WS Fed - Slackline Rule Book (2013)

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Transcript of WS Fed - Slackline Rule Book (2013)

  • 8/12/2019 WS Fed - Slackline Rule Book (2013)



    Rule BookAs from January 2013 - all rights reserved

  • 8/12/2019 WS Fed - Slackline Rule Book (2013)



    WSFed Rule BookThis rule book has applied (provisionally) sine !ay 1



    1. Introduction1.1. Why Contests Should Be WSFed Licensed.......................................................................... 3

    1.2. General Contest Information .............................................................................................. 3a) Contest procedure ................................................................................................................ 3

    b) Special regulations ................................................................................................................ 4

    c) Judging .................................................................................................................................. 4

    d) i!e control .......................................................................................................................... 4

    e) "ie#ing ................................................................................................................................. $

    %) &usic ..................................................................................................................................... $

    g) &oderation ........................................................................................................................... $h) Location ................................................................................................................................ $

    i) Supporting progra! ............................................................................................................... $

    ')Fee ( pay!ent ........................................................................................................................ $

    2. Worldranking Points2.1. Overview .................................................................................................................................

    3. Overview of Contests3.1. Categories ...............................................................................................................................*3.2. Slackline World Championship.......................................................................................... +3.3. National Slackline Championships ..................................................................................113.. Slackline WorldC!p............................................................................................................133.". Slackline Open.....................................................................................................................13.#. Slackline $am ........................................................................................................................1,

    . !udging.1. General Information ...........................................................................................................21.2. %he &!dging license s'stem ...............................................................................................21

    .3 (evelopment of the &!dging str!ct!re ) f!t!re prospects .........................................24

    . *ssesment.............................................................................................................................2$

    ". #$$endi%".1. $!dging assessment form----------------------------------...2+

    ".2. Contest license application---------------------------------...3

  • 8/12/2019 WS Fed - Slackline Rule Book (2013)



    1. Introduction

    1.1. Why Contests Should Be WSFed Licensed

    he World Slac/line Federation supports the independent de0elop!ent o% the slac/line sport. heestablish!ent o% national and international co!petitions is an essential aspect o% this de0elop!ent.

    Slac/liners %ro! all o0er the #orld are 'oined under the badge o% WSFed and recognie its rules and


    WSFed licensing increases the general and !edial interest in !eetings and ensures that the stars o%

    the sport #ill ta/e part.

    n order to spread the sport and generate public interest a WSFed licensed co!petition considers

    entertain!ent 0alue as #ell as the co!petiti0e aspect. Criteria such as contest procedure

    !oderation !usic supporting progra! publicity and the choice o% location are i!portant.

    1.2. General Contest Informationeeping to certain guidelines and standards each WSFed certi%ied contest %inds its best slac/liners.

    here are di%%erent contest categories %or slac/liners o% di%%erent abilities and %or organiers #ith

    di%%erent resources. 5ach contest category has suitable guidelines %or slac/line setup #orldran/ing

    points prie !oney and 'udging

    6ne round o% a WSFed slac/line contest lasts around an hour. his helps to !aintain spectator

    attention. With pauses bet#een the rounds a contest can spread o0er a couple o% days. n a one day

    !eeting pauses gi0e the public chances o% a brea/ or o% participation in a supporting progra!.

    a) Contest 7rocedure8sually (#$eption% &orld 'hampionship) a contest is organied as a series o% 1 against 1 .6.

    9battles9. #o slac/liners co!pete %or a gi0en ti!e. 6ne starts his :or her) per%or!ance. % he %alls o%%

    the line or 'u!ps do#n %ro! it the opponent ta/es o0er. When the second one lea0es the line the

    %irst ta/es o0er again. his 9battle;!ode9 is sti!ulating %or the athletes and %or spectators as the

    slac/liners inspire each other to sho# better and !ore spectacular tric/s. ceeding his allo#ance by !ore than 1$ seconds.

