Writing Prompt 9

Feranda 1 Vincent S Feranda III Professor Raymond Eng 1102 April 22, 2015 Following the Proposal When we picked a topic for the semester long project we chose evolution. Michael and I than formed a proposal, we decided to discuss the misconceptions of evolution as the main focus of our project. We took up a page from questions and that proved our point further. The class really didn’t understand the theory of evolution and Michael and I didn’t want to detour from our primary objective because we wanted to inform the class of the misconceptions or the clouded facts. My beliefs before this project was really nonexistent because I didn’t really care to much about evolution because it didn’t interest me and I wasn’t a science person. Researching this project on the other hand has made my opinion hover in the middle of both sides. I see the facts of the science side through the fossil record and



Transcript of Writing Prompt 9

Vincent S Feranda III

Feranda 2

Vincent S Feranda III

Professor Raymond

Eng 1102

April 22, 2015

Following the Proposal

When we picked a topic for the semester long project we chose evolution. Michael and I than formed a proposal, we decided to discuss the misconceptions of evolution as the main focus of our project. We took up a page from questions and that proved our point further. The class really didnt understand the theory of evolution and Michael and I didnt want to detour from our primary objective because we wanted to inform the class of the misconceptions or the clouded facts.

My beliefs before this project was really nonexistent because I didnt really care to much about evolution because it didnt interest me and I wasnt a science person. Researching this project on the other hand has made my opinion hover in the middle of both sides. I see the facts of the science side through the fossil record and experiments that scientists have performed and I also see the religious side growing up catholic and learning the teachings. My opinion is that either side is right if you can provide facts to defend and prove your argument but there is no clear cut winner in this debate on evolution.

The one piece of research that really surprised me was learning about the experiments performed on fruit flies. Scientists would basically try and alter the genes of the fruit flies so that they could create a new form of species. The scientists though did not get the results they wanted instead they got fruit flies that were mutated and had an extra pair of feet where the antenna was supposed to be. I thought that was fascinating because I had never heard of anything like that being done and seeing the pictures of the messed up fruit flies impressed me and grossed me out at the same time.