wwm>m%ww%%t Fib For New Holes, - Chronicling...

MARCH 24, 1917. < 1 >wv% i %^ww >i wwm>m%ww%%t i wvw%%w%%wviw%www%ww%%n%wwv%wmmi%%m%%vv>%%wu>%n%m i , | Fib Looking For New Holes, Read These ids i !' \ !! * _ JDeatbs SHADE! Oll Saturday. March 24, ion, Elizabeth E. Shade, died at the home ol her son, Amos Kaufman, at Lans- ilownc, Pa. Funeral arrangements will be an- nounced later. t Card of Thanks <f ARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our thanks to neighbors and friends for showing kindness and sympathy during the late bereavement of our wife and mother. ?Jos. W. Bricker and Children, 13 North ThiQl street. Lost and Found LOST Gold brooch, 1 small sapphire and - pearls. Reward. Return to Sen- ate Library. Captltol Building. Help Wanted ?Male WANTED Young man. single, to do general work in a garage. One who is desirous of learning the business pre- ferred. Good chance to right party. Give reference. Apply L., 454, care of Telegraph. ? LABORERS WANTED Good wages, steady work with chance tor advancement. Ap- ply Faxton Furnace, Central iron Jc Steel Company. WANTED Boy over 16 years of age, to work in drug store. Apply to D. A. Buehler, 916 North Third street. CIVIL. SERVICE s2; home study course of instruction and tests for com- ing examinations; only $2; no extras; why pay more. Address to Interstate Bureau, Front and Market streets, ilarrisburg. Fa. I WANTED Two young men quali- fied for banking positions. See Mr. De Pue at the Young Men's Business in- stitute. Front and Market streets. GOVERNMENT EXAMINATIONS. Thorough instruction, |5. Returned if not appointed. Particulars free Ameri- can Civil Service School. Washington, D. C. WANTED A flrst-class edge trim- mer, McKay sewer and nigerhead last- er to repair machines. Good positions for serious operators. Address, Mr. J. ! M. Van Kleeek, Sr.. C. & E. Shoe Com- j pany, Columbus* Ohio. GREGG & PITMAN shorthand are taught at YOUNG MEN'S BUSINESS i INSTITUTE Ly Yale University Gradu- i ate. WANTED Teamster and Farm Hand Apply to E. B. Mitchell. 109 North fctreet, Harrisburg, Pa. A LOCAL MAN to represent The I North American; past middle-age pre- 1 ferred: must be of good character. Sal- 1 ary and commission. Address, with j reference, for further particulars to James L. Farley, Circ. Mgr., Sixteenth '\u25a0 Floor. North American Building, Phila- ! delphia. WANTED Boys over 16 years of i sge. Apply at Devlne & Yungel Shoe Manufacturing Co., Sixteenth and State streets. ! WANTED High school boy to as- tist in shipping department half-days, ?live reference and salary expected. I'hance for full time position over sum- fcuer. Address E., 5626. care of Tele- jgraph. VAVNTED Two experienced me- chanical draughtsmen and one boy to learn tracing. Apply Drafting Room, Central Iron & Steel Company. WANTED By old-established cor- poration, men of good appearance to work following towns: Williamstown, l.vkens, Elizabethville, Millersburg, < Steelton, Royalton, Hummelstown, ! Lebanon, Halifax, Jonestown. All sum- , mer's job. Good pay. Start immedi- ately. Glen Bros., Rochester. N. Y. I SPEND your spare time taking or- I ders for "Ivantleak" Raincoats. I paid : Eli Bridge $88.95 l'or his spare time in , one week. A dandy coat for $3.98. I Sample Free. Liberal Offer. Write I quick. The Comer Mfg. Co., 11 Lisbon I street, Dayton. Ohio. YOUNG MEN WANTED Govern- ment Railway Mail Clerks. $75 month, j Sample Examination questions?free. Fraklin Institute, Dept. 409-D, Roches- ter. N. Y. j Help Wanted-*-Male I 7 ' WANTED Carpenters and carpen- ters' helpers. Laborers for concrete work and helping bripk layers. Applv 11. KOPPERS CO. Care Bethlehem Steel Co. Steclton, Penna. AYANTED Cement finisher experi- enced in finishing foundation work. Apply H. Kappers Co.. care Bethlehem Steel Co., Steelton, Ua. ! WANTED Laborers for clearing i land at Perdix. Apply to Wm. Reid- linger at our Perdix Land Office, or A. C. Voung, Real Estate, 34 North Second street. WANTED?First-class boll ermak era. Apply Central Iron & Steel Company. i OFFICE WORK Well known local manufacturers have opening for bright, young man in office. Permanency and splendid future prospects. Applicants should have some experience of book- | keeping and general office routine. Preference if good stenographer. Ap- ply in own handwriting, stating age. experience and salary expected. P., 6623. care of Harrisburg Telegraph. WANTED Men for Industrial In- surance. Guaranteed salary, S2O a week and commission. Apply 202 Walnut street. Room 16. YOUNG MAN WANTED for office work during spring and summer months. Apply by letter only, giving experience you have had, the salary desired and jour age, etc.; also any other information that may be of bene- fit to us. Address UNITED ICE AND COAL CO., Forster and Cowden streets. BOWMAN & COMPANY require the services of men for the following: Pas- 1 senger elevator operators and man in curtain and drapery department to do outside work. Apply Employment Bu- reau, Fourth Floor. PAINTERS Several first-class painters wanted at once. Apply Male- horn Bros., 214 Lincoln street, Steelton. MECHANICAL DKAWING taught by I'ale University graduate at Young . Men's Business Institute. WANTED 5O able-bodied men {or piece work. Experienced truckers can earn $75 to S9O per month. Must be able to read and write. Apply in person only to agent of Pennsylvania Railroad Company at Division Street Transfer, P. R. R. Co., Harris- burg, Pa. I WANT Young men to learn auto- [ mobile business, to become practical mechanics and chauffeurs. We give | ou<- students a chance to make money |at the rate of 20c per hour between ! ciass hours. We guarantee lo pay you : JUo per hour as soon as competent, j sso in cash required. Auto 'transporta- tion School. 27-211 North Cauieron 1street. = i Help Wanted ?Female i WANTED Middle-aged woman for I housework. One who would appreciate a. good home and with a kind disposition ; towards children. Small house to look [after. No children. Apply at once to i 't he Quality Shop, 2 South Front street, I Steelton. Pa. I WANTED Several young ladies be- tween 23 and 25. Call at Grand Union 'Tea Co., Monday evening, at 7:30 I o'clock. Grand Union Tea Co., 208 North I Second street. WANTtD Good girl for upstairs work. Apply Hoffman Hotel, 411 Mar- ket street. 1 NICE, tidy, middle-aged woman to help in restaurant kitchen. Apply Jackson House Cafe, 1304 North Seventh street. STORIES, IDEAS for photoplays wanted by 4S companies. $25-SIOO each. Experience unnecessary. Details Free. Producers League, 612, St. Louis. WANTED White maid for general housework. Apply Airs. Jos. E. 'i'homp- ,son, Paxtang avenue, Paxtang. AT ladies to travel, dem- onstrate and sell well established line to our dealers. Previous experience not necessary. Good pay. Railroad fare paid. Goodrich Drug Co., Dept. 720, Omaha. Neb. A FORMER STUDENT ENROLLED her dr.ughtcr with us on Monday. Sometning to be proud about, and one of the highest recommendations any I school could have. lIARRISBURG 1 SHORTHAND SCHOOL, 31 North Sec- i ond street. CIVIL SERVICE 2;' home study course of instruction and tests for com- ing examinations; only $2; no extras; t why pay more. Address to Interstate Bureau, Front and Alarket streets, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED?A reliable girl for general housework; no washing. Call Bell phone 4245 J. WANTED For rush season, skirt pressers. Apply Witmer, Bair & Wit- mer, 202 Walnut street. WANTED A girl for washing dishes and cleaning, wanted at once. Apply 123 South Second street. OFFICE WORK Young lady want- ed for general office work. Preference if good stenographer. Apply New Idea Hosiery Company. South Fourteenth street. WANTED Lady attendant for bath and massage parlors. Health Studio, 207 Walnut street. Hind Workers Suction Rollers Bunch Makers Also Machine Binder and Hand Binder Strippers. Apply at HARRISBURG CIGAR CO. 500 Race Street RESPONSI BLE CORPORATION wants reliable woman in every town to act as representative. Spare time. Capital and experience unnecessary. Duchess Co., Dept. 177, Minneapolis, Minn. GIVEN TO ANY WOMAN Beauti- ful 100-piece gold decorated Dinner Set for distributing (not selling) onlv 5 doz. pkgs. Diamond Dust Soap Powder free among friends. No money or experience needed. Waverly Brown, Sec'y, 730 N. Franklin street, Chicago. j i ( BUSINESSMEN HAVE RARE- LY ever found it so difficult to obtain the right kind of workers as it is now. ! j; Most businesses are expanding and necdl skilled help. The supply is not normal?but neither is the supply ex- hausted. Make it clear in your adver- tising what qualifications you demand, !; and what opportunities you offer?and you will find the right people. Real Estate For Sale CAMP HILL?BUY A BUILDING IA)T at less than bargain price. Easy terms, too. For sale, 16 Camp Hill lotSi These lots are 80 feet front by 80 feet deep. $5 down and $1 weekly. You can farm these lots or build on them as soon as you have made the lirst payment. For particulars. CALL. BELL. PHONIC 861 M. SUBURBAN PROPERTY Lot, 60x120 in South Earlington, along Mechanicsburg car line. Fifteen min- utes' ride from. Harrisburg. W. F. MOWER, 1412 North Third Street, Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE Large plot of ground On Market street, Camp Hill. Further information, apply P. O. Box 210, Har- risburg. Pa. EMERALD 333-336-337-339 All conveniences; new 7-rooni houses at bargain prices. Don't overlook this chance for home or investment. Dr. Behney, 317 North Second street. Bell 1202 R. PAXTANG, BRISBAN STREET?De- taclied frame dwelling, 6 rooms, bath, tine interior finish; steam heat; latest improvements; lot 90x120; sacrifice price; owner removed from city. Rohr- er & Son, Bergner Building. FOR SALE Your choice of twenty brick houses with all Improvements, SIOO to (500 casli and balance on month- ly payments. H. C. BRANDT. 