels chargingtho regular foes undor tho misrepre-sentation


that ho could issuo adivorce from his good friend thecircuit judge As ho cannot appearincTdiirt himsslf ho would got Hele-kuuihi who has a lawyers liceuso toprosent tho caso aud botwoeti thethree judges tho divorce would bogranted and tho authorized attor-neys


of Maui done out of regularbusiness and foes

There are numorous other instauco3 about Mauis funny wayswhich shall havo our attention in ata future date


A Stormy Voyage

The U S cruiser Baltimore had ahard time on her voyage from Yoko ¬

hama to this port aud the fine shiplooked rather dilapidated whon shoentered port yestorday afternoontwenty ono days from YokohamaTho hurrioano which was met by thoChina on her way to this port play ¬

ed havoo with the whito oruiserSho succeeded in weathoring thostorm with tho loss of two lives Aboatswain Jossou was washed over ¬

board and drowned and tho shipscarpenter Cooper was injured anddied at tho hospital this morningTho Baltimore will remain iu Hono-


about two weeks and tako iucoal and provisions Tho followingis tho list of her otlicers of whomseveral aro known in society hero

B F Day CaptainH O Rittouhouso W A Mar-


F H Holmes A E GulveeA L Hall 0 M Fahs nontenants

G N Hayward W H Buck LH Evorhard ensigns

J A Scott chief ongiueorD A Smith paymasterJ A Hawke modical inspectorT 0 Frinoo first lieutenant U S

M 0W H L lioamy chaplainA Hartrath assistant onginoorG V MbElroy F A ouginoorA Moritz P A onginoorA Farouholt assistaut surgeon0 H Broom pay clerkJ Cooper carpoutor0 B Magrudor guniior


Tho caso of Underwood and Shoridan tho alleged conspirators wascalled in tho Distriat Court thismorning Judgo Porry ovorrulodthe motion of tho dofoudauts to bodischarged and thoy woro comraittodfor trial to tho Oirouit Court Inresponse to a request of Mr Robert ¬

son defendants attorney to havotho mou admittpd to bail tho

gavo a docidod re-


Tho mon will consoquontlylinger in jail till February lb5

For Holiday Goods go to N S


lUIa illjMil



HIRANO WATERThe Great Mineral Water of Japan

mmmmmHmiiu mbmmummmni

WATER IS KENOWNEIFOK ITS MEDITHIS qunlitios and lias a ltirgo snlo in Eng ¬

land and tho Continknt In thbjcar 189J Ovku120000 Casus woro exported from Japan tho greaterportion ofwhich was consumed in tho London mar-ket


It is to bo found iu all of tho Lending Hotelsand on all of tho Largo Passongor SteamshipsTins Watkii is Chahcum with Its Own NaturalGas and not artificially as is tho case with many socalled mineral waters Besides possessing groatMedicinal Properties it is also tho Most Palatublo ofall Mineral Waters

PRICE 500 per Case of Fifty Pints

MACFAELANE CO LTDSolo Agonts for tho Hawaiian Islands

low ss i our i sine


It will also bo mino to sell you anythingiu tho lino of Christmas Gifts If you wantbeautiful Bronze Gilt or Silvorplated Statuottos Framed Photos Pictures Clocks intho newest styles Fancy Vases Glove andHandkerchiefs Sets irt tho most recherchestyles Metal Curios Dolls Tea Sots inevery prico and Christmas Presonts inovory stylo But dont forgot I koep thohandsomost assortment of Laco Curtainsin tho city oithor by tho yard or tho pair

Come and seo my WhistlingBoy in Bronze


M G-- SILVA - - - Proprietor

WoMiid Shawls

Childrens Dresses

Lace and Silk- - Gaps

Umbrellas and Parasols

Whito Dress Goods

m Etc Etc

3MC fi MjJETWIKFort Street


Oil Kinp Stroet noxt to Arlington Hotol

Undertakers and Funeral DirectsHearses Hacks and Wagonettes Furnished


E3mloalmixigUndor Porsonltl Suporvisiou of Ed A Williams F D whoirrniluntotl from Olaiiks School of Perfect Embalming inMay 1891

Offlce 179 TELEPUONBS Res and Night Call

W jryvm

NDENTOceanic Steamship Go

lnsmiim Mail MciFor San Franciscu

Tho Now and Fine Al Steel Steamship


Of tho Occnnlo Steamship Company willbo duo nt Honolulu Irom Sydney andAuckland on or about

January tilAnd will leavo for tho above port withMalls and Passengers on or about thatdate


For Sydney AucklandThe Now and Fino Al Steel Steamship

UALAMEDAOf the Oreanio Steamship Company willbe duo at Honolulu from San Francisco onor about

January 1 6thAnd will have prompt despatch with Mallsand Pus ongers for the above ports

