WWmSE CRANFORD SCHOOL BOARD RESCINDS ...June 17, at • p. m. Diplomas will to presented to U pupils...

jar-'- I *»r*a :o. : j ^ CUSS THE CRANFORD XWZES WWmS FOR IYWCTMF I p. m. Thandsr. JOB* is, in ROOM. vdt acted, * mftaaotmoMl this week br H. B. B^mmWoi principal. This yesrt das* wm to the largest iw to to graduated here, surpassing by twenty-nine last year* record dae* of 111, Following up s custom. estsbUshed a lew years ago, the wnmnmcwimHad- dresses wffl bt grren br faar members of the gndnsttnr cists. This years speakers «ta to Arthur Brown, BettJ Larkta. Wanton Gardner and- Peter Homeek. Tbt pTocasstoni] and neat. •teal win to ptayad brtheH%fa School crcheatrs, and there wtll beselections by Uwboys"gtoe dob. Diploma* will be presented br Joseph A. Ptummer. president of tbaBoard of BdocaUon Tlie bseeatsurate addraai win ba given on Bandar, AM 14. The plae* u>d spakar haw not ai ret been de- cided by the seniors. Class nl(ht wffl to held Friday. June 12, In Roosevelt School, and the junior- >enlor due* on Ifondar, June I, In Roosevelt School. One hundred ninety-four eighth rode pupDj wffl to graduated at exer- cises to to bdd In elementary schools. Lincoln School o s r d s e s wm to heldat a p. m. Monday, June IS. Forty-eight pupils wm receive diplomas, anincrease of eight over last roars euua. There will be Tooal mane, and selections win be offered by the H%fa Bebol orchest Eighthtight pupOi wfll to > . mum %IJ HSBJ aajn TWjtTm fjiXaswrt, Eighth-eight panOa wfll to graduated from Roosevelt. School at exercises on Tuesday, June, If. This years class represente an Increase of two over last year. Music wOl to furnished by a chorus of eighth grade boys and girls. An operetta, "Oreen Cheese." will to a feature of the graduating exercises In Sherman School on Wednesday June 17, at • p. m. Diplomas will to presented to U pupils .Last year, 61 were-gradusted from this school. T O O n WILL OOKDOOT - the township will to conducted br the T o w n Weak Township committee* tonight when six high school boys, elected by their classmates, will meet and discuss township "busmsaa.'! The masting is under auspices of toe Ckanford Rotary dub boy* 1 work aommlttee, of which Charles SkUl- man is chairman, Br virtue of having received the '"~" "tor of votes at the eke- to, the high school on Bam Anderson will to —,-.-. Other mnwntttoe mem- tors. In the order of then- election, an: WUnam oordner. Prank Dadd, Arthur Brown, Kenneth Oriffltha and Vincent Lussrdl - The public ha* been Invitedtoat- tend the meeting, which will start atl:Up.m. V. F.W.I Off-nd nounotd yesterdar. In addition to Uw revue, which fa m U n a acts, there in to eluding M veral cosUuntof and ol Due, which echoes with aide. splitting fun and li set to such rolllck- mg tempo that the cast and audsenoe APRIL BUILDING TOTALS $28,925 $22,564 Ahead of Same Month Last Yew; Six New Home* Started. Building lmprovementa here In April we mm* ahead of the-aame month l « t year, accorduig tothe monthly re- port of Building Inspector Eugene E. oteele. Improvement* for but month totaled mjm while to April, 1915. the a WjeiS , - . >c 25c totalled total was Permit* for six new dwellings were taied last month, bringing the total tor «w year twenty, in April, im, only one permltjor construction of a real- .•tencewu Issued. Other permits issued lut month included four for alterations sad live miscellaneous. Prom •" ""Ueattons. building hen W» rear wm to themost acUve It ha* been In six years, Mr. Steele states. FATHER, DAUGHTER PICNIC SATURDAY '• I t father and n. sion, John Shaw Paunce la X J«UUve from,Bhatoth,wffl iSJne "?««_«mp ptant, andgtmea wfllto ^^^Mai'Bbwirinf. SoouU the picnic »neot at the In the event ToSlsS A. Terrell of « crtm^or,-w£t«bh3i «»i eagea and bird food. d after- JAMES A. STRONG HEADSJJONS CLUB Other New Officer. ImteOed bjr Retiring Precedent, Wfflkm Klein. Junes A. strong wss elected presi- dent of the lions Club at Ita dinner meeting last Friday night to axeman* Restaurant. He succeeds William Klein, who held the office for a year,'during which the club has furthered its ex- cellent record of service and has In- creased its membership. Other new offletrs are: Vlee-presl- ent, Harry Hems; secretary, Thomas . MrToiujhlln; treasurer, August Tbermann; Uon tamer, N, P. Btewart: tall twister, Robert Laier, trustees. Jack Apgar, John Peterson and Vemon Cooover. They were Installed by the retiring president. The dub will meet throughout May and June, but In all probability It will dispense with meetings in July and August, as has been customary In the past few years. en , gs g «°l»»eh. O. B. Oroaby. v? Ditttlch. M. J. Taff, i o, Hlgb *ard l«e, Charlea Cumminga, lll E The cast Includes the following We Hartten, Leon Scully, • • -- w ""f «««n4t>4 sc^asa|W mijari Whitney, vary Collina, Dorothy Me- Oraham. Margaret Story, Ruth Mow- en. Francis Oleason, James Derlne, Robert llldgler. J«k MurrarrFred ^>vell, Robert Dow, wUllam Olaaanan. »«»en Evans, Douglas OgUvie. u>uls Bdlth ANNOUNCE ORCHESTRA FOR H. S. OPERETTA Member! of the orchestra which will play for the OUbert and Sullivan com- ic Opera, "Pirates of Penaance," to be presented in Rooeerelt School on the nlghU of May. 33 and 33, have been an- nounced by j . Stanley DltUner, >uper- vlaor of music and director, aa follows: Pint violins. Mildred Schubel, Mir- iam OralT and Mary Jane Teakel; sec- ond violins, Katherine Albert, Charlea Romlnger, Naffe Peltier, Margaret Ro- blnnion and Virginia Close; viola, Elea- nor Relle; «01o, s Betty Albury; flu(c, Barbara SchulU; clarinet,,Alan Okell; bom, Carl Burgstaller and Ralph Scott; trumpets, Steve Petl, Alan Wstera; trombone, Oalvln Schwabe; bata, Lloyd Howard and Virginia McCullough; pi- ano. Alice Bartholomew; and percus- i J h S h w l«e, Charlea Cumminga, Bdlth Brosseau, Ulllan Evans, Mrs, Harold Ascougb, Mra. RuaseQ Hlatte. - The chorus rlrls, who sing and dance, are: Cora VMggina, Dorothy Mandun. Virginia Barnes, Dotty Walsh, Mildred Uwls. Blaatoth'Dl Battlsu, Dorothy Oarhart, Beanor Preusa, Margaret Do- linaky. Bather Barsneas, Janet Ounder- •on. Marian Anthe*. Dorothy McOra- ham. Claire Wesarg. Arkne Andenon. Oall Moldal. Nettle Panaaewlti, Mari- »nne Billlas, Doris Haddad. Morma "OH. Doria Peterson. Marie Faith. Martha WUander. Marlon PauUHt, Millie sacamy, Irene Barnum. Tolanda Plcaro. Bverjm Daly, June Hammond, Jean Cooney, Mary McMahon, AUaen Martey, DoroUrr Durett, Ruth Bherrter, Oecella Ruscanaky, Helen Asar, Oath- •sine Deane, Ann Dnrett, BUeeo Bar- num, Catherine Dolan, Once Lirlng- ston, Alice OTtourke, claJr Chapman, Pegry Bracken, Dorothy Franks, Mary KUburg, CaroUne lannacooe. Annette Prt". Marie Bateman, Agnes Martin Virginia Allmpla, Oatherlne Kllburg Margaret Corney, Helen Errico. RoUe Arnold, Rosua Dl Battlsta, Mary Caj- taldo, Oraee Rauch, Rose MeShree, Mary Braun. Marie Nassar, Jeanette Haddad, Barbara Weber. Specialty numbers will be done by the Sunset Acrobatic Team, Doria Huff, a Up dancer; Claire Weaerg and Marie Crosby, who also dance; and a men's quartette. ths overlapping af m* local ortantaa- by thsBotarr nob. r^ ^^-—"brtheB^. Tha iwsaMtian. aa adopted, further •ted "the* amid •Ttirrlation to n- nanced by chaV donations and pabue subscriptions, and that ths Aasodatton be commended to the TownshipCom- mittee for its cooperation and poasaWa OnaneuU support; that It to governed by regular o t t a n and a board of trus- tees; and that tt secure the services of a paid vetfar* worker to investigate and keep a asneral Index of all ease* helped." Another meeting; at which Urn*the association will be set in motion, will to held at • p. m. next Wednesday In the parish hones. All organisation* In ths township will be privileged and in- vited to send one delegate to next week's meeting, the detente to to the dub's representative in Uwpermanent organisation, which I* expected to to completed at the next meeting. All or- gantaattons now encaged in welfare work win to particularly urged to have representatives present , ~ _ Also appointed at last night's meeting wa* a commltlM to meet wioa the rep- resentatives of the various duto next Wednesday and advise them of what has been awmmpllined trace the move- ment was limbs I aUn a few weeks ago. This committee-will also-present a ten- tative draft of s constitution and by- laws for consideration of lbs associa- tion. Members of the special commlt- toe a n Carl B. Warstnskt. Carl Mason, %rm m «% «* *fe« ^ a « • __h ^ - SCHOOL BOARD RESCINDS PREVI ACTON ON SELEfflOl Where Do Yo* Want the H.S. Oval? Stnw Poll on Thr« bt the arteettea *f a aWR Tk*Cnaatoi CHteea aa* . a* U whMi sf three avail- «• tbs iiaHjata aad ietost bate re—Idiealliai W Use J**sg tbear baBeCs/aim M aa**» fassm date. sa4 Mrs. D. a . Cbuns, Harold Wilaoa, Un. T. O. Tallaferrb and Wai t e r X Cooper. manager, and t'dacK rmuaoc tmavaac.uMujsLgu, *uy Mildred Sehubel la in charge of tick- ets. Miss Helen Bass, of, the high school' art department, assisted by members of the High School p.-T. A., are hi charge of designing costumes for the production. ' , ANNUAL COLLEGE CLUB MEETING MONDAY The annual meeting of the Cranford OoDege Club will be held at S p. m. Monday tt the home of Mrs, Donald McGlnnis, 734 Linden place. It Is an- nounced br the president, Mr*. Lein hard BergeL Election of officers will to held and annual reports will to submitted. The meeting will be followed by a forumon club policies snd programs. Announcement of the clubs annual dinner, to to held May as at the Win- field Scott Hotel, Elisabeth, wss made Monday night at a meeting of the ex- ecutive-committee at the home of the president. -Mrs. MeOlnnli has been named business manager for the din- ner,-and Mrs. John Fast I* In charge of the program, TEACHERS' OEOOT ELECTS ''_, ,Tna Cranford TesehtnCAisodsUon, at Tib. annual - meeUnj>l*»l .Thursday afternoon; elected these officer* for the coming year; PresldenV Hsrold Wilson, rcelectebt; vJeeipretlilent, Mas Gertrude Stack! secretary,-Miss a l a n BttUbi j u d APRIL P. 0. RECEIPTS BEST IN SEVEN YEARS Receipts at the Cranford postoffice for April totalled HUM. the best for the same month In seven years and lacking only M5.83 of equalling Ihe rec- ord of S3.31B.S3 established in April, 1(30, it is announced by Postmaster William •D'Arcy. \ T h e receipts 'at the local oOce for April, ins. were W.970.10; 1834. t2X in 1S33 tajueti p, in; 1S33, ism, and ino, . The campaign for a first class office, started at the beginning of the year, Is progressing. Postmaster D'Arcy reports. The April receipts bring the year's total to »12,7S0.fll. To get a first class rating it lanecessary for the receipt to reach IMjOOO for a twelve month period, and remain at that average for six months. MANY TICKETS SOLD FOR ROTARY CONCERT Advance sale of tickets for the Ro- tary Club's musical concert, to to held In Roosevelt School on the night of Msy 3S, indicates that the affair will be largely attended. It la announced by President WlUIsm J. WUlsey. Artists who will take part are Leo Pansaewits, violinist; Edna Bchafer, pi anist; Stella Robertson Rockwell met so soprano'; and Charlea H. Messerve Jr. baritone. Proceeds from the concert will go to the Boys' Camp, Lincoln School cafe- teria project, and Boy snd Otrl ScouU, and other civic enterprises sponsored by the club. REPUBLICANS PLAN CANDIDATES' NIGHT "Candidates' Night" will beobserved next Wednesday night In the Township Rooms by the Cranford Republican Club, it waa decided at a directors' meeting last night. All local and Coun- ty candidates will to Invited. There will be- entertainment by Mrs. Alex Campbell. The directors decided to hold all future meetings in the Township Rooms. .WUllsm Doran was welcomed back after an Illness of several months, and a letter of greeting and wishes for a speedy recovery was ordered sent to - -»~-w •cw>™r »•• wwreq seni to uomu) Restaurant* Bra A. A. Smith, who la convalescing in ths JMinbeis and their wives asm Poconos. ' * ' •MMI " Prorlamatinn CLEAN UP AND PAINT UP HEAR THIS, YE PEOPLE. THINK! ACT!! Know AU Men, Women and Children Br These Presents: ' ""J?^ 0 4 CWu> Op «n«» to ««»it llf. In safeguarding BEAZ.TR, •' ^- In promoting THRIFT, - In furthering FIRS PREVENTION, ~ In stimulating: CIV1O PRTDeT, and In making the HOMB AND Now, therefore,' to It k thoroug* OUtANOTAND ioto May 10,1W' Thi f i at tbs stay i kV wawBwBwBwsl 4f ' —at Msy II.~M~taa4 vetsag assy er assy as* « »tnat ptetew «f leeal aB m i i i n a«efcvrted—4 argedtenU, BALLOT to Ware tkc impoaed High School D Walnut Avenue Denman Road Avenue Hit* School, ANNOUNCEPROGRAM FOR U m NKHT " - H^ssHea^^ (swav « p e a * m ^swBaW ol Trinity Mm'aCha. STEPHENS SALES LOCATES HERE Offices) From Plain- field to 10 EMbnui Street The nrm. whjch has been located In Ccnnnitttee to Consider Sis Acre Plot, Sufficient to Bund Athletic Field* May Report Monday Night. The Board of Education Monday night rescinded Its previous resolution to aubmlt to the voters a twelve-am in the Mesa property. fronUnTop Denman road, aa a paaiibl, rite for DeOosta ^_ Paul Brunet. tenor sotofat; Willis, huraortst Al st the piano The prograaa _ _«. arranged by Don Temparlon. Jatea Do- Barry snd Percy ThnitH|i.'swaa*jinc« the club's entrruinmrat Refreahmente will be dlrecUon of the club* mlttee. tf which John V, chairman) The program Is open la aB and then- wives. '*«"--• n bulld^and^^^^^', 1 ; further study to the selection of a alto not to exceed alx acres of ground. The action to rescind IU previous reaolutton was taken on motion of «»w«eFloyd Shannon, and seconded by George M. Chlnery, after a lengthy discussion by board members a n d i e v . m l townspeople. Mr. Shannon pointed out that the Denman avenue alte Is not easily ac- cessible to residents of the Hawthorne street and adjoining sections, that he does not believe that It Is advisable to purchase, ground enough at this Urn* lor both an athletic field and a school. It was his opinion that If the time cornea when another newschool I* needed. It will be totter and cheaper" to move the athletic field and use that tit*. If it lasuitable, than it would to to purchase such a large tract now. Land for an athletic Held will probably always be available In outlying sec- tions, he stated. Several other board members con- rurred with Mr. shannon In his views, irm Wade II. Poston pointed out that the purchase of a large tract would not only take considerable property out of the town's ratable*, but would cost more to carry than It would to purchase a tract just sufficient for Uie oval now, and secure an oval alte at some futon date, If It becomes necesaary to use the property to be selected for the next school alto. It was Mr. Poeton'a opin- ion that the oval should be located on Ihe southerly side of town. He favored the Walnut avenue side of the Hess property, which Is available at the same xloo as the Denman road site, because it Is dose to a trunk sewer, It la on aT paved street, and easily accessible to townspeople and vialton. He also pointed out that It would to a totter _ , „. location for a school than would the _ — - Counties for the Torrldheet Denman road part of the property Burner snd Air Conditioning dlvl-.Bhould the proposed development of and then wives. may besecured at a I ROTARY OFFICERS TO ATTEND MEETING WUllsm: J. Winsrr. . Prank M. Sherlock, pretidmt-tfcet: Herbert R. McCttDeogn, Secretarr: said William D'Arcy, stcnUli-tiuA. w*fl lepieseut the Cranfont ssoaary C the annual conference of Rotary of the Thbrty-stxth district at Asburr-Park.it waa a the weekly mnctoosi last Oolemani Restaurant. me waaningion usury Cask aspresshag appreclstion for the recant vtost af the local dub. The Waahtectea (nap has psased ths record of 13* perfect at- loeal dub from 1OT-4*. to, attend, a . .. BsUr the Buastoth Osittnt Due to a oonfnct B i ladles' night meeting; of — _ _ been ehanged from lssqr M toMar >V It will to held at Echo lake nuaaslii Club. Dr. B. W. Jester of the Stale laarsaal Bcnool, JerstyCoy, i l h i i i i t thecaah Quests, Introduced br Pr.S. ML H*t- man; were Charles Dsrsh and Boh De- Camp of Westntld, Dan i^^.^ti., of RoseUe. and BV I*. BHpp of Cksatord. Winchester riilthin. 1 a aweaabct' of •*— Cranford ChuX was^wclceaseA back after an'atoenet of sht weeks. .-, > i. -, ,,.,1. li , A. rums 7Plsns /for;* lloncheoQi ail iflisi a of members of the Shenasif pl-T, A^to to bald •a«;l:W;pJ-m,;nert;,TJ«a»»dtay ; -st T^-:: f r'Vr—ir-iiria*.in-tlatM stnet.'wtremadercsterdoarat'i^ U'ttbX^b^b^ rim of Clrvrlsnd Steel Products Co rbeir products Include both rotary and pressure burners, boiler burner unlls. oO burning furnaces, air conditioning nrdt and domestic hot water healers. Deslera lor Stephens Sales In thla vttnity include Tuttle Bros., Weatfleld; w7oo$bridge Lumber Co, Woodbrldse: wmsnan Ikurlneering Co, 8umtnlt:. and Slcptoena Ssles In Cranford. hi modernising the local including painting, decor- attas;. carpentry, floor cmrrinc, Hgm as>d labor was done by Cranford work- men. Mr. Bienfang reports. The win- dow and storefront are decorated In red, jdhvr and black, the colors of the 'Torrtdheet burner. . Mr. Bienfang, who resides at 111 Or- sasge avmue.is chairman of the Better Bousing Committee, a director of the notary dub, member of Uw Business Meow Association and has been active in many chric movementa here during tat pest several years. COMHONION BBEAKrAST " J . The annual communion breakfast of the Holy Nsme Society of St. Michael's Ctmrcfa will be- held Bunday, Mother's Day. in the parochial school. B. B. Cnnriey is chairman. Speakers will be Cnnrier is chairman. S J. Kane tjf Newark and f f be DeVore. J. Kane tjf Newark and H.tf. DeVore. farmer star football player at Notre Dame. AH members and friends have been invited to attend. MS, jatNaK DOITS BCTS ' IIBST STAlaT IN HEW r. O. To atrs. John Doyle of MHolly street sees tfaeThonor of having porehased the first stamp at Cran- *»«s DewpoatcOoe/Eastman andT *Oba streets. The purchase was lt 1 l *Oba streets. The purchase was aaatk aborUr alter 1 ± m. last Frl- day-, when the ofttoe was opened for /Continued on tut pact) SYMPHONY SCORES IN FINAL CONCERT Leo Parimsewifat; Guest Artist, Enthusiastically Received by Large Audience. The eranford Symphony Orchestra closed Ita third season on Tuesdaynlght with a concert In. Roosevelt School. More than SCO persons, almost a capac- ity audience, attended and, warmly ap- plauded the offerings of the orchestra. as well Seyfried, IU and Panasewlta,' conductor, Charles H. the guest-srtlst. Leo / i^SS. tol «^'-»iien«_.« ,««»*£«» hao.»altod-for j( inor. than half anhour, for the door to opesv.maavr the', secor^ i Part of the proceeds will gotoaid the guest artist to further his musical education/and tt was evident from the way his offerings were received that each Individual in , attendance - was happy that he had been privileged to contribute his bit to the advancement of so talented s musician.-, Psnasewtta'a onering.of Wieniawskli concerto for the violin In D minor In allegro mod- erato, andante ma-non trappo and al- legro moderato calla Ungara, was given with rare talent for so young an artist ~ Md It impraaeed his fellow-townamen that he is destined to go far In the. music world. - , -•,'•''- The orchestra opened the program with Ooldmark's overture, "Sakuntala," a composition which has v the charm of . oriental music, and'was followed br~1 niihinrf^n- T T.nHtnnril .."Oetrpw.-'; "Spanish Dances, 1 : br UoskowakL and*! PWaanrtbrt lolai cbncluosd'-the.'nrrtl half of the oBerinr.; JC a«ompai*d U*t Tht second half h^-^ h:

Transcript of WWmSE CRANFORD SCHOOL BOARD RESCINDS ...June 17, at • p. m. Diplomas will to presented to U pupils...

