Writing Secure Web Applications

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  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications


    Writing Secure Web ApplicationsAndreas Wiegenstein - Chief Technical Officer

  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications




    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    Table of Contents

    Security Statements

    Know Your Enemy - How Hackers "Work"

    Web Application Characteristics

    Attack & Defense - Threats and Best Practices

    General Best Practices

    References and Further Reading


  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications




    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    Security Statements

    Know Your Enemy - How Hackers "Work"

    Web Application Characteristics

    Attack & Defense - Threats and Best Practices

    General Best Practices

    References and Further Reading


  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications



    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    Security Statements

    The challenge:

    In order to secure an IT system, all of its components,

    functions and threats must be understood

    In order to break an IT system, only one flaw in any of itscomponents/functions has to be found

    The problem: Each new technology brings with it new vulnerabilities

    Firewalls, Intrusion Detection Systems and Encryption don't

    make a secure IT system

  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications



    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    Security Statements

    Know Your Enemy - How Hackers "Work"

    Web Application Characteristics

    Attack & Defense - Threats and Best Practices

    General Best Practices

    References and Further Reading


  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications



    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    Know Your Enemy - How Hackers "Work"

    Types of attackers:


    Script Kiddies

    Social Engineers (Disgruntled) Employees

  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications



    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    Know Your Enemy - How Hackers "Work"

    Types of attackers: Hackers

    highly-skilled, but few in numbers

    can find new security holes in systems

    can find new types of attack can write tools

    break mostly into "challenging" systems

    publish/trade weaknesses

    Hackers look for new security weaknesses

  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications



    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    Know Your Enemy - How Hackers "Work"

    Types of attackers: Script Kiddies

    low-skilled, but numerous

    use other peoples` tools and known exploits to break into

    systems multiply known attacks against vulnerable systems

    goal is to "0WN" as many machines as possible

    attack systems at will (with automated scripts)

    Script Kiddies look for systems vulnerable to known exploits

    ! Advice: Keep your systems patched

  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications



    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    Know Your Enemy - How Hackers "Work"

    Types of attackers: Social Engineers

    very good technical as well as social skills

    attacks are primarily directed against humans ('wetware')

    trick employees in helping them to bypass security systems use deception, persuasion and IT know-how to gather useful


    goal is usually data theft

    Social Engineers look for clues on which they can base

    their attacks.

  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications



    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    Know Your Enemy - How Hackers "Work"

    Types of attackers: (Disgruntled) Employees

    use insider knowledge to gain system access

    motivated by curiosity or anger

    Employees usually look for HR information (e.g. salary)

    Disgruntled employees will try to damage the IT infrastructure

  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications



    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    Know Your Enemy - How Hackers "Work"

    Types of attackers Summary

    different types of attackers

    different motivations

    different resources

    every company is a potential target

    new vulnerabilities can be discovered every day

    exploits spread quickly every unnecessary information in a web app can be dangerous

  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications



    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    Know Your Enemy - How Hackers "Work"

    Stages of an attack


    Data analysis

    Attack preparation Attack

    Clean up

  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications



    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    Know Your Enemy - How Hackers "Work"

    Stages of an attack - Reconnaissance

    download HTML application

    save HTTP stream

    check forums for developer questions read WHOIS data

    use search engines to find "hidden" files on the target server


  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications



    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    Know Your Enemy - How Hackers "Work"

    Stages of an attack - Data analysis

    search for comments in the HTML code

    identify web server & OS

    look for meta information (e.g. author) search for server-side source code

    determine all application input

    deduce overall security by inducing errors

    analyze the application logic

  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications



    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    Know Your Enemy - How Hackers "Work"

    Stages of an attack - Attack preparation

    determine how the applications reacts to unexpected input

    try tricking the application logic

    deduce attack patterns

  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications



    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    Know Your Enemy - How Hackers "Work"

    Stages of an attack - Attack

    Stages of an attack - Clean up remove entries in log files

    remove other traces

    possibly install a backdoor

    ! Advice for hacked sites:

    secure the hard drive

    install everything from scratch

  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications



    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    Know Your Enemy - How Hackers "Work"

    Stages of an attack Summary

    Be very careful

    which piece of data makes it into productive code

    to remove old code/pages

    what questions you ask in forums

    to exhaustively test your applications

  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications



    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    Security Statements

    Know Your Enemy - How Hackers "Work"