Tho undersigned aro now preparedto Issue

Tbroufh Tickets to All Points in the

United States

W- - For further particulars regardingFreight and Passago apply to

Wm G IRWIN CO LdGeneral Agents

Ocanic Steamship Go




N S AUSTRALIAArrlvo Honolulu Leavo Honolulu

from B F for 8 FJail 3- - JanflJan 27 Feb IFeb 21 Feb 20March 10 March 21April 18 April 15May i MayOMay 20 - JunoJuno 22 Juno 29July 17 July 20AUg IU I AUg 10Sept 4 SeptOBpt2S OctOct 20 Oct 28Nov 10 Nov 21Deo 11 Deo 10

THBOUGH LINEFrom San Francisco

for SydnoyArrive Honolulu

Alameda Jan 10Mariposa Feb 13Monowal Mar 12Alameda Apr 0Mariposa May 7Monowal Juno 4Alameda July i

Mariposa July 30Monowal Aug 27Alameda Sopt21Mariposa Oct 22Monowal Nov 10Alameda Deo 17




From Sydnoy forSan Francisco

Xeate HonoluluMariposa JanOMonowal FobOAlameda Mar 5Mariposa Arr2Monowal Apr 30Alameda May 28MaripnsaMonowalAlamedaMariposa


SeptMonowal OctAlameda NovMariposa Dec


From and After October 21 1885

on63 Bid

TllAINS B tig S tigfl sp 3 e5


Sar g gM c u to

AM AM I MLeavo Honolulu 040 Oils 115 510Invo 1carl City 740 068 228 863Leavo Ewa JUU 810 1019 210 011Arrive WnlniiW 10 M 321 041

TllAINS og Hs ogp tn3 EB

Zl S3 2 okS

AM AM lM IMLeavo 611 132 317Leavo Kwu Mill 719 010 207 422

loarl City 760 018 238 453Arrlvo Honolulu 823 1030 311 620

RiimlnvB train will leave Wnliuino at 347p m Instead n 132 p m arriving Honolulu

620 pmlrelRnt Trains will carry Passenger accom ¬

modations F O SMITHGeneral PiuseugcriS Ticket Agent

Q F Dbnison 8uperlnteiulent



of Dlolcson Premises andWalklklof thu OhlnesoY



Auc 2017151210








M C A Hall rontalulng an area el UI20Bquure toot ii iuih lureo looc piun entrnnees caoh from Kmiim JlerlmnlaandKort streets For partloulars liiouire of

1 J TESTA10M 327 King Stroet


ry v

No 155

Wilders Steamship Go


0 U WIGHT Pros B B KOBE SeoCopt J A KING Port Sapt


Will leave Honolulu atlOA m tonchiugatLahalna Maalaea ltny and Makona thosame day Mahukuna Kawalhaoand Launauodioo tho following day arriving atHllo tho same ovenlng


Friday Dec 20 Friday Dec 27

Returning will loavo Hilo at 1 oclockp h touching at Laupahoehoo Mahukona and Kawaihao samo day MnkcnnMaalaca Bay and Xahaina the followingday arriving at Honolulu the afternoonsof Tuesdays and Fridays

UW No Freight will bo rccelvod after 8A M on day of sailing


Will leavo Honolulu Tuesdays at 6 r utouching at Lahalna Kahulul Hana Hamoa and Kipabulu Maui Returning ar¬

rives at Honolulu Sunday afternoonswin can ncmiu jiaupo on seconu trip

of each monthKW No Freight will bo received after ir m on day of sailing

This Company will reserves the right tomake changes in tho tlmedf departure andarrival of its Steamers without notice andit will not bo responsible for any conse-quences


arising therefromConsignees must be at the Landings to

recelvo their freight this Company willnot hold Itself responsible for freight afterIt has boon landed

Lire Siock only at owner sriskThis Company will not be responsible for

Money or Valuables of passengers unlessplaced in tho care of Purser

tEW Passengers aro requested to porchus3 Tickets before embarking T5osefmllriK to do so will bosubject ternri addi¬

tional charge of twenty five per cent

Business Cards



Kaahumanu Street Honolulu


Counsellor and Attorney-at-La- w

Merchant Street Honolulu



In Ofllco of J A Magoon Old CapitoBuilding next Postoflice Honolulu


PLUMDma Tin Copper and SheetIron Work

King Btreet Honolulu


Wholesale Grocers and WineMerchants

225 QueonStreot Honolulu


Contractor and Builder

Building Materials for sale EstlmatosFurnished


Contractor and Bdilder

All kinds of Repairing and Qoneral Garpon- -try Estimates on Buildings



Dealers in Lumber and Coal andBuildino Materials of

All Kinds -

Qnpnn Rtrflflt ironolnln


Commission Merchants and Dealersin General Merchandise

Qacon and Kaahumanu Streets



U t






Excopt Btuulny

At Brlto Hall Kerala Stroot

jD Telephone 811 jgGainst the wrong that needs resistance

For the right that nccdi assistanceFor the future in the distance

And the anod that we can do

1 mm in the place whereof I am demandedof conscience to speak the truth and the trutht tficak impugn it who so list