Page 1: WWmSE CRANFORD SCHOOL BOARD RESCINDS ...June 17, at • p. m. Diplomas will to presented to U pupils .Last year, 61 were-gradusted from this school. TOOn WILL OOKDOOT — - — the


I *»r*a






I p. m. Thandsr. JOB* is, in ROOM.vdt acted, * mftaaotmoMl this weekbr H. B. B ^ m m W o i principal.This yesrt das* wm to the largesti w to to graduated here, surpassingby twenty-nine last year* record dae*of 111,

Following up s custom. estsbUshed alew years ago, the wnmnmcwimH ad-dresses wffl bt grren br faar membersof the gndnsttnr cists. This yearsspeakers «ta to Arthur Brown, BettJLarkta. Wanton Gardner and- PeterHomeek. Tbt pTocasstoni] and neat.•teal win to ptayad br theH%fa Schoolcrcheatrs, and there wtll be selectionsby Uw boys"gtoe dob. Diploma* willbe presented br Joseph A. Ptummer.president of tba Board of BdocaUon

Tlie bseeatsurate addraai win bagiven on Bandar, A M 14. The plae*u>d spakar haw not ai ret been de-cided by the seniors.

Class nl(ht wffl to held Friday. June12, In Roosevelt School, and the junior->enlor due* on Ifondar, June I, InRoosevelt School.

One hundred ninety-four eighthrode pupDj wffl to graduated at exer-cises to to bdd In elementary schools.Lincoln School osrdses wm to held ata p. m. Monday, June IS. Forty-eightpupils wm receive diplomas, an increaseof eight over last roars euua. Therewill be Tooal mane, and selections winbe offered by the H%fa Bebol orchest

Eighthtight pupOi wfll to>. m u m %IJ HSBJ a a j n TWjtTm fjiXaswrt,Eighth-eight panOa wfll to graduated

from Roosevelt. School at exercises onTuesday, June, If. This years classrepresente an Increase of two over lastyear. Music wOl to furnished by achorus of eighth grade boys and girls.

An operetta, "Oreen Cheese." will toa feature of the graduating exercisesIn Sherman School on WednesdayJune 17, at • p. m. Diplomas will topresented to U pupils .Last year, 61were-gradusted from this school.


— - — the township will toconducted br the T o w n WeakTownship committee* tonightwhen six high school boys, electedby their classmates, will meet anddiscuss township "busmsaa.'! Themasting is under auspices of toeCkanford Rotary dub boy*1 workaommlttee, of which Charles SkUl-man is chairman,

Br virtue of having received the'"~" "tor of votes at the eke-

to, the high school onBam Anderson will to

—,-.-. Other mnwntttoe mem-tors. In the order of then- election,a n : WUnam oordner. Prank Dadd,Arthur Brown, Kenneth Orifflthaand Vincent Lussrdl -

The public ha* been Invited to at-tend the meeting, which will starta t l : U p . m .

V. F.W.IOff-nd

nounotd yesterdar.In addition to Uw revue, which fa m

U n a acts, there in toeluding MveralcosUuntof and

ol Due, which echoes with aide.splitting fun and li set to such rolllck-mg tempo that the cast and audsenoe


$22,564 Ahead of SameMonth Last Yew; Six New

Home* Started.

Building lmprovementa here In Aprilw e mm* ahead of the-aame monthl«t year, accorduig to the monthly re-port of Building Inspector Eugene E.oteele. Improvement* for but monthtotaled mjm while to April, 1915. the

a WjeiS , - .



totalled „total was

Permit* for six new dwellings weretaied last month, bringing the total tor«w year twenty, in April, im, onlyone permltjor construction of a real-

.•tencewu Issued. Other permits issuedlut month included four for alterationssad live miscellaneous.

Prom •" ""Ueattons. building henW» rear wm to the most acUve It ha*been In six years, Mr. Steele states.


• '• • It father and

n .sion, John Shaw

Paunce la


J«UUve from,Bhatoth,wffl iSJne"?««_«mp ptant, and gtmea wfllto^ ^ ^ M a i ' B b w i r i n f . SoouU

the picnic»neot at theIn the event

ToSlsSA. Terrell of

« crtm^or,-w£t«bh3i«»i eagea and bird food.



Other New Officer. ImteOedbjr Retiring Precedent,

Wfflkm Klein.

Junes A. strong wss elected presi-dent of the lions Club at Ita dinnermeeting last Friday night to axeman*Restaurant. He succeeds William Klein,who held the office for a year,'duringwhich the club has furthered its ex-cellent record of service and has In-creased its membership.

Other new offletrs are: Vlee-presl-ent, Harry Hems; secretary, Thomas. MrToiujhlln; treasurer, August

Tbermann; Uon tamer, N, P. Btewart:tall twister, Robert Laier, trustees.Jack Apgar, John Peterson and VemonCooover. They were Installed by theretiring president.

The dub will meet throughout Mayand June, but In all probability It willdispense with meetings in July andAugust, as has been customary In thepast few years.

en , gs g«°l»»eh. O. B. Oroaby. v?Ditttlch. M. J. Taff, i o, Hlgb*ard l«e, Charlea Cumminga,

lll E

The cast Includes the followingW e Hartten, Leon Scully,— • • - -

w • " " f «««n4t>4 s c ^ a s a | W mijari

Whitney, vary Collina, Dorothy Me-Oraham. Margaret Story, Ruth Mow-en. Francis Oleason, James Derlne,Robert llldgler. J « k MurrarrFred^>vell, Robert Dow, wUllam Olaaanan.»«»en Evans, Douglas OgUvie. u>uls



Member! of the orchestra which willplay for the OUbert and Sullivan com-ic Opera, "Pirates of Penaance," to bepresented in Rooeerelt School on thenlghU of May. 33 and 33, have been an-nounced by j . Stanley DltUner, >uper-vlaor of music and director, aa follows:

Pint violins. Mildred Schubel, Mir-iam OralT and Mary Jane Teakel; sec-ond violins, Katherine Albert, CharleaRomlnger, Naffe Peltier, Margaret Ro-blnnion and Virginia Close; viola, Elea-nor Relle; «01o,s Betty Albury; flu(c,Barbara SchulU; clarinet,,Alan Okell;bom, Carl Burgstaller and Ralph Scott;trumpets, Steve Petl, Alan Wstera;trombone, Oalvln Schwabe; bata, LloydHoward and Virginia McCullough; pi-ano. Alice Bartholomew; and percus-i J h S h w

l«e, Charlea Cumminga, BdlthBrosseau, Ulllan Evans, Mrs, HaroldAscougb, Mra. RuaseQ Hlatte. •- The chorus rlrls, who sing and dance,

are: Cora VMggina, Dorothy Mandun.Virginia Barnes, Dotty Walsh, MildredUwls. Blaatoth'Dl Battlsu, DorothyOarhart, Beanor Preusa, Margaret Do-linaky. Bather Barsneas, Janet Ounder-•on. Marian Anthe*. Dorothy McOra-ham. Claire Wesarg. Arkne Andenon.Oall Moldal. Nettle Panaaewlti, Mari-»nne Billlas, Doris Haddad. Morma"OH. Doria Peterson. Marie Faith.Martha WUander. Marlon PauUHt,Millie sacamy, Irene Barnum. TolandaPlcaro. Bverjm Daly, June Hammond,Jean Cooney, Mary McMahon, AUaenMartey, DoroUrr Durett, Ruth Bherrter,Oecella Ruscanaky, Helen Asar, Oath-•sine Deane, Ann Dnrett, BUeeo Bar-num, Catherine Dolan, Once Lirlng-ston, Alice OTtourke, claJr Chapman,Pegry Bracken, Dorothy Franks, MaryKUburg, CaroUne lannacooe. AnnettePrt". Marie Bateman, Agnes MartinVirginia Allmpla, Oatherlne KllburgMargaret Corney, Helen Errico. RoUeArnold, Rosua Dl Battlsta, Mary Caj-taldo, Oraee Rauch, Rose MeShree,Mary Braun. Marie Nassar, JeanetteHaddad, Barbara Weber.

Specialty numbers will be done bythe Sunset Acrobatic Team, Doria Huff,a Up dancer; Claire Weaerg and MarieCrosby, who also dance; and a men'squartette.

ths overlapping afm* local ortantaa-

by thsBotarr nob.r^ ^ ^ - — " b r t h e B ^ .

Tha iwsaMtian. aa adopted, further•ted "the* amid •Ttirrlation to n-

nanced by chaV donations and pabuesubscriptions, and that ths Aasodattonbe commended to the Township Com-mittee for its cooperation and poasaWaOnaneuU support; that It to governedby regular o t t a n and a board of trus-tees; and that tt secure the services ofa paid vetfar* worker to investigateand keep a asneral Index of all ease*helped."

Another meeting; at which Urn* theassociation will be set in motion, willto held at • p. m. next Wednesday Inthe parish hones. All organisation* Inths township will be privileged and in-vited to send one delegate to nextweek's meeting, the detente to to thedub's representative in Uw permanentorganisation, which I* expected to tocompleted at the next meeting. All or-gantaattons now encaged in welfarework win to particularly urged to haverepresentatives present , ~ _

Also appointed at last night's meetingwa* a commltlM to meet wioa the rep-resentatives of the various duto nextWednesday and advise them of whathas been awmmpllined trace the move-ment was limbs I aUn a few weeks ago.This committee-will also-present a ten-tative draft of s constitution and by-laws for consideration of lbs associa-tion. Members of the special commlt-toe a n Carl B. Warstnskt. Carl Mason,%rm m «% « * *fe« ^a « • __h ^ -


Where Do Yo* Want the H.S. Oval?Stnw Poll on Thr«

bt the arteettea *f aaWR Tk* Cnaatoi CHteea aa*

. a* U whMi sf three avail-«• tbs iiaHjata aad ietost

bate re—Idiealliai W UseJ**sg tbear baBeCs/aimM aa**» fassm date. sa4

Mrs. D. a . Cbuns, HaroldWilaoa, Un. T. O. Tallaferrb and Wait e r X Cooper.

manager, andt'dacK rmuaoc tm avaac.uMujsLgu, *uyMildred Sehubel la in charge of tick-ets. Miss Helen Bass, of, the highschool' art department, assisted bymembers of the High School p.-T. A.,are hi charge of designing costumes forthe production. ' ,


The annual meeting of the CranfordOoDege Club will be held at S p. m.Monday t t the home of Mrs, DonaldMcGlnnis, 734 Linden place. It Is an-nounced br the president, Mr*. Leinhard BergeL

Election of officers will to held andannual reports will to submitted. Themeeting will be followed by a forum onclub policies snd programs.

Announcement of the clubs annualdinner, to to held May as at the Win-field Scott Hotel, Elisabeth, wss madeMonday night at a meeting of the ex-ecutive-committee at the home of thepresident. -Mrs. MeOlnnli has beennamed business manager for the din-ner,-and Mrs. John Fast I* In chargeof the program,

TEACHERS' OEOOT ELECTS ''_,, T n a Cranford TesehtnCAisodsUon,at Tib. annual - meeUnj>l*»l .Thursdayafternoon; elected these officer* for thecoming year; PresldenV Hsrold Wilson,rcelectebt; vJeeipretlilent, Mas GertrudeStack! secretary,-Miss a lan BttUbi j u d


Receipts at the Cranford postofficefor April totalled HUM. the best forthe same month In seven years andlacking only M5.83 of equalling Ihe rec-ord of S3.31B.S3 established in April,1(30, it is announced by PostmasterWilliam •D'Arcy.

\The receipts 'at the local oOce forApril, i n s . were W.970.10; 1834. t2Xin 1S33 tajueti

p ,in; 1S33, ism,

and ino, .The campaign for a first class office,

started at the beginning of the year, Isprogressing. Postmaster D'Arcy reports.The April receipts bring the year's totalto »12,7S0.fll. To get a first class ratingit la necessary for the receipt to reachIMjOOO for a twelve month period, andremain at that average for six months.


Advance sale of tickets for the Ro-tary Club's musical concert, to to heldIn Roosevelt School on the night ofMsy 3S, indicates that the affair willbe largely attended. It la announced byPresident WlUIsm J. WUlsey.

Artists who will take part are LeoPansaewits, violinist; Edna Bchafer, pianist; Stella Robertson Rockwell metso soprano'; and Charlea H. MesserveJr. baritone.

Proceeds from the concert will go tothe Boys' Camp, Lincoln School cafe-teria project, and Boy snd Otrl ScouU,and other civic enterprises sponsored bythe club.


"Candidates' Night" will be observednext Wednesday night In the TownshipRooms by the Cranford RepublicanClub, it waa decided at a directors'meeting last night. All local and Coun-ty candidates will to Invited. Therewill be- entertainment by Mrs. AlexCampbell. The directors decided to holdall future meetings in the TownshipRooms. .WUllsm Doran was welcomedback after an Illness of several months,and a letter of greeting and wishes fora speedy recovery was ordered sent to- -»~-w •cw>™r »• • wwreq seni to u o m u ) Restaurant* B r aA. A. Smith, who la convalescing in ths JMinbeis and their wives asmPoconos. ' * ' • M M I "


HEAR THIS, YE PEOPLE. THINK! ACT!!Know AU Men, Women and Children Br These Presents: '

" " J ? ^ 0 ™ 4 CWu> Op «n«»to « « » i t llf.

In safeguarding BEAZ.TR, •' •^- In promoting THRIFT, -

In furthering FIRS PREVENTION,~ In stimulating: CIV1O PRTDeT, and

In making the HOMB ANDNow, therefore,' to It k

thoroug* OUtAN OT ANDi o t o May 1 0 , 1 W ' Thi

f i

at tbs stay ik V wawBwBwBwsl 4 f' —at Msy II.~M~taa4vetsag assy er assy as*

— « »tnat ptetew «f leealaB m i i i n a«e fcvrted —4 arged te nU,

B A L L O Tto Ware tkc impoaed High School

D Walnut Avenue• Denman Road

AvenueHit* School,

ANNOUNCEPROGRAMFOR U m NKHT" - — • H ^ s s H e a ^ ^ (swav «pea* m swBaW

ol Trinity Mm'aCha.


Offices) From Plain-field to 10 EMbnui


The nrm. whjch has been located In

Ccnnnitttee toConsider Sis AcrePlot, Sufficient toBund Athletic Field*May Report MondayNight.

The Board of Education Mondaynight rescinded Its previous resolutionto aubmlt to the voters a twelve-amP « in the Mesa property. fronUnTopDenman road, aa a paaiibl, rite for •

DeOosta ^_Paul Brunet. tenor sotofat;Willis, huraortst Alst the piano The prograaa _ _ « .arranged by Don Temparlon. Jatea Do-Barry snd Percy ThnitH|i.'swaa*jinc«the club's entrruinmrat

Refreahmente will bedlrecUon of the club*mlttee. tf which John V,chairman)

The program Is open la aBand then- wives. ' * « " - - • n

b u l l d ^ a n d ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ' , 1 ;further study to the selection of a altonot to exceed alx acres of ground.

The action to rescind IU previousreaolutton was taken on motion of«»w«eFloyd Shannon, and secondedby George M. Chlnery, after a lengthydiscussion by board members andiev .m l townspeople.

Mr. Shannon pointed out that theDenman avenue alte Is not easily ac-cessible to residents of the Hawthornestreet and adjoining sections, that hedoes not believe that It Is advisable topurchase, ground enough at this Urn*lor both an athletic field and a school.It was his opinion that If the timecornea when another new school I*needed. It will be totter and cheaper" tomove the athletic field and use thattit*. If it la suitable, than it would toto purchase such a large tract now.Land for an athletic Held will probablyalways be available In outlying sec-tions, he stated.

Several other board members con-rurred with Mr. shannon In his views,irm Wade II. Poston pointed out thatthe purchase of a large tract would notonly take considerable property out ofthe town's ratable*, but would costmore to carry than It would to purchasea tract just sufficient for Uie oval now,and secure an oval alte at some futondate, If It becomes necesaary to use theproperty to be selected for the nextschool alto. It was Mr. Poeton'a opin-ion that the oval should be located onIhe southerly side of town. He favoredthe Walnut avenue side of the Hessproperty, which Is available at the samexloo as the Denman road site, because

it Is dose to a trunk sewer, It la on aTpaved street, and easily accessible totownspeople and vialton. He alsopointed out that It would to a totter

— _ , „. location for a school than would the_ — - Counties for the Torrldheet Denman road part of the propertyBurner snd Air Conditioning dlvl-.Bhould the proposed development of

and then wives.may be secured at a I


WUllsm: J . Winsrr. .Prank M. Sherlock, pretidmt-tfcet:Herbert R. McCttDeogn, Secretarr: saidWilliam D'Arcy, stcnUli-t iuA. w*fllepieseut the Cranfont ssoaary Cthe annual conference of Rotaryof the Thbrty-stxth districtat Asburr-Park.it waa athe weekly mnctoosi lastOolemani Restaurant.

me waaningion usury Cask aspresshagappreclstion for the recant vtost af thelocal dub. The Waahtectea ( n a p haspsased ths record of 13* perfect at-

loeal dub from 1OT-4*.to, attend, a

. .. BsUrthe Buastoth Osittnt

Due to a oonfnct B iladles' night meeting; of — _ _been ehanged from lssqr M toMar >VIt will to held at Echo lake nuaasliiClub.

Dr. B. W. Jester of the Stale laarsaalBcnool, JerstyCoy, i l h i i i i t thecaah

Quests, Introduced br P r . S . ML H*t-man; were Charles Dsrsh and Boh De-Camp of Westntld, Dan i ^ ^ . ^ t i . ,of RoseUe. and BV I*. BHpp of Cksatord.Winchester riilthin.1 a aweaabct' of •*—Cranford ChuX was^wclceaseA backafter an'atoenet of sht weeks. .-,

> i. -, ,,.,1. li, A. rums7Plsns /for;* lloncheoQi ail iflisi aofmembers of the Shenasif pl-T, A^to tobald •a«;l:W;pJ-m,;nert;,TJ«a»»dtay;-stT^-:: f r'Vr—ir-iiria*.in-tlatMstnet.'wtremadercsterdoarat'i^U ' t t b X ^ b ^ b ^

rim of Clrvrlsnd Steel Products Corbeir products Include both rotary andpressure burners, boiler burner unlls.oO burning furnaces, air conditioningnrdt and domestic hot water healers.

Deslera lor Stephens Sales In thlavttnity include Tuttle Bros., Weatfleld;w7oo$bridge Lumber Co, Woodbrldse:wmsnan Ikurlneering Co, 8umtnlt:. andSlcptoena Ssles In Cranford.

hi modernising the localincluding painting, decor-

attas;. carpentry, floor cmrrinc, Hgmas>d labor was done by Cranford work-men. Mr. Bienfang reports. The win-d o w and storefront are decorated Inred, jdhvr and black, the colors of the'Torrtdheet burner. .

Mr. Bienfang, who resides at 111 Or-sasge avmue.is chairman of the BetterBousing Committee, a director of thenotary dub , member of Uw BusinessMeow Association and has been activein many chric movementa here duringtat pest several years.