    Web Application Characteristics

    Attack & Defense - Threats and Best Practices

    General Best Practices

    References and Further Reading


  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications



    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    Web Application Characteristics

    Remote Client (Browser)

    requests resources and sends responses

    Data transfer through an internet/intranet

    data is sent through other (uncontrolled) servers

    Web server, OS, Backend system/database


    data storage

    Text/MIME repository

    Web application

    processes client data

    requests server data (through API calls)

  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications



    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    Web Application Characteristics

    Remote GUI (Browser)

    Could be any software able to send requests and receive responses

    Threats: Javascript may not work, hence input validation might not be


    client might change "unchangeable" data

    hidden fields select box values


    user agent

    Referrer ...

    client might ignore length restrictions

    client might add or remove data

  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications



    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    Web Application Characteristics

    Data transfer through internet/intranet


    data might be read or changed en route

    someone else might assume the identity of the server


    provides Confidentiality, Integrity, Authenticity (CIA)

    ! Caveat:

    The quality of encryption can vary

    Client authentication is not guaranteed

    HTTPS might slip malicious code past a Firewall or IDS

    HTTPS protects the data transfer between client and server -

    nothing else



  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications



    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    Web Application Characteristics

    Web server, OS, Backend system/database

    ! Most IT systems are not secure by default.

    Threats: system might not be configured securely

    system might run unnecessary (dangerous) services/examples

    system might be buggy

    ! Advice:

    have an expert configure the systems for your needs

    have an expert harden the systems

    first test, then install patches

    have an independent team run a penetration test

    constantly repeat those steps


    W b A li ti Ch t i ti

  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications



    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    Web Application Characteristics

    Web application


    unexpected user input

    manipulated data from the database/configuration file

    manipulated text from a text repository

    ! Advice:

    don't trust any input

    use positive filters: only allow what's valid

    validate all input for its destined context

    The danger of malicious input is only clear and present in acertain context. Only the web application knows that context.


    >> W b A li ti Ch t i ti

  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications



    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    Web Application Characteristics


    all client attacks against a web app must be carried out

    through the HTTP(S) protocol

    validating all input is the key to web application security

    data transfer in an intranet/internet must be protected

    keeping an IT system secure is an ongoing process, not a

    single action

    Remember: one flaw is all the attacker needs



  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications



    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    Security Statements

    Know Your Enemy - How Hackers "Work"

    Web Application Characteristics

    Attack & Defense - Threats and Best Practices

    General Best Practices

    References and Further Reading



    >> Attack & Defense Threats and Best Practices

  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications



    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    Attack & Defense - Threats and Best Practices

    In-Band Signaling

    Cross-Site Scripting

    SQL injection

    OS command injection

    Forceful Browsing

    Session Hijacking

    Fault Induction

    Directory Traversal

    Cookie Poisoning


    >> Attack & Defense Threats and Best Practices

  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications



    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    Attack & Defense - Threats and Best Practices

    In-Band Signaling is the act of transporting metadata and

    control instructions inside the regular data sent.


    an application fails to separate the metadata and controlinstructions from the data, resulting in Unwanted Command


    Risk: arbitrary command execution on the server

    Best practices:

    metadata and control instructions must be escaped.


    >> Attack & Defense Threats and Best Practices

  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications



    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    Attack & Defense - Threats and Best Practices

    In-Band Signaling - Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)


    an attacker manages to place HTML content into a page

    someone else will open at a later time, possibly in a differentsecurity context.


    Tampering with Data execution of ActiveX commands

    Information Disclosure

    Stolen Cookie (SSO2 ticket)

    Stolen data (Redirected forms)


    >> Attack & Defense - Threats and Best Practices

  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications



    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    Attack & Defense - Threats and Best Practices

    In-Band Signaling - Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) [ contd ]

    Examples: an online application viewed in a corporate intranet

    a message posted to an online forum an administrator opening a log file with a browser

    Best practices: escape HTML/Javascript control characters < > & " ' ( ) .

    ! Caveat: attack methods vary depending on context


    XSS attacks the client, not the server


    >> Attack & Defense - Threats and Best Practices

  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications



    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    Attack & Defense - Threats and Best Practices

    In-Band Signaling - Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) example code

    Part of the companies intranet application:

    public void doContent(...) {...

