WRITTEN BY WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE IN APPROXIMATELY 1603. The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice By:...

WRITTEN BY WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE IN APPROXIMATELY 1603 . The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice By: Ferniqua Christian

Transcript of WRITTEN BY WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE IN APPROXIMATELY 1603. The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice By:...

Page 1: WRITTEN BY WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE IN APPROXIMATELY 1603. The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice By: Ferniqua Christian.



The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice

By: Ferniqua Christian

Page 2: WRITTEN BY WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE IN APPROXIMATELY 1603. The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice By: Ferniqua Christian.

Setting & Significance

Late Sixteenth century, during wars between Venice & Turkey (naval battles between the Ottoman Empire and the Republic of Venice for the control of land).

Also took place on Island of Cyprus

Page 3: WRITTEN BY WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE IN APPROXIMATELY 1603. The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice By: Ferniqua Christian.

Subject(s)/Theme Statement

Jealousy & LoveAlthough people in society seem noble, they’re sometimes more malevolent than appeared.

Page 4: WRITTEN BY WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE IN APPROXIMATELY 1603. The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice By: Ferniqua Christian.

Major Characters

Othello – plays the protagonists, as he faces prejudice appoints towards him concerning his ethnic (African-American) because of dating an Caucasian woman.

Iago – plays the most villainous character in the play, as he uses his excellent manipulating skills to convince Othello of things that are truly false because of his jealousy towards him & Cassio.

Desdemona – plays the wife of Othello, also the daughter of Brabantio. She is falsely accused of the liking of Michael Cassio ( Othello’s head lieutenant).

Page 5: WRITTEN BY WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE IN APPROXIMATELY 1603. The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice By: Ferniqua Christian.

Minor Characters

Roderigo – plays the friend of Iago, under Iago’s manipulation he naively thinks Iago will help him win over Desdemona but Iago uses him to his advantage.

Cassio – plays as Othello’s head lieutenant, but is falsely accused of liking Desdemona by his jealous friend Iago who wanted to take his place as lieutenant and rise higher than Othello himself.

Emilia – plays Iago’s wife, unhappy with being his wife grows fond of Desdemona.

Page 6: WRITTEN BY WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE IN APPROXIMATELY 1603. The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice By: Ferniqua Christian.

Major Symbols & Motifs.

Animals continue to pop off over the course of the play, Referring to Othello as a “Black Ram.” suggesting that he was a African American.

Handkerchief – symbolizes different things. To Othello it is important because it has been passed down to him & he passes it down to Desdemona and it symbolizes her love & passion for him.

Page 7: WRITTEN BY WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE IN APPROXIMATELY 1603. The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice By: Ferniqua Christian.

Protagonist's Dilemma, Decision & Significance.

Dilemma – Othello problem is that his friend “Honest Iago” manipulates him into thinking Desdemona is a whore and it furies Othello, making him want to harm Desdemona.

Decision – Othello’s decision is final when he decides to kill Desdemona

Significance – The significance of all of his decision was greatly impacted my Iago, without Othello even knowing until Emilia started to understand.

Page 8: WRITTEN BY WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE IN APPROXIMATELY 1603. The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice By: Ferniqua Christian.

Significance from Beg to End.

Significance – The significance of all of this is that Othello killed the one he loved because of “Honest Iago” who turned out no to be so honest because his own wife Emilia figured out all of his conniving schemes. Iago manipulated everybody in this play in his climb to the top expecting to be much more worthy than Othello & anybody else that comes in his way. His strategy is to push everybody else down in order to get to the top.

Page 9: WRITTEN BY WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE IN APPROXIMATELY 1603. The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice By: Ferniqua Christian.

Quotes & Commentary

“ I am not what I am.” – Relates back to the theme that I am not what I am appearing to be. It characterizes Iago, ironically they note to him as “honest Iago,” when really he is the most conniving character of them all.

“ I kissed thee ere I killed thee, no way but this, killing myself, to die upon a kiss”- It characterizes Othello and his thinking about the killing of Desdemona. You may imply that he in contemplating the killing & realizes what has been done. Suggesting that if he hadn’t killed his wife, he would be killing himself to know that she was that whore Iago described her as.