COMHONION BBEAKrAST "J.The annual communion breakfast of

the Holy Nsme Society of St. Michael'sCtmrcfa will be- held Bunday, Mother'sDay. in the parochial school. B. B.Cnnriey is chairman. Speakers will beCnnrier is chairman. SJ. Kane tjf Newark andf f

beDeVore.J. Kane tjf Newark and H.tf. DeVore.

farmer star football player at NotreDame. AH members and friends havebeen invited to attend.



To atrs. John Doyle of M Hollystreet sees tfaeThonor of havingporehased the first stamp at Cran-* » « s Dew poatcOoe/Eastman andT*Oba streets. The purchase was

l t 1 l*Oba streets. The purchase wasaaatk aborUr alter1 ± m. last Frl-day-, when the ofttoe was opened for

/Continued on tut pact)


Leo Parimsewifat; Guest Artist,Enthusiastically Received

by Large Audience.The eranford Symphony Orchestra

closed Ita third season on Tuesdaynlghtwith a concert In. Roosevelt School.More than SCO persons, almost a capac-ity audience, attended and, warmly ap-plauded the offerings of the orchestra.as wellSeyfried,



conductor, Charles H.the guest-srtlst. Leo


i^SS. tol«^'-»iien«_.«, « « » * £ « » hao.»altod-forj(inor.than half an hour, for the door toopesv.maavr the', secor^ i

Part of the proceeds will go to aidthe guest artist to further his musicaleducation/and tt was evident from theway his offerings were received thateach Individual in , attendance - washappy that he had been privileged tocontribute his bit to the advancementof so talented s musician.-, Psnasewtta'aonering.of Wieniawskli concerto forthe violin In D minor In allegro mod-erato, andante ma-non trappo and al-legro moderato calla Ungara, was givenwith rare talent for so young an artist ~Md It impraaeed his fellow-townamenthat he is destined to go far In the.music world. - , -•,'•''-

The orchestra opened the programwith Ooldmark's overture, "Sakuntala,"a composition which hasv the charm of .oriental music, and'was followed br~1niihinrf^n-T T.nHtnnril .."Oetrpw.-';"Spanish Dances,1: br UoskowakL and*!PWaanrtbrt lolai cbncluosd'-the.'nrrtlhalf of the oBerinr.; J Ca«ompai*d U*t

Tht second halfh ^ - ^


Page 2: WWmSE CRANFORD SCHOOL BOARD RESCINDS ...June 17, at • p. m. Diplomas will to presented to U pupils .Last year, 61 were-gradusted from this school. TOOn WILL OOKDOOT — - — the


(Erwifori <*ttij« art

• I tat -fast Ofltae at OraaJae*, M. J . s*T h a n * * s( Craaferd. Hew J o « . tv

¥amtam19 JO- J




A Fine Suggestion—In a communication elsewhre on this pace. Township

Committeeman Frederick G. Sykes suggests that Cranfordadvertise its beauties, ita river and iu many other natural ad-vantages with a view of attracting home seekers to our town-ship. Mr. Sykes points out that Cranford is lagging behindWestfteld, Plainneld and many other nearby cotntnunities, and•t present many of the best residence* in town are for sale.

We commend Mr. Sykes* letter to our leaders, andurge that his suggestions be carried out by the local Board ofRealtors, the Business Men's Association and other civicgroups that are interested in- the growth and piogiess ofCranford.

- ^ - i —l*1-?^-5'*_-.- „,->.-*-

Why to <M*t » kdo not tea**

Tw aaa ft at) «p. w J B B I m that « •or about t per n o t .

ao agrtodtorslState was s nat- W* daand the fonata. we

dean Up, Paint U p -Next week has been designated by the Board of Health

and the Township Committee as "dean Up Week" inCranford.

The mayor's annual proclamation, appearing else-where in today's issue, it a signal to townspeople to tidy uparound their residence*, clear out the attics and basements of

"the assortment of articles that have accumulated during theput year, or perhaps several years. Not only do these accum-ulated articles occupy space that may be used for other pur-poses, but many times they also constitute a fire hazard, andin some instances a very unhealthy condition.

Next week ii also an excellent time to do that neces-sary painting around the property, which adds so much to theappearance and also preserves the wood or keeps the metalfrom rusting.

Let's all fall in line with the Board of Health and theTownship Committee by making Cranford "shine" next week,and then keep it clean.

at Mew Tork as, and Ht lataMici fcawr that we

••rctunti of d u b t not to gtw hud

or thenatj* of l b sPint Preabytarlan ChtBvhf

Toar* ahxanly,W. K. SLOAN.

The wonder of sweet motherhood weHad

TOR deep for fathoming by nonntl

To Mother— _j Sunday, May 10. is Mother's Day. a day which is being

increasingly observed throughout the civilized world- It is aday set'aside for us to pay tribute to our dearest and bestfriend—Mother—whether she be living or dead.

' • Those of us whose mothers are living possess one ofthe greatest treasures the world offers, for in her we find aguiding and steadying influence, a friend that bears with usand gives us courage during dark hours of despair, as well asduring our happy moments. She has watched over us fromthe time we first saw the light of day, and now, although herhair may be turning grey, she still has our interests first mNherheart. \

If we had an Aladdin's Lamp, and could make a wishwith the assurance that it would come true, we would ask thatevery son and daughter be reunited with his or her mothe^onSunday. We're sure that no living mother will be forgottenon this day, which should be observed 365 days in a year, in-stead of just one."

, \Straw Poll on New Oral Site—

•\ . On page one in today's issue appears a ballot contain-ing three available sites for the new high school athletic field.Readers are, urged to give consideration to which of die threesites would be the most advantageous for a new athletic field.

'and then mark the-ballot and return it to .The Citizen and. Chronicle office before Monday noon. The results will be" tabulated and given to the Board of Education for use in de-ciding which site is to be submitted to die voters at a specialschool election. All readers are invited and urged to takeadvantage of thif opportunity of expressing their views on

• this questions - - ' , • ' • .' . - . •

'r,..,'•'' - A good speaker is one who says the things you wouldKketothink^of to'say'the^way you would say .them if you

|v thought them.^-H«ron Lake Nm*s. '•'-. ; ' . ' . - ' . '

It Ii town her we *tt oar start.*We nestle In the tnmt maternal hmrt;In Bother, baby. Bndi IU ant embrace,And ao her life become! IU dwelling

How ntach o< tender can does she

Who feedi and elothee, and watch**

For aoinlatry of heart, tyee,

Oar deepeet lore and merenoe ahe

Row. much fond can aha Urtahee. andV

Before we reach the undentandlnireanTBy handa of ben the taahloni thing*

Her Upe a n used to frame our eaxUattpr;

Her eye* guard us talntt hann that

And her great heart of lore preddnto'er all.

Long-ealTertng. patient, sympathetic.

Heauoualra to par paint and aches andeclet;

Thru HiMhnort. youth, manhood ahekeeps ahreatt.

In our behalf the yearns for what labeat. , ' "• N '

She manfnU for nt eollcltarte.In an that* noUe, high, and pure and

Of thaw, only U Nurban and nearly

MMMtsrsnL We were then a popu-tattoo at t a n a m with a few thoaeud

ttftag la OSMH totmt andoktaf was akt ttriaktag of UntHra.• SJaaWaoVSI S B BOBSSBS ttM laaVd S B d

lo SMIN tt btwr trott. ttatl I t * , thenarsl pspalaHaa was much gnatar thanthetartao. l b s tat shut came la 1100when thBBtBaa popnlattoo was abtw.MjNO, s a t t h s ^ popalaUon abortUdOtw. In 1100, the urban po-j-Mi—was aboot UMJ0N, and the rural popu-

caUl* and aheap. Out of the rfchneseof the laad we laid aaUe pannlet thatwent mto the bofldtag of cttlea. Moreth»n that, we rorakhed the haaber toetorn dwemraja and the tootdaughters of tht tarn (thrttty. hard-working, hootti) to bond an tartan

cemmotraeatth. bat agneultw* Is sunour gnatast atngt* mdaetry. We stmlove the out-of-doon; we ttm dory inthe atnngth of the land and to the Methat aria** bom It; we still hope thatwe may ao nee our land at to g i nthe ricbeet retdmt to material

, AHenttntt , a jophoaaare

of 41 wtat Bodyat Mount Hotyok*

•y, MttauwlU com-pete for Moaat Holyoka In the tattr-ooOaglatei poetry contast to be hddthan Friday night Dndergndnttopoets from aaUth. Amberat, Wcaleyuiand Dartmooth «ffl also take part, theprte of 4100 bslat ghva annaaDy forthe beet poem or group of poem sub-mitted, Mae Allen hat made consider-able procnat In literary fletdt In thetwo years tf» hM attended. At a tntn-man ate was oo-wtoner of the Ktlh-ryn McTBrland Vriae offered each year(or the beat literary conpoalUnn, SheU already a member of Blackattdc.ee-lect Utemiy loolsty couiuosed" of the

it nntannowU* witters.

enno COUNCIL njtcrsThe oranford Ohrtc Oonndl at a re-

cent meeting at the home of JohnMudrock. Dunham > 'ssrame, elected!theee

TWa Staw CoatTIM Dlu* Coat beepltal of Uterpoal

waa tetabUafeod la 1 7 « far orphaM.aad fatherUat eblldrto, born wiUdattoboroogb, -

Table TennisExhibition^H O I D NATIONAL AND


Craaaferofraat, #111, Aaaaria


succeeding U B, BasBWd; Tlee-pml-dent, deorge Sauen eeawUry. A. B.Keeler; and treaannr. It. J. ADea.

Lffce mother, there h\ none imUayedabroad:

Wtth reference called:. A miniature of



:,WBaTnaXD» If. X.

Hsncc or i i t n m AND rnmunILICTION,

i u.Sr'K'.S rr^"*"* " " -""•"o« l l » l . " oaoMd I . .....«u»u Iborou, oolkt to bonbr Htm IkM UH

sumidr BO*«M or lEiwrsrAND DJtCnON

lo ood lor Iba Tomuhl» st Cr.nfocd. wKM la UM plaeia boraaflor ikaliuKd. to-» " • Iba Jiatira of *Mm (1) A K. and ~(II r. M.. Italara tlaHlaid Tlaa, aa

TABDAT, MAT lmTl iM.f« UM niroa. et nditoAut qaaUSnl ntonaad raaductlu a rrtaarj Blielloa far UMotaUaaUoo of CUMUIIOI lot U* foU««la«

Cholc* for Pnokfatil.row DoMfilai M Latm tad rmr Alton,

O,logatfa at U n a lo UM ~ '

I at



Use Moore Paint

SHhu's HardwireU NOm ATt, W. CSANItWD

Sales-PONTIAC-ServiceTsssohom WE. M010

WEIR MOTORS, Inc. |603 North Art^ West : -

niMlH.IKM M w M 11 Urff aul BcU Allar-


• a sas-rt?-: su&,C0OTMltHML

B«il DWiM Dal<t>Ui at KtjM AltanaUpUrlrt Mal>tM 10 Iha SaamnUe NaUgaal

A. Haabrr or Iba CollaJ SUtaa Baula.A Iteabar of UM Rmaa aC aapraaaauilraa

rra . lb . IU . CoalT>iloa*l DWrteLrnur Maaban of tbo Oaotnl AjanaMr traai

UM Cwnrtr of TMoa.A Caolr dark. »A Corooar (or UH Cnatr of DaU»un v w Moaban of Uw Baard of Cbaan Frao.

A CalbcUr of turn.

(Heard over Statton WAAT Wednea-day* at ;U A. MJ '

' Ii r ml Flutrli UgataHlatory glrea credit for the laTMtloa

a* electric Uifeta .to 8lr BaotphrayDarr. aa EaiUaamaB, who la UM 0*-aanexl the electric arc aadprodscadthe tacaadeeceoetot a Bae pUttoamwire la eonaectioa with bla famaoa tn-pcrlaMita with a 2,000«aq battery.

'Pmht mUjmrfUwn with

In ewry nntoclal w a x of life without tacruka

to ttoroughnesL



1 2" Ucos Irtnh1 O n . cj»ort of LUCAS Hooir-- Ufa h enough to cover op-

•;. pnuitaately 108 tqwan' feet. -it?-It;.willf-dry''u»siijylil too

J l l fl 1

OR "BM* pOCCH nOOfafar toll wood, p ,Ma. or Baotewa Uilda oc

i.uoni ATBrn, win -x* * * *** a>A^L * • " a t

i, .

The Loveliest. "Expression ,

on "Her" Day1 A C O B S A G K . , ' . - ' -

A , uKAtrnrn." oaowma

CranfordFlower Shoppe


A Kite u d a famlo aaaibar rf UM ta-puMleu and Biaiciillle CM1U7 OoaoalUaaaS^JKVcriif^-1- ««•-• - a.

Tb. plaea of amlUt of UM Bid tank ofBaJMrr aad MactloB aad ilw ooUbc *Uoaa tora a S o t UM m m SUelloa >0amrt. •!»7

n m DUrtlcl. t loath A?aaw. laol.tonal DMrkt. Shatmaa Ickaal Aaau. Ua-

e»I» Anoaa.n H Matrkl, OMtbuMi tdwol. Kortfc V.loa

•ruthlaBM, (or.Huh DMrld,-taiM

WrtrtrifOnnl School.mat-- • • —

t S » o t b DUtttct.WatrkL Ormal School, l o u r BuoaL

x B. vvnuxTOanuhla Q o * .

roiciB-riiiLVB11CATI0I• a i OIL COOLH0the G-B eealed-la.iteelTHRIIT-UNIT aieaa

atteatloa; aot e«*a bATailabl* la all aaodelTNoj»grfo,-dc«hoed»ico*raad—ea erea let* cacreetDaaa ever. 1 '-t/.-i*-.»i?-»v«»%i;


i S is,"'-' •*


Y '• r **•> ' 4 > -

i j . -ttSigftSitrs^M^^




If. the llrifty WOT to Buy and the Thrifty W.iy to


"5 r.-"

1. chabnan, had charge aIng progrui. T t e oonft*•and by the National Oothe •OBB*s aad'Om of WPrtoeeton Aprt « , » , waaby Ita . Htota, Jfra, SandWorksan. Tonlgsi Trad<ub)ect of a rand Oawaaipatlng la tbt dleeotaloaHints, tin. IOTCbud. MK n BtNOcr tod Mn. CBB

The e h * will MM It* areon rim TTatoseday at topountry CWb.1 •. '

TO BTOKKMl CAM»The regular monthly aft

party of the Bt Ihenaa't <held on Tneaday afternoonIn the' parochial achool.Ryan k ehatman and wtlby >tn. T. J. Xckel. V n . WlMrs. \R. K Wtlr. Un. TheSr., Mn. M. Scbuyler. anVotcll AH garnet win be

s. r. a a osoor •At the annual meeting

dren t Qenlce CommitteeC. 0., held but ^ednttflay

"of Mia. Ohtrlet T. Banael <Ion avenot, the followingelected: Mm. Pttdetick H;field, chairman: Mn. Cba

- Ml of Qnnf ord," Vto-cha.Harold MmardNof-Cf*nvke-chabman; V n , Johnof FanwoooX recordUlaT texB. B. Bakey tnd l tUs Anof Weitfleld, oarrespondbKMn. Kdwud ObBtted (treuurer, «nd Mn. Bteibury of HlttlinUi FCTffT"*


T. W. Mount,of OrtHftelected to mead«nbtp bCountry Club, and BdwaiO. Nagh) and \y, O. Buffford have been, elected to"benhlp in the dub. -

* ani.scotrr BBA UHdnc DJotlon vk*

AdventuntM,a comedy^dti

Edgar Aj-ChHtt, will be8henaaa-8chool,at 1;UThunday for;beneflt" ofjBcouU. Proceed* win be

Page 3: WWmSE CRANFORD SCHOOL BOARD RESCINDS ...June 17, at • p. m. Diplomas will to presented to U pupils .Last year, 61 were-gradusted from this school. TOOn WILL OOKDOOT — - — the

•"-• •A*'^'^^P*^V l st ; ;to= :^4V'*V' :^V :


is, Personals, ings, Doings of Local Clubs

tut a> ' % V. W.


Najl* Vat**

M m Thomas Bailey efHan celebrated Ida eightieth bMbdaylast Friday.

Mr. and Mrs, Robert Daetrteh of Un-dss ptaos spent the week-eod in Larcb-stant, N. T . when they Tlatted Mrs.Dastriehs sister, Mrs. Alfred Laos.

Mra. R. A. Rockwell of west HamStreet gam a May breakfast for ekjbtluesta on Mday.

Mrs. Oeorge C. Moon of New York lathe gaset ef Mrs. Tbomaa S. Stepbensof Prospact street thla

I the week-ana in Oak Beach, L. X,at their i

Captain and Mra. KeDog Sloan ofHampton road were among the Cran-ford resident* who attended the Base*Troop Bone Show In Newark last Prl-day nigbt

A very aaeeeasfu) card party waa baldon Monday nignt by the Organised Bo-deUea of St. Mkhaeli Church. MlaaBella Jordan waa chairman of the


The Wednesday Momtosi d o b held•ataaway at the U-a


1. etaabaaa, bad charge at tha more-Inc p m n m . T t e uauteraUM, spew•and by 'tte National Committee ontha -Canes aad One of War." held atPrinceton April M , » , m reported onby Mrs. Htats, Jim, Sandal and Mrs.Workman, -fbnfcn Trade" waa thetubjeet of a raml Oateosatas. Partid-pstlac In the discoasioa wen Mn.Hints, Mr*. Lowland. Mn. BterreU,Mrs. BbaOcr and Mn. Cssuant.

The e h * will l o w lteeon rie« Wednesday at Us* Reno LakeCountry ChsV •. "

TO BPONKMl CAXIr PAKTTThe regular monthly afternoon card

party of the St. Theresa's Guild will beheld on Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clockIn the' parochial school. Mrs. C. A.Ryan • ebatrmao and will be satiatedby Mn. T. J. ackcl. Mrs. wmism Weber,Mn.\R. K Weir. Mn. Thomas Woods,Sr., Mrs. M. Sehuyler. and Mrs. JohnVogell AH tames win be played andrefreshments tarred.

Mm. WDltam If. Span-. 2nd, la coo-nkadnf at Ortrioofc Boepnal. Sam-mi*, alter an operation.

l l n . i t 8. packer of Ralekih am•a been eonnmed to btr borne by m-

l i n . R. C. Baaktas of Wtnetka,ts yUUtrm her son Harold I. Haattna olOranga avenue.

lira; John H. Low of Sprlngneld • « •not entertained at luncheon, and hrldteor twenty guests last Priday afternoon.

Mr. and Mn. O. RUBKD Smith andamily of Sylvester street apent

week-end at Pine d m , Fa.

Joan, Bdlth and Martha Miner atrarest avenue lunched Untrue* boat,UM "Jem." bat Sunday.

Wmiam BWbe of Lot Ancaka. OalB.I* btra on a Tktt wtth bv eon. Dr. Rowland P. Btythe. of BprtagOeM STenae.

Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Southard ofHampton road attended the KentuckyDerby left week.

Mr. mil Mrs. Robert 0. MDler ofOailno aienue tpent latt week-end attheir rammer cottage In Sheffield.

s. r. c. a amourAt the annual meeting of the Chil-

dren* Qerrlce Committee of the S. P.C. C, held but •Wednesday at the borne

"of Mn. Obarka T. Banetl of north Un-ion avenot, the foDowlne; offlcen wereelected: Mm. Rtderick Byer of Plain-field, chairman: Mn. Cbaurlea F. Ban-

' Ml of CnnfordT W-rtillrmarc Mn.Harold MHlardx of- Cranford,vlce-cnalnnan; l l n , John K. Brigden

f P d i ^ W " aeeretary; M nof Panwood, aeeretary; Mn.h


nwood, n ^ » y;B. B. Bakey «nd Mb* Ann Aberoathyof Weatfleld, corresponding eecreUrleeMn. Kdward Obntted of aUaabetb,tnanner. -and Mn..Stephen Water-bury of EUaabettC-repreaentatlTe..

.NSW/ C U B M f a M l * ,N

P. W. Mount,of Oranfonl baa beenelected to membmhtp to Btho'LakeCountry.Oral), and Bdwaid Aboro. W.o . Nail* and VT, O. BuBem'cf Cran-ford hare been, elected taT Junior mem-bership in the .dub. - , v -' i

* a n i i BCOVT BKMEVIT. jA uudnc motion nlcttire/*A Mew

Adventure," » eomedy.dramjk JeaturlngEdgar Aj-datat, will be>;prennled m8herm»a-School • at 1;U p. m..nextThunday fwrbenrff of_Tr«p 1, OMBcouU. Proceedi win be ui$d to pur

Mhe Dolorea Luaaidl, daughter of Mr.and Mn. Albert Loatrdl of « LlocoinaTenae, entertamtd a number of herfriendi laat Saturday afternoon In

of her ninth birthday.