  • 8/12/2019 WS Fed - Slackline Rule Book (2013)



    b) Special regulations

    he participants o% a co!petition are allo#ed to %inish their run be%ore the ti!e is up

    :because o% in'ury). he run #ill be scored #ith the points he recei0ed until this point. % a

    contestant %inishes his run be%ore the ti!e is up he is not allo#ed to continue the run. he

    %inishing o% the run needs to be announced to the head o% the 'urors. 5ach co!petitor has the right o% an in'ury lay;o%% at each tourna!ent. his brea/ can be 2

    !inutes !a>i!u! and should be used %or !edical treat!ent or li/e that. he brea/ needs to

    be announced to the head o% the 'urors.

    he head o% the 'urors is authoried to dis?uali%y a co!petitor in case o% health threat e0en

    against his #ill.

    Beha0ior in case o% absence o% a contest participant@

    n case o% absence after the registration (before the contest and before the sign in@

    he participant #ill not recei0e #orld ran/ing list points his co!petitor recei0es a bye %or the

    ne>t round. % the reason o% the absence is inde%ensible the athlete #ill get a suspension %or

    WSFed co!petitions : D 12 !onth). Euring this suspension the athlete can ta/e part inco!petitions but neither #ill get the points nor is listed in the #orld ran/ing list.

    n case o% absence after the sign in (on site!

    he athlete recei0es the #orld ran/ing list points his co!petitor recei0es a bye %or the ne>t

    round. % the reason o% the absence is inde%ensible the athlete #ill get a suspension %or

    WSFed co!petitions : D 12 !onth). Euring this suspension the athlete can ta/e part in

    co!petitions but neither #ill get the points nor is listed in the #orld ran/ing list.

    n case o% absence(in'ury during the com"etition@

    he athlete recei0es the #orld ran/ing list points he scored until his absence(in'ury his ne>t

    co!petitor recei0es a bye %or the ne>t round.

    c) JudgingEuring the battle three ?uali%ied 'udges allocate points in di%%erent categories.

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    e) "ie#ing

    he spectators e0en i% non;e>pert should be a#are all the ti!e o% the current state o% the contest

    and the results o% indi0idual rounds. So the %ollo#ing should be displayed@

    < list o% starters sho#ing their progress %ro! round to round :as a table)

    he ti!e still a0ailable alongside the na!e o% the slac/liner he %ull results

    %) &usic

    he athletes build the acco!panying !usic into their per%or!ances. his i!pro0es the

    entertain!ent and the !ood o% the public turning the sport sho# into an e!otional happening. t is

    reco!!ended that a EJ should control the !usic. =e can then attune the !usic to the !ood o% the

    athletes and spectators.

    g) &oderation

    &oderators are a 0ital co!ponent o% the contest. hey entertain ani!ate and lead the public

    through the co!petition.

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    2. Worldranking Points

    t World Cha!pionship. hey

    #ill not decline a%ter 12 !onth but at the point #hen the ne>t World Cha!pionship #ill be held.

    his point can be less or !ore than 12 !onth a%ter the last World Cha!pionship.

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    3. Contest categories

    WSFed certi%ies slac/line contests in %i0e categories. his ensures to set sertain standarts and pro0ide

    a high ?uality #ithin the contests. he WSFed 'udges are responsible %or their e>a!ination. % a

    contest is not conducted to this criterias the license can be denied a%ter#ards. his i!plicates thatno #orld ran/inglist points #ill be assigned.

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  • 8/12/2019 WS Fed - Slackline Rule Book (2013)



    #.2. Slac$line World Cham"ionshi"

    he Slac/line World Cha!pionships ta/es place once per year. Bet#een t#o Slac/line World

    Cha!pionships at least * !onth !ust elapse. t should only be held one WorldCha!ionship during

    one calendar year. he top eight slac/liners in the WSFed #orldran/ing co!pete against each other.Iuali%ication is possible only by position in the #orldran/ing. % one o% the ?uali%ied slac/liners cannot

    co!pete in the World Cha!pionships the ne>t best substitutes %or hi! :or her). he athletes are

    in0ited by the tourna!ent organier #ho pays their costs o% tra0el acco!!odation and %ood.

    he Slac/line World Cha!pionship should idealy be helt e0ery year in another country. 7otential

    hosts ha0e to send the application to the WSFed until the end o% 6ctober o% the pre0ious year latest.

    he WSFed #ill decide until the end o% the year #ho #ill recei0e the license.

    n contrast to other contests the #orld Cha!pionship in0ol0es a group phase be%ore the hal% %inals.

    he organier !ust ensure that as #ell as the athletes a EJ a !oderator and three 'udges :all three

    #ith WSFed

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    Slac$line World Cham"ionshi"

    License Fee $ 58H

    itleWorld Cha!pion :WSFed)

    &ini!u! 7rie &oney 1.*$ 58H

    1. 7rie 1. 58H

    2. 7rie $ 58H

    3. 7rie 2$ 58H

    Slac/line Ei!ensions

    Length@ 13;1, !