    String s;

    if ((s = getUsernameByID("userid")) != null) {

    Applicant:" + s + "");




    Supposed output:



    >> Attack & Defense - Threats and Best Practices

  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications



    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    Attack & Defense - Threats and Best Practices

    In-Band Signaling - Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) example attack

    Data entered in the field "user name":





    >> Attack & Defense - Threats and Best Practices

  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications



    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    Attack & Defense Threats and Best Practices

    In-Band Signaling - Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attack result

    HTML output containing the applicants input, rendered in the

    companies intranet:






    Visible output:Applicant: Smith


    >> Attack & Defense - Threats and Best Practices

  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications



    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    Attack & Defense Threats and Best Practices

    In-Band Signaling - Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) secure code

    Security enhanced function:

    public void doContent(...) {...

    String s;

    if ((s = getUsernameByID("userid")) != null) {

    s = StringUtils.encodeToHTML(s, 50);

    Applicant:" + s + "");





    >> Attack & Defense - Threats and Best Practices

  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications



    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    Attack & Defense Threats and Best Practices

    In-Band Signaling - Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) SAP APIs

    SAP System

    WAS/ABAP: cl_http_utility->escape_html

    EP5/EP6: several methods in class StringUtils

    HTMLB: implicit protection

    Web Dynpro: implicit protection


    >> Attack & Defense - Threats and Best Practices

  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications



    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    In-Band Signaling - SQL injection


    An attacker manages to place SQL commands into an input

    string that is used as a parameter in a database query.


    Tampering with Data

    data can be changed/deleted without authorization Information Disclosure

    data can be read without authorization

    Denial of Service

    data can be deleted without authorization Elevation of Privilege

    depending on the database, system commands can be executed


    >> Attack & Defense - Threats and Best Practices

  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications


    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    In-Band Signaling - SQL injection [ contd ]

    Best practices:

    validate input

    remove/escape the character' in strings


    >> Attack & Defense - Threats and Best Practices

  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications


    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    In-Band Signaling - SQL injection example code


    cUser = Request('user');

    Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection");


    inSQL = "SELECT * FROM User WHERE UID='" + cUser + "'";

    exSQL = sql_Exec(Conn, inSQL);

    var bUserConfirmed = false;

    if ((exSQL != null) && (!exSQL.EOF)) {

    bUserFound = true;




    >> Attack & Defense - Threats and Best Practices

  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications


    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    In-Band Signaling - SQL injection example data

    (valid credentials)


    SQL SELECT * FROM User WHERE UID='smith23'

    > Welcome back, Mr. Smith!

    (invalid credentials)URL http://www.example.com/hack.asp?user=bad_guy

    SQL SELECT * FROM User WHERE UID='bad_guy'

    > Please provide the correct credentials.


    >> Attack & Defense - Threats and Best Practices

  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications


    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    In-Band Signaling - SQL injection example attack and result

    (#1: unexpected "credentials")



    > Welcome back, Mr.Anderson!

    (#2: nasty input)

    URL http://www.example.com/hack.asp?user=%27;DROP+TABLE+User;


    > [Denial of Service]


    >> Attack & Defense - Threats and Best Practices

  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications


    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    In-Band Signalling - OS command injection


    An attacker manages to place OS commands into an input

    string that is used as part of a system command issued by theweb app.


    complete system compromise

    Best practices:

    Don't execute system commands from a web app.

    If you must execute commands, don't base them on userinput.


    >> Attack & Defense - Threats and Best Practices

  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications


    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    Forceful Browsing


    A resource that is not reachable through normal application

    logic is a accessed by directly navigating to its URL.


    (resource is a document)

    Information Disclosure (resource is a page)

    Information Disclosure

    Elevation of Privilege

    Best practices:

    All sensitive resources must be protected by strict access



    >> Attack & Defense - Threats and Best Practices

  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications


    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    Forceful Browsing examples

    Application URLs

    A) http://www.example.com/page1.html

    B) http://www.example.com/2003/report.pdf

    C) http://www.example.com/2003/report.pdf


    A) http://www.example.com/page2.html

    B) http://www.example.com/2004/report.pdf

    C) http://www.example.com/2003/


    >> Attack & Defense - Threats and Best Practices

  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications


    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    Forceful Browsing

    SAP System

    ITS: Pages have coded IDs.

    WAS: Authorization is per application.

    Authorized users can access all pages.

    EP5/EP6: Build-in access control mechanism for


    Some resources might be accessible.

    Web Dynpro: Authorized users can access all views.