Mr. and Mn. O. Richard Waterhouaeof Berkeley ptace win apend theMothert Day week-end with their too*.Robert and Blcbard, at Colgate Unl-

Bradley RoamcranU of Orchardstreet la in the Beekman street Hospl-tal ""recovering from burns recetvetwhile on his ship.

Vtr. and Mra. Bags Breyfogle andMlaa Ruth Breyfogle of Chicago, HI,were guests this week of Mr. and Mn.W. O. Breyfogle of Balmiere Parkway.

Marvin Hall of Orchard streetaccompanied Mrs. John Daley back toSwthmore. Pa, where ahe win makea abort Tlstt. .

Mra. Prank Sbolea of Short HIIU.formerly of Cranford. entertainederal of her Cranford frlenda for lunebeon and bridge- at the William PittTarern In Chatham b i t Prtday.

Mr. and Mra. Donald MoOrayue arTblUng thla week with Mr. and Mn.O. Pltman^hiekley of Madlaon aTcnue.

Mra. John B> Raah'of Oranje a*enuegave a'tea laat Thuraday afternoonber borne. - - - • , •

r tw^twV™*)*.



at a »artr last weak. -

Mr. and Mm. Caw***- v,

r afternoon with awar In honor of

Mr, and Mrs. Alvaa B. O. Danaaaa, whowar* SBBitMsBApraM. Mra, DenmanH tha fnraaar 1 I Matalle B. wmauna.


«, ML WSmlta, J. r.n. * ABM, Ms.- a a

f ^ ^ v gfVa, Mm. a A MOT**. MM. B.

aH,O;l ,nlt«m,ltaa,LMn.RB.Iirriini.Mn.A.H.H«ghea,Mra.B.Wtakla.Mn.OaonjefMaa,aVP.Iaaltband Mn.0,8.


Mr. and Mra. Chandke H. Blckokbawaal r gwaaU Mn. J. Albert Key

Mr. and Mn. Tbomaa 8. Stephen* ofProapect atreet apent laat week-end inPhiladelphia vtettmg Mr. and Mra.Bteadman Stephena, Their aon, JBtead-man Stephena, It reonerlng from an

The memben of the 4-H Club held apicnic bmt Saturday afternoon at BchoLake Park. Than preaent were Dor-othy Aahweu, Oenenere Relks, Leona

rtman, mneUe WLoOo, Carol Deller

of St. Low*, Mn. O. Manning Oombaof •altancce, MM. Beaton Bandan ofPitf»ldanca. Mra. Roland •/abater ofBvaoaton, VL; and Mba Margaret Oor-win, dean Of W. J. OoUete for Women.

Mr. and Mn. William 1. Faith of MManaton Terrace entertained SaturdayIn honor of the birthday annlnraarinof their daughter, Maria, and atoo Mn.Faith. Ouaata attended from WeatPoint, BbBbets, Roaelle Park, andOranford.

Mlaa Adrlenna Jaroei, daughter ofMr. and Mn. W. C. Jamea of O> Or-chard atreet wul be the houaa gueat ofMlaa Beatrice Cowan at New JeneyCollege tor Women, New Brumnrlck,thla week-end. On Sunday ahe will actaa a floater at the D, K. X. fraternitybouae at Bntgen rjnlvenity.

Mka Thelma B. Wild, daughter ofMr. and Mn. W01U T. Wild of SI Tux-edo plant, will be graduated nextThuraday night from UM mines' train-ing aebcol of MkKOeiex General Boa-ptt»l. New Brunawick

and their leader, Mra. Arthur Baynea.

Mlaa Betty Beckendorn of 103 Walnutifenue, entertained ber card club laat

Friday —evening, "iboee preaent werethe Mlaaea Marian WhUera, OraceLynch, Marie Weber, Anna Heybum,Balma Tomcayk, Lora Muelheim andLorn Mae Water*.


a naa'M, Wraltill. N. J.Eyea Kxamlned and Otaaeee Made

Broken Lenaea Replacedat Short Notice

PaaweWBalfrHt-itH.'OpenBrenuva by Appointment

.r,,v4 l i ,Ne«th ilf



i\u- i

.*}- "r


The Modern MotherWILL WANT TO LOOK



The Onion County Badminton OpenTournament will be held in Wardtaw

The Cnuiford Bad-minton Crab win be repnaented by thefoUowmf entrln: Matthew. Hall, Dan-

Scbwegler, Mn. Paul Mlekenon, Mn.Robert C. Miner and Mwa Helen Mc-AuaUn. Mra. Paul Nlckenon and Mra.R. C. Miller wonnhe women'a doublet


The High setaool Parsnt-Tsaebsr As-aootaUon wm hold a brtdge party Mon-day atlarnoon at 1 oUoek In Roose-vatt School. There wU] be a prise foreach labls and refreshments will beserved. Mra.. Yoorhls and Mrs. A. Odehave the party in charge, and will besatiated by other memben of theecutlva board. Tickets may ~ be ob-tained from the two chairmen. Theproceeds will go toward the scholarshipfund.


Mrs. William Nagle. president of theHigh School Parent-Teacher Aaaoda-Uon, has appotnted the following chair-men to act on the " eascuUre"boarilMra. Raymond Oole, Mrs. W. Croat.Mra. Frederick Deller, Miss BlancheAbrama, Mlaa Alice Welch, Mrs. W. M.Praderlek, Mrs. H. Norton. Mrs. W. J.Seavy, Mn. Edward Miller, Mn. J,Voorhla, Mrs. J. Roode and Mn. W. J.Conley. At this -laat election nomin-ating; commlttwi consisted of Mrs. W.Cross, chairman: also Mlaa Oladya Bt-tabraok, Mrs. Oaston Crosby, Mra. P. UPoster, Mra. Bdward Miller, HaroldWilson, and Mra. W. J. Conley.


Mn. H. wmiamt was elected presi-dent of the Lincoln P.-T, A., at a meet-ing Monday afternoon in the school.Other offlcen also elected unanimoualy

Your Property

«t «f W1B»S«. If it* t««f UMr mm k tUiftWBdaltpsMM«fl«

• lUbby look, •wogk wvMsjBsn,

If yowor m HM

•Mantioa now, MM! maintain the value of your

Tht) Bask will ftamiab tht moneyproremcnls, under the Budget Loan Plan orthe Federal Housing Plan, and will cooperatewith you to the fullest pottUa extent

Cranford Trust CompanyPKDKRAL uamrc irsmt

raaaral DepaaH tawaai i OatawnltaaBapaaMa Oearaaaaed Pa l» SM»a,

on recommendation of the nominatingcommittee, are: Second.rlce-presldent,Mn. R. K. Neeld; aecretary, Mra. J. W.Oebebnan; treaaurer, Mn, C. Baynei:corresponding aecretary, Mn. A, W.Porcher; finance chairman, Mra. L, T.Welenbaeh: publicity, Mn, Ralph Krl-Ing; and hospitality, Mn. C. O. Cloeter-man. Inatallation will take place onJune 1,

Followlni the business meeting, thememben were entertained by an Illua-trated lecture by a representative fromthe Oncelsnd Memorial Park.

Birth.Mr, and Mra, John 0. Bteven of 114

North arenue, weat, annbunee the birthof twin torn on Sunday at MuhlenbergHospital, Plalnneld.

Mr, and Mrs. Erneat L. Ruh of 10HamUton avenue, announce the birthof a aon, Oltnn Bruce, on April as, atthe Muhlenberg Hospital, Plainfleld.

For Quick RMUIU Read The Cltlamand Chronicle Want Ada.



Mother's Day, Sunday. May 10thGift Suggestions from our Shop and Conservatory:

Cut Flowers Blooming Plants Corsages Table GardensVases 'of 'Flowers Something for Her Garde*





Osr Bxperieneet Oferalsra Assam Yea Always thei -- > Utssast aa SatWactVaa. • %••

UU>Y FAIR BEAUTY SALON- - •"•--* US Watass Avswae, Graafsre . ,,


FWt Church of Christ, ScientistCKANPOBD, NEW JKB8KY

ANNOimCUA i "-,

Free Lecture on Christian ScienceBT

Gavin W. Allan, C. S. B.OF T0BONT0, ONTAWO, CANADA

r in' ' ef Ibe Baaiw af Leetereakaa ef Tbe MMker CfeanhTha Fin* Chare* af Christ, Sdeatbt, hi Beetea, MaaaaiibaaiitU

to be aUherad la theKOSBLU PAEK HIGH BCOOOL

draai Aie, Weat Basalls Park, b. 1.

Monday Evening, May 11,1936' . at i Me/deck


Our Pledge asa Member of \ \National Selected Morticians

amaamalleaaal Bearded kUrticUat


af antes andaf



oanrkM. K. A, aw.

When Gray, Inc. Was invited to become a member of'",National Selected Morticians, it was a tribute to faith- ' •ful service to our community, but it also carried,anobligation. " - % • ' , ' " . ' i

This intemationa] group of leading funeral,directorsselects only worthy members who must pledge them-selves to furnish finer funeral service at 'fair prices!' 'We have given such a pledge—and live up to it.

When families of this vicinity require funeral serviceaway from home, they need only telephone to us.Every member of National Selected Morticians is atour command to serve you . . and each is bound bythis same pledge.

1M Caiam Ave, N.

Page 4: WWmSE CRANFORD SCHOOL BOARD RESCINDS ...June 17, at • p. m. Diplomas will to presented to U pupils .Last year, 61 were-gradusted from this school. TOOn WILL OOKDOOT — - — the


Republican Primaiy Centers jon Fort- Hoffman Contest '

» * » •


* • j , tb* F**-sea.MwMj Paa. asd tat Warts* *»»

alt*« i m *f *»•

*IMJM> has afletad ft/mm far the<». of IMI I M M mjmm aw***

Candidate far Dt -Lto Support «»•«•>

Ths liveliest primary campaign Inthe bittory of New Jersey startedthis week when former CongressmanFranklin W. Fort, of Esst Orant*.Eaoes County, formally opened hitcampaign against Governor HaroldC. Hoffman for delegate at large toths Republican National Convention.The Hepubllcan State primaries anon May 19th.

Fort, whote family haa been In-timately associated for generationswith th* New Jersey political Watery,and who was Floor Manager lorHerbert Hoover at the RepublicanNational Convention in ldZS. haschallenged Governor Hoffman's rightto rcpntent New Jersey at theRepublican National Convention.

State-wide interest It centered onthia campaign which former Con-gressman Fort supporters insist willhave s vital bearing on whether|>mident Knoeevelt or the Republl.can lYeatdenlial nominee carries NewJeney in the Fsll elecUont.

Fort'i campaign, whlrh hat ralliedbehind him the support of manyprominent Republican leadenthroughout the Stale, it based onhit challenge of Governor Hoffman thandling of the llauptmann cote.Maintaining that the Governor'!action impeached the Integrity ofNew Jersey courts. Fort has made

.hit itmie "Respect for our Court!.'- Fort'i background it nn Intcrntlnsone. Horn in Newark. Mnrrh 20.18M). he hat lived In Knei Countyall hia life, and Ii prominently iden-tified there with important bankingand Intumnce Interests.

In 1924. Mr. Kurt «ri electeil toCongrna » a llcpre-u r.Utlve fru. lthe Ninth New Jrrvy I>utriitserving three t«rni«. In CuncrtMhe wai recofrnitrd m tl.e arnkeur nfor both Prcnidciil Conliilpr fi IlYetidnit llrmvcr im tl c i)ia»lli)-i i i(arm relief, the leadir,; cuntru\ tru-lquestion of UWK djys.

•Uieea State rrfatuetie. May 1>tr Union far FraaWemt

In January, 190}. when Ibe

Uf«M ntJtjMU ntMe IMMH enr-aaui tta «*4 *f 1mm.UaatwWIe. at UM aaair ea« of Moeaiiitaad, aear •aitaert, Halaa, laan kaab l J a awaal'tMaaHalty at New

Ooknlal aaaMa. ballt by theOannuoMi at aa wpeaa* «T tl^DO.-OOft Tklt QoatMy nttaa* cf 110 boom!• aow lataaMtwt kj MOO penorM. Ta«TttUgan a n Baited StaM Anajr e »glaatm aad relief workan aad theirfaaalllea. Tola U to* tows for wtalebIt wta prapnaij to kaM twa (taadfa-taar rtortu far each fcoox, leva aaataaad fttker Uat worda hi aboadaat tlr-

the Slat* wen in m n dWkuUita.Mr. Fort volunteered to ttaiit themand organised and aervad aai Chair-man ofa BuikHnf and Loan FinanceCommittee, on which he wta the onlybanker member. Thla Cormnltteeworked out the salvation of manyBuildinc and Loan Assodatlom laNew Jeney.

In July. 1982. the Federal HomeLoan Bank law waa placed pa thestatute book*. It provided for theartabUahment ol a reserve) aysumwUhTcapHii of «i2s.ooaoo6rSlluildinc and Loan Attodatkm.Inuinnce Companica and SavingeUanka.

At President Hoorer'a urgentrequest. Mr. Fort left hit businessintenau to take the Chakrmanihlpof UM Ant Board appointed to eet upthe system, and administer the law.Theiyetem u act tip by thii Boardunder Mr. Fort's leadership has beenleft practically undiiturbod by theraw Democratic Board.

From January 1902, until he wentto hii duties no the lloow LoanIlank Board, and after hit return inMarch. 1U33, Mr. Kort. cootinuomlyauuled In preventini th« cloaing ofbanlu throughout the Slate and Inthe rcopcnlni of clpMd banks.

Mr. Fort wa« a dcltjate to theliriiubliran National Convention InUrJH, and m i floor leader and chiefinokefmin for the Hoover forces.He «ns appointed Secretary of theKrpuhlican National Committee,Rrvnitf thmughnit (he 1928 ,cdm-I i n and until 1U30, «hen he re-«l|,ntil.

In hli present campalrn forc'i . ti- at-' rite to the RqiubllainI1 'i ituin ttnlih It tu be held inlu'Mi.mJ in June, Mr. Fort haa.- - i: cnl II'I ttipnort of GovernorUimlon lor 1'rf1 'i->'

Tae Qaeddj Dam wta to aara*beea(ompnaed of anreral daaM aaekalai a•blgktldr baala. IU daabjaen prapaaadto karaeaa the alee of the Bay ofrandy, ereatlag hydra altctrte powerfrom th* witar aa It ruaaed ta aad ant.ef taa baala. TWt engtaewlog dneaof maklix tae m m aopplr aleetrlepower awl with Ibe followliig oe>e-

It haa twles been rejected by <pert engineers. It haa ben tuneddown by PWA board of review. It waarejected by the federal Power Cess-

OaaoHaa, aceerdlag to the Dalt*«SUtaM kwati «f Maadarda, baa aededalle fnaatag aMnl. I! atari; atlffan ap like was at tmnperaturM ainrhtowar taaa Ihnee eonoiAaly enceiia-tend Is the Arrtle, and aa th» ternperatnr* la ktwrred It gradnally k»eoDat aterc aad awre> II«T<MIII until Ifla a wild auaa. Ttw trmnrratgr* atwhlea ordinary gaanlln* enlMllW.renew from i n d q r m to 3W drarrmrabnabclt hrlow a m . lUmllnr runUlaliig bnaol will anlMIfy atte»iperaliir»n»l*»r«'rtl<in (u'lceotan of b#niml.—liullaaarnlla

TnThe Oreeki believe thtt there are

two Modi of vampire—one dond, butreUlnlng a tlnliter halMlfa by prey-tng on the blood of the living; amithe other ttlll alive. Ttaui, we are told

/that the vamplret of Theualy and Epl-' -ma are "living men ntiatfred by a kind

•ot aonnambulltm, who, ulutd by •tblnt for blood, go forth at night from(heir ahephrnU' hull, and acour thecountry, Ultlnac and Irarlng alt thatthey meet, both man anil bntaL" Ac-cording tn anollirr authority, Ihla trneof vamplr* l« partlmlarly active whenthe noon l« at In full.

Six* CalM• • •Vleen," aald John Wesley, who could' de with very little, "la a drag." Na-

. pol«M, Kdlaon. Dunua, and other fa-• \iaeaa .BMB. conconedL What they; raraat waa that ilaep la mearared by

cjullty, Dot by quantity. They them-aelvea had the fadUly of el**p!og.ln"wafea"—tea«ilnnta nap* that ware

•• aa beaeoeUI to tbeaa ta an boor or two

' Blaabet A g r « » » t y 'A blsnkst agreement Is an agreement

' that coven a croup or das* of thing*' at properUea lastsad of on* or more'

i saeatJoned IndtvMoslly.. ' '

Mbaumemt to St. Lawrence)Hat Appearance of Grill

The Kunirlal, nt tn tlvo It lt» fullname, the "Itml .Mannatrrln <lr fl«nIxirtno del Kacorlal," la numlnall; amonument In St. Uwtpnrr, the earlyChrlitlan martyr, who »'ni mailed tn(IPHIII an a irlll. Them arc mime whnlay (hat tin ground plan nf Ihla vaatatmciiire on the i bare and barrrn•lo|m nr Ihe HlerVa\nnardarama ID8paln prewnta the appearance of agrill, wrltea.a corraapoadent In theIkxton Globe. \ .

It la, of coone, mora a monuroenl toPhillip II, who, tired of the buttle tndworldllneaa of Madrid, wltbed fof aqtitet mldince tn which to end bladaytr It fofi|a,lm tht - I'antbeon orburial Vault of the HpanUh klnga, and,with two etceptloni, ill from Cbarlee

JT .to-rerdlnand VII are burled hen.The palace occuplet the northwaat

corner, while the reat of the buildingla given orer to the nctnaetery, occu-pied by Auojuitlm pwakt. -

Kiperta have foand II would cotts o n then 00.000,000 t» complete,wkeraai a attaai aeBentlag plant ofequal capacity at the eUM place wouldcoat only 110,000,000.

Coat of power generated would nukeIt tnpoealble for QaMd; t% eompetewith ateamgeoertted, power ratea laIbe Doiton area. ""

Then U no pnaent erpreapeetlvemarket for the Qooddy power at;aay

.price.Power, when needed, toold be gaa.

erated more cheaply on alilne'a aa-devaloped riven. .

Cenanaa In RevalLRnclneen had planned to use a rea-

srvolr to tnpply power at low tide, yiu-ter wat to be pomped Into the reservoirby power created by the Odea. It baanow been found that the location ofthe dam makea Ihla method too cost-ly and the englpeera recommended thata Dleeel power plant bt conatroeled|p pump tome of the water. In otherworda the moon needed a helping band.'

The Dntl obstacle to tne fulfillmentof the apectaculir plan wai a revoltIn Congress which canted the Presi-dent to abandon' the schemes. WhenCongress delegated power to the Pres-ident to nee M.880,000.009 work-reliefappropriation aa be taw Bt It waa be-Meted a car* for log-rolling In publicworks projecti bid been found. The al-location of funds, It was hoped, wouldnot be Influenced by politic* The pro-moter of the Quoddy project Is DexterP. Cooper. Cooper and an associateand two others v were oemben ofspecial committee appointed by Secre-tary Ickea to pew on the practicableIt; of the scheme. The committee ap-proved It and their verdict waa ac-cepted at agalnit the dedilons nudeby three other groups.

Uatlng spent or tied op (7,004000on tin dam the President had askedCongress to appropriate no additional»,0O0,0O0. Concrete refused. BarryHopklna'haa promised that It Ooogratapuses th* pending worka-nUaf (asa>nn that none of the lt.O00#W»O Itappropriates 'will bo spent on ha^nesting tides.

