Writting Examples 3

The chart and graph below give information about sales and share prices for Coca-Cola. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below. You should write at least 150 words. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. El gráfico muestra el porcentaje de botellas de Coca cola's consumida por región en 2000, es muy claro que entre América Latina, Europa y América del Norte, la diferencia no es grande, sin embargo América del Norte tiene el primer lugar en el consumo de Coca cola' botellas s en 2000. en el lado opuesto de la Región con el más bajo consumo de Coca cola's botellas es África y medio Oriente. El gráfico de líneas representa el comportamiento en el precio de las acciones de Coca Cola que se analiza, entre 1996 y 2001. El precio de las acciones experimentó un importante incremento que se detuvo de manera espectacular con una disminución entre 1997 y 1998, una vez más el precio de las acciones de Coca Cola comenzó a crecer y su comportamiento siguió una tendencia a disminuir hasta el año 2000. al final del precio de las acciones de Coca cola 2000 logró un aumento, pero no por mucho tiempo, este aumento del estrés y la decadencia a principios de 2001.



Transcript of Writting Examples 3

The chart and graph below give information about sales and share prices for Coca-Cola.Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below. You should write at least 150 words. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

El grfico muestra el porcentaje de botellas de Coca cola's consumida por regin en 2000, es muy claro que entre Amrica Latina, Europa y Amrica del Norte, la diferencia no es grande, sin embargo Amrica del Norte tiene el primer lugar en el consumo de Coca cola' botellas s en 2000. en el lado opuesto de la Regin con el ms bajo consumo de Coca cola's botellas es frica y medio Oriente.El grfico de lneas representa el comportamiento en el precio de las acciones de Coca Cola que se analiza, entre 1996 y 2001. El precio de las acciones experiment un importante incremento que se detuvo de manera espectacular con una disminucin entre 1997 y 1998, una vez ms el precio de las acciones de Coca Cola comenz a crecer y su comportamiento sigui una tendencia a disminuir hasta el ao 2000. al final del precio de las acciones de Coca cola 2000 logr un aumento, pero no por mucho tiempo, este aumento del estrs y la decadencia a principios de 2001.

The chart below gives information about global sales of games software, CDs and DVD or video.Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information. You should write at least 150 words. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The bar chart shows how sales of CDs, DVD/video, and Games software have changed among 2000 and 2003. The green bar represents the CDs category and its the biggest one. The sales of CDs are around 30 to 35 billion per year. The pink bar in this graph represents the DVD/video category and is the second biggest due to sales which are around 18 to 31 billion per year. It is very clear that the category of Games software occupy the third position due to smallest quantity of money gathered among 2000 and 2003, the sales of Games software in 2000 were around of 14 billion and in the next years it only increased approximately 5 billion given a total of amount of 19 billion. Also its notorious that in 2003 the difference between CDs and DVD/video is too small. In spite of the CDs category is the biggest, its behavior has showed a decrease, the bigger sales has been registered at the beginning of the period of time analyzed.

Eating sweet foods produces acid in the mouth, which can cause tooth decay. (High acid levels are measured by low pH values)

Describe the information below and discuss the implications for dental health.You should write at least 150 words.

The graph shows the increase and decrease in the acid level inside the mouth caused from consumption of sugar. The lines represent three different kinds of sugar and shows the effect that caused the introduction of these foods in the acid levels throughout time in the mouth.As an overview the lines reach the maximum increment in acidity after five minutes, however the food that has produced the highest levels in acidity is the cane sugar, while fruit sugar and honey remained between 4 and 5 ph level. It is quite clear that immediately after the five minutes has passed occurs a slightly decreasing in acidity levels generated by cane sugar and fruit sugar, nevertheless honey experimented and steady decreasing for five minutes more.It is interesting to observe how fruit sugar and honey returned and maintained the 7 ph level after 30 minutes.Cane sugar maintains for more time the acid levels at which tooth decay occurs than the other two types of sugar, the consumption of cane sugar is the most dangerous variety of sugar for dental health.

The chart below shows the employment rates across 6 countries in 1995 and 2005.Summarize the information by choosing and describe the main idea, and make comparisons where appropriate.You should write at least 150 words.