36 North Third Street. FOR SALE 3-story brick house; chestnut finished; 9 rooms; bath; gas; electricity; fine condition; room for garage. Bargain to quick buyer. Ap- ply 1931 Park street. FOR SALE ll4 Washington si. eet. corner River alley, two-and-one-half- story fiame; eight rooms and ? bath; ail conveniences. Corner Bridge and Eighth streets, Elkwood, two-and-one-half-mory frame; eight rooms and bath; all conveniences. The above properties will be sold at a bargain. Apply Keeney & Simmons, New Cumberland. HOUSES KOR °ALE on easy terms, New. Modern. Good location. At rea- sonable prices. MacWILLIAMS CON- STRUCTION COMPANY. 2150 North Fifth street. Dial 3705. THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSE 9 rooms bath gas electric lirht ? steam heat lot, 17%x95. This prop- erty can be bought much below its ac- tual cost. Vacant April first. Can be bought on terms. Price. $3,000. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. BECAUSE YOU CANNOT pay cash for a home is no reason for paying rent all your life. We will sell you a prop- erty upon a small cash payment. New house steam heat other improve- ments. Think it over and see us soon. Bell Realty CO.. Bergner Building. TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED for the purchase of those new houses on Kelso street, Paxtang. Houses have all im- provements and price is only $;,600. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. SEMI-BUNGALOW at 674 Schuylkill can be bought for $1,976 and on easy terms 6 rooms bath gas hot water heat and large porches. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. I WILL SELL my new house, semi- bungalow brick, on very easy terms because my business requires that i change my location steam heat gas and electric lights concrete porches. See Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE Large dwelling, with 10 rooms and bath, on plot 25x130 to a paved alley two-story stable on the rear. Good business property. Inspect it at once. No. 1434 Regina street. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. NEW HOUSE above Maclay street for sale at an attractive price and on easy terms steam heat and all other im- provements. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. $0,550 WILL PURCHASE a new brick house with 9 rooms bath gas electric light steam heat porch front and rear. Bell Realty Co., Berp-- ner Building. FOR SALE The Board of Commissioners of Pub- lic Grounds and Buildings will ofTer at public sale in front of State Capitol Building, at entrance Fourth and state Streets, Harrisburg, Pa., at 10 o'clock A. M., March 31, 1917, the following buildings and structures upon the prem- ises within the boundaries of the pro- posed extension of Capitol Park in I i-.ighth Ward, City of Harrisburg: Fourth Street, 111, 525, 139, 113, 137. AValnut Street, 4ul, 04, 438, 440, 442 | 444, 446, St. Lawrence Church. >l'i. 400. ! Fifth Street, 409. ! State Street, 420. 422, 414, 416, 600, Cor ; Fourth, 451, 501, 727, 729. j Filbert and North Avenue. I North Street, 519, 521. I Cowden Street, 516, 526, 530, 112. 114 ! 116. | North Alley, 520. \u25a0 Tanners Street, 116, lis. Angle Alley, Stable. Curtis Alley, Stable Short Street, 107, 111, Short, Cor. Angle Avenue. South Street, 436, 438, 514, 513. South Alley, 502. The purchaser shall pay to the Com- monwealth of Pennsylvania through the office of the Superintendent of Pub- lic Grounds and Buildings. Harrisburg. Pa., by certified check or United States currency, the amount at which the said 1 building or buildings and structures are ! awarded to them, as follows: A cash payment of 25 per cent. sha!'. be made on day of sale and the balance before entering upon the property to remove the material purchased. In all cases where the premises are unoccupied possession will be given the purchaser immediately. Where the premises are tenanted possession will be given immediately after the prem- ises are vacated. The Commonwealth will not be responsible for any dam- age to property after possession is given. Purchasers shall state at time of their offer the time required to re- move the building and material after being given possession by the Com- monwealth, which in no case shall be longer than 60 days. All building reiuse shall be carted away from the premises by the purchaser. All foun- dation walls must be taken down and removed at least three feet below level of street. The Board of Commissioners of Pub- lic Grounds and Buildings reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. The work of removal shall be perform- ed under the direction of and to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings. NOTE: The sidewalks and street pavements are not to be removed by purchaser of buildings or structures under this schedule. By order of the Board. JAMES C. PATTERSON. Deputy Superintendent. LLOYD W. MITCHELL, Secretary. FOR SALE S. W. corner Bellevue road and Twentieth street; new brick houses built In pairs; with all modern improvements; rear drive; excellent location; possession at once. 11. C. BRANDT, Public Sale PUBLIC SALE Of REAL ESTATE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 1917, AT 2:30 P. M. ON THE PREMISES. 2337 N. THIRD ST. Harrisburg, Pa. LOT, 60x150 FEET. EXTENDING FROM THIRD ST. TO LOGAN ST.; IM- PROVED; ON LOGAN ST. 2 %-STORY FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, with 8 rooms. Look this desirable property over and come to the sale. Terms made known on day of sale. Owner A. Edward Rohrer. BRINTON-PACKER CO.. Second and Walnut 4>t. C. Fry, Auctioneer. j Real Estate For Rent COTTAGE MONTICORVINO at Mt. Gretna for sale or rent; 4 bedrooms, bath room, living room, dining room and kitchen; electric lights. Apply to Mrs. C. H. Ginge, 323 North Ninth street, Lebanon, Pa. FOR RENT S-room frame house, with two acres of land and outbuild- ings. Located in city limits conveni- ent to car line. J. E. GIPPLE, 1251 Market Street. ATTENTION, MR. RENTER! By pay- ing S2O per month you can buy a new brick house., Only SIOO cash needed. Possession April 1. H. G. PKDLOW, 3 SoutlnThlrteenth street. EMERALD STREET New semi- bungalows, in pairs; finished to suit. No. 333 Brick, tile and stucco; S3O per month. No. 335 Tile and stucco; $29.50 per month. No. 341 Corner of Fourth street. $33.50 per month.' B. S Behney, 317 North Second street, Bell 1202-R. 1724 SYCAMORE STREET ?? 2 hi- story brick dwelling, 8 rooms, bath, modern improvements, good location. Rohrer & Son, Bergner Building. 332 BROAD STREET FOR RENT from April 1. Store and dwelling op- posite Broad Street Market; 10 rooms, bath, steam heat. Rent, $42.50. Will rent separate or together. Chas. Adler, 1002 North Third street. Real Estate For Sale or Rent SPLENDID SUBURBAN PROPERTY, Located in Riverside, 3018 North Third Street. AUGUSTUS WILDMAN, 2206 North Third Street. NORTH FIFTH STREET HOMES Located at 2315-17-18-20 North Fifth street. 611-13 Curtin street. Easy terms. Fred C. Miller. Builder, 213 Walnut Btrect, Harrisburg, l a. Bell phone 797 M. Real Estate Wanted WANTED TO RENT Small store- rooni in the vicinity of Sixteenth and Derry or Eighteenth and Slate. Re- ply to Box A-4932, care of Telegraph. WANTED TO RENT?Small modern home 6 to 8 rooms at moderate rate, in city or suburbs, about Mav 1. Reply with full details to X-5000, care of Telegraph. YOUNG, married couple want to rent a 6-room house, bath and improve- ments, located between Hamilton and Briggs street. Rent not more than sls. Call Bell phone 2301. WANTED Space for automobile near Eighteenth and Walnut. Address Box O, 5618. care of Telegraph. Offices and Storerooms FOR RENT Storeroom, 807 North Third street, suitable for any business. Apply Lerew Lemer, 213 South Front street. Bell phone 323-M. FOR RENT Corner storeroom, Sixth and Cumberland streets; com- pletely renovated; all conveniences. . pply to Commonwealth Trust Com- pany. 222 Market street. FOR RENT Storeroom, equipped with shelving and counters, at 1208 North Third street, possession April 1. This room has i.een occupied for many years as a fancy goods store. Apply to H. B. Mitchell, 600 North Third street. Farms 25-ACRE FARM, near Middletown, for sale at $2,500. Immediate posses- sion. All required buildings in fair condition. Opportunity for you. .<o not delay.- Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build- ing. For Sale ?Miscellaneous FOJt SALE Contents of ice cream factory, including 3-H.-P. gas engine, 40-qt. freezer, power cruslior, cans, tubs. Will sacrifice if sold at ouco. Address 5662, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE FI a desk, 49x32 inches, excellent condition, at big bar- gain. Call at 215 Pine street. FOR SALE 5O shares American Telegraphone stock, SIOO.OO, and 16,000 shares Uncle Sam OH for $150.00, will buy Hull Copper. Box 75. Little Rock, Arkansas. FOR SALE 2O-horsepower gaso- line engine: as good as new; stationary or can b put on truck. Apply to E. B. Mitchell, 103 North street, or phone Bell 678 R. \ FOR SALE, at Gable's, 111-117 South Second street. Lawn Fence. Field Fence, Gates, Poultry Netting. Building Hard- ware. Plaster Board. Upson Wall Board, Compo-Board, Doers. Bash. Shutters, Mouldings. Porch Posts. Pumps, etc. BARGAINS IN TYPEWRITERS Remington No. 6; Remington No. 10: 12- Inch Underwood; Oliver Nine; New Cen- tury Caligrapli and Smith-Premier. Fixed up iu Urst-elass shape. Prices reasonable. A new shipment of those Factory Rebuilt Visible Typewriters at a fraction of original cost. GEO. P. TILLOTSON, 211 Locust St., Opp. Orplieum Theater. For Rent ?Miscellaneous FOR RENT A very desirable loca- tion in the uptown business section. A storeroom and living apartments at 308 Broad street. Will runt the whole build- ing at SSO per month. Apply to J. Nel- son Clark, 306 broad street. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Musical WE REPAIR any kind of TALKING MACHINES promptly. Call Bell phone 3242J, or bring your machine to 315 Broad street. Work dune by an ex- pert. OLD VIOLINS. MANDOLINS, GUI- TARS, BANJOS bought, sold, exchanged. Artistic repairing on all stringed In- struments. Bows rebaired. Tone re- storing a specialty. GLACE, be 4 Herr street. Apartments For Rent FOR RENT 1222, 1221 North Third street, apartment for rent, 6 rooms, all conveniences, S4O. Commercial Trust Co., of Harrisburg. Pa. WALNUT ST., 204 Apartment; six rooms and bath; city steam; gas and electric light in every room. Balcony in rear with dumb waiter and clothes drier. Applj\to E. Mather at above ad- dress. FOlt RENT Walnut street. No. 132, second lloor rear apartment, three rooms and bath, city steam. Possession April 1. Apply to Commonwealth Trust Co.. APARTMENTS Nos. 110 and 610 N. Second street; second story; all mod- ern improvements; city steam and hot water furnished; ready April 1. Inquire L. Minter, 110 North Second street. Bell phone 4282, Dial 4195. FOR RENT An apartment; four rooms and bath, completely furnished; second lloor; corner house. Apply 342 South Sixteenth street. City. , 107 SOUTH FRONT STREET First Floor Housekeeping Apartment, with 5 large rooms, uatu and pantry; laun- dry tub; hardwood floors; city steaia heat; use of yard. Just remodeled with all modern improvements. Brintun- ijackyf C0.,, streets. FOR RENT Milley Apartments, corner Sixth and Cumberland streets. Modern in every respect. E.ce- tric light, steam heat and gas Immediate possession. Apply io Com- monwealth Trust Company, 222 Mai act street. ? SECOND ST., 170u Five and six rooms with porch; most pleasant aud open surroundings in city. Rooms For Rent FOR RENT?Two front rooms, fur- nished for light housekeeping; gas range, light and heat. Rent reason- I able. 315 South Front street. j FOR RENT?Maclay street ed rooms for rent to gentleman. Call Bell phone 2441 It. HARRIS STREET, 213?One or two unfurnished rooms, second floor front communicating; use of bath and phone; suitable for doctor's office. Bell phone 1219-R. TWO BIG FLOORS?Lots of light; all conveniences. Each floor 2SUO square feet. Will rent separate or to- gether. Suitable for anything. Apply Excelsior Cycle Co., 1021-31 Market street, Ilarrlsburg, Pa, Phones; Bell, 4165 J; C. V., 3810. LONE lady wishes dressmaker to take uniurnishcd room or rooms, with or without board. Address P., 5627, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Two large unfurnish- ed rooms, with use of bath, steam heat gas and electricity. Desirable location' Will rent singly or en suite. Bell phone 4406 M. FOR RENT Desirable furnished room, not front; running water, elec- tric lighting, city steam heat, bath- room adjoining; referenco reauired 218 Pine street. 30 NORTH FIFTH STREET Sev- eral furnished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping, first and second floors Bath, heat, hot and cold water. All con- veniences. Inquire at 24 North Fifth street. FOR RENT SI9 Third street, "to refined, married couple, or business wo- man, furnished front room; heat, elec- tric light and use of bath. ROOTS FOR RENT With first- class board by meal, day or week with running water in rooms. 21-meal ticket. 1001 Ncrth Second street. Rooms Wanted GENTLEMAN Desires light room. Protestant family, neighborhood Seneca street and river. Must be home of re- finement. References. Address H 5624, care of Telegraph. Wanted ?Board and Rooms WANTED By man and wife, room and board with refined, private family in suburban town, Camp Hill preferred Best of reference given. Address V ' 5628, care of Telegraph. Poultry and Supplie# FOR SALE?One good young cow Apply G. W. WEAVER, 814 N. Front street, Steelton. v HATCHING EGGS Barred RoTi* and R. I. Reds. $1 per 15, from good lay- ers. Hartman, Summerdale, Mechanics- burg, No. 4. HATCHING EGGS Barred Rock and R. 1. Reds. $1 per 15, front good lay. ers. J. A. Hartman, Summerdale, Me- chanicsburg. No. 4. SIX QUEEN, second-handed incuba- tors In good condition; price reason- able. Apply. Elk View Poultry Supply House. 1702 North Third street. Wanted?Miscellaneous WANTED. AUTOMOBILES IN ANT CONDITION, to sell or buy. Why not consign your car with us to avoid trouble and worry In trying to dispose of It We make no chnrges for storage or for any repnlrn while car Is on sale Auto Transportation Co.. 27-29 North Help Wanted ?Female W uiiu Appl.v ."silk .Villi Cornel txui'tU .iii-i M'uuu i ' WA. ' Girls, 16 years or over, for millinery apprentices. Pay while learning. Also girl lo assist in sales- room. Apply Astrich's, Fourth and Market. WANTED Stenographer. Address by letter only, William Penn Highway Association, 409 Telegraph Building. WASTED A seamstress. Apply Collins Co., 34 North Second street. FlTTKK?Experienced titter in ladies reauy-io-wear garments; good salary to right party; nono but experienced ! need apply. Call Ladies' Bazaar. 8-10- i South f'ourth street. __ Help Wanted ? Male and Female MEN?WOMEN, >25 weekly collecting names and addresses. No canvassing. Send stamp. Superba Co.. 536, Balti- more, Md. Agents Wanted AGENTS ?\u25a0 Free Catalog and Samples, new goods, quick sales, big profits, make $5 to $25 daily, no experi- ence. World's greatest specialties. Cru- ver Co.. Jackson and Campbell, Chicago, 111. _ | AGENTS 2OO per cent, profit; won- derful little article; something new; | sells like wildfire. Carry right in your 1 pocket. Write at once for free sample. IE. M. Feltman, Sales Manager. !14 i American Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. AGENTS To handle our great labor-saving specialties; sells every- where in nomes, offices, hotels, etc.. Big profits. Write for particulars. The Patterson Co., Newark, N. J. AGENTS Grab this quick. I want 100 men and women to take orders for "Kantleak" Raincoats. 1 paid Eli Bridge $88.95 for one week's spare time. Cooper making S3OO monthly. Wonderful val- ues. A dandy coat for $3.95. Four or- ders a day gives you $3,000 a year profit and a FREE Automobile. No deliver- or collecting. Complete sample out- fit all free. Big season just starting. Hurry. Coiner Mfg. Co., 11 Lima street, Dayton, Ohio. AGENTS WANTED in all towns to solicit orders for men's clothes from factory direct to wearer at wholesale prices. Reference required. P. O. Box 522. Philadelphia, Pa. Salesmen Wanted SALESMAN for general trade in ' Pennsylvania. Strong, staple line, new I features, splendid commission contract. ; $35.00 weekly for expenses. Continen- tal Jewelry Co., 19712 Continental Building, Cleveland, Ohio. SALESMEN WANTED Experience unnecessary, earn while you earn. Write for large list of openings and testimonials from hundreds of our stu- dents who earn SIOO to SSOO a month. Address neaiest office. Dept. 244. Na- tional Salesmen's Training Assootation, Chicago, New York, San Francisco. MANUFACTURERS of metal and glass signs want factory representa- tives. Experience along similar lines absolutely necessary. A very fine com- mission proposition. The Donaldson \u25a04' t Sign Co., Covington, Ky. SALESMEN OR MANUFACTURERS AOENTS WANTED on new line of elec- tric fans and changeable window signs, etc. Liberal commission basis. A. V., 1531 Cherry street. Philadelphia, Pa. SALESMEN, reliable, aggressive, with automobile preferred. Wonderful proposition. Mast handle county. De- scribe self fully. Cornelius Desimone, Conshohocken, Pa. SALESMEN to travel on commission selling retail trade. Shirts, underwear, hosiery, ladies' and children's dresses, waists, skirts, general merchandise. Samuel Mfg. Co., 503 Broadway, New York. SALESMEN Ambitious, Capable Salesmen desir- ing to change to a line possessing greater possibilities, should immedi- ately investigate the opportunities of- fered by the Toledo Scale Company to men who desire to establish a lifetime connection in which they can earn ex- cellent yearly incomes. Applicants must be now employed and must have Occupied their present position? for a period of one year or longer; they must be over twenty-five and un(*er forty- five years of age; they must be willing to finance themselves for a limited period, as the arangemcnt is on a com- mission basis; they must be able to fur- nish fidelity bond. Remember, this is not Just "another job," but for really high-grade men it is the opening to a prosperous life career. Address To- ledo Scale Company, John L. Theobald, District Manager, 1219-1221 Filbert street, Philadelphia. Pa. Situations Wanted ?Male WANTED Position as chauffeur In private family; can do all repair work. Apply 120 Ridge street, Steelton, Pa. PAINTER AND DECORATOR Ex- perienced man desires work; sober, in- dustrious and steady worker; will make good anywhere. Call or address to I* V. Reed, Rutherford Heights Inn. WANTED Young man, age 25, wjth ability and seven years' of prac- tical experience. High school gradu- ate, will also graduate from the Whar- ton Extension School of Accounts and Finance this year. Something with a future desired. Address Box A-4928, care of Telegraph. DAY'S WORK From 11 A. M. till 8 P. M.. or whole days. Address 1604 North Fifth street (back). Situations Wanted ?Male WANTED Position of any kind by strong:, young: man, 17 years of age. ] Address J. 8.. 1812 Fulton street. i WANTED Position of any kind where there is a chance of advance- ] ment by young: man 22 years of age; can furnish best of reference. Address jA. W. F., 1 SI2 Fulton street. CHAUFFEUR Age 22, wants posi- tion; can furnish reference; can do own repairing. Address Roy Lesher, 216 South Second street, Steelton, Pa. Situations Wanted?Female WANTED?A position as porter, or driver for delivery wagon, or dishwash- er. Apply 2136 North Seventh street. WANTED Place to do general housework, without washing, or offices to clean. 