\The~ Florida Oatul. " .Under somewhat similar ctrcuBV

ettncee the President allocated IMOO,

CraaelniU fiik. «•<A pink er r»l ara|»-rriiii l« m tpirt

that la. s bortkullursl lartrty drvtl-aped by seen* of bartdlng and graftingtress aa aaeaatsr which aeddeaunir-kao a dark tack. Practically all ceavBMrdsl types of trait s n produced hi

"KatydleT* U » Sco,monntniMHta

saga. Is rrnlly the Juvronnu nf tin*taalaiiaaeet,. and .•le;1anewiwi|..hy a• u d l fainter call 'mm fhr arr-n-wlaajed earMf bpart-

in«- n,nliint !»• burlnl sllve inlayIn \»f ttm srtrrlni are full, while sOowilmib they a n empty. Whe* •aakala*.lag a body H I* seeetssry ta see* aaartery ta lajeet ta* ssoaahaUaj I t "aad U detta bad aat •ererrsd, tssadearcasatlea wiaatssaft ea tke eeealagtt ta* artatv.Mt'Bb w*«ld a*

W««*«t Spe*. la NaMlt Asserle*teeidectna lake, situated en the west

•f Vaaceavar letaod. «0 milesaertarweai sf Tietorla, Is faated as th*

a i t hi Horth America.

U^'i,*^;.ft #««»I'IM- ,H-M nu|.>naui tlilntt a ymin»

uun <r*rr •!••< la la «rt roady Tkekey B<itt> Itsis l» ta* nil nt the taaa,

1 Ike fuandstlmi mrt ira dear t *Ike anal. Brsinnla** are antocnttcNo aastter hew leag a aiaa Hvea. Iwtll aever art away fraea hto yoatk.

A x l n l t M n i J ia fUgkAm-font man lirllmnl m insil

The prlmlllvi ml ml iiutrrlvnl thai aconl tied ahoiil a wuoum's walsi forawdaa n i l thruiigh which her <|ilrtt muMpaM Into the body of a man. fromwtlol roril In rim wan a almpl* step.

Flnt PMtaastk Ttr»The tint niiminMllc t in was patent-

ed by It, \V, Thompson, an Kagllshman. imwnher 10, IMA.

M seafrail aheU ef BeatcapaUe of«0 kaaca aad atof 78 er W

I f yes's ( N s.Us;said Oart* Ikea, -yea caa sab

w i B i m r


Wfaat te*» ma so




13 North ATS.,*.

8WXATXR FOsWaB mad* to yensura. To W o * swtaatn atSweater fetodk, «U0uHA), Ctunlord «-«M-W.

UWT-Black; aad wbtta dog.•beared. Answan Mm* ofCall BUI* W U , Or. *MM.



, . ' Cato'ef Ik. W«MCata the world uv«r aiv chli'Hy dla-

tlngulabed by Varlttlons^ln alii', colorand quality of hair, tlmngh the lalt ofHan his • tall)***, and,China a nalr-Ises, variety.

• FANCY r t l»H LONG ISLAND• ««-«-«&,..>;„ .-_JL-< _ ^ _ . - _ ^ B i - ^ ; . 1 B B a M ! / a a a a i v ' ' ^ssaaa

^ i b taaad (or procbdao Hwcoonrry-s Anast Ducks, end Ifcooa *fANCV

y»ocl^rV>rorac«tnoli*rTa Boost Dwdtw«%

* N M C T *> • r

LEGS OF LAMBN3S5Boneless Bnslcet B^rf as

Slic*»d Bacon H _ ^- - ••« — .«••»«•-•« - • # • - ' ^C^^-aasm.a.ess.aast


ivap. Milk-=irr • 4 - 25«IWftl MkMitA n r M M M H Otar*i<|25*a S s ^ ^ L a W »sw^a^Ba^saBWs«BeB^aaW eTfBasBB^Pej tF^tiaa^ty^Bjaai ^eaaaj O^BBBBS, oaaaav

Folk's Grapefruit . "-IO*

JtJoska Salmon^^T 2-21Prudence "-VT Hash. "-Calif. Sardines "£=" 2i:OliveOilT^r L-2SrRajah Vinegar <W C13*TeHey's Tea . Ii \+ tt 37Sanka Coffee . I k

000 for the coostrocUqa of th* florid*Bhlp Oanot To complete th* work ItIs Mtkaatad that aa much as OOOAOuV0W would be reqolndJTlM project kidbean disapproved by AdministratorIcke* of Ibe PWA and by two dlvtafloosof PVA. In spite of this Mr. Hocee-Ttlt again ossd fund* datogatad to himto as* as bt saw Bt sad preliminarywork was, started. - - ,-\:

Heads of large eorporatlona and ofahlpplng :companies \asserted-, theywould not as* UM caul If completed,denying that It would save time andtttMsas, Besldent* of Horlda-ln thearea aoutb of. the propoeed^SOO-mlls'canal vigorously, oppose the projecton the ground that It will cut off their

'•ttpn|yr*Mlash wster. __•' J' x. . ','dongrea* refused to apprppriale «n

'additional mm'to carry. On. th* work''itaried byiPrtsldenUnl order.'. Wash.;lngton observers -tee In the story of thettwo' tuglDMrtng dreami "a wsrnlng to•'return to' th*°old,ayst«u whereby sp-.)' proprUtloBi for -.public > works'. were;contingent upon the,remit of eongrethialontl-atudysnd reports of sarpert en-

iaberr la s Mswtork speech it-''eeaUy thai Mr,-llooarrelt had'foand"ta*;forgotten Bsn-.taditmm*dl*tal>

•tM. 3^25*

Ann Page Beans . 4'~Sweetheart Soap 3 -Chipso -TSn^XTil r22<

Senunole Tissue . 4 ^»^f.nife Bread mS




HODBE FOR narr at u i B*sinue. inqutr* at M Bonadd* iTelephone OBanford «-141S-J.

FOR springBrushes at reduced prices. Cs.<r, L. A. IscXee, OBsnford *x

WANTSDWANTED-Clean whit* ncs , '

buttons or plus. Will pay Iperlb. Cittsen and Chronicle c

PLUMBHtO, besUrjg.work at rraannahl* prices, Mfurnished. Michael OoUnerf.South Avsnu*. Tekphon* q st-ain. . ' -i-i


it i reaaonahle price. TUCRanford. 8-0488-W or OT8-0011.


allp coven, ihades, cabinet we•lio all furniture, repair. Fretner <i Son, formerly with W.gorten, 45 South Union Avenuiphone CRaniord 6-om.

Subscribe TODAY for yourtown newspaper—«J a year, de


*• I .


Fire Alann BaarM17-rflouth and Walnut* ' Awnnas.1 B-Ontoo and Morth* " ANBBM.

23-Bamstd* Avsna* and*~* wmkun Btnat. #

3 4 Wmnra and D«mt»ai

4fi-Unooan aad UDIOB^** • , Avennsa. • > •_ '4ft—Onion AVMUM, Boatlr

Ukzah atnai.:..53-^formAv«MjnaMr~

57-OtiBhard *od WastUa

gi—Casino Avano* aadU 1 lsanor Place. .!%9~>-Omiaa snd Balsjafc

QA Flialwlli aad BkMca•dah Av*floa*,, ; ''-

Page 5: WWmSE CRANFORD SCHOOL BOARD RESCINDS ...June 17, at • p. m. Diplomas will to presented to U pupils .Last year, 61 were-gradusted from this school. TOOn WILL OOKDOOT — - — the

t~MgjMhot' "

, «f-«H«Maii way

Only IIMt, m

- - . - * - • " ~ *



n o n e OMaatord i-wtU


Jueari 0.Rental*

13 North Ava» x.



tun. To W o *sweater M o *I1J0, J

to your nat home.

BOCOBA'8 Aquaria invites you to vhtttheh- showroom of beautiful tropicalfish (M) varieties en display, at UlNortti Otolon ATOM, onatord, R J.

' tt

-W. I-14

Uwr-Blaefc aad while dog. partlysheared. Aaawan MUM of Jan*.on sdAt WU, Or. (-on*.

HODBK FOR H I T It U l M o r *.T*-nut. toquto* at M Bunatde avenue.Telephone ORanford C-14U-J,

nunFOR sprtat etauilm. net *ouer

Brutbes at reduced price*. Oalldael-«r L. A. McKCe, CRanford MM1-M.

WANTEDWANTED—Clean wblt« t i p , without

button* or pin*. WU1 pay 5 ottUsper*. ciUaenandCJmmiekonoe,

runanni'-ntAxnraPLUMBma, beaUng. Unntof. Quality

work at reasonable priceeS Estimatesfurnished. Michael OoUnoi. 1H S.South A n w . Telephone QRanford


at a reasonable price. TelephoneCRanford 8-0tM-W or GRantord8-00U.


slip covers, shades, cabinet work andslio til furniture repair. Fred Kant-ner li Son, formerly with W. Baam-gnrten, 45 South Union Avenue. Tele-phone CRanford 6-0*tt. tt

Subscribe, TODAY for jour hometorn newspaper—fl a rear, delivered.


Fire Alarm Bant17-rflouth and Walnut* ' Avenues.Ifi—Onion and North* " AMMM.19-»» D«|*»ta*t*23-Bumslds Anna* and *••» wmiani Street #

f andAvenues.

4—Xunora and Duntatm

Street.Afi-Uneoen and Union

4g-Oaloo Avenue, Soutirsnd

»—{forth A m t t Mar " 'Orobard Stnet..

57-Orehard and W**bJagton'

I Arena*.'- < ., .•8 4 tiliabeth tad Btoomlng-* " oaJeAveoose.. • •'

P ° c V^1 »aetauui

217-Arllscton Bokd and'", '/-';6 1 ' Worth AwBBa..,. ,:235-Hony ettwit and sprint-:

315-Oentetmlal^and. Itooota

Kw «*!«**

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ * .^^^w aasssjaa*) B ^ B J ^ * B J B S I

• • * * SHPBF™*, SS> SSSBSD JSiawBjs, aasav

, » lMa, teg. We tewOMotord and vhMtr lor n«1 Mrtii. AT*, ft Pbooe


HOCSEWntlHO, fixftre*, general re-psMnc waablng machines, vacuumdsanara tad appliances motor repairstad armatare wmdmg. Daniel J.Heybura, • Bnmski* Avenue. PhoneORanford IVUM-R. H

¥ • • • «ataM to ***** ft »HaaMasV tassMsg " •a a d s i W at tte#taaw agsJs** bst pee) saaa

Vm Sbaw, afty. aodeabt w i — l tar the fast thatha has been taltctH a* "lops" by


e ™eautvalsnta1 at •WaoBsBuyaDuakr

p yradio editors lor the last time lean.sV*Rlpssy,"aWleveItorIlot-

r, has beep in Ulprosjabty sent more Unds



Mna.Mtjn, I I O m l M Oran-ford. TaL OR. (-tttt-If.

AROE frontgaiBfe. » Orore street.

a, next to bath, also

SUNNT fumUhed room, ooorenlent toall traniportatlon. Telephone Cran-ford C-01U-R. 8-7

FURNISHED front room, very conven-ient location, oood neighborhood.Telephone ORanf ord 6-0Mt-)t.

HEUf W A N T H ) - A w k> girl for general houw-

worfc. Sleep out. Reference*. Box344. care of Cltlien and Chronicle of-fice.

WHITE girl for general homework.Bleep UL Apply Saturday or Sundayrooming. 5 Blate 1 venue.

WOEK WANTED FeeaallEXCELLENT Seamstrea will do dreu-

roaklng or other sewing at reasonablerate*. Either In or out. 34 NorthAvenue, W., Cranford.

OIRL, experienced, wUhes day'e workor can of children, evening*. CallCranford S-WM-J. '


A Balewnan, Juit redgned from a Forddealer, hai a ISM Ford for tale ai ItIn iiiiimrriMerj fin lili pretent work.

The car U a DeLme .Tudor Sedan,bbolc-wlth Broadcloth upnoMary.Low mileage. Priced at ttTO. Canbaftaanced. WU1 take a trade. CanROtelle *- l i»-J. - .


OHOIOX treah pulled rhubarb, radlahet,aealUoniand aaparagim. FndKneb-ler Farm, Sprtogfleid Are, WettOeld.The Stand at tt» WJilte Bungalow.


FOB BAI»-«eotrto Refrigerator, oneyear old; 6tt cubic feet. TelephoneORmnford 6-MU-J.

100 LB. JOB BOX in fair condition;prloa «SJOO. Call evenings after 7:00.XI HamUton Avenne . .

FOR BALB-Planb In good condition.ReironaWf. Telephone ORanfordC-03S9 ors'may be awn at SO Myrtleitreet evening*.

EDITH BATS—With ftswers and ,r._• boo* and^wispy veils. New. shapes,v- new-colors, all-head slses. tlJS to' KM,1 Wralght* Dress Shop, M BmStreet, Westfleld, next to Jsxris' DrugStore. '•, \ - ' . " M

DRESSES—I3J8 to W.9S. Complete up-to-the-minute selection. Blxes 14 to'44 and half alxes. Wralghtt, M Dm

•' Street, Wertneld, next to Jarvli Drug" O » M ^ * - 1 ' ~' , - ' - ' • " " - . -' B-7; Store;

-Tor Sale," "Oar._Ren^Wurnlihed.Roonuv1.

jeard.-Cltt*«n and Chronlclt4«

MOVINO, TRUCKWa aad BTORAOKtFsm6vln«,toidl»tant'poinU'tuchrss

fget'otirney tariff raieiSW* hold In-terstato Oonurien»4Oomml*slon'per-mit lo'operat*) In thirty.two.state*.

-BerrlM with itapeotlbUlly. Slatermc-Flalnneld.- - 'tf

lyaeked bias on-the.weal charge," actwaiting for a trial.

Jee Bower*, sentenced to So leanHer ssali Jobbery, locked la tbe Islandfartreas of AleaUas, tried to escape bycttBbtag tea feet of plala wire, twofeet of barbed wire, aad Jumplag dowaa •0-fwt cliff Into the water. Becumbed while sharpshooter gaardspumped bullets Into him, and Jumpeddown Urn cllO. Asked when "booked"at Afcstn*. -Who Is te be sonata Ifyoa dler Bowers replied: "Nobody|nobody cares whether I die or not"

Bltler apparently has chosen Usaaccoeaor "la case," Is tbe person *tAh- lfuuster Ooerlag, now made "as-sistant dictator," with control of twogreat German problems of raw mat*.rUls aad foreign exchange.

la New York, ITS naval eadeta fromthe German cruiser Emden, name well«mtmber»d from the" warp explorethe dty, guarded by detective* la easeof hostile demonstrations.

Commercial boycotts of Germany,organised la New Tork, have don*store hsrm to ths Nssl governmentthan could be done by say mob stuckon German eadeta.

California possesses three Unds ofgold": yellow gold, or which then Is.plenty left In the ground; "blsck gold."which Is the oil la Iskes thousands offeet down, and ths "white gold," waterfrom (he moouutns,. first used todevelop power, then to Irrigste crops.

Another gold, more Important thanthose three, combined, It the gold ofeducation.

Driving through this country, If yousee a particularly fine building, tallcolumns, wide grounds, fields forhealthy play, that Is s public school.Once It would hsve been the prisonor feudal csalle.

You tee another building, almost asImpressive st the high school. Thst Isa public library. The accumulatedknowledge of the world Is free.

sirs. Grace Werren Dubols, sixty-twoyears old, was allowed to keep her sestwhile the Judge sentenced her to lifeimprisonment for killing her son. Or-dinarily convicts most stand for sen*fence.

It la said the thought her family"too aristocratic- to live In such timesss these, and wished to kill them slLAnother son testified sxalnit her.

Newsboys cry "What do you resdrThe Niagara of books pouring from thepresses, a vatt majority forgotten s*they are born, make many ask "Whatshall.1 resdr Of the books thst everyone must know, many are unneces-sarily long, will not be read, and needcondensation, In this day of newspa-pers, movlag picture*, and radio.

If some publisher would Issue a"bookshelf" aqusesed ddwn from 12feet to 2 feet, that would be useful

Paris perceives that following recentelection* extreme radicals wm be pow-erful ra the new chamber,-aad thosethat have money left begin panickyselling. BankNrf franc* shares dropviolently, meaning Isck of confidencela government stability, with fearwar In all mind*.

The last wsr knocked the francfrom 19 cents to < cents. What wouldanother war doT

When atock gambling starts, tt more*rapidly. Since, March test year, stockprices have gone up S O W east, beat-ness has Increased 18 per cent; employ-ment only S per cent Not much cheer-fulness In tbst

Since" last., March tbe New terkStock exchange "values" have Increasedby, twenty thousand minion {dollars.Excellent ''bait" for tbe Ignorant :••

New Jersey dtlsens dropped-fromrelief Invade, legislative halls,'campout, sleep on'the floor, promise; to re-

. msln until New Jersey supplies moneyand food,' Ewlog township, New Jersey, with

0,000 population, taking 430 familiesoff the dole, told them officially to goout and beg.' Begging- being Illegal,each family was provided .with a beg-ging license. -Ttist; :may ' be: called'economic roller."' \ -- ,t ', .

Tokyo worries 'about Ilussls "plot-. ting a war against Japan," but no plot-.ting Is necessary.- Russia know* the lo-cation of every Japanese city, town and

;fsetory.,J>.It,would be necesssry only Wdeclare war and start dropplngbombi,

i'nsrUcolarl^bombiltbst1. spread -araB?JgHHarlln*"-*? war'zfor, foreign countriesh Is' tf >***y* es^shootlinrjup • a*' gambling1 game"' among"our'racketeers; BOsse-crecy or plotting necessary, • . -

1 •.sjumsn.if

ad prjabty sent more Undsof dottm than any other parsonaim but fct always wean a bluepolks dot BflWuebkmaeU.

Howard, tlumed to

, the famous co-— . . — . . . — ~ tt the ah- May 1with bis "Ifbnrss" over WEAT,tndb*r*1btar4,mthe

oiir«3Syboy who OSBMJOthebtgelty. Wtthhtm U bat exctta-W* p a r t n e r mdiacuWta, OeergaSnaltOB. Bat thevocal end of Urnprogram *• oapa-fiy carried by pet-it* P*g t e Centra.deep-rote*d Haassrttst, beard withthe new "swlnt"

_ban<J_. under. Dlek McDonough't-baton. The program makes an ac-tive bid for summer popularity.

"'LaoRabanaa. the maestro, pre-sents a picturs of sartorial perfec-tion at Ma broadcasts. But duringnbsaraals for bis Tuesday nightNBO program*, he stands before hitmen ha his shirt sleeves, hair dis-heveled, whipping his unusual ar-rangementa into perfection.

•"Phil Regan, vocal star of thsl a u g h With Kan Murray" show.counts nor* ptaoa officers among hisfans than any other singer on thssarti Regan1 resigned from ths Brook-lyn police tone a few years sgo andhas since achieved fsms on stage,screen and radio.

_ i« Crosby, who is Ias famous a radio aavreaaarte aa beIs a national engine favorite, to coo-tronttd with a mysUry whlcb be punable to solve. Blag bat a kennelof thoroughbred WfaUt, bat thebeat banter of bk pack of dogs Is •mongrel who Will eat nothing tot

•••Much of theeredtt for ths suo-esas of the •Vnarlook *Wm*r Batur-day night series anas to Harold West,who so capablyportrays toe chsv-scter of Dr. Wat-

L Hlttssmlngtysffortless mannerof s p e e c h bat'scaught on withthe fan and stu-dio 'spit* mealthat no less than,three other pro-crami are settinghi. tervtoasnnh«-|character of Wat-

1 doctat helpHolme* much withthe solution of arlmes, the man whotake* the part fas* certainty helpedsolve the problem of fan mttrast.

•••Frank Fay Is everything butthe engineer on his new Saturdaynight program. He opens the snowss announcer, be Mags, does eomedy.snother annoiiiwifiiifiit and psrhapemore songs. Ob yea, the name of theahow la "Frank Fay Callings

••• The King's Men, although theyhave only pratimsniiert the spotlightas radio's outstanding quartet dur-ing the last year, have been singingtogether sines they left school.

ATThe Strand < U seKr -DcatrC wnh

Oary Cooper and assifcim, Dkrtrich.seven days starting BaUsnlay. wtttipreme Friday. The hsMaosatt willsnow T h e Milky Way- wtth HaroldLloyd, four daya, atarUasg aatssday,wtth • prevM Friday.

"TaMm MM rw»w M m -

*a*» fimWml br It*uaaiuii pti-A>TutNT rroax

Nnurk. K. J

Stmitil k> u»

cue et.ua, aesttti. u. t.


MODERN TIMESCharlie Chaplin In "Modern Times."

the comedian's long-awaited new com-edy is now at the Rlalto Theatre, WesUfield, for today, tomorrow and Satur-day.