Vpt Month nnywhero In tho Ha- -wnlian Islands f0

Ior Year 0 00Pur Year postpaid to Foreign Coun-


8 00

Payable Invariably In Advanco

Advertisements unarcdmpanled by spoclflo Instructions Inserted till ordered out

Advertisements dlscontln icd beforu oxplrntion of specified porlod will bo chargedas If continued for ml term

Address all communications to tho Edi ¬

torial Department to Edmund NorrleBusiness letters should bo addressed totho Manacer

EDMUND NORRIE - - EditorG 0 KENYON - - Co EditorF J TESTA - - - Managor

Residing in Honolulu



Nearly 1900 years ago came thofulfilment of tho prophecy Untous a Son is born Aud Peaco Mid

good will became tho rule on earthto be lived up to na far as possibleNow iu tlieso isles of the sea thouunheard of in Jewry although therowas God known wo wish to all onthese islands A Merry ChristinasIt is tho first Christmas of Tub In-


And first to our friendlysupporters noxt to our devoted subscribers then to our able advertisersand all our other friends wo wishevery good fortune of tho seasonNoxt wo wish to all in segregationwhether from illness politics orother causes every happiness and aspeedy amelioration of their lotAnd lastly to all whether for us oragainst us irrespective of racecreed politics or religion our bestwishes for A Merry Christmasand peaco and good will towards allmen on earth

FitoM Editors Management andStaff of The Independent


Tho Rovorond Soreuo E Bishopis at it again He excuses himsolffor bo doing on the grounds that hetrusted a life of 09 years had oarnedfor mo a sufficient reputation forsincerity and veracity What magicthero may bo iu tuat lino for theyears G9 wo dont know althoughwhen exhibited on the other side oftho lino to S E 03 Gl aud 05 didntweigh with tho court martial Butthe cream of his remarks lieNnot somuch in what ho did say before oras he says himself iu what he didnot say but in the evident suppresslo veri in which ho indulgedWo quote him so that ho may puthimsolf in tho pillory to bo rottenegged by his own tergiversation andprove at last his right to ajsutliciontreputation for sincerity and veracity Ilark at the old porvertor

Last evening however I was astouuded to find tho usually toinperato Bulletin ondorsiug tho ex-treme


touo of Judgo Hurt I amled to surmise that I had somehowfailed to make my position clear totho minds of these two gentlemenI desiro thoroforo to say as clearlyand explicitly as language can makeit that my vory guarded words aboutLiliuokalani as one who had lougand earnestly labored for thoir thonatives social and moral improve-ment


woro striotly true and thateverything disparaging is also truethat I havo over felt compelled hosay about tho lady aud that tho oneis entirely consistent with tho other

Now friends Hart and Loganploaso to observe 1 did not say thatthb thou Queen was a person ofpure aud elevated oharnctor northat she was free from gross andgrievous faults I did not say thather labors for tho elevation of thonatives bad been directed efficiently

or wisely I said only Hint tljnnlabors bad boon long aud earnestthat aud no moto waa trtio

It Beams unnecessary horn to discuss at lonntli tlit giont inconsistencies in this ladys conduct aud Irefrain from doitu bo Enough tosay that tho fact of hor having triedhard to do some good dons not boliotho fact of her haying done muchthat was otherwise I hope thosegontlemon will see tho distinction

S E Bisaor

Romombor tho Poor

Mrs J W Luning who is alwaysfull of sympathy for those who aresick and sorrowful sont yostordaytwo hig boxts full of Christmasoln r to the children at tho Kapiolnui Home at tho Leper SettlementThe youugsteri will enjoy turkeyphnmo and many other delicacies Agoodly aniouut of linen for dresesthreads and scissors was also forwajdid ly the beuevolent ladyMay the good example of MrsLuning be imitated by the ladies ofHonolulu


John Kemson nativo of PlymouthEngland at Llno ngid 70 yearsFuneral tr morrow afternoon

Good Things to Eat



Citv HarkeJoseph Tinker



-f-ome-Ifed PorkFat Turkeys

Sucking Pigs

ffw Tho nau supply of Beef MuttonPausago Iork Veal Etc Etc

tfsy- - Remember tho place and ring upor cal at the



Musical ktriientoOF ALL KINDS i

Our Special Bnmd of W Nand Star

Guitar BanjoAND

Violin Strings

Manufactured especially for thisclimate and bearing tho

Trade Mark ofWN

Also Our Special Make of Guitar the W N

N B A largo assortment ofSheet Music

Wall Nichols CoKing Street

Holiday Opening

Monday Dec 9th I willopon a complete lino ofChristinas Goods of evorydescription

lEP Romombor tho 110Bicyclo I will give awayDecember 31st

3T A Coupon is givenaway with Every One 1

Dollar purchase


Royal Dankii Consulate I

UunoLUbU Deo 0 I85 J

PERSON HAVING OLUMSacalnxt tho Estaioof DitlevTordp

doceacoil aro requested to pri seni theHuiiio at thl UonsuhitH within two momliBfrom this date and nil pt rsons owing saidhstalo mo roqueted to niHlce Immediutopayment V W M AOF II i ANK

