(WS11) Nikola Plejić: jQuery tips & tricks

 $(”#tips, #tricks”).show(); Nikola Plejić @nikolaplejic [email protected]

Transcript of (WS11) Nikola Plejić: jQuery tips & tricks

Page 1: (WS11) Nikola Plejić: jQuery tips & tricks


$(”#tips, #tricks”).show();

Nikola Plejić@nikolaplejic

[email protected]

Page 2: (WS11) Nikola Plejić: jQuery tips & tricks

   0koristite library

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Page 4: (WS11) Nikola Plejić: jQuery tips & tricks


Page 5: (WS11) Nikola Plejić: jQuery tips & tricks

   1naučite JavaScript

Page 6: (WS11) Nikola Plejić: jQuery tips & tricks

   1➔ D. Crockford: JavaScript: The Good Parts

➔ M. Haverbeke: Eloquent JavaScript1

➔ J. Resig: Learning Advanced JavaScript2

1 http://ejohn.org/apps/learn/ 2 http://eloquentjavascript.net/

Page 7: (WS11) Nikola Plejić: jQuery tips & tricks

   2jQuery nije rješenje svih vaših problema

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Page 9: (WS11) Nikola Plejić: jQuery tips & tricks

   3jQuery je low-level

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   3ExtJS, GWT, ...

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   4pratite razvoj

Page 12: (WS11) Nikola Plejić: jQuery tips & tricks

   4Release date Version

August 26, 2006 1.0

January 14, 2007 1.1

September 10, 2007 1.2

January 14, 2009 1.3

January 14, 2010 1.4

January 31, 2011 1.5

May 3, 2011 1.6

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Page 14: (WS11) Nikola Plejić: jQuery tips & tricks

   6Deferred objekti

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   7Data linking

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1 http://knockoutjs.com/

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$(”#tips, #tricks”).hide();

@[email protected]

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