Almost two years In production,Chaplin's first picture in almost fiveyears hi slso his most pretentious. LikeIU jiredecesior, "City Light*,- -Mod-ern Times" Is without dialogue, butboasts some novel sound effects.

The comedy, which Introduces thefamiliar little figure In the big shoesand baggy trousers Into the relativelycomplex environment of a big Indus-trial city, casts Charlie as a factoryworker with a talent for getting out ofJobs and into Jail, and who, subsequentlyfinds employment In such widely diver-gent rapacities at shipyard worker,night watchman and alnging waiter.The story, which wss written by Chap-lin and marks the first tune he hss everworked from a prepared script, 1* saidto Involve him In the most hilarioussituations of hit entire career.

Lionel Barrymon hi "Tbe Voice ofBugle Ann" » the associate feature.MacKlntey Kantor, - the author of"Bugle'Ann," U a resident of Westfleld.

On Monday, Tuesday and Wednes-day, the Rlalto will present LeslieHoward and Betta Davis In "The Petri-fied Forest" and "The Music doesHound," with Harry Rlchman andRochelle Hudson.

comedy pathos and adventure thst pre-sent* Jean Hershoit aa the doctor whodedicates his life to a tooth-and-dawbattle against pain and 111 in a Can-adian fur aettlament.

Hampered by official red-tape, sorelyin need of a hospital, he antagonisesthe heads of hi* company, loses his po-sition because of ths enmity of thecompany manager. He answers one testcall for hla services, snd to his sston-Ithment brtngs,i,flyjf tiny mites to theworld at one birth.*-'

Contrasted against the dramatic cen-tral plot are the eomedy roles of Slim8ummervllle snd John Qualen, and theyouthfully tender romance or MichaelWhalen and June Lang, all contri-buting to the story's entertainmentpower.

The companion feature "Lore On ABet," starring Oene Raymond, WendyBarrie and Helen Broderiek, is a light,fart moving comedy-romance.

SMALL TOWN OEM, .Janet. Oaynor and Robert Taylor

form the striking new screen teamcoming tomorrow to the Rita Theatre,Elisabeth, In "Small Town Olrl," M-O-M's plcturiaatlon of _Jji* popularnovel by Ben Ames Williams.

The notable cart Includes, Blank

n ootnftatr DOCTORDrama, eomedy and adventure" ani-

mate the film "The Country Doctor;opening at the Cranford Theatre Sun-day for a 1-day stay. ,"'

It Is a story, bristling with drama.

\We. I-WIS; ' E*t IMS


Quality Foods\.


OlHlllf fctVt**

U N. TJKKHf ATE,- rh*s»CR.I



For Frompt Service


RankinCf JahnCoal Co.


CRANFORD, N. J . '* 1 '




17 NORTH AVE. CR. 64)777

C. I. TARLOWI O*er a Qaaittr of a Ceatary

23 SO. UNION AVENUE CRANFORD, N. J.ix raoNE c«. t-int


Quality LiquorSCHENLEVS


\ G I N

'-'" 79C



-r 89c






Barfday'a Gold Label



NIQaar t


HF.L 9 so-Acks.WBTE L»M•ata * suto M rath





— 79c


Page 6: WWmSE CRANFORD SCHOOL BOARD RESCINDS ...June 17, at • p. m. Diplomas will to presented to U pupils .Last year, 61 were-gradusted from this school. TOOn WILL OOKDOOT — - — the



* • . <

i at •



Tht IlOMBtg-tafl

at 99.May!

Mar U.at hi the•ad tht

i night ot




HtafMW-t-«--N-nBB, *«->«« OBI

A. a.of the <


A hobtay a_-Mt wfflmeant matttag oft

fsat-mU-sUM -adker


Church.cf the Oranford Method*

wfll be held la thtchapel, starting with a bee-Mas mettat at l : » p. m_ under dtnettaMn. H. L. -cDuc. The exhibit will 1at 1:30.. Refreshments wm fee strrby Mn. O. L. Or-Mh and »The BO-M Department wm irummage tale tomorro* end Baturdayat t Booth sTenue. The luncheon forbenefit of UM Home for UM Aged wm


held Tuet-ay In tht ParkMethodist Church, Tickets may be iCUTBQ iTOID M I l i B tMn. Webber's Sunday Schooldata win tponsor a thow and food salela UM chapel on the night of Mar M.The Okfcont will be hi charge of thee-ming terrlce on May IT. Cottage

-at-the-pnyermeetlng-yeaterday- washome of Mn. R Tbe-e. 4 Hollywoodavenue. Mn. Rhoda Oow of I S BUI-ertst svenue was hcttatt to tht DoneeSociety Tuetday evening. Flowers Inthe terrlce Sunday were placed byHarry W, Crane and family In memoryof Mrs. Crane.

the fsatam at <•ratal.The Dw O«i!



The Han'tPieebyUrtan 4ttrel thowlaicnuicn i

I Thursday nlfht laoi a-dftarlian. More ti and lottta attended.on waa Interlocutor

folnstn)Paol I

tdns BuUon was tbbid men were Bert 1B. Rekbett aad H. dInehjded Oeorn LtavtU. OeorgeScha-,H. UDue, R. Crocket, R. Dow, P. P,Heantaftiy and H. Stelierwalt,

Inluded O-f Prank, -e f t -frank, wTWtbeUr. _ Haas, T. Wat-

-ADAM AND rAlLSN MAN" wUl nUw wbjert ot UM Ltwou Pwinoo Inall Ohurchci o( ChrW, BetentM, onBandar. Mar 10.

TIM Ooidoi Ttxt to: "Oeaw r* tranman, wbow breath • In hi* noitalU:for whcnln It he to be aceoiinlcd oT(leaiahliatr

- —Amona'-UM citation* which oomprltathe U e w i Bruiinei la the foUowlntfran the Bible: "I bencch you there-fore, brethren, br 1h» merdea of Ood.that we prcMnt your bodies a »rtn»mottle*, holy, acceptable vnto Ood,which la your rcaaonable Mnrlcc. Andbe renewed In the iplrlt of your ^And thatyetnteo the new man, whichafter Ood to created In richteouAea

.and true hoUnea" (Romana U:l;•Dbealam 4:8 . M>.

The Leuon-fiermon alao Includes thefollowing paMafe from the ChristianScience textbook, •Science and Healthwith Key to the Scriptures* by Mary

: Baker Cddy: T h e real man la spiritualand Immortal, but the mortal and Im-perfect io-adled 'children of men" arecounterfeits from the beginning, to belaid aside, for the pr* reality. This morwtal Is pot off, and the new man or realman a put on. In proportion u mortalsrealise the Science of man and seek thetrue model" (p. « « ) .

lace and H. Rote.B. B. Ootterman was director aad

composer, and W, K. Onalerman was atthe piano. Ototwe Prank played thedrums. Stage and lighting effects iby O. B. Ra-lngsr,

The c-etwtU d o * nsteason on Bun-day morning wtth UM ekus leader, 1Lame, M inset speaker.

-iE^a«_^ssf;---«-.-_s_w ^g_«Hi£^E__Si^^£--^-£^^a--v






-WWi JM.


My Mot-Mr."

. f tm!)



ef tboee whe :

> Taylor.

JUAN'-jLsas;--^1* "site'





, HJ.tJ.af

Mn. J Mdad wtth aOte_4jrR»_T.I, at whlda «ll


Oavkl -Mi

i talk wtth i i of htttarietl anddaathterefthektelof Craaford, wttl" "

gifts sf l



1 Wahnt

t wffl tatat UM

wood, aad other Ii the big-wan aad tra«_B_ttmg eta-


' nB-

arrrnl of this i

WOKAiri GBOVF TO -DORThe Woman- Astnrittltn of UM

p-Mb-terlsn Church wfll meet to thechapel oa Wednesday at 1 p. at. Thanwill be no program. The afternoon wmbe vent In tewing to eattpMs thtyears work. Tea win bt served

John C. Steven, local realtor, told aE-tdenos at IIS

Frank Water Barald Bchafer

ken of UM :i Art:

BOMS BO»——> TO M B I1M Botrd of Adjuttmtot wm meet

at t:XI p. a*, tomght la ttM TownshipasM to eaaskkr UM appstl of Oth-l Mho lar penato-oa to convert thtBM at 1W Orange aveooe, nssr Kir.Me Arha. from a one to a two-tan_y

lt-itSecarneyTiWf a topto on safe-ty la MB-wtta wtth UM Batty Oampalgn aad mh-tmUd tt by a -or*booklet which i

AdMdetThe property it hi I



M%winvnaB t-tm^B^

"The Vole* of Busk Ann"wNh UONEL BABKTMOUMOM. TOTS. wen.



^« . . i ' ''«^ '• '* ' L J * * * ^


T Trip

W I I I I Hi I w t ill ' - l i a t - k e l i n s i »LMnw Ck_BfMd ' • « . . . 9M A, IC,B e f i i l i * T tan T t i s l t I J O P . M .

M^_flHV- TIBB«I»MM1 I H W | t f SVH|e«t Tie*


> la this stste.

Ctty. lakt-iwtU

say with a :UtheBoMi

Om to UM

l_t UM rtsuHs of catsa-i drlvtag.lA-dsnonan-oimotdthatCra--

nxd defeated both MUttcra and Or-ange to bateban and came tn teooad InUM Peaa Belays. He aho annoonUay- tandaatUMdakof theoo-eretta, Ttratss of Pemanot,- to begiven by the motie organisations andthat the High School Band will appearIn the Oranford Theater Mar U *-dU.

Principal R. A. Clement annwnwertMt Jack Pannot aad Roger Norton

were awarded honorable mtntton by UMQam and Scran Sodety for their con-trUmtlon to Scholastic Mtga_na

Marks Toethner was awarded firstprise In UM county In a potter con-test tpc-eored by UM 8. P. O. O.



, R T.

rivntrim i l

Terk iM-aOttbt'


- B - r - d B . iiO. Wa

of tht. in Inlasttlui lift

was ghrvn by wintr Lansing co-earn-ing his weekly TWU to New Tom Oot-

wt-et he to -tUndtaf a serlseof iNtarte. An i

mood OB tht, was ghen-ey Petty Ham-

Aaeleat tity el BakyMeThe aodent dty of Babylon was sit-

Dated on tat HIUs branch of i theXnphratet river. Jost north ot the mod-ern town of mils. In the Klagdea ofIng.







rLVCRTO:_ FORKED • • % _n~a tVmV;SUNDA1

• ^

1 ,'JLv, Cranford

r&um;Bttum, Ut. Porked River, 4iUP,liOhange «iara at:

_aiC__i. iii. •-• 'S_>___T^ y : «iI-«KBI>>_r«_;H_m_]l___ -.vnO




, im.laiuTes protection(xejednst Ihs Twinotesl

- poettbmtT ol danger.• TRIPALATOR

IPtC. Tm«*isecures the fines, pos*sJjblo cdoxxilsallon of theoil. Sores frorA 20% to35%lnfueL






-„-.« SUPERS



" ^"CmAMTOBD, N. J.

*TW C u m C t w t U e -BrlUta MateaaMa W. K. OUdstow

colatd tkt einMslMii T h e eaaeraeaaaot Ue" la Aagnet, lltf, dsrlag aapetea at UTerpoeL Tat speeek- triedte roost ladlgattiei ef Uw paette oterAivealaa •aatacrei at ( V l H•cpertt of the horrible tanatjelatredlblo. Tet photempkeMtay beeps ef slain AnatalaM lying


I wm be repre.

11 i

: l a the flaak ef .tte i» «Bt aat Iktn to the auditor-C Bjiptnt Mala MKUISI at 2aetwday. 'The JKmlor daw wui'T h e ' •_•_* Shop." The teml-(or nckB three wm bt held at

Othera to the ftnals In addi-to Oraaford

Ms tott

of ttMlqul.

tht winner ofbt I W l e t and a

Tkkata for the con-I any member

TO ATT-Md Oo-ttnaea-baid capsMrs. M. A. Oralf, a member of the

Oranford Boar, of Bd-oeUoc, wUl Ukepart to UM ednraHnnal eoaference tt

wObeasad BatUlday. Mrs. Cralj

of UM panel d_ci_-ptwn. group of Whioh Dr.'Ralph R Me-Oaoghsy. head of .elementary eauct-Uon of Ttaehtrs1 OoUegt k chalnnan.Tht sobject ot the dlteaMlon wui be,T h t Ohange In tht Public ScbooU"

. BOABUnr FBTBB CASEA cat* of scarM ftrer, tht tint here

In six moothti was reported Mondayto Health Ofloar WUUam J. vrUUey.Othenrlee, ttM townehlp la m a verybtatthy eondWon, Mr. Wintey

,la the streets. -Knggtratad itrddty Durlnt April ctat cast each of -chlcktnetoriesr "Ko," retorted Oladsteae. » . - • - » » . and Oerma- aeaslet n i tT b e caaere otvtr des." E__*_L

Scher's Drug Store102 WALNUT AVENUE . PHONE CR. 64)141

Qualified'Phamucist Always oa DutytoFfflYourfteKriptioas


1 Uw NArTHALCNE, o eFlake er BsBs, 1 fer__Z5C



HIT,QlSlsa. .49c





mf"? ' **"•••.•"'" • ' ! -

FountainBANANA SPOT : ' ? ' •- .V' -i,ICE CREAM SODA


We Femhire Cdrt,'. Fmert Ice Cretuu

+T«a__»;--:'-v--^j."*™ _-,.,

Black A Whit* 2 . 4 9



CnnfordSUtMIMon In thetoniwafcjtki tlntlem. Walckfor a thutootthird bate I-IMto the boa, .Tl|Ttlked and the

Summaries: •

Orlmet, rtllorian, s»4b -Uturen, 1b _—.Botullnttt. cf _

TerpaMbKublda, UPrederickeon, M •Chtndltr, e ™ _Krwmer, p — „•StllfS

•Bttted for r taWb.

8tente},cfJ. Tmchok, m _r. Ireichok, » .ZtUer, lbDtion. rfIL Yuhate, B> _IfcDonough, U .Uoulton,e _ _ _8*>rrr, p _____

Cnnford HHUOt*Pltlnneld t M W M a

Two-base -it-JeBer^T-ll l bjai-R-uifht. D(w-Je pia>- it. TWadto P. Tnechok to 8eUtr.'._«r_e_Jo«By 8warer 11. by K»_B_r«,''i«_Mballs-OS Bwarer -..Og'-SaWiMtmid pltch-Kraeratr. ttnplwe t i -»«. Boyle. ;., - 'L 1 ' -* ! '

Mttk, IfHuston, at 1_OrtQthl, 3b .Thompno, IIUncoln, lb _J. Peclna. rf .

Tlmler, cBnolclc, p

Pnderlckson. isEnrtcht, If .Msuren. 3b

1 -BotuUnikl, IfTerpok. lb

BOtundlrf. cPielhati, rfBUlw. rf . • -'0,

•;';-•» - \ *


Two-base hit, Bc*hit, Terpak; stnlen bases',»___,.~H!; base on..bal_-__.~»lcfc'«. fl- B

' i !

Page 7: WWmSE CRANFORD SCHOOL BOARD RESCINDS ...June 17, at • p. m. Diplomas will to presented to U pupils .Last year, 61 were-gradusted from this school. TOOn WILL OOKDOOT — - — the


Cnnford•ate L ,win thailor'nralfcijtki tin** im. Walekltor a ihutoaf1third base la Ilo the bo* . ,.nlked and tt»jJ


Inrltht, tt-K _Otlmei,rf —Morgan, t*-3b ~Itaurrn, *b _ _BotulnukUef —Tcrpak, lb ____Kubld*. If _fttoYrldcsonv ai •Ctiinrtlw.« —Krwmer, p — „•StllfS

-ft'' 1 >'•


- ^ • / ' " • ' •

•Batted for 1andtwafaHeithteahttfcaU.

8k-itfe},ef — .J. Ttwchok, • _r. TTOchok, » .ftller, lbDtion. rf

UcDonoufh, If .Uoulton,e _ _ _Snrrr, p ,„.

Cnnford .Plalnneld.

Two-beae hlt -JeBar^Hail i l a i i hit-BEnrlfhl.to P. iteachok to 8aUer.'.Btra*JoatBy swaicr li . by KrHaaaT-fc'JBaaj <balb-Off Bwarsr a..*tt'Xnmmiwild pltch-Kraaaar. TJanplws tnaflto. Boyle. . . . 1"-':_i'-*f •-


Jack, itHuston, u L_OftQUu, 3b .Thompson, ItLincoln, lb _1. Peclna. rf .

Tlmler, c ..Bnulclc, p .

Rcderlckaon, atEntlght, If , , ,Miunn. 3b

| -Botullnikl, UTHnak. lbt*rton, J b i _ i _WalctoC*»ndlrf. c _ _Pltlhau, rt8Ulw irr.

MTIWIIIIMtolharptot*.: "Al"

* tone tanr-whan *mteaay P<9 fly ta abort

m a OrWaa war* i 'TtattaietttM,lBm»tiro«f

AMOaddhada;sr, a*r«tthttM

111 jdatttlUaTtt tft tVlfatnt

A . D a d d , p _arUMtK,B>.Bato.itafiMhtef.

tt» aaw-Mal OaM. Bar kaaaiBa,




* .MeUer, t f .

aarnaaMB aa* caaam aar a * «ta.•ttthtax near* aastataaai aa 11

BUaax eobam wltta • aBa aat * Btrips to tt» part* Jar a A i BMnaje.Bddto Markowkk. «tth • M a t la asrf- 1 li |i lull ikiltoi

W. PoeWtr, H .<Matht,a«_-DsoHeMaa*Ut.a>O. Poattkr. la>.Katkankb. B>.AnftooB.ef.




^ |U-| ir»**•• Tf



1 , i

Osan. tb

A.Jpnet,ef—K. Jonaa, Jb_B.BaBwD,et ,


BlefcAlb —tattir.U JL.j.P«aaa.U>.B.'Drey<rt as.OBlBirct •-i-.mpaT*«.k-O. Bnr<r. e*»«npak.b —Whakn. rf —.B.Dreyer.p-


WtJifhldCnnlord ~ «

Two-baas hit. £2U±ZXbit, Terpak; atoli!; base on..ball«-«a. WfcJcfc'4,,««1WS! ilruckout-14 5. Drnptna,!


Anderson, p .•Batter _ _

' • 10drtmea sod

B C t h B V . .tastr tanrtta sport 1

Tneadajr,- and WMatMMr wmtbeWatehtuw Mdtaattabteattton Oounty Park onrniiilsalnii. ,Instruction will M oflared rlden eachof these m n t a f s wtthout efaarat.

T, N. Tuny, nauafirr of the atabte.Ul be asabasd to tnttruetlnf erenlnj

rldern bgr Man Both Wilson, of BUa*-beth, and J, Alnalee Smith, of Summit.

Mr. Tally atatas that twstmaa people-who are buy during the day And these

afford an opportunityfor Improvlnf tb*lr bonemanihlp at a

for them.

HEALTH FOODSMate ihs tea that i n l i n Iks aen

rty a eaa M a n NtMacv ate tk.rare Maple »yne». He at.

BBfv sMMalBVaB MAvBT a # B V «*«

Try a Onset Wswer wMk 8*ya«aMaeareailleaktv -


Tiliaia nartd *nd Hart

nataoty, » .PllUCllMal* rf >

Tithe, eBteketta, tf-B> ,OuaUa,as _ _Scott, H ^Kocnlto,3b-3b.POUCWplaV lte •>•M a r » h a U l , p _ _

AJ1UIU N. T. t%Attsist Wednesday t «ra«p of French

to Unr Tark to met Katheitea OoraeUM Oeonjs Bernard BhaWs "Saint

av" Taaas In the partr «era »ban, BWe Meier, Betty Albury, LoUnfl. BesMoe Manae. Both Odd-K. Matte flacsmy. MOdrad Bchubel,

Aaea Whste, Oannle OBIas, Murieltey. Ula Mokaratl. Doris Wolf,

Merest tanks, Helen Orrok, and Jean

Trlptfi IrfcttHa and l


U i i-"-*i «O11C


Cuaalili Uaa at »arls«a, Bat*,


am laa aWr > ;



M tka ana k< ianm___kMhsa tom In srdar to pnaatt irttor-tout not trpwth. Tbt lawa a w thanaa awid asfynasuUy M astlrsd. pro-

hsitht at outttttf la ma Inchorlonaar.rlntr, ,Tb« lawn anttoitaat k toeltoed to

tort smaVamMy oWer U»»o

or LoatiMr Ufte-lOc

• BROAD H i n t








RMI Estate & hmimnce Dcpt Crmnford Tnut Co.