IW lm ActtnK Connil for Donniark


URNISHED COTTAGEto lot on Beretanla

street Right in town Forpartlcul ra ring up Telephono COO 651 tf

Subscribe fav the Independent 60ttnl pr innnth

Timely Topics

Honolulu Dec IS 1896

Ho had boon in tho HawaiianIslands nearly a year IIo ar ¬

rived horo in tho lattor part ofJanuary 1895 and his fortunoshad been between tho ups and

downs This is tho firstChristmas that ho is to experi-


far from home far fromhis frionds and his relationsTho old picture of tho snow cladhills tho merry bolls of thosleigh and tho blazo of thoChristmas trees is inscribed onhis mind IIo has made friondshoro in tho ovor sunny climo ofHawaii His friends want himto forget tho longing for thosnowy country and tho Christmasas ho saw it and they will offorhim thoir presents and Christ-mas


gifts and try to mako himboliovo that ho once more ispatronizod by tho King of thoNorth Santa Claus

To help in that noblo purposowo havo importod tho vorything suitablo for Christmaspresents This year we havomade a speciality of AluminiumWare and wo propose to presontto tho public something novorsoon horo before AluminiumToilet Sots aro tho rage landfashion to day in every part oftho civilized world They aromade of pliro Aluminium andwill not tarnish Tho Alumi-


Ware looks liko silverand give as much pleasure totho owner as do goods mado ofsterling silvor Wo know of nomore appropriate Christmaspresont than a set of Combs andBrushes in Aluminium Or aCard Receiver a Mirror a CigarStand Ash Receiver etc otcThe price of these oxcollontgoods brings thom within thoroach of ovorybody and to givea truly useful Christmas presonthas become easy to everyone

While wo havo imported alargo invoice of AluminiumWaro we havo not neglected ourSilvor Goods Pitchors and PlatesCocktail Shakers and Forks andKnives in tho latest fashionsaro a special feature of ourChristmas exhibition Wo havoall kinds of Plated Silvorwaro ofthe highest dogroo and finishand wo invito tho public to callat our store and romombor thopoor lonoly follows who onChristmas ovo will fool homosick and lonely and deeplygratoful for the smallost tokonsignifying that they aro notforgotton although far awayfrom homo

Tuh Hawaiian Hardware Co Ld

307 Fort StreetOnpnolto 8riVl Wrwlr

To Waianae Christmas

JoKtF Trains will leave on Baturdava nt

015 a m and 115 r m Arriving In Hono-lulu


at 811 r m and G20 r m

rse-- Train will loavo on Sundays atOilfiA m Arriving In Honolulu nt 520 r m

Round Trip1st Class2d Class

Is Coming

Saturdays and Sundays


F O SMITHGenoral Passenger and Ticket Agent

100 tf


A Now Assortment of

European and aierieau

DHY GOODSAlso a Number of theCelebrated

Orescent BicyclesFOR SALE BY -



Win G Itwln lrcsldont ManagerClans Sprpckels Vlee lrcsincntW M Glflard Secretary TreasurerThoo C Portor Auditorv


Commission AleutsAQPJ1T8 OF THE

Oceanic Steamship CompyOf Nun Kmnclsoo fnl

Health is Better Than Wealth




Owing to ill health and re-quiring


a chango of climateI am prepared to SELL OUTmy Entire Stock op Beauti ¬

ful J eweltiv Clocks WatchesEtc at a Sacrifice Now isyour opportunity to got Val ¬

uable Christmas Gifts CheapI am also prepared to under-take


any orders for SpecialDesigns in Fine Jewelry andanything else pertaining tothe business of Watchmakerand Jeweler

128 Merchant Street tf

FOR PORTLANDTho O V t S N Cos Steamship

Will be dno at Honolulu from Yokohamaon or ubont

DHIOJElulBElK 18thAnd will havo immcdlato dispatch for

above port direct

For Freight and Passage apply to

THEO H DAVIES CO lHO td General Agents

For Yokohama Hougkoug

Tho O II B N Cos Steamship

Mount Lebanon3500 Tons Hkndiiy Master

Will ho duo at Honolulu from Portland Oon or about

DBOIEMBH1R 2 1 stAnd will huvo Immediate dispatch for

above porta

etf-- For Freight and Passago apply toTHEO II DAVIES CO Ld

135 td Genoral Agents


tho undersigned in anyway tamperswith bad paints or mixes lime or other ex ¬

traneous substances in his faint to makehis worit go fnnher at a cheapor cost thannecessary Professional Houso Paintingand Paper Hanging iti tho bost styles byhim Satisfaction guaranteed


Corner of Rurotanla nnd Fort Rtreets

lfcji- -

W-- TELEPHONE 023 --03

We Are Not

Wo Are Already Hera

and We Are Here

to Stay

YOU WANT ANYTHINGIF in tho lino of PlantationSupplies como to mo and got

them J huvo thom If it isMixed or Plnin Paints youthink necessary to ooat yourhouso carriago or fonco with 1

am ready to furnish it Soap1 havo it and both plenty andcheap Lovors of llowors 1 cansupply not the llowors hut thoPots and the Wire hangingBaskets And in tho cookinglino while you must supply thofood I can if you want furnishtho best Agate and Tinware intho market