    ! Note: MIME files are always accessible.


    >> Attack & Defense - Threats and Best Practices

  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications


    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    Session Hijacking


    An attacker might deduce another users session ID from hisown.



    Tampering With Data

    Information Disclosure Elevation of privilege

    Best practices:

    Use proven industry standards that have been reviewed byexperts.

    If you must create your own session management, consult acryptographic expert.


    >> Attack & Defense - Threats and Best Practices

  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications


    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    Session Hijacking example

    Original Session ID (stored in a cookie)"sid=u0000123"

    Result"Welcome Mr. Smith, you have no new messages"

    Manipulated ID"sid=u0000124"

    Result"Welcome Mr.Anderson, you have 5 new messages"

    ! All SAP systems provide secure session management.


    >> Attack & Defense - Threats and Best Practices

  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications


    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    Fault Induction


    Error conditions are forced by manipulated input in order to

    deduce information.


    Information Disclosure

    Best practices:

    Use proper input validation.

    Display only general messages like "Invalid input" or "An error

    has occurred."


    >> Attack & Defense - Threats and Best Practices

  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications


    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    Fault Induction example

    Application URL:http://www.example.com/main.asp?disp=start.html

    Manipulated URL:http://www.example.com/main.asp?disp=#%;xy?

    Application output:An Error has occurred:

    The file "c:\app\html\#%;xy?" could not be found.

  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications



    >> Attack & Defense - Threats and Best Practices

  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications


    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    Directory Traversal example

    Application URLhttp://www.example.com/main.asp?disp=start.html

    (Information deduced from Fault Induction)

    Resource "start.html" resides in the folder"c:\app\html"



    >> Attack & Defense - Threats and Best Practices

  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications


    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    Cookie Poisoning


    Application data stored in a cookie might be manipulated.


    Tampering with Data

    Information Disclosure

    Best practices:

    Don't rely on data stored in cookies (they are input) ...

    ...unless this data is protected by cryptography (SSO2 ticket)


    >> Attack & Defense - Threats and Best Practices

  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications


    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    Cookie Poisoning example

    Shopping carts used to store pricing information in cookies.

    (Part of a shopping cart applications' cookie)item1_ID=12369&item1_pr=27,95&item2_ID=10334&item2_pr=19,95> Total Amount: $47,90

    (Manipulated cookie)item1_ID=12369&item1_pr=0,95&item2_ID=10334&item2_pr=1,95

    > Total Amount: $2,90


    >> Attack & Defense - Threats and Best Practices

  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications


    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    Summary all attacks shown have one thing in common: unexpected input

    the best way to protect against unexpected input is by using

    positive filters: only allow what's valid

    ! Advice

    validate all input

    only rely on server side data validation

    reduce your input to its simplest form : canonicalization

    ! Only use the examples above to test application security

    when you have written permission by an authorized person to

    do so.



  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications


    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    Security Statements

    Know Your Enemy - How Hackers "Work"

    Web Application Characteristics

    Attack & Defense - Threats and Best Practices

    General Best Practices

    References and Further Reading



    >> General Best Practices

  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications


    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein


    Create a security policy regarding software development

    ...and make people read and follow it.

    Perform risk analysis of all IT components on a regular basis

    ...to know what's at stake for your company.

    Send your development staff to security trainings on a regularbasis.

    Make security a priority

    ...because if you don't find the bugs in your systems, someoneelse will.

    Remember: one flaw is all the attacker needs


    >> General Best Practices

  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications


    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    Software Development:

    Make security a part of your development cycle, not an


    Make sure your developers receive sufficient training.

    When contracting consultants make sure they follow your

    security policy.

    Perform security reviews by an internal team.

    Have your IT systems and applications reviewed by anindependent (external) team.



  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications


    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    Security Statements

    Know Your Enemy - How Hackers "Work"

    Web Application Characteristics

    Attack & Defense - Threats and Best Practices

    General Best Practices

    References and Further Reading


  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications




  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications


    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    Security Statements

    Know Your Enemy - How Hackers "Work"

    Web Application Characteristics

    Attack & Defense - Threats and Best Practices

    General Best Practices

    References and Further Reading



    >> Q & A

  • 8/8/2019 Writing Secure Web Applications


    Virtual Forge 2004, SAP TechEd, SDN101, Writing Secure Web Applications / Andreas Wiegenstein

    Thank you for your attention.