1426 Marion street. WANTED Scotch woman would like position for upstairs work or housekeeping, latter preferred. Ad- dress J. Bennett, Mount Holly Station, Pa. WANT*." Day's work of any kind wanted by a colored woman. Apply 1217 North Seventh street. WANTED Colored woman would like day's work of any kind for Wed- | nesday, Thursday and Friday. Address { M. E. J., 60'J Cumberland street. ! COOK Settled colored woman de- ] sires position as cook and downstairs worker; no washing; can give refer- ences. Address 501 Cowden stveet. HOUSEWORK Young colored wo- man wishes position doing generafl housework or nursing. Address Viola Hicks. 308 Ridge street, Steelton, Pa. WASHING WANTED To do at home. Address 1533 Logan street. DAY'S WORK Settled woman de- sires position assisting In kitchen in hotel, restaurant or boardinghouse, or day's work. Call 1 to 2 or 7 to 8 P. M., 1010 James street. WANTED A reliable, colored maid wants place for general housework in Harrisburg. Paxtang or suburbs. Ap- ply 49 Church avenue, Carlisle, Pa. WANTED An experienced woman desires a position for upstairs work, or light housework. Address C. Kichler j 123 North Front street, Columbia. Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE Nos. 339 and 341 S. Sixteenth Street 3-stor.v frame houses with water in kitchen. Uood location, steady rent- ers. To close estate. A cash offer is desired. No. 2120 N. Seventh Street Modern three-story brick house. Street paved and drive alley in rear. Price only s2^ooo No. 1313 Walnut Street?3-story brick and frame house with all modern im- provements; well located and good in- vestment. May be had at a bargain. Cash ofler wanted. ! I No. 1839 Herr Street Detached brick cottage house, with every conveni- ence. Lot, 60x110 ft. to 20-ft street in rear. House practically new. Im- mediate possession. Price 14,750 No. 2119_N. Sixth Street Three-story i brick house with all improvements. I A complete home in an ideal location. Price 4,500 : No. 607 N. Fifteenth Street Modern, ] 8 rooms, brlclt house, with steam ! heat, electric lights, side entrance and in good repair. Very desirable 1 location. Price s3,Sou J. E. GIPPLE, j 1251 Market Street. j FOR SALE i BOAS ST., 1825 2%-story frame ! semi-detached dwelling; slate roof; | all improvements; granolithic walks Wo aUC' S '^e; at > property for CAMP ST., 637 This corner prop- erty, three-story brick. 8 rooms, bath, all improvements, has been,.reduced SIOO.OO. It will pay you to inspect this property. Price upon inquiry. DISBROW ST., 81 This two-story brick dwelling has been greatly reduc- i ed, as owner desires cash for another proposition. Price, $2,350. HERR ST.. 1118-1120 These brick dwellings, with improvements, are now renting at $32.00 and can be purchased for $3,400. JEFFERSON ST.. 2306 Three-story brick dwelling; 8 rooms; l/atli; all Im- provements; suitable for garage. Price, $2,900. JEFFERSON ST., 2445?Corner prop- erty: 2H-*tory frame; detached; im- provements; 8 rooms; bath. A nice property for the money. Price. $2,600. THIRD ST., corner LEWIS, RIVER- SIDE We have a plot of ground loOx 210 which we can sell as a whole or in part. Price upon Inquiry. SEVENTEENTH ST., 418, South Thii property is in an ideal location, has excellent street car facilities, and with a little money expended on Imi provemeints will make a substantial home. Price, SI,BOO. SUSQUEHANNA ST., 1829-1831 Three-story brick dwellings; 8 rooms; bath; all Improvements; an excellent neighborhood. Price, each, $2,500. TWENTY-SEVENTH ST., North 2H-story brick and stucco dwelling; 8 rooms; bath; all improvements; hot water heat; lot, 19x90. Price. $3,400. ZARKER ST.. 1443 lf you want an investment inspect this property. Rents for $15.00. Excellent tenant. Price. $1,750. BACKENSTORS BROS., Russ Building. Member Harrisburg Heal Estate Board. CAMP HILL MAIN ST.. one block south of Market Three-story frame detached dwelling; eleven room's; bath- all Improvements; lot, 40x125; front, side and rear porches; gas and coal range; fruit trees; granolithic walks. Price, $4,000. BACKENSTOSS BROS., Russ Building, i Member Harrisburg Real Estate Board. FREE BOOK OK FLORIDA FACTS. If interested in Florida, before visiting or settling in this wonderful state of I fragrant flowers and sunshine, write l.ako County Land Owners' Association, No. 10- Lloyd St., Fruitland#Park, Florl- | da, for free book of actual photographs I and real conservative facts concerning this State. There is poor, good, better and best land in Florida. This book will teach you what IS BEST and WHY. The members of ths Association are not land agents; they simply wish to tell I actual facts to -tlioso really interested iin the State. They have no time to I waste on curiosity seekers, children or I people who expect to grow rich witli- i out effort, but to tiiose of character, en- ergy, some capital, with a desire to learn more of the opportunities in this most prosperous Slate we would be glad to give fullest information. SIX-ACRE FRUIT AND POULTKV FARM Buildings in good condition 10 milrs from Harrisburg. Price, $2,000. H. G. Pedlow, 3 South Thirteenth street. 10-ACRE FRUIT FARM ~ One-half mile from Bowinansdale. An exceptional proposition at a fair figure. Miller Brothers & Co. | TIIE HIGH COST OF LIVING can most successfully be reduced by buyiug 1 or more %-acre plots of ground at VAUGHN. Convenient to trolley. Land very pro- ductive. H. O. HOUCK, C. V. phone 4625, or C. B. Care, 409 Market Street, Harrisburg. THREE-ACRE FARM ~! j The Schaefter farm, 4 relies east of I Paxtonia, close to Skopa's Church: I beautiful 7-room house; barn; garage; carpenter house; chicken house; hog I barn and otliei farm buildings; variety i of l'ruit; all garden soil; a very deslr- aole home. Price, $1,660. C. B. CARE,, 409 Market Street. Harrisburg. For Sale?Miscellaneous ONE Sewing Machine. One Morris chair. One cherry parlor table. Apply 514 N. Third street. FOR SALE Surety bonds, fire In- surance, all forms of automobile insur- ance. JOHN C. ORR, 222 Market street. Phone 934. __i FOR SAL.O A comparatively new gas stove, and water heater; also win- dow shades. Apply 115 Reily. FOR SALE Bedroom suit, brass beds, dlningroom suit, cabinet gas range, all new; couple leaving town, ti 17 Schuylkill street. FRESH HERRING AND SHAD "Direct from the Fishermen." If vou want to buy Herring and Shad In B'ar- rel lots write us for prices. Harry Ro- chester Co., Inc., Wholesale Fish Mar- ket, Baltimore, Md. CANOES Geo. K. Relst, 327 South Front. FOR SALE Two or four mules, good size and good haulers, for sale at T. M. Sklvlngton's stable on Lincoln street, Marysville, Pa. FOR SALE 80,000 FIRE BRICK 9-inch Straight, good as new, immediate shipment. D. W. Cox, 222 Market St. FOR SALE Two horses, one double wagon, two single wagons, three sets of harness, all stable equipment. Price very reasonable to a quick buyer. Ap- ply 330 Broad street. FOR SALE Two pool tables, racks, cues and balls, at a bargain. Apply Henry and Gllmore. Eleventh and Mar- ket atreeta, clear atora. WANTED Energetic, active man to establish permanent business. Whole or pait time. Health and Accident In- surance. Immediate cash returns and future. National Casualty Company, Detroit. Mich. $20.00 WEEKLY made writing: names for Mail Order Houses. No canvassing. Particulars for stamp. The Guide Com- pany, Memphis, Tennessee. GOOD MONEY MADE at home knit- lint? hosiery. Machines furnished on time. We buy or sell your goods. Easy and constant work. Wheeler Co. (Inc.), 537 Madison, Chicago. I W'JX PAY any honest man up to SSO monthly for part of spare time. No canvassing, -.o capital. Write to-day. Yoorhies, Desk 155, Omaha. Nebr. A IXK'AI, SALESMAN WANTED to sell all-steel portable garages and larger buildings. Attractive proposi- tion. fullest sale co-operation. Perma- nent. Profitable. Uuby Manufacturing Co., Jackson. Michigan. LABORERS Good laborers wanted for scrap iron yard. Applv Williams & Freidman, South Tenth street. HIGH SCHOOL BOYS Wanting to take advantage of making at least $lO to sl2 per week after school ana spare time, selling a house- hold necessity, that is used at this sea- son of the year in all homes. Apply all day Sunday or any evening after 7. Mr. Reilly, 325 Broad street. For Rent ? 1502 S. 12th St.. 2>4 s. b., r. b? $1.%! ?21fi Hamilton St., 3 s. b? 9 r. !>., S2S ? 2238 N. sth St., 3 s. b? S r. b. .. S3O? *2005 GrKn St.. 3s. b.. 9r. b. ... s3r>i APARTMENTS i I Apartment Arcade Building. 3rd? i floor, 4 rooms and bath ... $32..~0? i 220 UciMt St., (second floor). 4? i rooms and bath; city heat ... #3,-.? il2s Walnut (2nd floor I 3 r. & b.. $3.11 4 204 I.ncunt St., (from April 15), 3i ? rooms and bath S4O i ? 300 \. Second?(lst floor), 5 rooms. and bath; city steam heat ... $504 425 S. Front St., 7r. b., steam heat. I f SIBIIIBAX i ? Eaolfl ?Vilnius St., 2% s. f? 6 r.. sl2? ? lluniiiK'lNtiMvn?Main St. and Wal-f T ton Ave., s. li? 8 r. & b.. hot? ? water heat: lot 125x200 $30 *? 1- i.nnnton Canton Ave. and Cum-?* berland St.. 2V6 s. f., 9 r. b., elec-T trie; lot 100x220 s3o* store: iiooms f 118 S. Second; 18x30 ft S2O? 206 N. Second St. (Donaldson Build-1 ins; room 20x130 feet SJSOI 231 N. Second St.. 22x100. Also 2-f story brick building in rear. T 11001 N. Third, second floor .... $251 SUMMER COTTAGES f Alabama Cottage at Perdlx; six I rooms, partly furnished. Brightbill Cottage at Cove Station;! (0 roo/ns: completely furnished. I Philadelphia Cottage at Perdlx; 44 ? rooms; completely furnished. I | MILLERBROTHERS&CO.i i Member libit. Ileal I'.ntate Board 4 4 HEAL. ESTATE I ? Insurance Surety Rondo I ? I.ocust and Court Streets 4 SATURDAY EVENING, HXRRISBURG TELEORXPH 15