EE2 And romombor that inall these things and in manyolhors no place of business inlown sells you what you wantchoapor than you can find at

J T WaterhousesQueen street Store

Corner Merchants Richards Sis

Takizawa Family


TUESDAY Dec 2lthFIUDAY Doc 27th


At 8 Oclock Sharp

ADUI3SIONReserved 8eats 7ScAdults fiOc

Children 25c

Tw Scats on salo at llulldlngon Fridayalto noon Tuesdays Wednesdays andThursdays reserved for whlto people

Saturday Matinee for ChildrenAt 2 Oclock Sharp

Athlotto Trapezo ExhibitionsBalancing on Slack Wire

Bicyolo Ridingand

Juggling of the Most Expert Class137 tf

Tklk JO P O Box 401

C R COLLINSManufacturer ond Importer of

Saddlery HarnessRoth Slnglo and Doubo

Has tho largest assortment In his lino intown and soils them nt lowest prices

Everything In the lino of StabluOutfitting In stock

Carriage Tops and TrimmingsA MlXIALTY

m-- Onco you call and buy you will hosatisfied

337 Kiug Btroot Boar NnunuTOR BALE

ALOTWITH COTTAQK Mwibon nianka ihiv37

side of School stwt he- - snwtweon Soliooistrcot hrldun 8J- k-

and Llllha street containing an area offO lOO of an Aero Fnr further particularsinquire of KNOOII JOHNSON

15i 2w No Ift Kanlmiipinu StreetRing up 811 if you havo anything

to nv in Tim lvnsPRnmifWT








irctn to niglir

Jarmnoso nurobtits this evening

Thn W G Hull arrived this morn- -

Tlio OhmditiM will leave this aftor- -111011

Tiik IniE1indint will not bo issuedto morrow

Tin Miowera is duo to day fromivnnuouvur

Oriukot lo tnorrow1nwaa ut 180 oclock

nftoruoou nt

Ovido Musin will give his last eoniiut on Thursday evoning

Tuo circus will ivo n matitioo nudan oviiii t performance to morrow

The Btoroi are crowded ovryevening by buyari of holiday goods

Iu day is Hon H A Widemanusbirthday The Judge is 78 yearsold

The railroad oxoursion for Waiiuao starts at 015 to morrow morn-ing


The band will play at ThotnaiSquiro io uiorrow aftornoon at 3oclock

Seasonable advice gnt a ticket inKerrs JSriO Now England Pianoiiompotition

There will be Evonsoiig and carolsat St Andrew Cathedral at 730oclock

German beer on draught at theLouvre Saloon on Nuuauu street to ¬

morrowFancy Table Covers Silk Drape

Faup Hand Bag just the thing forChristmas at N S Ssohs

Mentt Kmt Back Sjckc reducedfrom S3 to 2 per dozen at B FEtilors Cou Fort street

Silk Parasols dirct from Paristhe best over soon in Honolulu at BF Ehleis Co Fort street

Mr and Mrs Julian Monaarratai rived by the W G Hall thismoruiiisj and will spetid Christmasiu town

Ladies Embroidered llaudkor- -

ciiiuis great unraius lor unrmmasgifts at B F Ehlers Co Fortutrool

The Hearts aud Mailos will play amatch game to morrow aftornoon at3 oclock Now pitchers for bothteams

Tho Hawaiiau baud and army willnot take part in the fuuoral of carpontor Coopor of tho Bdtimoro thisaftornoon

Tho cricket teams from tho WildSwan and tho Honolulu Club willplay a match game nt 130

aftornoonThoro Was a largo crowd at the

circus last night Tho performancewas for thil benefit of tho LepersMerry Christmas

J Cooper carpenter on board thoBaltimore who was injured duriugher voyago to this port died thismorning at the Queens Hospital

Saolm boats tho record iu thoprice of Handkerchiefs seo that fineHandkerchief for SI 25 n box nudtho childs liandkeiohiel at 35 ctsu dozen

Judge Widomanu ontertaiuod anumber of frioiids at tho PacificClub at noon to day who called towish tho judge many happy roturnof tho lay

Tho usual Christmas purso willbo presentod to Cliarlio Iotersontho lookout Colonel Sopor hnsopened a subscription list and nearly

100 have been donated

Saohs Doll Contest closes todayAll coupons must bo sout to Saohsstore before 0 oclock to night Thedoll will be dolivored to tho luokyperson to morrow morning

Now is tho timo to guess howmany seeds thoro iro in Kerrspumpkiu and win tho piauo Buyboiuo of tho rich asortmout ofstriped Bilks for ladies shirtwaistsand got a coupon