A. Dadd.;p —K. OrOHklb'-

«rAH.urt ^1011.00


phone habit and 700*8 End one of your moat important

hoinehoU >-•*•• takea onTrj llw mininiuin time aqd effort,

with moat MtUiavtoij lanka. -,. • *.




for «i .'Wthe-Job" tntl2 ? ' V-8 T*uck out ovtr yoor o m nwltf^TnKkp^upyowk*-t~i ^*; twto, hauHog your own to«i;_'_

a.ToacncactaiBMiU>/Tot provei V4 perforevance, tffidtney, ecooomy.

"Iiyr(3BT;<For<li;y^Trudoi are bdntj ^nii^'Forf'd^er^bffity^p/M^ew lad'

^^iboaihLi^tjai&t^^Maxitold^' , vaiw»MmUthat^veevtnsrnootheroper*

truck opermton who fry before they buy.

Tb«e owner. tavmVbttn-tod to Mm

to aaleaariumento-they are.ehposjnf wm^yne»r^-rsf~ - - - ^5^-,, - w< -i(«





*?!*_* Iff

ttheSOhooepower Ford- **

modern haiiKnf. ThatIbwUcaaredcaiiiMdtoiaeattOftofaUhaid- . ^ j

inc naeda. awl buUt to atajr on the Jobl . „- .vNow, fa the Ford V 4 Truck far'1998,1 | |

i ^ V l f a d

" * " * •St""WliS1*"

J . - * ,'•

Page 8: WWmSE CRANFORD SCHOOL BOARD RESCINDS ...June 17, at • p. m. Diplomas will to presented to U pupils .Last year, 61 were-gradusted from this school. TOOn WILL OOKDOOT — - — the


| — f TT~i~H| « • « * • *entaaje»a»i v»^^^^™ —.... v .

Tax ooiiecior H U M r. anrdv. May.or D*«I4 J. H. M n v . MttluB Qnufder. Charles Uhmao. WWto Oarroeh,* , M M * <**, ncmm p. twuaia.

Barbara Tittup*.

an May M lauiwtenartan on Worth avttwa.

Lettm to tt»Bdttor. ClUm and Otawaelt,Dear Sir:

My attention hat been oaued.to tbenut U u t » rtciout tlltmpt to dtoandttthe Oampalta OwaiiiUtt of tbt Oar-wood Repobuean Cub la betaf n t a j bytbt leaden of a remnant of tbt Oh*tVpubllcan L e a w by obvalethw a re-pjon that I wet turned down a* » < " •didete tor Ooooty mmaiilHn to euo-owd myself, at ttur

Thai report la posltivtly untrue andI wtah my Mends In tbe Borottgb toknow that tar

' are In no way political 1 requested tbtCommittee not to consider me at acandidate Uua year.

Apparently the OMe League feedersare at a tots to seU theirtbt ratere on merit, and btve weariedto thctr umial custom ot falsetlons about their opponents and theiraponson. Right minded people win notbe sold on such propaganda,In order to spike any rumors that Inot In harmony with tbe mumaiinl tobrim about party-unity hi the ranksof the Republicans I trisb to publiclyannounce that tbe movement bat myhearty support and I earnestly tottctttht support of my many friends In theBorough to art behind thefor party unity and vote for the ean-didatea who are pledged to that prin-ciple.

Smoerely youra,Oladyt OolweU Btttfen.

Bdttor, Oitten and Ohroolele.DearBlr:

On April A I filed a petition forcouncilman in the Borouth ot Oar-wood. Ttota Information hat not beenejhen to the prat* tar tone unknown

I seek the endorsement of the Be-puhUoan voters on Primary Day^atay1». i m , running at an. Independent Sa-

in inbmiUuit my name to the Totere,I tally apprticlato the ratpnnilhllltloithat would be mm* tbookll be akwtoeVI am thirtyJnlne yearnof ate, weidt at«t Third awnue, married, hare ochild; Und m Oarwood tar U yean.am a contractor and at the pnatntt h n e i am bulldtnf my borne ai MThird avenue;' I bare ban/an aettMmember of theOarwood

have taken keso interest In Oarwaodand feel that the tone hat arrived whenindependent candidates should ipublic oflke. ,

The taxpayers must bediarueted trlththt conditions we tod today with Ttri-ous candidates jumping toon one tideto the other Just to be elected. ,

As an independent candldaU X amnot tied to any poUUeat clique nor winI permit the offfce to be need to pro-mote any. one's personal ambition toget a political Job, but will lend «veryeffort I can to assist tht people of Oar-wood, who after an, bava to per .thebull. . • .•.If elected to Council I win support

only that kind of legislation that winbe a direct benefit to tht groatnl HIher of people., In the Borouth a n d ! a»-

. sure you of a- progianlya; artnunlstra-tun of Borough eJtau*y<r.-. --' .

, -••->>. ii^AWnK-Bohubtrt.

fdaathtor, Mary, oa

:t J h t o ^

««»*»,*. A, »t wan* «•»•*<( t A M TaaTaaV « • *•* - - * #

FMhiw»»ieB»tfWi' &# -»&^~_,.;;, -"..


Uyh, BarryKaon, Harry

inkiie at the>T. A, teak ebane «f the ntttag at

osndy. Mn. Barry Bntd. Mm. Jetorkad n the)

eonttettot ofMrs* JCtad, laW MneMt Johnson. I

ehUdm dU • floe job of ticket atfflng.The 1 A, JA and »A clanareasb MMwall orer arty Uobtts. '


A hew relief with

keen atttbHsntd by Boroufh OouncB tbandit an local relief eaan, tt la an*

Tbt Iormer onanbatka hatshed.

Approtimately «4JM0 • atamabte f ortwiti pttrpoMet lnvf t OBwiott PfMMniiaferru Oonkttn, chairman of the A.

hae antwonosd. I t khoped that the Borout h wm be able tonuance relief out of current ooUsouons,without borrowuw after tbt MPtS


attk.' Ml fast* mja:tnt-|tbatnttlon. Tlwktwm,hila^mtLnUthatOawamni

rat Tw-

in «tbeOartnatl

private p ^ \ B W e i jnatter to tha Onwaai n a m « f v

Tbt MM- OMnat ate. eV Bwjof Aaaarlea, htU a IWBNHM « n ijhA^^—jt^^i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ A ^ ^ A -#wghafeMJMJt% MB? fll

•PReanTv ! * • > « « « • i- aV tT*V t*»WJ>n> • » *M

waepneentedtoMn.aPhaafl• • m m . mM AVaiVm^diTafar eVattV taVaaffat ftl••wVannTaT eaV w* tFaTvMtwj ' ^aje> 0a>aw«vB m

by Mn. Uwranae.af OieaHnVdoor prtet wee t a t kr Mba

The mat I• t t ,

I wm be beat]

•t , AnnW Ohwrea w « bold a notrty Monday wenmt. May 1*. at t inchurch. Many vataane prtan vnt be

The Hu AapteMejnaOlviFbtU MjreaMar keir r & y j m a m t a» tbt

There are now approximately forty-B»t famasM on the reUef roUt, and It Ithoped to be able to redact this nambtr

tWaiMy w»Mn a few weeks. *mjrelief appneaut wttl kt thorooshr/ fav


Three Oarwood pRobsra ailed tostan the tidtofhits at tbe Me> leibasted Oarwood at Wwtaanco Park in

fcawdhatfnptwon.lt to 4.The Bmorant aot atatotn fctto off the

aanrttd oBertaea of Steve and JohnBanyan and Jack I<ton«rd..lnclodmfa ooabU and two singles by ('Iwtf.De-~ not. One Of.nlne httt allowed by•Btbt- kOtchen wat a fall-blown hom-er by Joir Banyan, while Jack Btoeklehad around tilnpatftt: tbt- vtnncn.


Btotekh,ef;Pont,cf i i .



McKesn.B>.Her, If


J. Banyan,*.8mart,lb.John Banyan, e-p ,Poesvyk, rf ,.*,„ —& Banyan, p'lUeonard, p ..„,,; „,

. o - ; o .

• lannei^

i.'VJJ, . . \

sw«>..'»/.. .> fctatiawsn--! I.VS=-I-J

tbt Instructor. WknilH wtn betopic for the next few neetmav PI

vmade and apprvred to- bald a hirid* Saturday tveotng. Jnse «, to 1MBHopatconc.AamallteewmbtebiThe nest meeting wtu be btM Ptvwnc.May « . at the hone otUnUtabeth Crook otAfter tbe mteUog art oaf* was ea-loyed by than present. The — —

mded: Ma* a k qtMk. Im Manketh;- Mn. B.-W.

advtstr: tbt mean Oaarhai


The SA pupUt bare bean workingbetter oral lamuace work. Twaard thteend the cnOdrm choose a tapes of ta-tenst and then providt nach Oasttrf«naaittel.toafa»T,toaa»eten. 1btei tepnta tsivv InendwA? '"Bwadtby Baity Packer? "War ttevnain.^Done Muhi -Oermany," by Max

tnldtn "Slate." by Mat atinMiaohoslovakk,~ by Joseabaoe PM

•Mh weak lb» e a n chootn the Ioral report and tt la then gnvnbeltha other ftftbgradn. „• .'

In the IA iitmrnmi tbt pajflt ce


'.£s&^ laeJi s»« •

mt — mt :

• •)»ti

• •ratal

tfaaat M tW i

Tbt Ob* J

Attaanati•ftygarh. Ati teM by Mn.



Standard Lumber & S m l y Co.MASOW MATCWAL

bsl*.{. • " « _ . •


' I t V J a M M l M n a f A > * 4 " "" *-*•-*-

a. • f>*Jl.a|i J ^ i % # • »Jw w


[**'}- -i«XAiMj«AN^it>|gWricn iN>Kfi«ar^:aMti •iS:,-

n. la. h* aX at mti.«r teat aae



1st a aaetaaHiAnSwOM.

AnawOr* anMtt Anew

2rssi *• •*•

IMS tU.lt

j b a s slat Ikwni M Jta. IM Ksrtk Mkja

m lum O. V»s'lll'Liitiit>.*5S, aat SBWI OMatr llitwM* OsMestr*

ud »mr urnd J N

>t ( I t t l 14 UU Art!

i N K i l .tth Ii, M4 nwt*

, tlCBt Hit

t. J. BtXMktJI C I Tttl


stenans OB Baraare! ATK. CMHront


1. .~'1 . ,




*» Hat etnet.a«d i m p ) , i . m

Tbt (ofthaTi 1Oompaajr wtUWroenowbawj_There are aeiaral iwhich wlD I

the old IopenC Farley. <era, the i _ .belnc looked for to ptey the hareThe hkjh ttiht ot feat a n e w wJO-J Tictory oa«r the WtltaialCompany, >hMB|*nw ot the tod

Perth Anhoy.

The wgniar BMnthty umtlugRepublican Ob* on Priday nkdtn part a polittoU ratty, at nw

prtsent. Tnty wtm Xathartne 1candidate for alliniatt: Btnry 1aunty clerk fanrlMaht; and iasiembly cangantM.

by the chair to work for the electthose candidate! endorsed by thi

KcnUworth fane wltntniH the•gune of the a n e w on Sundaythe locals played and lost atune to a nine from BttabethUwuth KenDworth will not bearnted In one of the todnttrnl laUinaier Ondeua tntondt togamee for the week-endt durta

aorrtuLi. LOOTThe local aoftban leacuenow in

ress of creanhntion htdnoae thlortni teams: Variety Shop, Vote

. Works, Kenilworth:»M(TS.


The Reconstruction Plnanoe Oatlon has aothorind loans forUnion County to the. amount ot3W.MU2 of whkh tlBJoMOl ha.ditbursed on Pabroary SV UM, at&g t o Ml **1*M**>>fT?tlTllit IDaM

Churlea Ediaoa, State Dtndor f

in addtUoa to tale amouncomty recehwa Be share of funthorhed for o n by tbt PederalBanks and other atendea of theCredit AdmlnbtraUon. and of andisbursed by the Corporation tofor relief upon certification of pathe Federal avanjwqr anUtf Adtnlion. The total amount of eoeh-anthorised to M4tJjaUMJ» ofU.m«SjeM( had-been dhtanof February J»>iaje, ' y •> "-

By Act ot Ooocran approttdair 31, u n , tha Ufa of the Beoottlon Finance Oorporatloa wat cM to February 1, l « n . Amofs&etkns la that of akttnit to t»rrtcuJtore, OMuntrta aod todat" 1 a« to prorkle amareency finfadllUet for Onanekl tnetttstkn

'' CSatatta'' CkaaaMT&t eTldeaee* tbat, eflaietlc

'loos ntTt.cauitd la UM Arcti«Utctlc looee U mainly feototiU bellerd that tnpkafendttloiWM u far aortb at Orecntaet»w th« (Uetal epoch*." Rema

sl ,nd Tetttaglettife haved la these retiont which u>

once tbe • climate Watil to permit of their growt

^ tmaiij <ui. iTha celllncot tbe old Dmry

"wat«r. In London, watpelated «r*"t Ua sky, wtthcloodean"Jal tatildt and "ehernbt. .'MM" lor «at Immediately abort p»«W ln.u,, itUery.'tbty.Twepr ^ L*?""* •fc»la»*B.f O«t •*** the appelbtlon>nallery to««l«Mt« those occoOTlnj t h e l"»«• lo s l b t e * S H i

Jltty faid^rl^kS,(*'««»J<UHct,,waltalow

Mi h l? ( n b>»i tbiea ef tbe2™ i taat U '

Page 9: WWmSE CRANFORD SCHOOL BOARD RESCINDS ...June 17, at • p. m. Diplomas will to presented to U pupils .Last year, 61 were-gradusted from this school. TOOn WILL OOKDOOT — - — the


A M saaaasaaaaaaa^t^itjvi ^"^""^^^^P f_^

taTjShAMr if *Mi MML «&•

HMMRWICompany wtOWjue now h *

which win

the aidopenc. rarity.thl thebeing tooted tar to patyjbt hero tot**.TM ugh ikfak «f i n t HMOB we* tfa*JO-J rktety oMr theCompany, rtMUtoM. «( tht tatatoWLeague of Perth

•ad Otkti lUi.m a aahl In IW n»atfard A w » ifc<vtIf aawlkm aal btalat tiaatlai <* U Mtr- l» IMI Im i

a akto liar «i »mua•aadnd a><l tlrti;

IMI ftw l» Id. Ml

Tht regular tannthly muling of thtRepublican ( M a H M w BUM Wasto part • pout**! rally, M ttvtral otthe countypresent. They wencandidate far ntieritUi; Beary Hulton,auntr clafc cudUate; u d M n ltaembly

Actm. .by the chair to work far tlw election ofthose candldttoi endarttd by the dub.

of > v c M l s

ofta a Junior in ta Rosen* Puk.lehoal *ad was • * ! to ha Frta-Brown* MenUnr daring htr

At oatjrt hwitpf on


on the foQowtog catatO. Booth, Ml Ota**was fined «3 and costs on a

a car with Uuiiuiitf

Ml Worth aTtnu*.CiaBta4,'«M lined • ) and eocU on aetmav .'<•! paMfcof a itop BIHL

Ltadtajr B U H M or 1M D a m ptam,Cnatovd, m Hold M and coati an a

t i tt opanttni a car without

Kenllworth tan* wltiimiH thdr flnt«ame dt th» MMOO en Sandar whanthe laeaU pland and lo«t a x«n«dpine to • nine tram B a a M h . Al-UutKh KenHmtth wOl not to itpn-trnled ta one of UM indatMal taarm.UiMier oardalkk tntand* to bookgame* for the w*tfc-«nd» dortnf the

•onruixuMrThe lood nftbitl leacne now In prbf-

nss of of autaartlon Indodai tlM fot"Vrwlnj team*: Vulrtr Shop,Voloo Win

. works, Kenlhwrth Wmmu. and Way.»M(TS.


Sam Meobo m Dntd $1 and oodaon a eaaiia ot npamttng a trailer wtth-outptmta.

J H. UeOta of Kb. Kraft batfOed c h a i m asalnat Mwatd l l a p r ofMtwark of mlateprliwulatfcai with In-tant to defraud. TUB eava «tU be beardPttday nltnt.

M7TOIES PAKIMTS DATOwr WOO parento and Menda ot the

Butejen' Unlrenitsr itndeot body* anomber ot them from thta Tldnttr, a nexpected to attend tlw Tenth AnntulFarenU* Day mireto» at Ratcen onSunday. A new featora of the p n p uwill be a choral neper amice by chainot ButomvKew York Dnhrentty andLafayette Opllett. Dean rruer Iftt-m K U dettrer the addrett at the »enr-tce« to Klrkpatrlek Obapei. A reotp.Uon wffl be held' on Btehop OtraputBonday atterooon.

The RecomtrnetJon Vtaanea Oorpora-tlon huamhartad loan for w e mUnion County to the tmount at $U>3W.MU2 of whkh tlBjDMOl had beendltbuned on Pabroj»7 *v UM, aeeord.tUS to Ml a\»i>mm ffffflfHit f^f*1f bChiirlea Ediaon, SUte Dfencter for the

in addition to thai amount thecounty Retried tta share of funds au>thortad for o n by tht Federal LandBtnki and other agenda, of the FarmCredit Admbuttratloo. tad of unxmtadisbursed by the CorporaUon to tttatottcrreUefiipcacertifleaUonotgraotiby• h » Tai I s s i l •<«__,—.__,-._-„- VAaaltaaaV a> aaaaKaaaktaar•*•** JrCQCTvLa aBBVaTaVBaaDGjF aVaMaavaV JaaaHamtUwOaW

tnlion. Ibt total amount of aueh funds-anthorhed at M 4 t t m r K » of whfcha U I T T M K •aaa»«aaay..«u- J m afllHalatMejatatatt t j e

ofPehroaryJixim. '>" • >--By Act ot Congrats approvtd Jaou-

aiT31.1i%thaltfeo<theBeconttrttr>tlco Finance Oorporatlao wet eontnvM to February 1. HOT. Among tt*function* hi that of aiding to ftoanottfrtcultait, Mtvmtroe mwtA liiliitiilT MwdlaitotKOlUe. for tmandal moUtntlona.

nT&t eTldeoee* tfcet, eMtjeUc eoadV

"on* 1I«T« ctaattd la UM Arctic andAntarctic xonea U malabr geologic. It> belleTed that tropical eoadtUooi ex-WM u fir aortb ai OreenUnd be-«»wn th« (Uebl epoch*." Remain* of• l o t l and Tetetablettlfi hive been[pood la these redone which Indicate•ut once tbe climate Wai warm

to permit of tbeir growth and

^ tmBiif <uia,Tha celilat.ot tbe old Drory Una

""••ter. In London, watpalated to na-RMit Ue. »ky, witVclooda anditbe

_«mal cnplda and "cbernba. rBlnee the«uu « „ immedUtoly abort pertoot

1 tt " I l " M15? *?•"* tki^aedt-f- O«t of thla

. r e j the app«JUtloo,r»an*ry todt",'tofcfeut thoee oecopjln* tbe-al*heet

0m>*<» am dtltoila.walto low

M • " " " I f tboaa ar tkaoaa ar tka aardatea.

ot UHf plataaaad foe*.noekytHNatilB itftoi. •

EarlyThe flret aieileaa drllltatloa .of

which remalu hare been found range*three to ten thonaand year* ago.

WM<1 TfcU I W a ' l lUtQoebncho wood, frown In

Una, doe* not rot, thus being prac-tically everlasting.

•mui i l from TtowniMp of Onion andmntUt for break down ehovmf itemsentof to make «p U N Te* for DWrWOoort was refernd to PlnanM Oom-

fromBattdrng and Loan AendaUon Of Rah-

. retaining wan alongbrook at MWtet Scott arenue, was re-ferred to Bridge Committee.' DWrlbuiton of Dbtrlct oourt Ttawas received from Union Oounty TaxBoart and .ordered filed.

from Leo' Blumbergof Jersey Otty wtnptatnhai ot condi-tion of Vauahan Road teat of Burnettavenue, wa* referred to Road Commit-• cOommunkaUon from Township ot

iprlngfleld agnttog to have BbortBUs avenue re-nrlaced and grounddram* built wa* referred to Road Oam-

A*rke from the Oounty dierk ot thetemporary appointment of James B.Taylor to lath* m Becticn Work wasrefernd to Plnaoee OommtUee.

