Writingthe introduction (2)

Writing the Introduct ion

Transcript of Writingthe introduction (2)

Writing the Introduction

This power point is based on information taken from:

The New Oxford Guide to Writing

by Thomas S. Kane

Note: Please use your arrow keys (/)to pull up information on the next slides!

Preparation: Writing a Statement of Purpose

Take time to write a paragraph or two BROADLY describing what you want to accomplish in your paper, and how you’re going to organize it. If you find it difficult to write such a statement of purpose, you may not really know what your “purpose” or main argument is yet.

*Not facing the question before you begin to write is one of the chief causes of writing block and disorganization. Ideas do not come out of the blue, they have to be sought and arranged before you begin writing.

*The statement should contain a clearly defined version of your “thesis statement.” You might begin with: “This paper is going to discuss…and I will discuss it in relation to these three points: a) b) c).”

*For more ideas on generating content before you begin your essay, see the Writing Reference Library: http://kucampus.kaplan.edu/Platform/AcademicSupport/AcademicSuccess/PeerTutoring/Writing/resources/resource23.aspx

The Statement of Purpose Ensures That:

1. You will be able to eliminate formulaic language (i.e. “I will discuss” or “This paper will show that”) and provide something more creative for your readers

2. You have a map of your entire paper and can refer back to it as a checklist

3. You can hand your statement to a random person who has no knowledge of the topic, and s/he can tell you if it makes sense

THE INVERTED TRIANGLE: 3 Elements of Every Introduction

Introductions should satisfy three requirements, and usually these elements will begin from very general statements and slowly move toward your specific point (the thesis):

The Creative Hook

In a stack of 300 papers, what will convince your reader that your paper is among the top ten to read? Most likely, the reader will base her decision on the opening 2-3 lines of your paper. Those opening lines should be general enough to appeal to your audience while also preparing her for the main topic.

Thesis Statement

The thesis is like the “punch line” of a joke—it gives purpose and meaning to all other ideas expressed in your paper. The thesis announces your paper’s intention or main idea; therefore, we want it to be the clearest, most concise sentence in our introduction.

Blue Print or “Map” for your Paper• Imagine going on a treasure hunt for which you are given a blank

map with an “X” on it. You might know where the treasure is generally located, but have no clue how to get there or how to start planning shortcuts or layovers during your adventure.

• Think of your paper as an adventure—before reading, your audience will want a “map” of the paper so that she knows what will be covered and in what order it will be discussed. This will enable her to skip ahead or look back at earlier points, and will give her a sense that the paper does have a planned journey from beginning to end.

• Papers with no map/blue print often lack organization, go off tangent, or eliminate important key points. Just as the architect builds a building based of a concept and blue print, your paper should possess a thesis and blue print before you begin writing.


Note: Each example contains a sound clip that explains strengths and weaknesses in the

paragraph. Click on the speaker icon to listen!

Persuasive Paper: Global WarmingEarth is experiencing a rise in temperature. Referred to as global warming, it is caused by trapped gases in the atmosphere. This creates what is called the greenhouse effect. Excessive gases create more heat which is having dramatic effects around the globe. While the majority of experts say global warming is cause for concern, there are a small handful of those who feel it’s nothing to worry about. Despite the debate, world governments are pulling together to create ways to reduce global warming. Companies are taking it upon themselves to make changes and there are things that can be done on an individual level as well. To understand why the changes must be made, one must understand what global warming is and what it’s causing.

Informative Paper: Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is a strange thing to talk about unless you have experienced it for yourself. You can talk about it until you turn blue in the face. Some people even have the nerve to say that if it were me I would have not even gotten myself into that situation. A lot of things are easy to say until it happens to you. Domestic violence comes in many shapes sizes and colors. By saying this I mean anyone can be a victim of domestic violence. The main thing about domestic violence is the affects it has on the abused and the family of the abused. If put in this situation I wonder just how most people would handle it.