Tho trial of tho alleged smugglersdid uot oomo off to day Tho auth-

orities begin to think that they havebeen somewhat premature aud thatmoro trouble for tho Govommouthas boon created

Harold Godfroy n young son ofFrank Godfroy was vory severelyburned Saturday by his clothingcatching firo Ilo rocoivod burns onhis left side arm and face aud is ina precarious condition at prosoutDr McLonuau is attondiug tho littleBuireror

A writ of habeas corpus callingfor tho liberation of two Japnuetofemale immigrants under arrest fornot having tho proscribed amountof money prior to being a lowed toInud is being hoard by tho ChiefJustico to day Mr Paul Neumannapponra for petitioners

aAif JC i





Eduard Scliarf Annie Louisa Musln

Sorlcs of Special Cniii ortB at tho

Y M 0 A HALLThursday EYeiioa M btl


1 Rondo B minor for Pianoand Violit Suliubert


2 Air and Variations ProchANNIE LOUISE MU31N

o Iutecmnzzo Schorzso Bulor3 Ub Waltz Cap rice


1 Caprico No 1 now Musin


Paut IIa Air from Pagliacci

f Leoncavallob Capelia Waltz Dolibos


- 1b Waltz Musm

OVIDE MUSIN7 Hungarian March Kowalski

EDUARD SOHARF8 Serenade for Sopriuo and

Violin Obligato GounodAMNIE LOUISE MUSIN and


tsv Itcmomtiorthpso dates change ofprogram mo each night

tXf ltfs rveri Seals 1 to bo on Eftlo atllobron Dtts Company Sloto cori or ofFort ami King Birco8 ir3 tf

Tents Erected Fori and Beretania Streets


s ilZ

Harry WirthCameronJ J

A Worry Christmas To AllLast Throo Porformnnces


Xmas Day 2 Purfoc m mces


Announccmen t IToonnblu nil clases to visit this Excel-


Performance tlio llaniigniuent havedecided to 11KDU0B THU 1IUOK OF AD ¬

MISSION as follows

Gallery 25uChairs 75c

Anil at tlio Aftornoon Performance on

DayChild rem will be Charged

Gallery 10c

Chairs 25c

Ti-- Hliioinber you uie now to havoihu opportunity of witnessing thn best andmost jennliio Circus that has visited Ho-nolulu


at Ponnliir PricesMtu Dnors opn oTonlng 730 commence

at 8 aftornoi u ut 230 commuueo at 3


Commencing TO DAY I will ollor aSpecial Iino of

Felt Lcgli rn tiiid Fancy Stww HbfUB These Goods arn all Al IVterns

and with uach pnraus 1 will nmlte a Pre ¬

sent of a Fanoy Tea Sat


131 lm

1IIH- -

Arlington Block UaM Street


Turkeys- -






MitropDlfan Meat Market103 4t

I race of Enterprise

Free Ticket to the Circus

1E3F Evory Boy or Girl who buys pair of

Shoos from our Storo from Docombor 20th to

Ohristmus Evo will rocoivo Free Ticket to

Wiuths Cinous on Christmas aftornoon

f3 This Ticket is good for any scats in

tho tout


FORT STREETImprovement the Order of the Aye- -


Smith Premier TypewritersZESTos 2 3 and --4

A Xid OABI2STBTSImproved Letter Spacing Mecha-


Adjustable Paper Feed

Automatic Ribbon Reverse

Marginal Slops al Any Point

Ball Bearing Throughout




It is positive reliable rapid andeasy running

to any width of paperAdmits of writing to tho extremebottom of paper

The primary food of tho ribbon isacross its width witli a step bystep movement iu tbo direction ofits length with a porfeot Automa ¬

tic reversalsMaking it possible to write three

columns on a page locking theat the end of

each column line Notations ineither column

A Ball Bearing is tho minimum oifriction it requires loss oil and at-tention


than any other bearingThat quick aotion and oay touchof tho Smith PriEMiEn is duo to BallBearings No otherhas them

gF A Machino for every day use with tho working partsencased aud whon desirable with a finish ¬

on to

F W MAOFAREANEAgout for tho Hawaiian Islands

N B Old Maohiuo taken in for The New Model

Go to





HI Fort St



printing meohanism


designedprotected uuequalod Cata-

logue application



WE Are TaRing Mora Orders

J 3T

This year than ovor in our past 10 years ofoxporionco in tho Fattoningof

X7 X J Jb JEaL Jcui jl feiSFor tho Honolulu Mnrkot and why Because

wo know how to Fatton them and

We Have a Big Herd to Select From

HENRY DAVIS CO52 Fort Street

WDIMQND5When busiiuss is dull thou

is tho liuioto advortiso Butwo aro now in business here sowo advortiso to lot you knowtho locality of our establish ¬

ment and tho character of ourgoods You havo boon used toseeing fancy lamps tables andcrockery for yoars aud you havobeou used to tuyiug them athigh prices wliPti you wanted orueedod thorn Wo advortiso nowto adviso you that tho milloniutn iu such things has arrivedand high prices Jor tho samoquality of goodB is unknownwith us Wo can sell you goodschoapor than you ovtir boughtilium because wo know how andw hero to buy-- ovory thing is inthe buying If wo bought frtnmiddle mon it would bo differ-ent