Transcript of wwm>m%ww%%t Fib For New Holes, - Chronicling...

MARCH 24, 1917.

< 1 >wv% i%^ww>iwwm>m%ww%%t iwvw%%w%%wviw%www%ww%%n%wwv%wmmi%%m%%vv>%%wu>%n%m i ,

| Fib Looking For New Holes, Read These ids i!' \ !!


JDeatbsSHADE! Oll Saturday. March 24, ion,

Elizabeth E. Shade, died at the homeol her son, Amos Kaufman, at Lans-ilownc, Pa.Funeral arrangements will be an-nounced later.

t Card of Thanks<f ARD OF THANKS

We wish to extend our thanks toneighbors and friends for showingkindness and sympathy during the latebereavement of our wife and mother.?Jos. W. Bricker and Children, 13

North ThiQl street.

Lost and FoundLOST Gold brooch, 1 small sapphire

and - pearls. Reward. Return to Sen-ate Library. Captltol Building.

Help Wanted ?MaleWANTED Young man. single, to

do general work in a garage. One whois desirous of learning the business pre-ferred. Good chance to right party.

Give reference. Apply L., 454, care ofTelegraph.

? LABORERS WANTEDGood wages, steady work withchance tor advancement. Ap-ply Faxton Furnace, Centraliron Jc Steel Company.

WANTED Boy over 16 years ofage, to work in drug store. Apply toD. A. Buehler, 916 North Third street.

CIVIL. SERVICE s2; home studycourse of instruction and tests for com-ing examinations; only $2; no extras;why pay more. Address to InterstateBureau, Front and Market streets,ilarrisburg. Fa. I

WANTED Two young men quali-fied for banking positions. See Mr.De Pue at the Young Men's Business in-stitute. Front and Market streets.

GOVERNMENT EXAMINATIONS.Thorough instruction, |5. Returned ifnot appointed. Particulars free Ameri-can Civil Service School. Washington,D. C.

WANTED A flrst-class edge trim-mer, McKay sewer and nigerhead last-er to repair machines. Good positionsfor serious operators. Address, Mr. J. !M. Van Kleeek, Sr.. C. & E. Shoe Com- jpany, Columbus* Ohio.

GREGG & PITMAN shorthand aretaught at YOUNG MEN'S BUSINESS iINSTITUTE Ly Yale University Gradu- iate.

WANTEDTeamster and Farm Hand

Apply to E. B. Mitchell. 109 Northfctreet, Harrisburg, Pa.

A LOCAL MAN to represent The INorth American; past middle-age pre- 1ferred: must be of good character. Sal- 1ary and commission. Address, with jreference, for further particulars toJames L. Farley, Circ. Mgr., Sixteenth '\u25a0Floor. North American Building, Phila- !delphia.

WANTED Boys over 16 years of isge. Apply at Devlne & Yungel ShoeManufacturing Co., Sixteenth and Statestreets.

! WANTED High school boy to as-tist in shipping department half-days,?live reference and salary expected.I'hance for full time position over sum-fcuer. Address E., 5626. care of Tele-jgraph.

VAVNTED Two experienced me-chanical draughtsmen and one boy tolearn tracing. Apply Drafting Room,Central Iron & Steel Company.

WANTED By old-established cor-poration, men of good appearance towork following towns: Williamstown,l.vkens, Elizabethville, Millersburg, <Steelton, Royalton, Hummelstown, !Lebanon, Halifax, Jonestown. All sum- ,mer's job. Good pay. Start immedi-ately. Glen Bros., Rochester. N. Y.

ISPEND your spare time taking or- I

ders for "Ivantleak" Raincoats. I paid :Eli Bridge $88.95 l'or his spare time in ,one week. A dandy coat for $3.98. ISample Free. Liberal Offer. Write Iquick. The Comer Mfg. Co., 11 Lisbon Istreet, Dayton. Ohio.

YOUNG MEN WANTED Govern-ment Railway Mail Clerks. $75 month, jSample Examination questions?free.Fraklin Institute, Dept. 409-D, Roches-ter. N. Y.

j Help Wanted-*-Male

I 7'


Carpenters and carpen-ters' helpers. Laborersfor concrete work andhelping bripk layers.



Care Bethlehem Steel Co.

Steclton, Penna.

AYANTED Cement finisher experi-enced in finishing foundation work.Apply H. Kappers Co.. care BethlehemSteel Co., Steelton, Ua.

! WANTED Laborers for clearingi land at Perdix. Apply to Wm. Reid-linger at our Perdix Land Office, or A.C. Voung, Real Estate, 34 North Secondstreet.

WANTED?First-class boll ermak era.Apply Central Iron & Steel Company.

i OFFICE WORK Well known localmanufacturers have opening for bright,young man in office. Permanency andsplendid future prospects. Applicantsshould have some experience of book-

| keeping and general office routine.Preference if good stenographer. Ap-ply in own handwriting, stating age.experience and salary expected. P., 6623.care of Harrisburg Telegraph.

WANTED Men for Industrial In-surance. Guaranteed salary, S2O a weekand commission. Apply 202 Walnutstreet. Room 16.

YOUNG MAN WANTED for officework during spring and summermonths. Apply by letter only, givingexperience you have had, the salarydesired and jour age, etc.; also anyother information that may be of bene-fit to us. Address UNITED ICE ANDCOAL CO., Forster and Cowden streets.

BOWMAN & COMPANY require theservices of men for the following: Pas- 1senger elevator operators and man incurtain and drapery department to dooutside work. Apply Employment Bu-reau, Fourth Floor.

PAINTERS Several first-classpainters wanted at once. Apply Male-horn Bros., 214 Lincoln street, Steelton.

MECHANICAL DKAWING taught byI'ale University graduate at Young .Men's Business Institute.

WANTED 5O able-bodiedmen {or piece work. Experiencedtruckers can earn $75 to S9O permonth. Must be able to read andwrite. Apply in person only toagent of Pennsylvania RailroadCompany at Division StreetTransfer, P. R. R. Co., Harris-

burg, Pa.I WANT Young men to learn auto-

[ mobile business, to become practicalmechanics and chauffeurs. We give

| ou<- students a chance to make money|at the rate of 20c per hour between! ciass hours. We guarantee lo pay you

: JUo per hour as soon as competent,j sso in cash required. Auto 'transporta-tion School. 27-211 North Cauieron

1 street.=

i Help Wanted ?Femalei WANTED Middle-aged woman forI housework. One who would appreciatea. good home and with a kind disposition

; towards children. Small house to look[after. No children. Apply at once to

i 't he Quality Shop, 2 South Front street,I Steelton. Pa.

I WANTED Several young ladies be-tween 23 and 25. Call at Grand Union'Tea Co., Monday evening, at 7:30I o'clock. Grand Union Tea Co., 208 NorthI Second street.

WANTtD Good girl for upstairswork. Apply Hoffman Hotel, 411 Mar-ket street.

1 NICE, tidy, middle-aged woman tohelp in restaurant kitchen. ApplyJackson House Cafe, 1304 North Seventhstreet.

STORIES, IDEAS for photoplayswanted by 4S companies. $25-SIOO each.Experience unnecessary. Details Free.Producers League, 612, St. Louis.

WANTED White maid for generalhousework. Apply Airs. Jos. E. 'i'homp-,son, Paxtang avenue, Paxtang.

AT ladies to travel, dem-onstrate and sell well established lineto our dealers. Previous experience notnecessary. Good pay. Railroad farepaid. Goodrich Drug Co., Dept. 720,Omaha. Neb.

A FORMER STUDENT ENROLLEDher dr.ughtcr with us on Monday.Sometning to be proud about, and oneof the highest recommendations any

I school could have. lIARRISBURG1 SHORTHAND SCHOOL, 31 North Sec-

i ond street.

CIVIL SERVICE 2;' home studycourse of instruction and tests for com-ing examinations; only $2; no extras;

t why pay more. Address to InterstateBureau, Front and Alarket streets,Harrisburg, Pa.

WANTED?A reliable girl for generalhousework; no washing. Call Bellphone 4245 J.

WANTED For rush season, skirtpressers. Apply Witmer, Bair & Wit-mer, 202 Walnut street.

WANTED A girl for washingdishes and cleaning, wanted at once.Apply 123 South Second street.

OFFICE WORK Young lady want-ed for general office work. Preferenceif good stenographer. Apply New IdeaHosiery Company. South Fourteenthstreet.

WANTED Lady attendant for bathand massage parlors. Health Studio, 207Walnut street.

Hind WorkersSuction RollersBunch Makers

Also Machine Binder and HandBinder Strippers.

Apply at


RESPONSI BLE CORPORATION wantsreliable woman in every town to act asrepresentative. Spare time. Capitaland experience unnecessary. DuchessCo., Dept. 177, Minneapolis, Minn.

GIVEN TO ANY WOMAN Beauti-ful 100-piece gold decorated Dinner Setfor distributing (not selling) onlv 5 doz.pkgs. Diamond Dust Soap Powder freeamong friends. No money or experienceneeded. Waverly Brown, Sec'y, 730 N.Franklin street, Chicago.

j i (


LY ever found it so difficult to obtain

the right kind of workers as it is now. !

j; Most businesses are expanding and

necdl skilled help. The supply is not

normal?but neither is the supply ex-

hausted. Make it clear in your adver-

tising what qualifications you demand,

!; and what opportunities you offer?and

you will find the right people.


at less than bargain price. Easy terms,too. For sale, 16 Camp Hill lotSi Theselots are 80 feet front by 80 feet deep.$5 down and $1 weekly. You can farmthese lots or build on them as soon asyou have made the lirst payment. Forparticulars. CALL. BELL. PHONIC 861 M.

SUBURBAN PROPERTYLot, 60x120 in South Earlington, along

Mechanicsburg car line. Fifteen min-utes' ride from. Harrisburg.

W. F. MOWER,1412 North Third Street,

Harrisburg, Pa.

FOR SALE Large plot of groundOn Market street, Camp Hill. Furtherinformation, apply P. O. Box 210, Har-risburg. Pa.

EMERALD 333-336-337-339 Allconveniences; new 7-rooni houses atbargain prices. Don't overlook thischance for home or investment. Dr.Behney, 317 North Second street. Bell1202 R.

PAXTANG, BRISBAN STREET?De-taclied frame dwelling, 6 rooms, bath,tine interior finish; steam heat; latestimprovements; lot 90x120; sacrificeprice; owner removed from city. Rohr-er & Son, Bergner Building.

FOR SALE Your choice of twentybrick houses with all Improvements,SIOO to (500 casli and balance on month-ly payments.

H. C. BRANDT.36 North Third Street.

FOR SALE 3-story brick house;chestnut finished; 9 rooms; bath; gas;electricity; fine condition; room forgarage. Bargain to quick buyer. Ap-ply 1931 Park street.

FOR SALE ll4 Washington si. eet.corner River alley, two-and-one-half-story fiame; eight rooms and ? bath;ail conveniences.