    =eight@ 1$;12 c!


  • 8/12/2019 WS Fed - Slackline Rule Book (2013)



    best tric/(co!bo. n the se!i%inals the %irst o% one group co!petes against the

    second o% the other group. he se!i%inal losers then co!pete %or third place be%ore the se!i%inal

    #inners co!pete to be World Cha!pion.

    @contest license application in $.2.

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  • 8/12/2019 WS Fed - Slackline Rule Book (2013)



    %ational Slac$line Cham"ionshi"s

    License Fee 1 58H


    9ational Cha!pion :WSFed)A e.g. Eeutscher &eister :WSFed)

    &ini!u! 7ries * 58H

    1. 7rie 4 58H

    2. 7rie 2 58H

    3. 7rie 1 58H

    Slac/line Ei!ensions

    Length@ 11;1 !

    =eight@ +$;12 c!


  • 8/12/2019 WS Fed - Slackline Rule Book (2013)



    #.&. Slac$line WorldCu"

    5ach year WSFed allocates up to $ licenses %or WorldCup contests. hey pro0ide the !ost

    #orldran/ing points. he rules %or producing a suitable e0ent o% the highest standard are

    correspondingly strict. he li!itation o% %i0e per year also indicates that only the best applications%ro! organiers can be granted. he potential host has to send the application to the WSFed #ith at

    least 4 !onth lead ti!e. hat is necessary to guarantee that there is enough ti!e to organice an

    outstanding e0ent and !a/e a proper announce!ent.

    o ensure that these contests include the #orld elite o% the sport and that the per%or!ances are at

    top le0el the best eight o% the current #orldran/ing are in0ited and seeded and their tra0el

    acco!!odation %ood and drin/ are rei!bursed. hey !ust pro0e the!sel0es in co!petition #ith

    the a!bitious slac/liners and ne#co!ers #ho co!plete the !a>i!u! 32 starters. % an in0ited

    athlete cannot ta/e part the ne>t in the ran/ings ta/es his place.

    he other contestants !ust co!pete in preli!inary ?uali%ications at the site. hey get rando!positions in the start list :not seeded).

    he Contest !ode is 1 against 1 .6. syste!.

    he organier !ust ensure that as #ell as the athletes a EJ a !oderator and three 'udges

    :!ini!u! t#o WSFed ed ti!e per battle to con0ince 'udges and public o% his s/ills. =is re!aining ti!e

    should be 0isible to hi! and spectators during the battle e.g. on a !onitor.

    he EJ !ust react to the contestants and the public so the EJ console !ust be sited to gi0e a good

    0ie# o% the spectators and the contest arena. he !oderators !ust be e?uipped #ith #ireless

    !icrophones or headsets.

    < pro!inent raised site is needed %or the prie gi0ing. Cups should be presented %or the %irst three

    places together #ith the prie !oney in the %or! o% %ancy chec/s.

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  • 8/12/2019 WS Fed - Slackline Rule Book (2013)



    Slac$line WorldCu"

    License Fee 3 58H

    itleWorldCup Winner :WSFed)

    &ini!u! prie !oney 1.*$ 58H

    1. 7rie 1. 58H

    2. 7rie $ 58H

    3. 7rie 2$ 58H

    Slac/line Ei!ensions

    Length@ 13;1, !

    =eight@ 1$;12 c!


  • 8/12/2019 WS Fed - Slackline Rule Book (2013)



    #.'. Slac$line "en

    Besides the WorldCup e0ents and the World Cha!pionship the WSFed 6pens !ean a lot %or athletes

    and !edia. =ere too the prie !oney and plenty o% #orldran/ing points attract the #orld elite o%

    slac/liners. 5ach year at !ost 2 licenses %or these are granted by WSFed.

    he contests run in 1 against 1 contest !ode. penses.

    he organier !ust ensure that as #ell as the athletes a EJ a !oderator and three 'udges :at least

    one #ith WSFed B;license) attend the contest. he organier !ust pay their %ees costs %or tra0el

    acco!!odation and %ood and !ust supply the e?uip!ent that they need.