Informative Paper: Credit

Having good credit may not open the doors to El Dorado but it can make an impact on a consumers’ living standards. When a consumer applies for a credit card, a loan, a car purchase, even a job, chances are their credit rating is checked. If a poor credit history is present (late or missed payments, liens, bankruptcy), it is likely the consumer will be considered a bad investment risk; lenders base their initial opinion on the credit history of a potential client. Certain employers use a potential employee’s credit history as a guideline on whether the candidate is a viable (and trustworthy) employment risk. Because of this, understanding the basics of consumer credit and consumer credit ratings can put purchasing consumers ahead of the game.

Generating the Creative Hook

Immediate Announcement:

Begin with a witty or concise statement:

i.e. “All men are snobs about something.”

i.e. “Having good credit may not open the doors to El Dorado but it can make an impact on a consumers’ living standards.”

–to use immediacy, the statement must be startling or provocative, it must be eye-catching and CLEAR.

Delayed Announcement:Begin with a broad statement and narrow until you get to the main

subject. Advantage: Getting the reader’s curiosity—they are drawn to read and see where you are headed.

i.e. “The human brain is composed of a jelly-like mass of fat and protein, and weighs about three pounds. It is difficult to understand how this seemingly small organ can contain billions of nerve cells, and is one of the most complex organs in the human body. Since humans have the most complex brain among organisms, they are able to speak, and decide between right and wrong, good and evil. The human body is physical and earthly in essence, yet can be elevated through the use of the mind to a more spiritual and pure existence, by allowing the force of good to prevail. As observed in William Blake’s poem, “The Human Abstract” there is a constant struggle between the forces of good and evil in the human mind, yet both forces are necessary for human survival…”

Jokes and Anecdotes:Begin with a short, witty joke or statement. Cultural references do


I.e. “There are times when emotions cannot be harnessed, they just run wild taking different dimensions with each reflection of experience.”

i.e. “Reading Baudelaire’s work, a scene from Full Metal Jacket comes to mind. When Private Joker is asked why he is wearing a ‘peace sign’ button on his helmet along with a ‘born to kill’ sticker, he responds “it suggests the duality of man sir.” this is precisely what two versions of Her Hair illustrate, this duality of man.” reference to contemporary culture, amusing, and allows for a casual way to introduce the writer’s main approach to the reading—the ‘duality’ of man.”

Personal Story or World NarrativesHistorical or autobiographical events can create intimacy with your reader

and “paint a picture” that sets your paper’s tone.

i.e. In today’s world there is a lot of information that masquerades as truth. It comes in the forms of blogs, newspapers, and television news. There are logical fallacies at every turn, and if one isn’t careful it’s easy to believe these untruths as gospel . In the story In a Grove by Ryunosuke Akutagawa there are many conflicting testimonies and a number of logical fallacies regarding the death of Takejiro.

i.e. From our origins as hunter-gatherers to our evolution as technology-savvy cosmopolitans, humankind has always possessed a basic need for self-defense. Fighting, though now more for sport, was at one time interwoven into the everyday fabric of life. Man fought wild beasts to protect his home during the Ice Age and even during colonial times of America, men and women defended themselves from Native-American raids with fists, sticks, and muskets. A constant in every society, fighting has been studied, regulated, categorized, styled, promoted, taught, and just about every other action verb thinkable. Many people took to the study of fighting and hypothesized which technique worked best. They in turn promoted and polished their style, branded it, named it and exported it to the world in the form of human discipleship. But a simple question with a complex answer evolved: which style is the best? Modern businessmen have found a way to answer this question while turning a pretty penny in the process. It is known as mixed martial arts (MMA) or simply ultimate fighting.

Weak and Weary: Try to Avoid:

1. Opening Questions: “In what ways do college and high school differ?” –too mechanical, puts the reader on the spot before s/he has a foundation or comfort with your style

2. Implicit: “The purpose of this paper is…”—clumsy and boring, unoriginal

3. Dictionary Definition: “The Webster Dictionary defines Experience as…” –too cliché

4. Beginning with someone else’s quote or an epigram—too cliché, and makes the other person your paper’s authority. Be sure always to get the first and last words in when it comes to your writing!