Advice from the Oxmty Clark, totalBection Diahieta tor l*M-MlH totalElection District* for ltM-Ma, was re-cetred and filed.

Advice from Judge Waldman of theappointment of Letter Recht ta OonOdentlal Agent was referred to FinanceCommittee.

Oopy of reaolutlon from Union Ooan-tjr Welfare Board fixing talary of Di-rector at ttAOO per annum a* of April1st, int. aod to be Increased July Ut,ISM, at »tMM per annum, wa* re-ceived and filed.

Monthly report* of Pinchasini Agent;Rome DemonitnUon Agent; OountyPhysician, Oounty Engineer; PublicProperty. rinwwMia *>n«i' rV? **1^ Oom*mKtee and Wrhjht, Long and Oo,CAudtton), were received and filed.

Report and Retohittoo by Road Com-mittee recammendmg La Orande ave-nue, Panwood, be taken over asOounty Road, was adopted.

Report and Resolution by Road Oomitttoo recommending Jersey avenue

from Bmore tveaue to' West 'End ave-nue and West Jersey street, from WettEnd avenue to Cherry street hi the

ctKOaejsj fitMK o g

octnpneja1ogi"neinrl that inaeniB ^oatpowea, waatod gaaoUne. Para Oil

htcn ' a scientllio'- oonvpcaaalon gmagm which ahowa:tne>

oynndsjg* Saeihom jo*



i .•

Committee ap-of Letter Bteht

Onfldential Apnt, at a atiaiy ofI1MW rfir**in*m_ waa adopted.

n)**Qluttau | y VlnaBot OommtttttoMgneitofl In eddtttan to those detig.nttod hy neotatkn January 3nd, IM,whereto Bay be kept public monlta otthe Oounty, tht following depositoriesRoettle Park Trutt Otmpany, UnionCenter National Bank and First Ra-tional Bank of Bourn, was adopted.

BatranUm by aptdal Committee ontbe death of formtr FreehoWer Droes-cher, wit adopted by a, standing vote.

there being no further bastaese andupon motion of Freeholder Oehrtag,the Director declared tbe Board ad-journed until •nmrtday, May l«th.im, at 3 p. m.

OHAB. M. AFFUDOK.Adv. ' Clerk.

Winners of pastes, to tbe CraafardTheatre for correctly answering ques-tions ta last week* ueue of this paper.were: B. Bracken, XI Hlllcrest avenue;Kathleen Okell, • WUtow street; Oath-eryn Ooe, 104 OmUinnlal avenue; Doug-las Lltk, aoi Orange avenue; Prand*Cbeatman. M( Wad* avenue: Oharte*Robertt, • Beech street: Robert E.Brrnea, Ma Wide aveuen; Michael Mc-Nerney, UJ Benjamin street; EugeneHurter, SOB Eun street; Salon Lawrence,312 north Union aevnae. Oorrect an-•wen were: t, aXnkkerbocker Ice Oo.;3, Lehigh Ooal k Bupplr Co.; 3, Chris-tiansen; 4, B. J, Etehlnger; 5. Brennan*j Ttiye; .and A, RanUn and Jahn OoalCo.

"When a man knows more dan Idoea," uld Uncle Rbeo, T s wlllln' tolisten. When be know* lest I listensanyhow so aa not to waste loformatloadst he wouldn't appreciate."

. fe«tt; . . .

*J*a a^Bjeah. thtat^hilBt ffeMMid. Mttry ftoit'to wQ MM w h m to •*!

H.a*a0 to tht banaa wta ettvt hh

at»e.vitHta K. * O. t .- •=the abbrevtuoa •- * «. M. ttaadt for

erren ta« ttalmtatw eicepted. ThisWna apptarlag tpea aay katadtltttlemiai aectllvtt aay nprmaitUtaef tbt tne' faraMlag (be itaietwalthat It It tlwnliuiy trcttraia, lit at*attaint tbt one raralthlng the seroenlfrom ptneatl liability for error* la thetUtnaeat ether thaa tbnat due to fraud*r wilful Dlarrpreanitatloa.

feerttse eao4M*ec ee. mAK_OtorHAJICt to Aaaad Aa OrdtaaM \

I aad iraalm akall o. aad

a atrtat friJ-iJSSrmZlvr?*"* *U aaalaalae aa. tka aartkntr aid* at Oak»a4 ltT>;p*ail UMraki dwaal amalr-laar

a Mekknt AnM W a mm&mir elranUaataw IIMaMa at Mkklsu AWIIM IwiTkStniW ai4

IW Sit M M I patoi; UMaca Martlaf traai

.^k^wJtVxsrb SSL..L Tkaaaartlaa at a alai liaad aa tka mat-

arJ|MaMa aTilklilsta AnaM aad kwaatd at

alda tr Kattk Itad ttrwt, aa |na fcautk t)4o krCaataf ttt»H aad oa ika etat tMa b» Ika * Maclr Uaa at laid MMlltta AfMat.

t. Lala I. I. I, 4 i r i f l aad Lott 14, IS. M,r tad U. all la aiark IM ia ikawa aa Ikat a i Mapa ^ Ika Bwaask at Xaallwank.

4. IM 1. I, 1, 4 tad I tad Lou 14. U. 14.It aad M all la I W I III aa M a i oa 'Tai Mtpa M Ika aoroua* at KnUamtk

i. UOB, n, n.ti. tt, », ii, it, u,14. » . M, JI, l«. II. 41. 41, it, 41. 44. ii, 41,4T. U. 41. tt, II. II. M. ti, ii. and M ail laBlock IM aa abMta aa Ika Tai Mapa att x m t i of Ki»ilwonh

a. Lai i t ta Hack IM aa ikawa aa tka TaiMtp< of UM Boraatk at Xiallmmk.

I. U4 1 la tloell IM aa aknni aa UM TaiMtpa at XU aonoik t> Raallvartk.

Tkla ortiatBt. ilall uka tfait tfi.r puM|.eatlaa, haaiaw aad Baal puaara la Ika auaarrpcafldad ar Um.

Tka akafa ardinaara wtt paaaad ea Hi M•dial al a ranUr aMauat of Iks Marar aadnauaon CMiartl Mil TlMadajl, April II,

UM. tad ardarad adiartltad for a pubflt baar.aw aad taal aaaaata aa

TVCtnA'at I!M r. *

la UM OaaadlN ' f

Daladl Aprtl M, III*.

DAT, MAT 1«TH. 1>M,'. M. (DailltM tafias TUMII Ckaa^.^Cnatklitlt. taalf.

AUODtT 1. BTAHk.•| dark



THIS WEEK >.fatty the (ajssttoaa teatw. Tlata aaal the aati im to theto CM* hwat ef the CttOMM AMD CRROMICLK.


to tht

, to tht Crmpe- AKD. UMOWIUJt tea**, U - U

noted ta tbt

to H U H to UN

tfat*tf titbtr

ef an typm «f j• B U M or MJ par esot more thin mtht nnl time ttanthl of hut year.

SCBTWARtstort1 TO aVIAKOokmel Monaan Mtwarakopf, bead

ot Mew Jertty atato roUet and thtHonorable Riehard Rartsnome, Oom-mon Pleat Judge of Et tn Oaunty, wtUbe two of tbe tptaktn at tbt Nth an-nual Stoto T.M.O. A. Oonvtntion mAsbury Park, May JJ, 3J, »4, This an-onuncement wa* made yesterday byOtto Oarpntor of Westneld, Chairmanof the Convention Committee. -Otad-ing Youth or Ortatlre Lrrtng- win bttbe keynote of tbe ODnveotlon. Out-

nding leaders of vartoui tranches otyouth guidance tettvUtoj ar* bttag ap-proached to apeak at tht eoOTtntion.

]leto Uea t h e . Veaaa '

Tba wMtt tat, «Wt% la aa aMa»

tint DMrtr4—rw S I M WaakkMMa An-

„»<5^I DMnrt-Oata-a (UnW Kalha, Htktlnal tad Kaallaank aaalnardL ^ ^

Apccarj. aTAjrL, .•••"at. 4*ntSalad AarU t t , I M .

The operation of EUetrolux ts SILEN1—potttive proof that it hat no machinery atallt And that's why it's the only refriger-ator that can offer all these big advantages:

• No awwntf parts to woor• Lasttac offlcteMy• CowUwid low oporattmg cost• FMRMI food imtectioH

t t a t p v l W K



. IT-8 the utUr.simplicity ot ee- Already, more than half a iI troluz operation which maket pea- American lamlUa* have ihotea Met-slblelU permanent aUence... make* x tnlux for Its big unmatched adpoariblt, too, famou* Ckctrolux ef- \Uget listed above. Tba ISM ]fldsney aad ttvmct, A Hay gaa trnlirr tifftrt tTtn mnrt In ereiburner takes tbt plaet ot all morlaf coavttjaveandbatuty.fttilheaawputs |B tnkramarktbl* refrigerator, moottacaiutpiayatour*

tht (heat

rOaa Affeaotm at Uwar Oat,ft ^ -»* .n J ^ r r fi t^ t

EUZABETHTOWN«5Wj5*«-»ir4-*i i < l ^ - f A i H i «

Page 10: WWmSE CRANFORD SCHOOL BOARD RESCINDS ...June 17, at • p. m. Diplomas will to presented to U pupils .Last year, 61 were-gradusted from this school. TOOn WILL OOKDOOT — - — the

OBSERVED MAY » - »Pappy CM sffl aa •**»**tord tMeitat- e»Frbtar (a t (tar A^^ ^bmv A J ^ ^ A . a*% aa%%i» -fla^afannnnnmf *ai BL_

aaaaaF efltAaM ftiMtMHa*HaV^|PPa»aaw«?l»a»wW»«tb»W*rta»WrtantBaml *w»M ijg**) _a^adjl|^aa^s>d aaanWafaftafW* « * W

•aty ay the Cnafard MS, Ml, ** tt*• •iMii.n '—— *——«— Tbajbav

a. Mutton, T t n w M. MWr. M M KKernel). M B M M M. TomaMlo, BMt *.Van Haat nanattr OaviM • ! « • • • • •

and lira. Helen Batoat WoodruB.


• w » by imaiiear iwrtwn i t— «>•Auxiliary tta* tad wuuerattot orgaaf

-Poppy , * * - «m o e M MtM Buaai* to the hoataathroughout the day,»od • « »«•»to tm oyOftat ihuwtaf ewtoriL

for the n U n of thtlllabled veteran* and needy tamOita of

veteran wffl bf aaked to "the flower*.

-Wearing tha poppy I* a penonal tri-bute to the men who gave tbetrUvaian the country* aervte*,* Mra. Oiutatlinaald. "By having a poppy on the coaton Poppy Day. an can ahow that theyatm remember and boner tht tacrtnea*nade for America during toe WorldWar. The poppy k the flower wtikhbloomed on the battle field* what* theyfeU and on Poppy Day tt Nooma twainover the patriotic bearte where they,are remembered.

"Wearing the poppy also give* thewearer a part In the va*t work carriedout by the American Legion and Aux-iliary for the wart Uvlng victims; thedisabled, their famlllea and the famil-ies of the dead. Kvery penny contri-buted tor a poppy go** to the supportof thl* work, the bulk of the money be-ing uted here In Crantord to the wel-ltre aetrvltiea of the local Legion Postand Auxiliary Unit.



of Union Oounti


A rally to promote the tatamti atthe joint candidate* of the Clean Oor-ensnent League of Union County andthe OrganteUon Republican League,will be held Tueeday etentof Is Btaa-btth. under Uw auaptcea of the CleanOorerament group.

Thh announcement wat nude byKenneth C. Hand, pnetdent of the

to recognlat-theu' own i t s la lending acandidate to the General Aatanbly bylira. Kathertoe If. Card, candiflaUi tornomlnaUon on the Organisation Re-publican League ticket, aatd thiabefore a tarte* of ntaUnK In Colon,Springfield, Linden and noatue,

"Women of Union Oountr ihouldT i i * * women, ft ha*e the womenvoter* of other coanttta," itld Mr*.Card. "Talon 1* one of the few large-ly-populated countiea of New Jeraeywhich M i r ha* had a woman In the

it Republican Partycandldatoa fromhad women

Pataafc, Bergen, Camden and llorrltoountlea and the Democratic Party fromHud*on and Paaaalc

"Why doee Union Oountjr Jig behindhi the Important matter of a womanrtpr«amtattT*t When tiara la a bigJob of chic or public wort to be don*the women are called upon to do their I (tared In tt, eettmated by Fire Chiefthan. We do tt cheerfully and wffl' William TunJton at about WOO, Therngly aa we stand for the Oner thing*1 alarm wai Bounded at t : « p. m.

Oovemment League after ameeting of the advbnry commlttat ofthe League to the Berth Tower Build-ing. According to Mr. Hand InvttaUooewin be extended to Senator Letter H.d e e of! i County, and Franklin W.Tort, frm"*—" for delegate to the Re-publican National Convention, to ad-dna* the gathering.

AS of tat league canrlMatei. wboaraoppoatog the Hoftman-Lotaaux faction,wlQ appear and apeak briefly. Mans forthe meeting a n to tha band* at fourcommittee*, the chairmen of which are:Speaker*'. Carroll K. Seller*, Oarwood;publicity, a . Clifford Tbomaa. Hha-btth; entertatonMnt. Arthur Jomma,Orantord, and arrangement*., WHUam

' D u n c h . Oarwood.Mr. Hand said that at the mtetioaj

aO Republican voter* who an not un-der TtHigii""" to the "Boftman-IiOla-eaus poUtieal machine" would be urgedto aopport the candidacy of Mr. Fortand the League tlate of canrifaiitr*

g .1 S«l>a4WThe name LJghthouM of Burrtdor la

MBMtlmet applied to the volcano Iul-co. which I* located oear Ban Balta-dor. Central America, on account ofthe vivid amhee of flre It tend* forthfrom tine to time that, ire \l*lt>l«from a Ions <ll*tanrc

FederalThe board would oontrtbut* twentypar cent of the total cart. «tdeh wouldInclude auppUea and vVtipaaMt, andthe government would provide the oth-er 10 per cent, which mold b* natalyIn labor.

T. Robtaaoo, ctiatrmaa of tatand arounde ooaunlttee,

Into an pnpoaad attea, and Itla probable that hl» oommlltee winmake a laumaiemlatte at the regu-lar May meeting on Monday nsght

On rtifnmmirtHHm ofSbaonon, teaebem of the iludergaiteu.lint, atoond, third and fourth grade*were given pemitottou to attend ateacher*1 tnatltnl* veottrday at KtwarkStete Wonnal School.


Lightning Bunda Ightib

to.tht east of the refrigerator.ttk*«pae«thU a retard n*roMaanaon wfll b* addperiod. It k neaonabte toeanttataaga willl not athundred* of thousand* aawide i in .nu, Thto make* thtbOU7 of bttog on* of the hJCkythe naore probable, to the '

ten anof

, lactrte, Mtfdafe* a- t h e als antatandtaai brand* m thecountry. >known for anvke and da-pndablltty. with a rang* of B f t y - " -to ehooee from.

car garage owned by WHUam Page, •»Balmier* Parkway, oauetag damage tothe building and to am automobile

The Union County W. C. T. U. metIn It* ana***! Bprtog Inatttute bat Frl-day at the m m Pieabyterlan Church.WeatfstU. The most totenattos ieft-

m Uf* and twk to upUtt Uvtaf stand- The structure wa* ablaat and oonald-arda and lhring condition*,

"A* women we mutt lire under thatame law* a* the men. Than whyabould v* not have a vote In makingthat* law*? Other Waw Jeraey uanUtehave runogntttrt Americas wrananhoodby a*rto« women aeata to. tha <aawnhly.Why than abouM Union Ooosty lag be-hindt"

erabte damage bad been done to theautomchle and toiha roof of the bond-ing by tht time tha department ar-rived. The garage not waa rutotd.

The storm effected telephone atrrtetIn tome part* of the town and tor •tuna teveral of the etneta w*r» floodedto each an extent that travel became

tare of the programto the grave of Mra. •dytba M. Currle.

had bten County Pnakknt foral yoan* at the time of h«r death

nv« yaara ago.-A bronat W. C. T. V.marker waa placed on the grave to-gether with a very beaattful yew tree.A memorial tervtee wa* bald and Mra.Benaon.wbol. the new direetor ofmnrie for the county, doted by atogmg-Wtod the Wbbon Round the nation.'

Adverttat to tha CRban and Chron-icle, npayajel l .

lie Whole Tmm'sTalking...Janay's HooMmalMrs ara tatng aach orriar rww th*y tww rrtonay by ihopping

HORMELA . . . . H f < I nUMOSS MUSTAJIO . . i-10«



1 laat night JBInaUaeha wot

btntr to trie party If he

Oood. candidate far dasrlto the oonveoUon: StdntyZdward Saehar, H. jr. Fat& Otddaa, John. O Xum


Fwt SwteuMVA fully developed ewordnsb U prob-

*bly tbe faatest .wlmmlng creature la• the- world, aaya a writer l» NaturalBlatory.


TO M O T H E R ;

Vint Craurfottr. OrJy

ftJ» F. T. biFLORIST;

. ib


OF FINANCINGHew yea earn bay TerMhett with a aaaaB devm a*)*a«eiaat ever frf.W aad nijama • •>• awt u a « Beat, l t t TataIf yea pay ha teal there fc> aa eenyaag eharg*. nTyeawaaU to M msawlie yenr'awat l a y — t a* at* awe — f Oet l e tAadT tbe l.le>itt charge I* l»ea ta»a 1 par eaat >tr year. If*» meat aavaalageeu* way to'flaaata the f i k . u ef aaeb

Week-End Values in Garden Fresh Produce!

Oranges 12^35fUU+OODCO-JOUTHBtN


POTATOES 5 - 21c



LOUOLArfaat* QiMNty-Tub or RoH

W I T T i R , , . . . : ,

ITS CLEAN HEAT, tee*,M,a»tereBt»eja, Thaakaftb*


OVB4-FRESH BREAD SUPREMEtMBnsirartnrBa*raatntr - ^ • •"-- -Kl ••'•• t


eavkag'to haa feeaaaatdfy eteaateg tf

W-' £JW^:S




Bauer, Peter Meted and Frcandidatea tor the Board <en; A. BL OuHwalL eandaoolleetan and W. O. Deckelaard. Uayor Oeorae « . pel

1—«•»-»— forTownaUp C,..jKr...C*o^.,reiterated ftremark*, aad aald that It 1that the people of that cowant to be Tapnaantad b;nvn-lolatamt gnmp. He

B. Twombly, cai

altemate,Mr. Oeddta expeUned t

tt would be a tea on tha anand a mle* and tazury taand that tt would not radWPueoe pointed out that, Uthe A**cniblyv he wouldtchooi teacher*' pendonTurtur apoke agatott the b

Instance* to prove that thini In iliili |»miles* i f leiyearn ago to operate the <

\ - -

Club for the netrfleeal ye*DJT


njsctliaft wHntjf f nRwtanrant, The eonadtfa

Membership, Veroon Cotman. Dr. Karl A. DunfeeTiPhU Xrkman and Trad W.tertainment, Htaworth Doman. Albert Hemleb, K. CFred Lleb, Jamet BhatmonPeterson; welfare. Or. F. 1chairman, Dd. Oeorge K. i

• lace C. Decker^Max Ootdbc- Ilam Kleto; comUtotlon a

Carroll K.- BeDen. chalrmaiMffanghHn. John Peten

> Later and Charlea M. Teal\ Kdueatlon.'il»;P. Stewerl

N Dr. Duntee, her. O. a HoiWaratoakl and'Melaan Bkaieiy, Dr7 "Angen. cbainniKlein and Kobert LalefTin>b Wanlnsld, ehalnnan,:Clarence Frtti, Albert HtmlApgax; nnance and budgetiYtakel, chabman; Augnit

- A.T. Baker, O. J. Jentrn «•.- Frtta; publicity, Helton Ska

, man, K, C. MeMahoo,-ThcLaughlto, WlIUanvK. Oourl

, roUjK.. Seller.;:, dvke,5:.chairman, :Wallace ;a'?:D

< tW>. Phfl «rkman.:Max a•'yrrt-Bulair«iS%,aKS

. : MudOHarry; Hem*, ehy r^nachtrH';p.i»tewart ai