The graph shows rates of employment between men and women in 6 countries making a comparison in two different year, 2005 and 1995. The lapse of time among this two dates are ten years so we can observe how has changed this rate in any of this 6 countries. Switzerland and Iceland have the major rate in 2005 for male with an employ with ranges about 78% to 83%. In the other hand the lowest percentage in 2005 for male category belongs to Australia with a rate of 68%. While the percentages for UK, New Zealand and USA are about 81% to 83% this is not an important difference for men with work in 2005 category.Female people with a job in 2005 have lot of variation among the six countries the first place belongs to Switzerland with a 68 per cent of women working. And in this category also Australia has the sixth position with a 39% in 2005 for women with a job. It is just remarkable the case of USA and New Zealand where the change from one date to another, was about 14% to 16% of females enrolled in a job. Another important issue is that in any country suffered a decrease on employment rate and most of them experimented an important increase of 10 to 13 per cent in female and men category.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Businesses should do anything they can to make a profit.Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.

It is well known that a business that cannot make money is not a business but a charity center and thats not the goal of a company or organization who has been working to create systems and processes to obtain money. And also all this features of the company needs financial resources so any businesses cannot survive in the actual competitive and difficult scenario that we experienced nowadays without having financial benefits.A person who directs the way of a business need to know how to reach financials goal through the creation of a strong platform that supports business activities. This base in the business must be planned with strategy and thinking about the changing economic environment. When a business is not creating an adequate profit, business employers needs to act in order of not lose the control of their place in the market. However I think that when in an organization you need to start to considerer do anything to achieve your financial goals then you are in the wrong way, it is clear that the consequences of losing the market or losing our profit are terrible but as I have said this unwanted things are consequences and we dont have to strength to much ourselves because of this manner we are going to create a poor environment and inside business world our role is going to consist in survive. When we have troubles in a company or business we need to re-think what we are doing wrong and how solve the root of problem without doing this we are going to put limits in our organization and we are going to lose the opportunity of creating new modes of making money.Before think in solve the symptoms it will be necessary re-think what is changing the direction of our goals and act according to the desire of stopping the deviation and maintained a good oriented way of doing businesses.

It has been said, "Not everything that is learned is contained in books."Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books.In your opinion, which source is more important? Why? You should write at least 250 words. You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. You should give reasons for your answer using your own ideas and experienceBooks has been always considered as an important resource for knowledge, it is well known that in order to learn new things and develop your imagination you must read, also reading is one of the best activities to include in our routine because through reading we can contact with an entire world of new knowledge and we are going to find a relax time throughout books.Every time that you read you are acquiring information and data that were confirmed by people with a dip domain of the subject treated in the book. Thus you can trust in the information from books but also you can have broad perspective from certain topic therefore you can use books as guides to achieve your tasks, you will have hints from the knowledge of scientist or people specialized in the field of study. However this knowledge is not going to be complete nor useful until you put it on practice, thats happen when you confront the reality with your learning. The cycle is complete when you have knowledge and you know how to apply it, you adapt the information that you already have with a real situation. Experiences give the opportunity to develop skills that permit apply new knowledge indeed when you confront a real situation you are able of test what works better for a certain situation and what does not work and then you can come back to books looking for what you need and apply it and test it. Face up the problem it will give to us an extraordinary feedback and most of the times we are going to realize that there are little adjustments that we have to do in order of apply our knowledge adequately.From my perspective acquiring experience is better than obtain knowledge from books because when you face up problems you gain information key to solve those problems and also you develop skills confronting real situations I think that through solving real problem you obtain more benefits and in some cases it will not be necessary read books.

The bar chart below gives information about the number of students studying Computer Science at a UK university between 2010 and 2012.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Write at least 150 words.