but wo dont wo buyfrom tho makor and get lossthan bottom prices You gottho benefit of our oxporioncoaud actions in such thingstho success of our venturehas boon prove You findbuyers in our store all day longpeople who camo to look aroundbut who found bargains andbought largely and well Donot mistako our frequent roforonco to prices for an intima ¬

tion that wo havo only ohoapgoods Our goods aro elegantbut wo sell them at low pricesand still mako a profit Ournow storo will bo packed withall sorts of things aud for allsorts of uses Nor will woconfine our stock to ouo gradeTho assortment is as completeas mouoy aud experience caumako it and wo cator to allclasses of trade

What you see in our Fortstreet store Lamp Out GlassTables and fino Chiuawaro isfor tho holiday trade goodssuitable for presents It is thofinest array of ologanco everseetl in this country

Como in and seo tho goodsaud the prices marked on evorypieco Storo open evonings


Fort near King

S 111 10 Glaus

Has arrivedwithEvery thingfor

EverybodyAt the

Golden Rule Bazaar





Iartionlar attention paid to all kinds ofRepairs

Campbell Blook Merohant Street


Reoords Colleotor CopyistTltANSLATOlt IN

English and HawaiianIleal Estate Agent Typewriter Stamp

Doalor Pnrcbaalng Commissionand Advertising Agent EtoOffice No 327 Kincr itrcot thn

former private otllco of E IS Tliomau



f S



fi HHH HDIU SfllkAaaittwaw saHarUornnr King niut Nunntiu 8ts

V M 6NNINUUAM - - MnnagorMAtxtiMarruxn

Headquarters for Mechanics and Laborersi ww mum


Preiricksburg DraiiKlu Bat r


Solo Agouti for tho Renowned1 ong Life

U f i

Oyster for CocktailsPer Every Australia

w Call and bo convinced KXl

Empire SaloonCorner Nnnanu and Hotel Bts

0 T Day Manager


Half-and-Ha- lf on DraughtMoBRAYBJR S

Handmade Sour lashA SPECIALTY

fere litIMSnMuuaiiff

S I SHAW Proprietor

Corner King and Nuuanu Streots

Choice LiquorsAND- -

Fine BeersgW TELEPHONE 401



If- - Enquire of



Seattle--Draug- ht

BEEREx S 8 Miowora

Boat Beor in HonoluluAT THE

CRITERION SALOOIFort near Hotel Streets

0 J McCarthy - - Managor




Famous Seattle BoorICE COLD ON DRAUGHT

EDUABD HARRYPost Offlce Box 175 Honoluln


Hollister Drug Go


Fort Street



ini I Co



M UuOschlaegGr A Co

K lig atro t upiiosttn 0 istleit OooKr

Household Sewing Miichiue


lines Liquors BeersOF THE HIGHEST lltAHE


Baby Carriages a Specialrr Inspect the Selected Stock of

En HOFFSOHLAEGER A COKing Street oppObU Onstlo Cooke

tTb MURRAY321 fe 323 King Street

Tho Leading

Carriage andtyagon Manufacturer


Will furnish everything outside steamboats and boilers

No Ball Bearing Axles Around This Shop


Tjslenionb C07 P O Box 321


Carriage Manufactory128 ISO Fort Street

Carriage BuilderAND UElAIUEH

BlacksmittiiDg in all Its Branches

Orders from the ohr Islandn in BuildingTrimming Painting Kto Etc

promptly attended to

W W WRIGHT ProprietorBncc esaor to Q West


Cms Spreckels Co

Honolulu - - - H IIssue Sight and Time Bills of Exchange

Also Commercial and Truvlers Letters ofCredit on thulMnclpal Parts of tho World

Purrbaso Approved Bills

Hake Loans on Acceptable Securityllccelvo Df posits on Ooen Account and

allow InterHton Term DepotsAttend lronip ly to Collections

A General Banking Business Trans-acted


Bruce Waring Co

Real Estate Dealers503 Fort St near King



- Parties wishing to dispose of tholrPrnportlpH urn invlloil to pall on us

Metropolitan Meat Co81 KING BTUEET

O J Wallek - SI ana a en

Wholesale andRetail

BUTCHERSNavy Contra otors


A IPanaily HotelT KKOUSE Prop

Per DayPer Wt eH



SPECIAL MONTHLY BATESTho Itest of AttPtiditnce the Best Situation

nmt Klttnal Mnl In till llity


JOHN PHILLIPSHas removed his Plumbing Business from

King Direct to tho premises on

Hotel StreetFormerly occupied by Woven

Wtr Rnllflv

tiMsnfawyjjw Vi ii



it is the ONLY ONE in Town andWe MOVE PIANOS With It

Wo move thorn Safer Quicker and Cheaper limn anyone olseWo will also movo your Furniture and Baggago