Corner Bridge and Eighth streets,Elkwood, two-and-one-half-mory frame;eight rooms and bath; all conveniences.The above properties will be sold at abargain. Apply Keeney & Simmons,New Cumberland.

HOUSES KOR °ALE on easy terms,New. Modern. Good location. At rea-sonable prices. MacWILLIAMS CON-STRUCTION COMPANY. 2150 NorthFifth street. Dial 3705.

THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSE 9rooms bath gas electric lirht?steam heat lot, 17%x95. This prop-erty can be bought much below its ac-tual cost. Vacant April first. Can bebought on terms. Price. $3,000. BellRealty Co., Bergner Building.

BECAUSE YOU CANNOT pay cash fora home is no reason for paying rentall your life. We will sell you a prop-erty upon a small cash payment. Newhouse steam heat other improve-ments. Think it over and see us soon.Bell Realty CO.. Bergner Building.

TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED for thepurchase of those new houses on Kelsostreet, Paxtang. Houses have all im-provements and price is only $;,600.Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building.

SEMI-BUNGALOW at 674 Schuylkillcan be bought for $1,976 and on easyterms 6 rooms bath gas hotwater heat and large porches. BellRealty Co.. Bergner Building.

I WILL SELL my new house, semi-bungalow brick, on very easy termsbecause my business requires that ichange my location steam heatgas and electric lights concreteporches. See Bell Realty Co., BergnerBuilding.

FOR SALE Large dwelling, with10 rooms and bath, on plot 25x130 to apaved alley two-story stable on therear. Good business property. Inspectit at once. No. 1434 Regina street. BellRealty Co., Bergner Building.

NEW HOUSE above Maclay street forsale at an attractive price and on easyterms steam heat and all other im-provements. Bell Realty Co.. BergnerBuilding.

$0,550 WILL PURCHASE a new brickhouse with 9 rooms bath gaselectric light steam heat porchfront and rear. Bell Realty Co., Berp--ner Building.

FOR SALEThe Board of Commissioners of Pub-lic Grounds and Buildings will ofTer atpublic sale in front of State Capitol

Building, at entrance Fourth and stateStreets, Harrisburg, Pa., at 10 o'clockA. M., March 31, 1917, the followingbuildings and structures upon the prem-ises within the boundaries of the pro-posed extension of Capitol Park in

I i-.ighth Ward, City of Harrisburg:Fourth Street, 111, 525, 139, 113, 137.AValnut Street, 4ul, 04, 438, 440, 442

| 444, 446, St. Lawrence Church. >l'i.400.

! Fifth Street, 409.! State Street, 420. 422, 414, 416, 600, Cor

; Fourth, 451, 501, 727, 729.j Filbert and North Avenue.I North Street, 519, 521.I Cowden Street, 516, 526, 530, 112. 114! 116.| North Alley, 520.\u25a0 Tanners Street, 116, lis.Angle Alley, Stable.Curtis Alley, StableShort Street, 107, 111, Short, Cor. Angle

Avenue.South Street, 436, 438, 514, 513.South Alley, 502.

The purchaser shall pay to the Com-monwealth of Pennsylvania throughthe office of the Superintendent of Pub-lic Grounds and Buildings. Harrisburg.Pa., by certified check or United Statescurrency, the amount at which the said

1 building or buildings and structures are! awarded to them, as follows: A cashpayment of 25 per cent. sha!'. be madeon day of sale and the balance beforeentering upon the property to removethe material purchased.

In all cases where the premises areunoccupied possession will be giventhe purchaser immediately. Where thepremises are tenanted possession willbe given immediately after the prem-ises are vacated. The Commonwealthwill not be responsible for any dam-age to property after possession isgiven. Purchasers shall state at timeof their offer the time required to re-move the building and material afterbeing given possession by the Com-monwealth, which in no case shall belonger than 60 days. All buildingreiuse shall be carted away from thepremises by the purchaser. All foun-dation walls must be taken down andremoved at least three feet below levelof street.

The Board of Commissioners of Pub-lic Grounds and Buildings reserves theright to accept or reject any or all bids.The work of removal shall be perform-ed under the direction of and to thesatisfaction of the Superintendent ofPublic Grounds and Buildings.

NOTE: The sidewalks and streetpavements are not to be removed bypurchaser of buildings or structuresunder this schedule.

By order of the Board.JAMES C. PATTERSON.

Deputy Superintendent.LLOYD W. MITCHELL,


FOR SALE S. W. corner Bellevueroad and Twentieth street; new brickhouses built In pairs; with all modernimprovements; rear drive; excellentlocation; possession at once.

11. C. BRANDT,




WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 1917,AT 2:30 P. M.

ON THE PREMISES. 2337 N. THIRD ST.Harrisburg, Pa.


PROVED; ON LOGAN ST.2 %-STORY FRAME DWELLINGHOUSE, with 8 rooms.Look this desirable property over and

come to the sale.Terms made known on day of sale.

Owner A. Edward Rohrer.BRINTON-PACKER CO..Second and Walnut 4>t.

C. Fry, Auctioneer. j


Gretna for sale or rent; 4 bedrooms,bath room, living room, dining roomand kitchen; electric lights. Apply toMrs. C. H. Ginge, 323 North Ninthstreet, Lebanon, Pa.

FOR RENT S-room frame house,with two acres of land and outbuild-ings. Located in city limits conveni-ent to car line.

J. E. GIPPLE,1251 Market Street.

ATTENTION, MR. RENTER! By pay-ing S2O per month you can buy a newbrick house., Only SIOO cash needed.Possession April 1. H. G. PKDLOW, 3SoutlnThlrteenth street.

EMERALD STREET New semi-bungalows, in pairs; finished to suit.

No. 333 Brick, tile and stucco; S3Oper month.No. 335 Tile and stucco; $29.50 per

month.No. 341 Corner of Fourth street.

$33.50 per month.'B. S Behney, 317 North Second street,

Bell 1202-R.

1724 SYCAMORE STREET ?? 2 hi-story brick dwelling, 8 rooms, bath,modern improvements, good location.Rohrer & Son, Bergner Building.

332 BROAD STREET FOR RENTfrom April 1. Store and dwelling op-posite Broad Street Market; 10 rooms,bath, steam heat. Rent, $42.50. Willrent separate or together. Chas. Adler,1002 North Third street.

Real Estate For Sale or Rent


3018 North Third Street.

AUGUSTUS WILDMAN,2206 North Third Street.

NORTH FIFTH STREET HOMESLocated at 2315-17-18-20 North Fifthstreet. 611-13 Curtin street. Easy terms.Fred C. Miller. Builder, 213 WalnutBtrect, Harrisburg, l a. Bell phone 797 M.

Real Estate WantedWANTED TO RENT Small store-

rooni in the vicinity of Sixteenth andDerry or Eighteenth and Slate. Re-ply to Box A-4932, care of Telegraph.

WANTED TO RENT?Small modernhome 6 to 8 rooms at moderaterate, in city or suburbs, about Mav 1.Reply with full details to X-5000, careof Telegraph.

YOUNG, married couple want to renta 6-room house, bath and improve-ments, located between Hamilton andBriggs street. Rent not more than sls.Call Bell phone 2301.

WANTED Space for automobilenear Eighteenth and Walnut. AddressBox O, 5618. care of Telegraph.

Offices and StoreroomsFOR RENT Storeroom, 807 North

Third street, suitable for any business.Apply Lerew Lemer, 213 South Frontstreet. Bell phone 323-M.

FOR RENT Corner storeroom,Sixth and Cumberland streets; com-pletely renovated; all conveniences..

pply to Commonwealth Trust Com-pany. 222 Market street.

FOR RENT Storeroom, equippedwith shelving and counters, at 1208North Third street, possession April1. This room has i.een occupied formany years as a fancy goods store.Apply to H. B. Mitchell, 600 NorthThird street.

Farms25-ACRE FARM, near Middletown,

for sale at $2,500. Immediate posses-sion. All required buildings in faircondition. Opportunity for you. .<o notdelay.- Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build-ing.

For Sale ?MiscellaneousFOJt SALE Contents of ice cream

factory, including 3-H.-P. gas engine,40-qt. freezer, power cruslior, cans, tubs.Will sacrifice if sold at ouco. Address

5662, care of Telegraph.

FOR SALE FI a desk, 49x32inches, excellent condition, at big bar-gain. Call at 215 Pine street.

FOR SALE 5O shares AmericanTelegraphone stock, SIOO.OO, and 16,000shares Uncle Sam OH for $150.00, willbuy Hull Copper. Box 75. Little Rock,Arkansas.

FOR SALE 2O-horsepower gaso-line engine: as good as new; stationaryor can b put on truck. Apply to E.B. Mitchell, 103 North street, or phoneBell 678 R. \

FOR SALE, at Gable's, 111-117 SouthSecond street. Lawn Fence. Field Fence,Gates, Poultry Netting. Building Hard-ware. Plaster Board. Upson Wall Board,Compo-Board, Doers. Bash. Shutters,Mouldings. Porch Posts. Pumps, etc.

BARGAINS IN TYPEWRITERSRemington No. 6; Remington No. 10: 12-Inch Underwood; Oliver Nine; New Cen-tury Caligrapli and Smith-Premier.Fixed up iu Urst-elass shape. Pricesreasonable. A new shipment of thoseFactory Rebuilt Visible Typewriters ata fraction of original cost.

GEO. P. TILLOTSON,211 Locust St.,

Opp. Orplieum Theater.

For Rent ?MiscellaneousFOR RENT A very desirable loca-

tion in the uptown business section. Astoreroom and living apartments at 308Broad street. Will runt the whole build-ing at SSO per month. Apply to J. Nel-son Clark, 306 broad street.

ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can besecured at the Telegraph Business

MusicalWE REPAIR any kind of TALKING

MACHINES promptly. Call Bell phone3242J, or bring your machine to 315Broad street. Work dune by an ex-pert.

OLD VIOLINS. MANDOLINS, GUI-TARS, BANJOS bought, sold, exchanged.Artistic repairing on all stringed In-struments. Bows rebaired. Tone re-storing a specialty. GLACE, be 4 Herrstreet.

Apartments For RentFOR RENT 1222, 1221 North Third

street, apartment for rent, 6 rooms, allconveniences, S4O. Commercial TrustCo., of Harrisburg. Pa.