    With this category o% contest too the interests o% the press !ust be considered. 5nough roo! andti!e !ust be planned %or the!. Be%ore and a%ter the contest enough ti!e !ust be planned %or

    inter0ie#s #ith the contestants. hese !ust be agreed in ad0ance bet#een the press the organier

    and the athletes. < special area #ith a sponsor display as bac/ground should be !ade a0ailable.

    he athletes !ust ha0e the chance to #ar! up and get ready %or at least an hour be%ore the contest

    starts. For #ar!ing up they should ha0e access to the contest slac/line or to an identical slac/line

    nearby. here !ust be a screened;o%% region %or the athletes #ith seats drin/s and snac/s #here

    they can put spare clothing etc.

    he 'udges !ust be situated so that they ha0e a per%ect 0ie# o% the contest.

    5ach athlete has 2 !inutes per battle to con0ince 'udges and public o% his s/ills. =is re!aining ti!eshould be 0isible to hi! and spectators during the battle e.g. on a !onitor % this is not possible the

    !oderator !ust constantly announce the re!aining ti!e.

    he EJ !ust react to the contestants and the public so the EJ console !ust be sited to gi0e a good

    0ie# o% the spectators and the contest arena. he !oderators !ust be e?uipped #ith #ireless

    !icrophones or headsets.

    < pro!inent raised site is needed %or the prie gi0ing. Cups should be presented %or the %irst three

    places together #ith the prie !oney.

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  • 8/12/2019 WS Fed - Slackline Rule Book (2013)



    #.). Slac$line *am

    he WSFed Ja!s are the starting class o% WSFed licensed contests. hey gi0e slac/liners good chances

    to get their %irst e>periences in contest situations and to test their abilities. hey can also collect their

    %irst #orldran/ing points and so get into the #orldran/ings.

    For the organiers too the WSFed Ja!s are the best #ay to get initial e>perience in organiing

    slac/line contests. he %inancial de!ands are li!ited and the %ederation rules are less strict. But o%

    course WSFed standards !ust still be !aintained.

    he battles last only + seconds per rider less than in other categories. his !a/es lo#er de!ands

    on the %itness and 0ersatility o% the athletes. 6nly the best %our riders in the #orldran/ing are

    ?uali%ied and seeded i% they ta/e part. he other contestants are not seeded and !ay ha0e to co!e

    through preli!inary ?uali%ications at the site.

    n this category too the organier !ust ensure pay!ent %or three 'udges. 6ne 'udge !ust ha0e at

    least a WSFed C;license. he other t#o can 'udge #ithout ha0ing licenses but o% course should /no#enough about the sport and the di%%iculty o% 0arious tric/s. &oderation and sound are also desirable.

    he athletes !ust ha0e the chance to #ar! up and get ready %or at least an hour be%ore the contest

    starts. For #ar!ing up they should ha0e access to the contest slac/line or to an identical slac/line

    nearby. here !ust be a screened;o%% region %or the athletes #ith seats drin/s and snac/s #here

    they can put spare clothing etc.

    he 'udges !ust be situated so that they ha0e a per%ect 0ie# o% the contest.

    5ach athlete has + seconds per battle to con0ince 'udges and public o% his s/ills. =is re!aining ti!e

    should be 0isible to hi! and spectators during the battle e.g. on a !onitor % this is not possible the

    !oderator !ust constantly announce the re!aining ti!e.

    < pro!inent raised site is needed %or the prie gi0ing.

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    Slac$line *am

    License Fee $ 58H


    WSFed Ja! Winner

    &ini!u! 7rie &oney 3$ 58H

    1. 7rie 2 58H

    2. 7rie 1 58H

    3. 7rie $ 58H

    Slac/line Ei!ensions

    Length@ +;13 !

