Writing an op ed in six steps


Transcript of Writing an op ed in six steps

Page 1: Writing an op ed in six steps
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Writing an op-ed in six steps

Sometimes even the most compelling media pitches don’t get coverage.

It’s frustrating.

It’s heart wrenching.

But it’s not your only option.


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Introducing … the op-ed

An op-ed is a bylined article featured in the opinions section in which you (or your client) are the author.

The pros: Op-eds let you control the message. In this fast-paced world, journalists will appreciate

you doing the leg work (sometimes).

The cons: You have to do the work.


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Introducing … the op-ed

But that’s OK, because op-eds aren’t too tough to write. (As long as you know the subject matter.)

In the following slides, I’ll introduce a six-step process for writing your op-ed, straight from my Boston U professors.

So let’s get started.


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Step one: Identify the issue

Yes, this one’s as simple as it sounds.

Know what you’re writing about before you start so you stay on track.

Usually society-specific issues, such as Alzheimer’s awareness or controlling local deer populations, for example, fare best, so think of what causes your client can logically have an opinion on.


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Step two: Identify your stance

What unique opinion does your company have on this issue?

You’ll want to confirm this with the client ahead of time, because the best op-eds introduce a little controversy,

And you’ll want client sign-off on the chosen stance before you spend time writing a 600-word piece.


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Step three: Support your opinion

This is where your research will come into play.

Illustrate your point with statistics, testimonials or quotes from non-biased industry thought leaders.


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Step four: State the opposition

To be fair and more credible, explain the other side of the coin.

This won’t dilute your stance or message; it will make it more believable, especially when you…


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Step five: Refute the opposition

This is your chance to pinpoint why the opposition is wrong.

Just like step two, use statistics and research to prove your point.

Don’t rely on saying it’s wrong – show it.


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Step six: Provide a call to action

What do you want the readers to do now that they’ve read this piece?

Be cautious here; you don’t want overt promotion to jeopardize your chances of getting published. Instead, if you’re following the cause route, share how readers can help.

They can donate to your company’s charity, perhaps, or help a local nonprofit your brand supports.