The bar chart shows and compares the amount of students enrolled in Computer Science at a UK university, from 2010 and 2012. The quantity of students has been divided by gender and foreign or local students, which are represented with red bars and blue bars respectively. For the international students as much as in the men and women division was registered a rise, men started with 20 and were increasing until 39 students in Computer Science, while in women data was recollected data that presents a similar result, but with a clear difference in size in contrast with men, because women began with only 14 students and in 2012 they only reached the number of 20. In the case of British home students particularly women showed the highest value of 45 students in 2012, whereas men were close with 43. British women won the major presence in Computer Science and they had a sharply difference with International women by almost twice the quantity. British men remained close from international men students every year except in 2010 where the difference between them were about 19 students more for local students.

The graph below gives information from Annual Energy Outlook 2008 about consumption of energy in the USA since 1980 with projection until 2030.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Write at least 150 words.

The line chart describes the use of different resources of energy in USA, from 1980 with a prediction until 2030. There are 6 sorts of energy that the graph describes, the x-axis shows the progression in time with intervals of 5 years and the y-axis describes the amount of units in a scale of quadrillion.It is clear that petrol and oil as a source of energy occupies the first position with the largest amount of units along time and also has a higher rate of growing than the other resources. The prediction for 2030 reports a level of consumption around 49 Quadrillion units.In contrast, hydropower, solar/wind and nuclear energy have the lowest positions just reaching the maximum level in the speculation for 2030 with 9 quadrillion units in nuclear energy but having only 3 quadrillion units in hydropower.The region in the middle of the graph is occupied by natural gas and coal remaining very close among them. The major quantity is 32 quadrillion units and the minor is 25 quadrillion units for natural gas and coal respectively.The chart below shows the total number of minutes (in millions) of telephone calls in Finland, divided into three categories, from 1995 2004.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Write at least 150 words.

The bar chart illustrates how have changed the consumption of minutes between 1995 to 2004 in Finland. There are three categories which represent local, national and mobile calls. First of all, mobiles calls went up year after year and had a constant increasing in comparison with the other categories also mobile calls obtained the lowest rate in every year the amount. It is remarkable that the amount of minutes from mobile cellphones started almost without presence and rapidly climbed even in 2004 it was closely to national and international calls with only a minimum difference in minutes of 400 million.National calls had a steady growing and occupies the second place with a maximum value of 10400 million of minutes in 2004. During 10 years was registered an increasing of almost 4400 million of minutes. And finally Local calls showed a different behavior because among the first 6 years was present an important jump where in 2001 were reached the amount of 17000 million minutes, the highest level within the record. Since 2001, it was reported a decline over the quantity of local calls per year until 2004.

People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge).

Why do you think people attend college or university? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

The society has established certain mechanisms to prepare their members in order of train them in a big variety of professions, one way to get a formal preparation is having a scholarship education. Attend college or university has different purposes, nowadays getting enrolled at the university is viewed like manner of acquire new experiences, increase our knowledge and having a career preparation. I would argue that the main reason for people that want apply for a university or college is that throughout a higher education they would increase their chances to get a better job. For example, when you are applying for a job in a factory, having a degree related with engineering or business pays off helpful, because you will have an elevate likelihood of being considerate for better positions.Having a degree or a certification is considered like a In many countries today, the eating habits and lifestyle of children are different from those of previous generations. Some people say this has had a negative effect on their health.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Healthcare in childhood has changed through the pass of the years and its been debating if these changes have drawbacks on kids. As far Im concerned, the current lifestyle in children is causing a damage in their health. The lack of physical activity due to an excessive use of technology and also a diet with big proportions of carbohydrates and sutured fats are having a cost for children in our society.It is well known that movement has great benefits four us. As humans we have been designed to have movement and the fact that kids remain in front of the cellphone screens breaks a cycle where through physical activity a child will conserve his health and generates hungry in them because he has spent energy. When a child eats with hungry generated by exercise he will look for healthy food instead of just eating sugar and fatty food for whim.In the other hand an excessive consumption of calories throughout the diet it will caused that childrens body accumulate fat generating many illness, kids will suffer because they will have a low self-stem and most important they will have a sick body that will not permit a good development in their growing. Furthermore, several researchers that if a child suffer overweight, he has more possibilities to develop obesity and diabetes when he reach the adulthood. Finally, everybody have to keep in mind that children are the future generation and they are our responsibility as a society, so we have to act to avoid that these kind of behavior remain constant in them.