    =eight@ ,$;1$ c!Contest

  • 8/12/2019 WS Fed - Slackline Rule Book (2013)



    .!udgingTasks of the &ed Judges

    &.1. General information

    < ?uali%ied co!petition is not possible #ithout ?uali%ied 'udges.For this reason the licensing o% 'udges is a 0ery i!portant topic %or the WSFed.

    he !ost i!portant principles %or the 'udges o% the WSFed are@

    58Hceptiones. Hight a%ter the co!petition he is responsible %or the

    con0eyance o% the contest results including the ran/ing o% the co!petition to the WSFed

    :%or!). Further!ore the head 'udge con0enes a short !eeting to prepare the 'udges %or the

    contest in%or! about e0entual absence o% riders :in case o% in'ury) and get all 3 in the

    right(sa!e !ood(attitude %or 'udging.

    &.2. +he ,udging license system6ne o% the goals o% the WSFed is to create a consistent and %air scoring guideline %or slac/line

    co!petitions to !a/e the per%or!ance o% the riders co!parable #orld#ide. here%ore it is

    necessary that all 'urors score on the basis o% the sa!e rules and to abide by the sa!e policies and

    regulations. hat is #hy the WSFed de0eloped a 'udging license syste! #hich !a/es it possible to

    e0aluate and to license %uture 'udges.

    he three 'udging licenses@ C;License ( B;License (

  • 8/12/2019 WS Fed - Slackline Rule Book (2013)




    o get the WSFed C;License you need to ta/e part in the C;License e>a!ination. he passing o% the

    e>a! enables to 'udge Slac/line 6pen Ja!s and Slac/line ational Cha!pionships.

    he e>a!ination consists o% t#o parts@ a #ritten e>a! :?uestionary) and a practical test :also onlinepossible). Both parts ha0e to be passed success%ully. % the e>a!inee %ails in one o% both he has to

    repeat the #hole e>a!ination.


    he e>perience plays an i!portant part in the progress o% the 'udging education. t is re?uired to

    'udge %i0e contests as a C;license Judge to be ad!itted to the B;License e>a!. Besides the 6pens

    Ja!s and ationals the B;License also enables to 'udge Slac/line WorldCups.

    he e>a!ination consists o% t#o parts@ a #ritten e>a! :?uestionary) and a practical test :also online

    possible). Both parts ha0e to be passed success%ully. % the e>a!inee %ails in one o% both he has torepeat the #hole e>a!ination.

  • 8/12/2019 WS Fed - Slackline Rule Book (2013)



    "alid %or all licenses@

    o apply %or an e>a!ination please %ill out the online %or! #hich can be %ound on the WSFed

    #ebsite. 6nly persons aged 1, or abo0e are allo#ed to ta/e part in the 'udging license courses.

    a!ination the 'udges #ill recei0e the 'udging license certi%icate as #ell as the

    acti0ity con%ir!ation boo/let. 5ach ti!e a 'udge acts in his %unction his(her acti0ity #ill be registered

    in an acti0ity con%ir!ation boo/let. he boo/let has to be presented #ithout re?uest to the WSFed

    %or the acti0ity con%ir!ation to !aintain the license e0ery year.

    6nce a 'udge has co!pleted success%ully a certain license grad he needs to 'udge at least one

    contest #ithin the %ollo#ing calendar year to !aintain the license. % not he #ill be do#ngraded by

    one license le0el. n e>ceptional duly 'usti%ied cases an e>tension o% the period o% ti!e is i!aginable

    on re?uest.

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    C;License@ $ 58H per person

    B;License@ 1 58H per person

    a!ination %ee the candidate #ill be ad!itted %or the

    e>a!ination. change rate.


    Consulting be%ore the e>a!ination

    7ro0iding o% e>a!ination rele0ant docu!ents


    ranting o% the license ( certi%icate

  • 8/12/2019 WS Fed - Slackline Rule Book (2013)



    &.&. 0ssesment

    ric/lining is a co!petition sport #here the #hole per%or!ance leads to the 0ictory. he contestant

    #ho lands the !ost and the !ost di%%icult tric/s and co!bos in the gi0en ti!e #ins. For cloc/ing the

    gi0en ti!e %or each round it is i!portant only to !easure the ti!e on the line. he ti!e is stopped as

    soon as the Hider lea0es the Line a%ter a run and goes on #hen the Hider begins his ne>t run. he%ollo#ing criteria 0alue the a0erage o% all sho#n tric/s in a run :the ti!e span #hich is a0ailable to

    the rider %or his per%or!ance).