of whatovor description

Trunks to Any Parts of the City 25 Cents

Small Packages to Any Parts of the City - 10 Cents

C E Williams SonED A WILLIAMS Manager

611 King Street -- tbs 3t Telephone 179


General Merchandise


Oaniidian Anstralian Steamship LinoBritish Foreign Marine Insurance Co

Northern Assurance Co Fire and LifeCanadian Pacific Railway Co

Pioneer Line of Packets from Liverpool


0 E WILLIAMS SONIf you prefer to pay HIGHER PRICES for Cheaper

Goods olsewhero Tho first instalment of our


Thoy are setup and the prices marked on them But They AugSo Beautiful that wo Hate To With Them But wise folkshave already commenced to Oaihiy Them Off Call on

Ed A WILLiIAMsr ManagerGil King Streot next to Arlington Hotel

TEXHJIFiaO ISTESOffice and Store 170 Residence 815

Telephone 92



Corner Sts

P O Bos 145


Groceries Provisions and FeedNow and Fresh Goods received by ovory paokot from California Eastern

States and European Markets

Standard Grade of Canned Vegetables Fruits and Fishtfltu- - Goods delivered to any part of tho City -- a


Insurance Company of North America




Bast fort kino





Oldest Fro Insuranco Company in tho Unitod States

Losses Paid Since Organization - - 8143944813fg Policies Issued Against Loss by Firo on All Classes of

Desirable Property at Lowest Rates

H LOSE iWjjmt for the Hawaiian Islandsfin 1m

The Independent 50c perlontfi

--fy i1 rti 1jw Lin

fitPlOS 01 Till DAY

Wo endorse heart tli followingfrom tho Star

A parole pardon would doubt Imxh

bo a very acceptable Christmas pre ¬

sent to curtain men in Oahti prisonLot those political prisoners jot

rotnaiuiug have a happy if not amerry Christmas with thoir familiesBo merciful

It is necessary to nail t ho follow-ing


statement of the Stir as a perversion of the truth TaHing ofPresident Clevelands message itsays

In tlie uiKMPngH it m stated thatnumerous arrets wore mado of per ¬

sons suspected of being in sympathywith tho royaliot pirty This isnews sure enough Tho recordssliow that arrests possibly of thischaracter or nature wero itiailn onlyof persons against whom there wasevidence of collusion wth tlio insur ¬

gents actively engaged in nn armedassault on the Government

Tho italics are its own not otirsBut th records and the claims putin by foroigu governments on be ¬

half of their subject so ill troatrdshow conclusively that the Starsstatement is absolutely false Andmauy Uawniians had to suffer inlike uiiuuor who haVo no redressand no goernniout to euforce pro-tection


ogainsf arbitrary

Commissioner Huwoa Hocoivna

Thero was a very enjoyable ent rtainment at tho British Legationlast nigwt wlen CommissionerHawes received n uutnbor of promi-nent


society people in honor of theofficers of H B M S Wild SwanAmong thoso present wereProsidentand Mrs Dole the Minister of For-oigu


Affair and Mrs Cooper mem ¬

bers of tho diplomatic corps thoBishop of Honolulu aud Mis Willisthe Chief Juitico and Mrs Juddand others Mrs T R Walkorwife of tho British Vice consul as ¬

sisted tho Commissioner in receiv-ing


Mr and Mrs Ovido Musincalled later in the evening aftortheir concert A verj interestinginusicalo wa held in tho earl partof tho evening The program wasas follows

Piano solo Miss Mollie AtkinsonSong H M von Holt Piano soloMiss Hart Song Miss KulamanuWard Trio for piano violin andcello Miss vou Holt Carl Widemanu and Wray Taylor Song ManaWidemann Mrs Musin sang AnnieLaurie beautifully and Miss MoGrow also gave a fine vocal number

At 11 oclock a sumptuous supperwas served Tho Quintet Club wasin attendance

At St Andrews Gatliocfral

The Christmas service of tho sec-ond


congregation of St AndrewsCathedral will bo at 980 oclock to-morrow


Following music will borenderedTeDoutn in F VagriohJubilate in F SchillingAnthem Sing O Heavens HailHymn 0 come all ye faithfull

Solos will bo Bung by Miss McGrow Mrs Kinney G P IaukeaEmtst Ross and W L Stanley

St Andrews CathedralThe Christmas sorvicos will be as

follows Tuesday Christmas eve780 Evonsong and Carols Wednes-day


Christmas Day G80 Holy Communion Choral 1100 MorningPrayer and Sermon 1215 HolyCommunion 880 Pule Ahiahi 780Evoniug Prayor and Sermon

Buyers of Sowing Machines atKerr s this week get from seven tonine tickets in tho piano competi-tion


according to the quality ofmachine bought

Dai Nippon


Per 8i S City of Poking

J P P C0LLAC0 - Prop


Engines and Launches


They cannot bo surpassed for jfotlvePower


JOS TIHSTICHJiRSolo Agent Nnuann Street