WALNUT ST., 204 Apartment; sixrooms and bath; city steam; gas andelectric light in every room. Balconyin rear with dumb waiter and clothesdrier. Applj\to E. Mather at above ad-dress.

FOlt RENT Walnut street. No. 132,second lloor rear apartment, threerooms and bath, city steam. PossessionApril 1. Apply to Commonwealth TrustCo..

APARTMENTS Nos. 110 and 610 N.Second street; second story; all mod-ern improvements; city steam and hotwater furnished; ready April 1. InquireL. Minter, 110 North Second street. Bellphone 4282, Dial 4195.

FOR RENT An apartment; fourrooms and bath, completely furnished;second lloor; corner house. Apply 342South Sixteenth street. City. ,

107 SOUTH FRONT STREET FirstFloor Housekeeping Apartment, with5 large rooms, uatu and pantry; laun-dry tub; hardwood floors; city steaiaheat; use of yard. Just remodeled withall modern improvements. Brintun-ijackyf C0.,, streets.

FOR RENT Milley Apartments,corner Sixth and Cumberlandstreets. Modern in every respect. E.ce-tric light, steam heat and gasImmediate possession. Apply io Com-monwealth Trust Company, 222 Maiactstreet. ?

SECOND ST., 170u Five and sixrooms with porch; most pleasant audopen surroundings in city.

Rooms For RentFOR RENT?Two front rooms, fur-

nished for light housekeeping; gasrange, light and heat. Rent reason-

I able. 315 South Front street.

j FOR RENT?Maclay streeted rooms for rent to gentleman. CallBell phone 2441 It.

HARRIS STREET, 213?One or twounfurnished rooms, second floor frontcommunicating; use of bath and phone;suitable for doctor's office. Bell phone1219-R.

TWO BIG FLOORS?Lots of light;all conveniences. Each floor 2SUOsquare feet. Will rent separate or to-gether. Suitable for anything. ApplyExcelsior Cycle Co., 1021-31 Marketstreet, Ilarrlsburg, Pa, Phones;Bell, 4165 J; C. V., 3810.

LONE lady wishes dressmaker to takeuniurnishcd room or rooms, with orwithout board. Address P., 5627, careof Telegraph.

FOR RENT Two large unfurnish-ed rooms, with use of bath, steam heatgas and electricity. Desirable location'Will rent singly or en suite. Bellphone 4406 M.

FOR RENT Desirable furnishedroom, not front; running water, elec-tric lighting, city steam heat, bath-room adjoining; referenco reauired218 Pine street.

30 NORTH FIFTH STREET Sev-eral furnished rooms, suitable for lighthousekeeping, first and second floorsBath, heat, hot and cold water. All con-veniences. Inquire at 24 North Fifthstreet.

FOR RENT SI9 Third street, "torefined, married couple, or business wo-man, furnished front room; heat, elec-tric light and use of bath.ROOTS FOR RENT With first-

class board by meal, day or week withrunning water in rooms. 21-mealticket. 1001 Ncrth Second street.

Rooms WantedGENTLEMAN Desires light room.Protestant family, neighborhood Seneca

street and river. Must be home of re-finement. References. Address H5624, care of Telegraph.

Wanted ?Board and RoomsWANTED By man and wife, room

and board with refined, private familyin suburban town, Camp Hill preferredBest of reference given. Address V '5628, care of Telegraph.

Poultry and Supplie#FOR SALE?One good young cowApply G. W. WEAVER, 814 N. Frontstreet, Steelton. v

HATCHING EGGS Barred RoTi*and R. I. Reds. $1 per 15, from good lay-ers. Hartman, Summerdale, Mechanics-burg, No. 4.

HATCHING EGGS Barred Rockand R. 1. Reds. $1 per 15, front good lay.ers. J. A. Hartman, Summerdale, Me-chanicsburg. No. 4.

SIX QUEEN, second-handed incuba-tors In good condition; price reason-able. Apply. Elk View Poultry SupplyHouse. 1702 North Third street.

Wanted?MiscellaneousWANTED. AUTOMOBILES IN ANTCONDITION, to sell or buy. Why not

consign your car with us to avoidtrouble and worry In trying to disposeof It We make no chnrges for storageor for any repnlrn while car Is on saleAuto Transportation Co.. 27-29 North

Help Wanted ?Female

W uiiuAppl.v ."silk .Villi

Cornel txui'tU .iii-iM'uuu i


WA. ' Girls, 16 years or over,for millinery apprentices. Pay whilelearning. Also girl lo assist in sales-room. Apply Astrich's, Fourth andMarket.

WANTED Stenographer. Addressby letter only, William Penn HighwayAssociation, 409 Telegraph Building.

WASTED A seamstress. ApplyCollins Co., 34 North Second street.

FlTTKK?Experienced titter in ladiesreauy-io-wear garments; good salaryto right party; nono but experienced

! need apply. Call Ladies' Bazaar. 8-10-i South f'ourth street.


Help Wanted ?

Male and FemaleMEN?WOMEN, >25 weekly collecting

names and addresses. No canvassing.Send stamp. Superba Co.. 536, Balti-more, Md.

Agents WantedAGENTS ?\u25a0 Free Catalog and

Samples, new goods, quick sales, bigprofits, make $5 to $25 daily, no experi-ence. World's greatest specialties. Cru-ver Co.. Jackson and Campbell, Chicago,111.


| AGENTS 2OO per cent, profit; won-derful little article; something new;

| sells like wildfire. Carry right in your1 pocket. Write at once for free sample.IE. M. Feltman, Sales Manager. !14i American Building, Cincinnati, Ohio.

AGENTS To handle our greatlabor-saving specialties; sells every-where in nomes, offices, hotels, etc..Big profits. Write for particulars. ThePatterson Co., Newark, N. J.

AGENTS Grab this quick. I want100 men and women to take orders for"Kantleak" Raincoats. 1 paid Eli Bridge$88.95 for one week's spare time. Coopermaking S3OO monthly. Wonderful val-ues. Adandy coat for $3.95. Four or-ders a day gives you $3,000 a year profitand a FREE Automobile. No deliver-

or collecting. Complete sample out-fit all free. Big season just starting.Hurry. Coiner Mfg. Co., 11 Lima street,Dayton, Ohio.

AGENTS WANTED in all towns tosolicit orders for men's clothes fromfactory direct to wearer at wholesaleprices. Reference required. P. O. Box522. Philadelphia, Pa.

Salesmen WantedSALESMAN for general trade in

' Pennsylvania. Strong, staple line, newI features, splendid commission contract.

; $35.00 weekly for expenses. Continen-tal Jewelry Co., 19712 ContinentalBuilding, Cleveland, Ohio.

SALESMEN WANTED Experienceunnecessary, earn while you earn.Write for large list of openings andtestimonials from hundreds of our stu-dents who earn SIOO to SSOO a month.Address neaiest office. Dept. 244. Na-tional Salesmen's Training Assootation,Chicago, New York, San Francisco.

MANUFACTURERS of metal andglass signs want factory representa-tives. Experience along similar linesabsolutely necessary. A very fine com-mission proposition. The Donaldson

\u25a04' t Sign Co., Covington, Ky.

SALESMEN OR MANUFACTURERSAOENTS WANTED on new line of elec-tric fans and changeable window signs,etc. Liberal commission basis. A. V.,1531 Cherry street. Philadelphia, Pa.

SALESMEN, reliable, aggressive, withautomobile preferred. Wonderfulproposition. Mast handle county. De-scribe self fully. Cornelius Desimone,Conshohocken, Pa.

SALESMEN to travel on commissionselling retail trade. Shirts, underwear,hosiery, ladies' and children's dresses,waists, skirts, general merchandise.Samuel Mfg. Co., 503 Broadway, NewYork.

SALESMENAmbitious, Capable Salesmen desir-

ing to change to a line possessinggreater possibilities, should immedi-ately investigate the opportunities of-fered by the Toledo Scale Company tomen who desire to establish a lifetimeconnection in which they can earn ex-cellent yearly incomes. Applicantsmust be now employed and must haveOccupied their present position? for aperiod of one year or longer; they mustbe over twenty-five and un(*er forty-five years of age; they must be willingto finance themselves for a limitedperiod, as the arangemcnt is on a com-mission basis; they must be able to fur-nish fidelity bond. Remember, this isnot Just "another job," but for reallyhigh-grade men it is the opening to aprosperous life career. Address To-ledo Scale Company, John L. Theobald,District Manager, 1219-1221 Filbertstreet, Philadelphia. Pa.

Situations Wanted ?MaleWANTED Position as chauffeur In

private family; can do all repair work.Apply 120 Ridge street, Steelton, Pa.

PAINTER AND DECORATOR Ex-perienced man desires work; sober, in-dustrious and steady worker; willmake good anywhere. Call or addressto I* V. Reed, Rutherford Heights Inn.

WANTED Young man, age 25,wjth ability and seven years' of prac-tical experience. High school gradu-ate, will also graduate from the Whar-ton Extension School of Accounts andFinance this year. Something with afuture desired. Address Box A-4928,care of Telegraph.

DAY'S WORK From 11 A. M. till8 P. M.. or whole days. Address 1604North Fifth street (back).

Situations Wanted ?MaleWANTED Position of any kind bystrong:, young: man, 17 years of age.

] Address J. 8.. 1812 Fulton street.

i WANTED Position of any kindwhere there is a chance of advance-] ment by young: man 22 years of age;can furnish best of reference. AddressjA. W. F., 1 SI2 Fulton street.

CHAUFFEUR Age 22, wants posi-tion; can furnish reference; can do ownrepairing. Address Roy Lesher, 216South Second street, Steelton, Pa.

Situations Wanted?FemaleWANTED?A position as porter, or

driver for delivery wagon, or dishwash-er. Apply 2136 North Seventh street.

WANTED Place to do generalhousework, without washing, or officesto clean. 1426 Marion street.

WANTED Scotch woman wouldlike position for upstairs work orhousekeeping, latter preferred. Ad-dress J. Bennett, Mount Holly Station,Pa.

WANT*." Day's work of any kindwanted by a colored woman. Apply1217 North Seventh street.

WANTED Colored woman wouldlike day's work of any kind for Wed-

| nesday, Thursday and Friday. Address{ M. E. J., 60'J Cumberland street.