    Last tric/ ( last run@ 6nce the regular ti!e is up each slac/liner is allo#ed to %inish his per%or!ance.

    he !a>i!u! additional ti!e %or e0ery rider %or each run is 1$ seconds. 50erything sho#n a%ter

    these 1$ seconds cannot be considered in the e0aluation any!ore. i!u! o% 12 points %or the rider #ho did better in this category. he

    other one gets points in relation to the 12 points o% his opponent.

    his is necessary because it is not the a!ount o% points that !atters %or the %inal result but the

    ratio. < %urther e%%ect is that the category AEi%%iculty re!ains the !ost i!portant one and cannot

    be o0ertopped by another one :%or e>a!ple could Aa!plitude score !ore points in a bad battle #ith

    a Ahigh 'u!per)

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    he granting o% the points al#ays depends o% the indi0idual le0el o% the respecti0e

    contest. he !ost di%%icult tric/s can be e>pected at a slac/line #orldcup or at a slac/line #orld

    cha!pionship. a!ples@


    &eans touching the ground #ith %eet or hands during the e>ecution o% tric/s and co!bos. he !ore

    the support or area o% contact on the ground(on the Line the higher is the deduction o% points in this

    category.A* +ight dabs , the rider ust touhes the ground softly or by aident , .dot/* ard dabs , the rider uses the ground or the line for keeping the balane , .minus/

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    nclean landing3 falls and dismounts

    o point deduction

    Landing on the line sa0e landing

    Light !isdoing Q Adot

    Landing on the line sha/y landing

    &isdoing QA!inus

    Landing on the line hard struggeling but stic/ing it :getting stable on the line)

    Landing on the line sa%ety buttbounce :or the li/e)

    o scoring %or the #hole tric/

    Landing on the line %all(dis!ount

    Landing besides the line ( unplanned %all(dis!ount

    o scoring in this category:but the tric/ !ight count %or Adi0ersity or Aper%or!ance)

    Landing besides the line ( purposely dis!ount

    Additional% or eah fall or unplanned dismount* a .dot/ has to be noted" &e ant the slakliners to

    finish their ombos and triks

    -oing tric$s/combos 4clean5!

    he tric/s should be sho#en precisely and #ithout sha/ing. Further!ore #e are interested in theco!bos co!posed o% the high le0el. ric/s should be done %luently one a%ter the other #ithout

    getting the energy %ro! doing easier tric/s :li/e stic/y buttbounce) and #ithout getting the balance

    by doing short brea/s bet#een the tric/s.


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    F Q Flips all /ind o% %lips@ bac/%lip %ront%lip butt%lip &isty%lip


    Si Q Sic/s Asic/ tric/s@ Sic/ nasty asty chest -

    H Q Hotations all /ind o% rotation@ 3R Buttbounce $4 to BB &o'o Flat Spin -)

    B Q Bounces di%%erent /inds o% bounces@ bac/ bounce chest bounce butt bounce

    lady bounce -)

    St Q Statics static !o0es@ Front le0er Buddha double /nee drop-)

    ( Q rabs aps all /inds o% grabs and taps@ Ko/oha!a BB s?uirrel grap -)

    C Q Creati0ity ne# tric/s and co!binations

    he slac/liner #ho has sho#n !ore di%%erent tric/s o% one group than his opponent gets a point %or

    this group the other one gets A points %or this group. t is not the total a!ount o% tric/s but the

    a!ount o% di%%erent tric/s o% one group that count.

    n total , points :%or the , groups) ha0e to be di0ided to both slac/liners. % the 'udge cannot !a/e a

    clear decision or there is no noticeable di%%erence bet#een the slac/liners the 'udge should score

    $ to $ points.

    :his syste! ensures that a larger nu!ber o% di%%erent tric/sout o% di%%erent tric/ groups are


  • 8/12/2019 WS Fed - Slackline Rule Book (2013)



    ". #$$endi%&'.1. *udging assessment form

  • 8/12/2019 WS Fed - Slackline Rule Book (2013)



    '.2. Contest license a""lication