! COOK Settled colored woman de-] sires position as cook and downstairsworker; no washing; can give refer-ences. Address 501 Cowden stveet.

HOUSEWORK Young colored wo-man wishes position doing generaflhousework or nursing. Address ViolaHicks. 308 Ridge street, Steelton, Pa.

WASHING WANTED To do athome. Address 1533 Logan street.

DAY'S WORK Settled woman de-sires position assisting In kitchen inhotel, restaurant or boardinghouse, orday's work. Call 1 to 2 or 7 to 8 P. M.,1010 James street.

WANTED A reliable, colored maidwants place for general housework inHarrisburg. Paxtang or suburbs. Ap-ply 49 Church avenue, Carlisle, Pa.

WANTED An experienced womandesires a position for upstairs work, orlight housework. Address C. Kichler

j 123 North Front street, Columbia.

Real Estate For Sale


Nos. 339 and 341 S. Sixteenth Street3-stor.v frame houses with water inkitchen. Uood location, steady rent-ers. To close estate. A cash offeris desired.

No. 2120 N. Seventh Street Modernthree-story brick house. Street pavedand drive alley in rear. Price only

s2^oooNo. 1313 Walnut Street?3-story brick

and frame house with all modern im-provements; well located and good in-vestment. May be had at a bargain.Cash ofler wanted.


I No. 1839 Herr Street Detached brickcottage house, with every conveni-ence. Lot, 60x110 ft. to 20-ft streetin rear. House practically new. Im-mediate possession. Price 14,750

No. 2119_N. Sixth Street Three-storyi brick house with all improvements.I A complete home in an ideal location.

Price 4,500

: No. 607 N. Fifteenth Street Modern,] 8 rooms, brlclt house, with steam

! heat, electric lights, side entranceand in good repair. Very desirable

1 location. Price s3,Sou

J. E. GIPPLE, j1251 Market Street.


i BOAS ST., 1825 2%-story frame! semi-detached dwelling; slate roof;| all improvements; granolithic walks

Wo aUC' S '^e; at > property for

CAMP ST., 637 This corner prop-erty, three-story brick. 8 rooms, bath,all improvements, has been,.reducedSIOO.OO. It will pay you to inspect thisproperty. Price upon inquiry.

DISBROW ST., 81 This two-storybrick dwelling has been greatly reduc-

i ed, as owner desires cash for anotherproposition. Price, $2,350.

HERR ST.. 1118-1120 These brickdwellings, with improvements, are nowrenting at $32.00 and can be purchasedfor $3,400.

JEFFERSON ST.. 2306 Three-storybrick dwelling; 8 rooms; l/atli; all Im-provements; suitable for garage. Price,$2,900.

JEFFERSON ST., 2445?Corner prop-erty: 2H-*tory frame; detached; im-provements; 8 rooms; bath. A niceproperty for the money. Price. $2,600.

THIRD ST., corner LEWIS, RIVER-SIDE We have a plot of ground loOx210 which we can sell as a whole orin part. Price upon Inquiry.

SEVENTEENTH ST., 418, SouthThii property is in an ideal location,has excellent street car facilities, andwith a little money expended on Imiprovemeints will make a substantialhome. Price, SI,BOO.

SUSQUEHANNA ST., 1829-1831Three-story brick dwellings; 8 rooms;bath; all Improvements; an excellentneighborhood. Price, each, $2,500.

TWENTY-SEVENTH ST., North2H-story brick and stucco dwelling; 8rooms; bath; all improvements; hotwater heat; lot, 19x90. Price. $3,400.

ZARKER ST.. 1443 lf you want aninvestment inspect this property. Rentsfor $15.00. Excellent tenant. Price.$1,750.


Member Harrisburg Heal Estate Board.

CAMP HILL MAIN ST.. one blocksouth of Market Three-story framedetached dwelling; eleven room's; bath-all Improvements; lot, 40x125; front,side and rear porches; gas and coalrange; fruit trees; granolithic walks.Price, $4,000.


iMember Harrisburg Real Estate Board.

FREE BOOK OK FLORIDA FACTS.If interested in Florida, before visitingor settling in this wonderful state of

I fragrant flowers and sunshine, writel.ako County Land Owners' Association,No. 10- Lloyd St., Fruitland#Park, Florl-

| da, for free book of actual photographsI and real conservative facts concerningthis State. There is poor, good, betterand best land in Florida. This bookwill teach you what IS BEST and WHY.The members of ths Association are notland agents; they simply wish to tell

I actual facts to -tlioso really interestediin the State. They have no time toI waste on curiosity seekers, children orI people who expect to grow rich witli-i out effort, but to tiiose of character, en-ergy, some capital, with a desire tolearn more of the opportunities in thismost prosperous Slate we would beglad to give fullest information.

SIX-ACRE FRUIT AND POULTKVFARM Buildings in good condition10 milrs from Harrisburg. Price, $2,000.H. G. Pedlow, 3 South Thirteenth street.


One-half mile from Bowinansdale. Anexceptional proposition at a fair figure.Miller Brothers & Co.

| TIIE HIGH COST OF LIVING canmost successfully be reduced by buyiug1 or more %-acre plots of ground atVAUGHN.Convenient to trolley. Land very pro-ductive.

H. O. HOUCK,C. V. phone 4625, or C. B. Care, 409Market Street, Harrisburg.

THREE-ACRE FARM ~!j The Schaefter farm, 4 relies east of

I Paxtonia, close to Skopa's Church:I beautiful 7-room house; barn; garage;carpenter house; chicken house; hog

I barn and otliei farm buildings; varietyi of l'ruit; all garden soil; a very deslr-aole home. Price, $1,660.

C. B. CARE,,409 Market Street. Harrisburg.

For Sale?MiscellaneousONE Sewing Machine.One Morris chair.One cherry parlor table.Apply 514 N. Third street.

FOR SALE Surety bonds, fire In-surance, all forms of automobile insur-ance. JOHN C. ORR, 222 Market street.Phone 934.


FOR SAL.O A comparatively newgas stove, and water heater; also win-dow shades. Apply 115 Reily.

FOR SALE Bedroom suit, brassbeds, dlningroom suit, cabinet gasrange, all new; couple leaving town, ti 17Schuylkill street.

FRESH HERRING AND SHAD"Direct from the Fishermen." If vouwant to buy Herring and Shad In B'ar-rel lots write us for prices. Harry Ro-chester Co., Inc., Wholesale Fish Mar-ket, Baltimore, Md.

CANOESGeo. K. Relst, 327 South Front.

FOR SALE Two or four mules,good size and good haulers, for sale atT. M. Sklvlngton's stable on Lincolnstreet, Marysville, Pa.

FOR SALE80,000 FIRE BRICK9-inch Straight, good asnew, immediate shipment.D. W. Cox, 222 Market St.

FOR SALE Two horses, one doublewagon, two single wagons, three setsof harness, all stable equipment. Pricevery reasonable to a quick buyer. Ap-ply 330 Broad street.

FOR SALE Two pool tables, racks,cues and balls, at a bargain. ApplyHenry and Gllmore. Eleventh and Mar-ket atreeta, clear atora.

WANTED Energetic, active manto establish permanent business. Wholeor pait time. Health and Accident In-surance. Immediate cash returns andfuture. National Casualty Company,Detroit. Mich.

$20.00 WEEKLY made writing: namesfor Mail Order Houses. No canvassing.Particulars for stamp. The Guide Com-pany, Memphis, Tennessee.

GOOD MONEY MADE at home knit-lint? hosiery. Machines furnished ontime. We buy or sell your goods. Easyand constant work. Wheeler Co. (Inc.),537 Madison, Chicago.

I W'JX PAY any honest man up toSSO monthly for part of spare time. Nocanvassing, -.o capital. Write to-day.Yoorhies, Desk 155, Omaha. Nebr.

A IXK'AI, SALESMAN WANTED tosell all-steel portable garages andlarger buildings. Attractive proposi-tion. fullest sale co-operation. Perma-nent. Profitable. Uuby ManufacturingCo., Jackson. Michigan.

LABORERS Good laborers wantedfor scrap iron yard. Applv Williams &

Freidman, South Tenth street.

HIGH SCHOOL BOYSWanting to take advantage of makingat least $lO to sl2 per week afterschool ana spare time, selling a house-hold necessity, that is used at this sea-son of the year in all homes. Apply allday Sunday or any evening after 7. Mr.Reilly, 325 Broad street.

For Rent? 1502 S. 12th St.. 2>4 s. b., r. b? $1.%!?21fi Hamilton St., 3 s. b? 9 r. !>., S2S? 2238 N. sth St., 3 s. b? S r. b. .. S3O?*2005 GrKn St.. 3s. b.. 9r. b. ... s3r>i

APARTMENTS iI Apartment Arcade Building. 3rd?i floor, 4 rooms and bath

... $32..~0?i 220 UciMt St., (second floor). 4?i rooms and bath; city heat ...

#3,-.?il2s Walnut (2nd floor I 3 r. & b.. $3.114 204 I.ncunt St., (from April 15), 3i? rooms and bath S4O i? 300 \. Second?(lst floor), 5 rooms.and bath; city steam heat ... $504425 S. Front St., 7r. b., steam heat. If SIBIIIBAX i? Eaolfl?Vilnius St., 2% s. f? 6 r.. sl2?? lluniiiK'lNtiMvn?Main St. and Wal-fT ton Ave., s. li? 8 r. & b.. hot??

water heat: lot 125x200 $30*?

1-i.nnnton Canton Ave. and Cum-?*berland St.. 2V6 s. f., 9 r. b., elec-Ttrie; lot 100x220 s3o*

store: iiooms f118 S. Second; 18x30 ft S2O?206 N. Second St. (Donaldson Build-1ins; room 20x130 feet SJSOI

231 N. Second St.. 22x100. Also 2-fstory brick building in rear. T

11001N. Third, second floor .... $251

SUMMER COTTAGES fAlabama Cottage at Perdlx; six Irooms, partly furnished.Brightbill Cottage at Cove Station;!

(0 roo/ns: completely furnished. IPhiladelphia Cottage at Perdlx; 44

? rooms; completely furnished. I| MILLERBROTHERS&CO.ii Member libit. Ileal I'.ntate Board 44 HEAL. ESTATE I? Insurance Surety Rondo I

? I.ocust and Court Streets 4